Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20140718 : comparem

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20140718

and we're learning more about who exactly was flying on the plane. and united states investigators are offering help with the forensics of the crash. fox 29's jeff cole live in the newsroom tonight with the latest developments. jeff? >> iain, we know this evening there was at least one american on board that flight and there was as many as 100 people on board who were aids researchers and activists head to go conference in australia. >> this was a global tragedy. an asian airliner was destroyed in european skies filled with citizens from many countries. >> reporter: president obama speaking from the white house press briefing room one day after malaysian airlines flight mh17 was blown out of the sky over ukraine. 298 men, women and children were killed. >> evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by a surface to air missile. that was launched from an area controlled by russian backed separatists inside of ukraine. >> reporter: among the dead, a dual u.s. dutch citizen quins shanks ma man seen on what's reported to be his facebook page. the state department is working to find out if there were any other u.s. citizens on board. >> i believe the number unless there's been a change there are four individuals that malaysian airlines has not identified the nationalities for. >> following a moment of silence the united nations security council met in an emergency session. the u.s. ambassador calling for an independent investigation and an immediate end to the conflict in ukraine. >> international investigators must be granted immediate full and unfeathered access to the crash site. all those concerned russia, pro russian separatists and i was eighty nine should agree to support an immediate cease fire to facilitate access by international investigators. >> reporter: it was the ukrainian ambassador to the un who placed blame for the attack squarely on russia. >> this tragedy would not have been possible if russia did not support the terrorists and did not provide sophisticated anti aircraft missile system were not supplied to terrorists from russia. >> reporter: russia's ambassador obviously disagrees saying the reports are nothing more than unconfirmed accusations. much political posturing in this ugly international incident highly likely to further draw the u.s. and russia into another tense on-going dispute. iain? >> jeff, thank you. malaysian airlines plane is believed to be the third aircraft down in the area since monday when a cargo plane was blown out of the sky. and tonight, ukraine security service says it has a recording in which separatists claim responsibility for the attack. the two rebels discussed finding civilian bodies and realizing they shot down a passenger aircraft. now the focus turns to the investigation and the plane's black boxes including who has control of them. >> to your knowledge, who has the black box? i don't know. >> is that a concern that evidence may be tampered with on the ground? i said it at the outset we all sides to agree to providing investigators save and impeded access to the site so that they can do the kind of work they need to do to include recovery head there tomorrow to try to diffuse the situation in gaza. israel sent ground troops in yesterday to destroy tunnels hamas militants were using to launch attacks deeper into israel. 10 days of fighting had failed to stop hamas rocket fire on israeli cities from the gaza strip. dozens of palestinians and at least one israeli soldier have died. israeli troops are trying to destroy hamas' reach into its country. >> my instructions and the defense ministers to the army with the approval of the security cabinet is to prepare for the possibility of a wide widening. significant widening of the ground operation. >> egypt is trying to convince militants in gaza to accept terms of a truce already accepted by israel. here in philadelphia, people on both sides of the issue demonstrated outside the israeli consulate this afternoon. among those protesting us real's action in gaza people are very safe along with students from several local colleges. >> only on fox allegations members of a local mosque were handing out their own justice for an alleged crime. so far one person is under arrest for an incident and overbrook mosque. police say the violent assault stems from accusations of stealing. and the allegations come during the religion's holiest time ramadan. the crime has members of the mosque and the community in shock tonight. our dave schratwieser live outside southwest detectives with details on what happened. dave? >> reporter: iain, that first suspect is awaiting a rain many on aggravated assault and other charges here. southwest detectives are preparing a warrant for a second suspect, a second church leader. they believe these two leader ls exacted their own form of punishment. >> police say when prayer services ended here at this mosque in overbrook tuesday morning, two leaders of the mosque allegedly accused another member of stealing from a donation jar. they moved quickly to carry out punishment. >> they placed it on top of the mosque. the second male goes into the mosque comes out with a machete. one male is holding his wrist on the log and he strikes him in his wrist machete. >> police arrested a 37 year old who goes by the name schultz. he was charged with aggravated assault and other crimes in the machete attack. mitchell is a leader at the mosque. >> he is the berne who actually swung the machete striking the male in the wrist. second male we're still working on the warrant for his arrest. >> violence is not something muslim do in the first place. >> reporter: the brutal attack took place in the backyard at the mosque in the 1,000 block of north 63rd street just after prayer services at sunrise. the 46 year old victim underwent surgery at nearby mercy hospit hospital. >> machete doesn't appear to be too sharp. it actually tears through his tendons. >> reporter: police returned to the mosque thursday night and executed a search warrant. they recovered the ma set team they also took pictures of the crime scene, neighbors and those who pray here every day reacted to the attack. >> yes it shock me but, hey, look, i don't know. especially what's going on. there should be no type of violence going on at this mosque at all. >> reporter: the victim has been released from the hospital. he denies any allegations that he was involved in stealing any money whatsoever. coming up at 6:00 more reaction from neighbors and folks at the mosque and we'll give you the very latest on the investigati investigation. lucy. >> a lot of questions tonight. thank you very much, dave. to your weather authority now. and it should be a great weekend to hate hit the beach or head up north. let's take look at lake in the pocono mountains. you know what i learned about the lake, scott, there's actually an entire village that is underneath part of that lake. how about that? you might have to make another trip up there this weekend lucy. >> i think so. beautiful conditions in the pocono mountains. down the shore as well as in between. it was 50 degrees that was the low temperature this morning in the pocono mountains. but take look at the temperature right now in center city philadelphia. 82 degrees. but this is the deal. the humidity it's only in the 20s% category so really comfortable for this time of year. satellite and radar showing quiet condition conditions for a few high clouds moving in. but look at all of the moisture to our south. most of that will likely stay to the south as we move into the upcoming weekend. but look at the temperatures right now. 72 degrees in the pocono mountains. we have low 80s in philadelphia as well as wilmington. 76 degrees right now in atlantic city. so if you have friday plans looking pretty good. 80 by 7:00. 9:00 o'clock, 76 degrees and low 70s as we move toward the 11:00 o'clock hour. that saturday snapshot for you kicking off the weekend. we'll have more clouds than sun but it looks like we'll stay dry. coming up, we'll time out warmer conditions as well as the threat for some rainfall. iain? >> scott, thank you. memorial service takes place tonight for a woman whose body was found inside a dufflebag. friends and family will remember 23 year old laura, tabernacle of holy spirit church at 47th and lieper in frankford. her body was found monday on north third street in kensingt kensington. police say the recent college graduate was beaten, strangled and then bound with duck tape. officers say 22 year old jeremiah jackson confessed to killing her. they say he rent add room next to hers in mantua boarding house. investigators believe robbery was the motive for her death. >> 15 years in jail for a pine hill, new jersey, middle schoolteacher and soccer coach. charles riley has admitted to inappropriate sexual communications with 17 male students over a span of five years. he was indicted on nearly 100 counts related to the abuse of victims 12 to 16 years old. >> grow great of 15 in state prison five years without parole is a fair and just result in this case. >> he was examined by a psychologist and during the course of that interview, expressed remorse and asked me to express remorse on his behalf because obviously at a time like this it's very difficult for him to speak. >> rile lull have to serve five years before becoming eligible for parole. extra pair of eyes. >> still ahead tonight a local police force is using technology to protect people and officers. how it could save the department a lot of money. also ahead, two stones toppled -- tombstones toppled. vandals wreak havoc on local cemetery. why some say this was no easy task for the criminals. >> a haunting robbery many a group of men enter a bar wearing masks but this -- they're not dressed up for halloween. what two men are accused of doing while another man takes money out of the register. >> a grandma on a mission. meet the woman who stopped a burglary in action. what she yelled at the guy that got him to give up the goods. >> and nfl training camps are just one week away. coming up in sports hear how one local quarterback is getting some pointers from the manning family. some pointers from the manning family. ♪ the wonder of summer is that i never know what kind of adventure awaits. the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $319 a month. >> we're tracking breaking news. malaysia's flight 17. world leaders are now calling for a full investigation into the crash. 298 people were killed after a surface to air missile shot down the boeing 777 over eastern ukraine. russian separatists leaders claimed responsibility for attack. at least one of the victims is an american citizen. >> happening now an investigation into vandalism in a cemetery in wilmington. police are looking for the people who toppled more than 70 tombstones, the damage estimate as much as $25,000. fox 29's dawn tim money knee is live in wilmington. dawn? >> reporter: good evening, lucy. for family members who have relatives buried here at this cemetery, this is unthinkable. take a look. we're talking one, two, three, four, five, six tombstones just knocked over and survivors say the pain is almost unbearable. >> you must be so heart broken. yes, oy. i don't have too much money to fix it. but i'm going to fix it. >> maria russ sick fights back tears as she looks at her beloved mother's toppled tombstone. it's one of dozens knock over by heartless vandals tuesday night at the riverview cemetery in wilmington. >> very sad. why it has to happen in america. >> the cemetery is on the national historic registry oped since 2008 by the non-profit friends of historic riverview cemetery. >> the history of these tombstones represent going back to the 1872 and so to have them destroyed is really destroying some of the history that this place is renowned for. >> reporter: 60 tombstones and ton knock over in one night. it couldn't have been easy. some of the markers weighing as much as a thousand pounds. >> i can't imagine how much brute force had to be on some of these huge stones to knock them over. it's hard to understand why anybody would do this. >> reporter: ethel bernhardt has family here and rushed over in a panic somebody's she heard the news. her family's final resting place was untouched but those of her many friends disrespected. >> i'm hardly able to speak without crying because i'm so upset that this has happened. because all these folks -- i know these folks. >> reporter: friends of the historic river fifty two sumpter remade flares and they distributed them in the neighborhood around the cemetery and nearby businesses. alerting this community about what happened and hoping maybe someone saw or heard something in hopes that it will help police catch whoever is responsible for being so disrespectful to the dead. iain? >> dawn, sad. thank you very much. philadelphia police need your help to identify three suspects in a fair hill bar robbery that was caught on camera. it happened at the bar on west lehigh avenue. two men held guns while the other cleaned out the cash register. if you know something that might help catch these guys, call philadelphia police. >> charges tonight in a deadly crash in new jersey. you saw breaking news right here on fox 29 yesterday. police say daniel everett was behind the wheel of a dump truck when it struck a car driven by 59 year old james mclane. the impact forced mclane who was stopped at a red light into a nearby lake with that truck on top of it. it happened yesterday in lawrence township. mclane died at the scene. everett is in the hospital and schedule for a court appearance on tuesday. he faces charges of second degree death by auto. >> police in one new jersey town have a new form of technology to help them combat crime. 48 officers in evesham township are outfitted with a body warn camera system. it's attach to do their shirts. the equipment allows them to record police activities and have the video automatically up loaded. it can be used to assist in crimes and in protecting officers. >> a lot of police depths are coming under fire because there's amateur video from cell phones. the people citizens taking cell phone footage of us making arrests, protests whatever it may be but never captured the incident from beginning to end. >> the cost for the system is about $63,000 and comes from a five-year capital improvement plan. police say the devices will save overtime, stopping frivolous allegations and lawsuits. it is shaping up to be just a gorgeous weekend. let's take live look right now at the center city skyline. you know what i got to say it's hard to get more perfect when it comes to our weather. another beautiful day in the neighborhood, iain. >> here's my only question. >> yes. >> will it last into the weekend scott? it looks like the dry weather will likely last but temperatures will be warming a bit each day for the up coming weekend, iain and lucy, but root now the satellite/radar showing a dry scenario across our regi region. we have a few high clouds spilling over, but nonetheless it's still comfortable. the humidity values are low as well. and this morning it certainly felt more like fall. temperatures right now have recovered from low temperatures in the 50s area wide across the area. low 60ing in philadelphia but right now it's 82 degrees. still below average for this time of year. 79 in lancaster as well as allentown. low 70s right now come currently in the pocono mountain. so looking pretty good area wi wide. now all week long we've been talking about the dew point temperature. the measure of moisture in the atmosphere and usually it starts to feel really comfortable in the 50s. in fact some locations in the 40s right now so just tells you how dry the atmosphere is right now. 47 that's the dew point temperature in philadelphia. currently it's 82 degrees but look at that humidity. it's in the 20s right now. so unheard of for this time of year in july. so overnight lows dipping into the 60s across the area. nice and comfortable for the over into the. coming up we'll talk about the weekend changes and that potential for heat wave as we move into next week. back to you. >> all right, scott. thank you. massive highway pile up stops traffic for 2 miles. coming up how a nearby wildfire is being blamed for causing more than a dozen cars and trucks to crash. >> plus do you get up before the sun does? by the time you crawl out of bed could determine how honest you are later in the day. and never too old for yard work. a 103 year old woman still mowing her own yard. why she says it's actually easier than ever before. ♪ >> we're learning more about the victims in the crash of malaysia airlines flight mh17. 298 men, women and children died including glenn thomas. he was the spokesman for the world health organization also on board a dual u.s. dutch citizen quins shansman scene on what's reported to be his facebook page. the state department is working to find out if there were any other u.s. citizens on bore. >> in washington state a massive 24 car pile up blamed tonight on smoke from a fire east of he will lense burg yesterday afternoon. that's near yacama. at least 15 cars and nine semi trucks were involved. medics rushed several people to the hospital. the ensuing backup went on for miles. it is just horrific to look at. >> officials blame blowing ash, smoke and dust from nearby wildfire for this massive crash. a victory for same sex couples in a part of florida. a judge has overturned a ban on those unions. the decision covers only monroe county and the florida keys. 2008 voter approved ban on same sex marriage violates the constitution. marriage licenses could be issued as early as next week. >> governor christie was quite the charmer at a event in iowa. the potential presidential candidate kept the conversation away from his own political future. campaigning instead for fellow republican governors. christie is the chairman of the gop governors group and also took some jabs at the democratic party. blaming president obama for quote being a bystander in the oval office. >> of the 20 best performing states on the economy in the country, 19 of them have republican governors. that is not a coincidence, everybody. (applause). >> it's so now i've got a job to do. not just to be the governor of new jersey but also to be the person who tries to lead this group of governors to bigger and better things. >> christie has been traveling across the country and already raised $60 million for the republican governors associati association. we are following new developments in that crash of malaysian airlines flight 17. still ahead tonight it is the tragedy felt around the world. what people living right here in our area are doing to remember the victims. >> plus, one observant grandma. she stopped a burglary right in her own neighborhood and it's what she says she yelled to the suspect that actually got him to stop in his track. suspect that actually got him to stop in his track. ♪ [ horns honking ] people are so impatient, right? you know what it is? it's waiting. 10 minutes or 10 hours, people don't like waiting. you know, at comcast, we don't want you to wait at all. with our new xfinity my account app, you can troubleshoot technical issues, request a callback, or check with an expert via twitter. can you wait just a second? hey, can you move, please?! i hate sheep. [ male announcer ] introducing the xfinity my account app. it's a whole new day at comcast. hold us to it. ♪ ♪ >> breaking details tonight in the downing of malay lay is a's airlines flight mh17. candlelight vigil as people gather in a church to pray for the 298 passengers who lost their lives. while families grieve the international community is demanding answers about who shot down the plane and why. the united nation social security in emergency session. diplomats vowing to get to the bottom of what happened. at that un meeting further evidence was laid out that pro russian revels were behind the deadly mid air strike. samantha power made it clear separatist leaders initially boasted on social mode ya about shooting down a plane. her remarks aggressive but also emotional as she talked about the three infants who died. >> to the families and friends of the victims it is impossible to find words to express our condolences. we can only commit to you that we will not rest until we find out what happened. >> we also know at least one american was among the victims and the state department says there could be more. the national al will thes of four victims still have yet to be determined. back in our area now the community is remembering the lives lost and demanding the people responsible be brought to justice. >> they're plotting a demonstration tonight in center city. fox 29's thalia perez live near the ukrainian flag on the ben franklin parkway. thalia? >> reporter: lucy, that's right. everyone plans on meeting here right at the ben franklin parkway right under the ukrainian flag around 7:00 o'clock tonight. the plan is to hold vigil and then march 1st stop will be the netherlands flag where they plan to lay flowers and candles and then over to the malaysian flag again to lay flowers and candles all mourning the lives lost in this tragic event. earlier this evening, now, we did get a chance to speak to one of the organizers who tells us that local ukrainians here in philadelphia as well as around the globe are demanding a full investigation into this plane crash. let's take listen. >> we hope to accomplish first of all express our solidarity and mourn with the rest of the world over what happened. because i think that's been our first reaction was shock and then great sadness and also anger that we're having to deal with this. i'm hopeful that the ukrainian government and the us government and the international community will do everything they can to make sure that there's a full, thorough and impartial investigation. >> reporter: so, again, the vigil will begin at 7:00 o'clock everyone meeting under the ukrainian flag on the ben franklin parkway. coming up at 10:00 o'clock, we will have a coverage of this event as well as an interview with some ukrainians that are visiting right here in philadelphia and are headed back to that region. we'll send it back to you lucy and iain. >> thank you thalia. remember for continuing coverage head to our website mock.colt com. among the latest information you will find a slide show from the crash scene, of course, many, many things happening right now worldwide. it's all updated 24/7 happening now israel stepping up efforts against hamas militants. israelis military offense against hamas militants is escalating. one israeli soldier and dozens of palestinians are dead after israel sent ground troops into the gaza strip. fox news' john huddy is there with the latest. >> reporter: three children were among those killed after israel increased its military operations in gaza. the siblings reportedly died when an israeli tank she would their home. their deaths drawing threats from hamas. >> we in hamas guarantee the occupation army will sing in the mud of gaza. >> reporter: israeli officials insist the ground mission is necessary to destroy the tunnels militants can use to sneak into israel. the israeli military also says it's not targeting civilians but blames hamas for putting palestinians in harm's way. >> what hamas is doing, they're using their own people as human shields. they're placing missile batteries next to schools, hospitals and mosques the. >> reporter: international piece efforts on going as the fighting escalates. president obama expressed concerns over the growing loss of innocent lives. >> we are hopeful that israel will continue to approach this process in way that minimizes civilian casualties. >> president obama says secretary of state john kerry is prepared to come to the region to try to increase piece talks along with france's foreign minister as the balance the explosions continue here on the ground in gaza city. john huddy, fox news. >> a peaceful rally in support of immigration today. ♪ >> huge crowd gathering outside the mexican couldn't soul late in old city. they sang and prayed for some form of resolution for the tens of thousands of refugee children from mexico and other central american countries caught up in national debate over what to do with them. anti immigrant activists calling today a national day of protes protesting. several members were also at the sight voicing their opinions as well. >> glee is one of your favorite shows right her on fox 29. >> but are changes on the way? still ahead why the show may have to change its name at least in britain. also ahead, meet a 103 year old grounds keeper the woman who just loves doing yard work. why she says mowing the grass is a whole lot easier these days. scott? >> lucy, the weather has been pretty nice to maybe get outdoors and mow some grass. but coming up, we're tracking some weekend changes and a warmup on the way. ♪ hey, i lost my debit card. do you guys do instant replacement? 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2013 to build a newer and wider ramp all part of penndot's $212 million improve many plan. the entire project is due to finish in 2017. >> local builders are racing to frame homes in point breeze as part of a challenge for habitat for humanity philadelphia. you know what, they're doing all of this for free. habitat for humanity teaming up with local companies and skilled trade groups for a blitz to frame six new homes for hard working low income families. >> the group says the effort will save habitat four month product time and $60,000. it's our own version of an amish fundraising. sick houses will be framed up in three days. >> big deal habitat is the largest non hiv profit home builder worldwide. taking a look at your health tonight. researchers say there may ab way to reverse memory loss and alzheimer's patients. scientists in california believe transplanting new brain cells could be the key. improved brain activity and also restored cognition to normal levels in elderly mice. doctors hope their findings help with new treatments in the future. >> are you a morning person? i am actually. >> are you? all right. i'm not. are you? >> because researchers say you might be prone to lying not down but straying from the truth. study shows people who wake up before sunrise are more likely to lie as the day goes on this is why researchers say it may be that morning people run low on the mental energy needed to resist temptation as the day wears on. they're just tired but they also found night owls like me tend to lie in the morning when they're sleepy and i'm sleepy in the morning. researchers from john hopkins and georgetown university conducted the study. >> don't know how accurate it is. >> the hit fox show glee will have to change his name. 20th century fox will row name the show in great britain. comic enterprises sued studios because it runs string of venues call the glee club. fox plans to appeal and arguing ordering a name change would be unfair and disproportionate. of course, you can watch glee with its original name right here on fox 29 final season set to begin early next year. >> and beginning right her right now your weekend. >> exactly. can't wait. coming up scott back with the best way to get outside for a barbecue this weekend or maybe some golf. >> also ahead a grandma is on a mission. meet the woman who stopped a burglary in action and what she yelled at the suspect that got him to give up the goods. >> and iain, speaking of golf after a positive first day, a downer today. the hole that almost cost tiger woods the weekend coming up >> police are hoping this surveillance video leads to an arrest. they say the three burglars hit home in southwest philadelphia. it happened on the 6500 block of windsor avenue last week. police say the burglars failed the first time by tripping the alarm. you saw them run off there. well, cops say they returned minutes later forced the rear door of the home open and stole several items totaling $4,800. >> a utah man pick the wrong house to rob. >> man, did he. he was stopped dead in his tracks by a grandma on a mission. fox's caroline connelly tells us what went down. >> go get callie. >> reporter: grandmother of 11 is used giving orders around the house. >> go over there and play over there. walk over there. >> reporter: a habit that even she admits she sometimes can't help. >> i like to get involved. make sure things are right. make sure things are safe. >> reporter: why this afternoon it surprised no way when she left her post at home to take watch of the neighborhood after spotting a suspicious man walking down her street. >> i thought, this doesn't look right. >> when he left she decided to hop in her van. >> my granny mini van. >> reporter: follow him around the neighbor. >> typical. >> reporter: the ride only took her down the street. to where david durant had left his garage door open. >> i think it's pretty heroic she did that report as she pulled up she saw the man take off carrying with him duran's bucket of tools. >> just put it right down there. >> reporter: the stash he didn't get far with. >> i rolled down my window and i said you put those back right now. >> reporter: that was all it took according to. he picked them back up and run them back at the garage and took off. police arrested 32 year old iain shaw a few blocks away. and now believes this wasn't his first theft. >> it looks like he's pawned over a hundred roughly 125 items rt. >> reporter: records show shaw has been stealing and pawning off items since may but police say it seems he finally picked the wrong neighborhood. >> i feel like i just need to be part of making it right sometimes. >> reporter: for grandmother of 11 has made habit out of making sure everyone is following the rules. >> my family said, mom, you don't need to do that. yes, i do. >> she went into mom mode right there. she sure did. >> you don't drop it. you bring it back to where you found it. exactly you put those back right now. >> that's what my mom always told me. i think he was scared. >> i'm sure he was. okay, all right, don't ground me. no not lot of people actually forward look forward to mowing the lawn. >> i don't. >> but there's 103 year old sure does. ruby beasley that is her name will be turning 104 this notify and mrs. beasley says she still refs up the mower. the oklahoma woman says she's been doing ground keeping since childhood and she says it's much easier these days especially since she recently with the familiar sis on the word recently traded in her push mower for a riding mower. >> good for her. >> unusual venue for little baseball today the camden river sharks homerun derby taking place on the battleship new jersey it's the first time for the baseball event to take place on the ship. look at these guys hitting balls out in the river. the event coincides with tonight's military appreciate night at campbell's field. proceeds from the homerun derby benefit the battleship. ♪ >> little music to your ear this afternoon in south philadelphia. saxophone legend lawrence performing with youth from play on philly and the summer camp ensemble from the philadelphia clef club. lawrence also sharing some of his jazz knowledge with these young musicians. he's in philly to be the headliner at the eighth annual lancaster of a jazz and arts festival on saturday. >> love stuff like that. love great weather, too. yeah. lucy and iain the weather will be beautiful for that event tomorrow. taking place in philadelphia at the saunders park green. we're talking about dry conditions, there will be few more clouds moving in. so let's take tack loot a that forecast um you can see by lunch time upper 70s, 84 degrees by 3:00 o'clock and then temperatures staying pretty comfortable below average temperatures for tomorrow. but look at the beautiful weather that we have right now. 82 degrees that's the current temperature in philadelphia. well below where we shall be for this time of year which is in the upper 80s. but this is the story. everyone is talking about the humidity it's very comfortable. dry, 29%. winds still out of the north northwest pumping in some of the drier air across our area. you can see the low this morning 65 degrees. 84 degrees that was the high temperature this afternoon. look at the comfortable readings across the area. 72 right now in the pocono mountains. 79 in allentown as well as lancaster. low 80s in millville as well as dover. 76 degrees in atlantic city. so it feels comfortable more tolerable because of the dew points. they're dry in the 40s and 50s right now. we have 47 degrees dew point reading in philadelphia. 47 as well in the poconos. now, next week, we'll be talking about dew points in the 70s. so the heat and the humidity will build as we move into next week so enjoy it while it lasts. as we look at the satellite and radar, dry conditions overhead. a few passing clouds. and i think for the upcoming weekend the cloud cover will be the story increasing across our area. so mostly cloudy to partly sunny we'll call it but most of the showers and thunderstorms that you see will stay to the south. very heavy rainfall root now along sections of the gulf coast included in that around the big easy. so as we watch how things play out tomorrow, once again, mostly cloudy skies across the area. but look at the green. it stays to the west. it stays to the south but we keep mostly cloudy skies overhead as we move toward tomorrow night, mostly cloudy skies, continuing across the area. and then what about sunday? more of the same. mostly cloudy skies. but it looks like that rainfall will stay to our south. we might sneak in a spotty shower late as we move into your sunday but the bottom line it looks week the weekend will be dry just rather cloudy. so for the weekend get away, dry for the pocono mountains, mid 70s on saturday. as well as sunday. looking pretty good. what about down the shore? water temperatures in the low 70s. saturday mostly cloudy, 76 degrees for the high temperature and sunday 74 we'll keep those clouds across the area. so for us tonight, not quite as crisp as it was this morning. still looking pretty good. 64 in the suburb. 67 degrees in the city and then moving ahead to tomorrow, in center city philadelphia, we'll call it partly sunny but it stays nice. and once again we will see mostly cloudy skies overhead. 84 degrees will be the high temperature for tomorrow. that weather authority seven day forecast showing you forecast by the numbers it's a 10 for tomorrow. a nine as we move into sunday. once again lots of clouds out there. but just because it's cloudy don't forget the sunscreen as we move into monday, 86 degrees. the heat, the humidity it makes a big come back by tuesday, 89 degrees. and then look at 90 on wednesd wednesday. 91 thursday. and 90 on friday we could be talking about a heat wave as we move into the middle and latter part of next week. so you knew it wasn't going to last long. >> okay. we'll enjoy it while we can. thanks, scott. >> hard to believe it's july with the way it feels out there. with this lack of humidity. >> i love it. so nice to walk outside and not feel like you're walking into a wall of humidity. it's great. >> i agree. >> perfect for golf as you know. >> yes. >> as we always say at this time. the break is over, though, so it's back to watching phillies and the baseball. you know what the phillies continue their disappointing did he mice. the second half of the season begins tonight with aj burnett on the mound. in atlanta where the braves released dan uggla today. now 10 games behind the braves the phils now have a zero-point 1% taj chance of maybing the playoffs. there's still a chance but unless you've been living under a rock, the standings should not come as a surprise. now, it's all about the trade deadline and waiting for the organization to finally start retooling. all right round two of the british open at royal liver pool not a good one for three time british open win are in tiger woods. all right. let's go straight to 17. tiger tries to convert the double bogie putt. not going to happen though. he struggles might tilley today on the verge of getting cut. he shoots a 77, two over for the tournament. but, again, today it's rory mcilroy taking a commanding le lead. he shoots another six under 66. closing out the day with three birdies in his last four hole. well one of the great football families is passing along their knowledge to help the young players of the game. archie, peyton and eli i don't know if i have to say their last name manning have run this camp every year but temple's quarterback pj walker just got back from his first time and he's hoping to see the benefits this coming season. >> i want to be around the mannings and see what it's like to real be a pro. >> that's it. >> and for four days, he did. mechanics, leadership, how to better play the pig. the message he came back with, keep things simple. >> don't do at lot of different routes on different days. do small things one at a time. do three routes here. max them routes. that's what i just took into my head. i can't wait to come back to school and start doing it. it's not like you're going to forget how to throw. just going to be like, all right, now you got that route down pat. move on to the next one. >> matt rule hopes the experience will pay off this season. remember, matt worked with eli manning and the giants during the 2012 season. >> the biggest thing with eli he wasn't a yeller or screamer but he found with to get everyone around him to play at their best if that meant having lunch with somebody, if that meant spending a little extra time on the field or in the film room, he just wanted to win. he wasn't afraid to take the blame when things didn't go well and give all the credit when thing wept well i think that's why everyone really wanted to play for him. >> one other thing they talked about at the manning passing academy, peyton's infamous audible. >> sometimes we don't see -- we don't see the coverages as well as everyone thinks. so you might want to -- you might want to mask the cadence. >> will matt rule have a problem if does that at temple. >> my rule as long as it work much one it stops working stop it. as long as it works i'll take credit for it or he'll take credit for it and keep doing it brother. >> the big question will pj walker be yelling omaha! >> we'll see. >> that's right. if it works, go ahead and do it. >> exactly. >> thanks colleen. we have another half hour full of news straight ahead. all new at sick, new developments in the crash of malaysia flight mh17. what we know about the only american known to date that was on the plane. >> plus a man caught peeping through windows in the middle of the night. and police say it's happened more than once. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right more than once. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right after this. baand frustrating. e tough. but now, there's a better way. introducing the first-ever raid defense system. it attacks the bugs you see. controls the bugs you don't see... and prevents... by keeping bugs out. the raid defense system... get the answers. beat the bugs. raid. kills bugs dead. scjohnson. a family company. and keller graduate school of management, a business career was my goal. this was my career training camp... my professors... they were also my coaches. and my biggest supporters. their guidance from start to finish... helped me get my latest microsoft. [ male announcer ] get started now with our merit based career catalyst scholarship. new students could qualify for up to $20,000. funds are limited. to be considered you must apply by august 29th at ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. ♪ >> breaking developments in the deadly plane crash in ukraine. tonight the state department confirms at least one american was on board and there could be more. thanks for joining us tonight at 6:00. i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. new information continues to come in every single minute. here's what we know right now. president obama says all evidence indicates the downing of the plane was from a surface to air missile launched in an area of ukraine controlled by russian separatists sin the crash russia and ukraine have engaged in a back and forth of accusations while world leaders demand a full investigation. fox 29's jeff cole is live in the newsroom with newest developments. jeff. >> reporter: lucy here we go. tonight the focus turns to why as leaders from around the globe demand answers about the crash that killed 298 men, women and children and answers about the people who shot the plane down using advanced surface to air missile. >> to your knowledge, who has the black box? >> i don't know. >> reporter: a day after malaysia airlines flight mh17 exploded in the skies over ukraine investigators from around the globe on that you are way to the crash site as officials ask for cooperation and a cease fire. >> we want all sides to agree to providing investigators save and impeded access to the site so they can do the work they need to do to include recovery of the black box so we can find out all the circumstance surrounding this do you know.

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Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20140718 :

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20140718

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and we're learning more about who exactly was flying on the plane. and united states investigators are offering help with the forensics of the crash. fox 29's jeff cole live in the newsroom tonight with the latest developments. jeff? >> iain, we know this evening there was at least one american on board that flight and there was as many as 100 people on board who were aids researchers and activists head to go conference in australia. >> this was a global tragedy. an asian airliner was destroyed in european skies filled with citizens from many countries. >> reporter: president obama speaking from the white house press briefing room one day after malaysian airlines flight mh17 was blown out of the sky over ukraine. 298 men, women and children were killed. >> evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by a surface to air missile. that was launched from an area controlled by russian backed separatists inside of ukraine. >> reporter: among the dead, a dual u.s. dutch citizen quins shanks ma man seen on what's reported to be his facebook page. the state department is working to find out if there were any other u.s. citizens on board. >> i believe the number unless there's been a change there are four individuals that malaysian airlines has not identified the nationalities for. >> following a moment of silence the united nations security council met in an emergency session. the u.s. ambassador calling for an independent investigation and an immediate end to the conflict in ukraine. >> international investigators must be granted immediate full and unfeathered access to the crash site. all those concerned russia, pro russian separatists and i was eighty nine should agree to support an immediate cease fire to facilitate access by international investigators. >> reporter: it was the ukrainian ambassador to the un who placed blame for the attack squarely on russia. >> this tragedy would not have been possible if russia did not support the terrorists and did not provide sophisticated anti aircraft missile system were not supplied to terrorists from russia. >> reporter: russia's ambassador obviously disagrees saying the reports are nothing more than unconfirmed accusations. much political posturing in this ugly international incident highly likely to further draw the u.s. and russia into another tense on-going dispute. iain? >> jeff, thank you. malaysian airlines plane is believed to be the third aircraft down in the area since monday when a cargo plane was blown out of the sky. and tonight, ukraine security service says it has a recording in which separatists claim responsibility for the attack. the two rebels discussed finding civilian bodies and realizing they shot down a passenger aircraft. now the focus turns to the investigation and the plane's black boxes including who has control of them. >> to your knowledge, who has the black box? i don't know. >> is that a concern that evidence may be tampered with on the ground? i said it at the outset we all sides to agree to providing investigators save and impeded access to the site so that they can do the kind of work they need to do to include recovery head there tomorrow to try to diffuse the situation in gaza. israel sent ground troops in yesterday to destroy tunnels hamas militants were using to launch attacks deeper into israel. 10 days of fighting had failed to stop hamas rocket fire on israeli cities from the gaza strip. dozens of palestinians and at least one israeli soldier have died. israeli troops are trying to destroy hamas' reach into its country. >> my instructions and the defense ministers to the army with the approval of the security cabinet is to prepare for the possibility of a wide widening. significant widening of the ground operation. >> egypt is trying to convince militants in gaza to accept terms of a truce already accepted by israel. here in philadelphia, people on both sides of the issue demonstrated outside the israeli consulate this afternoon. among those protesting us real's action in gaza people are very safe along with students from several local colleges. >> only on fox allegations members of a local mosque were handing out their own justice for an alleged crime. so far one person is under arrest for an incident and overbrook mosque. police say the violent assault stems from accusations of stealing. and the allegations come during the religion's holiest time ramadan. the crime has members of the mosque and the community in shock tonight. our dave schratwieser live outside southwest detectives with details on what happened. dave? >> reporter: iain, that first suspect is awaiting a rain many on aggravated assault and other charges here. southwest detectives are preparing a warrant for a second suspect, a second church leader. they believe these two leader ls exacted their own form of punishment. >> police say when prayer services ended here at this mosque in overbrook tuesday morning, two leaders of the mosque allegedly accused another member of stealing from a donation jar. they moved quickly to carry out punishment. >> they placed it on top of the mosque. the second male goes into the mosque comes out with a machete. one male is holding his wrist on the log and he strikes him in his wrist machete. >> police arrested a 37 year old who goes by the name schultz. he was charged with aggravated assault and other crimes in the machete attack. mitchell is a leader at the mosque. >> he is the berne who actually swung the machete striking the male in the wrist. second male we're still working on the warrant for his arrest. >> violence is not something muslim do in the first place. >> reporter: the brutal attack took place in the backyard at the mosque in the 1,000 block of north 63rd street just after prayer services at sunrise. the 46 year old victim underwent surgery at nearby mercy hospit hospital. >> machete doesn't appear to be too sharp. it actually tears through his tendons. >> reporter: police returned to the mosque thursday night and executed a search warrant. they recovered the ma set team they also took pictures of the crime scene, neighbors and those who pray here every day reacted to the attack. >> yes it shock me but, hey, look, i don't know. especially what's going on. there should be no type of violence going on at this mosque at all. >> reporter: the victim has been released from the hospital. he denies any allegations that he was involved in stealing any money whatsoever. coming up at 6:00 more reaction from neighbors and folks at the mosque and we'll give you the very latest on the investigati investigation. lucy. >> a lot of questions tonight. thank you very much, dave. to your weather authority now. and it should be a great weekend to hate hit the beach or head up north. let's take look at lake in the pocono mountains. you know what i learned about the lake, scott, there's actually an entire village that is underneath part of that lake. how about that? you might have to make another trip up there this weekend lucy. >> i think so. beautiful conditions in the pocono mountains. down the shore as well as in between. it was 50 degrees that was the low temperature this morning in the pocono mountains. but take look at the temperature right now in center city philadelphia. 82 degrees. but this is the deal. the humidity it's only in the 20s% category so really comfortable for this time of year. satellite and radar showing quiet condition conditions for a few high clouds moving in. but look at all of the moisture to our south. most of that will likely stay to the south as we move into the upcoming weekend. but look at the temperatures right now. 72 degrees in the pocono mountains. we have low 80s in philadelphia as well as wilmington. 76 degrees right now in atlantic city. so if you have friday plans looking pretty good. 80 by 7:00. 9:00 o'clock, 76 degrees and low 70s as we move toward the 11:00 o'clock hour. that saturday snapshot for you kicking off the weekend. we'll have more clouds than sun but it looks like we'll stay dry. coming up, we'll time out warmer conditions as well as the threat for some rainfall. iain? >> scott, thank you. memorial service takes place tonight for a woman whose body was found inside a dufflebag. friends and family will remember 23 year old laura, tabernacle of holy spirit church at 47th and lieper in frankford. her body was found monday on north third street in kensingt kensington. police say the recent college graduate was beaten, strangled and then bound with duck tape. officers say 22 year old jeremiah jackson confessed to killing her. they say he rent add room next to hers in mantua boarding house. investigators believe robbery was the motive for her death. >> 15 years in jail for a pine hill, new jersey, middle schoolteacher and soccer coach. charles riley has admitted to inappropriate sexual communications with 17 male students over a span of five years. he was indicted on nearly 100 counts related to the abuse of victims 12 to 16 years old. >> grow great of 15 in state prison five years without parole is a fair and just result in this case. >> he was examined by a psychologist and during the course of that interview, expressed remorse and asked me to express remorse on his behalf because obviously at a time like this it's very difficult for him to speak. >> rile lull have to serve five years before becoming eligible for parole. extra pair of eyes. >> still ahead tonight a local police force is using technology to protect people and officers. how it could save the department a lot of money. also ahead, two stones toppled -- tombstones toppled. vandals wreak havoc on local cemetery. why some say this was no easy task for the criminals. >> a haunting robbery many a group of men enter a bar wearing masks but this -- they're not dressed up for halloween. what two men are accused of doing while another man takes money out of the register. >> a grandma on a mission. meet the woman who stopped a burglary in action. what she yelled at the guy that got him to give up the goods. >> and nfl training camps are just one week away. coming up in sports hear how one local quarterback is getting some pointers from the manning family. some pointers from the manning family. ♪ the wonder of summer is that i never know what kind of adventure awaits. the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $319 a month. >> we're tracking breaking news. malaysia's flight 17. world leaders are now calling for a full investigation into the crash. 298 people were killed after a surface to air missile shot down the boeing 777 over eastern ukraine. russian separatists leaders claimed responsibility for attack. at least one of the victims is an american citizen. >> happening now an investigation into vandalism in a cemetery in wilmington. police are looking for the people who toppled more than 70 tombstones, the damage estimate as much as $25,000. fox 29's dawn tim money knee is live in wilmington. dawn? >> reporter: good evening, lucy. for family members who have relatives buried here at this cemetery, this is unthinkable. take a look. we're talking one, two, three, four, five, six tombstones just knocked over and survivors say the pain is almost unbearable. >> you must be so heart broken. yes, oy. i don't have too much money to fix it. but i'm going to fix it. >> maria russ sick fights back tears as she looks at her beloved mother's toppled tombstone. it's one of dozens knock over by heartless vandals tuesday night at the riverview cemetery in wilmington. >> very sad. why it has to happen in america. >> the cemetery is on the national historic registry oped since 2008 by the non-profit friends of historic riverview cemetery. >> the history of these tombstones represent going back to the 1872 and so to have them destroyed is really destroying some of the history that this place is renowned for. >> reporter: 60 tombstones and ton knock over in one night. it couldn't have been easy. some of the markers weighing as much as a thousand pounds. >> i can't imagine how much brute force had to be on some of these huge stones to knock them over. it's hard to understand why anybody would do this. >> reporter: ethel bernhardt has family here and rushed over in a panic somebody's she heard the news. her family's final resting place was untouched but those of her many friends disrespected. >> i'm hardly able to speak without crying because i'm so upset that this has happened. because all these folks -- i know these folks. >> reporter: friends of the historic river fifty two sumpter remade flares and they distributed them in the neighborhood around the cemetery and nearby businesses. alerting this community about what happened and hoping maybe someone saw or heard something in hopes that it will help police catch whoever is responsible for being so disrespectful to the dead. iain? >> dawn, sad. thank you very much. philadelphia police need your help to identify three suspects in a fair hill bar robbery that was caught on camera. it happened at the bar on west lehigh avenue. two men held guns while the other cleaned out the cash register. if you know something that might help catch these guys, call philadelphia police. >> charges tonight in a deadly crash in new jersey. you saw breaking news right here on fox 29 yesterday. police say daniel everett was behind the wheel of a dump truck when it struck a car driven by 59 year old james mclane. the impact forced mclane who was stopped at a red light into a nearby lake with that truck on top of it. it happened yesterday in lawrence township. mclane died at the scene. everett is in the hospital and schedule for a court appearance on tuesday. he faces charges of second degree death by auto. >> police in one new jersey town have a new form of technology to help them combat crime. 48 officers in evesham township are outfitted with a body warn camera system. it's attach to do their shirts. the equipment allows them to record police activities and have the video automatically up loaded. it can be used to assist in crimes and in protecting officers. >> a lot of police depths are coming under fire because there's amateur video from cell phones. the people citizens taking cell phone footage of us making arrests, protests whatever it may be but never captured the incident from beginning to end. >> the cost for the system is about $63,000 and comes from a five-year capital improvement plan. police say the devices will save overtime, stopping frivolous allegations and lawsuits. it is shaping up to be just a gorgeous weekend. let's take live look right now at the center city skyline. you know what i got to say it's hard to get more perfect when it comes to our weather. another beautiful day in the neighborhood, iain. >> here's my only question. >> yes. >> will it last into the weekend scott? it looks like the dry weather will likely last but temperatures will be warming a bit each day for the up coming weekend, iain and lucy, but root now the satellite/radar showing a dry scenario across our regi region. we have a few high clouds spilling over, but nonetheless it's still comfortable. the humidity values are low as well. and this morning it certainly felt more like fall. temperatures right now have recovered from low temperatures in the 50s area wide across the area. low 60ing in philadelphia but right now it's 82 degrees. still below average for this time of year. 79 in lancaster as well as allentown. low 70s right now come currently in the pocono mountain. so looking pretty good area wi wide. now all week long we've been talking about the dew point temperature. the measure of moisture in the atmosphere and usually it starts to feel really comfortable in the 50s. in fact some locations in the 40s right now so just tells you how dry the atmosphere is right now. 47 that's the dew point temperature in philadelphia. currently it's 82 degrees but look at that humidity. it's in the 20s right now. so unheard of for this time of year in july. so overnight lows dipping into the 60s across the area. nice and comfortable for the over into the. coming up we'll talk about the weekend changes and that potential for heat wave as we move into next week. back to you. >> all right, scott. thank you. massive highway pile up stops traffic for 2 miles. coming up how a nearby wildfire is being blamed for causing more than a dozen cars and trucks to crash. >> plus do you get up before the sun does? by the time you crawl out of bed could determine how honest you are later in the day. and never too old for yard work. a 103 year old woman still mowing her own yard. why she says it's actually easier than ever before. ♪ >> we're learning more about the victims in the crash of malaysia airlines flight mh17. 298 men, women and children died including glenn thomas. he was the spokesman for the world health organization also on board a dual u.s. dutch citizen quins shansman scene on what's reported to be his facebook page. the state department is working to find out if there were any other u.s. citizens on bore. >> in washington state a massive 24 car pile up blamed tonight on smoke from a fire east of he will lense burg yesterday afternoon. that's near yacama. at least 15 cars and nine semi trucks were involved. medics rushed several people to the hospital. the ensuing backup went on for miles. it is just horrific to look at. >> officials blame blowing ash, smoke and dust from nearby wildfire for this massive crash. a victory for same sex couples in a part of florida. a judge has overturned a ban on those unions. the decision covers only monroe county and the florida keys. 2008 voter approved ban on same sex marriage violates the constitution. marriage licenses could be issued as early as next week. >> governor christie was quite the charmer at a event in iowa. the potential presidential candidate kept the conversation away from his own political future. campaigning instead for fellow republican governors. christie is the chairman of the gop governors group and also took some jabs at the democratic party. blaming president obama for quote being a bystander in the oval office. >> of the 20 best performing states on the economy in the country, 19 of them have republican governors. that is not a coincidence, everybody. (applause). >> it's so now i've got a job to do. not just to be the governor of new jersey but also to be the person who tries to lead this group of governors to bigger and better things. >> christie has been traveling across the country and already raised $60 million for the republican governors associati association. we are following new developments in that crash of malaysian airlines flight 17. still ahead tonight it is the tragedy felt around the world. what people living right here in our area are doing to remember the victims. >> plus, one observant grandma. she stopped a burglary right in her own neighborhood and it's what she says she yelled to the suspect that actually got him to stop in his track. suspect that actually got him to stop in his track. ♪ [ horns honking ] people are so impatient, right? you know what it is? it's waiting. 10 minutes or 10 hours, people don't like waiting. you know, at comcast, we don't want you to wait at all. with our new xfinity my account app, you can troubleshoot technical issues, request a callback, or check with an expert via twitter. can you wait just a second? hey, can you move, please?! i hate sheep. [ male announcer ] introducing the xfinity my account app. it's a whole new day at comcast. hold us to it. ♪ ♪ >> breaking details tonight in the downing of malay lay is a's airlines flight mh17. candlelight vigil as people gather in a church to pray for the 298 passengers who lost their lives. while families grieve the international community is demanding answers about who shot down the plane and why. the united nation social security in emergency session. diplomats vowing to get to the bottom of what happened. at that un meeting further evidence was laid out that pro russian revels were behind the deadly mid air strike. samantha power made it clear separatist leaders initially boasted on social mode ya about shooting down a plane. her remarks aggressive but also emotional as she talked about the three infants who died. >> to the families and friends of the victims it is impossible to find words to express our condolences. we can only commit to you that we will not rest until we find out what happened. >> we also know at least one american was among the victims and the state department says there could be more. the national al will thes of four victims still have yet to be determined. back in our area now the community is remembering the lives lost and demanding the people responsible be brought to justice. >> they're plotting a demonstration tonight in center city. fox 29's thalia perez live near the ukrainian flag on the ben franklin parkway. thalia? >> reporter: lucy, that's right. everyone plans on meeting here right at the ben franklin parkway right under the ukrainian flag around 7:00 o'clock tonight. the plan is to hold vigil and then march 1st stop will be the netherlands flag where they plan to lay flowers and candles and then over to the malaysian flag again to lay flowers and candles all mourning the lives lost in this tragic event. earlier this evening, now, we did get a chance to speak to one of the organizers who tells us that local ukrainians here in philadelphia as well as around the globe are demanding a full investigation into this plane crash. let's take listen. >> we hope to accomplish first of all express our solidarity and mourn with the rest of the world over what happened. because i think that's been our first reaction was shock and then great sadness and also anger that we're having to deal with this. i'm hopeful that the ukrainian government and the us government and the international community will do everything they can to make sure that there's a full, thorough and impartial investigation. >> reporter: so, again, the vigil will begin at 7:00 o'clock everyone meeting under the ukrainian flag on the ben franklin parkway. coming up at 10:00 o'clock, we will have a coverage of this event as well as an interview with some ukrainians that are visiting right here in philadelphia and are headed back to that region. we'll send it back to you lucy and iain. >> thank you thalia. remember for continuing coverage head to our website mock.colt com. among the latest information you will find a slide show from the crash scene, of course, many, many things happening right now worldwide. it's all updated 24/7 happening now israel stepping up efforts against hamas militants. israelis military offense against hamas militants is escalating. one israeli soldier and dozens of palestinians are dead after israel sent ground troops into the gaza strip. fox news' john huddy is there with the latest. >> reporter: three children were among those killed after israel increased its military operations in gaza. the siblings reportedly died when an israeli tank she would their home. their deaths drawing threats from hamas. >> we in hamas guarantee the occupation army will sing in the mud of gaza. >> reporter: israeli officials insist the ground mission is necessary to destroy the tunnels militants can use to sneak into israel. the israeli military also says it's not targeting civilians but blames hamas for putting palestinians in harm's way. >> what hamas is doing, they're using their own people as human shields. they're placing missile batteries next to schools, hospitals and mosques the. >> reporter: international piece efforts on going as the fighting escalates. president obama expressed concerns over the growing loss of innocent lives. >> we are hopeful that israel will continue to approach this process in way that minimizes civilian casualties. >> president obama says secretary of state john kerry is prepared to come to the region to try to increase piece talks along with france's foreign minister as the balance the explosions continue here on the ground in gaza city. john huddy, fox news. >> a peaceful rally in support of immigration today. ♪ >> huge crowd gathering outside the mexican couldn't soul late in old city. they sang and prayed for some form of resolution for the tens of thousands of refugee children from mexico and other central american countries caught up in national debate over what to do with them. anti immigrant activists calling today a national day of protes protesting. several members were also at the sight voicing their opinions as well. >> glee is one of your favorite shows right her on fox 29. >> but are changes on the way? still ahead why the show may have to change its name at least in britain. also ahead, meet a 103 year old grounds keeper the woman who just loves doing yard work. why she says mowing the grass is a whole lot easier these days. scott? >> lucy, the weather has been pretty nice to maybe get outdoors and mow some grass. but coming up, we're tracking some weekend changes and a warmup on the way. ♪ hey, i lost my debit card. do you guys do instant replacement? 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2013 to build a newer and wider ramp all part of penndot's $212 million improve many plan. the entire project is due to finish in 2017. >> local builders are racing to frame homes in point breeze as part of a challenge for habitat for humanity philadelphia. you know what, they're doing all of this for free. habitat for humanity teaming up with local companies and skilled trade groups for a blitz to frame six new homes for hard working low income families. >> the group says the effort will save habitat four month product time and $60,000. it's our own version of an amish fundraising. sick houses will be framed up in three days. >> big deal habitat is the largest non hiv profit home builder worldwide. taking a look at your health tonight. researchers say there may ab way to reverse memory loss and alzheimer's patients. scientists in california believe transplanting new brain cells could be the key. improved brain activity and also restored cognition to normal levels in elderly mice. doctors hope their findings help with new treatments in the future. >> are you a morning person? i am actually. >> are you? all right. i'm not. are you? >> because researchers say you might be prone to lying not down but straying from the truth. study shows people who wake up before sunrise are more likely to lie as the day goes on this is why researchers say it may be that morning people run low on the mental energy needed to resist temptation as the day wears on. they're just tired but they also found night owls like me tend to lie in the morning when they're sleepy and i'm sleepy in the morning. researchers from john hopkins and georgetown university conducted the study. >> don't know how accurate it is. >> the hit fox show glee will have to change his name. 20th century fox will row name the show in great britain. comic enterprises sued studios because it runs string of venues call the glee club. fox plans to appeal and arguing ordering a name change would be unfair and disproportionate. of course, you can watch glee with its original name right here on fox 29 final season set to begin early next year. >> and beginning right her right now your weekend. >> exactly. can't wait. coming up scott back with the best way to get outside for a barbecue this weekend or maybe some golf. >> also ahead a grandma is on a mission. meet the woman who stopped a burglary in action and what she yelled at the suspect that got him to give up the goods. >> and iain, speaking of golf after a positive first day, a downer today. the hole that almost cost tiger woods the weekend coming up >> police are hoping this surveillance video leads to an arrest. they say the three burglars hit home in southwest philadelphia. it happened on the 6500 block of windsor avenue last week. police say the burglars failed the first time by tripping the alarm. you saw them run off there. well, cops say they returned minutes later forced the rear door of the home open and stole several items totaling $4,800. >> a utah man pick the wrong house to rob. >> man, did he. he was stopped dead in his tracks by a grandma on a mission. fox's caroline connelly tells us what went down. >> go get callie. >> reporter: grandmother of 11 is used giving orders around the house. >> go over there and play over there. walk over there. >> reporter: a habit that even she admits she sometimes can't help. >> i like to get involved. make sure things are right. make sure things are safe. >> reporter: why this afternoon it surprised no way when she left her post at home to take watch of the neighborhood after spotting a suspicious man walking down her street. >> i thought, this doesn't look right. >> when he left she decided to hop in her van. >> my granny mini van. >> reporter: follow him around the neighbor. >> typical. >> reporter: the ride only took her down the street. to where david durant had left his garage door open. >> i think it's pretty heroic she did that report as she pulled up she saw the man take off carrying with him duran's bucket of tools. >> just put it right down there. >> reporter: the stash he didn't get far with. >> i rolled down my window and i said you put those back right now. >> reporter: that was all it took according to. he picked them back up and run them back at the garage and took off. police arrested 32 year old iain shaw a few blocks away. and now believes this wasn't his first theft. >> it looks like he's pawned over a hundred roughly 125 items rt. >> reporter: records show shaw has been stealing and pawning off items since may but police say it seems he finally picked the wrong neighborhood. >> i feel like i just need to be part of making it right sometimes. >> reporter: for grandmother of 11 has made habit out of making sure everyone is following the rules. >> my family said, mom, you don't need to do that. yes, i do. >> she went into mom mode right there. she sure did. >> you don't drop it. you bring it back to where you found it. exactly you put those back right now. >> that's what my mom always told me. i think he was scared. >> i'm sure he was. okay, all right, don't ground me. no not lot of people actually forward look forward to mowing the lawn. >> i don't. >> but there's 103 year old sure does. ruby beasley that is her name will be turning 104 this notify and mrs. beasley says she still refs up the mower. the oklahoma woman says she's been doing ground keeping since childhood and she says it's much easier these days especially since she recently with the familiar sis on the word recently traded in her push mower for a riding mower. >> good for her. >> unusual venue for little baseball today the camden river sharks homerun derby taking place on the battleship new jersey it's the first time for the baseball event to take place on the ship. look at these guys hitting balls out in the river. the event coincides with tonight's military appreciate night at campbell's field. proceeds from the homerun derby benefit the battleship. ♪ >> little music to your ear this afternoon in south philadelphia. saxophone legend lawrence performing with youth from play on philly and the summer camp ensemble from the philadelphia clef club. lawrence also sharing some of his jazz knowledge with these young musicians. he's in philly to be the headliner at the eighth annual lancaster of a jazz and arts festival on saturday. >> love stuff like that. love great weather, too. yeah. lucy and iain the weather will be beautiful for that event tomorrow. taking place in philadelphia at the saunders park green. we're talking about dry conditions, there will be few more clouds moving in. so let's take tack loot a that forecast um you can see by lunch time upper 70s, 84 degrees by 3:00 o'clock and then temperatures staying pretty comfortable below average temperatures for tomorrow. but look at the beautiful weather that we have right now. 82 degrees that's the current temperature in philadelphia. well below where we shall be for this time of year which is in the upper 80s. but this is the story. everyone is talking about the humidity it's very comfortable. dry, 29%. winds still out of the north northwest pumping in some of the drier air across our area. you can see the low this morning 65 degrees. 84 degrees that was the high temperature this afternoon. look at the comfortable readings across the area. 72 right now in the pocono mountains. 79 in allentown as well as lancaster. low 80s in millville as well as dover. 76 degrees in atlantic city. so it feels comfortable more tolerable because of the dew points. they're dry in the 40s and 50s right now. we have 47 degrees dew point reading in philadelphia. 47 as well in the poconos. now, next week, we'll be talking about dew points in the 70s. so the heat and the humidity will build as we move into next week so enjoy it while it lasts. as we look at the satellite and radar, dry conditions overhead. a few passing clouds. and i think for the upcoming weekend the cloud cover will be the story increasing across our area. so mostly cloudy to partly sunny we'll call it but most of the showers and thunderstorms that you see will stay to the south. very heavy rainfall root now along sections of the gulf coast included in that around the big easy. so as we watch how things play out tomorrow, once again, mostly cloudy skies across the area. but look at the green. it stays to the west. it stays to the south but we keep mostly cloudy skies overhead as we move toward tomorrow night, mostly cloudy skies, continuing across the area. and then what about sunday? more of the same. mostly cloudy skies. but it looks like that rainfall will stay to our south. we might sneak in a spotty shower late as we move into your sunday but the bottom line it looks week the weekend will be dry just rather cloudy. so for the weekend get away, dry for the pocono mountains, mid 70s on saturday. as well as sunday. looking pretty good. what about down the shore? water temperatures in the low 70s. saturday mostly cloudy, 76 degrees for the high temperature and sunday 74 we'll keep those clouds across the area. so for us tonight, not quite as crisp as it was this morning. still looking pretty good. 64 in the suburb. 67 degrees in the city and then moving ahead to tomorrow, in center city philadelphia, we'll call it partly sunny but it stays nice. and once again we will see mostly cloudy skies overhead. 84 degrees will be the high temperature for tomorrow. that weather authority seven day forecast showing you forecast by the numbers it's a 10 for tomorrow. a nine as we move into sunday. once again lots of clouds out there. but just because it's cloudy don't forget the sunscreen as we move into monday, 86 degrees. the heat, the humidity it makes a big come back by tuesday, 89 degrees. and then look at 90 on wednesd wednesday. 91 thursday. and 90 on friday we could be talking about a heat wave as we move into the middle and latter part of next week. so you knew it wasn't going to last long. >> okay. we'll enjoy it while we can. thanks, scott. >> hard to believe it's july with the way it feels out there. with this lack of humidity. >> i love it. so nice to walk outside and not feel like you're walking into a wall of humidity. it's great. >> i agree. >> perfect for golf as you know. >> yes. >> as we always say at this time. the break is over, though, so it's back to watching phillies and the baseball. you know what the phillies continue their disappointing did he mice. the second half of the season begins tonight with aj burnett on the mound. in atlanta where the braves released dan uggla today. now 10 games behind the braves the phils now have a zero-point 1% taj chance of maybing the playoffs. there's still a chance but unless you've been living under a rock, the standings should not come as a surprise. now, it's all about the trade deadline and waiting for the organization to finally start retooling. all right round two of the british open at royal liver pool not a good one for three time british open win are in tiger woods. all right. let's go straight to 17. tiger tries to convert the double bogie putt. not going to happen though. he struggles might tilley today on the verge of getting cut. he shoots a 77, two over for the tournament. but, again, today it's rory mcilroy taking a commanding le lead. he shoots another six under 66. closing out the day with three birdies in his last four hole. well one of the great football families is passing along their knowledge to help the young players of the game. archie, peyton and eli i don't know if i have to say their last name manning have run this camp every year but temple's quarterback pj walker just got back from his first time and he's hoping to see the benefits this coming season. >> i want to be around the mannings and see what it's like to real be a pro. >> that's it. >> and for four days, he did. mechanics, leadership, how to better play the pig. the message he came back with, keep things simple. >> don't do at lot of different routes on different days. do small things one at a time. do three routes here. max them routes. that's what i just took into my head. i can't wait to come back to school and start doing it. it's not like you're going to forget how to throw. just going to be like, all right, now you got that route down pat. move on to the next one. >> matt rule hopes the experience will pay off this season. remember, matt worked with eli manning and the giants during the 2012 season. >> the biggest thing with eli he wasn't a yeller or screamer but he found with to get everyone around him to play at their best if that meant having lunch with somebody, if that meant spending a little extra time on the field or in the film room, he just wanted to win. he wasn't afraid to take the blame when things didn't go well and give all the credit when thing wept well i think that's why everyone really wanted to play for him. >> one other thing they talked about at the manning passing academy, peyton's infamous audible. >> sometimes we don't see -- we don't see the coverages as well as everyone thinks. so you might want to -- you might want to mask the cadence. >> will matt rule have a problem if does that at temple. >> my rule as long as it work much one it stops working stop it. as long as it works i'll take credit for it or he'll take credit for it and keep doing it brother. >> the big question will pj walker be yelling omaha! >> we'll see. >> that's right. if it works, go ahead and do it. >> exactly. >> thanks colleen. we have another half hour full of news straight ahead. all new at sick, new developments in the crash of malaysia flight mh17. what we know about the only american known to date that was on the plane. >> plus a man caught peeping through windows in the middle of the night. and police say it's happened more than once. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right more than once. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right 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[ male announcer ] get started now with our merit based career catalyst scholarship. new students could qualify for up to $20,000. funds are limited. to be considered you must apply by august 29th at ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. ♪ >> breaking developments in the deadly plane crash in ukraine. tonight the state department confirms at least one american was on board and there could be more. thanks for joining us tonight at 6:00. i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. new information continues to come in every single minute. here's what we know right now. president obama says all evidence indicates the downing of the plane was from a surface to air missile launched in an area of ukraine controlled by russian separatists sin the crash russia and ukraine have engaged in a back and forth of accusations while world leaders demand a full investigation. fox 29's jeff cole is live in the newsroom with newest developments. jeff. >> reporter: lucy here we go. tonight the focus turns to why as leaders from around the globe demand answers about the crash that killed 298 men, women and children and answers about the people who shot the plane down using advanced surface to air missile. >> to your knowledge, who has the black box? >> i don't know. >> reporter: a day after malaysia airlines flight mh17 exploded in the skies over ukraine investigators from around the globe on that you are way to the crash site as officials ask for cooperation and a cease fire. >> we want all sides to agree to providing investigators save and impeded access to the site so they can do the work they need to do to include recovery of the black box so we can find out all the circumstance surrounding this do you know.

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