Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20171121 : c

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20171121

2017. look, karen hepp. >> hi guys you mentioned two seconds there is a senior home for entertainers. >> yes. >> they must have the best song/dance act of all time and they need to make a movie about that place. >> actor's home in engelwood new jersey up on a regular street. >> they could have a show every friday night right out of fame. >> that is a good story for sure. >> all right. >> i don't know why we're doing this because i'm surrounded by woman. that is why. ladies, you need some help catching your husband in the lie, do you? we have simple tips that will tip you off this woman, this guy that is lying to you, okay >> sorry, guys. >> plus, he can sing, you know this, he can act, and he can even hoe a game show john davidsonnies joining to us talk about all of this. >> let's play, pyramid. >> okay, oh, yes. >> final round of pyramid makes me so nervous. you have 60 seconds to win a hundred you this dollars. so john's in town here. we will tell you where you can see him performing, singing and all that. >> for a great show that we will check out. >> we need your opinion about this one. we will show you a picture, little girl, and that hair color, it is actually dyeed, not spray painted. she likes make up like most little girls too. but she's only two years old. what do you think? is that too early. her mom thinks that it is all okay. we will discuss. >> lets get right to the grateful gobbler because we're remising this yesterday. >> we're back on it. >> concept again, alex holley. >> grateful gobbler is this turkey on the table that we would have talk, you can see, he has paper feathers. adding feathers, we have been doing this every day. you write down something you are grateful for on the feathers. >> wow. >> and thanksgiving right before you eat the meal everybody plucks them off and read them off. >> we have some plucking going on thanksgiving morning and we have written them down. we will write them during the show our thoughts today. >> and tomorrow license last one and then we will read them on thursday morning. >> kevin hart was here, i know what wow say. >> i'm grateful for my new baby kenz o has been born earlier this morning and kevin heart announced it and said god is truly a nation kenzo heart was burn at 1:45 a.m. it is their first child together. this is kevin hart's third, 1:45 l.a. time so not that long ago about five hours ago. we are looking for pictures for tomorrow on the show, for sure. how can you tell if your husband or let's include boyfriends too, are lying to you. this is, we're doing this as a public service. >> there are clear things thaw can pick up on and figure it out. hold their head, and the way they are reacting to you. do you want to go through some of them. so, first one they say their nose does look like pinocchio, it is bigger because your no, sir industrials flare out when they are telling you not the truth and it looks largest. it twitches when he is lying. >> your nose twitches. >> yes. >> another one is your head, are you looking to the right and are you looking toward the door. are you trying to get out. creative side of your brain, do you look to the right. >> okay. >> generic footage of couples with no head. so let's demonstrate what you are talking about. >> you demonstrate. you say it. >> your nose gets bigger. >> i did not go to the strip club. >> okay. >> what was the next one. >> looking to the right. >> he looks to you normally because that is normal way he looks. >> yes. >> so, when you are looking to the right because you are using creative side of your brain. you are making up stuff. you are telling the truth you would be turning this way. >> yeah. >> yes, exactly. >> so they blink more often and then for longer. >> yes. >> because they are trying to give them kind of think to make up the lie. >> i, i was driving by, and i did not stop. >> but the biggest one is where you look. >> and your feet point to the floor. are you looking at the door to figure out your escape plan. >> your feet actually go to a door. >> you are sitting there. it is born identity, and when you know where your exits are. you have to know where your exit is. i will talk and then get on out. >> okay this sounds like a perfect open mike, what do you call it. >> mike check. >> mike greenwich one of our great photographers would you never lie tour wife, certainly >> he said did he last night, didn't he. >> do you twitch. >> my wife, you know, my wife actually could have wrote this survey. she's probably caught me in every lie i have told over the last 20 some odd years, man. what are you going to do even just last night, today is her birthday. happy birthday. secondly, so yesterday, i had no gift. i went out yesterday thinking would i run out, grab something real quick. she called me mike, what are you doing. i'm downtown? what are you doing downtime. i had no answer. i had no follow-up. so i had to tell her the truth i was looking for a gift. she said, well, why did you lie to me? dude, you catch me in every lie i tell i decided i'm in the lying anymore. she said this is one you were supposed to lie about. i didn't have a follow-up answer. i knew the follow-up questions were coming and i didn't have any answers for her. so yes, you know, yes. >> you get 365 days a year to get a present. >> karen, it was a busy couple weeks for me. it kind of got away from frustrs but now i'm telling the truth and i got yelled at for telling the truth. you cannot win one way or the other what will you do. my know is big already, so it will flare in matter what. how does that work for me. maybe that is how she catches me all the time. >> that is difference between men and women. we're about the particulars and details. you guys never have the details. we just keep asking questions. >> and that is the lesson that i have learned, alex, listen, man, and i'm in the a huge liar. i'm white lie kind of liar. where were you yesterday? i was with my buddy we was having drinks but i didn't want to you no, we were having drinks because it wases 3:00 in the afternoon and maybe i had to go pick up the kid after that. i'm not being honest, completely on best what i was doing. not that i'm really wanting to lie but i just don't want to you ask me that question, you know what i mean. you put my backup against the wall. >> i think i have learned a lesson here and i have tried to practice this in my professional life as a liar, you have got to have an answer ready to go. you know what i mean? what are you doing in center city. you didn't have it. >> you got to have multiple answers ready to go. because, we're journalist. we should know better. we should necessity there is a follow-up question. so often as men we're not ready for follow-up question. that is how we get caught. >> i have up even written them down, one of my favorites is, i can't meet you because i will be in new york. then you forget that is what you said. how is new york. >> what do you mean. >> exactly. >> what do you do what are you running for new york for, did you see so and so in new york. >> i always use my friend, casey, casey's having some trouble and he wanted to talk about his relationship. >> you have to be careful with that because often times we forget to tell our friend we are using them or they powe something on social media and all of a sudden is there casey , without mikey will say casey, aim using you. he goes okay, i gotcha. >> that is just horrible. >> that is a good friend does for you, mike. that is a good friend. i got a couple of those in my pocket too. >> that was my mike check. >> i got that too, mike. >> i gotcha. >> i don't lie. >> yes. >> no, you can ask me anything >> do you want me to ask you anything. >> sure. >> you're blinking. >> i'm blinking, my nose is flaring and my feet are cocked one mother lets her two-year old daughter dye her hair purple. you have seen a picture a few times. she's the cutest little girl. she has little glasses. her hair is now purple. and her name isabela by the way. she's allowed to wear make up and she has a fake tattoo on her arms and legs. so, she says her mom says that this will make her make wise decisions later in her life as an adult. her mom, is 25 years old, and she lives in california, and, and what do you think. >> it is freedom of expression they will wt do make up and kid will want to do whatever you do. this was a like mother like daughter. we didn't show another close-up picture but she had a hat on. of course daughter will want to look like the mother. mother is heavily tattooed. the daughter will want fake tattoos. aim not against fake tattoos. they can be cute, fun if you understand. >> i don't have a huge problem with this, 25 year-old mother has, freedom of choice. two-year old really go and say mommy, i want purple hair. >> that i don't love purple hair as a permanent dye. i understand doing it as a special occasion. she will want to look like the mom. i don't like hair dye on the two-year old. i have been color my daughter 's hair as well. it is permanent but quite honestly it never last too long anyhow and they love it. >> i like it. >> your parents have allowed to you dye your hair, when were you two. >> i just remember when i came down to wear make up. i was like mom, please let me wear make up. she said no. that is face god gave with you , so deal witt. in high school i was getting make up on. i would go, she dropped me off , would i go in the bathroom and put on eye liner and stuff. go through school day. then time to pick me up or bring got on the bus would i go to the bathroom and wipe it all off. >> she would never know. >> yes. >> i mean she didn't let on that she diddy will ask her tomorrow. >> until, now they are on a plane. >> i remember i could not get my ears pierced or shaved my legs until sixth grade. >> my mother was big on that. >> sixth grade forget about hair color. we were punk rockers for camp. i spray painted my hair color. my mom was mad at me, hi, mom, for like years. you embarrassed me. that was horrible. >> how hairy could your legs have been. >> it is not that they were, you just wanted, just like anything you wanted to be bigger. i was not allowed. the second i dit, my sisters were shaving their legs, the same day. >> other girls at school were starting to shave their legs. oh, can i shave my legs. mom, come on. she is her response, god gary you the hair on those legs it must there been for a reason. what? once you start, you just can't stop. you want to shave your legs the rest of your life. let's just wait, when the time is right. it is a big responsibility. >> is that a wife's tail when grows back thicker. >> that is not even true. >> any, experts. why don't you shave your legs now though. >> look at you. >> when it gets cold out. >> yes. >> that is true. >> god put split for a reason. >> let's stick with the mom theme here. there is a mother who was not happy with her son was suspended from school. he was talking back to the teacher, like kid will do. that is when she, got a bit creative and she turn to social media to ask opinions. dimitri payne posted this ad on facebook. the suspension. offered him up to the neighbors, for chores. if any of the neighbors had things that they needed to be done around the house, she volunteered her kid. he will do your lawn service, mow if you supply the more, pick up your trash or wash your car for free, max three hours. you guessed it. it didn't take licensing before he was, booked up, and it kept her reminding him she says of this three day suspension. he thought bit for three straight days, because he was working, almost every hour at a neighbor's house. >> i think i cannot get my kid to help out in their own house it works for her. maybe gets a message there i can do a better job of getting my kid to do more. at lee you had are doing something productive. >> your children don't listen to you, don't they. >> they do. i am no joke. when i'm at the thing, it is consequences come in a real fast. i'm asking one more time. so, but it is not like, i mean they are little dudes, i don't have them doing a whole lot of stuff. i expect them to put their clothes in the laundry. >> i have known you quite a long time, over 10 years, working in new york together, to this day she scares me, kareny can believe that. >> good. >> you like that, don't you. >> yes. >> imagine me being a small boy. here comes mom. i bet they huddle behind your husband, here she comes, here she comes, she just came from work and mike was driving her nuts. bride is being put on blast, sound like a millennial , don't i, i'm trying to talk about more hip. >> okay. >> so, this bride is being put on blast, man, for her save the date card, for gets. so explain this to me alex. >> so, the bride and groom they are asking their guest to save not one but two different dates because they are still considering these dates for their wedding. one of the guests posted bit on the internet and in the powe she put a few different dates down. didn't explain why. she put these dates down. and, these are dates we are considering. put your plans on hold for both of these dates. card warns guest they must wear orange, white or pink color themes. they have in the decided, we just wanted to let them know to get these and we will let you know which one we pick. >> at first would i say, bite me. >> i don't mind helping them out. >> i think maybe if you do that to have people vote, which date works better for you and majority will pick that day. if you have do two. then you have to send another nice card out to say we finally pick one. >> i think that is cute. pictures look really nice. >> no. >> people will tell you what kind of tie, black tie, formal or business casual. >> i already got those. >> lon was was cocktail chic. >> people do that. >> would i like to you wear a champagne and sea foam pair of pants. >> i think it is not that bad. there is so many things, that bride do that are over the top this one is if you can make it , great if you can't i want to give you two dates to consider. just, planning. if you can't, you can't. same thing with the clothes, two options. you are getting something anyway. you may stay in that color theme. it makes it fun. i don't mind that. it is not a ultimatum or over bearing. >> so let's vote. >> are you okay with two dates , save two dates. >> sure. >> you say yes. i will not necessarily save those but it is on than my radar and i will block it off but if i get something, maybe not. >> something that would be more fun to do, you are out. >> totally. >> yes. >> i will go with you too because i'm afraid of karen. i'm also afraid, for some reason, this man freaks me out >> yes. >> it is because of the special announcement. >> and,. >> fanatic is here. >> yes. >> all right. >> hi. >> earlier this morning. >> i love the fanatic. >> hi. >> how are you doing. >> look at you. >> look at those goodies. >> yes. >> i'm so excited. >> so earlier, mike was talking about eagles and i was said eagles players. mike is getting confused. what about the band. eagles with james taylor and all-star band are coming to citizens bank park next summer you know what it is 40th anniversary of hotel california. >> so, now i get, why i know these doughnuts. they are tequilla sunrise doughnuts. >> i already tried that. >> look at that. >> tequilla sunrise. >> yes. >> that is pretty delicious. >> we have passes. >> thank you. >> this is great. >> vip passes. >> i love it. >> so i can also, james take already will be with the eagles. >> that makes total sense to me. >> yes. >> i went to hotel in the galapagos island. when i was in the pacific is there a real hotel california down in mexico. not too far from where you are from fanatic you should go because with these we have the key, ke to hotel california. >> yes. >> yes. >> i love it. >> we have the key. >> yes. >> well, that has got to be sold out, would i think? is it. >> you have to hurry up. >> yes. >> make sure you get it they go on sale december 2nd 10:00 a.m., now you know july 28th when concert will be >> december 2nd is when i can go on line. >> yes. >> at 10:00 a.m. >> can you believe he is here. >> yes, please. >> i knew it. >> i don't care. >> i don't care. >> they are glistening still. >> that is good. >> tequilla sunrise. >> i cannot sing that either. >> yes,. >> thanks, fanatic we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> love it. >> thank you. >> i knew that was coming. >> down goes the fanatic. >> all right. >> we better get him out of here because he will not take a vittoria seek secret fashion show in china. >> if you move that thing i betty can tell you. >> it could be one of the vittoria secret's last show. could it be your favorite, mike. >> not adriana lima. >> we will reveal. 9:23. this is heart break go to me. the world's, very attractive models, met in shanghai, china for the taping of victoria secret fashion show. >> heart breaking about that. >> well, hold on. >> okay. >> ♪ >> oh, that is your girl. >> adriana lima, i met her a couple times. >> yes, bella hadid. >> yes, bella. >> i sit here and eat my doughnut who never eaten a doughnut in their lives. >> that is miguel performing, i love him. >> so good. >> he is on stage too. >> yes, he was. >> okay. >> he is good. >> you know, i just don't, the wings seem like they would be hard to walk in with them on your back. >> um-hmm. >> it is all part of the skill , otherwise, what kind of , you know. >> what? >> well, it is part of the challenge there. it gives you all of the extras >> it is challenging in question with it. >> who is model that is retiring. >> is it this one. >> yes,al sand contract, walk her last show. i'm getting emotional. she walk her last show. she's 36. she has done it for 17 years. she's now ready to focus on her two children. they are nine and five. she wants to spend more time on her swimsuit line. she's designed a swimsuit line so look for it, it is called, alexandria. >> very nice. >> and make sure you are looking for, when it airness 28 someone fell. i get worried about that, someone will fall. >> look at that. >> thank god she's a chinese model, otherwise she would be in prison. no, that is not true. >> she just slipped. >> so she smiled the whole time though, and she just got right backup and kept walking. you have to keep moving. >> that is right. >> now she's being talk about it. >> it is catwalk, thinks the cat flop. >> well, you pick yourself up, and making a pose afterward, got it together but wings and trains do make it crazy to do it all. >> i'm happy it was not adrian a lima but i feel it coming. she has been around 20 years. god, she's good. >> what? >> you love her. >> she has a fantastic story, i have a sign picture from her >> great. i have met john david- sonny want to see him again. such a great guy. i knew him back in the day, of course, as a singer. god, he has good hair. he was an actor, i saw him in love boat a few times, game shows, so john, if you don't mind, we will play a game with you the pyramid, final round of the pyramid. >> lie very different now. >> you do. >> he hads a big announcement apparently. >> you will not believe. >> no, no. >> what john davidson looks like or gene davidson. >> just call me joan. >> joan, welcome to good day so i'm calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. we can do that. great. i live in a post-war, pre-war, mid-century home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. well sir, peco can visit your home and show you how to save up to 20% a year. ♪ hmmmm. you don't have to be an expert. because now peco will visit your home and help you save. peco. the future is on. >> are you ready for this? >> well, i'm afraid, john, it is liver, i told you, you would not even recognize john davidson. >> i know i look weird. i know, i'm doing finding never lands. i said to the director look, i'm enjoying, i'm 75 years old. and, at that age, can't do you anything you want? sort of? i mean, it is not -- you know, so i've been growing my hair, and so what the hell? and -- >> well, how long did it take to get this long? >> about two weeks. my hair gross very, very fast. >> you're so verrell. really, how long? >> i finished doing wicked. >> i love wicked. >> yes. and i did three different contracts with that, but finding never lands came along, and she said, women, i said could i have a ponytail, is it okay? so in the show, you see, i play captain hook and charles froman, the producer every peter pan and captain hook, so i have a ponytail like. that will so it doesn't look -- but i thought because you're so crazy i would wear my hair down. >> thank you i love it. you have scrungy available. >> we like our guests to let their hair down, so relax. >> good. well, let's remind back in the day, here is a little bit. >> ♪ today is my moment. now is my story. a life that i'll cry but i see ♪ >> is it on the snare we just can't hear it? >> yes. >> you don't have an ear piece. >> anyway, how is it going? is it going well? i can't hear a thing. >> you sound great. >> oh, good. >> maybe little pitch i. y. >> what year was that? >> 1875. (laughing). >> no, no, that was, i don't know, in the 70s, some time in the 70s, yes. i started broadway, then finding never lands now is getting back to my roots. and i starred on broadway, then i went to the hollywood squares, that's incredible, and pyramid was of course is the best game on tv. >> that's why we have this set up here, we'll play the pyramid. >> oh, i didn't know that. >> there you go. >> real quickly let's listen to him now. >> how can you listen to me now? >> ♪ >> ♪ >> so at the academy music through november the 26th. >> just one week. >> that's enough. >> this is the finale of the first act, that's billy ty place jm bar high wrote peter pan. our finaleof the first act is phenominal number, a magical show. it says in order to be creative, you need to find the inner child in yourself, which mike, obviously, he finds it every day. >> yes, there are twins in there actually. >> the inner children in your head. and that's what barry did. everybody said you can't write a play for children. children don't buy ticket. they didn't actually want children in the theater back in those days. because it was too shocking, or maybe too sexy, or whatever. >> yes. >> he said i'll write a play for children, and as the producer i say to him: don't do that, you'll ruin your career. but, as hook, when i play captain hook, with by the way avenue black wig that's about this lent, i have a hand tide human hair wig that's worth $10,000. >> what? >> i just slop on my head. >> where is that right now? >> it is at the theater, mike. >> i'll be right back. >> can't just walk around with a $10,000 wig. >> here we go. >> what are we doing? >> i've always admired you, followed your career, love your hair, and at one pointy auditioned for the wheel-of-fortune. >> you did? >> check out my hair. >> is this right? >> here's mike jerrick. >> you're going to hurt yourselves there, thank you very much. >> pat told me if i'm nice to you i get to wear some of the dresses. and i guess more serious -- i have a pair. >> do you? >> we have them in gold. >> i do. >> john, what do you think of that hair? >> boy you used to be very cute. >> what do you mean by that? >> it is all behind you now. but that's great. >> all right, so -- >> we sort of started the same way. you look so much better. >> now you have a fabulous career and i'm -- >> the question is can you grow hair like his now? >> no, but i can try to be a game show host now. we will play pyramid, which you've been hosting for awhile. now, this is the final rounds toward the ends, you haven't been in philly but a few days. you've been here before, though. >> oh, i used to come here for the mike douglas show, for many, many different shows, yes, i know everything there is to know about fill. >> i oh, okay. >> you know how it works. i'm going to give you the clues. >> yes, over her how older. >> over her shoulder. she will guess what the category. >> ready, al next. >> i think so. >> you think you're really ready? >> we'll finds out. >> from television city in philadelphia this is the $100,000 pyramid. today's special guest from good day philadelphia, alex holley. and from finding never land, john davidson. and your host, mike jerrick. >> do you have run in. they can never walk in. >> okay, now, turnoff the monitors, will you, on the tv's here, because i'm going to put these answers behind alex's head so the people at home -- so the people at home can see. >> game show voice. >> thank you. all right, category is. >> yes? >> three, two, one. can you see? go. >> so i've got to give her these klaus. >> yes, go, john. >> village. >> okay. christmas village, dickens' village >> a town, a town. >> okay. >> town. another word for town. >> city? >> city? >> yes. >> okay. >> two people together. >> a tale of two cities? two boys together. >> twins. >> twin cities? not sisters they're. >> fraternal. >> oh, brother and sister. >> brother city, city of brotherly love. >> of course, yes. >> there go. >> what's that cat gory? >> what do you mean? >> nicknames for philadelphia. >> okay. next one. >> i'm trying to give her -- right? >> yes. >> the thing you eat, it is a long, long thing, it is like -- >> cucumber? >> sandwich. subway sandwich. hoagie. >> ya. >> philadelphia foods. >> yes. >> foods found in fill. >> i oh, you're guessing the cat gory? >> yes. >> oh,. >> we should probably explain the rules to you. >> you're the damn host of the show. i thought you know how to do this. >> i hosed it. anybody can be a host. >> oh,. >> oh! >> this is hard. i thought i was giving the cat gore. >> i one last one here. hole on, i want a better one that -- than that. >> is this going well? >> sorry. >> i don't know, is it? >> the phillies. >> sports teams, philadelphia sports teams? >> yes. >> now i i understanded how to play the game. >> there you go. you leave me hanging? >> okay, hollywood squares. >> what are we doing? >> you realize all of the scares were written for the stars. >> i do know that. >> even paul lynn. >> paul lynn. >> you know, one of the mistakes of my career, i've done a lot of stupid things, growing my hair long like this is one of them. but back in the 80s, i -- early brown, who had done the centerfolds with who did the first centerfold in cosmopolitan? >> burt reynolds. >> she came to my manager and she said would john davidson do a centerfolds in cosmo bol continue. i said never. now, it wasn't naked. it was a towel, burt reynolds was wearing a towel. so i said okay, i will do it. my manager talk me into it, wearing a towel i did a centerfold and i brought that centerfolds back to paul linen the hollywood squares. >> center square. >> center square, paul lynn. he took one look at my centerfold and he said, well, you should have been the a.m. boss door to under developed countries. >> oh. >> yes, yes. >> now, good to see you. the reason for going to see finding never land. >> yes? >> is because it says a man was not willing to fight for what he wants deserves what he get. you can be what everybody expects you to be, everybody expected for jm to write a regular play. he said i want to write a play for children. that's what never land is all about, how jm barry wrote peter pan. that's what finding never lands is saying, you don't have to be what everybody expects you to be. fight to tell your own story. right? that's what it is saying. that is great message. >> good for kids. >> yes. >> wonderful message. >> finds the child within. and be whatever you want to be. marry who ever you want to be. be whatever you want to be. whatever. >> grow your hair as long as you want. >> yes, sure. >> academy of music through -- >> beautiful theater. >> yes. >> through november 26th. john, always great to see you. >> yes, me, too. >> thanks for playing with us. >> you guys are both so good. congratulations on the show. >> thank you. >> doesn't he kind of look like a philadelphia eagle, i mean the actual eagle? >> oh, my gosh. >> it is time for kelly's classroom. >> we are going to northeast fill. >> i oh, good. i'm excited. >> hey, gang, good morning, everybody, we are at the thanksgiving edition of kelly's classroom life from maternity bvm in northeast philadelphia. oh, giving thanks and giving back when we ♪ this holiday season, my good friend gave to me... ♪ ♪ 7 powerball tickets, 6 match 6 chances, ♪ ♪ 5 cash 5s! 4 cash4lifes, ♪ ♪ 3 pick 3s, 2 mega millions. ♪ happy holidays, rita! thanks, joe! what a great gift! pennsylvania lottery tickets make great gifts. like the new merry millions. happy holidays! ♪ and best wishes from the lottery. ♪ >> thanksgiving just two days away, kelly's class, what's going on, bob kelly? >> hey, gang. good morning, i'm coming to you live from maternity bvm school in bustleton. (cheers and shouts). >> look at everybody here, they're getting ready for the thanksgiving break. they've got their signs made up. and they're already for thanksgiving giving thanks by giving back. they did so much for the community here. come on, look at them all. they've got their canned goods. (cheers). >> they've got their pilgrim hats on. (cheers). >> we even have the kindergarten's, pre k1, pre k2, the teach remembers fired up, we only have two more days of school before thanksgiving vacation, right? sue, the principal, thanks so much for insiting us out. tell me a little bit about maternity bvm. >> founded by the sisters of mercy in 1948. we currently have 520 student, and every day we challenge our students to live out our mission statement by being the change, viewing the goodness and making a difference. >> well, you definitely are making a difference here. come on up here, tommy. first of all my man gavin. tell me what you did here with the cans goods? >> we've -- donating canned goods to the sane vincent depaul society that our student gave in. and it is an organization that helps all of our parishioners in need. >> so what happened is they brought in the cans goods, the cheerios, the stuffing, the mac and cheese, all of that stuff. we're going to box it up. now, christina, hi, love your glasses, what do you have here? >> the children's missionary club sold feathers to decorate our thankful turkey. >> cool. so how much were the fetters. >> 25 cents. >> 25 cents. then you wrote on there something that you're thankful for. let me see if it says bob kelly anywhere? here is a good one, thankful for my teachers, that's brownie points, right? everybody that put that in there. now, my man dennis here is a good cast roll in there? >> not currently. >> not currently. but what's something you're in charge here with the hospice? >> saint john hospice receives cast rolls once a month from our school families, our families then put in a continue, freeze it, return it to school, collected by the hospice. >> that's great. last but not least my girl regal has the pajamas. >> the pre k collected padge a.m. cents, from all we collected we gave to needy child a padge a.m. and a a book from the scholastic book club. >> you know what i love about these pajamas, gang, they have the feet in them. look, a pair of traffic pajamas with the feet in them. who has pajamas with feet in them? come on, oh, these are going to be the best for a cold thanksgiving morning. so giving thanks, up here, at maternity bvm in northeast philadelphia, happy thanksgiving from all of us to all of you, back there, go ahead, jenn fred, back to you. >> all right, we are in montgomery county, king of prussia, thanksgiving is happening. so how are you going to shush it >> i have a warning for everyone, i'm posting about my grandfather non-stop through saturday. >> he's on the plane. >> wheels up. >> this is grandpa, yes, flying first class, he flies better than dow, by the way, so he's coming and my parent are with him. i'm very excited. >> through the weekend? >> first thanksgiving in philly. >> i want decent wet they are weekend for your grand pop. >> we'll finds out in 15 seconds from sue. >> i hope you brought a warm coat, thanksgiving day brisk, 45 degrees all we manage for a high temperature on thursday. as you're walking out the door right now, 48 degrees in philadelphia. thirty-nine in mount pocono. fifty already in millville. we will end up with a much milder day today, than we had yesterday, 60 degrees, but then temperatures fall throughout the day after some rain in the morning, tomorrow, and that gives us that chilly, chilly day thursday, back to the 50's, friday, saturday. and then another blast of cold air sunday and monday. up down, up down, that's your weekend. >> thank you, sue. even some skiing maybe on the weekends. so full panic mode getting ready for the holiday, setting in it is closer than ever, it will be, so, let's figure outweighs to shush up the meals right now. >> at wegmans, hey, jen? >> hey. i know that you're a super fan of wegmans, too, yes, alex. >> yes, i lover wegmans, obsessed. >> good morning, chef. >> good morning, how are you. >> great. first i confess to you i'm hosting, i've not bought a single thing, when should i come tomorrow? >> open 24 hours a day. >> 2:00 a.m. >> that would be great as well. >> so i said to you, i want to impress my guest but i don't want to do all of the work because i am working, hosting, all of that. let's begin, with this. everyone want brussels sprouts, and you have easy way to kind of like buy from the store, but then shush it up? >> yes. >> so we have our roasted brussels sprouts already half and roasted off in the off win our salt, paper -- hitter, basing oil. and we have wegmans pan chet a you would saw tai off, add it right to them, that will bring it altogether. real nicely. >> so you warm this up after you warm that up? >> yes, add some of the little dripping right in there, and it will make it taste great. >> sure, take this, mashed potato, add little bit of sour cream. some cheddar cheese. >> yummy. >> some chives and some bacon, and mix them altogether, once all warmed up. it will take it to the next level. >> sorry to be a rookie. the difference between diced pan chet a and bacon is? >> the bacon is just smoked bacon, more of italian, flavor one. >> you could do one. >> and do it for -- >> one for both. that would work. >> absolutely. >> then last but apparently not least, everyone lovers green beans. >> yes. >> and the kids like them, just plane, but if you want to shush them up, you even have a solution for that? >> we do, our fresh green beans cook here in the store. but then we also have this italian classic wegmans back truffle spread. which is a great option specially mushroom fan, travel fan, will kick it up to the next level. and your guests will really love that. >> how am i doing this? these in the tray? >> yep. just adding little bit of black truffle spread, warm it all up, set and ready to go. >> this is what i am talking about, chef. ladies and jep, we are helping you every single day. right here on "good day." and our show is back after the break. sorry. i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. >> good point on twitter how you can tell a man is lying, we do start with the lesser lies, you start kind of the higher your hands go on your face, the more you're lying. >> and then you're up here like this. like oh, god. okay. i was lying. okay. as you know, last friday, we lost the man, great actor, broadway actor, who then came to fame as the grandfather on the cosby show, grandpa huxtables, then of course del a reese, they became family members for all of us who watched. here is a tribute to them. we will see you tomorrow. >> i've been touched by an angel ♪ deeply touched by an angel ♪ what a perfect release ♪ i can feel the peace ♪ happiness ♪ words can't tell ♪ i know my life will be better somehow ♪ i put a side worry and now ♪ i can see there is a new life for me ♪ winner has blossomed to spring ♪ my mind, heart and body they sing of the joy in my soul now that love is in complete control ♪ ♪ >> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." ♪ now, here's wendy! ♪ [cheers and applause] >> wendy: thank you for watching us. say hello to my cohost, my studio audience. how you doin'? >> audience: how you doin'? >> wendy: let's get started, it's time hot topics

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