Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20171016 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20171016

bob, right. >> yes. >> the two of you,. >> morning, bob and mike. >> yes, let's do with it. >> i like you did the little sunshine in there. >> yes. >> look at this. >> this is the key, that is the sun. >> someone you were trying to remind yourself of the some of the things you needed to do this morning.& >> can we get that sponsored. >> yes. >> roto rooter. >> here's another thing we will do, rodney mccloud has contacted us and he has been committed to help with us a celebration dance. the nfl has the celebration tv celebrations, you know, like eagles, live this, with baseball players. so, rodney will come in and try to do that. if you've december put it on tape and send it to us via twitter on instagram. >> pretty cool. use the #fox 29 good day. >> yes. >> as long as it is not odell beckham thing. >> yes, that was weirdy didn't like that at all. >> no. >> anyway. >> thinks where you say the number of the day? do you have the number of the day. >> it is a seven. >> he is still trying to come up with it. >> sue didn't tell me about a number. >> you do the weather and i will decide what the number is >> we will talk bit. >> maybe put it on twitter. here's what we're talking about ultimate doppler, it is a one on our way to a seven if you want to put a number on this forecast. it is a lot of showers and rain out there across town and you can see our shore points dealing with the moderate steady rains along the garden state parkway, we're dealing with a lot of rain. but cold air is out to the west, and that will come through here, by later on today and we are going to be seeing a lit built more in the way of sunshine. don't get used to the cloud and showers. that will be out of here around lunchtime. that will make way for a pretty nice day, a cool day, with temperatures that will be in the 60's. fifty's to the north and west and then it will get cold. look at that, frost advisory posted north and west of philadelphia, that is for temperatures that will be in the 30's and lower 40's, and so it is like whiplash from summer into winter tonight, we will talk more about the autumn forecast in a little bit. >> get the wood ready. we are coming around the saint gabriel curve from royersford, collegeville, heading to king a of prussia. check for left over delays at philly international a lot of delays last night into this morning and that could result into some delays if you are catching a flight out of philly this morning coming in from new jersey northbound on the freeway extra heavy from the acx, 295 an accident on the delsea drive which is local route 42 approaching route 55 and in toward deptford. hold on to the steering wheel over the bridge these morning the wind, certainly will rock the car coming over the benny. mass it there are minor delays on the trenton west regional rail line. this family is worried about their missing teenager. as police frantically search for her, authorities say that 14 year-old hanna jones was inside of a car, that they stopped yesterday, and then she disappeared. >> now the fbi is getting involved with this one. lauren has details on the search for her, lauren. >> reporter: good morning, mike and alex. wondering how did they track her down to south philadelphia that is because hanna's mother handed over her cell phones and her lap tops to authorities here with the philadelphia division of the fbi. helping to track her down, on saturday night. authorities have reason to know that the teenager who turned 14 years old on october h philadelphia with an unknown man, find a man and girl in the car to pulled them over. he then ran over an office shore was injured, drove a few blocks and then ditched the car. he fled on foot. they were able to catch up with about a mile away on broad street. they arrested him there were no signs of the girl. she was last seen in her hometown of florence township, new jersey on october 8th. here her mother says her defiant daughter has runaway before this time it is different and it is the longest she has ever been away from home. >> she sent a video message to her sister, her older sister, and it was awful. just awful. she was in a koran her way to philly. then see was trying to throw everybody off, she said to someone else she was going to new york. at one point she said she was in new york. police already, i trust they are amazing, they already knew she was in philadelphia they were already there. >> reporter: they were on top of this situation. the reason authorities are more involved in this case, this being just a runaway teenager is because they believe that this could be something much worse like a human trafficking operation. they have not confirmed that information but they have heavily suggested it, also, a suggestion if you know anything about the whereabouts of hanna rose jones you are asked to call authorities, mike and alex. >> oh, boy, thanks, lauren. >> someone knows something. >> 7:05. in the bustleton section a 13 year-old calls the cops after noting is her grandmother was armed with a knife. police declared a barricade situation last night at 9200 block of bustleton avenue. when the authorities got to the scene they found the grand mother with a knife to her chest they were able to disarm her and no one was hurt. a man is gunned down in an suv, in north philadelphia, police say that the 27 year-old was struck while sitting in the driver's seat, a 26 year-old man, was also shot in the car. he is going to be okay. the gun shot rang out on the 1700 block of erie avenue late last night. police are investigating, of course. in kensington a man is dead and his killer is still on the run. police say that a 56 year-old man was found shot several times on jasper street. earlier this morning. he was rushed to temple hospital where he later died. police are reviewing nearby security cameras. teachers are making their way back to school at williamstown high school this morning, and after they were off for mold concerns this makes it a full week this story is getting mold -- old. jenny joyce is outside, williamstown high school. >> mold is old. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: good morning, mike and alex. teachers will return to we are seeing cars pulling up now. they will have an inservice day this is a day to get reorganized with their classrooms being moved because of the mold. it effects all holy glenn and white hall elementary schoolteachers. last week pictures of the mold in williamstown middle school surfaced, district parents, voiced their concerns about the problem at a explosive school board meeting. since then, all schools in the district have been closed. officials say air quality results are not back just yet but in addition to closing holy glenn elementary indefinitely white hall elementary was recommended for clean up. they details are still developing but white hall students will attend class at open bible baptist school. holy glenn students are being dispersed throughout several district schools, and a big change for young children and for this reason the district is holding open houses, for holy glenn parents, tonight, at the reassigned schools to help parents feel a little bit more comfortable and their children have to get used to seeing a you? school environment just a couple months into the school year, mike and alex. >> um-hmm, all right, jenny. 7:08. well, colin kaepernick is calling out the nfl owner. >> he is filing a grievance against them. >> yes, he is taking to it court. >> thomas drayton, you have the very latest on this filing >> his agent reached out to every nfl team, nobody wants him. now his legal team is basically saying that the owner are keeping him out, and , peaceful protest, last season when he started kneeling during the national anthem which has since started a movement. but, that movement has left a 29 year-old, without a job the entire season. as i mentioned all 32 nfl teams, nobody wants to sign him n an grievance he has filed under the nfl collective bargaining agreement he claims owners have conspired to keep him off of the field in retaliation for his activism and out spokenness. he says part colin kaepernick 's goal has always been and remains to be simply be treated fairly by the league he performed at the highest level for and to return to the football playing field. so is what next here? legal teams will be asking owners to preserve any e-mails , documents, text messages to find any evidence of collusion and if, and that is a big if, kaepernick prevails here he could recover at least double his lost salary. >> really. >> i'm be darned. >> bear bond tried it. >> yes, unsuccessfully. >> thomas. >> yes. >> why we stall for doug luzader, i want to say this you saw aaron rodgers break his collar bone yesterday. >> painful, yeah. >> green bay packers. is there two quarterbacks who can play play. >> ask meade tony or colin. >> yes, they are both from wisconsin, one is tony romo. another guy from wisconsin is colin kaepernick. lets get that controversy going. >> any response so far. >> this is first time. >> let me look. >> this is first time i have mentioned it. >> you mentioned it earlier at 5:50. >> no response. >> oh, god help me. >> thanks, thomas. >> doug's ready. >> okay. president trump breaks bread with senator majority leader mitch mcconnell and they played golf too. >> more than just getting together because what they discuss could determine where the president's stalled congressional agenda is heading next. >> there they are, big head behind you. >> reporter: that is right. kind of startling sometimes. these guys aring having to lunch together again today and among republicans they are the opposite ends of the spectrum personality wise. donald trump and mitch mcconnell but they need one another if they get anything through congress. they have shaken hands before and they have sat at the same table before but they having always been on the same paining. president trump who ran as an outsider and mitch mccould be he will a d.c. inside fur there ever was one. today they are having lunch together. >> the fact that they are in communication is probably a good thing for the republican agenda but issue to much ways still taxes. if mcconnell can get that tax bill through that will do a lot to remedy this relationship. >> reporter: getting the president's tax bill will be a slowing. white house wants to lower taxes and simplify system but even getting republicans unit ed in that effort is a big under taking. and that, in part, explains the president's golf partner yesterday. kentucky senator rand paul, who is often a thorn in the side of republican leader, and they did talk taxes. >> we need to do it. i think he wants to be as big and bold as possible. >> at the same time there is president's push for health care reform and immigration especially funding for a border wall, all of which coupled be a recipe for a governmental shut down later this year and the blame game that always seems to go witt. >> why are you putting that on us? they have the majority, and the house and the senate, and the president's signature. they have the power to keep government opened. >> reporter: tough times for congress. again that is why the president need mitch mcconn toll help him on capitol hill. mcconnell need the president. there are a lot of republicans who support president trum hospital want to see republican leaders here in washington other than the president, just cast aside, and that list starts with, mitch mcconnell, mike and alex >> it sounds like they need each other. >> hey doug do you know who layer flint is. >> publisher of penthouse. >> yes, sit penthouse. >> yes. >> hustler. >> how would you know that. >> penthouse that was a trick question. penthouse was bob guccione. >> i'm told it is hustler. >> hut letter. >> you got your dirty magazines mixed up, doug. >> let me look at my back issues here. >> they are under your rug or your mattress here. >> that is right. >> okay. >> thanks, doug. >> so anyway this larry flint, the hustler magazine from back in the day. you know who that he is. he is looking for dirt and willing to pay for it. larry flint, controversial publisher of hustler, says he wants the scoop on president trump. he put out a full page adn washington post offering 10 million-dollar for anyone who can produce information that will lead to the impeachment of the president larry flint has made similar offers in the past. i remember back in 1999, he offered a reward for info on republican, and, anyway, who later had to resign, after admitting, to an affair. he has been doing this kind of stuff for years. >> wonder what the ad looks like. >> sit just wanted. >> well, we will find it. it was in the washington post. newspaper of record in d.c. >> yes. >> i'll find it for you. >> i'm sure someone has a picture somewherey will find that for you. >> i'm just curious. we got the point. >> can we call billy bush? >> never mind. >> bill bush got 10 million-dollar forking ago way >> yes. >> from nbc. >> now he is ready for a come back. >> don't call it a come back. we have some bad news out of louisiana, an oil rig explosion in louisiana leaves one person missing, seven others hurt. this is in lake pontchartrain. >> u.s. coastguard is actively searching for that missing person, we are learning that two people are in stable condition, and the other five, were brought to the university medical center in critical condition with severe burns. people living near the lake say that the explosion, shook their homes. all right. lets get out to california, look at that big that nook helicopter there finally a sign of hope in the devastating wild fires, in california. fire fighters say that they are kind of turning the corner now in their battle, but i'll tell what you happened yesterday, the winds died down thousands of people started to return to their homes. not that there is much left of them. still, the danger is far from over. at lee 40 people have died, hundreds offer still missing, and 11,000 crew members, fire fighters, they continue to fight, well, they have got about 12 fires still burning especially in northern california. >> yes. >> 7:15. lets get a check of the weather. it has been such a dreary start this morning, hasn't it. >> it has, and you're cold. >> hoy are you feeling. >> aim cold. >> do you have a cold. >> i don't know is what going on, something must be happening you don't feel bad. >> i don't feel bad, no. i never feel bad working with you. >> good answer. >> right, mike. >> yes. >> you looked cold, you are sitting on your hands a little bit, little chill any here. >> yes. >> she has has a blanket over her legs. >> by the way with the fire situation. we have an elevated risk for fires today. liberty all that dry air, wind s, we have to be very careful out there here's a live shot. cloudy conditions. good morning, everybody. 62 degrees. northwestern breeze at seven. that will continue to pick up up that can enhance fire risk. steady, heavy rain are from the parkway on east as we get toward millville, south jersey and then into delaware. so last of the rain showers exiting off to the east. otherwise we're left with cooler weather moving in. forty's in the poconos. sixty-two here in philadelphia these numbers are five to 10 degrees colder then we were yesterday morning as we are going to continue to see this cold air mass, coming in. air mass, coming n50 to 20 miles an hour wind gusts on average today. winds will whip things up today, sun and cloud mixtures and high pressure out to the west that will bring in and lock in a lot of sun for the rest of this week. now north and west, that is where we're concern late tonight into tomorrow morning, and the possibility of some patchy frost. not a killing frost situation. but if you live in the outer communities north and west, you will want to know you will want to wrap your tender vegetation out or bring it in because it could be a killing frost. 61 degrees in philadelphia 40 's in the outer suburbs. tonight we're down in the upper 30's to lower 40's. so very cold morning setting up for your tuesday morning, commute. 63 degrees today. 62 degrees for tomorrow. mild change, as we get into wednesday. pretty nice conditions, overall, there is no wet weather, guys, to talk about and we're actually going to heat things up by ladder portion of the week and into next weekend we could have 80 degrees. heading outside the door don't forget to join me on the radio all morning long on 101.1 more fm. here's bob kill which traffic. >> good morning, everybody. 7:17. just getting word here of a, figure this out with penndot, southbound lanes of i-95, we have a disable school bus trying to see whether or in there are children on the bus or not. it is not an accident, just disable. maybe ran out of gas. maybe having some engine problems. tough part it is southbound i-95, center lane, and approaching center city philadelphia you can see the sign here for girard avenue. leaving i believe this would be the the allegheny avenue on ramp to head south along i-95. so expect delays, that will have a domino effect on everybody leaving the great northeast. a new traffic pattern for the gang on the northbound side, weekend, they took all of the travel lanes and they moved everybody off to the newly built stretch, between center city, also the girard avenue on ramp is now opened to head north on i-95. septa having a rough go on a couple of the regional rail lines, a combination of the slippery rails, and then those leaves causing for some slippery conditions. heading to the airport to catch a plane, a flight out of the philly international would i check for left over delays. we had big delay yesterday because of the weather. that could have a come minute necessity effect for your this morning's take off. northbound on the freeway heavy from the ac x into 295, mike and alex, back to you. lets see if this has any legs, a petition is floating around from eagles fans. >> they want referee pete morley to be banned from all eagles game. get him out of here. petition is on and it claims he has a bias against eagles. to backup the claim the creator says over the last four games that he has officiated the eagles were flagged a total of 40 times for 396-yard while the opponents they were flagged just a mere eight times for 74-. >> outrage. >> position has more than 37,000 signatures. aloft people are on this one and they will eventually be sent to roger goodell. >> we will stay on it. we will see what the commissioner has to say about. that does your status updates say feeling hungry. i'm talking about facebook. >> why don't you solve that problem, on facebook, yeah, there is a new feature that will help you curb your appetite. >> really. phillies questlove is not happy and it has to do with em number and political comment trader keith olbermann is that what we're calling him now. he used to be a sports anchor. then a news anchor. and now a political comment taiter. we are looking beautiful this morning. it is 7:23. so, a lot of people are on facebook, we used it for all kinds of things now. now use it to order food. >> oh, come on. >> order food for take out or delivery straight from the app or web site. they are teaming up with, door dash ancho now. chew now. >> to connect to you your favorite restaurant at poppa jobs or whatever restaurant choose that ace veil and on there look for order food section in the explore menu and that is how you do it. let me necessity how that works. >> okay. >> what? >> does this already exist. >> right. >> so many people are on facebook already. they spend so much time there because we're sows lazy. get out of the app. press a button. go to another thing. >> it is so true. >> my god i'm hungry but i don't have the energy to tap out of the facebook app, and get to grub hub. >> or god forbid pick up the phone and call. >> oh, no. >> the horror of the horror. >> i'm too tired. >> i'm just going to starve to death. >> help me. >> what has become of us what has become of us. 7:24. >> last week we told but eminem's wrap about president trump at bet award, and bet hip-hop award. >> yeah, yeah. >> it is causing controversy among other celebrities prompting questlove to make political comment taiter and sports anchor, keithal ber man >> he was a sport anchor for a long time at espn. then he went to work for ms nbc. he became a news anchor. he got fired from that. he got fired about 10 different jobs. real smart, and all. that so now he does a blog every day. basically he just rants against the president. >> okay. i think we will remine what you eminem did and then get in the controversy and why quest love is responding. >> yes, that is yes wants us to disband because he cannot withstand the fact that we're not afraid of trump, walking on egg shells i came to stump. he keeps training drain the swamp because he is in quick sand. >> olbermann weighed in, saying on twitter after 27 years of doubts about rap, i'm now an eminem fan. >> that was supposed to be a thumbs up up to eminem. best political writing of the year, eminem 2020. questlove saying you ignored rap, for 27 years is basically you are indifferent to the very black lives you champion on your platform. he tweeted again saying in one is asking to you get, you know , thug life tasks but do the knowledge to see why it is an effective culture. keith responded. >> he never doesn't respond. >> he says one, hate to hit your narrative but i have been a fan of political protest music, rap, and otherwise for 50 years. my doubts were about my personal test. my doubts, were like my doubts about zep. >> okay. >> so, it is just, i think, who cares. >> back and forth on twitter. >> yes. >> some people just can't stop >> but i'm going to. >> you go back and forth with people on twitter. >> well, i just did. i rarely do that. >> is it rare. >> it is rare. >> this is what mike rarely does on twitter. if you follow him he doesn't tweet, he only retweets, or quote tweets. >> you know what a retweet is, it is a thumbs up to what you just say. >> you can type out something. >> i am, busy. >> yes. >> busy trying to organize this touchdown celebration for good day philadelphia we need one of our own. maybe jaylen mills can help. he is with jen. >> we are waiting for. >> jaylen mills you said you know he can smell something, what do you think he can smell >> he can smell if you don't like the eagles. >> okay. >> or if you don't like him. >> you feel that. >> yes. >> just seeing him on tv. >> you are not his best friend or anything. >> not yet. >> so is there time. come on back. i think the pictures back here tell the store why i we're here at martin elementary school. we will talk about this great relationship, and we will see jaylen, and we're all excited because of his hair, it looks good, yes. when you're a double-dipping pension-padder like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us. it is not a all day deal. as we get in the afternoon to take we will see sun come back out but chillier readings. that is tonight terms of the temperature. we got up to 66 this morning. falling back from 64 to 68, eventually in the upper 50's& to around 60. so much cool ever air, poised to move in. look at the afternoon highs today. may never get out of the 50's toward the upper lehigh valley and poconos. lower 60's in town down toward the shore points and then tonight gets cold. up to the north and west in the berks, montgomery county, carbon, monroe county, these are all frost advisories, seeing we could see temperatures in the lower 30's to around 40 degrees. just be prepared for that. temperatures again we will be looking at numbers that will be right back into the near freezing mark. weather by the numbers we will get up to a five. 50/50 split afternoon, with the rain this morning and then the sun later today. we will talk more burr forecast, lots of fall air on the board, bob, that seven day is coming up. >> you got it, 7:32. good morning. three cheers to the bus driver they helped south on i-95 here a disable school bus in the center lane here near girard avenue. tow trucks just got a little bit of the push as they helped down toward center city philadelphia but a big delay from pretty much academy road all the way down working your way in to downtown philadelphia now north on i-95 an accident here this is right at street road. again, on the northbound side heading up into bucks county. put a half an hour on the clock westbound on the schuylkill expressway. it looks like they will stop, the rain, but everything is still damp and wet. be careful all of those leaves are all mathed down causing for some slippery spots in the neighborhood. septa's running with delays on a couple regional rail lines because of the slippery rails. a new traffic pattern, here we go, over weekend, penndot shift todd north bound i-95 rains over to the newly rebuilt stretch. it is a new ride heading north from center city and brand new on ramp from girard avenue to& head northbound, up there, in port richmond, mike and alex, back to you. they are desperate for answers. family is worried about their missing teenager as police frantically search for her. >> as they were searching for her, they say that she was riding in a car that they stopped yesterday, but then she disappeared again. >> of course, lauren we keep saying. that how does she disappear. >> reporter: i know, she was able to getaway before police caught up with her but they did catch up with that man. here's the deal. according to the girl's mother she was desperate for attention from men so she turn her attention to social media that is why her mom turned all of her devices over to the fbi here in philadelphia so they could conduct her investigation into exactly what happened to hanna rose jones. she turned 14 on october 5th. three days later on october 8th her mother says that she jumped the tracks near her home in florence township, new jersey. has not been seen since after several days. mom reported her missing. handed over her phones and computers as i said after searching her on line profile, and conversations, they tracked her down in south philadelphia. so on saturday night they tried to make contact. spotted her in the white car with a man. man pulled over, acting like he was going to comply with police order when they prompted him to get out of the car, he pulled off, injuring an officer and ditching the car. he took off on foot. police arrested him. they never found the teenage girl. while he will give them some information, the girl's mother said she knows nothing about this man his daughter was with we don't know. we don't know who any of her contacts were. she just said i have people that will take care of me, i have people in trent on, i have people here, there. that is why we pulled everything out of the way. out of fear she made inappropriate contacts in the past. we know what kind of attention that she's looking for. >> because of that her mother says that she took away her daughter's phones and computers just days before her daughter disappeared hoping to avoid the situation from happening, but it didn't. her daughter was able to get her hands on another phone and that is how fbi tracked her to philadelphia. now they are hoping for any information into hanna rose jones, who knows where she be. she's contacting friend on social media anyone with any information is asked to call authorities. mike and alex. >> thanks, lauren, we will stay on it. 7:35. you know, n nfl ace allowing touchdowns. >> players are enjoying tight. >> whenever we do great things we need a celebration. >> i agree, completely. so rodney mccloud has agreed to come in and help us. i'm looking for a choreographer. is there a torey clausen, hoist a dance teacher now maybe she can help us now. >> okay. put something on tape and send it on twitter. >> okay. >> we also have a special guest. >> damon handsu, he talks bay best selling book and is now coming to the big screen. >> it is djiman who you have not seen him. diamond hand sue. not the best day yesterday for sportscasters. >> no. >> no. >> should we start with what happened last night maybe while were you sleeping, al michaels, painfully awkward harvey weinstein joke during the giants/broncos game last night. ready, now listen closely. >> and then it is knocked down by the player. giants are coming off war week then harvey weinstein and they are up by 14 points. >> only my l.a. guy comes up with that one. >> there you go. >> just read the paper. >> there is still talking about it, read the papers. >> yes. >> al michaels lives in los angeles, biggest news in his town and across america that harvey weinstein sex scandal. you just can't joke about that later he did apologize, during that broadcast, somebody got in his ear and said people are not happy. he said the joke was not meant in that manner, so my apologies. as you can imagine he got a lot of backlash on social media, network called him and said you bet's pol guys for that. >> okay. >> trying to be funny, it doesn't work. dick stockton has been in the business for 132 years. he has a fantastic career. i believe his wife is also a sportscaster. >> he knows what he is doing, man. you can they anything at him and he can handle it. >> throw anything at him. >> every now and then in the booth you are doing the game, concentrating the game and they will hand you a card that said promo coming up. we will tell the people at home what we will do later on in the show or this network, they will hand you a card. you start reading off card. blah, blah, blah, blah. well, on the bottom of the card it says, oh, just read what is on the screen, dick. don't read what is on the card because is there a coup that says, and then the third and fourth thing. >> instructions for what he should do. >> yes. >> as opposed to script for him to read saying what will go on. >> a camera coup, i graphic coup. >> directions. >> read is what on the screen, don't read it says you will to have read bullet points on the screen, don't read what is on this card because it says bullet points does that explain it. >> i think you have explained it. >> visa half time report, curt , terry, howie, and tony look on graphic for final two bullet points. >> supposed to say chiefs look to stay undefeated. >> i didn't know if he said anything or if he read them. >> no. >> color guy didn't mention it either. >> whoever captured this just kept repeating his mistake. thank you for that. thanks for pointing out our mistakes. >> see, people love watching, bloopers for news bloopers. it can be us any moment. >> us every day. that is why i have chosen to go into a new line of work. >> really. >> i am quitting. >> this is it. >> because of what i saw in the paper today. this guy i will join him. this is my new business. i will collect deer urine. >> why would you do that. >> deer urine farming is big business in pennsylvania. i'm going to collect deer urine. i i have to learn how to do that. because they say it is, it is not just as easy as sticking a bucket under a deer. >> a lot of water. >> it works for me. >> this is big for me because i'm a huge show of seinfeld. >> fan of seinfeld you quote it every day. >> every day we run a clip. >> jason alexander is on "good day philadelphia" today. so, we asked him, what are your top five george costanza lines thaw ever had to say. he told us. so lets go through five up to number one all morning. accident at federal street coming out of the ben franklin bridge tolls. is there also a crash on the opposite side. see these guys over here we have accidents on both side of the admiral wilson boulevard impacting folks to and from the ben franklin bridge. that federal street curve there always a dangerous one when road are wet like this morning. we may not have actual wipers on because rain itself is out but everything is damp and wet northbound i-95 an accident at street road, delays, south on i-95 out of the northeast. woodhaven down to girard avenue, we have had that earlier disabled school bus in the mix there and then that crash gannon street road, and put about 33 minutes on the clock leaving town on the schuylkill from center city out to 476. is the rain gone for the rest of the day? mike's got the answer in 15 seconds bob, rain's just about out of here. shore points are still dealing with scattered showers, glummy looking toward the shore. 62 degrees. northwesterly breeze at 7 miles an hour this northwest breeze will clear us out we will get sun to go to work this afternoon. it will be a pretty looking day but it will be on the chillier side. we have scattered showers north and west of philadelphia 76, blue route has got a couple scattered showers but steady rains are now pushing off shore. sixty-two in philadelphia. forty's and 50's to the north and west. that is much cooler air pushing in. we are looking at a dramatic drop. yesterday got to 72 degrees. this afternoon right around 60 to 63 dgrees for your daytime highs. chillier air on top. we have winds that will be up 15 to 20 miles an hour wind gusts throughout the course of the day. looking out west we will see a area of high pressure bringing in sunshine and great fall air in the next several days. now watch out north and west there are frost advisories, add veiing us that temperatures will dip down in the 30's and 40's. if you have any gardens you might want to wrap it up, not a killing frost but certainly will be noteworthy if you have farms and tender vegetation up toward north and west. forty-two in town. thirty's for outer suburbs. seventy forecast, looking like this 63 to 62 for your day tomorrow. lots of sunshine. nice fall air, but by say middle of next week we will start to change things up, again, in fact, it will be more spring standard going to summer standard by next weekend when we are pushing 80 . ♪ that is what we need, that is what i'm looking for on a glummy monday morning with nothing but bad news. these kid are in baltimore. >> they have beautiful voices. >> they sure do. >> all right. lets use that as our theme here. time for philly teams. hi dave uram. >> hi, how are you. >> pleasure. now i will go into my introduction here. it is time for philly team to rise up, the eagles are tied for the best record in all of the nfl. >> um-hmm. >> flyers won their home opener, in convincing fashion. >> yes, eight-two. >> sixers, they start wednesday, on finally, the process we hope is complete. >> yes. >> finally. >> he is supposed to play wednesday which is good because without him there is no process. >> are you talking about joel embiid. >> yes. >> are we ready. >> embiid, we are. yes, embiid. >> good one. >> i wrote that off. >> i saw it on the daily news cover i ripped off. >> should we start with football now. >> yes. >> what happened is it is kind of bad that people are excited about this because it involves an injury but it goodies for the eagles. aaron rodgers, his collar bone >> my initial thought was now eagles are the best team in the nfc. >> you mercenary creep. >> i may be a horrible person. you don't want to see anybody hurt. without aaron rodgers the packers are not competitive. >> it is monday, lets start some controversy. we are all bored here. so you have got two guys from wisconsin able to play to take his place. you have tony romo. >> corect. >> take him out of the broadcast booth. >> yes, please. >> colin kaepernick also from wisconsin. >> neither of them will help. >> okay, thanks. >> why not. >> because yesterday, mike mccarthey said brett hundley is your guy. he it makes you believe he is your guy. tony romo is under contract with cbs. >> people are liking him. >> eagles fans have been saying. >> i'm not a fan. i find him annoying. i wouldn't mine him going to the packers. >> i think it is good. he did a dumb, dumber reference yesterday. >> you know, i hate to like him. >> i don't like him. i want to try to like him. >> he is knowledgeable. >> he is knowledgeable. he is energetic. but he is annoying he is too glib for you. >> no, no. >> i like positivity. i don't -- i like it. he ace anything. he is a cowboy. kaepernick would be a good option but i'm thinking no team will do it he filed a grievance we have been reporting on this morning. >> lets get up to dayton what happened to competitors in our division. redskins win. they beat an zero and six team >> they gave up a big lead while beating them. they were playing a third round quarterback. eagles can bury them monday night. absolutely bury them. i'm not worried about them. >> i think that is a trap game >> you do. >> do i not think it is a trap game. i'm convinced. it is hard, i know, i'm sorry, i'm convinced that the eagles, this year are legitimate. they are legitimate. they are real deal. i'm convinced in pederson. i'm convinced in carson wentz. i think this monday night they will bury washington. >> giants somehow went out to denver. >> that is surprising with without odell beckham, without sterling shepherd and against a run defense in denver. eagles run defense is best in football. >> standings. >> giants are one-five. the cowboys are two-three. they had a bye. redskins three-two. eagles are five-one. >> winning. >> did you see this? speaking of injuries. the sports illustrated curse explain that to the viewers. >> sports illustrated cover nfl preview has david johnson of the cardinals, jj watts of houston, aaron rodgers of the packers and tom brady of the patriots. three of those four players are injured right now. >> everybody is looking at tom like could he had been next. >> you meant explain this, it has been a long standing things about the curse when you get on the cover. >> curse of the cover. >> i would put tom braid any bubble rap if i were patriots fans and they are beatable too they almost lost to the jets and they probably should lost to the jets. there was a controversial touchdown. they are beatable too. >> dave, thank you. we will have to have you back to talk sixers, home open they are friday, and then flyers. >> we are not cutting you off but we will have a philadelphia eagle ready to talk. >> do you. >> jaylen mills mr. green hair himself business jen. >> yes, we are at martin elementary. not just any eagle one of my favorite people jay lynn, good morning. >> good morning. >> i do this but let me see if is there any germs on those hands. oh plaintiff mills, we have to wash those up, we will talk about why he and eagles are partnering with this great company. do you think did you owe kay on tv. come on back. we will put you on tv. i did not know that. >> um-hmm. >> had i known that i would have washed my hands yesterday >> yes. >> you haven't washed your hands since yesterday. you news towed listen to jay len mills, he is trying to remind people to wash your hand. >> hey, jen, this is great. >> it is really cool. we are at martin elementary. good morning. >> good morning. >> as we begin to talk to mr. mills and amy, we want to see your hands. start showing thus. jaylen, good morning to you. >> good morning you are getting paid to come in here, talk to these kid, do the poster. why was it important to partner with this company. >> they are just experts in hygiene. as far as winter coming, and all of these kid and all of the activities that they are doing, you know, germs get passed pretty easy. as far as we're learning now here today washing your hands than is one of the best ways to prevent that germ transfer. >> when you are five-one and getting interceptions you cannot be sick. >> i have no i am to be sick at all. >> we have talked to these kid what do you like about being around children. you like, you like mr. mills, right. >> yes. >> what dowd like about him. >> i like that he has green hair and that represents the eagles. >> you know his coach told him if he was going to have green hair he had to. >> get the ball. >> back it up. >> yes. >> when you talk about hand washing, why is it so important? where are we missing in particular. >> hand washing is the best way to avoid cold or flu is a cording to the centers for disease control. thing we miss are, in between the fingers, down here, all of these areas. easy to get palms but you will see when these kid show the hand in the light theres areas we can do better. >> she has been washing, drying. jaylen, i know you have had a break since you went five-one but you have to be talking to the guys, feeling come back on that plane waking up knowing where you are in the division you have to be happy. >> it is a great feeling. it is, all of that hard would work we have been putting in since april and coming down to this day. it has been a tough couple six weeks. we had four games on the road. we have pneumonia playing good it is a great feeling. >> monday night, we've got the redskins. >> yes. >> they have something to prove. are you nerve bus that. >> no, i'm not nervous at all. >> when you look at these kid and you talking about to go school, that is their primary job. why is it cool for you. you have a lot to do. you have to go to the facility , you have to do a lot why sit important for you to be here talking to these kid. >> i was once in their position, you know you know, and just to be in the position i'm in, you know, looking up to who is out there, and anybody, for you to come and talk to the kid. i know when i was young it meant a lot to me. i remember to it this day. >> should we see how your hand s look lets see if she dit >> much better. all right. you guys will wash your hand as well. >> yep. >> anything else you want to say about my friend, mr. mills >> just that he is awesome. high five. we both haven't washed our hands. it is cool. again, i like you, the hair, the whole thing, keep it. >> okay. >> bye, guys. >> we have to have clean hand, to intercept passes, right. >> sure. >> well, actually, they used to use stickum on your hand. bob, do you know? mike, anybody? stickum. can you put stickum on your hand and play professional football. >> people on twitter will let us know or facebook it is illegal to use stickum. >> plus they use gloves. i understood gloves. it seems easier just for skin. it is monday, october 16th, 2017. many questions to get to. parentally. hey 14 year-old girl is missing, still missing, a mom desperate to find her. >> we want to you come home. >> for a brief home police thought they had her but the search continues and now the fbi is stepping in. swinging at harvey. >> so hard to make jokes about sexual assault but it is so easy to makes jokes about a guy who looks like this. >> saturday night live finally cracks jokes at weinstein's expense and they are not the only won, what james corden said that got more growns then laughs. a young girl's love of one direction leaves her gasping for air. >> ♪ >> but not in a good way. how screaming at a concert landed her in the hospital. halleluiah, it is finally happening. we have a seinfeld character on "good day philadelphia". >> you're giving me the it's not you, it is me lou teen. i invented it is not you, it is me. >> live. it is george costanz a, jason alexander. wait until i get a hold of him so somebody asked him, one of the best george costanz a lines of all time that he enjoyed giving or using, and that was number five. it is not you, i invented it is not you, it is me. >> yes. >> what do you think is number one i was surprised by this. >> i have an idea. >> do you. >> as i told you, i was begging for a philadelphia eagle to come n jaylen mills was worried about washing his hand so he didn't talk about dancing but td celebrations in the league. mark ingram of the saints had a good one yesterday, watch this. >> if i tried that he i would hurt myself. >> yes. >> remember we did this i did that. >> he is really good. >> so trying to come up with a "good day philadelphia" celebration, it could be a dance, stump, strut, whatever, like when mike, do you know mike? >> hi. >> when he does a good weather forecast like a great seven day, we can get around him and >> it would be a team thing. >> yes. all together now. >> coordinate and then they all fall. >> that gays one. >> there was one yesterday with the wrestler. >> yes. >> he went like that on the football but he missed and hit the turf. >> austin's flag football team the one kid does a little solute. >> yes. >> that is adorable. >> austin does the dab. >> he threw a touchdown pass on friday and day dab. >> we cannot do that. that jumped. so give us a good one. >> the community of southwest schuylkill, they have complained. >> southwest schuylkill. >> southwest schuylkill. >> trick or treating. >> i don't have weather by the numbers. >> did you. >> what do you think it is today, though. >> after listening to you i would say it is about a six, and seven. >> bump, bum many. >> a five it is a half split day. rain this morning, sun later today. we will give it a 50 percent, is that how that works. here's what's going on, ultimate doppler. we have showers north and west some bus stop still wet, north of town, into richland, montgomery county, norristown still a couple of spotty showers. otherwise the name of the day is the cold air moving south. hopefully you can get used to the zero seven's, 80's degrees from the yesterday. that is a thing of the pennsylvania. we will get down to the 60's. boy sit cold tonight. upper 350's to around 40. we are advertising some frost. we hav a frost advisory posted north and west of the pennsylvania turnpike. that is because these temperatures can get close to around freezing mark. get readied for. that high temperatures in the 50's to 62 degrees. we will talk about the cold. and, 8:05. eastbound on the schuylkill expressway disable just got pushed over to the right shoulder. traffic, starting to move past you. bumper to bumper from conshohocken all the way in through montgomery drive. an accident, double accidents here on the admiral wilson boulevard. here's a live look at traffic, backup, coming off ben franklin, into new jersey. there is also a crash on the opposite side coming in toward the benny. so admiral jammed in both directions, this morning and southbound we're heavy from accompanied man through girard >> a family is worried about her missing teenager. who wouldn't be. police are also in on the search. service the fbi. >> the story had a strange gist because she was riding in a car that police stopped yesterday but she was somehow able to get away lauren has details on where the search stand right any. >> reporter: they have no sightings of that teen since saturday night when they spotted her in south philadelphia. she was able to get way. now fbi here in philadelphia is joining, the philadelphia police department in, this search, as well as authorities in, new jersey, where the girl was from. the search continues, for this missing 14 year-old, from florence township, she was last seen in that area on sunday, october 8th. it has been more than a week now and on saturday night police had information to believe that hanna rose jones was there around 11:30 last night, two members of the fbi task force tried to pull over a white car that they knew the girl was in with an adult male they stopped the male driver on the 3,000 block of south seventh street. the driver stopped. but then he took off, running over one of the officers, injuring him, and then, abandoning that car in the 900 block of johnson street. philadelphia police spotted him a mile away near brought and snider. as for the teen, she wasn't with the driver and she wasn't in the car. now the search continues, as her mother, pleas for her to come home. >> i want to you come home. just, we don't care wharf done we don't care. just come home. so we know that you are alive and that you are safe. you are not being harmed. >> so it is important to note that jones has runaway from home but this could be much different. authorities are eager to locate her. they do not consider her to be a runaway teen anymore, at this point, they suggested, heavily that she could be a part of a human trafficking operation, and if you have any information, about where she is, or you spot her, you are asked to call the authorities. mike and alex. >> all right. we will stay on this until this young lady is found for sure. 8:07. a germantown elementary school will remain closed to day because of mold. jb kelly elementary school has been closed since thursday, the school district says that the school will remain closed on a day by day basis, until they have discovered that they realize and figure out how it will be mold free. district officials blame it on the hvac issues and condensation. lets get to williamstown new jersey because they are dealing with mold issues as well. students are off, until tomorrow, but teachers, they have back to school today. district wide shut down for most schools in the area this pennsylvania week until mold was found at holy glenn elementary school. students will be taught in other buildings while crews work toward acceptable air quality. teachers aring back today to get their materials, and things and move their classrooms so then can be safe for all of the kid. let me update you on this harvey weinstein scandal. >> three more women, they have come out and these war men in the uk, with accusations of sexual assaults, against harvey weinstein. >> geese. >> british act wrist liset anthony says that weinstein assaulted and raped her, in her own home. and meanwhile weinstein is suspended from the british philadelphia contacted my and academy of motion pictures insightses that was the move where they voted him out and he is not health gibel to be part of the academy. >> you are out. >> do you see that graphic. >> all of those people accused him of sexual misconduct. >> my goodness. >> karen hepp, what do you have. >> we have 40 women all, possible two criminal investigations. as more people are coming out, talking about it women hard tagging me too some comedians are trying to make jokes not coming off so well because thinks a sexual assault no laughing matter. late night host james corden now apologizing there was something he said over weekend , it wales charity event in hollywood. take a listen. >> i hear, it is so beautiful harvey weinstein has already asked tonight in his hotel to give him a man sage. >> he got some people that laughed, people that were groaning, in the crowd, and then on twitter, he got some major backlash. two of weinstein's accusers behind that criticism, to be cleared of sexual assault is in laughing matter. he ace pol guying. i was in the trying to make light of harvey's next excus able behavior but to shame him, and, the abuser, and, and, and that was never, my intention. and then after failing to acknowledge the accusation as begins the disgraced producer during last weeks season premiere when they got heat from this, nbc, many people thought they were burying the story, snl saturday night live did take it up but very carefully. >> he doesn't need sex rehab he need a specialized facility& where there are no woman, no contact with the outside world , metal bars and it is a prison. >> applause. >> it is a tough spot for a comedian because it is so hard to make jokes about sexual assault, but it is so easy to make jokes about a guy who looks like this. >> so, they did it, obviously a different way where they went after him. they took it up in the round table section and as you were watching right there in the weekend update section as well so, it is how you handle something that is a difficult thing. it isn't something that should be joke about really. >> you just don't joke about that. >> thank you, karen. i will screw up this guy's name when we have him on could you say his name. >> i will say his name. >> what is his name. >> you said you would mess it up. >> i just said i will miss it up. >> he's not here yet. >> we practiced this in the meeting. >> diamon hansou. >> no, it is the d silent, diamon hansou. >> yes. >> he will talk about the inspiring true story that became a best selling book and is now coming to the big screen. he has had to change his appearance for this one too. >> i will let myself go now because i have decided to actually get into a new business. i am dumping television. >> are you going to do something else. >> that was g i will become a urine farmer. >> is that what we are looking at right now. >> wow. >> that man is collecting urine. >> wow. >> it is on the front page of the philadelphia inquirer. it should be a national inquirer. deer urine farming is big business in pennsylvania. i'm not kidding. i will talk to neil cavuto about this. we will see fit is a goodbyes for me. honey, what are you doing? watching a cow...? what's it doing? impressions start your day with the new hash brown scramble bowl from chick-fil-a. hey, guys. where are the cookies for the... bake sale? bake... bake sale? need to bake in a hurry? use new country crock buttery sticks with sunflower oil. there's no softening required. so baking is delicious and easy. ooh, cookies! ah, ah, ah! (laughter) a lot of our viewers believe i'm losing it and need to look for another business who said that. >> many people on twitter. >> so when i leave television i found out on the front page of the philadelphia inquirer they are morning, that this man makes money collecting deer urine and i'm going to be a urine farmer. but, can i survive doing this? i need to talk to somebody in the money world. the guy that i look to on the fox business network and i have for nearly 20 years now neil cavuto. neil, welcome to philadelphia. >> good morning. >> i don't know where to go with this, but mike, how are you. >> i'm good. alex is sitting next to me and that is a woman. >> hi alex. >> i will tell you this, neil, that a farmer can make $100 a gallon and that a deer peas a half gallon a day. does that add up for me? >> well, what is he doing with the urine do we know. >> he is, you use it, hunters use it to mask human scent. >> so they pour it on themselves. >> do you follow it. >> and squirt it on themselves >> like a perfume or a cologne >> okay. dually noted. i don't know. i mean there might be a very promising market for this, guys, and this guy is finding it but... >> i guess i don't know. >> that is quite a sacrifice you are make to go pursue your pray, but that is as far as i know. >> in 10 years that the fox business network has been on you have never done a thing on collecting urine. >> no, but this is part of the new list of financial opportunities we might be missing. it would be cliche to say you could be pissing your money away but i don't want to go that route, that would be a little tacky. >> we will in the do that, but congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. >> i'm sorry. >> i said congrats on the 10 years, what was the slogan at first. >> i'm sorry, alex, i was so fixated on this whole deer thing i got sidetracked. >> no, appreciate that. >> on many levels. >> neil, i remembr 10 years ago up at the big office there at forty-ighth and sixth, we were talking about this, and they said well, cnbc already exists can you take on, you know, could there be another business network. you not only have done it, you are excelling. so how did you do it. >> well, you know, i think a lot of times channels, and new message that is start, start at the darndest times. i was actually look bag not anticipating the deer story so toshay for surprising me. they start at times when the environment isn't welcome. microsoft comes to mind, dell comes to mind, apple comes to mind. as you can remember, mike with the early start of "fox news" it started an environment with a very crowded news field, ms nbc, cnn was out there, same with the big network about a decade ago. cnbc, bloomberg, others out there who would need yet another business channel. but the idea was and our approach was as it is now to try to speak english to try to get away from acronyms and jargon and who can sound like the smartest kid in the class. our goal was to reach a broad audience and not assume that you game them, right from the get go. so, whether it is stories like deer story, we will pursue, by wait. >> thank you. >> it is looking beyond, just companies and earnings and all that other stuff which is important but to put in context and also understand is what going on in washington. remember far more people pay taxes then own stock. we have married those worlds, looked at those worlds and tried to do so in english. >> the debt is what i like bit i can finally understand and it has been great. >> neil, good to see you. how are you doing personally. >> i'm fine, i'm fine. what i love about you guys is you know, i have done a couple of these, sort of affiliate, sort of look back at "fox news", not a one, not a one, got into this deer story. i appreciate the ingenuity there. >> no. >> you are on the cutting edge >> oh, gosh, great to see you, congratulations. >> same here, thank you, appreciate it, guys he is the face of that network, fox business network. >> congrats to theme like his shirt and tie combination. >> very sharp. >> good morning everybody. 8:20. west on the schuylkill expressway an accident west of 476, for the gang heading out toward king of prussia, watch for delays there. also, rough go here on 309, as you roll out of the neighborhood up through flourtown. northbound 309, an accident just past paper mill road, where we are crawling there backup on the bennie from mid span into downtown at eighth and vine. pretty much rain has moved out but everything is damp and wet and watch for those wet leaves they will play half objecting in the neighborhood north on the freeway heavy from the ac x, and is the rain out of here for g mike has the answer in 15 seconds rain's out of here but now we have winds and cooler temperatures. sixty-two in philadelphia 40's in the poconos. we are looking at a day where temperatures will continue to drop, and the winds will stay up, and what a dramatic, dip in these temperatures. yesterday we got up to 72. today a struggle to get above 60 degrees. i don't think we will get out of the 50's up toward the poconos. winds 15 to 20 miles an hour on average. this will take news to tonight this is cold air, coming in from a canadian area of high pressure out to the west of us this will bring in the chill. also going to bring in sunshine. we're lock and loaded with sun for the next several days. now, with the dry air and that high pressure in control we do have to address the idea of frost to the north and west and we could be talking about temperatures up toward the poconos, allentown, reading, where we will be in the 30's and 40's for tonight. 61 degrees. temperatures falling down in the 30's, and then into the 40 's for the overnight hours. beautiful day as we get into your day tomorrow, with a temperature getting to around 62 degrees. and then eventually getting a little bit milder by the middle of next week and then by later this week, into next weekend, we are flirting with the 80's degree mark once again. you flirt. >> as long as we are close to it, aim fine witt. >> did you notice, we are trying to come up with a "good day philadelphia" celebration dance. >> yes. >> well, punters, well, they have gotten into this too. so, i was noticing, what do you call that? >> i'm not sure, but i like it , nice and easy. >> yes. >> it is almost like, i am not sure if that was from yesterday. >> okay. >> it was not. they had a white uniforms on yesterday. >> yes. >> is it water sprinkler, what sit. >> i don't knowy kind of like it though. >> so, you know, we're trying to come up with a "good day philadelphia" celebration dance and somehow rodney mc cloud, eagles safety has agreed to come into the studio and give south ideas. >> sound goods to me. and a young girl's love of one direction lead her gasping for her but not in a good way, how screaming at a concert landed her, in the hospital. >> the direction that she went down. paulsboro's a very proud community. it's been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back. ♪ one direction, alex. >> yes. >> so, so many people love one direction. >> well, there is one fan who was at a concert and she screamed so much while watching them that her lungs collapsed. so a day after the concert she was 16. she is 16. she was having a hard time breathing they had to rush her to the hospital. i didn't know that was possible just from screaming so much. >> wow. >> i have gone into a couple places where woman have screamed so hard they have collapsed. >> screaming for you. >> no, they were screaming in fear and running from me, and then they fell. >> that is how it happened, i see. >> was it true that they were one direction guys fell at a concert the other nice. >> did it. >> i still miss zane. >> yes. >> was he in one direction. >> yes. >> clearly you missed him. there is a a magazine that put out best list of the best tacos in america, okay. that is a live shot in our studio, of a taco, that has been named the third best taco , in america. >> okay. >> it takes three people to make them. >> that is how you know it is good. >> you know it. >> after the break. doctor. doctor. i played a doctor on tv, but now i'm helping save lives for real. starting with my own. i'm partnering with cigna healthspring to remind everyone how important preventive care is for people my age. see anything, doctor? looks great, doctor. and with cigna healthspring medicare advantage, you get a team of doctors overseeing your health. most preventive services are covered. so go, know, and take control of your health. oh... use mine, doctor. cigna healthspring. together, all the way. the sea was angry that day my friend like and old man sending back soup in a deli. i got 50 feet out and should lynn great beast appeared before me. i tell you he was 10 stories high if he was a foot. as if sensing my presence he let out a great bell owe, i said easy, bill fella. and then... >> so we have jason alexander on "good day philadelphia", big moment for me, of course and we are going through, jason alexander was asked what are the best george costanza's line but it is not number one. >> yes. >> yes. >> quitting for herman, megan markel may give up her agoing career for a royal. is it okay to drop your job, for your love? >> i would. i just need to find a love. >> yes, please. >> who has got money. >> is that the key. >> well, it will help. >> she will be set, right mike >> sue ace away. mike is here. >> here i am well, not really but is there my map. we have a couple scattered showers out there, good morning, everybody. gist a couple issues in terms of the scattered showers around, chester county, southern city limits. we will be dealing with those scattered showers at least for the next hour or so and then everything clears off shore. chilly air is the big story, big head lines going forward tonight, it is reflective of these 40-degree temperatures. we could see as low as a 35 or freezing mark in the poconos. we will map this out for you, definitely some fall-like weather in the seven day forecast, we will share that with you in a bit, here's bob good morning, everybody. jammo in the bennie coming into downtown philadelphia rough go this morning from that early rain, and road are still damp and wet, watch for an accident, this is south on the northeast extension, just south, of the q town interchange, causing delays from lansdale on down, and a accident westbound on the schuylkill, just cleared out of the way but it is bumper to bumper from pretty much the boulevard all the way out. live look at the blue route 476 that jammed up traffic between route three, and route one as we typically have through delco. headlights coming in toward the city on the freeway heavy from the ac x into 295. >> we have talk about this last week. >> yes. >> and we're so excited that they are here. >> please explain what yelp is >> well, it is a review place to go to restaurants and powe reviews and other people can see. which are trying to find a new spot you want to check out the yelp review.& >> i do it all the time. >> big deal to have good yelp reviews. >> this is big. yelp went out and did a survey on specific items, and one was tacos who has the best taco ness america. >> you know what? it is right here in our area we are looking at it right now >> um-hmm. >> daniel flores is here, congratulations. >> thank you we have paula. >> good to see you juan. >> good to see you. >> you two are brothers. >> no. >> like i said, no. >> he is married to my sister in law. >> okay. >> i thought they were brothers. >> not that they look anything alike. >> okay. so yelp comes in and they say you are number three in america. first two are out in california. good tacos in california. what do they like about yours, the fresh ingredients. we make them fresh to order. our business when when you eat in or pick up you see them cooking. it is like, opened, it is a opened concept kitchen. >> is what your name. >> here it is. >> it is in bethlehem, pennsylvania. >> yes. >> so, we have our el pastor taco which is pork nature nate ed in sauce. >> let me try to figure out what this one is. let me know when you get this shot here. >> yes. >> what is that. >> the el pastor. >> what is that. >> pork nature nateed in a red sauce with pine apple. >> next is the mexican sausage >> i love it. >> is it spicy. >> yes, it is a little bit spicy. it is delicious. >> does it have cheese. >> no cheese. >> okay. this is cilantro. >> and what is that. >> that is chicken and peaches >> peaches. >> peaches. >> i love peaches. >> what? >> peaches. >> that is different. >> i got to try that. >> now, put the lime on it first. >> yes, squeeze the lime on it >> squeeze the lime, okay. and then what are these other ones. >> yes, yes. >> typical. >> what is that thing. >> that is for everyone to try we brought the touriso, chicken, peaches, el pastor. >> what do you think. >> is your vegetable. >> where did you learn how to cook tacos. >> or make tacos. >> from mexico. >> mexico. are you from mexico. >> how long have you been opened in may, two years. >> are people coming in saying hey, i saw this i want to try your tacos. >> yes, i will bet. >> since that article was published on tuesday, on lehigh valley, it has , question. >> tortilla is fantastic, corn >> corn, correct. >> would you ever use a flour tortilla. >> if people request. >> i know, it is not the real thing. >> i like corn. >> you make your own. >> no, we can, yes. >> you lie. >> well, i want to try one too >> yes. >> is there another one. >> here is another peach for you. >> i love taco. >> i'm from texas. >> yes, this is real test here >> i got to tell you this is good. >> yes. >> i never had peach on a taco and i will never turn back now >> it is a good combination. >> let me reach for the peach. >> there you go. >> thanks for coming in. congratulations. >> where compactly in bethlehem, linden street 821 linden street in bethlehem, pennsylvania. >> wonderful. >> thank you so much. >> here it is, mike. >> here it is, i can't read that. >> 8:37. i we know philadelphia has pretty spots but now we have proof. one of the most beautiful piss spaces in the world is right here. we will tell you where it is. after 8 years of chris christie, is kim guadagno the change new jersey really needs? guadagno is christie's hand-picked successor. says she's "proud to be part of the christie administration." guadagno was chris christie's right hand as our schools came under attack, critical services were underfunded, and our credit rating was downgraded...11 times. from the bridge to the beach, we've seen it all, and we've had enough. kim guadagno isn't the change we need. kim guadagno isn't ( floor creaks) i can't believe we're doing this! (thunder cracks) ahh! gus, you're not scared, are you? i don't like thunder! this is getting creepy! (a wolf howls in the distance) heeey ... -whoa! (shriek) did you say creepy? fang-tastic fortune. the new scratch off from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of $50 grand. that's a monster of a prize! (giggles) (laughs) keep on scratchin'! i'm learning more about deer... never mind. philadelphia get something international spotlight now. >> yes. >> alex's favorite place spruce street harbor park was just named one of the most beautiful public spaces in the world? >> i love this. >> so it was posted by business insider and sites urban designers and it calls the park, a simple, loving intervention, with designs elements have been widely copied. >> they have been copied around the world. also on the list, prospect park, the huge park up in brooklyn. and they actually included the streets of new orleans as a beautiful, location. >> i love spruce street harbor park. it is a great place. i go all the time. >> i like tight, okay, i'm supposed to be mr. positive. >> yes, you are. >> don't give me that look. >> and then if you missed it in the winter they have, spruce street harbor park colder sister as i like to call it, winter fest. >> okay. >> what, what, what. >> no, i'm mr. positivey don't think they meant in the world because it is the nation. >> it says world. >> all of the placees there were in the u.s. >> no places outside the u.s. >> i believe, megan in the control room probably only listened to won in the united states is my guess. >> because i'm curious where in the world too, you know, aim trying to pick out my travel list for 2018. would i like to know where i need to go to vacation. >> apparently you don't to have go very far. >> new orleans. >> well, two blocks to see this harbor park, spruce street harbor park. >> i love, spruce street harbor park but one of the most beautiful public spaces in the world? >> it was numb one. >> it wasn't number one in the world. >> no. >> yes. >> there is no way spruce industries harbor park. >> what number. >> is the number one public space in the world for beauty. >> we have questions, clearly. megan, do you know. >> it is not right, the numbers. >> put it out there for everyone to enjoy. >> it is great what they have done with water and then you have places to sit, hammocks. >> it is the delaware river. >> so. >> what is the view. >> you see camden. you can see the bridge, ben franklin bridge. you don't want to see the benny. >> i like the benny but you have ben franklin parkway. >> don't kill my vibe, i like it, i agree with them. >> don't kill my vibe. >> moving on. >> okay. teaching acts. >> that is what i need. >> clean out my mouth in that act. >> yes. >> real quick on spruce street during winter fest and other holidays there is beer. so maybe people want some beer >> number one. >> spiced hot chocolate but very cute. what does a tennis ball to have do with cleaning your house. we will find out after the break. seriously, i will help you. alive picture of camelback , look, sunshine going to work there we go from the camelback mountain to the poconos, down toward the shore , if we take a look we have cloud that are hanging thick across town, you know, we still have rain showers across the region but that is all out of here. we will see sunshine in the poconos mountains. that will rain supreme here in the delaware valley later today. the wind is it is going to pick up too. that is another big deal later this afternoon. taking a look at ultimate doppler rain showers mercer county down across the shore points but everything is exiting stage right, bus stops around lawrence township, ewing, trenton, residual moisture but that is out by lunchtime. forty's to the north. sixty-two in town. these temperatures are going no where this afternoon. yesterday 72. today 60 degrees. we will talk about frost advisories and very cold night ahead, those details coming up , alex. did you just say frost advisory? >> yes. >> have we sunken to that point. >> yes. >> not a freeze advisory that is when we're in big trouble. >> thank you. >> 8:48 this weekend a ton of people were looking, you know, through their house and thinking you know what, i should start cleaning things up. i should get organized. i was thinking. that but jen, you have been researching a way to make this less painful and how to get it together. you have some clean acts. >> yes, i will be dealing with real life, cleaning acts that i found on websites, okay, you tell me if you think these make any sense, all right. these are real wonderful that i have saw. hair less trendies in. so shave a dog, shave a cat, shave the husband. here's another one, wrap furniture in plastic. really. and this is a good one stop using your dishes. they want to you stop using dishes and just use paper plates. wash your kid, and then the car, with the hose, at the same time. this is one of my favorite one , same time, monday, potty and shower. stay at grand mom's house so kid don't miss up your house after you cleaned it up on friday. ladies an joy, dogs and dates, those are some of the most ridiculous things i have ever heard of. we will give you real hacks. and then, alex, the tennis ball is part of it. so it is a cucumber. other thing they want us to do is rub mustard on our kid lunch boxes. i know, tom beck the camera guy was like um. tracie, one of our producers, tested it. here's how we want the viewers at home to get involved. tweet me, instagram me, facebook me, any of your real tips that actually work we want to hear from you but all morning long tomorrow we have great stuff, and mike, kathy slain our expert, she is say that she cannot wait for you to see some of the most ridiculous but working and useful tips that we have. >> okay. >> casey's on the show tomorrow. one of my favorites. >> yes. >> we used to put tennis ball in the garage if it goes with the cleaning. you hang it down to know where you park the car. >> yes. >> you hang it, and when the tennis ball hits the front of the windshield you stop it. >> that is ingenius. >> nicely done. >> are you making fun of me. >> a friend of mine her name is mary, mary fran she got in her car, back out of the garage but she didn't put the door up first. >> that is not good. >> she was in a hurry, boom. tore the front of the house up >> say his name again. >> damon hansou. >> i should introduce him on the show. >> can you say his name only if you can say his name. >> damon hansou. >> he is on good day philadelphia he joins to us talk about the inspiring true story that became a best selling book and now coming to the big screen. is that a big enough tease. >> what are other movies. >> he used to date -- okay more touchdown celebrations. >> that is a throw back right there. >> jamal anderson. >> the dirty bird. >> could we bring back the dirty bird. >> we will talk to rodney mc cloud he is coming in and will help us come up with our own touchdown celebration. a good day touchdown. >> i have some news about disney if you want to go down to orlando big news. just coming up, thinking about that george costanz ha favorite lines. live lot blue route 476 right here near route one media swarthmore. over weekend penndot talked about widening or at lee using portion oz have the blue route they have plenty of room here this accident here off to the side at route one and a jammo, at the circle, brooklawn circle all backed up because of that construction project, because of a little bit of rain this morning. we had an earlier accident on the admiral wilson boulevard so a mess from south jersey. an accident east on the pennsylvania turnpike, right here near fort washington, alex, back over to you. thanks, bob. when you go to disney world everyone wants to go, what? what about your pet and dog? you are allowed to bring your dog with you on vacation when you go disney world. four hotels are taking leap and will over dog kits which includes a matt, bowls, pet id tag, plastic bags and dog walking man's. they are art of animation, disney's port orleans, riverside, the disney yacht club and the cabins at disney 's fort wilderness resort. it ranges between 50 to $70 a day. new surface laos for up to two dogs per room, disney says pilot program is accepting reservations, through october of 2018. so we will see how this works what do you think? it will be interesting. 8:55. quitting for herman megan mark el may give up her agoing career to be a giving it all up what do you think about do you think it is okay to drop your job for your love. we are getting ready for jason alexander who will be on the show later so he was asked in an interview what does he think are his top moments when it comes to being on seinfeld. well, here's one number , megan. this is number three. here we go. >> fire, fire, fire. >> and we will show you top five, number one is coming up and then we will talk to jason alexander. ♪ do you want to do a monster check? yes. no monsters. ♪ how about the drawer? ♪ no monsters. nightly monster checks are how grant makes home his. and homegoods is what makes it all possible. amazing finds. always great prices. make home yours. he loves his body. he is not loving his arm today , though. listen, ed sheeran he broke his arm. >> wow. >> riding his bike. >> yeah, he showed off his cast right there. look at that his right arm in a sling. he put it on instagram. he said i have had a bit of the bicycle accident and i'm currently waiting on some medical advice which may affect some of my upcoming shows. >> the happened he uses to hold the mike. >> guitar. >> right-hand. >> guitar. >> instrument. >> yes. >> so he fell off his bike. >> yes, i saw. that shocking news. happened ban hour and half ago >> i was thinking about getting bike to ride up and down kelly drive, what do you think. >> i think you are fine. >> get you active. >> yes. >> he told me he used to run miles every day. >> every other day for 20 or 25 years. >> when is the last time did you that. >> well work my mens cuss i can't run but it hurts. >> you can ride a bike. >> it is much better. >> it is not

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Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20171016 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20171016

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bob, right. >> yes. >> the two of you,. >> morning, bob and mike. >> yes, let's do with it. >> i like you did the little sunshine in there. >> yes. >> look at this. >> this is the key, that is the sun. >> someone you were trying to remind yourself of the some of the things you needed to do this morning.& >> can we get that sponsored. >> yes. >> roto rooter. >> here's another thing we will do, rodney mccloud has contacted us and he has been committed to help with us a celebration dance. the nfl has the celebration tv celebrations, you know, like eagles, live this, with baseball players. so, rodney will come in and try to do that. if you've december put it on tape and send it to us via twitter on instagram. >> pretty cool. use the #fox 29 good day. >> yes. >> as long as it is not odell beckham thing. >> yes, that was weirdy didn't like that at all. >> no. >> anyway. >> thinks where you say the number of the day? do you have the number of the day. >> it is a seven. >> he is still trying to come up with it. >> sue didn't tell me about a number. >> you do the weather and i will decide what the number is >> we will talk bit. >> maybe put it on twitter. here's what we're talking about ultimate doppler, it is a one on our way to a seven if you want to put a number on this forecast. it is a lot of showers and rain out there across town and you can see our shore points dealing with the moderate steady rains along the garden state parkway, we're dealing with a lot of rain. but cold air is out to the west, and that will come through here, by later on today and we are going to be seeing a lit built more in the way of sunshine. don't get used to the cloud and showers. that will be out of here around lunchtime. that will make way for a pretty nice day, a cool day, with temperatures that will be in the 60's. fifty's to the north and west and then it will get cold. look at that, frost advisory posted north and west of philadelphia, that is for temperatures that will be in the 30's and lower 40's, and so it is like whiplash from summer into winter tonight, we will talk more about the autumn forecast in a little bit. >> get the wood ready. we are coming around the saint gabriel curve from royersford, collegeville, heading to king a of prussia. check for left over delays at philly international a lot of delays last night into this morning and that could result into some delays if you are catching a flight out of philly this morning coming in from new jersey northbound on the freeway extra heavy from the acx, 295 an accident on the delsea drive which is local route 42 approaching route 55 and in toward deptford. hold on to the steering wheel over the bridge these morning the wind, certainly will rock the car coming over the benny. mass it there are minor delays on the trenton west regional rail line. this family is worried about their missing teenager. as police frantically search for her, authorities say that 14 year-old hanna jones was inside of a car, that they stopped yesterday, and then she disappeared. >> now the fbi is getting involved with this one. lauren has details on the search for her, lauren. >> reporter: good morning, mike and alex. wondering how did they track her down to south philadelphia that is because hanna's mother handed over her cell phones and her lap tops to authorities here with the philadelphia division of the fbi. helping to track her down, on saturday night. authorities have reason to know that the teenager who turned 14 years old on october h philadelphia with an unknown man, find a man and girl in the car to pulled them over. he then ran over an office shore was injured, drove a few blocks and then ditched the car. he fled on foot. they were able to catch up with about a mile away on broad street. they arrested him there were no signs of the girl. she was last seen in her hometown of florence township, new jersey on october 8th. here her mother says her defiant daughter has runaway before this time it is different and it is the longest she has ever been away from home. >> she sent a video message to her sister, her older sister, and it was awful. just awful. she was in a koran her way to philly. then see was trying to throw everybody off, she said to someone else she was going to new york. at one point she said she was in new york. police already, i trust they are amazing, they already knew she was in philadelphia they were already there. >> reporter: they were on top of this situation. the reason authorities are more involved in this case, this being just a runaway teenager is because they believe that this could be something much worse like a human trafficking operation. they have not confirmed that information but they have heavily suggested it, also, a suggestion if you know anything about the whereabouts of hanna rose jones you are asked to call authorities, mike and alex. >> oh, boy, thanks, lauren. >> someone knows something. >> 7:05. in the bustleton section a 13 year-old calls the cops after noting is her grandmother was armed with a knife. police declared a barricade situation last night at 9200 block of bustleton avenue. when the authorities got to the scene they found the grand mother with a knife to her chest they were able to disarm her and no one was hurt. a man is gunned down in an suv, in north philadelphia, police say that the 27 year-old was struck while sitting in the driver's seat, a 26 year-old man, was also shot in the car. he is going to be okay. the gun shot rang out on the 1700 block of erie avenue late last night. police are investigating, of course. in kensington a man is dead and his killer is still on the run. police say that a 56 year-old man was found shot several times on jasper street. earlier this morning. he was rushed to temple hospital where he later died. police are reviewing nearby security cameras. teachers are making their way back to school at williamstown high school this morning, and after they were off for mold concerns this makes it a full week this story is getting mold -- old. jenny joyce is outside, williamstown high school. >> mold is old. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: good morning, mike and alex. teachers will return to we are seeing cars pulling up now. they will have an inservice day this is a day to get reorganized with their classrooms being moved because of the mold. it effects all holy glenn and white hall elementary schoolteachers. last week pictures of the mold in williamstown middle school surfaced, district parents, voiced their concerns about the problem at a explosive school board meeting. since then, all schools in the district have been closed. officials say air quality results are not back just yet but in addition to closing holy glenn elementary indefinitely white hall elementary was recommended for clean up. they details are still developing but white hall students will attend class at open bible baptist school. holy glenn students are being dispersed throughout several district schools, and a big change for young children and for this reason the district is holding open houses, for holy glenn parents, tonight, at the reassigned schools to help parents feel a little bit more comfortable and their children have to get used to seeing a you? school environment just a couple months into the school year, mike and alex. >> um-hmm, all right, jenny. 7:08. well, colin kaepernick is calling out the nfl owner. >> he is filing a grievance against them. >> yes, he is taking to it court. >> thomas drayton, you have the very latest on this filing >> his agent reached out to every nfl team, nobody wants him. now his legal team is basically saying that the owner are keeping him out, and , peaceful protest, last season when he started kneeling during the national anthem which has since started a movement. but, that movement has left a 29 year-old, without a job the entire season. as i mentioned all 32 nfl teams, nobody wants to sign him n an grievance he has filed under the nfl collective bargaining agreement he claims owners have conspired to keep him off of the field in retaliation for his activism and out spokenness. he says part colin kaepernick 's goal has always been and remains to be simply be treated fairly by the league he performed at the highest level for and to return to the football playing field. so is what next here? legal teams will be asking owners to preserve any e-mails , documents, text messages to find any evidence of collusion and if, and that is a big if, kaepernick prevails here he could recover at least double his lost salary. >> really. >> i'm be darned. >> bear bond tried it. >> yes, unsuccessfully. >> thomas. >> yes. >> why we stall for doug luzader, i want to say this you saw aaron rodgers break his collar bone yesterday. >> painful, yeah. >> green bay packers. is there two quarterbacks who can play play. >> ask meade tony or colin. >> yes, they are both from wisconsin, one is tony romo. another guy from wisconsin is colin kaepernick. lets get that controversy going. >> any response so far. >> this is first time. >> let me look. >> this is first time i have mentioned it. >> you mentioned it earlier at 5:50. >> no response. >> oh, god help me. >> thanks, thomas. >> doug's ready. >> okay. president trump breaks bread with senator majority leader mitch mcconnell and they played golf too. >> more than just getting together because what they discuss could determine where the president's stalled congressional agenda is heading next. >> there they are, big head behind you. >> reporter: that is right. kind of startling sometimes. these guys aring having to lunch together again today and among republicans they are the opposite ends of the spectrum personality wise. donald trump and mitch mcconnell but they need one another if they get anything through congress. they have shaken hands before and they have sat at the same table before but they having always been on the same paining. president trump who ran as an outsider and mitch mccould be he will a d.c. inside fur there ever was one. today they are having lunch together. >> the fact that they are in communication is probably a good thing for the republican agenda but issue to much ways still taxes. if mcconnell can get that tax bill through that will do a lot to remedy this relationship. >> reporter: getting the president's tax bill will be a slowing. white house wants to lower taxes and simplify system but even getting republicans unit ed in that effort is a big under taking. and that, in part, explains the president's golf partner yesterday. kentucky senator rand paul, who is often a thorn in the side of republican leader, and they did talk taxes. >> we need to do it. i think he wants to be as big and bold as possible. >> at the same time there is president's push for health care reform and immigration especially funding for a border wall, all of which coupled be a recipe for a governmental shut down later this year and the blame game that always seems to go witt. >> why are you putting that on us? they have the majority, and the house and the senate, and the president's signature. they have the power to keep government opened. >> reporter: tough times for congress. again that is why the president need mitch mcconn toll help him on capitol hill. mcconnell need the president. there are a lot of republicans who support president trum hospital want to see republican leaders here in washington other than the president, just cast aside, and that list starts with, mitch mcconnell, mike and alex >> it sounds like they need each other. >> hey doug do you know who layer flint is. >> publisher of penthouse. >> yes, sit penthouse. >> yes. >> hustler. >> how would you know that. >> penthouse that was a trick question. penthouse was bob guccione. >> i'm told it is hustler. >> hut letter. >> you got your dirty magazines mixed up, doug. >> let me look at my back issues here. >> they are under your rug or your mattress here. >> that is right. >> okay. >> thanks, doug. >> so anyway this larry flint, the hustler magazine from back in the day. you know who that he is. he is looking for dirt and willing to pay for it. larry flint, controversial publisher of hustler, says he wants the scoop on president trump. he put out a full page adn washington post offering 10 million-dollar for anyone who can produce information that will lead to the impeachment of the president larry flint has made similar offers in the past. i remember back in 1999, he offered a reward for info on republican, and, anyway, who later had to resign, after admitting, to an affair. he has been doing this kind of stuff for years. >> wonder what the ad looks like. >> sit just wanted. >> well, we will find it. it was in the washington post. newspaper of record in d.c. >> yes. >> i'll find it for you. >> i'm sure someone has a picture somewherey will find that for you. >> i'm just curious. we got the point. >> can we call billy bush? >> never mind. >> bill bush got 10 million-dollar forking ago way >> yes. >> from nbc. >> now he is ready for a come back. >> don't call it a come back. we have some bad news out of louisiana, an oil rig explosion in louisiana leaves one person missing, seven others hurt. this is in lake pontchartrain. >> u.s. coastguard is actively searching for that missing person, we are learning that two people are in stable condition, and the other five, were brought to the university medical center in critical condition with severe burns. people living near the lake say that the explosion, shook their homes. all right. lets get out to california, look at that big that nook helicopter there finally a sign of hope in the devastating wild fires, in california. fire fighters say that they are kind of turning the corner now in their battle, but i'll tell what you happened yesterday, the winds died down thousands of people started to return to their homes. not that there is much left of them. still, the danger is far from over. at lee 40 people have died, hundreds offer still missing, and 11,000 crew members, fire fighters, they continue to fight, well, they have got about 12 fires still burning especially in northern california. >> yes. >> 7:15. lets get a check of the weather. it has been such a dreary start this morning, hasn't it. >> it has, and you're cold. >> hoy are you feeling. >> aim cold. >> do you have a cold. >> i don't know is what going on, something must be happening you don't feel bad. >> i don't feel bad, no. i never feel bad working with you. >> good answer. >> right, mike. >> yes. >> you looked cold, you are sitting on your hands a little bit, little chill any here. >> yes. >> she has has a blanket over her legs. >> by the way with the fire situation. we have an elevated risk for fires today. liberty all that dry air, wind s, we have to be very careful out there here's a live shot. cloudy conditions. good morning, everybody. 62 degrees. northwestern breeze at seven. that will continue to pick up up that can enhance fire risk. steady, heavy rain are from the parkway on east as we get toward millville, south jersey and then into delaware. so last of the rain showers exiting off to the east. otherwise we're left with cooler weather moving in. forty's in the poconos. sixty-two here in philadelphia these numbers are five to 10 degrees colder then we were yesterday morning as we are going to continue to see this cold air mass, coming in. air mass, coming n50 to 20 miles an hour wind gusts on average today. winds will whip things up today, sun and cloud mixtures and high pressure out to the west that will bring in and lock in a lot of sun for the rest of this week. now north and west, that is where we're concern late tonight into tomorrow morning, and the possibility of some patchy frost. not a killing frost situation. but if you live in the outer communities north and west, you will want to know you will want to wrap your tender vegetation out or bring it in because it could be a killing frost. 61 degrees in philadelphia 40 's in the outer suburbs. tonight we're down in the upper 30's to lower 40's. so very cold morning setting up for your tuesday morning, commute. 63 degrees today. 62 degrees for tomorrow. mild change, as we get into wednesday. pretty nice conditions, overall, there is no wet weather, guys, to talk about and we're actually going to heat things up by ladder portion of the week and into next weekend we could have 80 degrees. heading outside the door don't forget to join me on the radio all morning long on 101.1 more fm. here's bob kill which traffic. >> good morning, everybody. 7:17. just getting word here of a, figure this out with penndot, southbound lanes of i-95, we have a disable school bus trying to see whether or in there are children on the bus or not. it is not an accident, just disable. maybe ran out of gas. maybe having some engine problems. tough part it is southbound i-95, center lane, and approaching center city philadelphia you can see the sign here for girard avenue. leaving i believe this would be the the allegheny avenue on ramp to head south along i-95. so expect delays, that will have a domino effect on everybody leaving the great northeast. a new traffic pattern for the gang on the northbound side, weekend, they took all of the travel lanes and they moved everybody off to the newly built stretch, between center city, also the girard avenue on ramp is now opened to head north on i-95. septa having a rough go on a couple of the regional rail lines, a combination of the slippery rails, and then those leaves causing for some slippery conditions. heading to the airport to catch a plane, a flight out of the philly international would i check for left over delays. we had big delay yesterday because of the weather. that could have a come minute necessity effect for your this morning's take off. northbound on the freeway heavy from the ac x into 295, mike and alex, back to you. lets see if this has any legs, a petition is floating around from eagles fans. >> they want referee pete morley to be banned from all eagles game. get him out of here. petition is on and it claims he has a bias against eagles. to backup the claim the creator says over the last four games that he has officiated the eagles were flagged a total of 40 times for 396-yard while the opponents they were flagged just a mere eight times for 74-. >> outrage. >> position has more than 37,000 signatures. aloft people are on this one and they will eventually be sent to roger goodell. >> we will stay on it. we will see what the commissioner has to say about. that does your status updates say feeling hungry. i'm talking about facebook. >> why don't you solve that problem, on facebook, yeah, there is a new feature that will help you curb your appetite. >> really. phillies questlove is not happy and it has to do with em number and political comment trader keith olbermann is that what we're calling him now. he used to be a sports anchor. then a news anchor. and now a political comment taiter. we are looking beautiful this morning. it is 7:23. so, a lot of people are on facebook, we used it for all kinds of things now. now use it to order food. >> oh, come on. >> order food for take out or delivery straight from the app or web site. they are teaming up with, door dash ancho now. chew now. >> to connect to you your favorite restaurant at poppa jobs or whatever restaurant choose that ace veil and on there look for order food section in the explore menu and that is how you do it. let me necessity how that works. >> okay. >> what? >> does this already exist. >> right. >> so many people are on facebook already. they spend so much time there because we're sows lazy. get out of the app. press a button. go to another thing. >> it is so true. >> my god i'm hungry but i don't have the energy to tap out of the facebook app, and get to grub hub. >> or god forbid pick up the phone and call. >> oh, no. >> the horror of the horror. >> i'm too tired. >> i'm just going to starve to death. >> help me. >> what has become of us what has become of us. 7:24. >> last week we told but eminem's wrap about president trump at bet award, and bet hip-hop award. >> yeah, yeah. >> it is causing controversy among other celebrities prompting questlove to make political comment taiter and sports anchor, keithal ber man >> he was a sport anchor for a long time at espn. then he went to work for ms nbc. he became a news anchor. he got fired from that. he got fired about 10 different jobs. real smart, and all. that so now he does a blog every day. basically he just rants against the president. >> okay. i think we will remine what you eminem did and then get in the controversy and why quest love is responding. >> yes, that is yes wants us to disband because he cannot withstand the fact that we're not afraid of trump, walking on egg shells i came to stump. he keeps training drain the swamp because he is in quick sand. >> olbermann weighed in, saying on twitter after 27 years of doubts about rap, i'm now an eminem fan. >> that was supposed to be a thumbs up up to eminem. best political writing of the year, eminem 2020. questlove saying you ignored rap, for 27 years is basically you are indifferent to the very black lives you champion on your platform. he tweeted again saying in one is asking to you get, you know , thug life tasks but do the knowledge to see why it is an effective culture. keith responded. >> he never doesn't respond. >> he says one, hate to hit your narrative but i have been a fan of political protest music, rap, and otherwise for 50 years. my doubts were about my personal test. my doubts, were like my doubts about zep. >> okay. >> so, it is just, i think, who cares. >> back and forth on twitter. >> yes. >> some people just can't stop >> but i'm going to. >> you go back and forth with people on twitter. >> well, i just did. i rarely do that. >> is it rare. >> it is rare. >> this is what mike rarely does on twitter. if you follow him he doesn't tweet, he only retweets, or quote tweets. >> you know what a retweet is, it is a thumbs up to what you just say. >> you can type out something. >> i am, busy. >> yes. >> busy trying to organize this touchdown celebration for good day philadelphia we need one of our own. maybe jaylen mills can help. he is with jen. >> we are waiting for. >> jaylen mills you said you know he can smell something, what do you think he can smell >> he can smell if you don't like the eagles. >> okay. >> or if you don't like him. >> you feel that. >> yes. >> just seeing him on tv. >> you are not his best friend or anything. >> not yet. >> so is there time. come on back. i think the pictures back here tell the store why i we're here at martin elementary school. we will talk about this great relationship, and we will see jaylen, and we're all excited because of his hair, it looks good, yes. when you're a double-dipping pension-padder like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us. it is not a all day deal. as we get in the afternoon to take we will see sun come back out but chillier readings. that is tonight terms of the temperature. we got up to 66 this morning. falling back from 64 to 68, eventually in the upper 50's& to around 60. so much cool ever air, poised to move in. look at the afternoon highs today. may never get out of the 50's toward the upper lehigh valley and poconos. lower 60's in town down toward the shore points and then tonight gets cold. up to the north and west in the berks, montgomery county, carbon, monroe county, these are all frost advisories, seeing we could see temperatures in the lower 30's to around 40 degrees. just be prepared for that. temperatures again we will be looking at numbers that will be right back into the near freezing mark. weather by the numbers we will get up to a five. 50/50 split afternoon, with the rain this morning and then the sun later today. we will talk more burr forecast, lots of fall air on the board, bob, that seven day is coming up. >> you got it, 7:32. good morning. three cheers to the bus driver they helped south on i-95 here a disable school bus in the center lane here near girard avenue. tow trucks just got a little bit of the push as they helped down toward center city philadelphia but a big delay from pretty much academy road all the way down working your way in to downtown philadelphia now north on i-95 an accident here this is right at street road. again, on the northbound side heading up into bucks county. put a half an hour on the clock westbound on the schuylkill expressway. it looks like they will stop, the rain, but everything is still damp and wet. be careful all of those leaves are all mathed down causing for some slippery spots in the neighborhood. septa's running with delays on a couple regional rail lines because of the slippery rails. a new traffic pattern, here we go, over weekend, penndot shift todd north bound i-95 rains over to the newly rebuilt stretch. it is a new ride heading north from center city and brand new on ramp from girard avenue to& head northbound, up there, in port richmond, mike and alex, back to you. they are desperate for answers. family is worried about their missing teenager as police frantically search for her. >> as they were searching for her, they say that she was riding in a car that they stopped yesterday, but then she disappeared again. >> of course, lauren we keep saying. that how does she disappear. >> reporter: i know, she was able to getaway before police caught up with her but they did catch up with that man. here's the deal. according to the girl's mother she was desperate for attention from men so she turn her attention to social media that is why her mom turned all of her devices over to the fbi here in philadelphia so they could conduct her investigation into exactly what happened to hanna rose jones. she turned 14 on october 5th. three days later on october 8th her mother says that she jumped the tracks near her home in florence township, new jersey. has not been seen since after several days. mom reported her missing. handed over her phones and computers as i said after searching her on line profile, and conversations, they tracked her down in south philadelphia. so on saturday night they tried to make contact. spotted her in the white car with a man. man pulled over, acting like he was going to comply with police order when they prompted him to get out of the car, he pulled off, injuring an officer and ditching the car. he took off on foot. police arrested him. they never found the teenage girl. while he will give them some information, the girl's mother said she knows nothing about this man his daughter was with we don't know. we don't know who any of her contacts were. she just said i have people that will take care of me, i have people in trent on, i have people here, there. that is why we pulled everything out of the way. out of fear she made inappropriate contacts in the past. we know what kind of attention that she's looking for. >> because of that her mother says that she took away her daughter's phones and computers just days before her daughter disappeared hoping to avoid the situation from happening, but it didn't. her daughter was able to get her hands on another phone and that is how fbi tracked her to philadelphia. now they are hoping for any information into hanna rose jones, who knows where she be. she's contacting friend on social media anyone with any information is asked to call authorities. mike and alex. >> thanks, lauren, we will stay on it. 7:35. you know, n nfl ace allowing touchdowns. >> players are enjoying tight. >> whenever we do great things we need a celebration. >> i agree, completely. so rodney mccloud has agreed to come in and help us. i'm looking for a choreographer. is there a torey clausen, hoist a dance teacher now maybe she can help us now. >> okay. put something on tape and send it on twitter. >> okay. >> we also have a special guest. >> damon handsu, he talks bay best selling book and is now coming to the big screen. >> it is djiman who you have not seen him. diamond hand sue. not the best day yesterday for sportscasters. >> no. >> no. >> should we start with what happened last night maybe while were you sleeping, al michaels, painfully awkward harvey weinstein joke during the giants/broncos game last night. ready, now listen closely. >> and then it is knocked down by the player. giants are coming off war week then harvey weinstein and they are up by 14 points. >> only my l.a. guy comes up with that one. >> there you go. >> just read the paper. >> there is still talking about it, read the papers. >> yes. >> al michaels lives in los angeles, biggest news in his town and across america that harvey weinstein sex scandal. you just can't joke about that later he did apologize, during that broadcast, somebody got in his ear and said people are not happy. he said the joke was not meant in that manner, so my apologies. as you can imagine he got a lot of backlash on social media, network called him and said you bet's pol guys for that. >> okay. >> trying to be funny, it doesn't work. dick stockton has been in the business for 132 years. he has a fantastic career. i believe his wife is also a sportscaster. >> he knows what he is doing, man. you can they anything at him and he can handle it. >> throw anything at him. >> every now and then in the booth you are doing the game, concentrating the game and they will hand you a card that said promo coming up. we will tell the people at home what we will do later on in the show or this network, they will hand you a card. you start reading off card. blah, blah, blah, blah. well, on the bottom of the card it says, oh, just read what is on the screen, dick. don't read what is on the card because is there a coup that says, and then the third and fourth thing. >> instructions for what he should do. >> yes. >> as opposed to script for him to read saying what will go on. >> a camera coup, i graphic coup. >> directions. >> read is what on the screen, don't read it says you will to have read bullet points on the screen, don't read what is on this card because it says bullet points does that explain it. >> i think you have explained it. >> visa half time report, curt , terry, howie, and tony look on graphic for final two bullet points. >> supposed to say chiefs look to stay undefeated. >> i didn't know if he said anything or if he read them. >> no. >> color guy didn't mention it either. >> whoever captured this just kept repeating his mistake. thank you for that. thanks for pointing out our mistakes. >> see, people love watching, bloopers for news bloopers. it can be us any moment. >> us every day. that is why i have chosen to go into a new line of work. >> really. >> i am quitting. >> this is it. >> because of what i saw in the paper today. this guy i will join him. this is my new business. i will collect deer urine. >> why would you do that. >> deer urine farming is big business in pennsylvania. i'm going to collect deer urine. i i have to learn how to do that. because they say it is, it is not just as easy as sticking a bucket under a deer. >> a lot of water. >> it works for me. >> this is big for me because i'm a huge show of seinfeld. >> fan of seinfeld you quote it every day. >> every day we run a clip. >> jason alexander is on "good day philadelphia" today. so, we asked him, what are your top five george costanza lines thaw ever had to say. he told us. so lets go through five up to number one all morning. accident at federal street coming out of the ben franklin bridge tolls. is there also a crash on the opposite side. see these guys over here we have accidents on both side of the admiral wilson boulevard impacting folks to and from the ben franklin bridge. that federal street curve there always a dangerous one when road are wet like this morning. we may not have actual wipers on because rain itself is out but everything is damp and wet northbound i-95 an accident at street road, delays, south on i-95 out of the northeast. woodhaven down to girard avenue, we have had that earlier disabled school bus in the mix there and then that crash gannon street road, and put about 33 minutes on the clock leaving town on the schuylkill from center city out to 476. is the rain gone for the rest of the day? mike's got the answer in 15 seconds bob, rain's just about out of here. shore points are still dealing with scattered showers, glummy looking toward the shore. 62 degrees. northwesterly breeze at 7 miles an hour this northwest breeze will clear us out we will get sun to go to work this afternoon. it will be a pretty looking day but it will be on the chillier side. we have scattered showers north and west of philadelphia 76, blue route has got a couple scattered showers but steady rains are now pushing off shore. sixty-two in philadelphia. forty's and 50's to the north and west. that is much cooler air pushing in. we are looking at a dramatic drop. yesterday got to 72 degrees. this afternoon right around 60 to 63 dgrees for your daytime highs. chillier air on top. we have winds that will be up 15 to 20 miles an hour wind gusts throughout the course of the day. looking out west we will see a area of high pressure bringing in sunshine and great fall air in the next several days. now watch out north and west there are frost advisories, add veiing us that temperatures will dip down in the 30's and 40's. if you have any gardens you might want to wrap it up, not a killing frost but certainly will be noteworthy if you have farms and tender vegetation up toward north and west. forty-two in town. thirty's for outer suburbs. seventy forecast, looking like this 63 to 62 for your day tomorrow. lots of sunshine. nice fall air, but by say middle of next week we will start to change things up, again, in fact, it will be more spring standard going to summer standard by next weekend when we are pushing 80 . ♪ that is what we need, that is what i'm looking for on a glummy monday morning with nothing but bad news. these kid are in baltimore. >> they have beautiful voices. >> they sure do. >> all right. lets use that as our theme here. time for philly teams. hi dave uram. >> hi, how are you. >> pleasure. now i will go into my introduction here. it is time for philly team to rise up, the eagles are tied for the best record in all of the nfl. >> um-hmm. >> flyers won their home opener, in convincing fashion. >> yes, eight-two. >> sixers, they start wednesday, on finally, the process we hope is complete. >> yes. >> finally. >> he is supposed to play wednesday which is good because without him there is no process. >> are you talking about joel embiid. >> yes. >> are we ready. >> embiid, we are. yes, embiid. >> good one. >> i wrote that off. >> i saw it on the daily news cover i ripped off. >> should we start with football now. >> yes. >> what happened is it is kind of bad that people are excited about this because it involves an injury but it goodies for the eagles. aaron rodgers, his collar bone >> my initial thought was now eagles are the best team in the nfc. >> you mercenary creep. >> i may be a horrible person. you don't want to see anybody hurt. without aaron rodgers the packers are not competitive. >> it is monday, lets start some controversy. we are all bored here. so you have got two guys from wisconsin able to play to take his place. you have tony romo. >> corect. >> take him out of the broadcast booth. >> yes, please. >> colin kaepernick also from wisconsin. >> neither of them will help. >> okay, thanks. >> why not. >> because yesterday, mike mccarthey said brett hundley is your guy. he it makes you believe he is your guy. tony romo is under contract with cbs. >> people are liking him. >> eagles fans have been saying. >> i'm not a fan. i find him annoying. i wouldn't mine him going to the packers. >> i think it is good. he did a dumb, dumber reference yesterday. >> you know, i hate to like him. >> i don't like him. i want to try to like him. >> he is knowledgeable. >> he is knowledgeable. he is energetic. but he is annoying he is too glib for you. >> no, no. >> i like positivity. i don't -- i like it. he ace anything. he is a cowboy. kaepernick would be a good option but i'm thinking no team will do it he filed a grievance we have been reporting on this morning. >> lets get up to dayton what happened to competitors in our division. redskins win. they beat an zero and six team >> they gave up a big lead while beating them. they were playing a third round quarterback. eagles can bury them monday night. absolutely bury them. i'm not worried about them. >> i think that is a trap game >> you do. >> do i not think it is a trap game. i'm convinced. it is hard, i know, i'm sorry, i'm convinced that the eagles, this year are legitimate. they are legitimate. they are real deal. i'm convinced in pederson. i'm convinced in carson wentz. i think this monday night they will bury washington. >> giants somehow went out to denver. >> that is surprising with without odell beckham, without sterling shepherd and against a run defense in denver. eagles run defense is best in football. >> standings. >> giants are one-five. the cowboys are two-three. they had a bye. redskins three-two. eagles are five-one. >> winning. >> did you see this? speaking of injuries. the sports illustrated curse explain that to the viewers. >> sports illustrated cover nfl preview has david johnson of the cardinals, jj watts of houston, aaron rodgers of the packers and tom brady of the patriots. three of those four players are injured right now. >> everybody is looking at tom like could he had been next. >> you meant explain this, it has been a long standing things about the curse when you get on the cover. >> curse of the cover. >> i would put tom braid any bubble rap if i were patriots fans and they are beatable too they almost lost to the jets and they probably should lost to the jets. there was a controversial touchdown. they are beatable too. >> dave, thank you. we will have to have you back to talk sixers, home open they are friday, and then flyers. >> we are not cutting you off but we will have a philadelphia eagle ready to talk. >> do you. >> jaylen mills mr. green hair himself business jen. >> yes, we are at martin elementary. not just any eagle one of my favorite people jay lynn, good morning. >> good morning. >> i do this but let me see if is there any germs on those hands. oh plaintiff mills, we have to wash those up, we will talk about why he and eagles are partnering with this great company. do you think did you owe kay on tv. come on back. we will put you on tv. i did not know that. >> um-hmm. >> had i known that i would have washed my hands yesterday >> yes. >> you haven't washed your hands since yesterday. you news towed listen to jay len mills, he is trying to remind people to wash your hand. >> hey, jen, this is great. >> it is really cool. we are at martin elementary. good morning. >> good morning. >> as we begin to talk to mr. mills and amy, we want to see your hands. start showing thus. jaylen, good morning to you. >> good morning you are getting paid to come in here, talk to these kid, do the poster. why was it important to partner with this company. >> they are just experts in hygiene. as far as winter coming, and all of these kid and all of the activities that they are doing, you know, germs get passed pretty easy. as far as we're learning now here today washing your hands than is one of the best ways to prevent that germ transfer. >> when you are five-one and getting interceptions you cannot be sick. >> i have no i am to be sick at all. >> we have talked to these kid what do you like about being around children. you like, you like mr. mills, right. >> yes. >> what dowd like about him. >> i like that he has green hair and that represents the eagles. >> you know his coach told him if he was going to have green hair he had to. >> get the ball. >> back it up. >> yes. >> when you talk about hand washing, why is it so important? where are we missing in particular. >> hand washing is the best way to avoid cold or flu is a cording to the centers for disease control. thing we miss are, in between the fingers, down here, all of these areas. easy to get palms but you will see when these kid show the hand in the light theres areas we can do better. >> she has been washing, drying. jaylen, i know you have had a break since you went five-one but you have to be talking to the guys, feeling come back on that plane waking up knowing where you are in the division you have to be happy. >> it is a great feeling. it is, all of that hard would work we have been putting in since april and coming down to this day. it has been a tough couple six weeks. we had four games on the road. we have pneumonia playing good it is a great feeling. >> monday night, we've got the redskins. >> yes. >> they have something to prove. are you nerve bus that. >> no, i'm not nervous at all. >> when you look at these kid and you talking about to go school, that is their primary job. why is it cool for you. you have a lot to do. you have to go to the facility , you have to do a lot why sit important for you to be here talking to these kid. >> i was once in their position, you know you know, and just to be in the position i'm in, you know, looking up to who is out there, and anybody, for you to come and talk to the kid. i know when i was young it meant a lot to me. i remember to it this day. >> should we see how your hand s look lets see if she dit >> much better. all right. you guys will wash your hand as well. >> yep. >> anything else you want to say about my friend, mr. mills >> just that he is awesome. high five. we both haven't washed our hands. it is cool. again, i like you, the hair, the whole thing, keep it. >> okay. >> bye, guys. >> we have to have clean hand, to intercept passes, right. >> sure. >> well, actually, they used to use stickum on your hand. bob, do you know? mike, anybody? stickum. can you put stickum on your hand and play professional football. >> people on twitter will let us know or facebook it is illegal to use stickum. >> plus they use gloves. i understood gloves. it seems easier just for skin. it is monday, october 16th, 2017. many questions to get to. parentally. hey 14 year-old girl is missing, still missing, a mom desperate to find her. >> we want to you come home. >> for a brief home police thought they had her but the search continues and now the fbi is stepping in. swinging at harvey. >> so hard to make jokes about sexual assault but it is so easy to makes jokes about a guy who looks like this. >> saturday night live finally cracks jokes at weinstein's expense and they are not the only won, what james corden said that got more growns then laughs. a young girl's love of one direction leaves her gasping for air. >> ♪ >> but not in a good way. how screaming at a concert landed her in the hospital. halleluiah, it is finally happening. we have a seinfeld character on "good day philadelphia". >> you're giving me the it's not you, it is me lou teen. i invented it is not you, it is me. >> live. it is george costanz a, jason alexander. wait until i get a hold of him so somebody asked him, one of the best george costanz a lines of all time that he enjoyed giving or using, and that was number five. it is not you, i invented it is not you, it is me. >> yes. >> what do you think is number one i was surprised by this. >> i have an idea. >> do you. >> as i told you, i was begging for a philadelphia eagle to come n jaylen mills was worried about washing his hand so he didn't talk about dancing but td celebrations in the league. mark ingram of the saints had a good one yesterday, watch this. >> if i tried that he i would hurt myself. >> yes. >> remember we did this i did that. >> he is really good. >> so trying to come up with a "good day philadelphia" celebration, it could be a dance, stump, strut, whatever, like when mike, do you know mike? >> hi. >> when he does a good weather forecast like a great seven day, we can get around him and >> it would be a team thing. >> yes. all together now. >> coordinate and then they all fall. >> that gays one. >> there was one yesterday with the wrestler. >> yes. >> he went like that on the football but he missed and hit the turf. >> austin's flag football team the one kid does a little solute. >> yes. >> that is adorable. >> austin does the dab. >> he threw a touchdown pass on friday and day dab. >> we cannot do that. that jumped. so give us a good one. >> the community of southwest schuylkill, they have complained. >> southwest schuylkill. >> southwest schuylkill. >> trick or treating. >> i don't have weather by the numbers. >> did you. >> what do you think it is today, though. >> after listening to you i would say it is about a six, and seven. >> bump, bum many. >> a five it is a half split day. rain this morning, sun later today. we will give it a 50 percent, is that how that works. here's what's going on, ultimate doppler. we have showers north and west some bus stop still wet, north of town, into richland, montgomery county, norristown still a couple of spotty showers. otherwise the name of the day is the cold air moving south. hopefully you can get used to the zero seven's, 80's degrees from the yesterday. that is a thing of the pennsylvania. we will get down to the 60's. boy sit cold tonight. upper 350's to around 40. we are advertising some frost. we hav a frost advisory posted north and west of the pennsylvania turnpike. that is because these temperatures can get close to around freezing mark. get readied for. that high temperatures in the 50's to 62 degrees. we will talk about the cold. and, 8:05. eastbound on the schuylkill expressway disable just got pushed over to the right shoulder. traffic, starting to move past you. bumper to bumper from conshohocken all the way in through montgomery drive. an accident, double accidents here on the admiral wilson boulevard. here's a live look at traffic, backup, coming off ben franklin, into new jersey. there is also a crash on the opposite side coming in toward the benny. so admiral jammed in both directions, this morning and southbound we're heavy from accompanied man through girard >> a family is worried about her missing teenager. who wouldn't be. police are also in on the search. service the fbi. >> the story had a strange gist because she was riding in a car that police stopped yesterday but she was somehow able to get away lauren has details on where the search stand right any. >> reporter: they have no sightings of that teen since saturday night when they spotted her in south philadelphia. she was able to get way. now fbi here in philadelphia is joining, the philadelphia police department in, this search, as well as authorities in, new jersey, where the girl was from. the search continues, for this missing 14 year-old, from florence township, she was last seen in that area on sunday, october 8th. it has been more than a week now and on saturday night police had information to believe that hanna rose jones was there around 11:30 last night, two members of the fbi task force tried to pull over a white car that they knew the girl was in with an adult male they stopped the male driver on the 3,000 block of south seventh street. the driver stopped. but then he took off, running over one of the officers, injuring him, and then, abandoning that car in the 900 block of johnson street. philadelphia police spotted him a mile away near brought and snider. as for the teen, she wasn't with the driver and she wasn't in the car. now the search continues, as her mother, pleas for her to come home. >> i want to you come home. just, we don't care wharf done we don't care. just come home. so we know that you are alive and that you are safe. you are not being harmed. >> so it is important to note that jones has runaway from home but this could be much different. authorities are eager to locate her. they do not consider her to be a runaway teen anymore, at this point, they suggested, heavily that she could be a part of a human trafficking operation, and if you have any information, about where she is, or you spot her, you are asked to call the authorities. mike and alex. >> all right. we will stay on this until this young lady is found for sure. 8:07. a germantown elementary school will remain closed to day because of mold. jb kelly elementary school has been closed since thursday, the school district says that the school will remain closed on a day by day basis, until they have discovered that they realize and figure out how it will be mold free. district officials blame it on the hvac issues and condensation. lets get to williamstown new jersey because they are dealing with mold issues as well. students are off, until tomorrow, but teachers, they have back to school today. district wide shut down for most schools in the area this pennsylvania week until mold was found at holy glenn elementary school. students will be taught in other buildings while crews work toward acceptable air quality. teachers aring back today to get their materials, and things and move their classrooms so then can be safe for all of the kid. let me update you on this harvey weinstein scandal. >> three more women, they have come out and these war men in the uk, with accusations of sexual assaults, against harvey weinstein. >> geese. >> british act wrist liset anthony says that weinstein assaulted and raped her, in her own home. and meanwhile weinstein is suspended from the british philadelphia contacted my and academy of motion pictures insightses that was the move where they voted him out and he is not health gibel to be part of the academy. >> you are out. >> do you see that graphic. >> all of those people accused him of sexual misconduct. >> my goodness. >> karen hepp, what do you have. >> we have 40 women all, possible two criminal investigations. as more people are coming out, talking about it women hard tagging me too some comedians are trying to make jokes not coming off so well because thinks a sexual assault no laughing matter. late night host james corden now apologizing there was something he said over weekend , it wales charity event in hollywood. take a listen. >> i hear, it is so beautiful harvey weinstein has already asked tonight in his hotel to give him a man sage. >> he got some people that laughed, people that were groaning, in the crowd, and then on twitter, he got some major backlash. two of weinstein's accusers behind that criticism, to be cleared of sexual assault is in laughing matter. he ace pol guying. i was in the trying to make light of harvey's next excus able behavior but to shame him, and, the abuser, and, and, and that was never, my intention. and then after failing to acknowledge the accusation as begins the disgraced producer during last weeks season premiere when they got heat from this, nbc, many people thought they were burying the story, snl saturday night live did take it up but very carefully. >> he doesn't need sex rehab he need a specialized facility& where there are no woman, no contact with the outside world , metal bars and it is a prison. >> applause. >> it is a tough spot for a comedian because it is so hard to make jokes about sexual assault, but it is so easy to make jokes about a guy who looks like this. >> so, they did it, obviously a different way where they went after him. they took it up in the round table section and as you were watching right there in the weekend update section as well so, it is how you handle something that is a difficult thing. it isn't something that should be joke about really. >> you just don't joke about that. >> thank you, karen. i will screw up this guy's name when we have him on could you say his name. >> i will say his name. >> what is his name. >> you said you would mess it up. >> i just said i will miss it up. >> he's not here yet. >> we practiced this in the meeting. >> diamon hansou. >> no, it is the d silent, diamon hansou. >> yes. >> he will talk about the inspiring true story that became a best selling book and is now coming to the big screen. he has had to change his appearance for this one too. >> i will let myself go now because i have decided to actually get into a new business. i am dumping television. >> are you going to do something else. >> that was g i will become a urine farmer. >> is that what we are looking at right now. >> wow. >> that man is collecting urine. >> wow. >> it is on the front page of the philadelphia inquirer. it should be a national inquirer. deer urine farming is big business in pennsylvania. i'm not kidding. i will talk to neil cavuto about this. we will see fit is a goodbyes for me. honey, what are you doing? watching a cow...? what's it doing? impressions start your day with the new hash brown scramble bowl from chick-fil-a. hey, guys. where are the cookies for the... bake sale? bake... bake sale? need to bake in a hurry? use new country crock buttery sticks with sunflower oil. there's no softening required. so baking is delicious and easy. ooh, cookies! ah, ah, ah! (laughter) a lot of our viewers believe i'm losing it and need to look for another business who said that. >> many people on twitter. >> so when i leave television i found out on the front page of the philadelphia inquirer they are morning, that this man makes money collecting deer urine and i'm going to be a urine farmer. but, can i survive doing this? i need to talk to somebody in the money world. the guy that i look to on the fox business network and i have for nearly 20 years now neil cavuto. neil, welcome to philadelphia. >> good morning. >> i don't know where to go with this, but mike, how are you. >> i'm good. alex is sitting next to me and that is a woman. >> hi alex. >> i will tell you this, neil, that a farmer can make $100 a gallon and that a deer peas a half gallon a day. does that add up for me? >> well, what is he doing with the urine do we know. >> he is, you use it, hunters use it to mask human scent. >> so they pour it on themselves. >> do you follow it. >> and squirt it on themselves >> like a perfume or a cologne >> okay. dually noted. i don't know. i mean there might be a very promising market for this, guys, and this guy is finding it but... >> i guess i don't know. >> that is quite a sacrifice you are make to go pursue your pray, but that is as far as i know. >> in 10 years that the fox business network has been on you have never done a thing on collecting urine. >> no, but this is part of the new list of financial opportunities we might be missing. it would be cliche to say you could be pissing your money away but i don't want to go that route, that would be a little tacky. >> we will in the do that, but congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. >> i'm sorry. >> i said congrats on the 10 years, what was the slogan at first. >> i'm sorry, alex, i was so fixated on this whole deer thing i got sidetracked. >> no, appreciate that. >> on many levels. >> neil, i remembr 10 years ago up at the big office there at forty-ighth and sixth, we were talking about this, and they said well, cnbc already exists can you take on, you know, could there be another business network. you not only have done it, you are excelling. so how did you do it. >> well, you know, i think a lot of times channels, and new message that is start, start at the darndest times. i was actually look bag not anticipating the deer story so toshay for surprising me. they start at times when the environment isn't welcome. microsoft comes to mind, dell comes to mind, apple comes to mind. as you can remember, mike with the early start of "fox news" it started an environment with a very crowded news field, ms nbc, cnn was out there, same with the big network about a decade ago. cnbc, bloomberg, others out there who would need yet another business channel. but the idea was and our approach was as it is now to try to speak english to try to get away from acronyms and jargon and who can sound like the smartest kid in the class. our goal was to reach a broad audience and not assume that you game them, right from the get go. so, whether it is stories like deer story, we will pursue, by wait. >> thank you. >> it is looking beyond, just companies and earnings and all that other stuff which is important but to put in context and also understand is what going on in washington. remember far more people pay taxes then own stock. we have married those worlds, looked at those worlds and tried to do so in english. >> the debt is what i like bit i can finally understand and it has been great. >> neil, good to see you. how are you doing personally. >> i'm fine, i'm fine. what i love about you guys is you know, i have done a couple of these, sort of affiliate, sort of look back at "fox news", not a one, not a one, got into this deer story. i appreciate the ingenuity there. >> no. >> you are on the cutting edge >> oh, gosh, great to see you, congratulations. >> same here, thank you, appreciate it, guys he is the face of that network, fox business network. >> congrats to theme like his shirt and tie combination. >> very sharp. >> good morning everybody. 8:20. west on the schuylkill expressway an accident west of 476, for the gang heading out toward king of prussia, watch for delays there. also, rough go here on 309, as you roll out of the neighborhood up through flourtown. northbound 309, an accident just past paper mill road, where we are crawling there backup on the bennie from mid span into downtown at eighth and vine. pretty much rain has moved out but everything is damp and wet and watch for those wet leaves they will play half objecting in the neighborhood north on the freeway heavy from the ac x, and is the rain out of here for g mike has the answer in 15 seconds rain's out of here but now we have winds and cooler temperatures. sixty-two in philadelphia 40's in the poconos. we are looking at a day where temperatures will continue to drop, and the winds will stay up, and what a dramatic, dip in these temperatures. yesterday we got up to 72. today a struggle to get above 60 degrees. i don't think we will get out of the 50's up toward the poconos. winds 15 to 20 miles an hour on average. this will take news to tonight this is cold air, coming in from a canadian area of high pressure out to the west of us this will bring in the chill. also going to bring in sunshine. we're lock and loaded with sun for the next several days. now, with the dry air and that high pressure in control we do have to address the idea of frost to the north and west and we could be talking about temperatures up toward the poconos, allentown, reading, where we will be in the 30's and 40's for tonight. 61 degrees. temperatures falling down in the 30's, and then into the 40 's for the overnight hours. beautiful day as we get into your day tomorrow, with a temperature getting to around 62 degrees. and then eventually getting a little bit milder by the middle of next week and then by later this week, into next weekend, we are flirting with the 80's degree mark once again. you flirt. >> as long as we are close to it, aim fine witt. >> did you notice, we are trying to come up with a "good day philadelphia" celebration dance. >> yes. >> well, punters, well, they have gotten into this too. so, i was noticing, what do you call that? >> i'm not sure, but i like it , nice and easy. >> yes. >> it is almost like, i am not sure if that was from yesterday. >> okay. >> it was not. they had a white uniforms on yesterday. >> yes. >> is it water sprinkler, what sit. >> i don't knowy kind of like it though. >> so, you know, we're trying to come up with a "good day philadelphia" celebration dance and somehow rodney mc cloud, eagles safety has agreed to come into the studio and give south ideas. >> sound goods to me. and a young girl's love of one direction lead her gasping for her but not in a good way, how screaming at a concert landed her, in the hospital. >> the direction that she went down. paulsboro's a very proud community. it's been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back. ♪ one direction, alex. >> yes. >> so, so many people love one direction. >> well, there is one fan who was at a concert and she screamed so much while watching them that her lungs collapsed. so a day after the concert she was 16. she is 16. she was having a hard time breathing they had to rush her to the hospital. i didn't know that was possible just from screaming so much. >> wow. >> i have gone into a couple places where woman have screamed so hard they have collapsed. >> screaming for you. >> no, they were screaming in fear and running from me, and then they fell. >> that is how it happened, i see. >> was it true that they were one direction guys fell at a concert the other nice. >> did it. >> i still miss zane. >> yes. >> was he in one direction. >> yes. >> clearly you missed him. there is a a magazine that put out best list of the best tacos in america, okay. that is a live shot in our studio, of a taco, that has been named the third best taco , in america. >> okay. >> it takes three people to make them. >> that is how you know it is good. >> you know it. >> after the break. doctor. doctor. i played a doctor on tv, but now i'm helping save lives for real. starting with my own. i'm partnering with cigna healthspring to remind everyone how important preventive care is for people my age. see anything, doctor? looks great, doctor. and with cigna healthspring medicare advantage, you get a team of doctors overseeing your health. most preventive services are covered. so go, know, and take control of your health. oh... use mine, doctor. cigna healthspring. together, all the way. the sea was angry that day my friend like and old man sending back soup in a deli. i got 50 feet out and should lynn great beast appeared before me. i tell you he was 10 stories high if he was a foot. as if sensing my presence he let out a great bell owe, i said easy, bill fella. and then... >> so we have jason alexander on "good day philadelphia", big moment for me, of course and we are going through, jason alexander was asked what are the best george costanza's line but it is not number one. >> yes. >> yes. >> quitting for herman, megan markel may give up her agoing career for a royal. is it okay to drop your job, for your love? >> i would. i just need to find a love. >> yes, please. >> who has got money. >> is that the key. >> well, it will help. >> she will be set, right mike >> sue ace away. mike is here. >> here i am well, not really but is there my map. we have a couple scattered showers out there, good morning, everybody. gist a couple issues in terms of the scattered showers around, chester county, southern city limits. we will be dealing with those scattered showers at least for the next hour or so and then everything clears off shore. chilly air is the big story, big head lines going forward tonight, it is reflective of these 40-degree temperatures. we could see as low as a 35 or freezing mark in the poconos. we will map this out for you, definitely some fall-like weather in the seven day forecast, we will share that with you in a bit, here's bob good morning, everybody. jammo in the bennie coming into downtown philadelphia rough go this morning from that early rain, and road are still damp and wet, watch for an accident, this is south on the northeast extension, just south, of the q town interchange, causing delays from lansdale on down, and a accident westbound on the schuylkill, just cleared out of the way but it is bumper to bumper from pretty much the boulevard all the way out. live look at the blue route 476 that jammed up traffic between route three, and route one as we typically have through delco. headlights coming in toward the city on the freeway heavy from the ac x into 295. >> we have talk about this last week. >> yes. >> and we're so excited that they are here. >> please explain what yelp is >> well, it is a review place to go to restaurants and powe reviews and other people can see. which are trying to find a new spot you want to check out the yelp review.& >> i do it all the time. >> big deal to have good yelp reviews. >> this is big. yelp went out and did a survey on specific items, and one was tacos who has the best taco ness america. >> you know what? it is right here in our area we are looking at it right now >> um-hmm. >> daniel flores is here, congratulations. >> thank you we have paula. >> good to see you juan. >> good to see you. >> you two are brothers. >> no. >> like i said, no. >> he is married to my sister in law. >> okay. >> i thought they were brothers. >> not that they look anything alike. >> okay. so yelp comes in and they say you are number three in america. first two are out in california. good tacos in california. what do they like about yours, the fresh ingredients. we make them fresh to order. our business when when you eat in or pick up you see them cooking. it is like, opened, it is a opened concept kitchen. >> is what your name. >> here it is. >> it is in bethlehem, pennsylvania. >> yes. >> so, we have our el pastor taco which is pork nature nate ed in sauce. >> let me try to figure out what this one is. let me know when you get this shot here. >> yes. >> what is that. >> the el pastor. >> what is that. >> pork nature nateed in a red sauce with pine apple. >> next is the mexican sausage >> i love it. >> is it spicy. >> yes, it is a little bit spicy. it is delicious. >> does it have cheese. >> no cheese. >> okay. this is cilantro. >> and what is that. >> that is chicken and peaches >> peaches. >> peaches. >> i love peaches. >> what? >> peaches. >> that is different. >> i got to try that. >> now, put the lime on it first. >> yes, squeeze the lime on it >> squeeze the lime, okay. and then what are these other ones. >> yes, yes. >> typical. >> what is that thing. >> that is for everyone to try we brought the touriso, chicken, peaches, el pastor. >> what do you think. >> is your vegetable. >> where did you learn how to cook tacos. >> or make tacos. >> from mexico. >> mexico. are you from mexico. >> how long have you been opened in may, two years. >> are people coming in saying hey, i saw this i want to try your tacos. >> yes, i will bet. >> since that article was published on tuesday, on lehigh valley, it has , question. >> tortilla is fantastic, corn >> corn, correct. >> would you ever use a flour tortilla. >> if people request. >> i know, it is not the real thing. >> i like corn. >> you make your own. >> no, we can, yes. >> you lie. >> well, i want to try one too >> yes. >> is there another one. >> here is another peach for you. >> i love taco. >> i'm from texas. >> yes, this is real test here >> i got to tell you this is good. >> yes. >> i never had peach on a taco and i will never turn back now >> it is a good combination. >> let me reach for the peach. >> there you go. >> thanks for coming in. congratulations. >> where compactly in bethlehem, linden street 821 linden street in bethlehem, pennsylvania. >> wonderful. >> thank you so much. >> here it is, mike. >> here it is, i can't read that. >> 8:37. i we know philadelphia has pretty spots but now we have proof. one of the most beautiful piss spaces in the world is right here. we will tell you where it is. after 8 years of chris christie, is kim guadagno the change new jersey really needs? guadagno is christie's hand-picked successor. says she's "proud to be part of the christie administration." guadagno was chris christie's right hand as our schools came under attack, critical services were underfunded, and our credit rating was downgraded...11 times. from the bridge to the beach, we've seen it all, and we've had enough. kim guadagno isn't the change we need. kim guadagno isn't ( floor creaks) i can't believe we're doing this! (thunder cracks) ahh! gus, you're not scared, are you? i don't like thunder! this is getting creepy! (a wolf howls in the distance) heeey ... -whoa! (shriek) did you say creepy? fang-tastic fortune. the new scratch off from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of $50 grand. that's a monster of a prize! (giggles) (laughs) keep on scratchin'! i'm learning more about deer... never mind. philadelphia get something international spotlight now. >> yes. >> alex's favorite place spruce street harbor park was just named one of the most beautiful public spaces in the world? >> i love this. >> so it was posted by business insider and sites urban designers and it calls the park, a simple, loving intervention, with designs elements have been widely copied. >> they have been copied around the world. also on the list, prospect park, the huge park up in brooklyn. and they actually included the streets of new orleans as a beautiful, location. >> i love spruce street harbor park. it is a great place. i go all the time. >> i like tight, okay, i'm supposed to be mr. positive. >> yes, you are. >> don't give me that look. >> and then if you missed it in the winter they have, spruce street harbor park colder sister as i like to call it, winter fest. >> okay. >> what, what, what. >> no, i'm mr. positivey don't think they meant in the world because it is the nation. >> it says world. >> all of the placees there were in the u.s. >> no places outside the u.s. >> i believe, megan in the control room probably only listened to won in the united states is my guess. >> because i'm curious where in the world too, you know, aim trying to pick out my travel list for 2018. would i like to know where i need to go to vacation. >> apparently you don't to have go very far. >> new orleans. >> well, two blocks to see this harbor park, spruce street harbor park. >> i love, spruce street harbor park but one of the most beautiful public spaces in the world? >> it was numb one. >> it wasn't number one in the world. >> no. >> yes. >> there is no way spruce industries harbor park. >> what number. >> is the number one public space in the world for beauty. >> we have questions, clearly. megan, do you know. >> it is not right, the numbers. >> put it out there for everyone to enjoy. >> it is great what they have done with water and then you have places to sit, hammocks. >> it is the delaware river. >> so. >> what is the view. >> you see camden. you can see the bridge, ben franklin bridge. you don't want to see the benny. >> i like the benny but you have ben franklin parkway. >> don't kill my vibe, i like it, i agree with them. >> don't kill my vibe. >> moving on. >> okay. teaching acts. >> that is what i need. >> clean out my mouth in that act. >> yes. >> real quick on spruce street during winter fest and other holidays there is beer. so maybe people want some beer >> number one. >> spiced hot chocolate but very cute. what does a tennis ball to have do with cleaning your house. we will find out after the break. seriously, i will help you. alive picture of camelback , look, sunshine going to work there we go from the camelback mountain to the poconos, down toward the shore , if we take a look we have cloud that are hanging thick across town, you know, we still have rain showers across the region but that is all out of here. we will see sunshine in the poconos mountains. that will rain supreme here in the delaware valley later today. the wind is it is going to pick up too. that is another big deal later this afternoon. taking a look at ultimate doppler rain showers mercer county down across the shore points but everything is exiting stage right, bus stops around lawrence township, ewing, trenton, residual moisture but that is out by lunchtime. forty's to the north. sixty-two in town. these temperatures are going no where this afternoon. yesterday 72. today 60 degrees. we will talk about frost advisories and very cold night ahead, those details coming up , alex. did you just say frost advisory? >> yes. >> have we sunken to that point. >> yes. >> not a freeze advisory that is when we're in big trouble. >> thank you. >> 8:48 this weekend a ton of people were looking, you know, through their house and thinking you know what, i should start cleaning things up. i should get organized. i was thinking. that but jen, you have been researching a way to make this less painful and how to get it together. you have some clean acts. >> yes, i will be dealing with real life, cleaning acts that i found on websites, okay, you tell me if you think these make any sense, all right. these are real wonderful that i have saw. hair less trendies in. so shave a dog, shave a cat, shave the husband. here's another one, wrap furniture in plastic. really. and this is a good one stop using your dishes. they want to you stop using dishes and just use paper plates. wash your kid, and then the car, with the hose, at the same time. this is one of my favorite one , same time, monday, potty and shower. stay at grand mom's house so kid don't miss up your house after you cleaned it up on friday. ladies an joy, dogs and dates, those are some of the most ridiculous things i have ever heard of. we will give you real hacks. and then, alex, the tennis ball is part of it. so it is a cucumber. other thing they want us to do is rub mustard on our kid lunch boxes. i know, tom beck the camera guy was like um. tracie, one of our producers, tested it. here's how we want the viewers at home to get involved. tweet me, instagram me, facebook me, any of your real tips that actually work we want to hear from you but all morning long tomorrow we have great stuff, and mike, kathy slain our expert, she is say that she cannot wait for you to see some of the most ridiculous but working and useful tips that we have. >> okay. >> casey's on the show tomorrow. one of my favorites. >> yes. >> we used to put tennis ball in the garage if it goes with the cleaning. you hang it down to know where you park the car. >> yes. >> you hang it, and when the tennis ball hits the front of the windshield you stop it. >> that is ingenius. >> nicely done. >> are you making fun of me. >> a friend of mine her name is mary, mary fran she got in her car, back out of the garage but she didn't put the door up first. >> that is not good. >> she was in a hurry, boom. tore the front of the house up >> say his name again. >> damon hansou. >> i should introduce him on the show. >> can you say his name only if you can say his name. >> damon hansou. >> he is on good day philadelphia he joins to us talk about the inspiring true story that became a best selling book and now coming to the big screen. is that a big enough tease. >> what are other movies. >> he used to date -- okay more touchdown celebrations. >> that is a throw back right there. >> jamal anderson. >> the dirty bird. >> could we bring back the dirty bird. >> we will talk to rodney mc cloud he is coming in and will help us come up with our own touchdown celebration. a good day touchdown. >> i have some news about disney if you want to go down to orlando big news. just coming up, thinking about that george costanz ha favorite lines. live lot blue route 476 right here near route one media swarthmore. over weekend penndot talked about widening or at lee using portion oz have the blue route they have plenty of room here this accident here off to the side at route one and a jammo, at the circle, brooklawn circle all backed up because of that construction project, because of a little bit of rain this morning. we had an earlier accident on the admiral wilson boulevard so a mess from south jersey. an accident east on the pennsylvania turnpike, right here near fort washington, alex, back over to you. thanks, bob. when you go to disney world everyone wants to go, what? what about your pet and dog? you are allowed to bring your dog with you on vacation when you go disney world. four hotels are taking leap and will over dog kits which includes a matt, bowls, pet id tag, plastic bags and dog walking man's. they are art of animation, disney's port orleans, riverside, the disney yacht club and the cabins at disney 's fort wilderness resort. it ranges between 50 to $70 a day. new surface laos for up to two dogs per room, disney says pilot program is accepting reservations, through october of 2018. so we will see how this works what do you think? it will be interesting. 8:55. quitting for herman megan mark el may give up her agoing career to be a giving it all up what do you think about do you think it is okay to drop your job for your love. we are getting ready for jason alexander who will be on the show later so he was asked in an interview what does he think are his top moments when it comes to being on seinfeld. well, here's one number , megan. this is number three. here we go. >> fire, fire, fire. >> and we will show you top five, number one is coming up and then we will talk to jason alexander. ♪ do you want to do a monster check? yes. no monsters. ♪ how about the drawer? ♪ no monsters. nightly monster checks are how grant makes home his. and homegoods is what makes it all possible. amazing finds. always great prices. make home yours. he loves his body. he is not loving his arm today , though. listen, ed sheeran he broke his arm. >> wow. >> riding his bike. >> yeah, he showed off his cast right there. look at that his right arm in a sling. he put it on instagram. he said i have had a bit of the bicycle accident and i'm currently waiting on some medical advice which may affect some of my upcoming shows. >> the happened he uses to hold the mike. >> guitar. >> right-hand. >> guitar. >> instrument. >> yes. >> so he fell off his bike. >> yes, i saw. that shocking news. happened ban hour and half ago >> i was thinking about getting bike to ride up and down kelly drive, what do you think. >> i think you are fine. >> get you active. >> yes. >> he told me he used to run miles every day. >> every other day for 20 or 25 years. >> when is the last time did you that. >> well work my mens cuss i can't run but it hurts. >> you can ride a bike. >> it is much better. >> it is not

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