Transcripts For WYFF WYFF News 4 Noon 20151231 : comparemel

Transcripts For WYFF WYFF News 4 Noon 20151231

standing water was at williamson and the holiday display of mineral spring park fell v flon cheddar road, problems there as well. in greenville, parts of cleveland park are back open. that includes the greenville zoo, playground and the swamp rabbit trail. the rain forced the area closed yesterday. the water rose to about seven feet during the yesterday's do pour. check out this video. this is fenton missouri along the meramac river. watch as the house floats into the bridge. the house was swept away by floodwaters. the video was posted to facebook by chris allen, and here more shots of the flooding in missouri. officials say water levels are expected to be three feet higher today. that will make it higher than the record of 40 feet. the valley park mayor has ordered mandatory evacuations for people in nearly 400 homes along the river. police are seeking to help to -- seeking your help to bring charges against a man who assaulted an officer. wyff news 4's mandy gaither is mandy? mandy two hours ago, anderson : police chief jim stewart stood before reporters and said this is one of those cases that haunts him. november 16, one of his officers noticed a suspcious person along edenbrook circle off clemson boulvard. the suspect was wearing a black hoodie and mask with a skelet on it. officer kristin brady got out of her patrol car, but before she could radio in, the chief says the suspect rushed the officer, knocking her to the ground, trying to gre holster. when he couldn't get the gun, he pulled out a knife trying to stab the man, but the officer was able to fight the suspect off. he ran into the woods nearby. >> what troubles us the most is this suspect attempted to remove the officers handgunthe suspect grabbed the gun and forcefully took her to the ground, struggle ensued. that this suspect's intention was to kill the officer. mandy: he suspects were arrested that night at their nearby apartment complex near the drive. as the hendrix and brian gary are facing drug -- kristy hendrix and mariah carey are facing drug charges. the officers says if they were not involved, they had information on the case. that is -- kristy hendrix and brian gary are facing drug charges. the officer says it they were not involved, they had information on the case. there is a $1000 reward being offered. mandy gaither wyff news 4. allyson: thank you. one of three men linked to the death of a former upstate pastor's wife faces more charges. larry taylor junior is connected to the death of amanda blackburn. she was the wife of davey blackburn, a former youth pastor at newspring church. nbc reports that taylor was charged in an unsolved murder of a man who was shot over $10 on november 4. blackburn was killed after a burglary. officials say her death was part back on november 3. a hearing next week for michael slager's request for a speedy trial. slager is the former north charleston police officer charged with killing an unarmed black man. he is shown on cellphone video firing eight times as walter scott ran from a traffic stop. his attorneys say they could be ready in the spring, but prosecutor scarlett wilson says she won't be ready until . she's also trying the case of dylann roof in the deadly charleston church shootings. that case is scheduled for july. this into our newsroom, a medal of honor recipient has been arrested on december 8. that comes from our nbc affiliate in columbia. columbia police say carpenter turned himself into officers today. pedestrian crossingomis g oklahoma the teams take the grid iron at 4:00 this afternoon. wyff sports director brad fralick joins us live now from florida. brad, what do you have for us? brad: hi, how are you? it is finally gameday and we are ready to see a football game. oklahoma defensive lineman charles walker will not play in the game. he suffered a concussion on monday's practice, so he will not play in the orange bowl. it is one of the better defensive players for oklahoma, but this ought to be a great game between two explosive offenses, and a pair of defenses that probably don't get eno credit. these teams have both played the disrespect card this week. both of them. they both somehow feel excited. the number one ranked team and number four. the oklahoma sooners are out for revethey remember what happened important when you're ago in the l athletic bowl. a blowout. game and the talk about the the win. clemson does that for every road win against a ranked team, b the sooners have said all week they are out for revenge, and they think being the fourth seed in the playoff makes them the underdog. howvever, las vegas does not see oklahoma as the underdog, and clemson has said this week that even after going 13 and 0, even after being the number one ranked team in the country in every college football playoff ranking the tigers are stil , trying to earn respect. game. they have been since the matchup was announced, and the tigers defense is sick of hearing how they allowed leads to shrink late in the year, despite winning every single game. both teams have played the disrespect card this week. we have heard it from both sides. trying to find some kind of motivation when you are two of the best teams in the country. they kickoff at 4:00 and the winner advances to play for a national championship. brad fralick wyff news 4. allyson: thank you, brad. as we count you down to the game, don't forget about our wyff 4 app. it's a collection of the latest tweets about the tigers and fun posts from our staff, including a behind the scenes look at what our sports team has been doing in south florida. behind me is one of the very first celebrations of the new year. it's in auckland, new zealand. of course, the new year won't start until midnight here, and millions are expected to pack times square to bring in 2016. chris pollone with what to expect tonight. chris it is setting up to be an : unseasonably warm new year's eve in new york city, and about a million or so people are expected to crowd into the times square area to watch the ball drop to usher in 2016 later on today. 6000 police officers will also be in this area trying to make sure this event goes off without a hitch. the mayor of new york, bill deblasio, said this will be an unprecedented level of security. that this might be the most secure spot in the united states be 500 members of a special anti-terrorism task force that has been created over the years. they'll be armed with long guns and wearing body armor. they'll be watching 14 check points, where people will actually be coming into the times square area. once those people come in, they'll be checked with metal detectors, and they will not be able to leave once they are in the times square area. police will also be using bomb sniffing dogs and radiation detectors. they'll be monitoring a thousand cameras. all to make sure this very popular event, one of the most popular events of the year in new york city, is completely safe. it should be a good time, and as people said, it should be a safe time. they are encouraging people to come out and enjoy the nice temperatures as we ring in 2016. in new york city, i'm chris pollone, nbc news. now, back to you. allyson: not everyone will be awake at midnight tonight, so some upstaters are starting the celebration early. wyff news 4's aly myles joins us live. aly, what's going on at the aly: we got to see the most fun celebration of the noon year because i am sure you know what your kids, not everyone will make it until midnight tonight. you can see they are wearing their pajamas here at bon secours, they are escaping, plenty of places to remember what you loved about 2015 no matter how old you are, whether it is at midnight or not. rolling coconuts, playing with black eyed, and strapping on skates. whether it is an new year's tradition or not -- how fun is it to wear pj's today? >> very fun because i look like minion. aly: some know their eyes will be closed when the bell drops. are you going to stay up until midnight? you are? are your parents letting you stay up until midnight? >> probably. aly: so, are you going to stay up until midnight tonight? >> no. aly: these folks are making the most of their last day in 2015. can you show me how your noisemaker makes noise? and while some haven't thought ahead to their resolution for next year -- >> i don't really know yet. aly: some of the ladies already have it figured out. what's your goal for next year? do you have a goal? >> to be nicer to my brother. aly: do you have a resolution for next year? be nicer to my brother. aly: the confederate countdown might be done, but the party is still going here and at bon secours. they are going until 2:00 today if you want to take part. aly myles wyff news 4 live at the children's museum in greenville. allyson: thank you. sounds like quite a bit going on. well he's one of the most , familiar names in the nfl, and now he's a father. what took him so long to share the good news. also, a rare duo, obama and seinfeld, who knew? what they're doing driving around the white house grounds. dale: remember way back when we were in a drought? we will talk about the rain yesterday. allyson: 2016 has arrived in australia. thousands gathered in sydney for spectacular fireworks in the city's harbor. days after the paris attacks, senators came together for a top-secret briefing on the terrorist threat... fundraising in california instead. two weeks later, terrorists struck again in san bernardino... and where was marco? fundraising again in new orleans. over the last 3 years, rubio has missed important national security hearings and missed more total votes than any other senator. politics first: that's the rubio way. right to rise usa allyson: over the course of several years, dozens of women have accused bill cosby of sexual assault or rape. for the first time, charges were filed wednesday. mary moloney reports. mary: -- >> mr. cosby is charged with aggravated indecent assault. mary hours after the : announcement, bill cosby entered a pennsylvania courtroom and was charged with three counts of aggravated indecent assault. his bail was set at $1 million. andrea constand was the first woman to publicly come forward and accuse cosby of sexual assault. wednesday's charge stems from a 2005 civil suit filed by constand. in that deposition, cosby admitted acquiring prescription quaaludes to give to women. cosby said any sex and drug taking were always consensual. >> mr. cosby urged her to take pills that he provided to her and to drink wine. the effect of which rendered her unable to move, respond to his advances, and he committed her. mary: some 50 women have alleged similar sexual assaults over a period of four decades. attorney gloria allred is representing many of those women. >> for many of my 29 clients who allege that they are victims of bill cosby, seeing him criminally charged and having to face a trail is the best christmas present that have ever received. mary cosby's lawyer released a : statement saying the charges come as no surprise and are unjustified. a preliminary hearing is scheduled for january 14. i'm mary moloney reporting. allyson: the defense said the u.s. navy resumed airstrikes after isis targets after a three-month's. footage released by the navy shows cornets being loaded, taking off and returning to the deck of the carrier. it is in support of the operation resolve, the u.s. led against isis in syria. they have been launching airstrikes from the persian gulf since lan authorities announced the arrest of -- belgium authorities announced the rest of the 10th person in connection to the paris attacks. six others have been detained for questioning over suspected plot to stage new attacks over the holidays. they say there is no known connection between the two investigations. authorities said the belgian identified and has been charged with terrorist murder and participation in the activity of a terrorist group. the charges are for his suspected involvement in the november 13 attacks and paris. they were claimed by isis. cam newton is now a father. he tweeted last night that he and his long-term girlfriend had a son last week. he said he kept the news quite because he did not want to the new dad will try to lead carolina to the number one seed in the nfc with a win sunday against tampa bay. >> now, your live super doppler 4 hd forecast. dale: hard to believe here we are on the last day of the year. what a topsy-turvy weather here. we talked about the drought. we need rain, tropical storms to help put water back in the lakes or soiled. then october started and it seemed like every month since then, we have had more than twice the amount we typically expect for a month. 47 inches a year is what we normally see gsp for the upstate. some areas get more and some less, but that represents about four inches of rain per month. we have had a virtual .5 inches more than that -- we have had over told .5 inches more than that this year. we went from drought two inches ahead in the rain game. 1/10 or more over spots in the area. at the mike the heavy downpours like yesterday with thunder and today, light to moderate rain has been falling the upstate. more so now in the midlands from columbia and stop the columbia. that basically is how it will go as he afternoon progresses. it will work for either to the south and well start to clear up. it will be cloudy tomorrow at times, but the rain will be gone and sunny weather expected by saturday parried to give you an idea, yesterday, greenland had almost three inches of rain. four inches is a good month, so almost recorders of the months worth of rain fell in one day. flooding occurred. gsp got over two inches of rain, two point 07. that was a record amount for yesterday's date at gsp. anderson, 2.2. asheville, .41, but the mountains have seen eight and three quarter inches of rain, more than twice the norm for the temperatures have been slow to climb today with a persistent cld cover. 61 and greenville, 65 point upstate high today. the mountains feel cooler with the 10 to 15 mile per hour breeze, but we will see an afternoon high in the upper 50's. average at gsp this time of the year, which are get back to this weekend, cold in the morning, cold for a high, it did to is the average. today is above that and tomorrow, temperatures back off. asheville normally averages 47 and we get up to 55 today. we get back to the 40's this weekend in the upstate will see colder temperatures. around the country, it feels like winter for most of the u.s. with the exception of the southeast corner. there goes the rain in our future plus forecast. tonight, partly cloudy skies. should be a good night to get out and fireworks will not have to worry about rain. day plus forecast, after today with temperatures rebounding into the mid-60's is afternoon, tomorrow will be a good 10 degrees cooler. the mountains will see temperatures today in the mid to upper 50's. tomorrow, just upper 40's. look at the weekend. saturday and sunday morning 20's, 30's in the upstate. lots of sunshine but back to normal and cool days continuing into the first of next wallyson: thank you. have you seen this? the president tried out comedy on a popular web series wednesday night. it was the season opener of comedian jerry seinfeld's "comedians in cars getting coffee." here's a look at it. >> we're just going to run out for coffee. we will be right back. >> sir, that's not possible. >> i do this little show. you're a comedian in a car. >> you are going no where. back it up. >> yes, sir. allyson: the two eventually end up back inside the white house for coffee, where the president makes a pitch for obamacare. we have more after the break. all around the white house grounds. very funny. the best overall restaurant in allyson: turning to money matters. taking a live look at the stocks. all down. the dow jones, nasdaq and s&p 500. open table has named an upstate south carolina. bin-112 in greer ranks number one. chef and partner jason clark says he's impressed that his restaurant ranked with some of the top charleston restaurants. open table ranked bin-112 number one for its cuisine, and says it's a neighborhood gem. the united states postal service has unveiled its 2016 line-up of stamps. a highlight of the group is a set of four "star trek" stamps honoring the original tv show's 50th anniversary. the" star trek" stamps show classic icons, the uss enterprise, the star-fleet insignia, a crew member being beamed up, and a vulcan salute. there's also a pet series. we are partnering with the greenville health system for the chs hospital virtual toy drive. you will find a link on every penny makes a difference and you can donate items that help in the care and treatment of children. hilton-greenville skycam. jess: hey look, it's those guys. [music] jess: are you good to drive? shawn: i'm fine. jess: how many did you have? shawn: i should be fine. jess: you should be? officer: go on and step out of the vehicle for me. bud: see ya, buddy. good luck! so, it turns out buzzed driving and drunk driving, they're the same thing and it costs around $10,000. so not worth it. allyson: hong kong rang in the new year an hour ago. the city had an impressive from everywhere. isn't that beautiful? 2016 arrives in china. it will be here tonight for us. we have teamed up with the greenville news and asheville citizen times for the holiday sunshine fund. every dollar goes to someone in need in the carolinas. today's count is $6,343. our grand total is $96,000. you can send you get to po box 1688 greenville, south carolina, 26902 or give online. but for the holiday sunshine fund on our homepage. dale: cloudy this afternoon and evening. tomorrow will be dry. temperatures about 10 degrees sunday. sunshine is back and looks like it will last all the way through wednesday next week. getting a chance to start the allyson: that is great. i think we have a live look at times square. plenty of people lining up. join us back here live at 5:00 with the latest on that big game happening at 4:00. dale: there is a game at 4:00 today? we might have to watch that. allyson: thank you for having us. lights, camera, access. >> breaking news, bill cosby criminally charged. welcome to "access hollywood." i'm scott evans in new york. and though dozens of women have come forward accusing the legendary comedian of sexual misconduct, today marks the first time authorities have actually filed charges, accusing cosby of the second degree felony of aggravated indecent assault. at 2:30 eastern time this afternoon bill cosby was escorted into a pennsylvania he took a small tumble on the

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