Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20240622 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20240622

72 degrees. yeah. 72 degrees right now. let's check in with tom kierein. >> i know, a little blurry this morning. 72. it is quite humid too. we have the showers pulling out of the mountains and into the shenandoah valley. between luray and up stephen city and east of there a few light sprinkles in southern loudoun county, southern prince williams. haymarket and along 66 and then route 50 and 7. pavement is getting wet. some of the sprinkles coming into washington over the next hour or so. a mild morning. in the low to mid 70s, metro area and around the bay. in the mountains, upper 60s to 70 degrees. for the afternoon commute some showers, maybe some thunder. some roads wet, not all roads. we'll be in the low 80s. let's check on the morning commute. we have a crash where's this, melissa? >> brand new crash. this just popped up, tom. this is 66 westbound at nutley street. right now, sounds like the crash is off to the shoulder. just happened though. got this report, so we'll let you know if anything changes. shouldn't slow things down too much for you this morning. taking a look at 29, 95, b.w. parkway, everything rolling quite nicely. no major issues at this point this morning. wide look at the beltway, everything is nice and green and moving. just what we like to see, of course. 95 in virginia here at triangle. a little blurry but i promise nothing going on too much there. and then norbeck read at bel pre road is looking good. 4:32 right now. neighbors in hagerstown are hoping to raise awareness and prevent cases of child abuse. they came together to remember a 9-year-old boy who died. looking at the vigil neighbors held for jack garcia last night. jack's mother's boyfriend beat him to death last month. they say he had taken a piece of cake without asking for permission. >> it's in our backyard, and it's here, it's real. we can no longer turn our head. we have to come together as a community and do something about this. >> that is the organizer of last night's vigil. everyone there wore blue ribbons with jack's name on him. blue is the color designated for child abuse prevention. we are following a developing story, an international manhunt underway for the leader of the most powerful drug cartel. joaquin guzman known as el chapo escaped from a maximum security prison on saturday. he used a mile-long tunnel built under his cell and that led to the half built house, it was about 60 miles west of mexico city where all this happened. investigators are now questioning more than a dozen prison employees. hi everyone. angie goff here at the live desk with breaking news out of brussels. bailout reached. video of greece's prime minister speaking just moments ago after his country strikes a deal with europe on a third bailout after three days of negotiations. now, this should keep the troubled greece from leaving the euro which would have had some chaotic implications all over europe. under the deal greece will make major changes to pension and market reforms. now, at this point we still have no world on how soon the country could see more money and banks can reopen. eun, certainly a story that will continue to develop throughout the morning and we'll keep you updated. thanks. today in wisconsin yet another republican candidate is expected to enter the race for the white house. governor scott walker says he wanted to wrap up next year's budget before he began his campaign. he signed the budget yesterday. later, he instagrammed this photo of his nieces on stage where he will speak today. he's joined a crowded field as you know and in 15 minutes we'll talk to tracie potts about what makes walker different from the other candidates. the smithsonian will continue to display bill cosby's art collection. many are distancing themselves from cosby. the smithsonian's undersecretary for art said the museum is deeply disturbed and disappointed about the allegations but says the exhibit is about the artist, not cosby. the smithsonian told the associated press, cosby helped pay for the exhibition with a $716,000 gift. today, montgomery county's council will try to figure out how to save $51 million. in may the supreme court ruled that the income tax law was unconstitutional and that takes millions of dollars away from the state and the counties. at 10:00 a.m., the council will go over money saving proposals from the executive. and one plan is taking money from the public school system and montgomery college. right now is we're working to find out if it's safe to be on donaldson run in arlington. a pipe broke and spilled sewage into the stream there beneath military road. according to "the washington post," the pipe was fixed over the weekend but there could be some sewage in the water. for now you want to avoid donaldson run, especially if you have children or pets. taylor swift is bringing her 1989 world tour to d.c. the pop star will take center stage at nationals park tonight and tomorrow night. the big question is whether there are any special guests at her shows. over the weekend during a show in new jersey she brought on nick jonas to the stage. some of the members of the women's u.s. soccer team were also spotted in the audience. we shall see. you will be able to catch metro home after the show. the navy yard ballpark station will be open late. the last trains will both depart at 12:39. also, all connections for the blue, orange, silver and yellow lines will have to be made at l'enfant plaza. a live lookout side for you right now. most of you will see some rain this morning. but will you need the umbrella for your -- on your way to work? tom is back with your walk to work forecast in your next weather and traffic on the 1s. disturbing new video of a murder in northeast washington. the images police want you to see with the hopes that you can help them catch a killer. the massive conference taking place at the white house today. why age will be discussed i developing story out of afghanistan right now. at least 26 people, mostly women and children, are dead after a suicide bomber blows up a car near a military base. now this happened in the eastern part of the country. it is where some members of the cia used to be housed. it is the latest attack also after foreign forces ended their combat mission there and left. we are still working to find out who is responsible for this attack. >> all right, angie, thank you. the video is pretty hard to watch, but d.c. police hope somebody will recognize this suv from a northeast murder. take a closer look here. two people in this suv have guns pointed out of the windows. they started shooting on "e" street and darrell gray died in this shooting. there's an online petition asking fairfax county public schools to rename schools that bear the names of confederate leaders. more than 700 people have signed the position on organizers are asking for the school board to rename jeb stuart high school and robert e. lee high school. search fairfax county schools on the nbc washington app for nor information. 4:41. weather and traffic on the 1s. we'll start with tom kierein and not going to be too hot today, right? >> no. little bit cooler than we have seen the last couple of days. shown in the low 80s -- should be in the low 80s this afternoon. getting scattered showers in shenandoah valley. should be getting over to culpepper in next half hour and southern loudoun and prince william. might be getting into the beltway and into the metro area over the next hour. so grab the umbrella before you head out. you'll be needing it from time to time through the day today. you'll be comfortable in short sleeves. not a lot of sun today. a lot of clouds around. for walking to work, some of the walkways may be wet here over the next hour or so. in the low 70s. heading back home you may have to leap over a few puddles. look at storm chances in the next weather and traffic on the 1s at 4:51. melissa has a car blocking some traffic. >> yeah, disabled vehicle. looks like it's in the right lane, 395 northbound at king street. hopefully will be out of the way by the time you hit the road. but wanted to give you that information this morning. 66 west at nutley street a crash on the shoulder that is just on the shoulder so again, shouldn't be bothering you too much here this morning. outer loop at 50 traffic right now getting by using alternate lanes, alternating lanes because of the road work happening there. branch avenue southbound at allentown road also have some road work and then a wide look at the beltway, not seeing any problems as you look at the beltway. weather and traffic on the 1s, see you at 4:51. >> thank you. a coach for the buffalo bills busted for battery and wait until you hear who he's accused of slugging. new concerns for parents with kids in montgomery county the study just released that the right now, a story we're following out of washington state. the search for a small plane is on home. the private jet never reached its destination saturday night. three people here were believed to be on board. also hearing the last phone signal came from one of those passengers and it was detected just in the last few hours. we will keep you posted on further developments. aaron? >> thank you. it's now 15 before the top of the hour, and we could see history made today in vienna. diplomats say that negotiators plan to announce a nuclear deal between the u.s. world powers and iran. the deal will curb iran's nuclear program in exchange for relief from the sanctions that have crushed iran's economy. no guarantee the announcement will happen today. if a deal is reached, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said it will tough to get congress to support them. today, scott walker is expected to announce he's running for president. right now someone else is getting all of the attention. nbc's tracie potts is here now with us. so tracie, how does walker plan to stand out? >> reporter: well, he's hoping to trump donald trump so to speak when it comes to immigration. scott walker, the wisconsin governor, who really came to national attention over labor issues and the budget in that state today plans to announce that he's the 15th republican to run for president. actually, he just signed his own state's budget yesterday and then in the new reuters poll, he's in the top ten, which would put him on that debate stage in just a few weeks. but can he steal the spotlight from donald trump and from the issue of immigration? trump just this morning was talking about el chapo the mexican drug lord who escaped over the weekend in mexico. trump said that the u.s. would try to offer him citizenship. very provocative tweet from donald trump. another candidate, lindsey graham, said that trump has hijacked the debate but others are supporting him like carly fiorina who says that donald trump is not extreme, but that his common sense what he's saying about immigration. but the focus today may well be on scott walker who is announcing his bid and already well within the top ten in many national polls. eun? >> tracie potts live on capitol hill for us, thank you. today the man charged with threatening to kill house speaker john boehner will go on trial. hoyt threatened to use a gun or a poisoned drink to kill boehner and he said that the devil told him that boehner is evil. that's after he was fired from a country club where boehner is a member. his attorneys will argue that he was insane when he made the threats. tomorrow closing auments are expected to begin in the movie theater massacre trial in colorado. james holmes is accused of killing 12 people and hurting 70 others in a shooting spree in 2012. more than 250 witnesses testified including survivors and first responders. holmes did not take the stand. he pled not guilty by reason of insanity. if convicted he could face the death penalty. this morning an nfl coach is accused of punching a boy in the face during an argument on the beach in florida. buffalo bills defensive line coach aaron cromer is charged with misdemeanor battery. it started when he asked three boys to put beach chairs back where they found him and he said that cromer threw one of the fishing poles in the water and punched one in the face. he also said that cromer threatened to kill the boy's family if they told the police. police are trying to figure out who killed a man. someone shot darrell king, jr. in accokeek. it happened yesterday morning and neighbors tell news4 there was a large house party going on at the time. they called police before the shooting and now they're asking for changes on how police handle those complaints from large crowds. >> can you tell me who they are and that's not the kind of response that a neighbor who is paying taxes should be receiving from their local police officer then we they're trying to disburse a rowdy crowd. >> neighbors say this house is the scene of large and loud parties. there's a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction in this case. it's been one year since we saw ray rice knocking out his then-fiancee in an elevator and today the nfl is opening a new office. this office will house victims' advocates and a policy team. the national domestic policy hotline is confidential and free. the number's on your screen there. 800-799-safe. in the day ahead, the white house is hosting a conference about getting older. that conference on aging happens once a decade. it started about 50 years ago. this year the topics include retirement security, technology and staying healthy as you get older. the president will speak at the conference shortly after 11:00 a.m. the achievement gap at montgomery county schools continues to grow. new numbers show the area where the racial and ethnic achievement gap is widest is in math. these numbers are from last year. fewer than half of black and hispanic students are earning at least a "c" in algebra one. overall montgomery county students aren't doing very well in math. just 50% of eighth grade students in the entire school system are passing algebra. well, pretty soon scientists are going to get a special never before seen look at pluto. the new horizon spacecraft will pass by the dwarf planet tomorrow. it had to travel 3 billion miles to reach the edge of the solar system. nasa launched the spacecraft nine years ago. it will only have 30 minutes to get the best pictures of pluto which we could see as early as this wednesday. very cool, this entire project has been spearheaded out of greenbelt nasa's facility here in greenbelt. so they're watching from that. we'll see what -- >> hard to wrap my brain around the technology that can get up to pluto to send images -- >> it's a camera. >> insane. but still. >> then to get the images back. >> it takes four hours for the images. >> in high-definition too. a marvelous age we live in. this morning looking at the storm team 4 radar, we have showers closer to planet earth, they're coming down. even giving us thunder and lightning in central shenandoah valley. north of luray rumbles of thunder. that patch of yellow and orange. parted to the east we are getting a few light sprinkles from martinsburg and western fairfax from herndon to northeastern burke and 66 and 50. pavement getting wet. a few light sprinkles will be coming through over the next hour or so. our temperatures right now are in the low to mid 70s in washington right by the bay. and shenandoah valley, in the upper 60s to around 70 there. a mild and muggy morning. a few breaks in the clouds. there's a crescent moon. this is the live view from our tower camera overlooking washington. the dark areas that's rock creek park. as we look at the morning hours we'll be in the low to mid 70s through 8:00. have the umbrella ready. could get passing showers around noontime. during the afternoon, some showers maybe some thunder. temperatures in the low 80s. no severe storms today, but a wet day with occasional showers coming on through. with wet roads for the morning and afternoon commute, going to have a moderate to low impact. rather humid through tomorrow too. afternoon storms, a bit hotter. partly sunny into the upper 80s. some of the storms tomorrow could be severe. up near 90 on wednesday. could get strong storms on mainly wednesday afternoon. a nice break on thursday. sunshine, lower humidity. beautiful day with highs in the mid 80s. still nice on friday too with temperatures in the upper 80s and mostly sunny. a few high clouds coming in. could get some storms on saturday over the weekend. in the mid 80s. and then sunday looking partly cloudy with highs reaching the upper 80s. now melissa, some problems on the roads early this morning. what's going on? >> we have had a couple of issues at this point this morning. inner loop at telegraph road, sounds like the disabled vehicle will be out of the way shortly. inner loop at telegraph road, a couple of disabled vehicles around town this morning. 66 west at nutley street, that crash still on the shoulder. a warning for you there. shouldn't be slowing things down too much this morning. 66 as a whole, flying into town or out of town, no problems there. looking quite good. remember to listen to our friends on wtop 103.5 when you hop in your car this morning. b.w. parkway, 95, 29 rolling along nicely. 270 at shady grove road no problems. beltway at central looking quite good. see you at 5:01. >> see you then, melissa thank you. they are a huge cost0bóñóñçoñl@ú you're watching "news4 today." >> welcome back. a woman in fairfax county is recovering after she was robbed and shot as she chased the robber. the victim and her husband had come home from a night at maryland live casino. another woman ran up and grabbed the victim's purse and dashed to the get away car. the victim and husband and son dashed after that car as it drove away. her son asked us not to show hern i was surprised and i was like okay i told my parents to stop and then i checked on both of them. i saw my mom was bleeding on her elbow. >> his mom had been shot in the arm. she's supposed to see doctors again today. so far, no one has been arrested. right now, "the washington post" reporter is back on trial in iran. that's according to the official news agency. jason rezaian is charged with spying. the trial has been criticize and this is the third closed session of the trial and very few details of the case have been made public. rezaian has been held for over 300 days. 4:58 now. if your students have lots of leftover school supplies from this school year, montgomery county will take them off your hands. today is montgomery county public school's annual drive for supplies. you can bring your new or gently used school supplies to richard montgomery high school at 12:30 today. those supplies help students in need get ready for the next school year. i know it seems early but a lot of them are on the store shelves and selling out. more people are working in spotsylvania county but fewer are using car pools and public transportation. more than 59,000 people work in the county. that is up 1,700 more from previous estimates. a little more than 7,000 people are carpooling. and a little more than 1,600 people use public transit. both of those numbers are down. the paper obtained data from the u.s. census bureau. a huge county and things are kind of spread out. if you notice it's sort of more convenient if you can have a car to drive yourself. makes it rough for mass transit. things like that. all right, stay with us. "news4 today" continues right now at 5:00 a.m. >> "news4 today" starts now. >> #umbrella ready. take a live look at storm team 4 radar here as well as a peek outside this morning as we get you ready for a day full of clouds and some occasional showers. it's 5:00 a.m. good morning. i'm aaron gilchrist. >> i'm eun yang. welcome to "news4 today" for monday. it is july 13th. let's find out about those occasional showers, storm team 4 meteorologist -- say that ten times fast -- tom kierein has your forecast. >> especially on a monday morning too. starting off early, we have some wet pavement in northern virginia. especially in the shenandoah valley getting a downpour with thunder and lightning now. getting closer to warren in the next few minutes and that'll be making it across the blue ridge and closer to warrenton in another 30 minutes. culpepper getting a few light sprinkles. along 66, closer to washington, the pavement is getting wet from near hay market and up toward herndon and near leesburg. pavement getting wet. a few of the sprinkles coming into southern montgomery may make it into arlington over the next 30 minutes or so. got a few breaks in the sky showing the crescent moon. mid 70s by

Related Keywords

Iran , Afghanistan , Florida , United States , Loudoun County , Virginia , Martinsburg , Maryland , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , Rock Creek Park , Shenandoah , Wisconsin , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Washington , District Of Columbia , Montgomery College , New Jersey , Leesburg , Hagerstown , Colorado , Fairfax County , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Spotsylvania County , Capitol Hill , Greece , Warrenton , Haymarket , Montgomery County , Donaldson Run , Mexican , El Chapo , Scott Walker , Aaron Gilchrist , Joaquin Guzman , James Holmes , Aaron Cromer , Richard Montgomery , Carly Fiorina , Lindsey Graham , Angie Goff , John Boehner , Eun Yang , Mitch Mcconnell , Darrell King Jr , Jeb Stuart , Nick Jonas , Tracie Potts , Jack Garcia ,

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Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20240622 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20240622

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72 degrees. yeah. 72 degrees right now. let's check in with tom kierein. >> i know, a little blurry this morning. 72. it is quite humid too. we have the showers pulling out of the mountains and into the shenandoah valley. between luray and up stephen city and east of there a few light sprinkles in southern loudoun county, southern prince williams. haymarket and along 66 and then route 50 and 7. pavement is getting wet. some of the sprinkles coming into washington over the next hour or so. a mild morning. in the low to mid 70s, metro area and around the bay. in the mountains, upper 60s to 70 degrees. for the afternoon commute some showers, maybe some thunder. some roads wet, not all roads. we'll be in the low 80s. let's check on the morning commute. we have a crash where's this, melissa? >> brand new crash. this just popped up, tom. this is 66 westbound at nutley street. right now, sounds like the crash is off to the shoulder. just happened though. got this report, so we'll let you know if anything changes. shouldn't slow things down too much for you this morning. taking a look at 29, 95, b.w. parkway, everything rolling quite nicely. no major issues at this point this morning. wide look at the beltway, everything is nice and green and moving. just what we like to see, of course. 95 in virginia here at triangle. a little blurry but i promise nothing going on too much there. and then norbeck read at bel pre road is looking good. 4:32 right now. neighbors in hagerstown are hoping to raise awareness and prevent cases of child abuse. they came together to remember a 9-year-old boy who died. looking at the vigil neighbors held for jack garcia last night. jack's mother's boyfriend beat him to death last month. they say he had taken a piece of cake without asking for permission. >> it's in our backyard, and it's here, it's real. we can no longer turn our head. we have to come together as a community and do something about this. >> that is the organizer of last night's vigil. everyone there wore blue ribbons with jack's name on him. blue is the color designated for child abuse prevention. we are following a developing story, an international manhunt underway for the leader of the most powerful drug cartel. joaquin guzman known as el chapo escaped from a maximum security prison on saturday. he used a mile-long tunnel built under his cell and that led to the half built house, it was about 60 miles west of mexico city where all this happened. investigators are now questioning more than a dozen prison employees. hi everyone. angie goff here at the live desk with breaking news out of brussels. bailout reached. video of greece's prime minister speaking just moments ago after his country strikes a deal with europe on a third bailout after three days of negotiations. now, this should keep the troubled greece from leaving the euro which would have had some chaotic implications all over europe. under the deal greece will make major changes to pension and market reforms. now, at this point we still have no world on how soon the country could see more money and banks can reopen. eun, certainly a story that will continue to develop throughout the morning and we'll keep you updated. thanks. today in wisconsin yet another republican candidate is expected to enter the race for the white house. governor scott walker says he wanted to wrap up next year's budget before he began his campaign. he signed the budget yesterday. later, he instagrammed this photo of his nieces on stage where he will speak today. he's joined a crowded field as you know and in 15 minutes we'll talk to tracie potts about what makes walker different from the other candidates. the smithsonian will continue to display bill cosby's art collection. many are distancing themselves from cosby. the smithsonian's undersecretary for art said the museum is deeply disturbed and disappointed about the allegations but says the exhibit is about the artist, not cosby. the smithsonian told the associated press, cosby helped pay for the exhibition with a $716,000 gift. today, montgomery county's council will try to figure out how to save $51 million. in may the supreme court ruled that the income tax law was unconstitutional and that takes millions of dollars away from the state and the counties. at 10:00 a.m., the council will go over money saving proposals from the executive. and one plan is taking money from the public school system and montgomery college. right now is we're working to find out if it's safe to be on donaldson run in arlington. a pipe broke and spilled sewage into the stream there beneath military road. according to "the washington post," the pipe was fixed over the weekend but there could be some sewage in the water. for now you want to avoid donaldson run, especially if you have children or pets. taylor swift is bringing her 1989 world tour to d.c. the pop star will take center stage at nationals park tonight and tomorrow night. the big question is whether there are any special guests at her shows. over the weekend during a show in new jersey she brought on nick jonas to the stage. some of the members of the women's u.s. soccer team were also spotted in the audience. we shall see. you will be able to catch metro home after the show. the navy yard ballpark station will be open late. the last trains will both depart at 12:39. also, all connections for the blue, orange, silver and yellow lines will have to be made at l'enfant plaza. a live lookout side for you right now. most of you will see some rain this morning. but will you need the umbrella for your -- on your way to work? tom is back with your walk to work forecast in your next weather and traffic on the 1s. disturbing new video of a murder in northeast washington. the images police want you to see with the hopes that you can help them catch a killer. the massive conference taking place at the white house today. why age will be discussed i developing story out of afghanistan right now. at least 26 people, mostly women and children, are dead after a suicide bomber blows up a car near a military base. now this happened in the eastern part of the country. it is where some members of the cia used to be housed. it is the latest attack also after foreign forces ended their combat mission there and left. we are still working to find out who is responsible for this attack. >> all right, angie, thank you. the video is pretty hard to watch, but d.c. police hope somebody will recognize this suv from a northeast murder. take a closer look here. two people in this suv have guns pointed out of the windows. they started shooting on "e" street and darrell gray died in this shooting. there's an online petition asking fairfax county public schools to rename schools that bear the names of confederate leaders. more than 700 people have signed the position on organizers are asking for the school board to rename jeb stuart high school and robert e. lee high school. search fairfax county schools on the nbc washington app for nor information. 4:41. weather and traffic on the 1s. we'll start with tom kierein and not going to be too hot today, right? >> no. little bit cooler than we have seen the last couple of days. shown in the low 80s -- should be in the low 80s this afternoon. getting scattered showers in shenandoah valley. should be getting over to culpepper in next half hour and southern loudoun and prince william. might be getting into the beltway and into the metro area over the next hour. so grab the umbrella before you head out. you'll be needing it from time to time through the day today. you'll be comfortable in short sleeves. not a lot of sun today. a lot of clouds around. for walking to work, some of the walkways may be wet here over the next hour or so. in the low 70s. heading back home you may have to leap over a few puddles. look at storm chances in the next weather and traffic on the 1s at 4:51. melissa has a car blocking some traffic. >> yeah, disabled vehicle. looks like it's in the right lane, 395 northbound at king street. hopefully will be out of the way by the time you hit the road. but wanted to give you that information this morning. 66 west at nutley street a crash on the shoulder that is just on the shoulder so again, shouldn't be bothering you too much here this morning. outer loop at 50 traffic right now getting by using alternate lanes, alternating lanes because of the road work happening there. branch avenue southbound at allentown road also have some road work and then a wide look at the beltway, not seeing any problems as you look at the beltway. weather and traffic on the 1s, see you at 4:51. >> thank you. a coach for the buffalo bills busted for battery and wait until you hear who he's accused of slugging. new concerns for parents with kids in montgomery county the study just released that the right now, a story we're following out of washington state. the search for a small plane is on home. the private jet never reached its destination saturday night. three people here were believed to be on board. also hearing the last phone signal came from one of those passengers and it was detected just in the last few hours. we will keep you posted on further developments. aaron? >> thank you. it's now 15 before the top of the hour, and we could see history made today in vienna. diplomats say that negotiators plan to announce a nuclear deal between the u.s. world powers and iran. the deal will curb iran's nuclear program in exchange for relief from the sanctions that have crushed iran's economy. no guarantee the announcement will happen today. if a deal is reached, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said it will tough to get congress to support them. today, scott walker is expected to announce he's running for president. right now someone else is getting all of the attention. nbc's tracie potts is here now with us. so tracie, how does walker plan to stand out? >> reporter: well, he's hoping to trump donald trump so to speak when it comes to immigration. scott walker, the wisconsin governor, who really came to national attention over labor issues and the budget in that state today plans to announce that he's the 15th republican to run for president. actually, he just signed his own state's budget yesterday and then in the new reuters poll, he's in the top ten, which would put him on that debate stage in just a few weeks. but can he steal the spotlight from donald trump and from the issue of immigration? trump just this morning was talking about el chapo the mexican drug lord who escaped over the weekend in mexico. trump said that the u.s. would try to offer him citizenship. very provocative tweet from donald trump. another candidate, lindsey graham, said that trump has hijacked the debate but others are supporting him like carly fiorina who says that donald trump is not extreme, but that his common sense what he's saying about immigration. but the focus today may well be on scott walker who is announcing his bid and already well within the top ten in many national polls. eun? >> tracie potts live on capitol hill for us, thank you. today the man charged with threatening to kill house speaker john boehner will go on trial. hoyt threatened to use a gun or a poisoned drink to kill boehner and he said that the devil told him that boehner is evil. that's after he was fired from a country club where boehner is a member. his attorneys will argue that he was insane when he made the threats. tomorrow closing auments are expected to begin in the movie theater massacre trial in colorado. james holmes is accused of killing 12 people and hurting 70 others in a shooting spree in 2012. more than 250 witnesses testified including survivors and first responders. holmes did not take the stand. he pled not guilty by reason of insanity. if convicted he could face the death penalty. this morning an nfl coach is accused of punching a boy in the face during an argument on the beach in florida. buffalo bills defensive line coach aaron cromer is charged with misdemeanor battery. it started when he asked three boys to put beach chairs back where they found him and he said that cromer threw one of the fishing poles in the water and punched one in the face. he also said that cromer threatened to kill the boy's family if they told the police. police are trying to figure out who killed a man. someone shot darrell king, jr. in accokeek. it happened yesterday morning and neighbors tell news4 there was a large house party going on at the time. they called police before the shooting and now they're asking for changes on how police handle those complaints from large crowds. >> can you tell me who they are and that's not the kind of response that a neighbor who is paying taxes should be receiving from their local police officer then we they're trying to disburse a rowdy crowd. >> neighbors say this house is the scene of large and loud parties. there's a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction in this case. it's been one year since we saw ray rice knocking out his then-fiancee in an elevator and today the nfl is opening a new office. this office will house victims' advocates and a policy team. the national domestic policy hotline is confidential and free. the number's on your screen there. 800-799-safe. in the day ahead, the white house is hosting a conference about getting older. that conference on aging happens once a decade. it started about 50 years ago. this year the topics include retirement security, technology and staying healthy as you get older. the president will speak at the conference shortly after 11:00 a.m. the achievement gap at montgomery county schools continues to grow. new numbers show the area where the racial and ethnic achievement gap is widest is in math. these numbers are from last year. fewer than half of black and hispanic students are earning at least a "c" in algebra one. overall montgomery county students aren't doing very well in math. just 50% of eighth grade students in the entire school system are passing algebra. well, pretty soon scientists are going to get a special never before seen look at pluto. the new horizon spacecraft will pass by the dwarf planet tomorrow. it had to travel 3 billion miles to reach the edge of the solar system. nasa launched the spacecraft nine years ago. it will only have 30 minutes to get the best pictures of pluto which we could see as early as this wednesday. very cool, this entire project has been spearheaded out of greenbelt nasa's facility here in greenbelt. so they're watching from that. we'll see what -- >> hard to wrap my brain around the technology that can get up to pluto to send images -- >> it's a camera. >> insane. but still. >> then to get the images back. >> it takes four hours for the images. >> in high-definition too. a marvelous age we live in. this morning looking at the storm team 4 radar, we have showers closer to planet earth, they're coming down. even giving us thunder and lightning in central shenandoah valley. north of luray rumbles of thunder. that patch of yellow and orange. parted to the east we are getting a few light sprinkles from martinsburg and western fairfax from herndon to northeastern burke and 66 and 50. pavement getting wet. a few light sprinkles will be coming through over the next hour or so. our temperatures right now are in the low to mid 70s in washington right by the bay. and shenandoah valley, in the upper 60s to around 70 there. a mild and muggy morning. a few breaks in the clouds. there's a crescent moon. this is the live view from our tower camera overlooking washington. the dark areas that's rock creek park. as we look at the morning hours we'll be in the low to mid 70s through 8:00. have the umbrella ready. could get passing showers around noontime. during the afternoon, some showers maybe some thunder. temperatures in the low 80s. no severe storms today, but a wet day with occasional showers coming on through. with wet roads for the morning and afternoon commute, going to have a moderate to low impact. rather humid through tomorrow too. afternoon storms, a bit hotter. partly sunny into the upper 80s. some of the storms tomorrow could be severe. up near 90 on wednesday. could get strong storms on mainly wednesday afternoon. a nice break on thursday. sunshine, lower humidity. beautiful day with highs in the mid 80s. still nice on friday too with temperatures in the upper 80s and mostly sunny. a few high clouds coming in. could get some storms on saturday over the weekend. in the mid 80s. and then sunday looking partly cloudy with highs reaching the upper 80s. now melissa, some problems on the roads early this morning. what's going on? >> we have had a couple of issues at this point this morning. inner loop at telegraph road, sounds like the disabled vehicle will be out of the way shortly. inner loop at telegraph road, a couple of disabled vehicles around town this morning. 66 west at nutley street, that crash still on the shoulder. a warning for you there. shouldn't be slowing things down too much this morning. 66 as a whole, flying into town or out of town, no problems there. looking quite good. remember to listen to our friends on wtop 103.5 when you hop in your car this morning. b.w. parkway, 95, 29 rolling along nicely. 270 at shady grove road no problems. beltway at central looking quite good. see you at 5:01. >> see you then, melissa thank you. they are a huge cost0bóñóñçoñl@ú you're watching "news4 today." >> welcome back. a woman in fairfax county is recovering after she was robbed and shot as she chased the robber. the victim and her husband had come home from a night at maryland live casino. another woman ran up and grabbed the victim's purse and dashed to the get away car. the victim and husband and son dashed after that car as it drove away. her son asked us not to show hern i was surprised and i was like okay i told my parents to stop and then i checked on both of them. i saw my mom was bleeding on her elbow. >> his mom had been shot in the arm. she's supposed to see doctors again today. so far, no one has been arrested. right now, "the washington post" reporter is back on trial in iran. that's according to the official news agency. jason rezaian is charged with spying. the trial has been criticize and this is the third closed session of the trial and very few details of the case have been made public. rezaian has been held for over 300 days. 4:58 now. if your students have lots of leftover school supplies from this school year, montgomery county will take them off your hands. today is montgomery county public school's annual drive for supplies. you can bring your new or gently used school supplies to richard montgomery high school at 12:30 today. those supplies help students in need get ready for the next school year. i know it seems early but a lot of them are on the store shelves and selling out. more people are working in spotsylvania county but fewer are using car pools and public transportation. more than 59,000 people work in the county. that is up 1,700 more from previous estimates. a little more than 7,000 people are carpooling. and a little more than 1,600 people use public transit. both of those numbers are down. the paper obtained data from the u.s. census bureau. a huge county and things are kind of spread out. if you notice it's sort of more convenient if you can have a car to drive yourself. makes it rough for mass transit. things like that. all right, stay with us. "news4 today" continues right now at 5:00 a.m. >> "news4 today" starts now. >> #umbrella ready. take a live look at storm team 4 radar here as well as a peek outside this morning as we get you ready for a day full of clouds and some occasional showers. it's 5:00 a.m. good morning. i'm aaron gilchrist. >> i'm eun yang. welcome to "news4 today" for monday. it is july 13th. let's find out about those occasional showers, storm team 4 meteorologist -- say that ten times fast -- tom kierein has your forecast. >> especially on a monday morning too. starting off early, we have some wet pavement in northern virginia. especially in the shenandoah valley getting a downpour with thunder and lightning now. getting closer to warren in the next few minutes and that'll be making it across the blue ridge and closer to warrenton in another 30 minutes. culpepper getting a few light sprinkles. along 66, closer to washington, the pavement is getting wet from near hay market and up toward herndon and near leesburg. pavement getting wet. a few of the sprinkles coming into southern montgomery may make it into arlington over the next 30 minutes or so. got a few breaks in the sky showing the crescent moon. mid 70s by

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