Modified 11 mins ago at 11 mins ago World-Famous or Legendary Muskie “Hotspots” – Part V by Larry Ramsell, Muskellunge Historian Part V and even this old timer is learning a lot! When I reached out to Pro Guide Spencer Berman about Lake St. Clair, he was easily able to handle a complex situation. Following are his response(s) for multiple “Hotspots” in the 275,200 acre “pond”, considered by many the sixth Great Lake, that lies between the U.S. State of Michigan and the Province of Ontario, Canada and is a virtual muskie factory! Lake St. Clair/(Detroit River) “Here is something I think will work for you. Obviously, St. Clair is a little different since we don’t have structure, however the general areas I named are pretty well known. The only one I left out that you might question is the Belle Hump and although it is a famous spot historically speaking, ever since the zebra mussels have gotten into the lake the water around there has gotten so clear that the last 15-20 years it has been a non-factor. Thought I would stick with spots that are still productive. Thank you.”