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Republican push to repeal obamacare, and one of the senators behind it. He either doesnt understand his own bill, or he lied to me. It is as simple as that. Senator cassidy not laughing. It was a personal attack, and i cant help that. Do republicans have the votes to get their latest Health Care Bill across the finish line . All that plus the agency in charge of protecting your investments hit with a massive cyber attack. Look out. Oh, my goodness. A child struck by a foul ball, reigniting the debate over ballpark safety. A today exclusive. I got through this before, and i can do it again. Olivia newtonjohn speaking out about her new battle with Breast Cancer, today, thursday, september 21st, 2017. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Morning, everybody. It is a thursday morning. Were glad to have you with us. We certainly are. We want to start with our top story. Once again, it is Hurricane Maria. That storm restrengthened into a major category 3 overnight. It is now lashing the Dominican Republic. Thats happening right now. It is bearing down on turks and caicos. It is leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The overall death toll in the caribbean climbed now to at least nine people. Puerto rico has been decimated. The island left entirely without power. Its governor warning it will be months not days or weeks before lelectricity can be restored. The u. S. Virgin islands hit very hard by maria. Tourism officials are telling tourists to postpone trips while the damage is being assessed. Well get to als track of the storm in a moment. We want to start with gabe gutierrez, who is in san juan this morning for us. Good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning. It is extremely difficult to get around san juan this morning. This is part of the reason. Power lines are down. Streets are impassable. Many roads are flooded. Now, this was a powerful storm. The siding of this building crushing this car. The governor has imposed an overnight curfew, as this island only begins to assess the damage. Overnight, Hurricane Maria lashing the Dominican Republic. The powerful storm dumping torrential rain on the caribbean island. After blasting neighboring puerto rico, where the damage is catastrophic. The monster storm hitting the u. S. Territory with a force not seen here in nearly a century. Marias direct hit leaving widespread damage. Virtually the entire island has no power, and some areas may not have it restored for months. The hurricane tearing down power lines, cables and debris littering the streets. High winds uprooting trees, turning building into piles of twisted metal. In san juan, floodwaters are making roads nearly impossible to pass. Some neighborhoods, now raging rivers. This woman says the winds were horrible, like nothing shes ever seen. Making landfall as a category 4, the eyewall barrelled through puerto rico wednesday with maximum sustained winds of 155 miles per hour. This man says the building behind him was shaking, and he feared for his life. At this san juan sports coliseum, hundreds took shelter. During the worst of the storm, winds blew over metal doors. Rainwater falling from the roof. The major of san juan was here with her family, helping console others. Im just concerned that we may not get to everybody in time. And that is a great weight on my shoulders. Reporter maria, leaving behind a trail of destruction, slamming st. Croix, the largest of the u. S. Virgin islands. Widespread flooding in st. Thomas. Dominica now in ruins. Just the latest in a string of massive hurricanes batter the caribbean. This morning, search and rescue teams, including some from the u. S. Mine land, are on the move. Telecommunication systems are down, so communication is extremely difficult here. Again, matt and savannah, the full extent of the damage from this storm will take a while to be assessed. Back to you. So many people worried about loved ones there, as well. Gabe, thank you. Al is here and will talk about not only whats happening now with maria but where shes headed. Were still seeing a lot of rain in the western part of puerto rico. Theyre not done with this. It intensified overnight to a category 3 storm. Eye redeveloping. 220 miles southeast of grand turk island. 115mileperhour winds. We could still see a little more strengthening out of this thing. Northwest movement at 9 miles per hour. For the Dominican Republic today, 50 to 75mileperhour winds. Storm surge of 6 to 8 feet. 18 inches of rain. Tomorrow, the turks and caicos are under the gun for this. Storm surge of 9 to 12 feet. 6 to 18 inches of rain. The path of it goes between Cape Hatteras and bermuda. As we put the spaghetti plots, as we call it, the models into play, we can be cautiously, cautiously optimistic. Most swing it through bermuda i should say to the west of bermuda and to the east of mainland u. S. Again, its still too early to say, okay, were out of the woods. Even for the folks in bermuda, but were seeing glimmers of hope. The map looks better than the one we saw yesterday. Al, thank you. Now to the other disaster were following closely. This massive earthquake in mexico. The death toll is rising but there are glimmers of hope among the devastation. More survivors pulled alive from the rubble nearly two days after the quake. Nbc National Correspondent Miguel Almaguer is in mexico city for us again. Miguel, good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning. An Elementary School behind me has become a symbol of hope and loss. Theyve recovered dozens of bodies from the location. Theyve also saved just as many lives. They are calling this school the miracle in the rubble. In mexico city, glimmers of hope after two days of heartbreak. Children found alive after their Elementary School crumbled to pieces. Some of the youngest victims in this quake, still buried beneath a mountain of rubble. Their tiny school bags hang just feet from classrooms that First Responders are desperately trying to reach. These rescues have to be carried out with precision. They are listening for any sounds, possibly tapping. Thats what led them to previous rescues. More than 20 students lost their lives here. Luis carlos says he has no idea how he got out. In 30 seconds, he says, my school was down. My best friend, his little sister, died. This morning, rescuers believe more children are trapped. Teams working right through the night. Theres a little girl, freida, and there are two more children near more. Reporter as more images of devastation emerge, families desperately wait for word on their loved ones. Gloria hernandez clutches a photo of her 24yearold son, ivan, buried beneath six floors of rubble in his office. Time is the biggest enemy. She says, my son has been buried for hours. Nobody will tell me a thing. Mexicos deadliest earthquake since 1985, leveling 38 buildings on tuesday and an untold number of homes. President enrique pena niekneen vowing to help those in need. Maria, who lives near the earthquake epicenter, says her neighborhood is in ruins. Funerals here on wednesday. A toddler and his aunt never made it out alive. But this morning, the search goes on. Rescue teams asking for silence. They can hear faint calls for help. The names of those pulled from the rubble are written down on paper for waiting families to see. But this is what they are praying for. A sign of hope amid a sea of disaster. This morning, a live look at rescue teams who are looking for the little girl named freida, who tells rescue teams there are two other children still inside the building. 54 people have been already pulled from the rubble. The death toll stands at 250. It is the rescues that keep everyone here going. Savannah . Still hoping to hear more about them. Thank you. A lot more to get to this morning, including the newest battle over health care. President trump now offering his support for the latest attempt by republicans to repeal obamaca obamacare. But there are vocal critics lining up from washington and hollywood. Kasie hunt is on capitol hill with more on that. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning. It did seem like republican efforts to repeal and replace obamacare were dead, but not so fast. This new effort could actually pass the senate, coming up next week, and it has sparked an unusual fight between a louisiana senator and a latenight comedian. Jimmy kimmel fired up and firing back. He made a total about face, which means he either doesnt understand his own bill or he lied to me. As simple as that. Reporter doubling down on his criticism of republican senator bill cassidy and the new gop Health Care Bill, sponsored by cassidy and graham. He said anything he reported would have to pass what he named the jimmy kimmel test, which was fine. It was good. Unfortunately, and puzzlingly, he proposed a bill that would allow states do all the things he said he wouldnt allow them to do. Reporter kimmel went public about his sons heart detect in may, the clip going viral. Billy was born with a heart disease. Reporter on wednesday, cassidy defended himself to nbc after kimmel went after him the night before. He called you a liar last night. It was a personal attack, and i cant help that. All i can say is if youre in texas or if youre in maine and virginia, missouri, there will be resources in your state youve not had to provide you coverage. And we have protections from preexisting conditions. Reporter President Trump coming to the senators defense on twitter. Writing, i would not sign grahamcassidy if it didnt include preexisting conditions. It does. But it allows states to optout of covering preexisting conditions, though theyd have to explain how they plan to keep those people covered. The bill makes sweeping changes. Redistricting Medicaid Expansion and obamacare subsidy money to individual states, to let them implement their own plans. Now the race to find 50 votes is on. Majority leader mitch mccconnel making plans to bring it to the floor before september 30th. It has a chance. Tremendous support from republicans. Certainly, were 47 or 48 already senators, and others are viewing it positively. Reporter they can only lose two votes. Eyes are on john mccain and lisa murkowski. Are you ready to support it . Nope. Reporter democrats scrambling to defend obamas former achievement. Mobilizing every couple months to keep our leaders from inflicting human suffering on our constituents. Reporter its not just democrats. Insurance companies are warning that this bill could destabilize the market. Hospital groups, nurses groups, all opposed to this. Republicans are pressing ahead anyway, and right now, as of the current vote count, it is entirely possible this could pass the senate next week. Matt, savannah . Kasie hunt on the hill for us. Health care was one of the topics covered in our nbc news wall street journal poll. President trump got 27 approval with 53 saying theyre dissatisfied. Overall, the president s Approval Rating is up for the First Time Since february. 43 Approval Rating, threepoint jump over last month. One possible reason, the bipartisan debt ceiling and hurricane deal he made with democratic leaders. That got the approval of 71 of the polls respondents. President trump has another busy day here in new york. Hell meet with the president of south korea and the Prime Minister of japan. This days after trumps stern warnings to iran and north korea in the address to the u. N. North korean officials have responded to that now, comparing the president s speech to, quote, the sound of a dog barking. This morning, there are also new developments in the russia investigation. Reports that special Counsel Robert Mueller is asking the white house now to turn over documents related to both the president s Oval Office Meeting with russian officials and the firings of his National Security adviser and fbi director. Were happy to be joined now by President Trumps current National Security adviser, general h. R. Mcmaster. Nice to see you. Welcome to new york. Thank you. Great to be here. Let me start with iran. The president has said hes made his decision on what he wants to do with the Iran Nuclear Deal but he hasnt revealed the contents of the decision. Its been reported he wants to renegotiate certain aspects of the deal. For example, the term, when it will expire. Also, a part of the deal that might allow iran to develop ballistic missiles. Is that accurate . That is accurate. I think what is different about President Trumps approach to the nuclear deal is his approach to iran broadly. Previously, the approach to iran was all about getting this deal. And while that focus was happening, and that was the focus of policy, iran engaged in a broad range of destabilizing activities. Is he trying to pick apart these aspects of the deal to scrap the thing in its entirety, or is it about those two aspects . It is really about how this our approach to this deal fits into a broader iran strategy. To address what iran is doing, which is immeshing the greater middle east in conflict, helping to perpetuate this humanitarian and political catastrophe from, you know, lebanon to syria to iraq to yemen. Just to be clear about it, are you saying he is going to rip up the deal . The u. S. Is going to exit from the deal . No, im not saying anything yet about it. When the announcement is made, it will fit in to a fundamentally sound and broad strategy aimed at addressing irans destabilizing behavior and prioritizing protecting american vital interests. Irans president said, look, if the americans try to mess with the deal, we may enrich uranium again. They were close to breakout capacity, getting a nuclear weapon, which led to the deal. Even if you hate the deal, wouldnt that be a worst outcome now . The program they said never existed, theyll restart . They in violation of the agreement . We dont know. They walked up to the line and crossed the line. Too much heavy water. When theyre confronted, they backed off of that. But, of course, the inspection regime is not that robust. One of the first things that has to happen is it has to be rigorously enforced. The worst thing that could happen is if this deal provides cover for iran to get a nuclear capability. Of course, all the while, you mentioned the sunset clause is a problem. Also the fact they have a Missile Program that is continuing unabated by this deal. Real quickly, do you think this is something where the iranians have any incentive to come to the table . What leverage does the president have . Those sanctions that were crippling the iranian economy with gone. Why would they talk about this . What iran needs to be is incentivized to stop its destructive behavior across the region. That has caused so much human suffering. So the idea is, our approach to iran has to change fundamentally. We have largely in recent years vacated very Important Competitive space with iran. In the Sophisticated Campaign of subversi subversion, where theyre creating a hezbollah model across the greater middle east. North korea, the president said if were forced to defend our allies or ourselves, well totally destroy north korea. What would be the definition of forced to defend ourselves . Would it be an allout attack from north korea . Would it be the launching of a missile capped with a Nuclear Device . Would it be testing another missile that can reach the United States or detonating another Hydrogen Bomb . What defines defending ourselves . Attacks on ourselves or allies. Actual attack . Of course, of course. Now, of course, this is a regime that if you look at from 1953, from the armestats, north korea engaged in violent behavior, including assassinating leaders of south korea, cabinet officials, direct military attacks to sinking of ships. In terms of trprovocation, thiss nothing new. What is new is the grave danger to the world if this regime has a nuclear weapon. Before i let you go, we have to ask you about the developments in the russia investigation. The Washington Post and the New York Times are reporting the special counsel, robert mueller, is zeroing in on the president s own actions, including an Oval Office Meeting that you, yourself, attended with the Russian Ambassador and foreign minister. I believe it was the day after james comey was fired from his position. Have you personally or your lawyer been contacted by the special counsels office for either documents, evidence, or your testimony . This is really not my area of responsibility. Today, what were really focused on is the meetings you mentioned. Also very important meetings with two nations whose sovereignty has been threatened. Forgive me. Have you been asked . No, i have not. Youve not received any contact . Im busy with other things. Has your lawyer or representative of yours . Ive been busy with other things and have not been contacted. Can i ask you on the russia investigation, the president called it a taxpayer funded sher ra charade, this investigate into whether his campaign colluded with russia. Do you agree with that . Do you think this is a legitimate investigation . This is not an area im focused on at all. We have a very important meeting with the president of afghanistan, who has been doing a brilliant job in leading his country through a difficult time. As you know, the president announced a new strategy for afghanistan. The first time weve had a fundamentally sound strategy there that matches what were doing militarily. General, forgive me. So thats this is what im concerned about. Genera i have no basis to answer your questions on the other topic. We can take a hibt. Hint. Yes, we can. Good to have you in new york. Lets get the weather from mr. Roker. Quick look at whats going on today. Were looking at possibility high record temperatures up through the upper midwest. Scattered storms through the gulf coast. A wintry mix into the northern rockies. Windy conditions through the southwest. Im bill henley. It is the last full day of summer and its going to feel like it. Temperatures soar into the 830s. Partly sunny skies and 87 degrees in philadelphia this afternoon. Middle 80s for the suburbs. Sunshine and a nice gentle breeze for new jersey, 86 degrees. At the shore, 82 the high with partly sunny skies and into the 80s for the Lehigh Valley, up to 85, warming to 86 with sunshine in delaware. Thats yur laour latesour la ahead, much more on marias devastating toll on puerto rico, and what it will take for that island to recover. And the scary moment at a baseball game that had fans and players in tears and is raising new concerns over stadium safety. First, this is today on nbc. Health, is having the freedom to do what you want to do with your life, every single day. So at aetna, we promise to keep finding new ways to join you so nothing gets in your way. Because no matter where it is youre going, or whatever stage of life youre in. We believe that when it comes to health. You dont join us. We join you. Coming up, Olivia Newtonjohn opens up in an exclusive interview about her new Breast Cancer battle. Hoda . Hoda . Kids, we have serious star a. Uh, all the cars . All the cars. Old cars . Yes. New cars . Oh, yeah. Sports cars . Indeed. A big ol boatlike car . Permission to come aboard what about a car thats all makes awkward car noises hgnnnnnnnnnnnnayyayyy i dont see why not. What about, lets say. Oh, i dont know, a purple van with a painting of a wizard just shooting lightning out of his fingers riding a unicorn sneezing rainbows . Definitely. Just asking for a friend. Yea, i figured. whispered to camera wow. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. Good thursday morning. Lets get a check of the weather outside with bill henley. Sunshine breaking through the clouds. This is a live view from center city. These clouds are spinning off of jose which is offshore. No showers today. Enough sunshine to warm the temperatures from the 60s and 70s into the 80s this afternoon. Parkwood at 69 degrees to start the day. If youre heading out the door lets check the roads with jessica boyington. Right. So were watching the schuylkill expressway and we have some construction vehicles over into the right hand shoulder of that westbound side. Here is moving to the boulevard to head to the northbound side of that. Right here is eastbound to the schuylkill so you can see brake lights there and a little slow. 295 looks good for the most part. Most of the delay on the northbound side moving past the black horse pike. Peace day philly takes over the square today, part of the world wide celebration of the United Nations International Peace day. The celebration starts at 11 30. This years theme is what can you do . And this afternoon the phillies will go for a sweep against the team with the best record in baseball. Phils were down late in the game but roared ahead with a pair of home runs. Another update in 25 minutes. Join us weekday mornings for nbc 10 news today. Today shows continues in just a couple of minutes. Thanks so much for watching. Have a great day. Were back now. 7 30 on a busy thursday morning. Good morning. Want to get to the mornings headlines. Well start with Hurricane Maria. Its direct and devastating hit on puerto rico. Lights out. Millions across puerto rico waking up this morning without power after Hurricane Maria rips across the island, turning roads into rivers and reducing buildings to rubble. Reporter we got our first look at the damage. Some homes obliterated. The president in shock. The storm strengthening overnight. Theyre not done with this. It did intensify overnight to now a category 3 storm. Eye redeveloping. Here it goes. Reporter race against time. Rescue crews frantically dig against the rubble in mexico, hoping to find signs of life two days after the deadly earthquake. Reporter these rescues have c to be carried out with precision. Questions around Paul Manafort after reports he offered to give a russian billionaire with kremlin ties private briefings on the 2016 campaign. S er. E. C. Hack, illegal wal street profits. Not buying it. Bill belichick opens up about why he wont be reading star quarterback tom bradys new book. I see tom every day. I dont feel i need to read a book. Today, thursday, september 21st, 2017. How do you really feel . Got to love bill belichick. Lets get more on the storm weve been covering. The wide spread flooding in puerto rico. Joining us is the secretary of state of puerto rico. Hes with us now. Mr. Secretary, glad youre able to speak to us. I know youve been out looking at what happened. What is the damage there . What are you seeing . Well, certainly devastation. Good morning, savannah. Last night, it was a real long day. Because after the winds stopped, the Hurricane Force winds left the island, it was pouring 25 inches of rain in some areas. So flood zones were greatly affected. Even before the storm hit, there was a plea for people to move to Higher Ground and go to the different shelters. Some stayed. This is like a 100 years flood, in terms of what we are seeing. Certainly, First Responders have been busy. I left a site yesterday near midnight, and people in the rooftops we s rooftops, trying to pull them out. We have crews from virginia, florida and texas which are supporting our local teams. Governor signed an order yesterday for curfew, so we have a curfew from 6 00 in the afternoon until 6 00 in the morning. That shall help us. Mr. Secretary, we talked about the number of shelters that were opened on puerto rico before the storm, Something Like 500. Theyre supposed to be shortterm storm shelters. Is the reality now, based on whats been left in this storms path, that those are going to have to become longerterm homeless shelters . It might be a longer term. We have costal communities have you had 80 of those homes that are not standing anymore. So we need to were going to be rebuilding. That takes time. So were working with fema regarding temporary shelters. We saw our schools, public schools, that have been serving as temporary shelters. Soph fema is working on supportg us. The recovery is going to be long. Mr. Secretary, people need essentials. Food, water, basics. Everybody is without power. When can stuff expect to get there, and how will you let people know where to find that stuff . Weve got a system to distribute all those kinds of goods. We have a barge coming in from fema that was diverted because our port closed. Its coming tomorrow with 4. 6 million liters of bottled water, generators from 1 megawatt to 800 kilowatts for those that need a home generator for lifesupport systems. So supplies are coming in. Because we are a nation that is by sea because we are an island, its only by sea. That gives us a logistic challenge, as well. Yes, of course. And so many challenges ahead of you. We appreciate your time, sir, this morning. Give our best to your citizens. We appreciate it. Thanks for your prayers. Thank you. Al is here now with more on this and Everything Else were looking at. Thats right. By the way, jose is still out there, which is kind of interesting. Its the storm that will not go aw away. Kind of like a bad inlaw. Its just hanging out. 150 miles south southeast of nantucket. 60mileperhour winds. It is moving east at 2 miles per hour. You look at the path, it just kind of drifts around a little bit in this circle. We still have Tropical Storm warnings out for parts of new england and costal flood advisories for costal long island. For the most part, itll hang around and be a nuisance right now. Scattered storms through the gulf. Possible records through the mid to upper mississippi riv valley. Er good morning. Im bill henley. Here it is the last full day of summer. Temperatures soar boo the 80s. T clouds starting to break up. Partly sunny skies and 87 degrees in philadelphia this afternoon. Middle 80s for the suburbs, sunshine and a nice gentle breeze. 86 degrees. At the shore, 82 the high with partly sunny skies and into the 80s for the Lehigh Valley. 86 in delaware. Have a great day. Get your weather any time you need it. Check out our friends at the Weather Channel on cable. Al, thank you so much. Why cant Prince George have a best friend at his new school . We will explain that. First, a child hospitalized after being hit by a foul ball. Does more need to be done to keep fans safe at the games . Keep fans safe at the games . Lights, camera strike a pose your eyes work as hard as you do. But do they need help making more of their own tears . If you have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation, restasis multidose® can help, with continued use, twice a day, every day, one drop at a time. Restasis multidose® helps increase your eyes natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. Restasis multidose® did not increase tear production in patients using antiinflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. To help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. Wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. The most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. Ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose®. 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Wahwah can i take this one home . Current qualified chevrolet lessees can get this allnew 2018 chevy equinox lt for around 199 a month. Or, get twentyfive hundred total cash allowance. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. We are back now. 7 41. A frightening incident at a baseball game. It is raising new concerns over fan safety, and willie is here with that story. Good morning. You could hear a pin drop yesterday at Yankee Stadium after a young girl was hit by a foul ball, eventually rushed to a hospital. This morning, it is spurring new calls for Major League Baseball to make major changes at all of its ballparks. The crack of the bat. Look out. Oh, my goodness. Followed by the gasp of the crowd. Baseball fans at Yankee Stadium quickly coming to the aid of a young girl in the stands, struck by a hardhit foul ball. Little too graphic for us to show you. It was a a line drive, hit in the side of the head. Blood all over the place. The tense moments leaving many players on the field visibly shaken, especially todd frazier, the yankees third baseman who hit the ball. Frazier taking a knee with tears in his eyes until medical personnel carried the girl away. Not on a stretcher or gurney, this is a good sign. We got a report she was okay. Obviously, you could see the concern on everyone in the ballpark. The players, the umpires, the fans. It is disturbing when it happens, and it is hard for a player when it happens. Earlier this season at Yankee Stadium, a broken bat hit a boy, leaving him bloodied. Two months later, a foul ball hit and injured a man. Wednesdays incident was the last straw for some, who say incidents like this are far too common. It renewed calls for more protective netting at ballparks around the country. I dont care about the view of a fan or what. Its all about safety. I still have a knot in my stomach. In 2015, Major League Baseball urged teams to extend netting 70 feet in each direction from home plate to the beginning of the dugouts. The yankees complied. Some teams, like the new york mets, went further, extending their netting halfway into the outfield. There has been a continuous Forward Movement in terms of increased netting in stadiums around the leagues. I expect that process will continue this off season. You have to be paying attention to the game, and you never know whats going to be coming at you from any direction. Any precautions to take to avoid accidents, im all about. Meanwhile, some critics argue increased netting will cob instru obstruct the view from the expensive seats. Thats not stopping players like frazier, trying to ensure this doesnt happen again. Overnight, frazier tweeting, today was tough, watching that little girl. Ill be thinking about her every day. Guys, one yankee after another, players across Major League Baseball, after the incident yesterday, this was a 2yearold girl, little toddler watching the game. Her grandparents said, it is time to put the netting up. By the way, it is something the yankees had been talking about before the incident. You bet itll happen now. When you sit in the seats in the area, there are signs that say, be alert. Youre in a foul ball area. But it happens so quickly. Yeah. Whether youre alert or not, it is almost impossible to stop it. The truth is, if you have good seats and you want a foul ball, youll still get it. The pop flies go over the net. You fight protect yourself from Something Like what happened yesterday. Willie, thank you so much. Lets head over to dylan in the orange room. Hey, dylan. Good morning. Up next, one towns halloween crackdown that has us asking, if you could book a flight, then add a hotel, or car, or activity in one place and save, where would you go . 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist about humira. This is humira at work. Moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. With 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. Moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. And 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. They declare love dogs dat first sniff. To get. Dogs love more, because they are more. Lets treat them that way. Milkbone. Doing more for dogs since 1908. Were back at 7 49. Everybody loves halloween, right . Some of us more than others. True, actually. What age should you stop trick or treating . This is an issue that will divide the nation. Dylan, what do you have over there . I still want to go trick or treating. A canadian city is cracking down on halloween with a controversial bylaw, banning trick or treating for kids over 16. Anyone disobeying the rule could face up to a 200 fine. It is a relaxed version of the mandate last year. Trick or treating was capped at the age of 14. Lets look at the internet, shall we, and see what people have to say about this. Michelle says, if they make the effort to dress up and are polite, im happy to give treats, regardless of age. Deonne said, another example of society having children grow up too fast. Id rather my child stay a kid and enjoy being a kid. This michelle says, by 16, youre old enough to have already been working, so get a job and get your own candy. Get off my lawn, too. Yeah. We asked online, should there be an age limit for trick or treating. 66 say yes. 34 say no. In addition to the age limit, the citys bylaw sets a curfew, saying all trick or treating must be finished by 8 00 p. M. Strict up there. You had the key. If they take the time to get into costume, show up in jeans and tshirt, you say, what are you dressed as, they say, a kid going through puberty, thats not a costume. Theyre also banning the tooth fairy, too. Really nasty there. Careful. Ahead, we have a morning boost. Youre not going to want to miss it. Natalies exclusive interview with Olivia Newtonjohn on battlin ah the moon belongs to everyone the best things in life theyre free stars belong to everyone they cling there for you and for me flowers in spring the robins that sing the sunbeams that shine theyre yours and their mine love can come to everyone the best things in life theyre free ladies and gentleman this is a robbery. What are you doing after this . Moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. With 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. Moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. When you make a pb j with smuckers, thats the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. Because with a name like smuckers, it has to be good. Tech when you schedule with safelite autoglass, and exquisitely delicious you get time for more life. This family wanted to keep the game going. Son hey mom, one more game . Tech with safelite, you get a text when were on our way. You can see exactly when well arrive. Mom sure. Bring it tech im micah with safelite. Mom thanks for coming, its right over here. Tech giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. Take care family bye kids singing safelite® repair, safelite® replace. Real energy harnessed from the earth. Nature valley. It can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. Luckily theres powerful, 24hour, nondrowsy claritin. It provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. Live claritin clear. One hero was on a mission to save snack time. Watch babybel in the great snack rescue. You want a piece of me . Good, im delicious. Creamy, delicious, 100 real cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. Feven being the backng half of a unicorn. Fortunately, the front half washed his shirt with gain. Ahh. The irresistible scent of gain flings laundry detergent. It can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. Luckily theres powerful, 24hour, nondrowsy claritin. It provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. Live claritin clear. An epic flavor. Its cranberry. Its pineapple. And theres no. Sugar. Added. Cranberry pineapple 100 juice. The next big thing to hit the juice aisle. Good morning. Four minutes before 8 00 right now. Lets take a look outside with bill henley. He has your most accurate neighborhood forecast. A Beautiful Day ahead. An unusually warm day. This afternoon the temperatures will climb into the 80s. It is a little warmer than normal for this time of year. Cooler in the suburbs and new jersey at 67. 65 in the Lehigh Valley but it doesnt last. Warming into the middle 80s for the Lehigh Valley and the suburbs. 86 degrees this afternoon in delaware. Now lets get a check of the roads with jessica boyington. Watching 95 and our cameras around girard avenue. The drive time is typical. Nothing to report on the southbound side of 95 moving into center city so thats a good thing. 29 minutes for the drive time and a 28mileperhour average speed from wood haven road to the vine street expressway. Also watch out for the crash right and gypsy lane. A woman says she was punched and robbed when she tried to help a group of girls. In an exclusive interview the victim says the girls she was trying to help were being bullied on a septa train on tuesday. Police say theyre working to identify the teens in the video. They expect to make arrests soon. Today Gloucester County will hold the veterans next step golf clinic. The clinic pairs 18 vets with a teacher to show them better ways to play with little or no assistan assistance. And the 26th annual irish fall festival begins today. This is video from last year. That event runs through sunday. Another update in 25 minutes. Join us weekday mornings for nbc 10 news today from 4 00 to 7 00 a. M. Well help get you out the door. Today show continues in just a couple of minutes. Thanks so much for watching. Is facing an epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. Vanessa in honor of recovery month, we want you to know that recovery from addiction is possible. Christie the signs you spot today. Vanessa . Could save a loved one tomorrow. Christie to learn more, visit reachnj. Gov. But the living rooms pretty blank. We did a lot of research online. We just need to have a designer put it all together. Mmm hmm. So, its really nice when clients come in and have. Done some of their own research. What do you think about these chairs and that table . Working with a bassett designer was really easy. Us being young professionals, were so busy. Theres no way we couldve designed it ourselves. No. We love it . Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, breaking overnight. Hurricane maria picks up speed after leveling puerto rico. Homes and businesses destroyed. The entire island without power. Azors residents start to take sk of the damage. Ive never seen devastation like this one. Its the human spirit is going to have to rise up real high. This morning, where that storm is headed next. Plus, fighting back. Natalie sits down with Olivia Newtonjohn as she opens up about her Breast Cancer recurrence. In may mind, it was over. Id finished with it. Why this time is different and why it wont slow her down. Im not going to be a statistic. Ill be fine. I think you can live with cancer like you can live with other things. Never even know starstudded morning. Emma stone and liam neeson stopping by studio 1a to talk about their new movies, today, thursday, september 21st, 2017. Make those boys go crazy how old are you today . 16. Got another big birthday. Omg. Were 40 on the plaza. We got a good morning from the other side of the country. Good morning from modesto. Delicious, so delicious now, this is a milestone. What are you celebrating . Celebrating my 80th birthday today on the today show. Its not every day we have poets on the plaza. Coming first hour so we can meet matt lauer. Is that technically poetry . Yeah, it is. Just making sure. Morning, everybody. Welcome back to today. We appreciate you being with us on a thursday morning. Guess what . Tomorrow, fergie will be live on the plaza. She has some crazy new music that is going to bring down the house. We are looking forward. Youve been playing us the video on set. You already know. Telling us how much we love it. It is awesome. Looking forward to fergie tomorrow. Lets start with your news at 8 00. Hurricane maria. Heres a live look. Were about to show you the powerful storm that is hammering the Dominican Republic at this hour. The enormous destruction in puerto rico is becoming too apparent. Gabe gutierrez is in san juan for us. Gabe, good morning. Reporter good morning. It is difficult to get around san juan. Part of the reason for that, massive power outages. Virtually the entire island is without power. And power lines are down throughout this area. Streets are impassable. Many of them are flooded. This morning, were just starting to see the extent of the damage as the sun comes up. This building torn apart. The siding crushing this car. As you mentioned, savannah, maria picking up steam again. Reintensifying into a category 3 storm as it lashes the Dominican Republic. It came on shore in puerto rico here as a category 4 hurricane, the first since 1932. Trees were toppled. Cars overturned. The question right now is how many people are trapped and need to be rescued in the water . Water rescue teams from the island, as well as from the u. S. Mainland, on the move. The governor has imposed overnight curfew here in puerto rico. Telecommunication systems are down. It is difficult to understand the full scope of this damage. Savannah . Gabe, thank you. In mexico, rescuers have not given up hope of finding survivors in the ruins of buildings that were leveled by tuesdays earthquake. Nbcs Miguel Almaguer is at one of the most active sites. A grade school in mexico city. Miguel, how is it going there . Reporter matt, good morning. Theyre asking us to whisper. Search teams are actually trying to find a 12yearold girl named freida inside the school behind me. Theyre trying to listen for her voice. It is a search and rescue to save the youngest lives. Their faces tell the story. Shock, panic and grief. Parents desperately waiting for news. Are their children still alive . This father telling us, we turned the corner. We saw the school was coming down. It was desperation and panic. Search teams worked through the night, tearing through concrete to reach children still buried in their classrooms. Theres a little girl. She says her name is freida, and there are two more children near her. These tiny school bags hanging neatly in a row. A chilling reminder of the most innocent victims. These rescues have to be carried out with extreme precision. Theyre listening for any sounds. Possibly tapping. Thats what led them to previous rescues. Tuesdays powerful 7. 1 quake rattled across mexicos capital. 38 buildings completely destroyed. Thousands trapped beneath the shower of falling rubble. At dozens of sites all over the city, neighbors, strangers, rushing to help each other. But for so many, the pain is endless. Just like this sea of debris. Gloria hernandez says, ive been here since tuesday, and i still know nothing. She clutches a photo of her son, ivan, now buried under six floors of rubble. Im needing for the government to help, she says. There is nothing else i can do. So many have stories of survival. Luis carlos was in that Elementary School that dozens of his classmates could not escape. In 30 seconds, my school was down. I dont even know how i saved myself. My best friend, his little sister, is dead. This morning, there are no answers. A city brought to its knees and still struggling to get back on its feet. The rescue like the one underway for that 12yearold girl, freida, will likely continue for several days. First responders say they will not leave this area until everyone has been recovered. Back to you guys. Miguel almaguer in mexico city. Thank you very much. We move to washington now and the president urging republican senators to get behind the latest effort to repeal and replace obamacare. On wednesday, the president called the measure by republican senators Lindsey Graham and bill cassidy a great bill. He said republicans have 47 or 48 of the 50 votes they need to pass it. The measure allows states to loosen rules on covering preexisting conditions. It eliminates the socalled individual mandate and penalties on most americans who do not have Health Insurance. Republican leader Mitch Mcconnell is making plans to bring this to a vote by the end of next week. All right. Lets brighten things up with hodas morning boost. Well show you one of the Sweetest Things you may see all week. Take a look at what happens when a cute baby from utah starts to cry. Baby doll, baby doll i love my baby, baby doll [ crying ]. Keep going, mama. This adorable 10 month olds name is don. Whenever she cries her mom soothes her with the original melody. By the way, how beautiful is that, baby dawn . It works all the time. Not only does she stop crying, she starts smiling. Like shes full of joy. So sweet. Yes. She has to sing forever. Mom is going to have laryngitis for her whole life. More ahead on this thursday morning, including natalies exclusive conversation with Olivia Newtonjohn, speaking out for the First Time Since her Breast Cancer relapse. A ban on best friends . The surprising rule at Prince Georges school. Should your Childs School have to do it, too . Oscar winner emma stone will be right here. And bobby flay combines nachos and burgers. Is there a nobel prize for being a chef . One delicious creation. One delicious creation. If youre anything like me, your todo list just keeps growing. laughs desperately it never stops. Which is why the online financing application at carmax. Com is so convenient. Get some of that finance stuff out of the way from wherever you are, at the doctors office, karate practice or my favorite. Back at the doctors office. Knowing before you go means more quality time sewing a costume for the school play that is not going to look anything like a frog. Just a little headsup, mrs. Davis. Ha ha ha, yay kids one hero was on a mission to save snack time. Watch babybel in the great snack rescue. You want a piece of me . Good, im delicious. Creamy, delicious, 100 real cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. Thats the new rockstar. All jeans on sale, up to fifty percent off. No time to spare from our crazy delicious family to yours. Assave 40 on paints during theand stainser sale. From september 22nd through the 25th. Theres a store in every neighborhood find yours at sherwinwilliams. Com save. Hi. Oh, hi welcome to the neighborhood. I brought you this pie to see if youre weird. Wow, that smlsel intsive. It is. Did you want to come in, maybe snoop around a bit . Thats why im here. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . Ooh, i smell onions the citi® double cash card does. Only citi lets you earn 1 cash back when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi double cash card. Double means double. Wecagefree eggs. Ng and we care about amazing taste. Because at hellmanns, were on the side of food. And when youod sugar is a replace one meal. Choices. Or snack a day with glucerna. Made with carbsteady. To help minimize blood sugar spikes. You can really feel it. Now with 30 less carbs and sugars. Glucerna. He likes to eat clean. Thats why at petsmart we love the nutro feed clean philosophy. Theyre made with nongmo ingredients and highquality protein. Now buy 1 select bag of nutro pet food and get 10 off your next purchase. Petsmart for the love of pets. Nick was born to move. Not necessarily after 3 toddlers with boundless energy. But lower back pain wont stop him from keeping up. Because at a dr. Scholls kiosk he got a recommendation for our best custom fit orthotic to relieve his foot, knee, or lower back pain, from being on his feet. By reducing shock and stress on his body with every step. So look out world, dads taking charge. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Welcome back, everybody. Olivia newtonjohn sang her way into our hearts as sandy in grease. She was an 80s pop star with hits like physical. Over the past several years, shes quietly been fighting Breast Cancer for a second time. She recently talked about that for the first time with natalie, who joins us now. Good morning. Morning, guys. Like so many, Olivia Newtonjohn is a childhood idol of mine. I got to spend a few days at in her hometown of melbourne, australia. Olivia is looking and feeling great. She turns 69 next week. Hard to believe. Shes back on tour and in the recording studio. Shes even working on a new book about her life. Olivia refuses to let anything, not even cancer, slow her down. How personal is this place to you . Oh, extremely. For Olivia Newtonjohn, the cancer wellness and Research Center that bares her name is more important than ever. The last 15 years, olivia has made this her lifes work. Its taking on new meaning with news of the reoccurrence of her own Breast Cancer in may. Olivia, you look amazing. You are radiant. How are you feeling . I feel really good, thank you. I really do. Im doing well. Just four months ago, she got the shocking news that after 25 years in remission, her Breast Cancer had returned. This time, metastasizing to her lower back. What was your first indication . I thought i had sciatica. Again, it was painful to walk. I thought it was that. You were still performing. I was still performing, yup. I would grit my teeth and take a couple of aspirin and go on. When the doctor said the cancer is back and it had metastasized, i mean, what went through your mind in that moment . I guess it was a little surprising. I never would have associated it. In my mind, it was over. Id finished with it. What is the prognosis when you do have this Breast Cancer . I dont read into prognosis and statistics because it can be depressing. Im not going to be one of those statistics. Im going to be fine. Ill probably deal with this in my life as an ongoing thing. I think you can live with cancer like you can live with other things, if you take care of yourself. After a course of photon radiation combined with natural remedies,herbal supplements and meditation, she has answered prayers, along with her husband and daughter, chloe. Hes totally confident that im fine and im going to last a long time. When she was treated the first time, newtonjohn felt the need for more than traditional medical treatment. On her own, she supplemented chemo therapy with mind and body wellness. She believes it is a winning combination, and now shes sharing it with other patients here at her Wellness Center. Offering massage, meditation, yo yoga, art and Music Therapy to patients and their families on the road to recovery. Without the experience, i wouldnt have the desire or passion to help people going through it, and the compassion to understand what it is like when youre going through cancer. So its been an amazing journey. Having it happen again, i thought to myself, ive done it before. I got through this before, and i can do it again. Are you scared at all . No. Im good at denial. Good. Its a good thing to have. No, im not really. I mean, of course, you have fear. Thats only natural. But, you know, my positive outlook is a decision. Id be lying if i didnt say i have dark moments and negative moments. Im human. But on a general scale, i tend to see the glass as half full. Positivity even in the most difficult moments. As rekrenly as a month ago, she was in crippling pain and had difficulty walking. She credits her use of medical cannabis for getting her back on her feet. What are some of the misconceptions about Medicinal Marijuana . People have visions from the 60s of people sitting around and getting stoned. Its not about that. This plant is a healing plant. We need to change the vision of what it is. Because it helped me greatly, and it helped with pain and inflammation. Now, shes back to helping others. Raising money to keep the Wellness Center open, Funding Research for Clinical Trials and break through Cancer Treatment and spending time here, connecting with patients on a whole new level. What has cancer taught you about yourself . Im stronger than i thought i was. Even though you have a team around you and people are helping you, it really, in the end, is up to you. Believe you can do it and go through it. So it made me stronger. You call yourself a cancer thriver. You dont like the word survivor. Yes. Why thriver . Survivor sounds like somebody clinging on to a lifeboat to me. A thriver is somebody off the boat and on land. Choosing to see the light, inspiring others to do the same. Olivia has Something Else to celebrate. Next year marks the 40th anniversary of grease. She still has the famous leather pants. She plans to auction them off, bringing things full circle. The money will be donated back to her cancer and Wellness Center. So good to see her doing so well. She is an inspiration. Yes. Natalie, thank you so much. Lets turn now to al. Whats going on . All right. Lets get a little check and see whats going on out there with the latest on maria. Weve got the 8 00 in from the National Hurricane center. Still a category 3 storm. About 190 miles southeast of grand turk island. 115mileperhour winds. Northwest at 9 miles per hour. Dominican republic, 4 to 6 foot storm surge. Tons of rain. 75mileperhour winds. Tomorrow, turks and caicos turn with 9 to 12 foot storm surge. Then it makes its way through Cape Hatteras and bermuda. Hopefully we wont have to worry about a mainland landfall. Ats whats going onth good morning. Here it is the last full day of summer. Its going to feel like it. Temperatures soar into the 80s. 87 degrees in philadelphia this afternoon, middle 80s for the suburbs, sunshine and a nice gentle breeze. 86 degrees at the jersey shore. Into the 80s for the Lehigh Valley. Warming to 86 in delaware. Thats your your latest weat. Dont forget, check us out on sirius xm, channel 108, home of the hoda show. Time now for whats trending today. Lets take a look at whats trending right now on twitter. Harry styles, live on tour la. Peace day 2017. And the good place. Season two of the show premiered last night. All trending this morning. Heres a story that caught my eye. Remember Prince Georges first day of school . Yeah. All eyes on the adorable little royal and the send off. Heres something new were learning. Prince george probably doesnt have a best friend at school. Why . Because the school where Prince George goes, like a lot of other schools, does not encourage best friends. They want students of that age to be friendly with everyone in the class. What . So they dont encourage kids of that age to develop what they would call best friendships. How do you stop that . A friend is a friend. That was the reason i brought this up. How do you stop that . I dont know. I think it is you have to invite all the kids to the parties. I like that. You cant ban best friends but include everyone. Every child is going to gravitate to another child. If you go up and say, who is that . Theyre probably going to say, thats my best friend savannah. At this age, everyone is their best friend. My daughter changes her best friends every day. Dont tell her friends that. Everyone has to get a valentine on valentines day. I like that. You do . I didnt get a valentine that often in school. Didnt it hurt you . I didnt either. Didnt it hurt your feelings a little . Yeah. It missed your desk. Charlie brown syndrome. A Birthday Party for a 6yearold, everyone in the class gets an invitation . Invite them all. Yes. Everyone gets a trophy at the end of a baseball game. All right, all right. Dont bring up the trophygate. Is it a logical progression . At what age do you say, kids, you can invite the people you are close with, you dont have to invite every kid . What age . 10 or 12, maybe. Makes sense. Im learning all these children dynamics. Who would have thought . Still trying to get over the fact that dylan didnt get invited to a lot of birthday parties. Oh. She didnt get invited. You know what happened with me. Got some pop start, dylan . I do. Americas got talent crowned the winner last night. 12yearold darcy farmer wowed everyone with her ventriloquist act. They performed a duet with the season two champ. Check it out. Any note you can reach, i can reach higher i can sing any note higher than you no, you cant yes, i can no, you cant yes, i can wow. And hit the note. Good for her. Incredible. Amazing. Kelly clarkson joined in on the fun and performed on stage with the finalists. So happy for her. Taylor swift. Look what you made me do video is a fan favorite, standing tall above previous versions of herself as they fight it out. People shared behind the scenes footage of the making of the video. Here is taylor being the extras. This is the trippiest thing ive ever seen in my life. Guys, im taylor. Hi. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Seeing all of them together is the weirdest feeling, but its awesome. Two of the girls will dress in these outfits and fight. The singer collaborated on set, deciding which taylors would battle it out. Cool to see how it came together. Megyn kelly stopped by ell ellen to chat about her new show. Ellen decided to show her the ropes and give her an idea of what to expect on daytime tv. She needs to be prepared. After 15 years of me doing this show, ive done all kinds of things i thought id never do. I never thought id be on tv in a giant sumo suit. Megyn, come on out. Thats amazing. Come on. Surprised she could fit through the audience. Shake it, girl. Wow. I cant believe they got her to do that. Looks like big hero 6. Thats the last time shell ever do that. Wait, thats not the daily click . That could have been. We have a good one this morning. This dog here is ruling the internet right now. Heres why. The husky and his owner just moved into a new house. The pup was getting a lay of the land, sniffing around with excitement. He was in for quite a surprise when he eventually found the stairs. Oh no, no, no. Dont worry. He is okay. The dog is just fine. But that misstep managed to turn him into a social media star. Oh. The stairs catch you off guard if youre not used to them. I dont know how i feel about that. Little depressed. Yes. I guess well take your word for it. Sorry, guys. Ill put that back down. Now youre calling him dumb . I dont think you i dont write this stuff. All right. Dylan, thank you. Just ahead, guess who is here . Emma stone. We got to see Billy Jean King yesterday. Now the woman who plays h nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Lets take a look outside. Things are looking up. Rehoboth beach, just a few scattered clouds. We wont see any showers during the day and enough sunshine to warm temperatures into the 80s. 73 in philadelphia. Delaware, 70 degrees and climbing. There are still some cooler neighborhoods, greenville is 66 degrees. But to the south, its going to warm into the 80s. Lets check the roads with jessica boyington. The vine street expressway moving through center city, not showing anything major. For the most part roads are good to go. There is an accident out in abi abi abington. The Credit Rating Agency Standard and poors has lowered its rating on pennsylvanias debt. The downgrade means the state will have to pay more to borrow money. The governor signed a bill to require Health Insurance companies to pay for treatment for stage four cancer thats spread to other parts of the body. Stay updated throughout the day with the free nbc 10 app. Were back now. 8 30 on a thursday morning. Its the 21st day of september, 2017. You know what weve got in 140 days . The olympic winter games in south korea. Look what we have here on the plaza. The official medals what are going to be awarded to the worlds best athletes. Wow. Lets check them out. So beautiful. Can i touch it . Yeah. Look closely, the letters on the side spell pyeongchang olympic winter games, in korean, of course. Imagine the outlines stretched out, and thats what forms the faces. Thats artsy. The material is used in traditional korean clothing. Beautiful. Every olympics, it is fun to see what type they are. Ive never been this close to a medal. I didnt realize theyre that heavy. They are. Every olympic city gets to design their own. Here, we have pyeongchangs. Its cool. The 9th of february. Check all the action on the platforms of nbc. We are also celebrating Something Else. Do you know that something amazing happened yesterday . What . Savannah guthries Childrens Book hit number one on the New York Times best seller list. Yeah, whew not number two. Thanks, guys. Hit number one. That is a huge feat. Princess wears pants. Awesome. Thats because hoda tweeted about it nonstop. I got a crowd moment. Will you help me find her . Where is my crowd moment . Sherri . Hold on, this is the sign. I cried when i swam with the dolphin. Not sure what would happen if i met dylan. So you get a hug. You get a hug. And you get a mug. I love you on the show. Youre so sweet. And a mug, too. You made my day. Thank you so much. Youre so awesome. Thank you for what you do. Thank you. Thank you for all your hard work. Thank you so much. Two hugs. Yes nice to meet you. Sisnt that sweet . She has excellent taste. Dylan is worth every hug and tear. Bringing smiles. We love that very much. Oh, my gosh. Coming up, we talk to her costars and the inspiration behind her latest role. This morning, emma stone herself is here. And were going to talk with her. Plus, mr. Liam neeson bringing a piece of history to the big screen, as well. Were going to catch up with the man with a particular set of skills. And two better than bobby flay to serve up a feast on monday night football. A nacho burger. Weve been counting down to mondays debut of megyn kelly today, just four short days from right now. This morning, megyn reveals the four personality traits her family finds a little frustrating. Four things about me that drive my family crazy would be, number one, for sure, im late. Im late for everything. The only thing i am not late for is my show, and thats because i have no choice. Number two, im not very good about responding to texts and emails or voicemails. I eventually respond, but i do it on my own time. Three, i dont like to plan, at all, and my husband, doug, is a planner. That drives him nuts. And four, im kind of messy. I clean up after myself in terms of dishes and that kind of thing, but when it comes to clothes, like i have more of a flo floorrobe instead of a wardrobe. That was disclosed to doug early on, but he accepted me the way i was. Messy. You should get along well. Floorrobe. Work that into my routine. Megyn kelly today premieres september 25th, 9 00 eastern. You can be part of her live studio audience. Mr. Roker . Lets show what we have going on for you. Looking at the weekend. Were going to see record heat tomorrow in the Central Plains and the mid Mississippi River valley. Mountain snows out west. Plenty of showers along the gulf coast. For saturday, we expect to see sunny skies in the northeast. Midatlantic states. Rain in florida. Storms developing in the western plains. Sunny and mild along the west coast into the pacific northwest. Sunday, sunday, sunny and warm through the northeast. Midatlantic states down to the southeast. Scattered and stronger storms as you make your way into the Central Plains. West coast looking good again. Th good morning. Here it is, the last full day of summer. Its going to feel like it. Temperatures soar into the 80s. Clouds starting to break up, well get partly sunny skies and 87 degrees in philadelphia. Middle 80s for the suburbs, sunshine and a nice gentle breeze for new jersey, 86 at the shore. Into the 80s for the Lehigh Valley. 86 with sunshine in delaware. Wow. Look at this. I want you to have this. Thank you. Whats your name . Mary from forest hills. Queens then. Oh, yes. Good seeing everybody. You skipped poker for al roker. Very nice. Watch you so many years. Im telling you. Thank you very much. I aged a little faster than you. You look terrific. Thank you so much. All right. Savannah . Hi, al. Thank you so much. Oscar winner emma stone is here. We were chatting like girlfriends. She stars in battle of the sexes, kings epic tennis match that had an impact beyond the court. Versus the lever. Keep talking, bobby. More nonsense you spell, the worse it is going to be when you lose. Im the ladies number one. Im the champ. Why would i lose . Dinosaurs cant play tennis. Im going to put the show back in chauvinism. Good morning. I saw the movie. It is amazing. Before we get to the movie, you did a latenight appearance recently. You dropped several fbombs. I was wondering, do i need to get my bleeper out . Did i drop several fbombs . Theres the bleeper. Should i try it again. Oh, i cant sync it up. There she goes again. There i go again. Tell me about how you got involved in this movie. You werent even born yet when this match happened. I dont remember it. Yeah. Did you know right away what this was about, or did you do your homework . There was a learning curve. I had met with the producer of the movie, danny boyle, a couple years ago, and then i met john and val, the directors. They were just incredible. I loved the script. Learning about billy jean was, you know shes an absolute icon. Now we know her as this hero for equality and lgbtq rights. At 29, when she was number one in the world and did this battle of the sexes, she was also struggling with a lot of things internally in her personal life. The story was fascinating. You know, we stand on her shoulders. It was really a huge honor to get to try and attempt to play her. It is a great and meaty role. Theres so much to tackle. The first time you looked in your mirror, you saw yourself as billy jean. It was a transformation. It look a while. It wasnt an immediate looking in the mirror. It was a lot of learning tennis, weightlifting, things i had really never done. But the team of people around me that were supporting me through that were unbelievable. Theres no way i would have been able to do it without at least a dozen people helping me on a daily basis. To get billy jeans physique, i heard you had to be a gym rat. Yeah. Were you doing p90x and protein shakes . I didnt do the protein shakes. My trainer bulked me up more than i thought would be possible. I was deadlifting and sled pulling and, yeah, it was really it got addictive. What about the tennis . I know there are some doubles, but you do play some tennis in this. I mean, it was it was that was another major learning curve. I had a really amazing coach, and he got me it became kind of choreography. Learning all of her specific her specific serve, backhand, learning on a wooden racket. Did you watch her matches . Constantly. Her interviews and everything. I mean, yeah, it was full steeping in billy jean. Youre like, billy jean, im a creepy stalker now. I am a complete stalker of you. It is my job. I think i read that you actually played some tennis with her, that she was yeah. Lobbing balls a you. Having met her now, because she was on the show yesterday, was she like a drill sergeant . Was she working on your or was she nice . Shes a great coach, that she immediately gets the gauge of the people shes around and asks a lot of questions and keyed in on, all right, you can dance. That means you know footwork. Now run. Shed throw the ball at my face, and id move. Starting with her doing that with me, it was shes the best. She is. Are you 28 or 29 now . Ill be 29 in a couple weeks. Almost 29. You won the oscar this year. You are said to be one of the highest paid actresses in hollywood. You actually are a nice and normal person. How do you keep your head on straight . I mean, to an extent i keep my head on straight. Youre like, no, im insufferable. Im on the verge of a breakdown. No. Its i have my mom, my family, my friends are all they could care less if this was happening or that was happening. They treat me the same, make fun of me, and i love it. Its hard not to, you know, just be around great people and they change it all. Part of it is youre an arizona girl like me. Arizona girls. You know, arizona girls. Its a certain breed. It really is. Thats another segment. Emma stone, thank you so much. Thank you so much. Battle of the sexes hits theaters tomorrow. They can it out. Next, our parade of hollywood stars rolls on with the great liam neeson. First, this is today on nbc. Facing an epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. Vanessa in honor of september being recovery month, we want you to know that recovery from addiction is possible, but you need to know the signs. They can be hard to spot social withdrawal, financial problems, irritability. Christie if you see these signs occurring together or suddenly, you may have cause for concern. The signs you spot today. Vanessa . Could save a loved one tomorrow. Christie call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj. Gov. Good morning. Deep throat reveal. The man behind washingtons biggest mystery and how mark felt kept his skecret for more than 30 years. We are back with the morning we saw found out the true identiiden identity of deep throat. It was a big deal here on the show and everywhere else. Liam neeson is here. His movie is called mark felt the man who brought down the white house. Do you remember that morning . Were you fascinated by that episode in our nations history . I believe i was in london shooting batman begins. Do i remember it . No, i dont. I dont. I have to i have to say, what movie was i doing that year . That year was very busy. Where was i shooting. See if you agree with this, if i was to walk down fifth avenue, walk up to someone with a camera and say, tell me what deep throat was, they would say, oh, it is watergate, follow the money. If i were to walk down fifth avenue and say, who was mark felt . I dont think most people would know. Is that fair . I think its fair. Who was he . He was an fbi man, joined in the 40s, became a nazi hunter. He was with the fbi for 30 years. Died as an fbi man. Watergate happened, which was a burglary. Five men broke into the watergate democratic offices. Mark felt, eventually, leaked information to the Washington Post. Do you think he felt anonymously. Do you think he felt the need to do that out of because of politics or patriotism . I think it was a bit of both, matt. Complicated reasons, i think. When j. Edgar hoover died in 72, mark felt was the number two guy, so he thought he would get that position at the fbi. He was overlooked. President nixon wanted one of his guys in there. He got this guy, patrick gray, nothing to do with the fbi. In fact, was a submarine commander. I think felt and a lot of the fbi agents at the time were offended by that. In addition to some career frustrations, he had a lot going on at home. He was dealing with. Not like all the president s men, which is a ticktock, Chronological Order great movie, too. Yeah. This looks at watergate through the eyes of mark felt, this one guy. Yes. Can i ask you about Something Else . Yeah. So your name came up in the office yesterday. Really . In a good way . This idea that youre going to give up action movies. What . Did not go over well. Whats the reason for it . That was i was promoting the film in toronto last week. Somebody asked me, you know, what action movies, and i was in one of the moods. I said, come on, guys. Im 65. So its not true . 60 bleak 5. Are you still going to do action movies . I know you can. When i was in the gym this morning, i thought, i have two more years left. Ill tell you, we did an unscientific poll in the office among men and women. 100 , anonymous, you are still a severe badass. You can still pull these off. Maybe. A producer whose name i wont mention, pete bream, he immediately went to his computer and googled that famous scene from taken. Ill start which one is that . Ill start it. I want you to finish it in your best badass, right . This is about ransom, i can tell you, i dont have any money. What i do have is a particular set of skills acquired over a very long career. A very long period of time. Sorry. If you let my daughter go now, thatll be the end of it. But if you dont, by god, i will come after you and i will smack you so hard. No, i will find you and i will smack you really hard. Its a breakfast show. Taken Poetic License with a great scene. Dont give up action films. Keep doing movies like this, too. It is great. Thanks, man. Mark felt the man who brought down the white house opens next friday. Up next, well eat with bobby flay. His recipe for a burger that is out of this world. First, this is today on nbc. Fran grenier. New jersey born and raised. Like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. Came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. As a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. Thats why hell fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. If we want to change trenton, theres only one way. Fran grenier. Today food is brought to you by ritz crackers. For any occasion, youve got the stuff to make life rich. Were back with todays food loves football. Raiders against the redskins. Chef bobby flay, including the burger palace, good to see you. You have a particular set of skills, and making burgers is one of them. Yes. Talk to me about your goto burger, and well do a wild combination here. This is the nacho burger, the burger of the month at bobbys burger palace, coincidentally. Youre watching the game, nachos, burgburgers, make it on dish. Like a resees Peanut Butter cup. Perfect. Any burger. Salt and pepper on both sides. I put an indentation in the middle because i dont want it to be like that, a football. This way, youre faking out the burger. Itll come back to the shape you want it to be, nice and flat. On the grill surface, you sear it. How long does that make . Four, five minutes on each side. Lots of salt and pepper on both sides. Thats it. Nothing in the burger. 80 meat, 20 fat. Simple enough. Take us through the next step. Were going to make our queso sauce. We have flour and butter for the base. A little bit of milk. That has to be whole milk, right . Exactly, whole milk. Let this come to a boil. It starts to thicken. The flour and butter thickens it. Once you have the base, add monterreyparmesean for saltines. Take a little cheese. Right on top of the burger. A little more. A little bit of tomato salsa. Pickled jalapenos. Ill use my fingers. Exactly. For crunch, blue corn tortillas. Guys . Awfully quiet. Shoveling it in. This is kind of cheating, matt. Why . It is a queso sauce, jalapenos, salsa. All on the burger. Not cheating. Its genius is what it is. Come on. Talk to me about the side dish. Obviously, guacamole goes really well with Something Like this. Avocadoes take the sting out of the jalapeno. Avocadoes, cilantro. I pickled some onions. Very simple. Red onions. Grenadine that you have in your cub boar cup board. A little vinegar. Just to be different . Itll be a great flavor. A little tart, a little sweet with beautiful color, as well. Mix it up with lime juice. Green chilies, cilantro, salt and pepper. Great side dish. Big game coming up. Bobby, thank you so much. My pleasure. Team . Yum. Beyond. This is good stuff. Real good. To get this recipe ahead of the game, go to today. Com food. You can catch the raiders and the redskins sunday night here on nbc. Coverage starts at 7 00 eastern with football night in america. Were back in a moment. This is today on nbc. We just moved in about. Four months ago, but the living rooms pretty blank. Its really nice when clients come in and have done some of their own research. Working with a bassett designer was really easy. Just kind of ties in very well. We love it oand freedoms that we jhave and we enjoy today. Swell. Ready. Aim. Fire. And its important for us to let them know that we will never forget their service. Fire. It was steves idea to have this cemetery. This was supplied to the veterans, giving us a final resting place. We owe everything to steve for what he gave us here. I wanted to make sure that we just didnt say thank you to veterans, we had tangible things to show, and i think weve accomplished that. [ taps playing ] welcome back. The new movie stronger tells the reallife story, a symbol of hope following the Boston Marathon bombing. Jack gyllenhaal stars. Tatyana plays his on again off again girlfriend. Hi, everybody. Along with jeff, of course, you are the heartbeat of this movie, this relationship, and how you really stood by him. What was it like to play this role . I mean, it was amazing to work opposite jake. Hes such a committed actor, you know, and he really pushes for such integrity in his roles. In every moment, we got to dig deep. It was an honor. Then, you know, to get to play people who were in this very public kind of tragedy, but to sort of deconstruct what it was like to go through that afterwards as a couple and as people was really an impactful story for nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. A few minutes before 9 00. Lets get right to the forecast. Doesnt that look nice . The clouds have been thinning out. Were going to see not completely clear skies but enough sunshine to warm temperatures into the 80s. 76 now in philadelphia. South new jersey, delaware at 74. Well warm into the 80s this afternoon. Chestnut hill is 78. Lets check the roads. Watching the schuylkill expressway, earlier we had an accident but now thats clear. 18 minute trip from the vine. Also watching 422. 13 minutes eastbound from 29 to the schuylkill. A little slow moving towards the schuylkill still. Students go back to School Tomorrow after teachers agreed to end their strike there. Teachers union agreed to go into arbitration with the school board. Teachers have been working out a contract since june. And peace day philly is day at 11 30 with music, peace day remarks and a moment of silence at noon. Then the day ends with a concert starting at 7 00. Gloucester county will host a golf clinic. An entire hour of news coming up at 11 00 this morning. To doze off during dinner. You did . Oh, no. Its been that long of a you were in the Weather Center yesterday right after i left. You fell asleep in your chair while someone was talking. Yeah. Its one thing to fall asleep in the Weather Center. Its another thing to fall asleep when youre out to dinner for your wifes birthday. We ate a little later. How late . We started dinner, i guess, about 7 00. That is late. Thats late, yes. On this shift, its late. 9 00ish, it was kind of like nic goes, dad what, what . So its nice of you to stick it out. My dad would have been like, lets go. Eat as fast as you can. Was deborah falling asleep . She was awake. More heavy gravy. It was a french restaurant, which was nice. Meaning it was probably dim. Yes. And romantic. La cucu. Its nice. Governor jerry brown was there. Definitely nice. Fancy. It was nice. Fancy. Last night, we had its so funny, one of my girlfriends is in town. She was my babysitter when i was young, and now were friends. She roots for me. She got me my first job. There she is. Thats michelle. Hi, michelle. Michelle is the awesome babysitter that baked cookies. She still does. On the way here, she goes, do you have flour . Do you have a stash of false eyelashes . You dont have flour . What . Also that she has fake eyelashes underneath her sink. The fact she doesnt was my point. She comes in the house she lives in kansas city. Well go back to your point. Do you have sugar . We do have sugar. She has a packet that says kansas city royals. She opens it up. Bags of flour, teaspoons, chocolate chips. She got stopped by security at the airport. What are the bags of flour . You can buy flour in the city. That is true. But she doesnt have all the measuring utensils and things. Wait, you dont have measuring cups . Not like you dont have measuring cups . This is not a shame sheinelle segment. It is welcome michelle segment. Claire is waiting for michelle to get back to make co cookies. Have you thought of provisioning your kitchen with normal things . Provisioning yes. My kitchen . Yes. With normal things. Like measuring cups. I have measuring cups. Not spoons . Probably didnt think i did, which is a fair thought. Doesnt have a mixer. Ordered a hand mixer from amaz amazon. Com. I am not a chef, and i even have a hand mixer. Really . What are you going to do with it . Mix things. Did you get one for your wedding . In fact, i registered for the knife that cuts the turkey. Electric knife . Never opened it. An electric knife is one thing. Measuring cups are another. I have thats fair. I have measuring cups. Have you, in fact, cooked a turkey . Once. Me, too. It was actually really good. If you follow the recipe. Once or twice is normal for cooking a turkey. Do you do it all the time . Once a year. Exactly. We have a prethanksgiving test run. Intense request. Like the whole thing . Yeah. Wow. Its fun. Ill cook for thanksgiving this november and invite you over. Im coming. Ill have flour. Totally. You bring the turkey. Backup dinner ready to go. Im actually a good cook when it counts. We saw it yesterday. Michelle, remember, what did i make yesterday, the beans with the remember, you asked me the recipe for my beans. Actually, it was pretty good. It was surprisingly good. We need michelle around. Did she give you the couscous from cbs . Thats for dinner. Shes always trying to get me to try new things, and i will. Except that one thing that tastes like earth, ill never eat that. Fine. Thank you. Tastes like earth . It was kale. No, no, no. It was a mixture of a whole bunch of green stuff. Tastes like earth. Oh, it was a juice . Yeah, probably some juice i made. Its fine. Some juice thing. It was nasty. There you go. Speaking of food, although i hate to tear away from this so do the viewers. Stop, al. Throwback thursday picture. The last throwback of this week. Only one thursday in the week. It was a picture, i think i might have been a year old. Obviously with spoon in hand and food on my plate. And a bathing suit. Looks like your hair was red. I had a reddish tonish to my hair, but then it went dark. Then it went blonde. In case you were wondering if this is real. Have you seen my roots . I love that youre honest, dylan. I have a throwback. I did it because dylan did it. Yours are so cute. You have a twin to share it with. I know. Wait, which one are you . Are you kidding . Should i know . The one on the right. Hoarding the toys. Poor barbara is left with nothing. What happened . Those bangs were incredible. She has the bangs you wanted was it i love a baby bang. This picture makes complete sense. It really does. Knowing you now that makes it sound like im a selfish horder. Like i said, this picture makes complete sense. Al im just kidding. Kids smell like baby powder. Probably still do. When i was little, i had an oral fixation. I liked to bite the fingers of my cabbage patch. We all bit them. They had the thread fingers. Yes. I still have mine, the cabbage patch. Theyre collectors items, my mom says. They still sell them. All right. More about me. How about since its Throwback Thursday its all about jenna. This is our penultimate episode. Some of my favorite moments from the past month. Okay. Theyve all shared theirs. I guess it is my turn. Whats the first one . You tell me. You tell us. We dont know. I guess i prove ed my streng. I was in a phase where i wanted to lift everybody. Not exactly you by yourself. Wait, there was one where she lifted this what happened . This what happened. Look at that. Who is that . Giada. It was like lifting my 5yearold daughter. I lifted tina. Tina body builds. So funny. That was fun. Tina lifted me. It was a strange, strange day. I liked that day. Because you cant plang. Jenna is sitting there and were like, lift na. No, because i lifted you and i got a bad bruise. Thats right. I loved a moment we coined spanx on a plane. I remember that. One person, shame on them. Two people, shame on me, you know. My dress was tucked into my spanx. It was tucked into my spanx and the people kept going, something is wrong with your underwear, maam. Wow. We created a new film we like to call spanx on a plane. Its scary but in a different way. Yes. Yesterday, we were all texting. Dylan remembered this moment. You can go ahead and tee this one up. Because of a small dose of hyperhyd hyperhydro hyperhydrosis, she wears armpit pads sometimes. One is in the process of falling out. I said, jenna, there is something under your arm. Then it was just there was no coming back from that. Was that the one i gave to jenna . The whole thing is, sheinelle had given me an entire process. Shes like, i have the problem, too. Step into my office. She let me borrow her deodorant, that is a mans deodorandeodora. Showed me the pads, which she gently placed under my arm. Sorry i wasnt here for that one. Finally, al, you star in this one. Im sure this is something youre very proud of. Oh, so proud. We prank called my mom. Hello . Yes, hi. Were doing a random survey right now. Check it out, is your refrigerator running, maam . She hung up. Hello . Hi, im doing a questionnaire. Jenna . Jenna, would you quit being so sil silly . She made me do that, mrs. Bush. Oh, man. Yall, its been so fun. It was fun. It was fun. Thanks for all the awesome memories. Was she watching that live . No. Shes in texas. Central time, right. Shes in texas. She was walking with her friends in the neighborhood. Just annoyed. So proud. Nothing else with this program. I actually got to annoy a first lady. We had fun. The thing is, its been so fun to be with all of yall. I adore you. So fun. We love you. Up next, we project youre going to love our give away today. Hint hint. Dont miss your chance to win big. Dr. Oz is in the house. Going to keep you feeling fit and good. There he is. Activities and healthy game day snacks after these messages. Nachos . Broccolis. Announcer some guests of today stay at lotte new york palace hotel, steps from rockefeller plaza. Lotte new york palace offers to most people, i look like most people. 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Talk to your doctor today. See if lyrica can help. While expecting, jennifer discovered the chex mix combination of one corn chex, one wheat chex and three breadstick pieces. Her little bundle of joy cant stand breadsticks, but whats he going to do . Get born and then you can pick your own mix, baby pick your mix with chex mix. Give it a drink loreals hydra genius daily liquid care. Our first liquid moisturizer with aloe water. Absorbs instantly, for 72 hours of hydration. Skins quenched. Looks fresh. Hydra genius with aloe water. By loreal paris. My challenge is to be in sync with my body, myself, my life. It all starts with a healthy routine. Begin the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. Take the activia probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. The best things in life theyre free stars belong to everyone they cling there for you and for me flowers in spring the robins that sing the sunbeams that shine theyre yours and their mine love can come to everyone the best things in life theyre free but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Assave 40 on paints during theand stainser sale. From september 22nd through the 25th. Theres a store in every neighborhood find yours at sherwinwilliams. Com save. Hi ted, glad you could join us give it a try. Mmm. Give that to me. laughing ted . Ted . Lets think about what goes in hoh. , renee. And we think bablams gonna kill the stomach flu . Im scared to use the facilities. I dont blame you. If you want clean, your cleaner needs bleach in it. Clorox means clean. Atblue diamond almonds wein our almondmilk. Iagrown and were proud of that. But the whole careandnurturing part . That idea. We borrowed from the experts. Blue diamond almond breeze. The best almonds make the best almondmilk. Just walk right in and pay zero dollars with most insurance. R. Plus, when you get a flu shot at walgreens, you help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need through the un foundation. Its that easy to get your flu shot and make a difference. So swing by your local walgreens today. Walgreens. At the corner of happy healthy. Welcome back to more of todays take. We were talking on the break. You kind of went somewhere . I was in my own world, and i realized youre telling a story and were laughing. I have no idea what you were talking about. I heard words. Not a single thing entered my brain. Sometimes you have to check out like that. There was a weird voice. Were you thinking about Something Else . Are you okay . Where are you right now . Im back. Well check in in a bit. Good news, we have dr. Oz here. Hes the best. He can check me out. Exactly. The countdown continues. Another day, another give away. Todays prize is were giving two viewers the ecolight xjb projector. Look at that. You can watch your favorite movies, catch the big game, even playing games on the big screen. It is you can project that on to a wall . On to a wall. Correct. Thatd be fun. It is powered by the lightfree technology. 20,000 life span. A lot of movies. I actually had a movie projector. So did i. Thats what all of our home videos are on. If the bulb blew, you know, you were done. The bulb was expensive. Dont you remember them from school . We had them in school. Thatd roll them in. I was in the back of the class. Something about geometry. Do what dylan did, you can zone out. I was in the av squad, setting up the projectors. Thats how cool i was. Did that just happen . Av, baby. For a chance to win one of the two projectors, head to facebook. Com todays take. We set up the slide. Oh. Filmstrips. Wait, were girls going crazy or what . Yeah, you know i had a date for the senior prom. Av. Yeah, we used to sit hey, im on the av team. We used actually, i was on the two nerdiest squads. What was the other one . The supply core. I went to a military school. We had a room in the basement that supplied all the equipment. Uniforms and stuff like that. I was on odyssey of the mind, which is also very i was on odyssey of the mind. Whatd you do . It was cool. I forgot about that. Thought about a lot of interesting, intelligent things. Thats what dylan did. Cant tell you what i was thinking about but thats awesome. It was fun and nerdy. Speaking of being nerdy, none of us are perfect. I think our families can speak to that. What are some things you think your families would say drive them crazy about you . Im a nail biter. Drives my entire family does your husband drives him nuts. Ill be sitting there, stop biting. Sorry. Im like, i have one more. Stop biting. We get the story now. Now that his arm is bruised. Al . Im ive got a little ocd. Im very much about lists and, okay, what are we doing . I mean, i wake up and its like, what are we having for dinner . No wonder you think were insane. Yeah. For me, i saw this this morning and i knew exactly what to do. I took a picture of what drives my husband insane. When i go to bed, i have to have a glass of water but i forget its still there. Signs. By the end of the week, there would be five glasses. The good news is, you can play the glasses. On the av team. Do you ever actually finish them . Thats what drives him nuts. The kids will come in and knock them. Its a comfort thing. Do you do it, too . Yeah. You dont take them the next day to the dishwasher . I forget. You should see our room. It is a disaster. See, i have water rings on your night stand . Its not cold. True. Good to drink Room Temperature water. You burn your calories if you drink cold water. Ill drink more cold water. Im too clean. I know it sounds whatever. You think so. No, but im always like, henry, please pick up your boxers. Hes like, leave me alone. Id be the one getting on him for the cups. So the reason were bringing this up is in four days, were passing the baton on to our friend and colleague megyn kelly. Shes revealing the four things about her that drive her family crazy. Four things about me that drive my family crazy would be, number one, for sure, im late. Im late for everything. The only thing i am not late for is my show, and thats really because i have no choice. Number two, im not very good about responding to texts and emails or voicemails. I eventually respond, but i do it on my own time. Three, i dont like to plan at all. And my husband, doug, is a planner. It drives him nuts. And four, im kind of messy. I clean up after myself in terms of dishes and that kind of thing, but when it comes to clothes, like i have more of a floordrobe than a wardrobe. That, too, was disclosed to doug at the beginning of our relationship. Not too soon, if you know what im saying. He accepted me on the terms and he accepted me on the terms and in the way he accepted me on the terms and in the way the all new 2018 camry. Toyota. Lets go places. If your skin had a wash label what would it say . 50 freckles. 70 unique. No matter your label all skin deserves gentleness. Thats why dove is sulfatefree. The number 1 body wash recommended by dermatologists. Ohns disease. Youre more than just a bathroom disease. Youre a life of unpredictable symptoms. Crohns, youve tried to own us. But now its our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohns disease. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. Stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before or during treatment, always tell yourdoctor if you think you have an infection ulike symptoms or sores, have had cancer, n growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, nfthese may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® to any of its ingredients. Were fed up with your unpredictability. Remission can start with stelara®. Talk to your doctor today. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. When food is good and clean and real, its ok to crave. And with panrcateri to go aro. Panera. Hair dramnot the hair. Ama. Panera. The hair repair specialist gliss. With patented keratin technology, repairs and rebuilds for beautifully repaired hair. Bye, bye drama gliss the hair repair specialist. Good starts with g. Great tasting whole grains. Theyre whole. Glazed with. Genuine Peanut Butter, just for you. Gyes real cocoa, honey and cinnamon too. Good starts with g. Wise man, im nervous about affecting my good credit score. I see youve planted an uncertainty tree. Chop that thing down. The clarity you seek. Lies within the creditwise app from capital one. Creditwise helps you protect your credit. And its completely free for everyone. Its free for everyone . Do hawks use the stars to navigate . I dont know. Aw, i thought you did. I dont know either. Either way its free for everyone. Cool. Whats in your wallet . But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Fall is full of temptations for apple cidsid cider donuts. Bad influence. Fattening tailgating snacks. It can be also cold and flu season. We called in our friend, dr. Oz, to share his ways to stay healthy this season. I love were at the desks. You might have wanted to rethink this. My question is short and sweet and what everybody wants to know. When the kids go back to school, the runny noses come, the kid get sick. Is it an apple . What should we do . Apples help but theyre living in a petri dish. Everything they touch, they touch their nose. Why do kids do it . All of us do that. Youre sitting at home, think about this. Adults and kids touch their nose about 15 times a minute sorry an hour. I believe that, actually. I do it and dont think about it. Instinctive. If you have dirt around you and its on your fingers, which, again, i sneeze, it goes 90 miles an hour, the particles. The kids are going to touch all over the place. Wash your hands. You have to make it fun. Two ways. First, tell them it takes 20 seconds to really wash your hands with soap and water. Thats about the amount of time it takes to sing row, row, row your boat or happy birthday twice. Get a jingle in their minds. Make it a cool song. Hum through it as they wash their hands. Or get alcohol sanitizer. It does matter how much they sleep. This time of year, the kids arent sleeping well, stressed out. The ability to sleep a good eight hours, which is what most kids need, maybe more, strengthens their immune system. Parents, too. You can have my apple, sheinelle. Go see your next teacher. Here is a farmers market. Other than donuts, one of my favorite, we have Great Produce in the fall. The fall in general, unlike other seasons when youre stuck with only root vegetables or stuff beginning to sprout, you have every you want to eat in the fall. Not just pumpkins. All the colors vegetables and fruits of the rainbow. You may ask yourself, why do you have to have different colors at all . Yes. They protect themselves from the suns oxidation with the nutrients in the vegetables and fruits. Wow. If you get them into your body, you get the same protection. Mix it up a bit. Theres a seasonal food guide, an app thats free. Theyll tell you in your area of the country, what are the seasonal fruits and vegetables ripe for you to get, so you can save money. I took broccoli because it is in season in this part of the country. The key thing to remember is when you boil vegetables, you kill off the nutrients you want. I dont love raw broccoli. Steam them and grill them up a little bit. This is an example. See if you like these. Four minutes, we steamed the broccoli. I like it that way. To go one level past it, in a pan, put olive oil for the healthy fats, mix it with the broccoli for three, four minutes more. Grill it up. Crisp. Garlic. Really good. Its not a donut, but its good. You can also go with your family outdoors. Highfive. I take my kids apple picking. Do i need sanitizer now . Go sit with sheinelle. Thats the apple picking. Oh, wow. You can do it. That is a fun activity to do with kids. Ill lead you over to the hamburger station. We just went apple picking. Did you enjoy it . Yes. Then sunday was football sunday and i want to eat stuff, junk. Its so good. How do you avoid it . For our friends, have a little bit. Just kidding. This is the problem. Looks good. Want a bit . Yeah. Not getting it either. These look good. Taste delicious. Theyre bad for your inside. You feel sluggish and cant keep score after a while. What you want is bright colored, tasty, crunchy stuff. Thats what i made. These are examples. These chick peas, grill them at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Add cumin, any spice you want. For the crunch factor. It is colorful. Put the vegetables there. The beautiful thing is, thats guacamole. Just guacamole . Not made the way everyone makes it. Crunch up the avocado separately. Take a little bit of whatever youre going to put in, onions, olive oil, whatever. Let it marinade a bit, cure. Okay. Then mix them together. Thats how it stays fresh looking like that. You get the crunch its not brown. Happy . You want some . The chips are delicious. Im kidding. Ill confiscate these in case. Al is busy in the yard. Help him out. The fall is a great time to get outside. In a way, its easier to get a little exercise. Especially this time of year in this part of the country. You can rake leaves. Have the kids mess it up, dont be so persnickety about it. Outdoors, it helps with nearsightedness. It makes you a little sharper. You begin to remember faster. The other thing about outdoor activity, you live longer. Nice thing when you love someone like al roker, you live a long time. Want to ride away . Biking, especially in the fall, is a great time. Its cooler, a little crisper. Its not as warm and humid. You look good in a helmet, i wonder . You atd hom home, think about t and post on als social site, whether you think he looks good in a helmet. Ill face you to sheinelle. Uhoh. Dont forget, tune into the dr. Oz show, check your local listings. The famed producer and writer behind some of your favorite tv characters and shows, like olivia pope in scandal. Sheinelle will go one on one with shonda rhimes, find out what is going on in shonda land. Come on over. On your mark, get set, go oh, no from the 5 a. M. Light blinkers to the wobbling yogis. To the stationary race winners, we all need lean protein. And it comes in a jimmy deans delights breakfast sandwich. Stacked with 17 grams of protein. Lean into a great day. Shine on. Express yourself. New brow stylist shape and fill pencil by loreal. The easytouse triangular tip shapes and fills. The spoolie brush blends. Brow power new brow stylist shape and fill from loreal paris. Oreo thins. A thin twist on the oreo cookie you love. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In Clinical Trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Come in for a fan favorite like smoked mozzarella chicken here and leave with a great meal too buy one take one starting at 12. 99 hurry in it ends soon at olive garden the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try parodontax toothpaste. Real energy harnessed from the earth. Nature valley. An epic flavor. Its cranberry. Its pineapple. And theres no. Sugar. Added. Cranberry pineapple 100 juice. The next big thing to hit the juice aisle. Cranberry pineapple 100 juice. New jersey born and raised. Like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. Came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. As a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. Thats why hell fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. If we want to change trenton, theres only one way. Fran grenier. This week, weve been sharing our favorite moments from our program. Today, i shared mine. Sheinelle, this must rank among your favorites. I hung out with shonda rhimes, the force behind some of the most popular shows on television today, from grays atat at anato anatomy to scandal. I had so much to talk about but so little time. Shonda rhimes is at the top of her game. The awardwinning producer, writer and director created some of tvs most fearless female characters. Youre being stupid about this. I am many things. Stupid is not one of them. Olivia pope, or in all the roles, they have changed our lives. When i walk into an interview and im feeling a little selfconscious, i think, okay, what would olivia pope do . We say, girl, you better act like olivia pope. Or look at you, dressing like olivia pope. Thats what we do. Its changed our culture. I hope you feel that way. Youre seeing somebody who feels like women that you know. 100 . More amplified on television. Versus, shes a madeup woman. When you close your eyes at night, do you have, like, characters all over the place . I feel li i feel like i wouldnt be able to sleep. I live in one show at a time. What are we going to do with the end of the story . Ill wake up with the answer. When you write it, you dont know the end . Oh, my god, no. You didnt say, vince and olivia will be married . No. Like what i do there . Im not going to say anything on that. You are going to be my first lady. Do you have like something where you want them together like the rest of us or no . Im not going to comment. Although shondas lips were sealed, i couldnt resist showing her my best olivia pope impression from when tony goldwyn came on our show. Press play. I cant stop. I wont. Im not a fantasy. If you want me, earn me. Until then, we are done. Until then, we are done. Well done. Can i tell you, this was a highlight . Earlier this week, shonda launched shondaland. Com, a lifetile wlif lifestyle website with written and video content. Why start a project like that . There are interesting, smart, funny women of all ages. Men, too. They want to read smart articles. I want them to feel inspired, i want them to laugh, get a sense of selfsomething that gets them activated or outraged. She also teamed up for real beauty productions, which features real womens stories about being your most confident se self. Conversations i have with my daughters about, you know, having confidence and being who you are. Ask a woman to tell you shes beautiful. I dont care who they are. Beyonce doesnt want to tell you shes beautiful. It is amazing. Women should all feel comfortable saying theyre beautiful. Because, guess what, they are. Just when you thought one woman couldnt do it all, shonda signed a multiyear production deal with netflix, giving her even more creative freedom. I want to be creative. I can do comedy, drama, short form, long form, i can do movies, i can do documentaries, specials. I can do whatever. Thats exciting to me. Like, the possibilities feel endless. How are you doing it . To constantly create and do new things. Then being a mom and being present. For me being a mom is hugely important, and its more who i am than what i do. I try really hard to give myself that, allow myself to know im going to mess up the way any mother would mess up. Every person watching is juggling, right . A lot of people have kids. Were searching for perfection and trying to be better. Perfection is overrated. Perfection is overrated. Being there and being present is much more perfect than trying to actually be perfect. Oh, wow. I have to tell you, i was excited to talk to shonda. After it was over you think . I know. After it was over, it was even better than i could have imagined. Your face talking to her, you were so inspired. Because shes so zen and centered and admits its not always that way, but shes really learned over the years how to get to that place. She says yes to playing with she wrote the book the year of yes. When any kids asked her to play, it was 10 or 15 minutes, but she always said yes, and it changed her life. Happy you met your girl crush. That was invigorating youre probably wondering why ive just carved a giant wooden tiger. Well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. Ive crafted dr. Whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people dont like that. Come here to buy a car. Dr. Whiskers wont pounce. 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Worth it because of its luminous color and hitenacity dyes. Its fadedefying for up to 8 weeks. In over 50 luminous shades. Isnt your hair worth all that . Superior preference from loreal. When food is good and clean and real, its ok to crave. And with panera catering, theres more to go around. Panera. Food as it should be. Yo and you probably do. Rt youre a beautiful thing. Sc johnson. Whats new from light and fit . Greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. Real fruit and 90 calories. Youll be wowed try new light fit with zero artificial sweeteners. In the mirror everyday. When i look when i look in the mirror everyday. Everyday, i think how fortunate i am. I think is today going to be the day, that we find a cure . I think how much i can do to help change peoples lives. I may not benefit from those breakthroughs, but im sure going to. Im bringing forward a treatment for alzheimers disease, yes, in my lifetime, i will make sure. Were so excited because raymond red reading ton is back and taking names on blacklist. R red, played by james spader, next to me, is Elizabeth Keens father. Theyre picking up the pieces so he can return to taking down criminal underworld blast listers one at a time. The blacklist has value because it is based on the best possible intelligence. Information that was not available yesterday and will be obsolete tomorrow. The criminal underworld is not static, harold. It consists of constantly shifting alliances and leadership, which can only be discerned by a few key players. I was one of those players. With your help, i intend to be one again. Because like deep fried butter, i am unhealthy. Yet, irresistible. James spader, good morning. Welcome back. Thank you. So i was admitting to you earlier, when i first started watching this, my husband and i watched it together, binge watched it, i had a sneaking suspicion that you were liz keens father. You werent alone, you know. For the rest of your fans, it was kind of gratifying. Shes so proud of herself. She judged it correctly. Bring us up to date. Hes not really hes not really picking up the pieces of his empire. Hes sort of laying around a lot, which i can understand. Of gets go s goaded into it. Then he meets a couple hes having fun. Driving a nice car. Youre still in production or postproduction on the first episode. I watched the first scene, the opening scene, and you look like youre having a blast. Yeah. Theres car chase, all kinds of it looks like youre having fun. Yes, i yes, i did have fun shooting that episode. Sometimes red is having more fun than im having, but, no, not just the first episode, really the season started out that way. Everybody working on the show, the writers, we all had discussions. Itd be nice to have some breathing room. Things have been dire for a little bit. Certainly, the end of last season was pretty dire. It was crisis point. So it was nice to start out the season that way. Its continuing. I mean, im leaving here and headed down to the miniature golf course. Just for fun . In real life . No, no, to film. I was like not to give you spoilers but thats not a spoiler. Red may show up on a miniature golf course. Anyway when you put on the fedora five years ago, did you know how successful this show would be . Not when i put on the fedora. When you put on the other hat. When i read the script, i thought, this is great. Really, the thing i think is just the level of your curiosity, you know. Thats ultimately you know, in a rather chaotic and unpre k unpredictable business, if theres one thing, if it piques your curiosity, it might pique others. It did that. I knew less at the end of the pilot, when i was reading the script. I knew less at the end of it than i did at the beginning. Awesome. I thought, okay, the possibility for surprise and twists and turns and everything are sort of limitless on the show. Well ask your question . You have to ask it. Whats my question . Do they need a weatherman . He wants to close with that. He likes to close with that. So i cant say yes or no. Just to leave it in my memory for all time. Just in case. Need a weatherman guy, a Climate Change thing happening. Going to the golf course. No one is going to buy the evil weatherman, al. Miniature golf, too. Maybe we should get in the car and head down there, al. Im with you. Looking for the premiere of the blacklist premiere, next wednesday, september 27th, 8 00 7 00 on nbc. Youve been a good friend to the program. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. We always appreciate having you. Coming up next, the inspirational reallife story thats already getting oscar buzz. Well catch up with one of the stars of the new movie stronger after these mes tech when you schedule with safelite autoglass, you get time for more life. This family wanted to keep the game going. Son hey mom, one more game . 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And we care about incredible taste. Because at hellmanns, were on the side of food. Advil liquigels minis. Our first concentrated pill that rushes powerful relief. A small new size thats fast, cause its liquid. Woohoo youll ask, what pain . New advil liquigels minis. Put under a microscope, we could see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. For a cleaner, fresher, just walk right in and pay zero dollars with most insurance. R. Plus, when you get a flu shot at walgreens, you help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need through the un foundation. Its that easy to get your flu shot and make a difference. So swing by your local walgreens today. Walgreens. At the corner of happy healthy. Here at persil, the Top Notch Team of stain experts has performed over 10,000 stain evaluations to prove persil delivers a premium clean. Weve made a new stain with wasabi and goji berries. Make that 10,001. Persil pro clean. Make that 10,001. Tim and charlie, 4th graders. 3rd graders today, they dont know how easy theyve got it. Their new gogurt tubes are easy open. Those things used to be impossible. And p. E. Consist of sitting around on mats. Now everybody breathe. Hippies. What are they gonna work on tomorrow . Blinking . New ez open gogurt. Kids never had it so easy. It was the photo scene around the world. Capturing the moment when 27yearold jeff bauman was carried from the sidelines of the 2013 Boston Marathon. You may remember, jeff was at the marathon to cheer on his thenexgirlfriend erin hurley, when the bombing occurred at the finish line. Four and a half years later, jeffs story is hitting the big screen in stronger. Tatiana plus muslany plays erin he doesnt show up for anything, then he shows up. Rips your heart. Tatia tatiana, good morning. Morning. Nice to have you here. I have a special place in my heart for boston, so just seeing anything about this movie just it hits home. So you play erin hurley, reallife character. How much did you work with her to get into the role, or do you try to make it your own . I mean, erin was awesome. She was always really open to answering my questions and kind of hanging out and talking about, you know, life and her perspective on things. But john,ho wrote the script, hed sat with the family and been with them about a year and a half, researching and really getting the dynamics down and making sure the characters were, in essence, you know, true. So there was a lot to go on just in that. Then, you know, working opposite jake, theres a wealth of knowledge, in getting to work the dynamic with him. When youre trying to build your character, i mean, shes a runner. Were you a runner before this role . Not remotely. I would run down the block and have an asthma attack. So this was something i started doing when as soon as i got the part. I ran every morning and was, like like, training to see if i could get up to the point where i could run a marathon. Never did. Never got near it. Youre still doing it . Yeah. I definitely like i semienjoy it now. I find a little bit of peace, peace of mind there. Therapeutic. Yeah. Youre known for a variety of accents and youre good at it. Whats the hardest one, in your opinion, to do . Did you have to practice your boston accent . Oh, yeah. We had an amazing dialect coach who helped me and jake and miranda. His name is tim monic. Hes a surgeon. Hes so good. How do they do that, you say a sentence and hed say, no, say it like this. Have you seen my fair lady . Basically that. He Eliza Doolittled me. No, its about the voice of the character. Its about the intention. Its about how they communicate. You know, the way in which they talk. Jake always talks about jeff doing everything through love. The way he speaks is all through love. I thought it was a beautiful way to put it. Tim is definitely helpful in that. This movie gets to the truth, really, of this relationship, of what happened, but also this relationship. Was it hard to play this character during times . Yeah. I mean, its a responsibility. Youre playing people who are around and who you can talk to. So there is a massive responsibility there. But what was so good about the script and the dynamic was that it was very relatable, regardless of what had been going on outside of it. Within them, they were on and off again, kind of in this push and pull. This deep love but also, you know, kind of being pulled apart. That was just something i really related to as a young woman, yeah. Were out of time, you know. I just want to say, your multiple character work in orphan black, outstanding. I cant wait to see it. Ive heard good things about it. Im downloading it now. Tatiana, thank you so much. Stronger hits theaters tomorrow. Were back in a moment. First, this is today on nbc. What do you have coming up . All kinds of good stuff. We have our ambush makeovers, a crowd favorite. Sure are. Lovely Elizabeth Shue in battle of the sexes. We have a wonderful story about hurricane. Today on thirst day thursday, what makes a man a great lover. A surprising trait that is no joke. We will have a ball with battle of the sections star e biz beth shue. Dont miss our ambush makeovers. Welcome to the happiest day of my life. This is the best show in the world. Announcer from nbc news this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda t orkotb. How do we do it day after day . We are so weird. Its thirsty thursday and we want to wish you a happy hosh ha

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