Author of the article: Beth Wilkins Publishing date: Aug 02, 2021 • 13 hours ago • 6 minute read • • IMG_2672 – Unveiling of Mackenzie Cairn, across Peace River from Fort Fork site, 1929. People arrived at River Lot 19 for the ceremony via various means – sternwheeler D.A. Thomas, car, and perhaps, horse and buggy. Sir Alexander Mackenzie overwintered 1792-93 at the fort on his quest of the Pacific Ocean. Among those attending: (L-R) Hugh Allen; D.M. Kennedy; Kinwell (Joe) Neff (later owner of Fort Fork site land); Frank Smith and James Homer Johnston (discoverer, in 1927, of the fort site). The photograph – a photograph of a photograph from Peace River Remembers, Page 74. Photo by SUPPLIED