Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News This Morning 20240622 : comp

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News This Morning 20240622

they are removing the tape but aid it was after the concert by j shawn and cole. shots were fired. two people were hit, seriously injured. we spoke to a witness by phone who asked we not use his last name, but listen. >> it was the opposite way like late knoxville. at first i thought it was fire crackers. but afterwards we realized it was a gun. >> reporter: both victims were thrown by medivack to the hospital. investigators are searching into the night for the second gunman. we believe they will continue the investigation once day light hits. we will bring you update as we get them. janelle burrell, cbs 2 news. time for traffic and weather on the 2s. john, stormy out there, right? >> i believe there's light rain. i'm driving. and it's stronger, and i park my car and it's vert eight o'clock wind to the east. in the city weight no i, winds out of the west at 8 miles an hour. pushing into the queens. mother shore over to westchester county. it's hauling. it will get out of there quick, but a few more isolated showers and storms this morning. it could time out nicely for the morning commute. we will get out the worse of it thatch morning. a high once again like 90, just like we hit yesterday. i can only imagine it's she out there. >> reporter: that the hour, yes. an identity accident blocks the westbound parkway, and delays back to pennsylvania avenue. in brooke listen, two lanes on the bqe with delays back to the george washington bridge. stick with the upper level. just now to breaking news. a tent collapsed and injured and killed victims. we will have more in the next half an hour. the fdny rescued two girls from jacob riis state park. they were rushed to the nearby hospital. >> they never answered is nothing nothing, so they took them to the helicopter. >> earlier in the day, a 62- year-old woman nearly drown, and rip currents are being blamed for the deaths of two men over the weekend. mayor de blasio will talk about the outbreak of legionnaires' over the weekend. the death toll is now at seven. >> he has legionnaires'. he's in the hospital. he's in the medical center. >> reporter: barbara kay says her 40-year-old grandson contracted legionnaires' disease. she came here hope fog get answers. >> we are very concerned. we are praying, they are are praying, everyone is praying. >> reporter: with seven confirmed dead from legionnaires' and 81 diagnosed cases, the officials say the it's under control. they narrowed it to five didn't locations. >> these are used from some buildings, usually commercial buildings as part of their air- conditioning or ventilation systems. >> reporter: outside of the museum, health department doctors answer the questions of residents who couldn't get inside because of capacity. >> one of the supermarkets in concourse plaza they said was infected, i get my produce from there. >> reporter: raina was relieved to find out she cannot catch it through food food but is upset she experiencing things others are not. >> it raises questions if buildings are being maintained. >> new this morning, police are searching for a man accused of a bias attack in soho. around 2:30 on sunday morning, the man went inside of the store on prince street and started to shout antigay slurs. the suspect struck one of the men in the face, and one of the victims posted on facebook they are doing okay. he added we refuse to be victims and we are thankful we can defend ourselves. police are looking for this man after a string of burglaries in queens. he has struck at least seven businesses. the latest was at an employment agency in flushing. he crawled in through a window, but he didn't take anything inside. happening today arraignment for the accused killer of a teenager. brown was charge with the murder of brendan tevlon. he was shot in his suv last year. brown said it was retribution for the u.s. military killing muslims. this is the first time a murder defendant has been charged with terrorism under the new york state law. the retrial of etan patz has been scheduled for next year. pedro hernandez's first trial ended in deadlock. 3 years ago, hernandez confessed to killing patz. his lawyers say he is mentally ill and his statements were fiction. happening today, benjamin netanyahu is taking his campaign to internet. he will be streaming live jerusalem. an update on a something dog stolen from an owner's driveway in new jersey. someone turned diamond into an animal shelter. the video shows the woman on saturday taking the dog. police are are looking for the suspect, but the dog has been returned. >> that's so good. still ahead a big change for amazon brim users. they are not paying rent or mortgage, and we work hard to keep our communities nice. a community outrage after unexpected neighbors moved in for free. what this pro surfer is doing to help in the shark attack victim. we have active weather this morning, and the thunderstorms are pushing through the islands. community will fall tomorrow, and you will see traffic and weather on the2s, coming up. welcome back to cbs 2 news this morning. we have rain out there and also some thunder, and we saw lightning as well. 4:41, and we will check your weather in a moment. firefighters are work aggressively to get a raging fire that jumped the highway under control. highway 20 was a buffer between the wild fire and the thousands threatening. it's now grown to 97 square miles, and it keeps on growing. baltimore. look at these pictures, and you can see the firefighters trying desperately to bring all of that under control. time now 4:42. time for traffic and weather on the 2s, and john, we have rain out here this morning, but it will move out, huh? the worst of it is going on right now. the severe thunderstorm warning for suffolk county until 5:15. we will show you that cell in a second this is interesting this is david taylor reporting for duty. the problem with the storms, pushing through bayonne, he had rain fall rates of an inch and a half per hour. it didn't rain for an hour, but we will see the heavy rain and the potential for flooding pushing through long island. it's mild for laura in westwood. i like the updated picture, lauer. -- laura. i appreciate that. the relative humidity is at 66%. notice the reading is anonymous in the city. the numbers today will be above normal. 86 for lunchtime, feeling almost like 90. 90 the high, and with the humidity, feeling warmer. rockland, westchester, in through putnam and fairfield county. we have a warning for suffolk county until 5:15. it's the rain fall rate affiliated with the storm, the gusty winds around it, and it's the flash of lightning, and we have had quite a bit of lightning with the storms, and it's just now crossing into the hudson and westchester county. look at one cell in fairfield county. the only warning is suffolk county. you get a sense of it, the break, the showers, and then the popup variety into the afternoon. 7:30, for more commuters, there's better news, and then you will see just the variety you expect in the summertime with a few popup individual storms that could be strong. a leftover cloud or two with humidity starting to drop, and then a low is approaching thursday into friday. every model run will slow it down. it looks like friday will be the wetter of the next few days. popup storm in the afternoon, 71, and then wednesday, with the northwest wind filling in, it's shaping up. cloudsover head, breezy at times, and it feels good. thursday, the slow-moving low ushering in the the chance of rain. notice we are cooler into the first half of the weekend as well. if you have to get to work early, there's a few headaches. >> hopefully it clears before you get out there. one lane on the major deegan at the yankee stadium, delays back to 149th street. an accident blocking the belt parkway. delays back to what pennsylvania avenue. an overturned truck is blocking two lanes on the northbound bqe, and delays back to the williamsburg bridge. at least one lane is blocked on the southbound side. a reminder to call that alternate-side parking rule. in effect. and alternate-side parking is underway. the excon accused of killing a memphis police officer is now in custody after surrendering yesterday. the jury in the james holmes trial continued to hear from family members of the victims yesterday. they decided the get penalty remains an option. in new hampshire, all the criticism has been blamed on republicans, not each other. noticeably absent last night, donald trump. losses on monday, and sharp prices weighed down wall street. the nasdaq slipped 13, and the s&p 500 shares dropped yesterday at the end of closing, the lowest closing price for twitter since it went public. investors are concerned that the company is not growing fast enough to thrive. a slight change in shipping for amazon prime. they are limiting the number of people who can share the benefit. before august prime members could extend the offer up to four different addresses, but now it's for one adult or up to four children. emily smith has the story on squatters. >> reporter: you have a well- maintained home like it, next door to the home abandoned 5 years ago with garbage piled up on the side and garbage piling up on the side. >> they do have cable tv, electric, and water, and when we called the companies to find out how can you give someone that in the house, they said all we have to do is give a social security card. >> reporter: no one answered, but navy base insist four adulthoods and seven children live here and no one is doing anyplace anything about it. >> i can get very limited information, and i believe the town should be able to get information on these people. >> reporter: we called the town of brookhaven, and the town technically belongs to ramos. it had been boarded up in may. ken mollin says that wells fargo plans to take ownership, eventually selling the home. >> reporter: we called the department several times and their attorneys, but we didn't get a return call. >> only person with the right to evict these people is the homeowner, and he just doesn't care. >> reporter: this is is a squatter's paradise. this neighbor fears the current residents it could harmful and don't belong here. >> they are there illegally. theyson be there we work hard to keep our homes nice, and we work hard to pay our bills, and these people just come in and go into a home without anything. >> we saw someone move the curtain to look outside, but no one answered the door. >> reporter: this could be a case of professional squatters. they will likely take up resident until the police come and then they will take over another town. the town say the they have to cork in conjunction with the police be a reason to approach the current residents. still to come this morning, too busy toe plan your next male? -- your next meal? mary, there's an app for that. we will check weather and traffic on the 2s coming up after this well after narrowly escaping two shark attacks himself, nick fanning decided to donate his entire fortune to a swimmer who was not as fortunate. it helped to paid for two surgeries he needed after coming into contact with a great white in australia. manning said that lee's attack left him absolutely shattered. >> the video of the shark coming in and attacking the man on live tv, that was unbelievable. >> yeah, forget it. it left me ready to put the board in the garage for good. >> i'm a surfer dude. we have some severe weather to tell you about. the north suffolk this warning is in effect until 5:15, and this is why. what a monster. knocking on commack's door, and frequent lightning, another active cell to the north, and around danbury, they have a great, and then another round, off to the west, and you can follow the front around the lakes, and there's cool, comfortable air, but it's going to be hot and steamy again today, and again today, high rip current risks, and make sure you're playing it safe if you're going to the beach. >> john, thank you so much. >> hi, meg. an overturned truck has all lanes closed on the northbound bqe. delays back to the williamsburg bridge. at least one side is blocked for the emergency vehicles. also in brooklyn, an accident on the westbound belt parkway, and delays are back to pennsylvania avenue. in the bronx, an accident blocks one lane on the northbound major deegan at the yankee stadium. a reminder to call, alternate- side rules in effect citywide today rules in effect citywide. amy schumer takes a stance on gun violence with the help of her course anyone congress. a quick way to plan your next meal. solution the for those with no time to cook. cbs 2 news continues in a moment. every cup has a story. dunkin' k-cup packs in my life were a good fit. a single serving for myself, it's pretty special. it is like having a dunkin' store in my home which is what i've always dreamed of. bring home delicious dunkin' k-cup packs today. your coffee, your dunkin'. busy day, huh? yup. our annual clearance event really brings 'em in. i can barely keep up by myself. 0% apr financing. tons of amazing inventory. only happens once a year. hmm, hologram number 17 seems to have gone rogue. i'm the real jan now! 0%! 0%! at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing on a 2015rav 4, offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit it's all yours. thanks, jan. toyota. let's go places. . welcome back to cbs 2 news this morning on this tuesday, the 4th of august. rainy out there right now, and things will be clearing up, and johnny will have more coming up. planning what to have for dinner can be a daunting task. >> but there's apps that could make meal planning easier. >> reporter: cook smarts makes meal planning easier, and each week you get a complete meal plan for the week with a complete grocery list and how to prepare the dinner, and there's dietary alternatives including sree began. pepper plate will let you organize your recipes into male plans including customize the recipes, and then it goes into cook mode to keep your screen free. dinner in a box options with ready-to-cook meals like blue apron, hello fresh, and plated. >> it's about $60 a week for some of the meals, and the other apps, you do the shopping yourself, and zip list will give you coupons as well. >> dinner in a box does not sound too appealing. >> yeah, but that's good. >> we could do that for sure. we are boxed in, and they extended the sequentially seem thunderstorm warning for suffolk county coming up. issues on the roads in brooklyn, and i will have details coming up. still ahead, the day's top stories. a suspect is on the loose, and we are live from the scene with that. a hit-and-run in harlem, the bicyclist was struck, and now we are seeing the video that just drove away. spoiler alert, after 15 years csi is going off the air, and the finale will include seconds. it's 5:00, 76 degrees, and severe weather for parts of our area on this tuesday, august 4th. after a stormy start to the morning, it's expected to clear up and temperature the hitting the 90s today. good morning, i'm mary calvi. and i'm chris wragge. first, here's what is new this morning. >> we are following breaking news in new jersey. a shooting outside of a concert at pnc. a suspect is still on the loose, and we will have a live report and hear from a witness. >> i'm just very concerned. we are praying, they are praying, everyone is praying. the death toll from the legionnaires' outbreak is now at seven. more after this. the flaps were open, not tied down or anything. they were going crazy. >> two people killed after a tent klanss at circus performance in new hampshire. we will hear more from witnesses coming up. >> they don't respond, never answer or nothing, so they call in the helicopter. four people pulled from the water after nearly drowning. >> maybe the worst part about this, there's a way to stop the shooting. >> reporter: a man opened fire during the showing of amy schumer's new movie "train wreck" and she is getting help from an influential member of the senate. rumors are swirling about another famous couple. those stories coming up. 5:02, traffic and weather on the 2s. it's suffolk county, and we will dive right into the advisory. it's been extended until 5:45. this is moving to the east, northeast at 30 miles an hour. here it comes, i mean a big lightning show. the potential is there for localized flooding, and there could be damages winds around the storm, and just enough to meet the severe thresholds. that's the active weather, and there's a heck of a lightning snow and look to the west. there's another shower rumbling through. in the city, the morning rain giving away to brighter skies. 90 feels warmer today for your high with the pop up-- popup showers possible this afternoon. >> with the weather, take caution on the road. let's look in the bronx, an accident blocks one lane on the northbound major deegan at yankee stadium. now, take a look in brooklyn. an accident blocks the westbound belt parkway, and delays stretch back to pennsylvania avenue there. an overturned truck has all lanes on the major bqe at metropolitan avenue with delays back to the williamsburg brim. one lane is blocked on the southbound side with emergency vehicles. alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. >> now to break news in new jersey. a gunman on the loose after opening fire at a hip hop concert. >> two people were wounded, and janelle burrell is live with more. >> reporter: chris, i spoke with one of the police investigators a short time ago, and they are called off the search for now. they were out here all night searching for the lone gunman who they believe ran into the woods after the shooting. we want to show you a photo taken by a witness of one of the victims as police were assisting him here. state police say the shooting was around 11:14 last night in parking lot 4 of the pnc art center after the concert headlined by big sean and cole. it was after an argument and calls of shots fired. we spoke to one of the witnesses by phone. he asked we not use his last name, but said at first people thought the shots were fire crackers, and when they realized they were bullets, they started to run, and one of the victims fell to the ground. >> we are not sure what happened before, but there was a puncture wound towards abdomen, probably from the bullet, and police were trying to take care of it as fast as panel. >> reporter: both victims were flown by medivac to jersey shore hospital. again, the lone gunman on the run this morning, and police are expected to return back here later today to continue their search. reporting live from homedale, new jersey, janelle burrell, cbs 2 news. more gun violence in the city to report. five people were shot and wounded in brooklyn late last night. it was on dwight street at redhook. one 19-year-old woman is in critical condition. the search is on for the gunman. new this morning, police released surveillance video of a car involved in hit-and-run in brooklyn. the man was struck by a red sea dan, and the cyclist hit the windshield, rolled off the hood, and on to the pavement. the cyclist is recovering after hospital. an update on the woman found dead in police custody last week. eric schneiderman's office is taking over the office. he was given the power to investigate and prosecute the killings under police custody. legionnaires' disease is still spreadings in the city. >> and today mayor de blasio will address the problem. ilana gold is live with more. >> reporter: the mayor will be at lincoln hospital to update the outbreak, and he says the city addressing the disease and coming up with a new plan to stop this from happening. >> we are very concerned. >> reporter: barbara's 40-year- old grandson con tracted legionnaires'. the form of black teary pneumonia put him in a coma. we are praying, everyone is praying for him. >> reporter: she was one of hundreds of people in the bronx museum of arts last night where the concerns were addressed regarding legionnaires'. >> reporter: since july legionnaires' has killed seven people, all were older adults with health problems. 81 others have contracted it, but it has been narrowed down to five locations where the cooling towers contain the bacteria and spread the disease. the towers have since been treated. >> these are used there commercial buildings as part of the air-conditioning system, ventslation systems or heating systems. >> reporter: the meeting filled to capacity fast. outside of the venn union, the health department met with people who couldn't get in, explaining symptoms and calming their fears. >> one of the supermarkets they said was infectedded, i get my produce from there. >> reporter: and they emphasized you can't catch it through food or person-to- person contacted. you can only get it from the mist from the building's air- conditioning. >> reporter: one of the contaminated buildings here was the hospital, but it's been treated. ilana gold, cbs 2 news. a manhattan jury has awarded the families of two men who died a crane collapse accident $48 million in punitive damages. james loma was order to pay for the deaths of the two construction workers in may 2008. prosecutors blamed him for using cheap and inferior replace. parts. last week the families were awarded $48 million in compensatory damages. coming up, nets' mania. we have you covered. amy schumer calls for new shooting laws, and how her cousin in congress may be able to help. more on the deadly tend collapse at a circus performance. we will hear from those who made it out just in time. a hint of a break overhead, and keep it light and comfortable today as far as what to wear. you need an umbrella at times and still need the shades. the severe thunderstorm warning to the east, and we will have details coming up on the2s. switch now, new york and get installed as early as today. mom switched. we switched. i switched to time warner cable and knew exactly when they were coming. thanks to their 1 hour appointment window. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100 meg internet, hundreds of hd channels, and unlimited calling to the u.s., puerto rico, canada, mexico, china and india. and for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card plus tv equipment and epix included. get installed for free as early as today. call 1-800-341-9716. severe weather is still affecting parts of our area, and it was like a wake of thunder last night. >> i tell you, it's like a lightning show for suffolk county and fairfield county as well. in the city right now, the view from the empire state building shows the top of the screen. did you see that? there will be breaks, and that's the order of the day today. a lot of sun, but popup showers this afternoon. some of the worse weather going on right now. winds are calm. relative hue marylandty at 87%, and that's the reading out of the park. down through the hamptons, 76, 77. and look at mineola. that's when the pouring rain was pushing through. 67 and 72 in the city. the warning means it's happening right now, and here's what is happening right now. look at this thing! it's nasty for the north shore, and watch out waiting river. your time is coming. mike will have a storm waking up the kids. that's why the warning is in effect for another half an hour. it's moving at 45 miles an hour. the forward momentum is pushing that through. a burst of heavy rain for the north shore, and it raced through oyster pay and then northern showers will fill in, and then we will see a break and just a few isolated showers this afternoon, and just running the numbers, computer- driven estimates, and parts are seeing up to 2-inches of rain with the isolated storms pushing through, and that will be the same sequentially vary know playing out for the island right now, and that could lead to localized flooding. it's associated with the front pushing through today and the it will serve to push out the heat and humidity. wednesday is going to be a pretty day. seasonal numbers for august. thursday should be dry. we were talking about an approaching system, and now it looks like it's friday into saturday, and remember saturday morning, plans could still be dealing with leftover rain. 90 today. one in five chance to see an additional shower or storm this afternoon. obviously southwest wind at 5 to 20 it will be breezy again today. 71 overnight tonight, and then the shift in the wind. northwest wind is filling in less humid, and it will file comfortable with the high of 84. looking at nice weather, and it's friday. a 630% chance of rain. that's when we could see a soaking rain. 2 plus inches friday into saturday. we need it, but the timing is suspect for the first part of your weekend, and the drive right now? well meg baker is in for alex. here's what is going on in brooklyn. an overturned truck has only one lane getting by on the northbound bqe at metropolitan avenue. delays back past flushing avenue. one lane is blocked with the emergency vehicles, and delays back past mcginnis mewl saturday. the westbound belt parkway, delays stretching back to pennsylvania avenue. in the bronx, an accident blocked at least one lane on the northbound major deegan at yankee stadium. reminder s alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. in new hampshire two are dead and nearly 2 dozen are hurt a circus sent collapsed in lancaster. >> reporter: severe storms swept through the area, and marley hall reports. >> reporter: the area is roped off with tape this morning as they investigate the tragic circus tent collapse. >> unfortunately two people lost their lives in the incident. >> reporter: brandon ishham was there for the first show of the day on monday when the heavy rain move ever moved in. >> the flaps on the side of the tent were open and not tied down to poles or anything. they were going crazy, and people who were part of the circus just yelled run. >> reporter: dozen others are being treated for various injuries. ishham's 4-year-old son bentley was treated and released after a peel hilt his eye. >> i had to run to the car then. >> reporter: the power isful storm moving through the area was packing 60-mile an hour winds, hail, and lightning. officials will look into the conditions and the tent setup as part of the investigation. so far officials with walker brothers international have yet to comment on the incident. marley hall, lancaster. a federal lawsuit has been filed against an officer who is seen on video handcuffing a child. the aclu says the child suffered pain and suffering after the handcuffs were locked behind his back on his upper arms. the lawsuit says he and another girl were being punished for behavior associated to their adhd. on sunday, a boat's engine and steering controls were destroyed and the oil line was cut. debate is brewing over new headquarters. >> we are don't believe the village itself was involved, but sometimes when you're the leader of the village and set the tone, you have a crazy group reading into the that and they take action into their own hands. >> officials are reviewing surveillance video of the dock area with the suffolk county police department. amy schumer is teaming one her cousin to call for new gun control legislation. it follows the recent movie theater shooting donated. >> we will never know why people choose to do these painful things but sadly we always find out how. how the shooter got their gun it's often medical something that should not have happened in the first place. >> a gunman opened fire in louisiana during the opening showing of "train wreck." senator schumer is propositiving legislation to improve background checks. the time now is 5:19. meet the man who unfortunately shares the same name as the man who killed cecil the lion. one couple is filing for divorce and another is defending their marriage. >> more when we come back with weather and traffic on the 2s. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. 5:22. let's get to traffic and weather on the2s. look who is here. >> there's the problem spot. it's been trimmed. we have been tracking the the severe thunderstorm through suffolk county, and it's in indicate until 5:45. talking to mike here, our resident suffolk county man. riverhead, you're tapping into the this. gusty winds affiliated with the storm as well, and then down through dicks hills, a break, and a few more showers will fill in this afternoon with the heal heat of the day. you will see sun as well. 90 with the humidity is feeling warmer, and still sticky before we see the humidity relief on wednesday. definitely take it easy to the east, and other trouble spots, meg is in for alex. >> that's right, this is causing issues on the roads. the overturned truck with one lane getting by on the northbound bqe at metropolitan avenue and at least one lane is blocked on the southbound side with emergency vehicles, and delays back to the l.i.e. an accident blocking two lanes on the westbound belt parkway, delays back to pennsylvania avenue, and now to problems at east 180th street. uptown 5 trains are running with delays. alternate-side parking rules in effect. mets showed everyone why they are number one last night. >> the big place leading to the wig win overt marlins, and here's your cbs 2 sports update. >> reporter: today the yankees open up a series against the red sox, and the mets remain in miami, and they would love to repeat last night's glime game. the rookie hitting a milestone in style. it was a blast to one of the deepest parts in baseball, and he would have been in the story if not for sespadez. the the mets win 12-1, and they are alone in first in the nl east. that's your cbs 2 sports update. >> the mets are living up to their nickname, simply amazing, and with the big win last night, they are in first place. the sweep of the nationals was completed. the masterful start to pitching, and it was dangerous team. after years of history of success, the fans are loudly and proudly enjoying mets' mania. >> it feels great to know that the team you have been supporting for so long, they are finally reaching their potential. >> reporter: terry collins said fans will help a great deal in keeping the must be energized over the next 2 months. >> reporter: plenty of people energize here. >> it was funny saying recent success. of you. keep going, mets. drama in hollywood for two couples. >> but first spoiler alert for the csi fans. the gang is all back together. it's 2-hour special series anyonal lee. the original cast members tweeting from the set after more than 300 open codes. the crime drama is going off the air. the final episode will be sunday, september 27th right here on cbs 2. >> the original! how many different shows did it spin for csi? a lot of people are excited to see how they will wrap this up. no doubt that gwen stefani and her husband are getting a divorce. they will continue to be partners in parenthood. will and jada smith are shooting down divorce rumors. will ended up using social media and said not getting a divorce! and jada tweeted, my king has spoken. the couple has been married 17 years. >> i think that says enough. >> i will go with that comment from jada pickett smith. >> they are staying together. up next, the day's top stories. two people shot after a concert in new jersey. this morning, the gunman is still on the run. a live report coming up. the legionnaires' outbreak has killed seven people in the bronx and sickened 81 overs, and today the mayor is addressing the issue. a live report coming up. he lost a beloved book from his wife's childhood. how the author came to help right after this. hi. your daddy's getting a camry? yeah, i want him to have a really fun car. he's the best dad ever. best timing ever. it's our clearance event. here dad, it's for the car. who's the coolest kid ever? the truth is, in ten years that toyota will be mine. at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit you've invested wisely. thanks. toyota. let's go places. good morning. it's 5:30. 70degrees on this 4th of august. the heat is on for the rest of the day. good evening. i'm chris wragge. >> and i'm mary calvi. traffic and weather on the 2s coming up. >> but first, breaking news in new jersey. the search for the gunman who opened fire outside of a hiphop concert. >> janelle burrell is live in homedale with more. >> reporter: mary and chris, police called off their serch not too long ago after being here throughout the night, searching for the lone gunman still on the run this morning a few minutes ago, i spoke to one of the people who works on the ground here at pnc arts center, and he said a lot of people didn't realize what they were hearing were gun shots last night. we want to show you a photo from a witness at the scene, and you can see one of the witnesses being helped by emergency responders short shortly after the the shooting. last night it was triggered by an argument, and then the shots were fired. hitting two people, and we spoke to one of the witnesses on the phone, and he asked we not use his last name, but at first people thought the shots were fire crackers, and then he saw the debris father and mother to the ground. >> they were running the opposite way like towards the area that everyone just bolted. ateliers i thought it was fire crackers because of the sound of the gun, and after awhile we realized what had just begun, and we bombed. >> reporter: this morning both victims are in stable but critical condition. the gunman is still on the run. homedale, new jersey, janelle burrell, cbs 2 news. right now, time for traffic and weather on the 2s. john, what's going on today? >> severe weather causing power outages. 71,000 associated with the severe thunderstorm. the focus is to the east. the severe thunderstorm warning is farther to the east and has been extended until 6:15. another 45 minutes of this. what a mess and a lightning show. the power outages lead me to believe there's winds with this. the thunderstorm could have 65- mile an hour winds. torrential rain, and that's the big storm. weakening to the north, and the storms are filling in for central suffolk county, and around philly, another isolated thunderstorm, and then chris is right, heat and humidity are back up today. 90 in the city is feeling warmer, and could see a popup thunderstorm this afternoon, but exercise caution this morning, not only around the storm, but other trouble spot as well. meg is nor for alex. >> delays here back to pennsylvania avenue, and now, let's take a live look in brooklyn, and the northbound bqed lays back past flushing avenue, and one lane is blocked on the southbound side with emergency vehicles, and delays there are back to the l.i.e. look at staten island. the staten island expressway is very slow eastbound, due to construction from the goethals bridge out to victory boulevard. alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. more gun violence in the city, and five people were shot or wounded late last night in red hook. the victims are now at lutheran medical sent. a 19-year-old woman is in critical condition. the search continues for the gunman. legionnaires' disease has claimed the lives of seven people. residents are now on edge, and they will hear from the mayor today about what the city is doing. >> reporter: chris n a few hours the mayor will be here at lincoln hospital to address the outbreak, and he says the city has a new plan to stop this from happening. but the cdc sighs no need to panic. the disease can be treated. >> reporter: this woman's grandson has been put into a coma because he contracted legionnaires' disease. >> everyone is praying for him. >> ever she was one of hundreds last night at the bronx museum of the arts where health officials addressed concerns and answered questions. >> darkest areas show the highest number of cases. >> reporter: all victims were older adults with health problems, but officials say the outbreak is under control. they narrowed it down to five locations where thing towers contained the deadly bacteria, and the towers have since been treated. >> they are usually from commercial building as parking lot of the ventilation seasonals, air-conditions systemmens or heating systems. >> reporter: the meeting filled to capacity since. outside of the venue, the health department met with people who couldn't get in, explaining their sittoms and helping with their concerns. they emphasized you cannot catch the disease through food or person-to-person contact, you only get it from the water supply that works with air- conditioning. new legislation is designed to prevent outbreaks such as this. ilana gold, cbs 2 news. more danger at local beaches as crews rush to rescue four people in the rockaways yesterday. the fdny brought two girls out of the water at jacob riis beach. >> they gave them cpr, and they never respond or nothing. they took them to the hospital. a 62-year-old woman was stake ever taken out of the water and never respond. rip current desks are hang over the weekend. arraignment for the killing a new jersey teenager, charged with the murder of brendan tevlo n, and he was shot lasty, brown said it was retribution for the u.s. killing muslims this is the first time that a murder defendant has been charged with terrorism under new jersey state law. the new york state has reached a settlement to stop the sale of dangerous toy guns. retailers will stop selling the real-looking guns like these. they will pay over $300,000 in penalties and apply the strict rules statewide. the state prohibits the sale of black, blue, silver, or aluminum toy guns. the american jewish community will be addressed by benjamin netanyahu today over the iran nuclear deal. happening today, long island's nassau coliseum will be hosting the final garden at the coliseum today. the new complex will open in december of 2016. they always bring in billy to close the places down. >> yeah, that's right, sir. 5:39. still to come, new developments in the debt crisis in pure toe rico. how will it affect the markets when they open today. the gop candidates stated their case chasing trump and lincoln. >> on a holiday today, not a child in the pool. >> why one bergen county community say was the park needs to stay closed 3 day at week. we have severe weather to the east and the breaks in the styes over the city, and hot today. humidity will fall tomorrow, and more wet john elliott to wrap up the week. traffic and weather on the 2s coming up. taking a live look for you on long island 73 degrees, and powerful storms have led to power outages. 21,000 people are out across nassau and suffolk county. time now, 5:42. time for traffic and weather on the2s. john, we are talking about the lightning setting problems for us. >> reporter: the storms themselves around '60 miles an hour. we have had reports of hail, and it's busy out there i will show you the radar in a second. we will check with the weather watchers, and adrian there, 69, and he had rain and those thunderstorms rumbling through, and even john had a rumble of thunder a break now, but 66. around the area, it's very busy to the east, and then the possibility of a few more popup showers in the forecast later today, and the view in the city. there's definite of the clouds and the fact that you can seat clouds, that's a good sign. when you're in one of the storms, you don't see anything. the rain is practically horizontal. the severe thunderstorm warning for the north shore until 6:15. why? here's why. look at this monster. hail! damaging winds and this lightning show. it's very, very active. rain fall rates? excess of an inch an hour. a few more stragglers are pushing through, and you think you're done, and then bomb! the blast of reenforcing the heavy rain. a few more showers will fill in down around philly, and monmouth and ocean county, you plan on that that will likely hold together and push through, and then you will see the nice little ridge of high pressure nose in with the northwest winds tomorrow, and it will feel a lot better between now and 10 or 11. it's relatively quiet. the possibility of a few popup showers in the forecast this afternoon. wednesday, the northwest wind, and likely the dew points will be too low to support any rain, and thursday is looking good. it will probably be a close call of what is better wednesday into thursday, and then we will see the rain 90. after the fireworks, another hazy, hot day. the uv forecast is still up there, and sunscreen again today, and if you're going to the beach, please don't forget this, and you know what? if you have friends with you that don't watch tv or listen to radio, high rip current risks, too many stories coming out about folks struggling with this. some losing the ultimate battle. the moderate risk for the jersey shore, and remember, we still have the pull along the coast. today, busy, nice tomorrow, and it's soggy friday into the first part of your saturday. 5:45. mig is in for al lens, what's going on? >> reporter: be extra careful in you're in brooklyn. an overturned truck has only one at the northbound bqe at metro poll tran avenue. at least one lane is blocked on the southbound side with the emergency vehicles, and delays are back past the l.i.e. on staten island, the expressway is very slow, eastbound, due to an accident at 4:40 and construction from the goethals bridge out to victory boulevard. terrorist? >> meg, thank you. more than 10 this will dollars in state funding will help to make repairs. a section near bear mountain will be revamped this year, and another patch will be fixed the following here year. this is a rendering of the electronic collection system being installed for next year. drivers will be able to drive under the skeletal structure. cameras will take pictures of the license plate for those without, and they will get a bill. this is matt palmer, and he has been getting threats because of dr. walter palmer in minnesota who partook in an illegal lion hunt. she's tired of his oncall cell phone number of threats. it has been changed, and it's no longer pubically listed. a preview to the first debate of the season for the crowded republican field. from bush to walker, they each had 8 minute to make an appearance last night. the republicans never mentioned poll leader, donald trump who was a no show. >> governor christie and george pataki slammed president obama and hillary clinton. >> if the leaders of our country are failing the american people by not telling them the truth -- >> we should get rid of obama care and common core. >> reporter: republicans will face off in the first debate of the primary on thursday. ten candidates will be invited because of the popularity numbers. hena daniels is live at the stock exchange with more this morning. >> reporter: more earning reports are due today, including walt disney. the nasdaq dropped 12 points and the white house say nostril federal bail outplanned for puerto rico. the government failed to make the $58 million payout on the government's debt. the u.s. auto makers had a good month in july. general motors and fiat- chrysler saw 6% improvement in sales. delta and american airlines are banning hunting trophy shipments on their airlines after two american doctors are accused of killing the lions in allegedly illegal hunting. a modern nutrition drink that may stop your lunch hour. the algae-based business has been an alternative to food, and it has all the nutrients humans need. it frees customers for the crowded lunch lines. a case of 12 will run you $30. we will see if it's worth missing the meal. coming up. why the age some have children can affect their health. i always loved the book and held on it for forever. my mom passed way when i was 19. it was one of those sentimental items. >> but her husband put the prized book out for donation and the author stepping in to save the day. first, the cbs 2 morning score board. the mets hold on to first place, and they beat the marlins, and the nationals lost. [excited yelling] ah, yes! you can't stop it! aww...your mom liked my post. you're friends with my mother? whoa. another episode? definitely. we all use it differently. so why should we get it all the same way? call time warner cable to get the internet speed you need. are you guys texting each other? whether it's 3 megs or 300 megs. yeah. for the right price. from $14.99 everyday low price internet, to 300 meg ultra-fast internet, we have you covered. even with wifi at home and on the go. plans start at $14.99 per month. call 1-855-want twc to switch today. time warner cable. enjoy better. 5:52. let's get to traffic and weather on the 2s. >> dealing with the severe thunderstorm warning in effect until 6:15. i want to show you the new stats on the storm. it's moving at 55 miles an hour to the the east, northeast, and packing winds of 70 miles an hour. the north fork, i mean it's nasty. we have been telling you about the power outages, thousands without power because of the damaging winds, and reports of hail. a few more storms into central suffolk, and then there's light rain, bergen into passaic, and then the hot conditions today. 5:53 on this busy tuesday morning, and meg is in for alex. >> a new incident in woodbridge, and an accident blocks three lanes of the garden state parkway at 132. delays back to exit 130. stick with the new jersey turnpike there as an alternate. in brooklyn, all lanes are closed on the northbound bqe and metropolitan avenue, and delays are back past flushing avenue, and it's extremely heavy on the southbound side with the emergency vehicles, and the delays are back past the l.i.e., and alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. some new jersey residents want the padlocks off their local pool. the city of engalwood closed the pool on mondays, tuesday, and wednesdays, and they cited low attendant. the city is renting it out to a swim club and the ymca, but people living nearby say it should be for the local kids. >> other children come from neighboring towns and buss to enjoy our pool, and our kids can't come? that's ridiculous. >> people are rallying together to convince the city council to leave room in the budget to get the empty pool open and full next summer, 7 days a week. men who become dads before they are 22 had a higher risk of death than those who were first dads at 25 and 26. it may be because of the combined have stress of being a partner, father, and a breadwinner at such an early age. the author of a judy bloom book to the rescue. >> i cried. i was heart broken. >> reporter: a brooklyn woman desperate to find one of her most prized possessions. >> it was the last book i wanted to be in the freebie box. >> reporter: katie's husband filled the box with things to give away during a cleaning free while she was out of town. >> hopefully he didn't get rid of my judy bloom book. i have had it forever. >> reporter: somehow he tossed out the irreplaceable book. >> it was just one of those sent men fall items. my mom passed away when i was 19. >> it crush med, not as much as her, but i felt terrible. >> reporter: and then he made the flyers and posted them around the neighborhood. eventually the plea found its way to social media where it reached the author. she tweeted, trying to make contact with the husband who gave away wife's copy. and he tweeted back, i'm the terrible husband! thank you from the bottom of my heart! marriage saved! ever the book is still out there, and they still hope it will be returned. it has her name, 1991, and christmas, the inscription was written by her mother. valerie castro, cbs 2 news. >> lenny, lenny, lenny, don't give away your wife's things. >> that was nice she got in touch with them. maybe whoever took the book out of the street, will return it. >> lesson for you as a married man, don't throw anything away. >> reporter: guys, you can't throw away your stuff, either. don't do it. time now, 57:00. still to come, the latest fears over legionnaires' in the bronx, and what the city will do it about it. freak storm, a tent collapse that claimed two lives. beginning a new life with a nightmare move, and why a new homeowner is demanding a refund this. it's 6:00, 70 degrees on this tuesday, august 4th, and after a storm this morning, we are looking at more heat and humidity today, and a cooldown later in the week. good morning, i'm mary calvi. and i'm chris wragge. traffic and weather on the 2s in a moment, but first, here's what is new this morning. two people were critically wounded in homedale, new jersey, and witnesses said the gunman ran into the woods near the outdoor venue, and we are live from the scene with the latest. >> one of the supermarkets in concourse plaza they said was infected, i get my produce from there. >> the death toll is rising, and so is the latest concerns over the deadly legionnaires' disease. the mayor will update the city's response to the health scare. when i heard about the news, i was completely devastated, and i just wanted to go down to louisiana, and then i was angry. >> reporter: amy schumer is joining her cousin, charles schumer, calling for tighter gun control laws and background checks it comes after two were killed and another dozen were wounded in louisiana. dramatic efforts to save lives. this morning, the extra precautions being taken at riis beach and other city waterways. back to deep left field, and that's to the warning track. it's over the wall. >> the mets' big bat at the trading deadline, and his big impact. >> the fans are pumped up. >> last night at on the late the late show, it was a game of flinch, and all three said they think jeffrey tanburg is going to take the best actor in a television comedy. traffic and weather on the 2s, and john, take it away. >> reporter: one of the bigger topics, to the east. another hot and humid one, and to the west, light rain, and there's a severe thunderstorm warning for suffolk county and eastern suffolk, this is moving east, northeast at 45 to 50 miles an hour, and you're dealing with hail and frequent lightning as well. more showers closer to the city. it's going to be hot and humid, and it will have a few more popup storms later this afternoon. 6:03, meg baker is in for alex denis. a lot to deal with, right, meg? >> reporter: here's what you are getting into this morning. woodbridge, new jersey, an accident blocking three lanes on the northbound garden state parkway at 132, delays back to 130. you will want to stick with the new jersey turn bike as an alternate. in brooklyn, an overturned truck get by on the northbound bqe, and delays are back past flushing avenue. it's extremely heavy on the southbound side with the emergency vehicles with delays back it's a the l.i.e. the long island railroad issues this morning, expect delays on the westbound port jefferson trains due to a downed tree and power lines on the tracks, and alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. chris and mary? >> breaking news now, the severe weather causing power problems, and as many as 30,000 people on long island are without power, and that's according to the utility pse&g. the heavy rain poured down at times, and this is video of the lightning shot by ilana gold on her cell phone this is what they are experiencing right now. in new jersey, the search is on for a gunman who opened fire outside of a hip hop concert. >> janelle burrell is live from homedale with more. >> reporter: it happened in the parking lot behind me on the property of the p & c heart center. a lot of people didn't even realize what was happening at the time. we want to show you the video shot of one of the victims on the ground being helped by emergency responders shortly after the shooting. new jersey state police say it was shortly after 11:00 last night here in parking lot 4, and it reportedly began has an argument, and soon after, multiple shots were fired and two people were hit by bullets, and it's believed the shooter ran off through the parking lot. let's listen to one of the arena employees who describes what he heard. >> i was cleaning and doing my job, and everyone heard gun shots, like we heard four of them. we thought it was fire cracker going up, and then we heard five more, and everyone in the parking lot was running. the manager got on the walkietalkie and heard there were two wounded. >> reporter: both of the people shot were flown by medivac to jersey shore hospital. both are in critical but stable condition. police were out here on the grounds all night, but they called off their search about an hour ago, and they are expected to resume some time later today, searching for the shooter, still on the run this morning. reporting live from holmdel, new jersey, cbs 2 news. legionnaires' disease is still spreading, and seven people have died during recent weeks. >> ilana gold is live with more in the concourse section. >> reporter: today the mayor will be here at lincoln hospital to update the outbreak and said the city is addressing the issue, and they are coming up with a new plan to stop this from happening. >> we are very concerned. >> reporter: barbara says her 40-year-old grandson con tracted legionnaires' disease. it has put him in a coma. >> we are praying, everyone is is praying for him. >> reporter: one of many who packed into the town hall meeting where health officials answered questions. >> darkest areas show the most number of cases. >> reporter: since july legionnaires' has killed 7 people. all were older adults with health problems, and 81 others have contracted it, but officials say the outbreak is under control, narrowing it down to five locations where the cooling towers contained the bacteria. >> usually it's used for the air-conditioning systems or ventilation systems. >> reporter: the meeting filled up fast, and outside the health department met with people explaining symptoms and calming their fears. >> one of the supermarkets they said was infected, i get my produce from there. >> reporter: they emphasized you can't catch it through food or person-to-person contacted, only through breathing in the mist from the contaminated cooling towers that supply air- conditionings, and the health department sayings one of the contaminated towers was here at lincoln hospital, but it's been streeted. the mayor will speak at 11:30 this morning, and we will let you know what he has to say. ilana gold, cbs 2 news. on capitol hill, the senate blocked a republican effort to shut off the federal funds for planned parenthood, and it showed the video secretly recorded showing fetal issue is sometimes provided for researchers, and republicans were seven votes short of what was needed to move ahead with the effort. duodozen are dead and more -- two are dead, and dozens are injured after a circus tent collapsed in new hampshire. one man's son neated treedment after a pole hit his son's left eye. >> the flaps on the side of the tent, they were open, not tied down to any poles or anything. they were going crazy. >> officials will look into the tent's setup as part of the investigation. the show was supposed to move on to vermont today, on the website, walker brothers is still offering tickets for the event. the time now, 6:09. amy schumer is joining with her cousin to call for tougher gun control laws. how a dream move into the suburbs turned into a nightmare for one local family. why the company says they are not pay up. there could be danger in the open on this hot day. we have starting with severe weather east of the city. we will have updates and show you the damage it's already caused and tell you what you should be doing tonight. traffic and weather on the2s, coming up. time now is 6:12, and time for weather and traffic on the2s. john is busy in the weather center. all kinds of stuff to the east. our weather watchers are watching this, and it's 65. psychiatrist getting a break right now, clouds overhead, and interesting history. on this day in history, jones beach in new york city opened. did you know it's coast guard day today? that's why i'm wearing my coast guard colors, founded on this day in 1790 by george washington. steve in riverhead has nasty storms, and the winds affiliated with this thing, winds at 70 miles an hour. estimated at 70 miles an hour, and it's moving forward at 50 miles an hour. you can see the rain on the horizon, and the hint of pink, and there's breaks in the area as well. a whole buffet of weather today. the southwest winds at 3 miles an hour. relative humidity, 87%. let's review, severe thunderstorm warning in effect for the next few minutes. it's wrapping up. it's not that it is losing the energy. it's flying out of here. more over the sound and into connecticut and rhode island, where they are dealing with the worth of it the north fork to around montauk, and you're dealing with the gusty winds and thousands without power. rain filling in staten island through brooklyn, and into monmouth county, and then heavier rain, and you're seeing breaks. sullivan and ulster, a nice sunrise, and there's a front pushing through. you have the heat, and the heat will be knocked out, and a nice day tomorrow, there's clouds racing by overhead, and it's a northwest wind, and it will be less humid, and it should be brighter as well. we should be dry on thursday, but there's the potential mess headed our way friday into saturday. i say mess in the sense it's a longer term event, and we could see over 2 inches of rain, and the timing will be rough to start your weekend, and it will likely linger into saturday. your day today, starting with storms, and then steamy sun, and 90, feeling warmer with the higher dew points, a leftover passing shower or thunderstorm, and then 71, and remember, tonight is national night out. the first tuesday in august, leave the light on, get to know your neighborhood and your neighbors. we have been doing this since 1981. 60,000 communities doing it, maybe yours. thursday, staying nice, cooler, and then it's soggy friday into saturday, and and it's soggy and slow out there, and meg in in for alex. >> hi, john, thank you. this weather is causing issues for commuters on the roads and on the rails, and let's look at what you're getting into in woodbridge, new jersey, the garden state parkway at 132, delays back to 129 now. in brooklyn, an overturned truck has two lanes closed on the northbound bqe and metropolitan avenue. heavy delays back past to the manhattan bridge, and it's extremely heavy with the emergency vehicles blocking one lane and delays back to queens boulevard. the long island railroad issues as well. the port jefferson branch is suspended in both direction on the entire line because of a downed tree and wires, and passengers are advised to use the ronkonkoma or montauk branches, and alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. a manhattan jury awarded the families of two men who died in a crane collapse accident $48 million in punitive damages. the jury ordered james ulman and his company to pay for the deaths of two workers for may 2008 when the crane collapsed. prosecutors said he used cheap and inferior replacement reports. last week the same families were ordered $48 million in compensatory damages. in connecticut. the victims of the 2012 shooting have reach a settlement with the estate of nancy lanza for 1.2 million. bella and her little brother, and her parents are celebrating by moving into the their first home. >> the mover broke my bed, and i'm sad. >> reporter: the dream move did not go well. bella's bed is splitterred. ma stress torn by box cutters. >> they never wrapped the cribs or my ma -- mattresses for my children. >> reporter: the family says joy turned to sorrow. >> i took it out and heard more crunching and then another and another, and i burst into tears. >> this is one of my francis bowls. >> reporter: you paid to have everything taken apart and wrapped? >> i. did >> reporter: did you have a relationship with them at all? >> when they first got there, they seemed great. >> reporter: when the movers seemed behind schedule. >> who is going to fix the refrigerator, you to put the doors on. >> reporter: this may have been the result. >> comes right off. >> reporter: what do you think happened here? they hired bayshore moving and storage because it was an a plus business by the better business bureau. >> we regret that this move was not handled to the family's complete satisfaction. >> definitely i would like to recoop my losses. we paid 1980 with the deposit. >> reporter: the company cannot refund the move. they must file individual claim forms for each damaged item. >> reporter: the family says it will take weeks, hoping the company will stand by the claims. jennifer mclogan, cbs 2 news. and the new york state department of transportation says the complaints can be lodged with them, and companies can be forced to rebate losses even without receipts. >> they are the proof right there. highlights are coming up in sports. one of the most popular soft drinks in the country, but what does diet coke do to your body? we will take a closer look. >> the dow jones falling 91 points, and the s&p 500 lost 5.8. come to sesame place before little kids become big kids. and celebrate our 35th birthday with our new neighborhood birthday party parade. save $10 on admission and get a free 2nd visit at sesame place. go before they grow. [sfx: bell] [burke] it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you may find. [burke] like how you thought you were covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] but you're not even covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] or how you may be covered for this... [burke] but not for something like this... [burke] talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. [sfx: yeti noise] we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum concern this morning after a new tourist hot spot after a visitor suffers burns on the trip to the high bridge. >> tara works here for cbs 2, and she was burned on the palm of her hand last week climbing the steep staircase to the manhattan bridge. our surface thermometer showed it at 126 degrees. >> hot stuff! hopefully tara's hand is getting better, too. >> i saw her this weekend and she had the silverdean all over it. it hurts. >> she's tough. no long aerosevere thunderstorm warning. it the storm has raced out of our area. wind damage as well. thousands without power, and light rain through brooklyn and queens into the bronx and down into monmouth county and ocean county, and heavier rain, and then we will see the turn around. today 90, feeling warmer with the higher dew points, and you're going to feel it but the numbers will be going down, and 90 is above normal. 84 is the normal. sun is setting at 8:08, and then the sun is setting on the humidity, feeling better, and one quick reminder f -- if you're going to the beach, high rip current risk today. big problems on the roads? >> yeah, and the rails are affected by this in woodbridge, new jersey, three lanes on the northbound garden state parkway blocked at 132. delays now back to 129, and now in brooklyn, an overturned truck has two lanes closed on the bq e, and heavy delays to the bridge. emergency vehicles are blocking one lane. delays back to queens boulevard. issues on long island railroad. will be up if you're taking this, port jefferson branch is suspended in both directions on the entire line because of a downed tree and wires, and passengers are advised to use the ronkonkoma or montauk branches. >> meg, thank you. ready to talk about sports now? >> time for your sports update, and there's two first place team in the city. the only one getting all the press right now, from queens. the rookie, look at this. getting around this one, and this is his first home run, and that's the top of the 2nd right there, and the mets are on the way. it's worth 3-3, and the big trade paying off. number 5 2, nice necklace, occasion. just missing the 3-run homer game. the mets are up 5-0, and and they are cruising, and then the recently not traded flores. no tears here. the mets break it open with the done. his third double of the game tieing the franchise record for the most in a game. it was 10-0 mets after 6, and they roll bartolo colon who smells marvelous, and he gets his first win since the 10th of june. a 12-10 final for the mets last night. a nuance to the age old question, why are women always cold at work. mary, i know you can relate. i like it at 60 in here. last week it was a can of coke, and now the diet version. the damage is the same of all diet soda. it shows what happens to the body an hour after consuming the diet problem. problems with teeth enamel, and there's a release of insulin adding the body to store fat and adding to the addiction as well. a cold hard facts to why women complain they are freezing at work. mary, you never complain. researchers found most office buildings temperatures use the decades old model, but it's based on a 40-year-old man weighing 154 pounds, and since women typically have slower metabolic rates, the thermal comfort model may be off by 35%. >> change the model. please help us out. up next, while you were sleeping, a big storm moved through the area, leaving power outages with as many as 30,000 throughout the island. a concert venue with safety issues in the past had a shooting, and now police are searching for the suspects. a happy ending for a precious pet stolen from a new jersey driveway. we have the happy ending today here on cbs 2 this morning. hi. your daddy's getting a camry? yeah, i want him to have a really fun car. he's the best dad ever. best timing ever. it's our clearance event. here dad, it's for the car. who's the coolest kid ever? the truth is, in ten years that toyota will be mine. at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit you've invested wisely. thanks. toyota. let's go places. it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. 6:30, 69 degrees on this tuesday morning, august 4th, and we have heat and humidity to deal with this morning, and some wet weather is headed our way as well for the end of the week. traffic and weather on the 2s coming up. first, breaking news, severe weather this morning causing power problems, and as many as 30,000 people on long island are without power at this time, and that's according to pse&g. many trees are down. thunder and lightning moved through the area at times, and this video was shot by ilana gold on her cell phone. john elliott also took video on his cell phone, and you can see there. still, parts of our area have a severe warning at this time. two people were shot with a gunman on the loose in new jersey and it happen at hip hop concert. >> janelle burrell is live in holmdel. >> reporter: parking lot 4, the shots were fired late last night, following the concert put on by jay cole and big sean. a photo from one of the witnesses on the scene. the person is being helped by first responders. the shooting reportedly began as an argument, ending with multiple shots fired by, they believe a single gunman, and we spoke by phone with one of the people who saw it happened, and he asked we not use his last name, but he said at first people didn't realize what they were hearing were gun shots. >> they all ran the opposite way towards the actual arena, and the shooting was in the parking lot. everyone just bolted. at first i thought it was fire crackers, and then it was -- like after awhile, we realized it was a gun, and we just bolted. >> reporter: and now both people who were shot were flown by medivac to jersey shore hospital. both this morning in critical but stable condition, and police were out here all night, and we saw a group back here this morning, and they can will resume the search some time later today. reporting live from holmdel, new jersey, janelle burrell, cbs 2 news. time for traffic and weather on the2s, and john haps the rain -- has the rain moving out of the area. >> reporter: we are dealing with showers in the area, and you can get a sense of the city and the breaks later will usher in the sun and the heat and humidity will be basket the current observation in the city, 69. the southwest wind, and that's the engine that will bringing in the heat. light rain through nassau saw county, into brooklyn and queens, and you can see it hold together monmouth through ocean county. the storm that was 70 miles an hour, moving at 50 miles an hour. that's why we saw so many degrees town, and 90 will feel warmer with the high dew points today. we will get you ready for your menu today and also talk about rain for the end of the week. right now, 6:33, and we are checking in with meg. >> thank you, john, new jersey, brooklyn, and long island, issues affecting your commute. in woodbridge, new jersey, exit 132, and delays are back to 129. let's take a live look in brooklyn, an overturned truck has both lanes closed on bqe. heavy delays back past to the brooklyn bridge, and it's extremely heavy on the southbound side with the emergency vehicles blocking one lane. delays back to queens boulevard, and now some issues on long island railroad. the port jefferson branch is suspended in both directions on the entire line because of a downed tree and wires west of stony point. alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. if you're headed to the airport, all on or close at jfk, laguardia, and newark liberty. happening today, we will hear from mayor de blasio about what the city is going to do about the legionnaires' disease in the bronx. >> seven have already died and dozens more are sickened. >> reporter: mary n a few hours, the mayor will be at lincoln hospital to address the outbreak. he says the city is taking it very seriously with a plan to stop it from happening in the future. so many concerns from the south bronx. health officials answered questions and tried to calm their fears. legionnaires' has killed seven people since july. all were older adults with health problems. it's a form of bacteria pneumonia, and they have narrowed down the sources to five locations, and the cooling towers were contaminated with the bacteria and spread the disease. the towers have now been treated. >> they are from usually commercial buildings as part of the air-conditioning systems, ventilation systems or heating systems. >> reporter: and the health department says you can only get legionnaires' disease if you please in mist from the contaminated tower, not from person-to-person contact. but the health department says you prevent and treat the disease. live in the bronx this morning, ilana gold, cbs 2 news. >> ilana, thank you. yesterday the fdny took two girls out of the water at jacob riis state park after they nearly drown, and they were rushed to a nearby hospital. >> they don't respond, and they were given cpr, and they never answered or nothing. they take them by helicopter. >> reporter: earlier mt. day, a 62-year-old woman was taken out of the water unconscious after nearly drowning. rip currents are blamed for the deaths of two men over the weekend. the accused killer of a teenager after brown was indicted last month, charged with the murder over brendan tevlon. -shot in his suv last year. brown reportedly said it was retribution for the u.s. military killing muslims, and he's facing terrorism charges. it was the first time a murder defendant has been charged with terrorism under new jersey states law. police have released surveillance video of the car involved in a nun harlem. the victim's bike was managed after being hit by a driver. the cyclist hit the windshield, rolled off the hood and then hit the pavement. the 57-year-old cyclist is recovering after undergoing surgery at harlem hospital. police are searching for a man responsible for a bias attack on sunday afternoon. the man in this photo went into prince street and started to shout antigay slurs. after they got into a verbal altercation, the man was struck in the face. one of the victims said they are doing okay, adding they refuse to be victims and are thankful they can defend themselves. benjamin netanyahu will be discussing the iran nuclear deal and its implications on the world around 1:00 in afternoon. a vote was held to try to cut funding for planned parenthood after a video tape that was secretly recorded was released showing planned parenthood sometimes sell the fetal tissue. the next trial for pedro hernandez will be scheduled for february it will give the new prosecutor time to prepare. the attorney for hernandez opposes that saying his client has been jailed long enough. >> we just believe that the evidence listened to by a fair and impartial jury does not reach the level it needs to. >> reporter: in may one holdout juror refused to convict. still to come, new information from the police shooting in cincinnati that has an officer facing murder charges. one week after a shooting at a movie theater showing her comedy, amy schumer stands by her senator cousin to call for action. >> it was the last book i wanted to be in the freebie box. >> the sentimental keepsake was mistakenly given away. the author is trying to help the brooklyn couple get their book back. and a happy ending for this pet stolen from its home. good morning, and welcome back here at 6:42. 69degrees, beautiful sunrise right there. and it was a rough start to the day. rain, and power outages. pse&g reporting 34,000 right now. if you have any damage in your local residence, please feel free to tweet us pictures now that it's light out there. 6:42, bringing in john. the heavy stuff has moved out, and now just spotty showers in the area, right? >> 70-mile an hour winds, and it was moving at 55 miles an hour, and that's why you had so much wind damage. right now, just light shower. a pop upshower in the forecast for later today. pace yourself. the little umbrella was no match for the horizontal winds this morning. we will get ready for another nice day on wednesday. it's barbecue spare ribs day and cesar salad and chocolate day. there's the whole menu. 70 in rye right now. north and west, through the lakes, it's cooler. cooler drier air is waiting to take over for tomorrow. in the city today, 86 by lunchtime, and 90 the high this afternoon, and it will feel warmer than that with the higher dew points, and not a heat advisory for anything like that, but a somewhat steamy day. it's wet and gray right now, but the sun is coming out. uv forecast is an 8. the burn time, 15 to 20 minutes, and that was the severe storm that pushed through the area, clearing the twin forks, light rain for nassau county, and look at storms now exiting monmouth and ocean, and everything is moving so quickly. sullivan county, a storm coming on board, and this is the more comfortable air mass taking over for wednesday. your day today, 90, and that's too much heat, and maybe you could see "frozen" as the performing arts center in west orange. that's fun for the kids. tomorrow, tomorrow, nice, less humid, and we will see clouds overhead, and 8 5, and then, now the setup for friday into saturday, the area of low pressure trending to the south, and that's the soaking rain on friday, through a good part of your saturday, and remember that. saturday morning, plan is somewhat in jeopardy. a stormy start to the day today, looking forward to the pick of the week on wednesday, and 6:44, almost a quarter to 7. meg baker is in for alex with traffic. >> reporter: first an accident in new city, and there's an accident on the palisades parkway, and an overturned vehicle will block the southbound palisades parkway approaching 10, delays back to exit 11, and now a live look after 2 hours. an accident on the northbound bqe at metropolitan avenue has cleared. however, we have heavy delays back to the gowanus, and extremely heavy on the southbound side. delays back to northern boulevard, and now the long island railroad, there's issues there. the port jefferson branch is suspended in both directions between port jefferson and huntington because of a downed tree and wires west of stonybrook. it's advised you use the ronkonkoma or montauk branches. chris and mary? we have breaking news for you. more gun violence in the city. five people were shot on dwight street and redhook. one victim a19-year-old woman is in critical condition, and the search is on for the gunman. actress amy schumer teaming up with charles schumer to call for new gun legislation following a recent shooting down south. >> we will never know why people choose to do the painful things, but sadly we always find out how, how the shooter got their gun, and it's often something that should not have happened in the first place. >> a gunman opened fire in louisiana during her new movie, "train wreck" two were killed and duodozen were injured. ellen said i support you and i love you. thank you for speak up for gun control today. the coroner investigating the case of the death of a man says the bottle with him contained no alcohol. the officer has been charged with murder now. 14 republicans for bush to walker, each having 8 minutes to make an impression in new hampshire last night, and the republicans never mentioned poll leader, donald trump who was a no-show, instead governor christie and george pataki pushed the conservative hot button issues and slammed president obama and hillary clinton. >> if the leaders of our american country are afraid of the american people, they are not telling them the truth. >> we should get rid of obama care and common core. >> ten candidates will then be invited to another debate after the top ten are reviewed. surveillance video shows this woman identified as yvonna dominguez going through a room that was locked and told was offlimits. she made off with over $35,000. air b&b has a $1 million insurance policy that covers its hoes. the p.m. rain january has been reunited with its owner. the owner of the pooch, named diamond says someone turned the dog in the woman is shown walking up the driveway in hackensack on saturday and taking the dog. police are still looking for the suspect. the time now, 6:48. still to come, the native son about to give nassau coliseum the perfect sendoff. how one author was able to ease a couple's situation. today the yankees open up against the redsox and the mettle remain in miami. they would love to repeat last night's game. they are now alone in first place. every cup has a story. dunkin' k-cup packs in my life were a good fit. a single serving for myself, it's pretty special. it is like having a dunkin' store in my home which is what i've always dreamed of. bring home delicious dunkin' k-cup packs today. your coffee, your dunkin'. flonase allergy relief, the only otc nasal spray approved to relieve nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance, flonase controls six. see the world in a whole new light. flonase, this changes everything. good morning and welcome back. we continue to follow breaking news of severe weather around long island. trees down in suffolk county, and as many as 34,000 are without power, and that's according to the utility company, and the l.i.r.r. rider the are advised to use the ronkonkoma lane this morning. this home and this tree, obviously considerable damage, and johnny, talking about 70- mile an hour winds moving through the area, moving at 55 miles an hour, and it was a fast-moving storm. johnny, give us an update. >> you can see the beautiful old tree, and then all of the beautiful old tree with the damage. the national weather service posted this in affiliation with the storm, and the forward movement, anywhere from 45 to 55 miles an hour, and it's out of here. we can assess the damage, and it's light rain right now filling in on the county line, and a few more isolated showers or storms filling in later today in the city. the possibility of a passing shower, and the odds are low, the numbers will not be. shooting for 90, feeling lower than that. the rain will return late thursday into friday, and you can only imagine getting-around headaches. meg is in for alex. that's right, the weather is affecting the community this morning. the port jefferson branch suspended in both directions between port jefferson and huntington because of a downed tree and wires west of stoney brook. and now in new city, the right lane blocked on the southbound palisades parkway, and you approach exit 10, and delays back to exit 11. alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. meg, thank you so much. author judy bloom to the rescue of one couple's -- blume to the rescue of one local couple whose husband accidently gave away the book his wife's late mother gave her. >> at the time it was accurate. i felt like a terrible husband. >> it was the last book that i wanted to be in that freebie box. >> they are hoping someone will return the original copy. >> there's a lesson here, yes, twitter can can help you reach out to authors and other people if you're in need, and number two, never, never throw anything out unless you're told to throw it out. i have only been married a few weeks, and i already know that. >> very good. >> he's learning. >> very good advice for all married people. absolutely. we were at the scene and hearing from witnesses after a deadly circus tent collapse in new hampshire. the new cbs poll shows a split in the gop over donald trump. and closer look at trophy hunting. we will get the take on the recent lion hunting scandal. gender could be at the root of the office air conditioner wars. we will see you in a few minutes. >> you like it cold down there, charlie in the studio? >> no, we do not. i'm more sensitive to her because -- >> i need that norah, pass it over here. >> charlie, you're preaching to the choir. >> what you need to know before you go, next. join the millions who have already switched. we switched. and now, we're streaming netflix. who knew time warner cable's internet was so fast! mom switched. and now, we can watch our favorite shows together, on demand. i switched. so i can connect to the internet just about anywhere with my free twc wifi hotspots. join the millions who switched to time warner cable. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100meg internet, and hundreds of hd channels. you'll also get unlimited calling to the us, mexico canada, china, and now india. call today. i switched. now i have a free app that lets me watch tv whenever i have the time. for $89.99 a month you'll get tv, internet and phone. and if you call now, there's no risk, no contract, no catch, no kidding. i switched to time warner cable and knew exactly when they were coming. thanks to their one hour appointment window. switch to time warner cable today. and now, for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card. call today. here's what you need to know before you go, severe weather knocking out power and bringing down trees to 34,000 customers on long island. these are the images in suffolk county, and meg will have more on the commute many a moment for you. the hunt is on for the gunman who opened fire outside of a hip hop concert in new jersey. it was last night in holmdel. two people were wounded and are in critical but stable condition at this hour. the death toll from the outbreak of legionnaires' disease is now at seven. the mayor will be speaking out today. nassau coliseum will be hosting its final show before it shuts down for an extensive renovation. who better than billy joel to shut it down? this is his 34th show. at new city, an overturned vehicle blocking the southbound palisades parkway, and one last look at hudson river rosings. the lincoln tunnel, 20 minute delay, and over to you, john. >> thank you, meg, and you can see the severe weather cleared the area, well east of the city, and a few more showers are filling in. your day today, hot and humid again, 90. cannot rule out a popup shower this afternoon. a break on wednesday. thursday is more dry, and widespread rain. soccer friday into saturday. >> john, thank you so much. another check of news and weather coming up in 25 minutes. >> thank you for watching, i'm

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Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News This Morning 20240622 :

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News This Morning 20240622

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they are removing the tape but aid it was after the concert by j shawn and cole. shots were fired. two people were hit, seriously injured. we spoke to a witness by phone who asked we not use his last name, but listen. >> it was the opposite way like late knoxville. at first i thought it was fire crackers. but afterwards we realized it was a gun. >> reporter: both victims were thrown by medivack to the hospital. investigators are searching into the night for the second gunman. we believe they will continue the investigation once day light hits. we will bring you update as we get them. janelle burrell, cbs 2 news. time for traffic and weather on the 2s. john, stormy out there, right? >> i believe there's light rain. i'm driving. and it's stronger, and i park my car and it's vert eight o'clock wind to the east. in the city weight no i, winds out of the west at 8 miles an hour. pushing into the queens. mother shore over to westchester county. it's hauling. it will get out of there quick, but a few more isolated showers and storms this morning. it could time out nicely for the morning commute. we will get out the worse of it thatch morning. a high once again like 90, just like we hit yesterday. i can only imagine it's she out there. >> reporter: that the hour, yes. an identity accident blocks the westbound parkway, and delays back to pennsylvania avenue. in brooke listen, two lanes on the bqe with delays back to the george washington bridge. stick with the upper level. just now to breaking news. a tent collapsed and injured and killed victims. we will have more in the next half an hour. the fdny rescued two girls from jacob riis state park. they were rushed to the nearby hospital. >> they never answered is nothing nothing, so they took them to the helicopter. >> earlier in the day, a 62- year-old woman nearly drown, and rip currents are being blamed for the deaths of two men over the weekend. mayor de blasio will talk about the outbreak of legionnaires' over the weekend. the death toll is now at seven. >> he has legionnaires'. he's in the hospital. he's in the medical center. >> reporter: barbara kay says her 40-year-old grandson contracted legionnaires' disease. she came here hope fog get answers. >> we are very concerned. we are praying, they are are praying, everyone is praying. >> reporter: with seven confirmed dead from legionnaires' and 81 diagnosed cases, the officials say the it's under control. they narrowed it to five didn't locations. >> these are used from some buildings, usually commercial buildings as part of their air- conditioning or ventilation systems. >> reporter: outside of the museum, health department doctors answer the questions of residents who couldn't get inside because of capacity. >> one of the supermarkets in concourse plaza they said was infected, i get my produce from there. >> reporter: raina was relieved to find out she cannot catch it through food food but is upset she experiencing things others are not. >> it raises questions if buildings are being maintained. >> new this morning, police are searching for a man accused of a bias attack in soho. around 2:30 on sunday morning, the man went inside of the store on prince street and started to shout antigay slurs. the suspect struck one of the men in the face, and one of the victims posted on facebook they are doing okay. he added we refuse to be victims and we are thankful we can defend ourselves. police are looking for this man after a string of burglaries in queens. he has struck at least seven businesses. the latest was at an employment agency in flushing. he crawled in through a window, but he didn't take anything inside. happening today arraignment for the accused killer of a teenager. brown was charge with the murder of brendan tevlon. he was shot in his suv last year. brown said it was retribution for the u.s. military killing muslims. this is the first time a murder defendant has been charged with terrorism under the new york state law. the retrial of etan patz has been scheduled for next year. pedro hernandez's first trial ended in deadlock. 3 years ago, hernandez confessed to killing patz. his lawyers say he is mentally ill and his statements were fiction. happening today, benjamin netanyahu is taking his campaign to internet. he will be streaming live jerusalem. an update on a something dog stolen from an owner's driveway in new jersey. someone turned diamond into an animal shelter. the video shows the woman on saturday taking the dog. police are are looking for the suspect, but the dog has been returned. >> that's so good. still ahead a big change for amazon brim users. they are not paying rent or mortgage, and we work hard to keep our communities nice. a community outrage after unexpected neighbors moved in for free. what this pro surfer is doing to help in the shark attack victim. we have active weather this morning, and the thunderstorms are pushing through the islands. community will fall tomorrow, and you will see traffic and weather on the2s, coming up. welcome back to cbs 2 news this morning. we have rain out there and also some thunder, and we saw lightning as well. 4:41, and we will check your weather in a moment. firefighters are work aggressively to get a raging fire that jumped the highway under control. highway 20 was a buffer between the wild fire and the thousands threatening. it's now grown to 97 square miles, and it keeps on growing. baltimore. look at these pictures, and you can see the firefighters trying desperately to bring all of that under control. time now 4:42. time for traffic and weather on the 2s, and john, we have rain out here this morning, but it will move out, huh? the worst of it is going on right now. the severe thunderstorm warning for suffolk county until 5:15. we will show you that cell in a second this is interesting this is david taylor reporting for duty. the problem with the storms, pushing through bayonne, he had rain fall rates of an inch and a half per hour. it didn't rain for an hour, but we will see the heavy rain and the potential for flooding pushing through long island. it's mild for laura in westwood. i like the updated picture, lauer. -- laura. i appreciate that. the relative humidity is at 66%. notice the reading is anonymous in the city. the numbers today will be above normal. 86 for lunchtime, feeling almost like 90. 90 the high, and with the humidity, feeling warmer. rockland, westchester, in through putnam and fairfield county. we have a warning for suffolk county until 5:15. it's the rain fall rate affiliated with the storm, the gusty winds around it, and it's the flash of lightning, and we have had quite a bit of lightning with the storms, and it's just now crossing into the hudson and westchester county. look at one cell in fairfield county. the only warning is suffolk county. you get a sense of it, the break, the showers, and then the popup variety into the afternoon. 7:30, for more commuters, there's better news, and then you will see just the variety you expect in the summertime with a few popup individual storms that could be strong. a leftover cloud or two with humidity starting to drop, and then a low is approaching thursday into friday. every model run will slow it down. it looks like friday will be the wetter of the next few days. popup storm in the afternoon, 71, and then wednesday, with the northwest wind filling in, it's shaping up. cloudsover head, breezy at times, and it feels good. thursday, the slow-moving low ushering in the the chance of rain. notice we are cooler into the first half of the weekend as well. if you have to get to work early, there's a few headaches. >> hopefully it clears before you get out there. one lane on the major deegan at the yankee stadium, delays back to 149th street. an accident blocking the belt parkway. delays back to what pennsylvania avenue. an overturned truck is blocking two lanes on the northbound bqe, and delays back to the williamsburg bridge. at least one lane is blocked on the southbound side. a reminder to call that alternate-side parking rule. in effect. and alternate-side parking is underway. the excon accused of killing a memphis police officer is now in custody after surrendering yesterday. the jury in the james holmes trial continued to hear from family members of the victims yesterday. they decided the get penalty remains an option. in new hampshire, all the criticism has been blamed on republicans, not each other. noticeably absent last night, donald trump. losses on monday, and sharp prices weighed down wall street. the nasdaq slipped 13, and the s&p 500 shares dropped yesterday at the end of closing, the lowest closing price for twitter since it went public. investors are concerned that the company is not growing fast enough to thrive. a slight change in shipping for amazon prime. they are limiting the number of people who can share the benefit. before august prime members could extend the offer up to four different addresses, but now it's for one adult or up to four children. emily smith has the story on squatters. >> reporter: you have a well- maintained home like it, next door to the home abandoned 5 years ago with garbage piled up on the side and garbage piling up on the side. >> they do have cable tv, electric, and water, and when we called the companies to find out how can you give someone that in the house, they said all we have to do is give a social security card. >> reporter: no one answered, but navy base insist four adulthoods and seven children live here and no one is doing anyplace anything about it. >> i can get very limited information, and i believe the town should be able to get information on these people. >> reporter: we called the town of brookhaven, and the town technically belongs to ramos. it had been boarded up in may. ken mollin says that wells fargo plans to take ownership, eventually selling the home. >> reporter: we called the department several times and their attorneys, but we didn't get a return call. >> only person with the right to evict these people is the homeowner, and he just doesn't care. >> reporter: this is is a squatter's paradise. this neighbor fears the current residents it could harmful and don't belong here. >> they are there illegally. theyson be there we work hard to keep our homes nice, and we work hard to pay our bills, and these people just come in and go into a home without anything. >> we saw someone move the curtain to look outside, but no one answered the door. >> reporter: this could be a case of professional squatters. they will likely take up resident until the police come and then they will take over another town. the town say the they have to cork in conjunction with the police be a reason to approach the current residents. still to come this morning, too busy toe plan your next male? -- your next meal? mary, there's an app for that. we will check weather and traffic on the 2s coming up after this well after narrowly escaping two shark attacks himself, nick fanning decided to donate his entire fortune to a swimmer who was not as fortunate. it helped to paid for two surgeries he needed after coming into contact with a great white in australia. manning said that lee's attack left him absolutely shattered. >> the video of the shark coming in and attacking the man on live tv, that was unbelievable. >> yeah, forget it. it left me ready to put the board in the garage for good. >> i'm a surfer dude. we have some severe weather to tell you about. the north suffolk this warning is in effect until 5:15, and this is why. what a monster. knocking on commack's door, and frequent lightning, another active cell to the north, and around danbury, they have a great, and then another round, off to the west, and you can follow the front around the lakes, and there's cool, comfortable air, but it's going to be hot and steamy again today, and again today, high rip current risks, and make sure you're playing it safe if you're going to the beach. >> john, thank you so much. >> hi, meg. an overturned truck has all lanes closed on the northbound bqe. delays back to the williamsburg bridge. at least one side is blocked for the emergency vehicles. also in brooklyn, an accident on the westbound belt parkway, and delays are back to pennsylvania avenue. in the bronx, an accident blocks one lane on the northbound major deegan at the yankee stadium. a reminder to call, alternate- side rules in effect citywide today rules in effect citywide. amy schumer takes a stance on gun violence with the help of her course anyone congress. a quick way to plan your next meal. solution the for those with no time to cook. cbs 2 news continues in a moment. every cup has a story. dunkin' k-cup packs in my life were a good fit. a single serving for myself, it's pretty special. it is like having a dunkin' store in my home which is what i've always dreamed of. bring home delicious dunkin' k-cup packs today. your coffee, your dunkin'. busy day, huh? yup. our annual clearance event really brings 'em in. i can barely keep up by myself. 0% apr financing. tons of amazing inventory. only happens once a year. hmm, hologram number 17 seems to have gone rogue. i'm the real jan now! 0%! 0%! at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing on a 2015rav 4, offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit it's all yours. thanks, jan. toyota. let's go places. . welcome back to cbs 2 news this morning on this tuesday, the 4th of august. rainy out there right now, and things will be clearing up, and johnny will have more coming up. planning what to have for dinner can be a daunting task. >> but there's apps that could make meal planning easier. >> reporter: cook smarts makes meal planning easier, and each week you get a complete meal plan for the week with a complete grocery list and how to prepare the dinner, and there's dietary alternatives including sree began. pepper plate will let you organize your recipes into male plans including customize the recipes, and then it goes into cook mode to keep your screen free. dinner in a box options with ready-to-cook meals like blue apron, hello fresh, and plated. >> it's about $60 a week for some of the meals, and the other apps, you do the shopping yourself, and zip list will give you coupons as well. >> dinner in a box does not sound too appealing. >> yeah, but that's good. >> we could do that for sure. we are boxed in, and they extended the sequentially seem thunderstorm warning for suffolk county coming up. issues on the roads in brooklyn, and i will have details coming up. still ahead, the day's top stories. a suspect is on the loose, and we are live from the scene with that. a hit-and-run in harlem, the bicyclist was struck, and now we are seeing the video that just drove away. spoiler alert, after 15 years csi is going off the air, and the finale will include seconds. it's 5:00, 76 degrees, and severe weather for parts of our area on this tuesday, august 4th. after a stormy start to the morning, it's expected to clear up and temperature the hitting the 90s today. good morning, i'm mary calvi. and i'm chris wragge. first, here's what is new this morning. >> we are following breaking news in new jersey. a shooting outside of a concert at pnc. a suspect is still on the loose, and we will have a live report and hear from a witness. >> i'm just very concerned. we are praying, they are praying, everyone is praying. the death toll from the legionnaires' outbreak is now at seven. more after this. the flaps were open, not tied down or anything. they were going crazy. >> two people killed after a tent klanss at circus performance in new hampshire. we will hear more from witnesses coming up. >> they don't respond, never answer or nothing, so they call in the helicopter. four people pulled from the water after nearly drowning. >> maybe the worst part about this, there's a way to stop the shooting. >> reporter: a man opened fire during the showing of amy schumer's new movie "train wreck" and she is getting help from an influential member of the senate. rumors are swirling about another famous couple. those stories coming up. 5:02, traffic and weather on the 2s. it's suffolk county, and we will dive right into the advisory. it's been extended until 5:45. this is moving to the east, northeast at 30 miles an hour. here it comes, i mean a big lightning show. the potential is there for localized flooding, and there could be damages winds around the storm, and just enough to meet the severe thresholds. that's the active weather, and there's a heck of a lightning snow and look to the west. there's another shower rumbling through. in the city, the morning rain giving away to brighter skies. 90 feels warmer today for your high with the pop up-- popup showers possible this afternoon. >> with the weather, take caution on the road. let's look in the bronx, an accident blocks one lane on the northbound major deegan at yankee stadium. now, take a look in brooklyn. an accident blocks the westbound belt parkway, and delays stretch back to pennsylvania avenue there. an overturned truck has all lanes on the major bqe at metropolitan avenue with delays back to the williamsburg brim. one lane is blocked on the southbound side with emergency vehicles. alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. >> now to break news in new jersey. a gunman on the loose after opening fire at a hip hop concert. >> two people were wounded, and janelle burrell is live with more. >> reporter: chris, i spoke with one of the police investigators a short time ago, and they are called off the search for now. they were out here all night searching for the lone gunman who they believe ran into the woods after the shooting. we want to show you a photo taken by a witness of one of the victims as police were assisting him here. state police say the shooting was around 11:14 last night in parking lot 4 of the pnc art center after the concert headlined by big sean and cole. it was after an argument and calls of shots fired. we spoke to one of the witnesses by phone. he asked we not use his last name, but said at first people thought the shots were fire crackers, and when they realized they were bullets, they started to run, and one of the victims fell to the ground. >> we are not sure what happened before, but there was a puncture wound towards abdomen, probably from the bullet, and police were trying to take care of it as fast as panel. >> reporter: both victims were flown by medivac to jersey shore hospital. again, the lone gunman on the run this morning, and police are expected to return back here later today to continue their search. reporting live from homedale, new jersey, janelle burrell, cbs 2 news. more gun violence in the city to report. five people were shot and wounded in brooklyn late last night. it was on dwight street at redhook. one 19-year-old woman is in critical condition. the search is on for the gunman. new this morning, police released surveillance video of a car involved in hit-and-run in brooklyn. the man was struck by a red sea dan, and the cyclist hit the windshield, rolled off the hood, and on to the pavement. the cyclist is recovering after hospital. an update on the woman found dead in police custody last week. eric schneiderman's office is taking over the office. he was given the power to investigate and prosecute the killings under police custody. legionnaires' disease is still spreadings in the city. >> and today mayor de blasio will address the problem. ilana gold is live with more. >> reporter: the mayor will be at lincoln hospital to update the outbreak, and he says the city addressing the disease and coming up with a new plan to stop this from happening. >> we are very concerned. >> reporter: barbara's 40-year- old grandson con tracted legionnaires'. the form of black teary pneumonia put him in a coma. we are praying, everyone is praying for him. >> reporter: she was one of hundreds of people in the bronx museum of arts last night where the concerns were addressed regarding legionnaires'. >> reporter: since july legionnaires' has killed seven people, all were older adults with health problems. 81 others have contracted it, but it has been narrowed down to five locations where the cooling towers contain the bacteria and spread the disease. the towers have since been treated. >> these are used there commercial buildings as part of the air-conditioning system, ventslation systems or heating systems. >> reporter: the meeting filled to capacity fast. outside of the venn union, the health department met with people who couldn't get in, explaining symptoms and calming their fears. >> one of the supermarkets they said was infectedded, i get my produce from there. >> reporter: and they emphasized you can't catch it through food or person-to- person contacted. you can only get it from the mist from the building's air- conditioning. >> reporter: one of the contaminated buildings here was the hospital, but it's been treated. ilana gold, cbs 2 news. a manhattan jury has awarded the families of two men who died a crane collapse accident $48 million in punitive damages. james loma was order to pay for the deaths of the two construction workers in may 2008. prosecutors blamed him for using cheap and inferior replace. parts. last week the families were awarded $48 million in compensatory damages. coming up, nets' mania. we have you covered. amy schumer calls for new shooting laws, and how her cousin in congress may be able to help. more on the deadly tend collapse at a circus performance. we will hear from those who made it out just in time. a hint of a break overhead, and keep it light and comfortable today as far as what to wear. you need an umbrella at times and still need the shades. the severe thunderstorm warning to the east, and we will have details coming up on the2s. switch now, new york and get installed as early as today. mom switched. we switched. i switched to time warner cable and knew exactly when they were coming. thanks to their 1 hour appointment window. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100 meg internet, hundreds of hd channels, and unlimited calling to the u.s., puerto rico, canada, mexico, china and india. and for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card plus tv equipment and epix included. get installed for free as early as today. call 1-800-341-9716. severe weather is still affecting parts of our area, and it was like a wake of thunder last night. >> i tell you, it's like a lightning show for suffolk county and fairfield county as well. in the city right now, the view from the empire state building shows the top of the screen. did you see that? there will be breaks, and that's the order of the day today. a lot of sun, but popup showers this afternoon. some of the worse weather going on right now. winds are calm. relative hue marylandty at 87%, and that's the reading out of the park. down through the hamptons, 76, 77. and look at mineola. that's when the pouring rain was pushing through. 67 and 72 in the city. the warning means it's happening right now, and here's what is happening right now. look at this thing! it's nasty for the north shore, and watch out waiting river. your time is coming. mike will have a storm waking up the kids. that's why the warning is in effect for another half an hour. it's moving at 45 miles an hour. the forward momentum is pushing that through. a burst of heavy rain for the north shore, and it raced through oyster pay and then northern showers will fill in, and then we will see a break and just a few isolated showers this afternoon, and just running the numbers, computer- driven estimates, and parts are seeing up to 2-inches of rain with the isolated storms pushing through, and that will be the same sequentially vary know playing out for the island right now, and that could lead to localized flooding. it's associated with the front pushing through today and the it will serve to push out the heat and humidity. wednesday is going to be a pretty day. seasonal numbers for august. thursday should be dry. we were talking about an approaching system, and now it looks like it's friday into saturday, and remember saturday morning, plans could still be dealing with leftover rain. 90 today. one in five chance to see an additional shower or storm this afternoon. obviously southwest wind at 5 to 20 it will be breezy again today. 71 overnight tonight, and then the shift in the wind. northwest wind is filling in less humid, and it will file comfortable with the high of 84. looking at nice weather, and it's friday. a 630% chance of rain. that's when we could see a soaking rain. 2 plus inches friday into saturday. we need it, but the timing is suspect for the first part of your weekend, and the drive right now? well meg baker is in for alex. here's what is going on in brooklyn. an overturned truck has only one lane getting by on the northbound bqe at metropolitan avenue. delays back past flushing avenue. one lane is blocked with the emergency vehicles, and delays back past mcginnis mewl saturday. the westbound belt parkway, delays stretching back to pennsylvania avenue. in the bronx, an accident blocked at least one lane on the northbound major deegan at yankee stadium. reminder s alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. in new hampshire two are dead and nearly 2 dozen are hurt a circus sent collapsed in lancaster. >> reporter: severe storms swept through the area, and marley hall reports. >> reporter: the area is roped off with tape this morning as they investigate the tragic circus tent collapse. >> unfortunately two people lost their lives in the incident. >> reporter: brandon ishham was there for the first show of the day on monday when the heavy rain move ever moved in. >> the flaps on the side of the tent were open and not tied down to poles or anything. they were going crazy, and people who were part of the circus just yelled run. >> reporter: dozen others are being treated for various injuries. ishham's 4-year-old son bentley was treated and released after a peel hilt his eye. >> i had to run to the car then. >> reporter: the power isful storm moving through the area was packing 60-mile an hour winds, hail, and lightning. officials will look into the conditions and the tent setup as part of the investigation. so far officials with walker brothers international have yet to comment on the incident. marley hall, lancaster. a federal lawsuit has been filed against an officer who is seen on video handcuffing a child. the aclu says the child suffered pain and suffering after the handcuffs were locked behind his back on his upper arms. the lawsuit says he and another girl were being punished for behavior associated to their adhd. on sunday, a boat's engine and steering controls were destroyed and the oil line was cut. debate is brewing over new headquarters. >> we are don't believe the village itself was involved, but sometimes when you're the leader of the village and set the tone, you have a crazy group reading into the that and they take action into their own hands. >> officials are reviewing surveillance video of the dock area with the suffolk county police department. amy schumer is teaming one her cousin to call for new gun control legislation. it follows the recent movie theater shooting donated. >> we will never know why people choose to do these painful things but sadly we always find out how. how the shooter got their gun it's often medical something that should not have happened in the first place. >> a gunman opened fire in louisiana during the opening showing of "train wreck." senator schumer is propositiving legislation to improve background checks. the time now is 5:19. meet the man who unfortunately shares the same name as the man who killed cecil the lion. one couple is filing for divorce and another is defending their marriage. >> more when we come back with weather and traffic on the 2s. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. 5:22. let's get to traffic and weather on the2s. look who is here. >> there's the problem spot. it's been trimmed. we have been tracking the the severe thunderstorm through suffolk county, and it's in indicate until 5:45. talking to mike here, our resident suffolk county man. riverhead, you're tapping into the this. gusty winds affiliated with the storm as well, and then down through dicks hills, a break, and a few more showers will fill in this afternoon with the heal heat of the day. you will see sun as well. 90 with the humidity is feeling warmer, and still sticky before we see the humidity relief on wednesday. definitely take it easy to the east, and other trouble spots, meg is in for alex. >> that's right, this is causing issues on the roads. the overturned truck with one lane getting by on the northbound bqe at metropolitan avenue and at least one lane is blocked on the southbound side with emergency vehicles, and delays back to the l.i.e. an accident blocking two lanes on the westbound belt parkway, delays back to pennsylvania avenue, and now to problems at east 180th street. uptown 5 trains are running with delays. alternate-side parking rules in effect. mets showed everyone why they are number one last night. >> the big place leading to the wig win overt marlins, and here's your cbs 2 sports update. >> reporter: today the yankees open up a series against the red sox, and the mets remain in miami, and they would love to repeat last night's glime game. the rookie hitting a milestone in style. it was a blast to one of the deepest parts in baseball, and he would have been in the story if not for sespadez. the the mets win 12-1, and they are alone in first in the nl east. that's your cbs 2 sports update. >> the mets are living up to their nickname, simply amazing, and with the big win last night, they are in first place. the sweep of the nationals was completed. the masterful start to pitching, and it was dangerous team. after years of history of success, the fans are loudly and proudly enjoying mets' mania. >> it feels great to know that the team you have been supporting for so long, they are finally reaching their potential. >> reporter: terry collins said fans will help a great deal in keeping the must be energized over the next 2 months. >> reporter: plenty of people energize here. >> it was funny saying recent success. of you. keep going, mets. drama in hollywood for two couples. >> but first spoiler alert for the csi fans. the gang is all back together. it's 2-hour special series anyonal lee. the original cast members tweeting from the set after more than 300 open codes. the crime drama is going off the air. the final episode will be sunday, september 27th right here on cbs 2. >> the original! how many different shows did it spin for csi? a lot of people are excited to see how they will wrap this up. no doubt that gwen stefani and her husband are getting a divorce. they will continue to be partners in parenthood. will and jada smith are shooting down divorce rumors. will ended up using social media and said not getting a divorce! and jada tweeted, my king has spoken. the couple has been married 17 years. >> i think that says enough. >> i will go with that comment from jada pickett smith. >> they are staying together. up next, the day's top stories. two people shot after a concert in new jersey. this morning, the gunman is still on the run. a live report coming up. the legionnaires' outbreak has killed seven people in the bronx and sickened 81 overs, and today the mayor is addressing the issue. a live report coming up. he lost a beloved book from his wife's childhood. how the author came to help right after this. hi. your daddy's getting a camry? yeah, i want him to have a really fun car. he's the best dad ever. best timing ever. it's our clearance event. here dad, it's for the car. who's the coolest kid ever? the truth is, in ten years that toyota will be mine. at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit you've invested wisely. thanks. toyota. let's go places. good morning. it's 5:30. 70degrees on this 4th of august. the heat is on for the rest of the day. good evening. i'm chris wragge. >> and i'm mary calvi. traffic and weather on the 2s coming up. >> but first, breaking news in new jersey. the search for the gunman who opened fire outside of a hiphop concert. >> janelle burrell is live in homedale with more. >> reporter: mary and chris, police called off their serch not too long ago after being here throughout the night, searching for the lone gunman still on the run this morning a few minutes ago, i spoke to one of the people who works on the ground here at pnc arts center, and he said a lot of people didn't realize what they were hearing were gun shots last night. we want to show you a photo from a witness at the scene, and you can see one of the witnesses being helped by emergency responders short shortly after the the shooting. last night it was triggered by an argument, and then the shots were fired. hitting two people, and we spoke to one of the witnesses on the phone, and he asked we not use his last name, but at first people thought the shots were fire crackers, and then he saw the debris father and mother to the ground. >> they were running the opposite way like towards the area that everyone just bolted. ateliers i thought it was fire crackers because of the sound of the gun, and after awhile we realized what had just begun, and we bombed. >> reporter: this morning both victims are in stable but critical condition. the gunman is still on the run. homedale, new jersey, janelle burrell, cbs 2 news. right now, time for traffic and weather on the 2s. john, what's going on today? >> severe weather causing power outages. 71,000 associated with the severe thunderstorm. the focus is to the east. the severe thunderstorm warning is farther to the east and has been extended until 6:15. another 45 minutes of this. what a mess and a lightning show. the power outages lead me to believe there's winds with this. the thunderstorm could have 65- mile an hour winds. torrential rain, and that's the big storm. weakening to the north, and the storms are filling in for central suffolk county, and around philly, another isolated thunderstorm, and then chris is right, heat and humidity are back up today. 90 in the city is feeling warmer, and could see a popup thunderstorm this afternoon, but exercise caution this morning, not only around the storm, but other trouble spot as well. meg is nor for alex. >> delays here back to pennsylvania avenue, and now, let's take a live look in brooklyn, and the northbound bqed lays back past flushing avenue, and one lane is blocked on the southbound side with emergency vehicles, and delays there are back to the l.i.e. look at staten island. the staten island expressway is very slow eastbound, due to construction from the goethals bridge out to victory boulevard. alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. more gun violence in the city, and five people were shot or wounded late last night in red hook. the victims are now at lutheran medical sent. a 19-year-old woman is in critical condition. the search continues for the gunman. legionnaires' disease has claimed the lives of seven people. residents are now on edge, and they will hear from the mayor today about what the city is doing. >> reporter: chris n a few hours the mayor will be here at lincoln hospital to address the outbreak, and he says the city has a new plan to stop this from happening. but the cdc sighs no need to panic. the disease can be treated. >> reporter: this woman's grandson has been put into a coma because he contracted legionnaires' disease. >> everyone is praying for him. >> ever she was one of hundreds last night at the bronx museum of the arts where health officials addressed concerns and answered questions. >> darkest areas show the highest number of cases. >> reporter: all victims were older adults with health problems, but officials say the outbreak is under control. they narrowed it down to five locations where thing towers contained the deadly bacteria, and the towers have since been treated. >> they are usually from commercial building as parking lot of the ventilation seasonals, air-conditions systemmens or heating systems. >> reporter: the meeting filled to capacity since. outside of the venue, the health department met with people who couldn't get in, explaining their sittoms and helping with their concerns. they emphasized you cannot catch the disease through food or person-to-person contact, you only get it from the water supply that works with air- conditioning. new legislation is designed to prevent outbreaks such as this. ilana gold, cbs 2 news. more danger at local beaches as crews rush to rescue four people in the rockaways yesterday. the fdny brought two girls out of the water at jacob riis beach. >> they gave them cpr, and they never respond or nothing. they took them to the hospital. a 62-year-old woman was stake ever taken out of the water and never respond. rip current desks are hang over the weekend. arraignment for the killing a new jersey teenager, charged with the murder of brendan tevlo n, and he was shot lasty, brown said it was retribution for the u.s. killing muslims this is the first time that a murder defendant has been charged with terrorism under new jersey state law. the new york state has reached a settlement to stop the sale of dangerous toy guns. retailers will stop selling the real-looking guns like these. they will pay over $300,000 in penalties and apply the strict rules statewide. the state prohibits the sale of black, blue, silver, or aluminum toy guns. the american jewish community will be addressed by benjamin netanyahu today over the iran nuclear deal. happening today, long island's nassau coliseum will be hosting the final garden at the coliseum today. the new complex will open in december of 2016. they always bring in billy to close the places down. >> yeah, that's right, sir. 5:39. still to come, new developments in the debt crisis in pure toe rico. how will it affect the markets when they open today. the gop candidates stated their case chasing trump and lincoln. >> on a holiday today, not a child in the pool. >> why one bergen county community say was the park needs to stay closed 3 day at week. we have severe weather to the east and the breaks in the styes over the city, and hot today. humidity will fall tomorrow, and more wet john elliott to wrap up the week. traffic and weather on the 2s coming up. taking a live look for you on long island 73 degrees, and powerful storms have led to power outages. 21,000 people are out across nassau and suffolk county. time now, 5:42. time for traffic and weather on the2s. john, we are talking about the lightning setting problems for us. >> reporter: the storms themselves around '60 miles an hour. we have had reports of hail, and it's busy out there i will show you the radar in a second. we will check with the weather watchers, and adrian there, 69, and he had rain and those thunderstorms rumbling through, and even john had a rumble of thunder a break now, but 66. around the area, it's very busy to the east, and then the possibility of a few more popup showers in the forecast later today, and the view in the city. there's definite of the clouds and the fact that you can seat clouds, that's a good sign. when you're in one of the storms, you don't see anything. the rain is practically horizontal. the severe thunderstorm warning for the north shore until 6:15. why? here's why. look at this monster. hail! damaging winds and this lightning show. it's very, very active. rain fall rates? excess of an inch an hour. a few more stragglers are pushing through, and you think you're done, and then bomb! the blast of reenforcing the heavy rain. a few more showers will fill in down around philly, and monmouth and ocean county, you plan on that that will likely hold together and push through, and then you will see the nice little ridge of high pressure nose in with the northwest winds tomorrow, and it will feel a lot better between now and 10 or 11. it's relatively quiet. the possibility of a few popup showers in the forecast this afternoon. wednesday, the northwest wind, and likely the dew points will be too low to support any rain, and thursday is looking good. it will probably be a close call of what is better wednesday into thursday, and then we will see the rain 90. after the fireworks, another hazy, hot day. the uv forecast is still up there, and sunscreen again today, and if you're going to the beach, please don't forget this, and you know what? if you have friends with you that don't watch tv or listen to radio, high rip current risks, too many stories coming out about folks struggling with this. some losing the ultimate battle. the moderate risk for the jersey shore, and remember, we still have the pull along the coast. today, busy, nice tomorrow, and it's soggy friday into the first part of your saturday. 5:45. mig is in for al lens, what's going on? >> reporter: be extra careful in you're in brooklyn. an overturned truck has only one at the northbound bqe at metro poll tran avenue. at least one lane is blocked on the southbound side with the emergency vehicles, and delays are back past the l.i.e. on staten island, the expressway is very slow, eastbound, due to an accident at 4:40 and construction from the goethals bridge out to victory boulevard. terrorist? >> meg, thank you. more than 10 this will dollars in state funding will help to make repairs. a section near bear mountain will be revamped this year, and another patch will be fixed the following here year. this is a rendering of the electronic collection system being installed for next year. drivers will be able to drive under the skeletal structure. cameras will take pictures of the license plate for those without, and they will get a bill. this is matt palmer, and he has been getting threats because of dr. walter palmer in minnesota who partook in an illegal lion hunt. she's tired of his oncall cell phone number of threats. it has been changed, and it's no longer pubically listed. a preview to the first debate of the season for the crowded republican field. from bush to walker, they each had 8 minute to make an appearance last night. the republicans never mentioned poll leader, donald trump who was a no show. >> governor christie and george pataki slammed president obama and hillary clinton. >> if the leaders of our country are failing the american people by not telling them the truth -- >> we should get rid of obama care and common core. >> reporter: republicans will face off in the first debate of the primary on thursday. ten candidates will be invited because of the popularity numbers. hena daniels is live at the stock exchange with more this morning. >> reporter: more earning reports are due today, including walt disney. the nasdaq dropped 12 points and the white house say nostril federal bail outplanned for puerto rico. the government failed to make the $58 million payout on the government's debt. the u.s. auto makers had a good month in july. general motors and fiat- chrysler saw 6% improvement in sales. delta and american airlines are banning hunting trophy shipments on their airlines after two american doctors are accused of killing the lions in allegedly illegal hunting. a modern nutrition drink that may stop your lunch hour. the algae-based business has been an alternative to food, and it has all the nutrients humans need. it frees customers for the crowded lunch lines. a case of 12 will run you $30. we will see if it's worth missing the meal. coming up. why the age some have children can affect their health. i always loved the book and held on it for forever. my mom passed way when i was 19. it was one of those sentimental items. >> but her husband put the prized book out for donation and the author stepping in to save the day. first, the cbs 2 morning score board. the mets hold on to first place, and they beat the marlins, and the nationals lost. 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winds, and reports of hail. a few more storms into central suffolk, and then there's light rain, bergen into passaic, and then the hot conditions today. 5:53 on this busy tuesday morning, and meg is in for alex. >> a new incident in woodbridge, and an accident blocks three lanes of the garden state parkway at 132. delays back to exit 130. stick with the new jersey turnpike there as an alternate. in brooklyn, all lanes are closed on the northbound bqe and metropolitan avenue, and delays are back past flushing avenue, and it's extremely heavy on the southbound side with the emergency vehicles, and the delays are back past the l.i.e., and alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. some new jersey residents want the padlocks off their local pool. the city of engalwood closed the pool on mondays, tuesday, and wednesdays, and they cited low attendant. the city is renting it out to a swim club and the ymca, but people living nearby say it should be for the local kids. >> other children come from neighboring towns and buss to enjoy our pool, and our kids can't come? that's ridiculous. >> people are rallying together to convince the city council to leave room in the budget to get the empty pool open and full next summer, 7 days a week. men who become dads before they are 22 had a higher risk of death than those who were first dads at 25 and 26. it may be because of the combined have stress of being a partner, father, and a breadwinner at such an early age. the author of a judy bloom book to the rescue. >> i cried. i was heart broken. >> reporter: a brooklyn woman desperate to find one of her most prized possessions. >> it was the last book i wanted to be in the freebie box. >> reporter: katie's husband filled the box with things to give away during a cleaning free while she was out of town. >> hopefully he didn't get rid of my judy bloom book. i have had it forever. >> reporter: somehow he tossed out the irreplaceable book. >> it was just one of those sent men fall items. my mom passed away when i was 19. >> it crush med, not as much as her, but i felt terrible. >> reporter: and then he made the flyers and posted them around the neighborhood. eventually the plea found its way to social media where it reached the author. she tweeted, trying to make contact with the husband who gave away wife's copy. and he tweeted back, i'm the terrible husband! thank you from the bottom of my heart! marriage saved! ever the book is still out there, and they still hope it will be returned. it has her name, 1991, and christmas, the inscription was written by her mother. valerie castro, cbs 2 news. >> lenny, lenny, lenny, don't give away your wife's things. >> that was nice she got in touch with them. maybe whoever took the book out of the street, will return it. >> lesson for you as a married man, don't throw anything away. >> reporter: guys, you can't throw away your stuff, either. don't do it. time now, 57:00. still to come, the latest fears over legionnaires' in the bronx, and what the city will do it about it. freak storm, a tent collapse that claimed two lives. beginning a new life with a nightmare move, and why a new homeowner is demanding a refund this. it's 6:00, 70 degrees on this tuesday, august 4th, and after a storm this morning, we are looking at more heat and humidity today, and a cooldown later in the week. good morning, i'm mary calvi. and i'm chris wragge. traffic and weather on the 2s in a moment, but first, here's what is new this morning. two people were critically wounded in homedale, new jersey, and witnesses said the gunman ran into the woods near the outdoor venue, and we are live from the scene with the latest. >> one of the supermarkets in concourse plaza they said was infected, i get my produce from there. >> the death toll is rising, and so is the latest concerns over the deadly legionnaires' disease. the mayor will update the city's response to the health scare. when i heard about the news, i was completely devastated, and i just wanted to go down to louisiana, and then i was angry. >> reporter: amy schumer is joining her cousin, charles schumer, calling for tighter gun control laws and background checks it comes after two were killed and another dozen were wounded in louisiana. dramatic efforts to save lives. this morning, the extra precautions being taken at riis beach and other city waterways. back to deep left field, and that's to the warning track. it's over the wall. >> the mets' big bat at the trading deadline, and his big impact. >> the fans are pumped up. >> last night at on the late the late show, it was a game of flinch, and all three said they think jeffrey tanburg is going to take the best actor in a television comedy. traffic and weather on the 2s, and john, take it away. >> reporter: one of the bigger topics, to the east. another hot and humid one, and to the west, light rain, and there's a severe thunderstorm warning for suffolk county and eastern suffolk, this is moving east, northeast at 45 to 50 miles an hour, and you're dealing with hail and frequent lightning as well. more showers closer to the city. it's going to be hot and humid, and it will have a few more popup storms later this afternoon. 6:03, meg baker is in for alex denis. a lot to deal with, right, meg? >> reporter: here's what you are getting into this morning. woodbridge, new jersey, an accident blocking three lanes on the northbound garden state parkway at 132, delays back to 130. you will want to stick with the new jersey turn bike as an alternate. in brooklyn, an overturned truck get by on the northbound bqe, and delays are back past flushing avenue. it's extremely heavy on the southbound side with the emergency vehicles with delays back it's a the l.i.e. the long island railroad issues this morning, expect delays on the westbound port jefferson trains due to a downed tree and power lines on the tracks, and alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. chris and mary? >> breaking news now, the severe weather causing power problems, and as many as 30,000 people on long island are without power, and that's according to the utility pse&g. the heavy rain poured down at times, and this is video of the lightning shot by ilana gold on her cell phone this is what they are experiencing right now. in new jersey, the search is on for a gunman who opened fire outside of a hip hop concert. >> janelle burrell is live from homedale with more. >> reporter: it happened in the parking lot behind me on the property of the p & c heart center. a lot of people didn't even realize what was happening at the time. we want to show you the video shot of one of the victims on the ground being helped by emergency responders shortly after the shooting. new jersey state police say it was shortly after 11:00 last night here in parking lot 4, and it reportedly began has an argument, and soon after, multiple shots were fired and two people were hit by bullets, and it's believed the shooter ran off through the parking lot. let's listen to one of the arena employees who describes what he heard. >> i was cleaning and doing my job, and everyone heard gun shots, like we heard four of them. we thought it was fire cracker going up, and then we heard five more, and everyone in the parking lot was running. the manager got on the walkietalkie and heard there were two wounded. >> reporter: both of the people shot were flown by medivac to jersey shore hospital. both are in critical but stable condition. police were out here on the grounds all night, but they called off their search about an hour ago, and they are expected to resume some time later today, searching for the shooter, still on the run this morning. reporting live from holmdel, new jersey, cbs 2 news. legionnaires' disease is still spreading, and seven people have died during recent weeks. >> ilana gold is live with more in the concourse section. >> reporter: today the mayor will be here at lincoln hospital to update the outbreak and said the city is addressing the issue, and they are coming up with a new plan to stop this from happening. >> we are very concerned. >> reporter: barbara says her 40-year-old grandson con tracted legionnaires' disease. it has put him in a coma. >> we are praying, everyone is is praying for him. >> reporter: one of many who packed into the town hall meeting where health officials answered questions. >> darkest areas show the most number of cases. >> reporter: since july legionnaires' has killed 7 people. all were older adults with health problems, and 81 others have contracted it, but officials say the outbreak is under control, narrowing it down to five locations where the cooling towers contained the bacteria. >> usually it's used for the air-conditioning systems or ventilation systems. >> reporter: the meeting filled up fast, and outside the health department met with people explaining symptoms and calming their fears. >> one of the supermarkets they said was infected, i get my produce from there. >> reporter: they emphasized you can't catch it through food or person-to-person contacted, only through breathing in the mist from the contaminated cooling towers that supply air- conditionings, and the health department sayings one of the contaminated towers was here at lincoln hospital, but it's been streeted. the mayor will speak at 11:30 this morning, and we will let you know what he has to say. ilana gold, cbs 2 news. on capitol hill, the senate blocked a republican effort to shut off the federal funds for planned parenthood, and it showed the video secretly recorded showing fetal issue is sometimes provided for researchers, and republicans were seven votes short of what was needed to move ahead with the effort. duodozen are dead and more -- two are dead, and dozens are injured after a circus tent collapsed in new hampshire. one man's son neated treedment after a pole hit his son's left eye. >> the flaps on the side of the tent, they were open, not tied down to any poles or anything. they were going crazy. >> officials will look into the tent's setup as part of the investigation. the show was supposed to move on to vermont today, on the website, walker brothers is still offering tickets for the event. the time now, 6:09. amy schumer is joining with her cousin to call for tougher gun control laws. how a dream move into the suburbs turned into a nightmare for one local family. why the company says they are not pay up. there could be danger in the open on this hot day. we have starting with severe weather east of the city. we will have updates and show you the damage it's already caused and tell you what you should be doing tonight. traffic and weather on the2s, coming up. time now is 6:12, and time for weather and traffic on the2s. john is busy in the weather center. all kinds of stuff to the east. our weather watchers are watching this, and it's 65. psychiatrist getting a break right now, clouds overhead, and interesting history. on this day in history, jones beach in new york city opened. did you know it's coast guard day today? that's why i'm wearing my coast guard colors, founded on this day in 1790 by george washington. steve in riverhead has nasty storms, and the winds affiliated with this thing, winds at 70 miles an hour. estimated at 70 miles an hour, and it's moving forward at 50 miles an hour. you can see the rain on the horizon, and the hint of pink, and there's breaks in the area as well. a whole buffet of weather today. the southwest winds at 3 miles an hour. relative humidity, 87%. let's review, severe thunderstorm warning in effect for the next few minutes. it's wrapping up. it's not that it is losing the energy. it's flying out of here. more over the sound and into connecticut and rhode island, where they are dealing with the worth of it the north fork to around montauk, and you're dealing with the gusty winds and thousands without power. rain filling in staten island through brooklyn, and into monmouth county, and then heavier rain, and you're seeing breaks. sullivan and ulster, a nice sunrise, and there's a front pushing through. you have the heat, and the heat will be knocked out, and a nice day tomorrow, there's clouds racing by overhead, and it's a northwest wind, and it will be less humid, and it should be brighter as well. we should be dry on thursday, but there's the potential mess headed our way friday into saturday. i say mess in the sense it's a longer term event, and we could see over 2 inches of rain, and the timing will be rough to start your weekend, and it will likely linger into saturday. your day today, starting with storms, and then steamy sun, and 90, feeling warmer with the higher dew points, a leftover passing shower or thunderstorm, and then 71, and remember, tonight is national night out. the first tuesday in august, leave the light on, get to know your neighborhood and your neighbors. we have been doing this since 1981. 60,000 communities doing it, maybe yours. thursday, staying nice, cooler, and then it's soggy friday into saturday, and and it's soggy and slow out there, and meg in in for alex. >> hi, john, thank you. this weather is causing issues for commuters on the roads and on the rails, and let's look at what you're getting into in woodbridge, new jersey, the garden state parkway at 132, delays back to 129 now. in brooklyn, an overturned truck has two lanes closed on the northbound bqe and metropolitan avenue. heavy delays back past to the manhattan bridge, and it's extremely heavy with the emergency vehicles blocking one lane and delays back to queens boulevard. the long island railroad issues as well. the port jefferson branch is suspended in both direction on the entire line because of a downed tree and wires, and passengers are advised to use the ronkonkoma or montauk branches, and alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. a manhattan jury awarded the families of two men who died in a crane collapse accident $48 million in punitive damages. the jury ordered james ulman and his company to pay for the deaths of two workers for may 2008 when the crane collapsed. prosecutors said he used cheap and inferior replacement reports. last week the same families were ordered $48 million in compensatory damages. in connecticut. the victims of the 2012 shooting have reach a settlement with the estate of nancy lanza for 1.2 million. bella and her little brother, and her parents are celebrating by moving into the their first home. >> the mover broke my bed, and i'm sad. >> reporter: the dream move did not go well. bella's bed is splitterred. ma stress torn by box cutters. >> they never wrapped the cribs or my ma -- mattresses for my children. >> reporter: the family says joy turned to sorrow. >> i took it out and heard more crunching and then another and another, and i burst into tears. >> this is one of my francis bowls. >> reporter: you paid to have everything taken apart and wrapped? >> i. did >> reporter: did you have a relationship with them at all? >> when they first got there, they seemed great. >> reporter: when the movers seemed behind schedule. >> who is going to fix the refrigerator, you to put the doors on. >> reporter: this may have been the result. >> comes right off. >> reporter: what do you think happened here? they hired bayshore moving and storage because it was an a plus business by the better business bureau. >> we regret that this move was not handled to the family's complete satisfaction. >> definitely i would like to recoop my losses. we paid 1980 with the deposit. >> reporter: the company cannot refund the move. they must file individual claim forms for each damaged item. >> reporter: the family says it will take weeks, hoping the company will stand by the claims. jennifer mclogan, cbs 2 news. and the new york state department of transportation says the complaints can be lodged with them, and companies can be forced to rebate losses even without receipts. >> they are the proof right there. highlights are coming up in sports. one of the most popular soft drinks in the country, but what does diet coke do to your body? we will take a closer look. >> the dow jones falling 91 points, and the s&p 500 lost 5.8. come to sesame place before little kids become big kids. and celebrate our 35th birthday with our new neighborhood birthday party parade. save $10 on admission and get a free 2nd visit at sesame place. go before they grow. [sfx: bell] [burke] it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you may find. [burke] like how you thought you were covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] but you're not even covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] or how you may be covered for this... [burke] but not for something like this... [burke] talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. [sfx: yeti noise] we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum concern this morning after a new tourist hot spot after a visitor suffers burns on the trip to the high bridge. >> tara works here for cbs 2, and she was burned on the palm of her hand last week climbing the steep staircase to the manhattan bridge. our surface thermometer showed it at 126 degrees. >> hot stuff! hopefully tara's hand is getting better, too. >> i saw her this weekend and she had the silverdean all over it. it hurts. >> she's tough. no long aerosevere thunderstorm warning. it the storm has raced out of our area. wind damage as well. thousands without power, and light rain through brooklyn and queens into the bronx and down into monmouth county and ocean county, and heavier rain, and then we will see the turn around. today 90, feeling warmer with the higher dew points, and you're going to feel it but the numbers will be going down, and 90 is above normal. 84 is the normal. sun is setting at 8:08, and then the sun is setting on the humidity, feeling better, and one quick reminder f -- if you're going to the beach, high rip current risk today. big problems on the roads? >> yeah, and the rails are affected by this in woodbridge, new jersey, three lanes on the northbound garden state parkway blocked at 132. delays now back to 129, and now in brooklyn, an overturned truck has two lanes closed on the bq e, and heavy delays to the bridge. emergency vehicles are blocking one lane. delays back to queens boulevard. issues on long island railroad. will be up if you're taking this, port jefferson branch is suspended in both directions on the entire line because of a downed tree and wires, and passengers are advised to use the ronkonkoma or montauk branches. >> meg, thank you. ready to talk about sports now? >> time for your sports update, and there's two first place team in the city. the only one getting all the press right now, from queens. the rookie, look at this. getting around this one, and this is his first home run, and that's the top of the 2nd right there, and the mets are on the way. it's worth 3-3, and the big trade paying off. number 5 2, nice necklace, occasion. just missing the 3-run homer game. the mets are up 5-0, and and they are cruising, and then the recently not traded flores. no tears here. the mets break it open with the done. his third double of the game tieing the franchise record for the most in a game. it was 10-0 mets after 6, and they roll bartolo colon who smells marvelous, and he gets his first win since the 10th of june. a 12-10 final for the mets last night. a nuance to the age old question, why are women always cold at work. mary, i know you can relate. i like it at 60 in here. last week it was a can of coke, and now the diet version. the damage is the same of all diet soda. it shows what happens to the body an hour after consuming the diet problem. problems with teeth enamel, and there's a release of insulin adding the body to store fat and adding to the addiction as well. a cold hard facts to why women complain they are freezing at work. mary, you never complain. researchers found most office buildings temperatures use the decades old model, but it's based on a 40-year-old man weighing 154 pounds, and since women typically have slower metabolic rates, the thermal comfort model may be off by 35%. >> change the model. please help us out. up next, while you were sleeping, a big storm moved through the area, leaving power outages with as many as 30,000 throughout the island. a concert venue with safety issues in the past had a shooting, and now police are searching for the suspects. a happy ending for a precious pet stolen from a new jersey driveway. we have the happy ending today here on cbs 2 this morning. hi. your daddy's getting a camry? yeah, i want him to have a really fun car. he's the best dad ever. best timing ever. it's our clearance event. here dad, it's for the car. who's the coolest kid ever? the truth is, in ten years that toyota will be mine. at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit you've invested wisely. thanks. toyota. let's go places. it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. 6:30, 69 degrees on this tuesday morning, august 4th, and we have heat and humidity to deal with this morning, and some wet weather is headed our way as well for the end of the week. traffic and weather on the 2s coming up. first, breaking news, severe weather this morning causing power problems, and as many as 30,000 people on long island are without power at this time, and that's according to pse&g. many trees are down. thunder and lightning moved through the area at times, and this video was shot by ilana gold on her cell phone. john elliott also took video on his cell phone, and you can see there. still, parts of our area have a severe warning at this time. two people were shot with a gunman on the loose in new jersey and it happen at hip hop concert. >> janelle burrell is live in holmdel. >> reporter: parking lot 4, the shots were fired late last night, following the concert put on by jay cole and big sean. a photo from one of the witnesses on the scene. the person is being helped by first responders. the shooting reportedly began as an argument, ending with multiple shots fired by, they believe a single gunman, and we spoke by phone with one of the people who saw it happened, and he asked we not use his last name, but he said at first people didn't realize what they were hearing were gun shots. >> they all ran the opposite way towards the actual arena, and the shooting was in the parking lot. everyone just bolted. at first i thought it was fire crackers, and then it was -- like after awhile, we realized it was a gun, and we just bolted. >> reporter: and now both people who were shot were flown by medivac to jersey shore hospital. both this morning in critical but stable condition, and police were out here all night, and we saw a group back here this morning, and they can will resume the search some time later today. reporting live from holmdel, new jersey, janelle burrell, cbs 2 news. time for traffic and weather on the2s, and john haps the rain -- has the rain moving out of the area. >> reporter: we are dealing with showers in the area, and you can get a sense of the city and the breaks later will usher in the sun and the heat and humidity will be basket the current observation in the city, 69. the southwest wind, and that's the engine that will bringing in the heat. light rain through nassau saw county, into brooklyn and queens, and you can see it hold together monmouth through ocean county. the storm that was 70 miles an hour, moving at 50 miles an hour. that's why we saw so many degrees town, and 90 will feel warmer with the high dew points today. we will get you ready for your menu today and also talk about rain for the end of the week. right now, 6:33, and we are checking in with meg. >> thank you, john, new jersey, brooklyn, and long island, issues affecting your commute. in woodbridge, new jersey, exit 132, and delays are back to 129. let's take a live look in brooklyn, an overturned truck has both lanes closed on bqe. heavy delays back past to the brooklyn bridge, and it's extremely heavy on the southbound side with the emergency vehicles blocking one lane. delays back to queens boulevard, and now some issues on long island railroad. the port jefferson branch is suspended in both directions on the entire line because of a downed tree and wires west of stony point. alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. if you're headed to the airport, all on or close at jfk, laguardia, and newark liberty. happening today, we will hear from mayor de blasio about what the city is going to do about the legionnaires' disease in the bronx. >> seven have already died and dozens more are sickened. >> reporter: mary n a few hours, the mayor will be at lincoln hospital to address the outbreak. he says the city is taking it very seriously with a plan to stop it from happening in the future. so many concerns from the south bronx. health officials answered questions and tried to calm their fears. legionnaires' has killed seven people since july. all were older adults with health problems. it's a form of bacteria pneumonia, and they have narrowed down the sources to five locations, and the cooling towers were contaminated with the bacteria and spread the disease. the towers have now been treated. >> they are from usually commercial buildings as part of the air-conditioning systems, ventilation systems or heating systems. >> reporter: and the health department says you can only get legionnaires' disease if you please in mist from the contaminated tower, not from person-to-person contact. but the health department says you prevent and treat the disease. live in the bronx this morning, ilana gold, cbs 2 news. >> ilana, thank you. yesterday the fdny took two girls out of the water at jacob riis state park after they nearly drown, and they were rushed to a nearby hospital. >> they don't respond, and they were given cpr, and they never answered or nothing. they take them by helicopter. >> reporter: earlier mt. day, a 62-year-old woman was taken out of the water unconscious after nearly drowning. rip currents are blamed for the deaths of two men over the weekend. the accused killer of a teenager after brown was indicted last month, charged with the murder over brendan tevlon. -shot in his suv last year. brown reportedly said it was retribution for the u.s. military killing muslims, and he's facing terrorism charges. it was the first time a murder defendant has been charged with terrorism under new jersey states law. police have released surveillance video of the car involved in a nun harlem. the victim's bike was managed after being hit by a driver. the cyclist hit the windshield, rolled off the hood and then hit the pavement. the 57-year-old cyclist is recovering after undergoing surgery at harlem hospital. police are searching for a man responsible for a bias attack on sunday afternoon. the man in this photo went into prince street and started to shout antigay slurs. after they got into a verbal altercation, the man was struck in the face. one of the victims said they are doing okay, adding they refuse to be victims and are thankful they can defend themselves. benjamin netanyahu will be discussing the iran nuclear deal and its implications on the world around 1:00 in afternoon. a vote was held to try to cut funding for planned parenthood after a video tape that was secretly recorded was released showing planned parenthood sometimes sell the fetal tissue. the next trial for pedro hernandez will be scheduled for february it will give the new prosecutor time to prepare. the attorney for hernandez opposes that saying his client has been jailed long enough. >> we just believe that the evidence listened to by a fair and impartial jury does not reach the level it needs to. >> reporter: in may one holdout juror refused to convict. still to come, new information from the police shooting in cincinnati that has an officer facing murder charges. one week after a shooting at a movie theater showing her comedy, amy schumer stands by her senator cousin to call for action. >> it was the last book i wanted to be in the freebie box. >> the sentimental keepsake was mistakenly given away. the author is trying to help the brooklyn couple get their book back. and a happy ending for this pet stolen from its home. good morning, and welcome back here at 6:42. 69degrees, beautiful sunrise right there. and it was a rough start to the day. rain, and power outages. pse&g reporting 34,000 right now. if you have any damage in your local residence, please feel free to tweet us pictures now that it's light out there. 6:42, bringing in john. the heavy stuff has moved out, and now just spotty showers in the area, right? >> 70-mile an hour winds, and it was moving at 55 miles an hour, and that's why you had so much wind damage. right now, just light shower. a pop upshower in the forecast for later today. pace yourself. the little umbrella was no match for the horizontal winds this morning. we will get ready for another nice day on wednesday. it's barbecue spare ribs day and cesar salad and chocolate day. there's the whole menu. 70 in rye right now. north and west, through the lakes, it's cooler. cooler drier air is waiting to take over for tomorrow. in the city today, 86 by lunchtime, and 90 the high this afternoon, and it will feel warmer than that with the higher dew points, and not a heat advisory for anything like that, but a somewhat steamy day. it's wet and gray right now, but the sun is coming out. uv forecast is an 8. the burn time, 15 to 20 minutes, and that was the severe storm that pushed through the area, clearing the twin forks, light rain for nassau county, and look at storms now exiting monmouth and ocean, and everything is moving so quickly. sullivan county, a storm coming on board, and this is the more comfortable air mass taking over for wednesday. your day today, 90, and that's too much heat, and maybe you could see "frozen" as the performing arts center in west orange. that's fun for the kids. tomorrow, tomorrow, nice, less humid, and we will see clouds overhead, and 8 5, and then, now the setup for friday into saturday, the area of low pressure trending to the south, and that's the soaking rain on friday, through a good part of your saturday, and remember that. saturday morning, plan is somewhat in jeopardy. a stormy start to the day today, looking forward to the pick of the week on wednesday, and 6:44, almost a quarter to 7. meg baker is in for alex with traffic. >> reporter: first an accident in new city, and there's an accident on the palisades parkway, and an overturned vehicle will block the southbound palisades parkway approaching 10, delays back to exit 11, and now a live look after 2 hours. an accident on the northbound bqe at metropolitan avenue has cleared. however, we have heavy delays back to the gowanus, and extremely heavy on the southbound side. delays back to northern boulevard, and now the long island railroad, there's issues there. the port jefferson branch is suspended in both directions between port jefferson and huntington because of a downed tree and wires west of stonybrook. it's advised you use the ronkonkoma or montauk branches. chris and mary? we have breaking news for you. more gun violence in the city. five people were shot on dwight street and redhook. one victim a19-year-old woman is in critical condition, and the search is on for the gunman. actress amy schumer teaming up with charles schumer to call for new gun legislation following a recent shooting down south. >> we will never know why people choose to do the painful things, but sadly we always find out how, how the shooter got their gun, and it's often something that should not have happened in the first place. >> a gunman opened fire in louisiana during her new movie, "train wreck" two were killed and duodozen were injured. ellen said i support you and i love you. thank you for speak up for gun control today. the coroner investigating the case of the death of a man says the bottle with him contained no alcohol. the officer has been charged with murder now. 14 republicans for bush to walker, each having 8 minutes to make an impression in new hampshire last night, and the republicans never mentioned poll leader, donald trump who was a no-show, instead governor christie and george pataki pushed the conservative hot button issues and slammed president obama and hillary clinton. >> if the leaders of our american country are afraid of the american people, they are not telling them the truth. >> we should get rid of obama care and common core. >> ten candidates will then be invited to another debate after the top ten are reviewed. surveillance video shows this woman identified as yvonna dominguez going through a room that was locked and told was offlimits. she made off with over $35,000. air b&b has a $1 million insurance policy that covers its hoes. the p.m. rain january has been reunited with its owner. the owner of the pooch, named diamond says someone turned the dog in the woman is shown walking up the driveway in hackensack on saturday and taking the dog. police are still looking for the suspect. the time now, 6:48. still to come, the native son about to give nassau coliseum the perfect sendoff. how one author was able to ease a couple's situation. today the yankees open up against the redsox and the mettle remain in miami. they would love to repeat last night's game. they are now alone in first place. every cup has a story. dunkin' k-cup packs 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give us an update. >> you can see the beautiful old tree, and then all of the beautiful old tree with the damage. the national weather service posted this in affiliation with the storm, and the forward movement, anywhere from 45 to 55 miles an hour, and it's out of here. we can assess the damage, and it's light rain right now filling in on the county line, and a few more isolated showers or storms filling in later today in the city. the possibility of a passing shower, and the odds are low, the numbers will not be. shooting for 90, feeling lower than that. the rain will return late thursday into friday, and you can only imagine getting-around headaches. meg is in for alex. that's right, the weather is affecting the community this morning. the port jefferson branch suspended in both directions between port jefferson and huntington because of a downed tree and wires west of stoney brook. and now in new city, the right lane blocked on the southbound palisades parkway, and you approach exit 10, and delays back to exit 11. alternate-side parking rules in effect citywide. meg, thank you so much. author judy bloom to the rescue of one couple's -- blume to the rescue of one local couple whose husband accidently gave away the book his wife's late mother gave her. >> at the time it was accurate. i felt like a terrible husband. >> it was the last book that i wanted to be in that freebie box. >> they are hoping someone will return the original copy. >> there's a lesson here, yes, twitter can can help you reach out to authors and other people if you're in need, and number two, never, never throw anything out unless you're told to throw it out. i have only been married a few weeks, and i already know that. >> very good. >> he's learning. >> very good advice for all married people. absolutely. we were at the scene and hearing from witnesses after a deadly circus tent collapse in new hampshire. the new cbs poll shows a split in the gop over donald trump. and closer look at trophy hunting. we will get the take on the recent lion hunting scandal. gender could be at the root of the office air conditioner wars. we will see you in a few minutes. >> you like it cold down there, charlie in the studio? >> no, we do not. i'm more sensitive to her because -- >> i need that norah, pass it over here. >> charlie, you're preaching to the choir. >> what you need to know before you go, next. join the millions who have already switched. we switched. and now, we're streaming netflix. who knew time warner cable's internet was so fast! mom switched. and now, we can watch our favorite shows together, on demand. i switched. so i can connect to the internet just about anywhere with my free twc wifi hotspots. join the millions who switched to time warner cable. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100meg internet, and hundreds of hd channels. you'll also get unlimited calling to the us, mexico canada, china, and now india. call today. i switched. now i have a free app that lets me 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shuts down for an extensive renovation. who better than billy joel to shut it down? this is his 34th show. at new city, an overturned vehicle blocking the southbound palisades parkway, and one last look at hudson river rosings. the lincoln tunnel, 20 minute delay, and over to you, john. >> thank you, meg, and you can see the severe weather cleared the area, well east of the city, and a few more showers are filling in. your day today, hot and humid again, 90. cannot rule out a popup shower this afternoon. a break on wednesday. thursday is more dry, and widespread rain. soccer friday into saturday. >> john, thank you so much. another check of news and weather coming up in 25 minutes. >> thank you for watching, i'm

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