Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20171025 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20171025

texas today. while in dallas, he'll get a hurricane update. the president can't escape the civil war of words between him and members of his own party. >> reporter: arizona senator jeff flake says his decision to retire from congress has freed him to speak out against president trump. >> the longer we go, the more his behavior is normalized and that is a problem. >> reporter: flake published an op-ed in "the washington post" this morning, saying republicans can no longer remain silent, waiting for someone else to do something. bob corker also says he debases the country. flake told cbs this morning, he believes others will join them. >> i think that we have a responsibility as elected officials to speak out when there's behavior that is just beyond the pail, and some of what we've seen i think fits in that >> reporter: the white house is dismissing flake and corker and points to tuesday's lunch with gop senators. president trump hit back. saying the reason flake and corker dropped out is simple. they had zero chance of being reelected. >> i think they were not likely to be reelected, and i think that shows the support is more behind this president. >> reporter: seth lemon, cbs news, capitol hill. >> senator flake had raised more than $3 million for next year's reelection battle, but he was trailing kelly ward in the polls. ward is being supported by steve bannon, and president trump has tweeted his support for ward as well. while many of you have something to say about the back and forth between the president and the two gop se social media. ruth tweets real donald trump, they're trying to get a message through to you. are you listening? and coram writes, they will vote against trump tax cuts guaranteed. they are sabateurs. a new bombshell revelation in the russian investigation. cbs news has learned that the democratic national committee and former presidential nominee hillary clinton helped fund the controversial research into president trump's ties to russia. mr.trump has denied any connections to russian operatives. the wall street journal is reporting former campaign chairman paul manafort is being investigated for possible money laundering. the journal's article says the manhattan attorney office is launching th investigation into manafort. federal agents raided manafort's a alexandria home this summer. things are back to to normal as a lockdown is lifted at the catholic university of america. it was first put in place after a couple of robbery suspects ditched their car and took off. explaining why police lifted the lockdown. >> reporter: beforewe had this shelter in place alert, the two armed robbery suspects were here. they shoot a man on this street in his own driveway. just after 1:00 a.m. is this shooting happens here in montgomery county, then police tell us the two suspects take off. that's when they crash their car just outside of the athletic center, so you're surrounded by squad cars, and eventually being towed from the scene. 2:30a.m. is when the university sends out the tweet, saying everybody who happens to be awake at that hour, shelter in place. this is not a drill. and do not go outside. about an hour later at 3:30 a.m., that's when the university, and mp d gives the all clear. no more shelter in place, and classes as usual for the morning hours. one suspect is taken into custody as soon as that car crashes on campus. a second person remains at large after sunrise. meantime, as we go into the afternoon hours, we're trying to learn the extent of injuries that the man here at montgomery county suffered. of course, we'll stay on that, and bring you the latest on our website, that's the latest here in silver spring. i'm mike vallejo, wusa9. students are on edge right gunman who shot a student and his friend on the campus in northern louisiana. university officials say the shooting happened during an argument in the courtyard. campus plus are working with the lincoln county parish office on the shooting. a grambling student was injured in a separate shooting. feeling more like it should here for late october. with temperatures in the 50s and 60s now. yesterday morning, early morning, how was that rain? far enough to give us a nice wednesday. they're going to stay sort of socked in this very wet pattern for another 48 hours or so. the cooler, northwesterly winds are moving in. we're in the 50s and low 60s now. providence, 67. that's the warm spot on the bod. country. post areas in the 40s. lexington kentucky at 40 degrees. in lexington, we're at 61. chevy chase, 62. even in loudoun company upper 50s lower 60s. what we're looking at for the afternoon, temperatures will make low to it mid-60s, and that's pretty much where we should be for this time of year. it's been a very warm, and dry october. i'm going to talk more about that in a few minutes when i return. 61 at 6:00, and 57 at 9:00. the weekend? yeah, that's kind of mixed. one day certainly looking much better than the other, and i'll break that down in a couple of minutes. new details are emerging about how a u.s. mission in niger left four soldiers dead. because an isis linked group of recruiting, and looking to expand. the four soldiers were diverted and ambushed by 50 enemy fighters. officials say the men were not prepared for combat with the enemy. >> they were authorized to accompany nigerian forces when the prospects of making contact was unlikely. that is the rules under which they were operating. >> lawmakers on capitol hill are demanding answers. u.s. officials say it's unclear whether the attack was planned, or simply one of opportunity. harsh words for federal judges after a decision about an iconic monument. >> reporter: so let's take this back to the beginning. right now, we're talking about the peace cross, and talking about this, we need to take you all the way let's set the scene. ♪ [ music ] calvin cooledge was president, the great gatsby had just been written, and soldiers were returning from world war i. why, you might be asking, is this monument in controversy now? some 92 years later? that's all about where the monument is located. it's on public land, and paid for through public funding. that's why a group called the american humanist social has stepped in. mow in the aftermath of the federal judges saying, yes, this is unconstitutional, some heavy hitters are stepping in. governor larry hogan has chimed in, and asked to file what is called an he says this is an affront to all veterans, and should not be allowed to stand. the fate of this 92-year-old monument is still up in the air. the supreme court can debate this, if not, it will be up to a district court judge. wusa9. we've been asking you to vote on this issue on our app, and website all week. roughly 90% of you say the monument should stay, and you disagree with the judge's ruling. ♪ [ music ] he found his thrill on blueberry hill and the music industry went wild. fats domino, the rock pioneer has died. he was 89. his steady pounding piano, and easy baritone helped change music as it honored tradition of the crescent city, his hometown. he died in his bed peacefully. he institute just 5'5", and weighed more than 200 pounds. he had a wide boyish smile, and a hair cut as flat as an album cover. elvis called him an early master. his 22 million selling singles, included blue monday, his favorite, ain't that a shame, and a lot i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free. it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. try super poligrip free. ♪ ralcandidate for'm governor,rtham, and i sponsored this ad. narrator: they call him enron ed. because washington, dc lobbyist ed gillespie represented the worst of the worst. corporations sending jobs overseas. and of course the enron scandal. now, enron ed is lobbying for donald trump's agenda. like cuts to virginia school funding, and taking away healthcare from thousands of virginians. enron ed gillespie. he's not lobbying for you. ♪[ music ] welcome back to the news at noon. a volunteer fire chief is facing dozens of traffic violations for allegedly trying to run from officers twic volunteer fire chief of the silver hill fire department in prince george's county. the charles county sheriff's office says this started with the report of a man threatening to slash the tires of his girlfriend's car. the chase to stop him ended at the county line. about an hour later, officers say they spotted fowler again, and this time they caught him. officers say fowler was easy to spot, he was driving a fire department pickup truck. it's been over a month since hurricane maria devastated puerto rico, killing 49 people on the island. dozens of people are still listed as missing, and there are also large areas without electricity. yesterday, the u.s. senate approved another $36 billion in relief aid for both hurricane and wildfire victims. with parts of the island still without water or electricity, many puerto rican patients have made their way to the mainland. one tiny patient even land san antonio, texas, needing serious medical treatment. andrea martinez has the story. >> reporter: imagine bringing your baby boy into the world to learn he has congestive heart failure. then, a storm hits, knocking out the very resources your baby needs to stay alive. that's this family's story. >> [speaking in spanish] >> reporter: baby sebastian's mother says the hurricane changed everything, but thanks to the organization puerto rico relief airlift, sebastian and other patients in need were able to fly out of the island. the problems? the organization can't sustain them much longer. >> [speaking in spanish] >> reporter: making matters even worse, they have no relatives here. no car, no home. they've been living in a motel, and using uber to get to sebastian's medical appointments. >> [speaking in spanish] >> reporter: that hasn't been oxygen tank, suction machine, and other baby supplies. to top it off, baby sebastian will need open heart surgery within a month to keep him fighting. mom says right now what they need most is a place to live, and a car to get around. they say they hope their children can have better lives in san antonio, a fresh start, and a happy ending for baby sebastian. >> if you're thinking about visiting shenandoah national park in virginia, better do it soon. because if you put that trip off until next year it could cost you almost three times as much. they're considering jacking up entrance fees to the 17 most popular national parks. the fee car load would nearly triple from $25 to $70. however, the price of a year long pass to all the parks will stay the at $80. he founding fathers. now the memorial to george mason in d.c. is getting a facelift. the year-long restoration project will include reconstruction of the central fountain, adding plants around the memorial, and the thorough touch up to the george mason statue in east potomac park. the $800,000 project is funded by the national parks service, and the trust for the national mall, and other private donors. george mason is seen sitting on a bench there in east potomac park, he would need a top coat, and possibly umbrella for later in the week. >> sunday does not look pretty at all. i know, we're making strides against breast cancer walk is sunday. rain gear, tell you right now. be prepared, as they say. a a bad wednesday at up. we've had quite a warm, and dry month. we'll be in the 50s. as we look at the month of october, it's been very warm, and relatively dry. we've onlyhad a handful of days in the 60s. 70s 15 times, and 80s 6 times earlier in the month we hit that 80-degree mark. as far as winds today, a couple of spots reporting a breeze, like at national, gust at 17. and in the mountains, we've got winds up there. for the most part, it's comfortable out there. readings are in the 50s to low 60s now. i spoke to janet at 60 in cambridge. gaithersburg, winchester in the mid-50s right now. yes, you guys still need a light jacket, but all in all for this time of the year, things are looking good. they're now in the upper 30s. the drier air has certainly moved reinforcing shot of a drier, cooler air, tonight into tomorrow. nationally, when we've got the big storm on the east coast, in the west, we're talking about heat. record heat. 103degrees for the first pitch of game 1 of the world series. that was the hottest world series game ever, thanks to the santa ana winds. up the shore, we see the showers moving toward new england. that trend is going to continue. a little low on the front. if you have family or friends, or have traveled toward new england later tonight, tomorrow, it is going to be very wet around there. we'll have a couple of showers in the mountains, but notice the rains continuing with another surge of moisture thursday across new england. for us, when i say chilly, i'm talking temps in the 50s. tomorrow will be even chillier. lows in the mid-30s to the 40s. but turn southwest. friday sees temperatures well up in the 60s. this guy, a slow mover. it looks like by saturday morning, it's in ohio and kentucky. it will get here late saturday night, sunday. so sunday, we've got rain. we've got temperatures, i think top out 60, or low 60s early, and falling to the 50s. with dallas coming to the town and fedex, and other events, you'd better be prepared. we tracked the cold air that is coming out of canada. at 850-millibars, it's a pressure level 35,000 feet up. good representation of the air mass. the coldest one here that we've seen on top of us now. that retreats, as we head toward friday and saturday. that's what's coming here sunday into monday, and it looks like we'll be on the edge of the chilly stuff here, as he we head into halloween, so that next tuesday, i know it's a way out, but right now, the trick or treat weather doesn't look bad fairly comfortable. cool and dry, with temperatures primarily in the 50s to start. lower 50s, especially, maybe even upper 40s in some of the suburbs by 9:00. 47 tonight with closer to 40 in the burbs. tomorrow, 61, but you're going to notice the breeze. you probably need the jacket most of the day. by friday, warming up, upper 60s. saturday, easily the better day of the weekend. rain likely vowould be a disaster forion virginia families.e adams supports letting insurance companies deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. seniors would be charged thousands more. 685,000 virginians would lose their health care. and adams is against medicaid expansion - denying coverage to thousands of veterans, children and the disabled. john adams: higher costs, less coverage, hurting virginians. mark: i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. you can help children who suffer from peanut allergies to have a ha halloween. it's called the teal pumpkin project. about 1 in every 13 kids has a nut allergy. of course those youngsters don't want to miss out on the fun of halloween. >> he's going to go and trick or treat, that's just the way it is. so we had to find a way that we could do it that works for us. >> the solution? teal pumpkins. if you're going to offer safe turns like candy without nuts, or small toys, register on the teal noon. thanksto the group from lamont elementary school for joining us in studio. we'll be back at 5:00. until then, have a great afternoon. we'll see you tomorrow. smile. vo: john adams' prescription for health care would be a disaster for virginia families. adams supports letting insurance companies deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. seniors would be charged thousands more. 685,000 virginians would lose their health care. and adams is against medicaid expansion - denying coverage to thousands of veterans, children and the disabled. john adams: higher costs, less coverage, hurting virginians. mark: i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. ralcandidate for'm governor,rtham, and i sponsored this ad. narrator: they call him enron ed. because washington, dc lobbyist ed gillespie represented the worst of the worst. lenders trying to keep student loan rates high. corporations sending jobs overseas. and of course the enron scandal. now, enron ed is lobbying for donald trump's agenda. like cuts to virginia school funding, and taking away healthcare from thousands of virginians. enron ed gillespie. he's not lobbying for you. [ elevator dings ] [ cellphone chimes repeatedly ] >> phyllis: you know what, billy abbott? you can kiss my...! [ slams phone ]

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