Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20170928 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20170928

sea. we also have hurricane lee staying well into open waters of atlantic. preezy right now. winds sustained 16 miles an hour. 12 miles an hour winds and pottstown 10 miles an hour winds and temperatures low 70s in philadelphia. 60s dotting map norm and west. here's bottom line for today. sunshine, but a little blustery. high temperatures topping out around 76 degrees. bob kelly good morning. >> scott. good morning, problems continue for motorists in chester county. here's a live look at accident cleanup investigation here on 30 bypass. overnight accident fatal crash involving vehicle that was reportedly going the wrong way on the bypass. after midnight this morning. right near route 28. everybody bailing off through chester county. look at speedometer rate readings. 6 miles an hour on roadways not built for all that traffic. so, all jammed up here. east on the bypass. where traffic is forced off route 32 and then pushed into chester county. and where you have two different omss. if you stuck in that traffic jam you'll be forced on the business route 30 through little townships or if you have not committed yet obviously you're at home grabbing coffee and keys head to turnpike and use that east towards king of prussia. another problem downtown philly live look at the ramp vine express way to you go west on schuylkill expressway. this fellow involved this guy has blipingers on all causing backup across town on vine trying to get to schuylkill. mike, alex back to you. >> crisis in puerto rico millions struggle to find clean food and water and island remains without electricity, gas, money, president trump planning to tour devastation on tuesday. government leaders in philadelphia calling on coming gress for additional relief to island. >> this is single major abou aboutet major cat as trophy in the history of puerto rico bar none philadelphia leaders coming together later today to try to get more attention on this and get people to help out we'll talk about that in a second. and million least he's of water to victim and more is necessary. what's doch in our area there will be a rally. local leaders need to take immediate action on this. >> federal government is not stepping up and people are starving to death down. there supplies at the dock jennie and can't get interior part of puerto rico. when you look at images and see def station you can get a sense of what is going on you there for that reason jim kenny along with other community leaders will be pushing here city hall today 5:00 urging president trump and he's manufacture congress to rose cue americans living in desperate conditions. island devastated these are first images chris o'connell and tom beck awe saz he landed on hurricane rav annualed island. >> and people like adults, children, bades stuck at the airport for days waiting for light out. food, water, diapers. generators monday the items ard boo the plane as 3 and a half million struggle day-to-day without essentials. tengs are growing and people are agitated. >> there were people pushing each other for basic necessities and chaos. >> land is destroyed. all electricity. it hurts me because i know they will suffer is because of water and electricity. it's sad. no cash. i mean i hope everybody helps. >> while relief making way to puerto rico peace meal pees people need massive amounts of aid facts mayor kenney and local leaders hope to get that event happening city hall 5:0 5:00. mike, alex. >> i don't know what to do it's trust rating all right jennie. >> they're american citizens dying and savbing. 0 5. back to our kingsessing section of city philadelphia police looking for three men accused of shooting and pistol whipping at guy. two days in a row connected lead story that we have a second day in a row where 134-b is shot in the back. running for their life and no arrests and yesterday's shooting that 16-year-old kid killed when she was shot in the back and east germantown and today we have better news because young man shot in back in 0s has survived thanks to police and maybe because they shot him second and you see the young man's headphones on the ground if they wanted him they deposit pick him up they shot him in the back and didn't run so braves and went up to him after they stopped with bullet and went through pockets. >> victim here 54 and warrington reports he's in the area of walking to see his girlfriend and three males similarly described silver hand gun approach them and they announce a robbery and he tries to run and runs southbound as running cross the intersection they fire a shot and struck in the back and falls to the ground they run up to him and goes through his pockets. victim's headphones fell off on the sidewalk over there and can only describe as three young african-american males. >> so the first victim quart to midnight 5 and kingsessing they got 50 in cash apparently not enough. that's why they kept looking for next victim and found this poor guy they shot in the bac back. and so they're still out. there if you live in that are area, between 54 and 58 around kingsessing and warrington be on the lookout. if you are out at midnight by yourself because if you're wearing headphones you don't hear people running up behind you. it could be this crew. they're still out then and have a shiny silver hand gun they're beating people with and shooting people with. watch out. >> half the people i see walking around have headphones n i'm one of them. >> all right. steve is, police are investigating a shooting out of overbrook section. a man was shot in head happened a block away from victim's house on 1100 block of 63 street 11:30 last night. 31-year-old remains in extremely critical condition. >> deadly shooting investigate in underway in wilmington the victim was hot shot in the head and died mid nights 4,000 block of miller road near brandywine hills parts. no word on a suspect or motiv motive. >> i'm looking for the morning here on "good day" we don't have to have a sires of shootings to start the program. all right. so -- >> i at love people would woke up and found out late looingt night hugh heffner pass away last night. >> while you were sleeping hugh heffner died of natural cause sghz that's what they're saying. >> at the playboy mansion. >> at the playboy mansion. >> out of respect i will try to dedicate to hugh heffner. >> okay. >> hold on my ride is here. >> here you go. >> all right famous for what silk pajamas, >> pipe. >> and hat, >> captain's hat. >> cap pan of his ship. >> thank you. >> let's have music what do you say. >> you want music. >> born in chicago in 1926,♪ ♪ >> it sound like cop show♪ ♪ i know music going down the alley. >> t. j. hooker. heffner, heff nickname came to be know known as heff the rest of his life raised by strict protestant mid western parents. he says they didn't show love or affection in any way and he knew right away he wanted a different kind of life. so after two years in the ar army, and assistant at esquire magazine, hugh founded his own publication playboy hit the stands in 1953 with nude photo of marilyn monroe. she was not totally nude on the cover. but marlin was on the cover. >> become then it was a lot. >> it was. >> i hope i played some small part in the changing of our sexual and social values in my time. and i hope that i have and i'm pretty satisfied with that. >> now i believe he was heard five times. yeah. hugh is survived by his wife crystal and four children. 91 years old. >> 91. >> now, christie his oldest daughter ran the company for a while. i believe his son cooper is involved with the company now. and i've been to the playboy manning a couple times. >> have you? >> oh, yes. i did an interview with kimberly conrad. third or fourth wife. so we're sitting there. >> you'll give us story. >> and couple -- >> quickly. >> she'll be down in a minut minute. and he walks into the room. there he was. silk pajamas. they were maroon. had a little robe on also sil silk. didn't have a hat on. but really nice. >> what did you wear for the occasion. >> absolutely nothing. i was at the playboy mansion they said you want to go to the grotto. >> you did not say no. >> i did. >> they invited me to a party a couple days later at night. so i go out to the grotto said do you want to get in i said i'm not getting in there that bacteria frappuccino. >> we know someone bought it. not too long ago. >> somebody bought the mansion from him. >> on one condition that hugh heffner would be able to live huff in there until he pass sfwlz now that he passed i don't know what they do to the property it goes to the guy that bought it. >> i think they will make it a hugh seem. >> do you think people will pay to walk through there and see what there is to see. >> what should we do i think they should name an antibiotic after him. >> all right. >> well, who's going to takeover for the guy. >> wlookz like you. >> i'm volunteering. >> would you consider yourself the hugh heffner of of delaware valley. >> i hope not. i hope not. i don't know. what a life. >> he was a journalist. >> he was a journalist that's right. >> i need a pipe. anybody have a pipe. bring it by fourth and market. 12 president trump and republicans in congress unveiled tax reform plan passing it into law and will be a big challenge in the months ahead. it may be more than months. >> new polling numbers offering good and bad news for organization. doug luzader has more. >> doug you have to make this interesting. make tax reform interesting. >> you know you set me up to fail here. i'm supposed to do something on tax reform following your tail of being at the playboy mansion and going to grotto. >> good luck. >> i give up. >> all right welcome to my grotto. this is talk of tax reform today. and the president will outline this yesterday, it's remarkable in the sense of it's a comprehensive kind of deal. and this is something we have not seen in this country for 30 years or so and the reason we have not seen it, these things are difficult. there are winners and losers and details can derail everything. >> president trump tried to find a friendly venue to talk taxes largely supportive crowd in indiana pitching a plan that has become a top gop priority. >> we will ensure the benefits are folk ised on middle class and working men and women not highest income earners. >> in broad strokes the idea involves irs using fewer tax break totes simplify the sim system. with larger dededucks for individual and big cut in corporate tax rate something wall street is clamoring for. in fox news poll registered voters give low marks on tax reformal most before getting started but there is support for changing system. only 8% of registered voters think current federal tax system works pretty well. and more than half think there should be some changes and almost 40 purse support a complete overhaul. as for gop plan senate democratic chuck shumer tried to puts in sing simple terms from his perspective. >> top rate on wealthest comes down and the bottom rate on working class families goes up. and what kind of plan is this. >> the whitehouse will dispute characterization and both sides quick to presents themselves as champions of middle class and take a look at numbers and you'll see why. 88% of voters support lowering taxes on middle taxes and not so much and wealthy 20 parse say they need a break. >> 7:15 now. nfl couldn't vrts yeah stretches far beyond the league in football field and more backlash involving money. >> more than politicl. comes down to bottom line. businesses starting to see the controversy affect their bottom line. let's begin with president trump doubling down with comments on nfl. and expecting national anthem, flag, country and that's what they're doing and in my opinion the nfl has to change or you know what will happen business will go to hel. >> president's feelings pretty clear there. to the business side direct tv reportedly offering a refund to customers that want to cancel subscriptions because of protests in lucy noland shelling districtsing pulling bud light point of sale featuring new orleans logo after players felt in during the national anthem. families are weighing in as it goes to the sacrifice our military members make. >> i have a son-in-law in afghanistan and iraq and i believe he is fighting for our freedom to take a knee or not. >> and it's not just playe playerers taking a knee. two democratic u.s. representatives felt in during speeches on house floor and high school band in california. the issue led to resignation of national anthem singer for baltimore ravens military veteran that simply does not want to be part of the controversy. we will see plenty of corporations also tag a stant. they'll have to make a decision whether or not to pull advertising. >> yeah but to clarify thoma thomas. it's not about veterans or military. at least people tag a knee. they said for them it's not about that. >> for them yeah it's brin bringing on different meaning. as you know a lot of people incorporated back to sacrifices our help and women have made in military. >> very true. >> and how much it means to them. >> yeah. >> thanks, thomas. 7:17. coroner's report into the death of otto warmbeir has been released and american college student's death is a mystery are are the coroner says. >> before we go into what he said it's important to note yesterday we were talking about the fact his parents did interview and they described his condition and what he was facing and dealing with when they saw him after 17 months where he was if prison in north korea and they were saying he was deaf and mind and looked as if his bottom teeth were rearranged and he was extreme screaming and and wrinling in pain. >> the coroner is saying there's no evidence of that. warmbier died from lack of oxygen to the brain and coroner said he had several small scars on his body but scars were not serious enough to suggest he was tortured during imprisonment in north korea. >> we don't have enough information about what happened to otto that initial to draw concrete conclusions. >> he was detained in north korea for stealing a poster. spent 17 months if prison before turned to ohio for emergency medical treatment in june. it's different from what the parents described on fox and friends talking about the state their son was in. >> in fact let's see if they do interview with parents. they must be outraged i would be flipping out if coroner said there was no evidence tortured. how did he lose blood to brain. >> come on. >> why did he come back in a coma. >> and teeth twisted up ridiculous, 7:19, scott. >> get ready for a pattern change today feeling like fal fall. dip in jet stream with cold front moving through. sunshine and blustery conditions. low 0s i-95 corridor. upper 60s north and west in lehigh valley and 50s in poconos. cold are air or cool are airy should say moving in. upper 50s right now. look at that in pittsburgh. so the bottom line we're hooking at temperatures low 70s north and west. and mid up toer 70s as you move into philadelphia. and also down the shore. so starting to change and feeling more lining we should be for this time of year. >> and dump trucks full of sand to pop up all the oil. all eastbound lanes blocked at 322. this is parking lot for everybody colling out of coatsville here. everybody forced off on to either business route 0 where you can go up to turnpike and take that eastbound into conditioning of prussia. another problem downtown philly accident involving tractor-trailer on the ramp from vine expressway to leave town on westbound schuylkill. look what it's doing here bumper to bumper crossing town on vine and quickly going to back up on ben franklin bridge coming to philadelphia and speaking of bridges we have opening underway right now at the tack coney palmyra and couple delays on septa regional rails. back to you. >> 7:21. keeping you connected when you fly. new perk one airline is addin adding. i think you'll like it. plus it's free. are you having a problem with pesky stink bugs. you're not alone. next hour we're joined by doctor who got his ph.d. in stink. bugs. yes. he got a degree in it. we're calling him dr. stink. send your questions for him using # fox 29 dr. stink.. send your questions for him using # fox 29 dr. stink.. we'll ask him on our veterans have given us the rights and freedoms that we have and we enjoy today. ready. aim. fire. and it's important for us to let them know that we will never forget their service. fire. it was steve's idea to have this cemetery. this was supplied to the veterans, giving us a final resting place. we owe everything to steve for what he gave us here. i wanted to make sure that we just didn't say thank you to veterans, we had tangible things to show, and i think we've accomplished that. [ "taps" playing ] stop it he's from here sdmri know. >> okay. soy get bored on flight. wouldn't it be kol if you would text across the flight. >> if you have a iphone don't you pay for i message. >> delta is this lauren, is this thing texting thing free. >> it is airline and free in the same sentence. starting sunday, basically every passenger on almost any delta plane can text for free. look, you paid $7 billion in change reservation freeze and baggage fees. it's nice we finally get a freebie. is text messaging the freebie you want this isy ask. some people say if there's noise on the phone you will constantly here the pings. other people say where's the privacy. you can seats are so close together you can read other person's messages and other people say what if this paves the way for making phone call calls. >> no. >> on the flight. >> no. >> now i draw the line at tha that. >> do not do that. face timing. >> you know lauren they have privacy screens now you can put it on your phone and if people are looking from the side it looks like your phone is off. all the players have it. >> oh. >> you're so with it all exthat's awesome. you can read my text messages i don't care. ceo of delta said never in my lifetime will he push for in flight phone called. >> thank god. >> it's terrible. >> it's already bad enough when the plane lands and people you know behind you ed we just landed no, ed, no, no, no we're in philly. >> i don't know what gate yet. >> i don't -- baggage claim -- no we just landed. >> how do you guys feel. this is random, about the passengers applauding when a flight safely lands. >> i've been on those. >> i've done that. >> i've had it happen recently and i had like headphones in everybody is clapping i was like did i miss something. they wer like no we just landed great. it's getting a mrawded for doing what you're supposed to do. someone should applaud us for doing the news which we do every day. >> that rarely happens. >> every day. >> lauren you look ready for the holidays i love the bow. >> oh, yes. >> mariary christmas. >> what do they call these bow. >> pusey cat bows. >> they have a name. >> look at that ring. >> i'm surprised you deposit jump on that. >> she has a lovely ring. >> thank you lauren. >> and merry christmas. >> speaking of that i wish you had that privacy screen sitting next to me. >> i'm tell you folks she reads my texts before i can read them it's ridiculous. >> we're sitting so close to each other and his texts are more interesting than mine. >> i'll get a text and she'll answer the question. >> or i'll say with are you going to answer that. tell her this. >> it'sry dig use will you. >> it's fun. >> one of my favorite places fees like fall a little. yes. hi, jen. >>. >> we have to come to lynnvilla pumpkin land new koypd of apple we'll fling apples and get our fall on. it's happening and these are giant pumpkins, i can not pick it's happening and these are giant pumpkins, i can not pick them >> 7:0 changed american culture. hugh heffner founder of of playboy magazine and playboy empire died late last fight of the we looked back at his legacy today. >> are you having a problem with stink bugs. are you not alone. next hour we're joined by a doctor who got his ph.d. in stink. bugs. >> we're not kidding he did. >> so send your questions for him. we need questions and good ones. do you have stink bugs and want to know how to get rid of them what are the best ways. deposit he say if you have a few that means there's hundreds. >> if you see one there's probably 25, 30 behind your walls. >> so if you have a question for him use fantastic # fox29d fox29dr. stink scott i'm not kidding this guy lives in independent area and did dissertation in area of stink. bugs. >> unbelievable. >> i wouldn'ter how long did it take. we have to ask how long did it take him to get through school for that. >> i don't know. >> we're looking at cooler weather moving in. finally if you have not been a fan of yesterday's high temperature 89 degrees. look at numbers right now. 50s mount pocono and 60s north and west and low to mid 70s philadelphia in sparts of southier y. a lot of sunshine and high temperature. 6. it will be a little windy. winds gusting up to 0 miles an hour. later on today. as we have high pressure moving in and low pressure moving out with maria. and look at future wind gusts. you can see dpuingting up to 30 miles an hour, philadelphia, down the shore add well. so once again winds changed. but starting to feel like fall bob kelly how are roads. kos up to on the vine all because of tractor-trailer accident that's on the ramp from the vine expressway to go west on the schuylkill. all this traffic is making me hungry. >> where are you going. >> piston diner in westville new jerseyment remember a front end loader went through the front door. remember that they're have a fundraiser for veterans day. we're going to have breakfast and talk about fundraiser i'll see you there at 9. >> it's fairly easy to get into the place now. >> yeah, >> big door. >> right. >> piston diner it's a lot of ups and downs over there be careful. >> got it a mom is rationing for her children rain water in puerto rico. and imagine going eight days without food or water and it's in 90 degrees. humidity is through the roof and if you have a roof. >> you can't get to work. >> we talk about it and share pictures and from puerto rico he at the airport what is it really lick too sew it with your own eyes we'll talk to chris in just a second. first this. >> there were people that spread like fighting for ice and water and for -- pushing each other for basic necessities and just chaos you know? >> it is very bad. the whole island is destroyed. this no services of any kind. people having hard time to get supplies. everything they need for daily life. >> crystal kind of went down there yesterday. chris wentz down there yesterday and he's already back. chris, what did you see? what is it like for real? >> images you see on television don't do it justic justice. it really doesn't. when we arrived in san one at the airport we were not even out of the airplane yet and saw airport hangars ripped apart. we saw planes destroyed. and having been attended to and flights in and out of san juan and then the real reality hit when we hit the airport. many of those people like you said had been there for days and i cannot tell you how stifling hot it was. it was a week without air conditioning and week without power and thousands of people in that airport many of themes desperate trying to gets off the island and keep if mind many of those their homes were destroyed. so it is a very much a humanitarian crisis right now. we did see signs of it getting a little better yesterday. flights doubled yesterday up to 18 leaving island. and keep in mind every time a flight comes in with people and whatnot and leaves it's coming in with supplies. because supplies getting this island that's hard part. it's island. it's not like texas or florida where you can truck stuff to. >> did you talk to some of the people then waiting in the airport about what it looks like further inland and what they've been dealing with? >> really, what we heard people who live in and around metropolitan san one area they're getting relief supplies and water and food quicker than those in mountains of san juan and those people decimated. small towns gone. and those people don't have any places to go. keep in mind they're roads. huge trees. the biggest thing they want in puerto rico is not necessarily generators or water it's chain saws to cut away to get out of their neighbors to get on the main roads what's left of those roads to get help. >> so now all these people are leaving do they have plans to go back. puerto rico will not look the same for a generation probably. >> well people have families there. they have roots there. some people like elderly we saw many of those on our flights yesterday. just the joy of them stepping on to airplane and getting a way from this for a while. and again one of the other shortages they have is medicine. people -- dialysis machines, insulin. these people are not getting medicals and hospitals are filled. it's just getting worse by the day. we saw little signs of hope coming for purt rocco yesterday. >> really quickly lastly chris for the people who are on the flight from philly to puerto rico were they going there to help family members rebuild or check on them what was their motivation heading there now? >> we saw gamut. some people trying to get people off the island and some going down we saw a lot of sol vacation army and people going to the island to try to get. it's a little mix of both. we saw people many people surprising amount of people that went down for the storm to help their own people before the storm got there. and they were coming back from after the storm. so if you know puerto rican people that's the kind of people they are. >> exactly i saw a guy on the plane saying he was getting his 82-year-old mother and bringing her back here for the rest of her life probably. >> not surprised. >> we all talked about it yesterday. facial recognition to unlock your phone. you look at your phone and it's unlocked. well the iphone is gearing up to do that. but not everybody should trust it next hour, find out why kids under the age of 13 it next hour, find out why kids under the age of 13 should never use face i.d.. what are you doing? watching this breath savers protect mint neutralize the plaque acids in my mouth. i can't see anything! that's because it's working so hard. hey, what are you guys doing? karen. we're neutralizing. maybe i want to neutralize. you ever think of that? >> so you know we've been talking about the fact that witness twitter iser is now giving select people 280 character to tweet out instead of typical 1 40. doubled only for a few. we've been trying to figure out who has 20 character limit. >> eagles got it. >> they tweeted out the entire fight song and still had character to spare. >> they didn't use it all. well, yeah, okay, how do you get notified if you get to up from 140 to 280. >> if you try to write a tweet. it will tell you how many character. >> try to go over 140 to see if i'm one of them. >> you could tweet you don't retweet you don't tweet you only retweet. >> i don't have it either. there's some in our area that have it. >> hughie dylan. >> than chitchat. >> trader that wentz to channel 3 that stinkin' trader got it. 280. >> and it's so funny as i scroll on timeline i'm looking is that 280 or 140 i'm trying to figure out who has it. >> i love hughie he's great. >> you called him a trader. >> hughie benedict arnold dylan i love hughie. i was talking to him yesterda yesterday. i love this show. hell's kitchen. gordan ramsey has 16 shows on fox. hell's kitchen returns to fox tomorrow night and this morning some local contestants there's three up for new shox you know them all by now they're all philly people. i made a dish. scott made a dish and karen made a dish. >> i made a dish. >> did you make a dish? >> yeah i made a dish. >> did you really? >> yes. >> why are you so surprised. >> well, i he's speechless what are you trying to say. >> i'm saying linvilla or kharndz we love going there. jen frederick is there. >> that was awesome. jennaphr frederick is there. >> is there anything more american than three little boys flippinging apples to -- let's see if it gets anywhere, boom, the two right here are rookies and alreadyit hitting stuff. rookies and alreadyit hitting stuff. i'm really proud of we invited a beauty blogger to test her favorite soap... against dove. so we are using this test paper... ...that represents skin. the paper is dissolving... and dove is not dissolving... at all! with < moisturizing cream dove is gentler on your skin. >> morning everybody, 7:46 we're looking for sky fox video in the last half hour as we flew over cleanup of 0 bay pass chester county 2 nasty accident overnight. carrying going on the wrong way collided with tractor-trailer. what you see there is loads of sand trying to mop up the fuel spill. let's two to live shot of our camera. penndot crews again have been out here all morning long putting down electronic loads and truckloads of sand. but eastbound 30 bypass closeded and that's causing a major backup. it's parking lot coming out of coatsville. heading to route 322. where all traffic is forced off this morning. and then through the local townships. business 0 is jammed. your best bet head up to the turn pike and take that east in towards king of prussia. that will at least get you out of traffic jam. and give yourself mrepttive extra time if you try to go through township. there even school buses are going to be delayed for class today. vine expressway bumper to bumper benny to the schuylkill all because of early morning accident and septa regional rail lines running with delays. this morning forecast for you thursday. this morning forecast for you thursday. scotty got it in 15 second. sfwhv finally change of weather pattern as cold front pushed through. winds north 10 miles an hour and look tractor-trailer numbers north and west. 5 degrees right now. mount pocono. 66 in allentown and it's even cooler as you move off west. look at numbers around pi pitburg. 50s right now. 50s in buffalo as well. that's some of the cooler air moving in. look at future and wind gusts later and wind gusting 0 miles an hour. blustery winds of change a lot of sunshine and temperatures topping outright around 76 later on this afternoon. and temperatures tonight in the 50s. and then the weekend upper 60s to low 70s. back over to you. >> feeling like fall because fall is here. and you know what people love to do when the fall hits? you love to go to linvilla and they have apples and prince william kins and you're having fun out there jenn. >> good morning it's officia officially fall because we're here. i've given whyatt special permission. can he get it? yeah. >> so close. >> so close. >> i've given whyatt special permission to hit mr. noodle head. i'm proud of new addition we added. >> mr. noodle head. >> you repurposes pool noodles, get it, get it. >> almost. >> why is it so siteing to fling apples. >> this has become very popular out of necessity dropped apple can no longer be used for sideer. we needed to find a purpose. steve linvilla came up with this idea. dads love it as much as kids. >> that's a good point. >> we have in no particular order fit of all gabe in first grade and olivia in third grade who is i think going to be the secret winner of this whole thing and we have whyatt almost whyatt he's inth grade and behind us also in third grade. >> euro when. >> show us what you have. now, it does take a special skill. whyatt likes hand over the apple as he flings it out, do you agree with that special skill. >> as long as you have the eye hand coordination otherwise when you first start at it it's bet to let the cup hold it and let go of handle. >> what's minimum age you can do this. 18 months if you can stand you can fling what's the rules here. >> as long as you can pull it back usually what happens dad says he'll help younger kids and dad does most of the activity. >> whole buck tote himself. >> obviously this is part of what happens pumpkin land. this, there's corn maze if front of us and hey maze behind us i'm embarrassed to say i've been lost in both the corn and hey maze at one time. i know it's funny right you're not supposed to get lost. how long will it take someone to go through the maze. >> one of those thing you can spend 20 minute and give up or spend 45 minutes and find the way through. >> you hit mr. noodle head. >> yes. >> did that happen did you see it whyatt did that happen way to go olivia what do you have. yes. that was close. >> she's making it happen and she's a rookie not whyatt who is training like american ninja warrior every day. >> true or false you're out 6 hours every day since the season started? >> true, false. >> mr. noodle head get mr. noodle head. go for it. you're twisted you're twisted. >> i'll help them out. >> gets kids away from video games too. >> one last chance whyatt i feel it you'll get it. >> no. >> mr. noodle head. >> guys back to you. >> here's what's going be happening whyatt and i will compete for mr. noodle head. >> looks like a lot of fun. i want to do that. it's for adult and kids. linvilla orchard i first fell in love with the pink lady apple. so good. i'll have to mack a trip out there. biging sexy back to the super bowl justin sim better lake is finalizeing a deal to perform at half time. wait a minute, how come justin timberlake gets another chance and not janet jack on. or do you think he'll bring her back. we'll discuss. and are you having a problem with stink bugs. you're not alone. next hour joined by a doctor that got ph.d. in stink bugs that's a real thing. send us questions. we need questions. using # fox 29 dr. stink on facebook, instagram, twitter, using # fox 29 dr. stink on facebook, instagram, twitter, whatever you prefer. ♪ >> 7:56 hello allentown. >> hello. >> is that allentown? >> yeah i guess it is. >> good news for you techyes out there. you can now war a smart jacke jacket. >> so it's levis jacket that may look like regular jacket but you can connect to the internet while wearing it and change music with it or use navigation. jacket is called levi commuter trucker jacket. look at that. by google. it's available both monies and women's sizes and sells for ready for it, $350. >> 350 because it has all that technology running through it. >> why do i need a jacket to connect to the internet. >> you don't. >> you can make your phone a hot spot if you wanted to. >> this is what you want. you're constantly hot and cold you go back and forming. minute to minute. right? >> i guess so yeah. you say you're freezing sometimes and next hot. >> i'm always freezing. >> yeah i'm freezing. >> the woman has a jacket over her legs every day. >> i'm with you on the cold part it's hot part i'm wonde wondering about. >> you need to figure out how to get hot. anyway, this is fantastic. you wear a thermostat on body. >> we moved on to next thing. >> i thought you were talking about jacket. >> no this is what you need this better than the jacket. >> i see. >> jacket is stupid. >> you can wear your own thermostat. it's new wrist band could put an end to discomfort by helping you reach perfect body temperature. you would be a human thermostat. >> it's about $300 and called ember wave or embr wave and uses thermal elect electronic tile that changes temperatures when exposed to electrical current. to warm up the current creates heat waves and cool down dissipates heat with help from aluminum come bone sglents what i would do is flip that around and put it on blood stream on other side of your wrist. >> yeah. >> because doesn't your blood circulate through your body in less than won two minutes. >> it's big and bulky though. >> it's human thermostat. please. >> yeah it's cool though. and, doctors can tell me how fast does blood go through your body to the same spot. has to be 2 minutes. >> we have to ask dr. mike. >> dr. stink. is here. >> he's ph.d. in stink bugs. >> i bet he knows about blood streams. >> thursday, september 28, 2 2017. >> from fox 29 studios this is "good day philadelphia". >> purt look owe call for relief. >> this is very bad. i mean the whole island is destroyed. >> no power, no water, home remains. how local leaders are stepping up to get help to those in need. >> remembering hugh heffner. >> you arrived just in time we'll have a swinging party tonight. >> icon playboy founder passed away age of 91. a look back at his life and legacy he leaves behind. >> what's that smell? stink bugs are invading our area. they're everywhere. and worse. they're getting comfortable in our homes. what you can make with cardboard to get rid of them. >> yes. >> bringing sxy back♪ ♪ >> justin timberlake may bring sexy back to the super bowl. after that infamous janet jackson wardrobe malfunction is nfl letting by gones be by jackson wardrobe malfunction is nfl letting by gones be by gones? ♪ ♪ >> speaking of sexy, scott williams is in for sue serio. and we each have a locker here at the station. look what i found in scott's locker. ah, how long have you been wearing these playboy -- >> well you know. >> de owed rantd. >> that's sexy hollywood full body shower gel. >> he rubs it all over his body, hair, everywhere. >> wow. >> good to have new scott. >> weather by the numbers. scale of 1 to 10 today. it's a nine. we have a cold front moving through. finally starting to transition and feel like fall ais cot area. that cold front kicking tropical storm maria out to sea and high pressure building in behind it. look at the numbers. mount pocono in the 50s now. upper 60s north and west. low 70s philadelphia. but, look at the cooler air off to the north and west. and 57 degrees in buffalo own 59 pittsburgh. that's some of the cooler air headed in our direction. so, is sunny, but breezy. high temperatures bob kelly in the 70s. so saying bye to those upper 80s we saw yesterday. >> you got it there sxy hollywood. 8:01. problems continue on 30 bypass all eastbound lanes closed. penndot crews dumping stand on roadway trying to spill up the nooingt yeah spill that occurred on the overnight. all eastbound lanes closed all morning long forced off to 322. just a hot mess through chester county. a lot of folks louising of course business route 30. that is bummer to bumper coatsville to malvern. your best bit before you leave the house head fortune pike. use eastbound. that will get you in to king of prussia. no eta when it opens back up. look at benny bumper to bumper south benny up and over to downtown. this resulted from an accident on the philly side over on the schuylkill expressway. septa running with delays on a couple regional rail lines this morning. mike, alex, back to you. >> all right. 8:02. you probably went to bed last night and didn't know this. if you just getting up hugh heffner died. of course he was founder of playboy magazine and playboy clubs and playboy enterprise. >> and apparently body wash you were just showing. >> body wash. >> it all started in chicago that's where he was born. >> that's right. >> during warld war ii served as writer for military few and worked as copyrighter esquire magazine and reportedly left because he didn't get a $5 raise. >> he want aid $5 raise they wouldn't give it to him. >> look what he got after that. >> he destarled to start bay playboy magazine started in kitchen what 8,000 he spent in first issue. >> i've done it in my kitche kitchen. >> then he started with that and it exploded impacted so many people and lives and really our culture and just the whole sexual revolution for 60 years. last night the announcement wept out playboy said he was sure oubded by family and friends there in the historic and famous infamous playboy mansion. people mentioned going to the grtto here's twitter is area announcement # ripheff he launched that magazine and initially it was alone for $6 $600 and then other investors bringing money on that back in 1953. first issue was so famous out of the gate. marilyn monroe. sold for $50,000 copies made instant success. >> well i hope i played some small part in the changing of our sexual and social values in my time. and i hope i have. and i'm pretty satisfied with that. >> so many women you know say they owe their career cans to him. and often seen obviously wearing pajamas and silk smoky jacket and promoted entire playboy philosophy through his entire life through death and so many celebrities started tweeting, many cover girls, former playboy model jennie mccartney thanked him for being a revolutionary and changing so many lives especially mine hope i made you brought. nancy sin at ray posting one of the nicest men i ever knew. >> and carmen electra cover girl as well. pretty emotional saying i can't stop crying a cannot imagine how many bunnies are crying for you two. he's survived by his wife crystal and four adult children. he bought a plot a long time ago. you know where he'll be buried. >> we were going to say. >> i didn't know go ahead and say. >> how did you hear about it. >> because i read it. >> tall hi news they put it out. next to marilyn monroe. >> so will that happen karen. >> i think it is he bought the not years and years ago. >> for how much. >> 75,000 in 1992. >> whoa. >> now why maryland monroe. i know she's sex symbol. >> fist cover. >> special connection. >> first cover back in early 50 az hu? >> 5. >> there it is. >> i remember jay len owe saying if you are going to do this and spend that kind of money shouldn't you be buried on top of her? oh, god. that was jay len owe's line not mine. not minep. >> lord. >> i'm sure he probably would have appreciated that. >> he did he heard jay say that he did it on the joe. all right. rest in peace. >> back to biggest story in united states for sure. what is happening in puerto rico. people are starting to buy die of starvation an lack of water. >> it's been a week since hurricane maria and people are struggling to find clean food and water and island remains without electricity, gas, money, caught up to travelers returning from puerto rico. remember ned yesterday on the show we were there as american airlines flight was headed to puerto rico owe. we were on the flight and caught one travelers returning from puerto rico and this is what they had to say about what it's like there now. >> there were people that spread like fight are for ice an water and pushing each other for basic necessities and just chaos you know. >> lot of people saying what is going on with federal government the stuff is down there and can't distribute it to rest of island. it's chaotic. it's disorg is intoed. so people back here in philadelphia said, can we hel help. they're calling on congress for additional relief and do it now. >> so jennie joyce is live at city hall because that's what's going to be happening local people coming together and grab attention of lawmakers and get this going. >> let's go. >> mike, alex, because philadelphia does have decent size puerto rican population here and now local community leaders from purity rican community along with jim conditiony will urge president and congress to rescue americans fast. take a look at destruction in puerto rico. these are first images chris o'connell and tom beck saw as he landed on hurricane ravaged island. they were on american airlines plane carrying relief to people of puerto rico. people like these adults, children, babies stuff at the airport for days waiting to a flight out. food, water, diapers, generators, among the items aboard the plane. and as the three and a half million people in puerto rico struggled day-to-day without essentials. back here at hospital we talked to people arriving philly international from puerto rico. one man was on the island for work and describes the severity of it all. >> water is getting quairs, getting worse by the day. >> the whole island is is destroyed and there's no services of any kind. people are having a hard time to get surprised. everything they need for daily life. people working hard. people have hope that give back. it was beautiful just before hurricane. >> they're handling it gate. those people are the best. if that happened here it would be chaos. >> while aid is arriving on the island it's not heading there soon enough. it's not being dispersed to everybody that needs the help. as you're saying people are starving and thirsty and something needs to be done they need help from president, congress, lawmakers, here today, 5:00 when with mayor jim kenny along with hoders will urnl the federal government to step up. >> how about we top star ewing about nfl. it's hern citizens in puerto rico sdm facial recognition to unlock your phone. you shove your face into your phone. it lights up. >> not everyone should trust it. why kids under the age of 13 should never use facial recognition. or face i.d. >> who has stink bugs in their house. look at all the people with hands up. we can see you. look at that looks look a little dinosaur doesn't it. they're out and won't be gone until it freezes folks. we have a man that got ph.d. in studying them. he lives in philadelphia. who knew. dr. stink in the house. if you have a question how to ge rid of them use the # if you have a question how to ge rid of them use the # dr. stink [rooster crow] honey, what are you doing? watching a cow...? what's it doing? impressions. this september, get one of three breakfast items free when you order with the chick-fil-a one app. new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. unlike ordinary toothpaste colgate total... fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for a healthier mouth. so you're totally ready. colgate total. be totally ready for life. >> 8:15 video he from sky fox flying over earlier this morning and nasty klup from the accident around the 30 bypass in chester county. all eastbound lanes remain closed at route 282 accident fatal crash vehicle going wrong way this morning collided with tractor-trailer. let's go live to the jam cam where again they're continuing to cleanup. here's what they've doing put dump trucks of sand and trying to sop it up on the eastbound side in chester county. pum better to bumper traffic as everybody pushed offer into neighbors, west bradford, east colin all the way to malvern. head to turnpike. eastbound pa turnpike downingtown to king of prussia and that's the way to government back up on the benny because of earlier accident. on philly side of schuylkill expressway and mass transsit far so good. minor delays on a couple regional rail lines. forecast for you thursday and weekend ahead. stot jury got it in 15 weekend ahead. stot jury got it in 15 secondsment miss america pageant . >> 72 degrees. wind north so miles an hour dry and breezy bus stop buddy. grab light jacket or whipped braeing and national scaw berry cream day. front kicking tropical storm maria out to sea. high temperatures low to mid 70s across the reeling yn today. back over to you. >> you're going to answer yes to the question i'm about to ask. do you have stink bugs. >> yes. >> in your house. >> yeah. >> or outside around. >> so do i. >> i certainly do. one of our producers milky way will with beingy megan will by is fighting this problem like you are. >> it's pretty bad at her home though i mean -- >> she's losing her mind. >> take a look at this looking at the bugs. >> i think we have a problem one, two, three, i already took one outside today. >> and then we saw videos outside of your home. >> it's terrible. >> megan good to see you. >> little megan hi. >> so nice to meet you both. >> crazy thing is you just bought this home. you didn't see it when looking at the home. >> we bought it home in may and moved in june we final liss gotten gauged whole thing. look a week ago. i was like there's one in the bathroom. dave, my fiancee can you take this out. i don't know. >> he's so brave. >> they're stick bugs you are not supposed to squash them they smell you. >> went to internet and web md started to find solution. >> you're not supposed to do that. >> by the way. >> she brought a stink bug in. >> this is stanley i named him. >> stanley. >> i felt bad. soy named him. anyway i brought a stink bug in and searched and served you how do you do it. >> righting there lower camera a little about sxwh we have plenty of foot bath of stink bugs thanks for bringing it in. >> of course any time i figured i would let it loose. soy searched and searched everything you can think of it goat rid of them i don't like killing things and i have dogs. i deposit want pesticides and chemicals. so they said natural ways to get rid of them. >> you know as producer. >> sorry, sorry, soapy water. >> dish soap and water. >> squirt it on the bug i itself. >> it dehigh draits a little bit. i'm sure someone will tell me later it's okay to till kill them. second thing i did was saw minute oil and water there's me video of doing it. >> you doing it at home. >> yes yesterday. so you get -- not extract oil ten drops in two cups of water and spray around there's video of me spray around yesterday too. >> has it worked. >> yesterday there was another one in bedroom and again tons more outside soy tried spraying it i saw another one later outside. i don't think it's working. >> you're not necessarily training on bug itself but around the house. >> repellant. >> like you have no qulad aarr doing. >> none. >> that's affected your love life at all. >> yes, it has. >> you're nervous in bed. >> i'm like why are we in here get them out. >> he's laid back about it. >> we have help for you. >> bring in the doctor now. >> dr. stink coming in his real name dr. cambridge we're calling you dr. stink if you have questions fox 29 dr. stink.. is she doing anything right. i'm sorry i didn't wear blue. >> she's noticing it. that's the first step. i'll disspell the soap myth quick. if you spray soap on these guys it's going to kill anything that you spray soap on so not super effective. >> really? >> no, no, no. these guys are hard to treat for this time of year. >> why are so many of them. if she seize is one there's 50 behind the ball wall. >> yeah these guys are coming in your house over winter. i'm sorry they'll be there rest of season. and they're going to leave come spring or so so there's no point in treating now. >> why are they called stink. bugs the myth if you skish them stink comes sglout if you skish them quick but if you square them they have defensive reaction they reloose a stinking. >> footage provided by me from my apartment balcony. that perspective is it's not uj like that. is it look a skunk if you square it it swirts. >> they have giant holes on bottom and release stink. from it. they don't have a tail like skunk. .> >> is it true you got ph.d. studying stink bugs. >> yes officially. >> is there more official sounding name. >> this is -- >> i mean for studies what are you talking about ph.d. in -- >> ent mol jury i'm enter molgist. i'm sorry were in epicenter of stink. bug invasion in the united states. these guys name late 90s here into eastern pennsylvania and it spread to over 44 other states. >> we're -- it's our fault. >> we're the problem. >> it's here. >> if you have questions for dr. stink do we have any ryan? have any come in yet? if it is i don't see it. there we go. >> i can't see that i'm blind. >> what does nest look like and how do you prevent them from occupying home dr. stink. >> that's a great segue. so there's a pretty simple thing you can do to try to reduce the number coming to your home. they're not nesting. they are not breeding they don't bite, they don't sting. they don't feed or lay eggs in your house. we like to recommend people use non chemical intercept trap. these are high tech and expensive. >> they're not. >> it's a piece of cardboard box collapsed. >> all you do okay is basically i've taken -- here i got one so you can try at home and see. all you do is take one of these things fold edge of it so when i set it back it kind of makes a little let's seefy can -- you kind of see inside there right? >> yes. >> so basically this is mimicking inside walls. this is what the stink bug is looking for protected inside something. >> where would i lay this. >> right against outside of your house. >> lay it down or put on side like that. >> so if this is outside of your house lay it up against the wall. >> so part of the wall. >> and then just leave it there. i mean don't let it get rained on take it out and i don't know burn it. >> i don't squirt anything in there to attract. >> you need nothing. >> nothing. >> it's easy to reduce number of these. >> what happens once they're in there what do you do. >> burn it, i don't know. >> i can clarify this. so like are they bad i'm not -- it's not a bad things to get rid of them. >> you mean kill them. >> yeah. >> yes. >> but is there anything they do that is positive or is it good to get rid of them. >> so, you know there's always ethical question of killing something blah, blah, blah, but these are invasive species don't feel bad about killing them here. we don't want to kill them over the entire world. >> do they eat something. >> everything. they cause millions and millions of dollars of crop damage annually and in 2010 they caused over 37 million in damage in just apples in mid-atlantic region. >> that's why he's dr. stink. >> so all i have to do is put card boar on the wall. >> yes. >> you are spraying crap all over your house. >> it's probably cleaner. >> smells good. >> the minute smells good. >> minute write sglesh okay. so we have more questions. you can stay until 10. >> sure. you can stay until 10. >> sure. >> dr. stink. here for you. ♪ ♪ hi ted, glad you could join us! ♪ ♪ give it a try. mmm. give that to me. ♪ ♪ (laughing) ted? ♪ ♪ ted? sghv we is a question when you kill one more are attractioned to the smell. doctor? >> yes so that's a common myth. that's true of yellow jackets not stink bugs. when you squish these guys why would it attract more stink bugs there's nothing they'll come and do it hrt you that's a myth, no. squish them at will. >> thank you. >> wow. >> if you have any more questions for dr. stink use #fox29drstink. >> proud graduate of rutgers university. >> name a famous purt reerng an in the united states of america. >> geraldo rivera is down in his homeland. and he's going to do a live report about what he has seen over the last three for four report about what he has seen over the last three for four days next on "good day" ♪ get on up. ♪ get on up, mama. ♪ get on up. ♪ do what you want. ♪ do you want, let the record hop. ♪ degree motionsense. ultimate freshness... with every move. the more you move, the more it works. degree, it won't let you down. >> coming up on:30. >> imagine if you can have a clue when partner is cheating luke a heads up. well if you do apparently you should listen to them. there's subtle clues in the way your partner talks and this even works with straipingzers. you can figure out their lining or cheating. >> if i ask where you cheat become me and her voice goes funny i'll know. >> we'll reveal. >> what did you think of "empire" on fox. >> we'll look at big moments. there were big surprises. it's not going to be too much of spoiler alert. but yaz mom that plays hakeem she'll be honored and we'll talk about last night'sen sowed. tweet me on instagram me on twitter i'm alex holly tv twitter alex holly fox 29 and instagram alex holly tv. >> new definition of pimp walk. >> there's a new definition for that and lishious can do it. >> gangster league. >> and the most famous purity rican in our area geraldo rivera. the last few days what he's seen. he's heartbroken about this. he'll talk to us live from puerto rico in a bit. scott. >> winds of change that cold front is moving through. temperatures dropping and so is the humidity. 72 right now. winds north 10 miles an hour. and we're talking about winds gusting up to 30 miles an hour later today. mount pocono 56. 60s north and west and low 70s i-95 corridor low and mid 70s delaware and south jerz and i western part of state look at that cooler fall air. temperatures in pittsburgh upper 50s in buffalo and syracuse. that cooler air and gusty winds hour by hour look at future wind gusts up to 30 miles an hour. bottom line sunshine. blustery. temperatures back where they should be this time of year. and 7 day forecast shows low 0s on friday. upper 60s to kickoff the upcoming weekend. good morning, bob. >> 8:32 we have good news this time of around. they just reopen entered 30 bypass. they just kleendz up all of the fuel from the overnight accident. traffic is eventually on its way. here comes police vehicle lifting all the detours along the way. any minute now traffic flows. but there's major delays through downingtown. and downingtown school district is reporting major delays for not only its teachers and but all of school buses and because all this traffic has been pushed off on to business route 30. if you leave the house right now you typically head that way i head fortune pike eastbound out of downingtown backed up on the benny worked up eastbound up and over downtown because of earlier accident on the schuylkill. mike, alex back to you. >> scott said on saturday back in the 60s. feels like fall. >> feels like fall. >> because it is fall. >> where do you go to celebrate fall. >> linvilla orchards. >> it's a mart avenue so many family traditions, good morning, steve. >> good morning. >> i love all the pretty, pretty pumpkins white pumpkin this is one good for baking pies. >> it's -- this is newest one and the tondo and real hard to find. this one is actually over 100 years old developed in philadelphia and it's rally one of the best pumpkins for pumpkin pies. >> i love it you say you're expert carving pumpkins. do you luke a tall skinny or fat squatty. >> fat. >> i like fat squatty and it's not because that my body type. here we are one of the great things everyone loves to do is take tractor ride and you visit sweet witch. >> we are sugar witches. >> we don't melt in the rain we melt when it is hot. >> what can kids expect when they come through. >> tractor comes tocy our beautiful house here and i tell a story and we share very educational one liner jokes. >> i like that and then if they come through here and laugh do they get a treat. >> they get more jokes. it's kind of bad situation because it just keeps building worse and worse. >> did you have breakfast this morning. >> no. >> no, i didn't either because the monster put poison on my corn flakes you know what you call that. >> what, cereal killer. >> that's good. >> that's scariest it will get. >> that's it. no, we're very silly and funny and we love children an we don't use them in any of our recipes anymore it's very, very sweet. up to kids about 11 years old and parents seem to enjoy it too. we do tell a few jokes for parents. it's just a very sweet ride to bring kids on for halloween it's not scary and geared specifically for children. >> grown ups who are afraid of cats. >> that's too. >> so guys you have gotten to be out of school for a little bit. you like the witches house. >> yes. >> are you going to go back to school. >> about in step hours. >> ten hours. >> you want to get out of school for another what three to four hours. >> about that. >> all right. so if you are wyatt's teacher i'm giving them a pass. go after lunch. >> i have to make it for my soccer game though. >> he'll be there for soccer. >> thank you olivia and gabe and everyone's parents. >> okay. >> linvia we're stick ago rounds there's amazing new type of apple we'll tell you all about it. >> i can't wait to hear about that. >> better than the honey crisp. >> my favorite is pink lady. if it's better than pink lady i want it. >> who knew there was new apple. does eye zach new son know about this. >> what was it. >> facial recognition on phone you. >> look at it and phone lights up. >> on ebbs up. >> don't let your kids do it >> on ebbs up. >> don't let your kids do it yet until you hear this ♪ having a baby. caring for your parents. learning you have a condition. 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(laugh) gus! hi kelly. gus. hey guys! huh? oh, gus! we didn't see you there. yeah. we were just playing gus. gus. the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah... with top prizes of a hundred grand. you know, you're much cuter in person. aww... (giggling) keep on scratchin'! aww... (giggling) . >> puerto rico i don't is to tell you how bad it is. there we have a disaster on your hands. they can't we'll we don't have watt to drink. geraldo rivera is there. sorry there and what have you been seeing? >> you know put of all thank you for compassion i know you cared deeply for 150,000 people of puerto rican decent that liver in greater philadelphia area. and behind me, this is kind of typical of what they call zombie condos of san one. highrise buildings with no electricity or water. if you live on twelfth for lean want to flush toilet you have to carry a gallon of water up twelve stories. it's humanitarian disaster and people out fuel an waiting online at gas stations for 6 to 8 hours and you know agricultural crop is wiped out here. it's impossible to overstate the extent of humanitarian disaster mike. >> it's been about a week since hurricane maria and i know people are living their lives. but when you think about the people in puerto rico and the fact they have not had water or food or electricity how are they dealing with it how are they getting by? >> you know, al em, the situation there's food. there's plenty of rice and beans around. the problem is walter. there's no water. so there's no -- you cannot bathe. i saw people it was raining yesterday they were becameing outdoors in the rain showers. you cannot launder kloming. aside from all of the other needs to flush the toilet as i mentioned before i hate to be graphic about it but my goodness 3.4 million people here, 3.4 million this is not disaster we have a couple hundred people here or there thousand and here or there you have society here broken that's living in the dark age ages. every day gets worse. now, why hasn't aid come in the great bulk. part of reason is ports have been danaged and i think really operating on happen hazard or low intensity volume the president did a good thing when he suspended jones act and frees up vessel around the world to bring aid on the scale necessary to deal with this whole humanitarian crisis and society in in dispair. i think it's very necessary, united states navy and united states marine corps also engaged fema and various federal agencies now rallying to the cause and president coming next tuesday. this is impossible to overstate the seriousness profound seriousness of this crisis. >> gosh geraldo are people coming up and hugging you or are they frustrated or distraught what is it. >> you know, i love you man you know i spent the -- learned spanish summer of 15th yoor i turned 16 years old here. if you go to twitter geraldo rivera you see a picture of me and aunt ellie she was absent. we couldn't find her. there is no phone service or internet because of the lack of electricity the cell towers are down. we found her. it was so sweet to see her and she was so happy to see us. we brought her plan ter and so forth. but it's you know people are happy to see me. but they are very, very needy. we did a great story earlier this morning on knox and friend at the rider memorial hospital the big hospital important city on eastern side of puerto rico that was absolutely decimated by the storm. and unlawfully cbs and u.s. marines arrived from the carrier and got emergency generators started so runs the ventilators in icu and it runs the oxygen supplies in hospital and it gives you power needed to pump water out through the rue's devastated. people are happy to see us. this is society in crisis. really united states has to rally as you said mike these are 3.4 million fellow citizens they need our help, mike, alex. >> thank you for taking tomorrow to talk to us in philly. >> i'm glad your family is okay and glad you're talking to them and making sure they're good. >> we'll see you soon. >> say hello to your family. yeah, president trump did a good thing today when got rid of jones act at least for a little bit now ships from all over the world if can get into broken harbors they'll bring supplies from around the world. thank you mr. president. 8:44. we're going into hell's kitchen today. doesn't it sound frightening. the hit fox show kicks off first ever all star edition and three of those all stars are from the philly rea and and three of those all stars are from the philly rea and they're all with us next trusted battery for your son's favorite toy?t maybe not. maybe, you could trust he wouldn't leave the upstairs water running. (woman screams) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ >> hell's kitchen is back. that's one of my favorite shows. >> welcome chefs. >> hey. >> hi, mike. >> hi. >> chef barbie. >> i'm not showing favorite six. we know. >> barbie needs extra hugs. >> listen to that. trash talking already. when does new season start. >> tomorrow. >> tomorrow, friday night. >> 8 . eastern standard time. 7 central. >> you're from pennsylvania. >> pittsburgh yes. >> you're from pennsylvania. >> north philly you already knw. >> i know that. >> introduce yourself. >> chef millie from philly. the world knows me as that from gordan ramsey. you know what it is man. love philly man. shout out to everybody philly. >> elise you're from philly the bubba shevt from pittsburgh and reside in the dmv. >> and how about? >> i'm chef barbie marshall from philadelphia. born and raised here. and primarily work out of her here. >> so you know them from -- they're great chefs you know them from the show hell's kitchen ebb. this is all star version everybody successful on the show is back to go against each other. >> yes. >> that's the concept. >> that's the concept. >> we'll flip it around and play master chef today. >> okay. >> so you are the judges. you're not the chefs anymore now you're the judges of our dishes. >> aww. >> ready? >> okay. >> up first is karen hepp. she has brought in her specialty. >> please present your food. whatever you decide you want to put it here. >> turkey chile. >> turkey chili i don't have a mic. >> this is turkey chili please try it i can't make it too spicy i have all these kids i made it last night for dinner. >> are you praised by this for three boys. >> i thought i was my husband told me he didn't think mine was the best and he liked the one from the super bowl that was in and all i do is chuck -- cans of stuff into there. >> he did not tell you that. >> i said i put my beans in and stuff. >> i know. >> you all tasted it. >> uh-huh. >> what was that c minus. >> be gordon ramsey. >> there's a little spice there's kick to it. >> there's heat which is nice it's not offensive it's all over your pallet heat. i think it's lacking salt. >> i was about to say that what the are we missing here. salt. >> salt. >> salt. >> you're mying a lot of salt. >> would she survive to next round. >> yes i think she could survive next round. >> great flavor. balance. >> congratulations karen. >> thank you. >> we're very proud of you. next up scott williams meteorologist extraordinaire. >> welcome scott. >> good morning thanks for having me. >> what you have made scott. >> definitely i a hit. any party it's gone it's hot and cheesy corn dip paid with tortilla chips with paprika. does is this family recipe scott. >> it's not it's my recipe. >> okay. >> we're using same plates as karen's so that a little weir weird. >> that's fine. >> so what you'll note are hipts of jalapeno, green peppers, red peppers, there's cream cheese in that as well as four cheeses. >> you're so prepared i'm so proud. >> wow. >> you watch the show. >> i'm so proud. >> okay. >> um this is delicious. >> this is good. >> this is dish i have to go back for second and third bite of to make sure i was not tripping. >> thank you. >> congratulations scott. >> you've kicked karen off the show. >> next up alex holly. >> i have to come after scott williams oh, great soy want to clarify with my dish i'm a single woman living in the city. >> you get my vote regardles regardless. >> thank you i appreciate it. >> i don't care about -- >> i don't cook as much as i probably should. >> you brought in a salad. >> you can cook a nice salad. >> so yes this is typically what i eat during the week olives in it and croutons and dried cranberries and cilantro avocado dressing which is light though i don't know if i put enough in it. >> sounds great. >> thank you chef millie from philly. >> this is a sad i'm sorry. >> millie. >> this is a sad >> you've done a great job. >> this is what i would eat you said signature dirk. >> you have great color. >> thank you. >> want to try it. >> you're a mess. >> and. >> you don't have to try it. >> piece of plastic one of the bags you took it out of. >> stop it. >> you you know this is great dish for meatless monday. >> thank you chef elise. >> it's refreshing and great. >> i need more dressing. >> i appreciate it thank you. >> chef elise remines me. tamea the singer. >> you have met her before. >> thank you. >> fabulous. >> barbara you remind me of barbie. black barbie. >> congratulations scott williams. >> you have won. >> we're out of time. >> no, no, no, here we go. if i'm going to -- >> you leave me alone. look at presentation. >> whose dish is that, what is that. >> what is this. >> do we have overhead it's elaborate presentation. >> it's elaborate. >> cool lunch. >> that's hilarious. >> if you lien it up. >> it will fall out. >> i don't think we have overhead i guess. >> you can see itfy lift it up. >> bologna barbeque treat owe sandwich. >> look at presentation. >> presentation. >> presentation is on point though. >> thank you. >> you know i'm full. >> that salad. >> with what that salad did the salad was icing on the cake. >> i love this. >> now i have two different types of corn chips here treat owes crunchy and regular. >> i love your artistic abilitys with that plate unfortunately i'm full. >> i never. >> they refuse -- the crunch is fantastic. >> scott you win thank you and good luck tomorrow night on. >> fox 29, 8:00. >> our station. >> fox 29. >> good luck to all of you. >> thank you. >> all star season of hell's kitchen. >> all three of us. >> would won the whole thing. >> we'll be right back. >> would won the whole thing. >> we'll be right back. >> no one will eat it ♪ ♪ >> okie dokie we're remembe remembering this morning so many people woke up to news it happened late last night. hugh heffner pass away icon and playboy founder died yesterday at night. and we'll look back at life and ties to our area. yes, there were ties here. so we'll do that when we come yes, there were ties here. so we'll do that when we come back for the 9:00

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United States , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Chester County , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Indiana , Puerto Rico , Malvern , West Bradford , Iraq , New Jersey , Downingtown , Hollywood , California , Trenton , Maryland , Chile , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United Kingdom , Ohio , Allentown , Spain , Overbrook , Turkey , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , Puerto Rican , Spanish , American , Jen Frederick , Alex Holly , Kelly Gus , Gordon Ramsey , Justin Sim , Alex Holly Fox , Jennie Joyce , Bob Kelly , Chris Wentz , Tom Beck , Gordan Ramsey , Hughie Dylan , Gus , Hughie Benedict , Carmen Electra , Hugh Heffner , Bob Andal , Marilyn Monroe , Jay Len , Steve Sweeney , Geraldo Rivera ,

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Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20170928 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20170928

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sea. we also have hurricane lee staying well into open waters of atlantic. preezy right now. winds sustained 16 miles an hour. 12 miles an hour winds and pottstown 10 miles an hour winds and temperatures low 70s in philadelphia. 60s dotting map norm and west. here's bottom line for today. sunshine, but a little blustery. high temperatures topping out around 76 degrees. bob kelly good morning. >> scott. good morning, problems continue for motorists in chester county. here's a live look at accident cleanup investigation here on 30 bypass. overnight accident fatal crash involving vehicle that was reportedly going the wrong way on the bypass. after midnight this morning. right near route 28. everybody bailing off through chester county. look at speedometer rate readings. 6 miles an hour on roadways not built for all that traffic. so, all jammed up here. east on the bypass. where traffic is forced off route 32 and then pushed into chester county. and where you have two different omss. if you stuck in that traffic jam you'll be forced on the business route 30 through little townships or if you have not committed yet obviously you're at home grabbing coffee and keys head to turnpike and use that east towards king of prussia. another problem downtown philly live look at the ramp vine express way to you go west on schuylkill expressway. this fellow involved this guy has blipingers on all causing backup across town on vine trying to get to schuylkill. mike, alex back to you. >> crisis in puerto rico millions struggle to find clean food and water and island remains without electricity, gas, money, president trump planning to tour devastation on tuesday. government leaders in philadelphia calling on coming gress for additional relief to island. >> this is single major abou aboutet major cat as trophy in the history of puerto rico bar none philadelphia leaders coming together later today to try to get more attention on this and get people to help out we'll talk about that in a second. and million least he's of water to victim and more is necessary. what's doch in our area there will be a rally. local leaders need to take immediate action on this. >> federal government is not stepping up and people are starving to death down. there supplies at the dock jennie and can't get interior part of puerto rico. when you look at images and see def station you can get a sense of what is going on you there for that reason jim kenny along with other community leaders will be pushing here city hall today 5:00 urging president trump and he's manufacture congress to rose cue americans living in desperate conditions. island devastated these are first images chris o'connell and tom beck awe saz he landed on hurricane rav annualed island. >> and people like adults, children, bades stuck at the airport for days waiting for light out. food, water, diapers. generators monday the items ard boo the plane as 3 and a half million struggle day-to-day without essentials. tengs are growing and people are agitated. >> there were people pushing each other for basic necessities and chaos. >> land is destroyed. all electricity. it hurts me because i know they will suffer is because of water and electricity. it's sad. no cash. i mean i hope everybody helps. >> while relief making way to puerto rico peace meal pees people need massive amounts of aid facts mayor kenney and local leaders hope to get that event happening city hall 5:0 5:00. mike, alex. >> i don't know what to do it's trust rating all right jennie. >> they're american citizens dying and savbing. 0 5. back to our kingsessing section of city philadelphia police looking for three men accused of shooting and pistol whipping at guy. two days in a row connected lead story that we have a second day in a row where 134-b is shot in the back. running for their life and no arrests and yesterday's shooting that 16-year-old kid killed when she was shot in the back and east germantown and today we have better news because young man shot in back in 0s has survived thanks to police and maybe because they shot him second and you see the young man's headphones on the ground if they wanted him they deposit pick him up they shot him in the back and didn't run so braves and went up to him after they stopped with bullet and went through pockets. >> victim here 54 and warrington reports he's in the area of walking to see his girlfriend and three males similarly described silver hand gun approach them and they announce a robbery and he tries to run and runs southbound as running cross the intersection they fire a shot and struck in the back and falls to the ground they run up to him and goes through his pockets. victim's headphones fell off on the sidewalk over there and can only describe as three young african-american males. >> so the first victim quart to midnight 5 and kingsessing they got 50 in cash apparently not enough. that's why they kept looking for next victim and found this poor guy they shot in the bac back. and so they're still out. there if you live in that are area, between 54 and 58 around kingsessing and warrington be on the lookout. if you are out at midnight by yourself because if you're wearing headphones you don't hear people running up behind you. it could be this crew. they're still out then and have a shiny silver hand gun they're beating people with and shooting people with. watch out. >> half the people i see walking around have headphones n i'm one of them. >> all right. steve is, police are investigating a shooting out of overbrook section. a man was shot in head happened a block away from victim's house on 1100 block of 63 street 11:30 last night. 31-year-old remains in extremely critical condition. >> deadly shooting investigate in underway in wilmington the victim was hot shot in the head and died mid nights 4,000 block of miller road near brandywine hills parts. no word on a suspect or motiv motive. >> i'm looking for the morning here on "good day" we don't have to have a sires of shootings to start the program. all right. so -- >> i at love people would woke up and found out late looingt night hugh heffner pass away last night. >> while you were sleeping hugh heffner died of natural cause sghz that's what they're saying. >> at the playboy mansion. >> at the playboy mansion. >> out of respect i will try to dedicate to hugh heffner. >> okay. >> hold on my ride is here. >> here you go. >> all right famous for what silk pajamas, >> pipe. >> and hat, >> captain's hat. >> cap pan of his ship. >> thank you. >> let's have music what do you say. >> you want music. >> born in chicago in 1926,♪ ♪ >> it sound like cop show♪ ♪ i know music going down the alley. >> t. j. hooker. heffner, heff nickname came to be know known as heff the rest of his life raised by strict protestant mid western parents. he says they didn't show love or affection in any way and he knew right away he wanted a different kind of life. so after two years in the ar army, and assistant at esquire magazine, hugh founded his own publication playboy hit the stands in 1953 with nude photo of marilyn monroe. she was not totally nude on the cover. but marlin was on the cover. >> become then it was a lot. >> it was. >> i hope i played some small part in the changing of our sexual and social values in my time. and i hope that i have and i'm pretty satisfied with that. >> now i believe he was heard five times. yeah. hugh is survived by his wife crystal and four children. 91 years old. >> 91. >> now, christie his oldest daughter ran the company for a while. i believe his son cooper is involved with the company now. and i've been to the playboy manning a couple times. >> have you? >> oh, yes. i did an interview with kimberly conrad. third or fourth wife. so we're sitting there. >> you'll give us story. >> and couple -- >> quickly. >> she'll be down in a minut minute. and he walks into the room. there he was. silk pajamas. they were maroon. had a little robe on also sil silk. didn't have a hat on. but really nice. >> what did you wear for the occasion. >> absolutely nothing. i was at the playboy mansion they said you want to go to the grotto. >> you did not say no. >> i did. >> they invited me to a party a couple days later at night. so i go out to the grotto said do you want to get in i said i'm not getting in there that bacteria frappuccino. >> we know someone bought it. not too long ago. >> somebody bought the mansion from him. >> on one condition that hugh heffner would be able to live huff in there until he pass sfwlz now that he passed i don't know what they do to the property it goes to the guy that bought it. >> i think they will make it a hugh seem. >> do you think people will pay to walk through there and see what there is to see. >> what should we do i think they should name an antibiotic after him. >> all right. >> well, who's going to takeover for the guy. >> wlookz like you. >> i'm volunteering. >> would you consider yourself the hugh heffner of of delaware valley. >> i hope not. i hope not. i don't know. what a life. >> he was a journalist. >> he was a journalist that's right. >> i need a pipe. anybody have a pipe. bring it by fourth and market. 12 president trump and republicans in congress unveiled tax reform plan passing it into law and will be a big challenge in the months ahead. it may be more than months. >> new polling numbers offering good and bad news for organization. doug luzader has more. >> doug you have to make this interesting. make tax reform interesting. >> you know you set me up to fail here. i'm supposed to do something on tax reform following your tail of being at the playboy mansion and going to grotto. >> good luck. >> i give up. >> all right welcome to my grotto. this is talk of tax reform today. and the president will outline this yesterday, it's remarkable in the sense of it's a comprehensive kind of deal. and this is something we have not seen in this country for 30 years or so and the reason we have not seen it, these things are difficult. there are winners and losers and details can derail everything. >> president trump tried to find a friendly venue to talk taxes largely supportive crowd in indiana pitching a plan that has become a top gop priority. >> we will ensure the benefits are folk ised on middle class and working men and women not highest income earners. >> in broad strokes the idea involves irs using fewer tax break totes simplify the sim system. with larger dededucks for individual and big cut in corporate tax rate something wall street is clamoring for. in fox news poll registered voters give low marks on tax reformal most before getting started but there is support for changing system. only 8% of registered voters think current federal tax system works pretty well. and more than half think there should be some changes and almost 40 purse support a complete overhaul. as for gop plan senate democratic chuck shumer tried to puts in sing simple terms from his perspective. >> top rate on wealthest comes down and the bottom rate on working class families goes up. and what kind of plan is this. >> the whitehouse will dispute characterization and both sides quick to presents themselves as champions of middle class and take a look at numbers and you'll see why. 88% of voters support lowering taxes on middle taxes and not so much and wealthy 20 parse say they need a break. >> 7:15 now. nfl couldn't vrts yeah stretches far beyond the league in football field and more backlash involving money. >> more than politicl. comes down to bottom line. businesses starting to see the controversy affect their bottom line. let's begin with president trump doubling down with comments on nfl. and expecting national anthem, flag, country and that's what they're doing and in my opinion the nfl has to change or you know what will happen business will go to hel. >> president's feelings pretty clear there. to the business side direct tv reportedly offering a refund to customers that want to cancel subscriptions because of protests in lucy noland shelling districtsing pulling bud light point of sale featuring new orleans logo after players felt in during the national anthem. families are weighing in as it goes to the sacrifice our military members make. >> i have a son-in-law in afghanistan and iraq and i believe he is fighting for our freedom to take a knee or not. >> and it's not just playe playerers taking a knee. two democratic u.s. representatives felt in during speeches on house floor and high school band in california. the issue led to resignation of national anthem singer for baltimore ravens military veteran that simply does not want to be part of the controversy. we will see plenty of corporations also tag a stant. they'll have to make a decision whether or not to pull advertising. >> yeah but to clarify thoma thomas. it's not about veterans or military. at least people tag a knee. they said for them it's not about that. >> for them yeah it's brin bringing on different meaning. as you know a lot of people incorporated back to sacrifices our help and women have made in military. >> very true. >> and how much it means to them. >> yeah. >> thanks, thomas. 7:17. coroner's report into the death of otto warmbeir has been released and american college student's death is a mystery are are the coroner says. >> before we go into what he said it's important to note yesterday we were talking about the fact his parents did interview and they described his condition and what he was facing and dealing with when they saw him after 17 months where he was if prison in north korea and they were saying he was deaf and mind and looked as if his bottom teeth were rearranged and he was extreme screaming and and wrinling in pain. >> the coroner is saying there's no evidence of that. warmbier died from lack of oxygen to the brain and coroner said he had several small scars on his body but scars were not serious enough to suggest he was tortured during imprisonment in north korea. >> we don't have enough information about what happened to otto that initial to draw concrete conclusions. >> he was detained in north korea for stealing a poster. spent 17 months if prison before turned to ohio for emergency medical treatment in june. it's different from what the parents described on fox and friends talking about the state their son was in. >> in fact let's see if they do interview with parents. they must be outraged i would be flipping out if coroner said there was no evidence tortured. how did he lose blood to brain. >> come on. >> why did he come back in a coma. >> and teeth twisted up ridiculous, 7:19, scott. >> get ready for a pattern change today feeling like fal fall. dip in jet stream with cold front moving through. sunshine and blustery conditions. low 0s i-95 corridor. upper 60s north and west in lehigh valley and 50s in poconos. cold are air or cool are airy should say moving in. upper 50s right now. look at that in pittsburgh. so the bottom line we're hooking at temperatures low 70s north and west. and mid up toer 70s as you move into philadelphia. and also down the shore. so starting to change and feeling more lining we should be for this time of year. >> and dump trucks full of sand to pop up all the oil. all eastbound lanes blocked at 322. this is parking lot for everybody colling out of coatsville here. everybody forced off on to either business route 0 where you can go up to turnpike and take that eastbound into conditioning of prussia. another problem downtown philly accident involving tractor-trailer on the ramp from vine expressway to leave town on westbound schuylkill. look what it's doing here bumper to bumper crossing town on vine and quickly going to back up on ben franklin bridge coming to philadelphia and speaking of bridges we have opening underway right now at the tack coney palmyra and couple delays on septa regional rails. back to you. >> 7:21. keeping you connected when you fly. new perk one airline is addin adding. i think you'll like it. plus it's free. are you having a problem with pesky stink bugs. you're not alone. next hour we're joined by doctor who got his ph.d. in stink. bugs. yes. he got a degree in it. we're calling him dr. stink. send your questions for him using # fox 29 dr. stink.. send your questions for him using # fox 29 dr. stink.. we'll ask him on our veterans have given us the rights and freedoms that we have and we enjoy today. ready. aim. fire. and it's important for us to let them know that we will never forget their service. fire. it was steve's idea to have this cemetery. this was supplied to the veterans, giving us a final resting place. we owe everything to steve for what he gave us here. i wanted to make sure that we just didn't say thank you to veterans, we had tangible things to show, and i think we've accomplished that. [ "taps" playing ] stop it he's from here sdmri know. >> okay. soy get bored on flight. wouldn't it be kol if you would text across the flight. >> if you have a iphone don't you pay for i message. >> delta is this lauren, is this thing texting thing free. >> it is airline and free in the same sentence. starting sunday, basically every passenger on almost any delta plane can text for free. look, you paid $7 billion in change reservation freeze and baggage fees. it's nice we finally get a freebie. is text messaging the freebie you want this isy ask. some people say if there's noise on the phone you will constantly here the pings. other people say where's the privacy. you can seats are so close together you can read other person's messages and other people say what if this paves the way for making phone call calls. >> no. >> on the flight. >> no. >> now i draw the line at tha that. >> do not do that. face timing. >> you know lauren they have privacy screens now you can put it on your phone and if people are looking from the side it looks like your phone is off. all the players have it. >> oh. >> you're so with it all exthat's awesome. you can read my text messages i don't care. ceo of delta said never in my lifetime will he push for in flight phone called. >> thank god. >> it's terrible. >> it's already bad enough when the plane lands and people you know behind you ed we just landed no, ed, no, no, no we're in philly. >> i don't know what gate yet. >> i don't -- baggage claim -- no we just landed. >> how do you guys feel. this is random, about the passengers applauding when a flight safely lands. >> i've been on those. >> i've done that. >> i've had it happen recently and i had like headphones in everybody is clapping i was like did i miss something. they wer like no we just landed great. it's getting a mrawded for doing what you're supposed to do. someone should applaud us for doing the news which we do every day. >> that rarely happens. >> every day. >> lauren you look ready for the holidays i love the bow. >> oh, yes. >> mariary christmas. >> what do they call these bow. >> pusey cat bows. >> they have a name. >> look at that ring. >> i'm surprised you deposit jump on that. >> she has a lovely ring. >> thank you lauren. >> and merry christmas. >> speaking of that i wish you had that privacy screen sitting next to me. >> i'm tell you folks she reads my texts before i can read them it's ridiculous. >> we're sitting so close to each other and his texts are more interesting than mine. >> i'll get a text and she'll answer the question. >> or i'll say with are you going to answer that. tell her this. >> it'sry dig use will you. >> it's fun. >> one of my favorite places fees like fall a little. yes. hi, jen. >>. >> we have to come to lynnvilla pumpkin land new koypd of apple we'll fling apples and get our fall on. it's happening and these are giant pumpkins, i can not pick it's happening and these are giant pumpkins, i can not pick them >> 7:0 changed american culture. hugh heffner founder of of playboy magazine and playboy empire died late last fight of the we looked back at his legacy today. >> are you having a problem with stink bugs. are you not alone. next hour we're joined by a doctor who got his ph.d. in stink. bugs. >> we're not kidding he did. >> so send your questions for him. we need questions and good ones. do you have stink bugs and want to know how to get rid of them what are the best ways. deposit he say if you have a few that means there's hundreds. >> if you see one there's probably 25, 30 behind your walls. >> so if you have a question for him use fantastic # fox29d fox29dr. stink scott i'm not kidding this guy lives in independent area and did dissertation in area of stink. bugs. >> unbelievable. >> i wouldn'ter how long did it take. we have to ask how long did it take him to get through school for that. >> i don't know. >> we're looking at cooler weather moving in. finally if you have not been a fan of yesterday's high temperature 89 degrees. look at numbers right now. 50s mount pocono and 60s north and west and low to mid 70s philadelphia in sparts of southier y. a lot of sunshine and high temperature. 6. it will be a little windy. winds gusting up to 0 miles an hour. later on today. as we have high pressure moving in and low pressure moving out with maria. and look at future wind gusts. you can see dpuingting up to 30 miles an hour, philadelphia, down the shore add well. so once again winds changed. but starting to feel like fall bob kelly how are roads. kos up to on the vine all because of tractor-trailer accident that's on the ramp from the vine expressway to go west on the schuylkill. all this traffic is making me hungry. >> where are you going. >> piston diner in westville new jerseyment remember a front end loader went through the front door. remember that they're have a fundraiser for veterans day. we're going to have breakfast and talk about fundraiser i'll see you there at 9. >> it's fairly easy to get into the place now. >> yeah, >> big door. >> right. >> piston diner it's a lot of ups and downs over there be careful. >> got it a mom is rationing for her children rain water in puerto rico. and imagine going eight days without food or water and it's in 90 degrees. humidity is through the roof and if you have a roof. >> you can't get to work. >> we talk about it and share pictures and from puerto rico he at the airport what is it really lick too sew it with your own eyes we'll talk to chris in just a second. first this. >> there were people that spread like fighting for ice and water and for -- pushing each other for basic necessities and just chaos you know? >> it is very bad. the whole island is destroyed. this no services of any kind. people having hard time to get supplies. everything they need for daily life. >> crystal kind of went down there yesterday. chris wentz down there yesterday and he's already back. chris, what did you see? what is it like for real? >> images you see on television don't do it justic justice. it really doesn't. when we arrived in san one at the airport we were not even out of the airplane yet and saw airport hangars ripped apart. we saw planes destroyed. and having been attended to and flights in and out of san juan and then the real reality hit when we hit the airport. many of those people like you said had been there for days and i cannot tell you how stifling hot it was. it was a week without air conditioning and week without power and thousands of people in that airport many of themes desperate trying to gets off the island and keep if mind many of those their homes were destroyed. so it is a very much a humanitarian crisis right now. we did see signs of it getting a little better yesterday. flights doubled yesterday up to 18 leaving island. and keep in mind every time a flight comes in with people and whatnot and leaves it's coming in with supplies. because supplies getting this island that's hard part. it's island. it's not like texas or florida where you can truck stuff to. >> did you talk to some of the people then waiting in the airport about what it looks like further inland and what they've been dealing with? >> really, what we heard people who live in and around metropolitan san one area they're getting relief supplies and water and food quicker than those in mountains of san juan and those people decimated. small towns gone. and those people don't have any places to go. keep in mind they're roads. huge trees. the biggest thing they want in puerto rico is not necessarily generators or water it's chain saws to cut away to get out of their neighbors to get on the main roads what's left of those roads to get help. >> so now all these people are leaving do they have plans to go back. puerto rico will not look the same for a generation probably. >> well people have families there. they have roots there. some people like elderly we saw many of those on our flights yesterday. just the joy of them stepping on to airplane and getting a way from this for a while. and again one of the other shortages they have is medicine. people -- dialysis machines, insulin. these people are not getting medicals and hospitals are filled. it's just getting worse by the day. we saw little signs of hope coming for purt rocco yesterday. >> really quickly lastly chris for the people who are on the flight from philly to puerto rico were they going there to help family members rebuild or check on them what was their motivation heading there now? >> we saw gamut. some people trying to get people off the island and some going down we saw a lot of sol vacation army and people going to the island to try to get. it's a little mix of both. we saw people many people surprising amount of people that went down for the storm to help their own people before the storm got there. and they were coming back from after the storm. so if you know puerto rican people that's the kind of people they are. >> exactly i saw a guy on the plane saying he was getting his 82-year-old mother and bringing her back here for the rest of her life probably. >> not surprised. >> we all talked about it yesterday. facial recognition to unlock your phone. you look at your phone and it's unlocked. well the iphone is gearing up to do that. but not everybody should trust it next hour, find out why kids under the age of 13 it next hour, find out why kids under the age of 13 should never use face i.d.. what are you doing? watching this breath savers protect mint neutralize the plaque acids in my mouth. i can't see anything! that's because it's working so hard. hey, what are you guys doing? karen. we're neutralizing. maybe i want to neutralize. you ever think of that? >> so you know we've been talking about the fact that witness twitter iser is now giving select people 280 character to tweet out instead of typical 1 40. doubled only for a few. we've been trying to figure out who has 20 character limit. >> eagles got it. >> they tweeted out the entire fight song and still had character to spare. >> they didn't use it all. well, yeah, okay, how do you get notified if you get to up from 140 to 280. >> if you try to write a tweet. it will tell you how many character. >> try to go over 140 to see if i'm one of them. >> you could tweet you don't retweet you don't tweet you only retweet. >> i don't have it either. there's some in our area that have it. >> hughie dylan. >> than chitchat. >> trader that wentz to channel 3 that stinkin' trader got it. 280. >> and it's so funny as i scroll on timeline i'm looking is that 280 or 140 i'm trying to figure out who has it. >> i love hughie he's great. >> you called him a trader. >> hughie benedict arnold dylan i love hughie. i was talking to him yesterda yesterday. i love this show. hell's kitchen. gordan ramsey has 16 shows on fox. hell's kitchen returns to fox tomorrow night and this morning some local contestants there's three up for new shox you know them all by now they're all philly people. i made a dish. scott made a dish and karen made a dish. >> i made a dish. >> did you make a dish? >> yeah i made a dish. >> did you really? >> yes. >> why are you so surprised. >> well, i he's speechless what are you trying to say. >> i'm saying linvilla or kharndz we love going there. jen frederick is there. >> that was awesome. jennaphr frederick is there. >> is there anything more american than three little boys flippinging apples to -- let's see if it gets anywhere, boom, the two right here are rookies and alreadyit hitting stuff. rookies and alreadyit hitting stuff. i'm really proud of we invited a beauty blogger to test her favorite soap... against dove. so we are using this test paper... ...that represents skin. the paper is dissolving... and dove is not dissolving... at all! with < moisturizing cream dove is gentler on your skin. >> morning everybody, 7:46 we're looking for sky fox video in the last half hour as we flew over cleanup of 0 bay pass chester county 2 nasty accident overnight. carrying going on the wrong way collided with tractor-trailer. what you see there is loads of sand trying to mop up the fuel spill. let's two to live shot of our camera. penndot crews again have been out here all morning long putting down electronic loads and truckloads of sand. but eastbound 30 bypass closeded and that's causing a major backup. it's parking lot coming out of coatsville. heading to route 322. where all traffic is forced off this morning. and then through the local townships. business 0 is jammed. your best bet head up to the turn pike and take that east in towards king of prussia. that will at least get you out of traffic jam. and give yourself mrepttive extra time if you try to go through township. there even school buses are going to be delayed for class today. vine expressway bumper to bumper benny to the schuylkill all because of early morning accident and septa regional rail lines running with delays. this morning forecast for you thursday. this morning forecast for you thursday. scotty got it in 15 second. sfwhv finally change of weather pattern as cold front pushed through. winds north 10 miles an hour and look tractor-trailer numbers north and west. 5 degrees right now. mount pocono. 66 in allentown and it's even cooler as you move off west. look at numbers around pi pitburg. 50s right now. 50s in buffalo as well. that's some of the cooler air moving in. look at future and wind gusts later and wind gusting 0 miles an hour. blustery winds of change a lot of sunshine and temperatures topping outright around 76 later on this afternoon. and temperatures tonight in the 50s. and then the weekend upper 60s to low 70s. back over to you. >> feeling like fall because fall is here. and you know what people love to do when the fall hits? you love to go to linvilla and they have apples and prince william kins and you're having fun out there jenn. >> good morning it's officia officially fall because we're here. i've given whyatt special permission. can he get it? yeah. >> so close. >> so close. >> i've given whyatt special permission to hit mr. noodle head. i'm proud of new addition we added. >> mr. noodle head. >> you repurposes pool noodles, get it, get it. >> almost. >> why is it so siteing to fling apples. >> this has become very popular out of necessity dropped apple can no longer be used for sideer. we needed to find a purpose. steve linvilla came up with this idea. dads love it as much as kids. >> that's a good point. >> we have in no particular order fit of all gabe in first grade and olivia in third grade who is i think going to be the secret winner of this whole thing and we have whyatt almost whyatt he's inth grade and behind us also in third grade. >> euro when. >> show us what you have. now, it does take a special skill. whyatt likes hand over the apple as he flings it out, do you agree with that special skill. >> as long as you have the eye hand coordination otherwise when you first start at it it's bet to let the cup hold it and let go of handle. >> what's minimum age you can do this. 18 months if you can stand you can fling what's the rules here. >> as long as you can pull it back usually what happens dad says he'll help younger kids and dad does most of the activity. >> whole buck tote himself. >> obviously this is part of what happens pumpkin land. this, there's corn maze if front of us and hey maze behind us i'm embarrassed to say i've been lost in both the corn and hey maze at one time. i know it's funny right you're not supposed to get lost. how long will it take someone to go through the maze. >> one of those thing you can spend 20 minute and give up or spend 45 minutes and find the way through. >> you hit mr. noodle head. >> yes. >> did that happen did you see it whyatt did that happen way to go olivia what do you have. yes. that was close. >> she's making it happen and she's a rookie not whyatt who is training like american ninja warrior every day. >> true or false you're out 6 hours every day since the season started? >> true, false. >> mr. noodle head get mr. noodle head. go for it. you're twisted you're twisted. >> i'll help them out. >> gets kids away from video games too. >> one last chance whyatt i feel it you'll get it. >> no. >> mr. noodle head. >> guys back to you. >> here's what's going be happening whyatt and i will compete for mr. noodle head. >> looks like a lot of fun. i want to do that. it's for adult and kids. linvilla orchard i first fell in love with the pink lady apple. so good. i'll have to mack a trip out there. biging sexy back to the super bowl justin sim better lake is finalizeing a deal to perform at half time. wait a minute, how come justin timberlake gets another chance and not janet jack on. or do you think he'll bring her back. we'll discuss. and are you having a problem with stink bugs. you're not alone. next hour joined by a doctor that got ph.d. in stink bugs that's a real thing. send us questions. we need questions. using # fox 29 dr. stink on facebook, instagram, twitter, using # fox 29 dr. stink on facebook, instagram, twitter, whatever you prefer. ♪ >> 7:56 hello allentown. >> hello. >> is that allentown? >> yeah i guess it is. >> good news for you techyes out there. you can now war a smart jacke jacket. >> so it's levis jacket that may look like regular jacket but you can connect to the internet while wearing it and change music with it or use navigation. jacket is called levi commuter trucker jacket. look at that. by google. it's available both monies and women's sizes and sells for ready for it, $350. >> 350 because it has all that technology running through it. >> why do i need a jacket to connect to the internet. >> you don't. >> you can make your phone a hot spot if you wanted to. >> this is what you want. you're constantly hot and cold you go back and forming. minute to minute. right? >> i guess so yeah. you say you're freezing sometimes and next hot. >> i'm always freezing. >> yeah i'm freezing. >> the woman has a jacket over her legs every day. >> i'm with you on the cold part it's hot part i'm wonde wondering about. >> you need to figure out how to get hot. anyway, this is fantastic. you wear a thermostat on body. >> we moved on to next thing. >> i thought you were talking about jacket. >> no this is what you need this better than the jacket. >> i see. >> jacket is stupid. >> you can wear your own thermostat. it's new wrist band could put an end to discomfort by helping you reach perfect body temperature. you would be a human thermostat. >> it's about $300 and called ember wave or embr wave and uses thermal elect electronic tile that changes temperatures when exposed to electrical current. to warm up the current creates heat waves and cool down dissipates heat with help from aluminum come bone sglents what i would do is flip that around and put it on blood stream on other side of your wrist. >> yeah. >> because doesn't your blood circulate through your body in less than won two minutes. >> it's big and bulky though. >> it's human thermostat. please. >> yeah it's cool though. and, doctors can tell me how fast does blood go through your body to the same spot. has to be 2 minutes. >> we have to ask dr. mike. >> dr. stink. is here. >> he's ph.d. in stink bugs. >> i bet he knows about blood streams. >> thursday, september 28, 2 2017. >> from fox 29 studios this is "good day philadelphia". >> purt look owe call for relief. >> this is very bad. i mean the whole island is destroyed. >> no power, no water, home remains. how local leaders are stepping up to get help to those in need. >> remembering hugh heffner. >> you arrived just in time we'll have a swinging party tonight. >> icon playboy founder passed away age of 91. a look back at his life and legacy he leaves behind. >> what's that smell? stink bugs are invading our area. they're everywhere. and worse. they're getting comfortable in our homes. what you can make with cardboard to get rid of them. >> yes. >> bringing sxy back♪ ♪ >> justin timberlake may bring sexy back to the super bowl. after that infamous janet jackson wardrobe malfunction is nfl letting by gones be by jackson wardrobe malfunction is nfl letting by gones be by gones? ♪ ♪ >> speaking of sexy, scott williams is in for sue serio. and we each have a locker here at the station. look what i found in scott's locker. ah, how long have you been wearing these playboy -- >> well you know. >> de owed rantd. >> that's sexy hollywood full body shower gel. >> he rubs it all over his body, hair, everywhere. >> wow. >> good to have new scott. >> weather by the numbers. scale of 1 to 10 today. it's a nine. we have a cold front moving through. finally starting to transition and feel like fall ais cot area. that cold front kicking tropical storm maria out to sea and high pressure building in behind it. look at the numbers. mount pocono in the 50s now. upper 60s north and west. low 70s philadelphia. but, look at the cooler air off to the north and west. and 57 degrees in buffalo own 59 pittsburgh. that's some of the cooler air headed in our direction. so, is sunny, but breezy. high temperatures bob kelly in the 70s. so saying bye to those upper 80s we saw yesterday. >> you got it there sxy hollywood. 8:01. problems continue on 30 bypass all eastbound lanes closed. penndot crews dumping stand on roadway trying to spill up the nooingt yeah spill that occurred on the overnight. all eastbound lanes closed all morning long forced off to 322. just a hot mess through chester county. a lot of folks louising of course business route 30. that is bummer to bumper coatsville to malvern. your best bit before you leave the house head fortune pike. use eastbound. that will get you in to king of prussia. no eta when it opens back up. look at benny bumper to bumper south benny up and over to downtown. this resulted from an accident on the philly side over on the schuylkill expressway. septa running with delays on a couple regional rail lines this morning. mike, alex, back to you. >> all right. 8:02. you probably went to bed last night and didn't know this. if you just getting up hugh heffner died. of course he was founder of playboy magazine and playboy clubs and playboy enterprise. >> and apparently body wash you were just showing. >> body wash. >> it all started in chicago that's where he was born. >> that's right. >> during warld war ii served as writer for military few and worked as copyrighter esquire magazine and reportedly left because he didn't get a $5 raise. >> he want aid $5 raise they wouldn't give it to him. >> look what he got after that. >> he destarled to start bay playboy magazine started in kitchen what 8,000 he spent in first issue. >> i've done it in my kitche kitchen. >> then he started with that and it exploded impacted so many people and lives and really our culture and just the whole sexual revolution for 60 years. last night the announcement wept out playboy said he was sure oubded by family and friends there in the historic and famous infamous playboy mansion. people mentioned going to the grtto here's twitter is area announcement # ripheff he launched that magazine and initially it was alone for $6 $600 and then other investors bringing money on that back in 1953. first issue was so famous out of the gate. marilyn monroe. sold for $50,000 copies made instant success. >> well i hope i played some small part in the changing of our sexual and social values in my time. and i hope i have. and i'm pretty satisfied with that. >> so many women you know say they owe their career cans to him. and often seen obviously wearing pajamas and silk smoky jacket and promoted entire playboy philosophy through his entire life through death and so many celebrities started tweeting, many cover girls, former playboy model jennie mccartney thanked him for being a revolutionary and changing so many lives especially mine hope i made you brought. nancy sin at ray posting one of the nicest men i ever knew. >> and carmen electra cover girl as well. pretty emotional saying i can't stop crying a cannot imagine how many bunnies are crying for you two. he's survived by his wife crystal and four adult children. he bought a plot a long time ago. you know where he'll be buried. >> we were going to say. >> i didn't know go ahead and say. >> how did you hear about it. >> because i read it. >> tall hi news they put it out. next to marilyn monroe. >> so will that happen karen. >> i think it is he bought the not years and years ago. >> for how much. >> 75,000 in 1992. >> whoa. >> now why maryland monroe. i know she's sex symbol. >> fist cover. >> special connection. >> first cover back in early 50 az hu? >> 5. >> there it is. >> i remember jay len owe saying if you are going to do this and spend that kind of money shouldn't you be buried on top of her? oh, god. that was jay len owe's line not mine. not minep. >> lord. >> i'm sure he probably would have appreciated that. >> he did he heard jay say that he did it on the joe. all right. rest in peace. >> back to biggest story in united states for sure. what is happening in puerto rico. people are starting to buy die of starvation an lack of water. >> it's been a week since hurricane maria and people are struggling to find clean food and water and island remains without electricity, gas, money, caught up to travelers returning from puerto rico. remember ned yesterday on the show we were there as american airlines flight was headed to puerto rico owe. we were on the flight and caught one travelers returning from puerto rico and this is what they had to say about what it's like there now. >> there were people that spread like fight are for ice an water and pushing each other for basic necessities and just chaos you know. >> lot of people saying what is going on with federal government the stuff is down there and can't distribute it to rest of island. it's chaotic. it's disorg is intoed. so people back here in philadelphia said, can we hel help. they're calling on congress for additional relief and do it now. >> so jennie joyce is live at city hall because that's what's going to be happening local people coming together and grab attention of lawmakers and get this going. >> let's go. >> mike, alex, because philadelphia does have decent size puerto rican population here and now local community leaders from purity rican community along with jim conditiony will urge president and congress to rescue americans fast. take a look at destruction in puerto rico. these are first images chris o'connell and tom beck saw as he landed on hurricane ravaged island. they were on american airlines plane carrying relief to people of puerto rico. people like these adults, children, babies stuff at the airport for days waiting to a flight out. food, water, diapers, generators, among the items aboard the plane. and as the three and a half million people in puerto rico struggled day-to-day without essentials. back here at hospital we talked to people arriving philly international from puerto rico. one man was on the island for work and describes the severity of it all. >> water is getting quairs, getting worse by the day. >> the whole island is is destroyed and there's no services of any kind. people are having a hard time to get surprised. everything they need for daily life. people working hard. people have hope that give back. it was beautiful just before hurricane. >> they're handling it gate. those people are the best. if that happened here it would be chaos. >> while aid is arriving on the island it's not heading there soon enough. it's not being dispersed to everybody that needs the help. as you're saying people are starving and thirsty and something needs to be done they need help from president, congress, lawmakers, here today, 5:00 when with mayor jim kenny along with hoders will urnl the federal government to step up. >> how about we top star ewing about nfl. it's hern citizens in puerto rico sdm facial recognition to unlock your phone. you shove your face into your phone. it lights up. >> not everyone should trust it. why kids under the age of 13 should never use facial recognition. or face i.d. >> who has stink bugs in their house. look at all the people with hands up. we can see you. look at that looks look a little dinosaur doesn't it. they're out and won't be gone until it freezes folks. we have a man that got ph.d. in studying them. he lives in philadelphia. who knew. dr. stink in the house. if you have a question how to ge rid of them use the # if you have a question how to ge rid of them use the # dr. stink [rooster crow] honey, what are you doing? watching a cow...? what's it doing? impressions. this september, get one of three breakfast items free when you order with the chick-fil-a one app. new jersey born and raised. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. unlike ordinary toothpaste colgate total... fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for a healthier mouth. so you're totally ready. colgate total. be totally ready for life. >> 8:15 video he from sky fox flying over earlier this morning and nasty klup from the accident around the 30 bypass in chester county. all eastbound lanes remain closed at route 282 accident fatal crash vehicle going wrong way this morning collided with tractor-trailer. let's go live to the jam cam where again they're continuing to cleanup. here's what they've doing put dump trucks of sand and trying to sop it up on the eastbound side in chester county. pum better to bumper traffic as everybody pushed offer into neighbors, west bradford, east colin all the way to malvern. head to turnpike. eastbound pa turnpike downingtown to king of prussia and that's the way to government back up on the benny because of earlier accident. on philly side of schuylkill expressway and mass transsit far so good. minor delays on a couple regional rail lines. forecast for you thursday and weekend ahead. stot jury got it in 15 weekend ahead. stot jury got it in 15 secondsment miss america pageant . >> 72 degrees. wind north so miles an hour dry and breezy bus stop buddy. grab light jacket or whipped braeing and national scaw berry cream day. front kicking tropical storm maria out to sea. high temperatures low to mid 70s across the reeling yn today. back over to you. >> you're going to answer yes to the question i'm about to ask. do you have stink bugs. >> yes. >> in your house. >> yeah. >> or outside around. >> so do i. >> i certainly do. one of our producers milky way will with beingy megan will by is fighting this problem like you are. >> it's pretty bad at her home though i mean -- >> she's losing her mind. >> take a look at this looking at the bugs. >> i think we have a problem one, two, three, i already took one outside today. >> and then we saw videos outside of your home. >> it's terrible. >> megan good to see you. >> little megan hi. >> so nice to meet you both. >> crazy thing is you just bought this home. you didn't see it when looking at the home. >> we bought it home in may and moved in june we final liss gotten gauged whole thing. look a week ago. i was like there's one in the bathroom. dave, my fiancee can you take this out. i don't know. >> he's so brave. >> they're stick bugs you are not supposed to squash them they smell you. >> went to internet and web md started to find solution. >> you're not supposed to do that. >> by the way. >> she brought a stink bug in. >> this is stanley i named him. >> stanley. >> i felt bad. soy named him. anyway i brought a stink bug in and searched and served you how do you do it. >> righting there lower camera a little about sxwh we have plenty of foot bath of stink bugs thanks for bringing it in. >> of course any time i figured i would let it loose. soy searched and searched everything you can think of it goat rid of them i don't like killing things and i have dogs. i deposit want pesticides and chemicals. so they said natural ways to get rid of them. >> you know as producer. >> sorry, sorry, soapy water. >> dish soap and water. >> squirt it on the bug i itself. >> it dehigh draits a little bit. i'm sure someone will tell me later it's okay to till kill them. second thing i did was saw minute oil and water there's me video of doing it. >> you doing it at home. >> yes yesterday. so you get -- not extract oil ten drops in two cups of water and spray around there's video of me spray around yesterday too. >> has it worked. >> yesterday there was another one in bedroom and again tons more outside soy tried spraying it i saw another one later outside. i don't think it's working. >> you're not necessarily training on bug itself but around the house. >> repellant. >> like you have no qulad aarr doing. >> none. >> that's affected your love life at all. >> yes, it has. >> you're nervous in bed. >> i'm like why are we in here get them out. >> he's laid back about it. >> we have help for you. >> bring in the doctor now. >> dr. stink coming in his real name dr. cambridge we're calling you dr. stink if you have questions fox 29 dr. stink.. is she doing anything right. i'm sorry i didn't wear blue. >> she's noticing it. that's the first step. i'll disspell the soap myth quick. if you spray soap on these guys it's going to kill anything that you spray soap on so not super effective. >> really? >> no, no, no. these guys are hard to treat for this time of year. >> why are so many of them. if she seize is one there's 50 behind the ball wall. >> yeah these guys are coming in your house over winter. i'm sorry they'll be there rest of season. and they're going to leave come spring or so so there's no point in treating now. >> why are they called stink. bugs the myth if you skish them stink comes sglout if you skish them quick but if you square them they have defensive reaction they reloose a stinking. >> footage provided by me from my apartment balcony. that perspective is it's not uj like that. is it look a skunk if you square it it swirts. >> they have giant holes on bottom and release stink. from it. they don't have a tail like skunk. .> >> is it true you got ph.d. studying stink bugs. >> yes officially. >> is there more official sounding name. >> this is -- >> i mean for studies what are you talking about ph.d. in -- >> ent mol jury i'm enter molgist. i'm sorry were in epicenter of stink. bug invasion in the united states. these guys name late 90s here into eastern pennsylvania and it spread to over 44 other states. >> we're -- it's our fault. >> we're the problem. >> it's here. >> if you have questions for dr. stink do we have any ryan? have any come in yet? if it is i don't see it. there we go. >> i can't see that i'm blind. >> what does nest look like and how do you prevent them from occupying home dr. stink. >> that's a great segue. so there's a pretty simple thing you can do to try to reduce the number coming to your home. they're not nesting. they are not breeding they don't bite, they don't sting. they don't feed or lay eggs in your house. we like to recommend people use non chemical intercept trap. these are high tech and expensive. >> they're not. >> it's a piece of cardboard box collapsed. >> all you do okay is basically i've taken -- here i got one so you can try at home and see. all you do is take one of these things fold edge of it so when i set it back it kind of makes a little let's seefy can -- you kind of see inside there right? >> yes. >> so basically this is mimicking inside walls. this is what the stink bug is looking for protected inside something. >> where would i lay this. >> right against outside of your house. >> lay it down or put on side like that. >> so if this is outside of your house lay it up against the wall. >> so part of the wall. >> and then just leave it there. i mean don't let it get rained on take it out and i don't know burn it. >> i don't squirt anything in there to attract. >> you need nothing. >> nothing. >> it's easy to reduce number of these. >> what happens once they're in there what do you do. >> burn it, i don't know. >> i can clarify this. so like are they bad i'm not -- it's not a bad things to get rid of them. >> you mean kill them. >> yeah. >> yes. >> but is there anything they do that is positive or is it good to get rid of them. >> so, you know there's always ethical question of killing something blah, blah, blah, but these are invasive species don't feel bad about killing them here. we don't want to kill them over the entire world. >> do they eat something. >> everything. they cause millions and millions of dollars of crop damage annually and in 2010 they caused over 37 million in damage in just apples in mid-atlantic region. >> that's why he's dr. stink. >> so all i have to do is put card boar on the wall. >> yes. >> you are spraying crap all over your house. >> it's probably cleaner. >> smells good. >> the minute smells good. >> minute write sglesh okay. so we have more questions. you can stay until 10. >> sure. you can stay until 10. >> sure. >> dr. stink. here for you. ♪ ♪ hi ted, glad you could join us! ♪ ♪ give it a try. mmm. give that to me. ♪ ♪ (laughing) ted? ♪ ♪ ted? sghv we is a question when you kill one more are attractioned to the smell. doctor? >> yes so that's a common myth. that's true of yellow jackets not stink bugs. when you squish these guys why would it attract more stink bugs there's nothing they'll come and do it hrt you that's a myth, no. squish them at will. >> thank you. >> wow. >> if you have any more questions for dr. stink use #fox29drstink. >> proud graduate of rutgers university. >> name a famous purt reerng an in the united states of america. >> geraldo rivera is down in his homeland. and he's going to do a live report about what he has seen over the last three for four report about what he has seen over the last three for four days next on "good day" ♪ get on up. ♪ get on up, mama. ♪ get on up. ♪ do what you want. ♪ do you want, let the record hop. ♪ degree motionsense. ultimate freshness... with every move. the more you move, the more it works. degree, it won't let you down. >> coming up on:30. >> imagine if you can have a clue when partner is cheating luke a heads up. well if you do apparently you should listen to them. there's subtle clues in the way your partner talks and this even works with straipingzers. you can figure out their lining or cheating. >> if i ask where you cheat become me and her voice goes funny i'll know. >> we'll reveal. >> what did you think of "empire" on fox. >> we'll look at big moments. there were big surprises. it's not going to be too much of spoiler alert. but yaz mom that plays hakeem she'll be honored and we'll talk about last night'sen sowed. tweet me on instagram me on twitter i'm alex holly tv twitter alex holly fox 29 and instagram alex holly tv. >> new definition of pimp walk. >> there's a new definition for that and lishious can do it. >> gangster league. >> and the most famous purity rican in our area geraldo rivera. the last few days what he's seen. he's heartbroken about this. he'll talk to us live from puerto rico in a bit. scott. >> winds of change that cold front is moving through. temperatures dropping and so is the humidity. 72 right now. winds north 10 miles an hour. and we're talking about winds gusting up to 30 miles an hour later today. mount pocono 56. 60s north and west and low 70s i-95 corridor low and mid 70s delaware and south jerz and i western part of state look at that cooler fall air. temperatures in pittsburgh upper 50s in buffalo and syracuse. that cooler air and gusty winds hour by hour look at future wind gusts up to 30 miles an hour. bottom line sunshine. blustery. temperatures back where they should be this time of year. and 7 day forecast shows low 0s on friday. upper 60s to kickoff the upcoming weekend. good morning, bob. >> 8:32 we have good news this time of around. they just reopen entered 30 bypass. they just kleendz up all of the fuel from the overnight accident. traffic is eventually on its way. here comes police vehicle lifting all the detours along the way. any minute now traffic flows. but there's major delays through downingtown. and downingtown school district is reporting major delays for not only its teachers and but all of school buses and because all this traffic has been pushed off on to business route 30. if you leave the house right now you typically head that way i head fortune pike eastbound out of downingtown backed up on the benny worked up eastbound up and over downtown because of earlier accident on the schuylkill. mike, alex back to you. >> scott said on saturday back in the 60s. feels like fall. >> feels like fall. >> because it is fall. >> where do you go to celebrate fall. >> linvilla orchards. >> it's a mart avenue so many family traditions, good morning, steve. >> good morning. >> i love all the pretty, pretty pumpkins white pumpkin this is one good for baking pies. >> it's -- this is newest one and the tondo and real hard to find. this one is actually over 100 years old developed in philadelphia and it's rally one of the best pumpkins for pumpkin pies. >> i love it you say you're expert carving pumpkins. do you luke a tall skinny or fat squatty. >> fat. >> i like fat squatty and it's not because that my body type. here we are one of the great things everyone loves to do is take tractor ride and you visit sweet witch. >> we are sugar witches. >> we don't melt in the rain we melt when it is hot. >> what can kids expect when they come through. >> tractor comes tocy our beautiful house here and i tell a story and we share very educational one liner jokes. >> i like that and then if they come through here and laugh do they get a treat. >> they get more jokes. it's kind of bad situation because it just keeps building worse and worse. >> did you have breakfast this morning. >> no. >> no, i didn't either because the monster put poison on my corn flakes you know what you call that. >> what, cereal killer. >> that's good. >> that's scariest it will get. >> that's it. no, we're very silly and funny and we love children an we don't use them in any of our recipes anymore it's very, very sweet. up to kids about 11 years old and parents seem to enjoy it too. we do tell a few jokes for parents. it's just a very sweet ride to bring kids on for halloween it's not scary and geared specifically for children. >> grown ups who are afraid of cats. >> that's too. >> so guys you have gotten to be out of school for a little bit. you like the witches house. >> yes. >> are you going to go back to school. >> about in step hours. >> ten hours. >> you want to get out of school for another what three to four hours. >> about that. >> all right. so if you are wyatt's teacher i'm giving them a pass. go after lunch. >> i have to make it for my soccer game though. >> he'll be there for soccer. >> thank you olivia and gabe and everyone's parents. >> okay. >> linvia we're stick ago rounds there's amazing new type of apple we'll tell you all about it. >> i can't wait to hear about that. >> better than the honey crisp. >> my favorite is pink lady. if it's better than pink lady i want it. >> who knew there was new apple. does eye zach new son know about this. >> what was it. >> facial recognition on phone you. >> look at it and phone lights up. >> on ebbs up. >> don't let your kids do it >> on ebbs up. >> don't let your kids do it yet until you hear this ♪ having a baby. caring for your parents. learning you have a condition. these are moments when people realize that where you get your medicine matters. and they look to us. cvs pharmacy. for advice. and ways to save money. plus, get up to fifty extrabucks each year just for filling prescriptions. switching is easy. we're here for you. join us. at cvs pharmacy. ♪ gus! nice job! gus! heyyy! looking good! (laugh) gus! hi kelly. gus. hey guys! huh? oh, gus! we didn't see you there. yeah. we were just playing gus. gus. the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah... with top prizes of a hundred grand. you know, you're much cuter in person. aww... (giggling) keep on scratchin'! aww... (giggling) . >> puerto rico i don't is to tell you how bad it is. there we have a disaster on your hands. they can't we'll we don't have watt to drink. geraldo rivera is there. sorry there and what have you been seeing? >> you know put of all thank you for compassion i know you cared deeply for 150,000 people of puerto rican decent that liver in greater philadelphia area. and behind me, this is kind of typical of what they call zombie condos of san one. highrise buildings with no electricity or water. if you live on twelfth for lean want to flush toilet you have to carry a gallon of water up twelve stories. it's humanitarian disaster and people out fuel an waiting online at gas stations for 6 to 8 hours and you know agricultural crop is wiped out here. it's impossible to overstate the extent of humanitarian disaster mike. >> it's been about a week since hurricane maria and i know people are living their lives. but when you think about the people in puerto rico and the fact they have not had water or food or electricity how are they dealing with it how are they getting by? >> you know, al em, the situation there's food. there's plenty of rice and beans around. the problem is walter. there's no water. so there's no -- you cannot bathe. i saw people it was raining yesterday they were becameing outdoors in the rain showers. you cannot launder kloming. aside from all of the other needs to flush the toilet as i mentioned before i hate to be graphic about it but my goodness 3.4 million people here, 3.4 million this is not disaster we have a couple hundred people here or there thousand and here or there you have society here broken that's living in the dark age ages. every day gets worse. now, why hasn't aid come in the great bulk. part of reason is ports have been danaged and i think really operating on happen hazard or low intensity volume the president did a good thing when he suspended jones act and frees up vessel around the world to bring aid on the scale necessary to deal with this whole humanitarian crisis and society in in dispair. i think it's very necessary, united states navy and united states marine corps also engaged fema and various federal agencies now rallying to the cause and president coming next tuesday. this is impossible to overstate the seriousness profound seriousness of this crisis. >> gosh geraldo are people coming up and hugging you or are they frustrated or distraught what is it. >> you know, i love you man you know i spent the -- learned spanish summer of 15th yoor i turned 16 years old here. if you go to twitter geraldo rivera you see a picture of me and aunt ellie she was absent. we couldn't find her. there is no phone service or internet because of the lack of electricity the cell towers are down. we found her. it was so sweet to see her and she was so happy to see us. we brought her plan ter and so forth. but it's you know people are happy to see me. but they are very, very needy. we did a great story earlier this morning on knox and friend at the rider memorial hospital the big hospital important city on eastern side of puerto rico that was absolutely decimated by the storm. and unlawfully cbs and u.s. marines arrived from the carrier and got emergency generators started so runs the ventilators in icu and it runs the oxygen supplies in hospital and it gives you power needed to pump water out through the rue's devastated. people are happy to see us. this is society in crisis. really united states has to rally as you said mike these are 3.4 million fellow citizens they need our help, mike, alex. >> thank you for taking tomorrow to talk to us in philly. >> i'm glad your family is okay and glad you're talking to them and making sure they're good. >> we'll see you soon. >> say hello to your family. yeah, president trump did a good thing today when got rid of jones act at least for a little bit now ships from all over the world if can get into broken harbors they'll bring supplies from around the world. thank you mr. president. 8:44. we're going into hell's kitchen today. doesn't it sound frightening. the hit fox show kicks off first ever all star edition and three of those all stars are from the philly rea and and three of those all stars are from the philly rea and they're all with us next trusted battery for your son's favorite toy?t maybe not. maybe, you could trust he wouldn't leave the upstairs water running. (woman screams) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ >> hell's kitchen is back. that's one of my favorite shows. >> welcome chefs. >> hey. >> hi, mike. >> hi. >> chef barbie. >> i'm not showing favorite six. we know. >> barbie needs extra hugs. >> listen to that. trash talking already. when does new season start. >> tomorrow. >> tomorrow, friday night. >> 8 . eastern standard time. 7 central. >> you're from pennsylvania. >> pittsburgh yes. >> you're from pennsylvania. >> north philly you already knw. >> i know that. >> introduce yourself. >> chef millie from philly. the world knows me as that from gordan ramsey. you know what it is man. love philly man. shout out to everybody philly. >> elise you're from philly the bubba shevt from pittsburgh and reside in the dmv. >> and how about? >> i'm chef barbie marshall from philadelphia. born and raised here. and primarily work out of her here. >> so you know them from -- they're great chefs you know them from the show hell's kitchen ebb. this is all star version everybody successful on the show is back to go against each other. >> yes. >> that's the concept. >> that's the concept. >> we'll flip it around and play master chef today. >> okay. >> so you are the judges. you're not the chefs anymore now you're the judges of our dishes. >> aww. >> ready? >> okay. >> up first is karen hepp. she has brought in her specialty. >> please present your food. whatever you decide you want to put it here. >> turkey chile. >> turkey chili i don't have a mic. >> this is turkey chili please try it i can't make it too spicy i have all these kids i made it last night for dinner. >> are you praised by this for three boys. >> i thought i was my husband told me he didn't think mine was the best and he liked the one from the super bowl that was in and all i do is chuck -- cans of stuff into there. >> he did not tell you that. >> i said i put my beans in and stuff. >> i know. >> you all tasted it. >> uh-huh. >> what was that c minus. >> be gordon ramsey. >> there's a little spice there's kick to it. >> there's heat which is nice it's not offensive it's all over your pallet heat. i think it's lacking salt. >> i was about to say that what the are we missing here. salt. >> salt. >> salt. >> you're mying a lot of salt. >> would she survive to next round. >> yes i think she could survive next round. >> great flavor. balance. >> congratulations karen. >> thank you. >> we're very proud of you. next up scott williams meteorologist extraordinaire. >> welcome scott. >> good morning thanks for having me. >> what you have made scott. >> definitely i a hit. any party it's gone it's hot and cheesy corn dip paid with tortilla chips with paprika. does is this family recipe scott. >> it's not it's my recipe. >> okay. >> we're using same plates as karen's so that a little weir weird. >> that's fine. >> so what you'll note are hipts of jalapeno, green peppers, red peppers, there's cream cheese in that as well as four cheeses. >> you're so prepared i'm so proud. >> wow. >> you watch the show. >> i'm so proud. >> okay. >> um this is delicious. >> this is good. >> this is dish i have to go back for second and third bite of to make sure i was not tripping. >> thank you. >> congratulations scott. >> you've kicked karen off the show. >> next up alex holly. >> i have to come after scott williams oh, great soy want to clarify with my dish i'm a single woman living in the city. >> you get my vote regardles regardless. >> thank you i appreciate it. >> i don't care about -- >> i don't cook as much as i probably should. >> you brought in a salad. >> you can cook a nice salad. >> so yes this is typically what i eat during the week olives in it and croutons and dried cranberries and cilantro avocado dressing which is light though i don't know if i put enough in it. >> sounds great. >> thank you chef millie from philly. >> this is a sad i'm sorry. >> millie. >> this is a sad >> you've done a great job. >> this is what i would eat you said signature dirk. >> you have great color. >> thank you. >> want to try it. >> you're a mess. >> and. >> you don't have to try it. >> piece of plastic one of the bags you took it out of. >> stop it. >> you you know this is great dish for meatless monday. >> thank you chef elise. >> it's refreshing and great. >> i need more dressing. >> i appreciate it thank you. >> chef elise remines me. tamea the singer. >> you have met her before. >> thank you. >> fabulous. >> barbara you remind me of barbie. black barbie. >> congratulations scott williams. >> you have won. >> we're out of time. >> no, no, no, here we go. if i'm going to -- >> you leave me alone. look at presentation. >> whose dish is that, what is that. >> what is this. >> do we have overhead it's elaborate presentation. >> it's elaborate. >> cool lunch. >> that's hilarious. >> if you lien it up. >> it will fall out. >> i don't think we have overhead i guess. >> you can see itfy lift it up. >> bologna barbeque treat owe sandwich. >> look at presentation. >> presentation. >> presentation is on point though. >> thank you. >> you know i'm full. >> that salad. >> with what that salad did the salad was icing on the cake. >> i love this. >> now i have two different types of corn chips here treat owes crunchy and regular. >> i love your artistic abilitys with that plate unfortunately i'm full. >> i never. >> they refuse -- the crunch is fantastic. >> scott you win thank you and good luck tomorrow night on. >> fox 29, 8:00. >> our station. >> fox 29. >> good luck to all of you. >> thank you. >> all star season of hell's kitchen. >> all three of us. >> would won the whole thing. >> we'll be right back. >> would won the whole thing. >> we'll be right back. >> no one will eat it ♪ ♪ >> okie dokie we're remembe remembering this morning so many people woke up to news it happened late last night. hugh heffner pass away icon and playboy founder died yesterday at night. and we'll look back at life and ties to our area. yes, there were ties here. so we'll do that when we come yes, there were ties here. so we'll do that when we come back for the 9:00

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