Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20141015 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20141015

could be 10,000 new cases a week within the next two months. closer to home a dallas texas nurse continues to recover after treating the liberian man who died from the illness last week. >> and right here a local pennsylvania community is taking steps for prevention and awareness. >> our chris o'connell is live in darby outside mercy fitzgerald hospital. chris wawa are they doing to prepare. >> reporter: first of all, guys, right now in delaware county, if you call 911 for a medical emergency, you will now be screened over the phone for ebola. health officials here in the county say it is just the first step in trying to stop this deadly virus they say is just a plane ride away. >> viruses do not have borders or boundaries. >> reporter: in what's believed to be the area's first coordinated response to the ebola crisis, hell officials in delaware county are not panicking but preparing. >> contagious virus is only a plane ride away. we don't want to create a panic here but we do want to create a healthy awareness. >> reporter: new ebola and infectious task force made up of 29 people on the front lines of possible exposure. those who can identify the risks and provide treatment like police, fire and ems crews. >> any incident whether it's infectious, biological or chemical, there's always a potential that something could happen. >> the task force will coordinate resources, equipment, but most importantly information if ebola was to ever hit home. >> our goals are very simple. we'll communicate, coordinate and collaborate. >> reporter: what's being done now, 911 dispatchers in delaware county are screening all emergency medical calls. ambulance personnel are screening patients in person. they'll ask two questions. if you have a fever of 101.5 and have you traveled to west afri africa. if the answers are yes, patients will be taken to an area hospital for isolate laying. among the possibilities, riddle memorial hospital, crozer chester and mercy fitzgerald. >> our delaware county hospitals are all capable to identify an individual and to isolate an individual. this is an evolving process. >> reporter: health officials say they have and will continue working with delaware county's liberian community the task force itself is in daily contact with the centers for disease control and we're also told that montgomery county may be announcing its own task force in the coming days. lucy? >> a lot of developments, thank you very much, chris. texas nurse who was infected with ebola says she's doing we well. the hospital released a statement on her behalf today. she says she has the support of family and friends and she is blessed with good care. 26 year old nina ph a.m. contracted the virus from thomas duncan before he died last week. 70 people cared for him before his death. >> what we're doing at this point is looking at everything we can do to minimize that risk so those who are caring for her do that safely and effectively. >> in the meantime, her dog one year old king charles spaniel named bent system doing well. dallas health officials are also monitoring him and they say he has comfortable bedding and toys to play with while he stays at a dee commissioned naval air base in isolation. still ahead putting our local hospitals to the test. the surprise patients that could start showing up to make sure we're prepared. >> a jury has just sentenced this man to die for killing a montgomery county baby and her grandmother. prosecutors say it was all part of a botched kidnapping attempt. >> our shawnette wilson is live outside the courthouse in norristown tonight. a late night for jurors, shawnette. >> reporter: he sat emotion less as he was sentenced to dime defense attorneys say most of the time he sat their psychiatric bling seriously on a note pad. it was his way of dealing with frustration. in the meantime this sentencing late tonight is a two year process for the grieving family. >> if he had expressed remorse that we would have had a better chance to save his life but that wasn't his strategy and accordingly here we are. >> reporter: defense attorneys for the man say they are disappointed but not surprised that a jury late tuesday night sentenced him to death. he was sentenced in the murders of a 61 year old grandmother and her 10 month old granddaughter in a botched kidnapping and ransom it happened in 2012 in upper merion. >> perhaps he was in denial. he felt like he was going to win the trial itself which again anybody watching new simply was not going to happen. so i think somehow or another he never got it through his head the mountain of evidence that was facing him. >> reporter: investigators say he was a neighbor and friend of the venna family and carried out a kidnapping of the baby to try and get $50,000 ransom to pay off a gambling debt. prosecutors called this a just verdict by jurors. the victim's family wasn't there for the sentencing after sitting through most of the trial. >> we hope that it can bring a little closure for the vennas. this has been a difficult two years for them. they lost their mother. their 10 month old daughter. it was heart wrenching to hear what they've gone through. >> reporter: and back here live, the judge says former sentencing will happen in 45 days. >> iain. >> shawnette, thank you. homeless man under arrest tonight accused of stabbing two park rangers in boston. it happened around 4:30 this evening on boston common the nation's oldest public park. cops say 34 year old hutchinson attacked the rangers. 46 year old rangers in the hospital with live threatening injuries. a 23 year old ranger is stable. >> officers responded quickly and the public was very instrumental. they helped follow the individual that was involved in this incident. our officers were able to apprehend the suspect. >> cops say hutchinson has violent history he's now facing attempted murder charges. >> another stormy day throughout the south with severe storms pounding the region again in alabama. look at that. roof collapsed on vehicles in a used car lot. today's storm knock out power to tens of thousands and had many under a tornado watch. now in our neck of the woods nothing like that but on your radar tonight, those same storms are heading our way. chief meteorologist scott williams when are they hitting? >> right now, of course, we are looking lucy at showers and storms right around parts of the upper ohio hoy river valley as well as parts of the carolinas reported funnel clouds this afternoon in western sections of north carolina. for us it's warm and muggy out ahead of this system as we time everything out we're dry for the overnight, but tomorrow afternoon and evening, the slow moving system will finally arriving toward our area. here's a look at fox future cast tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 o'clock. watching some scattered showers and storms out ahead of the mainline that really doesn't arrive until din are in time. where you see the orange, the yellow, moderate to heavy rainfall tomorrow night. when we're on the fox 29 news at 10:00 we'll be tracking some of that heavy rainfall moving through the area as well as thursday morning on good day still looking at that threat for some showers and storms. so for tonight, patchy fog, low temperatures in the mid to upper 60s. that's the typical high for this time of year. highs tomorrow once again near 80 degrees. but strong afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms. new computer model data on how much rainfall to expect as well as tumbling temperatures behind that system all coming up. back to you. >> all right. scott, thank you. new tonight police have found the suv stolen from local home depot but there was no sign the black lab inside at the time it was taken. remember we told you last night jj pierce says someone swiped the suv on columbus boulevard last week with her dog louie inside. police found the car tonight in north philly. jj is still offering a reward for her best friend's return. >> first on fox, a man simply reading on his front porch attacked. police say a group of teens beat the man before running off and they've arrested to people. they're now in the hunt for two more. fox 29's dave schratwieser has been speaking with people living and working in the neighborhood. it's senseless. zen less and it should not be happening. >> at the corner of taylor and parish in fairmount people feel safe walking their dogs and strolling through the neighborhood with their kids. so news that one of their neighbors had been severely beaten monday night right on his front stoop had folks worried. >> that's tragic. that's horrible. >> it's a shame you got to sit on your porch just sitting out side your house and somebody just walking by and doing that. >> reporter: the brutal attack happened around 8:30 when the 54 year old victim was sitting on his front steps reading a book on his iphone. four teenagers approached with hoodies on and began to pummel him. he yelled for help and a neighbor dialed 911. the teens ran off. >> for no reason they assault him. they assault him and they ultimately rob him taking his belongings backpack, iphone. >> reporter: police say the victim was taken to hahnemann hospital and underwent surgery tuesday. >> broken nose, broken jaw. again, just something that makes no zen at all. >> reporter: two of the teens were apprehend but that didn't stop long-time fairmount resident mark, from being concerned. >> now i'll keep an eye out. >> dan, has own angelino's at 25 and and parish for years much his restaurant was voted best of philly this year but word of the attack around the corner from his popular eatery had him worried. >> we want people to come out and enjoy themselves. you don't want people to be worried about working on the streets and coming out to enjoy dinner or taking a walk or whatever. >> somebody out on their front porch minding their business enjoying their evening. >> reporter: dave schratwieser fox 29 news. >> former philadelphia eagle irving friar has rejected a plea deal license go to trial. the mt. holly native charged in a mortgage fraud scheme with his mother. friar took the deal he would have faced up to five years in prison. his mother's three years. he can get double that if he's convicted in court. >> on friday we'll find out the fate of trump taj mahal casino and resort. earlier today, the parent company for casino is going to accident judge to end the contract with its union. well now it's requesting $175 million from the state. the money would come in the form of tax exemptions. trump says it will close the top ma hal november 13th without concessions from the union and aid from atlantic city and the state if the taj closes its doors it will be the fifth casino to do so this year. terrified drivers see a schoolbus pack with children swerving all over the road. >> but police,, what police found in the bus driver's bag that has her off the job tonig tonight. plus pulled off a cliff hours after the car plunged over the edge. the woman behind the wheel for forced to spent the night waiting for someone to find her. how her family finally tracked her down. >> and this is sensitive subject. teaching local teens about sex. but just how far is one school district planning to go. >> plus talk about a surprise. she went to the doctor with a stomach ache and walked out with twins. why the new parents say not knowing may have actually been a blessing. ♪ >> their parents fight it out over sex he had. a new district effort called teen pep will teach them about sex in ways some parents say keeps it real but others say it's too realistic. >> no. no sexual education in school. >> i think they should teach it. it helps the parents get it across. >> i think it's important that it's shared. of course they spend a lot of time in school it's the place to teach them as well as home. >> teen pep program talks about the body waiting to have sex and pretending std's seniors lead six workshops designed for freshmen according to the district's website but critics ripped the program at a tuesday night forum saying it tells teens too much. >> don't like it because it's sexually he can plus sit. there's just a lot of inappropriate lessons about condom use, et cetera, and we're hoping that people start thinking more about this. >> district officials watched their program come under attack at the meeting and refused to comment until the end. and parents will take their mi mixed views to school board meeting later this month. >> i think that, um, these educators just step over the line, and don't let parents be parents any more. so i think the parents should, shocks have to do that at home. >> we'd like to think abstinence. teens are going to do what they're going to do. >> reporter: the superintendent steven mayor released a statement he was in the meeting and says "the school district's health curriculum has not changed with the addition of teen pep but it is supported in its approach to help kids avoid risky sexual behavior. as school district we are unchanged in our belief that abstinence is the healthiest choice for our students and hope the influence of strong peer leaders fosters this understanding. teen pep alliance with state and federal standards for sound health struck ". guys, back to you. >> all right, dave, thank you. a man stabbed in upper darby has died. surveillance video caught what happened. wilson, was attacked last week at la cantina bar and cops plea the suspect is 23 year old miguel he is company land and they cull him illegal immigrant. he pull out a knife stabbed the man in the neck and then took off. police raided his home last thursday but they still have not been able to track him down. >> a local school goes on lock down outside a man flashing a gun the reports of a man arguing with someone then flashing a gun to a woman had police converging on the elementary school school object jackson street in south philadelphia this morning. no shots were fired. police questioned someone but not the man with the gun. given a choice between death and being a us senator governor chris christie says, he'd take the first option. christie told an naacp group he'd rather drive in the potomac river than serve as senator for new jersey. he'd be bored to death in a chamber with nine minute other people making motions on amendments and sub committees. he drew a lot of laughter during his keynote address at the civil rights group new jersey state convention last weekend however a new rutgers eagleton poll shows only 42% of registered voters have a favorable view of the governor. >> when you're in trouble, who do you call? how about a small army of small super heroes. the kids came to pre-school in costume to help out a former teacher and her son whose 19 month old son died sunday of liver cancer. >> our bruce gordon tonight with the story of hurt and healing report roar this is the gored card school but on this day it's the temporary headquarters for a pint size version of the justice league. parents paid for the right to stepped their kids to school in costume in the form of donations for their former teacher. >> why are you dressed up today? >> because we're helping people. >> reporter: you're helping people. do you like helping people? that's what a super hero would do, right? >> reporter: nicole shell taught at goddard for seven years. she left work shortly after giving birth to travis. but often took him back to visit. former co-workers like kim ma manning. >> most gorgeous child i've ever seen. big blue eyes an big smile and it was contagious. the smile was absolutely contagious. >> reporter: when liver cancer hook his life on sunday his parents shared the news with friends online. he is at piece they wrote and will not hurt any more. back at goddard nicole's friends decided to help the shells pay for medical and funeral costs while paying tribute to the little boy nicknamed super baby. >> anything that we can do to help her. the last thing she needs to worry about is money after losing a son. >> reporter: kids at goddard range in age from six weeks to kindergarten. way too young to fully understand why they're dressed as super heroes but happy to do so any way. >> you like being spiderman? what's so great about being spiderman. shooting webs. >> reporter: can you shoot a web? show me how do you that. >> i'm sorry i got emotional. it's just, um -- >> parent dough far sarah doesn't even know the shells but she has a 2.5 year son andrew annan month old daughter alexandra. >> we thought it was important to show our support however we could. >> reporter: turns out the most potent super power of all is compassion. it's about being a community and being out there in the community and, you know, really doing our part in helping others. >> reporter: super hero day raised couple thousand dollars for the shell family. travis' funeral is set for thursday. his mom and dad were understandably too distraught to talk to us but school officials who have spoken to them say they are very grateful for the outpouring of support. if you'd like to help go to, click seen on tv, we will link to you their go fund me page. in the newsroom i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> our prayers go out to them. a birthday girl sent to the hospital unwanted guests crashed the party and mysterious objects started flying at the group of girls. >> she started screaming i got shot, i got shot and she was holding her face. >> what those teens shot at the guest of honor's face. >> and thought it was finally safe to use your phone during take off. think again. why flight attendants say it could put your life at risk. >> forget about cleaning your windows. how does that sound, pretty good to me? i'm telling you. new robot promises to do it for you. yeah. a window washing robot but is it yeah. a window washing robot but is it worth the hundreds of dol in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. ♪ >> a woman veered off a mountain road then stuck over the embankment in a ravine for about 18 hours. how did she get found? her family what able to zero in on her iphone sin p signal. they tracked her down with gps a u.s. coast guard chopper helped rescue her tonight. tonight she's recovering and expected to be just fine. >> isis has its sights set on baghdad. the terrorists are getting closer and closer and in syria the curdish enclave of could still fall to isis as the kurds fight the islamic state and the u.s. and allies continue their air assault on isis turkey has taken military act itself but not against isis. it's launching air strikes again the kurds who are on the ground fighting the islamic state as we speak. bottom line, it's a mess over there. and so today president obama met with joint chiefs of staff general martin democracy and the defense chiefs from more than 20 nations to talk over isis strategy. scary moments in the sky. american airlines flight taking off from san francisco for dallas had to turn back around when part of the inside of the jet started breaking apart. the plane landed back in sanfran. nobody is hurt but the panel link coming apart frayed nerves some passengers felt a change in cabin pressure right as those panels started coming apart. american airlines says the plane never lost pressure. although it was scary. officials say it was not unsafe. they say the panel link on the inside does not impact the plane's safety in the air. >> a teen's birthday erupts into chaos in washington state. >> pick up pulled up alongside her party and someone fired a potato gun into the group of teenager. 17 year old she ya said her swollen face hurt so much she can barely talk let a lone eat her birthday party ended with a trip to the emergency room the pick up pulled along the teen's party someone blasted away with the potato gun. her aunt and friends are stunn stunned. >> they might think it's fun and games but it's not. she could have died. >> she just felt fell to her knees and started spitting up blood. >> she was screaming i got shot and she was holding her face. >> their still collecting witness statements and so far do not have any suspects. >> scared drivers call 911 as a packed schoolbus veers out of control on the highway. the driver toll police she was tired. what they say they found in her bag that may prove something else was going on. >> and take a look. you can see this mannequin's rip cage. this picture sparked a fire storm on social media. why the design are in says it's the only way her clothes look good. scott. >> iain tomorrow another warm and muggy day but showers and storms in the mix. the timing of that rainfall and >> ebola outbreak only intensifying. cdc is expecting there could be 10,000 new cases a week within the next two months in west africa. here in the u.s., a nurse who contracted the disease says she's doing well. 26 year old nina ph a.m. contracted the virus from thomas eric duncan she says she has the support of family and friends and is blessed with good care. >> in new jersey, fake ebola patients could start showing up at hospitals. a letter to medical centers the health commissioner asked them to send in people pretending to have ebola symptoms to see if their hospital staff is able to identify the problem then respond accordingly. new jersey is not had any cases of ebola diagnosed or confirmed and it's the same story in the rest of our area. and big money is now funding the fight against ebola. facebook ceo mark sucker burg donating $25 million to help address the epidemic. that money will go to the cdc ebola response effort in west african the rest of the world. the grant follows a $9 million donation made by microsoft co-founder paul allen last mon month. now of course we are following the e bowl la outbreak and the response on as the news breaks you'll find it on our home page. >> horrible case of animal abuse in delaware county rescuers say a sweet dog was badly established and now the search is on to fine the person responsible for this act of cruelty. fox 29's dawn timmeney reports. >> she's gaining strength every day. >> reporter: but it's going to be a long road back for this pitbull terrier found extremely malnourished in a backyard in chester. these are the dramatic pictures of the one year old pup the day the delaware county spca seized her. just skin and bones. her ribs protruding from her body weighing just 20 pounds. she was in bad shape. >> got source all over the back of her leg. that's a good girl. >> reporter: delco spca operations manager dana villa is fostering pearl at her norristown home. she says this type of negligent did not happen overnight. >> knowing that and the fact it probably took months and months for her to get this way it's sad that this is probably been -- she probably been 97ed majority of her life. >> she's really skinny. >> dana says it will probably take months to get pearl back to where she should be. right now the pup is on a strict regime. she said just fed a can of food every two hours around the clock but this dog lover doesn't mind one bit. >> five minutes and then you're back to sleep again. so she's very very good. >> dana's mom who volunteers at the delco spca agree that is pearl is pretty special. but she still can't get the image of the dog the day she came in out of her mind. >> it's actually brought me to tears. it really touched me to see her. she was -- she's just skin and bones. she is right now but she's better today than she was last week. >> reporter: and her future is now looking bright. >> we just couldn't believe how friendly and happy she was to be around people. she'll ab nice family dog. >> reporter: dawn timmeney fox 29 news. >> dawn tells us pearl will be put up for adoption as soon as she's healthy enough. >> northeastern pennsylvania 10 year old boy has hearing next week on charges he killed a 90 year old mother a 10 year old boy. that boy reportedly told police that the woman yelled at him and he got pd mad, lost his temperature grabbed a cane and on put it on the woman's neck. his mom turned him over to authorities over the weekend. they're trying him as an adult. >> city of camden has new supermarket called price right mount oh fram avenue. it's family owned and the family has been operating grocery stores in the philadelphia south jersey area since the 1940s. >> big dogs for camden. yeah. >> we got big weather moving in here, scott. >> we also have temperatures, lucy and iain wl above average. look at the high temperature today. 79 degrees much the normal sketch and look at the low this morning. just 2 degrees off from the typical high temperature for this time of year. tomorrow we'll do it again with temperature in the upper 70s near 80 degrees. but look at the temperatures at this late hour. we're still in the low 70s in reading. 72 in allentown. 71 in wilmington. 71 right now in millville. so temperatures well above average still at this late hour at 10:00 -- what time is it, 10:34. as we take a look right now what's on the radar we're talking about showers and storms off to the west. severe weather earlier this afternoon and evening in sections of the carolinas. but out ahead of this system, the wind direction is out of the south so it's warm. it's also muggy when the warm sector of the storm but watch the clock it will take slow time getting here as we move toward tomorrow afternoon. some isolated showers and storms out ahead of the main system. here's the mainline back to the west. we'll zoom in a little closer and you can see by tomorrow afternoon those scattered showers and storms become more widespread by the din are in hour. here's 6:00 o'clock where you see the yellow and orange toward the north and west of the area that is where the heavier rain will be. by 10:00 o'clock tomorrow night we're still looking at showers, some gusty thunderstorms. but we could be talking about an inch or more of rainfall before all is said and done. by thursday morning, most of the heavy rain starts to move east of the philadelphia area and the system is out of here by midday on thursday. slightly cooler temperatures but still above average as we move into thursday afternoon. but look at the future rainfall totals. you can see closing in on an inch around i-95, down the shore we could easily see an inch and a half perhaps even 2-inches of rainfall through thursday midday in atlantic city. so as we talk about the tropics you can see here's puerto rico and take a look at this category three hurricane. maximum sustained winds with hurricane began sal low at 115 miles per hour movement to the northwest at 13 miles per hour. moving away from puerto rico but eventually it will be approac approaching bermuda as early as friday afternoon and evening into saturday as a three category three storm. we'll keep you posted. unseasonably mild for us tonig tonight. patchy fog dwells. 67 degrees the low in the city. 64 in the suburb. those are typical high temperatures for this time of year. then tomorrow we'll flirt with 80 degrees some patchy fog ear early. warm conditions but those afternoon and evening showers and storms especially more widespread by tomorrow evening's commute so keep that in mind for your travel plans. 73 for the high on thursday. and as we move to friday, pretty nice. sunny, 71 degrees and you can see the start of the weekend pretty seasonal. 67 that's the average high for this time of year. but a chilly change. sunday's high temperature only 60 degrees. 61 on monday and upper 50s on tuesday. so it's a roller coaster ride as we move into the second half of the weekend and early next week. >> thank you, scott. >> all right, scott, thank you. >> breaking news right now out of trenton. police say a carjacker drove off with a five year old. they are looking for a tan ford he is cap with new jersey plate 866-ebc. it was stolen from the area of brunswick avenue and race street earlier tonight. if you know anything you're asked to call police. >> coming up just in time for halloween a creepy site in a historic graveyard shocking witnesses what they saw one man doing near the salem witch trial memorial. >> and eagles fans listen up. we've got a story just for you. a dallas cowboy thrown in jail for shoplifting. what police say he was caught trying to steal. >> plus, say goodbye to thanksgiving. when one major retailer now says they'll open t - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. >> terrifying moments for this 911 caller. following a utah schoolbus moving erratically. authorities say the bus driver 39 year old alicia martinez was driving the influence with more than 60 students on her bus. cops say they found four bottles of prescription pills for anti anxiety and muscle relaxants when they pulled her over. no one was hurt luckily. cops say the children were unaware what was even going on. martinez has no prior incidents with the district but she's now on administrative leave tonight. >> taking a look at your money. macy's says why wait until black friday. you can shop even earlier this holiday season. the retailer is opening at 6:00 p.m. on thanksgiving. that's two hours earlier than last year. may see's is the first major retailer to announce store hours for the black friday weekend. most of the stores will stay open until 10:00 p.m. on black friday. now apparently, flight attendants aren't very partial to your tablets during take offs and landings. >> now, they're suing. the country largest flight attendants union claiming that tablets and smart phones distract passengers from watc watching emergency instructions and also adds the gadgets ca canning projectiles during turbulent it's suing the faa. the administration recently relaxed rules for using electronics during take off and landing. the union wants the restrictions brought back. talk about a surprise of a lifetime. what one woman thought was stomach cramp was that a set of twins. and they were ready to come out as you can see. why she and her husband say it was actually a blessing they didn't know. >> and how much would you pay to never have to wipe down any of your windows again? you can have this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. ♪ i thought it'd be bigger. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. with the card most accepted in the philadelphia region, you have the power to do more. independence blue cross. live fearless. >> breaking news. a carjacker drove off with five year old looking for a tan ford escort with new jersey plates 866ebc the child's name a jania davis, five years old 30 to 35 pounds. 4 feet tall light complexion wear blue jeans an pink shirt. the vehicle was stolen from the area of brunswick avenue and race street earlier tonight. >> in massachusetts a man started digging up a grave near where the salem witch trials happened. the historic salem cemetery was packed with tourists as he dug on monday. visitors thought 26 year old brian thomas bennett worked there. by the time authorities arrived he'd be digging for two hours. witnesses say you could actually see the top of the crypt. >> he actually said to a few folks that it was a decedent of his of his family. he had a few tools with him and brushing away, he had a good four by foursquare going on there with the, n front of the gravestone. >> prosecutors have charged bennett with desecrating a place of burial and disorderly conduct. his mother says he suffers from mental illness. she says he had stopped taking his meds. >> out of control golf cart has hurt 10 students at a fresno california intermediate school. police say a seventh grade special needs student jumped into the cart while students were changing classes and accidentally ran into a group of teenagers. two students are seriously injured. a woman walks into a clinic with stomach pains and walks out with twins. it was a wild surprise for an iowa couple who say they had no idea they were expecting. last week shelby gave birth to twin girls and she says she had no idea she was pregnant. the twins are also mono amniotic that's extremely rare they shared one blah 10 in a and one sack with a significant risk of death for one or both babies during the pregnancy. >> still trying to process. it's crazy. how high risk mono mono twins can be and how good they're doing now. really blessing. the girls will spend the next several weeks in the nicu but doctors expect the girls to be just fine. >> how would you like to never ever worry about washing your windows again? because there's now robot for that. steve noviello puts the win bott to the test to find out if it's a deal or dud. ♪ >> reporter: the win bott is the window cleaning robot. yes, packed with pads remote and even cleaning solution, this robot really does do windows. so says the manufacturer. >> it's bigger and heavier than i thought. i'm wondering if it stays stuck to the windows. >> reporter: but first -- the glass. >> whoever is washing windows is doing a very good job. >> reporter: it's really really clean. so at the suggestion of the product rep we mess it up with hand lotion. the win bott is designed to maintain clean windows not to perform a deep clean on the very dirty window we've created so we know that this might take a minute. the cleaning solution is added to the larger of the two pads the unit gets plugged in, turned on and suction starts which keeps the robot on the glass. ♪ >> reporter: winbot seems to effort lesley map out the sides and shape of the glass even our first pass gets the surface pretty clean. especially considering the very small amount of spray solution that's required for use. >> it wasn't a large amount of product that we used. >> reporter: more importantly, it left us with a surface more representative of the kind of maintenance cleaning the winbot is designed for so we switch out the pads, rei spray, and let this window wonder get to work. at the end of its cycle -- >> i see a couple of smudges in the corners but most of the lotion we started with came off. >> reporter: our window was clean. >> it didn't cover a large window in a reasonable amount of time. >> reporter: winbot, deal or dead. >> i'd say deal. >> unlike other cleaning robots we've tested the winbot seemed to navigate well through the entire surface of the glass. a warning you'll need to make sure that your cord is long enough otherwise the device can become unplugged and you'll need to use the remote to navigate it down off the glass. clean windows don't come cheap the win bott retails for $400. >> 400 is a lot of win deck. i'm just saying. that is a lot. >> a lot of money. you would hate for it to get stuck on the second level way up there. yeah, you would. it was pretty impressive. four hadn't dread bucks is a little much. >> you got to have an ex tense cord. i got a guy for that. >> he's got a guy for everythi everything. >> there's controversy tonight over new zealand fashion designer's comments about weight and fashion. this all began when a law student tweeted this picture of a skinny mannequin. you can see the ribcage on the mannequin. emily robbins says it portrays a bad image for younger the designer denise corbett the woman in the red collar defended it on new zealand television saying "it looks better on skinny people. models have always been skinny. she says the world has bigger controversies than fashion. the philadelphia history museum honored mayor nutter and the citi' first lady lisa nutter tonight. they came at a museum fundraise sr. called city social besides honoring the nutters the event is a celebration of philadelph philadelphia's have i bran past. >> here's a little dead tee that some eagles fans might be into. trouble for the dallas cowboys. cowboys running back joseph randall has been busted for shoplifting. police in a dallas suburb say randall took underwear and cologne from a mall department store without paying. he was detained by store security and later taken to the city's jail before posting bond. maybe he didn't like his scent. >> i was waiting for a howard -- just wait, wait long enough and howard has got something on that one. >> i hope he didn't use too much. all right. the 76ers -- cowboys sting any way. the 76ers already have enough problems. but add an injury problem where they weren't completely honest with the fans. that's shocking and the flyers still trying to do anything to win game. push, should have, tonight it win game. push, should have, tonight it we - ( helicopterrr whiing ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ come and get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ♪ >> i know it's early in the season but the flyers should be concerned. it's only four games but they still haven't won a game and lost for the second straight game in a shootout. let's go to the wells fargo center. all right. off the face off, in the first period, anaheim scores. that's not good. that's tim jackson. 12 minutes not game. they actually led two to nothing but the flyers did come back in the second period. wayne simmonds who scores his fifth goal. it's in there and it's two-two but the flyers did fall behind at the end of the third -- end of the second three hiv two. but in the third period, jake vorachek ties it up for the flyers again. all right. so it's three-three. flyers don't like overtimes they don't like shootouts and they won't like it tonight. this guy played in his third game in the nhl ever. william kyle son. the shoot out, the flyers lose it, four-three. all right. the 76ers have not been very honest in the past with injuries and were outed by their own player this time. michael carter williams had surgery on a torn lay barack obama after the season in may. the sixers said rehab would be two to four months. mcw said that's not true. doctors told him six to nine months he won't be ready for the opening of the season and maybe much more. the sixers just trying to do anything to sell tickets. all right. to night in syracuse they sold them up there because michael carter williams that's where he played -- he's not playing tonight. nerlins noel the turnover had four of them. 12 points, 11 rebounds. carmelo had 17. the knicks win it 84-77. eagles players have the week off going into their bye week. why not when a team is five and one. but when chip kelly was questioned about what the media called poor play by his defensive backs cary williams and brad the fletcher chip was just being chip. >> i think a lot of times you guys are wrong. seriously. that's what i really think. so then when we start listening to people outside of here we'll be in trouble. we would be wrong. i think those guys played really really well. >> it's called noise by chip kelly. that's what it's called. noise. >> all right. i like that. >> thank you. >> we are still following breaking news for you tonight in trenton and the search for a missing child police say a carjacker drove off with a five year old they are looking for a tan forward for escape with new jersey plates h66ebc the child's name is jania davis, five years old, 30 to 35 pounds, about 4 feet with a light complexion wearing a blue jeans and a pink shirt. the vehicle was stolen from an area of brunswick avenue and race street earlier tonight. if you know anything, you're asked to call police. >> of course, with anything like this, time is always of the essence. got to find her right away. exactly. all right. thanks for watching. remember tmz is coming up next. we're back at 4:00 a.m. for the fox 29 morning news and "good day philadelphia". so be sure to stay tuned. >> get ready for whole lot of rain, right, scott. >> that's right. tomorrow evening. this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years? distribution] >> today on "tmz," >> chris brown has learned a lesson about ebola. >> he tweeted, he said, seriously the ebola might be a form of population control. >> people got upset about that. >> actually he said, [bleep] is getting crazy brah. >> amal clooney. she is back to work. >> amal clooney? >> i just like that she went back to her job. she could have done nothing for the rest of her life. >> let's just say she would have put on 50 pounds. >> he's gone 40 pounds -- [laughter] >> there is a giant instagram beef between iggy

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could be 10,000 new cases a week within the next two months. closer to home a dallas texas nurse continues to recover after treating the liberian man who died from the illness last week. >> and right here a local pennsylvania community is taking steps for prevention and awareness. >> our chris o'connell is live in darby outside mercy fitzgerald hospital. chris wawa are they doing to prepare. >> reporter: first of all, guys, right now in delaware county, if you call 911 for a medical emergency, you will now be screened over the phone for ebola. health officials here in the county say it is just the first step in trying to stop this deadly virus they say is just a plane ride away. >> viruses do not have borders or boundaries. >> reporter: in what's believed to be the area's first coordinated response to the ebola crisis, hell officials in delaware county are not panicking but preparing. >> contagious virus is only a plane ride away. we don't want to create a panic here but we do want to create a healthy awareness. >> reporter: new ebola and infectious task force made up of 29 people on the front lines of possible exposure. those who can identify the risks and provide treatment like police, fire and ems crews. >> any incident whether it's infectious, biological or chemical, there's always a potential that something could happen. >> the task force will coordinate resources, equipment, but most importantly information if ebola was to ever hit home. >> our goals are very simple. we'll communicate, coordinate and collaborate. >> reporter: what's being done now, 911 dispatchers in delaware county are screening all emergency medical calls. ambulance personnel are screening patients in person. they'll ask two questions. if you have a fever of 101.5 and have you traveled to west afri africa. if the answers are yes, patients will be taken to an area hospital for isolate laying. among the possibilities, riddle memorial hospital, crozer chester and mercy fitzgerald. >> our delaware county hospitals are all capable to identify an individual and to isolate an individual. this is an evolving process. >> reporter: health officials say they have and will continue working with delaware county's liberian community the task force itself is in daily contact with the centers for disease control and we're also told that montgomery county may be announcing its own task force in the coming days. lucy? >> a lot of developments, thank you very much, chris. texas nurse who was infected with ebola says she's doing we well. the hospital released a statement on her behalf today. she says she has the support of family and friends and she is blessed with good care. 26 year old nina ph a.m. contracted the virus from thomas duncan before he died last week. 70 people cared for him before his death. >> what we're doing at this point is looking at everything we can do to minimize that risk so those who are caring for her do that safely and effectively. >> in the meantime, her dog one year old king charles spaniel named bent system doing well. dallas health officials are also monitoring him and they say he has comfortable bedding and toys to play with while he stays at a dee commissioned naval air base in isolation. still ahead putting our local hospitals to the test. the surprise patients that could start showing up to make sure we're prepared. >> a jury has just sentenced this man to die for killing a montgomery county baby and her grandmother. prosecutors say it was all part of a botched kidnapping attempt. >> our shawnette wilson is live outside the courthouse in norristown tonight. a late night for jurors, shawnette. >> reporter: he sat emotion less as he was sentenced to dime defense attorneys say most of the time he sat their psychiatric bling seriously on a note pad. it was his way of dealing with frustration. in the meantime this sentencing late tonight is a two year process for the grieving family. >> if he had expressed remorse that we would have had a better chance to save his life but that wasn't his strategy and accordingly here we are. >> reporter: defense attorneys for the man say they are disappointed but not surprised that a jury late tuesday night sentenced him to death. he was sentenced in the murders of a 61 year old grandmother and her 10 month old granddaughter in a botched kidnapping and ransom it happened in 2012 in upper merion. >> perhaps he was in denial. he felt like he was going to win the trial itself which again anybody watching new simply was not going to happen. so i think somehow or another he never got it through his head the mountain of evidence that was facing him. >> reporter: investigators say he was a neighbor and friend of the venna family and carried out a kidnapping of the baby to try and get $50,000 ransom to pay off a gambling debt. prosecutors called this a just verdict by jurors. the victim's family wasn't there for the sentencing after sitting through most of the trial. >> we hope that it can bring a little closure for the vennas. this has been a difficult two years for them. they lost their mother. their 10 month old daughter. it was heart wrenching to hear what they've gone through. >> reporter: and back here live, the judge says former sentencing will happen in 45 days. >> iain. >> shawnette, thank you. homeless man under arrest tonight accused of stabbing two park rangers in boston. it happened around 4:30 this evening on boston common the nation's oldest public park. cops say 34 year old hutchinson attacked the rangers. 46 year old rangers in the hospital with live threatening injuries. a 23 year old ranger is stable. >> officers responded quickly and the public was very instrumental. they helped follow the individual that was involved in this incident. our officers were able to apprehend the suspect. >> cops say hutchinson has violent history he's now facing attempted murder charges. >> another stormy day throughout the south with severe storms pounding the region again in alabama. look at that. roof collapsed on vehicles in a used car lot. today's storm knock out power to tens of thousands and had many under a tornado watch. now in our neck of the woods nothing like that but on your radar tonight, those same storms are heading our way. chief meteorologist scott williams when are they hitting? >> right now, of course, we are looking lucy at showers and storms right around parts of the upper ohio hoy river valley as well as parts of the carolinas reported funnel clouds this afternoon in western sections of north carolina. for us it's warm and muggy out ahead of this system as we time everything out we're dry for the overnight, but tomorrow afternoon and evening, the slow moving system will finally arriving toward our area. here's a look at fox future cast tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 o'clock. watching some scattered showers and storms out ahead of the mainline that really doesn't arrive until din are in time. where you see the orange, the yellow, moderate to heavy rainfall tomorrow night. when we're on the fox 29 news at 10:00 we'll be tracking some of that heavy rainfall moving through the area as well as thursday morning on good day still looking at that threat for some showers and storms. so for tonight, patchy fog, low temperatures in the mid to upper 60s. that's the typical high for this time of year. highs tomorrow once again near 80 degrees. but strong afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms. new computer model data on how much rainfall to expect as well as tumbling temperatures behind that system all coming up. back to you. >> all right. scott, thank you. new tonight police have found the suv stolen from local home depot but there was no sign the black lab inside at the time it was taken. remember we told you last night jj pierce says someone swiped the suv on columbus boulevard last week with her dog louie inside. police found the car tonight in north philly. jj is still offering a reward for her best friend's return. >> first on fox, a man simply reading on his front porch attacked. police say a group of teens beat the man before running off and they've arrested to people. they're now in the hunt for two more. fox 29's dave schratwieser has been speaking with people living and working in the neighborhood. it's senseless. zen less and it should not be happening. >> at the corner of taylor and parish in fairmount people feel safe walking their dogs and strolling through the neighborhood with their kids. so news that one of their neighbors had been severely beaten monday night right on his front stoop had folks worried. >> that's tragic. that's horrible. >> it's a shame you got to sit on your porch just sitting out side your house and somebody just walking by and doing that. >> reporter: the brutal attack happened around 8:30 when the 54 year old victim was sitting on his front steps reading a book on his iphone. four teenagers approached with hoodies on and began to pummel him. he yelled for help and a neighbor dialed 911. the teens ran off. >> for no reason they assault him. they assault him and they ultimately rob him taking his belongings backpack, iphone. >> reporter: police say the victim was taken to hahnemann hospital and underwent surgery tuesday. >> broken nose, broken jaw. again, just something that makes no zen at all. >> reporter: two of the teens were apprehend but that didn't stop long-time fairmount resident mark, from being concerned. >> now i'll keep an eye out. >> dan, has own angelino's at 25 and and parish for years much his restaurant was voted best of philly this year but word of the attack around the corner from his popular eatery had him worried. >> we want people to come out and enjoy themselves. you don't want people to be worried about working on the streets and coming out to enjoy dinner or taking a walk or whatever. >> somebody out on their front porch minding their business enjoying their evening. >> reporter: dave schratwieser fox 29 news. >> former philadelphia eagle irving friar has rejected a plea deal license go to trial. the mt. holly native charged in a mortgage fraud scheme with his mother. friar took the deal he would have faced up to five years in prison. his mother's three years. he can get double that if he's convicted in court. >> on friday we'll find out the fate of trump taj mahal casino and resort. earlier today, the parent company for casino is going to accident judge to end the contract with its union. well now it's requesting $175 million from the state. the money would come in the form of tax exemptions. trump says it will close the top ma hal november 13th without concessions from the union and aid from atlantic city and the state if the taj closes its doors it will be the fifth casino to do so this year. terrified drivers see a schoolbus pack with children swerving all over the road. >> but police,, what police found in the bus driver's bag that has her off the job tonig tonight. plus pulled off a cliff hours after the car plunged over the edge. the woman behind the wheel for forced to spent the night waiting for someone to find her. how her family finally tracked her down. >> and this is sensitive subject. teaching local teens about sex. but just how far is one school district planning to go. >> plus talk about a surprise. she went to the doctor with a stomach ache and walked out with twins. why the new parents say not knowing may have actually been a blessing. ♪ >> their parents fight it out over sex he had. a new district effort called teen pep will teach them about sex in ways some parents say keeps it real but others say it's too realistic. >> no. no sexual education in school. >> i think they should teach it. it helps the parents get it across. >> i think it's important that it's shared. of course they spend a lot of time in school it's the place to teach them as well as home. >> teen pep program talks about the body waiting to have sex and pretending std's seniors lead six workshops designed for freshmen according to the district's website but critics ripped the program at a tuesday night forum saying it tells teens too much. >> don't like it because it's sexually he can plus sit. there's just a lot of inappropriate lessons about condom use, et cetera, and we're hoping that people start thinking more about this. >> district officials watched their program come under attack at the meeting and refused to comment until the end. and parents will take their mi mixed views to school board meeting later this month. >> i think that, um, these educators just step over the line, and don't let parents be parents any more. so i think the parents should, shocks have to do that at home. >> we'd like to think abstinence. teens are going to do what they're going to do. >> reporter: the superintendent steven mayor released a statement he was in the meeting and says "the school district's health curriculum has not changed with the addition of teen pep but it is supported in its approach to help kids avoid risky sexual behavior. as school district we are unchanged in our belief that abstinence is the healthiest choice for our students and hope the influence of strong peer leaders fosters this understanding. teen pep alliance with state and federal standards for sound health struck ". guys, back to you. >> all right, dave, thank you. a man stabbed in upper darby has died. surveillance video caught what happened. wilson, was attacked last week at la cantina bar and cops plea the suspect is 23 year old miguel he is company land and they cull him illegal immigrant. he pull out a knife stabbed the man in the neck and then took off. police raided his home last thursday but they still have not been able to track him down. >> a local school goes on lock down outside a man flashing a gun the reports of a man arguing with someone then flashing a gun to a woman had police converging on the elementary school school object jackson street in south philadelphia this morning. no shots were fired. police questioned someone but not the man with the gun. given a choice between death and being a us senator governor chris christie says, he'd take the first option. christie told an naacp group he'd rather drive in the potomac river than serve as senator for new jersey. he'd be bored to death in a chamber with nine minute other people making motions on amendments and sub committees. he drew a lot of laughter during his keynote address at the civil rights group new jersey state convention last weekend however a new rutgers eagleton poll shows only 42% of registered voters have a favorable view of the governor. >> when you're in trouble, who do you call? how about a small army of small super heroes. the kids came to pre-school in costume to help out a former teacher and her son whose 19 month old son died sunday of liver cancer. >> our bruce gordon tonight with the story of hurt and healing report roar this is the gored card school but on this day it's the temporary headquarters for a pint size version of the justice league. parents paid for the right to stepped their kids to school in costume in the form of donations for their former teacher. >> why are you dressed up today? >> because we're helping people. >> reporter: you're helping people. do you like helping people? that's what a super hero would do, right? >> reporter: nicole shell taught at goddard for seven years. she left work shortly after giving birth to travis. but often took him back to visit. former co-workers like kim ma manning. >> most gorgeous child i've ever seen. big blue eyes an big smile and it was contagious. the smile was absolutely contagious. >> reporter: when liver cancer hook his life on sunday his parents shared the news with friends online. he is at piece they wrote and will not hurt any more. back at goddard nicole's friends decided to help the shells pay for medical and funeral costs while paying tribute to the little boy nicknamed super baby. >> anything that we can do to help her. the last thing she needs to worry about is money after losing a son. >> reporter: kids at goddard range in age from six weeks to kindergarten. way too young to fully understand why they're dressed as super heroes but happy to do so any way. >> you like being spiderman? what's so great about being spiderman. shooting webs. >> reporter: can you shoot a web? show me how do you that. >> i'm sorry i got emotional. it's just, um -- >> parent dough far sarah doesn't even know the shells but she has a 2.5 year son andrew annan month old daughter alexandra. >> we thought it was important to show our support however we could. >> reporter: turns out the most potent super power of all is compassion. it's about being a community and being out there in the community and, you know, really doing our part in helping others. >> reporter: super hero day raised couple thousand dollars for the shell family. travis' funeral is set for thursday. his mom and dad were understandably too distraught to talk to us but school officials who have spoken to them say they are very grateful for the outpouring of support. if you'd like to help go to, click seen on tv, we will link to you their go fund me page. in the newsroom i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> our prayers go out to them. a birthday girl sent to the hospital unwanted guests crashed the party and mysterious objects started flying at the group of girls. >> she started screaming i got shot, i got shot and she was holding her face. >> what those teens shot at the guest of honor's face. >> and thought it was finally safe to use your phone during take off. think again. why flight attendants say it could put your life at risk. >> forget about cleaning your windows. how does that sound, pretty good to me? i'm telling you. new robot promises to do it for you. yeah. a window washing robot but is it yeah. a window washing robot but is it worth the hundreds of dol in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. ♪ >> a woman veered off a mountain road then stuck over the embankment in a ravine for about 18 hours. how did she get found? her family what able to zero in on her iphone sin p signal. they tracked her down with gps a u.s. coast guard chopper helped rescue her tonight. tonight she's recovering and expected to be just fine. >> isis has its sights set on baghdad. the terrorists are getting closer and closer and in syria the curdish enclave of could still fall to isis as the kurds fight the islamic state and the u.s. and allies continue their air assault on isis turkey has taken military act itself but not against isis. it's launching air strikes again the kurds who are on the ground fighting the islamic state as we speak. bottom line, it's a mess over there. and so today president obama met with joint chiefs of staff general martin democracy and the defense chiefs from more than 20 nations to talk over isis strategy. scary moments in the sky. american airlines flight taking off from san francisco for dallas had to turn back around when part of the inside of the jet started breaking apart. the plane landed back in sanfran. nobody is hurt but the panel link coming apart frayed nerves some passengers felt a change in cabin pressure right as those panels started coming apart. american airlines says the plane never lost pressure. although it was scary. officials say it was not unsafe. they say the panel link on the inside does not impact the plane's safety in the air. >> a teen's birthday erupts into chaos in washington state. >> pick up pulled up alongside her party and someone fired a potato gun into the group of teenager. 17 year old she ya said her swollen face hurt so much she can barely talk let a lone eat her birthday party ended with a trip to the emergency room the pick up pulled along the teen's party someone blasted away with the potato gun. her aunt and friends are stunn stunned. >> they might think it's fun and games but it's not. she could have died. >> she just felt fell to her knees and started spitting up blood. >> she was screaming i got shot and she was holding her face. >> their still collecting witness statements and so far do not have any suspects. >> scared drivers call 911 as a packed schoolbus veers out of control on the highway. the driver toll police she was tired. what they say they found in her bag that may prove something else was going on. >> and take a look. you can see this mannequin's rip cage. this picture sparked a fire storm on social media. why the design are in says it's the only way her clothes look good. scott. >> iain tomorrow another warm and muggy day but showers and storms in the mix. the timing of that rainfall and >> ebola outbreak only intensifying. cdc is expecting there could be 10,000 new cases a week within the next two months in west africa. here in the u.s., a nurse who contracted the disease says she's doing well. 26 year old nina ph a.m. contracted the virus from thomas eric duncan she says she has the support of family and friends and is blessed with good care. >> in new jersey, fake ebola patients could start showing up at hospitals. a letter to medical centers the health commissioner asked them to send in people pretending to have ebola symptoms to see if their hospital staff is able to identify the problem then respond accordingly. new jersey is not had any cases of ebola diagnosed or confirmed and it's the same story in the rest of our area. and big money is now funding the fight against ebola. facebook ceo mark sucker burg donating $25 million to help address the epidemic. that money will go to the cdc ebola response effort in west african the rest of the world. the grant follows a $9 million donation made by microsoft co-founder paul allen last mon month. now of course we are following the e bowl la outbreak and the response on as the news breaks you'll find it on our home page. >> horrible case of animal abuse in delaware county rescuers say a sweet dog was badly established and now the search is on to fine the person responsible for this act of cruelty. fox 29's dawn timmeney reports. >> she's gaining strength every day. >> reporter: but it's going to be a long road back for this pitbull terrier found extremely malnourished in a backyard in chester. these are the dramatic pictures of the one year old pup the day the delaware county spca seized her. just skin and bones. her ribs protruding from her body weighing just 20 pounds. she was in bad shape. >> got source all over the back of her leg. that's a good girl. >> reporter: delco spca operations manager dana villa is fostering pearl at her norristown home. she says this type of negligent did not happen overnight. >> knowing that and the fact it probably took months and months for her to get this way it's sad that this is probably been -- she probably been 97ed majority of her life. >> she's really skinny. >> dana says it will probably take months to get pearl back to where she should be. right now the pup is on a strict regime. she said just fed a can of food every two hours around the clock but this dog lover doesn't mind one bit. >> five minutes and then you're back to sleep again. so she's very very good. >> dana's mom who volunteers at the delco spca agree that is pearl is pretty special. but she still can't get the image of the dog the day she came in out of her mind. >> it's actually brought me to tears. it really touched me to see her. she was -- she's just skin and bones. she is right now but she's better today than she was last week. >> reporter: and her future is now looking bright. >> we just couldn't believe how friendly and happy she was to be around people. she'll ab nice family dog. >> reporter: dawn timmeney fox 29 news. >> dawn tells us pearl will be put up for adoption as soon as she's healthy enough. >> northeastern pennsylvania 10 year old boy has hearing next week on charges he killed a 90 year old mother a 10 year old boy. that boy reportedly told police that the woman yelled at him and he got pd mad, lost his temperature grabbed a cane and on put it on the woman's neck. his mom turned him over to authorities over the weekend. they're trying him as an adult. >> city of camden has new supermarket called price right mount oh fram avenue. it's family owned and the family has been operating grocery stores in the philadelphia south jersey area since the 1940s. >> big dogs for camden. yeah. >> we got big weather moving in here, scott. >> we also have temperatures, lucy and iain wl above average. look at the high temperature today. 79 degrees much the normal sketch and look at the low this morning. just 2 degrees off from the typical high temperature for this time of year. tomorrow we'll do it again with temperature in the upper 70s near 80 degrees. but look at the temperatures at this late hour. we're still in the low 70s in reading. 72 in allentown. 71 in wilmington. 71 right now in millville. so temperatures well above average still at this late hour at 10:00 -- what time is it, 10:34. as we take a look right now what's on the radar we're talking about showers and storms off to the west. severe weather earlier this afternoon and evening in sections of the carolinas. but out ahead of this system, the wind direction is out of the south so it's warm. it's also muggy when the warm sector of the storm but watch the clock it will take slow time getting here as we move toward tomorrow afternoon. some isolated showers and storms out ahead of the main system. here's the mainline back to the west. we'll zoom in a little closer and you can see by tomorrow afternoon those scattered showers and storms become more widespread by the din are in hour. here's 6:00 o'clock where you see the yellow and orange toward the north and west of the area that is where the heavier rain will be. by 10:00 o'clock tomorrow night we're still looking at showers, some gusty thunderstorms. but we could be talking about an inch or more of rainfall before all is said and done. by thursday morning, most of the heavy rain starts to move east of the philadelphia area and the system is out of here by midday on thursday. slightly cooler temperatures but still above average as we move into thursday afternoon. but look at the future rainfall totals. you can see closing in on an inch around i-95, down the shore we could easily see an inch and a half perhaps even 2-inches of rainfall through thursday midday in atlantic city. so as we talk about the tropics you can see here's puerto rico and take a look at this category three hurricane. maximum sustained winds with hurricane began sal low at 115 miles per hour movement to the northwest at 13 miles per hour. moving away from puerto rico but eventually it will be approac approaching bermuda as early as friday afternoon and evening into saturday as a three category three storm. we'll keep you posted. unseasonably mild for us tonig tonight. patchy fog dwells. 67 degrees the low in the city. 64 in the suburb. those are typical high temperatures for this time of year. then tomorrow we'll flirt with 80 degrees some patchy fog ear early. warm conditions but those afternoon and evening showers and storms especially more widespread by tomorrow evening's commute so keep that in mind for your travel plans. 73 for the high on thursday. and as we move to friday, pretty nice. sunny, 71 degrees and you can see the start of the weekend pretty seasonal. 67 that's the average high for this time of year. but a chilly change. sunday's high temperature only 60 degrees. 61 on monday and upper 50s on tuesday. so it's a roller coaster ride as we move into the second half of the weekend and early next week. >> thank you, scott. >> all right, scott, thank you. >> breaking news right now out of trenton. police say a carjacker drove off with a five year old. they are looking for a tan ford he is cap with new jersey plate 866-ebc. it was stolen from the area of brunswick avenue and race street earlier tonight. if you know anything you're asked to call police. >> coming up just in time for halloween a creepy site in a historic graveyard shocking witnesses what they saw one man doing near the salem witch trial memorial. >> and eagles fans listen up. we've got a story just for you. a dallas cowboy thrown in jail for shoplifting. what police say he was caught trying to steal. >> plus, say goodbye to thanksgiving. when one major retailer now says they'll open t - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. >> terrifying moments for this 911 caller. following a utah schoolbus moving erratically. authorities say the bus driver 39 year old alicia martinez was driving the influence with more than 60 students on her bus. cops say they found four bottles of prescription pills for anti anxiety and muscle relaxants when they pulled her over. no one was hurt luckily. cops say the children were unaware what was even going on. martinez has no prior incidents with the district but she's now on administrative leave tonight. >> taking a look at your money. macy's says why wait until black friday. you can shop even earlier this holiday season. the retailer is opening at 6:00 p.m. on thanksgiving. that's two hours earlier than last year. may see's is the first major retailer to announce store hours for the black friday weekend. most of the stores will stay open until 10:00 p.m. on black friday. now apparently, flight attendants aren't very partial to your tablets during take offs and landings. >> now, they're suing. the country largest flight attendants union claiming that tablets and smart phones distract passengers from watc watching emergency instructions and also adds the gadgets ca canning projectiles during turbulent it's suing the faa. the administration recently relaxed rules for using electronics during take off and landing. the union wants the restrictions brought back. talk about a surprise of a lifetime. what one woman thought was stomach cramp was that a set of twins. and they were ready to come out as you can see. why she and her husband say it was actually a blessing they didn't know. >> and how much would you pay to never have to wipe down any of your windows again? you can have this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. ♪ i thought it'd be bigger. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. with the card most accepted in the philadelphia region, you have the power to do more. independence blue cross. live fearless. >> breaking news. a carjacker drove off with five year old looking for a tan ford escort with new jersey plates 866ebc the child's name a jania davis, five years old 30 to 35 pounds. 4 feet tall light complexion wear blue jeans an pink shirt. the vehicle was stolen from the area of brunswick avenue and race street earlier tonight. >> in massachusetts a man started digging up a grave near where the salem witch trials happened. the historic salem cemetery was packed with tourists as he dug on monday. visitors thought 26 year old brian thomas bennett worked there. by the time authorities arrived he'd be digging for two hours. witnesses say you could actually see the top of the crypt. >> he actually said to a few folks that it was a decedent of his of his family. he had a few tools with him and brushing away, he had a good four by foursquare going on there with the, n front of the gravestone. >> prosecutors have charged bennett with desecrating a place of burial and disorderly conduct. his mother says he suffers from mental illness. she says he had stopped taking his meds. >> out of control golf cart has hurt 10 students at a fresno california intermediate school. police say a seventh grade special needs student jumped into the cart while students were changing classes and accidentally ran into a group of teenagers. two students are seriously injured. a woman walks into a clinic with stomach pains and walks out with twins. it was a wild surprise for an iowa couple who say they had no idea they were expecting. last week shelby gave birth to twin girls and she says she had no idea she was pregnant. the twins are also mono amniotic that's extremely rare they shared one blah 10 in a and one sack with a significant risk of death for one or both babies during the pregnancy. >> still trying to process. it's crazy. how high risk mono mono twins can be and how good they're doing now. really blessing. the girls will spend the next several weeks in the nicu but doctors expect the girls to be just fine. >> how would you like to never ever worry about washing your windows again? because there's now robot for that. steve noviello puts the win bott to the test to find out if it's a deal or dud. ♪ >> reporter: the win bott is the window cleaning robot. yes, packed with pads remote and even cleaning solution, this robot really does do windows. so says the manufacturer. >> it's bigger and heavier than i thought. i'm wondering if it stays stuck to the windows. >> reporter: but first -- the glass. >> whoever is washing windows is doing a very good job. >> reporter: it's really really clean. so at the suggestion of the product rep we mess it up with hand lotion. the win bott is designed to maintain clean windows not to perform a deep clean on the very dirty window we've created so we know that this might take a minute. the cleaning solution is added to the larger of the two pads the unit gets plugged in, turned on and suction starts which keeps the robot on the glass. ♪ >> reporter: winbot seems to effort lesley map out the sides and shape of the glass even our first pass gets the surface pretty clean. especially considering the very small amount of spray solution that's required for use. >> it wasn't a large amount of product that we used. >> reporter: more importantly, it left us with a surface more representative of the kind of maintenance cleaning the winbot is designed for so we switch out the pads, rei spray, and let this window wonder get to work. at the end of its cycle -- >> i see a couple of smudges in the corners but most of the lotion we started with came off. >> reporter: our window was clean. >> it didn't cover a large window in a reasonable amount of time. >> reporter: winbot, deal or dead. >> i'd say deal. >> unlike other cleaning robots we've tested the winbot seemed to navigate well through the entire surface of the glass. a warning you'll need to make sure that your cord is long enough otherwise the device can become unplugged and you'll need to use the remote to navigate it down off the glass. clean windows don't come cheap the win bott retails for $400. >> 400 is a lot of win deck. i'm just saying. that is a lot. >> a lot of money. you would hate for it to get stuck on the second level way up there. yeah, you would. it was pretty impressive. four hadn't dread bucks is a little much. >> you got to have an ex tense cord. i got a guy for that. >> he's got a guy for everythi everything. >> there's controversy tonight over new zealand fashion designer's comments about weight and fashion. this all began when a law student tweeted this picture of a skinny mannequin. you can see the ribcage on the mannequin. emily robbins says it portrays a bad image for younger the designer denise corbett the woman in the red collar defended it on new zealand television saying "it looks better on skinny people. models have always been skinny. she says the world has bigger controversies than fashion. the philadelphia history museum honored mayor nutter and the citi' first lady lisa nutter tonight. they came at a museum fundraise sr. called city social besides honoring the nutters the event is a celebration of philadelph philadelphia's have i bran past. >> here's a little dead tee that some eagles fans might be into. trouble for the dallas cowboys. cowboys running back joseph randall has been busted for shoplifting. police in a dallas suburb say randall took underwear and cologne from a mall department store without paying. he was detained by store security and later taken to the city's jail before posting bond. maybe he didn't like his scent. >> i was waiting for a howard -- just wait, wait long enough and howard has got something on that one. >> i hope he didn't use too much. all right. the 76ers -- cowboys sting any way. the 76ers already have enough problems. but add an injury problem where they weren't completely honest with the fans. that's shocking and the flyers still trying to do anything to win game. push, should have, tonight it win game. push, should have, tonight it we - ( helicopterrr whiing ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ come and get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ♪ >> i know it's early in the season but the flyers should be concerned. it's only four games but they still haven't won a game and lost for the second straight game in a shootout. let's go to the wells fargo center. all right. off the face off, in the first period, anaheim scores. that's not good. that's tim jackson. 12 minutes not game. they actually led two to nothing but the flyers did come back in the second period. wayne simmonds who scores his fifth goal. it's in there and it's two-two but the flyers did fall behind at the end of the third -- end of the second three hiv two. but in the third period, jake vorachek ties it up for the flyers again. all right. so it's three-three. flyers don't like overtimes they don't like shootouts and they won't like it tonight. this guy played in his third game in the nhl ever. william kyle son. the shoot out, the flyers lose it, four-three. all right. the 76ers have not been very honest in the past with injuries and were outed by their own player this time. michael carter williams had surgery on a torn lay barack obama after the season in may. the sixers said rehab would be two to four months. mcw said that's not true. doctors told him six to nine months he won't be ready for the opening of the season and maybe much more. the sixers just trying to do anything to sell tickets. all right. to night in syracuse they sold them up there because michael carter williams that's where he played -- he's not playing tonight. nerlins noel the turnover had four of them. 12 points, 11 rebounds. carmelo had 17. the knicks win it 84-77. eagles players have the week off going into their bye week. why not when a team is five and one. but when chip kelly was questioned about what the media called poor play by his defensive backs cary williams and brad the fletcher chip was just being chip. >> i think a lot of times you guys are wrong. seriously. that's what i really think. so then when we start listening to people outside of here we'll be in trouble. we would be wrong. i think those guys played really really well. >> it's called noise by chip kelly. that's what it's called. noise. >> all right. i like that. >> thank you. >> we are still following breaking news for you tonight in trenton and the search for a missing child police say a carjacker drove off with a five year old they are looking for a tan forward for escape with new jersey plates h66ebc the child's name is jania davis, five years old, 30 to 35 pounds, about 4 feet with a light complexion wearing a blue jeans and a pink shirt. the vehicle was stolen from an area of brunswick avenue and race street earlier tonight. if you know anything, you're asked to call police. >> of course, with anything like this, time is always of the essence. got to find her right away. exactly. all right. thanks for watching. remember tmz is coming up next. we're back at 4:00 a.m. for the fox 29 morning news and "good day philadelphia". so be sure to stay tuned. >> get ready for whole lot of rain, right, scott. >> that's right. tomorrow evening. this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years? distribution] >> today on "tmz," >> chris brown has learned a lesson about ebola. >> he tweeted, he said, seriously the ebola might be a form of population control. >> people got upset about that. >> actually he said, [bleep] is getting crazy brah. >> amal clooney. she is back to work. >> amal clooney? >> i just like that she went back to her job. she could have done nothing for the rest of her life. >> let's just say she would have put on 50 pounds. >> he's gone 40 pounds -- [laughter] >> there is a giant instagram beef between iggy

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