Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6pm 20141023 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6pm 20141023

an industrial area. there's obviously some neighborhoods as well. this is a municipal airport, a small county municipal airport. just outside of frederick sort of in the heart of the frederick area here, so it's really had an effect obviously on the city as far as traffic goes, as far as shutting down a large part of the area to frederick residents. so really trying to figure things out as we are here. >> we are looking at some video right now and for some perspective i know you can't see what we're seeing, but we can see that the helicopter is over there in that storage area and there is pink tarp covering it. do the people you've talked to know anything about what the training exercise was that this helicopter was involved in when this midair collision occurred? >> reporter: from those we've spoken to it was late afternoon, around 4:00, 4:30, in that time range. as far a what sort of exercise, what was going on, no one knows specifics. there are a lot of sort of exercises. there's a training facility there where this sort of stuff as far a planes going up and aircrafts going up and people training and that sort of thing is commonplace around here. as far as the witnesses we've spoken to, they don't know exactly what type of traininger and see would have been going on -- training exercise would have been going on, but it's not uncommon for that to be happening. >> you mentioned the fact the tower is built but does not have any radar. we understand it's been a controversy. did you talk to any witnesses who said yeah. we heard this happen and we thought it might happen? >> reporter: we know pilots who fly into the airport here regularly and who have lobbied. they argued for radar for a long time. we're not sure if radar had anything to do with it, but for some time we know getting a radar at that air traffic control tower has been an issue. it has been an issue for pilots flying into frederick airport. >> thank you for your reporting tonight. if you get more information, let us know and we'll come back to you. the mysteries go on in the disappearance of uva student hannah graham, still no positive id on the body found in the woods almost a week later. >> but today a fairfax county judge ordered the man accused of abducting her to be brought before him to answer charges of murder and abduct in a nine year old rape case. >> reporter: jesse matthew still merely at albemarle regional jail. we have no word about when fairfax authorities might come here to pick him up. as you say, the body that is believed to be hannah graham is still at the virginia medical examiner 's office as the investigators there struggle to positively identify her. the one person that we have who is talking is the guy whose tip may have led to that body. >> september the 30th early in the morning i was heading to a job site. >> reporter: bobby pugh still shaken by what he saw over three weeks ago. >> there was buzzards on the rooftop and in the tree on the back corner of the property, not a normal amount, 20 to 30 at least. >> reporter: pugh is a hunter and the buzzards hunted him. >> about an hour later i said i got to make a call. >> reporter: 18 days later volunteers followed up and scouring the properties on old lynchburg road deputy found by what were then just skeletal remains. >> i wish it whether or not would have -- it would have happened faster, but it couldn't. >> reporter: the body was so badly decomposed the state medical examiner is still trying to positively confirm that it's 18-year-old hannah graham who police say was abducted from charlottesville's downtown mall by jesse matthew while she wandered lost looking for friends. pugh has a young daughter. he's a softball coach and he is heartbroken by what happened to hannah graham. >> she didn't belong there. that's not the way that she needed to leave. that's not the way anyone should be left. >> reporter: pugh is hoping there is enough evidence left to convict whoever committed the crime and he hopes the case keeps all of us more alert. >> the next time keep an eye out. just be aware. notice things, little things. >> reporter: pugh is hoping that his i it helped hannah graham's parents get some answers. he feel terrible really about describing this nightmarish scene, but he really hopes that the message goes out to people, pay attention. >> we've got a lot of content on jesse matthew and hannah graham on our wusa9 news app. it includes a timeline of events and a detailed story examining how we got to this point. we are beginning to learn more about the man accused of jumping the white house fence last night and why he is no stranger to the judicial system. tonight his family says they've been trying to get the man help but have gotten no luck. wusa9's andrea mccarren was inside the courtroom when he appeared and she is live tonight outside federal district court. >> reporter: tonight the defendant is charged and will be back on monday for a criminal hearing and undergo a psychiatric evaluation before then. dominic adesanya listened into a federal courtroom, his left arm -- limped into a federal courtroom, his left arm covered in bandages and several fingers on his right hand. wearing a blue jump suit he appeared agitated and confused and had to be subdued several times during the brief appearance by u.s. marshals. >> get down! >> reporter: when adesanya scaled the white house fence, he lefted his shirt seeming to show the secret -- lifted his shirt seeming to show the secret service he was unarmed, but when a dog tackled him, he jumped up, appeared to grab it by the throat and slammed it to the ground pummeling with his fists. >> we wanted to give him help and asking the government to give him help and nobody wanted to help us find help for him. >> reporter: the father of the 23-year-old described his struggle with his son who seems to have spiraled into the depths of mental illness. after breathing attending stevenson university last year where he was a sprinter on the track and field team. >> it's hard being in your house not knowing if the people you're living with is trustworthy and you know they're mentally, you know, disturbed. >> reporter: court records reveal adesanya was arrested july 27th and charged with unlawful entry of the white house complex. three days later he was arrested again at the treasury department and charged with unlawful entry and three counts of assaulting, resisting or interfering with a police officer. tonight white house officials say they are considering a wide range of options to beef up security there including personnel, technology and physical obstacles like additional fencing. as for adesanya, he faces up to 10 years in prison for that unlawful entry. that's a felony charge and another 10 years for harming those two secret service dogs who were back on duty at the white house today. andrea mccarren, wusa9. >> there are a whole lot of documents kepted this to case and you can read them. we've got a tragic story out of western maryland tonight. two young sisters are dead following a fire in their cumberland home. 5-year-old helena smith and 7- year-old emily edwards died when their home went up in flames early this morning. their parents and two other siblings made it out alive. we're told the home had working smoke alarms but no sprinklers. a big vote he's been called a super lobbyist, the ultimate washington insider. ed gillespie paid millions to lobby for the oil companies for a student loan company that overcharged taxpayers. his firm even lobbied for five foreign governments including a dictator now awaiting trial for war crimes. and then there's enron. gillespie lobbied for them while they committed the largest corporate fraud in us history. ed gillespie. the million dollar lobbyist whose never looked out for you. this could be a big night for students in fairfax county. the school board is expected to vote on a plan that would change class hours. the goal is to give high school students more sleep. so high school would start later in the morning. middle school would start earlier. elementary school would be mostly unchanged. we will tell you how the vote went on the news after the football game. turning to the race for governor of maryland, both candidates out at prince george's county today trying to drum up support. republican larry hogan took his bus tour to bowie this afternoon. he met with the voters there. meantime democrat anthony brown was in landover where his daughter used early voting today. today is the first day marylanders can cast their blats blot have you seen the news about barbara comstock? first, the washington post reported, barbara comstock failed to report eighty-five thousand in income. now, we learn, barbara comstock pushed a client's issues in the virginia legislature and didn't disclose it. barbara comstock shepherded a trio of bills through the legislature and into law, but barbara comstock never officially disclosed that all the while she was being paid thousands of dollars. no wonder she hid it. carrie underwood, tom hanks and metallica all coming down to the national mall next month. >> hundreds of thousands of people will want to see them which will test the metrorail system. in an unprecedented move, metro will shut down the blue line for one day. >> this is an extraordinary event. it require an extraordinary response. >> wmata's unprecedented response is shutting down the black one blue line -- blue line one day. the national park service issued a permit for up to 800,000 people. >> hundreds of thousands of people and they want to go this way, this way, that way or this way to get home and we're providing direct rail service for them without having to change trains. >> wmata says by closing the blue line they can move more people faster onto the national mall by putting more trains on the yellow line. stick with me here. the blue line, some of it is duplicated by the silver and orange lines and in virginia the yellow line. for instance, on veterans day you need to go from pentagon city to l'enfant plaza. on the blue line it takes 17 minutes around. for the yellow five minutes. still some are concerned about the inconvenience and beyond. >> we are fearful that this might set a cage russ precedent as a go -- a dangerous precedent as a go to solution for handling the large crowds. >> reporter: nobody knows how many will show up at the mall but needed to make sure next day service was not interrupted as folks return to work and they didn't want to partially close the blue line because it would be too confusing for riders and operators. in washington surae chinn, wusa9. >> there will be a special train running from national airport to arlington cemetery and free shuttle buses from roslyn and pentagon stations. hbo plans to make the concert available to all cable subscribers including those who do not subscribe to hbo. always watching al tracking wusa9 first alert weather. >> we're talking about something we don't see every day. >> you won't see it again till august of 2017. it's 6:17. >> what's the shape? >> it's a partial solar eclipse. you can't look at it and it's actually really hard to see. we have a live feed from the griffith observatory in l.a. that's pretty spectacular. that's the moon in between the sun and earth. now again it won't occur here until august of 2017 and our sun goes down in another minute, but out in l.a. it's quite a sight. we'll go through the particulars. howard mentioned this at noon. i also tweeted about this. it started in our area at 5:52. it peaked at 6 6:17 and our sunset at 6:19. you should never ever look at a solar eclipse. 65 right now, winds still west, northwest at 10:00 and gusting over 25 miles per hour. winds will still be sort of a factor tonight, not as strong. remaining breezy friday. the bus stop temperatures, 44 to 58. factor in the breezes, it will feel cooler. the whole day will be cooler than the actual temp. keep that in mind. nice weekend but still breezy saturday and sunday. be a warm breeze saturday. futurecast 6 a.m. pay attention to the temps, upper 40 in the burbs, low 50s downtown, 8:00, same deal. 48 gaithersburg, manassas, leesburg at 8:00 and low 50s in annapolis and by 1:00 walking to lunch, no worries, low to mid-60s and by evening back in the mid-60s downtown, but hovering either side in the suburbs. high school football will be great and cool in some of the later games. 8:30 in the mid-50s north and west of town and about 60 downtown. wind gust tracker, again winds could gust at 10:00 tonight between 25 and 30 miles per hour. by 6 a.m. this may be a bit aggressive, maybe a 30 mile-per-hour wind gust in the morning. i think more like 25, though. notice the contours beginning to lift out. that means the storm itself is lifting out and will begin to die down a little by. 54 at 9:00. 60 at 11:00 on our day planner and 64 with sunshine at 1:00. breezy and beautiful on saturday near 70, breezy and nice sunday, mid-60s and by saturday it will be a warm breeze actually. monday we're back in the mid, upper 70s on tuesday, showers and thunderstorms next wednesday evening, thursday a little cooler behind the front will still pretty nice, temperatures in the mid-60s. how do you feel about colt mccoy? >> i guess i better learn to love that boy. >> playing possum in dallas sort of. going to be mccoy to lead the burgundy and ♪ there it is... this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. let's update tonight's top story, a midair crash in frederick that leaves three people dead. >> we take you to mola lenghi for a live update. >> reporter: we have three people confirmed dead, two more injured, a small plane as we said crashed midair into a helicopter. we got the scene right behind us. you can see it's getting dark. so they're beginning to light it up. right to the right of the scene you see the parachute that's tangled up in the tree. that's an auto deployed parachute. there were two people on the plane. they were able to walk away. they were taken to a nearby trauma center. about 1/10-mile from the plane crash scene you're looking at is the chopper crash scene. it crashed into a storage facility nearby. three people were killed on that chopper. i'm told by frederick fire and rescue they confirmed all three people were on board the chopper. the storage facility it landed in was appear operating storage facility. there -- an operating storage facility. there were people on the ground. it's an operating business. as i'm told right now, no injuries on the ground. the ntsb is en route to investigate this collision as they are required to by law. they will be able to determine what happened. it will likely be a lengthy investigation. the chopper i'm told was involved in a training operation as is common around the frederick county airport here, but as of right now still unclear exactly what happened in midair. live in frederick i'm mola lenghi for wusa9. now wusa9 game on sports with dave owens brought to you by xfinity. >> jay gruden playing a little pigskin poker face with the cowboys trying not to tip his hand. here's the thing, though, dallas already knows the cards. one quarterback hasn't started a game, colt mccoy, since 2011. the other, robert, he's been on the shelf for a month. are the cowboys really worried about either of these guys? probably not, but gruden's decision is in. he said it's colt monday night. major case of gamesmanship going on here because there's still a question whether griffin will be activated for the game. if that happens, coach then what? >> we'll announce that on monday night, but coated is the starter. we're preparing for colt to be the starter. we're trying to get robert some reps, get him ready, but right now it looks like odds are colt will be the starter, but we're trying to work robert in the lineup and give him reps to get him ready to go because ultimately when robert is healthy, robert is the starter. >> is colt an upgrade over kirk? that's the question. mccoy has played in 29 career games, 14 for cousin, completion percentages similar but both under 60%. colt has 22 career tds. cousins has played in half as many games and has nearly the same amount of picks. both have fumbled six times. it's going to be colt maybe. if robert is healthy enough, the coach says he'll switch them. >> what's your gut tell you? >> kirk. no, i'm sorry. >> colt. >> the captain has been demoted. >> he's a general now. >> that's it for us. we'll stay on this breaking news, but the cbs evening news is next. >> we're back for your only local news

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , New York , Canada , Prince George County , Guinea , Arlington Cemetery , Washington , Fairfax County , Gaithersburg , Maryland , Liberia , Dallas , Texas , Leesburg , District Of Columbia , Frederick County , Marylanders , Larry Hogan , Bobby Pugh , Subaru A , Tom Hanks , Jesse Matthew , Michael Brown , Mike Morrell , Dominic Adesanya , Jim Axelrod , Barbara Comstock , Hannah Graham , Dave Owens , Carrie Underwood , Emily Edwards , Anthony Brown , Helena Smith , Jay Gruden ,

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