Zimbabwe: Yogi Remembers ’80 Golden Dance 1 min ago By Eddie Chikamhi FOR David “Yogi” Mandigora, the year 1980 holds special memories — he became the first winner of the Soccer Star of the Year award, in the newly-born nation. He still has the beautiful pictures of the banquet, including one featuring runners-up Frank M’kanga of Risco and Black Aces’ genius Archieford “Chehuchi” Chimutanda. Both M’kanga, a goalkeeper, Chimutanda, later played together with Mandigora, at Dynamos. John Rugg and Highlanders’ James Nxumalo were joint winners of the 1980 Coach of the Year award and Frank Valdermarca was named Referee of the Year. “I don’t know what it is like these days, but it was not easy winning the Soccer Star of the Year award those years,” said Mandigora.