Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20170216 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20170216

for all the work they did ahead of time. >> feels like we're a small family, and everybody is supporting each other. and that's what small business is all about. >> we are a big family. and everybody works together. >> reporter: in mount pleasant, nellie closed the taqueria that supports her and her family. even though she has only owned the place for 15 days. >> if all immigrants are together, we'll make it strong. we are strong. >> reporter: now, plenty of immigrants did show up for work today, despite the protests, even in mount pleasant, which is really a center of latino and immigrant culture. there were plenty of restaurants and stores that were open. and at the mcdonald's on wisconsin avenue, there did not seem to be any longer lines than usual. live at the penn quarter in northeast d.c., bruce leshan. >> one police hit particularly hard by a day without immigrants is the pentagon. burger king, taco bell, sbarro. tacoall closed because of too few workers. head to wusa 9 to vote. we'll check back in on the results in a bit. a restaurant at president trump's hotel also affected by the protest. blt steak was closed for business today. even before official plans had been decided yesterday. staff at the steak house turned away reservations without protest. others stayed open with extremely slimmed-down staff. unlike places like los angeles or miami, the washington region doesn't have one dominant born in el salvador than any other country. they make up nearly 14% of all foreign-born births in the region. number 2 is iend s -- is india, with 78,000. korea, mexico round out the top 5. some businesses stayed closed. others stayed open. we will explain why coming up at 6:00. we're getting a lot of reaction to the day of immigrant protests. >> rich bieber has one of the most popular comments on the thread. he writes, maybe it's time for people to have a day without immigrants everybody suggest them, in order to realize how much they do for the nation. >> response to that comment came from tammy joe and also getting a lot of likes am she writes, no one is against immigration, rick. there's a huge difference immigration. stop following the left agend that is brainwashing you into thinking the right is against immigration. >> we want you to let us know what you think about this right now. >> and a look at today's question. do you think a day without immigration is a good way to get the message out? >> what you're telling us. 63% of you say yes. 37% say no. we know the abduction and murder of a 15-year-old girl in gaithersburg was gang-related. she's a gang -- girl. there were at least five people directly involved in the killing. this all broke as police announced the specific charges in the death of damaris, alexandria rivas. among the five people charged with murder is a 17-year-old boy. in addition to those five, another five teens charged with abduction and gang participation. all of it linked to the murder of a 21-year-old man in prince william county who may have been dating a 15-year-old girl, the one who was killed. now, the family of murder victim damaris alexandria rivas, believe that ms13 is at the nexus of all of this. gang recruiting in the region has taken a sudden jump. >> well, we had a lot of expertise here in fairfax county, talking about this today. the man in charge of tracking violent gangs, like the one, linked to the death of this 15- year-old girl from gaithersburg, told me today, the focus of their efforts is now on middle schools, with kids from 12 to 13 years old. >> so we're seeing a lot of increase in recruiting in high schools and middle schools, which is alarming to us. >> jay lanham has been fighting gangs much of coordinating strategy from maryland to virginia and beyond. >> these illegal gangs are recruiting juveniles more so on an increase. >> reporter: terrified mother of 15-year-old murder victim damaris alexander reyes told me this week, ms13 was involved in her daughter's death, the same gang organization she thought she left behind when the family emigrated from el salvador to the united states. the gang, operating across borders, now specializes in kidnapping and threatening relatives still in central america, to extort money from families, earning a living here in the d.c. area. kevin donovan is with the fbi. >> there are crimes that are committed or dictated from outside of the united states, against u.s. persons. here at home. >> investigators won't say how damaris got involved or why they think she was killed. her mother said she was a ruy. first offer shelter, security and friendship, to gain a young girl's confidence. only to eventually hold her hostage and sell her for sex a short time later. this was the world damaris was apparently involved in. police saying today, at least five people directly participated in killing her. investigators say there is video. they won't describe specifics, only to suggest a wolf pack had turned on a 15-year-old girl involved with the wrong people. >> savage, brutal killing. it was horrific. i'll leave it at that. >> that was fairfax county police chief, ed wresler speaking to us today. damaris's mother told us she believes her daughter got involved with at least some of these gang members in virginia, through associations on facebook. reporting live in fairfax, scott broom, wusa 9. >> there are now 10 people swept up in this case. most of them not teens, and those not charged murder, face abduction and again, gang participation charges. >> this was the most unusual and memorable press conferences in recent memories. president trump made announcements, discussed russia, and attacked the media. we can't get into everything that went on, it went on for quite sometime. here are the highlights. he started off by defending his presidency, against accusations of internal chaos. >> this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. despite the fact that i can't get my cabinet approved. to be honest, i inherited a mess. it's a mess. >> now, the president went on to list his accomplishments, and then blamed the media for negative coverage. he was repeatedly asked about his pam wayne -- campaign's reported contact with rush why, before he never directly answered the question, but said if there was communication, he had nothing to do with it. going to visit a revised travel ban. he does not want to wait for the appeals court reveal. buried. in all of that news conference, president trump has selected the first latino to become the first member of his cabinet. attorney general alexander acosta is nominated to be the next secretary of lish. this comes one day after the announcement that mr. pudser resigned. he was also a former assistant general of civil rights under president bush. state's attorney's office announced the indictment today under two police officers. one of them, corporal george merkel. and prosecutors say officer will a prostitute, when police task force was conducting operations in the area. and that allowed her to avoid arrest. certainly any time we have to announce the indictments of police officers, it is not something we enjoy. but it is something we take very seriously. >> prosecutor says they also believe officer diaz had relations with that prostitute while on duty. >> well, d.c. schools are dealing with another case of bed bugs. and this comes just weeks after an elementary school was forced to shut down, when that problem persisted and went untreated for months. >> wusa 9's delia goncalves is at minor elementary school, where parents are wondering if there is a bigger problem that school leaders might be hiding. >> a school spokesperson tells me, the bed bug situation here at minor elementary school northeast, vastly different from the bed bug situation over in southeast. at savoy elementary school there. parents told us they were complaining for weeks about bed bugs and rodents, until forced to shut down the school, transfer the students, and throw away all the items inside of that original school building and do a thorough cleaning. here at minor, we're told that bed bugs were spotted on the clothes of some students, february 9, 14, and just yesterday, those cases were reported immediately. school officials are monitoring this situation. but do not feel like there is an infestation at this point. >> i was disgusted, honestly. and a little bit irritated. it's the third letter this year. so in my mind, they're almost not taking care of the problem. >> dcps is telling us they believe it's an isolated incident. what do you think since you've gotten three letters? >> i think it's a problem in the school. and obviously, i'm a little afraid to send my son to school. but i don't want to bring anything home. so what i end up doing is i have him in the door and we wash all their clothes. >> hopefully they'll ta of the situation as quickly as possible. >> i can tell you, said parents with the bed bugs were notified individually. and other parents were notified through letter. but it didn't specify that bed bugs or rodents were found. the principal only outlined the process that the staff goes through to keep the school clean and safe. in northeast, delia goncalves, wusa 9. >> it's a problem they gotta get hold of here pretty quick. bed bugs can travel on kids' backpacks. concerned parents should wash their child's clothes and bedding in hot water. the epa does not require schools be shut down in order to treat bed bugs. we are just getting started on wusa 9news at 5:00. here's your evening planner. winter showed up for a little while. down to 36. and 33 at 10:00. we'll come back and talk about one of our colder nights in while. we'll also talk about crazy temperatures headed our way in time for the weekend. plus, residents who shop at one northern virginia shopping center are furious over new parking fees. and right after the break, sentencing day for a man who killed his own child. we're going to hear from the boy's mother, up next. sentencing was handed down today for a silver spring man, convicted of killing his 2- month-old son. ado cawadio was sentenced to spend 40 years in prison for the death of his baby, cawir. he was convicted of second- degree murder. his wife was in the courtroom for today's proceedings. >> she knows what he did. you know. he knows what he did. his posture, his demeanor. his action. it just radiates guilt. there's nothing for him to say. >> prosecutor says cawadio was no stranger to the justice system. he previously served a year behind bars for attacking his own mother. a big battle is brewing over parking spots in northern virginia. this is going on at the restin town center. neighbors say they're upset. >> doesn't stop there. transportation reporter, pete muntean is looking into the issue. >> reporter: i'm driving into the restin town have now, where neighbors say parking here is a complete pain. park anywhere on the shoulder of the street now and you have to pay. that's new. it's not necessarily that you have to pay but the way you have to do it. now, neighbors say they're furious. >> reporter: nora lives only a mile away from the but her frustration is big. she showed me the impact of new paid parking here. started january 3rd. >> at starbucks, you can stop to pick up your starbucks, but now you have to pay money to do that. >> you also have to pay to use garages. boston is pushing an app to pay for parking, called park rtc. but lynch calls it confusing. >> of the first time i had to use it, i was in the garage. i had to use my app. i had to use my data when i wasn't expecting too, because there was no wi5. and i was -- wifi. i was running late. and it was stressful. >> they think many are taking their business elswrvment now, they're -- elsewhere. now they're organizing a protest on facebook. >> hoping to get the people out and talking about it. so that boston properties is aware of the issue. and that there are a lot of unhappy people. >> big turnout expected for that protest. attend. in restin, pete muntean, wusa9. sto. >> boston -- >> boston says 79,000 people have signed up for that park rtc app. we had a little snow. let's not call it snow. little flying specks. >> it was pretty. >> you know, just flying. >> it was pretty. it was. >> some saw a dusting on their way to work? really? did they see a dusting? >> i never saw a dusting. that's a bit of a stretch. >> i was going to say, was that your wishful thinking? >> i don't wish cast. what i did was looked at my tea and the snowfall totals in maine. they were good. northwest of portland, 16 to 18 inches. >> that's so good. >> so you seek out the news you like. regardless of whether or not it exists here. >> it does exist somewhere. but sometimes you have to search other places to make you happy. >> i saw 16 flakes. >> all right. let's talk about the 3-degree guarantee. as you may or may not know. i went 45 and lower today to 44, yesterday night. last night. i hope that works out. i hope i lower today enough. i'm sweating. okay? >> okay. >> all right. live look outside. and it's our live michael and sons weather cam. we've gone to partly cloudy skies. there's the cathedral. still has the scaffolding. winds are gusting to 25 miles per hour. wind gust to 36 earlier. it has been a windy month. february has been more like march, in terms of winds. this is what it feels like, if you go outside tonight. 31 downtown. but most of the burbs already feel like it's in the 20s. i would bundle up if you're headed out. as soon as winter comes in, he'll put his tail between his legs and scurry back north tomorrow. colder tonight, with lighter winds. bus stop temperatures, 20 to about 40. and a little milder tomorrow. we'll make it into the 50s. in fact, we'd be jumping for joy for that day. if it weren't for the have 60s coming in for the weekend. you can just plan outdoor activities that you wouldn't normally think of this time of year. you can do t them. golf, bike. it's going to be warming up and all right. a spring preview perhaps. 53 tomorrow. then boom, mid-60s monday and tuesday. we've got 60s actually next wednesday and next thursday. and for the most part, a couple of showers mixed in. but mainly dry. all right. 10:00 tonight. cold. 29 already in gaithersburg. 31 downtown. and 30 in fairfax. and then by 6:00 a.m. lots of 20s. these numbers might be a little high. 25 in damascus. 26 in hagerstown. even into la plata. and even into patuxent river. upper 20s. by 9:00 a.m., we're back in the low to mid-30s. lots of sunshine by 1:00. back in the upper 40s downtown. and some folks, south and west, actually touching 50, 50 in fredericksburg. 50 in culpepper. i think we will hit 50 our friends in hagerstown, martinsburg, probably holding upper 40s. but still a very nice day for mid-february. and tomorrow night, if you have plans, go out. just chilly, but not that cold. about 10 degrees warmer tomorrow night, as opposed to tonight. even at 10:30. 42 downtown. and still above freezing, pretty much scrrp in the -- everywhere in the metro. winds west/northwest at 10 to 15. all in the day planner. look at. that even 29 downtown to start. then 31 at 7:00. up to 42 by 11:00. and up to 47 by 1:00. i think we'll make it into the low 50s tomorrow. look at this. saturday, 68. maybe a stray shower on sunday. primarily in the morning, i think. and 66. now, the next seven days? 64 on president's day. mid-60s on tuesday, wednesday, thursday, couple of showers possible late wednesday. more likely wednesday night. and we mentioned this last night at 11:00. the earliest peak bloom we've had of the cherry blossoms if this keeps up in february. if we don't get a cold snap in march, we are going to challenge this record. we shall see. topper, thank you. three people shot. we'll get an update for you coming up in a minute. let's get back to our breaking news. three people shot in prince george's county. >> wusa 9's ellison barber is live with the latest. >> guys, we're just off the exit near columbia road. right now, police are looking for a suspect and the suspect's car. you can see behind me here, there is only one car on scene. that is the car where police say they found three men inside, suffering from gunshot wounds. you can see all of the windows there have been presumably shot out. there is glass on the road here. now, sources tell me that two of those three men were shot this the leg. police are confirming that all three were transported to a hospital and none of them have life-threatening injuries. again, this shooting happened at about 3:00. of course, the big question here is, was this road rage? or did th involved in this actually know each other? and right now, police say it is simply too early to tell. but what they are telling me is that this road, the eastbound side, of u.s. route 50 is going to be closed for at least three more hours. reporting live, i'm ellison barber, wusa 9. >> thanks for that update. coming up next, what this gym teacher did in a locker room that has him facing charges tonight. a memorial to bayaby -- a baby. why the hoa had the memorial removed. coming up. z29kuz zstz y29kuy ysty the removal of a memorial for a baby killed while his mother pushed him in his stroller is drawing some anger in loudoun county tonight. >> it was a temporary memorial, that friends of the family thought was supposed to stay up until a permanent memorial could be put in place. peggy fox is in lansdowne with the latest. [ electronic sounds ] >> i saw the mom screaming. she couldn't move. she was hurt. i know she was hurt. she couldn't move. the baby was thrown seat away from her. >> reporter: it was a horrific scene, a mother walking with her 5-month-old baby in a stroller, is hit while crossing the street. the stroller left in pieces. the mother on the ground, he was motionless. he was like so still. >> reporter: both mother and child were rushed to the nearest hospital. the 5-month-old baby boy is still alive. the mother's older child goes to the school at the elementary school. >> i am in utter shock. i cannot believe that with the crosswalks and everything else, that something like this would happen. it's devastating. my heart goes out to the family. >> the driver, who remained on the scene, was in a jeep grand cherokee. >> we'll have more on that issue with the memorial coming up a little later on. well, john miller, the man who hit tristan shuls and his mother, has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and is awaiting trial. a gym teacher in maryland is accused of stealing things from the boy's locker room. jerry parker-heinz is the physical education instructor at severna park high school. police first linked him to one theft. but now they say heinz was resp thefts from the locker room. heinz was interviewed and arrested. an undocumented mother of four, living in the u.s. for two decades is at the center of the debate over immigration. jeanette fizzguera was deported after being convicted of using a fake social security number to get a job. but she was allowed to stay in the united states on appeal during the obama administration. fearing deportation, she skipped a scheduled meeting with immigration officials yesterday and took refuge in a colorado church. >> deporting her to a country that she hasn't been in, in 20 years. that punishment is oshscene -- obscene for the crime that was committed. >> agents do not enter sensitive locations like churches, except in extreme situations. the leader of the church, where she is holed up said she can stay there as long as she wants. >> but wait. there's more to the half brother. two more women are in custody for the death of kim jung nom. they are now discounting the theory he was killed with poisoned needles. he wrote a letter to his brother in 2012, asking for leniency. we want to give a loud shout out to everyone who came to our heart love screenings yesterday. more than 300 of you got your glucose, blood pressure checked out at the wayne curry sports center in prince george's county. and 163 of you came here to wusa 9 to get the much-needed tests. including the chance to meet with doctors from the med star heart and vascular institute. and as part of maintaining a strong heart. it's eating right. as we all know, that isn't always easy. if you didn't bring something dine out. monday, we'll be sponsoring a heart healthy food tasting. you're going to like this. it's going to take place at car mine's at 7th street and d.c. and you're invited to attend from 6:00 to 8:00. andrea roane will also be there. reservations are required. you can do this by going to wusa 9's facebook page. please don't call car mine's directly. make your reservations on our facebook page. and you know what? like us while you're there. a man battling leukemia. it was a story we shared with you that was shared around the world. >> now, chris salva tory is sharing the passing of his best friend and roommate. norma cook was 89. sample tory said while she -- sal vatorey said while she may no longer be physically with us, she will when he learned she was battling cancer and had no one to care for her. couple of days ago, i reached out to the office of maryland general rascin. aides say the white house scheduling system is expected to go live on march 7th. instead of tours actually resuming that date. rascin's office in an e-mail say its anticipates white house tours will likely begin in late march. let's talk consumer news now. and we start with a major safety recall. so they are supposed to alert you to a fire or dangerous carbon monoxide expose sur. but the cpsc says the kitta combination smoke alarms could fail to church if you keep them longer than seven years. that's the life span, even if you replace the battery. and this really gives families a false sense of security. so now, 3.6 mill being recalled. if you have the kitty combo co detection center in your home, contact the company for replacement. parent company for spectacles expected to go public. snap inc. has filed for the fcc. and it will be a total of $22 billion. it saturday -- is the tech industry's biggest ipo in years. amazon and google are looking to turn their smart speakers into smart phones. there are reports the two companies want you to be able to make calls directly from your voice-activated speakers. they are currently going over concerns over privacy. but amazon and google. yeah, that little thing. plan to add the functions to its echo and home devices this year. >> what possible problems could come from that? >> none. >> talking about someone behind their back. suddenly, it calls them. going to be trending now, the unlikely bond between rosa parks and a sports mogul. that is being shared over and over again on social media tonight. and high-tech cooking. a look at what could be the kitchen of the future. >> looks robotic. looks good. below freezing even downtown. in the 20s in the burbs. 24 in gaithersburg. 25 in frederick. and 22 in manassas. we'll come back and talk about when this milder air rolls in. and when the warmer air rolls in. and if we stay dry over the weekend. it's cold outside. how about we warm your heart with what is trending today. we'll start with a detroit sports mogul and civil rights hero. rosa parks. >> owns the detroit red wings and died on friday. we're now learning he paid rosa parks' rent for more than a decade. parks was robed and beat nen her -- robbed and beaten in her home. so he and others helped her find a place to live. and parks lived in that apartment in downtown detroit until she died in 2005. people just didn't know about that kind of generosity. there are a lot of moms and dads out there who would love to have a little help in the kitchen tonight. >> check out this high-tech assistant. whipping up dishes ceo loves good food. but isn't much of a chef. so he created the moly robotic chef. ruhmanns get the in -- humans get the ingredients. then the robot takes over. unfortunately, the first rollout could cost as much as $100,000. which is probably more expensive than a personal chef if you have one. but then have you to have someone in your home you have to talk to. >> that won't work. the pricing -- >> and only 100 recipes. that's like $1,000 per recipe. >> i need to you get the , prepare the food. and then like store the food. and then like keep cooking for the rest of the year. >> a little steep there. might want to bring that down, holy moly guy. a high profile. >> jeremy meteorologist became a sensation when his mugshot went viral in 2014. and he made his debut on tuesday night. he opened the show in an all- black outfit with a fur hood. meeks has kept his fans updated on his modeling career, via instagram. >> turn it on the other hand. will lefty grassle finally get voted in? that story is on the way in sports. but right after the break, the benefits of being bilingual. it could be good news for students and parents. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ some big and tall news from the maryland zoo. the zoo there is celebrating the birth of a giraffe. it weighed in at 225 pounds. vets say the female calf was able to stand on her own in just 50 minutes. mother and calf will be out of they can bond. a massive water main break, causing havoc in alexandria this morning. the break didn't get shut off for at least two hours. utility crews say they didn't have that. insurance guaranteeing they provide birth control. talking about defunding planned parenthood. >> now, the bill is a rare bipartisan victory for virginia. the legislation received widespread report. >> you usually want your kids to learn a second language, right? so they'll be more marketable later in life. turns out there is a health benefit to being bilingual. >> first, it could delay the onset of dementia. an speaking two or more languages. it helps the memory and with focus. >> reporter: the younger generation recognizes, it pays to speak multiple languages. >> as i started, it was pretty difficult. >> 10-year-old bill gotcha moved in just a year ago. his first language, french. >> i used my french to help me with spanish. >> yes. while strengthening his english, he's also learning, spanish. >> in this country, i think being able to speak both english and spanish is a big plus. >> ra zel is bill's dual language teacher. she is also trilingual. >> it's an automatic blend of the two in my brain. there's no thinking one language or the other. they're just both there. >> a new italian study shows people who speak two or more languages are better positioned to withstand damage from alzheimer's disease, if it should ever appear later in life. they will neurons by finding alternative ways to function. >> this definitely can be beneficial in your older adulthood. >> seniors have a leg up when it comes to focus. their brains seem to function more efficiently than people who speak only one language. bill already understands speaking three languages will already help him establish better connections with people around him. as a hopeful teacher, he was happy to learn that what he's doing now, it's feeding his brain for the future. >> as you learn, it gets easier and easier. >> reporter: now, in addition to learning a new language, there are three more things you can do to keep your brain fit. >> that's right. learning to play a musical instrument. or going to choir. something say new ideal complex for the mind. also, how about taking a cooking class? it uses all of your senses. so you don't have to buy that expensive robot chef. >> and use the mind and body even ballroom dance. topper, i know you're a golfer. maybe that means you'll be around for a while. >> i doubt it. because you're looking at the most mono linguist there is. but we'll see. at least golf is on the list anyway. live look outside. it is our michael and sons weather cam. winds are still gusting to 25 miles an hour. feels like it's in the 20s. if you're going out tonight, dress accordingly. temperatures, though, just check this out. 72 in kansas city. with 74 today in denver. with an outdoor relative humidity at 40%. still 52 in bismarck. and we're now in the cold spot. 39. but not that cold. i mean, the coldest air is yes, in the east. and if we go back and look at temperature change between now and 24 hours ago. okay, we're a little colder. 5 degrees colder. 5 degrees colder. and maybe 8 degrees in philadelphia. i gotta tell you, the rest of the week and the weekend and into next week, is going to be some kind of warm for us. colder tonight, yes. but then bus stop temps, 20 to 50. then a rapid warmup tomorrow. we'll be in the 50s tomorrow. maybe upper 40s, frederick north and west. but downtown, low to mid-50s. and boom, warmer over the weekend. temperatures in the 60s. and once they get in here, they're going to set up camp for a while. here's our spring preview. next five days. 66 sunday. mid-60s monday. mid-60s tuesday. and for the most part, dry. and as we mentioned this earlier, normally, we doaments think about doing -- don't think about doing this stuff outdoors. we can with this stretch of weather. it's going to be doable. golf. tonight, 10:00 downtown. that's kind of an arbitration. everybody else, below freezing. and by morning. 25 in gaithersburg. 28 in bowie. by 9:00, still low to mid-30s. generally clear. few clouds out toward cumberland. and temperatures there, low to mid-30s. and by lunchtime. notice the winds kind of all over the pl become southwest tomorrow. and that will help us get warmer air over the weekend. 47 at lunchtime. 46 in manassas. and by 5:30. still 50 in places like leesburg. and 53 in fredericksburg. not that cool tomorrow. if you have plans tomorrow night. i mean, you'll need a light jacket. but no one is going to go really below freezing. 11:00 tomorrow. still 41 degrees. that's really ridiculous. 34 in frederick. and still 40 in hagerstown. and 34 in manassas. for tonight, it's going to be cold. yes. 20 to 30. clear to partly cloudy. winds west/northwest. 10 to 15. but then the winds shut off tomorrow. and become more southwesterly. day planner. 29 to start. and really, we've not been freezing below much this winter. back to 40. and then back to 47 and 48 at 1:00. saturday, warmer. 68. stray shower on sunday. and 66. do not plan around that, though. next seven days. 64, president's day. mid-60s tuesday. mid-60s wednesday. maybe a shower. but have it at nighttime. and still mid-60s and warm next thursday. now, game on sports. with frank hanrahan, brought to you by xfinity. lefty drazel is a legend around these parts for his days at maryland. and lefty was back in town this past weekend. to be honored by the school. but despite all he has done, lefty is still waiting on the biggest honor of them all. nate smith basketball's hall of fame. >> coach keo is the reason i came here. he was a great salesman. and he said, you come to immediate -- to maryland. we'll have vince lombardi in the wintertime. you'll be the head man in the wintertime. so that kind of sold me. you know. and so i said, well, i'm going to come here. >> he never knew that i watched him. and he came into town and changed the whole atmosphere in this town. this was a high school basketball town. until lefty drazel walked in the door. >> and his impact was impressive. lefty won the n.i.t. in maryland in 1972. he was acc champion, and coach of the year twice, over his 50 years of coaching. he only had two losing seasons. and he's the only coach in ncaa history to win 100 or more games at four different schools. >> lefty drazel. >> i love maryland. the most thing, i've told them that, this is not for me. it's for my players. >> reporter: many maryland players came to share the moment with lefty. tom mcwilliam. but for them, it's the nate smith hall of fame induction that they want the most their legendary coach. >> he did it. an innovator with midnight madness. he had the best winning in maryland. his career is really exemplary. >> of all the coaches that have gone in. i mean, could go up against any of them. >> i used to call him p.t. barn up. but -- barnum. nubu in the end, so many are emulating this. >> named after dr. james naismith, who conceived the sport. induction is basketball's highest honor. >> there is absolutely no reason -- none, that lefty drazel isn't in the hall of fame. when he retired from coaching, he was fourth in all-time wins. >> many have now joined the coaches in support. including johnson. >> i don't want to publicly admit that i admire and loved the guy. because i never competitively could admit that. and i think it's a damn shame that he has not been induct in >> and we find out saturday if he gets the nod. fingers crossed. >> hopefully the only question by the end of that will be what took so long. >> exactly. coming up at 6:00. president trump unleerves -- unleashes a no holds bar attack on the media, during a hastily called news conference at thuous. and a high school student gets the chance to go from coach to player. and don't forget, the cbs evening news with scott pelley, is coming up at 6:30. i've spent my life planting a size-six, non-slip shoe into that door. on this side, i want my customers to relax and enjoy themselves. but these days it's phones before forks. they want wifi out here. i need a private connection for my business. wifi pro from comcast business. public wifi for your customers. private wifi for your business. strong and secure. good for a door. and a network. comcast business. built for security. built for business. a sacramento sophomore is enjoying his new role on a high school basketball team. isaiah lastina has served as the team's coach. but he's always dreamed are being able to play in a game. pierre reports that that dream is now coming true. >> it's just an awesome moment in a young man's life. >> at lincoln high school, isaiah lespinna is known as the big man on campus. >> everybody loves to have him around. he's he's just such a joy. >> when the bell rings, isaiah can't wait to get to his most important job. coaching the lincoln fighting zebras. >> i just love coaching. >> on paper, robert ash serves asked head coach of the fighting zebras. but if you ask isaiah, that's not exactly the case. >> no. i'm not head coach. >> i have the title. but if you ask him or really anyone who s for a while, it's isaiah. >> while coaching has brought him closer to the game he loves, playing is isaiah's real dream. realizing that dream, however, is a bit of a challenge for him. >> he has hydrocephulous. the water builds against the brain. and can causes a lot of pressure. where he has a shunt so that it can go ahead and release all of the liquids. he's not able to play a lot of sports. >> reporter: prior to last friday, the only playing time he had i don't know was -- known was the special shooting times with his father. that's where coach ash and bruins head coach divide devised a plan. -- coach devised a pran -- plan. >> i thought, i know he wants to go in. but i don't want to jeopardize anyone's play-off chances. >> and i thought, why don't we just play? >> i was actually a player in and i played. >> not orange did he -- only did he play, but he scored. >> everybody came up over me, like crazy. it was really cool. >> he threw his hands so high up in the air. and he came running to us and he was so excited. he taught me a lot. he's taught me a lot. you know? and he just touches everybody's heart. >> and now he can channel that experience as coach, right? well, lincoln may have won the game. but the final score doesn't seem norly as important as -- nearly as important as the two communities coming together to help that man realize his dream. at 6:00, president trump lashes out. during a press conference that began as a cabinet announcement. i'm leslie foster. >> and i'm bruce johnson f. you saw it, it was a news conference unlike anything we've seen before. president trump took what he calls the truth to the american people. something he says the media does not do. president touted in taking office. and blasted his predecessor. blasted the media. and bad deals for the country's problems. >> reporter: president trump attempted damage control at an afternoon news conference in the wake of staff shakeups and sagging approval numbers. >> this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. >> the president recited a less of his administration's accomplishments. >> we've withdrawn from the job- killing disaster. known as transpacific partnership. we've directed the elimination of regulations. we've imposed a hiring freeze on nonessential federal workers. we've stood up for the men and women of law enforcement. and are now in the process of beginning to build a promised wall. >> reporter: and mr. trump blamed his predecessor. >> i inherited a mess. it's a mess. >> and the media. >> i've never seen more dishonest media, than frankly, the politime

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Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20170216 :

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20170216

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for all the work they did ahead of time. >> feels like we're a small family, and everybody is supporting each other. and that's what small business is all about. >> we are a big family. and everybody works together. >> reporter: in mount pleasant, nellie closed the taqueria that supports her and her family. even though she has only owned the place for 15 days. >> if all immigrants are together, we'll make it strong. we are strong. >> reporter: now, plenty of immigrants did show up for work today, despite the protests, even in mount pleasant, which is really a center of latino and immigrant culture. there were plenty of restaurants and stores that were open. and at the mcdonald's on wisconsin avenue, there did not seem to be any longer lines than usual. live at the penn quarter in northeast d.c., bruce leshan. >> one police hit particularly hard by a day without immigrants is the pentagon. burger king, taco bell, sbarro. tacoall closed because of too few workers. head to wusa 9 to vote. we'll check back in on the results in a bit. a restaurant at president trump's hotel also affected by the protest. blt steak was closed for business today. even before official plans had been decided yesterday. staff at the steak house turned away reservations without protest. others stayed open with extremely slimmed-down staff. unlike places like los angeles or miami, the washington region doesn't have one dominant born in el salvador than any other country. they make up nearly 14% of all foreign-born births in the region. number 2 is iend s -- is india, with 78,000. korea, mexico round out the top 5. some businesses stayed closed. others stayed open. we will explain why coming up at 6:00. we're getting a lot of reaction to the day of immigrant protests. >> rich bieber has one of the most popular comments on the thread. he writes, maybe it's time for people to have a day without immigrants everybody suggest them, in order to realize how much they do for the nation. >> response to that comment came from tammy joe and also getting a lot of likes am she writes, no one is against immigration, rick. there's a huge difference immigration. stop following the left agend that is brainwashing you into thinking the right is against immigration. >> we want you to let us know what you think about this right now. >> and a look at today's question. do you think a day without immigration is a good way to get the message out? >> what you're telling us. 63% of you say yes. 37% say no. we know the abduction and murder of a 15-year-old girl in gaithersburg was gang-related. she's a gang -- girl. there were at least five people directly involved in the killing. this all broke as police announced the specific charges in the death of damaris, alexandria rivas. among the five people charged with murder is a 17-year-old boy. in addition to those five, another five teens charged with abduction and gang participation. all of it linked to the murder of a 21-year-old man in prince william county who may have been dating a 15-year-old girl, the one who was killed. now, the family of murder victim damaris alexandria rivas, believe that ms13 is at the nexus of all of this. gang recruiting in the region has taken a sudden jump. >> well, we had a lot of expertise here in fairfax county, talking about this today. the man in charge of tracking violent gangs, like the one, linked to the death of this 15- year-old girl from gaithersburg, told me today, the focus of their efforts is now on middle schools, with kids from 12 to 13 years old. >> so we're seeing a lot of increase in recruiting in high schools and middle schools, which is alarming to us. >> jay lanham has been fighting gangs much of coordinating strategy from maryland to virginia and beyond. >> these illegal gangs are recruiting juveniles more so on an increase. >> reporter: terrified mother of 15-year-old murder victim damaris alexander reyes told me this week, ms13 was involved in her daughter's death, the same gang organization she thought she left behind when the family emigrated from el salvador to the united states. the gang, operating across borders, now specializes in kidnapping and threatening relatives still in central america, to extort money from families, earning a living here in the d.c. area. kevin donovan is with the fbi. >> there are crimes that are committed or dictated from outside of the united states, against u.s. persons. here at home. >> investigators won't say how damaris got involved or why they think she was killed. her mother said she was a ruy. first offer shelter, security and friendship, to gain a young girl's confidence. only to eventually hold her hostage and sell her for sex a short time later. this was the world damaris was apparently involved in. police saying today, at least five people directly participated in killing her. investigators say there is video. they won't describe specifics, only to suggest a wolf pack had turned on a 15-year-old girl involved with the wrong people. >> savage, brutal killing. it was horrific. i'll leave it at that. >> that was fairfax county police chief, ed wresler speaking to us today. damaris's mother told us she believes her daughter got involved with at least some of these gang members in virginia, through associations on facebook. reporting live in fairfax, scott broom, wusa 9. >> there are now 10 people swept up in this case. most of them not teens, and those not charged murder, face abduction and again, gang participation charges. >> this was the most unusual and memorable press conferences in recent memories. president trump made announcements, discussed russia, and attacked the media. we can't get into everything that went on, it went on for quite sometime. here are the highlights. he started off by defending his presidency, against accusations of internal chaos. >> this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. despite the fact that i can't get my cabinet approved. to be honest, i inherited a mess. it's a mess. >> now, the president went on to list his accomplishments, and then blamed the media for negative coverage. he was repeatedly asked about his pam wayne -- campaign's reported contact with rush why, before he never directly answered the question, but said if there was communication, he had nothing to do with it. going to visit a revised travel ban. he does not want to wait for the appeals court reveal. buried. in all of that news conference, president trump has selected the first latino to become the first member of his cabinet. attorney general alexander acosta is nominated to be the next secretary of lish. this comes one day after the announcement that mr. pudser resigned. he was also a former assistant general of civil rights under president bush. state's attorney's office announced the indictment today under two police officers. one of them, corporal george merkel. and prosecutors say officer will a prostitute, when police task force was conducting operations in the area. and that allowed her to avoid arrest. certainly any time we have to announce the indictments of police officers, it is not something we enjoy. but it is something we take very seriously. >> prosecutor says they also believe officer diaz had relations with that prostitute while on duty. >> well, d.c. schools are dealing with another case of bed bugs. and this comes just weeks after an elementary school was forced to shut down, when that problem persisted and went untreated for months. >> wusa 9's delia goncalves is at minor elementary school, where parents are wondering if there is a bigger problem that school leaders might be hiding. >> a school spokesperson tells me, the bed bug situation here at minor elementary school northeast, vastly different from the bed bug situation over in southeast. at savoy elementary school there. parents told us they were complaining for weeks about bed bugs and rodents, until forced to shut down the school, transfer the students, and throw away all the items inside of that original school building and do a thorough cleaning. here at minor, we're told that bed bugs were spotted on the clothes of some students, february 9, 14, and just yesterday, those cases were reported immediately. school officials are monitoring this situation. but do not feel like there is an infestation at this point. >> i was disgusted, honestly. and a little bit irritated. it's the third letter this year. so in my mind, they're almost not taking care of the problem. >> dcps is telling us they believe it's an isolated incident. what do you think since you've gotten three letters? >> i think it's a problem in the school. and obviously, i'm a little afraid to send my son to school. but i don't want to bring anything home. so what i end up doing is i have him in the door and we wash all their clothes. >> hopefully they'll ta of the situation as quickly as possible. >> i can tell you, said parents with the bed bugs were notified individually. and other parents were notified through letter. but it didn't specify that bed bugs or rodents were found. the principal only outlined the process that the staff goes through to keep the school clean and safe. in northeast, delia goncalves, wusa 9. >> it's a problem they gotta get hold of here pretty quick. bed bugs can travel on kids' backpacks. concerned parents should wash their child's clothes and bedding in hot water. the epa does not require schools be shut down in order to treat bed bugs. we are just getting started on wusa 9news at 5:00. here's your evening planner. winter showed up for a little while. down to 36. and 33 at 10:00. we'll come back and talk about one of our colder nights in while. we'll also talk about crazy temperatures headed our way in time for the weekend. plus, residents who shop at one northern virginia shopping center are furious over new parking fees. and right after the break, sentencing day for a man who killed his own child. we're going to hear from the boy's mother, up next. sentencing was handed down today for a silver spring man, convicted of killing his 2- month-old son. ado cawadio was sentenced to spend 40 years in prison for the death of his baby, cawir. he was convicted of second- degree murder. his wife was in the courtroom for today's proceedings. >> she knows what he did. you know. he knows what he did. his posture, his demeanor. his action. it just radiates guilt. there's nothing for him to say. >> prosecutor says cawadio was no stranger to the justice system. he previously served a year behind bars for attacking his own mother. a big battle is brewing over parking spots in northern virginia. this is going on at the restin town center. neighbors say they're upset. >> doesn't stop there. transportation reporter, pete muntean is looking into the issue. >> reporter: i'm driving into the restin town have now, where neighbors say parking here is a complete pain. park anywhere on the shoulder of the street now and you have to pay. that's new. it's not necessarily that you have to pay but the way you have to do it. now, neighbors say they're furious. >> reporter: nora lives only a mile away from the but her frustration is big. she showed me the impact of new paid parking here. started january 3rd. >> at starbucks, you can stop to pick up your starbucks, but now you have to pay money to do that. >> you also have to pay to use garages. boston is pushing an app to pay for parking, called park rtc. but lynch calls it confusing. >> of the first time i had to use it, i was in the garage. i had to use my app. i had to use my data when i wasn't expecting too, because there was no wi5. and i was -- wifi. i was running late. and it was stressful. >> they think many are taking their business elswrvment now, they're -- elsewhere. now they're organizing a protest on facebook. >> hoping to get the people out and talking about it. so that boston properties is aware of the issue. and that there are a lot of unhappy people. >> big turnout expected for that protest. attend. in restin, pete muntean, wusa9. sto. >> boston -- >> boston says 79,000 people have signed up for that park rtc app. we had a little snow. let's not call it snow. little flying specks. >> it was pretty. >> you know, just flying. >> it was pretty. it was. >> some saw a dusting on their way to work? really? did they see a dusting? >> i never saw a dusting. that's a bit of a stretch. >> i was going to say, was that your wishful thinking? >> i don't wish cast. what i did was looked at my tea and the snowfall totals in maine. they were good. northwest of portland, 16 to 18 inches. >> that's so good. >> so you seek out the news you like. regardless of whether or not it exists here. >> it does exist somewhere. but sometimes you have to search other places to make you happy. >> i saw 16 flakes. >> all right. let's talk about the 3-degree guarantee. as you may or may not know. i went 45 and lower today to 44, yesterday night. last night. i hope that works out. i hope i lower today enough. i'm sweating. okay? >> okay. >> all right. live look outside. and it's our live michael and sons weather cam. we've gone to partly cloudy skies. there's the cathedral. still has the scaffolding. winds are gusting to 25 miles per hour. wind gust to 36 earlier. it has been a windy month. february has been more like march, in terms of winds. this is what it feels like, if you go outside tonight. 31 downtown. but most of the burbs already feel like it's in the 20s. i would bundle up if you're headed out. as soon as winter comes in, he'll put his tail between his legs and scurry back north tomorrow. colder tonight, with lighter winds. bus stop temperatures, 20 to about 40. and a little milder tomorrow. we'll make it into the 50s. in fact, we'd be jumping for joy for that day. if it weren't for the have 60s coming in for the weekend. you can just plan outdoor activities that you wouldn't normally think of this time of year. you can do t them. golf, bike. it's going to be warming up and all right. a spring preview perhaps. 53 tomorrow. then boom, mid-60s monday and tuesday. we've got 60s actually next wednesday and next thursday. and for the most part, a couple of showers mixed in. but mainly dry. all right. 10:00 tonight. cold. 29 already in gaithersburg. 31 downtown. and 30 in fairfax. and then by 6:00 a.m. lots of 20s. these numbers might be a little high. 25 in damascus. 26 in hagerstown. even into la plata. and even into patuxent river. upper 20s. by 9:00 a.m., we're back in the low to mid-30s. lots of sunshine by 1:00. back in the upper 40s downtown. and some folks, south and west, actually touching 50, 50 in fredericksburg. 50 in culpepper. i think we will hit 50 our friends in hagerstown, martinsburg, probably holding upper 40s. but still a very nice day for mid-february. and tomorrow night, if you have plans, go out. just chilly, but not that cold. about 10 degrees warmer tomorrow night, as opposed to tonight. even at 10:30. 42 downtown. and still above freezing, pretty much scrrp in the -- everywhere in the metro. winds west/northwest at 10 to 15. all in the day planner. look at. that even 29 downtown to start. then 31 at 7:00. up to 42 by 11:00. and up to 47 by 1:00. i think we'll make it into the low 50s tomorrow. look at this. saturday, 68. maybe a stray shower on sunday. primarily in the morning, i think. and 66. now, the next seven days? 64 on president's day. mid-60s on tuesday, wednesday, thursday, couple of showers possible late wednesday. more likely wednesday night. and we mentioned this last night at 11:00. the earliest peak bloom we've had of the cherry blossoms if this keeps up in february. if we don't get a cold snap in march, we are going to challenge this record. we shall see. topper, thank you. three people shot. we'll get an update for you coming up in a minute. let's get back to our breaking news. three people shot in prince george's county. >> wusa 9's ellison barber is live with the latest. >> guys, we're just off the exit near columbia road. right now, police are looking for a suspect and the suspect's car. you can see behind me here, there is only one car on scene. that is the car where police say they found three men inside, suffering from gunshot wounds. you can see all of the windows there have been presumably shot out. there is glass on the road here. now, sources tell me that two of those three men were shot this the leg. police are confirming that all three were transported to a hospital and none of them have life-threatening injuries. again, this shooting happened at about 3:00. of course, the big question here is, was this road rage? or did th involved in this actually know each other? and right now, police say it is simply too early to tell. but what they are telling me is that this road, the eastbound side, of u.s. route 50 is going to be closed for at least three more hours. reporting live, i'm ellison barber, wusa 9. >> thanks for that update. coming up next, what this gym teacher did in a locker room that has him facing charges tonight. a memorial to bayaby -- a baby. why the hoa had the memorial removed. coming up. z29kuz zstz y29kuy ysty the removal of a memorial for a baby killed while his mother pushed him in his stroller is drawing some anger in loudoun county tonight. >> it was a temporary memorial, that friends of the family thought was supposed to stay up until a permanent memorial could be put in place. peggy fox is in lansdowne with the latest. [ electronic sounds ] >> i saw the mom screaming. she couldn't move. she was hurt. i know she was hurt. she couldn't move. the baby was thrown seat away from her. >> reporter: it was a horrific scene, a mother walking with her 5-month-old baby in a stroller, is hit while crossing the street. the stroller left in pieces. the mother on the ground, he was motionless. he was like so still. >> reporter: both mother and child were rushed to the nearest hospital. the 5-month-old baby boy is still alive. the mother's older child goes to the school at the elementary school. >> i am in utter shock. i cannot believe that with the crosswalks and everything else, that something like this would happen. it's devastating. my heart goes out to the family. >> the driver, who remained on the scene, was in a jeep grand cherokee. >> we'll have more on that issue with the memorial coming up a little later on. well, john miller, the man who hit tristan shuls and his mother, has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and is awaiting trial. a gym teacher in maryland is accused of stealing things from the boy's locker room. jerry parker-heinz is the physical education instructor at severna park high school. police first linked him to one theft. but now they say heinz was resp thefts from the locker room. heinz was interviewed and arrested. an undocumented mother of four, living in the u.s. for two decades is at the center of the debate over immigration. jeanette fizzguera was deported after being convicted of using a fake social security number to get a job. but she was allowed to stay in the united states on appeal during the obama administration. fearing deportation, she skipped a scheduled meeting with immigration officials yesterday and took refuge in a colorado church. >> deporting her to a country that she hasn't been in, in 20 years. that punishment is oshscene -- obscene for the crime that was committed. >> agents do not enter sensitive locations like churches, except in extreme situations. the leader of the church, where she is holed up said she can stay there as long as she wants. >> but wait. there's more to the half brother. two more women are in custody for the death of kim jung nom. they are now discounting the theory he was killed with poisoned needles. he wrote a letter to his brother in 2012, asking for leniency. we want to give a loud shout out to everyone who came to our heart love screenings yesterday. more than 300 of you got your glucose, blood pressure checked out at the wayne curry sports center in prince george's county. and 163 of you came here to wusa 9 to get the much-needed tests. including the chance to meet with doctors from the med star heart and vascular institute. and as part of maintaining a strong heart. it's eating right. as we all know, that isn't always easy. if you didn't bring something dine out. monday, we'll be sponsoring a heart healthy food tasting. you're going to like this. it's going to take place at car mine's at 7th street and d.c. and you're invited to attend from 6:00 to 8:00. andrea roane will also be there. reservations are required. you can do this by going to wusa 9's facebook page. please don't call car mine's directly. make your reservations on our facebook page. and you know what? like us while you're there. a man battling leukemia. it was a story we shared with you that was shared around the world. >> now, chris salva tory is sharing the passing of his best friend and roommate. norma cook was 89. sample tory said while she -- sal vatorey said while she may no longer be physically with us, she will when he learned she was battling cancer and had no one to care for her. couple of days ago, i reached out to the office of maryland general rascin. aides say the white house scheduling system is expected to go live on march 7th. instead of tours actually resuming that date. rascin's office in an e-mail say its anticipates white house tours will likely begin in late march. let's talk consumer news now. and we start with a major safety recall. so they are supposed to alert you to a fire or dangerous carbon monoxide expose sur. but the cpsc says the kitta combination smoke alarms could fail to church if you keep them longer than seven years. that's the life span, even if you replace the battery. and this really gives families a false sense of security. so now, 3.6 mill being recalled. if you have the kitty combo co detection center in your home, contact the company for replacement. parent company for spectacles expected to go public. snap inc. has filed for the fcc. and it will be a total of $22 billion. it saturday -- is the tech industry's biggest ipo in years. amazon and google are looking to turn their smart speakers into smart phones. there are reports the two companies want you to be able to make calls directly from your voice-activated speakers. they are currently going over concerns over privacy. but amazon and google. yeah, that little thing. plan to add the functions to its echo and home devices this year. >> what possible problems could come from that? >> none. >> talking about someone behind their back. suddenly, it calls them. going to be trending now, the unlikely bond between rosa parks and a sports mogul. that is being shared over and over again on social media tonight. and high-tech cooking. a look at what could be the kitchen of the future. >> looks robotic. looks good. below freezing even downtown. in the 20s in the burbs. 24 in gaithersburg. 25 in frederick. and 22 in manassas. we'll come back and talk about when this milder air rolls in. and when the warmer air rolls in. and if we stay dry over the weekend. it's cold outside. how about we warm your heart with what is trending today. we'll start with a detroit sports mogul and civil rights hero. rosa parks. >> owns the detroit red wings and died on friday. we're now learning he paid rosa parks' rent for more than a decade. parks was robed and beat nen her -- robbed and beaten in her home. so he and others helped her find a place to live. and parks lived in that apartment in downtown detroit until she died in 2005. people just didn't know about that kind of generosity. there are a lot of moms and dads out there who would love to have a little help in the kitchen tonight. >> check out this high-tech assistant. whipping up dishes ceo loves good food. but isn't much of a chef. so he created the moly robotic chef. ruhmanns get the in -- humans get the ingredients. then the robot takes over. unfortunately, the first rollout could cost as much as $100,000. which is probably more expensive than a personal chef if you have one. but then have you to have someone in your home you have to talk to. >> that won't work. the pricing -- >> and only 100 recipes. that's like $1,000 per recipe. >> i need to you get the , prepare the food. and then like store the food. and then like keep cooking for the rest of the year. >> a little steep there. might want to bring that down, holy moly guy. a high profile. >> jeremy meteorologist became a sensation when his mugshot went viral in 2014. and he made his debut on tuesday night. he opened the show in an all- black outfit with a fur hood. meeks has kept his fans updated on his modeling career, via instagram. >> turn it on the other hand. will lefty grassle finally get voted in? that story is on the way in sports. but right after the break, the benefits of being bilingual. it could be good news for students and parents. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ some big and tall news from the maryland zoo. the zoo there is celebrating the birth of a giraffe. it weighed in at 225 pounds. vets say the female calf was able to stand on her own in just 50 minutes. mother and calf will be out of they can bond. a massive water main break, causing havoc in alexandria this morning. the break didn't get shut off for at least two hours. utility crews say they didn't have that. insurance guaranteeing they provide birth control. talking about defunding planned parenthood. >> now, the bill is a rare bipartisan victory for virginia. the legislation received widespread report. >> you usually want your kids to learn a second language, right? so they'll be more marketable later in life. turns out there is a health benefit to being bilingual. >> first, it could delay the onset of dementia. an speaking two or more languages. it helps the memory and with focus. >> reporter: the younger generation recognizes, it pays to speak multiple languages. >> as i started, it was pretty difficult. >> 10-year-old bill gotcha moved in just a year ago. his first language, french. >> i used my french to help me with spanish. >> yes. while strengthening his english, he's also learning, spanish. >> in this country, i think being able to speak both english and spanish is a big plus. >> ra zel is bill's dual language teacher. she is also trilingual. >> it's an automatic blend of the two in my brain. there's no thinking one language or the other. they're just both there. >> a new italian study shows people who speak two or more languages are better positioned to withstand damage from alzheimer's disease, if it should ever appear later in life. they will neurons by finding alternative ways to function. >> this definitely can be beneficial in your older adulthood. >> seniors have a leg up when it comes to focus. their brains seem to function more efficiently than people who speak only one language. bill already understands speaking three languages will already help him establish better connections with people around him. as a hopeful teacher, he was happy to learn that what he's doing now, it's feeding his brain for the future. >> as you learn, it gets easier and easier. >> reporter: now, in addition to learning a new language, there are three more things you can do to keep your brain fit. >> that's right. learning to play a musical instrument. or going to choir. something say new ideal complex for the mind. also, how about taking a cooking class? it uses all of your senses. so you don't have to buy that expensive robot chef. >> and use the mind and body even ballroom dance. topper, i know you're a golfer. maybe that means you'll be around for a while. >> i doubt it. because you're looking at the most mono linguist there is. but we'll see. at least golf is on the list anyway. live look outside. it is our michael and sons weather cam. winds are still gusting to 25 miles an hour. feels like it's in the 20s. if you're going out tonight, dress accordingly. temperatures, though, just check this out. 72 in kansas city. with 74 today in denver. with an outdoor relative humidity at 40%. still 52 in bismarck. and we're now in the cold spot. 39. but not that cold. i mean, the coldest air is yes, in the east. and if we go back and look at temperature change between now and 24 hours ago. okay, we're a little colder. 5 degrees colder. 5 degrees colder. and maybe 8 degrees in philadelphia. i gotta tell you, the rest of the week and the weekend and into next week, is going to be some kind of warm for us. colder tonight, yes. but then bus stop temps, 20 to 50. then a rapid warmup tomorrow. we'll be in the 50s tomorrow. maybe upper 40s, frederick north and west. but downtown, low to mid-50s. and boom, warmer over the weekend. temperatures in the 60s. and once they get in here, they're going to set up camp for a while. here's our spring preview. next five days. 66 sunday. mid-60s monday. mid-60s tuesday. and for the most part, dry. and as we mentioned this earlier, normally, we doaments think about doing -- don't think about doing this stuff outdoors. we can with this stretch of weather. it's going to be doable. golf. tonight, 10:00 downtown. that's kind of an arbitration. everybody else, below freezing. and by morning. 25 in gaithersburg. 28 in bowie. by 9:00, still low to mid-30s. generally clear. few clouds out toward cumberland. and temperatures there, low to mid-30s. and by lunchtime. notice the winds kind of all over the pl become southwest tomorrow. and that will help us get warmer air over the weekend. 47 at lunchtime. 46 in manassas. and by 5:30. still 50 in places like leesburg. and 53 in fredericksburg. not that cool tomorrow. if you have plans tomorrow night. i mean, you'll need a light jacket. but no one is going to go really below freezing. 11:00 tomorrow. still 41 degrees. that's really ridiculous. 34 in frederick. and still 40 in hagerstown. and 34 in manassas. for tonight, it's going to be cold. yes. 20 to 30. clear to partly cloudy. winds west/northwest. 10 to 15. but then the winds shut off tomorrow. and become more southwesterly. day planner. 29 to start. and really, we've not been freezing below much this winter. back to 40. and then back to 47 and 48 at 1:00. saturday, warmer. 68. stray shower on sunday. and 66. do not plan around that, though. next seven days. 64, president's day. mid-60s tuesday. mid-60s wednesday. maybe a shower. but have it at nighttime. and still mid-60s and warm next thursday. now, game on sports. with frank hanrahan, brought to you by xfinity. lefty drazel is a legend around these parts for his days at maryland. and lefty was back in town this past weekend. to be honored by the school. but despite all he has done, lefty is still waiting on the biggest honor of them all. nate smith basketball's hall of fame. >> coach keo is the reason i came here. he was a great salesman. and he said, you come to immediate -- to maryland. we'll have vince lombardi in the wintertime. you'll be the head man in the wintertime. so that kind of sold me. you know. and so i said, well, i'm going to come here. >> he never knew that i watched him. and he came into town and changed the whole atmosphere in this town. this was a high school basketball town. until lefty drazel walked in the door. >> and his impact was impressive. lefty won the n.i.t. in maryland in 1972. he was acc champion, and coach of the year twice, over his 50 years of coaching. he only had two losing seasons. and he's the only coach in ncaa history to win 100 or more games at four different schools. >> lefty drazel. >> i love maryland. the most thing, i've told them that, this is not for me. it's for my players. >> reporter: many maryland players came to share the moment with lefty. tom mcwilliam. but for them, it's the nate smith hall of fame induction that they want the most their legendary coach. >> he did it. an innovator with midnight madness. he had the best winning in maryland. his career is really exemplary. >> of all the coaches that have gone in. i mean, could go up against any of them. >> i used to call him p.t. barn up. but -- barnum. nubu in the end, so many are emulating this. >> named after dr. james naismith, who conceived the sport. induction is basketball's highest honor. >> there is absolutely no reason -- none, that lefty drazel isn't in the hall of fame. when he retired from coaching, he was fourth in all-time wins. >> many have now joined the coaches in support. including johnson. >> i don't want to publicly admit that i admire and loved the guy. because i never competitively could admit that. and i think it's a damn shame that he has not been induct in >> and we find out saturday if he gets the nod. fingers crossed. >> hopefully the only question by the end of that will be what took so long. >> exactly. coming up at 6:00. president trump unleerves -- unleashes a no holds bar attack on the media, during a hastily called news conference at thuous. and a high school student gets the chance to go from coach to player. and don't forget, the cbs evening news with scott pelley, is coming up at 6:30. i've spent my life planting a size-six, non-slip shoe into that door. on this side, i want my customers to relax and enjoy themselves. but these days it's phones before forks. they want wifi out here. i need a private connection for my business. wifi pro from comcast business. public wifi for your customers. private wifi for your business. strong and secure. good for a door. and a network. comcast business. built for security. built for business. a sacramento sophomore is enjoying his new role on a high school basketball team. isaiah lastina has served as the team's coach. but he's always dreamed are being able to play in a game. pierre reports that that dream is now coming true. >> it's just an awesome moment in a young man's life. >> at lincoln high school, isaiah lespinna is known as the big man on campus. >> everybody loves to have him around. he's he's just such a joy. >> when the bell rings, isaiah can't wait to get to his most important job. coaching the lincoln fighting zebras. >> i just love coaching. >> on paper, robert ash serves asked head coach of the fighting zebras. but if you ask isaiah, that's not exactly the case. >> no. i'm not head coach. >> i have the title. but if you ask him or really anyone who s for a while, it's isaiah. >> while coaching has brought him closer to the game he loves, playing is isaiah's real dream. realizing that dream, however, is a bit of a challenge for him. >> he has hydrocephulous. the water builds against the brain. and can causes a lot of pressure. where he has a shunt so that it can go ahead and release all of the liquids. he's not able to play a lot of sports. >> reporter: prior to last friday, the only playing time he had i don't know was -- known was the special shooting times with his father. that's where coach ash and bruins head coach divide devised a plan. -- coach devised a pran -- plan. >> i thought, i know he wants to go in. but i don't want to jeopardize anyone's play-off chances. >> and i thought, why don't we just play? >> i was actually a player in and i played. >> not orange did he -- only did he play, but he scored. >> everybody came up over me, like crazy. it was really cool. >> he threw his hands so high up in the air. and he came running to us and he was so excited. he taught me a lot. he's taught me a lot. you know? and he just touches everybody's heart. >> and now he can channel that experience as coach, right? well, lincoln may have won the game. but the final score doesn't seem norly as important as -- nearly as important as the two communities coming together to help that man realize his dream. at 6:00, president trump lashes out. during a press conference that began as a cabinet announcement. i'm leslie foster. >> and i'm bruce johnson f. you saw it, it was a news conference unlike anything we've seen before. president trump took what he calls the truth to the american people. something he says the media does not do. president touted in taking office. and blasted his predecessor. blasted the media. and bad deals for the country's problems. >> reporter: president trump attempted damage control at an afternoon news conference in the wake of staff shakeups and sagging approval numbers. >> this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. >> the president recited a less of his administration's accomplishments. >> we've withdrawn from the job- killing disaster. known as transpacific partnership. we've directed the elimination of regulations. we've imposed a hiring freeze on nonessential federal workers. we've stood up for the men and women of law enforcement. and are now in the process of beginning to build a promised wall. >> reporter: and mr. trump blamed his predecessor. >> i inherited a mess. it's a mess. >> and the media. >> i've never seen more dishonest media, than frankly, the politime

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