Coming days after the ED arrested Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and alleged that bribes received by the AAP were funnelled into the party’s Goa Assembly election campaign in 2021-22, the agency’s move to question the leaders from the coastal state has been described by AAP legislators as an attempt to create a “fear psychosis”.
Sources said the ED has also summoned three more people from Goa – another AAP leader, a former BJP leader and a leader from the Bhandari community – asking them to appear on Thursday for questioning.
AAP Goa chief Amit Palekar on Tuesday rejected the claims that funds generated through Delhi's alleged excise policy-linked scam powered the party's campaign ahead of the 2022 assembly polls in the coastal state.
Following Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest, the ED has said it has found that AAP was the major beneficiary of the proceeds of crime generated in the alleged Delhi liquor policy scam.