0 >> yeah, there's a long list of things we wouldn't really wantre to see hillary clinton doing. that list. s on she's been singing carpool, carpool, karaoke. karaoke >> it's kind of great in a way. we're in a little zip belt at the best we get with the ones you love. we'll see you monday. >> welcome to this specialspec edition of "hannity". i'm tammy bruce and for sean.ia and webruce begin with a fox ns alert, the third installment of the twitter files is now out detailing the behind the scenes effortes to ban former from president donald trump from the platformth in the aftermath of january 6th. journalist matt taibbi of janu, who broke the news, tweeted tonight, quote, we'll show you what has not what hasn't beenhe revealed. the erosion of standards within the companompanyy in months befe january six . decisions by high ranking executives to violate their own policies and moro violate e aga the backdrop of ongoing documented interactiononcies with federal agencies. taibe then previewed more tong come this weekend, includingthat evidence that twitter didn't teban trump just based on the tweets alone, but based t on the larger, larger context surrounding this presidency. r "larand get this, the files ao reveal coordination enforcement,law including, of course, on the hunter biden laptop, quote, biden during this time,ni executives were also clearly liaising with federalforcement,t enforcement and intelligence agencies about moderatioelncen f election related content. and according to taiebtent, twitter's joel roth was meeting weekly not just with the fbi but also with the dni. it's all just the latest explosive revelations exposing just how committed twitter staffers were when it came to cracking down on the right, because as tonight's breaking rignews, we can add to that wht we've learned just last night that, yes, twitter chateau banning, of course, is real rea and that blacklists do existby and that they were used by far left twitter staffers to censor only conservatives and to censor anyone else who daredto to challenge the democra ctativs and big tech controlled narratives. because in the explosive secon. beditte installment of the twitter files, reporter barry weiss revealed extensive effortstwitte by twitter to use trends, blacklists to limit the visibility of tweets from prominent users on the right. fd those affected, including fox's own dan bongino, conservative activist charlie kirk, the account lib's of ticktockn and even a prominent from doctor from stanford who was critical of covid lockdownst policies. o but remember former twitter ceoe jack dorsey repeatedlymber denid that this was ever happening. h here he is , in fact, front testifying in front of congress back in 2018. >> watch this.to read i want to read a few quoteses. about twitter's practices.ell yh >> and i just wantat you to tell me if they're true or not. social media is being riggeds bn to censor conservatives. >> is that true of twitter? >>, i don't know what twitter is up to . it sure looks like to me that ad they're censoring people and they ought to stop it. are yoo stopu censoring people?. >> no. >>itter shadow banning prominent republicans bad is that true? >> no. well, now, just like clockwork, democrats and their adoring allies in the media arliees i suffering one meltdown after another and relentlessly attacking musk and weissr and . so ask yourself, why areats in democrats and the media so the terrified by transparency, scared of free and independent voices? so scare free anand so hostile e the answer may be simpler thanle you think. censorship is a tool used by the powerful against the powerless to suppress dissent, to silence opposing voices, and to control the flowe of information. after all, there is no other reason for it to exist in the first place. free speech, on the other hand , is a value to stand upo n to those in power, to hold thema accountable, to enact change and to expose corruption. it' it's why, of course, it wasto te important to the founders and is in the constitute f . nt it is that important., it's the firstit amendment. e sw what the twitter fils e shows us is that one of the most powerful tech companies in the world was bentishing on punishing users not for actually breaking any of the rules, but for havingre h the wronavg use. and thank goodness we finally have absolute proof that exposes it all. now, here for reaction, fox contributors joe concha and ari fleischer. what i think is most concerning here, there's many things to be concerned about, but you've got a dynamic where it was. com yes, a company thapat waspu a publicly held companbly then liaising with the federal government specific to control conversations politically around politics. l and around an election. d never know this if if elon musk didn't wasn't interested in this particular event. what do you what's your takewh on how all of this is unfolding at this point? >> well, it's fascinating, isn't it?is wh ty is the government holdingv these meetingserg ? mportant >> to what purpose? but the more important thing w is what we haven't been tolde he who exactly in the government. we neeactly d their names. wein need their titles. >> what was their role in those federal agencies? becausl e if they weren't meeting, because they had evidence of a crime, that's one thing for the federal government to do. but if they had no evidence of e a crime but they want to limit speech in any way, shape orr man form and especiallery if there are people inside, those agencies, subordinate peoplepeon who are trying to influence the election to help joe bidence . absolu absolutely. this whole truth has to come out. we haven't seen enoughtely. o come yet., we need the specifics. we need to know who those thetings were with . and i hope republicans in the house are going to look at this because thiis becaus could be government wrongdoing. couldv >> this is my concern, joe .ernm also is that this is clearly just the tip of the iceberg. i know that the hunter laptop laptop is big news. certainly president trumpways is big news. but what president trump always noted was that it really hadto o nothing to do with him, that that it was always about us , that he was just the one in front of us protecting us . this sort of confirms that, doesn't it? that it's always beethn aboue ti the little guy, about a forgotten man and woman, about the average individual who ca i n be closed down becausee it's not just charlie kirk and,n a doctor from stanford or president trump. it's what we don't know. it iknow t about so many other people. that's the thing to right where conservative speak speeches and the conservative free free speech is something that should be something that the free press should embrace. right. rig and instead,bu they seem to be advocating the fact that people are being blacklisted at this point. not just to your point, not just dan bongino, who is a prominenno, who t podcast andt on this network, or the lives li of ticktock, who are also blacklisted and their speech suppressed. ople out it's all the other people outld there that would say, hey, i feel lik saye my tweets aren'u getting the traction that they used to . why is that? why am i being suppressed? yes,s so, yes, it's not justominen the prominent names. ople t it's allha the other people thaa may have a perspective on the way this country should be run or policies that big they advocate. and that's the big problem p here. and the thing is ,the it'thinst just social media, timi. >> it is traditional media that is working in lockstepin loc with social media as far as suppreskstewiths this story . right. abc , nbc, cbs, cnn, nbc, the new york times, nbc "the washington post", i wentcae on their their web pages before we came on here. and i have seen nothing int dump terms of these document dumps in terms of this rights.. fresh information, the receiptsg that we are seeing that this sort of censorship happened ina. the united states of america on twitter. its most prominent social media. platform. and there's no reportingwhatsoev whatsoever. >> you know, ari, thissting is what's interesting, that this is , in fact, fact what whr was doing was a little bit more obvious. but isn't that what legacy media has always done by choosing certain voices, notl interviewing certain people, not calling on certain reporter nots, shutting out cern stories which we can't provegat, a negative. but suddenly with social media, we can that this this became just more obvious in the naturef of what it was they were doing . and they did it so blatantly, i i think, because this is what cont is how information has been controlled for generations now in thitions country. as thae and it was that thatrs average person who said, look, we're on t loov right now, all of us here, i know i was shadow band. all of us probably werof us pre you were joe your. and yet we can talk about it. it's the millions of people who noticed that they weren'ttht being heard anymore. >> isn't that really the major issue here? well, and what i would love to see is the full list ofwhose who was shadow man whose voices were ordered not to bet tolifiea amplified and what was thandtlia they were saying that ticked off the liberals of twitter soat much that they felt thathey ne they needeedd to take that to sy that step to save the republic. you this is what we're learningi is thanks to elon musk,ould com the people who work there never thought it would come to light. they were so happily, safelyso h ensconced in a cocoon of liber liberalism. >> everybody thoughtalis the sap way they did. >> and ieaf there was a conservative there that out r.vatives didn't speak out out of fear and now elon muskus is exposing it and connections to the mainstream media, stilltr the greatest, worst, biggeste tr mostake the press has made in the modern era wasde the suppression of the new york post that shut down ofmedi the media by the media with the applause of the media by big tech.w ning t and we're now learning thahat everything the new york post reported was accurat evere. thank goodness elon musk is shining a light on this. but we need more . we really need the names. >> we need the names of thosee t who were banned. and if there weree an y a on the left, we need to knowbo that we haven't heard aboutthos anybody on the left. but i wante all those names of the people. i'm sure twitter has that plus r the names of the government officials. >> yeah, i'll tell you , this is for all of americans, for all of us who know thating is our voices are the thing r, it's really the thing you wantocracy to talk about the importance of democracy. this is democracy. is the average person beinging b able to be heardle. and gentlemen, i don't know if elon musk and joe, do you think, you'd agree with me? we have this luck because one guy with enough money decided that he wanted more transparency and more freedom. what wouldy and mo be happeninge wasn't interested? maybe that's why they were so comfortable thatcomfor they juss is always the way it's been. >> and now it's finally changed . exactly. tammy, this would happen duringd the twenty h, the twenty four election all over again. the censorship, the suppressiocn and any other election. and quite frankly, the day to day conversations that we have because they always thought that they would be in powe theyd be ir at twitter or r google and no one's ever goingt to find out because it's beyond all these layers that averagewht people can't see.g abou but what'st amazing about the story is that you seste so many activist journalists out o there attempting and failing quitut the e frankly, to discreditedit m matt taibbi and barry weiss to trulyat independentthat k journalists. they keep saying this is neeo bg deal . it's a nothingbi burgeruld no blacklist. oh, it's fine.abouole time we've known about thiss so the whole time. there is so much beef here. and the bottom line is that you're roth, for instance, who served as the head of site integrity. his title, he tweeted shortlytw after trump took officeeted e ti there are, quote, actual in the white house. and this was the guy decidinguyg what you did see and what you tt didn't see on twitter. yeah. yeah, i'm sure here wouldn't't e target conservatives or anything. well, gentlemen, thank you.vatie i mean, they also begas?n facebook and twitter became twib really the assignments. they set the toneghee for legacy media. and that, of course,me is ho ws how this became so obscene. gentlemen, thank you very much. i appreciate it. now, als go, big breaking news out of washington today, where arizona senator kyrsten sinemau announced she is ditching the democraticdi party and will instead serve as anse independent. and while the white house says t the move does nohet affect the democrat senate majority, many on the leftty, many o are g with predictable hate and rage over the move. r thcongressman congressperson o cortez tweetedng, quote, not thi only in this long soliloquy to cinema, offers long a single concrete value or policy she believes in. an earlier today, cinema wentndn on cnn to explain herself. takerself ta look. si ever since raphael warnock, senator warnock was reelected poweier this week, the balance of power right nowr is fifty one democrats orthat fifty one votes for the democratic party. that includes two independentsbh ,angus king of maine and bernie sanders of vermont. but that's fifty one fortys 51,9 nine . what you're doing today doesn't change that. it's still basically goingdoesn' to bange that g toe fifty one .o >> forty nine . well, i know you have to askaskt that question, jake, but that'st kind of a dc thing to worry about. what i'm really focused on is just making sure that i'm doing what i think comports with myarz values and the values ofon arizonans. >> yeah, so here with more on all of this is fox's own chad pergram. chad, tany, this shifts the senate. >> tecktonik votes, but not the way you think. democrats still controink democl the senate. caucus because cinema will caucus with the democrat ws. mot independents bernie sanders.s and angus king already do that. republicans are now trying to court cinema to their sid e where a big tent party we have everyone from susan collinsm to tedsuzy cruz in the senated with us, the democrats, let'des just say, don't have thatnd don degree of diverse viewpoints't and don't welcome people who dissenwelcome pet from theiy line.. >> the gop will scrutinize cinemas next mov.o.p. wie. >> watch 70%.a well, sh e spends a lot of time hanging out the well only in the senate. on the republican sideo own , so she'll be comfortable floating back and forth. buoating bt it's not going to ft the control of the senate like it did with jim jeffords. >> jeffords defected from the gop in 2001, becomin g anndepende independent in what was a 50 50 senate. but jeffords move awarded contr senate control to the democrats because he caucused with theolmm this is eta this seems to be a cosmetic change where you get the storie yous for branding yourself as an independent, but you're still effectivelyindepent of a democratic organization. >> cinema was an instrumentalga player in the passagnizatie ofms the infrastructure bill . still, cinema bucked liberals and ig spendinructure g and chag the filibuster tamie. >> all right, chadchte, thank yu very much. now here with more reaction,itco former republican senator scotnd brown and fox news contributor leo terrell. leo, let me start with you, because i would agree that thiis really is cosmetic. gonna she's not going to change her approach. she's going to be it. look- , she's a middle aged and woman. she had remained with the democrats all this time. even i got out of party the democratic party. we know tulsi gabbard did, but i don't see this as an indication that her approach is going to change at all.i don >> i don'tse see her exactly becoming a conservative. do i don't i don't see herng a being a conservative, buther she's read the writing on the wall. tammy, she's persona non grata in the democratic party. kne's going to get primaried. she knows that.ow she and so she knows kno shews can o longer tolerate the left wing of the party. she cannotf the tolerate the lyi coming out ongf washington, that there's not an open border, i the crime, the inflation.nf so she's trying to findg to f ina middle ground.s that the question here is , does she have enough conservative democrats, independents and republicans for reelection? ndshe can't raise money as a democrat. this is for her own survival. but i think it's a plus forauset the republicans. they'll take whatever they canhn and is r get from her. and it's really a cosmetic loses for the democrats. for they'll maintain a majority but she has no future inure in the democratic party. tyou know, that's a great wayao to put it, scott.u here you've got a woman who , you know, look, she's a politician. she wants to continue to wor wk sh ae is you know, it's in arizona. there is many different kinds of o, many f coalitions you can build.. is this perhaps anticipatingdemt the problems the democrats are going to have in twenty four and also perhaps the presumption that she can win as an independent or maybe m thisaybe t is kind of the firstt step into becoming a republican, which what'sis yoe your feeling on this? >> well, she should probablyhe o ultalk to lisa murkowski up in alaska. i mean, she went through something very similar, you know, and she voted 93% of the time with her party.y bu but that'st that still not good enough. listen, folks, this isn't jfk's party, democratic partytt anymore. there's very little room forle o any deviationyn breaking from the party line. and if i t was somebody who was just trying to do it for self survival, i'd be a little bit more concerned or upset.e buant her and joe manchin have the battle scars and the street cred to be able to makeons li a decision like that, because the way thatkeway that she was f was horrific. >> i mean, following intoic ma, constantd to get harassment, just because she a wanted to get a better deal for this country. i mean, the spending that we're seeing is leading to inflation, obviously, that we're having that we've never seen in my lifetime that i remember and never stop. so i think this gives her a little bit of extra control whilrole they don't want to tick her off too much, she may lose a couple of subcommittee chairsb commitand maybe a committee chai whatever . they keep pushing and then she'll go next door. and joe manchin maybe not too far behind because i've always thought, joe , who's a friend thoseepublican , he has strong conservative jfk values.r right.vati and that's no longer needed or wanted in the democratic party. sadly, you know, leoic party, we have seen what the left is about, what the democrats are about. we also know that when youknow w separate yourself emotionally,he and politically, that there is a freedom to being able hone to be perhaps more honest, being able to be more yourself, there's less fear attached. >> how do you think that might play out for her? i think it plays out well fore s her because she's liberated. th she doesn't have to worry about the rhetoric from the far left. she doesn't have to worry abouit the squat you saw that clip about alsi they hate her and she knows it. so now she has a degree of independence. but i'll tell you right now,s a she's polia political animal, tamie. shs to stae y ins to politics. a joe lieberman had a playbook that well when he left the democratic party. so i think democrat you need to talk wel to joe lieberman as well to find out what's the plat n worki to run as an independent. and she needngs to start working on that plan right now. w and start fundraising.n i rais she's not going to raise a nickel as a democrat.ni yeah, that'sckel a great when he was still a democrat, he wasa ga the lieberman was the last democratas still i ever gave moe