Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20170428 : c

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20170428

good day it is friday, april 28th, 2017. a lot to get to this hour believe it or not. jealousy. it is not a good thing. kim kardashian admits that north her first child gets jealous of her new child saint it is so bad that she actually , she has been fake breast-feeding. what is fake breast-feeding? we have a demo. we will give you a breast. >> some kid in camden need your help this band just did something incredible. we will tell you how you are making their dreams come true. >> a band from camden who did something no other band in america has done. >> i can hear them right now. they sound amazing. jen's with a gold star family given an nfl experience they have never forgotten. >> they will be up on the stage tonight. it is all about this guy, we remembering a daddy, we're rendering a husband and a really big eagles fan who, where better to do it then in the shadow of carson wentz. we will talk to them in a few minutes. hi, buddy. >> that is a special moment. great. all right. as you know nfl network and espn both broadcast the draft special, last night from our glorious city but there was another special just before the big show and they called it the red carpet special. >> it was on the art museum. we have been telling you about the draft theater, but behind that on the art museum steps, right at the top is where they have a great set up with the red carpet and cameras, crowd, and the lights, really like intense thing. >> it was, and all of the equipment they had out there and special guests and players would walk down art museum steps on this red, it was cool >> very cool. >> here's a taste of their show. >> it is the first ever, all outdoor, draft, here in philadelphia, and we and nfl locked out because it is just gorgeous weather to day and over next couple days as all of the fans are here to see the nfl's future brighter stars. >> keep playing it. you want to establish the show karl weathers. >> that is one of the reporters there. they would cut to him, some of the draft prospects. >> karl weathers. >> and melissa starks were the host of show and they were up, this is someplace else. anyway, they were up at the end of the red carpet there the host of the show. >> elevated area too. >> think about when you watch e news and red carpet coverage , the emmys or oscars as they have these people step up and talk to julian a ran sick and they do a turn, a little circular area imagine that. that is where hosts were. >> you have to imagine it because we don't have it. anyway, so, alex and i were there for like three or four hours. we're getting bored. >> all these people lined up, draft prospects and they are doing interview after interview. >> never mind. >> so we're behind the two hosts there and we keep getting on the national show. >> i saw this picture. put it backup. it made me laugh out look i focused on the post and read the caption below it. you guys, through are, national tv, typical out there for whole world to see. look at you. >> we started to get tweets from, well, texts from our friend and people started to tweet around the country, we see you two, you dofusses. >> we're bored, so lets just have some fun with this. >> yeah. >> it was funny because mike, you said you would think we have been on tv before so it is not bad. >> we're on tv every day why are we attempting to get on tv again. >> because it is bigger. anytime you are at a game and that is on tv. it is so much more fun. >> yeah, we're nuts. >> whenever you see anybody on it is on nationality tv last night. >> technically we took a picture with apollo creed. >> carson wentz was there. he was with us live on "good day philadelphia" with jen. >> hi guys, here's is what happening. sorry to interrupt. hi, buddy. how are you doing. >> good. >> so you are now meeting someone who your dad would have just lost his mind to meet, you understand that, right. >> yes. >> come on in here, hi. >> hi. >> i promised i won't make him sad. >> absolutely. >> so basically your husband, lieutenant, was killed in action life long eagles fan, tell us about this pillow right here. >> so whenever we moved, he has had that pillow since before high school. where ever they move, florida, kentucky, once he was killed, and i moved back to pennsylvania. it was on a night stand. i just put it back there. >> tonight you will be up on the stage. second round. it would be third round with john darn bass but now ron jaworski of philadelphia. >> yes, he doesy told you i will in the make you sad but what have you told christopher about his dad. >> he knows that his dad was pretty, he knows that his dad loved his country and he knows that his dad loved the men he used to go out on the wire with and he knows his dad loved him most importantly and he did it on him and that he would have done anything for him and he did. >> he grew up, like in the shadow where all this excitement is going to be happening tonight. >> he did, he did. >> it is amazing. for all of the men and women out there it is a commitment of the family, it is men and women there are and then you guys back home. >> yes. >> yes, definitely. is there a bond, understanding that you come to and it makes you stronger, as a unit, definitely. >> here's your question do you have any questions, he is quarterback, he is always under a lot of pressure, all these eagles fans, i know, they want him to win every weekend. >> no, i think he will knock it out of the park. >> do you like the jersey. we have daddy on the back, right. >> awesome. >> you are cool with that. >> very cool. >> jaws will be nice to him. >> jaws is great, you'll love him. >> yes. >> i know we talk about this a few minutes ago you love our country, you there are for men and women in the military and when you see this pillow that has traveled from place to place it has just got to. >> you forget some of the things, that is happening and we're so spoiled, you take it all for granted, and i cannot thank the military enough and families like this, they go through so much more, and what we think is a struggle, so, it is real life and i am very thankful for what that he is men a woman do. >> i goat go home and go to my own family, little guy, little girl, husband, out of the luxury being mad for them and cheering for them so i think but and people like him when i tell my kid about all you guys . we have good stuff out of the way. anything else you want anybody to know about your dad. >> he is very loved by his team and he throws the ball to whoever is opened. >> i like that plan. >> very nice. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i appreciate it. >> we didn't cry. lets do this. high five. we dit. looking g can't wait to see you up on stage. >> totally excitingy know you are a busy guy. >> thank you very much. >> now that was good. >> pretty cool. >> they are amazing. you could not love carson more , just to the core to the bone, just a good person. >> he makes good points. you think you are dealing with something, that is a big sack -- sacrifice. >> i love the young man's analysis. he throws to the guy that is opened. it doesn't mean that guy will catch it. but he does try to throw the man that is opened. it is hard to get opened in the nfl. >> true. >> okay. lets get back to last night when philadelphia was on the display around the world at the nfl draft. >> remember yesterday morning was a different scene. we were out there on the parkway, and we were seeing a stage, what will happen later. we got to talk to haason reddick and what did he say. i just don't want to trip. >> he didn't trip, thank good ness but he did kind of a, i don't know if we have this footage, but just a second, did he those little rocky things like this. as he came down the steps which i thought was cool, think about how his life has change. this is a young man who than the was todd join nfl at six. now he is going to he grew up in camden, new jersey. now he is a millionaire, many times over, on a private jet, right now, to phoenix, arizona >> hard work, dedication, and hours and sweat and keeping the dream, sweat. >> they have a great backing by his mom and dade. >> support from his parents. >> which was wonderful when he walk down red carpet before the madness happened his parents were there with him. it is funny. we were there. we were there for hours. then i said haason told bus what he would wear. we have to see. we can't miss it. came backing by. he said haason, haason. we talk to you earlier this morning, we like, we like. >> i told you, i had a surprise, nothing really big, something subtle in the loud and best dressed. >> temple colors we are representing. >> congratulations. >> philly loves you. >> so it was rushed. what we didn't know was in the beginning they with walk guys down red carpet to go to the host karl weathers and they take them back down and stop by everybody else. because i was some worried we were going to miss him, haason , haason, i grabbed him when it wasn't the time. that is yes was rushed. >> we thank him for that because he did spend the morning with us. >> you can just call over and grab him. >> i said come here. >> now, rodney mccloud wants a career in television after he finishes up his eagles career. >> take a look at this outfit, my goodness. >> that is great. >> you know, i'm here, i heard of the red carpet so i got specify i real quick. >> can we do. >> should we start here. >> start with the shoe cam. >> describe what you are wearing. >> so these are common project s, nice loafers, no socks. >> no. >> can't have socks. 80-degree weather out. then we have pants, from top man. we work up to the shirt. nice shirt from theory. then we have a couple chains here. >> you got to have the shirt busted opened. >> a little bit, shout out to josh at the weight room forgetting this right this week. bench press. then we have some bling from our own frank vantresca. >> you lot in the mirror and say i'm leaving house. >> you have to accessories and the hat just does it from gore n brothers right there on walnut street. >> he wants a career in television. i think afterward, sports illustrated, their web site, magazine and little tv show had him doing interviews on the red carpet. >> we next to him on the red carpet. >> he does fashion. did he that with malcolm jenkins. did he it for us where he let us in his closet. was that an eagles tattoo on the chest, not that i was checking out his chest. >> i didn't even notice. >> i take it all in. >> yeah. >> we are in the position of the red carpet. >> do you have anybody good send them my way with his little microphone. i said look at you, a little reporter. >> great personality, big future. >> we talk to cam robinson, one of the draft ease last night, he played at alabama. he loves the blue suits. >> you have, you are a blue suit, electric won. >> yes. >> it was blue on blue. >> heartache on heartachey like the color blue. >> yeah, yeah, i like it too. >> yes. >> question is who wears the better blue. >> i will give to it my man. >> i love you, cam, nicely done. >> yes. >> can we see this. >> i seriously got distract, i seriously got distract. look at that nice. >> yes. >> be careful walking around with that. >> of course. >> now a tennis bracelet, interesting choice. >> my mom, i did it, my mom loves tennis bracelets. >> wait why isn't your mom wearing it. >> when did you get your named called. >> yes. >> well, thank you, congratulations. >> looking good, man. >> so the reality of the draft he was in the drafted last night, probably happen tonight for him in the second round. >> wasn't he dominant, a nation, getting a tennis bracelet for his mom it is wonderful, lovely. >> let's tell the real story. >> all i'm saying wear a tennis bracelet because your mom likes them why not just have your mom wear it. it is coming. >> yes. >> you are wearing it. do i want chocolate candy mike will eat it because he knows i like it instead of just giving me check late candy. i have never owned a tennis bracelet. >> here's a little behind the scenes, knowledge i am going to spit some knowledge, yo. not that this man cam robinson can't afford it after tonight, he will be a millionaire, jewelry companies give the guys watches, and the jewelry. >> i know. >> they are walking down red carpet. >> they give it to them because they will be seen all over the world in magazines and tv shows like ours and they show it off. they can afford it later. >> but he is giving it back. >> he gives it back. >> there is security. he got it for night to show off to his mom, i'm thinking of you. >> you know what i did. >> yeah. >> after he walks up the mom was standing there behind him. you make sure he gets you a tennis bracelet. owe just said on tv he would. so hopefully. >> hopefully he will. >> we're hoping too. >> not only football guy but the academy award when you walk red carpet that is all loaned jewelry too. >> it is common thing. >> we don't, nobody ever offers us jewelry. >> not a thing. >> this is one of my favorite moments of the entire red carpet experiences last night. alex instagram. >> if you go on my instagram i had a friend, alex, you have too many stories. i was giving you guys a behind the scenes. >> it was good as we are's on the red carpet waiting for the next person, mitchell tribis sky. >> can we come back out, come back out. >> yeahy got to set it up. >> he is walking down and his mom, she's standing right next to me and another reporter, and the mom standing there say hey do you have any chap stick i'm thinking for her. i said i don't. there were other report their d she hand him chap stick. she says in, his lips just are so chapped, so nervous. >> his mother. >> his mother was concernedy need to get him chap stick. sure enough when he answered last question she hand him chap stick and then this happens. >> i don't know if you hear it , he goes now that will be on tv, thanks, mom he looks over his mom's shoulder and i'm like right there video taping. >> that is an attentive mother , doing all these interviews and talking and his lips started to get chapped. he has very distinctive lips. >> i was than the looking. >> i'm fascinated by them. >> why. >> because they were chapped. >> because i was standing 10 feet, i couldn't hear anything. that guy has got some lips. >> it was adorable. appreciate you sharing behind the scenes. that is where i saw the story because i follow you on instagram. i thought it was cute. if i was a reporter i would be keeping that lip gloss. >> she asked me for video. before i started recording he said whose is this? mom just came out of no where, what, mom. she said put it on. >> it was the reporter next to us and her name actually is courtney cox, she works with casey mcdonald at new england sports network. >> yes, they are friend. >> she's another courtney cox. >> pretty cool next. >> after last night she's my favorite courtney cox, working the event. >> oh, come on. >> walking up to the red carpet. >> my gosh. >> there were thousands of people there, maybe 50 to 75,000 people this woman calls alex over. i think she will get a selfie. >> she was calling to say hi. >> she goes over and says you have a hole in the back of your dress. >> i have had that. >> yes, girl, it is right over , you know. >> sure enough i looked back and said my gosh i do. before i even started, i said i didn't bring a jacket. i didn't have anything tight on my waste. i said what do i do. so i go mike, i have a hole in my dress. it is not even on the side. right in the middle. >> i said walk ahead me see how bad it is. she walks ahead of me, i said oh, lord. seem right down the back of your dress. >> and the seems split open like this. >> i have had that happen it is an inch, it starts growing, and now your booty is showing. >> those jeans we talk but wanted zipper jeans you got tonight your dress. >> i said what do i do, night just beginning. i don't want people looking. so, mike says i have a plan. then he does this. he goes and gets some tape, duct tape and he says here i will give you my ear piece and tape it with the tape so it looks like you are about to go live so is there a purpose on your butt. >> taping down your if fb cord people bought it. >> problem solver. >> i did get a lot you have something, yes, i know, yes, i know. >> why are you looking at my butt. >> for the whole night, i walk around with tape on my butt because that is the life i have, only me. but a red carpet wouldn't be complete. >> that is how i choose to look ate. >> nicely done. >> just happy to be there. >> janet jackson. >> it wasn't on that level. >> no. >> miss who wille. >> is this a tease or we doing the story. okay. i have got my milk ready to go and my straw because kim kardashian is fake breast-feeding her second child. we will tell you how she's doing it. what? she's fake breast-feeding the first child because the first child is jealous of the second child. i will get this straight. >> first child is almost four. doing it for her four years old. ♪ bite into magnum double caramel... ♪ and unleash your wild side. ♪ ♪ made with silky vanilla bean ice cream and rich belgian chocolate. ♪ discover magnum. we built our 100% fiber optic network because we knew that in the future everybody would need fast, powerful internet and lots of it. and now we're introducing the fios gigabit connection with download speeds up to 940 megs that are 20x faster and more powerful than most people have. you want to run 100 devices? go ahead. and the really incredible part, it's $79.99 a month for one year, and you'll also get tv, hbo and multi-room dvr service. comcast only offers 200mg speeds with their $89.99 triple play. switch to the most powerful internet at the most revolutionary price. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 a month and we'll give you tv, hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years all with a 2 year agreement. so act fast. go to welcome back at 9:23. let's get in the kim kardashian thing. you have breast fed. so tell the story. >> so kim kardashian -- >> have i breast fed. yes. >> she she is a on tv for first time after being robbed, and hasn't been on her own reality show. she's telling the story about what is happening in her own family life. she's talking on the show, about how, her older child north, three, almost four in june, is so jealous of the little boy, the brother, saint >> okay. >> so jealous, i cannot fool him i have to start breast-feeding him. she was so jealous. i had to get a milk box and put it in the other bra like the straw so she would drink, and he would drink. i mean, it was -- she's so jealous. >> that is so sweet of you to think to do that. that is awesome, that you would do that. >> she would think there would be something different with a straw, but, you know, maybe she's not that bright. >> she's so funny. >> stop it. >> that was in-genius to think >> that is over stating it. >> it was chef. >> thank you. >> clever. >> to tell you the truth, i bet she made it up, a tv story do you really think that she took a carton, put tonight her bra, and take the tab off ape sticks a straw in there. really do you think it happened more than once. >> i mean, maybe. >> come on, kim. >> i don't know, your kid screaming. i got a phone call for half an hour, crying crazy kid, throwing stuff and just wanted , you will come up with these weirdo things to make it stop. >> seriously. >> yes. >> i am not doing it. >> here. >> no, no. >> i thought i was going to do it. can you just hold it. >> no, i cannot. >> i am not doing that. >> karen is not willing. >> if karen is not doing it, you know it must be -- >> can we have someone sit here. >> we have been sitting here too long. >> we need somebody, we need two new people, people don't know that is coming. >> oh, lord. >> drink it yourself. >> i know. >> maybe that would calm me too. >> only us, could not find a carton of million income olde city. >> is that our cafeteria thing >> they are out of million income olde city. you might want to put that as breaking news. olde city philadelphia, does not have milk. run for your lives. >> they do have is food trucks >> yeah. >> that is true. >> over in passyunk. >> beautiful transition we call it in the television business. it is a segway. >> make sure you go to passyunk avenue because there will be all kind of things taking over five blocks we will give you a preview of flavors on the avenue, street festival. >> corry aversea announcer: washington politicians are at it again with another disastrous health care repeal bill that raises costs and cuts coverage for millions. and their latest plan is worse than ever.. affordable coverage for maternity care, cancer treatment, substance abuse treatment, and preexisting conditions would no longer be gauranteed. the plan threatens care for seniors and the disabled... and imposes a massive age tax for people over 50. tell congressman costello - don't repeal our health care. are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. >> if you come down here, i know what you are thinking, what's the food going to be like? even though huge event on a national scale, weaver some local food. check it out. we have chick east and pete. we have tony luke's, cream side creamery, baby blues barbeque, all the sudden desserts, the cow and the curve, mike, finish it off for me. >> alex, avenue couple of left, tnn, homemade kitchen deat yet? and lulu bang wings, right? you beeng everything? >> everything. >> everything. >> and funny water. >> a lot of water. >> and a lot of food set outside, food outside our studios, guys, what do you have? >> food and more food, from the parkway you do all of that stuff this weekend, but sunday, you can go to passyunk, right. >> yes. parkway to the avenue. we're talking about passyunk, it is east passyunk avenue isn't it? yes, so just taste what you will see sunday april the 30th e in south philly. let's start with you. van all with a y? >> hi, i'm bonnie from vanilla bakery. today we have a yards love stout cupcake with irish butter cream and whiskey gnosh. >> oh, would you be wobble away after you eat this thing. >> after you have the cookies with the the east passyunk logo thon. >> so cute. i love it, purple, our favorite color. mike, you will enjoy that? oh, ya. >> oh, horrible, thank you. >> that's a big burger. >> yes, a traditional sandwich from south america, it has got smoke, pickled onions on top. >> how big after burger is that? >> like the large version, we will be serving little versions for the event. >> like sliders? >> perfect. love that. moving right along? >> i don't have any food in front of me because i'm at ringleader. i bring it altogether. >> lovely. how many people participating in this? >> twenty-seven restaurant, seven bands, four kid zones, philadelphia museum of art, we got it all. >> do you have it all. and how long will it be lasting for? >> noon to 5:00. >> we can make that happen. let's see more. what do you have? >> i have our cornbread waffle, with our southern style sausage gravy, kind of our take on biscuits and waffles. >> wait a minute. that's cornbread? really? >> cornbread, yes. biscuits, gravy more traditional belgium waffle with fresh berries. >> okay. i am from the south so you know i love me some cornbread. >> i'm nervous now. >> oh, it is good, uh-huh. >> watch this technique. oh, no. >> and here. >> what are we doing. >> mike is actually doing -- pouring malaysian tea, air rated pouring from one container to the other. >> how are your spills doing this right now? >> for the first try, trying to keep -- trying to keep them in the mug. >> what's the point of this? what is it called? >> tartaric. pooling the tee, malaysia tea has a lot, kind of like red wine. >> i'm air rating the tea, calling pooling the tee? >> pooling the tea. while he continues to pull that tea, can we pull this snout. >> yes. we will throw this up, this is coffee and tea mix. >> okay? >> really good drink. >> what about the food? >> saute, so we have sat a, specializing in saw tai, marinaded meat barbequed. >> very nice. >> eat it with peanut sauce, then dessert here, and those are pickles. >> oh, pickles, very nice. >> pickles are awesome. >> so 27, 27 different restaurant. >> twenty-seven different restaurant. >> my gosh, i know where we will be on sunday. thank you, coupon book, perfect. so we will see you then on sunday, april 30th, from 12:00 k avenue, mike will still be doing this on sunday. >> thank you guys. sue serio just said weekend winds is he talking about the wonderful festival this weekend, 9:34, patrick thank you for watching. also to tell but this father in san diego. he demonstrates if you want to get your baby to stop crying in a couple of seconds. here's his trick. >> (baby crying. >> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. >> i love that. he's doing his little resonating with the worlds, from yoga, how cute is this? daniel posted that video, parents are loving it. i tried that trick, it is amaze, and i think works, so you can try, as. >> i another reason to check out the draft experience, the shopping there so cool. mike anal election take us inside the cool shop, what would you want to get, what you covet, and what's there. hi hey i'll take one of those new fast play games. oh, you ready for a rush? uh, sure! ♪ i'm pretty excited for you right now. ♪ fast play is the new way to play fast and win instantly from the pennsylvania lottery. pick a game, get your ticket and see if you've won. i won! fast play, please! fast play. play fast. win instantly. >> hi, rodney mcleod is here. >> now, eagle reporter? >> were you on the red carpet last night working for sports illustrated. >> that's right. >> doing interviews? >> i was, man, you guys your world, couple of people down. >> is that what i want to do after the eagles? >> we will see, man, i think yesterday went well for me, interviewed some of the guys. >> well, you look good last night. >> yes. >> how was the hat received? >> oh, it was received very well. i got a lot of compliment from the draft prospects right there. they were feeling the whole fit. our interviewed dora jackson first, he complement dollars me before i complimented him. >> nice. what do you say? because you've been in their shoes, asking the sports guy, what do you ask? >> man, i ask, you know, obviously big moment for them, and their families, how they're doing, how is the experience been, are they enjoying themselves, but then also my job was to, you know, make it fun, but then ask about their outfit, what did they like about their fit, who helped them out. and it was impressive to see those guys, a lot of humble guys, and also very stylish, too. >> certainly were. >> speaking of style, we noticed on the wrist, like cam robinson, you know cam, he had one of the biggest watches i've ever seen. >> diamonds and all of that? >> diamonds. you had jewelry on last night, too. we are getting that? is that what's up next? got to love television. anyway, what did you major in college? >> i majored in sociology. >> where did you go to school. >> i went to university of virginia. >> wow, look at you. i should know that by now. >> wahoos. >> car hen a question for you. we showed video, yes, i am calling you out earlier. >> your shirt? >> the mack snell. >> is that an eagle on your chest? what's on your chest? >> no, bible scriptue, tatoo, it was -- it is a dove actually. so yes. >> i knew it was a bird. >> i wasn't trying to show it too much. >> apparently karen noticed. >> not like i was -- you had been in the gym. you talk about that, what's the script shnewer. >> isiah 40: thirty-one. >> what's that? >> don't call me on it, the whole thing, i won't do that on national tv right now. >> just local. >> or local. you. >> know what i meant. >> he doesn't have to remember. >> that's interesting. >> what, a dove? >> no, scripture on your chest. >> a lot of people do that. >> right on your heart, literally right on your heart, like the word right here, take it, intern eyes it. >> i like that. >> okay, here is the bling from last night, a lot of guys had watches on. now, are those watches given to you? >> first rounder guys, they get, you know, i was in totally different, you know, i'm un drafted, so, you know, way down, way down there. >> so that was my first experience. >> look at that, though. >> i love it. >> you know, i'm more impressed by somebody like you, who has not been drafted, and you -- you're not walking on to the pros? are you? >> some would. that's what you kind of looked at. >> you just showed up one day? >> oh, no. >> he knock on the door. >> oh, no. >> i want him in the game. >> i want in the game. >> put me in, coach. >> you know, we can sign you up right now. i know you got something left in your knees. >> oh, no, not in that meniscus. >> we could switch. >> back up carson? (laughing). >> i'll be backing up his rolls royce, that's about it. >> maybe we should do a switch. you did our job yesterday. >> did i. >> and maybe we should try and do his. >> oh, i sit in here, get in here. how about hasan reddick last night? he grew up in camden. >> yes. >> now he's off to arizona as millionaire. pardon me, karen. >> i love it. >> sit over here. >> oh, he want you to take his spot. so you have to do the prompter. >> the reason i bring up camden, we have an unbelievable special guest, group of kids from camden. they are the only group in america that's been named to go to the netherlands to perform. >> wow. >> they're considered one of the best bands, well, in the whole land. >> very impressive. >> want to meet them? they would like to meet you outside. >> all right, let's do it. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ to protect our families and our civil rights. he's represented black lives matter, occupy wall street, and parents protesting the closing of schools. larry krasner will reform the criminal justice system, ending a war on drugs and the era of mass incarceration that targets poor and minority communities. because justice makes us safer. not just talking the talk, walking the walk. larry krasner, democrat for district attorney. it's custom made so you know it's good quality. i'm just speechless because it's perfect. it's custom made so you know it's good quality. introducing the fios gigabit connection with download speeds up to 940 megs that are 20x faster and more powerful than most people have. incredibly, it's $79.99 a month for one year. comcast charges you $89.99 for a triple play that only offers 200 megs speeds. switch to the most powerful internet at the most revolutionary price. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 a month and we'll give you tv, hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years all with a 2 year agreement. so act fast. go to >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> welcome back, it is a great weekend to head up to shawnee and the pocono mountains, going to be amazing, how nice will it be? sue will have the answer in 15 seconds. >> sigh of relief, the weekends almost here. look where the 70s already in philadelphia, with 71 degrees here, 72 in atlantic city, 71 in wilmington, and mid 60s, even up in the pocono mountains, now, saturday, we're flirting with a record, 90 degrees is the record set in 1974. it is authorities believe we've ever reached 90 degrees in april, but we will come close on saturday. we will see how high it ends up getting but i can promise you heat and humidity, maybe get pop up thunderstorm. now there is cold front saturday night into sunday, so we could start off the day with a couple of showers early in the morning, but we recover nicely to comfortable high of 72 degrees. we are back in the mid 70s, by the middle of next week. karen? >> all right, sue, we want to introduce you to this absolutely amazing bands, because they've won absolutely international competition. now they need some help to get there. it is the netherlands, they're the camden creative arts jazz bands from creative arts morgan village academy band, the first band selected from this country to compete in the 21 year history of this competition, but they need little help. mike and alex are outside with the director right now, and they're amazing, hey, guys. >> isn't it amazing, the whole thing, they were selected, out of the entire country. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> how long have you been directing this? >> seventeen years. this is my 17th year now. i came right out of college. we just love what we do with the kids. we've been selected to do this in america, the one band that was selected, and we will be competing against adult, and professionals, so, it is an awesome opportunity. >> the only time in american team has gone over there? >> first time this has happened in international big band competition. >> how did you get picked? did they just hear you and were blown away. >> so you have to be nominated. once they hear you, they select and say this band is excepting into this program. once they except you, you go there, you just do what you got to do. >> rodney, what do you think that far? >> man, it is exciting. it is very, yes, and i'm excited to hear this young group right here. >> do you think any of them have been outside of the country? going to the netherlands sounds cool. >> one of the kids, this opportunity probably one of the only times they would have to get out of this country. >> has anybody ever left the united states of america? one, two, three. are you excited? >> yes! >> now, here is the deal, viewers, we've got to raise some money. they need about 35 to $40,000, they're right at $10,000. they have a go fun me page watch is it? >> www.go fundme. you get there and search creative art. camden creative arts high school. it will take you straight to the page. >> okay, let's listen, and you're going to hear why we need to send them to holland. here we go. >> do it. >> one, two, three ... >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ is that ice cream? no, it's, uh, breyers gelato indulgences. you really wouldn't like it. it's got caramel and crunchy stuff. i like caramel and crunchy stuff. breyers gelato indulgences. it's way beyond ice cream. >> ♪ >> oh, man, i'm telling you, jamal, band director 17 years, just received prestigious james mcbride award. fantastic. he leads them to now the best band in the land. and they're going to new orleans. the netter land f we can help them. they need about $30,000. >> so let's do what we can. also, you should go see them play. they move and everything else, more than just playing those instruments. they were getting down. >> yes, maybe if i do this fast enough they'll move for you at the end here. by the way i want to see you tonight, i've been asked to be a part of this anthony henderson celebrity stylist, anthony henderson, 17 days of fashion, the fourth annual one, we'll have cocktail fundraiser, fashion show, it is all over there at the comcast center the lower level in the art gallery area. >> and then we also have a special birthday shout out. mina, happy birthday! i know over at pour 99, watch us every morning, my girl's nina's birthday. >> i love her. i saw her at the draft last night. >> oh, out and about. we will be celebrating, and she is one of my dear friends, so happy birthday. >> she is sweet. fresh prince of bellaire, well, two year old is getting a lot of attention on social media. a little, will smith. what? mini will smith? >> yes. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> in west philadelphia born and raised ♪ on the playground where i spent most of my days ♪ chilling out maxing, relaxing -- >> that's the original one. >> yes. >> the big size will smith. >> yes. >> how about this mini one, so cute? they recreated the whole open. >> mom is a photographer, and her son's name is princeton. here he is. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> in west philadelphia born and raised on the playgrounds where i spend most of my days ♪ chilling out relaxing shooting b ball outside the school when couple of guys up to no good started making trouble in my neighborhood. i got in one little fight and my mom got scared and she said you're moving with your aunty and uncle in bellaire. >> ♪ >> oh, man that's off the hook. >> we got to find this kid. okay, let's get back out to the band here. congratulations, camden, man, a lot of publicity today, camden. >> and good publicity, we love it. >> let's make some money, go to the go fund me page. com. >> have a great weekend, everybody. we are run it tomorrow on good day, as well. have fun. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ they're made with real 100% all-natural ingredients. like white meat chicken... and that's it. keep it real. keep it tyson. how do you please the world's toughest food critics? 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[ applause ] [ applause ] >> wendy: we're back! thank you for watching. say hello to my co-host, the studio audience!

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