mylar sheet, resealed them with crypton mylar gas, never left the building. they went four times the heat cool. rebuilt the cooling system. losing a the lof juice with the ac. it is a hot town. not only that but tied it into a building energy management system. so there is much better control. floors are no longer universally one temperature set. different floors, different temperatures. a grid for the building. correct. over here, rob? bring it down to real numbers. how do you make the return on that invest many? what is your vacancy rate? and do you think this will matter to people who come in and are looking for office space. that s a great question. it mat ears tremendous amount wrs first of all. in repositioning building we took a leadership position through our work, lieu the international attention that it s garnered and we demonstrated to people that not only are we going to make money
greater detail. the most important, it is repplrep pl reppl repplicable and it s being done in new york city and other areas. give us a couple. the first thing interestingly enough we retro-fitted 6,014 windows. took them apart, washed them, never left the building, reused 90% of frames and glass and took them to r-8 with the insertion of a mylar sheet. explain. air is r zero, all transfers of energy and efficiency. r 2 is better than r 1 but not as good as r 8. by changing out these windows, you re keeping the heat inside, in the summer, you re keeping the air-conditioning inside and because of that that s right.