Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News Saturday 20180113 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News Saturday 20180113

frigid cold. it's manageable. i feel like my body has adjusted a little easier to this. >> okay, well, wait until, let's see, tomorrow and monday and then again on wednesday. >> okay. >> so, it takes a major -- back to the arctic blast. >> oh, that's the headline this morning. >> okay. >> we are legitimately headed back to the deep freeze. that's what my headlines say this morning. i'm just waiting to see if they're going to put them up. there we go. bet we can see it after this. oh, okay. so here's the headline. we're headed back to -- [laughter] -- wait a minute. thanks, guys. sorry. you got to push the button. head for the deep freeze, that's what's ahead and we had a couple of days in the 60's. wasn't it nice? all right. now, temperatures are plunging as the first wave of cold air is coming in. let me show you what it is right now. 38 degrees. it continues to drop. we're in the upper 20's for hagerstown and martinsburg and winchester. and then down to the south in fredericksburg it's 39. and annapolis is 42. let me show you the wind gusts. 32 miles per hour wind gusts here. dulles is close to 40. lots of wind gusts up around 30 miles per hour. i think we're going have wind gusts 30 to 35 with an occasional gust higher than that, at least for the next six to eight hours or so. the winds will calm down a little bit later on this evening. so, what does it feel like? now, look, the wind chill factor is not calculated off the wind gusts, it's calculated off the sustained wind which is about 20, 21 miles per hour right now for the most part. so, therefore, it feels like it's in the teens for some. upper 20's here in town. lower 20's up to the north and west. and eventually most of the area is going to feel like it's in the teens or the 20's. take a look at storm tracker radar. all right, that rain down to the south of us is actually moving to the northeast. that's moving up ahead of the front. and then there's a little bit, and i just mean a little bit of maybe light snow flying, maybe a little bit of a light front. obviously where the winds and the temperatures are just a little bit colder, all right. so, you still have a chance for some rain coming up i-95 and off to the eastern shore. probably for the next few hours. we'll have rain pushing on off to the east of us. the bigger picture will show there is the potential for more snow back out to the west and up to the north of us. i do not think in any way, shape or form, there's any problem with snow for us. again, you might see a few flurries or flakes around and that's about it. once the drier air comes in and takes over, you're not going to see that at all. so, here is the deal today. falling temperatures pretty much all day long as temperatures -- we're in the 30's now. we're going to fall right on through the 30's into the upper 20's and the low 30's by later on this afternoon. it will stay windy. wind gusts will be 25, 30, maybe even some 35 miles per hour gusts as well on these northwesterly winds and overnight tonight with fair skies, very, very cold. i think we're headed down into everybody. that includes here in town. and again, annie, the forecast for the next several days, if you like an arctic plunge, then that's what you're going to get. >> cannot wait. >> it seems to me that there's a -- the second wave of this that comes in later on, midweek of next week, may be as cold or colder than what we just dealt with. >> wow. >> and it's only for about one day or so but still it looks very, very -- north pole. north pole's coming to town again. >> i know and it's just crazy that yesterday we were dealing with 65, 70, 73 in some areas. >> and the day before that as well. >> just crazy. all right, gary, thank you so much. we'll check back in with you in a bit. international outrage over the president's alleged vulgar remarks about a number of nations and now the president and his staff are fighting back. fox's caroline shively reports with more. >> reporter: the president maintains he nerve said the expletive while discussing immigration with lawmakers. trust. you should probably record future meetings. >> mr. president, are you a racist? >> reporter: a day after the president is said to have used vulgar language against haiti and african countries at a white house meeting on immigration, now questions of racism are coming from several corners at home and abroad. >> there's no other word one can use but racist. you cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as (bleep) holes. >> reporter: president trump tweeting friday he never used the expletive and his staff is backing him up. >> i was not in the room and it was very clear that he in his tweet as his tweet stands was the language was not used. >> reporter: but senator dick durbin who was in the room describes it this way. >> used this vile and vulgar comments calling the nations they come from (bleep) holes. the exact word used by the president, not more, not just once but repeatedly. >> reporter: the controversy may make it even harder for president trump to accomplish the already tough battle of mexican border included as part of the deal on immigration in the dreamers. the president says a bipartisan senate proposal is not strong enough on chain migration or ending the visa lottery program. congress is plugging away at an agreement. >> we need to fix daca but i think it's important we fix it in a balanced way. >> reporter: the president had his first physical. his doctor says he did exceptionally well and will discuss the details on tuesday. in washington, caroline shively fox news. >> while the white house is fighting back against those allegations of insults the president is dealing with another alleged scandal. president trump's lawyer reportedly worked out a six figure deal with a former adult film star to keep her quiet about an alleged sexual encounter with the president 10 years ago. the deal was offered one month before the 2016 election and the "wall street journal" reports michael cohen arranged for a $130,000 payment to stephanie clifford as part of a nondisclosure agreement. in the she and the president had consensual sex in 2006 just one year after he married melania. in a statement cohen did not deny the payment happened but claimed that the sexual encounter did not take place. and we now know the name of the teen killed in a triple shooting in northeast d.c. police have identified the 17-year-old victim as devan fisher. it happened friday afternoon inside a house on rigs road. two other men were injured and are expected to survive. investigators are now trying to piece together what happened and are still kemping for the gunman. anyone with information give d.c. police a call. time now is 7:07. thieves targeted more than a dozen vehicles at a local apartment building to steal their air bags. police say the thieves targeted honda civics as well as accords parked at the lincoln at discovery square apartment building in herndon. they managed to break the windows of 13 cars without setting off a sin alarm. anyone with information should call fairfax county police. also in fairfax county police there are looking for a person who filmed a 13-year-old girl at the fair oaks mall. the victim says she was in a dressing room of a hollister store when she saw a cell phone under the door. police released these pictures of man from the store. if you recognize him or know anything about this case call fairfax county police. and a d.c. man faces life in prison after police say he raped a woman on a metro train in montgomery county. the attack napped 2016 and changed the way metro notifies the public of violent crimes. fox5's lindsey watts was in court last night for closing arguments and has new details. >> reporter: when this happened it was such a shocking crime. a woman raped on a metro train around 10:00 in the morning on a weekday. we now know that the state has a lot of evidence against the suspect. prosecutors say his dna was found on a tissue used by the victim after the attack. we saw metro sur video that police say shows the victim and the suspect getting off the train following the attack. and the suspect's own mother testified, identifying her son as the man in that video. police say the suspect, john hicks, attacked a nurse on a red line train to glenmont. the woman testified that hicks had a knife and forced her into a partitioned area on the train. she was cut trying to grab the knife. she says hicks attempted to rape her, then made her perform oral sex. she told police she believed he would kill her if she didn't comply. hicks was arrested on the same day of the attack. he opted not to testify. his defense lawyer says he's not the guy who did this, that there was a bad investigation and an incorrect identification. when this happened in april 2016, metro did not notify the public. we didn't find out about this until more than a month later. it prompted anger from congress members and soon after, metro policies. you can see in this tweet, the general manager instructing metro transit police to notify the public of violent crimes the same day, at least in cases where doing so wouln't hurt the investigation. hicks is charged with first degree rape, first degree assault and first degree sex offense. he could spend the rest of his life behind bars if he is convicted. because of the long weekend, jury deliberations will resume on tuesday. in rockville, lindsey watts fox5 local news. >> maryland has become the ninth state in the country require paid sick leave. state senators overrode governor larry hogan's veto of the maryland healthy working families act. under the bill employers with more than 15 workers must provide five paid sick days. employers with less than 15 workers must give five unpaid sick days. time now 7:10. coming up we have good news on those wildfires raging out in southern california. some promising news out west. plus, an urgent warning from t cold medicines. we'll have that story coming up. and of course as we head to break here's a live look outside on this saturday morning. this looks like 95 and the beltway near 210. gary will also be back with a look at your forecast. we'll be right back after this short break. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> welcome back on this saturday morning. it's 7:13. we have an update on those devastating wildfires out west. officials say the massive wildfire that caused those deadly mudslides is finally contained. the thomas fire broke out over a month ago. it destroyed hundreds of homes and scorched nearly 300,000 acres. the fire left the ground bare and unable to absorb water when heavy rains moved in days ago. meanwhile, search and rescue crews continue to look for at least 43 following the mudslide that left 17 dead and destroyed hundreds of homes. take a look at this church in montecito. this photo shows the mud that covered the two story chapel and a woman who lives near this church says she feels so lucky to be alive after surviving tuesday's rain and mud. check this out. this viral video shows a prius being swept away in burbank. parts of california still under mandatory evacuation orders. those orders are expected to stay in place for several weeks. man. back now closer to home the d.c. department of health and human services says there is no basis to claim that a computer glitch resulted in hundreds of medicaid recipients losing their coverage. fox5 received a tip about this issue and george lavoy told us the hospital would not let him schedule an appointment because his medicaid coverage had been canceled on december 30th. a computer glitch was to blame but he was never notified. his coverage has since been reinstated. the u.s. of its most active flu seasons in years and now cases have been reported in every state except hawaii. according to the cdc186 new flu cases were reported from december 31st to january 6th in the district. 156 new cases were reported in maryland and there are still 11 to 13 weeks left in the flu season. stay healthy. a warning to parents. the food and drug administration says cough and cold medicines that contain opioid ingredients should no longer be given to children. these medicines contain codeine or hydrocodone and the fda says it will require new labeling on these medicines to indicate the products can no longer be given to treat children. the agency says the potential risks outweigh the benefits and should only be given to adults 18 and older. and this recent warmup caused a rare sight on the potomac. we want to show you this. this water appears to have some steam on top of it like it's being boiled and gary, what is that? is it moisture that's caused this. >> oh, ice. >> it's the ice. >> all right. >> the ice is cold, the air is warm, we were in the 60's and the 70's. >> that looks eerie. >> and just the coldness of the water too is creating that. isn't that cool. >> that is pretty neat. >> looks kind of like a cauldron. >> it's rare we don't get to see that type of thing on the potomac. >> unless you've been in the 30's forever and the 20's and the teens and then it warms up into the 60's and low 70's. >> but you know, on a positive note, it was just a nice little break for us to have. >> it was great. >> like a revival. >> it was like we thawed out and then the rain came along and washed all that salt and nastiness out of here. >> i know, free car wash for everybody. >> so it's nice and refreshing. >> you get a car wash, you get a car wash, everybody gets a car wash. [laughter] >> i saw the line off shady grove i think it was the day before yesterday. i bet it was a two or three hour line for a car wash. >> whoever was working at the car wash -- >> who has got time to sit in a car wash line for like three hours. >> i got a car wash before it rained. >> doesn't matter. you're just getting the salt off your car but how long did you wait to get your car washed. >> we get off early so i was in and out. >> okay. 36 degrees right now here in the city. it's getting colder. cold air is coming in. look at the wind gusts right now. 35 for dulles, 24 miles an hour wind gusts for frederick. a lot of sustained wind is 15 to 20. we're gusting to 38 miles per hour here in town. the feels-like temperature already in the teens for some. low 20's, so say goodbye, bye-bye to the 60's. i mean, and the low 70's out there. had a lot of tweets over the last few days where people were taking pictures of their thermometer on their car, you know, the gauge there and showing me it was in the 60's and the 70's. thank you for that by the way. but it was amazing. and we got warmer west and northwest than they did here in town. only mid 60's in town but a lot of folks up to the north and west got in the low 70's. little bit of light snow. a little cell north of 70 there. that looks like it's pretty good. you'll see that snow flying. and then snow along i-95. cold air is coming pushing the rain off to the east and you can see how it's kind of running up to the northeast, too and as the cold air filters in it's basically that changeover. úon this this is going to be a problem. the roads are warm after a couple days in the 60's and 70's so i don't think it's a big deal but it will quickly get out of here because this cold air is coming in swifting. where there may be some issues up here in central sections of pennsylvania, i don't think that's a bad thing either but out west they're expecting one, 2, 3 inches of snow there. there's a lot of winter weather advisories in place. okay, let me show you this. it might be good for some. depressing for others. 36 in town now. cincinnati 14. detroit is 12. there's two front here. there's the front that's going through us now and there's a front that's just starting to come through detroit. already has come through toronto. that's seven. that's the true arctic air. it's 34 degrees right now for new orleans. how many times is it colder in new orleans than what we are here in town? all right. atlanta colder than we were, 29. nashville 23 and look as we jump the arctic boundary how wow. about as cold as it's going to get. actual air temperature for international false minus 28. minneapolis minus 11 and fargo is minus 16 and then just crazy stuff up there. here's where all the winter weather advisories are out to the west and the northwest of us. this will be basically through this morning. once the cold air comes in, we're in good shape. here's your seven-day forecast forecast. annie, we got visitors in the studio. the daisies are here but i don't have time. come on, i'm just joking. hey, look. wave to the camera. >> and this is just not even the entire group. the entire group is here. >> do you think we could have daisies on for every weather cast this morning. >> absolutely. maureen umeh can make that happen. >> say your name. say your name. >> opal. >> i'm sorry. >> isabella. >> your name. >> rita. >> aren't they so cute? say hi, mom. >> hi, mom. >> hi mom. >> maureen umeh's daughter is a dais maureen get in there show us what your saturday looks like. >> we see you too much alr already. what did you say. >> i wanted to show maureen. >> everybody knows what she looks like. >> rarely do we see maureen casual. >> hold on. y'all stay there. i'm just going to get another shot. >> adorable. >> dance, dance for the camera >> [laughter] >> oh, yeah. get, get, get don't stop. >> sorry jena. she's our producer. i messed the whole timing of our weather up. >> they're better. >> i don't disagree with you. >> all right, get out of here. scram. get off my weather set. >> thank you so much ladies and thanks gary. coming up the cold weather might be making you lose motivation to hit the gym and we're going to help you stay on track. that's what we're here for inspiration. coming up the secrets to keeping up with your workouts in this cold wind. we'll be right back. >> ♪ we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. we did a lot of research online. we just need to have a designer put it all together. mmm hmm. so, it's really nice when clients come in and have... done some of their own research. what do you think about these chairs and that table? working with a bassett designer was really easy. us being young professionals, we're so busy... there's no way we could've designed it ourselves. no. we love it! >> ♪ >> all right. working out in the wintertime can definitely be tough to stick with especially extreme cold snaps like we had last week. >> right. >> don't want to go anywhere. i didn't even want to get food. >> this is the time when lisa tries to get us to work out. >> lisa reed you look amazing. and it's so cold nobody wants to go anywhere. >> exactly. i'm so excited to share my secret so you can get results this winter. >> all right. >> first up, get a w buddy. you want someone from your neighbor to your pet exactly, somebody that's going to keep you accountable. >> yeah. >> 'cause consistency is key to getting results. >> okay. >> next up is find something that you love to wear, nice workout outfit from like fun, i love matching my sneakers. these support my feet all day long. >> anything except what annie and i are wearing. this would not be good workout attire. >> like joggers, sneakers. >> yes. >> hoodies. >> also this is my new favorite company it's called ebby's empowered by women. they're seamless no slip panties and they get delivered to your door. >> i'm out. >> 10 percent of the proceeds go to women to start their own businesses. you feel good from the inside out as well as water hydrate your skin beautifies you and it will help you see results by replenishing the muscle you lost during exercise and i have my third tip, which is my favorite, get your body weight workout done in your own living room. >> all right. >> because you're now -- now it's no one wants to go to the gym. >> right. >> exercise right at home. >> what do we do. >> i brought my amazing client punea is going to demonstrate our first exercise. right now in your living room everybody up, right now, doing squats. >> everyone get up. >> of course everyone get up. do what she says. >> squats are excellent but this one is called an elevator squat. watch her. she's going to go all the way down, goes halfway up and then all the way down again and then all the way up and that's one repetition. they're called elevator squats. >> somehow you took the worst exercise squats and made it even harder. >> best exercise. [laughter] >> nobody likes to do squats. >> squats and lunges are the worst. >> they're the best two exercises. >> they hurt. >> i know she's feeling the burn right now. what we do at lisa reed fitness we teach you mind-muscle connection. feel that burn. then she's going into her next exercise. >> you do like what, 30 of those. >> 10. >> it's burning already. >> she just did like three. >> i'm burning and i didn't even do it. >> that's exercise, real lunges. >> just got worse. >> look how amazing for the glutes. now she's going to hop off that front foot. when she does that you're going to get cardio. you don't need a treadmll at home, it's probably collecting dust in your basement. now you're getting your heart rate up and your legs look fantastic, awesome and next exercise is for your upper body. so you're going to -- she's going to walk it out. these are called diamond. she looks at her feet bends her elbows slightly and then extends them up and it's excellent gets that back of the arm, the tricep. >> she's trying to kill you on this segment. she's trying to kill you. don't let that happen. >> she looks fantastic and it's because she's, you know, obviously working out and putting in some work. >> yes. all in your own living room its body weight. >> what are some things beginners can do. >> they can do exercises. follow me. there's modifications. >> i was thinking like running g in place maybe, doing some jumping jacks, does that help. >> compound movements you want because you do real lunge jumps, you're getting really good leg muscles and your heart rate up as well. okay, it will get your heart rate up but it's not going to do anything for your muscles. you want to increase your metabolism have more muscles and that burns more calories. make sure you do strength, too. make sure you do the exercises that get that muscle. >> yeah, yeah. >> you can try it right now. >> i'm good, i'm good. >> do the triangle one. >> i'm telling you i must have burned 60 calories just watching her. >> thank you so much. >> you look fantastic. >> i'll just watch a lot. >> we'll be right back. >> i got to do something. i gained few pound over the holidays. i got to do something. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. verizon doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. verizon, no way. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. verizon, not so much. get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call 1-800-501-6000. >> somebody is in love with the capitol, annie. >> yeah, looks nice. rotunda.s are on the on the- >> that's right. welcome back on this saturday morning. we're back into the 30's. it's winter. >> oh, man. i don't even want to talk about it because i've enjoyed the last couple days. so, here we go. deep freeze is com definitely headed our way. the arctic air not quite here yet but by tonight it will start filtering in. maybe even later on today you'll start feeling it northwestern neighborhoods. aren't you happy about that. some snow up here to the north, okay. this light snow falling parts of frederick county, up into carroll county and then over towards baltimore county, too, so that's all skirting the northern edge. i don't think -- there's no accumulation i don't think but you'll see some snow flying up there and maybe a little bit up and down i-95, too. all of this is running to the east and northeast. bigger picture will show you cold air is coming in finding moisture lingering from yesterday and its squeezing it out dropping the temperatures. temperatures dropping so that means there's a little bit of snow flying in places maybe a ma purple counties that's where the winter weather advisories are. that's where at least until 10:00 a.m. most of them are. i chased them through west virginia and up through pennsylvania. most of that is 10:00 a.m. some of this up here in new york and upstate new york, maybe a little bit no winter weather advisory in place for us. and then snow. maybe one, 2, 3 inches higher elevations back out to the west. wind chill right now, look how cold it is. 19 degrees for gaithersburg. feels like 20 in frederick. more teens out along i-81. quantico is 27 degrees. fredericksburg is 28. i got these wrong. usually i show the temperatures then the wind chill but i messed it up. so, it's 35 degrees now, gaithersburg is 30 and i just showed you the wind chill for it. front is moving through. this is front number one. there's another front coming later on today, the true arctic air mass comes in so out ahead of the front it's rain, most of this i just showed you off towards the eastern shore, too, in southern maryland. there's this is little bit of a potential of a messy mix-up to the north and northwest with snow mixed in too. western pennsylvania snow. super cold behind this. windy today. falling temperatures pretty much all day long. just plan for it. here's what i mean by falling temperatures. we're about 35 or so at 10:00 a.m., 33 at 31 degrees at 4 o'clock. remember, feels like that 'cause the wind is going to be cooking all day long. pretty good gust, too, coming in along the way. here's the seven-day forecast for you. 30's today with falling temperatures. it's not a great story for tomorrow. sunny, cold, high of about 30 degrees. hopefully not so windy. i think it will be a little breezy tomorrow. martin luther king day is 33 degrees. lots of sunshine. but cold. little warmer on tuesday, 42. snow showers. right now i don't think it's a big deal. 29, though, another arctic air mass blasts through here. by next weekend it's going to warm up again. hey, annie. >> hey, gary. >> this girl scouts these daisies just keep coming in. every time i do the whether they just keep coming in. here they are. wait a minute. hold on. maureen catch this. >> the group before you danced. what can you do. >> hold on wait. this is my segment, annie. okay. what's your name? sabina and it's her birthday today. >> happy birthday. >> how old are you? >> someone did the dap. >> 17up. >> you're not 17. oh, she's seven. >> what are you going to get for your birthday other than being on tv which would be the coolest gift you've had. >> i don't know yet. >> what did you ask for. >> jo-jo maker. >> jo-jo bow maker. >> i don't have a seven-year-old anymore. i'm sorry. >> that was a big christmas gift idea. >> this one right here, maybe she looks familiar. what's your name. >> zula. >> this one belongs to maureen umeh. >> how about you. what's your name. >> ryan. >> how old are you. >> i'm six. >> you're six. your birthday is coming up. >> how about you, what's your name. >> ainslie. >> ainslie and you're six or seven. >> i'm almost seven. >> almost seven. one more. >> i'm ava and i'm seven. camera. >> anybody you want to say hi to. >> hi. >> oh, i love them. >> that's it? >> all right, get outta' here you guys, get out. out. i tell you, out. >> don't be so mean. >> get out. >> gary. >> no. >> i'm not mean. i'm not mean. >> ♪ >> thanks so much. time to get to some news here at 7:35. developing this morning, a maryland man is behind bars this morning accused of gunning down man in the district heights area back in november. police say 26-year-old darius wilson shot and killed rondel kl officers found fu's body behind a townhouse complex on sun valley terrace on november 21st. wilson faces multiple charges including first degree murder as well as assault. and developing in northern virginia, a youth pastor is headed to jail after a jury found him guilty of indecent liberties with a minor. prosecutors say jordan baird repeatedly groped and propositioned a 16-year-old girl who attended the life church in manassas. he's set to be sentenced in february. time now 7:35. manassas city police are warning people after a woman says she was groped by a masked man. the victim says she was walking along sandalwood drive when a man grabbed her on the crotch. she described the suspect as being white or hispanic and slim. he was wearing a gray and white camouflage hoodie dark pants an ski mask. >> ♪ >> president trump declared to be in excellent health. he had his first medical exam as president yesterday. it took place at walter reed medical center in bethesda. the white house doctor says the examination went "exceptionally well." the fallout continues from president trump reportedly using vulgar language to describe african nations and belittling immigrants from el salvador and haiti. the president reportedly made the comments during an immigration meeting with lawmakers in the white house. president trump denied using vulgar language in reference to haiti. who was in the room confirmed media reports and said the president did use the vulgar language. >> that's what he used, this vile and vulgar comments calling the nations they come from (bleep) holes. the exact word used by the president, not more, not just once but repeatedly. >> the president's reported comments have drawn international condemnation including from haiti and fox5 spoke with haitian ambassador paul atadore. he was disappointed and surprised to hear those words coming from what he calls the most important political office in the world. >> it's regrettable that actually i'm here with you discussing some statements that were made that were detrimental that was quite not good for the people of haiti, even the people of the united states rather than talking about the challenges haiti has faced and more importantly the progress we've made since the earthquake. >> hoping he can convince president trump to join him and visit haitian communities across the country to get a better haitian people. he also believes the president owes the american people an apology. up next here at 7:00 the ceo of amazon is helping so-called dreamers go to college. we'll explain this coming up. plus, lyft is offering a deep discount to riders in chicago but under one condition. that story coming up. we'll be right back. ck. y2kqoy y16fy >> ♪ >> welcome back. here's a story that's trending now. amazon's ceo jeff bezos and his wife are helping dreamers go to college. they're donating $33 million to the dream u.s. the organization says the money will fund 1,000 college scholarships. bezos' dad emigrated to the u.s. from cuba when he was just 16 years old and received help from similar organizations. also trending, an online tool will tell you if you're drinking and drinking a little too much. it's called the alcohol treatment navigator and the portal has information on alcoholism and questionnaires to help people determine if they have a problem. it was launched by the national institute of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. there's also support and help in finding treatment. lyft will give some riders a 60 percent discount on their ride home starting next week riders will get that discount if they buy lyft's five star lager. lyft says they hope the beer will help people wind down. they hope to expand the program to more cities in the future. excuse me. time now is 7:42. coming up, pantone has officially announced the 2018 color of the year. it's the color prince crooned about and the color of royalty. we'll tell you more about it after this short break. >> only getting colder today, annie. temperatures are dropping. wind chill is dropping. and there's a little snow out there, too. we'll talk more about this. full forecast comes up in just a bit. stay with us. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ novec holds the record for the most reliable electric service in the region... and has for almost two decades. novec also uses proven technology and round-the-clock response to maintain one of the highest utility customer satisfaction ratings in the nation. novec. keeping you connected. >> ♪ >> welcome back. your time now is 7:45. gary is coming. >> i'm here. >> gary, how is the weather looking for today? >> you see this up herely? detroit is 12. columbus, ohio, is 12. >> i guess we should be thankful that's not us at least. >> it may be. >> we're in the 30's. >> we'll never be detroit, okay, we'll never be columbus but at least we can have the same weather that they have. you look upstream, look north and west and typically that's coming in our direction so it's going to get cold, okay. we've already dropped 35 degrees now here in the city. that number keeps dropping. rich respond 48 and cape -- what's going on now. most of the rain is kind of being gobbled up by colder air so we're getting a little bit of a changeover from rain into kind of the sloppy type of a mixture, all right. and you see a little bit of that. but it's super light here off to the east of us and down through southern maryland. a little bit farther to the south, down towards bowling green, fredericksburg, too, there's a little bit of more of enhanced snow there and then up to the north as well. look at the movement here. everything's kind of north and to the northeast. all this is kind of getting sucked up ahead of the front and the front is kind of right here now just along the bay and headed towards the eastern shore. the coldest of the air right now has settled into the north of us. westminster has got some snow flying there. if you're up here and you can tweet me, tweet me and let me know for sure that this is reaching the ground. northern sections of carroll county westminster, maybe mount airy even new market potentially there and over into northern baltimore county. maybe a picture or two would be happening too if it's north of us. look how cold it is. the first wave of cold air goes all the way down to the gulf of mexico. houston is 33. new orleans is 34. atlanta is 29. and then this is the arctic boundary here. so, you get up into this arctic air, the dewpoints plunge, the air is super dry okay and look how cold it is. big trout lake 12 degrees below zero. it's colder though for international falls. this is one lobe of arctic air. this is the first one. we'll get another one coming down in a few days or so, so there's two lobes of true arctic air here and we'll have to be dealing with that coming up. 23-degree wind chill factor in town. notice a lot of us feel like the teens up to the north and west. feels like 20 for frederick, 28 for fredericksburg. a little bit of a light mix this morning early. snow, most of snow, the accumulating snow, okay, is going to be back out to the west of us today, way out in western maryland, west virginia and i think up into central parts of pennsylvania. otherwise what we're dealing with, mostly cloudy afternoon. but falling temperatures and oh, yeah, it's going to stay windy. winds will be out of the northwest 15 to 25 miles per hour. 30's today. temperatures will just keep falling, only getting colder with the gusty winds. expect some sunshine, too. here's your seven-day forecast. monday's a holiday. 33 degrees for a high temperature. some clouds on tuesday, all right. wednesday 29. and then thursday are is 34. they just -- they just keep coming. they just -- the waves of daisies just keep coming. look, it's daisies. come on in here, girls. you know what, you guys are daisies, right? you know why i wanted to have daisies on the weather cast today? >> why. >> daisies are beautiful flower, right but it doesn't happen in the cold so you guys just coming in makes everybody so warm to know you're daisies. hey, what's your name. >> marie. >> marie. >> what's your name. >> stella. >> sara. >> gia. >> gia. you guys are the last ones this morning. we've had like 15 daisies on so is there something you want to say hell -- somebody you want to say hello to. >> hi, daddy. >> okay, daddy. >> hey, momma. >> hey, daddy. >> you got somebody you want to say hi to. >> hi, mommy. >> yeah. how about you. >> hi, daddy. >> daddies and mommies, too. dance for us. come on, dance . >> [laughter] >> have fun. daisies have -- there we go. all right. so you guys like the color purple. >> yes. >> we're going to do all things purple, right, annie, isn't that what we're doing right now? >> ♪ >> purple rain ♪ >> yes, it's a brand new year and the we are feeling purple. pantone has officially announced the 2018 color of the year and it is the ultraviolet purple. such a beautiful color megan, isn't it. she's here to tell us how we our life in 2018. hello. >> hello. >> so, every year pantone comes out with sort of like the color of the year and it kind of reflects the mood of the times. >> yeah. >> so this year purple sort of reflects the originality ingenuity and overall visionary thinking of our time. >> i like that. >> the old town boutique district has lots of purple for us. starting off with the -- all of the new year's resolutions for the running enthusiast we've got sort of getting out of that black workout gear, we've got purple, purple socks, purple sneakers, purple workout gear. >> that's cute. >> i love this mark jacobs bag a little pop of color for any outfit. >> takes you back a bit. >> a nod to the 80's, yes, absolutely and with prince, of course, you know. so, this mark jacobs bag is from current boutique consignment store in old town. that's amazing. you don't have to break the bank but you can still have >> got lots of pockets. >> yes, fabulous bag. for the stationary enthusiast we've got these amazing purple pens and this beautiful journal for journaling if your resolution is to journal. >> a lot of people like to carry around journals these days. >> we've all got too much in our head. we need to put it on paper, right. i kind of love this. this purple lipstick. >> what? >> straight out of the 80's. i don't know if it's for everybody but it's a great way to incorporate this purple trend. >> it's bold. >> yes. and if it doesn't look good on your face put it on your nails. >> what is that. >> that's an hombre highlighter. >> it's a soft highlight. >> soft little touch. >> how fun would a cocktail be out of these glasses from the hour. >> this is really cool. >> yes, very cool the frosted glass. so, yes, you can have the purple trend on your patio this summer. >> yeah, that's cool. >> red barn for a splash on your couch. >> make that couch pop. >> even if it's not the color in your house it's a great pop of color so this works really well. lulu in old town does a great job because they merchandise by color. naturally. so, they're really incorporating purple into their stores right now and making a huge splash with that as well so you've got hand bags. >> everybody is thinking purple because of pantone declaring it's the color of the year. >> pantone is pretty influential. >> finally down here we've got some accessories. >> we've got -- the accessories are from lulu but for the knitting enthusiast we've got this hand dyed yarn especially made for this color of the year so that ultraviolet is actually the color and so a local hand dyer, yarn dyer, dyed the yarn and this is all found at fiber space. >> wonderful. >> yeah, that's great. >> and this is cute. book bags are back. this is definitely 90's 'cause i had one. i had to have one. and everyone is these these days. >> yes, yes. >> oh, my goodness. cute, cute. and where is this from. >> that is from lulu as well in old town. >> adorable. i love it. and this is great for moms because you can throw everything in here and you don't have to worry about your hands. great stuff. so, the biggest thing is just, you know, try and incorporate purple into your life, have fun with it. you're wearing a little tassel a little tassel f from the hive in old town as well. >> i told you i have to wear purple today. i didn't know. now i know. i'm going to get more purple in my life. >> and where you know to find it. >> thank you so much megan. >> thanks for having us. >> we'll be right back after this break. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ havertys furniture helps your home look perfect even when life isn't. nice pick. pops, your pick. art monk! retired. i'll take him over these fools playing today. aw come on, man. that's not how this game works. art monk! i want to change my name to hot momma! lame. you're lame. no! i'm not writing down somebody who's retired! baby, i'm changing my name to hot momma. that's not how this works... [talking over each other] the new year savings event is on now at havertys. life looks good. mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. but after an electrical fire from faulty wiring, mary's vintage clothing and designer shoe collection were ruined. luckily, the geico insurance agency had recently helped mary with renters insurance, and she got a totally fab replacement wardrobe at bloomingdale's. mary was inspired to start her own fashion line, exclusively for little lambs. visit ♪ ♪ there are 7 continents. 7 seas. but at celebrity cruises we'd argue, more than 7 wonders. for a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, plus savings for everyone in your stateroom, when you book now. during the celebrity cruises sail beyond event. >> ♪ >> bert has a unibrow. >> it's time to celebrate our little bath time friend. it's national rubber ducky day. in 1973 sesame street officially named this rubber ducky date. it was first invented in the 1800s and then inducted into the toy hall of fame in 2013. i have many of them in my home, different patterns, different colors. i mean, they really went all out with the doesn't have a rubber ducky. >> i know all of these girls have one. >> i do. >> look, here's our friends. >> yay! >> hey, let me say something real quick. >> where are you gary. >> right here. these guys -- look, they fave me some my little pony pocket tissues. it's like the best gift i've ever gotten. thank you guys. >> that is wonderful. >> this was fun. >> for all the sniffles. >> these are the daisies by the way. oh, wait, birthday girl, birthday girl. on three. one, two, three. >> ♪ happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. happy birthday dear sabina, happy birthday to you ♪ we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. we did a lot of research online. we just need to have a designer put it all together. mmm hmm. so, it's really nice when clients come in and have... done some of their own research. what do you think about these chairs and that table? working with a bassett designer was really easy. us being young professionals, we're so busy... there's no way we could've designed it ourselves. no. we love it! >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> ahead this morning, hateful fliers dropped in a northern virginia neighborhood on a weekend meant to remember dr. martin luther king jr. this isn't the first time it's happened. details ahead. plus a porn star payout. president trump's lawyer pays a hefty price to cover up an alleged sexual encounter this as the president faces international backlash over alleged comments he made about immigrants. and weather rollercoaster. that's right. those temperatures taking a nose dive but this is a beautiful warmup today. gary will be along in just a bit for all the details. but first we say good morning to you at 8 o'clock here on saturday morning. it is january 13th, 2018. i'm annie yu. thanks so much for waking up with us. let's begin with another live look outside. here's a shot of the white house. sure looks pretty out there and yes, it is a little cooler than yesterday, gary, but it's manageable. it's n not too bad. >> it's not that cold air that takes your breath away. some of that unfortunately is coming. we have two distinct waves of arctic air. sorry to rain on your parade. how quick to you get used to 60's and 70's. we had some 70's yesterday. there's nothing around town. we just showed you the live picture there and we are actual -- you can see a few breaks in the clouds. farther to the south southern maryland getting a little bit of a changeover. the cold air is catching up with that rain and it's changing it over right now down there. youan this last hour, okay, all that's kind of moving up to the north and east. as it does so, it's breaking up. drier air is coming in kind of overwhelming all of this. there's still a little patch of light snow. that really f blew up for a second up into carroll county. very light now. tweet me if you see any of that, gary at fox5 d.c. if you don't mind i would appreciate it. maybe some of you have. i just haven't looked at twitter. i've been dealing with daisies the last -- i think annie, i think the daisies -- one of the daisies actually took my clicker. i don't know where my clicker is. >> uh-oh. >> i'm having to use the space bar on the computer. we're headed for the deep freeze. we'll find it. not much they can do with that. open a couple garage doors, that's about it. 34 degrees in town its getting much, much colder. we have nose dived with the leading edge of the colder air coming in. kick in the wind and this is how it feels like out there. 20 manassas, annapolis 30, everyone feels like below freezing and farther north and in the teens. so, all day today this cold air starts moving on in. the true arctic air mass is still out into the midwest. it will start getting in here late day and overnight. that's when temperatures are really going to tumble. just layer up today. as a matter of fact you're going to need to stay warm the next several days. we'll have the full forecast, seven-day coming up in just a little bit. >> gary, thank you so much. time now 8:03. new this morning out of northern virginia, a disturbing discovery in a quiet leesburg neighborhood. there are hateful fliers from the kkk and a resident tells fox5 he found the flyer on his front door last night. tisha lewis live in leesburg this morning with all the details. tisha, what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, good morning annie. we are here in leesburg and joining us live right now is sean stevens. you woke up and you found this flyer on your front porch here in this neighborhood. first and foremost, your reaction and then show us what you found. >> actually it was last night. it was in the driveway and my reaction, i was absolutely -- i couldn't even explain what i felt. you know, i was very disappointed. and when i begin to read through it, it was just -- it was frustrating. >> reporter: show us what you found specifically and i'm going to try to monitor this 'cause we're going this live on the air just to make sure it's -- there's no expletives or things of that nature and we're live so if you don't mind kind of just showing us what you found and i know it's offensive, you have contacted the authorities. so, this is what you saw on your front porch. let me just take a look. okay. so, it is some literature that's, you know, obviously concerning as we go into martin luther king jr. holiday. this is the third time something like this has happened in this area in as many months. i know that i have covered this -- a similar sto what needs to be done do you think law enforcement is doing enough? >> i don't know if law enforcement alone can do enough but i know as citizens we have a responsibility and that is to always be vigilant but to also -- i think we have to get our head out of the sand and wake up and realize that the days that we're anything are very dangerous and very treacherous and there's some evil people out. so, we need to step up and this particularly addresses dr. martin luther king and we're having a march here on monday in leesburg so i think this would be a great time for all persons to just step up and show who they are and show that they are americans and so i think this would be a great chance for us to show exactly who we are and what we believe in as a unified people. >> reporter: so, this is actually new literature that was assembled but what it does have in common with the prior story that i did here in loudoun county on a similar situation is that they're using bird seed to put in the bags with the fliers kind of to weigh it down. i think in one instance some candy was used. that one incident happened around halloween. what's interesting, though, is when i spoke with police about these types of circumstances, i asked them, you know, is this illegal, is anyone violating the law and their exact words were to me are the folks who do this are very, very savvy about what the law is and so they're very careful to not break the law. what's interesting, and sean if you want to walk and talk with me, we can actually see some of the literature right here in the neighborhood. it's kind of scattered around the neighborhood. so, folks checking the mail, waking up are growing to see this. kind of tell me what type of neighborhood this is. >> this is a very quiet neighborhood. this is a family oriented neighborhood. people tend to, you know, stay to themselves but we all know each other to some degree and -- but we've never had, since i've been here nine years, we've never had this to happen while i was here. >> reporter: thank you so much, sean for making us aware of ts. you early this morning. i also reached out to loudoun county sheriff's department early this morning and they have not heard about this yet but you said that you have contacted law enforcement. >> i contacted leesburg police department because technically we're in the town of leesburg. now even though we're in the county of loudoun. >> reporter: what did they say. >> they just told me they would send somebody out last night to pick up the package and no one came by -- has come by as of yet. >> reporter: okay. we'll wait and see what happens in that aspect. sean lastly, what's the message here. >> the message is we need to stand up, we need to be vigilant. we have some real issues in our world and i think we all have a responsibility to get our head out of the sand and to get involved in our communities, in our neighborhoods and to show people that we are a unified people. we're all people who must come together, stand together and make an impact on this nation. >> reporter: will this discourage from you celebrating martin luther king jr. day. >> absolutely not, absolutely not. every year we do the march and this year will be no different. my grandson be with us this year and my entire family along with our church we will be there with our t-shirts on this coming monday. >> reporter: sean thank you for joining us. i know it's early and cold but we appreciate it. >> good morning. thank you so much. >> reporter: thank you. annie, back to you. >> tisha, thank you so much for that. we'll check back in with you in just a bit. time now is 8:08. let's get to some international outrage happening still this morning over the president's alleged vulgar remarks about a number of nations and now the president and his staff are fighting back. fox's caroline shively has more. >> reporter: the president maintains he never said the expletive while discussing immigration with lawmakers even tweeting there's no trust and you should probably record future meetings. >> mr. president, are you a racist? >> reporter: a day after the president is said to have used vulgar language against haiti and african countries at a white house meeting on immigration, now questions of racism are coming from several corners at home and abroad. >> there's no other word one can use but racist. you cannot countries and continents as (bleep) holes. >> reporter: president trump tweeting friday that he never used the expletive and his staff is backing him up. >> i was not in the room and it was very clear that he in his tweet as his tweet stands which is the language was not used. >> reporter: but senator dick durbin who was in the room describes it this way. >> used these vile and vulgar comments calling the nations they come from (bleep) holes. the exact word used by the president, not more, not just once but repeatedly. >> reporter: the controversy may make it even harder for president trump to accomplish the already tough battle of getting the wall along the mexican border included as part of a deal on immigration in the dreamers. the president says a bipartisan senate proposal is not strong enough on chain migration or ending the visa lottery program. congress is plugging away at an agreement. >> do we need to fix daca? yes we need to fix daca but i think it's really important we fix it in such a balanced way. >> reporter: the president just had his first p his doctor says he did exceptionally well and he'll discuss the details on tuesday. in washington, caroline shively, fox news. >> and while the white house is fighting back against those allegations of insults the president dealing with another alleged scandal. president trump's lawyer reportedly worked out a six figure deal with a former adult film star to keep her quiet about an alleged sexual encounter with the president that happened 10 years ago. the deal was offere one month before the 2016 election. the "wall street journal" reporting michael cohen arranged for a $130,000 payment to stephanie clifford as part of a nondisclosure agreement. now, in this report, clifford claims she and the president had consensual sex in 20061 200, one year after he married melania. cohen did not deny the payment happened but claimed the sexual encounter did not take place. we now know the name of the teen killed in a triple shooting in southeast. police have identified the 17-year-old victim as fisher. it happened friday afternoon inside a house on riggs road. two other men were also hurt. investigators trying to piece together what happened and they're searching for the gunman. police are asking anyone with information to give them a call. now to an alarming case developing in northern virginia. thieves are targeted more than a dozen vehicles at a local apartment building to steal their air bags. police say the thieves targeted honda civics and accords parked at the lincoln at discovery square apartment building in herndon. police say the suspects were only inside the garage for about 30 minutes and they managed to break the windows of 13 cars without setting off a single car alarm. anyone with information should call fairfax county police. and a d.c. man faces life in prison after police say he raped a woman on a metro train in montgomery county. the attack happened in 2016 and changed the way metro notifies the public of violent crimes. fox5's lindsay watts was in court last night for closing arguments and she has >> reporter: when this happened it was such a shocking crime. a woman raped on a metro train around 10:00 in the morning on a weekday. we now know that the state has a lot of evidence against the suspect. prosecutors say his dna was found on a tissue used by the victim after the attack. we saw metro surveillance video that police say shows the victim and the suspect getting off the train following the attack and the suspect's own mother testified identifying her son as the man in that video. police say the suspect, john hicks, attacked a nurse on a red line train to glenmont. the woman testified that hicks had a knife and forced her into a partitioned area on the train. she was cut trying to grab the knife. she says hicks attempted to rape her, then made her perform oral sex. she told police she believed he would kill her if she didn't comply. hicks was arrested on the same day of the attack. he opted not to testify. his defense lawyer says he's not the there was a bad investigation and an incorrect identification. when this happened in april 2016, metro did not notify the public. we didn't find out about this until more than a month later. it >> maryland has become the ninth state in the country to require paid sick leave. state senators overrode governor larry hogan's veto of the maryland healthy working families act. under the bill employers with mo t provide five paid sick days. employers with less than 15 workers must give five unpaid sick days. time now is 8:13. coming up, we have some good news on those wildfires raging g out in southern california. an urgent warning from the fda about children's cold medicines. let's take another live look outside on this saturday morning. a live look at 95 near the beltway at 210. traffic appears to be just fine. the weather on the other hand, yeah, we're back into the 30's this morning. gary is going to be back on the other side to give us the full forecast. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ ♪ ♪ there are 7 continents. 7 seas. but at celebrity cruises we'd argue, more than 7 wonders. for a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, plus savings for everyone in your stateroom, when you book now. during the celebrity cruises sail beyond event. z2i1zz z16fz y2i1zy y16fy >> ♪ >> welcome back. your time now is 8:17. we have an update on the devastating wildfires out west. officials say the massive wildfire that caused those deadly mudslides is contained. the thomas fire scorched nearly 300,000 acres. the fire left the ground bare and unable to absorb water when heavy rains moved in days ago. meanwhile search and rescue crews continue to look for at least 43 missing people following a mudslide that left 17 dead and destroyed hundreds of homes. take a look at this. this is a church in montecito. this photo posted to instagram. you can see the mud that covered the two story chapel and a woman who lives near the church says she feels very lucky to be alive after surviving tuesday's rain and mud. check this out. this viral video being swept away in burbank and parts of california right now still under a mandatory evacuation order. those orders are expected to stay in place for several weeks. unbelievable. the u.s. is battling one of its most active flu seasons in years and now cases have been recorded in every state except hawaii. according to the cdc, 186 new flu cases were reported from december 31st to january 6th in the district. 156 new cases were reported in maryland. there's still 11 to 13 weeks left in the flu season. and a big warning to parents. the food and drug administration says cough and cold medicines that contain opioid ingredients should no longer be given to children. these medicines contain codeine or hydrocodone and the fda says it will require new labeling on these medicines to indicate the products can no longer be used to treat children. the agency says the potential risk outweigh the benefits and should only be given to adults 18 years this recent warmup caused a rare sight on the potomac. take a look at this. it looks like the water appears to have some steam on top of it like it's being boiled. >> like a cauldron. like a big huge potomac cauldron. >> neat. >> what are they brewing up in there now. >> i don't want to know. it looks cool to look at. >> we think because it's got so warm and there's -- it's so cold and it's ice and whatnot so it's creating the steam. maybe there's something we don't know. >> we've got video now in case we need it. >> that's right. i don't know what it proves but we've got something. we're headed for a deep freeze. cold air is replacing all the mild air. this always happens. when you're talking the middle part of january and we have 60's and 70's watch out. because there's going to be something coming along behind it, all right. and we are headed for the deep freeze again. colder air is starting to move in. right now we dropped to 34 degrees. look at the temperatures north and west. cincinnati right now is 14. detroit is 11. that's not even air. it's just the beginnings of the arctic air, okay. saint louis is 14. wichita is 16. let's jump the front, shall we. this is the big area of arctic air here. the polar vortex is sliding down. a little piece of it. we're going to get two. we're going to get two separate pieces of arctic air mass. really settling in tonight and tomorrow and then again later -- middle part of next week, all right.& so, it looks like over the next five or six days we're going to have two separate arctic air mass invasions and then by next weekend, all indications are we're back in the 40's and maybe the 50's, okay. so, this is a real quick blast of a couple of pieces of arctic air. check it out. today falling temperatures pretty much all day long. we have a little bit of morning mix out there. i'll show you radar in just a second. otherwise temperatures will be in the 30's. really the upper 30's. we started off in the 40's this morning so all the way down through the low 30's. couple of places maybe even upper 20's by this afternoon. tomorrow very cold. good sunshine. hopefully the wind tomorrow will die down just a little bit. so, it chillily out there and temperature tomorrow only gets up to about 30. it will never feel like 30. there will be enough wind to give us a wind chill factor in the 20's all day long. 34 now so temperatures are coming down. 32 for frederick. 28 for martinsburg. when most of you went to sleep last night, temperatures were in the upper 50's and the low 60's. so, big changes happened overnight. 22 degrees the wind chill factor now. gaithersburg 19. quantico 24. i want to get to radar here. some snow showers to the north. not quite as intense as what it was about half hour ago and then a little bit of a light, very light messy mix as this precipitation is running into the colder air, it's kind of changing around just a little bit so a mix down here. again very, very light and then a little lobe of snow. you can see this couple hours. northern carroll county had some pretty good little snow bursts for probably 15, 20 minutes or so. that's moved on off to the north as well. big picture shows you where most of the snow is going to stay today, well to the north of us and then back out to the west of us where winter weather advisories are place. 35 at 10 o'clock. 1 o'clock 33. 4 o'clock 31. so you see what's happening. temperatures getting colder on this northwesterly wind. we're cold tomorrow, martin luther king day is 33 degrees. little warmer on tuesday, 42. and then the bottom drops out again with more arctic air coming in wednesday, thursday. could be a little bit of light snow, too. next weekend looks warmer. annie, i'm jealous. i hear the daisies are in the green room having snacks. >> oh, you know where we're going at 9:01. >> juice, bananas and muffins. i thik that's -- >> very healthy. i like it. gary thank you so much. time now 8:22. today kicks off a long weekend to celebrate martin luther king day. that's on monday. and there are a lot of events happening today in honor of the civil rights leader. let's start in southeast. today volunteers there, they're going to take part in a nationwide day of service. it's called the mission continues. and the event is meant to emphasize dr. martin luther king jr.'s core values. d.c. will take on dr. king's value of education starting at 9:30 gather at eagle academy. again that's in southeast. to help paint a set of inspiring murals to help build benches and shelves as well as organize the classrooms. also happening today in southeast, more than a hundred teenagers from the boys and girls club will participate in public service projects as part of the teen takeover for mlk weekend. some of the projects include planning an art party for local children, preparing blessing bags for active military personnel and making lunch for the homeless. this is the third annual mlk teen takeover weekend. and in bowie maryland the city will host its annual tribute to martin luther king jr. it all starts at 10 o'clock this morning at city hall and the program is focused on teaching children about the work of dr. king. it will feature a live performance by local singer marjorie read and showcase artwork from the city's mlk art contests. 8:23. a mom to be spices up her maternity pictures with a little help we'll show you the fun pictures coming up. stay with us. be right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. we did a lot of research online. we just need to have a designer put it all together. mmm hmm. so, it's really nice when clients come in and have... done some of their own research. what do you think about these chairs and that table? working with a bassett designer was really easy. us being young professionals, we're so busy... there's no way we could've designed it ourselves. no. we love it! >> ♪ >> welcome back. mariah carey cashing in on jokes after her new year's performance in times square during which she asked for a sip of tea and she said "they told me there were mariah selling t-shirts and mugs. she hasn't come out with her own brand of mariah branded tea. vegas making it easier to get married. you'll be able to get a marriage license during a layover. a license kiosk will open at the airport next month. this pop-up office will help with the valentine's day rush for marriage licenses. and here's a maternity shoot you have to see to believe. yes, this is a pregnant woman in atlanta who decided to stage her photo shoot at a taco bell. this is blogger kristen johnson she says she wanted something a bit spicier that showed her real natural state. she took it to taco bell. she enjoyed one of her favorite menu items. the must have is the doritos locos taco supreme. she gave birth to a healthy baby boy on january 5th. look at that belly. how the ambassador of haiti is responding to president trump's alleged remarks about the nation. stay with us. we'll be right back after this short break. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ ooooooh snap!! every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong in a new chevy truck. get a total value of over $9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. >> ♪ >> beautiful. a live look outside, 8:30. look at the birds soaring through the s, >> yeah, riding the wind. >> 33 degrees outside. they don't seem to mind it. >> pretty sure that's sugarloaf back in the distance. >> gary the other day when i think it was like 65 degrees the birds were chirping. it felt like a early spring day. >> i literally used that time for some spring cleaning. i really did. >> it was amazing. >> it was nice. and we got the rain that washed off all that yucky salt and all that stuff. people got their car and washed. i think everybody in the metro got that car washed from the lines i saw. >> we were wearing flip-flops my daughter and i and we went to get ice cream. >> me, too, wore flip-flops all day yesterday. >> winter what? >> exactly. >> now it's back. >> a little break. it's come in quickly, too. yesterday 60's and some 70's yesterday. out west and northwest temperatures were in the 70's. didn't get much rain out there so it allowed temperatures to get warmer. dulles 31, bwi 35. this does not in any w or form take into consideration the wind that's blowing out there right now. wind chill factor is much, much colder. you can see the 14 degrees for pittsburgh, 11 degrees detroit. the arctic air mass has come into chicago so there's the true arctic weather there -- arctic temperatures, right. and the leading edge of that is just about right here. so, it's going to come sweeping through and by later on this evening and tonight i think we'll just start to be touching the that arctic air mass. the way you know it's truly an arctic air mass is when the dewpoint plunges down into the low single digits on even below zero. i think before this is all said and done dewpoints will be below zero. i say all that because it means it's going to be super dry again. you're going to walk around shocking everybody. everybody you touch is just going to be shocked. regional wind chills, look, seven below binghamton, new york, pittsburgh it feels like a whopping zero. all below zero out to the west and northwest. midwest is way were below zero right now. hatteras is still sitting here at 62 degrees. no wind chill factor there. and weee here in the city. tumbling temperatures today. highs will be pretty much where they are now. now, we may bump up a little bit more and then turn back around and fall down later on this afternoon but generally speaking all day today now we're going to be in the 30's. winds are going to be blowing so it's going to make it feel like it's in the 20's. very cold again tomorrow. high of only 30 and that's with full sunshine so that's that arctic air mass coming through. here's the deal on this morning. maybe a little bit of a mixture left. the front is coming through. but then again, the door is opened for these northwesterly winds, so i think for the most part, temperatures are going to be falling all day long. here's that little bit of light mix to the south of us, little bit of snow shower activity to the north of us. in terms of what's happening you can see all that moving up. big snows to the north of us. here's the forecast for today. temperature gets up to, well, what we were at midnight going to be a midnight high, only getting colder today with these gusty winds 15 to 25 miles per hour. there's your seven-day forecast for you. martin luther king day is of course monday, 33, so still cold. we warm up briefly and another arctic air mass comes in wednesday, thursday. hopefully annie, next week, next weekend 40's and 50's. >> nice. thank you gary. time is 8:34. let's get to breaking news we've been working on. several roads shut down in northeast, 1800 block of rhode island avenue. firefighters working to battle a large fire at a gas station. now, it's a shell gas station again on rhode island avenue. it happened about two hours ago and the fire started in the station's office. crews had to shut off the power to keep the fire under control. we are told now the fire is out. thankfully no one was hurt. that's important. but i just checked twitter and d.c. fire and ems says this is 1800 rhode island avenue. the investigation out there will continue, so expect that area to be affected possibly closed for another hour or so. >> ♪ new this morning, a disturbing discovery in a northern virginia neighborhood. a resident tells fox5 he found a hateful flyer from the kkk on his front door last night. this is not the first time flyers like this were found in a leesburg neighborhood and our tisha lewis is live in the neighborhood with more details. good morning, tisha. >> reporter: good morning, to you, annie, good morning everyone at home. in fact, this is the third incident of its kind in loudoun county. i've covered at least two of these incidents and most of the cases the literature is put in a plastic bag. in october, it had candy in it for halloween. shortly after that, it had bird seed in it and now here as we are in dr. martin luther king jr. holiday weekend, bird seed and kkk literature. in fact, i want to show you some of the literature first and then we'll chat with sean stephens who found it. you can see it has dr. martin luther king jr.'s picture on it. this is was discovered on your front porch last night. what's your reaction? >> liv angry, frustrated. why are we still here? that's my expression. >> reporter: in 2018. >> why are we still here in 2018? >> reporter: what's even more disturbing is that you were not the only one who had this by your home. just this morning, we've seen -- there's one right there. eugene russell who i'm working with, he can show you, there's one right there on the curb. we found another one. they're scattered across this leesburg neighborhood. police just arrived moments ago, leesburg police. tell us about your conversation with them. >> just a brief conversation telling me that they had come out on last evening to -- to scoop up some of those bags. they had been out in the neighborhood and they were on it. >> reporter: when i covered similar incident bird seed with kkk literature a couple months ago and i spoke with law enforcement, i asked them if it was illegal for people to do this, and they said that the folks who very, very savvy in terms of making sure that they do not break the law. offensive and disturbing but possibly not illegal. >> well, this neighborhood has a no soliciting policy. so, technically there's no soliciting but, of course, people do it, you know. >> reporter: and when you see dr. martin luther king jr.'s picture on the front of this flyer and material, does it concern you and -- about going out and celebrating on monday? >> it doesn't concern me. but what they placed on that paper is incorrect information. and to go to that, you know, degree to be degrading of an individual who didn't fight for just african-americans, he fought for all people that is very frustrating. >> reporter: all right, sean stephens thank you so much for bringing this to our attention again here in loudoun county leesburg specifically this is the third incident of its kind, hopefully the last but likely not. police are investigating. tisha lewis, >> ♪ >> time now 8:37. developing this morning, a maryland man is behind bars this morning accused of gunning down man in district heights in november. darius wilson shot and killed rondel fu while trying to rob him. officers found fu's body lined a complex. wilson faces multiple charges including first degree murder as well as assault. the fallout continues from president trump reportedly using vulgar language to describe african nations. the president reportedly made the comments during an immigration meeting with lawmakers in the white house. president trump denies using vulgar language in reference to haiti. however, senator dick durbin who was in the room confirmed media reports and said the president did use the vulgar language. >> that's what he used, these vile and vulgar comments calling the nations they come from (bleep) the exact word used by the president, not more, not just once but repeatedly. >> the president's reported comments have drawn international condemnation including from haiti. fox5 spoke will haitian ambassador paul altidor. he was disappointed and surprised to hear those words coming from what he called the most important political office in the world. >> it's regrettable that actually i'm here with you discussing some statements that were made that were detrimental that was quite not good for the people of haiti, even of the people of the united states rather than talking about the challenges haiti has faced and more importantly the progress we've made since the earthquake. >> the ambassador is hoping he can convince president trump to join him and visit haitian communities across the country to get a better understanding of the haitian people. he also believes the president owes the american people an apology. time now is 8:39. coming up here at 8:00 the ceo of amazon is helping so-called dreamers go to college. we'll explain coming up. plus, lyft offering a discount to riders in chicago but under one condition. that story coming up. stay with us. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. it's really nice when clients come in and have done some of their own research. working with a bassett designer was really easy. just kind of ties in very well. we love it! ♪ ♪ just there are 7 continents.ll. 7 seas. but at celebrity cruises we'd argue, more than 7 wonders. for a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, r stateroom, when you book now. during the celebrity cruises sail beyond event. >> amazon ceo jeff bezos and his wife are helping dreamers go to college. they're donating $33 million to the dream u.s., the organization says the money will f scholarships. bezos' dad emigrated to the u.s. from cuba when he was just 16 years old and he received help from similar organizations like this. and lyft will give some riders a 60 percent discount on their ride home starting next week in chicago riders there let good that discount if they buy lyft's five star lager. lyft says they hope the beer will help people wind down and they plan to expand the program to more cities in the future. time now 8:43. coming up, looking for a new way to mix up your workout. why not check out this new fitness studio here in the district. this looks really nice. we'll show you how it can help you harness the power of pilates coming up. we'll be right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪ >> welcome back. time now 8:46. all right, gary has the wind died down a bit. >> oh, no, it's not going to die down. >> okay. >> it's blowing like crazy out there. headed for deep freeze again. it's coming our way. that means temperatures will be falling all day long. look, if you joined us in our first hour the daisies were here. look, annie. >> awww. >> look at that. >> what is that, thank you cards? >> they all have my name on it. >> there's not -- >> except maybe this one. >> miss annie. >> i don't know. hold on. it says fox. >> i'm so torn. >> i think there might be something for you. >> i think you're fibbing over there. >> the daisies. >> i think y'r >> no, that's my stack. >> those girls gave me lots of hugs. >> zula if you hear me, you've got my little pony tissues and i'm coming for you. i just wanted you to know. she took those off my desk. >> a were. ww. >> really cold this weekend. the daisies have been super fun. they've been here with us all morning, sometimes on screen, sometimes off screen. 30's today. temperatures will continue to fall. very cold tomorrow, only 30 for a high temperature. that's with full sunshine. that means, look, we just touch 30. most of the day tomorrow will be in the teens and the 20's and with a little bit of wind tomorrow it will feel colder than that. i'm just telling you, layer up, okay. for the next five or six days it gets really -- it's going to be really, really cold around here. 34 now. temperatures are dropping. gaithersburg is down to 30. frederick is 32. hagerstown 20's and there's been some snow up in hagerstown. martinsburg 28. winchester 27. little bit of a wintry mix down to the south and southwest. here are the gusts. check this out. dulles is still gusting to culpeper gusting to 24. winchester 28. leonardtown gusting to 22 and over here by the bay in annapolis it's gusting to 31. it will be very, very gusty all day. sustained winds are going to be 20 to 25. gusts will be up around -- let's see, gusts will probably be 30 to 35, close to 40 at least for the next few hours. 22 now is the wind chill factor so all the feels-like temperatures are in the teens and the 20's now for the most part, okay. storm tracker just a little bit of a light mix still just to the eastern sections of baltimore, over towards the bay there, up into the inner harbor and then a little bit -- this is probable -- you aren't even noticing this, the greater snow amounts for what's that worth has been up in the northwestern and northern neighborhoods. see right here. westminster up into northern sections of carroll county snow is coming down pretty good. one more time just to show you the arctic air mass that's headed our way. this is arctic air mass number one. we'll warm up a little bit on tuesday and then we'll recharge with another arctic air mass that will come in by the middle part of the week, ok about five days away. windy today with falling temperatures all day long. here's where we are. we're going to be in the 35-degree zone. we may warm up a little bit at 10:00 a.m. and then temperatures will come right back down into the lower 30's for afternoon but it's never going to feel that way with the wind blowing out there this afternoon. feels-like temperatures for the most part are going to be in the teens and the 20's all day long. look, the cold stuff settles in tonight and tomorrow. a lot of morning lows in the teens. maybe even some morning lows in the single digits before this is all said and done. next wave of arctic air comes our way, what is that, wednesday, high of 29 degrees. >> hello. >> two arctic air waves. >> and two workout segments today. >> they're trying to tell us something. >> i know. >> pilates. i don't even know what pilates mean but i like to say it, pilates. >> you'll find out. stephanie is here. she's going to show us how to >> so, this is -- >> this is an evil contraption here. i'm sorry, this is something from the medieval times right here. >> it looks like that. it looks intimidating but it's actually not at all. this is a reformer. it's travel reformer. >> yeah, a reformer. changes you forever. >> in a good way. [laughter] >> so, it doesn't -- the -- okay, so i work at club pilates pentagon city. the studios -- the reformers we use in the studio don't quite look like this. ours are a little bit fancier. they're bigger. >> this is a traveling reformer, right. >> this is a traveling reformer. >> so for those who are completely new to the idea of pilates which i think a lot of people know about pilates but just in case what does it work out, what does it target? >> pilates targets your core. >> okay. >> but it's really a full body workout its a grateful body workout. it helps balance the body. a lot of times we're leaning over, picking up kids or standing all day at work or sitting and pilates helps to just decompress you. >> strengthen your core. >> why has pilates become so popular. seriously you hear pilates pilates. people love it. >> i think club pilates is so popular because our workouts, we have eight signature workouts, eight signature classes. they're all different. we use the former, the xo chair, the pilates springboard but we also incorporate. >> these things sound sinister. spring boards and -- >> xo pilates we use trx and barre. people love club pilates especially because no two workouts are the exact same. >> it really does keep it fun. >> lots of variety. >> that's good. a lot of people who work out -- i know when i was able to back in the day, you kind of get bored, you know, so you kind of look for new things to jazz it up. >> yes, exactly. >> can you show us how this works? >> i thought you were going to volunteer to do this annie. >> i would, i totally would if i had some pants on but this contraption looks like >> right. >> sure. >> ooh, look at her shoes. >> what are those? those are kind of cool, too. >> these are toe socks. we wear them at the studios. it's more hygienic. >> okay. >> so, this exercise is actually called chest expansion. it's really good for your posture. >> okay, now, this doesn't look too bad. >> no. after you do this, you'll feel taller and stronger. it really opens up the chest, helps support -- >> is it all about technique? you got to know exactly all these little techniques or you don't get the right benefit from it. >> that's why our instructors are comprehensively trained. all of our instructors have over 500 hours of teacher training and other certificates as well. we offer hands-on correction. >> how many different pilates moves can you do with this contraption. >> it's endless the amount of workouts that you can do on this machine. >> that's not what we want to [laughter] >> it targets all muscles of the body. >> wow, that's pretty neat, steph. >> there's all kinds of workouts. >> works out the arms there.. >> but the whole time your core is getting strengthened so that is the key to pilates. >> that's right, that's right. >> i know a lot of -- some mommies, you know, post pregnancy like to hit that pilates because it really strengthens up the core area. >> right. >> okay, very good. thank you so much. what is your web site. >> thank you. it's club pilates >> okay. >> google that. >> google that club pilates. >> thank you stephanie. >> 1101 south joy street. i do know that. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for bringing in this i think and stay with us. there's more coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪ [laughter] >> i know mr. gary keeps asking is that ernie or bert? it's ernie. and it's time to celebrate our little yellow bath time friend. it's national rubber ducky day. in 1973 sesame street officially named today rubber ducky's birthday. that's right. happy birthday mr. rubber ducky. >> i used to watch sesame street in 1973. >> these ladies joined us. >> the daisies are here. >> yay! this is girl scout troop number 30049. thank you ladies for joining us and thank you so much for my little letters here. thank you notes. mr. gary got some. >> i did, too. >> and it's sabina's seventh birthday today. >> birthday girl. >> so should we dance out? is that what we're going to do. >> we got to sing happy birthday. >> ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> ♪ cha-cha cha ♪ >> ♪ happy birthday dear sabina ♪ >> she's seven. >> ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> so much fun. >> sabina what do you want for your birthday? what would you like for your birthday. >> jo-jo bow maker. >> a jo-jo bow maker. >> a jo-jo bow maker. >> and she says i don't care what them haters say. >> how do you know that. >> i'm going to come back like a boomerang. oh, oh, oh. >> everybody dance. >> let's go. everybody dance. >> bye everybody. >> bye. see you tomorrow. >> tony with us next week, tony perkins next week. ♪ ♪ 7 seas. but at celebrity cruises we'd argue, more than 7 wonders. for a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, plus savings for everyone in your stateroom, when you book now. during the celebrity cruises sail beyond event. (inspiring rock music) - i'm going to be on xploration awesome planet with philippe cousteau. - [philippe] this season, we held a contest for students who are passionate about studying and exploring our world. in this episode, we reveal the winner. - congratulations. you won our student explorer contest. - [philippe] and take our first ever student explorer on an expedition to cancun, mexico to swim with whale sharks. here on xploration awesome planet. - it's gonna be a great trip. ((inspiring rock music)) welcome to awesome planet, i'm philippe cousteau. now over the last few months, we've run a contest to find a student explorer who's passionate about understanding and protecting our natural world. we're about to take the lucky winner on the adventure of a lifetime. (inspirational rock music)

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News Saturday 20180113 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News Saturday 20180113

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frigid cold. it's manageable. i feel like my body has adjusted a little easier to this. >> okay, well, wait until, let's see, tomorrow and monday and then again on wednesday. >> okay. >> so, it takes a major -- back to the arctic blast. >> oh, that's the headline this morning. >> okay. >> we are legitimately headed back to the deep freeze. that's what my headlines say this morning. i'm just waiting to see if they're going to put them up. there we go. bet we can see it after this. oh, okay. so here's the headline. we're headed back to -- [laughter] -- wait a minute. thanks, guys. sorry. you got to push the button. head for the deep freeze, that's what's ahead and we had a couple of days in the 60's. wasn't it nice? all right. now, temperatures are plunging as the first wave of cold air is coming in. let me show you what it is right now. 38 degrees. it continues to drop. we're in the upper 20's for hagerstown and martinsburg and winchester. and then down to the south in fredericksburg it's 39. and annapolis is 42. let me show you the wind gusts. 32 miles per hour wind gusts here. dulles is close to 40. lots of wind gusts up around 30 miles per hour. i think we're going have wind gusts 30 to 35 with an occasional gust higher than that, at least for the next six to eight hours or so. the winds will calm down a little bit later on this evening. so, what does it feel like? now, look, the wind chill factor is not calculated off the wind gusts, it's calculated off the sustained wind which is about 20, 21 miles per hour right now for the most part. so, therefore, it feels like it's in the teens for some. upper 20's here in town. lower 20's up to the north and west. and eventually most of the area is going to feel like it's in the teens or the 20's. take a look at storm tracker radar. all right, that rain down to the south of us is actually moving to the northeast. that's moving up ahead of the front. and then there's a little bit, and i just mean a little bit of maybe light snow flying, maybe a little bit of a light front. obviously where the winds and the temperatures are just a little bit colder, all right. so, you still have a chance for some rain coming up i-95 and off to the eastern shore. probably for the next few hours. we'll have rain pushing on off to the east of us. the bigger picture will show there is the potential for more snow back out to the west and up to the north of us. i do not think in any way, shape or form, there's any problem with snow for us. again, you might see a few flurries or flakes around and that's about it. once the drier air comes in and takes over, you're not going to see that at all. so, here is the deal today. falling temperatures pretty much all day long as temperatures -- we're in the 30's now. we're going to fall right on through the 30's into the upper 20's and the low 30's by later on this afternoon. it will stay windy. wind gusts will be 25, 30, maybe even some 35 miles per hour gusts as well on these northwesterly winds and overnight tonight with fair skies, very, very cold. i think we're headed down into everybody. that includes here in town. and again, annie, the forecast for the next several days, if you like an arctic plunge, then that's what you're going to get. >> cannot wait. >> it seems to me that there's a -- the second wave of this that comes in later on, midweek of next week, may be as cold or colder than what we just dealt with. >> wow. >> and it's only for about one day or so but still it looks very, very -- north pole. north pole's coming to town again. >> i know and it's just crazy that yesterday we were dealing with 65, 70, 73 in some areas. >> and the day before that as well. >> just crazy. all right, gary, thank you so much. we'll check back in with you in a bit. international outrage over the president's alleged vulgar remarks about a number of nations and now the president and his staff are fighting back. fox's caroline shively reports with more. >> reporter: the president maintains he nerve said the expletive while discussing immigration with lawmakers. trust. you should probably record future meetings. >> mr. president, are you a racist? >> reporter: a day after the president is said to have used vulgar language against haiti and african countries at a white house meeting on immigration, now questions of racism are coming from several corners at home and abroad. >> there's no other word one can use but racist. you cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as (bleep) holes. >> reporter: president trump tweeting friday he never used the expletive and his staff is backing him up. >> i was not in the room and it was very clear that he in his tweet as his tweet stands was the language was not used. >> reporter: but senator dick durbin who was in the room describes it this way. >> used this vile and vulgar comments calling the nations they come from (bleep) holes. the exact word used by the president, not more, not just once but repeatedly. >> reporter: the controversy may make it even harder for president trump to accomplish the already tough battle of mexican border included as part of the deal on immigration in the dreamers. the president says a bipartisan senate proposal is not strong enough on chain migration or ending the visa lottery program. congress is plugging away at an agreement. >> we need to fix daca but i think it's important we fix it in a balanced way. >> reporter: the president had his first physical. his doctor says he did exceptionally well and will discuss the details on tuesday. in washington, caroline shively fox news. >> while the white house is fighting back against those allegations of insults the president is dealing with another alleged scandal. president trump's lawyer reportedly worked out a six figure deal with a former adult film star to keep her quiet about an alleged sexual encounter with the president 10 years ago. the deal was offered one month before the 2016 election and the "wall street journal" reports michael cohen arranged for a $130,000 payment to stephanie clifford as part of a nondisclosure agreement. in the she and the president had consensual sex in 2006 just one year after he married melania. in a statement cohen did not deny the payment happened but claimed that the sexual encounter did not take place. and we now know the name of the teen killed in a triple shooting in northeast d.c. police have identified the 17-year-old victim as devan fisher. it happened friday afternoon inside a house on rigs road. two other men were injured and are expected to survive. investigators are now trying to piece together what happened and are still kemping for the gunman. anyone with information give d.c. police a call. time now is 7:07. thieves targeted more than a dozen vehicles at a local apartment building to steal their air bags. police say the thieves targeted honda civics as well as accords parked at the lincoln at discovery square apartment building in herndon. they managed to break the windows of 13 cars without setting off a sin alarm. anyone with information should call fairfax county police. also in fairfax county police there are looking for a person who filmed a 13-year-old girl at the fair oaks mall. the victim says she was in a dressing room of a hollister store when she saw a cell phone under the door. police released these pictures of man from the store. if you recognize him or know anything about this case call fairfax county police. and a d.c. man faces life in prison after police say he raped a woman on a metro train in montgomery county. the attack napped 2016 and changed the way metro notifies the public of violent crimes. fox5's lindsey watts was in court last night for closing arguments and has new details. >> reporter: when this happened it was such a shocking crime. a woman raped on a metro train around 10:00 in the morning on a weekday. we now know that the state has a lot of evidence against the suspect. prosecutors say his dna was found on a tissue used by the victim after the attack. we saw metro sur video that police say shows the victim and the suspect getting off the train following the attack. and the suspect's own mother testified, identifying her son as the man in that video. police say the suspect, john hicks, attacked a nurse on a red line train to glenmont. the woman testified that hicks had a knife and forced her into a partitioned area on the train. she was cut trying to grab the knife. she says hicks attempted to rape her, then made her perform oral sex. she told police she believed he would kill her if she didn't comply. hicks was arrested on the same day of the attack. he opted not to testify. his defense lawyer says he's not the guy who did this, that there was a bad investigation and an incorrect identification. when this happened in april 2016, metro did not notify the public. we didn't find out about this until more than a month later. it prompted anger from congress members and soon after, metro policies. you can see in this tweet, the general manager instructing metro transit police to notify the public of violent crimes the same day, at least in cases where doing so wouln't hurt the investigation. hicks is charged with first degree rape, first degree assault and first degree sex offense. he could spend the rest of his life behind bars if he is convicted. because of the long weekend, jury deliberations will resume on tuesday. in rockville, lindsey watts fox5 local news. >> maryland has become the ninth state in the country require paid sick leave. state senators overrode governor larry hogan's veto of the maryland healthy working families act. under the bill employers with more than 15 workers must provide five paid sick days. employers with less than 15 workers must give five unpaid sick days. time now 7:10. coming up we have good news on those wildfires raging out in southern california. some promising news out west. plus, an urgent warning from t cold medicines. we'll have that story coming up. and of course as we head to break here's a live look outside on this saturday morning. this looks like 95 and the beltway near 210. gary will also be back with a look at your forecast. we'll be right back after this short break. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> welcome back on this saturday morning. it's 7:13. we have an update on those devastating wildfires out west. officials say the massive wildfire that caused those deadly mudslides is finally contained. the thomas fire broke out over a month ago. it destroyed hundreds of homes and scorched nearly 300,000 acres. the fire left the ground bare and unable to absorb water when heavy rains moved in days ago. meanwhile, search and rescue crews continue to look for at least 43 following the mudslide that left 17 dead and destroyed hundreds of homes. take a look at this church in montecito. this photo shows the mud that covered the two story chapel and a woman who lives near this church says she feels so lucky to be alive after surviving tuesday's rain and mud. check this out. this viral video shows a prius being swept away in burbank. parts of california still under mandatory evacuation orders. those orders are expected to stay in place for several weeks. man. back now closer to home the d.c. department of health and human services says there is no basis to claim that a computer glitch resulted in hundreds of medicaid recipients losing their coverage. fox5 received a tip about this issue and george lavoy told us the hospital would not let him schedule an appointment because his medicaid coverage had been canceled on december 30th. a computer glitch was to blame but he was never notified. his coverage has since been reinstated. the u.s. of its most active flu seasons in years and now cases have been reported in every state except hawaii. according to the cdc186 new flu cases were reported from december 31st to january 6th in the district. 156 new cases were reported in maryland and there are still 11 to 13 weeks left in the flu season. stay healthy. a warning to parents. the food and drug administration says cough and cold medicines that contain opioid ingredients should no longer be given to children. these medicines contain codeine or hydrocodone and the fda says it will require new labeling on these medicines to indicate the products can no longer be given to treat children. the agency says the potential risks outweigh the benefits and should only be given to adults 18 and older. and this recent warmup caused a rare sight on the potomac. we want to show you this. this water appears to have some steam on top of it like it's being boiled and gary, what is that? is it moisture that's caused this. >> oh, ice. >> it's the ice. >> all right. >> the ice is cold, the air is warm, we were in the 60's and the 70's. >> that looks eerie. >> and just the coldness of the water too is creating that. isn't that cool. >> that is pretty neat. >> looks kind of like a cauldron. >> it's rare we don't get to see that type of thing on the potomac. >> unless you've been in the 30's forever and the 20's and the teens and then it warms up into the 60's and low 70's. >> but you know, on a positive note, it was just a nice little break for us to have. >> it was great. >> like a revival. >> it was like we thawed out and then the rain came along and washed all that salt and nastiness out of here. >> i know, free car wash for everybody. >> so it's nice and refreshing. >> you get a car wash, you get a car wash, everybody gets a car wash. [laughter] >> i saw the line off shady grove i think it was the day before yesterday. i bet it was a two or three hour line for a car wash. >> whoever was working at the car wash -- >> who has got time to sit in a car wash line for like three hours. >> i got a car wash before it rained. >> doesn't matter. you're just getting the salt off your car but how long did you wait to get your car washed. >> we get off early so i was in and out. >> okay. 36 degrees right now here in the city. it's getting colder. cold air is coming in. look at the wind gusts right now. 35 for dulles, 24 miles an hour wind gusts for frederick. a lot of sustained wind is 15 to 20. we're gusting to 38 miles per hour here in town. the feels-like temperature already in the teens for some. low 20's, so say goodbye, bye-bye to the 60's. i mean, and the low 70's out there. had a lot of tweets over the last few days where people were taking pictures of their thermometer on their car, you know, the gauge there and showing me it was in the 60's and the 70's. thank you for that by the way. but it was amazing. and we got warmer west and northwest than they did here in town. only mid 60's in town but a lot of folks up to the north and west got in the low 70's. little bit of light snow. a little cell north of 70 there. that looks like it's pretty good. you'll see that snow flying. and then snow along i-95. cold air is coming pushing the rain off to the east and you can see how it's kind of running up to the northeast, too and as the cold air filters in it's basically that changeover. úon this this is going to be a problem. the roads are warm after a couple days in the 60's and 70's so i don't think it's a big deal but it will quickly get out of here because this cold air is coming in swifting. where there may be some issues up here in central sections of pennsylvania, i don't think that's a bad thing either but out west they're expecting one, 2, 3 inches of snow there. there's a lot of winter weather advisories in place. okay, let me show you this. it might be good for some. depressing for others. 36 in town now. cincinnati 14. detroit is 12. there's two front here. there's the front that's going through us now and there's a front that's just starting to come through detroit. already has come through toronto. that's seven. that's the true arctic air. it's 34 degrees right now for new orleans. how many times is it colder in new orleans than what we are here in town? all right. atlanta colder than we were, 29. nashville 23 and look as we jump the arctic boundary how wow. about as cold as it's going to get. actual air temperature for international false minus 28. minneapolis minus 11 and fargo is minus 16 and then just crazy stuff up there. here's where all the winter weather advisories are out to the west and the northwest of us. this will be basically through this morning. once the cold air comes in, we're in good shape. here's your seven-day forecast forecast. annie, we got visitors in the studio. the daisies are here but i don't have time. come on, i'm just joking. hey, look. wave to the camera. >> and this is just not even the entire group. the entire group is here. >> do you think we could have daisies on for every weather cast this morning. >> absolutely. maureen umeh can make that happen. >> say your name. say your name. >> opal. >> i'm sorry. >> isabella. >> your name. >> rita. >> aren't they so cute? say hi, mom. >> hi, mom. >> hi mom. >> maureen umeh's daughter is a dais maureen get in there show us what your saturday looks like. >> we see you too much alr already. what did you say. >> i wanted to show maureen. >> everybody knows what she looks like. >> rarely do we see maureen casual. >> hold on. y'all stay there. i'm just going to get another shot. >> adorable. >> dance, dance for the camera >> [laughter] >> oh, yeah. get, get, get don't stop. >> sorry jena. she's our producer. i messed the whole timing of our weather up. >> they're better. >> i don't disagree with you. >> all right, get out of here. scram. get off my weather set. >> thank you so much ladies and thanks gary. coming up the cold weather might be making you lose motivation to hit the gym and we're going to help you stay on track. that's what we're here for inspiration. coming up the secrets to keeping up with your workouts in this cold wind. we'll be right back. >> ♪ we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. we did a lot of research online. we just need to have a designer put it all together. mmm hmm. so, it's really nice when clients come in and have... done some of their own research. what do you think about these chairs and that table? working with a bassett designer was really easy. us being young professionals, we're so busy... there's no way we could've designed it ourselves. no. we love it! >> ♪ >> all right. working out in the wintertime can definitely be tough to stick with especially extreme cold snaps like we had last week. >> right. >> don't want to go anywhere. i didn't even want to get food. >> this is the time when lisa tries to get us to work out. >> lisa reed you look amazing. and it's so cold nobody wants to go anywhere. >> exactly. i'm so excited to share my secret so you can get results this winter. >> all right. >> first up, get a w buddy. you want someone from your neighbor to your pet exactly, somebody that's going to keep you accountable. >> yeah. >> 'cause consistency is key to getting results. >> okay. >> next up is find something that you love to wear, nice workout outfit from like fun, i love matching my sneakers. these support my feet all day long. >> anything except what annie and i are wearing. this would not be good workout attire. >> like joggers, sneakers. >> yes. >> hoodies. >> also this is my new favorite company it's called ebby's empowered by women. they're seamless no slip panties and they get delivered to your door. >> i'm out. >> 10 percent of the proceeds go to women to start their own businesses. you feel good from the inside out as well as water hydrate your skin beautifies you and it will help you see results by replenishing the muscle you lost during exercise and i have my third tip, which is my favorite, get your body weight workout done in your own living room. >> all right. >> because you're now -- now it's no one wants to go to the gym. >> right. >> exercise right at home. >> what do we do. >> i brought my amazing client punea is going to demonstrate our first exercise. right now in your living room everybody up, right now, doing squats. >> everyone get up. >> of course everyone get up. do what she says. >> squats are excellent but this one is called an elevator squat. watch her. she's going to go all the way down, goes halfway up and then all the way down again and then all the way up and that's one repetition. they're called elevator squats. >> somehow you took the worst exercise squats and made it even harder. >> best exercise. [laughter] >> nobody likes to do squats. >> squats and lunges are the worst. >> they're the best two exercises. >> they hurt. >> i know she's feeling the burn right now. what we do at lisa reed fitness we teach you mind-muscle connection. feel that burn. then she's going into her next exercise. >> you do like what, 30 of those. >> 10. >> it's burning already. >> she just did like three. >> i'm burning and i didn't even do it. >> that's exercise, real lunges. >> just got worse. >> look how amazing for the glutes. now she's going to hop off that front foot. when she does that you're going to get cardio. you don't need a treadmll at home, it's probably collecting dust in your basement. now you're getting your heart rate up and your legs look fantastic, awesome and next exercise is for your upper body. so you're going to -- she's going to walk it out. these are called diamond. she looks at her feet bends her elbows slightly and then extends them up and it's excellent gets that back of the arm, the tricep. >> she's trying to kill you on this segment. she's trying to kill you. don't let that happen. >> she looks fantastic and it's because she's, you know, obviously working out and putting in some work. >> yes. all in your own living room its body weight. >> what are some things beginners can do. >> they can do exercises. follow me. there's modifications. >> i was thinking like running g in place maybe, doing some jumping jacks, does that help. >> compound movements you want because you do real lunge jumps, you're getting really good leg muscles and your heart rate up as well. okay, it will get your heart rate up but it's not going to do anything for your muscles. you want to increase your metabolism have more muscles and that burns more calories. make sure you do strength, too. make sure you do the exercises that get that muscle. >> yeah, yeah. >> you can try it right now. >> i'm good, i'm good. >> do the triangle one. >> i'm telling you i must have burned 60 calories just watching her. >> thank you so much. >> you look fantastic. >> i'll just watch a lot. >> we'll be right back. >> i got to do something. i gained few pound over the holidays. i got to do something. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. verizon doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. verizon, no way. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. verizon, not so much. get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call 1-800-501-6000. >> somebody is in love with the capitol, annie. >> yeah, looks nice. rotunda.s are on the on the- >> that's right. welcome back on this saturday morning. we're back into the 30's. it's winter. >> oh, man. i don't even want to talk about it because i've enjoyed the last couple days. so, here we go. deep freeze is com definitely headed our way. the arctic air not quite here yet but by tonight it will start filtering in. maybe even later on today you'll start feeling it northwestern neighborhoods. aren't you happy about that. some snow up here to the north, okay. this light snow falling parts of frederick county, up into carroll county and then over towards baltimore county, too, so that's all skirting the northern edge. i don't think -- there's no accumulation i don't think but you'll see some snow flying up there and maybe a little bit up and down i-95, too. all of this is running to the east and northeast. bigger picture will show you cold air is coming in finding moisture lingering from yesterday and its squeezing it out dropping the temperatures. temperatures dropping so that means there's a little bit of snow flying in places maybe a ma purple counties that's where the winter weather advisories are. that's where at least until 10:00 a.m. most of them are. i chased them through west virginia and up through pennsylvania. most of that is 10:00 a.m. some of this up here in new york and upstate new york, maybe a little bit no winter weather advisory in place for us. and then snow. maybe one, 2, 3 inches higher elevations back out to the west. wind chill right now, look how cold it is. 19 degrees for gaithersburg. feels like 20 in frederick. more teens out along i-81. quantico is 27 degrees. fredericksburg is 28. i got these wrong. usually i show the temperatures then the wind chill but i messed it up. so, it's 35 degrees now, gaithersburg is 30 and i just showed you the wind chill for it. front is moving through. this is front number one. there's another front coming later on today, the true arctic air mass comes in so out ahead of the front it's rain, most of this i just showed you off towards the eastern shore, too, in southern maryland. there's this is little bit of a potential of a messy mix-up to the north and northwest with snow mixed in too. western pennsylvania snow. super cold behind this. windy today. falling temperatures pretty much all day long. just plan for it. here's what i mean by falling temperatures. we're about 35 or so at 10:00 a.m., 33 at 31 degrees at 4 o'clock. remember, feels like that 'cause the wind is going to be cooking all day long. pretty good gust, too, coming in along the way. here's the seven-day forecast for you. 30's today with falling temperatures. it's not a great story for tomorrow. sunny, cold, high of about 30 degrees. hopefully not so windy. i think it will be a little breezy tomorrow. martin luther king day is 33 degrees. lots of sunshine. but cold. little warmer on tuesday, 42. snow showers. right now i don't think it's a big deal. 29, though, another arctic air mass blasts through here. by next weekend it's going to warm up again. hey, annie. >> hey, gary. >> this girl scouts these daisies just keep coming in. every time i do the whether they just keep coming in. here they are. wait a minute. hold on. maureen catch this. >> the group before you danced. what can you do. >> hold on wait. this is my segment, annie. okay. what's your name? sabina and it's her birthday today. >> happy birthday. >> how old are you? >> someone did the dap. >> 17up. >> you're not 17. oh, she's seven. >> what are you going to get for your birthday other than being on tv which would be the coolest gift you've had. >> i don't know yet. >> what did you ask for. >> jo-jo maker. >> jo-jo bow maker. >> i don't have a seven-year-old anymore. i'm sorry. >> that was a big christmas gift idea. >> this one right here, maybe she looks familiar. what's your name. >> zula. >> this one belongs to maureen umeh. >> how about you. what's your name. >> ryan. >> how old are you. >> i'm six. >> you're six. your birthday is coming up. >> how about you, what's your name. >> ainslie. >> ainslie and you're six or seven. >> i'm almost seven. >> almost seven. one more. >> i'm ava and i'm seven. camera. >> anybody you want to say hi to. >> hi. >> oh, i love them. >> that's it? >> all right, get outta' here you guys, get out. out. i tell you, out. >> don't be so mean. >> get out. >> gary. >> no. >> i'm not mean. i'm not mean. >> ♪ >> thanks so much. time to get to some news here at 7:35. developing this morning, a maryland man is behind bars this morning accused of gunning down man in the district heights area back in november. police say 26-year-old darius wilson shot and killed rondel kl officers found fu's body behind a townhouse complex on sun valley terrace on november 21st. wilson faces multiple charges including first degree murder as well as assault. and developing in northern virginia, a youth pastor is headed to jail after a jury found him guilty of indecent liberties with a minor. prosecutors say jordan baird repeatedly groped and propositioned a 16-year-old girl who attended the life church in manassas. he's set to be sentenced in february. time now 7:35. manassas city police are warning people after a woman says she was groped by a masked man. the victim says she was walking along sandalwood drive when a man grabbed her on the crotch. she described the suspect as being white or hispanic and slim. he was wearing a gray and white camouflage hoodie dark pants an ski mask. >> ♪ >> president trump declared to be in excellent health. he had his first medical exam as president yesterday. it took place at walter reed medical center in bethesda. the white house doctor says the examination went "exceptionally well." the fallout continues from president trump reportedly using vulgar language to describe african nations and belittling immigrants from el salvador and haiti. the president reportedly made the comments during an immigration meeting with lawmakers in the white house. president trump denied using vulgar language in reference to haiti. who was in the room confirmed media reports and said the president did use the vulgar language. >> that's what he used, this vile and vulgar comments calling the nations they come from (bleep) holes. the exact word used by the president, not more, not just once but repeatedly. >> the president's reported comments have drawn international condemnation including from haiti and fox5 spoke with haitian ambassador paul atadore. he was disappointed and surprised to hear those words coming from what he calls the most important political office in the world. >> it's regrettable that actually i'm here with you discussing some statements that were made that were detrimental that was quite not good for the people of haiti, even the people of the united states rather than talking about the challenges haiti has faced and more importantly the progress we've made since the earthquake. >> hoping he can convince president trump to join him and visit haitian communities across the country to get a better haitian people. he also believes the president owes the american people an apology. up next here at 7:00 the ceo of amazon is helping so-called dreamers go to college. we'll explain this coming up. plus, lyft is offering a deep discount to riders in chicago but under one condition. that story coming up. we'll be right back. ck. y2kqoy y16fy >> ♪ >> welcome back. here's a story that's trending now. amazon's ceo jeff bezos and his wife are helping dreamers go to college. they're donating $33 million to the dream u.s. the organization says the money will fund 1,000 college scholarships. bezos' dad emigrated to the u.s. from cuba when he was just 16 years old and received help from similar organizations. also trending, an online tool will tell you if you're drinking and drinking a little too much. it's called the alcohol treatment navigator and the portal has information on alcoholism and questionnaires to help people determine if they have a problem. it was launched by the national institute of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. there's also support and help in finding treatment. lyft will give some riders a 60 percent discount on their ride home starting next week riders will get that discount if they buy lyft's five star lager. lyft says they hope the beer will help people wind down. they hope to expand the program to more cities in the future. excuse me. time now is 7:42. coming up, pantone has officially announced the 2018 color of the year. it's the color prince crooned about and the color of royalty. we'll tell you more about it after this short break. >> only getting colder today, annie. temperatures are dropping. wind chill is dropping. and there's a little snow out there, too. we'll talk more about this. full forecast comes up in just a bit. stay with us. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ novec holds the record for the most reliable electric service in the region... and has for almost two decades. novec also uses proven technology and round-the-clock response to maintain one of the highest utility customer satisfaction ratings in the nation. novec. keeping you connected. >> ♪ >> welcome back. your time now is 7:45. gary is coming. >> i'm here. >> gary, how is the weather looking for today? >> you see this up herely? detroit is 12. columbus, ohio, is 12. >> i guess we should be thankful that's not us at least. >> it may be. >> we're in the 30's. >> we'll never be detroit, okay, we'll never be columbus but at least we can have the same weather that they have. you look upstream, look north and west and typically that's coming in our direction so it's going to get cold, okay. we've already dropped 35 degrees now here in the city. that number keeps dropping. rich respond 48 and cape -- what's going on now. most of the rain is kind of being gobbled up by colder air so we're getting a little bit of a changeover from rain into kind of the sloppy type of a mixture, all right. and you see a little bit of that. but it's super light here off to the east of us and down through southern maryland. a little bit farther to the south, down towards bowling green, fredericksburg, too, there's a little bit of more of enhanced snow there and then up to the north as well. look at the movement here. everything's kind of north and to the northeast. all this is kind of getting sucked up ahead of the front and the front is kind of right here now just along the bay and headed towards the eastern shore. the coldest of the air right now has settled into the north of us. westminster has got some snow flying there. if you're up here and you can tweet me, tweet me and let me know for sure that this is reaching the ground. northern sections of carroll county westminster, maybe mount airy even new market potentially there and over into northern baltimore county. maybe a picture or two would be happening too if it's north of us. look how cold it is. the first wave of cold air goes all the way down to the gulf of mexico. houston is 33. new orleans is 34. atlanta is 29. and then this is the arctic boundary here. so, you get up into this arctic air, the dewpoints plunge, the air is super dry okay and look how cold it is. big trout lake 12 degrees below zero. it's colder though for international falls. this is one lobe of arctic air. this is the first one. we'll get another one coming down in a few days or so, so there's two lobes of true arctic air here and we'll have to be dealing with that coming up. 23-degree wind chill factor in town. notice a lot of us feel like the teens up to the north and west. feels like 20 for frederick, 28 for fredericksburg. a little bit of a light mix this morning early. snow, most of snow, the accumulating snow, okay, is going to be back out to the west of us today, way out in western maryland, west virginia and i think up into central parts of pennsylvania. otherwise what we're dealing with, mostly cloudy afternoon. but falling temperatures and oh, yeah, it's going to stay windy. winds will be out of the northwest 15 to 25 miles per hour. 30's today. temperatures will just keep falling, only getting colder with the gusty winds. expect some sunshine, too. here's your seven-day forecast. monday's a holiday. 33 degrees for a high temperature. some clouds on tuesday, all right. wednesday 29. and then thursday are is 34. they just -- they just keep coming. they just -- the waves of daisies just keep coming. look, it's daisies. come on in here, girls. you know what, you guys are daisies, right? you know why i wanted to have daisies on the weather cast today? >> why. >> daisies are beautiful flower, right but it doesn't happen in the cold so you guys just coming in makes everybody so warm to know you're daisies. hey, what's your name. >> marie. >> marie. >> what's your name. >> stella. >> sara. >> gia. >> gia. you guys are the last ones this morning. we've had like 15 daisies on so is there something you want to say hell -- somebody you want to say hello to. >> hi, daddy. >> okay, daddy. >> hey, momma. >> hey, daddy. >> you got somebody you want to say hi to. >> hi, mommy. >> yeah. how about you. >> hi, daddy. >> daddies and mommies, too. dance for us. come on, dance . >> [laughter] >> have fun. daisies have -- there we go. all right. so you guys like the color purple. >> yes. >> we're going to do all things purple, right, annie, isn't that what we're doing right now? >> ♪ >> purple rain ♪ >> yes, it's a brand new year and the we are feeling purple. pantone has officially announced the 2018 color of the year and it is the ultraviolet purple. such a beautiful color megan, isn't it. she's here to tell us how we our life in 2018. hello. >> hello. >> so, every year pantone comes out with sort of like the color of the year and it kind of reflects the mood of the times. >> yeah. >> so this year purple sort of reflects the originality ingenuity and overall visionary thinking of our time. >> i like that. >> the old town boutique district has lots of purple for us. starting off with the -- all of the new year's resolutions for the running enthusiast we've got sort of getting out of that black workout gear, we've got purple, purple socks, purple sneakers, purple workout gear. >> that's cute. >> i love this mark jacobs bag a little pop of color for any outfit. >> takes you back a bit. >> a nod to the 80's, yes, absolutely and with prince, of course, you know. so, this mark jacobs bag is from current boutique consignment store in old town. that's amazing. you don't have to break the bank but you can still have >> got lots of pockets. >> yes, fabulous bag. for the stationary enthusiast we've got these amazing purple pens and this beautiful journal for journaling if your resolution is to journal. >> a lot of people like to carry around journals these days. >> we've all got too much in our head. we need to put it on paper, right. i kind of love this. this purple lipstick. >> what? >> straight out of the 80's. i don't know if it's for everybody but it's a great way to incorporate this purple trend. >> it's bold. >> yes. and if it doesn't look good on your face put it on your nails. >> what is that. >> that's an hombre highlighter. >> it's a soft highlight. >> soft little touch. >> how fun would a cocktail be out of these glasses from the hour. >> this is really cool. >> yes, very cool the frosted glass. so, yes, you can have the purple trend on your patio this summer. >> yeah, that's cool. >> red barn for a splash on your couch. >> make that couch pop. >> even if it's not the color in your house it's a great pop of color so this works really well. lulu in old town does a great job because they merchandise by color. naturally. so, they're really incorporating purple into their stores right now and making a huge splash with that as well so you've got hand bags. >> everybody is thinking purple because of pantone declaring it's the color of the year. >> pantone is pretty influential. >> finally down here we've got some accessories. >> we've got -- the accessories are from lulu but for the knitting enthusiast we've got this hand dyed yarn especially made for this color of the year so that ultraviolet is actually the color and so a local hand dyer, yarn dyer, dyed the yarn and this is all found at fiber space. >> wonderful. >> yeah, that's great. >> and this is cute. book bags are back. this is definitely 90's 'cause i had one. i had to have one. and everyone is these these days. >> yes, yes. >> oh, my goodness. cute, cute. and where is this from. >> that is from lulu as well in old town. >> adorable. i love it. and this is great for moms because you can throw everything in here and you don't have to worry about your hands. great stuff. so, the biggest thing is just, you know, try and incorporate purple into your life, have fun with it. you're wearing a little tassel a little tassel f from the hive in old town as well. >> i told you i have to wear purple today. i didn't know. now i know. i'm going to get more purple in my life. >> and where you know to find it. >> thank you so much megan. >> thanks for having us. >> we'll be right back after this break. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ havertys furniture helps your home look perfect even when life isn't. nice pick. pops, your pick. art monk! retired. i'll take him over these fools playing today. aw come on, man. that's not how this game works. art monk! i want to change my name to hot momma! lame. you're lame. no! i'm not writing down somebody who's retired! baby, i'm changing my name to hot momma. that's not how this works... [talking over each other] the new year savings event is on now at havertys. life looks good. mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. but after an electrical fire from faulty wiring, mary's vintage clothing and designer shoe collection were ruined. luckily, the geico insurance agency had recently helped mary with renters insurance, and she got a totally fab replacement wardrobe at bloomingdale's. mary was inspired to start her own fashion line, exclusively for little lambs. visit ♪ ♪ there are 7 continents. 7 seas. but at celebrity cruises we'd argue, more than 7 wonders. for a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, plus savings for everyone in your stateroom, when you book now. during the celebrity cruises sail beyond event. >> ♪ >> bert has a unibrow. >> it's time to celebrate our little bath time friend. it's national rubber ducky day. in 1973 sesame street officially named this rubber ducky date. it was first invented in the 1800s and then inducted into the toy hall of fame in 2013. i have many of them in my home, different patterns, different colors. i mean, they really went all out with the doesn't have a rubber ducky. >> i know all of these girls have one. >> i do. >> look, here's our friends. >> yay! >> hey, let me say something real quick. >> where are you gary. >> right here. these guys -- look, they fave me some my little pony pocket tissues. it's like the best gift i've ever gotten. thank you guys. >> that is wonderful. >> this was fun. >> for all the sniffles. >> these are the daisies by the way. oh, wait, birthday girl, birthday girl. on three. one, two, three. >> ♪ happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. happy birthday dear sabina, happy birthday to you ♪ we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. we did a lot of research online. we just need to have a designer put it all together. mmm hmm. so, it's really nice when clients come in and have... done some of their own research. what do you think about these chairs and that table? working with a bassett designer was really easy. us being young professionals, we're so busy... there's no way we could've designed it ourselves. no. we love it! >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> ahead this morning, hateful fliers dropped in a northern virginia neighborhood on a weekend meant to remember dr. martin luther king jr. this isn't the first time it's happened. details ahead. plus a porn star payout. president trump's lawyer pays a hefty price to cover up an alleged sexual encounter this as the president faces international backlash over alleged comments he made about immigrants. and weather rollercoaster. that's right. those temperatures taking a nose dive but this is a beautiful warmup today. gary will be along in just a bit for all the details. but first we say good morning to you at 8 o'clock here on saturday morning. it is january 13th, 2018. i'm annie yu. thanks so much for waking up with us. let's begin with another live look outside. here's a shot of the white house. sure looks pretty out there and yes, it is a little cooler than yesterday, gary, but it's manageable. it's n not too bad. >> it's not that cold air that takes your breath away. some of that unfortunately is coming. we have two distinct waves of arctic air. sorry to rain on your parade. how quick to you get used to 60's and 70's. we had some 70's yesterday. there's nothing around town. we just showed you the live picture there and we are actual -- you can see a few breaks in the clouds. farther to the south southern maryland getting a little bit of a changeover. the cold air is catching up with that rain and it's changing it over right now down there. youan this last hour, okay, all that's kind of moving up to the north and east. as it does so, it's breaking up. drier air is coming in kind of overwhelming all of this. there's still a little patch of light snow. that really f blew up for a second up into carroll county. very light now. tweet me if you see any of that, gary at fox5 d.c. if you don't mind i would appreciate it. maybe some of you have. i just haven't looked at twitter. i've been dealing with daisies the last -- i think annie, i think the daisies -- one of the daisies actually took my clicker. i don't know where my clicker is. >> uh-oh. >> i'm having to use the space bar on the computer. we're headed for the deep freeze. we'll find it. not much they can do with that. open a couple garage doors, that's about it. 34 degrees in town its getting much, much colder. we have nose dived with the leading edge of the colder air coming in. kick in the wind and this is how it feels like out there. 20 manassas, annapolis 30, everyone feels like below freezing and farther north and in the teens. so, all day today this cold air starts moving on in. the true arctic air mass is still out into the midwest. it will start getting in here late day and overnight. that's when temperatures are really going to tumble. just layer up today. as a matter of fact you're going to need to stay warm the next several days. we'll have the full forecast, seven-day coming up in just a little bit. >> gary, thank you so much. time now 8:03. new this morning out of northern virginia, a disturbing discovery in a quiet leesburg neighborhood. there are hateful fliers from the kkk and a resident tells fox5 he found the flyer on his front door last night. tisha lewis live in leesburg this morning with all the details. tisha, what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, good morning annie. we are here in leesburg and joining us live right now is sean stevens. you woke up and you found this flyer on your front porch here in this neighborhood. first and foremost, your reaction and then show us what you found. >> actually it was last night. it was in the driveway and my reaction, i was absolutely -- i couldn't even explain what i felt. you know, i was very disappointed. and when i begin to read through it, it was just -- it was frustrating. >> reporter: show us what you found specifically and i'm going to try to monitor this 'cause we're going this live on the air just to make sure it's -- there's no expletives or things of that nature and we're live so if you don't mind kind of just showing us what you found and i know it's offensive, you have contacted the authorities. so, this is what you saw on your front porch. let me just take a look. okay. so, it is some literature that's, you know, obviously concerning as we go into martin luther king jr. holiday. this is the third time something like this has happened in this area in as many months. i know that i have covered this -- a similar sto what needs to be done do you think law enforcement is doing enough? >> i don't know if law enforcement alone can do enough but i know as citizens we have a responsibility and that is to always be vigilant but to also -- i think we have to get our head out of the sand and wake up and realize that the days that we're anything are very dangerous and very treacherous and there's some evil people out. so, we need to step up and this particularly addresses dr. martin luther king and we're having a march here on monday in leesburg so i think this would be a great time for all persons to just step up and show who they are and show that they are americans and so i think this would be a great chance for us to show exactly who we are and what we believe in as a unified people. >> reporter: so, this is actually new literature that was assembled but what it does have in common with the prior story that i did here in loudoun county on a similar situation is that they're using bird seed to put in the bags with the fliers kind of to weigh it down. i think in one instance some candy was used. that one incident happened around halloween. what's interesting, though, is when i spoke with police about these types of circumstances, i asked them, you know, is this illegal, is anyone violating the law and their exact words were to me are the folks who do this are very, very savvy about what the law is and so they're very careful to not break the law. what's interesting, and sean if you want to walk and talk with me, we can actually see some of the literature right here in the neighborhood. it's kind of scattered around the neighborhood. so, folks checking the mail, waking up are growing to see this. kind of tell me what type of neighborhood this is. >> this is a very quiet neighborhood. this is a family oriented neighborhood. people tend to, you know, stay to themselves but we all know each other to some degree and -- but we've never had, since i've been here nine years, we've never had this to happen while i was here. >> reporter: thank you so much, sean for making us aware of ts. you early this morning. i also reached out to loudoun county sheriff's department early this morning and they have not heard about this yet but you said that you have contacted law enforcement. >> i contacted leesburg police department because technically we're in the town of leesburg. now even though we're in the county of loudoun. >> reporter: what did they say. >> they just told me they would send somebody out last night to pick up the package and no one came by -- has come by as of yet. >> reporter: okay. we'll wait and see what happens in that aspect. sean lastly, what's the message here. >> the message is we need to stand up, we need to be vigilant. we have some real issues in our world and i think we all have a responsibility to get our head out of the sand and to get involved in our communities, in our neighborhoods and to show people that we are a unified people. we're all people who must come together, stand together and make an impact on this nation. >> reporter: will this discourage from you celebrating martin luther king jr. day. >> absolutely not, absolutely not. every year we do the march and this year will be no different. my grandson be with us this year and my entire family along with our church we will be there with our t-shirts on this coming monday. >> reporter: sean thank you for joining us. i know it's early and cold but we appreciate it. >> good morning. thank you so much. >> reporter: thank you. annie, back to you. >> tisha, thank you so much for that. we'll check back in with you in just a bit. time now is 8:08. let's get to some international outrage happening still this morning over the president's alleged vulgar remarks about a number of nations and now the president and his staff are fighting back. fox's caroline shively has more. >> reporter: the president maintains he never said the expletive while discussing immigration with lawmakers even tweeting there's no trust and you should probably record future meetings. >> mr. president, are you a racist? >> reporter: a day after the president is said to have used vulgar language against haiti and african countries at a white house meeting on immigration, now questions of racism are coming from several corners at home and abroad. >> there's no other word one can use but racist. you cannot countries and continents as (bleep) holes. >> reporter: president trump tweeting friday that he never used the expletive and his staff is backing him up. >> i was not in the room and it was very clear that he in his tweet as his tweet stands which is the language was not used. >> reporter: but senator dick durbin who was in the room describes it this way. >> used these vile and vulgar comments calling the nations they come from (bleep) holes. the exact word used by the president, not more, not just once but repeatedly. >> reporter: the controversy may make it even harder for president trump to accomplish the already tough battle of getting the wall along the mexican border included as part of a deal on immigration in the dreamers. the president says a bipartisan senate proposal is not strong enough on chain migration or ending the visa lottery program. congress is plugging away at an agreement. >> do we need to fix daca? yes we need to fix daca but i think it's really important we fix it in such a balanced way. >> reporter: the president just had his first p his doctor says he did exceptionally well and he'll discuss the details on tuesday. in washington, caroline shively, fox news. >> and while the white house is fighting back against those allegations of insults the president dealing with another alleged scandal. president trump's lawyer reportedly worked out a six figure deal with a former adult film star to keep her quiet about an alleged sexual encounter with the president that happened 10 years ago. the deal was offere one month before the 2016 election. the "wall street journal" reporting michael cohen arranged for a $130,000 payment to stephanie clifford as part of a nondisclosure agreement. now, in this report, clifford claims she and the president had consensual sex in 20061 200, one year after he married melania. cohen did not deny the payment happened but claimed the sexual encounter did not take place. we now know the name of the teen killed in a triple shooting in southeast. police have identified the 17-year-old victim as fisher. it happened friday afternoon inside a house on riggs road. two other men were also hurt. investigators trying to piece together what happened and they're searching for the gunman. police are asking anyone with information to give them a call. now to an alarming case developing in northern virginia. thieves are targeted more than a dozen vehicles at a local apartment building to steal their air bags. police say the thieves targeted honda civics and accords parked at the lincoln at discovery square apartment building in herndon. police say the suspects were only inside the garage for about 30 minutes and they managed to break the windows of 13 cars without setting off a single car alarm. anyone with information should call fairfax county police. and a d.c. man faces life in prison after police say he raped a woman on a metro train in montgomery county. the attack happened in 2016 and changed the way metro notifies the public of violent crimes. fox5's lindsay watts was in court last night for closing arguments and she has >> reporter: when this happened it was such a shocking crime. a woman raped on a metro train around 10:00 in the morning on a weekday. we now know that the state has a lot of evidence against the suspect. prosecutors say his dna was found on a tissue used by the victim after the attack. we saw metro surveillance video that police say shows the victim and the suspect getting off the train following the attack and the suspect's own mother testified identifying her son as the man in that video. police say the suspect, john hicks, attacked a nurse on a red line train to glenmont. the woman testified that hicks had a knife and forced her into a partitioned area on the train. she was cut trying to grab the knife. she says hicks attempted to rape her, then made her perform oral sex. she told police she believed he would kill her if she didn't comply. hicks was arrested on the same day of the attack. he opted not to testify. his defense lawyer says he's not the there was a bad investigation and an incorrect identification. when this happened in april 2016, metro did not notify the public. we didn't find out about this until more than a month later. it >> maryland has become the ninth state in the country to require paid sick leave. state senators overrode governor larry hogan's veto of the maryland healthy working families act. under the bill employers with mo t provide five paid sick days. employers with less than 15 workers must give five unpaid sick days. time now is 8:13. coming up, we have some good news on those wildfires raging g out in southern california. an urgent warning from the fda about children's cold medicines. let's take another live look outside on this saturday morning. a live look at 95 near the beltway at 210. traffic appears to be just fine. the weather on the other hand, yeah, we're back into the 30's this morning. gary is going to be back on the other side to give us the full forecast. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ ♪ ♪ there are 7 continents. 7 seas. but at celebrity cruises we'd argue, more than 7 wonders. for a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, plus savings for everyone in your stateroom, when you book now. during the celebrity cruises sail beyond event. z2i1zz z16fz y2i1zy y16fy >> ♪ >> welcome back. your time now is 8:17. we have an update on the devastating wildfires out west. officials say the massive wildfire that caused those deadly mudslides is contained. the thomas fire scorched nearly 300,000 acres. the fire left the ground bare and unable to absorb water when heavy rains moved in days ago. meanwhile search and rescue crews continue to look for at least 43 missing people following a mudslide that left 17 dead and destroyed hundreds of homes. take a look at this. this is a church in montecito. this photo posted to instagram. you can see the mud that covered the two story chapel and a woman who lives near the church says she feels very lucky to be alive after surviving tuesday's rain and mud. check this out. this viral video being swept away in burbank and parts of california right now still under a mandatory evacuation order. those orders are expected to stay in place for several weeks. unbelievable. the u.s. is battling one of its most active flu seasons in years and now cases have been recorded in every state except hawaii. according to the cdc, 186 new flu cases were reported from december 31st to january 6th in the district. 156 new cases were reported in maryland. there's still 11 to 13 weeks left in the flu season. and a big warning to parents. the food and drug administration says cough and cold medicines that contain opioid ingredients should no longer be given to children. these medicines contain codeine or hydrocodone and the fda says it will require new labeling on these medicines to indicate the products can no longer be used to treat children. the agency says the potential risk outweigh the benefits and should only be given to adults 18 years this recent warmup caused a rare sight on the potomac. take a look at this. it looks like the water appears to have some steam on top of it like it's being boiled. >> like a cauldron. like a big huge potomac cauldron. >> neat. >> what are they brewing up in there now. >> i don't want to know. it looks cool to look at. >> we think because it's got so warm and there's -- it's so cold and it's ice and whatnot so it's creating the steam. maybe there's something we don't know. >> we've got video now in case we need it. >> that's right. i don't know what it proves but we've got something. we're headed for a deep freeze. cold air is replacing all the mild air. this always happens. when you're talking the middle part of january and we have 60's and 70's watch out. because there's going to be something coming along behind it, all right. and we are headed for the deep freeze again. colder air is starting to move in. right now we dropped to 34 degrees. look at the temperatures north and west. cincinnati right now is 14. detroit is 11. that's not even air. it's just the beginnings of the arctic air, okay. saint louis is 14. wichita is 16. let's jump the front, shall we. this is the big area of arctic air here. the polar vortex is sliding down. a little piece of it. we're going to get two. we're going to get two separate pieces of arctic air mass. really settling in tonight and tomorrow and then again later -- middle part of next week, all right.& so, it looks like over the next five or six days we're going to have two separate arctic air mass invasions and then by next weekend, all indications are we're back in the 40's and maybe the 50's, okay. so, this is a real quick blast of a couple of pieces of arctic air. check it out. today falling temperatures pretty much all day long. we have a little bit of morning mix out there. i'll show you radar in just a second. otherwise temperatures will be in the 30's. really the upper 30's. we started off in the 40's this morning so all the way down through the low 30's. couple of places maybe even upper 20's by this afternoon. tomorrow very cold. good sunshine. hopefully the wind tomorrow will die down just a little bit. so, it chillily out there and temperature tomorrow only gets up to about 30. it will never feel like 30. there will be enough wind to give us a wind chill factor in the 20's all day long. 34 now so temperatures are coming down. 32 for frederick. 28 for martinsburg. when most of you went to sleep last night, temperatures were in the upper 50's and the low 60's. so, big changes happened overnight. 22 degrees the wind chill factor now. gaithersburg 19. quantico 24. i want to get to radar here. some snow showers to the north. not quite as intense as what it was about half hour ago and then a little bit of a light, very light messy mix as this precipitation is running into the colder air, it's kind of changing around just a little bit so a mix down here. again very, very light and then a little lobe of snow. you can see this couple hours. northern carroll county had some pretty good little snow bursts for probably 15, 20 minutes or so. that's moved on off to the north as well. big picture shows you where most of the snow is going to stay today, well to the north of us and then back out to the west of us where winter weather advisories are place. 35 at 10 o'clock. 1 o'clock 33. 4 o'clock 31. so you see what's happening. temperatures getting colder on this northwesterly wind. we're cold tomorrow, martin luther king day is 33 degrees. little warmer on tuesday, 42. and then the bottom drops out again with more arctic air coming in wednesday, thursday. could be a little bit of light snow, too. next weekend looks warmer. annie, i'm jealous. i hear the daisies are in the green room having snacks. >> oh, you know where we're going at 9:01. >> juice, bananas and muffins. i thik that's -- >> very healthy. i like it. gary thank you so much. time now 8:22. today kicks off a long weekend to celebrate martin luther king day. that's on monday. and there are a lot of events happening today in honor of the civil rights leader. let's start in southeast. today volunteers there, they're going to take part in a nationwide day of service. it's called the mission continues. and the event is meant to emphasize dr. martin luther king jr.'s core values. d.c. will take on dr. king's value of education starting at 9:30 gather at eagle academy. again that's in southeast. to help paint a set of inspiring murals to help build benches and shelves as well as organize the classrooms. also happening today in southeast, more than a hundred teenagers from the boys and girls club will participate in public service projects as part of the teen takeover for mlk weekend. some of the projects include planning an art party for local children, preparing blessing bags for active military personnel and making lunch for the homeless. this is the third annual mlk teen takeover weekend. and in bowie maryland the city will host its annual tribute to martin luther king jr. it all starts at 10 o'clock this morning at city hall and the program is focused on teaching children about the work of dr. king. it will feature a live performance by local singer marjorie read and showcase artwork from the city's mlk art contests. 8:23. a mom to be spices up her maternity pictures with a little help we'll show you the fun pictures coming up. stay with us. be right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. we did a lot of research online. we just need to have a designer put it all together. mmm hmm. so, it's really nice when clients come in and have... done some of their own research. what do you think about these chairs and that table? working with a bassett designer was really easy. us being young professionals, we're so busy... there's no way we could've designed it ourselves. no. we love it! >> ♪ >> welcome back. mariah carey cashing in on jokes after her new year's performance in times square during which she asked for a sip of tea and she said "they told me there were mariah selling t-shirts and mugs. she hasn't come out with her own brand of mariah branded tea. vegas making it easier to get married. you'll be able to get a marriage license during a layover. a license kiosk will open at the airport next month. this pop-up office will help with the valentine's day rush for marriage licenses. and here's a maternity shoot you have to see to believe. yes, this is a pregnant woman in atlanta who decided to stage her photo shoot at a taco bell. this is blogger kristen johnson she says she wanted something a bit spicier that showed her real natural state. she took it to taco bell. she enjoyed one of her favorite menu items. the must have is the doritos locos taco supreme. she gave birth to a healthy baby boy on january 5th. look at that belly. how the ambassador of haiti is responding to president trump's alleged remarks about the nation. stay with us. we'll be right back after this short break. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ ooooooh snap!! every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong in a new chevy truck. get a total value of over $9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. >> ♪ >> beautiful. a live look outside, 8:30. look at the birds soaring through the s, >> yeah, riding the wind. >> 33 degrees outside. they don't seem to mind it. >> pretty sure that's sugarloaf back in the distance. >> gary the other day when i think it was like 65 degrees the birds were chirping. it felt like a early spring day. >> i literally used that time for some spring cleaning. i really did. >> it was amazing. >> it was nice. and we got the rain that washed off all that yucky salt and all that stuff. people got their car and washed. i think everybody in the metro got that car washed from the lines i saw. >> we were wearing flip-flops my daughter and i and we went to get ice cream. >> me, too, wore flip-flops all day yesterday. >> winter what? >> exactly. >> now it's back. >> a little break. it's come in quickly, too. yesterday 60's and some 70's yesterday. out west and northwest temperatures were in the 70's. didn't get much rain out there so it allowed temperatures to get warmer. dulles 31, bwi 35. this does not in any w or form take into consideration the wind that's blowing out there right now. wind chill factor is much, much colder. you can see the 14 degrees for pittsburgh, 11 degrees detroit. the arctic air mass has come into chicago so there's the true arctic weather there -- arctic temperatures, right. and the leading edge of that is just about right here. so, it's going to come sweeping through and by later on this evening and tonight i think we'll just start to be touching the that arctic air mass. the way you know it's truly an arctic air mass is when the dewpoint plunges down into the low single digits on even below zero. i think before this is all said and done dewpoints will be below zero. i say all that because it means it's going to be super dry again. you're going to walk around shocking everybody. everybody you touch is just going to be shocked. regional wind chills, look, seven below binghamton, new york, pittsburgh it feels like a whopping zero. all below zero out to the west and northwest. midwest is way were below zero right now. hatteras is still sitting here at 62 degrees. no wind chill factor there. and weee here in the city. tumbling temperatures today. highs will be pretty much where they are now. now, we may bump up a little bit more and then turn back around and fall down later on this afternoon but generally speaking all day today now we're going to be in the 30's. winds are going to be blowing so it's going to make it feel like it's in the 20's. very cold again tomorrow. high of only 30 and that's with full sunshine so that's that arctic air mass coming through. here's the deal on this morning. maybe a little bit of a mixture left. the front is coming through. but then again, the door is opened for these northwesterly winds, so i think for the most part, temperatures are going to be falling all day long. here's that little bit of light mix to the south of us, little bit of snow shower activity to the north of us. in terms of what's happening you can see all that moving up. big snows to the north of us. here's the forecast for today. temperature gets up to, well, what we were at midnight going to be a midnight high, only getting colder today with these gusty winds 15 to 25 miles per hour. there's your seven-day forecast for you. martin luther king day is of course monday, 33, so still cold. we warm up briefly and another arctic air mass comes in wednesday, thursday. hopefully annie, next week, next weekend 40's and 50's. >> nice. thank you gary. time is 8:34. let's get to breaking news we've been working on. several roads shut down in northeast, 1800 block of rhode island avenue. firefighters working to battle a large fire at a gas station. now, it's a shell gas station again on rhode island avenue. it happened about two hours ago and the fire started in the station's office. crews had to shut off the power to keep the fire under control. we are told now the fire is out. thankfully no one was hurt. that's important. but i just checked twitter and d.c. fire and ems says this is 1800 rhode island avenue. the investigation out there will continue, so expect that area to be affected possibly closed for another hour or so. >> ♪ new this morning, a disturbing discovery in a northern virginia neighborhood. a resident tells fox5 he found a hateful flyer from the kkk on his front door last night. this is not the first time flyers like this were found in a leesburg neighborhood and our tisha lewis is live in the neighborhood with more details. good morning, tisha. >> reporter: good morning, to you, annie, good morning everyone at home. in fact, this is the third incident of its kind in loudoun county. i've covered at least two of these incidents and most of the cases the literature is put in a plastic bag. in october, it had candy in it for halloween. shortly after that, it had bird seed in it and now here as we are in dr. martin luther king jr. holiday weekend, bird seed and kkk literature. in fact, i want to show you some of the literature first and then we'll chat with sean stephens who found it. you can see it has dr. martin luther king jr.'s picture on it. this is was discovered on your front porch last night. what's your reaction? >> liv angry, frustrated. why are we still here? that's my expression. >> reporter: in 2018. >> why are we still here in 2018? >> reporter: what's even more disturbing is that you were not the only one who had this by your home. just this morning, we've seen -- there's one right there. eugene russell who i'm working with, he can show you, there's one right there on the curb. we found another one. they're scattered across this leesburg neighborhood. police just arrived moments ago, leesburg police. tell us about your conversation with them. >> just a brief conversation telling me that they had come out on last evening to -- to scoop up some of those bags. they had been out in the neighborhood and they were on it. >> reporter: when i covered similar incident bird seed with kkk literature a couple months ago and i spoke with law enforcement, i asked them if it was illegal for people to do this, and they said that the folks who very, very savvy in terms of making sure that they do not break the law. offensive and disturbing but possibly not illegal. >> well, this neighborhood has a no soliciting policy. so, technically there's no soliciting but, of course, people do it, you know. >> reporter: and when you see dr. martin luther king jr.'s picture on the front of this flyer and material, does it concern you and -- about going out and celebrating on monday? >> it doesn't concern me. but what they placed on that paper is incorrect information. and to go to that, you know, degree to be degrading of an individual who didn't fight for just african-americans, he fought for all people that is very frustrating. >> reporter: all right, sean stephens thank you so much for bringing this to our attention again here in loudoun county leesburg specifically this is the third incident of its kind, hopefully the last but likely not. police are investigating. tisha lewis, >> ♪ >> time now 8:37. developing this morning, a maryland man is behind bars this morning accused of gunning down man in district heights in november. darius wilson shot and killed rondel fu while trying to rob him. officers found fu's body lined a complex. wilson faces multiple charges including first degree murder as well as assault. the fallout continues from president trump reportedly using vulgar language to describe african nations. the president reportedly made the comments during an immigration meeting with lawmakers in the white house. president trump denies using vulgar language in reference to haiti. however, senator dick durbin who was in the room confirmed media reports and said the president did use the vulgar language. >> that's what he used, these vile and vulgar comments calling the nations they come from (bleep) the exact word used by the president, not more, not just once but repeatedly. >> the president's reported comments have drawn international condemnation including from haiti. fox5 spoke will haitian ambassador paul altidor. he was disappointed and surprised to hear those words coming from what he called the most important political office in the world. >> it's regrettable that actually i'm here with you discussing some statements that were made that were detrimental that was quite not good for the people of haiti, even of the people of the united states rather than talking about the challenges haiti has faced and more importantly the progress we've made since the earthquake. >> the ambassador is hoping he can convince president trump to join him and visit haitian communities across the country to get a better understanding of the haitian people. he also believes the president owes the american people an apology. time now is 8:39. coming up here at 8:00 the ceo of amazon is helping so-called dreamers go to college. we'll explain coming up. plus, lyft offering a discount to riders in chicago but under one condition. that story coming up. stay with us. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. it's really nice when clients come in and have done some of their own research. working with a bassett designer was really easy. just kind of ties in very well. we love it! ♪ ♪ just there are 7 continents.ll. 7 seas. but at celebrity cruises we'd argue, more than 7 wonders. for a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, r stateroom, when you book now. during the celebrity cruises sail beyond event. >> amazon ceo jeff bezos and his wife are helping dreamers go to college. they're donating $33 million to the dream u.s., the organization says the money will f scholarships. bezos' dad emigrated to the u.s. from cuba when he was just 16 years old and he received help from similar organizations like this. and lyft will give some riders a 60 percent discount on their ride home starting next week in chicago riders there let good that discount if they buy lyft's five star lager. lyft says they hope the beer will help people wind down and they plan to expand the program to more cities in the future. time now 8:43. coming up, looking for a new way to mix up your workout. why not check out this new fitness studio here in the district. this looks really nice. we'll show you how it can help you harness the power of pilates coming up. we'll be right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪ >> welcome back. time now 8:46. all right, gary has the wind died down a bit. >> oh, no, it's not going to die down. >> okay. >> it's blowing like crazy out there. headed for deep freeze again. it's coming our way. that means temperatures will be falling all day long. look, if you joined us in our first hour the daisies were here. look, annie. >> awww. >> look at that. >> what is that, thank you cards? >> they all have my name on it. >> there's not -- >> except maybe this one. >> miss annie. >> i don't know. hold on. it says fox. >> i'm so torn. >> i think there might be something for you. >> i think you're fibbing over there. >> the daisies. >> i think y'r >> no, that's my stack. >> those girls gave me lots of hugs. >> zula if you hear me, you've got my little pony tissues and i'm coming for you. i just wanted you to know. she took those off my desk. >> a were. ww. >> really cold this weekend. the daisies have been super fun. they've been here with us all morning, sometimes on screen, sometimes off screen. 30's today. temperatures will continue to fall. very cold tomorrow, only 30 for a high temperature. that's with full sunshine. that means, look, we just touch 30. most of the day tomorrow will be in the teens and the 20's and with a little bit of wind tomorrow it will feel colder than that. i'm just telling you, layer up, okay. for the next five or six days it gets really -- it's going to be really, really cold around here. 34 now. temperatures are dropping. gaithersburg is down to 30. frederick is 32. hagerstown 20's and there's been some snow up in hagerstown. martinsburg 28. winchester 27. little bit of a wintry mix down to the south and southwest. here are the gusts. check this out. dulles is still gusting to culpeper gusting to 24. winchester 28. leonardtown gusting to 22 and over here by the bay in annapolis it's gusting to 31. it will be very, very gusty all day. sustained winds are going to be 20 to 25. gusts will be up around -- let's see, gusts will probably be 30 to 35, close to 40 at least for the next few hours. 22 now is the wind chill factor so all the feels-like temperatures are in the teens and the 20's now for the most part, okay. storm tracker just a little bit of a light mix still just to the eastern sections of baltimore, over towards the bay there, up into the inner harbor and then a little bit -- this is probable -- you aren't even noticing this, the greater snow amounts for what's that worth has been up in the northwestern and northern neighborhoods. see right here. westminster up into northern sections of carroll county snow is coming down pretty good. one more time just to show you the arctic air mass that's headed our way. this is arctic air mass number one. we'll warm up a little bit on tuesday and then we'll recharge with another arctic air mass that will come in by the middle part of the week, ok about five days away. windy today with falling temperatures all day long. here's where we are. we're going to be in the 35-degree zone. we may warm up a little bit at 10:00 a.m. and then temperatures will come right back down into the lower 30's for afternoon but it's never going to feel that way with the wind blowing out there this afternoon. feels-like temperatures for the most part are going to be in the teens and the 20's all day long. look, the cold stuff settles in tonight and tomorrow. a lot of morning lows in the teens. maybe even some morning lows in the single digits before this is all said and done. next wave of arctic air comes our way, what is that, wednesday, high of 29 degrees. >> hello. >> two arctic air waves. >> and two workout segments today. >> they're trying to tell us something. >> i know. >> pilates. i don't even know what pilates mean but i like to say it, pilates. >> you'll find out. stephanie is here. she's going to show us how to >> so, this is -- >> this is an evil contraption here. i'm sorry, this is something from the medieval times right here. >> it looks like that. it looks intimidating but it's actually not at all. this is a reformer. it's travel reformer. >> yeah, a reformer. changes you forever. >> in a good way. [laughter] >> so, it doesn't -- the -- okay, so i work at club pilates pentagon city. the studios -- the reformers we use in the studio don't quite look like this. ours are a little bit fancier. they're bigger. >> this is a traveling reformer, right. >> this is a traveling reformer. >> so for those who are completely new to the idea of pilates which i think a lot of people know about pilates but just in case what does it work out, what does it target? >> pilates targets your core. >> okay. >> but it's really a full body workout its a grateful body workout. it helps balance the body. a lot of times we're leaning over, picking up kids or standing all day at work or sitting and pilates helps to just decompress you. >> strengthen your core. >> why has pilates become so popular. seriously you hear pilates pilates. people love it. >> i think club pilates is so popular because our workouts, we have eight signature workouts, eight signature classes. they're all different. we use the former, the xo chair, the pilates springboard but we also incorporate. >> these things sound sinister. spring boards and -- >> xo pilates we use trx and barre. people love club pilates especially because no two workouts are the exact same. >> it really does keep it fun. >> lots of variety. >> that's good. a lot of people who work out -- i know when i was able to back in the day, you kind of get bored, you know, so you kind of look for new things to jazz it up. >> yes, exactly. >> can you show us how this works? >> i thought you were going to volunteer to do this annie. >> i would, i totally would if i had some pants on but this contraption looks like >> right. >> sure. >> ooh, look at her shoes. >> what are those? those are kind of cool, too. >> these are toe socks. we wear them at the studios. it's more hygienic. >> okay. >> so, this exercise is actually called chest expansion. it's really good for your posture. >> okay, now, this doesn't look too bad. >> no. after you do this, you'll feel taller and stronger. it really opens up the chest, helps support -- >> is it all about technique? you got to know exactly all these little techniques or you don't get the right benefit from it. >> that's why our instructors are comprehensively trained. all of our instructors have over 500 hours of teacher training and other certificates as well. we offer hands-on correction. >> how many different pilates moves can you do with this contraption. >> it's endless the amount of workouts that you can do on this machine. >> that's not what we want to [laughter] >> it targets all muscles of the body. >> wow, that's pretty neat, steph. >> there's all kinds of workouts. >> works out the arms there.. >> but the whole time your core is getting strengthened so that is the key to pilates. >> that's right, that's right. >> i know a lot of -- some mommies, you know, post pregnancy like to hit that pilates because it really strengthens up the core area. >> right. >> okay, very good. thank you so much. what is your web site. >> thank you. it's club pilates >> okay. >> google that. >> google that club pilates. >> thank you stephanie. >> 1101 south joy street. i do know that. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for bringing in this i think and stay with us. there's more coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪ [laughter] >> i know mr. gary keeps asking is that ernie or bert? it's ernie. and it's time to celebrate our little yellow bath time friend. it's national rubber ducky day. in 1973 sesame street officially named today rubber ducky's birthday. that's right. happy birthday mr. rubber ducky. >> i used to watch sesame street in 1973. >> these ladies joined us. >> the daisies are here. >> yay! this is girl scout troop number 30049. thank you ladies for joining us and thank you so much for my little letters here. thank you notes. mr. gary got some. >> i did, too. >> and it's sabina's seventh birthday today. >> birthday girl. >> so should we dance out? is that what we're going to do. >> we got to sing happy birthday. >> ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> ♪ cha-cha cha ♪ >> ♪ happy birthday dear sabina ♪ >> she's seven. >> ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> so much fun. >> sabina what do you want for your birthday? what would you like for your birthday. >> jo-jo bow maker. >> a jo-jo bow maker. >> a jo-jo bow maker. >> and she says i don't care what them haters say. >> how do you know that. >> i'm going to come back like a boomerang. oh, oh, oh. >> everybody dance. >> let's go. everybody dance. >> bye everybody. >> bye. see you tomorrow. >> tony with us next week, tony perkins next week. ♪ ♪ 7 seas. but at celebrity cruises we'd argue, more than 7 wonders. for a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, plus savings for everyone in your stateroom, when you book now. during the celebrity cruises sail beyond event. (inspiring rock music) - i'm going to be on xploration awesome planet with philippe cousteau. - [philippe] this season, we held a contest for students who are passionate about studying and exploring our world. in this episode, we reveal the winner. - congratulations. you won our student explorer contest. - [philippe] and take our first ever student explorer on an expedition to cancun, mexico to swim with whale sharks. here on xploration awesome planet. - it's gonna be a great trip. ((inspiring rock music)) welcome to awesome planet, i'm philippe cousteau. now over the last few months, we've run a contest to find a student explorer who's passionate about understanding and protecting our natural world. we're about to take the lucky winner on the adventure of a lifetime. (inspirational rock music)

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