Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20171216 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20171216

coming in d.c.'s most accurate forecast. the news at 11:00 starts now. up first tonight a story you'll see only on wusa9, a doctor behind bars kicked out of his practice because of shocking allegations made by an ex-girl friend. the doctor supposedly used a pill to force a miscarriage of their unborn child, the child he apparently didn't want. marcella robertson picks up the story from there. >> reporter: there bizarre story spans from new york to virginia. this is dr. sikander imran. up until may he worked in the hematology department at medstar georgetown university hospital. he moved from rochester for the new job. in the short time here he went from respected doctor to inmate. imran and brooke fiske dated on and off for a few years. it was last spring when she found out she was pregnant, pregnancy imran wanted nothing to do with. >> he didn't want to have a baby, so he tried to talk me into having an abortion, which i didn't want to do. >> reporter: 4 1/2 months pregnant, she told our sister station in rochester she came down here from new york to talk with imran about how they would raise their child. >> when i was drinking my tea in the evening, i got to the bottom of the cup and there was a gritty substance in there and when i looked at it, i could tell that it was a pill that had been ground up. >> reporter: hours later she went into labor and lost her baby boy. fiske said imran admitted to putting the abortion pill misoprostol in her drink. he's charged with poisoning his girl friend and illegally aborting a fetus. online it shows imran's medical license is still valid in d.c. his trial that was supposed to start this week has been pushed back to march of tonight he's still in the arlington county detention center. marcella >> fiske says being able to face imran in court is helping her find some closure to this horrific incident. one heck of a withdrawal at a bank atm in beltsville. how about 225,000 bucks? two men with big guns got the jump on armored car guards loading up an atm this morning at a bank of america on baltimore avenue. the bad guys knew the drill, quick and efficient. listen to the police spokeswoman. >> this was an orchestrated crime. nobody heard and that's what we're obviously extremely -- nobody hurt and that's what we're obviously extremely happy about. nobody was injured. >> not a single shot fired either. the crooks claimed into a van they ditched down -- climbed into a van they ditched down the road and made their get- away in a different car. a lot of surveillance cameras that investigators hope will help them track down this crooked crew. time for a look at d.c.'s most accurate forecast. tell us what we might have to look forward to. >> all the snow that fell today is still here, all 0.2. 0.2 inches. 17 -- all 0.2 inches of it. this is conducive to black ice. what is it? the road looks wet, but it's actually front. it means slow down and also be careful walk -- frozen. it means slow down and also be careful walking, especially tomorrow morning getting the paper. be careful. here's a look at the forecast for temperatures. at 6:30 in the morning partly cloudy and temps below freezing everywhere, 29 downtown, 23 in manassas. in the 9:00 hour maybe above freezing in andrews, la plata, fredericksburg, hovering around freezing in gaithersburg and frederick and 32 in leesburg. after 9 a.m. we are in pretty good shape in terms of temperatures. we will come back. we'll talk about how strong t afternoon and the game at fedex and looking at a big change next week. we've got news on an emotional story we've been talking about all week long. we've learned more about the death of a bethesda teen-ager found in a ravine near a party police had busted up. here's pete muntean. >> the story of navid sepehri has gripped social media, 17 years old, a senior at walt whitman high school. sunday his father found him dead face up in a stream a 1/2 mile away from a party the night before. just released documents detailed how sepehri died. the state medical examiner said it was alcohol intoxication complicated by drowning and hypothermia, but here's where the family says the teen could have been saved. wusa9 spoke to his father frank earlier this week. he says montgomery county police came to the party on elgan lane in bethesda and they even talked to his stumbling son but did not arrest him. now his father wants to know if police could have >> police going up to a 17-year- old kid, you don't tell them to go away because this person has called us and this is their house and telling my son i have it on body camera. i will have the recording soon, telling him to get -- telling his friends to get this kid out of here before i arrest him and i wish he did arrest him. he should have been arrested or have called the parents to come and pick him up. >> police maintain the law would not let them arrest or even detain navid sepehri that night. pete muntean, wusa9. we got to tell you about a crazy police chase that happened up the road in baltimore today. it started with the cops hot on the trail of a suspect who they believe went on a shooting spree. so want walk you through the final seconds of what's going on here. this is the moment of truth where they pull the driver completely from the car, but oh, somebody is in the passenger seat and they take the wheel and they're driving away. the tops meantime have their have their guns pointed at him and waving other cars out of the wayful fortunately no one got hit as -- way. fortunately no one got hit as this went to a close with the driver going to the curve. police believe these guys shot at three people last night and including a police officer. now a problem solved as another problem gets worse, politics in 60 seconds. looks like the republican tax plan is set to go. all the fine print is online, all 1,100 pages. here's the key point. the tax filing process will get easier for a lot of people, pretty much like filling out a postcard, but the process of filing business taxes will probably become more complex. but there could be trouble brewing behind the scenes. the wall street journal is out tonight with a report that nancy pelosi and paul ryan have added moem secretive ethics committee investigating allegations of sexual harassment and usually has 20 members and now it has 30. there's speculation the leaders could be bracing for a wave of new allegations. candidates for local office in d.c. could soon tap into a pool of your tax dollars to fund their campaigns. here's how it would work. they'd use tax dollars to match private contributions but then take no money from big donors, corporations or political action committees. the next stop for this bill? d.c.'s council. this next story has blown up online today. a hearing for a man nominated to be a judge on the united states district court for the district of columbia and, yeah, it didn't go well at all. check it out. >> have you ever tried a jury trial? >> i have not. >> civil? >> no. >> criminal? >> no. >> bench? >> no. >> state or federal court? >> i have not. >> have you >> i believe no. >> why would you need that kind of experience, right? he did, however, stay at a holiday inn express last night. that is matthew spencer peterson nominated by the trump administration to the federal bench. he currently serves at the federal election commission. d.c. congresswoman eleanor holmes norton said she could have stopped him from getting to that hearing. past presidents, republicans and democrats, have granted her the courtesy to nominate judges and other federal officials who serve in the district. the presidents followed their recommendation. the trump white house, though, has not extended the same courtesy. people writing budget proposals at the centers for disease control now have a list of banned words that they can't use. our news partners at the washington post are reporting that the list includes the words transgender, fetus and science-based. that will kind of be a challenge for staffers who now about their work to let's say prevent hiv infections in the transgender community and how about their zika research which involves fetuses? no comment on this tonight from the cdc or the white house. you want to start your weekend doing something special? head to arlington national cemetery tomorrow morning. you can join other volunteers in this annual act of kindness placing donated wreath at the head stones of our heroes. gates open at 8:30. no need to sign up. just be willing to lend your hand and your heart. we are overwhelmed by your response to our give hope campaign with our partners at children national. we're working on give gifts like these to children who will spend the holidays in the hospital. hundreds of you have helped out so far. pick up your phone right now. go to click the link. check out the amazon wish list. you about a a toy. the rest is up to -- buy a toy. we'll make sure it gets wrapped and delivered right where it needs to be. that's still ahead tonight a virginia boxing club that created champions is locked in a different kind of fight with a quickly changing neighborhood. >> and that story about the number of burglaries going through the roof every holiday season, is that based in fact at all? my verify team is on it. >> and this evening's snow will be a memory by the weekend. topper will explain why with d.c.'s most accurate forecast, all of that just two minutes away as we continue live from the nation's capital this friday night. this is the news at 11:00 on wusa9. you might think your gifts from santa need secret service protection with all the warnings about holiday crime that fly around this year. we're constantly hearing from police warning homeowners about the grinch trying to boost things from your house when it's decked with christmas cheer. keep the lights on and the doors locked, blah, blah, blah, but let's verify are there really more burglaries this time of year than any other? our verify researchers looked at data from d.c. police in virginia, arlington and prince william county and in maryland, montgomery and prince george's county. from the stats we found trends. first summer is primetime for house crimes. in arlington break-ins over the summer more than doubled in 2016 between june and august d.c. responding to 547 burglaries, about six a day for the entire summer. arlington and montgomery counties saw similar trends with summer months being the hot time for break-ins. police tell verify it's no surprise burglars like the summer. that's when most families are on vacation, basically open season for thieves, but the latest update from the stafford in thieves burglarizing businesses right now during this holiday season. they've had eight separate businesses targeted in two days earlier this week. so yes, there are a ton of fools trying to jack you during the holiday season, but we can verify you with a wicked washington whamo it's false. the prime season for burglaries, it ain't the holidays. it's those dog days of summer, ruff. we looked into annual trends and are happy to report this type of crime has dropped dramatically in the past two years. you need some good dinner table conversation this holiday season, want to put family members in their place? are they spreading fake news? seek out the professionals. we'll help separate fact from fiction. see something online to check out? are mom and dad spreading lies? type in my name adam longo and follow me while you're there. you can e-mail my research team. in alexandria changing times and chris williamson takes us into the ring for the story of 1 gym's fight to stay put. >> reporter: friday night the alexandria boxing club celebrated three boxers who won championships recently. it's a small gym that's produced amazing talent since 1979. >> a lot of kids have been saved by this program, coming in here. you have three national champions, three. that's unheard of. people that come here for the first time, they don't want to leave. >> reporter: it's that family atmosphere which makes it so special. >> so we keep using that word over and over again, home. that's what this is. boxing is a familiar. boxing is a lifestyle. it's not a sport. you don't play boxing. >> reporter: this community gym could be pushed out. the neighborhood demographics are changing. translation, gentrification. the city wants to phase out the competitive fighting scene. >> i feel like we just it's like why are you trying to kick us out for what we're bringing here? you should bring us in and keep motivating us. >> i'm third generation from here. my son was born here. you see, now you want to flip the city upside down because of what, tax dollars? is that what this is all about? you'd rather get a dollar than save a kid, save a life? >> reporter: everything is up in the air for this gym, but one thing is clear. giving up is not an option. >> i'm going down fighting. i can tell you that. >> reporter: in alexandria, virginia, chris williamson, wusa9. >> the gym space is owned by alexandria. city leaders want to turn it into a facility that hosts adult fitness classes only open to city residents. that light snow that blew through the area this afternoon that left roads pretty wet in the city, but it did stick to the pavement in some areas like in this neighborhood on the south side of bowie. you might wake up to some slick spots heading out to the mailbox to get those christmas cards. beware. this was, however, enough snow to turn the evening commute into a uniquely d.c. experience and twitter, we can always count on you. you came through again. jeremy posted, "i love you d.c., but stop freaking out over some snow dust on the ground. it just makes us seem silly." jeremy, laura is with you. "d.c., events get canceled due to five minutes of light snow that doesn't even stick." yeah, i agree, but we know how people drive, so can you really blame them for cancelling. "the only thing that terrifies d.c. residents more than nuclear war is snow. i will never stop being amused by this." maybe that's the weapon the russians will turn to next when they want to affect things in the nation's capital. they'll just send some snow our way. >> d.c. drivers are no worse than anywhere else in country. everyone kind of freaks out with snow, just kind of human nature. i don't know. the good news we'll be above freezing. we're looking at 40s tomorrow and maybe we make 50 sunday. let's start with the 3-degree guarantee. good thing i lowered this last night. i should probably lower tomorrow's number, but i'm not going to. i went 34. it was only 31 today. really all the little flakes that fell today stuck. everybody stayed below freezing about all day. i'm going 46 tomorrow, hope i shouldn't go 45. we'll go 46 tomorrow. right now it's 26, the low so far today. dew points in the low 20s, winds south, southwest at 7, only 7 miles an hour, but they'll pick up tomorrow and become breezy and give us a little wind chill actually. chilly saturday in the 40s, wind chill in the 30s, a bit chilly sunday for the game, 46 to maybe 50. mild for most of next week, just a few showers, no big storms next week. you might even hit 60 on tuesday and might even hit 60 on thursday, which is the first day of winter. we'll see. 7 a.m. we're below freezing, freder downtown, but by 10:00 everybody is above freezing now, even 36 in romney and cumberland. wait till 9:00 or 10:00, you'll have nothing to worry about in terms of black ice, 37 in la plata and fredburg. by 1:00 maybe 43 downtown, 45 fredericksburg, 41 in hagerstown, 43 in bethesda. by 6 p.m. we're upper 30s, low 40s. so maybe saturday night is your date night. it will be cold but not that brutal really, 37 in manassas at 6:00 and winchester, still 40 in cumberland and romney. by this time tomorrow night we're back in the 30s, but you know what? tomorrow night most folks will hold above freezing. certainly downtown you will. maybe in manassas and culpeper you slip into the low 30s, but more than anything we'll hold above freezing tomorrow. you mentioned the winds. okay, a little bit of wind. by noon wind chills in the 30s, 36 in leesburg and manassas and ge 4:00, 3:00 wind chills so just a little bit below average tomorrow, but all in all for mid-december really a pretty nice day. so overnight partly cloudy, cold, a few slick spots, 18 to 28. i did have to lower the temperatures a little bit, winds west, southwest at 10. by morning partly cloudy, cold, 18 to 42, winds in check, but by afternoon partly cloudy, breezy, chilly, 43 to 48, winds southwest at 10 to 15. on the day planner upper 20s, low 30s to start, 38 by 11 11 -- 11:00, up to 43 by 1:00. sunday in pretty good shape, near 50. 54 and milder on monday. tuesday 60, maybe a shower, but who cares for 60? a little correction on wednesday. we're back in the upper 40s, but then we're back in the low 50s on thursday, a shower full day of winter next friday, boom, 60 with sunshine. right now a behind the scenes preview of tonight's late show with stephen colbert. think silence of the lambs. >> hey, everybody. join me on the late show tonight i am joined by the great jodie foster. together we're going to match wits and catch a killer. >> stephen is putting the lotion in the basket. he's on deck as soon as we wrap up the news be but we've got more to talk about. >> weather looks decent if you're thinking about seeing the redskins on sunday. here's some more good news according to stubhub, seats for this weekend's game against the cardinals are selling for as little as six bucks a seat. it's the upper deck, but hey, it's in the building, right? six bucks for a ticket? we're all about bringing you perspective on the news at 11:00. that is cheaper than having a cold one once parking, the beer and then the ticket is the order of most to least expensive. >> and then you'll need to bring kleenex. >> because you'll be crying. >> nose bleeding and the crying, too, i guess. you going to go? >> probably not. >> i may go. >> for nine bucks i could sit home with a six-pack. >> hang out. redskins/cardinals on sunday. yeah, the tickets are cheap, "what if" more of the energy we used came from renewable resources? 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(vo) going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars to those in need. now wusa9 sports with frank hanrahan brought to you by xfinity. >> check out this pass from the clippers guard on the break. great pass, yeah, to the assistant coach, give me five, give me some. wizards go on to win 100-87. let's cut right to it. the redskins have so much to prove to their fans and to themselves. that's why even though they are out of the playoffs the curiosity of this game against arizona is there on sunday as the redskins prepare for the cardinals. they know they've been awful the last two games which guy. the future of jay gruden as head coach moving forward. how about the defense? they've really fallen off. that's why another game will tell us a lot about this team. >> communication for us is lacking. injuries, everybody has injuries. if you want to go around and make an accident accuse on injuries, then shouldn't be playing out there in the first place. nationals draft given the big stage to be a superstar. that's what we're looking at for bryce harper. he could walk next season to the tune of over $500 million, maybe 600 if the price is right. will the nationals keep bryce? it's wondered if the superstar will test free agency. we all have a price. let's hope for nats' fans sake bryce's price comes from the team he's already on. on a positive note the nats best is happening this weekend at the d.c. convention center. there. >> i don't think the yankees will be able to afford him. >> you would think. >> let's hope not. >> we just need to keep because everyone likes easy. sure do. but sometimes we slip up. reaching up. ssssh! because sometimes we want it cool at night, then toasty in the mornings. introducing the easy to use, energy saving, adjustable from everywhere, easy on the wallet and the eyes, nest thermostat e. e is for everyone. a little breezy tomorrow, not a bad day, near 40, sunday dry for the game and 60 on tuesday. >> well, for all of us, we hope you have a great night, a great weekend! the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. the market.redict but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. invest with confidence. captioning sponsored by cbs ♪ ♪

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