The Government of Singapore Investment Corp (GIC) has purchased a 5% stake in Bunge Ltd (NYSE: BG), according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
GIC said in a filing to the SEC, that it had acquired 7.305 million shares of Bunge Ltd, valuing its stake at $496 million.
Bunge. Read More.
While Benzinga mostly covers actionable trading ideas and news stories, we ve decided to delve a bit deeper into personal finance. The team at Benzinga would like to assist readers with not just their investing endeavors, but their financial lives as a whole.
Today, we continue this effort with. Read More. Don t Miss Any Updates! News Directly in Your Inbox Subscribe to:
Quote To Start The Day: Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that who cares?. He’s a mile away and you’ve got his shoes!
Source: Billy Connolly
One Big Thing In Fintech: In light of its plan to go public, Metromile, an insurance-focused fintech powered by data. Read More.
This weekend s Barron s cover story presents the results of the latest Barron s Big Money Poll.
Other featured articles show which food stocks are worth bite and which real estate stocks have room to run.
Also, see the prospects for a high-profile biotech, a logistics play, a video. Read More.
This growing startup is taking a different route to success.
Early last year, 1SaleADay s founder and CEO, Ben Federman, told Benzinga about his big plans for the year. By March, it was revealed that the company had acquired a significant (but undisclosed) investment, which later helped the. Read More. Don t Miss Any Updates! News Directly in Your Inbox Subscribe to: