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Zambia presents huge export opportunities for Zim agric firm
Zambia presents huge export opportunities for Zim agric firm
Zambia presents huge export opportunities for Zim agric firms
Zimbabwe has been exporting mineral fuels, iron and steel products and articles of paper, to Zambia while importing cereals, beverages and ceramic products from its neighbour.
Related Keywords
Charamba ,
Masvingo ,
Zimbabwe ,
Zambia ,
Maruma ,
Northern ,
Kahari ,
North Western ,
Zimbabwean ,
Zambian ,
Afrostain Farmtech ,
Dazzy Munyati ,
Tatenda Mutonhodza ,
Rumbidzayi Sewera ,
Chamunorwa Kapita ,
Alex Mutandi ,
Charity Charamba ,
European Union ,
William Bain Company ,
Agritech Expo ,
Onward Maruma ,
Rocket Engineering ,
Prince Kahari ,