Wayne County road projects The Wayne County Engineer’s Office will service over 135 miles of county roads this year. It also plans to replace nine large culverts. Projects currently disrupting traffic are on Dalton Fox Lake Road and South Elyria Road. Dalton Fox Lake Road (County Road 32) between Church Road and Burkhard Road Project: Culvert replacement Time frame: 30 days Detour: Traveling on Church Road, turn north onto state Route 94 then east onto Burton City Road. Reverse the directions for the opposite route of travel. South Elyria Road (County Road 149) between state Routes 226 and 3 Project: Culvert replacement Time frame: 14 days Detour: Traveling on state Route 226, turn north onto North Main Street, which turns into Jefferson Road, then turn west onto Millbrook Road. Traveling on state Route 3, turn onto South Elyria Road then turn east onto Millbrook Road. Next, turn south onto Jefferson Road, which turns into North Main Street in Shreve, then turn south onto State route 226.