__________________________________ Friday, February 12, 2021 | 6:00 AM – 6:59 AM A true Bergener – both proud of and spiteful about his city – is author Tomas Espedal, who has written extensively about Bergen life and rain. Author Karl Ove Knausgård lived in Bergen for many years and will read from his latest novel Morgenstjernen (The Morning Star), which is partly set in the city. On stage are also Sámi author Kathrine Nedrejord and musician Sara Marielle Gaup. The Sámi, Norway’s indigenous population, were at one time forcibly assimilated into Norwegian life, language, culture and literature, but a new generation of them is no longer either ashamed or silent about their ancestry. Hosts are TV and radio journalists Siss Vik and Mona B Riise, who will also chat with festival director Teresa Grøtan about the Literature Live Around the World programme.