the office rage video was the brainchild of timur bekmambatov, a director who was looking for a new way to promote his movie wanted. we know that our target audience is teenagers. we understood that the place where we can find them, it s an internet. and what they like and what we like, it s a viral video. the video plays off a scene in the movie where a young office worker smashes a colleague over the head with his keyboard. if we will extend it, we will make a viral video action spot. i didn t expect that it would be so popular. in my mind if it s like 500,000 people, it s great. in fact, the secret advertisement got nearly 4 million views in the first week it was posted. viral videos were a natural marketing choice. i really like them because it s very organic. it s the future because you don t have to pay for that. you didn t have to pay to distributing. as for wondering if it s real
we understood that the place where we can find them it s an inter internet and what they like and what we like it s a viral video. the video plays off a scene in the movie where a young office worker smashes a colleague over the head with his keyboard. if we will extend it we will make a viral video action spot. i didn t expect that it would be so popular. in my mind if it s like 500,000 people it s great. in fact, the secret advertisement got nearly 4 million views in the first week it was posted, viral videos were a natural marketing choice. i really like them because it s very organic. it s the future because you don t have to pay for that. you didn t have to pay to district. distributing. as for wondering if it s real or fake that s exactly what he wanted. they think oh no it s made
we said it might be real turns out we don t care. in retrospect, i can see things like the monitor. the office raej video was the brainchild of a director who was looking for a new way to promote his movie wanted . we know that our target audience is teenagers. we understand that the plays were confined to internet and what they like and what we like. it s a viral video. the video plays off a scene in the movie where a young office worker smashes a colleague over the head with his keyboard. what if we make it and a viral video action spot. i didn t exspent it would be so popular. in my mind if i have 1,000 people, it s great.
it became an instant classic. part of the balance is figuring out whether to make something believable and emotional and not over the top. and that s a very hard core to strike and whether you re a teenage kid, a mother or a marketer, it s a real struggle for people because everyone instantly tries to find the big bang. the thing that really sparks a cord. but oftentimes, that big bang thing is much more subtle than people realize. if you want to be a part of something good that people see than having something that s crappy all over the place. so i think they just did it right and it worked out well with this video that it was really funny and people liked it. you got to hang up the phone. we re done! we re done! stop it. our next video starts out somewhat ominously. we find ourselves in a university lecture hall. as a viewer we re like why are we watching a video of a class?
hey teach, i ve got a question i don t think i can describe to you accurately just how scared i was. i was afraid somebody was going to stop me. i was interrupting a class and i thought the teacher would run up and shut me up or somebody would get in my way or something would happen that would stop the prank right in the middle and that would be the end of it. so, i was scared to death. what about the teach? what did he think? i had no idea this was going to happen. i was stunned. it was so well done so well produced. choreographed, the singing. everything, it was so professional. it was as if you know gilbert and sullivan met vh 1 and appeared in my class. while the members of the group have since graduated and moved on their work lives forever on the web. and there s a little argue that in this columbia university lecture hall they captured a little piece of viral video magic.