Was a fighter- determined to live a full life. she: was a fighter. she determined to live a full life. 5u;e: was a fighter. she always determined to live a full life. 519 was a fighter. she always beat determined to live a full life. 519: was a fighter. she always beat the odds. she was very stubborn. for her, it was a very positive thing. craig was convicted of gbh in 2000 and released on licence three years ago. this is him being arrested last yearfor murder after ago. this is him being arrested last year for murder after miss kirk ago. this is him being arrested last yearfor murder after miss kirk died with a ruptured diaphragm. during the trial, the court heard conflicting medical evidence, but the jury agreed with experts like her consultant tim cook, who said that injuries to her airway and torso were partly responsible for her diaphragm rupturing and that doctors felt her condition was too high to operate. this is jacqueline kirk before the attack. her family say although she ....