Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20160827 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20160827

♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 10:00. federal probe into a powerful local electrician's union has now reached the mayor's office. philadelphia mayor jim kenney confirmed for fox 29 that the fbi has sent a subpoena to his campaign office. good evening, i'm dawn timmeney. >> i'm chris o'connell. this is all tied to the widening investigation of union chief john dougherty. days after the fbi raided the home and offices of international brotherhood of electrical workers union boss john dougherty, those same agents were sending a subpoena to the campaign offices of philadelphia mayor jim kenney. >> i'm not -- i'm not surprised by the request and we move quick toll comply with what they need. >> reporter: speaking to us by phone mayor kenny says federal agents made a request for documents from his 2015 mayoral campaign office two weeks ago. his campaign adviser said it has complied. kenny tells us most of what was requested was general campaign material and documents that have already been made public. the subpoena comes after agents simultaneously raided more than a dozen homes and offices connected to union boss johnny dock. including the local 98 union hall and the city hall offices of kenney supporter councilman bobby heenan. the search warrants were looking for evidence of possible crimes including embezzlement and extortion. kenney says his office has done nothing wrong. >> federal government is doing their job. that's what they get paid to do. they're asking for information, we're providing the information in and effort to see this come to some conclusion. >> dougherty has also denied any wrongdoing and to make it clear, so far no one has been charged with any crime. heartbreaking update to tragic shooting in camden. family members telling fox 29 news that eight-year-old gabbie carter has died. she is the little girl who was hit by stray bullet on wednesd wednesday. she had been cooper university hospital fighting for her life since then. family members tell us she passed away about 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. there is $12,000 reward for information to help police find the shooter. a couple in gloucester county has found murdered inside their home. police say at the hands of their own son. the 28-year-old man is accused of this horrific crime is in custody tonight. >> we're told he lived with his parents and that he used to work at the family business. fox 29's brad sattin has been following this story out of wept deptford. what can you tell us at this point, brad. >> reporter: dawn, we can tell you investigators finally left here about an hour ago after about nine hours on the scene. motive tonight still unclear. investigators are not saying how the couple died but we are learning tonight about how they lived. >> this is where he would sit there? >> yeah. lori look at the chair at the repair shop at cole's music center it's where edward sat just yesterday working to fix musical instruments as he had done for the past 40 years. >> yesterday was just a normal day. he came in to work and, you know, everything seemed normal. nothing was out of the ordinary. >> reporter: not at work but clearly at home. investigators say when edward and his 55-year-old wife rosemary couldn't be reached by phone yesterday, a family member stopped by late this morning and both were found dead inside their home. their 28-year-old son ryan coles was inside and is now accused of killing them. >> oh my gosh, shock. really shock. disbelief. >> reporter: neighbors say police had been called to the home before. >> over the years there's been stuff where it's like something is going on but nothing that i didn't know if it was serious. >> reporter: the son was arrested and taken to the hospital for evaluation as investigators worked into the night collecting evidence. some neighbors suspected he was troubled. >> just general impression that he was maybe a little depressed, but very soft spoken. nice kid. >> quiet. >> quiet. >> reporter: edward used to cone coles music service before selling it to lori but he still worked here full time and loved to talk music with the kids and fix their broken instruments. >> he has touched so many lives with his gift. he was kind of known to be able to fix problems that no one could fix. we're just hoping that we're going to continue his legacy through the passion and gift of music. >> reporter: his son ryan work at that music shop for while. he was eventually fired. lori would only say at this point that it didn't work out. autopsies on the couple are scheduled, dawn are for tomorr tomorrow. >> so sad, thank you brad. tonight police in delaware have a woman in custody accused of kill a delaware state university student last month. 46-year-old cheryl jennings of new castle is charged with murdering 19-year-old malcolm evans. police say jennings shot the student near the entrance of the rutledge community in bear. while he was driving to his part-time job. police say evidence shows the victim and jennings did not know each other. the victim's family gave emotional speeches at a news conference today. >> my family and friends have spent so many sleepless nights wondering who and why someone would commit such an unspeakable crime against such an mazing young man. >> with this arrest, um, the residents of rutledge and our familiar confidential sleep better knowing that a murderer isn't roaming our streets. >> police credit tips from the public with helping to find the teen's 11 killer. so far police say they have no motive for that shooting back on july 9th. on your radar now, it feels like the start of another heat wave out there. you can still feel the humidity in the air tonight as we take a live look at south philly but there will be break hopefully in the humidity just in time for your weekend plans. for more on that let's check in with meteorologist scott williams. >> hi there, dawn. of course, those temperatures were pretty hot for this afternoon. still going to be hot for the upcoming weekend but we will get that break in the humidity so we'll be a little more tolerable but also if you're headed down the shore at least the second half of the weekend early next week it looks like a rip current risk. look at the high temperatures across the area for today. 96 in atlantic city. philadelphia low 90's. none even in the lehigh valley and allentown. live look right now temperatures still pretty warm. it's 84 degrees. it still feels like the mid 80s but the winds will be more out of the north tonight and tomorrow. look at the temperatures right now. 79 in atlantic city. we're looking at 81 in wildwood. so still pretty warm. temperatures for tonight stay in the low 70s for the city. um per 60s in the suburbs. not quite as muggy for the overnight and then, of course, as we move hour by hour for your saturday, those temperatures warming up. look at lunch. 87. low 90s by 3:00 in the afternoon coming up we'll talk about the tropics continuing to heat up and more on that rip current risk. >> all right, scott, thanks. caught on camera, a mom in bensalem out to lunch with her kids has her wallet stolen. cops say the pair sitting just behind the woman is to blame. >> investigators say the duo wasted no time making some big purchases. fox 29' is that so bone in a kuriakose is live in bensalem where police are working to track those two people down. sabina? >> reporter: dawn, when you look at that video this mom is just trying to feed her kids. it's what any parent would do but police say that is exactly what made her a target. >> that's just awful. >> reporter: valerie, a mom of three, horrified for the fellow parent she's watching in this surveillance footage put out by bensalem police. >> i mean she has kids, like i have kids. like, i just think that's terrible. >> reporter: video was taken inside chick-fil-a on horizon boulevard wednesday around 3:00 in the afternoon the mom in the yellow is feeding her three small kids. public safety director fred heron says that's what made her vulnerable. >> these two creeps walk in. basically and they're i'veing up the place looking to see who would be great victim, and they see a woman preoccupied with young children. >> reporter: watch as the man and work take a seat behind the mom. put a jacket over the man's chair police say using it as cover as he reaches into the victim's purse that swung over the back of her chair. he rifles through it as his alleged accomplice acts as look out. and quickly, he grabs her wall wallet. >> this is not the first day at the rodeo. eye they obviously have done this before. this is well set up. >> we work hard and, you know, bring your kids chick-fil-a it's a family oriened place you don't think you'll get robbed. >> reporter: customers are disgusted and they really feel for this mom. like valerie they know it could easily be one of them. >> never know whose out there. who is going to target you especially when you have kids because you're not watching you're belongings. >> reporter: her ran says the alleged thieves wasted no time heading over to the target down the street and snapping up about $1,600 worth of gift cards all before the victim realizing what happened cancels her credit ca card. >> scum bags. i mean ignorant people that low lives that are just rude. >> reporter: friday evening chick-fil-a full with families stepping out to eat. lines at the drive through and the parking lot is packed. >> you got to be very careful going in. because it's usually crowded. >> reporter: suspects got away in silver sedan. police aren't sure exactly what kinds but really want these people's faces out that they want this case wrapped bite end of the weekend. dawn. >> thank you sabina. tonight police in chester county are searching for the killer or killers of a homeless man. police found the victim this morning in a backyard off an alley. he was shot several times. the gunfire broke out on the 600 block of diamond alley a neighborhood in coatesville west -- east end. police say the young man had -- was from pottstown and he had fallen on hard times and was living on the streets. one neighbor tells us the shooting was in the lot of his backyard. the map's identity has not yet been released. if you have any information at all police want to hear from y you. you decide neither hillary clinton nor donald trump are backing down from saying the other is worse for minority voters. this comes after another wild week for the trump and campaign. >> many people saying the candidate has reversed his stance on immigration but the trump campaign says it has not flip flopped today the republican nominee allowed cameras only for a moment before speaking privately with hispanic leaders behind closed doors. meanwhile hillary clinton's ru running mate tim kaine continued at tack on trump. calling trump's values extreme in front of a mostly african-american audience in florida. >> ku klux klan values, david duke values, donald trump values are not american values. they're not our values and we've got to do all we can to fight to push back and win. >> trump's campaign is striking back though. it released online video showing first lady clinton referring to young criminals as quote super predators. >> afternoon commute turns to panic when a septa rider has a heart attack. septa officers rush in to help but they weren't the only ones. >> elementary school getting dragged into court by group that claims to worship the devil. satanic followers want changed. >> a woman shoots down a drone buzzing over her backyard because it interrupted a quiet afternoon. the famous neighbor she says it was spying on. a man bitten by a rattle snake in his own backyard. but his incredible story doesn't end there. >> i'm at the wrong place at the wrong time every time. >> it may seem as though he's unlucky but he may be the most fortunate guy alive. ♪ for senate, a clear difference. katie mcginty: for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning high-capacity ammunition clips. and pat toomey? against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. listen to pat toomey brag: "i have had a perfect record with the nra." pat toomey gets an "a" from the nra. he's not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪ amazing story tonight out of camden county showing how one struggling community improved just by bringing neighbors together. it all started when one couple was sick and tired of all the drug deals that were going on in a local park. >> instead of moving away, they decided to do something positive for the kids in town. fox 29's joanne pileggi live in camden tonight where the city celebrating a special documentary. joanne, fill us in. >> reporter: that's right, chris. there was a special all star little league game here tonight and there was a very special screening of a documentary film. the film was about an idea that blossomed into reality about hope, about change here in this north camden community. as the sunset in this park the crowd settled in for a movie. a film about the neighborhood here in camden. a neighborhood where kids had little to do before this park was here. this was all star game night for the north camden little league. started five years ago by brian morton. >> when we first began all we were hoping was just to have a couple, you know, handful of kids being able to play. and the momentum that began after the first season, you know, just couldn't be contain contained. >> in five reasons seasons the league grew from 80 to 800 players. giving kids in this urban community where crime was common alternatives in summer. so spectacular was its growth and impact a local film maker made documentary about it and the hard work brian and his wife felicia put into the years long project. >> the movie gets the captures the effort that it took on the part of players first of all. we get to see a lot of personal growth especially from the two young men that the story follo follows. so, you know, that's pretty awesome. one of my favorite quotes from brian who started the league is, if you turn a diamond -- baseball diamond on its axis sis it becomes a square. announce in the square and that's what he saw this as. a place for people to come together. >> reporter: parents have big praise for the league and the park. >> it's actually a big impact on my kids. it's a lot of kids on the streets that gets in a in a lot of trouble and this brung a lot of kids together. >> reporter: this park used to be overrun with crime and drug dealing. now it is an urban field of dreams for kids and their parents in this north camden community. chris? >> great to see that transformation, joanne. thanks. well, new trains and fresh tracks are soon headed to the amtrak rails. vice-president joe biden in wilmington today with amtrak officials to announce the deal. the federal government will loan amtrak $2.4 billion for up grades. that money will go to buy new rail cars and make track improvements all up and down the northeast corridor. biden has long history with amtrak. the wilmington train station even bears his name. vice-president got emotional today talking about his close relationship with amtrak worke workers. >> they're the guys and women on the phone when things went bad. even though i hadn't been on the road every day, they were the guys that showed up at beau's funeral. they were the people who had been with me my whole career. >> well the amtrak loan will help increase seating on trains between washington and boston by nearly 40%. now to story you'll see only on fox. new details out of new york tonight on the informant who sources say recorded philadelphia mob boss joey merlino as part of a wide sweeping federal indictment. now, a popular website is naming the informant after prosecutors revealed this week that he had recorded over 800 conversations. merlino and 45 others face charges that stretch from new york to florida. fox 29's dave schratwieser spoke with one of the country's top mob experts. >> joey merlino in one way like john gotti he doesn't duck. >> reporter: as mob boss joey merlino became his defense last week in the latest federal indictment against him federal prosecutors began handing over the evidence that could put him behind bars for up to 20 years. evidence that included 800 recorded conversations by an informant in the case. >> there's no question he was with joey merlino quite a bit and from what i understand quite a few tape recorded conversations between jr and joey merlino. >> we spoke by phone with editor and long-time mob expert jerry cape see. the informant jr is john rubio a genovese crime family associate. he had big problems of his own with the law. >> that's what triggered him to decide to become a cooperating witness. didn't want to go to jail for long time. >> reporter: cape see says rubio worked for genovese crime family captain patsy perillo one of the co-defendants in this case. perillo sent rubio to florida to work with joey merlino on an alleged health care fraud scheme involving compound pain relief cream. >> tons of money apparently it costs three to $5 to make this pain cream and the doctors were able to bill for two or $300 so they were making a ton of money. report rt report that money making scheme and other alleged crimes led to the indictment of merlino and 45 other defendants three weeks ago. capeci says it also led to a squabble among prosecutors and the fbi. >> there has been some friction between the federal prosecutors and agents in new york and florida over that health care scam. >> reporter: capeci and sources tell fox 29 more indictments could be on the way. but capeci expects merlino to take this case to trial. >> this case is designed for quick plea agreements, everybody take a plea and go away. but i think joey merlino is somebody who is, um, not ready, willing and able to make the fight. >> merlino's attorney and u.s. attorney's office in manhattan would not comment on rubio's role in this investigation. dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. residents say they were the most friendly helpful people in town. why the murder of two nuns has police scratching their heads. plus controversy in a california neighborhood. what a company is doing to correct an archaic policy in one neighborhood that says whites only. and the massive sea turtle is rescued after being hit by a boat. what rescuers are trying to do to help the injured animal. now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. watch for the weekend trolley blitz underway septa again this weekend all the subway surface trolley lines are terminating at 40th and market and through the weekend you'll then use the market frankford line septa does some work in the trolley tunnels there. yo, nova, construction coming our way. going to be rough go the next couple of months along route 30 lancaster right there in front of the campus they're building that new parking garage and then on sunday, the buss will replace the trollies on both the routes 11 and the 36. have great night. i'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning for "good day philadelphia" weekend. iso let me tell you what i knowe about senator pat toomey.. my mom was the principal at sandy hook school in newtown. she died that day protecting the young children in her care. when it came time to vote on background checks, pat toomey crossed party lines to do the right thing. that's who he is, and i'm grateful. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> now your winning lottery numbers. ♪ a happy ending to night for a young girl reported missing luzerne county. authorities found three-year-old ava burn safe in new york city with her father. police pulled over the father 24-year-old robert burn and arrested him. he had been suspected of abductioning his child. police issue an amber alert this morning after the young girl was missing two hours northwest of the physical. the search is on tonight for whoever killed two nuns in mississippi. >> police found them stabbed to death in their homes. disturbing murder happened in the small town of durant a local priest says the nuns were found stabbed to death yesterday after failing to show up at a clinic where they work as nurse practitioners helping the poor. seen here in a video produced by catholic charity sister margaret held and sister paula merrill were well known in the community. >> naturally we're deeply hurting on this, but these were two women of great faith who lived the gospel, and they came here to mississippi to out reach to the poor, using their medical services. >> the region's catholic diocese says they were signs of break in at the home and the nuns car was stolen authorities are offering a $20,000 reward for information that leads to arrest and conviction. tonight the baby at the center of a picture that touched so many hearts is now sage with legal guardian. police in west virginia found the baby covered in vomit in the back seat of a car when they pulled over a suspected drunk driver. officers took the one-year-old back to headquarters. trooper cleaned the baby up and watched over the child until child protective services showed up. the driver now facing dui charges. a man is recovering after being bitten by a deadly rattle snake while mowing his lawn but that's not the all that he survived. why he says he's one of the most unlucky guys in the world. and afternoon commute turns to panic when a septa rider has a heart attack. septa officers rush in to help but they weren't the only ones. and scott williams tracking your weekend forecast. hey, scott. >> hi there, chris. it looks like temperatures will continue on the hot side but also the tropic heating up. we'll talk about gaston and also the potential for hermine. ♪ ♪ >> live-saving actions caught on camera. some septa police officers and a good samaritan are being hailed as heroes after this frightening scene on a septa train. they sprang into act after the rider had a heart attack. >> it's the cpr they gave him that likely saved that man's life. fox 29's bruce gordon has more tonight. >> 22-year-old daniel cordero's girlfriend just missed his moment in the spotlight it's not every day your significant other joins police to save a life. >> it's if he nam nominal. i'm glad he's all right. that's what you hope for. you always hope for the best. do what you can and hope for the best. >> reporter: around 4:30 thursday afternoon when the 911 call came in from 30th street station middle-aged man down unresponsive on market frankford train car. the victim of an apparent heart tack. security camera shoot taj shows transit police officer james mayo rush to the scene with his partner doing chest compressions. just behind him is cordero. he had arrived moments earlier for his commute home. >> i saw the crowd on the platform and i thought, oh, great, septa is late again. (laughter). >> but then i soon realized that was actually not the case and there was an emergency. >> reporter: victim wasn't breathing his pulse was faint. but mayo kept up with the heft compressions and cordero pulled from his backpack the pocket cpr mask he carries with him. he's a certified emt. as he put it to use, mayo's partner justice tin matthews took over the chest compressions. the victim started showing signs of life. >> our training paid off. sometime you're in training, you're like it's training. most of the memory kicks in and everything clicks together well. >> reporter: with fire rescue now on scene the victim was quickly wheeled to street level for the trip to hahnemann hospital where he was last reported in stable condition. >> when we were taking him up, he was awake and alert and like sort of out of it. so -- >> clearly he was going to be okay. >> he was fine, yeah. better than when we got there. >> reporter: septa officials had high praise for some of the other passengers aboard that train car as well. they called 911, held the victim's head and neck steady and generally stayed out of the way when necessary. in all they did what they should have done instead of standing around taking pictures as we so often see. at 30th street station, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. police have arrested a second man who they say shot and robbed a pizza delivery driver in kingsessing. 22-year-old brian jones is charged with attempted murder, robbery and other charges. police say jones and a 17-year-old named donovan daniels are accused of kidnapping 35-year-old man while he was delivering pizza back in june. investigators say the men stole his car, robbed him at gun point and shot him in the head. daniels was arrested earlier this month. he's being charged as an adult. doctors were able to save that delivery driver. down the shore tonight we're getting closer look at a sea turtle injured after a run in with a boat propeller. officials at the marine mammal stranding center in brigantine are nursing this 140-pound female lager head turtle back to health. this rescued her yesterday near the oyster creek nuclear plant. she has a partial paralysis in his rear flipper. if she's permanently paralyzed they'll try to find her a home at a aquarium. a day just foreman won woman's best friend. it is national dog day. so did you give your pup and extra treat or extra cuddle time? people across our area are showing just how much they their four leg friends. i know i did. many people volunteering to give local pups better way of life. fox 29's bill apartment anderson has the story. >> recruit agnew camera person, right. >> uh-huh. >> yes. are you going to shoot the story for me. >> y are these your dogs? >> yes. they need a place at a to play, right? >> yes dog lovers are coming up with unique ways to celebrate national dog day in hammonton they're asking for our help. >> we're doing a fundraiser to buy the fencing to encase our 2.5 acres of dog park in the town of hammonton the town was nice enough to give us all this land and we are raising funds right now. >> reporter: what started out as a group of dog owners looking for a place for their dogs to play has almost become a movement. >> once we got involved in it, everybody has the same passion for their dogs. i think that's why everybody is so united and excited about it. >> reporter: hey. back in philly at animal care and control, dozens of dogs barking energetic to calm and relaxed they hope that free adoptions today will help give them a chance for a better life. >> keep getting dogs in because it's so hot and people are going down the shore and on vacation we're not seeing too many adoptions. we're trying doing everything we can to get people to come in and save a life. >> the obvious focus to get these adopted they'll happily take any opportunity to try and break down stereotypes about certain dogs that people just fear adopting. >> pitbulls are really popular dogs. they're family dogs and, you know, there's some ideas an animal a in shelter because they're a bad pet. they're here because their owner failed them in some way or another. >> got it. >> got it. >> put all the information about adoptions and donations up on our fox 29 facebook page. in if you're wondering why you should donate can you say no to this face or this face. >> can you tell them please help my dog? >> please help my dog. >> all right. thank you. yes. >> bill anderson, fox 29 news. the budweiser clydesdales return to main street in manayunk today. the horses kicked off the made in america festival sponsored by the beer company. you can see the horses parading right down the street much lots of people out there organizers host add raffle this year with prices including a personal photo op with the horses. two-day concert kicks off next weekend. beautiful creatures. some important information for parents tonight who might be planning to take stroll with their baby this weekend. what you need to look for on one side of that stroller. and empire once again slapped with a lawsuit. why a group of inmates say the show caused them psychological damage. plus a woman shoots down a buzzing over her backyard because it interrupted a quiet afternoon. the famous neighbor she says it was spying on. and coming up on the fox 29 news at 11:00 tonight, the u.s. government is trying to stop the spread of the zika virus. how they plan to protect the nation's vital blood supply. ♪ ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. ♪ another lawsuit for the hit fox show empire inmates at the chic shock juvenile detention center filed a class action lawsuit. several scenes were shot in the facility last season. suit claims the inmates were put in lock down with no facility access or visitation for the nearly two weeks of filming. the inmates are asking for profits earned from the episode sighting psychological damage. fox is named in the lawsuit. empire returns on september twenty two 21st. in your money tonight, 20,000 baby strollers being recalled due to defect that could cause children to fall out of the seat. strollers from the safety first brand step and go travel systems are affected. take close look at one side. part of a folding mechanism may disengage. so far no injuries have been reported but if you think you may have a recalled stroll lower you're urged to contact safety first to get repair kit even though you never had a problem. actress sarah jessica parker cutting ties with the company that makes epipens. parker will no longer represent pharmaceutical giant mylan which makes the emergency allergy treatments. this comes after the price of the epipen twin pack climbed to more than $600. parker took to instagram to say he was she was disappointed by the company's actions. drug maker announced it would offer discounts for patients in face higher out of pocket costs. controversy tonight in california neighborhood over a clause in homeowner's contract that states only white people can live there. the exact wording of the clause in the lake hills bylaws reads quote no person except those of the white caucasian race shall occupy or reside upon any reasonable lot or plot of this sub division except when employed by a house hold of white caucasian tenant or owner. that rule has been in place since 1961. it was instituted because of the belief that allowing non-whites would lower property values. well the company overseeing the neighborhood says that action will be taken. they expect that policy to be officially taken off the books at monday's meeting. >> elementary school getting dragged into court by a group that claimed to worship the devil. what the satanic followers want changed. >> a man is recovering after being bitten by a deadly rattle snake while mowing his lawn much that's not all he survived. why he might be more fortunate than unlucky. scott williams track your forecast. >> hi there dawn. are you headed down the shore for the upcoming weekend. i'll tell you about a rip current risk and why plus your forecast from the city to the shore. for senate, a clear difference. katie mcginty: for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning high-capacity ammunition clips. and pat toomey? against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. listen to pat toomey brag: "i have had a perfect record with the nra." pat toomey gets an "a" from the nra. he's not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪ drone owners beware. if you're planning on taking the device to virginia, well, keep it away from this woman's yard. jennifer young of the plains, virginia, area says it's usually nice and quiet in her rural neighborhood but a couple weeks back she heard something buzzing around as she was cleaning her shotgun on the porch. you heard it. turns out it was drone flying over her neighbor's land. that neighbor actor robert duvall. when the drone made its way back into jennifer's yard she took matter noose her own hands. >> it started to come down and that's when i pick it up and i came over here and raised my shotgun and blasted it out of the sky. >> yikes! jennifer says those two guys came by later but she held her gun and told them no trespassing. that listened and walked away. no police report was filed. meet kyle cook he may be the unlucky yesterday man alive or at least the unlucky yesterday in florida. while mowing his lawn the other day, he was bitten by a 5-foot rattle snake. but that's just one of a number of life threatening injuries he's faced in the last few years. fox's ken scar rose has the story of the unlucky or lucky guy. >> reporter: just by mowing his lawn who knew kyle cook would be taking hess live into his hands again. turned off the mower when he heard a sound he thought was si cade days. it wasn't. hidden in the under brush a 5-foot eastern diamond back rattle snake. ready to kill to protect her eggs. kyle snapped a picture, stepped back and it struck. >> did you know what happened when it was happening. >> no. i did not. until i fell back and then when it struck me again that's when i knew i needed to get out of he here. >> reporter: razor sharp fangs itaipu joked potentially deadly venom. he was rushed to the hospital where he got the care he needed to survive. >> most people that kind of trauma would be once in lifetime deal. not for kyle. he's used it to. >> i'm at the wrong place at the wrong time every time. >> reporter: his wife sarah cringes every time the phone rings. >> because hey, oh, jeez. few months ago, he got bitten by a brown recluse spider. >> probably in the top three worst days of my live. >> reporter: doctors left big ugly scar after they scooped out the dead tissue surrounding the bite. four years ago, kyle was working outside during a rainstorm. he had 1 foot in the water. the other on truck. lightning struck nearby and traveled through him. sensation he'll never forget. >> mike tyson in a jackhammer hit me right in the jaw. >> reporter: there was the gator thing. out fishing he hook one by accident. >> i was trying get the line off and as soon as i did it turned around and got me you can see where it bottom jaw hit it me right. >> reporter: kyle is not bitter. but -- >> it needs to stop. >> reporter: because even when you're this unlucky, you don't know when your luck is finally going to run out for good. in lakeland, ken scar rose, fox news. >> can't get much more unlucky than that. more controversy tonight surrounding the after school say the tan clubs. >> the head of the atlanta chapter of the is tan nick temple will take legal action if they do not get a response about adding one of the afternoon programs to the elementary school. they claim their activist group advocating for the separation of church and state. they have been asking for an after school satan club to be added to still elementary school and they're now saying that they will zoo sue if they don't hear back. the temple says they want to draw attention to evangelical christians after school programs while not every parent agrees with the idea. >> the best case scenario would be to me they recognize the need to enforce separation of church and state and suspend the good news club and other religious based programs. >> i think they're acting kind of like an extremist group. >> the school district says it has not received an application from the temple the atlanta chapter is one of several satanic temple chapter ace cross the country targeting schools for these sort of clubs. back to your fox 29 weather authority. scott williams i got to run a race in eight hours on the beach tomorrow in piled wildwood. how is that weather going to be looking. >> it will be sunny, warm and breezy and a sea breeze tomorrow instead of in land breeze that kept temperatures really hot area wide, chris. 84 degrees right now after a high temperature of 93 in philadelphia. it still feels like 86 degrees. but the winds tonight and tomorrow will be more out of the normal. 77 degrees right now in wrightstown. upper 70s wilmington. 79 atlantic city. low 80s right now in wildwood. so it's still going to be hot tomorrow. a lot of sunshine but that humidity will be lower thanks to high pressure off to the north and once again those winds more out of the north. let's talk a little bit about the tropics. gaston will stay well out to sea. but we'll see some of those long waves as well as on shore wind increased rip current risk especially sunday into early next week. take look at this area in the bahamas it would move towards the florida straits and into the gulf of mexico by early next week. we'll watch that. temperatures tomorrow down the shore mid 80s. mid 80s on sunday. the uv index will be high. the pocono mountains beautiful weather this weekend. temperatures tonight upper 60s low spents. tomorrow it will be hot, 91 degrees but once again not as humid. so enjoy the break from the humidity. but temperatures over the neck several days, stay right around 90. maybe a pop-up storm sneaking into the forecast by the middle of next week behind that system we're talking not as hot. 86 on thursday and then look atonia friday kicking off labor day weekend. temperatures in the low to mid 80s. back over to you. >> scott the phillies traded one of their most beloved players today. mackanin talks about having to say goodbye to carlos ruiz. then the phils got into a little bit of a slugging match with the mets. usually slugging matches don't go so well for the phils. see if they can keep up with new york next in sports. ♪ chooch is gone and we can all still feel it. one of the most beloved players of the 2008 world series team the heart and soul headed out west to the dodgers. a hard decision to make but the franchise had to make it. today before the phils played the mets pete mackanin talked about having to say goodbye to carlos ruiz. >> he really impressed me in number of ways much his skills as defensive catcher his hitting ability and his genuine attitude as a person. i just love the guy. i'm going to miss him. >> the phils then took on the mets and starte started off reah for adam morgan. jose row yes with a lead off homer to star the game. morgan's last start he went six innings only giving up one run tonight he gave up more than that in just two at bats. cabrera steps up next and makes it back to back jacks. the mets taking a two-zero lead. morgan calmed down for the next three innings. scoreless but in the fifth it all fell off. bases loaded wilmer flores crushes one to left center. morgan gave up three homers, six earned in just five innings of work. the phils fall nine-four. all right. to the eagles. offensive still struggling especially the passing game. still looking for refer to finally step up and make some plays. we should see a lot of dorial beckham green in tomorrow's game against the colts. only got a few snap last week. jordan matthews won't play tomorrow and probably won't play for the ref of the preseason. matthews should be good to go in week one. he thinks this might be a break for him might be very helpful. >> i truly believe everything happens for reason. as soon as i had this time off i had the time. my body feels great. putting on sock in the morning never felt so good. it's crazy. so getting inside my car, this is kind of easy. i know how i do it. it will be a good thing. mentally i'm getting to just watch the games from different angle. >> all right. now to talk about the most successful team in philly both, most successful pro team and that is the philadelphia soul. they're in their arena bowl for third time in the last five years trying to win their second championship game. fourth quarter game got tight. they had a big lead 48-42. 30-yard touchdown pass. the philadelphia soul within arena bowl 56-42. that's revenge from losing to arizona back to back years and championship game in 2012, in 2013. so we want a championship. philadelphia soul got us. >> that's awesome. congratulations to the crew. that does it for us at 10:00 o'clock. dawn timmeney with what's up at 11:00 o'clock. >> well just weeks ago federal agents confiscated hundreds of boxes of evidence from properties of union boss john dougherty. well now the mayor's office is involved. why mayor kenney says he's not worried. at giant, shoppers low prices by the thousands, plus a thousand more that just dropped. all these low prices! what are you trying to do, get me to feed the whole neighborhood? no. just trying to save you a whole lot of "bread." [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags, thousands of low prices. my giant. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29

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♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 10:00. federal probe into a powerful local electrician's union has now reached the mayor's office. philadelphia mayor jim kenney confirmed for fox 29 that the fbi has sent a subpoena to his campaign office. good evening, i'm dawn timmeney. >> i'm chris o'connell. this is all tied to the widening investigation of union chief john dougherty. days after the fbi raided the home and offices of international brotherhood of electrical workers union boss john dougherty, those same agents were sending a subpoena to the campaign offices of philadelphia mayor jim kenney. >> i'm not -- i'm not surprised by the request and we move quick toll comply with what they need. >> reporter: speaking to us by phone mayor kenny says federal agents made a request for documents from his 2015 mayoral campaign office two weeks ago. his campaign adviser said it has complied. kenny tells us most of what was requested was general campaign material and documents that have already been made public. the subpoena comes after agents simultaneously raided more than a dozen homes and offices connected to union boss johnny dock. including the local 98 union hall and the city hall offices of kenney supporter councilman bobby heenan. the search warrants were looking for evidence of possible crimes including embezzlement and extortion. kenney says his office has done nothing wrong. >> federal government is doing their job. that's what they get paid to do. they're asking for information, we're providing the information in and effort to see this come to some conclusion. >> dougherty has also denied any wrongdoing and to make it clear, so far no one has been charged with any crime. heartbreaking update to tragic shooting in camden. family members telling fox 29 news that eight-year-old gabbie carter has died. she is the little girl who was hit by stray bullet on wednesd wednesday. she had been cooper university hospital fighting for her life since then. family members tell us she passed away about 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. there is $12,000 reward for information to help police find the shooter. a couple in gloucester county has found murdered inside their home. police say at the hands of their own son. the 28-year-old man is accused of this horrific crime is in custody tonight. >> we're told he lived with his parents and that he used to work at the family business. fox 29's brad sattin has been following this story out of wept deptford. what can you tell us at this point, brad. >> reporter: dawn, we can tell you investigators finally left here about an hour ago after about nine hours on the scene. motive tonight still unclear. investigators are not saying how the couple died but we are learning tonight about how they lived. >> this is where he would sit there? >> yeah. lori look at the chair at the repair shop at cole's music center it's where edward sat just yesterday working to fix musical instruments as he had done for the past 40 years. >> yesterday was just a normal day. he came in to work and, you know, everything seemed normal. nothing was out of the ordinary. >> reporter: not at work but clearly at home. investigators say when edward and his 55-year-old wife rosemary couldn't be reached by phone yesterday, a family member stopped by late this morning and both were found dead inside their home. their 28-year-old son ryan coles was inside and is now accused of killing them. >> oh my gosh, shock. really shock. disbelief. >> reporter: neighbors say police had been called to the home before. >> over the years there's been stuff where it's like something is going on but nothing that i didn't know if it was serious. >> reporter: the son was arrested and taken to the hospital for evaluation as investigators worked into the night collecting evidence. some neighbors suspected he was troubled. >> just general impression that he was maybe a little depressed, but very soft spoken. nice kid. >> quiet. >> quiet. >> reporter: edward used to cone coles music service before selling it to lori but he still worked here full time and loved to talk music with the kids and fix their broken instruments. >> he has touched so many lives with his gift. he was kind of known to be able to fix problems that no one could fix. we're just hoping that we're going to continue his legacy through the passion and gift of music. >> reporter: his son ryan work at that music shop for while. he was eventually fired. lori would only say at this point that it didn't work out. autopsies on the couple are scheduled, dawn are for tomorr tomorrow. >> so sad, thank you brad. tonight police in delaware have a woman in custody accused of kill a delaware state university student last month. 46-year-old cheryl jennings of new castle is charged with murdering 19-year-old malcolm evans. police say jennings shot the student near the entrance of the rutledge community in bear. while he was driving to his part-time job. police say evidence shows the victim and jennings did not know each other. the victim's family gave emotional speeches at a news conference today. >> my family and friends have spent so many sleepless nights wondering who and why someone would commit such an unspeakable crime against such an mazing young man. >> with this arrest, um, the residents of rutledge and our familiar confidential sleep better knowing that a murderer isn't roaming our streets. >> police credit tips from the public with helping to find the teen's 11 killer. so far police say they have no motive for that shooting back on july 9th. on your radar now, it feels like the start of another heat wave out there. you can still feel the humidity in the air tonight as we take a live look at south philly but there will be break hopefully in the humidity just in time for your weekend plans. for more on that let's check in with meteorologist scott williams. >> hi there, dawn. of course, those temperatures were pretty hot for this afternoon. still going to be hot for the upcoming weekend but we will get that break in the humidity so we'll be a little more tolerable but also if you're headed down the shore at least the second half of the weekend early next week it looks like a rip current risk. look at the high temperatures across the area for today. 96 in atlantic city. philadelphia low 90's. none even in the lehigh valley and allentown. live look right now temperatures still pretty warm. it's 84 degrees. it still feels like the mid 80s but the winds will be more out of the north tonight and tomorrow. look at the temperatures right now. 79 in atlantic city. we're looking at 81 in wildwood. so still pretty warm. temperatures for tonight stay in the low 70s for the city. um per 60s in the suburbs. not quite as muggy for the overnight and then, of course, as we move hour by hour for your saturday, those temperatures warming up. look at lunch. 87. low 90s by 3:00 in the afternoon coming up we'll talk about the tropics continuing to heat up and more on that rip current risk. >> all right, scott, thanks. caught on camera, a mom in bensalem out to lunch with her kids has her wallet stolen. cops say the pair sitting just behind the woman is to blame. >> investigators say the duo wasted no time making some big purchases. fox 29' is that so bone in a kuriakose is live in bensalem where police are working to track those two people down. sabina? >> reporter: dawn, when you look at that video this mom is just trying to feed her kids. it's what any parent would do but police say that is exactly what made her a target. >> that's just awful. >> reporter: valerie, a mom of three, horrified for the fellow parent she's watching in this surveillance footage put out by bensalem police. >> i mean she has kids, like i have kids. like, i just think that's terrible. >> reporter: video was taken inside chick-fil-a on horizon boulevard wednesday around 3:00 in the afternoon the mom in the yellow is feeding her three small kids. public safety director fred heron says that's what made her vulnerable. >> these two creeps walk in. basically and they're i'veing up the place looking to see who would be great victim, and they see a woman preoccupied with young children. >> reporter: watch as the man and work take a seat behind the mom. put a jacket over the man's chair police say using it as cover as he reaches into the victim's purse that swung over the back of her chair. he rifles through it as his alleged accomplice acts as look out. and quickly, he grabs her wall wallet. >> this is not the first day at the rodeo. eye they obviously have done this before. this is well set up. >> we work hard and, you know, bring your kids chick-fil-a it's a family oriened place you don't think you'll get robbed. >> reporter: customers are disgusted and they really feel for this mom. like valerie they know it could easily be one of them. >> never know whose out there. who is going to target you especially when you have kids because you're not watching you're belongings. >> reporter: her ran says the alleged thieves wasted no time heading over to the target down the street and snapping up about $1,600 worth of gift cards all before the victim realizing what happened cancels her credit ca card. >> scum bags. i mean ignorant people that low lives that are just rude. >> reporter: friday evening chick-fil-a full with families stepping out to eat. lines at the drive through and the parking lot is packed. >> you got to be very careful going in. because it's usually crowded. >> reporter: suspects got away in silver sedan. police aren't sure exactly what kinds but really want these people's faces out that they want this case wrapped bite end of the weekend. dawn. >> thank you sabina. tonight police in chester county are searching for the killer or killers of a homeless man. police found the victim this morning in a backyard off an alley. he was shot several times. the gunfire broke out on the 600 block of diamond alley a neighborhood in coatesville west -- east end. police say the young man had -- was from pottstown and he had fallen on hard times and was living on the streets. one neighbor tells us the shooting was in the lot of his backyard. the map's identity has not yet been released. if you have any information at all police want to hear from y you. you decide neither hillary clinton nor donald trump are backing down from saying the other is worse for minority voters. this comes after another wild week for the trump and campaign. >> many people saying the candidate has reversed his stance on immigration but the trump campaign says it has not flip flopped today the republican nominee allowed cameras only for a moment before speaking privately with hispanic leaders behind closed doors. meanwhile hillary clinton's ru running mate tim kaine continued at tack on trump. calling trump's values extreme in front of a mostly african-american audience in florida. >> ku klux klan values, david duke values, donald trump values are not american values. they're not our values and we've got to do all we can to fight to push back and win. >> trump's campaign is striking back though. it released online video showing first lady clinton referring to young criminals as quote super predators. >> afternoon commute turns to panic when a septa rider has a heart attack. septa officers rush in to help but they weren't the only ones. >> elementary school getting dragged into court by group that claims to worship the devil. satanic followers want changed. >> a woman shoots down a drone buzzing over her backyard because it interrupted a quiet afternoon. the famous neighbor she says it was spying on. a man bitten by a rattle snake in his own backyard. but his incredible story doesn't end there. >> i'm at the wrong place at the wrong time every time. >> it may seem as though he's unlucky but he may be the most fortunate guy alive. ♪ for senate, a clear difference. katie mcginty: for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning high-capacity ammunition clips. and pat toomey? against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. listen to pat toomey brag: "i have had a perfect record with the nra." pat toomey gets an "a" from the nra. he's not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪ amazing story tonight out of camden county showing how one struggling community improved just by bringing neighbors together. it all started when one couple was sick and tired of all the drug deals that were going on in a local park. >> instead of moving away, they decided to do something positive for the kids in town. fox 29's joanne pileggi live in camden tonight where the city celebrating a special documentary. joanne, fill us in. >> reporter: that's right, chris. there was a special all star little league game here tonight and there was a very special screening of a documentary film. the film was about an idea that blossomed into reality about hope, about change here in this north camden community. as the sunset in this park the crowd settled in for a movie. a film about the neighborhood here in camden. a neighborhood where kids had little to do before this park was here. this was all star game night for the north camden little league. started five years ago by brian morton. >> when we first began all we were hoping was just to have a couple, you know, handful of kids being able to play. and the momentum that began after the first season, you know, just couldn't be contain contained. >> in five reasons seasons the league grew from 80 to 800 players. giving kids in this urban community where crime was common alternatives in summer. so spectacular was its growth and impact a local film maker made documentary about it and the hard work brian and his wife felicia put into the years long project. >> the movie gets the captures the effort that it took on the part of players first of all. we get to see a lot of personal growth especially from the two young men that the story follo follows. so, you know, that's pretty awesome. one of my favorite quotes from brian who started the league is, if you turn a diamond -- baseball diamond on its axis sis it becomes a square. announce in the square and that's what he saw this as. a place for people to come together. >> reporter: parents have big praise for the league and the park. >> it's actually a big impact on my kids. it's a lot of kids on the streets that gets in a in a lot of trouble and this brung a lot of kids together. >> reporter: this park used to be overrun with crime and drug dealing. now it is an urban field of dreams for kids and their parents in this north camden community. chris? >> great to see that transformation, joanne. thanks. well, new trains and fresh tracks are soon headed to the amtrak rails. vice-president joe biden in wilmington today with amtrak officials to announce the deal. the federal government will loan amtrak $2.4 billion for up grades. that money will go to buy new rail cars and make track improvements all up and down the northeast corridor. biden has long history with amtrak. the wilmington train station even bears his name. vice-president got emotional today talking about his close relationship with amtrak worke workers. >> they're the guys and women on the phone when things went bad. even though i hadn't been on the road every day, they were the guys that showed up at beau's funeral. they were the people who had been with me my whole career. >> well the amtrak loan will help increase seating on trains between washington and boston by nearly 40%. now to story you'll see only on fox. new details out of new york tonight on the informant who sources say recorded philadelphia mob boss joey merlino as part of a wide sweeping federal indictment. now, a popular website is naming the informant after prosecutors revealed this week that he had recorded over 800 conversations. merlino and 45 others face charges that stretch from new york to florida. fox 29's dave schratwieser spoke with one of the country's top mob experts. >> joey merlino in one way like john gotti he doesn't duck. >> reporter: as mob boss joey merlino became his defense last week in the latest federal indictment against him federal prosecutors began handing over the evidence that could put him behind bars for up to 20 years. evidence that included 800 recorded conversations by an informant in the case. >> there's no question he was with joey merlino quite a bit and from what i understand quite a few tape recorded conversations between jr and joey merlino. >> we spoke by phone with editor and long-time mob expert jerry cape see. the informant jr is john rubio a genovese crime family associate. he had big problems of his own with the law. >> that's what triggered him to decide to become a cooperating witness. didn't want to go to jail for long time. >> reporter: cape see says rubio worked for genovese crime family captain patsy perillo one of the co-defendants in this case. perillo sent rubio to florida to work with joey merlino on an alleged health care fraud scheme involving compound pain relief cream. >> tons of money apparently it costs three to $5 to make this pain cream and the doctors were able to bill for two or $300 so they were making a ton of money. report rt report that money making scheme and other alleged crimes led to the indictment of merlino and 45 other defendants three weeks ago. capeci says it also led to a squabble among prosecutors and the fbi. >> there has been some friction between the federal prosecutors and agents in new york and florida over that health care scam. >> reporter: capeci and sources tell fox 29 more indictments could be on the way. but capeci expects merlino to take this case to trial. >> this case is designed for quick plea agreements, everybody take a plea and go away. but i think joey merlino is somebody who is, um, not ready, willing and able to make the fight. >> merlino's attorney and u.s. attorney's office in manhattan would not comment on rubio's role in this investigation. dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. residents say they were the most friendly helpful people in town. why the murder of two nuns has police scratching their heads. plus controversy in a california neighborhood. what a company is doing to correct an archaic policy in one neighborhood that says whites only. and the massive sea turtle is rescued after being hit by a boat. what rescuers are trying to do to help the injured animal. now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. watch for the weekend trolley blitz underway septa again this weekend all the subway surface trolley lines are terminating at 40th and market and through the weekend you'll then use the market frankford line septa does some work in the trolley tunnels there. yo, nova, construction coming our way. going to be rough go the next couple of months along route 30 lancaster right there in front of the campus they're building that new parking garage and then on sunday, the buss will replace the trollies on both the routes 11 and the 36. have great night. i'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning for "good day philadelphia" weekend. iso let me tell you what i knowe about senator pat toomey.. my mom was the principal at sandy hook school in newtown. she died that day protecting the young children in her care. when it came time to vote on background checks, pat toomey crossed party lines to do the right thing. that's who he is, and i'm grateful. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> now your winning lottery numbers. ♪ a happy ending to night for a young girl reported missing luzerne county. authorities found three-year-old ava burn safe in new york city with her father. police pulled over the father 24-year-old robert burn and arrested him. he had been suspected of abductioning his child. police issue an amber alert this morning after the young girl was missing two hours northwest of the physical. the search is on tonight for whoever killed two nuns in mississippi. >> police found them stabbed to death in their homes. disturbing murder happened in the small town of durant a local priest says the nuns were found stabbed to death yesterday after failing to show up at a clinic where they work as nurse practitioners helping the poor. seen here in a video produced by catholic charity sister margaret held and sister paula merrill were well known in the community. >> naturally we're deeply hurting on this, but these were two women of great faith who lived the gospel, and they came here to mississippi to out reach to the poor, using their medical services. >> the region's catholic diocese says they were signs of break in at the home and the nuns car was stolen authorities are offering a $20,000 reward for information that leads to arrest and conviction. tonight the baby at the center of a picture that touched so many hearts is now sage with legal guardian. police in west virginia found the baby covered in vomit in the back seat of a car when they pulled over a suspected drunk driver. officers took the one-year-old back to headquarters. trooper cleaned the baby up and watched over the child until child protective services showed up. the driver now facing dui charges. a man is recovering after being bitten by a deadly rattle snake while mowing his lawn but that's not the all that he survived. why he says he's one of the most unlucky guys in the world. and afternoon commute turns to panic when a septa rider has a heart attack. septa officers rush in to help but they weren't the only ones. and scott williams tracking your weekend forecast. hey, scott. >> hi there, chris. it looks like temperatures will continue on the hot side but also the tropic heating up. we'll talk about gaston and also the potential for hermine. ♪ ♪ >> live-saving actions caught on camera. some septa police officers and a good samaritan are being hailed as heroes after this frightening scene on a septa train. they sprang into act after the rider had a heart attack. >> it's the cpr they gave him that likely saved that man's life. fox 29's bruce gordon has more tonight. >> 22-year-old daniel cordero's girlfriend just missed his moment in the spotlight it's not every day your significant other joins police to save a life. >> it's if he nam nominal. i'm glad he's all right. that's what you hope for. you always hope for the best. do what you can and hope for the best. >> reporter: around 4:30 thursday afternoon when the 911 call came in from 30th street station middle-aged man down unresponsive on market frankford train car. the victim of an apparent heart tack. security camera shoot taj shows transit police officer james mayo rush to the scene with his partner doing chest compressions. just behind him is cordero. he had arrived moments earlier for his commute home. >> i saw the crowd on the platform and i thought, oh, great, septa is late again. (laughter). >> but then i soon realized that was actually not the case and there was an emergency. >> reporter: victim wasn't breathing his pulse was faint. but mayo kept up with the heft compressions and cordero pulled from his backpack the pocket cpr mask he carries with him. he's a certified emt. as he put it to use, mayo's partner justice tin matthews took over the chest compressions. the victim started showing signs of life. >> our training paid off. sometime you're in training, you're like it's training. most of the memory kicks in and everything clicks together well. >> reporter: with fire rescue now on scene the victim was quickly wheeled to street level for the trip to hahnemann hospital where he was last reported in stable condition. >> when we were taking him up, he was awake and alert and like sort of out of it. so -- >> clearly he was going to be okay. >> he was fine, yeah. better than when we got there. >> reporter: septa officials had high praise for some of the other passengers aboard that train car as well. they called 911, held the victim's head and neck steady and generally stayed out of the way when necessary. in all they did what they should have done instead of standing around taking pictures as we so often see. at 30th street station, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. police have arrested a second man who they say shot and robbed a pizza delivery driver in kingsessing. 22-year-old brian jones is charged with attempted murder, robbery and other charges. police say jones and a 17-year-old named donovan daniels are accused of kidnapping 35-year-old man while he was delivering pizza back in june. investigators say the men stole his car, robbed him at gun point and shot him in the head. daniels was arrested earlier this month. he's being charged as an adult. doctors were able to save that delivery driver. down the shore tonight we're getting closer look at a sea turtle injured after a run in with a boat propeller. officials at the marine mammal stranding center in brigantine are nursing this 140-pound female lager head turtle back to health. this rescued her yesterday near the oyster creek nuclear plant. she has a partial paralysis in his rear flipper. if she's permanently paralyzed they'll try to find her a home at a aquarium. a day just foreman won woman's best friend. it is national dog day. so did you give your pup and extra treat or extra cuddle time? people across our area are showing just how much they their four leg friends. i know i did. many people volunteering to give local pups better way of life. fox 29's bill apartment anderson has the story. >> recruit agnew camera person, right. >> uh-huh. >> yes. are you going to shoot the story for me. >> y are these your dogs? >> yes. they need a place at a to play, right? >> yes dog lovers are coming up with unique ways to celebrate national dog day in hammonton they're asking for our help. >> we're doing a fundraiser to buy the fencing to encase our 2.5 acres of dog park in the town of hammonton the town was nice enough to give us all this land and we are raising funds right now. >> reporter: what started out as a group of dog owners looking for a place for their dogs to play has almost become a movement. >> once we got involved in it, everybody has the same passion for their dogs. i think that's why everybody is so united and excited about it. >> reporter: hey. back in philly at animal care and control, dozens of dogs barking energetic to calm and relaxed they hope that free adoptions today will help give them a chance for a better life. >> keep getting dogs in because it's so hot and people are going down the shore and on vacation we're not seeing too many adoptions. we're trying doing everything we can to get people to come in and save a life. >> the obvious focus to get these adopted they'll happily take any opportunity to try and break down stereotypes about certain dogs that people just fear adopting. >> pitbulls are really popular dogs. they're family dogs and, you know, there's some ideas an animal a in shelter because they're a bad pet. they're here because their owner failed them in some way or another. >> got it. >> got it. >> put all the information about adoptions and donations up on our fox 29 facebook page. in if you're wondering why you should donate can you say no to this face or this face. >> can you tell them please help my dog? >> please help my dog. >> all right. thank you. yes. >> bill anderson, fox 29 news. the budweiser clydesdales return to main street in manayunk today. the horses kicked off the made in america festival sponsored by the beer company. you can see the horses parading right down the street much lots of people out there organizers host add raffle this year with prices including a personal photo op with the horses. two-day concert kicks off next weekend. beautiful creatures. some important information for parents tonight who might be planning to take stroll with their baby this weekend. what you need to look for on one side of that stroller. and empire once again slapped with a lawsuit. why a group of inmates say the show caused them psychological damage. plus a woman shoots down a buzzing over her backyard because it interrupted a quiet afternoon. the famous neighbor she says it was spying on. and coming up on the fox 29 news at 11:00 tonight, the u.s. government is trying to stop the spread of the zika virus. how they plan to protect the nation's vital blood supply. ♪ ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. ♪ another lawsuit for the hit fox show empire inmates at the chic shock juvenile detention center filed a class action lawsuit. several scenes were shot in the facility last season. suit claims the inmates were put in lock down with no facility access or visitation for the nearly two weeks of filming. the inmates are asking for profits earned from the episode sighting psychological damage. fox is named in the lawsuit. empire returns on september twenty two 21st. in your money tonight, 20,000 baby strollers being recalled due to defect that could cause children to fall out of the seat. strollers from the safety first brand step and go travel systems are affected. take close look at one side. part of a folding mechanism may disengage. so far no injuries have been reported but if you think you may have a recalled stroll lower you're urged to contact safety first to get repair kit even though you never had a problem. actress sarah jessica parker cutting ties with the company that makes epipens. parker will no longer represent pharmaceutical giant mylan which makes the emergency allergy treatments. this comes after the price of the epipen twin pack climbed to more than $600. parker took to instagram to say he was she was disappointed by the company's actions. drug maker announced it would offer discounts for patients in face higher out of pocket costs. controversy tonight in california neighborhood over a clause in homeowner's contract that states only white people can live there. the exact wording of the clause in the lake hills bylaws reads quote no person except those of the white caucasian race shall occupy or reside upon any reasonable lot or plot of this sub division except when employed by a house hold of white caucasian tenant or owner. that rule has been in place since 1961. it was instituted because of the belief that allowing non-whites would lower property values. well the company overseeing the neighborhood says that action will be taken. they expect that policy to be officially taken off the books at monday's meeting. >> elementary school getting dragged into court by a group that claimed to worship the devil. what the satanic followers want changed. >> a man is recovering after being bitten by a deadly rattle snake while mowing his lawn much that's not all he survived. why he might be more fortunate than unlucky. scott williams track your forecast. >> hi there dawn. are you headed down the shore for the upcoming weekend. i'll tell you about a rip current risk and why plus your forecast from the city to the shore. for senate, a clear difference. katie mcginty: for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning high-capacity ammunition clips. and pat toomey? against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. listen to pat toomey brag: "i have had a perfect record with the nra." pat toomey gets an "a" from the nra. he's not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪ drone owners beware. if you're planning on taking the device to virginia, well, keep it away from this woman's yard. jennifer young of the plains, virginia, area says it's usually nice and quiet in her rural neighborhood but a couple weeks back she heard something buzzing around as she was cleaning her shotgun on the porch. you heard it. turns out it was drone flying over her neighbor's land. that neighbor actor robert duvall. when the drone made its way back into jennifer's yard she took matter noose her own hands. >> it started to come down and that's when i pick it up and i came over here and raised my shotgun and blasted it out of the sky. >> yikes! jennifer says those two guys came by later but she held her gun and told them no trespassing. that listened and walked away. no police report was filed. meet kyle cook he may be the unlucky yesterday man alive or at least the unlucky yesterday in florida. while mowing his lawn the other day, he was bitten by a 5-foot rattle snake. but that's just one of a number of life threatening injuries he's faced in the last few years. fox's ken scar rose has the story of the unlucky or lucky guy. >> reporter: just by mowing his lawn who knew kyle cook would be taking hess live into his hands again. turned off the mower when he heard a sound he thought was si cade days. it wasn't. hidden in the under brush a 5-foot eastern diamond back rattle snake. ready to kill to protect her eggs. kyle snapped a picture, stepped back and it struck. >> did you know what happened when it was happening. >> no. i did not. until i fell back and then when it struck me again that's when i knew i needed to get out of he here. >> reporter: razor sharp fangs itaipu joked potentially deadly venom. he was rushed to the hospital where he got the care he needed to survive. >> most people that kind of trauma would be once in lifetime deal. not for kyle. he's used it to. >> i'm at the wrong place at the wrong time every time. >> reporter: his wife sarah cringes every time the phone rings. >> because hey, oh, jeez. few months ago, he got bitten by a brown recluse spider. >> probably in the top three worst days of my live. >> reporter: doctors left big ugly scar after they scooped out the dead tissue surrounding the bite. four years ago, kyle was working outside during a rainstorm. he had 1 foot in the water. the other on truck. lightning struck nearby and traveled through him. sensation he'll never forget. >> mike tyson in a jackhammer hit me right in the jaw. >> reporter: there was the gator thing. out fishing he hook one by accident. >> i was trying get the line off and as soon as i did it turned around and got me you can see where it bottom jaw hit it me right. >> reporter: kyle is not bitter. but -- >> it needs to stop. >> reporter: because even when you're this unlucky, you don't know when your luck is finally going to run out for good. in lakeland, ken scar rose, fox news. >> can't get much more unlucky than that. more controversy tonight surrounding the after school say the tan clubs. >> the head of the atlanta chapter of the is tan nick temple will take legal action if they do not get a response about adding one of the afternoon programs to the elementary school. they claim their activist group advocating for the separation of church and state. they have been asking for an after school satan club to be added to still elementary school and they're now saying that they will zoo sue if they don't hear back. the temple says they want to draw attention to evangelical christians after school programs while not every parent agrees with the idea. >> the best case scenario would be to me they recognize the need to enforce separation of church and state and suspend the good news club and other religious based programs. >> i think they're acting kind of like an extremist group. >> the school district says it has not received an application from the temple the atlanta chapter is one of several satanic temple chapter ace cross the country targeting schools for these sort of clubs. back to your fox 29 weather authority. scott williams i got to run a race in eight hours on the beach tomorrow in piled wildwood. how is that weather going to be looking. >> it will be sunny, warm and breezy and a sea breeze tomorrow instead of in land breeze that kept temperatures really hot area wide, chris. 84 degrees right now after a high temperature of 93 in philadelphia. it still feels like 86 degrees. but the winds tonight and tomorrow will be more out of the normal. 77 degrees right now in wrightstown. upper 70s wilmington. 79 atlantic city. low 80s right now in wildwood. so it's still going to be hot tomorrow. a lot of sunshine but that humidity will be lower thanks to high pressure off to the north and once again those winds more out of the north. let's talk a little bit about the tropics. gaston will stay well out to sea. but we'll see some of those long waves as well as on shore wind increased rip current risk especially sunday into early next week. take look at this area in the bahamas it would move towards the florida straits and into the gulf of mexico by early next week. we'll watch that. temperatures tomorrow down the shore mid 80s. mid 80s on sunday. the uv index will be high. the pocono mountains beautiful weather this weekend. temperatures tonight upper 60s low spents. tomorrow it will be hot, 91 degrees but once again not as humid. so enjoy the break from the humidity. but temperatures over the neck several days, stay right around 90. maybe a pop-up storm sneaking into the forecast by the middle of next week behind that system we're talking not as hot. 86 on thursday and then look atonia friday kicking off labor day weekend. temperatures in the low to mid 80s. back over to you. >> scott the phillies traded one of their most beloved players today. mackanin talks about having to say goodbye to carlos ruiz. then the phils got into a little bit of a slugging match with the mets. usually slugging matches don't go so well for the phils. see if they can keep up with new york next in sports. ♪ chooch is gone and we can all still feel it. one of the most beloved players of the 2008 world series team the heart and soul headed out west to the dodgers. a hard decision to make but the franchise had to make it. today before the phils played the mets pete mackanin talked about having to say goodbye to carlos ruiz. >> he really impressed me in number of ways much his skills as defensive catcher his hitting ability and his genuine attitude as a person. i just love the guy. i'm going to miss him. >> the phils then took on the mets and starte started off reah for adam morgan. jose row yes with a lead off homer to star the game. morgan's last start he went six innings only giving up one run tonight he gave up more than that in just two at bats. cabrera steps up next and makes it back to back jacks. the mets taking a two-zero lead. morgan calmed down for the next three innings. scoreless but in the fifth it all fell off. bases loaded wilmer flores crushes one to left center. morgan gave up three homers, six earned in just five innings of work. the phils fall nine-four. all right. to the eagles. offensive still struggling especially the passing game. still looking for refer to finally step up and make some plays. we should see a lot of dorial beckham green in tomorrow's game against the colts. only got a few snap last week. jordan matthews won't play tomorrow and probably won't play for the ref of the preseason. matthews should be good to go in week one. he thinks this might be a break for him might be very helpful. >> i truly believe everything happens for reason. as soon as i had this time off i had the time. my body feels great. putting on sock in the morning never felt so good. it's crazy. so getting inside my car, this is kind of easy. i know how i do it. it will be a good thing. mentally i'm getting to just watch the games from different angle. >> all right. now to talk about the most successful team in philly both, most successful pro team and that is the philadelphia soul. they're in their arena bowl for third time in the last five years trying to win their second championship game. fourth quarter game got tight. they had a big lead 48-42. 30-yard touchdown pass. the philadelphia soul within arena bowl 56-42. that's revenge from losing to arizona back to back years and championship game in 2012, in 2013. so we want a championship. philadelphia soul got us. >> that's awesome. congratulations to the crew. that does it for us at 10:00 o'clock. dawn timmeney with what's up at 11:00 o'clock. >> well just weeks ago federal agents confiscated hundreds of boxes of evidence from properties of union boss john dougherty. well now the mayor's office is involved. why mayor kenney says he's not worried. at giant, shoppers low prices by the thousands, plus a thousand more that just dropped. all these low prices! what are you trying to do, get me to feed the whole neighborhood? no. just trying to save you a whole lot of "bread." [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags, thousands of low prices. my giant. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29

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