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Fultz he impressed the new coach with his defense, look at this. Yeah. He will play in the suit. That is how good he is. And his backpack still on. He has a hoodie, jacket and backpack. Blocking those shots. Wait until he puts uniform on. Good day it is tuesday, june 20th, 2017. We decided where we will watch the draft, this thursday. We have not. Schools out for summer we could go to brooklyn if we want because schools out today. You have a whole different feel on the last day of school it just feels good. Anyway, National Weather service is investigating whether this was a tornado or not. I think it is, what do you think, alex. Look at those wind, this is taken in delaware in greenwood , look at that movement. Where were you yesterday afternoon and early evening, man, it got intense, didnt it it got so dark where i was. I thought it was seven or 8 00. In one was injured in this but now they are going to investigate to see it in was a tornado. What does sue serio says what does sue serio says. I dont care what the National Weather service says, lets see what sue has to say. I can show you where it was because it was in the lower of the three counties in delaware lot at storm reports we had of damage with high wind, lightening. Are those. Are those sheep. Those are greenwood, right there, and this is where there was trees down at this intersection there and probable tornado. This was a report from the National Weather service. They will send a meteorologist down there this morning to check on the damage. Fit is circular in nature. If you can get just as much damage from Straight Line wind but they know how to look for it. They will determine if it was a tornado or what. Sue. What . Not to play, i mean. It is okay. Nobody got hurt, right. No, no. No damage, nobody was hurty didnt know there was a town called cocked half have you ever been there. It is very rural down there and there is a lot of history down there and maybe just one day somebody came in with a chapot that looked like that way. And tilt todd one day. And they named the town after. That im sure that is the actual history but i could google it. Yes, indeed. Love it. Meanwhile, today has got a better number then yesterday. We are starting off with cloud and a few showers. We have a eight out of 10. Buddy says last day of school were starting off in the zero sevens, end up in the 80s. Eightyseven should be our high today, breeze up to 25 miles an hour, and it will be drying out bob kelly after yesterday. 6 03. Good morning, everybody is wet behind the ears but starting to see some sun, live look here at i95, right here near cottman avenue sun bouncing off back of the sign there coming from new jersey. On and off ramps are all wet and in the neighborhood we will find some debris. 495 northbound, already jammed heading in to wilmington. Bumper to bumper here. They are replacing expansion joints 495 right here near route 13, they will be out there all day long so expect delays in both directions and bryn mawr, morris avenue at spring mill road a down tree, also route 50 southbound right here near main street and mays landing a down tree so is there trees, tree branches and a lot of the traffic lights could be out of step as well in the areas where we who power during the storm last night. Then watch for a jam here north on i95 from the airport island avenue all the way up in to broad street, that will happen later on, right after the rush hour, mike and alex, back to you. Bob, we appreciate it. Everybody seated over there we are good, ready to go. People will be seated today in the courtroom at least 12 people in the jury seats. And thinks as philadelphia s top prosecutor, District Attorney, begins his fight to stay out of prison. Yes, Opening Statements will start around 10 00 oclock this morning in the corruption trial of the Seth Williams. Lauren johnson is on trial again this morning, hi lauren. 2017 has not been a good year for Seth Williams. Next month will be rough as it plays on you the here in the federal courthouse he fighting for his freedom, prosecutors say he does in the deserve since he committed crimes as philadelphias top prosecutor. Back in march he was indicted in 29 counts. Came down in a 50 page report. Days later was suspended his law license. He handed over his prosectorial power, to the office, the First Assistant inside his office. He dropped his bid for a he third term. Placed his overbrook home on the market. He is going through a divorce if not a done deal already. It is a lot for everyone but for a man tapped to fight crime in philadelphia the government says he was part of the problem, his lawyers say no crimes were committed when he received gifts and cash from friend willing to give them up. Jury will to have make final decision and they were chosen yesterday 10 women, two men and alternates will hear Opening Statements today, judge paul diamond warned them this trial could go for three to four weeks but he wants it to be a speedy trial. Many federal governments witnesses are current employees in the d. A. s office but he says he wants to wrap things up quickly here so life can get back to normal in philadelphia, mike and alex. Okay, lauren, cameras will be there. A lot of you watched good hello. What do you think of the new contract, five years in the making philadelphia teachers will that have new contract, they voted on it last night. They did to vote this agreement between union and School District but is there still another step left to go. Jenny joyce has those details at School District headquarters, jenny. Reporter yeah, good morning, guys. Tonight School Reform commission will vote to approve this contract, so the current contract deal is gay thing but we have that question of how to pay for it, the answers were not given last night but we did see members of the Philadelphia Federation of teachers, happily endorse it. That is where they met to vote on the approved and vote on the contract agreement. Tentative deal was reached by pft and School District last friday. Now the process moves forward while most teachers seem excited to be working with a contract they say that are some issues that were not addressed in the agreement like decreasing class sizes and improving building conditions. Pft president jerry jordan is not calling this a perfect deal but rather a fair deal one that is expected to create stability within the district for the first time in nearly five years. So that is the funding issues philly. Com report ago this this contract is worth 395 milliondollar but the 245 milliondollar budget short fall. So we did hear from doctor hit e last week, i believe it was friday when he said he will continue to advocate for fund being through the city and state but where that money will come from ultimately we do not know and thinks a threeyear contract. So we will have to see what happens with these teachers and hope that layoffs are not in their future, mike and alex again, fall out for teachers what do you think . We will have helen gym from city council. You have questions for her, she will be here in the 7 00 oclock hour. We will break down some of the things they are getting and what they are not getting, in the new contract. There are calls for tougher sanction as begins north cover reas an American College student detained by communist regime has died. Members of the Congress Also want to pass a law restricting americans from traveling to north cover re. Otto warmbier died in ohio yesterday after returning to the u. S. Last week in a coma, doctors say that the university of virginia student had severe brain damage but they do not know the exact cause of it. North korean officials sentenced him to 15 years of hard labor for stealing political poster allegedly, secretary of state Rex Tillerson said u. S. Will hold north korea account be and demanding release of three other imprison americans. He simply on his last day in north cover reand decided to take a political poster, as they were heading to the airport and then he was there for two years. Meantime his family, says that otto has completed his journey home, they released this statement. It would be easy at a moment lake this to focus on all that we lost, future time that wont be spent with a warm engaging, brilliant young man whose curiosity and enthusiasm for life knew no bound. But we chose to focus on the time we were given to be with remarkable person. The entire statement from the family was just heart breaking. There was another part that spoke to me and im paraphras ing it but they basically said when he came home he could not understand them, he seemed anguished but by the time he got a sense of peace or seemed to be more calm because he knew he was home, even though they have in way to tell because he could not speak. His face looked like it was at peace because he was back home and then he died yesterday. All right. Another terror investigation in europe, here we go again and this one could have been much worse, what was inside a car used to ram a police van in paris, yesterday. Disturbing trend at site of the Apartment Fire in london, what people are doing that has former residents posting signs saying this is not a tourist attraction. Champselysees. Champselysees. Champs say. Authorities in france are investigating another act of terror. Paris police say a man rammed his car in the police van on the famous champselysees, in the shopping district there yesterday. Police say that the driver died, when his car blew up. It was filled with weapons and explosives, and in Police Officers or pedestrianness there were hurt and french authorities have flagged the 31 yearold driver for links to extremism so he was on their radar. Investigators searched house of the man believed to have been behind the wheel of the vehicle that plowed in the crowd of worshipers outside a London Mosque monday. One person was killed and 10 others were wounded, that driver has been identified as, 47 yearold darren osborne, a father of four, Authorities Say that he was not men to them before he attacked. 6 13. He was cornered and punched by a group of kid but he is not letting that slow him down, his message to those hoff reached out since his attack. We talked to him. Its time that we bring addiction out of the darkness and into the light. To everyone struggling in silence addicts, family, friends you are not alone. Its time we lift each other up, reach out, say something. Addiction is a disease. Dont suffer. Dont wait. Help is within reach. Call 844 reach nj or go to reachnj. Gov the road to recovery starts now. You brush your teeth diligently. Two times a day right . But 80 of bacteria arent even on teeth. Eughty purschunt . colgate totals different. It fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. Protecting 100 of your mouths surfaces. Colgate total for whole mouth health. Wewe got the keys ys to our new house ahhh wooo this is exciting weve got our own house yeah im sorry do you like it here maddie . I love you. I love you too. I saw the rainbow. It is a double rain he do you see it. Yes, im hungry for ice cream. Fresco user is that what you get. Double rainbow is a name of the ice cream shop. Okay. Fresco user lawyer up philly and lawyer up delaware sent this to us. Umhmm. Quite lovely. Gorge. It just shows once you get through storm there is beauty on the other side. When you walk through a storm. Hold your head up high. Sue, take it. Dont be afraid of the dark okay. Now, we will go revisit, as we look at storm reports from yesterday, right now greenwood , delaware we have little town called cocked hat because there is nothing it is named after a tavern, from back in its own, route 404. It sound like a decision that would be made in the tavern, yes. Yes, other strange delaware town names, we know about bear , delaware. Sure. Ogletown. Hard scrabble delaware, shortly. Hard scrabble. The game. Yes. Shortly, delaware and my favorite, pepper box. Pepper box. Pepper box. That goes with cocked hat. Yes. I heard people of cock hat i hope they are watching and love them to tweet us or message us. I bet somebody knows even more about it then i could find out on the internet. What do you think like the High School Football team mass death is, the hatters. The chapot s. I will stop right there. Cold front that is just about finished making its way through the area we have seen a couple of showers this morning but it certainly wasnt drama we had yesterday, today will be breezy, get up to 87 degrees, first day of summer is tomorrow, lovely day in store, 86 degrees, sunshine eightyeight for thursday and we are up to 90 on friday, late day thunderstorms, possible, saturday, and sunday , temperatures in the mid 80s both days aint dont forget your forecast is available on the radio just tune into 101. 1, more fm. More sun glare, 6 18, live look at i95, this is i95 southbound right here near girard where we see morning rush but northbound is where we will get hit with the sun glare. Look at this mess, this is 495 , northbound only one lane opened at route 13, they will be working out here in wilmington all day long both directions, expect delays near Market Street, down tree at bryn mawr morris avenue, a lot of left overs. We have got down trees and branches. Some traffic lights are out of sync from the power outage that we had last night and get ready pack a snack coming into town on the schuylkill today right after rush hour penndot will be setting up shop down to one lane between blue route and city avenue, day one of the week long project which eventually will lead to a repaving project. Since were sing ago long, ready, neil diamond in concert tonight. Oh. Come on sweet caroline. Hello, pry friend, hello. That was good. That song makes me so sad, i cry every time. Im here to let you know. I think about you have you every night. It is so sad. It is sad. Maybe ill go cry can you hold me. Bob, you can hold me. Berth give him a blanket and move on. Are you done. Snuggie from the back room. Im done now, back to you. I like your suit today. Thanks. 6 20. Lets get to london because death toll is still rising, in london as investigators search is what left of that high rise that went up in flames last week. Well, 79 people are known dead and many more are still unaccounted for we have had that number yesterday, so fire at the greenville tour Apartment Fire started wednesday. It is deadliest fire in main line britain since the turn of the last century and they still are not sure exactly how it started. In the days since, there has been a disturbing trend, people have been coming up, to the shell that is left there to take selfies at the site, much to the shegrin of victim families. Signs are now posted, begging socalled grief tourist to have a heart. So photo journalist guy small man tweeted a sign, the tragedy is not a tourist attraction, selfies, and wrote this sign placed under the west way, this morning is kind of depressing. This even need to be said. Such a good point. Dont take selfies with the burned out shell of that Apartment Building in the background the. The fact they need to put up that sign. Im telling you it did happen and in times square remember when the guy was drunk trying to get away from the cops, that is marla maples , used to be married to our president , well, she was married to donald trump she did that. Yes. Did she say something. No, she wanted to let everybody know she was near the scene of thins dent in times square and that she was okay, that is basically what she was saying in the post but it was a selfie. People ripped her for. That you just cant take selfies in certain situations. Do you think selfie craze will ever come to an end if it does , how soon. Do you think five years it will take to take selfies out of us. It takes Something Else new to happen and then we will be over it. What would be the next thing selfies are it now what would be the new way to take pictures. Technology hasnt even been invented yes but that will blow away selfie. That is what it takes. Something that will take a whole body shot as a selfie. We did a story about the fly away selfie, yeah, a part of your phone and it flies off , remote and goes up in the air and hovers and taking apex tours. Miniature drone. Through go. That comes from your phone. Yes, a phone drone. Lottery numbers, break. [hissing] uh i [sound of wrench] [intricate guitar riff] [engine starts] [guitar continues] and, finally, it is done sixers have the number one draft pick they trade add way their third pick and a future first round tore move up two spots in thursday draft and, of course, guy that they will get is Markell Fultz out of washington. Yesterday Brian Colangelo talk about why he felt the need to move up to get the number one overall pick. When you can look at a group of talent in this particular draft and know that you have a Comfort Level with who those players are, grab them, grab them while you can because it is a known quantities. What happened at 18, 19, is there so many things that can happen between now and then i would rather try to get the taken care of right now and we felt like once again there was big enough gap between three and one that we move forward. After being charged with a dui a month ago tiger tweeted out he will be seeking help to manage his medication. That is sports in a minute. Im sean bell. Heres jenny talking about teachers and contracts. Good morning, mike. Philadelphia Teachers Union voted yes to approve a contract deal first one they have seen in nearly five years what does this mean . We will break it down next. Joe hi. This is Pennsylvania State treasurer joe torsella. Our state treasury is proud to launch the pa able program, a savings plan for people with disabilities, including erin. Open a pa able account today by visiting our website at paable. Gov. Philadelphia d. A. On trial is what expect during Opening Statements later this morning. Another hearing related to the bill cosby trial today what the judge will be deciding, this morning about the jurors in the case. He was cornered punched by a group of kid but he is not letting that slow him down, his message to those who reached out since this horrible attack. Good day it is tuesday june 2017. There is a reason to celebrate for kid out there. Schools out for summer. That is right, school is last day of kid for the philadelphia School District. We want to see your photos. Send them using fox 29 good day. This is what i want, dont just send photos you standing in front of the door. Send a photo that shows how excited you are this is last day of school so we can feel emotion. Big smiles, excited face throwing paper in the air. Channel karen hepp. Stuff like that. Karen knows thousand get excited. I love it. It is great. Use fox 29 good day. We have to use. That put it on tv. Last day of school heres sue. Not to complicate but i had an idea, get back and get a picture from the first day of school and then put it side by side with the last day of school and see how much your kid have grown. That is what we begged for. We got a couple. You asked for something on another level, he asked for starting school. It is like homework. That is true i was asking for kindergarten and 12th grade. That is tough. Yes. If you have a phone and took picture first day of school and it is still on your phone, first day of school, last day of school. Buddy is so happy. It doesnt matter what is going on. Temperatures in the 70s. We have included down to the south of us as last of our cold front moves off shore just about out, shower around cape may, bright sunshine here in olde city as we dry out from yesterdays rain. 72 degrees. 10 miles an hour breezes, temperatures in the 60s to the north of us, 70s the two south and high of 87, breezy and warm throughout the day. That is your Weather Authority forecast, bob kelly here, how are you doing out there this morning. We have left overs from last night, everything damp, wet, down trees, branches and here comes the sun. Heres live look at schuylkill expressway in the city this morning we will see sun glare and work crews on 495 in wilmington. Already one lane jammed solid both directions. It will be like this most of the day, 495 in the heart of the wilmington and route 13. They are repairing that expansion joint. Use 95 instead of the 495 through wilmington n pottstown and down tree at hanover on ramp down tree in bryn mawr morris avenue and spring mill, from down trees to tree branches street closures and traffic lights will be out of sync from Power Outages yesterday but most part, mass transit running with no reported delays. Im excited we finally got a contract. Been a long time coming. Long time coming, philadelphia teachers have now voted to accept this new contract. So today we will go before the School Reform commission and that will get its final approval. Jenny joyce at the School District headquarters right now, hey there, jenny. Reporter good morning, pay raise that is one good thing about the contract deal we are not talk about across the board pay raises but salary steps, reintroduction of salary steps based on years on the job and higher education. Last night members of the Philadelphia Federation of teachers met at Liacouras Center vote on the contract a agreement, which they approved tentative deal was reached by pft and School District last friday and now process moves forward. While most teachers seemed to be excited to get this contract there are issues that werent addressed in the agreement like trying to decrease class size and improve building conditions. Beyond that there are concessions, teachers will be paying for their health care. It is not everything that people wanted. You have to give and take. I am owe optimistic in 2020 we will continue to fight. We will not go away. Our members are more and more mobilized. I look forward to the day when our children and our teachers and entire city of philadelphia can have a great education. When there is a contract in place there is a different kind of environment in the schools and School District and for that we are really, really pleased, about the a agreement. Reporter School Superintendent doctor hite is also glad union voted to approve the contract he thinks teachers working under an agreement will retain a recruit most talented Staff Members so School Reform commission tonight will vote on the contract, mike and alex we will have cameras there for sure. 6 35. Philadelphias District Attorney begins legal fight of his life, Opening Statements get underway today in the corruption trial of the Seth Williams. Lauren johnson is back on the her powe. Reporter prosecutors say paycheck was not big enough for philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams so that caused him to defraud government taking gifts, bribes, and committing acts of crimes basically he will be here at courthouse this morning. They want to know if they can convince jury over next month or so as trial plays out. Time will tell. Seth williams is greet being media inside. Judge paul diamonds prosecutors and defense lawyers tried to narrow down injury friday 140 potential. Diamond wanted to seat jury quickly but he was doubtful midday when majority of them admitted to knowing about the case from news accounts. Many people also saying Time Commitment was a conflict. They got it done 10 women, two men, four female alternates now charged with showing up for next three to four weeks to hear testimony including audio recordings. Government hopes those tapes will reveal a man in debt hoping to make up for his losses by selling his oath of office for gifts, money and favors for friend. Jury asked to avoid news, social Media Coverage so they can clearly hear facts of the case. Jury has a record at 9 30 to begin hearing opening arguments from the prosecutors , mike and alex. Thank you. Jury could not reach a verdict in the Sexual Assault case of bill cosby but now media is ankling for chance to find out why from the jurors themselves. Wow. Montgomery county judge will hear arguments today on whether names of the jurors should be named public. Media organizations are seeking their identities but prosecutors are trying to keep them a secret. So, in california, they released those names, immediately, they seen jurors being interviewed, and. And a lot of people, and one whole day. Find out today when a judge decide. Speaking of the cosby trial did you watch Wendy Williams at top of the show at 10 00 oclock, Wendy Williams had her special correspondent on every day talking about the cosby trial that is one. Steve keeley. Steve keeley. Cosbys lawyers was asking for a mistrial six times and they wanted a mistrial and defense sees a mistrial as a win, he came out and his lawyers said you know what, Rolling Stones show you cannot always get what you want sometimes you get what you need. I think Andrea Constand and accusers in there every day, quoted a different Rolling Stones song, cant get no satisfaction. How about steve, with three , count them, Rolling Stones references. He is always great with the references. Yes. She indicated that she wanted to have him back, you are our cosby person, you have been following this we will have it back when it starts backup. What did they say they wanted to start the trial in 120 days. Do you think steve will come back and report for us. He or national. He has seen lights of hollywood we will never see steve keeley again he is not working to day. You dont see him, no, he is out. A Margate Police officer has found the bod irv a teen pulled in the ocean by rip current, thursday night. Girls body washed up on the beach, a boy saw her in trouble and tried to save her. He is still missing. Officials called off the search for the two of them on friday. Just so sad. Officialness Hamilton Township are investigating a deadly Motor Vehicle accident involving an off cutie police officer. Interest happened yesterday around 4 00 oclock in the afternoon on nottingham way, a second vehicle was involved, however no other injuries were reported. Mercer county Prosecutors Office expects to release more , as well as the officers, identity later this morning. New jersey lawmakers moved forward with plans to memorialize a state trooper killed in the line of duty. Thirtyone yearold shawn cullen was hit by a koran interstate 295 in west chester last year. Senate voted unanimously to name the highway after fallen officer. Oh good. It will be called shawn cullen memorial highway and legislation must still Pass Assembly and be signed by the governor. I think that will happen. 6 40. Atlantic county doctor remains in custody following an fbi raid in last week. At a detention hearing yesterday judge ordered doctor James Kaufman to remain in jail. Fbi agents said search of kaufmans office and home last thursday, he flashed and gun and said he would kill himself he is on jail on weapons charges. Raid was not related to the un solved murder of his wife radio hoe april kaufman. Well, he was victim of that disturbing assault but he is not letting that slow him down, mans message to those hoff shown him support from around the world after he got punched in the face by some punks on the street. Number one pick in the nba draft is ours. Yes. Yes. Markell fultz impressed his new coaches with his defense, we will show you video. Look at that. Block those shots. Rejected. This summer in a place where flavor runs deep, any dish and every glass might be the best youve ever tasted as long as you dont forget your appetite. New york state. Its all here. Its only here. Plan your trip to the finger lakes at iloveny. Com why this is what im talking about. See air a. Yesy know, it fridays chicky cruz. So, sisters kind garden to 12th grade. That is it. I wand fur they are twins this look like twins. Wow, okay, very cool. That is what were looking for. It says started from the bottom and now were here. Nicely done. You love that song. Started from the bottom but now were here, my whole team is here. Yes, keep pictures coming. Last day of school just for today and we started at sum Summer School the following week. I got my work done, bob. 6 44. Good morning, live look, jammed up from cottman in through betsy ross bridge, and we will see you here on the freeway, we have sun glare, what a difference, we can make here watch for delays, last day of school, what happened here. The teachers on the last day of school, you know teachers have to be thrilled to death to have the last day of school today and getting ready to start their summer but work crews are out on 495 in wilmington down to one lane working your way in to route 13 on Market Street there in wilmington. Use 95, instead of 495, today, and the time to beat is 10 00 oclock, penndot starts a project to day on the schuylkill expressway, and down to one lane, between 476 and city avenue starting at 10 00 a. M. , pack a snack or head to the blue route, after 10 00 a. M. Attempting to head in toward downtown philadelphia today. What is forecast like for rest of your tuesday, sue has girth it in 152nd. 6 45, last of our cold front clears the coast we have some haze and some cloud over the boardwalk in wildwood, new jersey. We see inn trip pid Early Morning folks getting out there and getting their walk n it is better then it was, yesterday and all of these storms reports, we will take another look at where we possibly had a tornado, and that is greenwood, delaware but there we will put it out on social media to see if anybody knows name that has fascinated us since 6 00 oclock cocked hat, delaware. More important thing no one was hurt in this storm damage that we had around greenwood and not a lot of damage either but we will see if there was a tornado that touched down. Storms were strong with that cold front. We build up heat and humidity yesterday and that cold front came and it was weather drama what do we have left . A couple showers around Sea Isle City there and that is it for that, what happened tomorrow . Well, very early in the morning right after mid night . Summer begins. Yes, first day of summer tomorrow, happens summer solstice at 12 24. It looks like it is nice, 86 degrees tomorrow after 87 today. And then chance ovulate day thunderstorms after hitting 90 on friday. Rain could link inner to saturday morning, we will be in the seasonal mid 80s for first weekend of summer, mike and alex. What will do you first week of summer. Weekend of summer. The first week end of summer. We need to do something to celebrate summer tomorrow. It is first day of summer. Video, something, we will do something. We will get it together. Two weeks ago we told you about a cruel attack of a man with special need. Video was posted on social media karen hepp we have talk to the man in the video, the victim. We did and he is doing all right. His name is mark smith. He has an intellectual disability. It was hard to watch for everybody involved that he was sucker punched by kid in the won but twice. Mark doesnt like to look at it. He is surprised because kid were nice, friendly and they turned on him and hit him again. He never even told his caretaker about what happened because he was embarrassed about this happening to him but it was police who let her know that group of boys cornered him on germantown avenue and posted that on facebook. Here he is back in the house taking out trash, talking sports. She encourage him to talk about his story and when he did, something really unexpect happened. He has been getting letters, card, and gifts from people he has never even met. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and i wish you much love. Thank, thank you. He says he is doing all right. His caretaker hopes other victims will see it is okay to talk and tell your story and shouldnt blame yourself. Sometimes you feel like you are responsible or whatever. He is speaking out about this now. Boys will face consequence hossa tacked him criminal charges and family certainly hopes and caretaker that the Prosecutors Office will make sure they get help in addition to just punishment. Mark is happy to have new friend as he gets ready to celebrate his 40th birthday, guys. Oh, good. So nice people sending him notes a lot of them. Around the world. Hopefully it shows not everyone is like those kid. Certainly not. All right. Projected number one pick Markell Fultz said he considers himself a good shot blocker after his work out with the sixers on saturday night. Yeah, he is not only good at scoring but he plays defense which you got to have in this league. He proved it yesterday, look at defense, he shows right here. He is taller then i thought too. Doesnt let one get in. That kid dunked on him. The kid even fell down. Is there your number one pick he got skills, man. This is from last night youth basketball clinic in seattle hosted by university of washington Womens Basketball team. Of course, markell played for university of washington huskies. That is why he is in sat. 3,000 miles from home too, grew up in maryland, maryland guy. He is glad he will be closer to home. That is exactly what he said. Friend, family can come to the games. Markell, can you get us some tickets. We might need some. Im thinking of buying season tickets if is there anything available. They are so much fun and they are about to be electrifying now. Ill let you go once or twice. Home to the tigers but this morning it is home to a bear. The University Town that is latest community to have a big , big, bear its time that we bring addiction out of the darkness and into the light. To everyone struggling in silence addicts, family, friends you are not alone. Its time we lift each other up, reach out, say something. Addiction is a disease. Dont suffer. Dont wait. Help is within reach. Call 844 reach nj or go to reachnj. Gov the road to recovery starts now. Last day of fourth grade. Thank you, danielle. What is that a backpack . A beach ball. That is how you celebrate, bring a beach ball to class. Yeah, baby. We know where shesinging this summer. Cherita says samira eighth grade, enjoying a carmel frapp e. I could use a coffee right now. This bear sighting is one big bear but it is a smart bear did you know that. Why. Princeton, ivy league bear. Just going to class then. Yeah. So this is, at the hunt school in princeton. Cops are advising residents to keep cans covered and not to leave food out overnight because if you dont this happens. If you see bear call police. If you see the bear, call the cops. Well, a military vet makes a Cross Country trip from california to save his best friends life. That best friend is a therapy dog, who need life saving surgery to remove cancer. Bones, the dogs name is having his back legs amputate today. Oh, god. So david, and bones, they traveled to malvern where the operation is less expensive then it would be in california their friend set up a go fund me page to a are afford the vet care and make memories along the way. It vice nice to see how many people really have, you know, like thousands at this point have come together to try and make things happen for all of this, in case the war news was delivered when i got here, i wanted to make sure we got some cool adventures. Sound like they will have a lot of adventures. Do you see those pictures, beautiful. It looks like poppy fields of california and then the arc in st. Louis. Bones will need a few weeks to recover. They plan to stay in the philadelphia area through the fourth of july to see fire works and have some fun there and then make long journey back home. Wow. Umhmm. So nice people came together though. That is nice. Bones. Is what the name of this chicken place that everybody loves. Chickfila. Yes. Latest thing on their menu. New bun, they have new buns , hon. I dont want none, if it aint got no new buns, hon. So, this is a new bun made of fuwa and raisins. Yes. Would you try this or where you can get their new gluten free buns, coming up next. We will tell you when. Advil liqui gels work so fast youll ask what bad back . What pulled hammy . Advil liqui gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. To tinto a flamecker youll need a spark. New emergenc Energy Natural caffeine from green tea to focus your mind. 7 b vitamins plus vitamin c to fortify you. Spark the energy within you every day. Emergenc energy . Emerge and see. What to expect when Opening Statements begin. A long journey home with a tragic ending. We got him home to be with his parents. American student who returned home after two years after being in a north korean prison loses his fight for his life. What exactly killed him. A sigh of relief after years of negotiations. Im excited we finally got a contract been a long time coming. Philadelphia teachers approve a new contract after more than four years of working without a raise, what still need to be done before it becomes official. Rain, lightening and possible tornadoes, where were you yesterday afternoon . National Weather Service will be investigating a possible tornado touchdown in our area. It is a done deal sixers complete the trade for the number one pick in thursdays nba draft, and how joel embiid responded to another team who mocked the process. Joel defending philadelphia , good day everybody it is june 20th, 2017. Last day of school for a lot of kid. You know what i think of when i think of the last day of school. Grease

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