a) Breadth of knowledge in context, not depth that is essential only for those going on to do research b) Better communication skills including teaching skills that will facilitate the sharing of knowledge c) Thinking skills that promote innovation and analysis of different perspectives coherent and productive planning and action in the world of work ———————- Text of keynote address on ‘The Future of University Education’ delivered by Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha at the Sabaragamuwa Student Symposium, yesterday.
It is a pleasure to come back to Sabaragamuwa, and the more so this time as it is after several years. And though I am now old and lazy, and was a bit put out when I was told the text of my presentation was needed in advance, the topic given me, ‘University Education in the 21st Century’ was convenient. For I had been in fact reflecting on the subject, for the posts I now put up daily on what I term my political Facebook Account, that of the Council for Liberal Democracy.