Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today 11am 20171013 : compar

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today 11am 20171013

weekend. crews will be replacing a bridge. this is a project that usually takes a lot longer than one weekend. >> it usually takes about 18 months of construction. they will get it done in just 55 hours. everybody traveling north will have to get off right here. this is where drivers will pick up part of that detour. it could add more than an hour to your drive. we want to show you why this is being done. a bridge at mile marker 57. lehigh county will be replaced over the weekend. saturday morning i'm told crews will fly that new bridge into place. we already covered the time line. usually 18 months construction now down to just 55 hours. one thing you want to keep in mind, this starts at 9:00 p.m. for more on detours and how we need to get around this traffic this weekend we'll have more coming up at 11:30. nbc 10 news. >> once again, it will close at 9:00 tonight. northbound drivers will have to exit at the lemy valley interchange. if you need a closer look log onto or open the nbc 10 app. cloudy and cool throughout the area. if you're missing the warmer weather this weekend is for you. glenn "hurricane" schwar is here with your most accurate forecast. >> yeah. as soon as we get some of these clouds and get the wind direction to change temperature will go back up just for the weekend. we have a completely overcast sky over philadelphia and completely overcast. that's what we are seeing all across the area. there is really nothing significant on radar, nothing more than a couple of drizzle drops. some of that is moving towards the northwest. so this -- some of this moisture could be effecting us during the day tomorrow. we are only up to 60 degrees right now in philadelphia and still only 56 in allentown and 55 in reading and 59 in trenton and mount holly. the average high this time of the year is 68. it has been way above that for much of the month. it listwill be close to that. the temperatures jump saturday and sunday. again, as soon as the wind shifts with east winds staying there the temperature does not go up much during the day. you don't see the rain drops here in the forecast. so i expect it to be mostly dry during the day but things are going to change over the weekend. increased shower threat and increased temperatures too. we'll see when to expect that rain coming up. it is expected to go higher as california ends the deadliest week of wild fires in its history. hundreds more are missing or injured. evacuees are even sleeping on the beach. crews continue to try to douse the flames in the wine country. the state national guard released video of a helicopter dumping water on the fire. we have an update from california. two of the fires burning in northern california merged into one overnight bringing the total number of fires in the state to 21. as more than 8,000 firefighters entered day six of what is considered one of the worst fire seasons in california's history they are realizing how much has been lost. >> i didn't know what it meant until i saw it. nothing left. >> fire captain is among the 18 first responders who lost their homes but kept working. in all some 3,500 homes and buildings are gone including wineries and farms critical to the area's committeconomy. >> they invested their life savings. for a lot of it it will be gone. >> details immerging. >> some of those remains are in tact bodies. some of them are merely ashes and bones. we may never get truly confirmtive identification on ashes. >> officials have the grim task of searching for the 400 or so people still considered missing among the rubble. >> they were sending in search and rescue teams. >> today will be critical in the fire fight. winds are expected to pick back up tonight. nbc news, napa. happening now the search for an escaped prisoner, they say wa he was there. he has a lengthy criminal history. he was arrested for stealing a car and for a gun violation. seeing this video that could help police get an armed and dangerous person off the street. it shows him pulling a knife on a clerk. when the clerk refuse open the register the man yanked it open and took off. if he looks familiar to you call police. the pennsylvania woman and her family who were freed following a hostage rescue left pakistan this morning. they are headed to england and from there they will head to canada. they taliban captured them. coleman's inlaws say they are relieved. >> the first time in five years we got to hear his voice. it was amazing. >> the military says they were able to pull off the rescue thanks to a tip from u.s. intelligence. his family is asking for privacy. > . the eagles now are off to their best start in years following a tough win on thursday night football. he threw three touchdowns to start the fourth quarter. the eagles defense made it hold up when they interrepresented cam newton late in the game. jeffrey, he is a happy owner with a 5 and 1 division leader. his players are feeling it. >> we stayed together the whole game. that's tough on a short week. we found a way to win. >> we are actually like a family. you know, we really helped each other. >> head coach doug peterson will talk about the big win today at noon. the birds are off until a week from monday night. don't forget eagles game day final this sunday morning right here on nbc 10, your official eagles stale. >> former eagles long snapper shared a special post on instagram last night. it has been a month since he had life saving surgery. he thanked his wife and staff. he included video of himself taking his first shower with words of relief. >> it is unbelievable. oh, my god. >> doctors made the life saving discovery of an aorric aneurysm after they treated him in august. up next, health care shakeup, president trump takes aim at obamacare once again, the move that could end in a legal battle. and later, more money in your pocket. many are about to get a raise, how much you can expect to see. a comeback just in time for the weekend. i'll let you know how warm tts going to get next. when you're a double-dipping pension-padder like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us. many americans woke up to the news that if president dismantled obamacare overnight. this morning obamacare under fire. the white house making a major announcement saying the president will scrap subsidies to health insurance companies, the money that helps pay out of pocket costs for low income people. it could force insurers to leave the marketplace unraveling the country's health care system. democratic leaders slamming the decision accusing president trump of sabotaging his predecessor's domestic achievement. he is looking to make good on another campaign pledge. donald trump he is desert fiing the nuclear deal. sources familiar are trump's decision said he wants a broader strategy to crack down on iran's missile program and support for terrorism. the president kicking to congress further action on the deal even as his own chief of staff acknowledges lawmakers haven't always done what the president wants. >> the congress has been frustrating to him. >> that's john kelly making a surpse appearanc camping down speculation he may leave the west wing. >> i am not quitting today. i don't believe -- and i just talked to the president. i don't think i'm being fired today. >> kelly acknowledging this is the hardest job he has ever had and the most important. >> you should not measure my effectiveness as chief of staff by what you think i should be doing. >> what he is doing now is damage control over the devastation in puerto rico. the president said we cannot keep the first responders in pr forever. >> this country, our country, will stand with those american citizens until the job is done. to tweet about fema and dod is exactly accurate. they will not be there forever. the trip oms one day. it the president threatened to put emergency responders. 85% of the island still does not have power. he told the gallery he is fulfilling the promise to protect liberty. >> well, it looks and feels a lot similar to what we saw yesterday which was not similar to what we have seen the rest of the month. it is cloudy and that's what we saw yesterday, upper 50s to near 60 across the area. cloudy everywhere. nobody is reporting any rain. we have that northeast wind continuing. the ocean temperatures drop some what, 66 degrees. it is 63 in ocean city. it is 64 in stone harbor. it is cooler than it was yesterday across the ocean. across the ocean is a little bit cooler. you can see all of the clouds here on the satellite and radar. most significant rain is farther to the south. some of it is coming towards the coast. eventually it will start coming up from the south. that's why the chance of rain tomorrow is higher than we see today. cool air starts off. in the afternoon a few peeks of sunshine. it would allow the temperature to get up into the 70s even though we still have a little bit of the east wind. it starts shifting into the south. there is sunday. starting off with clouds and fog and then the clouds disappear. the sun comes out sunday afternoon. it will be feeling like summer again like much of the month of october has. there is sunday night. we still have that warm southwest wind. the colder air comes in. this pattern won't last either. monday will be a chilly and breezy day. today is in the 60s tomorrow getting into the 70s. again, we are assuming a little bit of afternoon sunshine. if it does not come out at all it will be closer to 70. allentown 72. scattered showers across the area, certainly not a washout any where. wildwood 75. dover at 74 degrees. so we do have a chance of showers tomorrow for the temple game. temperatures going up into the 70s. so we'll see football weather. a little bit on the warm side for football but not too bad, not as warm as it was in charlotte last night. 76 on saturday. a little bit of afternoon sunshine. a few scattered showers around. sunday generally dry but unseasonably warm. the average high is 68 for time of the year. we'll talk about 82 for philadelphia and up to 78 in the lehigh valley. it is no secret the opioid crisis is exploding. imagine reducing the number of overdose deaths. we'll tell you about free narcan training happening in the city of philadelphia. sky force 10 over breaking news right now. an overturned tractor trailer is blocking the ramp from southbound i-95 to the walt whitman bridge. you can see it covering all three lanes of traffic there. we are working to find out if anyone was hurt in all of this. you can see it will be causing quite a traffic back up and delays in that area. check the app for updates on this breaking news. the number of opioid is skyrocketing. more than 1200 bull overdoet the tacking action in a way to dave live. he is here with ramon cruz jr. who worked with with the thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> okay. it issest mayed 70,000 people every thousands more are abusing o for, odid. who do you want to learn how to to this. >> we want the entire community to be exposed to this. it has been a heck of a story about a librarian after they saved several lives. people who are living in neighborhoods that have drug use, drug sales. we want them to come out and know about narcan and how they can save lives. >> talk about the training sessions. >> training sessions are happening once a month. we are looking to bring in 100 to 150 people. we are providing not only access to the training for narcan rescue. we are sproe sbieding and we ares a giving drug overdose tich cases. >> but not that sl been here today. toukt had how grour worked to kapg iefr will have. >> was it was -- i was running from tens in ten. it i cay cottic. i was in full frips. for many times i didn't want to live. many times i have caught myself trying to overdose. if it wasn't for people that knew and had narcan on three different occasions i would have ooed deesed. >> so you believe in this. talk about that. what does that entail? >> it entails supporting people and guiding them and giving them hope and letting them know it can be done. i go out and i still live in kensington. i go out there almost every time. i try to help with someone. we are just instilling hope, letting them know if you give yourself a chance things can get better. today i have 31 months clean and i work for the city of philadelphia. my liech hfe has been amazing! thank frs being here. >> thank you. >> the next training session is wednesday, october 18th at 801 mop market street. regist register ahead of time m a big closure is coming to the pennsylvania turnpike this weekend, up next, what drivers knee to know tab waives to get around i. we'll show you springsteen's being appearance in the apple. hey, girlfriend. how's your café au lait? oh, it's actually... (squeaking of balloon) it's ver... (squeaking) i'm being so serious right now. i really want to know how your coffee is. it's... (squeaking of balloon, laughing) i had a second balloon! goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah, it happens to more people than you think. try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. mmm. good, right? yeah. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. and now, try our real sour cream. it's delicious. grit. some have it. some don't. when the odds are stacked against you, you either hide, or stand up. at strayer university, we've seen it in our students for 125 years. and if you ever think of quitting, our success coaches will be there to pick you up, and work with you every day to put you on the right path. it's time. strayer university. let's get it. a big construction project. part of the pennsylvania turnpike will be closed down from the allentown exit for the entire weekend. crews will be replacing a bridge at mile marker 57. all together it will be closed for 55 hours straight. it is being done to avoid an even longer inconvenience. steven fisher is live in south white hall township. >> reporter: if you can you should avoid this area. we want to highlight ways to get around this closure. you can use route 80 and 22 for locals use route 209. it will be closed from lehigh valley. crews will replace a bridge. first thing monday morning that bridge will be complete and the turnpike will reopen at 4:00 a.m. monday morning. nbc 10 news. >> and again the pa turnpike will close at 9:00 tonight. northbound drivers are to exit at the lehigh valley interchange. if you need a closer look log onto or go to the nbc 10 app. looking for the sun you're not really going to find it today. lots of clouds and it's pretty cool outside as well. a live look in philadelphia. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here wit your most accurate fraflt. >> yeah. we showed you philadelphia and now here is cape may. same story. total overcast. it is going to continue. here is delaware and it's overcast there. you don't see any rain drops on the camera lenses. so far just cloud cover. that keeps the temperature down along with the east wind. the closest significant rain is moving closer to land. low to mid-60s across much of the rest of the area. we have seen temperatures in the 80s. not too long ago. 79 wednesday is the nearest. only about 66 today and we start jumping as soon as the jusun cos out. we'll be seeing the temperatures jump. they are not jumping today, not with the clouds or east wind. you don't see the rain drops. don't necessarily expect that today. i'll talk more about the timing coming up. the death toll from the california wild fire stands at 31 and expected to go higher. hundreds more are missing or injured. authorities say some of the victims have burned to ashes and may never be identified. president trump announced he would end federal subsidies to insurance companies. it helped them lower the out of pocket health care costs. president trump announced iran is not keeping the promise to tcurb nuclear programs. desertification would give 60 days to decide whether ore impose sanctions. they say if it fails the u.s. will lose credibility. we'll have more about 12:45 p.m. after five years of being held by the taliban a pennsylvania woman, her husband and three children are on their way home. they say pakistan secured their release with the help of american intelligence. they say the family is heading the england and then on the canada. wi richard has an update. >> it was a hiking trip that went terribly wrong. they were backpacking in one of the most dangerous parts of afghanistan when they were kidnapped. she was pregnant at the time and while in captivity she gave birth to that child and eventually two others. the children featured prominently in videos have never known freedom until now. >> my children have seen their mother. >> they were held by the taliban responsible for some of the most violent attacks. >> and then president elect trump to make a deal for her family feud. >> they want money, power, you must give them these things. >> pakistan says no deal was made instead it was a rescue. u.s. intelligence tracking the family and then a daring raid. shooting out the tire of the kidnapp kidnapper's vehicle. the husband turning down an offer, a final twist to a five year saga. they say the family has now left pakistan to be reunited the relatives. susan collins announced she will not run for governor of maine but instead stay in washington. she thinks she can do more by staying in her position as senator. if she had run and won she would have been the first female governor of maine. >> i am going where i can do the most for the people of maine and for nation. >> she was one that sunk the senate health care bill and served on the intelligence committee. millions of americans who will see their social benefits rise. this morning social security administration announced a 2% cost of living increase next year. it is the largest but only comes to about $25 a month. more than 70 million u.s. residents includes disabled v t veterans are effected by this. that is about one in five americans. [ cheers and applause ] bruce springsteen's show opened on broadway. he poked a little fun at himself. it runs through the beginning of february. a breast cancer survivor, she became a zumba instructor after the second year in a row. she is holding money for the cancer center of the university of pennsylvania. >> when you look around the room you see smiles on peoples faces because it's such a joyous experience. >> it is next to the campus. there will also be raffle prizes. are you living in fear or dealing with anxiety? today this freaks out a lot of people, how some are changing their routines today because of the date on the calendar. >> it will feel like summer for at least part of the weekend. i'll let you know when we'll be seeing typical october weather again just ahead. i'm erin coleman. it put the topic back in the spotlight. coming up sunday morning we'll look at what local laws are in place. >> women are simply saying we are done with it. we have had enough of it and we are not going to put up with it. >> plus, let them sleep. many are looking into whether to let teening snooze a little longer. we'll hear about one local school that already made the switch. coming up sunday morning following meet the press only on nbc 10. when you're a double-dipping pension-padder like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us. today is friday the 13th. if see ing the date many around you will suffer anxiety because of the supposedly unlucky date. some go to great lengths to avoid temping fate. some avoid even going out of the house on friday the 13th. it may be safer to travel on this day because more people stay at home. it has been more than seven years when he stepped down. kevin eubanks is back in our area to perform live this weekend. we are thrilled to welcome him back. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. always a pleasure to come here. thanks for letting me hang out. >> do you miss late night tv? >> i miss my friends from late night tv. after 18 years -- >> that's a long time. >> is jay here today? >> i don't think so. >> jay and i stay in touch. a lot of people you meet on the show. after 18 years you do back to doing your thing. >> and you are doing your thing. >> and it's no secret you're a big sports fan. >> it was getting tight last night. >> i wore my green. >> everybody has to bring something. >> how about the eagles? >> i know. >> was it not a great game? >> i know. don't give the ball back to them. >> when the washington? >> one step at a time. which other is most excited about? >> well, i have got to feel that the sixers have got to get it back. you know, we have to have some basketball going on. when i travel around believe it or not i can walk any where in europe, all over the place and people will recognize philly. >> yes. >> definitely eagles. so they always say what's your favorite philly team? i say they are all your favorite. >> i lived it. i lived it. >> it is kind of fun. >> you are here because you're playing two sets saturday night, right? >> yeah. tonight and tomorrow night. if you wear eagles gear you know what you get? >> i don't know. nothing. >> you get half price off now. >> satisfaction. >> that's right. >> always such a pleasure to have you here. >> we love having you. >> there are shows at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. for more information we have them on or check out the nbc 10 app. looking and feeling a lot like yesterday. 60 degrees, cloudy skies. close to 60 or even below 60 in other parts of the area. let's check out the area that's normally is warm eest. we have 50s still. only 59 degrees middletown it is 59 in felton. none of those places should be getting to 70 today. clouds all over the area. we have moisture not too far away moving close to the coast and eventually moving up to the north. you'll see that in our futurecast. we have a few sprinkles across the area. here comes some of that southern moisture as we go overnight into the morning. the ground could be wet. a lot of clouds tomorrow. you can see a few showers scattered around but maybe some peeks of sunshine later in the day that will help push the temperature above 70. if you don't see the sunshine it will be a struggle to get there. sunday start off with fog and then the sun breaks out and we have got 80s. but here comes a cold front, some showers sunday night into first thing monday and then the dry and colder weather comes in. as we go through the afternoon and evening it is cloudy, as you can see. by tomorrow morning clouds and showers around. later in the day those showers disappear and the temperature goes up. look at that by 5:30 in the afternoon. so as we go through the weekend we are going to be seeing 70s on saturday, a little sun late in the day, scattered showers, not a washout. on sunday 82 with sunshine especially in the afternoon, maybe some fog in the morning, 60s next monday and tuesday and then it warms back up after that. you fell in love with her as tuti on the facts of life. actress kim fields has started in movies taking on reality television and even motherhood. she has a new movie out showing another side of this talented actress. she is here to tell us all about this. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> so tell us about the film and the role you play. >> a we of faith is a dramatic move ri about families who intersect against the backdrop of tragedy. a lot of people talk about rising from the ashes. to me this movie takes place in the ashes, that roller coaster ride of anger, confusion, disappointment, has all of those emotions effect your interaction with your spouse, your children, coworkers and yourself. whether you have some faith, no faith, whatever faith you believe in, when that is really teetering for you because of what's going on in your life. i have been enjoying the conversations that people are having on social media about the movie and the way that it's effecting them. you know, in terms of the big ticket issues in terms with texting and driving but some of the more personal interactions as well. >> tell us about your character. >> i was like oh, my gosh, i have to do this movie because the role is so great. she is what i call a collection of complexities. she is very strong for her family when she needs to be and has no idea where that strength is coming from. she is a woman of faith, and so she has an idea that some of that strength comes from that. what she goes through and has to navigate her family through is really difficult. she is real with herself to determine some things i can do and some things are harder for me to do than others. >> and you also a book coming out. >> my surprising journey of joy and tears after all of these years in the business why write a book? >> last year i celebrated 40 years in the industry. i felt like it was a great time to -- i can't say pause but to at least reflect why i'm in motion. so looking back on the blessings, challenges, not so great things that still made me stronger and who i am today. not at all with any regrets because i don't believe in regrets but just from the standpoint of here are some things i have learned. so it isn't just a reflection. i definitely share -- as the facts of life theme song says, taking the good and taking the bad. i think people will feel even though i'm not a stranger to them, wow, i didn't know this. >> out of all of the projects you have been involved in what are you most proud of? >> oh. >> that's a big one. >> that's a big one. it depends in terms of what way. i mean i'm here at an nbc station, so of course being able to look back and go wow, i started out on nbc as a child from age 9 to 18. i'm very proud of that accomplishment. of course my marriage for over ten years, my children, but then shoot, i would be lying if i said i wasn't proud of dancing with the stars. it really depends on what area i'm looking at. >> thank you. >> question of faith playing in theaters right now. you can pick up a copy of her auto biography coming out next month. it was a pleasure. >> same here. >> all right. anchts little bit warmer tomorrow. we cool down for two or three days and we warm up again. by next weekend i think we'll be closer to 80s than 70. >> there we go again. i'll take it. i'm erin colemancoleman. from glenn "hurricane" schwartz and all of us here at nbc 10 have a great day. see you at 4:00. [tense music] ♪ >> brady: [exhales] >> nicole: i'm all packed. holly's upstairs and r to go. i just... wanted to say good-bye. >> brady: good-bye? >> nicole: you know, brady, maybe you're not ready to hear this yet, but i'm hoping maybe someday it won't hurt so much to be in the same room together. because you've been such a wonderful frie

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Mount Holly , Pennsylvania , United States , Puerto Rico , Maine , Dover , Lehigh County , Iran , Middletown , Philadelphia , Delaware , California , Allentown , Pakistan , Americans , Susan Collins , Kevin Eubanks , Bruce Springsteen , Steve Sweeney , Steven Fisher , John Kelly , Ramon Cruz Jr , Doug Peterson ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today 11am 20171013 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today 11am 20171013

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weekend. crews will be replacing a bridge. this is a project that usually takes a lot longer than one weekend. >> it usually takes about 18 months of construction. they will get it done in just 55 hours. everybody traveling north will have to get off right here. this is where drivers will pick up part of that detour. it could add more than an hour to your drive. we want to show you why this is being done. a bridge at mile marker 57. lehigh county will be replaced over the weekend. saturday morning i'm told crews will fly that new bridge into place. we already covered the time line. usually 18 months construction now down to just 55 hours. one thing you want to keep in mind, this starts at 9:00 p.m. for more on detours and how we need to get around this traffic this weekend we'll have more coming up at 11:30. nbc 10 news. >> once again, it will close at 9:00 tonight. northbound drivers will have to exit at the lemy valley interchange. if you need a closer look log onto or open the nbc 10 app. cloudy and cool throughout the area. if you're missing the warmer weather this weekend is for you. glenn "hurricane" schwar is here with your most accurate forecast. >> yeah. as soon as we get some of these clouds and get the wind direction to change temperature will go back up just for the weekend. we have a completely overcast sky over philadelphia and completely overcast. that's what we are seeing all across the area. there is really nothing significant on radar, nothing more than a couple of drizzle drops. some of that is moving towards the northwest. so this -- some of this moisture could be effecting us during the day tomorrow. we are only up to 60 degrees right now in philadelphia and still only 56 in allentown and 55 in reading and 59 in trenton and mount holly. the average high this time of the year is 68. it has been way above that for much of the month. it listwill be close to that. the temperatures jump saturday and sunday. again, as soon as the wind shifts with east winds staying there the temperature does not go up much during the day. you don't see the rain drops here in the forecast. so i expect it to be mostly dry during the day but things are going to change over the weekend. increased shower threat and increased temperatures too. we'll see when to expect that rain coming up. it is expected to go higher as california ends the deadliest week of wild fires in its history. hundreds more are missing or injured. evacuees are even sleeping on the beach. crews continue to try to douse the flames in the wine country. the state national guard released video of a helicopter dumping water on the fire. we have an update from california. two of the fires burning in northern california merged into one overnight bringing the total number of fires in the state to 21. as more than 8,000 firefighters entered day six of what is considered one of the worst fire seasons in california's history they are realizing how much has been lost. >> i didn't know what it meant until i saw it. nothing left. >> fire captain is among the 18 first responders who lost their homes but kept working. in all some 3,500 homes and buildings are gone including wineries and farms critical to the area's committeconomy. >> they invested their life savings. for a lot of it it will be gone. >> details immerging. >> some of those remains are in tact bodies. some of them are merely ashes and bones. we may never get truly confirmtive identification on ashes. >> officials have the grim task of searching for the 400 or so people still considered missing among the rubble. >> they were sending in search and rescue teams. >> today will be critical in the fire fight. winds are expected to pick back up tonight. nbc news, napa. happening now the search for an escaped prisoner, they say wa he was there. he has a lengthy criminal history. he was arrested for stealing a car and for a gun violation. seeing this video that could help police get an armed and dangerous person off the street. it shows him pulling a knife on a clerk. when the clerk refuse open the register the man yanked it open and took off. if he looks familiar to you call police. the pennsylvania woman and her family who were freed following a hostage rescue left pakistan this morning. they are headed to england and from there they will head to canada. they taliban captured them. coleman's inlaws say they are relieved. >> the first time in five years we got to hear his voice. it was amazing. >> the military says they were able to pull off the rescue thanks to a tip from u.s. intelligence. his family is asking for privacy. > . the eagles now are off to their best start in years following a tough win on thursday night football. he threw three touchdowns to start the fourth quarter. the eagles defense made it hold up when they interrepresented cam newton late in the game. jeffrey, he is a happy owner with a 5 and 1 division leader. his players are feeling it. >> we stayed together the whole game. that's tough on a short week. we found a way to win. >> we are actually like a family. you know, we really helped each other. >> head coach doug peterson will talk about the big win today at noon. the birds are off until a week from monday night. don't forget eagles game day final this sunday morning right here on nbc 10, your official eagles stale. >> former eagles long snapper shared a special post on instagram last night. it has been a month since he had life saving surgery. he thanked his wife and staff. he included video of himself taking his first shower with words of relief. >> it is unbelievable. oh, my god. >> doctors made the life saving discovery of an aorric aneurysm after they treated him in august. up next, health care shakeup, president trump takes aim at obamacare once again, the move that could end in a legal battle. and later, more money in your pocket. many are about to get a raise, how much you can expect to see. a comeback just in time for the weekend. i'll let you know how warm tts going to get next. when you're a double-dipping pension-padder like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us. many americans woke up to the news that if president dismantled obamacare overnight. this morning obamacare under fire. the white house making a major announcement saying the president will scrap subsidies to health insurance companies, the money that helps pay out of pocket costs for low income people. it could force insurers to leave the marketplace unraveling the country's health care system. democratic leaders slamming the decision accusing president trump of sabotaging his predecessor's domestic achievement. he is looking to make good on another campaign pledge. donald trump he is desert fiing the nuclear deal. sources familiar are trump's decision said he wants a broader strategy to crack down on iran's missile program and support for terrorism. the president kicking to congress further action on the deal even as his own chief of staff acknowledges lawmakers haven't always done what the president wants. >> the congress has been frustrating to him. >> that's john kelly making a surpse appearanc camping down speculation he may leave the west wing. >> i am not quitting today. i don't believe -- and i just talked to the president. i don't think i'm being fired today. >> kelly acknowledging this is the hardest job he has ever had and the most important. >> you should not measure my effectiveness as chief of staff by what you think i should be doing. >> what he is doing now is damage control over the devastation in puerto rico. the president said we cannot keep the first responders in pr forever. >> this country, our country, will stand with those american citizens until the job is done. to tweet about fema and dod is exactly accurate. they will not be there forever. the trip oms one day. it the president threatened to put emergency responders. 85% of the island still does not have power. he told the gallery he is fulfilling the promise to protect liberty. >> well, it looks and feels a lot similar to what we saw yesterday which was not similar to what we have seen the rest of the month. it is cloudy and that's what we saw yesterday, upper 50s to near 60 across the area. cloudy everywhere. nobody is reporting any rain. we have that northeast wind continuing. the ocean temperatures drop some what, 66 degrees. it is 63 in ocean city. it is 64 in stone harbor. it is cooler than it was yesterday across the ocean. across the ocean is a little bit cooler. you can see all of the clouds here on the satellite and radar. most significant rain is farther to the south. some of it is coming towards the coast. eventually it will start coming up from the south. that's why the chance of rain tomorrow is higher than we see today. cool air starts off. in the afternoon a few peeks of sunshine. it would allow the temperature to get up into the 70s even though we still have a little bit of the east wind. it starts shifting into the south. there is sunday. starting off with clouds and fog and then the clouds disappear. the sun comes out sunday afternoon. it will be feeling like summer again like much of the month of october has. there is sunday night. we still have that warm southwest wind. the colder air comes in. this pattern won't last either. monday will be a chilly and breezy day. today is in the 60s tomorrow getting into the 70s. again, we are assuming a little bit of afternoon sunshine. if it does not come out at all it will be closer to 70. allentown 72. scattered showers across the area, certainly not a washout any where. wildwood 75. dover at 74 degrees. so we do have a chance of showers tomorrow for the temple game. temperatures going up into the 70s. so we'll see football weather. a little bit on the warm side for football but not too bad, not as warm as it was in charlotte last night. 76 on saturday. a little bit of afternoon sunshine. a few scattered showers around. sunday generally dry but unseasonably warm. the average high is 68 for time of the year. we'll talk about 82 for philadelphia and up to 78 in the lehigh valley. it is no secret the opioid crisis is exploding. imagine reducing the number of overdose deaths. we'll tell you about free narcan training happening in the city of philadelphia. sky force 10 over breaking news right now. an overturned tractor trailer is blocking the ramp from southbound i-95 to the walt whitman bridge. you can see it covering all three lanes of traffic there. we are working to find out if anyone was hurt in all of this. you can see it will be causing quite a traffic back up and delays in that area. check the app for updates on this breaking news. the number of opioid is skyrocketing. more than 1200 bull overdoet the tacking action in a way to dave live. he is here with ramon cruz jr. who worked with with the thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> okay. it issest mayed 70,000 people every thousands more are abusing o for, odid. who do you want to learn how to to this. >> we want the entire community to be exposed to this. it has been a heck of a story about a librarian after they saved several lives. people who are living in neighborhoods that have drug use, drug sales. we want them to come out and know about narcan and how they can save lives. >> talk about the training sessions. >> training sessions are happening once a month. we are looking to bring in 100 to 150 people. we are providing not only access to the training for narcan rescue. we are sproe sbieding and we ares a giving drug overdose tich cases. >> but not that sl been here today. toukt had how grour worked to kapg iefr will have. >> was it was -- i was running from tens in ten. it i cay cottic. i was in full frips. for many times i didn't want to live. many times i have caught myself trying to overdose. if it wasn't for people that knew and had narcan on three different occasions i would have ooed deesed. >> so you believe in this. talk about that. what does that entail? >> it entails supporting people and guiding them and giving them hope and letting them know it can be done. i go out and i still live in kensington. i go out there almost every time. i try to help with someone. we are just instilling hope, letting them know if you give yourself a chance things can get better. today i have 31 months clean and i work for the city of philadelphia. my liech hfe has been amazing! thank frs being here. >> thank you. >> the next training session is wednesday, october 18th at 801 mop market street. regist register ahead of time m a big closure is coming to the pennsylvania turnpike this weekend, up next, what drivers knee to know tab waives to get around i. we'll show you springsteen's being appearance in the apple. hey, girlfriend. how's your café au lait? oh, it's actually... (squeaking of balloon) it's ver... (squeaking) i'm being so serious right now. i really want to know how your coffee is. it's... (squeaking of balloon, laughing) i had a second balloon! goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah, it happens to more people than you think. try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. mmm. good, right? yeah. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. and now, try our real sour cream. it's delicious. grit. some have it. some don't. when the odds are stacked against you, you either hide, or stand up. at strayer university, we've seen it in our students for 125 years. and if you ever think of quitting, our success coaches will be there to pick you up, and work with you every day to put you on the right path. it's time. strayer university. let's get it. a big construction project. part of the pennsylvania turnpike will be closed down from the allentown exit for the entire weekend. crews will be replacing a bridge at mile marker 57. all together it will be closed for 55 hours straight. it is being done to avoid an even longer inconvenience. steven fisher is live in south white hall township. >> reporter: if you can you should avoid this area. we want to highlight ways to get around this closure. you can use route 80 and 22 for locals use route 209. it will be closed from lehigh valley. crews will replace a bridge. first thing monday morning that bridge will be complete and the turnpike will reopen at 4:00 a.m. monday morning. nbc 10 news. >> and again the pa turnpike will close at 9:00 tonight. northbound drivers are to exit at the lehigh valley interchange. if you need a closer look log onto or go to the nbc 10 app. looking for the sun you're not really going to find it today. lots of clouds and it's pretty cool outside as well. a live look in philadelphia. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here wit your most accurate fraflt. >> yeah. we showed you philadelphia and now here is cape may. same story. total overcast. it is going to continue. here is delaware and it's overcast there. you don't see any rain drops on the camera lenses. so far just cloud cover. that keeps the temperature down along with the east wind. the closest significant rain is moving closer to land. low to mid-60s across much of the rest of the area. we have seen temperatures in the 80s. not too long ago. 79 wednesday is the nearest. only about 66 today and we start jumping as soon as the jusun cos out. we'll be seeing the temperatures jump. they are not jumping today, not with the clouds or east wind. you don't see the rain drops. don't necessarily expect that today. i'll talk more about the timing coming up. the death toll from the california wild fire stands at 31 and expected to go higher. hundreds more are missing or injured. authorities say some of the victims have burned to ashes and may never be identified. president trump announced he would end federal subsidies to insurance companies. it helped them lower the out of pocket health care costs. president trump announced iran is not keeping the promise to tcurb nuclear programs. desertification would give 60 days to decide whether ore impose sanctions. they say if it fails the u.s. will lose credibility. we'll have more about 12:45 p.m. after five years of being held by the taliban a pennsylvania woman, her husband and three children are on their way home. they say pakistan secured their release with the help of american intelligence. they say the family is heading the england and then on the canada. wi richard has an update. >> it was a hiking trip that went terribly wrong. they were backpacking in one of the most dangerous parts of afghanistan when they were kidnapped. she was pregnant at the time and while in captivity she gave birth to that child and eventually two others. the children featured prominently in videos have never known freedom until now. >> my children have seen their mother. >> they were held by the taliban responsible for some of the most violent attacks. >> and then president elect trump to make a deal for her family feud. >> they want money, power, you must give them these things. >> pakistan says no deal was made instead it was a rescue. u.s. intelligence tracking the family and then a daring raid. shooting out the tire of the kidnapp kidnapper's vehicle. the husband turning down an offer, a final twist to a five year saga. they say the family has now left pakistan to be reunited the relatives. susan collins announced she will not run for governor of maine but instead stay in washington. she thinks she can do more by staying in her position as senator. if she had run and won she would have been the first female governor of maine. >> i am going where i can do the most for the people of maine and for nation. >> she was one that sunk the senate health care bill and served on the intelligence committee. millions of americans who will see their social benefits rise. this morning social security administration announced a 2% cost of living increase next year. it is the largest but only comes to about $25 a month. more than 70 million u.s. residents includes disabled v t veterans are effected by this. that is about one in five americans. [ cheers and applause ] bruce springsteen's show opened on broadway. he poked a little fun at himself. it runs through the beginning of february. a breast cancer survivor, she became a zumba instructor after the second year in a row. she is holding money for the cancer center of the university of pennsylvania. >> when you look around the room you see smiles on peoples faces because it's such a joyous experience. >> it is next to the campus. there will also be raffle prizes. are you living in fear or dealing with anxiety? today this freaks out a lot of people, how some are changing their routines today because of the date on the calendar. >> it will feel like summer for at least part of the weekend. i'll let you know when we'll be seeing typical october weather again just ahead. i'm erin coleman. it put the topic back in the spotlight. coming up sunday morning we'll look at what local laws are in place. >> women are simply saying we are done with it. we have had enough of it and we are not going to put up with it. >> plus, let them sleep. many are looking into whether to let teening snooze a little longer. we'll hear about one local school that already made the switch. coming up sunday morning following meet the press only on nbc 10. when you're a double-dipping pension-padder like steve sweeney, it's important to maintain a certain... lifestyle. that's why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his campaign funds on high-priced meals and other gifts. we're talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines - all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. too many in south jersey are struggling. but steve sweeney's looking out for himself, not for us. today is friday the 13th. if see ing the date many around you will suffer anxiety because of the supposedly unlucky date. some go to great lengths to avoid temping fate. some avoid even going out of the house on friday the 13th. it may be safer to travel on this day because more people stay at home. it has been more than seven years when he stepped down. kevin eubanks is back in our area to perform live this weekend. we are thrilled to welcome him back. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. always a pleasure to come here. thanks for letting me hang out. >> do you miss late night tv? >> i miss my friends from late night tv. after 18 years -- >> that's a long time. >> is jay here today? >> i don't think so. >> jay and i stay in touch. a lot of people you meet on the show. after 18 years you do back to doing your thing. >> and you are doing your thing. >> and it's no secret you're a big sports fan. >> it was getting tight last night. >> i wore my green. >> everybody has to bring something. >> how about the eagles? >> i know. >> was it not a great game? >> i know. don't give the ball back to them. >> when the washington? >> one step at a time. which other is most excited about? >> well, i have got to feel that the sixers have got to get it back. you know, we have to have some basketball going on. when i travel around believe it or not i can walk any where in europe, all over the place and people will recognize philly. >> yes. >> definitely eagles. so they always say what's your favorite philly team? i say they are all your favorite. >> i lived it. i lived it. >> it is kind of fun. >> you are here because you're playing two sets saturday night, right? >> yeah. tonight and tomorrow night. if you wear eagles gear you know what you get? >> i don't know. nothing. >> you get half price off now. >> satisfaction. >> that's right. >> always such a pleasure to have you here. >> we love having you. >> there are shows at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. for more information we have them on or check out the nbc 10 app. looking and feeling a lot like yesterday. 60 degrees, cloudy skies. close to 60 or even below 60 in other parts of the area. let's check out the area that's normally is warm eest. we have 50s still. only 59 degrees middletown it is 59 in felton. none of those places should be getting to 70 today. clouds all over the area. we have moisture not too far away moving close to the coast and eventually moving up to the north. you'll see that in our futurecast. we have a few sprinkles across the area. here comes some of that southern moisture as we go overnight into the morning. the ground could be wet. a lot of clouds tomorrow. you can see a few showers scattered around but maybe some peeks of sunshine later in the day that will help push the temperature above 70. if you don't see the sunshine it will be a struggle to get there. sunday start off with fog and then the sun breaks out and we have got 80s. but here comes a cold front, some showers sunday night into first thing monday and then the dry and colder weather comes in. as we go through the afternoon and evening it is cloudy, as you can see. by tomorrow morning clouds and showers around. later in the day those showers disappear and the temperature goes up. look at that by 5:30 in the afternoon. so as we go through the weekend we are going to be seeing 70s on saturday, a little sun late in the day, scattered showers, not a washout. on sunday 82 with sunshine especially in the afternoon, maybe some fog in the morning, 60s next monday and tuesday and then it warms back up after that. you fell in love with her as tuti on the facts of life. actress kim fields has started in movies taking on reality television and even motherhood. she has a new movie out showing another side of this talented actress. she is here to tell us all about this. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> so tell us about the film and the role you play. >> a we of faith is a dramatic move ri about families who intersect against the backdrop of tragedy. a lot of people talk about rising from the ashes. to me this movie takes place in the ashes, that roller coaster ride of anger, confusion, disappointment, has all of those emotions effect your interaction with your spouse, your children, coworkers and yourself. whether you have some faith, no faith, whatever faith you believe in, when that is really teetering for you because of what's going on in your life. i have been enjoying the conversations that people are having on social media about the movie and the way that it's effecting them. you know, in terms of the big ticket issues in terms with texting and driving but some of the more personal interactions as well. >> tell us about your character. >> i was like oh, my gosh, i have to do this movie because the role is so great. she is what i call a collection of complexities. she is very strong for her family when she needs to be and has no idea where that strength is coming from. she is a woman of faith, and so she has an idea that some of that strength comes from that. what she goes through and has to navigate her family through is really difficult. she is real with herself to determine some things i can do and some things are harder for me to do than others. >> and you also a book coming out. >> my surprising journey of joy and tears after all of these years in the business why write a book? >> last year i celebrated 40 years in the industry. i felt like it was a great time to -- i can't say pause but to at least reflect why i'm in motion. so looking back on the blessings, challenges, not so great things that still made me stronger and who i am today. not at all with any regrets because i don't believe in regrets but just from the standpoint of here are some things i have learned. so it isn't just a reflection. i definitely share -- as the facts of life theme song says, taking the good and taking the bad. i think people will feel even though i'm not a stranger to them, wow, i didn't know this. >> out of all of the projects you have been involved in what are you most proud of? >> oh. >> that's a big one. >> that's a big one. it depends in terms of what way. i mean i'm here at an nbc station, so of course being able to look back and go wow, i started out on nbc as a child from age 9 to 18. i'm very proud of that accomplishment. of course my marriage for over ten years, my children, but then shoot, i would be lying if i said i wasn't proud of dancing with the stars. it really depends on what area i'm looking at. >> thank you. >> question of faith playing in theaters right now. you can pick up a copy of her auto biography coming out next month. it was a pleasure. >> same here. >> all right. anchts little bit warmer tomorrow. we cool down for two or three days and we warm up again. by next weekend i think we'll be closer to 80s than 70. >> there we go again. i'll take it. i'm erin colemancoleman. from glenn "hurricane" schwartz and all of us here at nbc 10 have a great day. see you at 4:00. [tense music] ♪ >> brady: [exhales] >> nicole: i'm all packed. holly's upstairs and r to go. i just... wanted to say good-bye. >> brady: good-bye? >> nicole: you know, brady, maybe you're not ready to hear this yet, but i'm hoping maybe someday it won't hurt so much to be in the same room together. because you've been such a wonderful frie

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