While Benzinga mostly covers actionable trading ideas and news stories, we ve decided to delve a bit deeper into personal finance. The team at Benzinga would like to assist readers with not just their investing endeavors, but their financial lives as a whole.
Today, we continue this effort with. Read More. Don t Miss Any Updates! News Directly in Your Inbox Subscribe to:
Quote To Start The Day: Don t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
Source: Robert Louis Stevenson
One Big Thing In Fintech: Banking is one of the key drivers of economies worldwide. Core banking typically includes deposit and loan and credit processing. Read More.
European banks are stockpiling bitcoin as a hedge against ransomware attack, driving the virtual currency up 200 percent this year, The Street’s Jim Cramer said, quoting a panel talk with the CEO of Citrix Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CTXS).
“Bitcoin is what the bad guys demand you pay if you. Read More.
Quote To Start The Day: I think the volume of SPACs is going to certainly outweigh the number of IPOs, but the IPOs are going to be bigger deals.
Source: Patrick Healey
One Big Thing In Fintech: Titan, an asset manager for retail investors, announced Tuesday it raised a $12.5 million Series A. Read More.