Transcripts For WCAU The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Transcripts For WCAU The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20171230

sharon jones, and thlegendary roots crew. >> questlove: 772! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a great crowd right there. that is a hot new york city crowd right there tonight. [ cheers and applause ] welcome. welcome, everybody, to "the tonight show." this is it, baby. you're here. you made it. [ cheers and applause ] looking good. well, here's what -- here's what people are talking about. you guys, thanksgiving is less than a week away. [ cheers ] a lot of people are traveling, but here's a tip, here's a tip. before you get a pat down at the airport, make sure it's from an actual tsa worker and not a united states senator. okay? just do -- >> steve: hey-oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: don't worry about it. that's a little tip from me to you. you hear about this? at a rally today, roy moore's wife, kayla, said trump should thank him for distracting people from russia. [ laughter ] then she thanked al franken for distracting people from her husband. [ cheers and applause ] lot of people thanking -- thanksgiving. after the franken story broke yesterday morning, trump sent out a tweet at 10:00 p.m. calling him "al frankenstein." [ laughter ] that story again, it took trump a full day to come up with the nickname al frankenstein. [ laughter and applause ] "al frankenberry? is that funny?" [ laughter ] "that's all i could think about. frank -- frank and beans?" [ light laughter ] trump said the franken picture is really bad and speaks a a thousand words, but you know who literally speaks a thousand words? trump on the "access hollywood" tape. that was actually -- [ applause ] interesting. another scandal today. i read that kiss singer gene simmons was just banned from fox news for sexual harassment. how bad does it have to be to get banned from fox news? [ laughter ] that's like being banned from white castle for being too high. [ laughter and applause ] what? fox news banned you? did you see this? yesterday, the pentagon retweeted a post that called on president trump to resign and then they said it was an accident. [ laughter ] they were like, "we only meant to like the tweet." we didn't want to retweet it. [ laughter and applause ] just saying. oh, this isn't good. yesterday, 210,000 gallons of oil leaked from the keystone pipeline. 210,000 gallons. to give you an idea of how much that is, let's take a look at that much oil. now can we -- we pull out for a a second? [ laughter ] it's don jr. that is a lot of oil. that is a lot of oil. >> steve: that's a lot of oil. >> jimmy: that's don junior. >> steve: that's a goodly ammount. >> jimmy: that's dj. >> steve: that's djt. >> jimmy: that's dj trump. >> steve: yeah. [ air horn ] >> jimmy: thank you. [ laughter ] >> steve: dj! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's friday. it's going to be one of those shows. i know -- [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: djt! [ air horn ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: donald! >> jimmy: this is nice, i saw that hillary clinton went to see "dear evan hansen" on broadway this week. meanwhile, bernie sanders was kicked out of "stomp!" for talking too loud. he's like, "this is my inside voice!" [ laughter ] and this made me laugh. the navy just admitted that one of its pilots intentionally drew something inappropriate in the sky over washington state. this is real. check it out. [ laughter ] i mean, what's the big deal? everybody knows there's four types of clouds -- cirrus, cumulus, stratus, and penis. [ laughter ] >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: you know -- everyone. [ applause ] >> steve: gosh! >> jimmy: the worst part was it stayed up there for over four hours. they had to call the doctor. >> steve: really? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's the worst. >> steve: oh, my god. the navy -- he was a navy pilot? >> jimmy: what's that? >> steve: he was a navy pilot. >> jimmy: oh, he's from the navy, yeah. >> steve: so it was drawn by seamen. >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: wow. [ laughter and applause ] that's got to be rough. that's nuts. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, it's actually more -- it's more than nuts. >> steve: really? [ laughter and applause ] hey, shut your mouth! >> jimmy: well, i'm just talking about shaft. okay. guys -- [ laughter ] it's the end of another crazy week. >> steve: it's been a nuts week. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's -- crazy. >> steve: crazy nuts. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: since there's been -- since there's too much to talk about, instead of giving you a a full week in review, we decided to put together a a little montage that just focuses on the keywords used this week. something we call -- >> steve: nuts! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "this week in words." enjoy. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> breaking news. >> is coming up. >> italy out of the world cup. >> donald trump jr.'s. >> secret technique. >> wiki -- wiki -- wiki leaks! >> trump is back. >> from a foreign. >> land and he is not so good at shaking hands. >> trouble back home. >> even worse than we think. >> trump looked. >> weird. >> when he took. >> a drink. >> trump. >> wants. >> thanks for. >> intervening. >> the pope blessed a a lamborghini. >> justice league. >> this friday night. >> all right! ♪ >> jimmy: we have a great show tonight! give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: guys, we have a fun show tonight! she is fantastic in the new movie, "molly's game." jessica chastain is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] plus, he's getting a lot of awards attention for his performance in the new movie "call me by your name." timothée chalamet is here. >> steve: whoa! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he is great. another great. then later, he just won the world series for the houston astros. she is one of the biggest supermodels in the world. and two weeks ago, they got married. justin verlander and kate upton are joining us. >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: talk about a great -- i can't wait to see them. and then tonight, something special, performing a special musical tribute to the late, great sharon jones, the dap-kings are here, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] i'm so glad that they're here. of course, ian and dave from the roots are members of the dap-kings. [ cheers and applause ] and they're amazing. we had sharon and the dap-kings booked last year, but sadly, she passed away after a battle with cancer before that could happen. what a singer. what an entertainer. these guys have been here probably over ten times i'm assuming -- we love you guys. so, tonight, the dap-kings are paying tribute to her, and we're very honored. [ cheers and applause ] guys, today is friday. and that's usually when i catch up on some personal stuff. i check my inbox, i return some e-mails and of course i send out thank you notes. and i was just running -- [ cheers and applause ] can i just write them out right now? you guys are the best. thank you. james, can i get some thank you note writing music, please? ♪ [ light laughter ] >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: very animated tonight. very animated. >> steve: yeah. oh, he blinked, i saw him blink. ♪ [ light laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, the news, for making me feel like i'm binge-watching "to catch a a predator." [ laughter and applause ] every -- every day. ♪ thank you, buying a plane ticket home for thanksgiving, for forcing me to answer the question, "is my family worth $800?" [ laughter ] [ applause ] dj trump! >> steve: yeah! [ air horns ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, what's up, miami? >> steve: donald junior. [ light laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, donald trump, for drinking water the same way every child drinks from a sippy cup. [ laughter and applause ] ♪ thank you, donald trump, for drinking water the same way squirrels eat nuts. [ laughter ] [ applause ] "what is this?" ♪ thank you, donald trump drinking water, for giving me a a pretty good idea of what it would look like if you played a a sweet clarinet solo. [ light laughter ] ♪ [ applause ] >> steve: that was sweet. >> jimmy: that was -- [ light laughter ] ♪ thank you, road trips with friends, for being a ten-hour back and forth of, "hey, listen to this song only i like. [ laughter ] [ applause ] they never released the song as a single. this is like, yeah, it's really rare." >> steve: oh, great. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the band didn't even like it. >> steve: right, right, right. [ light laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, donald trump, for returning from your trip to japan, vietnam, south korea, the philippines and china. or as you call them "china, other china, nice korea, the other china, and china." [ laughter and applause ] ♪ thank you, bread bowls, for being above-ground pools for my soup. there you go, there's my "thank-you notes." [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with jessica chastain. come on back! 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[ cheers and applause ] >> yay. >> jimmy: welcome back! >> thanks. thanks, guys. >> jimmy: they love you. we love you. i want to get to the movie, because it was fantastic. and you're great in it. >> thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: but first i wanted to bring up the cover here of hollywood reporter, that's you and a lot of other great actors. >> my girl squad. >> jimmy: yeah, that's your girl -- and here you have a a very important discussion about harassment and gender equality in hollywood. >> yeah, well i feel it's our responsibility to do whatever we can to amplify the voices of the people who have come forward. because, you know, just tweeting or talking about it is nothing compared to the bravery of a woman or a man who's risked their career, their livelihood, everything to come forward. and the only reason they do that is to protect other people from abuse. so for me, silence is complicity, and i want to do whatever i can to help heal our industry but not only our industry because in many, many industries. so like, help heal our society. [ cheers and applause ] thanks. >> jimmy: it's a good thing to talk. have the conversation, get it out there. is there an instance that comes to mind that sticks in your brain, you're, like, "well, that was actually a shady moment?" >> yeah. i mean, i have gotten a little pushback. you know, in the beginning, when everything first started going on, i got an e-mail from an actor who was, like, hold on -- you know, you're using your platform a little irresponsibly. maybe you should just simmer down. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, and it was shocking to me. >> jimmy: a male actor? >> yeah. for me, when somebody tells me no or stop, i'm like, oh really? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. i'm going to keep going yeah. >> so you're going to tell me -- no, so it just kind of emboldened me more. >> jimmy: people would tell you, like hey maybe don't make a big deal or stop saying or we heard enough? >> yeah or just also, too, like, you know, just be quiet. you know, i just feel that these people who have come forward have faced so much victimization. and you know, i want to create a society where they're not further victimized from coming forward. so i want to protect them. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] great -- great crew on there. >> thanks. >> jimmy: i want to talk about "molly's game", because if you enjoy gambling -- >> there's some gamblers in the audience. i here them, they're very excited. >> jimmy: oh, i know. yeah, of course. this is the story of molly bloom -- >> yes. >> jimmy: who was the -- who ran these exclusive hollywood high-end poker games. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i heard about, never invited to. >> did you ever go? >> jimmy: never invited to, no. but there's people in this -- this game, and this girl ends up starting and just running this -- basically a boys' club. >> yeah, it was the most exclusive high-stakes poker game in the world. >> jimmy: i had anxiety watching the gambling and i couldn't even think about -- i would freak out if i lost 20 bucks. >> no, she -- >> jimmy: i would. i would leave a little mad. i would leave a little mad. >> yes. >> jimmy: i would be like, hey, i had a good time, i don't know if i'll do this again. [ light laughter ] >> i am so against gambling. i once went to vegas with some friends. they're like you got to gamble, you got to -- i said, "no, i don't want to." someone said, "here's $100. you have to gamble, just this weekend." i said okay, and i went over to -- i don't even know -- the one that turns. is that roulette? >> jimmy: yeah. >> okay. i went over to that. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you should not gamble, by the way. you should not gamble. to other gamblers maybe you should. i mean they'd love to have you at a black jack table. >> and it's the best odds, you know if you go black or red. >> jimmy: oh, my -- it's equal odds, right? >> well, it's the best odds in the casino. >> jimmy: is that true? >> better than slots, better than anything. >> jimmy: no, i've heard other things. >> well, no. >> jimmy: 'cause i'm an idiot when it comes to gambling. then they tell me idiot things -- >> it's close to 50% with the roulette. and also i doubled my money and i walked away. so, come on. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now you're making me want to gamble. i thought craps were the best odds in vegas, or gambling. >> what are the odds for craps? >> jimmy: i have no idea what i was doing in craps. i was like yeah, of course yeah, do that. >> but did you win? >> jimmy: i'm like, did i just lose 20 bucks? no, of course i lost. >> then -- >> jimmy: yeah, that's how they stay in business. yeah, i'm awful. but i'm watching this scene, i'm freaking out, and i kind of know -- i know a handful of these people playing this game. one, i just -- well, i don't know whose name to name, but i was like -- i would freak out but you see like them pushing like -- the buy-ins are what? >> hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> jimmy: a hundred thousand dollars just to play the game. >> molly said recently -- >> jimmy: i play penny poker at my house and i get mad. >> i used to play -- i grew up playing poker with halloween candy. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and that was like the most extreme sport for me. >> jimmy: and, you know, nothing against playing poker and all that stuff. >> no. >> jimmy: but it just -- it got really -- it gets out of control. >> i went to an -- i actually went to a poker game in new york with the guys that played with molly. >> jimmy: no. >> and i observed. and i was sitting there for a a while behind someone, and he just started to lose so much money over and over again. and everyone, like, the energy in the room started to change and, like, in the beginning they were very friendly towards me. and then as he started to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, i realized that perhaps i was a cooler in the room, which means the person who brings bad luck. >> jimmy: yeah, of course. yeah. >> yeah? >> jimmy: i knew that. yeah, yeah. cooler. yeah. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i was like, oh you're totally the cooler. >> and i had to get out of there as fast as i could. >> jimmy: and is it a secret room? is it like in a hotel? or you can't even say? can't say anything. >> well, it was in someone's apartment. and the funny thing is, they didn't know in the beginning that i was observing, because i was going to play molly. and i started to feel super guilty, and they started to talk about molly, and they were saying things like, oh, they're never going to make that movie. blah, blah, blah. and then finally i was like, okay, guys, i got to tell you something. and one of the guys goes, "okay, i get it, you're a a friend of molly's." and i said, "i'm playing molly in the movie that's happening very soon." and then another player goes, "oh, really? i knew you looked familiar. what other movies have you been in?" and i said, "zero dark thirty." he goes, "man, i love that movie. who were you?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i was the movie. >> osama bin laden? >> jimmy: i was the whole -- i was the whole movie. yeah. so then -- i didn't even know -- i read articles about this story and this girl, molly, molly bloom. and then she -- what happens is one of the players says, we're done with you, we don't need you in this game anymore. and it's like her whole -- she has no job, and her just -- she's just gone. so she gets into depression, she has a spin, gets on drugs, then goes you know what, i'm gonna start a high-end exclusive game in new york. >> yep. >> jimmy: that's where it gets crazy. >> it gets crazy. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i mean, no -- no hollywood actors showed up at this one. this is like -- >> well some sports guys did. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah. >> because, you know new york doesn't necessarily have actors, but they have some yankees, right? >> jimmy: they also have some mets, right, you guys? [ cheers ] mets weren't even invited to the high-end game. so sad. >> sorry about that. >> jimmy: it's so sad. they're like, no, just trust me, invest your money. what why would you say that? you're fantastic in it. >> thanks buddy. >> jimmy: and congrats on all the buzz you're getting. you deserve it. here's a clip. here's jessica chastain in "molly's game." take a look a this. >> i didn't do anything wrong. >> i threw four people under the bus for $35,000, charlie. i noticed you kept that out of your speech to the prosecutor. >> no, don't do that. >> i took advantage of gambling addicts. donnie silverman, my brilliant find. he lost -- >> molly -- >> $6 million on my table. >> stop, stop. >> moved to florida, got a job as a substitute teacher, then hanged himself. >> oh, and that's your fault? that's not your fault. >> donnie silverman's dead. harlan -- is in jail in nevada wishing he was, but that's not why i'm saying no. >> you're not saying no. >> i was named after my great grandmother. >> i don't care. >> molly bloom. >> we'll stay here all night until you understand -- until you understand nobody gives a -- about your good name. >> i do. >> why? >> because. >> why? >> because. >> tell me why. >> because it's all i have left! because it's my name. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jessica chastain, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] "molly's game" is in theaters december 25th. more with jessica when we come back. come on back, everybody. 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[ laughter ] hi. my name's angela. it's nice to meet you. >> jimmy: great. this time, could you try it sweet and modest, but also hot and can you be younger? >> sure. >> jimmy: great. >> hi. my name's angela. it's so nice to meet you. >> jimmy: all right, all right. try it like you're a spicy little peppermint with a a secret. >> okay. >> jimmy: you're a little peppermint. little pepper! >> hi. >> jimmy: but hot, though. [ light laughter ] >> hi. my name's angela. >> little less hot this time. more -- more sexy, right? >> hi, my name's angela. >> jimmy: all right. now like a strong, like a girl boss, but pouting, but sweetly, but also you loved him, but hot, you know? >> yeah. >> jimmy: hot. >> hi. my name's angela. >> jimmy: just like that but also be wonder woman. [ laughter ] >> wonder woman? >> jimmy: no, yeah. yeah, like hot. >> hi, my name's angela. >> jimmy: murdered but hot. >> hi, my name is angela. >> jimmy: try like you're smart, accomplished and empowered. >> really? oh, that's great. >> jimmy: sorry. misread my notes there. try hot. [ laughter ] >> hi. my name is angela. wait, sorry, hot in what way? >> jimmy: hot enough that people won't really listen to what you're saying. don't even say the lines. >> okay. >> jimmy: mumble something. >> yeah, hi, my name's angela. >> jimmy: that's good. how about -- how about like you're hot, but then you're actually hot, like it's hot in the room. then you're hot, you ate something spicy, but then you're into spicy but you're hungry but just in a hot way, like a hungry -- how can you do hungry hot, you know? >> hungry hot. >> jimmy: yeah, give me hungry hot. just for something different. >> okay. oh, hi, my name's angela. >> jimmy: can you do it hotter? >> hi, my name is angela. >> jimmy: hotter! >> hi, my name is angela. >> jimmy: hotter! >> hi, my name is hot! [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. thank you. [ laughter ] great. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: slate your name? >> i'm arthur and i'll be reading for the role of mike. >> jimmy: whenever you're ready. >> hi, my name is mike. >> jimmy: perfect. i love it. fantastic. no notes. [ cheers and applause ] >> great. >> jimmy: our thanks to jessica chastain. more "tonight show" after the break. stick around, everybody. 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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: timothee! >> i sat before you did. >> jimmy: no, no, no. that's what you -- that's what you do as a guest. >> no, no, no, you sit first. >> jimmy: this is his first talk show. timothee, please. [ cheers and applause ] we're happy to have you here, and i'm honored that you're here, buddy. congratulations. >> man, i feel so bad for all of you guys. >> jimmy: no. >> you were waiting in line outside, and you saw jessica chastain and now you're like, who the hell is this guy? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no. i -- we -- honestly, everyone's going to know you, buddy. >> okay. >> jimmy: yeah, if they don't already. i want to know where are you from. >> i'm from new york, and i grew up like 15 blocks from here. so this is -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's the way to do it. >> aw man. this is so strange. >> jimmy: is that right? i thought you were french for some reason. >> my dad is french. my dad is in the back. he's watching me right here. out -- >> jimmy: hi, dad. [ cheers and applause ] i met dad. yeah, i met dad. >> okay listen, i had one -- i had one rule for myself when i came out here, and it wasn't to go, oh my god, i'm doing this for the first time. and that is exactly what i'm doing. [ laughter ] but -- keep going. >> jimmy: you're doing great. you have two big movies. "lady bird," which you're fantastic in, and -- >> i'm nothing like that guy in real life, i promise, for those who have seen it. >> jimmy: no. that's what acting's all about. [ laughter ] i am -- i am this guy. yeah. i'm that guy. this is my job. yeah, this is me. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah! >> jimmy: i got to hear you, buddy. "call me by your name." i was blown away by this movie. i couldn't believe -- i go, first of all, it's gorgeous, the way it was shot, and where you were in northern italy? >> in northern italy in a town called crema, which is where our director was from. so -- shot a scene, and go home right away, and that was his game plan. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. you were fantastic in it. >> thank you. >> jimmy: armie -- >> armie hammer, michael stuhlbarg -- >> jimmy: armie hammer is unbelievable. oh -- the guy who plays your dad? >> yeah, he gives an amazing speech at the end of the movie. >> jimmy: the whole -- again, i don't want to spoil anything or say -- what can we actually say about it? coming of age story set in the '80s, and this -- this kid's family is in italy. >> it's in italy, yes, and then armie hammer shows up, and then that's -- >> jimmy: but he's not playing armie hammer. >> he's not playing armie, he's playing -- >> jimmy: no, people are acting in this movie. >> yeah, yeah, acting going on, and certainly i would hope there's a lot of acting in it because armie's wife would be really mad at me if this all played out in real life. >> jimmy: yep, yep. you'll see what actually happens, but the dialogue is so tricky. i will also say, i love the opening titles, which i saw was chen li did the opening titles. because it's these beautiful pictures of, like, statues and -- >> i'm so glad you credited that person, and i might be wrong about this so maybe have a fact checker or something. but i'm pretty sure luca was just walking around milan, and he saw the signs in the front of the store he likes, and he said i've got to get in touch with that person, they're going to do the font for the movie. >> jimmy: that's -- i saw that. and i go, already, i'm in a a different world. this is a movie i've never seen. >> fantastic. >> jimmy: i loved it, and every single scene, you go, gosh, it's so beautiful, and you just see -- you're 17 in the movie or something? >> yes. >> jimmy: and it's just like, awkward to watch you grow up and you go -- it's just tricky. [ laughter ] and i remember -- i was just like, obviously, i had no idea where it was going, and i just thought you did such a great job. >> man, thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: and like you said, stay tuned to the end of the movie which most people do for a movie. [ laughter ] but the end -- the end is, wow, wow, wow, wow. well done, buddy. >> no spoilers. no spoilers. >> jimmy: no, i can't spoil it, but i will say, it does end. the movie ends. >> the movie does end. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: eventually, the movie ends. yeah, but, well done, and congrats on your success. i love that you're from new york. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and your dad did a a great job. did a great job. >> i appreciate -- [ cheers and applause ] i want to show everyone a clip. here's timothee chalamet in "call me by your name." check it out. >> play that again. >> play what again? >> the thing you played outside. >> oh, you want me to play the thing i played outside? >> please. >> oh. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i can't believe you changed it again. >> oh, i changed it a little bit. >> yeah. why? >> i just played it the way busoni would have played it if he's altered liszt's version. >> and what is wrong with the way bach would have played bach. >> bach never wrote it for the guitar. in fact, we're not even sure bach wrote at all -- >> forget i asked. ♪ >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] timothee chalamet, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] "call me by your name" is in select theaters next friday. stay tuned for the end of it. we'll be right back with justin verlander and kate upton. stick around, everybody. 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[sneezing] "reordering gummy vitamins." and you even get free delivery from here here here and lots of other places with google express. google home and google home mini, now starting at $29. resolution #1: binge more. join the un-carrier, and get four unlimited lines for only forty bucks each. plus, netflix for the whole family. on us. so, they get their shows... let's go, girl! you're gonna love this bit! and you get yours. watch however you want. on your phone, tablet, or tv. for just forty bucks per line. with no extra charges. let's rock this joint! all on america's best unlimited network, t-mobile. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're so happy to be joined by our next guests. he is a pitcher for the world champion houston astros, and she is one of the most successful supermodels on the planet, and they just got married! everyone, please welcome justin verlander and kate upton! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, it's always great to see you. thank you for coming back to the show. congratulations, justin. congratulations, nice to meet you, finally. and let's just talk me through a couple things. first of all, you've been in the major leagues for how long? >> 13 years. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: first world series. >> first time winning it. >> about time! >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's what i'm saying. >> jimmy: how does it -- you just got traded. you were in detroit forever, for a long time. >> yeah. so, yes, so mostly of 13 years, and then i got the call that i was traded, and i needed to say okay -- >> 40 minutes before. >> 40 minutes before the trade deadline. >> jimmy: did you have any other options? >> it was the astros. they said, you have to commit to this. >> jimmy: or what? or your career's over? >> or stay with detroit. >> dead. >> jimmy: yeah, exaclty. >> do it, or you're dead. >> probably not make it to the world series. >> jimmy: and you just said -- did you help? >> we debated a lot. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah, we went back and forth a lot. like everyone always talks about the baseball decision, but not everyone thinks about the emotional decision and -- >> jimmy: the life decision. >> exactly. >> our whole lives were in detroit. >> you know like, the next day, we're moving to houston. whatever decision we make. >> which was just hit by harvey. >> jimmy: gosh -- >> the next day we actually couldn't even move to houston, because airports weren't open yet because of hurricane harvey. >> jimmy: the tough thing is that even more emotional to watch that world series, because of all the great people of houston, and what just happened to them. but also, the first time in franchise history that you won. also, it's just good to see young people in love. [ cheers and applause ] it is great. i mean that -- i don't know how -- so you win the world series, and it's great, and then the parade happens, and you can't go to the parade because in a great excuse. you guys got married. >> yeah. >> pretty big excuse. >> jimmy: yeah, so what happened with this? you just planned it that you were going to be in italy or where did you -- >> yeah, so, we planned the wedding, you know, before, obviously, he was traded. and we've been planning -- >> jimmy: you didn't think you were going to make it to the world series. >> maybe not. >> jimmy: hoping for the best. we'll just book it. >> and literally, when we're planning this thing, we're talking like, you know, best case scenario, we go to the world series. there's really literally only one thing that could throw a a huge wrench in all of our plans. it's not the world series. it's going to game seven of the world series. >> and guess where we went? >> sure enough. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so you're sitting there game seven, and all your relatives are in -- >> everybody's in italy. everyone's at the venue. we have an event that night and everyone's texting us, like, your wedding's so pretty. wish you were here. [ laughter ] >> wish you were here. we got taken around our weeding via facetime. >> like, say hey to uncle joe. >> hi thanks for coming. >> jimmy: that's the greatest. do you ever get superstitious for anything you do in the stands? >> yes. it's really hard, because, you know, in my career, i have a a lot of control, and whenever i'm watching justin, i obviously have zero control, and i'm just sitting there hoping for the best. so then you end up creating a a routine, because you think that you're helping them. so, i -- you're not. >> jimmy: do you notice? i mean justin, do you ever look in the stands like, she's not sitting there, like what's going on. >> not when i'm pitching. i actually made her at dodger stadium in the world series, she had some really awesome seats that were like right next to our dugout, and i said, honey, you can't sit there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you've got to move to the nosebleeds -- >> that's going to distract me. >> jimmy: they cut to you, it was at the end of game seven, just to see you in the crowd and i saw you just -- just so nervous and excited for him and it was like -- it was just so cool. i know you. i don't know you that well, but i could tell you're so proud of him, and it was just great. how did he propose? i know, to put you on the spot. [ laughter ] >> what a transition. >> jimmy: you can give me the scoop. you can give me the scoop. >> yeah. no, i mean, it was this great, elaborate proposal, and -- [ laughter ] he's very romantic. >> jimmy: yeah, he won the world series, big deal. every guy does that. >> but he gets down on one knee, and he pops open the ring box, and in my mind, i was like, don't look at the ring, he's going to think you're materialistic. just look in his eyes, listen to what he's saying. listen. you're not listening, kate. this is my internal dialogue, and then finally i was like, he stopped talking. just say yes. and he's -- i said yes and he stands up and he was like, do you not like the ring? you didn't look at it once. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is so you. >> i was like, i love it! >> jimmy: no, i love the ring and you, but -- >> i was trying to be in the moment. i wasn't! >> jimmy: i'm so happy for you guys, doubly, and yeah, i'm just -- congratulations and please come back. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: i'm so happy for you guys. congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: justin verlander and kate upton, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with a a tribute to sharon jones. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ amazing speed, coverage, and control. nooooooo! yes! all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome and change the way you wifi. it's not just something we say when you arrive. the warmth of an irish welcome stays with you long after you leave. so come on over. we'll give you the inside track. and let you into some little secrets that will take you back through history, bring our landscapes to life, and make your evenings last longer. welcome to ireland. ,000 deaths in america last year. we need to stand up and say enough. the only way this problem is going to be solved is if we raise our voices. choose help over helplessness, hope over hopelessness. make sure that the lives we've lost will not have been lost in vain. addiction is a disease. when you ask for help, help is there for you. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: a year ago tomorrow, we lost the charismatic soul singer sharon jones. her final recordings with these long-time collaborators, the dap-kings, resulted in the new album, "soul of a woman", which is out today. performing "sail on" and "searching for a new day", please welcome the dap-kings. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> all right, good evening, ladies and gentlemen. how's everybody doing out there? are you all right? [ cheers and applause ] well all right, thank you very much. my name is binky griptite. we are the dap-kings. and we are so happy and pleased to be celebrating here on "the tonight show" the release of our brand new record "soul of a woman." that's right, it features a a woman that been known as the brightest star on dap tone soul universe and unfortunately our sister is not here to celebrate with us tonight. but we're gonna have a a celebration anyway. am i right? [ cheers and applause ] well all right. so now, we introduce to you miss sharon jones! ♪ ♪ ♪ simple sounds are in my ear coming from a radio oh no ♪ ♪ where did all the good times go ♪ ♪ in the daytime all i am is a working fool and in the nighttime i try to keep my cool ♪ ♪ i know that people say gotta be a better way but there ain't no golden goose that'll get you paid ♪ ♪ through the hard times can't sit on the sideline you know we got to get ahead i'm gonna keep on trying ♪ ♪ i've been searching for a new day some peace of mind is gonna come my way ♪ ♪ and if you don't find it i'll keep on searching for it ♪ ♪ i know i'll find it ♪ i've been searching for a new day some peace of mind is gonna come my way ♪ ♪ and if you don't find it i'll keep on searching i know i'll find it ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together and show some love for ms. sharon jones! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ that's right. show some love for the incredible, dynamic, legendry ms. sharon jones. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ give it up for ms. sharon jones. [ cheers and applause ] and the dap-kings. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the dap-kings, everyone! [ cheers and applause ] "soul of a woman" is out now. [ cheers and applause ] my thanks to jessica chastain, timothee chalamet, justin verlander, kate upton, the dap-kings! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great weekend. i hope to see you next week. thank you, guys. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight, rosie o'donnell. from "the death and life of marsha p. johnson," director david france. featuring the 8g band with anton fig. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] that is wonderful to hear. in that case, let's get to the news. the houston astros beat the los angeles dodgers last night to win their first world series title in team history. sad news for dodgers fans, some of whom have been following the team since as far back as game three.

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Transcripts For WCAU The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20171230 :

Transcripts For WCAU The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20171230

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sharon jones, and thlegendary roots crew. >> questlove: 772! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a great crowd right there. that is a hot new york city crowd right there tonight. [ cheers and applause ] welcome. welcome, everybody, to "the tonight show." this is it, baby. you're here. you made it. [ cheers and applause ] looking good. well, here's what -- here's what people are talking about. you guys, thanksgiving is less than a week away. [ cheers ] a lot of people are traveling, but here's a tip, here's a tip. before you get a pat down at the airport, make sure it's from an actual tsa worker and not a united states senator. okay? just do -- >> steve: hey-oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: don't worry about it. that's a little tip from me to you. you hear about this? at a rally today, roy moore's wife, kayla, said trump should thank him for distracting people from russia. [ laughter ] then she thanked al franken for distracting people from her husband. [ cheers and applause ] lot of people thanking -- thanksgiving. after the franken story broke yesterday morning, trump sent out a tweet at 10:00 p.m. calling him "al frankenstein." [ laughter ] that story again, it took trump a full day to come up with the nickname al frankenstein. [ laughter and applause ] "al frankenberry? is that funny?" [ laughter ] "that's all i could think about. frank -- frank and beans?" [ light laughter ] trump said the franken picture is really bad and speaks a a thousand words, but you know who literally speaks a thousand words? trump on the "access hollywood" tape. that was actually -- [ applause ] interesting. another scandal today. i read that kiss singer gene simmons was just banned from fox news for sexual harassment. how bad does it have to be to get banned from fox news? [ laughter ] that's like being banned from white castle for being too high. [ laughter and applause ] what? fox news banned you? did you see this? yesterday, the pentagon retweeted a post that called on president trump to resign and then they said it was an accident. [ laughter ] they were like, "we only meant to like the tweet." we didn't want to retweet it. [ laughter and applause ] just saying. oh, this isn't good. yesterday, 210,000 gallons of oil leaked from the keystone pipeline. 210,000 gallons. to give you an idea of how much that is, let's take a look at that much oil. now can we -- we pull out for a a second? [ laughter ] it's don jr. that is a lot of oil. that is a lot of oil. >> steve: that's a lot of oil. >> jimmy: that's don junior. >> steve: that's a goodly ammount. >> jimmy: that's dj. >> steve: that's djt. >> jimmy: that's dj trump. >> steve: yeah. [ air horn ] >> jimmy: thank you. [ laughter ] >> steve: dj! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's friday. it's going to be one of those shows. i know -- [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: djt! [ air horn ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: donald! >> jimmy: this is nice, i saw that hillary clinton went to see "dear evan hansen" on broadway this week. meanwhile, bernie sanders was kicked out of "stomp!" for talking too loud. he's like, "this is my inside voice!" [ laughter ] and this made me laugh. the navy just admitted that one of its pilots intentionally drew something inappropriate in the sky over washington state. this is real. check it out. [ laughter ] i mean, what's the big deal? everybody knows there's four types of clouds -- cirrus, cumulus, stratus, and penis. [ laughter ] >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: you know -- everyone. [ applause ] >> steve: gosh! >> jimmy: the worst part was it stayed up there for over four hours. they had to call the doctor. >> steve: really? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's the worst. >> steve: oh, my god. the navy -- he was a navy pilot? >> jimmy: what's that? >> steve: he was a navy pilot. >> jimmy: oh, he's from the navy, yeah. >> steve: so it was drawn by seamen. >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: wow. [ laughter and applause ] that's got to be rough. that's nuts. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, it's actually more -- it's more than nuts. >> steve: really? [ laughter and applause ] hey, shut your mouth! >> jimmy: well, i'm just talking about shaft. okay. guys -- [ laughter ] it's the end of another crazy week. >> steve: it's been a nuts week. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's -- crazy. >> steve: crazy nuts. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: since there's been -- since there's too much to talk about, instead of giving you a a full week in review, we decided to put together a a little montage that just focuses on the keywords used this week. something we call -- >> steve: nuts! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "this week in words." enjoy. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> breaking news. >> is coming up. >> italy out of the world cup. >> donald trump jr.'s. >> secret technique. >> wiki -- wiki -- wiki leaks! >> trump is back. >> from a foreign. >> land and he is not so good at shaking hands. >> trouble back home. >> even worse than we think. >> trump looked. >> weird. >> when he took. >> a drink. >> trump. >> wants. >> thanks for. >> intervening. >> the pope blessed a a lamborghini. >> justice league. >> this friday night. >> all right! ♪ >> jimmy: we have a great show tonight! give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: guys, we have a fun show tonight! she is fantastic in the new movie, "molly's game." jessica chastain is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] plus, he's getting a lot of awards attention for his performance in the new movie "call me by your name." timothée chalamet is here. >> steve: whoa! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he is great. another great. then later, he just won the world series for the houston astros. she is one of the biggest supermodels in the world. and two weeks ago, they got married. justin verlander and kate upton are joining us. >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: talk about a great -- i can't wait to see them. and then tonight, something special, performing a special musical tribute to the late, great sharon jones, the dap-kings are here, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] i'm so glad that they're here. of course, ian and dave from the roots are members of the dap-kings. [ cheers and applause ] and they're amazing. we had sharon and the dap-kings booked last year, but sadly, she passed away after a battle with cancer before that could happen. what a singer. what an entertainer. these guys have been here probably over ten times i'm assuming -- we love you guys. so, tonight, the dap-kings are paying tribute to her, and we're very honored. [ cheers and applause ] guys, today is friday. and that's usually when i catch up on some personal stuff. i check my inbox, i return some e-mails and of course i send out thank you notes. and i was just running -- [ cheers and applause ] can i just write them out right now? you guys are the best. thank you. james, can i get some thank you note writing music, please? ♪ [ light laughter ] >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: very animated tonight. very animated. >> steve: yeah. oh, he blinked, i saw him blink. ♪ [ light laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, the news, for making me feel like i'm binge-watching "to catch a a predator." [ laughter and applause ] every -- every day. ♪ thank you, buying a plane ticket home for thanksgiving, for forcing me to answer the question, "is my family worth $800?" [ laughter ] [ applause ] dj trump! >> steve: yeah! [ air horns ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, what's up, miami? >> steve: donald junior. [ light laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, donald trump, for drinking water the same way every child drinks from a sippy cup. [ laughter and applause ] ♪ thank you, donald trump, for drinking water the same way squirrels eat nuts. [ laughter ] [ applause ] "what is this?" ♪ thank you, donald trump drinking water, for giving me a a pretty good idea of what it would look like if you played a a sweet clarinet solo. [ light laughter ] ♪ [ applause ] >> steve: that was sweet. >> jimmy: that was -- [ light laughter ] ♪ thank you, road trips with friends, for being a ten-hour back and forth of, "hey, listen to this song only i like. [ laughter ] [ applause ] they never released the song as a single. this is like, yeah, it's really rare." >> steve: oh, great. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the band didn't even like it. >> steve: right, right, right. [ light laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, donald trump, for returning from your trip to japan, vietnam, south korea, the philippines and china. or as you call them "china, other china, nice korea, the other china, and china." [ laughter and applause ] ♪ thank you, bread bowls, for being above-ground pools for my soup. there you go, there's my "thank-you notes." [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with jessica chastain. come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ resolution #1: binge more. join the un-carrier, and get four unlimited lines for only forty bucks each. plus, netflix for the whole family. on us. so, they get their shows... let's go, girl! you're gonna love this bit! and you get yours. watch however you want. on your phone, tablet, or tv. for just forty bucks per line. with no extra charges. let's rock this joint! all on america's best unlimited network, t-mobile. finding the best hotel price is whoooo. now a safe bet. because tripadvisor searches... ...over 200 booking sites - so you save up to 30% on the... ...hotelock it in. tripadvisor. tit's got the google assistant in it, so it's super helpful. watch this: "hey google, good morning." "good morning, claire." "it's 52 degrees with a chance of rain, so you might want an umbrella." oh, that's thoughtful. it'll also read you the news, look up traffic, and tell you: "your first meeting is at 9am." and you know how sometimes you're in bed and you can't get out of it until you hear that one song that... "okay, playing your get out of bed playlist." ♪ yeah, it can do that too. google home and google home mini, now starting at $29. gives skin the moisture it needs and keeps it there longer with lock-in moisture technology skin is petal smooth after all, a cleanser's just a cleanser unless it's olay. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar-nominated actress who stars in the new movie, "molly's game", which is in theaters december 25th. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome jessica chastain! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back! [ cheers and applause ] >> yay. >> jimmy: welcome back! >> thanks. thanks, guys. >> jimmy: they love you. we love you. i want to get to the movie, because it was fantastic. and you're great in it. >> thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: but first i wanted to bring up the cover here of hollywood reporter, that's you and a lot of other great actors. >> my girl squad. >> jimmy: yeah, that's your girl -- and here you have a a very important discussion about harassment and gender equality in hollywood. >> yeah, well i feel it's our responsibility to do whatever we can to amplify the voices of the people who have come forward. because, you know, just tweeting or talking about it is nothing compared to the bravery of a woman or a man who's risked their career, their livelihood, everything to come forward. and the only reason they do that is to protect other people from abuse. so for me, silence is complicity, and i want to do whatever i can to help heal our industry but not only our industry because in many, many industries. so like, help heal our society. [ cheers and applause ] thanks. >> jimmy: it's a good thing to talk. have the conversation, get it out there. is there an instance that comes to mind that sticks in your brain, you're, like, "well, that was actually a shady moment?" >> yeah. i mean, i have gotten a little pushback. you know, in the beginning, when everything first started going on, i got an e-mail from an actor who was, like, hold on -- you know, you're using your platform a little irresponsibly. maybe you should just simmer down. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, and it was shocking to me. >> jimmy: a male actor? >> yeah. for me, when somebody tells me no or stop, i'm like, oh really? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. i'm going to keep going yeah. >> so you're going to tell me -- no, so it just kind of emboldened me more. >> jimmy: people would tell you, like hey maybe don't make a big deal or stop saying or we heard enough? >> yeah or just also, too, like, you know, just be quiet. you know, i just feel that these people who have come forward have faced so much victimization. and you know, i want to create a society where they're not further victimized from coming forward. so i want to protect them. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] great -- great crew on there. >> thanks. >> jimmy: i want to talk about "molly's game", because if you enjoy gambling -- >> there's some gamblers in the audience. i here them, they're very excited. >> jimmy: oh, i know. yeah, of course. this is the story of molly bloom -- >> yes. >> jimmy: who was the -- who ran these exclusive hollywood high-end poker games. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i heard about, never invited to. >> did you ever go? >> jimmy: never invited to, no. but there's people in this -- this game, and this girl ends up starting and just running this -- basically a boys' club. >> yeah, it was the most exclusive high-stakes poker game in the world. >> jimmy: i had anxiety watching the gambling and i couldn't even think about -- i would freak out if i lost 20 bucks. >> no, she -- >> jimmy: i would. i would leave a little mad. i would leave a little mad. >> yes. >> jimmy: i would be like, hey, i had a good time, i don't know if i'll do this again. [ light laughter ] >> i am so against gambling. i once went to vegas with some friends. they're like you got to gamble, you got to -- i said, "no, i don't want to." someone said, "here's $100. you have to gamble, just this weekend." i said okay, and i went over to -- i don't even know -- the one that turns. is that roulette? >> jimmy: yeah. >> okay. i went over to that. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you should not gamble, by the way. you should not gamble. to other gamblers maybe you should. i mean they'd love to have you at a black jack table. >> and it's the best odds, you know if you go black or red. >> jimmy: oh, my -- it's equal odds, right? >> well, it's the best odds in the casino. >> jimmy: is that true? >> better than slots, better than anything. >> jimmy: no, i've heard other things. >> well, no. >> jimmy: 'cause i'm an idiot when it comes to gambling. then they tell me idiot things -- >> it's close to 50% with the roulette. and also i doubled my money and i walked away. so, come on. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now you're making me want to gamble. i thought craps were the best odds in vegas, or gambling. >> what are the odds for craps? >> jimmy: i have no idea what i was doing in craps. i was like yeah, of course yeah, do that. >> but did you win? >> jimmy: i'm like, did i just lose 20 bucks? no, of course i lost. >> then -- >> jimmy: yeah, that's how they stay in business. yeah, i'm awful. but i'm watching this scene, i'm freaking out, and i kind of know -- i know a handful of these people playing this game. one, i just -- well, i don't know whose name to name, but i was like -- i would freak out but you see like them pushing like -- the buy-ins are what? >> hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> jimmy: a hundred thousand dollars just to play the game. >> molly said recently -- >> jimmy: i play penny poker at my house and i get mad. >> i used to play -- i grew up playing poker with halloween candy. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and that was like the most extreme sport for me. >> jimmy: and, you know, nothing against playing poker and all that stuff. >> no. >> jimmy: but it just -- it got really -- it gets out of control. >> i went to an -- i actually went to a poker game in new york with the guys that played with molly. >> jimmy: no. >> and i observed. and i was sitting there for a a while behind someone, and he just started to lose so much money over and over again. and everyone, like, the energy in the room started to change and, like, in the beginning they were very friendly towards me. and then as he started to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, i realized that perhaps i was a cooler in the room, which means the person who brings bad luck. >> jimmy: yeah, of course. yeah. >> yeah? >> jimmy: i knew that. yeah, yeah. cooler. yeah. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i was like, oh you're totally the cooler. >> and i had to get out of there as fast as i could. >> jimmy: and is it a secret room? is it like in a hotel? or you can't even say? can't say anything. >> well, it was in someone's apartment. and the funny thing is, they didn't know in the beginning that i was observing, because i was going to play molly. and i started to feel super guilty, and they started to talk about molly, and they were saying things like, oh, they're never going to make that movie. blah, blah, blah. and then finally i was like, okay, guys, i got to tell you something. and one of the guys goes, "okay, i get it, you're a a friend of molly's." and i said, "i'm playing molly in the movie that's happening very soon." and then another player goes, "oh, really? i knew you looked familiar. what other movies have you been in?" and i said, "zero dark thirty." he goes, "man, i love that movie. who were you?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i was the movie. >> osama bin laden? >> jimmy: i was the whole -- i was the whole movie. yeah. so then -- i didn't even know -- i read articles about this story and this girl, molly, molly bloom. and then she -- what happens is one of the players says, we're done with you, we don't need you in this game anymore. and it's like her whole -- she has no job, and her just -- she's just gone. so she gets into depression, she has a spin, gets on drugs, then goes you know what, i'm gonna start a high-end exclusive game in new york. >> yep. >> jimmy: that's where it gets crazy. >> it gets crazy. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i mean, no -- no hollywood actors showed up at this one. this is like -- >> well some sports guys did. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah. >> because, you know new york doesn't necessarily have actors, but they have some yankees, right? >> jimmy: they also have some mets, right, you guys? [ cheers ] mets weren't even invited to the high-end game. so sad. >> sorry about that. >> jimmy: it's so sad. they're like, no, just trust me, invest your money. what why would you say that? you're fantastic in it. >> thanks buddy. >> jimmy: and congrats on all the buzz you're getting. you deserve it. here's a clip. here's jessica chastain in "molly's game." take a look a this. >> i didn't do anything wrong. >> i threw four people under the bus for $35,000, charlie. i noticed you kept that out of your speech to the prosecutor. >> no, don't do that. >> i took advantage of gambling addicts. donnie silverman, my brilliant find. he lost -- >> molly -- >> $6 million on my table. >> stop, stop. >> moved to florida, got a job as a substitute teacher, then hanged himself. >> oh, and that's your fault? that's not your fault. >> donnie silverman's dead. harlan -- is in jail in nevada wishing he was, but that's not why i'm saying no. >> you're not saying no. >> i was named after my great grandmother. >> i don't care. >> molly bloom. >> we'll stay here all night until you understand -- until you understand nobody gives a -- about your good name. >> i do. >> why? >> because. >> why? >> because. >> tell me why. >> because it's all i have left! because it's my name. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jessica chastain, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] "molly's game" is in theaters december 25th. more with jessica when we come back. come on back, everybody. 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[ laughter ] hi. my name's angela. it's nice to meet you. >> jimmy: great. this time, could you try it sweet and modest, but also hot and can you be younger? >> sure. >> jimmy: great. >> hi. my name's angela. it's so nice to meet you. >> jimmy: all right, all right. try it like you're a spicy little peppermint with a a secret. >> okay. >> jimmy: you're a little peppermint. little pepper! >> hi. >> jimmy: but hot, though. [ light laughter ] >> hi. my name's angela. >> little less hot this time. more -- more sexy, right? >> hi, my name's angela. >> jimmy: all right. now like a strong, like a girl boss, but pouting, but sweetly, but also you loved him, but hot, you know? >> yeah. >> jimmy: hot. >> hi. my name's angela. >> jimmy: just like that but also be wonder woman. [ laughter ] >> wonder woman? >> jimmy: no, yeah. yeah, like hot. >> hi, my name's angela. >> jimmy: murdered but hot. >> hi, my name is angela. >> jimmy: try like you're smart, accomplished and empowered. >> really? oh, that's great. >> jimmy: sorry. misread my notes there. try hot. [ laughter ] >> hi. my name is angela. wait, sorry, hot in what way? >> jimmy: hot enough that people won't really listen to what you're saying. don't even say the lines. >> okay. >> jimmy: mumble something. >> yeah, hi, my name's angela. >> jimmy: that's good. how about -- how about like you're hot, but then you're actually hot, like it's hot in the room. then you're hot, you ate something spicy, but then you're into spicy but you're hungry but just in a hot way, like a hungry -- how can you do hungry hot, you know? >> hungry hot. >> jimmy: yeah, give me hungry hot. just for something different. >> okay. oh, hi, my name's angela. >> jimmy: can you do it hotter? >> hi, my name is angela. >> jimmy: hotter! >> hi, my name is angela. >> jimmy: hotter! >> hi, my name is hot! [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. thank you. [ laughter ] great. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: slate your name? >> i'm arthur and i'll be reading for the role of mike. >> jimmy: whenever you're ready. >> hi, my name is mike. >> jimmy: perfect. i love it. fantastic. no notes. [ cheers and applause ] >> great. >> jimmy: our thanks to jessica chastain. more "tonight show" after the break. stick around, everybody. 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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: timothee! >> i sat before you did. >> jimmy: no, no, no. that's what you -- that's what you do as a guest. >> no, no, no, you sit first. >> jimmy: this is his first talk show. timothee, please. [ cheers and applause ] we're happy to have you here, and i'm honored that you're here, buddy. congratulations. >> man, i feel so bad for all of you guys. >> jimmy: no. >> you were waiting in line outside, and you saw jessica chastain and now you're like, who the hell is this guy? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no. i -- we -- honestly, everyone's going to know you, buddy. >> okay. >> jimmy: yeah, if they don't already. i want to know where are you from. >> i'm from new york, and i grew up like 15 blocks from here. so this is -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's the way to do it. >> aw man. this is so strange. >> jimmy: is that right? i thought you were french for some reason. >> my dad is french. my dad is in the back. he's watching me right here. out -- >> jimmy: hi, dad. [ cheers and applause ] i met dad. yeah, i met dad. >> okay listen, i had one -- i had one rule for myself when i came out here, and it wasn't to go, oh my god, i'm doing this for the first time. and that is exactly what i'm doing. [ laughter ] but -- keep going. >> jimmy: you're doing great. you have two big movies. "lady bird," which you're fantastic in, and -- >> i'm nothing like that guy in real life, i promise, for those who have seen it. >> jimmy: no. that's what acting's all about. [ laughter ] i am -- i am this guy. yeah. i'm that guy. this is my job. yeah, this is me. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah! >> jimmy: i got to hear you, buddy. "call me by your name." i was blown away by this movie. i couldn't believe -- i go, first of all, it's gorgeous, the way it was shot, and where you were in northern italy? >> in northern italy in a town called crema, which is where our director was from. so -- shot a scene, and go home right away, and that was his game plan. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. you were fantastic in it. >> thank you. >> jimmy: armie -- >> armie hammer, michael stuhlbarg -- >> jimmy: armie hammer is unbelievable. oh -- the guy who plays your dad? >> yeah, he gives an amazing speech at the end of the movie. >> jimmy: the whole -- again, i don't want to spoil anything or say -- what can we actually say about it? coming of age story set in the '80s, and this -- this kid's family is in italy. >> it's in italy, yes, and then armie hammer shows up, and then that's -- >> jimmy: but he's not playing armie hammer. >> he's not playing armie, he's playing -- >> jimmy: no, people are acting in this movie. >> yeah, yeah, acting going on, and certainly i would hope there's a lot of acting in it because armie's wife would be really mad at me if this all played out in real life. >> jimmy: yep, yep. you'll see what actually happens, but the dialogue is so tricky. i will also say, i love the opening titles, which i saw was chen li did the opening titles. because it's these beautiful pictures of, like, statues and -- >> i'm so glad you credited that person, and i might be wrong about this so maybe have a fact checker or something. but i'm pretty sure luca was just walking around milan, and he saw the signs in the front of the store he likes, and he said i've got to get in touch with that person, they're going to do the font for the movie. >> jimmy: that's -- i saw that. and i go, already, i'm in a a different world. this is a movie i've never seen. >> fantastic. >> jimmy: i loved it, and every single scene, you go, gosh, it's so beautiful, and you just see -- you're 17 in the movie or something? >> yes. >> jimmy: and it's just like, awkward to watch you grow up and you go -- it's just tricky. [ laughter ] and i remember -- i was just like, obviously, i had no idea where it was going, and i just thought you did such a great job. >> man, thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: and like you said, stay tuned to the end of the movie which most people do for a movie. [ laughter ] but the end -- the end is, wow, wow, wow, wow. well done, buddy. >> no spoilers. no spoilers. >> jimmy: no, i can't spoil it, but i will say, it does end. the movie ends. >> the movie does end. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: eventually, the movie ends. yeah, but, well done, and congrats on your success. i love that you're from new york. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and your dad did a a great job. did a great job. >> i appreciate -- [ cheers and applause ] i want to show everyone a clip. here's timothee chalamet in "call me by your name." check it out. >> play that again. >> play what again? >> the thing you played outside. >> oh, you want me to play the thing i played outside? >> please. >> oh. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i can't believe you changed it again. >> oh, i changed it a little bit. >> yeah. why? >> i just played it the way busoni would have played it if he's altered liszt's version. >> and what is wrong with the way bach would have played bach. >> bach never wrote it for the guitar. in fact, we're not even sure bach wrote at all -- >> forget i asked. ♪ >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] timothee chalamet, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] "call me by your name" is in select theaters next friday. stay tuned for the end of it. we'll be right back with justin verlander and kate upton. stick around, everybody. 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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, it's always great to see you. thank you for coming back to the show. congratulations, justin. congratulations, nice to meet you, finally. and let's just talk me through a couple things. first of all, you've been in the major leagues for how long? >> 13 years. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: first world series. >> first time winning it. >> about time! >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's what i'm saying. >> jimmy: how does it -- you just got traded. you were in detroit forever, for a long time. >> yeah. so, yes, so mostly of 13 years, and then i got the call that i was traded, and i needed to say okay -- >> 40 minutes before. >> 40 minutes before the trade deadline. >> jimmy: did you have any other options? >> it was the astros. they said, you have to commit to this. >> jimmy: or what? or your career's over? >> or stay with detroit. >> dead. >> jimmy: yeah, exaclty. >> do it, or you're dead. >> probably not make it to the world series. >> jimmy: and you just said -- did you help? >> we debated a lot. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah, we went back and forth a lot. like everyone always talks about the baseball decision, but not everyone thinks about the emotional decision and -- >> jimmy: the life decision. >> exactly. >> our whole lives were in detroit. >> you know like, the next day, we're moving to houston. whatever decision we make. >> which was just hit by harvey. >> jimmy: gosh -- >> the next day we actually couldn't even move to houston, because airports weren't open yet because of hurricane harvey. >> jimmy: the tough thing is that even more emotional to watch that world series, because of all the great people of houston, and what just happened to them. but also, the first time in franchise history that you won. also, it's just good to see young people in love. [ cheers and applause ] it is great. i mean that -- i don't know how -- so you win the world series, and it's great, and then the parade happens, and you can't go to the parade because in a great excuse. you guys got married. >> yeah. >> pretty big excuse. >> jimmy: yeah, so what happened with this? you just planned it that you were going to be in italy or where did you -- >> yeah, so, we planned the wedding, you know, before, obviously, he was traded. and we've been planning -- >> jimmy: you didn't think you were going to make it to the world series. >> maybe not. >> jimmy: hoping for the best. we'll just book it. >> and literally, when we're planning this thing, we're talking like, you know, best case scenario, we go to the world series. there's really literally only one thing that could throw a a huge wrench in all of our plans. it's not the world series. it's going to game seven of the world series. >> and guess where we went? >> sure enough. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so you're sitting there game seven, and all your relatives are in -- >> everybody's in italy. everyone's at the venue. we have an event that night and everyone's texting us, like, your wedding's so pretty. wish you were here. [ laughter ] >> wish you were here. we got taken around our weeding via facetime. >> like, say hey to uncle joe. >> hi thanks for coming. >> jimmy: that's the greatest. do you ever get superstitious for anything you do in the stands? >> yes. it's really hard, because, you know, in my career, i have a a lot of control, and whenever i'm watching justin, i obviously have zero control, and i'm just sitting there hoping for the best. so then you end up creating a a routine, because you think that you're helping them. so, i -- you're not. >> jimmy: do you notice? i mean justin, do you ever look in the stands like, she's not sitting there, like what's going on. >> not when i'm pitching. i actually made her at dodger stadium in the world series, she had some really awesome seats that were like right next to our dugout, and i said, honey, you can't sit there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you've got to move to the nosebleeds -- >> that's going to distract me. >> jimmy: they cut to you, it was at the end of game seven, just to see you in the crowd and i saw you just -- just so nervous and excited for him and it was like -- it was just so cool. i know you. i don't know you that well, but i could tell you're so proud of him, and it was just great. how did he propose? i know, to put you on the spot. [ laughter ] >> what a transition. >> jimmy: you can give me the scoop. you can give me the scoop. >> yeah. no, i mean, it was this great, elaborate proposal, and -- [ laughter ] he's very romantic. >> jimmy: yeah, he won the world series, big deal. every guy does that. >> but he gets down on one knee, and he pops open the ring box, and in my mind, i was like, don't look at the ring, he's going to think you're materialistic. just look in his eyes, listen to what he's saying. listen. you're not listening, kate. this is my internal dialogue, and then finally i was like, he stopped talking. just say yes. and he's -- i said yes and he stands up and he was like, do you not like the ring? you didn't look at it once. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is so you. >> i was like, i love it! >> jimmy: no, i love the ring and you, but -- >> i was trying to be in the moment. i wasn't! >> jimmy: i'm so happy for you guys, doubly, and yeah, i'm just -- congratulations and please come back. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: i'm so happy for you guys. congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: justin verlander and kate upton, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with a a tribute to sharon jones. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ amazing speed, coverage, and control. nooooooo! yes! all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome and change the way you wifi. it's not just something we say when you arrive. the warmth of an irish welcome stays with you long after you leave. so come on over. we'll give you the inside track. and let you into some little secrets that will take you back through history, bring our landscapes to life, and make your evenings last longer. welcome to ireland. ,000 deaths in america last year. we need to stand up and say enough. the only way this problem is going to be solved is if we raise our voices. choose help over helplessness, hope over hopelessness. make sure that the lives we've lost will not have been lost in vain. addiction is a disease. when you ask for help, help is there for you. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: a year ago tomorrow, we lost the charismatic soul singer sharon jones. her final recordings with these long-time collaborators, the dap-kings, resulted in the new album, "soul of a woman", which is out today. performing "sail on" and "searching for a new day", please welcome the dap-kings. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> all right, good evening, ladies and gentlemen. how's everybody doing out there? are you all right? [ cheers and applause ] well all right, thank you very much. my name is binky griptite. we are the dap-kings. and we are so happy and pleased to be celebrating here on "the tonight show" the release of our brand new record "soul of a woman." that's right, it features a a woman that been known as the brightest star on dap tone soul universe and unfortunately our sister is not here to celebrate with us tonight. but we're gonna have a a celebration anyway. am i right? [ cheers and applause ] well all right. so now, we introduce to you miss sharon jones! ♪ ♪ ♪ simple sounds are in my ear coming from a radio oh no ♪ ♪ where did all the good times go ♪ ♪ in the daytime all i am is a working fool and in the nighttime i try to keep my cool ♪ ♪ i know that people say gotta be a better way but there ain't no golden goose that'll get you paid ♪ ♪ through the hard times can't sit on the sideline you know we got to get ahead i'm gonna keep on trying ♪ ♪ i've been searching for a new day some peace of mind is gonna come my way ♪ ♪ and if you don't find it i'll keep on searching for it ♪ ♪ i know i'll find it ♪ i've been searching for a new day some peace of mind is gonna come my way ♪ ♪ and if you don't find it i'll keep on searching i know i'll find it ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together and show some love for ms. sharon jones! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ that's right. show some love for the incredible, dynamic, legendry ms. sharon jones. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ give it up for ms. sharon jones. [ cheers and applause ] and the dap-kings. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the dap-kings, everyone! [ cheers and applause ] "soul of a woman" is out now. [ cheers and applause ] my thanks to jessica chastain, timothee chalamet, justin verlander, kate upton, the dap-kings! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great weekend. i hope to see you next week. thank you, guys. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight, rosie o'donnell. from "the death and life of marsha p. johnson," director david france. featuring the 8g band with anton fig. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] that is wonderful to hear. in that case, let's get to the news. the houston astros beat the los angeles dodgers last night to win their first world series title in team history. sad news for dodgers fans, some of whom have been following the team since as far back as game three.

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