Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20180202 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20180202

coming back from being out back to back days with an illness. we have to talk about nick foles because he's been through every high and every low and from almost retiring now he's at the cusp of bringing home a super bowl trophy to philadelphia. >> being in the position i was in as backup, that's a different role than a starter, um, from a standpoint of, you know, the offense and just your prep. you're still doing a lot of prep, you're preparing like you're the starter but it's different. so when you step into the starting role, um, you really talking more about the scheme that you like, different plays lou like so that's the big difference. >> starter, backup, whatever you want to call him, nfl on fox analyst tony gone sol less is impressed. >> i think it's him. the way nicky is out there throwing that ball now so much more confidence where it wasn't there before. did he something when he was playing horribly. he played that great game and went somewhere else. and i applaud him that he was able to get it together. i don't know who talked to him or if he did some self talking he's turn it around this game is all about confidence. especially at that quarterback position. >> former eagles quarterback rodney p knows a thing or two about quarterbacks. >> as a quarterback you knows your ups and downs i've gone from starter to back up, from starter to back up you root for a guy like nick foles on the verge of retiring and now has come back and found a home. >> philadelphia royal tie rodney p and of course holly robinson born in mt. airy. tom srendenschek joins me now. awed chance to talk with some of the fans today. some of the people. eagles fans travel very very well found two very unique ones today. at least unique eagles fan. you see joe was born in camden and moved to eastern for his job. george was born in fox borrow and moved to easton for his job. life long friendship was formed that was rekindled after last week's afc championship game. >> they won. he texted me and said, okay, it's your turn. >> no, i didn't. no, i didn't. >> i text him, i said you have to come to the super bowl. i didn't say you were going win. >> typical boston fan. >> they're sharing a room here in minneapolis. >> he's on one side of the room and i'm on the other side of the room and we put a 50-yard line down the middle of the sitting area. >> although we tonight caps in the -- >> we sit on the 50-yard line haven't nightcap. >> so far it's been george that's picked up the bill. >> he's pick up everything so far. >> because he's got five super bowls. i have zero. he has to pick up everything. >> how often does he remind you of that. >> how about every five minutes. >> they'll sit on op side side lines during the game. and maybe share a beer afterwards. >> you eagle fans throw beer. >> that's what i hear. >> george, george. >> just ask minneapolis. that's the story you throw beer. we don't throw beer. >> the minnesota people have been very very nice. much nicer than patriots fans. >> you guys throw beer. that's all i have to say. >> we throw beer when outsiders come and start defacing our statues by the art museum. >> a lot of people confuse passion with being nasty. eagles fans are the most passionate fans in the world. we're not nasty. there's always a couple bad apples. >> why do you throw beer? >> any way... >> joe got the last word there, kristen, but we're hoping as well that he gets the last word come sunday at about 9:30 with a super bowl trophy and that george has to sulk back to foxboro. >> of course i love that eagles fans are passionate. there's a thin line but they are passionate. we'll have a lot more from the eagles coming up later in sports. including how they keep sense of normalcy here in all the madness of the super bowl dawn. >> of course we're passion n thanks guys. can't make it to minneapolis for the showdown don't worry the next best mace to be, right here in eagles territory. and people are flock to go the city to be here for all the action. our sabina kuriakose is live at philadelphia international airport and sabina you found quite a crowd good dawn, they are coming from all over so most of the people that we talk with are actually from philadelphia. they just live elsewhere and they could not imagine not being in philly they're hometown when the eagles wip the super bowl. >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> it is no question that birds of a feather -- here you go. >> right there. >> flock together. philly international filled with eagles fans from far and wide. soaring back to the city ready to cheer on their home team. no airplane needed. it's already pretty crowded on cloud nine. >> for us to be able to fly from north carolina from charlotte to get here on philadelphia soil and just for him to experience just a lifetime experience for the both of you. >> love birds who moved down south but they left their hearts back here. now, they're returning to win. let's be honest no one quite gets that underdog mentality like the rest of your pack. >> not the same experience. be at home new york city. >> most of the diehards waisted no time booking that ticket ho home. >> the day we won nfc championship an hour after they won two weeks ago. >> when did you make these arrangements to come in. >> about two weeks ago. >> mike unger hasn't been back to the area in few years. he can think of no better reason. >> go, eagles. >> don't you dare come here with that pats gear. >> tom brady. >> walk through those gates if it ain't green you are gone. >> boo! >> i'm sorry, guys. >> reporter: almost, dawn. almost put him back on a plane to minneapolis and i don't even know if he got out of the airport wearing that jersey, dawn. >> tough if you're in a patriots jersey. thanks is a bone in a. if or should i say when the eagles win on sunday eagles fans will be over the moon celebrations will definitely be one for the history books. fox 29's jeff cole is live in mayfair to tell us how the city is preparing for what will no doubt be crowds of people partying in the streets. jeff? >> reporter: well, dawn, as game time nears it is clear pressure is building on the philadelphia police department and its leadership. the city does not want a win by the eagles or even a loss to result in a black eye for the city because of unruly fans. for as long as anyone can remember, mayfair's frankford and cottman has been place for joy. a gathering spot when phillies beloved sports teams within big. >> so good thing you know. it's just too much bad thing going on so this is good thing. >> reporter: lisa greco will stand watch sunday night over her nearly 19 year hair salon business and to revel. >> we'll be able to watch somebody so happy for sure and protect the business just in case but but for the most part our fans are pretty good. >> reporter: she'll a company. 12,000 fans are expected to gather if the eagles win joined by 300 cops says the district commander. everyone must pass through a checkpoint. >> we'll be there ensuring the city is protected and that the people that come out are protected, and that we protect the reputation of the city as well. >> reporter: speaking on good day. richard ross urged fans to show restraint post game. back on frankford, kegs are rolling into a local bar with many more deliveries still to make. >> keg, cases, coors, corona, i can -- the whole nine. >> reporter: everything you can think of. >> everything you can think of. >> reporter: police have told bars to serve in plastic cups and ask businesses to pull their protective greats down. rent a center will do it with flare. >> so you'll put tv's in the windows. >> yes. >> for fans to watch the post game and -- >> for the fans and the cops. >> reporter: you know who to keep happy here. >> yes. >> reporter: it's clear from the interview with commissioner ross on good day he's heard the complaints of vikings fans who allege they were not treated well here. by the way the police are saying if you come here to may tear sunday night do not bring backpacks. they'll take them from you and they are asking people not to bring guns here either. while they can't take them from you, they ask you not to bring them even if you have a throbs carry. live in mayfair, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. dawn, back to you. >> all right, jeff, thank you. this has been one incredible journey for all of us in eagles nation. and scenes like this we may see them again sunday night. turn to fox 29 after the game. we're not sleeping though we're pulling an all nighter believe it or not with you. we're out on the streets of philadelphia right in the middle of all the action. so night eagles fly. to your fox 29 weather authority now. as we take live look over the philadelphia art museum. displaying eagles pride there. a chilly start to the weekend with wind chills that felt like they were in the single digits in spots. meteorologist cot williams joining us now with first check of the forecast much it's really cold out there. i didn't realize until i stepped outside, scott. >> bitterly cold air over top of the philadelphia area right now. we're dry but we're tracking a super bowl sunday storm. it looks like it will arrive during the day on sunday. but look at the weekend. 32 degrees for the high temperature tomorrow. low 40s as we move toward sund sunday. so coming up, much more on wet snow and rain, the timing, the temperatures and what it will mean for traveling to your super bowl celebrations. back over to you. >> all right, thanks, scott. chaos in court when a father lunches at the former u.s. gymnastics doctor convicted of abusing dozens of young female athletes. three of the man's daughters were victims larry nassar. fox 29s bryan llenas has the details. >> reporter: charlotte michigan judge says she will not punish the father of three victims who tried to attack disgraced michigan sports dr. larry nassar. >> i would ask you to as part of this sentencing to grant me five minutes in a lock room with this demon. >> i have -- would you do that? >> that is not -- >> yes or no? >> no, sir, i can't. >> would you give me one minute yes. >> randall march graves lunched at the doctor following the testimony of two of his daughters at nassar's third and final sentencing hearing. bailiffs and deputies quickly stopped the attempted attack. >> one minute. >> two of march graves daughters testified that day and the third sister were sexually abused by michigan gym. >> the emotional father later returning to the courtroom apologizing to the judge, the judge saying she understands his outburst and will not punish him for his actions as long as he promises to lash out again calling it an immediate and emotional reaction of a father. >> i appreciate your sympathy. i would like to apologize to you and the courtroom. >> a sentence is expected next week. nassar faces a minimum of 25 years in jail. that's on top of his previous sentences of 60 years and 40 to 175 years. the attack happened a mid stunning new revelations that u.s. olympic committee officials were told about the sex abuse claims in 2015, nearly a year before the scandal broke but did nothing to stop it. no new york, bryan llenas, fox news. right to try laws letting those in the fight of their lives try medication not yet on the market. the outlook seems promising but one family >> happening now, neighbors are calling it an absolute disgrace. illegal trash dumping has all but closed a port richmond street to vehicle traffic. cars and trucks can't get passed the mountains of construction debris left behind by remodelers of the bruce bore don joining us in studio. bruce, you've seen too many neighborhoods wrecked by this kind of dumping. >> reporter: dawn it is unbelievable. kind of funny actually much the run up to the super bowl has filled philadelphians with civic pride as well it should, but what you're about to see is an on-going civic embarrassment. welcome to coral street. >> this is wage ailment happened right here. >> reporter: few yards away from the site of a deadly amtrak crash. >> this makes me cry. >> reporter: i stan in the midst of on-going tragedy with virginia schultz. >> i mean, i've been here for years. it max me cry. >> reporter: illegal dumping mostly of construction debris by night by night remodelers literally stops traffic on coral street where it bends into vo let at a and debt ends at frankford avenue. drivers risk a blown tire passing over this mountain of mess. >> this is concrete. this is somebody who is remodeling their homes. >> reporter: right. schultz says short dumpers and pick up trucks come down this dark and quiet block when the sun goes down. >> they'll make a stop and then all of a sudden they'll push the gas, noor it and just let everything fall out the back of the truck. >> reporter: dump and go. >> dump gone. dump and go report roar she's lived here for 35 years and remembers when coral and valetta were the focal point of block party. >> it was beautiful. kids would be playing baseball and football back here. >> now? >> gotten to the pint it's a disgrace. it gets worse up the block in the narrow alley behind schultz's home, prostitutes and drug addicts have taken over. >> there's a needle right there. >> condom. >> there's a crack vile. that green thing. >> reporter: right. >> condoms. >> reporter: schultz says the dumping has gotten worse. that this particular mess has been here for more than a month. and that calls to the city get little response. i snapped some photographs and sent them off to the streets department along with a plea for help. this was once part of a neighborhood and a so-call city of neighborhoods. >> watch yourself. >> reporter: now folks like virginia schultz are left with question as simple as it is pathetic. >> how can people live like this? >> reporter: i heard back from the streets department this afternoon. they say coral street is on their regular schedule for clean up due to illegal dumping. they'll be out next week to once again clear away the debris but there's no sense of any kind of a plan to top the dumping from happening in the first place just after the fact clean ups. folks like virginia schultz deserve better. dawn? >> they certainly do. bruce. exeter township please seize over $11,000 worth of crack cocaine and crystal meth the drug bust happening during a traffic stop on perkiomen of a thursday night. the police officers detected there were drug in the car after searching the vehicle found th them. the driver 25-year-old dimitris dante wilkerson is charged with possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance. police also seizing more than $10,000 in cash and a small amount of marijuana. right to try legislation which gives terminally ill patients the right to take drugs that are not yet fully fda appraised and still in clinical trials is gaining momentum all across the country. president trump even mentioning it in his state of the union address. but a local family tells our bill anderson that the momentum so far has not led to a bill to help them. they really hope lawmakers can do more for goodness sake. [ applause ] >> reporter: the state of the union no matter who is in office is a highly partisan event. one side collapse. one side sits. often quietly but some out of that room are personally impacted. >> patients with terminal illness should have access to experimental treatment immediately. that could potentially save their lives. >> reporter: one comment about right to try legislation was more than politics to the mongiello family. it was hope. >> i want to give my husband a chance. i want him to have hope. >> reporter: frank man jell-o has als disease that has taken him from an active husband and father to someone who relies almost entirely on his family. >> it's been two years that we've been fighting for this. let's two years he's progressed from walking and talking. >> frank family and friends took on the political fight to get the right to try experimental medicine. two years much progress but no signed bill. so it's easy to understand why there were mixed emotions. >> just to know that we weren't forgotten. >> for the president to acknowledge it and say like this is one of the big issues i want to take caver, hike that's awesome. >> reporter: they were excited that they had hope but understandably skeptical about waiting on politics while their father and others deteriorate. >> he's not a policy. he's a human being. people are dying while they -- they play politics and that's not right. >> it started with my legs. >> frank who communicates through a machine he operates with his eyes he remains encouraged. >> the more he spoke the higher meo lotions soared to the point where i was trying to stand up and scream. >> reporter: even if he believes the fight, may be for others after him. >> als will kill me. so i don't need the fda to protect me from death. maybe it will help to find a cure one day so others don't get this horrific disease. >> the right to try. [ applause ] >> reporter: their message is sincere thanks for the president's comments and much deeper for government in gener general. >> it's not the government's fault he got sick or anything. it's just i feel like the government should be there for the people, and i don't think the government's been there for him. >> i love you, daddy. report roar message many elected officials should probably think of regularly for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ >> eagles hi, eagles! ♪ >> fly eagles fly, hit em low, hit em low and watch our eagles fly, fly eagles fly on the route to victory ♪ >> ♪ eagles hi, e-a-g-l-e-s! >> wow. how cute is this dancers at dance with celeste dance studio in bensalem cheering on the birds with a fight song dance. very good. eagles pride over knowing at the beaumont at bryn mawr retirement community today. from jim's cheesesteaks and burr's cupcakes even the mummers showed up for a very good time had by all. it is awaiting game in washington as the white house prepares to release a controversial memo on government surveillance. ♪ the controversial fisa memo released alleges abuse by the fbi. it claims the fbi abused government surveillance powers into its investigation into russian election meddling democrats say the memo contains cherry picked facts that don't add up. the president says the memo shows the russian investigation is biased. of the memo focuses on dossier that was used at part of the application to surveil trump adviser carter page. >> what you see in here is if it's right that the fbi relied on a document paid by hillary clinton's campaign to start central part of why they got f fisa warrant. >> congressman shive believes the house will release the democrat's memo that release will have to be okayed by the president. a poor day for the stock market caps off the worst week on wall street in two years. the dow jones industrial average dropped 665 points by the closing bell today. sending u.s. stocks spiraling. technology and energy stocks accounted for much of the slide including exxon and google parent company alphabet plungi plunging. some experts a tribute the poor week to a rapid rise in interest rates. >> eagles, eagles! >> eagles hi, eagles! >> a-w-w temple is a film broomall getting ready for sunday. 40 little ones from the kindergarten and nursery schools holding a pep recall daal to get into the spirit of the bird big game. the children have been practicing the fight song and doing eagles preps all week long. i hear they're predicting a big eagles win. that just one of several eagles pep rallies across our area but there was one at a high school in new jersey that took on special meaning today. scott? >> and dawn we're gearing for he super bowl but it looks like some rain even wet snow could be moving in. that entire forecast is next. ♪ this is so exciting, dave! hey gus, meet tucker... . awwww... whoaaaa !! ...and axle, angie, frank, charlie, millie, ralph, henry, audrey and duke... yep...ten times the fun. sorta like this... ahhh, ten times the bucks. it's one of the new times the bucks games from the pennsylvania lottery. with millions in prizes! hot diggity dog! keep on scratchin'! ♪ pep rallies for eagles taking place all over the area today. but one at a south jersey high school where eagles running back corey clement graduated is taking on special meaning. jennifer joyce was there and spoke to corey' brother about the big game. >> reporter: we're at glassboro high school in new jersey. this is where eagles rookie corey clement went to high school. so we got a pep rally going on. cheerleaders show us what you got. >> ready! >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> eagles hi, eagles! >> whoo! >> reporter: i want to introduce this is steven cleme clement. >> how you doing. >> you're corey's brother talk about how you're feeling. how is your family feeling, this is a huge opportunity. >> we're ready. we're ready. >> did you give your brother any advice. i understand you were a quarterback here at the high school. what did you tell him going into this weekend? >> i haven't said anything to him. he's pro now. it's kind of hard to, you know, tell a pro what to do. even though you're the older brother, too, sometimes you try to, like, you know you need to pass block and get your head around again the ball you sound silly he made it to the pros i know he knows what he's doing. i know he got it i believe we'll take home the w haven't parade and all that good stuff. >> you said this is a great feeling. >> you yes. >> awesome hometown feeling. >> so much love. >> mary beth will you come over i understand you're a counselor and you worked with corey quite a bit became good friends with him. >> yes. what does it mean to you? >> it's so exciting. it's wonderful to see young man that worked so hard in school. he wasn't just an athlete. he didn't just do great things on the field. he did a phenomenal job in the classroom. he work hard and we tell our students that every day. it's important to be a student first and then an athlete and he's got the whole package. >> now we are going to get our music going. band, can you send us off? ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! [ applause ] >> all right, guys at glassboro high school we'll send it back to you. >> i'm hearing that song if my sleep but that's okay. i don't mind. back to your fox 29 weather authority. as we take live look now at wilmington, delaware. some cold air to kick off the weekend. plus snow and rain for super bowl. scott williams has full check of your forecast in just 15 secon seconds. >> it was a frigid friday. high temperatures hard pressed to make it above freezing during the afternoon. look at the current readings, it's 25 degrees in philadelphia. only 11 mount pocono. 21 degrees in pottstown. mid 20s in millville and dover. those are the air temperatures. factor in the wind, look at how your body reacts how you should dress. it feels like 8 degres right now in allentown. it feels like ten in philadelphia. it feels like 15 degrees in wildwood. so clear skies, cold conditions for the overnight. 6 degrees mount pocono. we're looking at the teens in pottstown, 16 the overnight low temperature in millville. also, wilmington. 16 degrees for atlantic city. for the upcoming super bowl weekend, it's dry, it's cold for saturday. a high temperature around freezing. we'll tack on 10 degrees for your sunday but it looks like wet snow changing over to some rainfall. so soggy conditions for super bowl. so as we go hour by hour here's 2:00 o'clock. mainly rain. sections of delaware south jersey snow continues north and west. seven, 8:00 o'clock we're still looking at the rainfall across the region. so early sunday morning, some poconos snow lehigh valley snow. early into the afternoon here's 1:00 o'clock, we're looking at the bulk of the steady rainfall moving in four, 5:00 o'clock. super bowl time we're looking at the rain it starts to taper affine, say, 8:00 and 10:00 o'clock. so it look like it will be in and out during the overnight time frame. so maybe a little bit of good news for celebrating the birds victory. so mainly snow in the poconos and then philadelphia i-95 wet snow going over to all rainfall and then down the shore it looks like all rain. as we roll the clock, the better chances for accumulating snowfall berks county, the lehigh valley, maybe half an inch. several inches likely toward the poconos. in minneapolis, it is going to be cold for tailgators outside of the dome. we're looking at 6 degrees and then kickoff temperatures 2 degrees but once again inside we're looking at a toasty 70 degrees. that weather authority seven day forecast showing 32 degrees, dry for saturday, and then sunday we're looking at wet weather. traveling to your super bowl celebrations during the game it looks like the rain will continue then it gets out of here and then as we move toward monday, mid 30s. another chance for some rainfall by the middle of next week. dawn, back over to you. >> all right. scott, thank you. continuing in the spirit of philly green friday, seedlings have super bowl fun day. philadelphia based school for children with special needs had its students participate in arts and crafts activities as a tribute to the birds. they also enjoyed some football themed treats including ice cream sandwiches that looked like footballs. >> so when i was growing up any time, um, the eagles had a big game our school always got super involved and i wanted to give the kids here also the opportunity to be just as involved and just as excited, and take part in all the excitement around the city right now. >> each one of the school's eight classroom has a different theme of the day including playing a little football in the gym. two days until super bowl lii and the city of minneapolis is making final preparations as 1 million people descend on the twin cities. and it's a tradition going back 43 years. how the cathedral lynn community is reaching out to tho new tv, new speakers, netflix. this is going to be the place for binge watching, ladies. is it, ladies? don't get me wrong, you have killer tech mrs. d, but you still don't have fios. ok? fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, literally engineered for streaming. good advice. i've also got some ideas on a better cereal selection, which i will keep to myself. experience netflix on the 100% fiber-optic network made for streaming switch to fios and get a year of netflix on us with a two-year agreement. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. ♪ eagles! >> of course the super bowl kicks off on sunday and city officials and law enforcement are making last minute preparations across minneapolis. u.s. bank stadium can hold 66,000 fans but over a million people are expected to flood downtown minneapolis for parties, concerts and events leading up to the big game. minneapolis police are teaming up with the fbi, homeland security and dozens of other federal agencies to keep fans safe. there are no known credible threats against the game but authorities are watching very closely. >> this type of event it requires massive amounts of personnel. it requires expertise from our local, state and federal partners. >> until you actually host it in your community, then you realize just how big of an operation this is. >> adding to the challenge the extreme cold weather. on game day fans will be pre screened at indoor locations to limit the time they spend outside. ♪ fly, eels eagles, fly, on the road to victory ♪ >> some mummers showing eagles pride playing the birds fight song. the band stopped by temple university hospital for a pep rally to help cheer on the eagles and cheer up fans. most of philadelphia focuses on the super bowl this weekend, the archdiocese of philadelphia is participating in a different bowl. this morning the archdiocese participated in the catholic relief services rice bowl. members of the archdiocese met at the the saint ignatius of loyola food cupboard to share in the three tenants of the right bowl, prayer, fasting and giving. nearly 14,000 faith communities around the country participate in the bowl every year. as way to respond to human suffering. donations to the rice bowl are used for many endeavors including water and sanitation projects to bring clean water to struggling communities. a philly spot right in the middle of enemy territory? what gives? two brothers they say there's no place like home. and how far would you go to see the eagles play sunday in person? what if all it took was a joke? better be funny, right? >> let's go, eagles, let's go! >> let's go, eagles, let's go. >> talk about eagles spirit children at belmont elementary cheering and screaming to for our bird at their pep rally today. their energy is contagious. this winter in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here. ♪ eagles! >> in the heart of enemy territory oasis of sorts not everyone in new england is bad guy. even in patriots country you'll find pockets of eagles fans and one restaurant where two brothers do their best to make sure their fellow philly faithful feel at home. our hank flynn checked it out. >> ya'll should come sing the fight song behind me while i eat a cheesesteak. >> fly, eagles, fly, on the road to victory. >> hey, it's hank. i'm in norwich, connecticut i came by this place philly's last night for cheesesteak. >> one, two, three. >> can i get a whiz with. >> whiz with i got you. >> beautiful. >> how about them apples. nobody else in connecticut knows what that means. [ laughter ] >> people were telling me philly's is evan adams and his brother are philly guys they get their bread from am ma rosa's i had no idea. >> belly buster. >> then when i sat down to eat it, a party broke out. >> on the road to victory. eagles hi! >> that's what happens when philadelphians go out of town we bring our city with us. >> oh yeah. >> start with the glenn brothers 98 and wilbur here in connecticut. brother mike in philadelphia. they got season tickets. they make the trip. >> 256 miles one way every time we got to go. eight times out of the year. we okay. we get pre seasons away at least we go. >> of course. because wilbur a defense contractor and air force veteran has been around but in his heart really never left philly. >> waiting for this for long time. >> none of these ex patriots d did. >> this is home away from home. they have real cheesesteaks. they have hoagies, not grinders. >> yeah. >> they got water ice. it's the greatest here. >> philly fans tell me it's tough to be in new england as a super bowl approaches but they make it look easy and where food is concerned, they got the pats fans eating charles barclay fries. >> you're from connecticut, right. >> yup. >> rooting for the patriots, right. >> definitely. >> but when it comes to the menu it's kind of tough beat fill/it. >> definitely. [ laughter ] >> i can't go wrong there. >> yeah. >> if i've learned anything this week it's philly fans are now not hard to find in new england. the home of the dark side of the force. good food, good friends, good times. they're in style wherever you go. and that's why philly travels well. just hard to resist. >> eagles hi, eagles! >> i'm hank and that's my take. >> nothing but a phillies thing, ya'll. famous video game predicted the score of super bowl lii and eagles fans are hoping to prove it wrong. the makers of famous football video game madden have simulated the results of this weekend's big game and sadly it has the patriots winning in a nail biter 24-20. the makers over at electronic arts have used the mental every year since super bowl 38 and have predicted ten of 14 corre correctly. not this year, though. right? being funny it has its perks sometimes you can even get a second date out of it or in this case free tickets to the super bowl. yeah, you heard me right. one philadelphia man is going to watch the eagles play on sunday and it's all thanks to some good humor. fox 29's bruce gordon has his story. >> i'm zach ertz jersey i'll be wearing. my eagles hat. >> information securities specialist dan, has already gun packing for a super bowl he never thought he'd see in pers person. >> there they are. >> they're in the 100 section so we're right down there. >> lower level. >> lower level. >> reporter: $5,400 face valu value. plus airfare and hotel free of charge. >> this is just amazing it's one those buck list items you get to do. >> reporter: how did dan win this dream trip? well for the answer to that question, we go to the beneficial bank tower in center city philadelphia. beneficial president and ceo jerry cut cuddy. >> cuddy wanted to give away the bank's two super bowl tickets so he set up a raffle with one big condition. >> you've got to tell me a good joke. report roar bank employees responded with a mountain of mirth. >> what to the right eye say to the left eye. between you and me something smells. why was six afraid of seven. because 789. >> crowd is starting to get restless here. >> what is tom brady's favorite letter s the sound of air leaking from a ball. >> there were some killer material here. >> why did the football coach go to the bang? to get his quarterback. i went to the bank to open joint account then asked, with whom? i said with whoever has the most money. what do you call computer that sings. adele. >> some of the entries were not quite ready for a mass audience. >> a they have stuck -- i don't want to crews this one. i'm scared. yeah. [ laughter ] >> joke i'm scared -- >> as for the joke attached to dan's winning raffle entry. >> i -- i heard it and copied it. [ laughter ] >> report roar like any good comic. >> right. >> reporter: you see and hear good material you swipe it. >> good form of flattery. how did tom brady get that nasty gash op his hand. >> it was botched surgery for them trying to insert a six many finger for his next super bowl ring. >> reporter: i got a joke for you. what did nick foles say to evening of banking humor, thanks but i'll pass. at philadelphia international airport, i'm bruce gordon, fox 29 news. what a long and fun trip it's been. "good day philadelphia" in minneapolis all this week. we're taking a look back at some of their shenanigans. >> fly, eagles, fly, for a touchdown one, two, three. >> everybody is getting in the spirit of this. these are kindergarten, first and second graders from lambert ton school in philadelphia's overbrook park. keep these ♪ we're following breaking news for you right now. delays on multiple regional rail lines because of an active shooting investigation. skyfox over the septa station on broad in north philadelphia. moments ago. we are told that several lines are delayed up to at least 30 minutes. police and septa are not re-releasing details about their investigation. of course we'll bring you more information as soon as we get it. in philadelphia, the friday before the super bowl means wing bowl day and steve keeley found out it set the perfect tone for what may just be the start to the biggest loudest and longest party in philadelphia history. >> this record -- >> this record ever be beaten. >> probably. >> molly schuyler is going to blow the competition away. >> a new record. $50,000 to the philadelphia police survivors fund to the families of officers killed in the line duty and all the eagles in the super bowl wing bowl craziness you'd expect at the bachelor party style pep rally to get super bowl weekend started right in south philadelphia. >> three, two, one! [ inaudible ] >> eagles are the team! >> eagles fans are pumped up we're going all the way nothing stopping us. nothing. >> all the lovely wing gets. >> you can't beat us. we're the under dogs. you better not doubt us. patriots are going down, baby. >> birthplace of america. we'll back down anyone philadelphia eagles are absolutely dominate just like the train dominates. >> i'm sarah. let's win the super bowl. come on. go, eagles! >> eagles hi, eagles! >> aren't you so happy you didn't retire? >> you know, my wife said that to me. she said, if you'd have retired and then the eagles went to the super bowl and you wouldn't be on the air, how bad would that be? >> you're 100% right. i want to be part of this. but we're all running out of time. we need to win one. >> what's going to be your meal on super bowl sunday? >> nothing. i won't be eating anything. i'll take a diet coke. >> in south philly, steve keeley, fox 29 news. >> all week members of our "good day philadelphia" team have been in minneapolis taking in the sights and sounds of super bowl week so if you missed out we're taking a look back at some of the many highlights. ♪ >> eagles are in minneapolis n now. >> and we're in minneapolis. >> slow down. ahh! >> keep it going. >> keep going. >> keep going, keep going. >> when you're making your turn slow it down a just a little b bit. ♪ >> good luck with this. >> what do you mean good luck with this. >> take as long as you need. >> come on, please, please, fishy. >> getting a little hungry in here. >> what are you doing? >> oh, i got one. really? >> really. >> how awkward we have the boston station right next to us? >> let it pull you. > okay. >> come on, bud. >> slowly, slowly, slowly. >> you're doing it. whoa, whoa, whoa. >> straight ahead. >> ready, jenn. >> i'm a little scared. ♪ >> can we have a drink now? >> go! >> ahh! >> ahh! >> whoo! ♪ >> i think they know how to have fun. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right now. ♪ eagles hi, eagles! we are down to the wire. the eagles shot at a championship just two days away. pep rallies across the region have fans in a frenzy. the birds ready to lay it all on the line. super bowl lii minneapolis, minnesota, and a date with the patriots. the time is now. eagles hi! >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. >> the time is almost here. the light at the end of the tunnel super bowl lii and a shot at the championship. the big game is just two days away now. i'm dawn timmeney. dozens of rallies all across our region getting eagles fans pumped up for sunday showdown with the patriots. we of course have team coverage as we have all week. from minnesota to back here in philadelphia. we are keeping you on top of latest stories surrounding this historic moment for eagles and their fans. let's start though with kristen rodgers. she is live at the mall of america. kristen. >> hey, dawn. the eagles held their final friday practice of the year today. feels like it's been forever at this point. they had -- they're going to have to have a final walk through tomorrow at u.s. bank stadium. today they're focus to tie up any loose ends, an good note, tim jurnigan was back at practice today after being out back to back days with an illness. so good news there. every eagle practiced. now amidst all of this super bowl madness, the eagles still hav to find their routine.

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Delaware , United States , Connecticut , Overbrook , Pennsylvania , Minnesota , Perkiomen , Millville , Dover , New York , Jersey , Michigan , Pottstown , Atlantic City , New Jersey , Center City , Berks County , Minneapolis , Allentown , Philadelphia , Boston , Massachusetts , Virginia , Russia , Russian , America , Jeff Cole , Larry Nassar , Larry Nassar Fox , Scott Williams , Bruce Exeter , Ma Rosa , Molly Schuyler , Bruce Gordon , Richard Ross , Jennifer Joyce , Steve Keeley , Tom Brady , Mary Beth , Evan Adams , Mike Unger , Cuddy , Lisa Greco , Hank Flynn ,

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coming back from being out back to back days with an illness. we have to talk about nick foles because he's been through every high and every low and from almost retiring now he's at the cusp of bringing home a super bowl trophy to philadelphia. >> being in the position i was in as backup, that's a different role than a starter, um, from a standpoint of, you know, the offense and just your prep. you're still doing a lot of prep, you're preparing like you're the starter but it's different. so when you step into the starting role, um, you really talking more about the scheme that you like, different plays lou like so that's the big difference. >> starter, backup, whatever you want to call him, nfl on fox analyst tony gone sol less is impressed. >> i think it's him. the way nicky is out there throwing that ball now so much more confidence where it wasn't there before. did he something when he was playing horribly. he played that great game and went somewhere else. and i applaud him that he was able to get it together. i don't know who talked to him or if he did some self talking he's turn it around this game is all about confidence. especially at that quarterback position. >> former eagles quarterback rodney p knows a thing or two about quarterbacks. >> as a quarterback you knows your ups and downs i've gone from starter to back up, from starter to back up you root for a guy like nick foles on the verge of retiring and now has come back and found a home. >> philadelphia royal tie rodney p and of course holly robinson born in mt. airy. tom srendenschek joins me now. awed chance to talk with some of the fans today. some of the people. eagles fans travel very very well found two very unique ones today. at least unique eagles fan. you see joe was born in camden and moved to eastern for his job. george was born in fox borrow and moved to easton for his job. life long friendship was formed that was rekindled after last week's afc championship game. >> they won. he texted me and said, okay, it's your turn. >> no, i didn't. no, i didn't. >> i text him, i said you have to come to the super bowl. i didn't say you were going win. >> typical boston fan. >> they're sharing a room here in minneapolis. >> he's on one side of the room and i'm on the other side of the room and we put a 50-yard line down the middle of the sitting area. >> although we tonight caps in the -- >> we sit on the 50-yard line haven't nightcap. >> so far it's been george that's picked up the bill. >> he's pick up everything so far. >> because he's got five super bowls. i have zero. he has to pick up everything. >> how often does he remind you of that. >> how about every five minutes. >> they'll sit on op side side lines during the game. and maybe share a beer afterwards. >> you eagle fans throw beer. >> that's what i hear. >> george, george. >> just ask minneapolis. that's the story you throw beer. we don't throw beer. >> the minnesota people have been very very nice. much nicer than patriots fans. >> you guys throw beer. that's all i have to say. >> we throw beer when outsiders come and start defacing our statues by the art museum. >> a lot of people confuse passion with being nasty. eagles fans are the most passionate fans in the world. we're not nasty. there's always a couple bad apples. >> why do you throw beer? >> any way... >> joe got the last word there, kristen, but we're hoping as well that he gets the last word come sunday at about 9:30 with a super bowl trophy and that george has to sulk back to foxboro. >> of course i love that eagles fans are passionate. there's a thin line but they are passionate. we'll have a lot more from the eagles coming up later in sports. including how they keep sense of normalcy here in all the madness of the super bowl dawn. >> of course we're passion n thanks guys. can't make it to minneapolis for the showdown don't worry the next best mace to be, right here in eagles territory. and people are flock to go the city to be here for all the action. our sabina kuriakose is live at philadelphia international airport and sabina you found quite a crowd good dawn, they are coming from all over so most of the people that we talk with are actually from philadelphia. they just live elsewhere and they could not imagine not being in philly they're hometown when the eagles wip the super bowl. >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> it is no question that birds of a feather -- here you go. >> right there. >> flock together. philly international filled with eagles fans from far and wide. soaring back to the city ready to cheer on their home team. no airplane needed. it's already pretty crowded on cloud nine. >> for us to be able to fly from north carolina from charlotte to get here on philadelphia soil and just for him to experience just a lifetime experience for the both of you. >> love birds who moved down south but they left their hearts back here. now, they're returning to win. let's be honest no one quite gets that underdog mentality like the rest of your pack. >> not the same experience. be at home new york city. >> most of the diehards waisted no time booking that ticket ho home. >> the day we won nfc championship an hour after they won two weeks ago. >> when did you make these arrangements to come in. >> about two weeks ago. >> mike unger hasn't been back to the area in few years. he can think of no better reason. >> go, eagles. >> don't you dare come here with that pats gear. >> tom brady. >> walk through those gates if it ain't green you are gone. >> boo! >> i'm sorry, guys. >> reporter: almost, dawn. almost put him back on a plane to minneapolis and i don't even know if he got out of the airport wearing that jersey, dawn. >> tough if you're in a patriots jersey. thanks is a bone in a. if or should i say when the eagles win on sunday eagles fans will be over the moon celebrations will definitely be one for the history books. fox 29's jeff cole is live in mayfair to tell us how the city is preparing for what will no doubt be crowds of people partying in the streets. jeff? >> reporter: well, dawn, as game time nears it is clear pressure is building on the philadelphia police department and its leadership. the city does not want a win by the eagles or even a loss to result in a black eye for the city because of unruly fans. for as long as anyone can remember, mayfair's frankford and cottman has been place for joy. a gathering spot when phillies beloved sports teams within big. >> so good thing you know. it's just too much bad thing going on so this is good thing. >> reporter: lisa greco will stand watch sunday night over her nearly 19 year hair salon business and to revel. >> we'll be able to watch somebody so happy for sure and protect the business just in case but but for the most part our fans are pretty good. >> reporter: she'll a company. 12,000 fans are expected to gather if the eagles win joined by 300 cops says the district commander. everyone must pass through a checkpoint. >> we'll be there ensuring the city is protected and that the people that come out are protected, and that we protect the reputation of the city as well. >> reporter: speaking on good day. richard ross urged fans to show restraint post game. back on frankford, kegs are rolling into a local bar with many more deliveries still to make. >> keg, cases, coors, corona, i can -- the whole nine. >> reporter: everything you can think of. >> everything you can think of. >> reporter: police have told bars to serve in plastic cups and ask businesses to pull their protective greats down. rent a center will do it with flare. >> so you'll put tv's in the windows. >> yes. >> for fans to watch the post game and -- >> for the fans and the cops. >> reporter: you know who to keep happy here. >> yes. >> reporter: it's clear from the interview with commissioner ross on good day he's heard the complaints of vikings fans who allege they were not treated well here. by the way the police are saying if you come here to may tear sunday night do not bring backpacks. they'll take them from you and they are asking people not to bring guns here either. while they can't take them from you, they ask you not to bring them even if you have a throbs carry. live in mayfair, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. dawn, back to you. >> all right, jeff, thank you. this has been one incredible journey for all of us in eagles nation. and scenes like this we may see them again sunday night. turn to fox 29 after the game. we're not sleeping though we're pulling an all nighter believe it or not with you. we're out on the streets of philadelphia right in the middle of all the action. so night eagles fly. to your fox 29 weather authority now. as we take live look over the philadelphia art museum. displaying eagles pride there. a chilly start to the weekend with wind chills that felt like they were in the single digits in spots. meteorologist cot williams joining us now with first check of the forecast much it's really cold out there. i didn't realize until i stepped outside, scott. >> bitterly cold air over top of the philadelphia area right now. we're dry but we're tracking a super bowl sunday storm. it looks like it will arrive during the day on sunday. but look at the weekend. 32 degrees for the high temperature tomorrow. low 40s as we move toward sund sunday. so coming up, much more on wet snow and rain, the timing, the temperatures and what it will mean for traveling to your super bowl celebrations. back over to you. >> all right, thanks, scott. chaos in court when a father lunches at the former u.s. gymnastics doctor convicted of abusing dozens of young female athletes. three of the man's daughters were victims larry nassar. fox 29s bryan llenas has the details. >> reporter: charlotte michigan judge says she will not punish the father of three victims who tried to attack disgraced michigan sports dr. larry nassar. >> i would ask you to as part of this sentencing to grant me five minutes in a lock room with this demon. >> i have -- would you do that? >> that is not -- >> yes or no? >> no, sir, i can't. >> would you give me one minute yes. >> randall march graves lunched at the doctor following the testimony of two of his daughters at nassar's third and final sentencing hearing. bailiffs and deputies quickly stopped the attempted attack. >> one minute. >> two of march graves daughters testified that day and the third sister were sexually abused by michigan gym. >> the emotional father later returning to the courtroom apologizing to the judge, the judge saying she understands his outburst and will not punish him for his actions as long as he promises to lash out again calling it an immediate and emotional reaction of a father. >> i appreciate your sympathy. i would like to apologize to you and the courtroom. >> a sentence is expected next week. nassar faces a minimum of 25 years in jail. that's on top of his previous sentences of 60 years and 40 to 175 years. the attack happened a mid stunning new revelations that u.s. olympic committee officials were told about the sex abuse claims in 2015, nearly a year before the scandal broke but did nothing to stop it. no new york, bryan llenas, fox news. right to try laws letting those in the fight of their lives try medication not yet on the market. the outlook seems promising but one family >> happening now, neighbors are calling it an absolute disgrace. illegal trash dumping has all but closed a port richmond street to vehicle traffic. cars and trucks can't get passed the mountains of construction debris left behind by remodelers of the bruce bore don joining us in studio. bruce, you've seen too many neighborhoods wrecked by this kind of dumping. >> reporter: dawn it is unbelievable. kind of funny actually much the run up to the super bowl has filled philadelphians with civic pride as well it should, but what you're about to see is an on-going civic embarrassment. welcome to coral street. >> this is wage ailment happened right here. >> reporter: few yards away from the site of a deadly amtrak crash. >> this makes me cry. >> reporter: i stan in the midst of on-going tragedy with virginia schultz. >> i mean, i've been here for years. it max me cry. >> reporter: illegal dumping mostly of construction debris by night by night remodelers literally stops traffic on coral street where it bends into vo let at a and debt ends at frankford avenue. drivers risk a blown tire passing over this mountain of mess. >> this is concrete. this is somebody who is remodeling their homes. >> reporter: right. schultz says short dumpers and pick up trucks come down this dark and quiet block when the sun goes down. >> they'll make a stop and then all of a sudden they'll push the gas, noor it and just let everything fall out the back of the truck. >> reporter: dump and go. >> dump gone. dump and go report roar she's lived here for 35 years and remembers when coral and valetta were the focal point of block party. >> it was beautiful. kids would be playing baseball and football back here. >> now? >> gotten to the pint it's a disgrace. it gets worse up the block in the narrow alley behind schultz's home, prostitutes and drug addicts have taken over. >> there's a needle right there. >> condom. >> there's a crack vile. that green thing. >> reporter: right. >> condoms. >> reporter: schultz says the dumping has gotten worse. that this particular mess has been here for more than a month. and that calls to the city get little response. i snapped some photographs and sent them off to the streets department along with a plea for help. this was once part of a neighborhood and a so-call city of neighborhoods. >> watch yourself. >> reporter: now folks like virginia schultz are left with question as simple as it is pathetic. >> how can people live like this? >> reporter: i heard back from the streets department this afternoon. they say coral street is on their regular schedule for clean up due to illegal dumping. they'll be out next week to once again clear away the debris but there's no sense of any kind of a plan to top the dumping from happening in the first place just after the fact clean ups. folks like virginia schultz deserve better. dawn? >> they certainly do. bruce. exeter township please seize over $11,000 worth of crack cocaine and crystal meth the drug bust happening during a traffic stop on perkiomen of a thursday night. the police officers detected there were drug in the car after searching the vehicle found th them. the driver 25-year-old dimitris dante wilkerson is charged with possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance. police also seizing more than $10,000 in cash and a small amount of marijuana. right to try legislation which gives terminally ill patients the right to take drugs that are not yet fully fda appraised and still in clinical trials is gaining momentum all across the country. president trump even mentioning it in his state of the union address. but a local family tells our bill anderson that the momentum so far has not led to a bill to help them. they really hope lawmakers can do more for goodness sake. [ applause ] >> reporter: the state of the union no matter who is in office is a highly partisan event. one side collapse. one side sits. often quietly but some out of that room are personally impacted. >> patients with terminal illness should have access to experimental treatment immediately. that could potentially save their lives. >> reporter: one comment about right to try legislation was more than politics to the mongiello family. it was hope. >> i want to give my husband a chance. i want him to have hope. >> reporter: frank man jell-o has als disease that has taken him from an active husband and father to someone who relies almost entirely on his family. >> it's been two years that we've been fighting for this. let's two years he's progressed from walking and talking. >> frank family and friends took on the political fight to get the right to try experimental medicine. two years much progress but no signed bill. so it's easy to understand why there were mixed emotions. >> just to know that we weren't forgotten. >> for the president to acknowledge it and say like this is one of the big issues i want to take caver, hike that's awesome. >> reporter: they were excited that they had hope but understandably skeptical about waiting on politics while their father and others deteriorate. >> he's not a policy. he's a human being. people are dying while they -- they play politics and that's not right. >> it started with my legs. >> frank who communicates through a machine he operates with his eyes he remains encouraged. >> the more he spoke the higher meo lotions soared to the point where i was trying to stand up and scream. >> reporter: even if he believes the fight, may be for others after him. >> als will kill me. so i don't need the fda to protect me from death. maybe it will help to find a cure one day so others don't get this horrific disease. >> the right to try. [ applause ] >> reporter: their message is sincere thanks for the president's comments and much deeper for government in gener general. >> it's not the government's fault he got sick or anything. it's just i feel like the government should be there for the people, and i don't think the government's been there for him. >> i love you, daddy. report roar message many elected officials should probably think of regularly for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ >> eagles hi, eagles! ♪ >> fly eagles fly, hit em low, hit em low and watch our eagles fly, fly eagles fly on the route to victory ♪ >> ♪ eagles hi, e-a-g-l-e-s! >> wow. how cute is this dancers at dance with celeste dance studio in bensalem cheering on the birds with a fight song dance. very good. eagles pride over knowing at the beaumont at bryn mawr retirement community today. from jim's cheesesteaks and burr's cupcakes even the mummers showed up for a very good time had by all. it is awaiting game in washington as the white house prepares to release a controversial memo on government surveillance. ♪ the controversial fisa memo released alleges abuse by the fbi. it claims the fbi abused government surveillance powers into its investigation into russian election meddling democrats say the memo contains cherry picked facts that don't add up. the president says the memo shows the russian investigation is biased. of the memo focuses on dossier that was used at part of the application to surveil trump adviser carter page. >> what you see in here is if it's right that the fbi relied on a document paid by hillary clinton's campaign to start central part of why they got f fisa warrant. >> congressman shive believes the house will release the democrat's memo that release will have to be okayed by the president. a poor day for the stock market caps off the worst week on wall street in two years. the dow jones industrial average dropped 665 points by the closing bell today. sending u.s. stocks spiraling. technology and energy stocks accounted for much of the slide including exxon and google parent company alphabet plungi plunging. some experts a tribute the poor week to a rapid rise in interest rates. >> eagles, eagles! >> eagles hi, eagles! >> a-w-w temple is a film broomall getting ready for sunday. 40 little ones from the kindergarten and nursery schools holding a pep recall daal to get into the spirit of the bird big game. the children have been practicing the fight song and doing eagles preps all week long. i hear they're predicting a big eagles win. that just one of several eagles pep rallies across our area but there was one at a high school in new jersey that took on special meaning today. scott? >> and dawn we're gearing for he super bowl but it looks like some rain even wet snow could be moving in. that entire forecast is next. ♪ this is so exciting, dave! hey gus, meet tucker... . awwww... whoaaaa !! ...and axle, angie, frank, charlie, millie, ralph, henry, audrey and duke... yep...ten times the fun. sorta like this... ahhh, ten times the bucks. it's one of the new times the bucks games from the pennsylvania lottery. with millions in prizes! hot diggity dog! keep on scratchin'! ♪ pep rallies for eagles taking place all over the area today. but one at a south jersey high school where eagles running back corey clement graduated is taking on special meaning. jennifer joyce was there and spoke to corey' brother about the big game. >> reporter: we're at glassboro high school in new jersey. this is where eagles rookie corey clement went to high school. so we got a pep rally going on. cheerleaders show us what you got. >> ready! >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> eagles hi, eagles! >> whoo! >> reporter: i want to introduce this is steven cleme clement. >> how you doing. >> you're corey's brother talk about how you're feeling. how is your family feeling, this is a huge opportunity. >> we're ready. we're ready. >> did you give your brother any advice. i understand you were a quarterback here at the high school. what did you tell him going into this weekend? >> i haven't said anything to him. he's pro now. it's kind of hard to, you know, tell a pro what to do. even though you're the older brother, too, sometimes you try to, like, you know you need to pass block and get your head around again the ball you sound silly he made it to the pros i know he knows what he's doing. i know he got it i believe we'll take home the w haven't parade and all that good stuff. >> you said this is a great feeling. >> you yes. >> awesome hometown feeling. >> so much love. >> mary beth will you come over i understand you're a counselor and you worked with corey quite a bit became good friends with him. >> yes. what does it mean to you? >> it's so exciting. it's wonderful to see young man that worked so hard in school. he wasn't just an athlete. he didn't just do great things on the field. he did a phenomenal job in the classroom. he work hard and we tell our students that every day. it's important to be a student first and then an athlete and he's got the whole package. >> now we are going to get our music going. band, can you send us off? ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! [ applause ] >> all right, guys at glassboro high school we'll send it back to you. >> i'm hearing that song if my sleep but that's okay. i don't mind. back to your fox 29 weather authority. as we take live look now at wilmington, delaware. some cold air to kick off the weekend. plus snow and rain for super bowl. scott williams has full check of your forecast in just 15 secon seconds. >> it was a frigid friday. high temperatures hard pressed to make it above freezing during the afternoon. look at the current readings, it's 25 degrees in philadelphia. only 11 mount pocono. 21 degrees in pottstown. mid 20s in millville and dover. those are the air temperatures. factor in the wind, look at how your body reacts how you should dress. it feels like 8 degres right now in allentown. it feels like ten in philadelphia. it feels like 15 degrees in wildwood. so clear skies, cold conditions for the overnight. 6 degrees mount pocono. we're looking at the teens in pottstown, 16 the overnight low temperature in millville. also, wilmington. 16 degrees for atlantic city. for the upcoming super bowl weekend, it's dry, it's cold for saturday. a high temperature around freezing. we'll tack on 10 degrees for your sunday but it looks like wet snow changing over to some rainfall. so soggy conditions for super bowl. so as we go hour by hour here's 2:00 o'clock. mainly rain. sections of delaware south jersey snow continues north and west. seven, 8:00 o'clock we're still looking at the rainfall across the region. so early sunday morning, some poconos snow lehigh valley snow. early into the afternoon here's 1:00 o'clock, we're looking at the bulk of the steady rainfall moving in four, 5:00 o'clock. super bowl time we're looking at the rain it starts to taper affine, say, 8:00 and 10:00 o'clock. so it look like it will be in and out during the overnight time frame. so maybe a little bit of good news for celebrating the birds victory. so mainly snow in the poconos and then philadelphia i-95 wet snow going over to all rainfall and then down the shore it looks like all rain. as we roll the clock, the better chances for accumulating snowfall berks county, the lehigh valley, maybe half an inch. several inches likely toward the poconos. in minneapolis, it is going to be cold for tailgators outside of the dome. we're looking at 6 degrees and then kickoff temperatures 2 degrees but once again inside we're looking at a toasty 70 degrees. that weather authority seven day forecast showing 32 degrees, dry for saturday, and then sunday we're looking at wet weather. traveling to your super bowl celebrations during the game it looks like the rain will continue then it gets out of here and then as we move toward monday, mid 30s. another chance for some rainfall by the middle of next week. dawn, back over to you. >> all right. scott, thank you. continuing in the spirit of philly green friday, seedlings have super bowl fun day. philadelphia based school for children with special needs had its students participate in arts and crafts activities as a tribute to the birds. they also enjoyed some football themed treats including ice cream sandwiches that looked like footballs. >> so when i was growing up any time, um, the eagles had a big game our school always got super involved and i wanted to give the kids here also the opportunity to be just as involved and just as excited, and take part in all the excitement around the city right now. >> each one of the school's eight classroom has a different theme of the day including playing a little football in the gym. two days until super bowl lii and the city of minneapolis is making final preparations as 1 million people descend on the twin cities. and it's a tradition going back 43 years. how the cathedral lynn community is reaching out to tho new tv, new speakers, netflix. this is going to be the place for binge watching, ladies. is it, ladies? don't get me wrong, you have killer tech mrs. d, but you still don't have fios. ok? fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, literally engineered for streaming. good advice. i've also got some ideas on a better cereal selection, which i will keep to myself. experience netflix on the 100% fiber-optic network made for streaming switch to fios and get a year of netflix on us with a two-year agreement. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. ♪ eagles! >> of course the super bowl kicks off on sunday and city officials and law enforcement are making last minute preparations across minneapolis. u.s. bank stadium can hold 66,000 fans but over a million people are expected to flood downtown minneapolis for parties, concerts and events leading up to the big game. minneapolis police are teaming up with the fbi, homeland security and dozens of other federal agencies to keep fans safe. there are no known credible threats against the game but authorities are watching very closely. >> this type of event it requires massive amounts of personnel. it requires expertise from our local, state and federal partners. >> until you actually host it in your community, then you realize just how big of an operation this is. >> adding to the challenge the extreme cold weather. on game day fans will be pre screened at indoor locations to limit the time they spend outside. ♪ fly, eels eagles, fly, on the road to victory ♪ >> some mummers showing eagles pride playing the birds fight song. the band stopped by temple university hospital for a pep rally to help cheer on the eagles and cheer up fans. most of philadelphia focuses on the super bowl this weekend, the archdiocese of philadelphia is participating in a different bowl. this morning the archdiocese participated in the catholic relief services rice bowl. members of the archdiocese met at the the saint ignatius of loyola food cupboard to share in the three tenants of the right bowl, prayer, fasting and giving. nearly 14,000 faith communities around the country participate in the bowl every year. as way to respond to human suffering. donations to the rice bowl are used for many endeavors including water and sanitation projects to bring clean water to struggling communities. a philly spot right in the middle of enemy territory? what gives? two brothers they say there's no place like home. and how far would you go to see the eagles play sunday in person? what if all it took was a joke? better be funny, right? >> let's go, eagles, let's go! >> let's go, eagles, let's go. >> talk about eagles spirit children at belmont elementary cheering and screaming to for our bird at their pep rally today. their energy is contagious. this winter in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here. ♪ eagles! >> in the heart of enemy territory oasis of sorts not everyone in new england is bad guy. even in patriots country you'll find pockets of eagles fans and one restaurant where two brothers do their best to make sure their fellow philly faithful feel at home. our hank flynn checked it out. >> ya'll should come sing the fight song behind me while i eat a cheesesteak. >> fly, eagles, fly, on the road to victory. >> hey, it's hank. i'm in norwich, connecticut i came by this place philly's last night for cheesesteak. >> one, two, three. >> can i get a whiz with. >> whiz with i got you. >> beautiful. >> how about them apples. nobody else in connecticut knows what that means. [ laughter ] >> people were telling me philly's is evan adams and his brother are philly guys they get their bread from am ma rosa's i had no idea. >> belly buster. >> then when i sat down to eat it, a party broke out. >> on the road to victory. eagles hi! >> that's what happens when philadelphians go out of town we bring our city with us. >> oh yeah. >> start with the glenn brothers 98 and wilbur here in connecticut. brother mike in philadelphia. they got season tickets. they make the trip. >> 256 miles one way every time we got to go. eight times out of the year. we okay. we get pre seasons away at least we go. >> of course. because wilbur a defense contractor and air force veteran has been around but in his heart really never left philly. >> waiting for this for long time. >> none of these ex patriots d did. >> this is home away from home. they have real cheesesteaks. they have hoagies, not grinders. >> yeah. >> they got water ice. it's the greatest here. >> philly fans tell me it's tough to be in new england as a super bowl approaches but they make it look easy and where food is concerned, they got the pats fans eating charles barclay fries. >> you're from connecticut, right. >> yup. >> rooting for the patriots, right. >> definitely. >> but when it comes to the menu it's kind of tough beat fill/it. >> definitely. [ laughter ] >> i can't go wrong there. >> yeah. >> if i've learned anything this week it's philly fans are now not hard to find in new england. the home of the dark side of the force. good food, good friends, good times. they're in style wherever you go. and that's why philly travels well. just hard to resist. >> eagles hi, eagles! >> i'm hank and that's my take. >> nothing but a phillies thing, ya'll. famous video game predicted the score of super bowl lii and eagles fans are hoping to prove it wrong. the makers of famous football video game madden have simulated the results of this weekend's big game and sadly it has the patriots winning in a nail biter 24-20. the makers over at electronic arts have used the mental every year since super bowl 38 and have predicted ten of 14 corre correctly. not this year, though. right? being funny it has its perks sometimes you can even get a second date out of it or in this case free tickets to the super bowl. yeah, you heard me right. one philadelphia man is going to watch the eagles play on sunday and it's all thanks to some good humor. fox 29's bruce gordon has his story. >> i'm zach ertz jersey i'll be wearing. my eagles hat. >> information securities specialist dan, has already gun packing for a super bowl he never thought he'd see in pers person. >> there they are. >> they're in the 100 section so we're right down there. >> lower level. >> lower level. >> reporter: $5,400 face valu value. plus airfare and hotel free of charge. >> this is just amazing it's one those buck list items you get to do. >> reporter: how did dan win this dream trip? well for the answer to that question, we go to the beneficial bank tower in center city philadelphia. beneficial president and ceo jerry cut cuddy. >> cuddy wanted to give away the bank's two super bowl tickets so he set up a raffle with one big condition. >> you've got to tell me a good joke. report roar bank employees responded with a mountain of mirth. >> what to the right eye say to the left eye. between you and me something smells. why was six afraid of seven. because 789. >> crowd is starting to get restless here. >> what is tom brady's favorite letter s the sound of air leaking from a ball. >> there were some killer material here. >> why did the football coach go to the bang? to get his quarterback. i went to the bank to open joint account then asked, with whom? i said with whoever has the most money. what do you call computer that sings. adele. >> some of the entries were not quite ready for a mass audience. >> a they have stuck -- i don't want to crews this one. i'm scared. yeah. [ laughter ] >> joke i'm scared -- >> as for the joke attached to dan's winning raffle entry. >> i -- i heard it and copied it. [ laughter ] >> report roar like any good comic. >> right. >> reporter: you see and hear good material you swipe it. >> good form of flattery. how did tom brady get that nasty gash op his hand. >> it was botched surgery for them trying to insert a six many finger for his next super bowl ring. >> reporter: i got a joke for you. what did nick foles say to evening of banking humor, thanks but i'll pass. at philadelphia international airport, i'm bruce gordon, fox 29 news. what a long and fun trip it's been. "good day philadelphia" in minneapolis all this week. we're taking a look back at some of their shenanigans. >> fly, eagles, fly, for a touchdown one, two, three. >> everybody is getting in the spirit of this. these are kindergarten, first and second graders from lambert ton school in philadelphia's overbrook park. keep these ♪ we're following breaking news for you right now. delays on multiple regional rail lines because of an active shooting investigation. skyfox over the septa station on broad in north philadelphia. moments ago. we are told that several lines are delayed up to at least 30 minutes. police and septa are not re-releasing details about their investigation. of course we'll bring you more information as soon as we get it. in philadelphia, the friday before the super bowl means wing bowl day and steve keeley found out it set the perfect tone for what may just be the start to the biggest loudest and longest party in philadelphia history. >> this record -- >> this record ever be beaten. >> probably. >> molly schuyler is going to blow the competition away. >> a new record. $50,000 to the philadelphia police survivors fund to the families of officers killed in the line duty and all the eagles in the super bowl wing bowl craziness you'd expect at the bachelor party style pep rally to get super bowl weekend started right in south philadelphia. >> three, two, one! [ inaudible ] >> eagles are the team! >> eagles fans are pumped up we're going all the way nothing stopping us. nothing. >> all the lovely wing gets. >> you can't beat us. we're the under dogs. you better not doubt us. patriots are going down, baby. >> birthplace of america. we'll back down anyone philadelphia eagles are absolutely dominate just like the train dominates. >> i'm sarah. let's win the super bowl. come on. go, eagles! >> eagles hi, eagles! >> aren't you so happy you didn't retire? >> you know, my wife said that to me. she said, if you'd have retired and then the eagles went to the super bowl and you wouldn't be on the air, how bad would that be? >> you're 100% right. i want to be part of this. but we're all running out of time. we need to win one. >> what's going to be your meal on super bowl sunday? >> nothing. i won't be eating anything. i'll take a diet coke. >> in south philly, steve keeley, fox 29 news. >> all week members of our "good day philadelphia" team have been in minneapolis taking in the sights and sounds of super bowl week so if you missed out we're taking a look back at some of the many highlights. ♪ >> eagles are in minneapolis n now. >> and we're in minneapolis. >> slow down. ahh! >> keep it going. >> keep going. >> keep going, keep going. >> when you're making your turn slow it down a just a little b bit. ♪ >> good luck with this. >> what do you mean good luck with this. >> take as long as you need. >> come on, please, please, fishy. >> getting a little hungry in here. >> what are you doing? >> oh, i got one. really? >> really. >> how awkward we have the boston station right next to us? >> let it pull you. > okay. >> come on, bud. >> slowly, slowly, slowly. >> you're doing it. whoa, whoa, whoa. >> straight ahead. >> ready, jenn. >> i'm a little scared. ♪ >> can we have a drink now? >> go! >> ahh! >> ahh! >> whoo! ♪ >> i think they know how to have fun. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right now. ♪ eagles hi, eagles! we are down to the wire. the eagles shot at a championship just two days away. pep rallies across the region have fans in a frenzy. the birds ready to lay it all on the line. super bowl lii minneapolis, minnesota, and a date with the patriots. the time is now. eagles hi! >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. >> the time is almost here. the light at the end of the tunnel super bowl lii and a shot at the championship. the big game is just two days away now. i'm dawn timmeney. dozens of rallies all across our region getting eagles fans pumped up for sunday showdown with the patriots. we of course have team coverage as we have all week. from minnesota to back here in philadelphia. we are keeping you on top of latest stories surrounding this historic moment for eagles and their fans. let's start though with kristen rodgers. she is live at the mall of america. kristen. >> hey, dawn. the eagles held their final friday practice of the year today. feels like it's been forever at this point. they had -- they're going to have to have a final walk through tomorrow at u.s. bank stadium. today they're focus to tie up any loose ends, an good note, tim jurnigan was back at practice today after being out back to back days with an illness. so good news there. every eagle practiced. now amidst all of this super bowl madness, the eagles still hav to find their routine.

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