We welcome village news from all around Craven. Let us know what events, activities, group meetings, sales, celebrations and the like are happening in your village and we will include them in this village news section in the paper and online. Send them to: [email protected] Austwick Covid-19 community support: Help and advice is available at [email protected], facebook.com/coronaCcN, 01524 805969. facebook.com/AustwickMutualAid. twitter.com/ Church news: With the Government’s national ‘Step’ Regulations progressively enabling more activities to restart, we are now gradually reintroducing services of worship in our churches. Initially these are combined services to include everyone in the parishes of Clapham, Keasden, Austwick and Eldroth: Sunday, May 30, Clapham “All Age Service”. Advanced notice on Sunday, June 27, at 7pm, Lambing Service at Keasden New Burial Ground. A celebration of lambing and of the beautiful new burial ground being created next to Keasden Church.