Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia 20140929 : compar

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia 20140929

get on twitter and tell us who is the number one bachelor in america now that george has tied the knot. lets do this, "good day philadelphia" for a monday morning. do you feel like complaining about the eagles game? i'm in a complaining kind of mood. today is something we're calling "good day philadelphia", complaint day so you can complain about anything, eagles, about your wife, about your husband, about the fact that it is monday. >> i like the fact that it is monday, to me that is a complaint. >> well, in and of itself after the eagles lose, so use hash tag fox 29 good day. >> yes. >> and is what your complaint. again, complain about anything. you can even complain about this very program but what is there to complain about. >> this will be interesting. >> just strap in. >> i'm buckling upright now. >> i don't know why we're asking this? but it will be fun. here's sue. >> one thing people did not complain about this weekend, the weather. it was fabulous. in fact it did not feel like the first week end of fall and it felt like summer time. we will continue that summertime feel. we will give you eight out of ten with some sunshine. it will be warm but we will have more clouds then sun at times. bus stop buddy in the clouds and the sun, with thinks polo shirt on. it will get to 80 degrees. it is pretty comfortable thanks to the cloud cover we had last night. the sunnies burning through those clouds making for a pretty sunrise. we are watching rain down to the southwest that is not expected to rise today at all. sixty-four at the airport with sunrise at 6:55 officially. we are five minutes into official daylight and 87 percent relative humidity. we will get to a high of 80 degrees. some sun. a lot of clouds. tonight we are down in the 60's with mostly cloudy skies. that take cares of monday. we have a very chilly change in the end. that is coming up. right now lets check traffic. we will start off with east brunswick, new jersey. the turnpike north bound, at the joyce killmer service area. we have an accident there now on the shoulder but it could still slow you down. it is getting bus think morning. >> what was the name of the what, joyce killmer. >> and it is true. >> i think i shall never see a pole look as lovely as a tree joyce killmer, the end why police are investigating a suspicious death in university city. they say a body was found inside a home on the 4,000 block of sansom street just before is 11:00 o'clock last night. it is still in the clear how person tied or who discovered the body. police are also investigating an overnight multi vehicle accident that happened shortlily 12:30 in the morning 36789 people were taken to temple hospital. police say one of the drivers was given a sobriety test. police are looking for an armed robber who held up a south philadelphia holiday inn. robbery happened just before 3:30 this morning in the 1,000 block of packer avenue. police say a man came in the main lobby and stole money from the register. but no one was hurt, during the incident. very well known, holiday inn, right there by the sports complex. >> yes. >> investigators are searching for answers surrounding the death of the coupe are university hospital executive and his wife. >> steve keeley was going to maybe be a couple days before we find out what really happened in that house, steve. >> reporter: mike, we had suspicious death in our lead story in that news block but that word is not being used in this case but it sound like a lot of suspicions are going around if you read news release from the county prosecutor's office. the question new jersey politically powerful want to know is how did the coupe are health ceo and his wife die in their bedroom, the shock and sadness from here in camden all the way up to the state capitol as autopsies may hold the answer that is could come as soon as today. now the 72 year old cooper ceo john sheraton was going to retire soon, his 69 year-old wife joyce retired as a public school teacher, their house up inner middle class trenton suburb. neighbors living here wonder what could have happened because prosecutor's office up there is asking the public to call their tip line if anyone has any information about the sheraton's death. that is an unusual question, if this fire, would have caused it. also unusual it says arson task force and major crime unit are investigating with their detectives. all of that may be just routine but it doesn't sound so routine to their neighbors who told us no fire, flames just a little bit of smoke and authorities say it was just in the couple's second floor bedroom inside their home, already decorated for halloween more than a month away. >> just quiet, nice neighbors that always said hello to the kids. >> great neighbors, great people, they cared, just cared, you know, the whole neighborhood loved them on halloween, they had a whole halloween spread. they would invite kids in. they had their whole house scary and everything. then they had a great christmas village. all of the kids in the the neighborhood knew they culled go there halloween and christmas and they would be welcomed. it was just a really fun place and special people. >> reporter: very special here in camden too. mr. sheraton started here in coupe inner 2005 as a senior vp and became president and ceo in 2008. as we come back live with the first daylight in the morning you can see in that time that he led cooper it has really expanded. several blocks on both sides of what used to be a tiny little hospital, it expand todd broadway towards philadelphia, and then you see this way down to route 676, bigger and blocks wider. way bright inner that desolate city with new lighting out here. hundreds of millions spent on this place including the first new medical school in 30 years. at 72 friends say he finally did plan to quit after a long life of public service, the public now wanting answers on what caused, the man who governor christie called a great, great person here in new jersey. the tragic deaths. what could have possibly caused it we won't know until maybe those autopsies come out as early as today possibly. >> as early as today, that is interesting. just sad in matter what happened. 7:07. one person is in custody following suspicious fire in mt. airy. fire broke out at this stenton avenue apartment building just before 2:30 sunday morning. dozens of fire fighters arrived on the scene within minutes rescuing the family trapped inside. within resident tells fox 29 that at first many people thought it was just a false alarm. >> i think this is real. get out, get out. >> people were screaming, panicking, trying to jump. >> two people were hurt in the fire, fire fighters say there were two fires, one of the first and another on the second. investigators believe they were intentionally set. well, philadelphia police are searching for the hit and run driver who struck a little girl in the mantua section of the city, jenny joyce is following this story, jenny, what happens. >> well, seven year-old child is recovering here at chop, we are told that she's expect to survive her injuries, now police are looking for the vehicles, that caused her these issues. they think that they have identified the vehicle in the hit and run they released an image last night. this picture was taken by a witness of the lime green mitsubishi out lander with license plate number jky-7458. police say that carries believed to have struck a seven year-old girl last night just before 7:00 p.m. the the accident happened at forty-second and penns grove street. details are in the clear but police say the child was transported to chop in serious condition. vehicle was seen traveling east bound on girard from 38th street if you recognize that car or have any information police want to hear from you, give them a call. call their tip line at 215-686-tips. mike. >> how hard can it be, they have a picture of the car with the license plate. >> hopefully that means it will be soon. >> well, yeah, if not already done. she has in response. 7:09. there are new developments in the manhunt of accused cop killer eric frein. as search for frein enters third week police are shifting their search slightly to the south east. authorities do believe they have frein contained within a five square mile perimeter around his parent's house. frein is accused of shooting two straight troopers earlier this month and one troop are died and the other was wounded there were reports over weekend he had given away, his location by accident. 7:09. eagles fall to the 49ers in san francisco, special teams did their part scoring on a touchdown on a blocked punt and another on a punt return by darren sproles. look at him go. sproles, rolls. but the 49ers would come back, take the lead in the second half. eagles had a chance to win the darn game late in the fourth quarter, but could not get into the end zone on two plays from that 2-yard line. san francisco wins the game, 26-21. man, the eagles had this after the game coach chip kelly talk about the offensive struggles. >> there will be days and one of these days you didn't play well and hope other two could bail us out. we have to get first downs. that is biggest thing. we had three and out's and two and outs. >> we have to talk about this at length in just a little bit and then, yeah, use that hash tag today, matthew peterson writes in on twitter, i will complain foles lack of good long passes. he looked terrible. on the bright note alex holy brings me joy every morning. >> isn't that sweet. >> i was afraid people would be hating me this morning. we lost. we have been on a great ride. >> i'll explain you still are the good luck charm, i will explain what happened. >> stay tune we have an explanation. >> yes. >> but if you want to complain use that hash tag. officials are still trying to get things back to normal chicago's o'hare airport after a fire in the air traffic control center. 550 flights were canceled yesterday and delays and cancellations are expect to continue today. we will check board at philadelphia international and at least three flights to chicago are canceled or delayed, so far. the mess has left some passengers scrambling. >> we stayed in the airport. we seen a couple people trying to check hotels and they wanted 350, 375 a night so they are gouging so we said heck, we will stay here and see what we do in the morning. >> at the height of the incident on friday some 2,000 flights were grounded. police say a contract employee set fire at air traffic control center attempting to commit the suicide. repairs are expect to last three weeks at the center. >> it is having major ramificationness philadelphia, so make sure you call your airline, before you head out to philadelphia international. it is 7:12. u.s. doctor here we go again exposed to the ebola virus while working in sierra leon is now being treated in the state of maryland. doctor arrived yesterday and being observed at national institutes of health. nih says doctor is admitted to a specialize late unit. here he comes. asiana bun answer of caution but it is not been confirmed if he is infect with the actual virus. four other doctors or aid workers who were infected while working there has been treated in hospitals in georgia and also in the state the of nebraska. well, large crowds of protesters gathered in front of the ferguson missouri police department following saturday night's shooting of an officer. officer jim zwall. he was shot while patrolling the ferguson, community center. the suspect is still on the loose. investigators say they don't believe the the officer's shooting was related in anyway to the shooting death of the teenager michael brown last month. the officer is at home recovering this morning. seven people in florida are back on solid ground after their boat flipped off the coast. >> horrifying. the group had been participating in a children's fishing tournament when the boat flip. four adults and three children ranging between the age of four and five had to be pulled to shore saturday. that is on sanity apartments hell island on the gulf side of florida. the engines quit working and waves rush the boat out to see. they used cell phones to get help. officials say life jackets saved everybody's life. lets get back overseas now, president obama with some shocking comments yesterday afternoon. he says that u.s. intelligence agencies, underestimated the threat from isis, and overestimated the ability and will of iraq's army to fight. in an interview on 60 minutes in, president obama said militants had gone underground after being squash in iraq were able to regroup during the civil war that is happening in syria. as coalition forces continued air strikes in isis over the week end there is more debate about sending u.s. troops into combat. >> we're not going to be spending trillions of american dollars. we are supporting local forces, training and equipment, assisting them, intelligence. they will do fighting on the ground. we cannot want it more than they do. >> a new wall street journal poll out this morning find 45 percent of americans would favor ground troops, wow, half of the country, if military officials dermitis best way to defeat isis. lets get over to hong kong. the hong kong determine has pulled riot police back from thousands office pro democracy protesters blocking the street. >> protesters are demonstrate ago begins beijing's decision to restrict voting reforms for the first every lex toss choose city leaders in 2017. the officials say it is the the worst unrest hong kong has seen since china took back control of the sit friday great britain in 1997. japanese volcano is getting larger. officials now say 36 people are presumed dead, meanwhile efforts to recover victims have been halted due to toxic gases and ash from this still erupting mountain. mountain is 130 miles west of tokyo and has not had a major eruption since 1979. three people in the netherland were killed when a monster truck car crashed in the people. it does even others were injured. truck veered off course and knocked down a guardrail before going in the crowd. investigators are still trying to figure out exactly what went wrong there. >> 7:15. time for weather and traffic with sue. >> yeah, that is me. nothing to complain about really weather-wise over the weekend even though it is a complaint day. i love you you pay such close attention to me. >> we are always paying close attention. >> yes. >> overhead off to the side. >> i'm concerned. >> here's a look what is going on. we have a storm system to the south not expected to spread rain to the our area today. another one to the north this one will cool things off for us when it comes through but not until tomorrow, as that is supposed to happen. lets look at the future cast and tell you what we're talking about. we have clouds this afternoon. it won't be as bright as it was both the saturday and sunday. still on the warm side though, so we have 60 degrees we will get 70. cooler on tuesday. sunshine in the morning and here comes some rain, by evening on tuesday, and then, we will be on and off, and, into wednesday, as well. so wednesday afternoon, another round of rain with that cold air, and, throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening we have the possibility of some rain, on wednesday. so that means no more days after. that visability has been reduced in some spots in south jersey this morning around fort dix. we had, fog, and it is out there temperatures in the upper 50's and lower 60's, lancaster at 60 degrees. the west chester 61, reading. kutztown 57. as we look at bear, delaware at 62 degrees there. pennsville, new jersey, seeing some rain. 62 degrees in camden and 60 in jackson, new jersey. and toms river at 61. that is where we are right new walking out the door. pretty comfortable. we got to 86 degrees when the average high is 73 degrees. it does not feel like the first week even of autumn but, no one is complaining to me. it will give you something to complain about, some rain, tuesday ape wednesday, cooler temperatures, and, a high have of sunday when eagles play the rams at the link. it is really football weather. it is high of 66 degrees. so that is your seven day forecast, and, we have 80 on the first day to the 60's the last day. all right. lets take a look at traffic on your monday morning. we will start off with northampton east holland road at belmont way we have a report of an accident there also, in bensalem, old bridge road at high road, an overturn vehicle, slowing things down there and finally in the kensington part of philadelphia helen street near somerset a house fire there, mike. it is 7:18. a new born baby will have quite the story to tell throughout her life, how many kids can say they were born in the front seat of the car speeding 80 miles an hour down i-95. >> not many but for one girl that is exactly what happen. carter marcus was born in the front seat of the lexus going 80 miles an hour on i-95 in new castle county. her mother went into labor on the way to christiana hospital but carter could not way. the with the help of the mother and her 14 year-old sister kelce marcus she gave birth to little carter inside the car before pulling in the rest stop where they were met by paramedics. >> i'm proud of both of my daughters. one delivered her own baby, healthy, strong, and one who helped with the delivery. so i'm just proud of both of them. >> i know they are proud. we are told mom, dad and baby carter are still in the hospital and all are doing just fine this morning. >> carter is a girl is that a girl's name. >> i think so we're making it a girl's name. >> i lining that. >> i have a grand daughter named teddy alex is a boy's name. >> yes, it isy say it is a girls name. >> new trend. >> 7:19. where you sit at a restaurant affect what you order? a new study on healthy eating and eating out. i order bad food in dark restaurant so nobody can see what i'm eating. >> and that fourth quarter magic finally runs out for eagles as they fall to san francisco, in their first loss of the season. so, what went wrong here? johnny marks from 97.5 is here. i'm starting to get concern. cowboys playing well yesterday. i don't know. don't forget today is national the coffee day, look who is here, well, not so much, those are big cups. dunkin' donuts is handing out free coffee. >> you cannot complain about freey can complain about anything because it goodies day philadelphia complaint day but thank you dunkin' donuts for coming. ♪ ♪ only one place helps you maximize everything in your life, everyday. the place where you always get more than you pay for... t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. this fall, shop smarter. maxx first! doesn't everyone deserve a maxx life? t.j.maxx. i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. welcome back. eagles certainly had a chance, yesterday afternoon, against those 49ers but they blew it. johnny marks is here from 97.5 the fanatic. are you concerned? it was 21-13 at the half but i didn't feel good. >> you didn't feel got entire game? am i concerned i saw cowboys win, yesterday. three-one. they look good. giants look good. redskins one-three. we will see what happened. i will in the be concerned because you look at offensive line and fact that lesean mccoy cannot run the ball. >> he has in the run all four games. >> i feel a little bit of it is on chip kelly the way they are trying to run the ball. he is getting stopped in the backfield all the time. darren sproles looks good when he comes in. he is in the running him at all. shady, he is a dancer, he just tries to make guys miss. you cannot make guys miss with three in the backfield. >> well, they scored 21 points and in the one on offense and all game long i'm saying they're still in it. >> they were in it with third and fourth down on the 2-yard line basically, how about a run. >> well, they got down there on a run to make it third down. this is third down where they tried to send it to i guess this is one to celek. again, if he is able to get another half second, that within a touchdown. it is complaint day. riley cooper why don't you catch the ball. it hit him in the hand for crying out loud. then fourth down, the problem with nick foles and you saw it with kaepernick. when you role him to the right here, then he is in the out running anybody. >> nope he is like herman monster running will ball. >> if hees there over 15 yards it is air mailed. >> he didn't have a great day. >> chip kelly didn't have a great day calling plays. defense looked good. >> got to the quarterback. special teams was great. you will have these over course of 16 games. we react in this city. i think we have to calm down. >> hey turn on the nationals game because there is a no hitter in progress. this is the last day of the regular season. and no hitter. that happened last year on the last day. against the opposing pitchers, zimmerman. look at this catch to save a no hitter. >> nice play. >> you know, you are right. >> what i took out of this wow, phillies are long way off to being close to these guys. ruben amaro is not going anywhere. bob brookover. >> and cole hamels had another great game yesterday but he cannot get any offense. they never have any run support for cole hamels. >> another complaint. >> yeah, run support for cole hamels. mo of the team. gave up two runs early and retired 24 out of 25 rest of the game. i mean, and there is, frustrating, season for phillies. here's where you have to look at it, how will they get better. they have an aging team. you. >> do you remember back when we say poor jason worth but he will never be a winner with the nationals. look at them they are in the playoffs. the offense, is missing no question about it. good to see you. >> any are complaints. >> i got a ton. >> now people, by the way, my co host, alex holley is still a good luck charm. i will explain what happened friday. it is our fault eagles lost this very tv station. >> blame it on you. >> thanks, johnny. >> jen, it is our complaint day. >> it is complaint day here on fox 29. we will begin with complaining about people on our own station. troy aikman and joe buck have zero neutrality, they sound like 49ers cheerleaders, despite the score. it is just the beginning. we want to hear your hate, complaint, everything this morning. president obama says that he and intelligence agencies underestimated threat the from isis and overestimated the ability, and will of iraq's army to fight, them off. >> now some lawmakers are suggesting that the u.s. military may need to to more. >> the other day i think it will take more than just air strikes to drive them out of there. at some point somebody boots have to be on the ground. >> well, debate continues on that. new breath bear joins us live from d.c. were you surprised by those comments. remember in august of the year 2001, brett, they will slam airplanes into build initial america here. would you think after all these years, 13 years, we would be better at intelligence. >> yes, it is really interesting. sixty minutes thing with president obama being that frank about how much they did not estimate the the size and force officeis, and the threat to america was pretty stunning actually when you think of all of the places we have been on presidential statements. this is the same president that said this was the when he was asked about isis in iraq. so i think there is a sense that there will have to be some kind of boots on the ground and already in iraq there are american troops about almost 2,000 of them. >> we have 2,000 troops. >> but he is characterizing it as combat. >> if it comes to that point will he have to get approval from conquer can he just move forward for it. >> yeah it would be a good have move and there will have to be the 90 days for war powers act will come to an end and he will have to seek authorization if it expands beyond this. the the current basis for this is the authorization for military force, back in 2001 that ties to a threat to america. so he would have to go to congress. >> last time somebody went to congress is in 2002 and we ended up in iraq. >> all right brett, we will see what happens. have a good day. thanks for being with us. 7:32. >> lets get over to sue with a look at weather and big time traffic. >> we have a couple of big problems out there but trying to dress bus stop budd think morning do we wear jacket, do we not. temperatures in the 50's and 60's. we went, no jack tote day, polo shirt today. it will get to 80 degrees this afternoon. that is what we got the for buddy. your number of the daze is eight. we will have some sunshine. it will be warm but we will see more clouds then sun at times and that is evidenced on satellite and radar picture there no rain to show you but there are a lot of clouds and there is rain down to the southwest in virginia, west virginia, some of that system will come to join us tomorrow but not today. 54 degrees right now. 90 percent relative humidity out there. not much wind. 80 degrees is the high with some sun, more clouds then sun at times, it is still warm and tonight is pretty comfortable night with a low in the lower 60's, is there your weather authority forecast. we will start off in south brunswick, new jersey, route one northbound at new road an accident has a left lane blocked, one lane blocked southbound for an emergency response vehicle. also in bensalem old bridge road at high road an overturn vehicle there a terrible accident there causing some delays and then finally in east brunswick new jersey turnpike northbound at joyce killmer service area. an accident. still on the shoulder but still slowing you down. >> okay. if you care, i'm going to tell you something, we care. the the ladies care. >> well, they care he is in long's available i guess. george clooney is officially a married man. he tied the knot over the weekend in a star studded event in italy. we will tell you who was on the guest list and who surprisingly was not. jen, we're getting some complaints in a lot of people feel lake they just don't want to us complain about anything but a few have gotten through. >> yes, viewers complaining and one person complaining she doesn't see steve keeley enough. i wish he would be seen more. steve is a true warrior journalist. love you too. give us your complaints about fox 29, your eagles, your wife, husband. alex, it is national coffee day so our friends of dunkin' donuts. >> look at that coffee, it is free. people are get something free coffee it is free. i'm in the a big ice coffee guy, i like my coffee hot. >> yeah. >> nice and steamy. in the next half an hour you will notice high school kids, what is that name of the school masterry. >> they will be all jazzed up before they go to school. >> teacher come out and complain. >> they are loving that coffee. >> it is free though. >> well, two reasons why i'm wearing black. one is because i'm in america because eagles lost here. >> that is good. >> second one is for all of the single ladies out there because one of the world's most wanted bachelors, i'm sorry, not you mike, the other one. >> thanks, alex. >> we're talking about george clooney. >> in italy. he married human rights attorney amal alamuddin, she changed her name saw know i can say amal clooney, other than alamuddin, in venice, it thely on saturday. photographers caught clooney and his guests boarding water taxis celebrating the festivities. >> these two right here. >> and model cindy crawford and matt damon and is there all kind of people, emably blount. but no sights of stars like brad pitt, angelina jolie. >> yes. >> for years. >> and sandra bullock whom clooney is reportedly friends with. wonder why they weren't there. italy is kind of far away. mr. and mrs. clune write caught one day after the ceremony smiling and holding hands and look at that dress. now that is a dress. >> yes. >> they were boarding a water taxi as you have to do around venice after wrapping up weekend of festivities. couple will have have a civil ceremony today. so they are in the done. >> i have great memories of venice, italy. >> really. >> alex went there with her parents once and threw up the whole week. >> that is where their honeymoon was. we want to take you back to one of our first moments together as a married couple. that would be a nice family trip. we get there first night, having a nice dinner. next day i wake up, i was like no. >> never left the hotely got better the day we were set to leave. they took care of me. it was nice. >> you can go back. >> the love canal. >> it is so romantic. >> yes. >> well, clintons are showing off their new member, their political family the baby. >> chelsea clinton and her husband are proud parents of the baby girl charlotte. chelsea gave birth at lennoxville hospital in new york city, same place where beyonce had blue ivy. wand fur she shut town the whole floor. former secretary of state hillary clinton and former president bill clinton are gushing over their new granddaughter. they tweeted that they are over the moon to be grandparent. >> yes. >> her husband's mother mark, well, that is not mother's name but the husband's name is a former pennsylvania congress woman margaret. >> congratulations to them. other grand parents are right here in our area. >> by the way, chelsea clinton had her engagement party on the top floor of my building where i live. >> really, i wand year there. >> because you should see the the top floor. >> yes. >> one guy owns the entire top floor. i live in the apartment building. it is like an art museum. >> how did you get in there. >> didn't even know were you there. >> now he knows. >> the guy that water his plants let me look at it. >> don't say that, no more. let's keep going. >> still ahead, are you looking for work. retailers are looking for right now the holiday season, and a lot of jobs are available. we will tell you who is hiring, right now. i mean a lot of jobs. and jen are we have a few complaints this morning. other people they are tweeting their complaints. it is monday, right. >> it is monday. they are talking about penn state's loss. tonight you will get hit this time do you really want me to start on how much i don't like mike jerrick but i just think his mannerism make him look like a jerk on tv. bring us your hate. yes. how can i avoid maintenance fees? why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee, your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in, it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank. how can there be sunshine on a cloudy day. >> it is impossible. >> well, when my girl is around is there sunshine. >> you are our girl, sue. >> that is right. here is our girl connie, who is our twitter friend and lot at picture of the sunrise she sent us this morning. she said this picture should be on tv and guess what, connie, it is, thanks for sending that. thanks for watching every day. so ultimate doppler, doesn't have any rain in our area. there is some to the northwest of us, it will not make it here. there are quite a few clouds around this morning but we are seeing the sun peeking through as connie showed us. we are watching visability because of the moisture in the air and chance of some fog and it looks like we are seeing some fog around fort dix and wrightstown but the fog that we saw earlier in atlantic city seems to have dissipated. all that moisture in the air with warm temperatures that built up over weekend saturday we got to 84 degrees. sunday we got to 86 degrees. delightful. hopefully you got a chance to enjoy it and like the first week even of fall. bethlehem is 58 degrees, same in allentown as we come down to philadelphia at 64. limerick 59. sixty-three in bensalem. in south jersey have 2 degrees in hammonton. fifty-eight in millville. we are up to 66 degrees in cape may. so that is where we are at the moment. here's where we are heading to a high of 80. seventy-five tomorrow with late day showers. lasting into wednesday. it doesn't look like a lot of rain but it is a cold front and it means temperatures will in the reach 80 anymore after today, in fact we're in the 07's throughout the the owned of the week. another system moving through friday into saturday, and then much, much cooler on sunday, eagles play at the link again against the rams and it will only be 66 degrees for a high temperature. now that is football weather. that is your seven day forecast, now, lets take a look at the blue route, just north of ridge pike and see how bad traffic is there. it looks like have been is getting a long. a lot of volume but no big delays just there. in abington edge hill road, an accident there and finally lower gwynedd houston road at night night road we have an accident there as well. alex. >> hold on a second. >> go ahead. >> i know one of your complaints is that i interrupt you. >> okay. >> so lets keep it going. 7:47y stopped watching fox 29 when mike went to new york. you are the best ever. i'm giving you examples. just one sweet, tweet after the next, but every now and then, everybody is so sweet. 97 percent of the tweets we get are really sweet. but one got through the hockey goal last thursday i think it was. it was the the best written dis of me i think ever. before we get to that i do want to mention, i hope you are in the complaining that i mention this tomorrow, we're running out of time. get out there. we are almost sold out. go to my fox and go to the good day page you only have a couple days. >> it is thursday night. all of the crew will be here. everybody you see on fox 29 will be there. but they are running out. go to the good day tab. $50. good cause, benefiting the second chance foundation. so last week, was the reason why we made this good day philadelphia complaint day. i got one of the best dises ever. so well crafted. >> really. >> i will show it the to you, we had to take a lot of the nasty words out. >> it was that bad. >> directed at me. >> i am, a complete small blank. um-hmm. worthless, narcissist, self absorbed, brown sugar loving and he also, he us just blank. >> wow. >> dises me. >> that was all 140 characters. so that got us thinking, keep it coming, bring it on. it was jen's idea and new we will go to her. i bet she doesn't read any of the negative towards her. we will see. >> i read all of them. >> i don't think we have not fund one yet. >> you are about to see that. we have an amazing creative cafe as part of the creative thing they are doing coffee and all kind of stuff. really cool place. larry will help out. we will go through a little bit of the hate and we will start gently and something everybody can agree on. you are not a true philadelphia sports fan unless you hate joe buck. we saw that yesterday because of the game and a lot of people upset about how he was cheering for the 49ers. next one we have, this came in, so to be clear, jen is a fake flyers fan. i have seen her cheering for the other team last year at mike's fox 29. that was not true. we have no idea what you were talking about. this is one of our favorite people who lives to e-mail us, gentlemen please tell me about a bear dangling from a tree or let me necessity about beyonce or let me have the early you tube video that will be played over and over again for some social media hype. that is him complaining about the show, in particular. but, there is plenty more where that complaint came from. so, jen fred here we are, this is something where she wanted to complain about her family. why can't my kids, dry off before getting out of the shower instead of leaving puddles of water on the floor. i mean preach because i can talk all day about that one. and then, we have some more. why so many segments about dog news. and never any about cats. it is complaint day. i don't really know the answer to that but that is sue serio's department so you want to talk to sue serio about that. she's within to talk to about that. we're always trying to get the the dogs adopted. thinks one that stinks, let me know when q is gone and i'll be back a lieutenant of people love quincy. so those are some of the things we are talking about. and so we are looking for you guys, to join us, in the complaints. you can complain as you saw, about anyone on fox 29. i'm disappoint todd see people not complaining about steve keeley is that we don't see enough of him. you can complain more about gentlemen buck because he cannot see us. complain more about mike. layoff on sue and alex because we like them. they didn't complain about kerry barrett. >> there is nothing to complain about her. >> no. >> this is kind of working though. >> yes. >> laurie says well, that is all i need to know, mike, i'm a black woman, do you want to hang out. >> yes. >> turnaround and be in my favor. >> maybe it could, in some twisted way. >> okay. >> thanks, jen. >> okay. we will continue this, throughout 10:00 o'clock and then be done. right now is the most stressful time of the day for mothers. why women say they have just too much today, every morning. some people are reaching beyond the grave for health advice according to doctor oz. we will talk about this with him welcome back at 7:55. you know some people are reaching beyond the grave for health advice. >> that is word from long island medium who is set to visit doctor oz show later today. >> well, doctor oz, died. as a physician it is a challenge to how this even happens but some events that she's able to create and we audit or audience. i know she doesn't know these people. we purposely put her in places where she is out of her environment and she is he unbelievably able to have these conversationness emotional ways. >> yes. >> there she is right there. >> just to make sure everybody knows who she is, doctor oz, she's called long island medium. >> yes. >> so she has been through times connecting with folks and trying to give them advice from the other side. one thing i have been instruct by how this feeling is, with you i have studied her brain while she does these readings. i have put her in, you know, eeg devices on and there are changes in her brain when she has these conversations where something crazy is happening. >> she gives advice but health advice, explain that. >> you know, she's not out there telling to you eat your vegetables. she's saying i'm hearing from someone and here's how you might recognize it. she will give you a couple clues. audience member hoist as stun as i am would say how would you know this. that person says stop feeling guilt bye this or beating yourself up about that. through that pathway she will open up a, sensitive topic, and then help these folks emotionally. it is remarkable over and over again i have seen this. >> so do you believe that she communicates with the the dead. >> i don't know. that i really don't. whatever she does she's darn good at it. i thought how could this possibly be. first time she ever walk out on my stage she was able to engage in conversations. i said i will bring you back. i have a fellow from the university of pennsylvania, a professor there who i have actually work w's has done brain waves on people who speak in tongues and have these weird conversations. they are accessing a part of the brain that mess of us don't. i can't tell you it is real. it is my job to be skeptical but i have invited her back one more time. i'll tell you it is remarkable amount of feedback i get from audience member. people feel this they have some sense that something else is happening. but the uplifting part of it all is she says she doesn't come back with bad news. there is no the a lot of ghosts trying to hurt you but people trying to give you advice. >> lets talk about this recent report that say women in their 30's and 40's, they no longer need to go to the ob-gyn for regular checkup. >> what, the the pelvic exam. >> this could good news for a lot of women. >> i'm very exited to hear this. >> 60 percent, women complain that the pelvic exam is uncomfortable but ob-gyn groups have pushed back saying we know it is uncomfortable. it is partially because it is in the done the the right way. they have said with men is dry it can be uncomfortable. it requires an evaluation to treat. that but bigger story is if you are not examining women who don't have have symptoms. you have to trust they don't have symptoms a lot of the things we check for in pelvic exam like infections, embarrassing topics. women don't admit it. you are leaving pressure on women by not looking periodically to see is what going on down there you can make life changing, or advice if you can identify it. >> okay. >> awesome. >> thanks so much. we will look forward to that today. >> we will be watching today doctor oz, good to see you. >> good day my friend. >> monday september 29th, 2014, here we go. >> reporter: we begin outside cooper hospital in camden where one day after the death of the the president of the ceo here and his wife, everybody here to the capitol are wondering what caused his death. sue? it was just the the first week end of autumn but it sure didn't feel like it. temperatures well in the 80's both days of the weekend and today too but things where to change, we will tell you when and when it will rain coming up, jen. >> reporter: sue, something that never changes that people love to complain. there is a lot of mean, mean stuff but i will give you this one jen fred needs a pay raise. she adds so much to good day. her segment are great. now that is a complaint that i like. >> okay. are you looking for a job? we all might need to after complaint day to day. plenty of people are hiring for the holidays. where you should ab flying right now to cash in right before christmas. you should turn this around and make it compliment day. >> i like that. >> maybe we should do that tomorrow because we will be beat up today. >> that is not a bad idea,al oaks. >> we're big girls and boys, we can handle it. >> yes. >> where are the tissues. >> is there actually nothing wrong with a little brown sugar says sandra. >> sweeten things up. >> you can turn this thing around. >> he already has a plan. >> so, nice and hot over the the weekend. >> yes. >> we have one more and then things start to feel more like fall. >> yes. >> very nice. >> very nice. >> saturday was stupid good. >> i know. so today is an eight out of ten because of all of the clouds we will sianni it is not quite as warm as it was yesterday but still warm and decent amount of sunshine. so for bus stop buddy since we will get to 80, we will just, kind of let the the sweat shirt at home and just wearing his polo shirt today. 64 degrees in philadelphia southeasterly winds at 5 miles an hour but it is humid. relative humidity at 90 percent. 80 degrees for a high temperature today and tonight we're down to 62 with mostly cloudy skies. is there your fox cast, here is a look at your traffic, monday morning, welshes we do have a look at is what going on 295 southbound, at route 38. that is in new jersey. there are reports of an accident right there, also, in galloway, garden state parkway southbound between route 30 ape the atlantic city express waste a fire there has the right lane block. now we will go to abington edge hill road at the an accident there and houston road at night nights road, we will tell but there, guys. >> thanks, sue. 8:02. a trial is scheduled to begin this morning for a former philadelphia sportscaster, accused of fraud. they is, prosecutors say don tollefson took money from nearly 150 people in the name of charity. tollefson has pleaded not guilty to the charges. of course, you will remember he was a former employee here at fox 29. cooper university hospital executive ape his wife were found dead in their home. now investigators are looking for answers. >> yeah the autopsy results that could come back later this afternoon, steve cow think? >> reporter: yeah, if they do that is where we will get the answers. the only answers so far because nothing coming from the prosecutor's office other than, a lot of things raising questions like why, are they having an arson task force investigation unless that is routine. why do they have major crimes on the case? that is not the routine, at least down here, on this side of trenton this is a suburb north of trenton. the emergency crews got the call to the house just after 6:00 in the morning yesterday. so the sun wasn't up yet but they quickly put out a small fire contain to the second floor bedroom where they found seven two-year old cooper ceo john sheraton and his 69 year-old wife joyce, neither could be revived. mrs. sheraton was rushed to princeton medical center but pronounced dead a short time later. county prosecutor's office sent us a news release and here's something else unusual. they are asking to us ask the public to call in their tip line if they have any information on their deaths. why would anyone outside of that bedroom know anything about their deaths if it was just a accidental fire. so those are the questions that neighbors tell us are raising suspicions that this ways more than just a fine, mayor fire came after their death. they never saw any fire or flames. >> as far as the fire goes, you know, it didn't look as tragic as it looked, you know, as it turned out, it didn't seem like it was that big of an issue and not a the lot of smoke. no flames, anything like that. it turnout terribly. >> we knew of nothing. we didn't know anything was going on. they had under mentioned anything. the house was gorgeous. probably prettiest one on the block and very well kept up. so, you know, we just don't know. we do know it is under investigation. we saw a prosecutor's car leave. >> reporter: that neighbor told us house is focal point of the entire neighborhood. every halloween. you could see it was already decorated for halloween. sheratons did it the up well and had kids over and inside and probably best candy given out there in that neighborhood. while he was here at cooper hospital since 2005 you can see how different it is now compared to how it was before he got there. it is massive now. it takes up several blocks. they do so much more for so many more people since he got here including having the first medical school started here in new jersey in more than 30 years. the the governor was leading the chorus of everybody saying great stuff about him but probably greatest line came from the president ape ce of of kennedy hospital alex and mike and he said john sheraton had inn telling grit. mike, he goes back to governor cahill who was governor of new jersey when i was nine years old in 1970. that is how long he served the public. >> what a mystery steve, we will check back with you. chicago's airports are trying to get back on schedule three days after that fire that was started at air traffic control center in 15 miles way. >> yes, right near o'hare. so they are trying to figure out what went wrong. we have check the philadelphia board, affect flights all over. chicago o'hare is a major hub no question. >> four flights heading to chicago have been canceled or delayed today. and if you are expecting a loved one to come home a few arriving flights from chicago are also canceled. we will stay on top of that for you. just yesterday 550 flights at o'hare and midway were grounded but officials say things are improving. at the height of the incident 2,000 flights were canceled friday when officials say a contract employee set fire at an air traffic control center, attempting to commit suicide. repairs are expect to last three weeks there. >> apparently he also slit his throat but he lived, he is still alive. let's talk about the nfl. >> nfl is taking a stand begins domestic violence. during the games they aired public service announcements from the no more, anti tomorrow stick violence and sexual assault campaign. the the the first one ran on thursday game between washington and the new york giants. >> no more is none of my business. >> no more, i didn't mean it. no more, not my problem. no more she was flirting with him. >> no more she was asking for it. no more, boys will be boys. in more i'll say something next time. >> no more by standing. no more ignorance. no more excuses. no more. >> that is press i good. >> psa aimed to tackle common myths and excuses about domestic violence and sexual assault. >> i remember seeing this last night and it was memorable. we will talk about it this morning when it was first brought up. no more campaign. that stand out, in more. >> yes, pretty effective. >> we will see. >> i forgot to watch the game last night. who played last night. >> cowboys and saints. >> cowboys. >> they smash the saints. >> yes. >> yes. >> they say imitation is a most sincere form of flattery but when it comes to philadelphia sports fans it is a whole different ballgame. >> here we go. unaudible. >> it is outstanding. >> their relief pitcher for atlanta this greg kimbrel kind of like papelbon but when he bend over to throw it gets to be ridiculous. most of the front fans in the front row. >> they look like they are trying to squat. >> he looks like a vul seven tour getting ready to go, great mcing job. >> do you think they can see that. >> basketball try to have signs to distract them. >> he had to have noticed it at some point, they kept doing it over and over again. >> yes. >> wow, wow. >> still ahead in our program this morning for most moms the most stressful time of the day is right now, alex. >> why so many women are reaching their boiling point not long after waking up. in surprise. >> but that is message from this local teen pur full message he is sending to philadelphia about the escalating violence here in our city. >> african-american women named lisa tweet meade would you like some hot chocolate mike, you could be my whipped cream. thank you, lisa. guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. you deserve it. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at we have pictures of beautiful sunrise. everybody is in a good mood, that is what i think. and we see a lot of clouds when we he add satellite picture, not a big deal. it is still warm today. we have had visibility issues this morning. it is quite reduced around wrightstown, and that is about it. probably confined with fog, this morning. fifty-eight in allentown and lancaster. sixty-one in trenton. sixty-two atlantic city. so what a roller coaster ride our temperatures have taken, over the past five days. thursday we had 64. friday what an improvement with 78 and we have soared over weekend in the mid 80's both saturday and sunday. we think because of the clouds, we will be at around 80 degrees today. late showers tuesday into wednesday. temperatures in the 70's after that. all the way through saturday. we have another coal front friday into saturday and that means temperatures on sunday will be really a little bit on the crisp side, with 66 degrees, for the eagles game on sunday. there it is, your weather authority seven day forecast. another role arer coaster ride with these temperatures. lets look at traffic. we will start off on 295, southbound, right there at route 38, reports of an accident there. galloway township new jersey, garden state parkway between route 30 and atlantic city expressway we have a fire there that is having the right lane block. edge hill road attenuant did. lower gwynedd houston road at knights road an accident that will slow you down there, guys? >> well, sue there is no getting around it philadelphia can be a very violent city, and, you know, it has an affect on all of us but on teens who hear about it and live it on their way to and from high school. a 15 year-old boy from south philadelphia has written a powerful poem growing up where violence is a commonplace. >> he is sharing his experience with us, take a listen. >> i am from the city of brotherly love. i am. i am from a single mother. i am from forgiveness. i'm from the hospital. i'm the only child. i am from a big family. i am from a grandmother that took the role of my father. i'm from a mother only asking for a difficult prom a i'm from a mother, her only love. i am from two generations of felony and criminal record. aim free philly to take sometime to escape. >> we here with jamir and his mom, they are joining us this morning. thanks so much for being here. >> that is a beautiful poem. >> thank you. >> your first one. >> your first poem you have ever written. >> my very first. >> yes. >> how long dit take to you write it. >> three minutes and 32nd. >> so the subject matter must be really on your mind. >> yes. >> when i read the last line. >> i'm from philly, i'm just trying to escape. >> are you trying to get out of here. >> honestly, yes. >> why? >> because i mean growing up, there was a violence directly in our backyard. it is nerve racking. i really didn't comprehend, taking tonight and growing up with it so i was also like to thank my mom for moving me out of that situation and to grow with the experience. >> lets get to you, mom. he was afraid to go outside. >> he wanted to go play basketball at the park. would i not let him outside because i was too scared over what could and might happened, like what is going on right now. >> so you have moved from that violent neighborhood. >> yes. >> you are in a good school now. >> yes. >> you go to mastery. >> yes, thomas campus. >> honor gone street. >> what did you think when you first heard this poem he wrote. if the heirs it brought tears to my eyes. but we don't really thinking about the kids having to bowa way. and we being scared but they are more frayed then we are because they are walking around and they are the the ones, their age group is the the ones going through it, it is not us but these are our babies, out here caring a lot on their shoulders. >> you are mention add lot in this. did it upset you first. feel guilty. >> i didn't feel guilty. i felt more, hurt, i felt hurt because i don't want kids walking around like. that they shouldn't to have feel like that. at this age they should be able to be kids and do what he they like to do like play ball ape go outside or if somebody will pick on them because they are walking down the street. >> do you watch the the news, do you see a lot of stories. >> i watch the news mostly around nighttime. when i turn on the the news, it is like 14 shot or a teen stabbed. it is in the a good sight. >> is there someplace in your head that you might want to go where it might be better. >> i don't know if you can escape. it there is bad stuff happening all over the world. maybe i can go somewhere where it is happening less and my mom put me in a good environment now where i can go outside and hang out with my friend and i can talk about not getting beat up or one of my friend getting jumped. >> good i want to you hang around here. we need you here. >> we do. >> what do you hope this post em, besides just touching people. >> i hope it will open up peoples eyes and help them change their lives, and i'm really hoping it will help them change their life and do it the like a complete 360 like there is no room for what this poem can do for the next person. >> great to meet you great to meet you too. >> thank you so much for being here. >> you should be proud. >> i am so proud. >> you did a nice job. >> thank you. >> nice liz done. >> we would love to sees more. next one needs to be done in one minute. >> great job. still ahead, it is hard to top this, that george clooney guy got married. >> he said wow never do it again. but george clooney is a married man. we will talk about details of the ceremony plus why brad pitt didn't show up. plus, now you that he is off the market hoist number one bachelor in america. >> mike jerrick. >> that is for sure. >> kim kardashian brings baby north to fashion week in paris, this kid has already been around the world. is it too much for a little kid. by the way how kim's daughter is keeping up with kim's busy lifestyle. keep those complaints coming, nick says, oh, another one at mike. >> mike, just shut up and go away, we just want to see alex. no one wants to you run your mouth. >> oh, no. >> we're packing seal though. >> use the hash tag just shut up. >> fox 29 good day, it is complaint day. >> fox 29 good day, it is complaint day. we are hea i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. let's talk about this little girl. people magazine is report ago this kate middleton's health is improving, the speccing mother will reportedly be able to resume her official engagement next month even though they really do nothing. meanwhile, kate and prince william reportedly have decided on a name for their second child, a close friend tells the magazine fit is a girl, they want to name her elizabeth diana. >> that is very nice. >> that is nice. >> queen elizabeth and princess diana. >> windsor. >> forgot the last name windsor. >> well yes, windsor. >> it seems like kim kardashian west is destined to make her daughter a fashionista at a very young age. >> do we expect anything else. toddler is photographed at fashion shows already, kardashian posted this picture of her and baby north in matching sheer outfits. >> um. >> my god. >> they and kanye west were photographed as fashion program. thinks second time north was spotted in the fashion show while parent are in paris for fashion week. photos surfaced with north at the event appearing to cry though. is one too young to be dragged to a fashion show. that is the question now. >> well, i took my kids every where, i don't care if they are in the fashion show. would i cry too if i was her mother. >> yes. >> sheer. >> i'm glad you are, yes. >> this is not sheer. >> okay. >> but right to bear arms. >> yes, that is right. >> kim kardashian has this make up process, where they air brush crushed up diamond on to her skin, so that she will look good when they take picture of her. so we found a place in philly that does it. it is die machine dusting for your arms and your chest and stuff like that. so we will supply down alex holy today, you will be conferred in diamond. >> i was saying i hope it is diamonds. i got a tan already. >> we're all tan. >> but first are you looking for a job. >> i should be after complaint day. listen up plenty of people are hiring for holidays. we will talk about where you should ab flying right now, you can cash in right before the holidays. guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. for the first time in a while it is feeling pretty warm out there this morning. it isized coffee that we are giving out today, at least dunkin' donuts is for national coffee day. so, if you don't drink coffee, you will start today, i don't know, that stuff looks good. so, now bus stop buddy, of course had his healthy breakfast already. cloudy and comfortable. for the first time in a while we have in the seen him in a sweat shirt. just nice and mild with us getting to 80 degrees. eight out of ten we will see some sunshine and we will have a few clouds. at the airport it is cloudy, southeasterly wind at 6 miles an hour. 64 degrees with 90 percent relative humidity. it feels very sorry. out there it is, down to 62 degrees tonight. now, lets see if it will slow down this morning as we check traffic for your monday. we will start off with this live look at i-95 ativan kirk street and it looks like, of course, the direction toward the city. everybody seems to be getting by, in fairfield, at fairton millville road, an accident has had road closed. alternate is route 49. garden state parkway between route 30 and atlantic city a fire has the right lane block. hey mike. >> hey, sue. it is exactly 8:30. are you looking for a job. apparently a lot of jobs are available now. 800,000 jobs, are available because of the holiday season coming up. >> if it sound like a lot it is. that is most seasonal jobs up for grabs since 1999. we will bring in dan, to tell us where are all these jobs, we want to get one. >> have you ever had a temporary job over the holiday. >> retail store. >> a lot of us started out in the work force. were you right, alex is is there 800,000 jobs expect to be created this season. that is a pretty good number. here's the interesting thing, we will talk about where these jobs are. there is a battle between bricks and clicks with most of the action, being on the click side, on line shopping side. so for example, ups, is hiring now 95,000 seasonal workers this year. >> yes. >> can you imagine, 95,000, double from last year. many right here in the delaware valley. >> what would i do. >> would you help get packages out. work in the warehouse, move out on the truck. it tease lot of effort to get a pack from long beach, california to get it to your doorstep in philadelphia. >> this surprises me because for some businesses i can see why this would add on more jobs. but for others would it seem like it would cut down on the number of jobs because you don't need to go with anyone. >> alex, that is a great segway. we have ups, fedex, amazon, they are all adding jobs on line but as you said here's what is happening. it is at the expense of the traditional retailers who are still adding jobs this year but little bit less than before. for example target will add 70,000 jobs this year. but guess what, guys, that is 20 percent less, then the they did two years ago. they were very public about this. they said the reason is because of the, you know, fact alex you are sitting at home in your pajamas doing shopping on smart phone or mike, you are in your boxers shorts instead of visiting your local target store. >> if i want to apply for a job at target or even ups, do i have to go to a store or do it on line. >> excellent question. here's a few tips for this morning. first thing is i want to you apply early. they are hiring right now as in this morning. unlike when you and i were looking for our first job, our temp job, most of these are right on line. you go on or they are in this area, the philadelphia area you can apply on line. the stores, you know, they also have on line hires but you can still go there and fill out a paper application. >> wal-mart. >> yes. >> here's an interesting thing, wal-mart last year hired about 60,000 temps. they will do the same thing this year. here's what they did last year. most of those were in their on line area right, shipping and what not. guess what here's good news about wal-mart. 10 percent of those jobs, 6,000, will turn into permanent jobs. we often don't talk about that but that is a important aspect about this temporary job thing. it is a dress rehearsal for employees to see if they stay on permanently. >> what about amazon. >> am sop will take 70,000 additional employees this year. some right here in the delaware valley. again, all because we're going to have 300 billion-dollar shopping season on line a record over next few months. >> that is where axis. >> do you get benefits. >> do do pay benefits. >> temporary workers at ups do get benefits and those temporary workers as we just said do stay on as full-time. the these are not necessarily bad jobs. i like these jobs, but mike they give follow thanks first car on the train. they let you get something on your resume. you get a 20 percent discount working at macy's or target part-time over the the holidays. >> you get that discount when you buy christmas gifts. >> yes, comes in handy. >> great job. >> have a prosperous day. >> i used to work in retail and stuff. my only problem was discount was great but would i spend my paychecks. you just cancel each other out. >> clothing store. >> oh, yes. >> she loves the clothes. >> i am a shop a holik. >> that is okay. >> do you remember the scene out of sex and the city, kerry and big almost get married at the new york public library. that is a beautiful building. how much does that really cost. if you wanted to get married in a big library like that. you will be stun how much you have to pay just to rent the venue. >> my goodness. >> but first, do you want to dine like an eagle? birds reveal their favorite philly restaurant and jeremy maclin's go to spot. >> don't eagles. >> it is good day complaint day. jena writes in when you have a story about love or relationship ape chris murphy is happy and kerry barrett is bitter. >> national complaint day is on my birthday. my complaint is i missed national beer day yesterday. you can make today national beer day. >> yes. >> go ahead. >> tweet us your complaints, make sure to use that hash tad fox 29 good day we want to hear you.. carmen says you are often annoying at the first but gotten used to it and now makes me giggle. >> you see, you have turned it around. >> annoying laugh. >> a little bit. >> i like it. i always like it. >> it is kind of throat i. >> caitlin roth. >> she's working on the weekend. >> yes, you have t saturday and sunday at 8:00 a.m. and get all of the caitlin you want. >> her dress was nice over the weekend. >> black and tan. eagles nursing a tough loss yesterday with you before they get back to work they may hit up your favorite restaurants, right here in our city of philadelphia, to recharge. we found out, which restaurant, they like, like trent cole. >> this is from z a got. >> well, number 58, dell frisco's so what is his favorite dish, shanghai salad. >> there you go go to a stake house foresee food. >> and then, your boyfriend,. >> he is not my boyfriend. >> okay. >> jeremy maclin likes to go to sand pan on 13th street, michael's restaurant. he likes the crispy rock shrimp. >> and i like that too. >> these are sea food is the trend we are seeing. >> fatal even number 29 his favorite cheese stake spot is tony luke's and he gets his. >> chris polyp, number 32 likes green eggs cafe. i like split too. they have great french toast. loved everything on the menu but his favorite chicken and waffles benedict. >> he likes the apple pie. he likes the french toast. >> apple pie french toast. >> i never had that. >> and red velvet pancakes. i have had that there as well. >> maybe we should go and get there. >> i love french toast. >> big fan of french toast. >> i make good french toast. >> really. >> i will make it. >> it is not cooking, you crack an egg. >> if i have to do work and put things in the pan it is cooking. >> yes. >> i was watching pioneer woman, the woman, drives me nuts. bye like watching her show. because she looks like she's on medication. she is always smiling. by the way somebody complaints about my goofy face tease. >> do they even like us. >> in, we should just quit. >> we're done. >> so she makes this thing for her family her husband who is out, milking the the cows or something, pioneer women. she never stops smiling. >> is that supposed to be a smile. that doesn't look like a smile. >> what she made was eggs in a hole. >> so you take a piece of bread, cookie cutter like a hole. >> yeah. >> then douse it with butter, put tonight a skillet and it sits in the hole of the bread. >> um. >> it was good. >> is that cooking then. >> that was cooking. >> okay. >> okay. where are we going. >> we're going to jen. >> it is national complaint day. >> it is complaint day. >> by the the way, mike you can cook because every divorced dad can. >> yes. >> i mean right. so look at this, fox 29 good day how come sue serio, is the only one who dresses professional of all of the ladies. we've got way more complaint. keith is hanging up signs. we've got way more complaint. keith is hanging up signs. we are live at i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. look at it, look ate. >> yes. a woman wrote in i cannot stand that smiling pioneer lady either. >> i have in idea what you are talking about. >> it is on constantly. >> it must be a very popular show. >> i guess i'm not sitting in front of my tv. >> yes. >> i'm a lonely person. i just sit there and watch the the pioneer women. >> cook for her. >> all of my friends she has a family and loved ones around her. >> i'm trying not to laugh. i don't want to be annoying. >> well, give up. >> jude writes in mike it is called birdie the nest, egg in the center of bread,. >> ask pioneer women does she have a twitter handle. maybe we should tweet her. you guys can meet up over the weekend. >> she has to be on medication. >> it is if day complaint day. jen freddie's monitoring the tweets. >> where are you again. >> i'm at this cool place, right next to hahn dynasty at 37th and market. it is part of the creative cafe where you get work done. do you see these people working. we're talking about complaints. larry has been helping. this is a cool complaint. it comes from keith; why does try aikman suck up to the 49ers all day yesterday. eagles nation. that was bad. >> it was really, really bad. >> i have a problem with troy aikman and joe buck and especially since eagles lost. >> they love to complain on social media. >> i think it is for non-cool kids. if were a hate inner high school you are a hater now before no one listened to you. now you have a vehicle to complain, and be mean to people. mean people sucks. >> we will go to the next one. larry works here. mike, tell jen fred, fox 29 to stop tweet nothing all caps. we know maybe you don't hear well, mom, mom but don't need to yell us. >> do i tweet in all caps. that is true. >> that jen fred really wants really tweetable anchor digs not every day complaints. this is totally true. >> people complain bus all the time. it is time for to us see it. >> i hate that good day waiting in the five or ten minutes before they give out move tickets to announce it. not fair to people watch every day from start to finish n way we can get to the station in time. >> that is something we can fix. >> i think that is a valid complaint right there. >> this one, it says you two are liars. she's talking from my facebook page. she's talking about, steve keeley and i. you say you were married to him. says he is single. which is it. >> the answer is i wish i was married to steve keeley and he doesn't. i like this one, whatever jen makes, it is too much. hey jen, i love fox 29 but i think the news should be just that not beast an say baby info. who cares, hash tag complaints. the this is what we are looking for. we can consider that. but isn't that being so cute. i think there is another one. i don't have many complaints about good day but steve keeley kind of looks like a vampire, just saying. let's move on. bruce from facebook says i'm double dosing my blood pressure mode now fly eagles fly. keep an eye on them. we are monitoring them. people are actually working out there, there is no idea, that this is happening. >> i think people on twitter have an idea because they are send nothing a lot of complaints. >> yes, they are. >> i'm getting a lot of complaints about not knowing the name of this little egg thing i made. >> they are complaining about this. >> breakfast you described ace pop eye. >> pop eye. >> pop eye? >> yes, love them. >> that makes sense. >> love them but my kids don't. >> okay. >> anything else. >> a lot of live food of complaints. >> some of these, wow. still ahead best music trio's of all time i think destiny's child. >> one of my favorite and we are running down the list this morning, so he let's see what your favorite is. >> trio, peter, paul and mary: led zeppelin was a trio. ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at no rain in the forecast for today but there will be some before the the weekend through, probably tomorrow night. we will get a taste of this system before it moves off shore and then a cold front coming through, so, our days in the 80's, are number, and maybe a little bit of rain to the south by the end of the day to day but otherwise we are just socked in with clouds but we do expect to get to a high of 80 degrees, 75 tomorrow, with the rain, at night, main lasting into wednesday, 73 on wednesday, and thursday, friday, in mid 07's, and saturday, lower 70's and look at sunday's high, 66 degrees what a big difference from today. that is change of season for you. here's a look at the traffic one more time for monday morning. we will get you out the door on i-95 northbound at 295, there is a a hit and run involving a tractor trail their left the scene so big investigation going on there i-95 in delaware. conshohocken past norristown an accident that is on the left shoulder, and finally in fairfield, buckshim road at fairton millville road in southern new jersey, there is an accident that has that road closed in cumberland county take alternate which is route 49. will well, alex, they are really fired up to day. >> they really are and now, it looks like everybody is on the roll now keep those tweets coming what are your biggest complaints. phillies fanatic say my complaint is turf hear/watch other complain on a monday morning after an eagle loss. i agree with you. so tweet us use hash tag fox 29 good day, because yes we are talking about your complaints. all by myself. >> yes, without coffee, because it is national coffee day. >> but we also have some other treats being put together for your dining pleasure, at fourth and market. that is so good. we are talking about your favorite, trios of all time, there is a survey out,. your favorite trio, of all time. >> singing trios or tv trio's, or anything. >> it was musical trios. >> three's company. >> three stoogees. >> no, no. >> you know, one of them is from philadelphia, larry fine. >> larry, mow and curly. >> here's a trio, kerry me and alex. >> you nose, people love you, kerry. >> and you. >> and you. >> we love you. >> spreading love on complaint day. >> this is complaint day. a woman wrote in and said i necessity you are worried about, sue serio. >> i am so sorry that is not the on the screen. someone said i see you still have the rolly chairs. >> yes. >> barely touch it and you roll and they drive my nets. >> oh are lord. >> every time he gets in that chair he says how it drives him nuts. >> it will take one of us getting hurt. >> why don't you make the call right now, and get it over with. >> when you pull the chair over, you simultaneously move the desk, and new we're all off. >> high quality television here. >> then you get on it and you cannot get back. >> see, it goodies day complaint

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Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia 20140929 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia 20140929

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get on twitter and tell us who is the number one bachelor in america now that george has tied the knot. lets do this, "good day philadelphia" for a monday morning. do you feel like complaining about the eagles game? i'm in a complaining kind of mood. today is something we're calling "good day philadelphia", complaint day so you can complain about anything, eagles, about your wife, about your husband, about the fact that it is monday. >> i like the fact that it is monday, to me that is a complaint. >> well, in and of itself after the eagles lose, so use hash tag fox 29 good day. >> yes. >> and is what your complaint. again, complain about anything. you can even complain about this very program but what is there to complain about. >> this will be interesting. >> just strap in. >> i'm buckling upright now. >> i don't know why we're asking this? but it will be fun. here's sue. >> one thing people did not complain about this weekend, the weather. it was fabulous. in fact it did not feel like the first week end of fall and it felt like summer time. we will continue that summertime feel. we will give you eight out of ten with some sunshine. it will be warm but we will have more clouds then sun at times. bus stop buddy in the clouds and the sun, with thinks polo shirt on. it will get to 80 degrees. it is pretty comfortable thanks to the cloud cover we had last night. the sunnies burning through those clouds making for a pretty sunrise. we are watching rain down to the southwest that is not expected to rise today at all. sixty-four at the airport with sunrise at 6:55 officially. we are five minutes into official daylight and 87 percent relative humidity. we will get to a high of 80 degrees. some sun. a lot of clouds. tonight we are down in the 60's with mostly cloudy skies. that take cares of monday. we have a very chilly change in the end. that is coming up. right now lets check traffic. we will start off with east brunswick, new jersey. the turnpike north bound, at the joyce killmer service area. we have an accident there now on the shoulder but it could still slow you down. it is getting bus think morning. >> what was the name of the what, joyce killmer. >> and it is true. >> i think i shall never see a pole look as lovely as a tree joyce killmer, the end why police are investigating a suspicious death in university city. they say a body was found inside a home on the 4,000 block of sansom street just before is 11:00 o'clock last night. it is still in the clear how person tied or who discovered the body. police are also investigating an overnight multi vehicle accident that happened shortlily 12:30 in the morning 36789 people were taken to temple hospital. police say one of the drivers was given a sobriety test. police are looking for an armed robber who held up a south philadelphia holiday inn. robbery happened just before 3:30 this morning in the 1,000 block of packer avenue. police say a man came in the main lobby and stole money from the register. but no one was hurt, during the incident. very well known, holiday inn, right there by the sports complex. >> yes. >> investigators are searching for answers surrounding the death of the coupe are university hospital executive and his wife. >> steve keeley was going to maybe be a couple days before we find out what really happened in that house, steve. >> reporter: mike, we had suspicious death in our lead story in that news block but that word is not being used in this case but it sound like a lot of suspicions are going around if you read news release from the county prosecutor's office. the question new jersey politically powerful want to know is how did the coupe are health ceo and his wife die in their bedroom, the shock and sadness from here in camden all the way up to the state capitol as autopsies may hold the answer that is could come as soon as today. now the 72 year old cooper ceo john sheraton was going to retire soon, his 69 year-old wife joyce retired as a public school teacher, their house up inner middle class trenton suburb. neighbors living here wonder what could have happened because prosecutor's office up there is asking the public to call their tip line if anyone has any information about the sheraton's death. that is an unusual question, if this fire, would have caused it. also unusual it says arson task force and major crime unit are investigating with their detectives. all of that may be just routine but it doesn't sound so routine to their neighbors who told us no fire, flames just a little bit of smoke and authorities say it was just in the couple's second floor bedroom inside their home, already decorated for halloween more than a month away. >> just quiet, nice neighbors that always said hello to the kids. >> great neighbors, great people, they cared, just cared, you know, the whole neighborhood loved them on halloween, they had a whole halloween spread. they would invite kids in. they had their whole house scary and everything. then they had a great christmas village. all of the kids in the the neighborhood knew they culled go there halloween and christmas and they would be welcomed. it was just a really fun place and special people. >> reporter: very special here in camden too. mr. sheraton started here in coupe inner 2005 as a senior vp and became president and ceo in 2008. as we come back live with the first daylight in the morning you can see in that time that he led cooper it has really expanded. several blocks on both sides of what used to be a tiny little hospital, it expand todd broadway towards philadelphia, and then you see this way down to route 676, bigger and blocks wider. way bright inner that desolate city with new lighting out here. hundreds of millions spent on this place including the first new medical school in 30 years. at 72 friends say he finally did plan to quit after a long life of public service, the public now wanting answers on what caused, the man who governor christie called a great, great person here in new jersey. the tragic deaths. what could have possibly caused it we won't know until maybe those autopsies come out as early as today possibly. >> as early as today, that is interesting. just sad in matter what happened. 7:07. one person is in custody following suspicious fire in mt. airy. fire broke out at this stenton avenue apartment building just before 2:30 sunday morning. dozens of fire fighters arrived on the scene within minutes rescuing the family trapped inside. within resident tells fox 29 that at first many people thought it was just a false alarm. >> i think this is real. get out, get out. >> people were screaming, panicking, trying to jump. >> two people were hurt in the fire, fire fighters say there were two fires, one of the first and another on the second. investigators believe they were intentionally set. well, philadelphia police are searching for the hit and run driver who struck a little girl in the mantua section of the city, jenny joyce is following this story, jenny, what happens. >> well, seven year-old child is recovering here at chop, we are told that she's expect to survive her injuries, now police are looking for the vehicles, that caused her these issues. they think that they have identified the vehicle in the hit and run they released an image last night. this picture was taken by a witness of the lime green mitsubishi out lander with license plate number jky-7458. police say that carries believed to have struck a seven year-old girl last night just before 7:00 p.m. the the accident happened at forty-second and penns grove street. details are in the clear but police say the child was transported to chop in serious condition. vehicle was seen traveling east bound on girard from 38th street if you recognize that car or have any information police want to hear from you, give them a call. call their tip line at 215-686-tips. mike. >> how hard can it be, they have a picture of the car with the license plate. >> hopefully that means it will be soon. >> well, yeah, if not already done. she has in response. 7:09. there are new developments in the manhunt of accused cop killer eric frein. as search for frein enters third week police are shifting their search slightly to the south east. authorities do believe they have frein contained within a five square mile perimeter around his parent's house. frein is accused of shooting two straight troopers earlier this month and one troop are died and the other was wounded there were reports over weekend he had given away, his location by accident. 7:09. eagles fall to the 49ers in san francisco, special teams did their part scoring on a touchdown on a blocked punt and another on a punt return by darren sproles. look at him go. sproles, rolls. but the 49ers would come back, take the lead in the second half. eagles had a chance to win the darn game late in the fourth quarter, but could not get into the end zone on two plays from that 2-yard line. san francisco wins the game, 26-21. man, the eagles had this after the game coach chip kelly talk about the offensive struggles. >> there will be days and one of these days you didn't play well and hope other two could bail us out. we have to get first downs. that is biggest thing. we had three and out's and two and outs. >> we have to talk about this at length in just a little bit and then, yeah, use that hash tag today, matthew peterson writes in on twitter, i will complain foles lack of good long passes. he looked terrible. on the bright note alex holy brings me joy every morning. >> isn't that sweet. >> i was afraid people would be hating me this morning. we lost. we have been on a great ride. >> i'll explain you still are the good luck charm, i will explain what happened. >> stay tune we have an explanation. >> yes. >> but if you want to complain use that hash tag. officials are still trying to get things back to normal chicago's o'hare airport after a fire in the air traffic control center. 550 flights were canceled yesterday and delays and cancellations are expect to continue today. we will check board at philadelphia international and at least three flights to chicago are canceled or delayed, so far. the mess has left some passengers scrambling. >> we stayed in the airport. we seen a couple people trying to check hotels and they wanted 350, 375 a night so they are gouging so we said heck, we will stay here and see what we do in the morning. >> at the height of the incident on friday some 2,000 flights were grounded. police say a contract employee set fire at air traffic control center attempting to commit the suicide. repairs are expect to last three weeks at the center. >> it is having major ramificationness philadelphia, so make sure you call your airline, before you head out to philadelphia international. it is 7:12. u.s. doctor here we go again exposed to the ebola virus while working in sierra leon is now being treated in the state of maryland. doctor arrived yesterday and being observed at national institutes of health. nih says doctor is admitted to a specialize late unit. here he comes. asiana bun answer of caution but it is not been confirmed if he is infect with the actual virus. four other doctors or aid workers who were infected while working there has been treated in hospitals in georgia and also in the state the of nebraska. well, large crowds of protesters gathered in front of the ferguson missouri police department following saturday night's shooting of an officer. officer jim zwall. he was shot while patrolling the ferguson, community center. the suspect is still on the loose. investigators say they don't believe the the officer's shooting was related in anyway to the shooting death of the teenager michael brown last month. the officer is at home recovering this morning. seven people in florida are back on solid ground after their boat flipped off the coast. >> horrifying. the group had been participating in a children's fishing tournament when the boat flip. four adults and three children ranging between the age of four and five had to be pulled to shore saturday. that is on sanity apartments hell island on the gulf side of florida. the engines quit working and waves rush the boat out to see. they used cell phones to get help. officials say life jackets saved everybody's life. lets get back overseas now, president obama with some shocking comments yesterday afternoon. he says that u.s. intelligence agencies, underestimated the threat from isis, and overestimated the ability and will of iraq's army to fight. in an interview on 60 minutes in, president obama said militants had gone underground after being squash in iraq were able to regroup during the civil war that is happening in syria. as coalition forces continued air strikes in isis over the week end there is more debate about sending u.s. troops into combat. >> we're not going to be spending trillions of american dollars. we are supporting local forces, training and equipment, assisting them, intelligence. they will do fighting on the ground. we cannot want it more than they do. >> a new wall street journal poll out this morning find 45 percent of americans would favor ground troops, wow, half of the country, if military officials dermitis best way to defeat isis. lets get over to hong kong. the hong kong determine has pulled riot police back from thousands office pro democracy protesters blocking the street. >> protesters are demonstrate ago begins beijing's decision to restrict voting reforms for the first every lex toss choose city leaders in 2017. the officials say it is the the worst unrest hong kong has seen since china took back control of the sit friday great britain in 1997. japanese volcano is getting larger. officials now say 36 people are presumed dead, meanwhile efforts to recover victims have been halted due to toxic gases and ash from this still erupting mountain. mountain is 130 miles west of tokyo and has not had a major eruption since 1979. three people in the netherland were killed when a monster truck car crashed in the people. it does even others were injured. truck veered off course and knocked down a guardrail before going in the crowd. investigators are still trying to figure out exactly what went wrong there. >> 7:15. time for weather and traffic with sue. >> yeah, that is me. nothing to complain about really weather-wise over the weekend even though it is a complaint day. i love you you pay such close attention to me. >> we are always paying close attention. >> yes. >> overhead off to the side. >> i'm concerned. >> here's a look what is going on. we have a storm system to the south not expected to spread rain to the our area today. another one to the north this one will cool things off for us when it comes through but not until tomorrow, as that is supposed to happen. lets look at the future cast and tell you what we're talking about. we have clouds this afternoon. it won't be as bright as it was both the saturday and sunday. still on the warm side though, so we have 60 degrees we will get 70. cooler on tuesday. sunshine in the morning and here comes some rain, by evening on tuesday, and then, we will be on and off, and, into wednesday, as well. so wednesday afternoon, another round of rain with that cold air, and, throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening we have the possibility of some rain, on wednesday. so that means no more days after. that visability has been reduced in some spots in south jersey this morning around fort dix. we had, fog, and it is out there temperatures in the upper 50's and lower 60's, lancaster at 60 degrees. the west chester 61, reading. kutztown 57. as we look at bear, delaware at 62 degrees there. pennsville, new jersey, seeing some rain. 62 degrees in camden and 60 in jackson, new jersey. and toms river at 61. that is where we are right new walking out the door. pretty comfortable. we got to 86 degrees when the average high is 73 degrees. it does not feel like the first week even of autumn but, no one is complaining to me. it will give you something to complain about, some rain, tuesday ape wednesday, cooler temperatures, and, a high have of sunday when eagles play the rams at the link. it is really football weather. it is high of 66 degrees. so that is your seven day forecast, and, we have 80 on the first day to the 60's the last day. all right. lets take a look at traffic on your monday morning. we will start off with northampton east holland road at belmont way we have a report of an accident there also, in bensalem, old bridge road at high road, an overturn vehicle, slowing things down there and finally in the kensington part of philadelphia helen street near somerset a house fire there, mike. it is 7:18. a new born baby will have quite the story to tell throughout her life, how many kids can say they were born in the front seat of the car speeding 80 miles an hour down i-95. >> not many but for one girl that is exactly what happen. carter marcus was born in the front seat of the lexus going 80 miles an hour on i-95 in new castle county. her mother went into labor on the way to christiana hospital but carter could not way. the with the help of the mother and her 14 year-old sister kelce marcus she gave birth to little carter inside the car before pulling in the rest stop where they were met by paramedics. >> i'm proud of both of my daughters. one delivered her own baby, healthy, strong, and one who helped with the delivery. so i'm just proud of both of them. >> i know they are proud. we are told mom, dad and baby carter are still in the hospital and all are doing just fine this morning. >> carter is a girl is that a girl's name. >> i think so we're making it a girl's name. >> i lining that. >> i have a grand daughter named teddy alex is a boy's name. >> yes, it isy say it is a girls name. >> new trend. >> 7:19. where you sit at a restaurant affect what you order? a new study on healthy eating and eating out. i order bad food in dark restaurant so nobody can see what i'm eating. >> and that fourth quarter magic finally runs out for eagles as they fall to san francisco, in their first loss of the season. so, what went wrong here? johnny marks from 97.5 is here. i'm starting to get concern. cowboys playing well yesterday. i don't know. don't forget today is national the coffee day, look who is here, well, not so much, those are big cups. dunkin' donuts is handing out free coffee. >> you cannot complain about freey can complain about anything because it goodies day philadelphia complaint day but thank you dunkin' donuts for coming. ♪ ♪ only one place helps you maximize everything in your life, everyday. the place where you always get more than you pay for... t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. this fall, shop smarter. maxx first! doesn't everyone deserve a maxx life? t.j.maxx. i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. welcome back. eagles certainly had a chance, yesterday afternoon, against those 49ers but they blew it. johnny marks is here from 97.5 the fanatic. are you concerned? it was 21-13 at the half but i didn't feel good. >> you didn't feel got entire game? am i concerned i saw cowboys win, yesterday. three-one. they look good. giants look good. redskins one-three. we will see what happened. i will in the be concerned because you look at offensive line and fact that lesean mccoy cannot run the ball. >> he has in the run all four games. >> i feel a little bit of it is on chip kelly the way they are trying to run the ball. he is getting stopped in the backfield all the time. darren sproles looks good when he comes in. he is in the running him at all. shady, he is a dancer, he just tries to make guys miss. you cannot make guys miss with three in the backfield. >> well, they scored 21 points and in the one on offense and all game long i'm saying they're still in it. >> they were in it with third and fourth down on the 2-yard line basically, how about a run. >> well, they got down there on a run to make it third down. this is third down where they tried to send it to i guess this is one to celek. again, if he is able to get another half second, that within a touchdown. it is complaint day. riley cooper why don't you catch the ball. it hit him in the hand for crying out loud. then fourth down, the problem with nick foles and you saw it with kaepernick. when you role him to the right here, then he is in the out running anybody. >> nope he is like herman monster running will ball. >> if hees there over 15 yards it is air mailed. >> he didn't have a great day. >> chip kelly didn't have a great day calling plays. defense looked good. >> got to the quarterback. special teams was great. you will have these over course of 16 games. we react in this city. i think we have to calm down. >> hey turn on the nationals game because there is a no hitter in progress. this is the last day of the regular season. and no hitter. that happened last year on the last day. against the opposing pitchers, zimmerman. look at this catch to save a no hitter. >> nice play. >> you know, you are right. >> what i took out of this wow, phillies are long way off to being close to these guys. ruben amaro is not going anywhere. bob brookover. >> and cole hamels had another great game yesterday but he cannot get any offense. they never have any run support for cole hamels. >> another complaint. >> yeah, run support for cole hamels. mo of the team. gave up two runs early and retired 24 out of 25 rest of the game. i mean, and there is, frustrating, season for phillies. here's where you have to look at it, how will they get better. they have an aging team. you. >> do you remember back when we say poor jason worth but he will never be a winner with the nationals. look at them they are in the playoffs. the offense, is missing no question about it. good to see you. >> any are complaints. >> i got a ton. >> now people, by the way, my co host, alex holley is still a good luck charm. i will explain what happened friday. it is our fault eagles lost this very tv station. >> blame it on you. >> thanks, johnny. >> jen, it is our complaint day. >> it is complaint day here on fox 29. we will begin with complaining about people on our own station. troy aikman and joe buck have zero neutrality, they sound like 49ers cheerleaders, despite the score. it is just the beginning. we want to hear your hate, complaint, everything this morning. president obama says that he and intelligence agencies underestimated threat the from isis and overestimated the ability, and will of iraq's army to fight, them off. >> now some lawmakers are suggesting that the u.s. military may need to to more. >> the other day i think it will take more than just air strikes to drive them out of there. at some point somebody boots have to be on the ground. >> well, debate continues on that. new breath bear joins us live from d.c. were you surprised by those comments. remember in august of the year 2001, brett, they will slam airplanes into build initial america here. would you think after all these years, 13 years, we would be better at intelligence. >> yes, it is really interesting. sixty minutes thing with president obama being that frank about how much they did not estimate the the size and force officeis, and the threat to america was pretty stunning actually when you think of all of the places we have been on presidential statements. this is the same president that said this was the when he was asked about isis in iraq. so i think there is a sense that there will have to be some kind of boots on the ground and already in iraq there are american troops about almost 2,000 of them. >> we have 2,000 troops. >> but he is characterizing it as combat. >> if it comes to that point will he have to get approval from conquer can he just move forward for it. >> yeah it would be a good have move and there will have to be the 90 days for war powers act will come to an end and he will have to seek authorization if it expands beyond this. the the current basis for this is the authorization for military force, back in 2001 that ties to a threat to america. so he would have to go to congress. >> last time somebody went to congress is in 2002 and we ended up in iraq. >> all right brett, we will see what happens. have a good day. thanks for being with us. 7:32. >> lets get over to sue with a look at weather and big time traffic. >> we have a couple of big problems out there but trying to dress bus stop budd think morning do we wear jacket, do we not. temperatures in the 50's and 60's. we went, no jack tote day, polo shirt today. it will get to 80 degrees this afternoon. that is what we got the for buddy. your number of the daze is eight. we will have some sunshine. it will be warm but we will see more clouds then sun at times and that is evidenced on satellite and radar picture there no rain to show you but there are a lot of clouds and there is rain down to the southwest in virginia, west virginia, some of that system will come to join us tomorrow but not today. 54 degrees right now. 90 percent relative humidity out there. not much wind. 80 degrees is the high with some sun, more clouds then sun at times, it is still warm and tonight is pretty comfortable night with a low in the lower 60's, is there your weather authority forecast. we will start off in south brunswick, new jersey, route one northbound at new road an accident has a left lane blocked, one lane blocked southbound for an emergency response vehicle. also in bensalem old bridge road at high road an overturn vehicle there a terrible accident there causing some delays and then finally in east brunswick new jersey turnpike northbound at joyce killmer service area. an accident. still on the shoulder but still slowing you down. >> okay. if you care, i'm going to tell you something, we care. the the ladies care. >> well, they care he is in long's available i guess. george clooney is officially a married man. he tied the knot over the weekend in a star studded event in italy. we will tell you who was on the guest list and who surprisingly was not. jen, we're getting some complaints in a lot of people feel lake they just don't want to us complain about anything but a few have gotten through. >> yes, viewers complaining and one person complaining she doesn't see steve keeley enough. i wish he would be seen more. steve is a true warrior journalist. love you too. give us your complaints about fox 29, your eagles, your wife, husband. alex, it is national coffee day so our friends of dunkin' donuts. >> look at that coffee, it is free. people are get something free coffee it is free. i'm in the a big ice coffee guy, i like my coffee hot. >> yeah. >> nice and steamy. in the next half an hour you will notice high school kids, what is that name of the school masterry. >> they will be all jazzed up before they go to school. >> teacher come out and complain. >> they are loving that coffee. >> it is free though. >> well, two reasons why i'm wearing black. one is because i'm in america because eagles lost here. >> that is good. >> second one is for all of the single ladies out there because one of the world's most wanted bachelors, i'm sorry, not you mike, the other one. >> thanks, alex. >> we're talking about george clooney. >> in italy. he married human rights attorney amal alamuddin, she changed her name saw know i can say amal clooney, other than alamuddin, in venice, it thely on saturday. photographers caught clooney and his guests boarding water taxis celebrating the festivities. >> these two right here. >> and model cindy crawford and matt damon and is there all kind of people, emably blount. but no sights of stars like brad pitt, angelina jolie. >> yes. >> for years. >> and sandra bullock whom clooney is reportedly friends with. wonder why they weren't there. italy is kind of far away. mr. and mrs. clune write caught one day after the ceremony smiling and holding hands and look at that dress. now that is a dress. >> yes. >> they were boarding a water taxi as you have to do around venice after wrapping up weekend of festivities. couple will have have a civil ceremony today. so they are in the done. >> i have great memories of venice, italy. >> really. >> alex went there with her parents once and threw up the whole week. >> that is where their honeymoon was. we want to take you back to one of our first moments together as a married couple. that would be a nice family trip. we get there first night, having a nice dinner. next day i wake up, i was like no. >> never left the hotely got better the day we were set to leave. they took care of me. it was nice. >> you can go back. >> the love canal. >> it is so romantic. >> yes. >> well, clintons are showing off their new member, their political family the baby. >> chelsea clinton and her husband are proud parents of the baby girl charlotte. chelsea gave birth at lennoxville hospital in new york city, same place where beyonce had blue ivy. wand fur she shut town the whole floor. former secretary of state hillary clinton and former president bill clinton are gushing over their new granddaughter. they tweeted that they are over the moon to be grandparent. >> yes. >> her husband's mother mark, well, that is not mother's name but the husband's name is a former pennsylvania congress woman margaret. >> congratulations to them. other grand parents are right here in our area. >> by the way, chelsea clinton had her engagement party on the top floor of my building where i live. >> really, i wand year there. >> because you should see the the top floor. >> yes. >> one guy owns the entire top floor. i live in the apartment building. it is like an art museum. >> how did you get in there. >> didn't even know were you there. >> now he knows. >> the guy that water his plants let me look at it. >> don't say that, no more. let's keep going. >> still ahead, are you looking for work. retailers are looking for right now the holiday season, and a lot of jobs are available. we will tell you who is hiring, right now. i mean a lot of jobs. and jen are we have a few complaints this morning. other people they are tweeting their complaints. it is monday, right. >> it is monday. they are talking about penn state's loss. tonight you will get hit this time do you really want me to start on how much i don't like mike jerrick but i just think his mannerism make him look like a jerk on tv. bring us your hate. yes. how can i avoid maintenance fees? why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee, your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in, it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank. how can there be sunshine on a cloudy day. >> it is impossible. >> well, when my girl is around is there sunshine. >> you are our girl, sue. >> that is right. here is our girl connie, who is our twitter friend and lot at picture of the sunrise she sent us this morning. she said this picture should be on tv and guess what, connie, it is, thanks for sending that. thanks for watching every day. so ultimate doppler, doesn't have any rain in our area. there is some to the northwest of us, it will not make it here. there are quite a few clouds around this morning but we are seeing the sun peeking through as connie showed us. we are watching visability because of the moisture in the air and chance of some fog and it looks like we are seeing some fog around fort dix and wrightstown but the fog that we saw earlier in atlantic city seems to have dissipated. all that moisture in the air with warm temperatures that built up over weekend saturday we got to 84 degrees. sunday we got to 86 degrees. delightful. hopefully you got a chance to enjoy it and like the first week even of fall. bethlehem is 58 degrees, same in allentown as we come down to philadelphia at 64. limerick 59. sixty-three in bensalem. in south jersey have 2 degrees in hammonton. fifty-eight in millville. we are up to 66 degrees in cape may. so that is where we are at the moment. here's where we are heading to a high of 80. seventy-five tomorrow with late day showers. lasting into wednesday. it doesn't look like a lot of rain but it is a cold front and it means temperatures will in the reach 80 anymore after today, in fact we're in the 07's throughout the the owned of the week. another system moving through friday into saturday, and then much, much cooler on sunday, eagles play at the link again against the rams and it will only be 66 degrees for a high temperature. now that is football weather. that is your seven day forecast, now, lets take a look at the blue route, just north of ridge pike and see how bad traffic is there. it looks like have been is getting a long. a lot of volume but no big delays just there. in abington edge hill road, an accident there and finally lower gwynedd houston road at night night road we have an accident there as well. alex. >> hold on a second. >> go ahead. >> i know one of your complaints is that i interrupt you. >> okay. >> so lets keep it going. 7:47y stopped watching fox 29 when mike went to new york. you are the best ever. i'm giving you examples. just one sweet, tweet after the next, but every now and then, everybody is so sweet. 97 percent of the tweets we get are really sweet. but one got through the hockey goal last thursday i think it was. it was the the best written dis of me i think ever. before we get to that i do want to mention, i hope you are in the complaining that i mention this tomorrow, we're running out of time. get out there. we are almost sold out. go to my fox and go to the good day page you only have a couple days. >> it is thursday night. all of the crew will be here. everybody you see on fox 29 will be there. but they are running out. go to the good day tab. $50. good cause, benefiting the second chance foundation. so last week, was the reason why we made this good day philadelphia complaint day. i got one of the best dises ever. so well crafted. >> really. >> i will show it the to you, we had to take a lot of the nasty words out. >> it was that bad. >> directed at me. >> i am, a complete small blank. um-hmm. worthless, narcissist, self absorbed, brown sugar loving and he also, he us just blank. >> wow. >> dises me. >> that was all 140 characters. so that got us thinking, keep it coming, bring it on. it was jen's idea and new we will go to her. i bet she doesn't read any of the negative towards her. we will see. >> i read all of them. >> i don't think we have not fund one yet. >> you are about to see that. we have an amazing creative cafe as part of the creative thing they are doing coffee and all kind of stuff. really cool place. larry will help out. we will go through a little bit of the hate and we will start gently and something everybody can agree on. you are not a true philadelphia sports fan unless you hate joe buck. we saw that yesterday because of the game and a lot of people upset about how he was cheering for the 49ers. next one we have, this came in, so to be clear, jen is a fake flyers fan. i have seen her cheering for the other team last year at mike's fox 29. that was not true. we have no idea what you were talking about. this is one of our favorite people who lives to e-mail us, gentlemen please tell me about a bear dangling from a tree or let me necessity about beyonce or let me have the early you tube video that will be played over and over again for some social media hype. that is him complaining about the show, in particular. but, there is plenty more where that complaint came from. so, jen fred here we are, this is something where she wanted to complain about her family. why can't my kids, dry off before getting out of the shower instead of leaving puddles of water on the floor. i mean preach because i can talk all day about that one. and then, we have some more. why so many segments about dog news. and never any about cats. it is complaint day. i don't really know the answer to that but that is sue serio's department so you want to talk to sue serio about that. she's within to talk to about that. we're always trying to get the the dogs adopted. thinks one that stinks, let me know when q is gone and i'll be back a lieutenant of people love quincy. so those are some of the things we are talking about. and so we are looking for you guys, to join us, in the complaints. you can complain as you saw, about anyone on fox 29. i'm disappoint todd see people not complaining about steve keeley is that we don't see enough of him. you can complain more about gentlemen buck because he cannot see us. complain more about mike. layoff on sue and alex because we like them. they didn't complain about kerry barrett. >> there is nothing to complain about her. >> no. >> this is kind of working though. >> yes. >> laurie says well, that is all i need to know, mike, i'm a black woman, do you want to hang out. >> yes. >> turnaround and be in my favor. >> maybe it could, in some twisted way. >> okay. >> thanks, jen. >> okay. we will continue this, throughout 10:00 o'clock and then be done. right now is the most stressful time of the day for mothers. why women say they have just too much today, every morning. some people are reaching beyond the grave for health advice according to doctor oz. we will talk about this with him welcome back at 7:55. you know some people are reaching beyond the grave for health advice. >> that is word from long island medium who is set to visit doctor oz show later today. >> well, doctor oz, died. as a physician it is a challenge to how this even happens but some events that she's able to create and we audit or audience. i know she doesn't know these people. we purposely put her in places where she is out of her environment and she is he unbelievably able to have these conversationness emotional ways. >> yes. >> there she is right there. >> just to make sure everybody knows who she is, doctor oz, she's called long island medium. >> yes. >> so she has been through times connecting with folks and trying to give them advice from the other side. one thing i have been instruct by how this feeling is, with you i have studied her brain while she does these readings. i have put her in, you know, eeg devices on and there are changes in her brain when she has these conversations where something crazy is happening. >> she gives advice but health advice, explain that. >> you know, she's not out there telling to you eat your vegetables. she's saying i'm hearing from someone and here's how you might recognize it. she will give you a couple clues. audience member hoist as stun as i am would say how would you know this. that person says stop feeling guilt bye this or beating yourself up about that. through that pathway she will open up a, sensitive topic, and then help these folks emotionally. it is remarkable over and over again i have seen this. >> so do you believe that she communicates with the the dead. >> i don't know. that i really don't. whatever she does she's darn good at it. i thought how could this possibly be. first time she ever walk out on my stage she was able to engage in conversations. i said i will bring you back. i have a fellow from the university of pennsylvania, a professor there who i have actually work w's has done brain waves on people who speak in tongues and have these weird conversations. they are accessing a part of the brain that mess of us don't. i can't tell you it is real. it is my job to be skeptical but i have invited her back one more time. i'll tell you it is remarkable amount of feedback i get from audience member. people feel this they have some sense that something else is happening. but the uplifting part of it all is she says she doesn't come back with bad news. there is no the a lot of ghosts trying to hurt you but people trying to give you advice. >> lets talk about this recent report that say women in their 30's and 40's, they no longer need to go to the ob-gyn for regular checkup. >> what, the the pelvic exam. >> this could good news for a lot of women. >> i'm very exited to hear this. >> 60 percent, women complain that the pelvic exam is uncomfortable but ob-gyn groups have pushed back saying we know it is uncomfortable. it is partially because it is in the done the the right way. they have said with men is dry it can be uncomfortable. it requires an evaluation to treat. that but bigger story is if you are not examining women who don't have have symptoms. you have to trust they don't have symptoms a lot of the things we check for in pelvic exam like infections, embarrassing topics. women don't admit it. you are leaving pressure on women by not looking periodically to see is what going on down there you can make life changing, or advice if you can identify it. >> okay. >> awesome. >> thanks so much. we will look forward to that today. >> we will be watching today doctor oz, good to see you. >> good day my friend. >> monday september 29th, 2014, here we go. >> reporter: we begin outside cooper hospital in camden where one day after the death of the the president of the ceo here and his wife, everybody here to the capitol are wondering what caused his death. sue? it was just the the first week end of autumn but it sure didn't feel like it. temperatures well in the 80's both days of the weekend and today too but things where to change, we will tell you when and when it will rain coming up, jen. >> reporter: sue, something that never changes that people love to complain. there is a lot of mean, mean stuff but i will give you this one jen fred needs a pay raise. she adds so much to good day. her segment are great. now that is a complaint that i like. >> okay. are you looking for a job? we all might need to after complaint day to day. plenty of people are hiring for the holidays. where you should ab flying right now to cash in right before christmas. you should turn this around and make it compliment day. >> i like that. >> maybe we should do that tomorrow because we will be beat up today. >> that is not a bad idea,al oaks. >> we're big girls and boys, we can handle it. >> yes. >> where are the tissues. >> is there actually nothing wrong with a little brown sugar says sandra. >> sweeten things up. >> you can turn this thing around. >> he already has a plan. >> so, nice and hot over the the weekend. >> yes. >> we have one more and then things start to feel more like fall. >> yes. >> very nice. >> very nice. >> saturday was stupid good. >> i know. so today is an eight out of ten because of all of the clouds we will sianni it is not quite as warm as it was yesterday but still warm and decent amount of sunshine. so for bus stop buddy since we will get to 80, we will just, kind of let the the sweat shirt at home and just wearing his polo shirt today. 64 degrees in philadelphia southeasterly winds at 5 miles an hour but it is humid. relative humidity at 90 percent. 80 degrees for a high temperature today and tonight we're down to 62 with mostly cloudy skies. is there your fox cast, here is a look at your traffic, monday morning, welshes we do have a look at is what going on 295 southbound, at route 38. that is in new jersey. there are reports of an accident right there, also, in galloway, garden state parkway southbound between route 30 ape the atlantic city express waste a fire there has the right lane block. now we will go to abington edge hill road at the an accident there and houston road at night nights road, we will tell but there, guys. >> thanks, sue. 8:02. a trial is scheduled to begin this morning for a former philadelphia sportscaster, accused of fraud. they is, prosecutors say don tollefson took money from nearly 150 people in the name of charity. tollefson has pleaded not guilty to the charges. of course, you will remember he was a former employee here at fox 29. cooper university hospital executive ape his wife were found dead in their home. now investigators are looking for answers. >> yeah the autopsy results that could come back later this afternoon, steve cow think? >> reporter: yeah, if they do that is where we will get the answers. the only answers so far because nothing coming from the prosecutor's office other than, a lot of things raising questions like why, are they having an arson task force investigation unless that is routine. why do they have major crimes on the case? that is not the routine, at least down here, on this side of trenton this is a suburb north of trenton. the emergency crews got the call to the house just after 6:00 in the morning yesterday. so the sun wasn't up yet but they quickly put out a small fire contain to the second floor bedroom where they found seven two-year old cooper ceo john sheraton and his 69 year-old wife joyce, neither could be revived. mrs. sheraton was rushed to princeton medical center but pronounced dead a short time later. county prosecutor's office sent us a news release and here's something else unusual. they are asking to us ask the public to call in their tip line if they have any information on their deaths. why would anyone outside of that bedroom know anything about their deaths if it was just a accidental fire. so those are the questions that neighbors tell us are raising suspicions that this ways more than just a fine, mayor fire came after their death. they never saw any fire or flames. >> as far as the fire goes, you know, it didn't look as tragic as it looked, you know, as it turned out, it didn't seem like it was that big of an issue and not a the lot of smoke. no flames, anything like that. it turnout terribly. >> we knew of nothing. we didn't know anything was going on. they had under mentioned anything. the house was gorgeous. probably prettiest one on the block and very well kept up. so, you know, we just don't know. we do know it is under investigation. we saw a prosecutor's car leave. >> reporter: that neighbor told us house is focal point of the entire neighborhood. every halloween. you could see it was already decorated for halloween. sheratons did it the up well and had kids over and inside and probably best candy given out there in that neighborhood. while he was here at cooper hospital since 2005 you can see how different it is now compared to how it was before he got there. it is massive now. it takes up several blocks. they do so much more for so many more people since he got here including having the first medical school started here in new jersey in more than 30 years. the the governor was leading the chorus of everybody saying great stuff about him but probably greatest line came from the president ape ce of of kennedy hospital alex and mike and he said john sheraton had inn telling grit. mike, he goes back to governor cahill who was governor of new jersey when i was nine years old in 1970. that is how long he served the public. >> what a mystery steve, we will check back with you. chicago's airports are trying to get back on schedule three days after that fire that was started at air traffic control center in 15 miles way. >> yes, right near o'hare. so they are trying to figure out what went wrong. we have check the philadelphia board, affect flights all over. chicago o'hare is a major hub no question. >> four flights heading to chicago have been canceled or delayed today. and if you are expecting a loved one to come home a few arriving flights from chicago are also canceled. we will stay on top of that for you. just yesterday 550 flights at o'hare and midway were grounded but officials say things are improving. at the height of the incident 2,000 flights were canceled friday when officials say a contract employee set fire at an air traffic control center, attempting to commit suicide. repairs are expect to last three weeks there. >> apparently he also slit his throat but he lived, he is still alive. let's talk about the nfl. >> nfl is taking a stand begins domestic violence. during the games they aired public service announcements from the no more, anti tomorrow stick violence and sexual assault campaign. the the the first one ran on thursday game between washington and the new york giants. >> no more is none of my business. >> no more, i didn't mean it. no more, not my problem. no more she was flirting with him. >> no more she was asking for it. no more, boys will be boys. in more i'll say something next time. >> no more by standing. no more ignorance. no more excuses. no more. >> that is press i good. >> psa aimed to tackle common myths and excuses about domestic violence and sexual assault. >> i remember seeing this last night and it was memorable. we will talk about it this morning when it was first brought up. no more campaign. that stand out, in more. >> yes, pretty effective. >> we will see. >> i forgot to watch the game last night. who played last night. >> cowboys and saints. >> cowboys. >> they smash the saints. >> yes. >> yes. >> they say imitation is a most sincere form of flattery but when it comes to philadelphia sports fans it is a whole different ballgame. >> here we go. unaudible. >> it is outstanding. >> their relief pitcher for atlanta this greg kimbrel kind of like papelbon but when he bend over to throw it gets to be ridiculous. most of the front fans in the front row. >> they look like they are trying to squat. >> he looks like a vul seven tour getting ready to go, great mcing job. >> do you think they can see that. >> basketball try to have signs to distract them. >> he had to have noticed it at some point, they kept doing it over and over again. >> yes. >> wow, wow. >> still ahead in our program this morning for most moms the most stressful time of the day is right now, alex. >> why so many women are reaching their boiling point not long after waking up. in surprise. >> but that is message from this local teen pur full message he is sending to philadelphia about the escalating violence here in our city. >> african-american women named lisa tweet meade would you like some hot chocolate mike, you could be my whipped cream. thank you, lisa. guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. you deserve it. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at we have pictures of beautiful sunrise. everybody is in a good mood, that is what i think. and we see a lot of clouds when we he add satellite picture, not a big deal. it is still warm today. we have had visibility issues this morning. it is quite reduced around wrightstown, and that is about it. probably confined with fog, this morning. fifty-eight in allentown and lancaster. sixty-one in trenton. sixty-two atlantic city. so what a roller coaster ride our temperatures have taken, over the past five days. thursday we had 64. friday what an improvement with 78 and we have soared over weekend in the mid 80's both saturday and sunday. we think because of the clouds, we will be at around 80 degrees today. late showers tuesday into wednesday. temperatures in the 70's after that. all the way through saturday. we have another coal front friday into saturday and that means temperatures on sunday will be really a little bit on the crisp side, with 66 degrees, for the eagles game on sunday. there it is, your weather authority seven day forecast. another role arer coaster ride with these temperatures. lets look at traffic. we will start off on 295, southbound, right there at route 38, reports of an accident there. galloway township new jersey, garden state parkway between route 30 and atlantic city expressway we have a fire there that is having the right lane block. edge hill road attenuant did. lower gwynedd houston road at knights road an accident that will slow you down there, guys? >> well, sue there is no getting around it philadelphia can be a very violent city, and, you know, it has an affect on all of us but on teens who hear about it and live it on their way to and from high school. a 15 year-old boy from south philadelphia has written a powerful poem growing up where violence is a commonplace. >> he is sharing his experience with us, take a listen. >> i am from the city of brotherly love. i am. i am from a single mother. i am from forgiveness. i'm from the hospital. i'm the only child. i am from a big family. i am from a grandmother that took the role of my father. i'm from a mother only asking for a difficult prom a i'm from a mother, her only love. i am from two generations of felony and criminal record. aim free philly to take sometime to escape. >> we here with jamir and his mom, they are joining us this morning. thanks so much for being here. >> that is a beautiful poem. >> thank you. >> your first one. >> your first poem you have ever written. >> my very first. >> yes. >> how long dit take to you write it. >> three minutes and 32nd. >> so the subject matter must be really on your mind. >> yes. >> when i read the last line. >> i'm from philly, i'm just trying to escape. >> are you trying to get out of here. >> honestly, yes. >> why? >> because i mean growing up, there was a violence directly in our backyard. it is nerve racking. i really didn't comprehend, taking tonight and growing up with it so i was also like to thank my mom for moving me out of that situation and to grow with the experience. >> lets get to you, mom. he was afraid to go outside. >> he wanted to go play basketball at the park. would i not let him outside because i was too scared over what could and might happened, like what is going on right now. >> so you have moved from that violent neighborhood. >> yes. >> you are in a good school now. >> yes. >> you go to mastery. >> yes, thomas campus. >> honor gone street. >> what did you think when you first heard this poem he wrote. if the heirs it brought tears to my eyes. but we don't really thinking about the kids having to bowa way. and we being scared but they are more frayed then we are because they are walking around and they are the the ones, their age group is the the ones going through it, it is not us but these are our babies, out here caring a lot on their shoulders. >> you are mention add lot in this. did it upset you first. feel guilty. >> i didn't feel guilty. i felt more, hurt, i felt hurt because i don't want kids walking around like. that they shouldn't to have feel like that. at this age they should be able to be kids and do what he they like to do like play ball ape go outside or if somebody will pick on them because they are walking down the street. >> do you watch the the news, do you see a lot of stories. >> i watch the news mostly around nighttime. when i turn on the the news, it is like 14 shot or a teen stabbed. it is in the a good sight. >> is there someplace in your head that you might want to go where it might be better. >> i don't know if you can escape. it there is bad stuff happening all over the world. maybe i can go somewhere where it is happening less and my mom put me in a good environment now where i can go outside and hang out with my friend and i can talk about not getting beat up or one of my friend getting jumped. >> good i want to you hang around here. we need you here. >> we do. >> what do you hope this post em, besides just touching people. >> i hope it will open up peoples eyes and help them change their lives, and i'm really hoping it will help them change their life and do it the like a complete 360 like there is no room for what this poem can do for the next person. >> great to meet you great to meet you too. >> thank you so much for being here. >> you should be proud. >> i am so proud. >> you did a nice job. >> thank you. >> nice liz done. >> we would love to sees more. next one needs to be done in one minute. >> great job. still ahead, it is hard to top this, that george clooney guy got married. >> he said wow never do it again. but george clooney is a married man. we will talk about details of the ceremony plus why brad pitt didn't show up. plus, now you that he is off the market hoist number one bachelor in america. >> mike jerrick. >> that is for sure. >> kim kardashian brings baby north to fashion week in paris, this kid has already been around the world. is it too much for a little kid. by the way how kim's daughter is keeping up with kim's busy lifestyle. keep those complaints coming, nick says, oh, another one at mike. >> mike, just shut up and go away, we just want to see alex. no one wants to you run your mouth. >> oh, no. >> we're packing seal though. >> use the hash tag just shut up. >> fox 29 good day, it is complaint day. >> fox 29 good day, it is complaint day. we are hea i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. let's talk about this little girl. people magazine is report ago this kate middleton's health is improving, the speccing mother will reportedly be able to resume her official engagement next month even though they really do nothing. meanwhile, kate and prince william reportedly have decided on a name for their second child, a close friend tells the magazine fit is a girl, they want to name her elizabeth diana. >> that is very nice. >> that is nice. >> queen elizabeth and princess diana. >> windsor. >> forgot the last name windsor. >> well yes, windsor. >> it seems like kim kardashian west is destined to make her daughter a fashionista at a very young age. >> do we expect anything else. toddler is photographed at fashion shows already, kardashian posted this picture of her and baby north in matching sheer outfits. >> um. >> my god. >> they and kanye west were photographed as fashion program. thinks second time north was spotted in the fashion show while parent are in paris for fashion week. photos surfaced with north at the event appearing to cry though. is one too young to be dragged to a fashion show. that is the question now. >> well, i took my kids every where, i don't care if they are in the fashion show. would i cry too if i was her mother. >> yes. >> sheer. >> i'm glad you are, yes. >> this is not sheer. >> okay. >> but right to bear arms. >> yes, that is right. >> kim kardashian has this make up process, where they air brush crushed up diamond on to her skin, so that she will look good when they take picture of her. so we found a place in philly that does it. it is die machine dusting for your arms and your chest and stuff like that. so we will supply down alex holy today, you will be conferred in diamond. >> i was saying i hope it is diamonds. i got a tan already. >> we're all tan. >> but first are you looking for a job. >> i should be after complaint day. listen up plenty of people are hiring for holidays. we will talk about where you should ab flying right now, you can cash in right before the holidays. guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. for the first time in a while it is feeling pretty warm out there this morning. it isized coffee that we are giving out today, at least dunkin' donuts is for national coffee day. so, if you don't drink coffee, you will start today, i don't know, that stuff looks good. so, now bus stop buddy, of course had his healthy breakfast already. cloudy and comfortable. for the first time in a while we have in the seen him in a sweat shirt. just nice and mild with us getting to 80 degrees. eight out of ten we will see some sunshine and we will have a few clouds. at the airport it is cloudy, southeasterly wind at 6 miles an hour. 64 degrees with 90 percent relative humidity. it feels very sorry. out there it is, down to 62 degrees tonight. now, lets see if it will slow down this morning as we check traffic for your monday. we will start off with this live look at i-95 ativan kirk street and it looks like, of course, the direction toward the city. everybody seems to be getting by, in fairfield, at fairton millville road, an accident has had road closed. alternate is route 49. garden state parkway between route 30 and atlantic city a fire has the right lane block. hey mike. >> hey, sue. it is exactly 8:30. are you looking for a job. apparently a lot of jobs are available now. 800,000 jobs, are available because of the holiday season coming up. >> if it sound like a lot it is. that is most seasonal jobs up for grabs since 1999. we will bring in dan, to tell us where are all these jobs, we want to get one. >> have you ever had a temporary job over the holiday. >> retail store. >> a lot of us started out in the work force. were you right, alex is is there 800,000 jobs expect to be created this season. that is a pretty good number. here's the interesting thing, we will talk about where these jobs are. there is a battle between bricks and clicks with most of the action, being on the click side, on line shopping side. so for example, ups, is hiring now 95,000 seasonal workers this year. >> yes. >> can you imagine, 95,000, double from last year. many right here in the delaware valley. >> what would i do. >> would you help get packages out. work in the warehouse, move out on the truck. it tease lot of effort to get a pack from long beach, california to get it to your doorstep in philadelphia. >> this surprises me because for some businesses i can see why this would add on more jobs. but for others would it seem like it would cut down on the number of jobs because you don't need to go with anyone. >> alex, that is a great segway. we have ups, fedex, amazon, they are all adding jobs on line but as you said here's what is happening. it is at the expense of the traditional retailers who are still adding jobs this year but little bit less than before. for example target will add 70,000 jobs this year. but guess what, guys, that is 20 percent less, then the they did two years ago. they were very public about this. they said the reason is because of the, you know, fact alex you are sitting at home in your pajamas doing shopping on smart phone or mike, you are in your boxers shorts instead of visiting your local target store. >> if i want to apply for a job at target or even ups, do i have to go to a store or do it on line. >> excellent question. here's a few tips for this morning. first thing is i want to you apply early. they are hiring right now as in this morning. unlike when you and i were looking for our first job, our temp job, most of these are right on line. you go on or they are in this area, the philadelphia area you can apply on line. the stores, you know, they also have on line hires but you can still go there and fill out a paper application. >> wal-mart. >> yes. >> here's an interesting thing, wal-mart last year hired about 60,000 temps. they will do the same thing this year. here's what they did last year. most of those were in their on line area right, shipping and what not. guess what here's good news about wal-mart. 10 percent of those jobs, 6,000, will turn into permanent jobs. we often don't talk about that but that is a important aspect about this temporary job thing. it is a dress rehearsal for employees to see if they stay on permanently. >> what about amazon. >> am sop will take 70,000 additional employees this year. some right here in the delaware valley. again, all because we're going to have 300 billion-dollar shopping season on line a record over next few months. >> that is where axis. >> do you get benefits. >> do do pay benefits. >> temporary workers at ups do get benefits and those temporary workers as we just said do stay on as full-time. the these are not necessarily bad jobs. i like these jobs, but mike they give follow thanks first car on the train. they let you get something on your resume. you get a 20 percent discount working at macy's or target part-time over the the holidays. >> you get that discount when you buy christmas gifts. >> yes, comes in handy. >> great job. >> have a prosperous day. >> i used to work in retail and stuff. my only problem was discount was great but would i spend my paychecks. you just cancel each other out. >> clothing store. >> oh, yes. >> she loves the clothes. >> i am a shop a holik. >> that is okay. >> do you remember the scene out of sex and the city, kerry and big almost get married at the new york public library. that is a beautiful building. how much does that really cost. if you wanted to get married in a big library like that. you will be stun how much you have to pay just to rent the venue. >> my goodness. >> but first, do you want to dine like an eagle? birds reveal their favorite philly restaurant and jeremy maclin's go to spot. >> don't eagles. >> it is good day complaint day. jena writes in when you have a story about love or relationship ape chris murphy is happy and kerry barrett is bitter. >> national complaint day is on my birthday. my complaint is i missed national beer day yesterday. you can make today national beer day. >> yes. >> go ahead. >> tweet us your complaints, make sure to use that hash tad fox 29 good day we want to hear you.. carmen says you are often annoying at the first but gotten used to it and now makes me giggle. >> you see, you have turned it around. >> annoying laugh. >> a little bit. >> i like it. i always like it. >> it is kind of throat i. >> caitlin roth. >> she's working on the weekend. >> yes, you have t saturday and sunday at 8:00 a.m. and get all of the caitlin you want. >> her dress was nice over the weekend. >> black and tan. eagles nursing a tough loss yesterday with you before they get back to work they may hit up your favorite restaurants, right here in our city of philadelphia, to recharge. we found out, which restaurant, they like, like trent cole. >> this is from z a got. >> well, number 58, dell frisco's so what is his favorite dish, shanghai salad. >> there you go go to a stake house foresee food. >> and then, your boyfriend,. >> he is not my boyfriend. >> okay. >> jeremy maclin likes to go to sand pan on 13th street, michael's restaurant. he likes the crispy rock shrimp. >> and i like that too. >> these are sea food is the trend we are seeing. >> fatal even number 29 his favorite cheese stake spot is tony luke's and he gets his. >> chris polyp, number 32 likes green eggs cafe. i like split too. they have great french toast. loved everything on the menu but his favorite chicken and waffles benedict. >> he likes the apple pie. he likes the french toast. >> apple pie french toast. >> i never had that. >> and red velvet pancakes. i have had that there as well. >> maybe we should go and get there. >> i love french toast. >> big fan of french toast. >> i make good french toast. >> really. >> i will make it. >> it is not cooking, you crack an egg. >> if i have to do work and put things in the pan it is cooking. >> yes. >> i was watching pioneer woman, the woman, drives me nuts. bye like watching her show. because she looks like she's on medication. she is always smiling. by the way somebody complaints about my goofy face tease. >> do they even like us. >> in, we should just quit. >> we're done. >> so she makes this thing for her family her husband who is out, milking the the cows or something, pioneer women. she never stops smiling. >> is that supposed to be a smile. that doesn't look like a smile. >> what she made was eggs in a hole. >> so you take a piece of bread, cookie cutter like a hole. >> yeah. >> then douse it with butter, put tonight a skillet and it sits in the hole of the bread. >> um. >> it was good. >> is that cooking then. >> that was cooking. >> okay. >> okay. where are we going. >> we're going to jen. >> it is national complaint day. >> it is complaint day. >> by the the way, mike you can cook because every divorced dad can. >> yes. >> i mean right. so look at this, fox 29 good day how come sue serio, is the only one who dresses professional of all of the ladies. we've got way more complaint. keith is hanging up signs. we've got way more complaint. keith is hanging up signs. we are live at i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. look at it, look ate. >> yes. a woman wrote in i cannot stand that smiling pioneer lady either. >> i have in idea what you are talking about. >> it is on constantly. >> it must be a very popular show. >> i guess i'm not sitting in front of my tv. >> yes. >> i'm a lonely person. i just sit there and watch the the pioneer women. >> cook for her. >> all of my friends she has a family and loved ones around her. >> i'm trying not to laugh. i don't want to be annoying. >> well, give up. >> jude writes in mike it is called birdie the nest, egg in the center of bread,. >> ask pioneer women does she have a twitter handle. maybe we should tweet her. you guys can meet up over the weekend. >> she has to be on medication. >> it is if day complaint day. jen freddie's monitoring the tweets. >> where are you again. >> i'm at this cool place, right next to hahn dynasty at 37th and market. it is part of the creative cafe where you get work done. do you see these people working. we're talking about complaints. larry has been helping. this is a cool complaint. it comes from keith; why does try aikman suck up to the 49ers all day yesterday. eagles nation. that was bad. >> it was really, really bad. >> i have a problem with troy aikman and joe buck and especially since eagles lost. >> they love to complain on social media. >> i think it is for non-cool kids. if were a hate inner high school you are a hater now before no one listened to you. now you have a vehicle to complain, and be mean to people. mean people sucks. >> we will go to the next one. larry works here. mike, tell jen fred, fox 29 to stop tweet nothing all caps. we know maybe you don't hear well, mom, mom but don't need to yell us. >> do i tweet in all caps. that is true. >> that jen fred really wants really tweetable anchor digs not every day complaints. this is totally true. >> people complain bus all the time. it is time for to us see it. >> i hate that good day waiting in the five or ten minutes before they give out move tickets to announce it. not fair to people watch every day from start to finish n way we can get to the station in time. >> that is something we can fix. >> i think that is a valid complaint right there. >> this one, it says you two are liars. she's talking from my facebook page. she's talking about, steve keeley and i. you say you were married to him. says he is single. which is it. >> the answer is i wish i was married to steve keeley and he doesn't. i like this one, whatever jen makes, it is too much. hey jen, i love fox 29 but i think the news should be just that not beast an say baby info. who cares, hash tag complaints. the this is what we are looking for. we can consider that. but isn't that being so cute. i think there is another one. i don't have many complaints about good day but steve keeley kind of looks like a vampire, just saying. let's move on. bruce from facebook says i'm double dosing my blood pressure mode now fly eagles fly. keep an eye on them. we are monitoring them. people are actually working out there, there is no idea, that this is happening. >> i think people on twitter have an idea because they are send nothing a lot of complaints. >> yes, they are. >> i'm getting a lot of complaints about not knowing the name of this little egg thing i made. >> they are complaining about this. >> breakfast you described ace pop eye. >> pop eye. >> pop eye? >> yes, love them. >> that makes sense. >> love them but my kids don't. >> okay. >> anything else. >> a lot of live food of complaints. >> some of these, wow. still ahead best music trio's of all time i think destiny's child. >> one of my favorite and we are running down the list this morning, so he let's see what your favorite is. >> trio, peter, paul and mary: led zeppelin was a trio. ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at no rain in the forecast for today but there will be some before the the weekend through, probably tomorrow night. we will get a taste of this system before it moves off shore and then a cold front coming through, so, our days in the 80's, are number, and maybe a little bit of rain to the south by the end of the day to day but otherwise we are just socked in with clouds but we do expect to get to a high of 80 degrees, 75 tomorrow, with the rain, at night, main lasting into wednesday, 73 on wednesday, and thursday, friday, in mid 07's, and saturday, lower 70's and look at sunday's high, 66 degrees what a big difference from today. that is change of season for you. here's a look at the traffic one more time for monday morning. we will get you out the door on i-95 northbound at 295, there is a a hit and run involving a tractor trail their left the scene so big investigation going on there i-95 in delaware. conshohocken past norristown an accident that is on the left shoulder, and finally in fairfield, buckshim road at fairton millville road in southern new jersey, there is an accident that has that road closed in cumberland county take alternate which is route 49. will well, alex, they are really fired up to day. >> they really are and now, it looks like everybody is on the roll now keep those tweets coming what are your biggest complaints. phillies fanatic say my complaint is turf hear/watch other complain on a monday morning after an eagle loss. i agree with you. so tweet us use hash tag fox 29 good day, because yes we are talking about your complaints. all by myself. >> yes, without coffee, because it is national coffee day. >> but we also have some other treats being put together for your dining pleasure, at fourth and market. that is so good. we are talking about your favorite, trios of all time, there is a survey out,. your favorite trio, of all time. >> singing trios or tv trio's, or anything. >> it was musical trios. >> three's company. >> three stoogees. >> no, no. >> you know, one of them is from philadelphia, larry fine. >> larry, mow and curly. >> here's a trio, kerry me and alex. >> you nose, people love you, kerry. >> and you. >> and you. >> we love you. >> spreading love on complaint day. >> this is complaint day. a woman wrote in and said i necessity you are worried about, sue serio. >> i am so sorry that is not the on the screen. someone said i see you still have the rolly chairs. >> yes. >> barely touch it and you roll and they drive my nets. >> oh are lord. >> every time he gets in that chair he says how it drives him nuts. >> it will take one of us getting hurt. >> why don't you make the call right now, and get it over with. >> when you pull the chair over, you simultaneously move the desk, and new we're all off. >> high quality television here. >> then you get on it and you cannot get back. >> see, it goodies day complaint

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