Don t have insurance. it s personal, sensitive information with these 834 forms you re talking about. the insurance companies, there is a problem with the information being transmitted from health and the insurance companies. the applications are getting muddied up, false information or duplicates or not getting them. those are the people really in trouble. they re claiming and one of the members is claiming we are going to get a very granule level to identify the individuals impacted so we have the ability to reach them directly. if the applications themselves are messed up, the name is messed up, social security number is messed up, how are you going to get access to these people to let them know, hey, you don t have coverage, we screwed up your application. the irony is the justification for obama care from day one was there are a lot of people who don t have health insurance. some percentage of the population doesn t have health insurance. since coming into law, obam ....