Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20140902 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20140902

going to blow up or something. i just wanted to get him out. i don't know how i pulled him out. >> the emotional reunion between a good samaritan, the man she saved and his mom. >> and he thought he had hit the jackpot. his dream job at atlantic city's new hot spot. >> trying to figure out how you're going to pay your bills. it's hard. >> now he and thousands of others wonder how they'll see their families after revel goes bust. ♪ >> happening right now, the final hours before revel closes its doors for good. the hotel is already empty and now gamblers are getting in. their final bets in the failed casino. good evening i'm lucy nolan. iain page is off. fox 29's chris o'connell is live in atlantic city and, chris, a lot of people were betting on this very casino's success. >> reporter: they sure were, lucy. in about seven hours from now, at 5:00 a.m. sharp, revel casino will close its doors for good. i was actually here two years ago for the opening of revel under much fanfare, much celebration. well torque night it is a much different story as you look up at the $2 billion glitzy glass and steel resort. it is now dark tonight and has officially gone bust. in the final hours of gaming the floor at revel casino was more like a ghost town. dealers and gap gamblers saying their final goodbyes. the sign has been removed as operations begin to shut down on what was supposed to be atlantic city's crown jewel. >> see this big glistening building in the sky and you're, you know, it's gorgeous and then you're hoping that, you know, this is where your last stop is going to be. >> reporter: my farrell gamble his career on revel. >> it's very somber. a lot of people depressed, you know. everybody is in the same boat. >> reporter: shortly after opening two years ago, farrell scored his dream job, working as an executive chef at luke's kitchen and marketplace. one of revel's dozen eat reece. but monday farrell spent his final day at revel packing up and turning out the lights. and as of monday night, he's unemployed along with 3,000 other revel employees who have no idea when or where their paycheck will come from. >> there's lot of us that we're hungry. he were want to work and we want to make a living for our families. >> reporter: it's the second of three casinos to shut its doors in atlantic city within three weeks. casino gamblers were busy playing their last slot,ing out that are last chip. some just holding on to some souvenirs of atlantic city's biggest and cost lee yesterday failure ever. what is next for revel is anyone's guess. for farrell, he's now looking for another job, another way to support his wife and two children. >> you're trying to figure out where you're going to pay your bills and it's just -- it's hard, you know, i mean i got two kids. my wife, my daughters and it's just like where is the money going to come from? >> reporter: and earlier tomorrow morning officials with new jersey division of gaming enforcement will arrive on site as revel officials will officially hand over their casino gaming license then revel will be closed for good. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, chris. and guess who spent the night at the revel had to be out by 11:00 this morning. that is one when the hotel closed right after dozens of people lined up for revel's last pool party at hq beach club. despite the resort's trouble the pool has been hot spot all summer. >> we've been coming all summer for the pool party. i'm surprised because these dj's are such big names. you know, that's not staying open after all of this. >> the nightclub at revel has also drawn huge crowds and you might remember beyonce' performed three shows at revel's ovation hall to celebrate the resort's grand opening. in northeast philadelphia, neighborhood is just fed up with vandals. people got up this morning to find windshield of 10 cars smashed and they say it's not the first time someone has purposely damaged their property. fox 29's sabina cure rows life in the northeast and do police have any leads at all? >> reporter: right now, lucy, northeast detectives are investigating. victims say they believe this was just a random incident but that doesn't make the any less serious. when you take look at the damage on just this one car alone. that's a big crack, about the size of a baseball. same story for the other cars along this street. now neighbors say this isn't just expensive and inconvenient but it's down right disturbing. >> this is a brand new windshield. and just shocking somebody come by here and do this. >> reporter: windshield of darrell white's brand new sedan bashed in not once but twice. baseball sized cracks the calling card of a neighborhood vandal that struck overnight. >> iran outside to look at my car. >> reporter: his wife got the same rude awakening labor day morning. 10 cars parked along the 5200 block of f street in northeast philly were cracked and shattered glass this truck has gaping holes in its rear canvass. >> can't get it fix today because it's the holiday. >> we'll have to pay it out of pocket. you know, this damage. >> reporter: neighbors say the damage was done overnight around 2:30 in the morning. we found several surveillance cameras in the area but told they didn't capture the incident. >> some kind of labor day. >> what a labor day. >> reporter: fallout from the shattered glass is more than canceled plans or the two to 400 buck. the vandals shattered they're piece of mind and adds to a growing sense of unease in the neighborhood. >> not the first time that our cars have been vandalized on this block. for the past six years or seven years, our cars have been vandalized our side mirrors have been broken off, our windshields have been broken with stones and bricks. you know, we least expect it. we come out in the morning and our cars are, you know, destroyed or vandalized. i'm really frustrated because we work hard for what we have. >> reporter: and as you heard there because of the holiday a lot of these repair shops in the area are closed. so victims have to wait until tomorrow before they can get their cars fixed. again police are investigating. if you know anything about this, call northeast detectives. lucy? >> hopefully they get this person very soon. thatching sabina. any signs of made in america festival are gone tonight. the two-day concert rocked the ben franklin parkway with some of the hottest new si cal acts around. crews were on the streets as soon as the show ended breaking down the stage and cleaning up the surrounding streets. a hot and sticky end to the long holiday weekend. you know, they had to actually postpone the concert for little bit interrupted it remember they had evacuate then everybody came back in. so they had an hour break last night because of weather, scott. >> that's right. we saw showers and storms yesterday. temperatures yesterday were in the low 90s and the high today made it up to 89 degrees. it's still pretty warm and steamy stepping outdoors right now. 81 degrees. you can see market street we're looking at a humidity of 77%. 86 degrees is what it still feels like at this hour. earlier this evening, we were watching some showers and thunderstorms around the honey brook area wallace toward downingtown it really just fizzled over the last hour or so. so once again, most of us were just dry but we are still pretty muggy if you're stepping outdoors. in fact, take look at the current heat index what it actually feels like right now. it feels like 85 degrees currently in dover. it feels like 83 in wilmington. it feels like 80 right now in allentown. so over the next 12 hours, it's going to stay steamy for the overnight. we're looking at temperatures in the mid 70s by 4:00 a.m. what about 10:00 o'clock temperatures tomorrow morning it's already going to be 83 degrees. we'll talk about just how hot it gets lucy for tomorrow and also how long this heat is going to stick around. >> all right. talk then, scott. bucks county a very tough start to the school year for students at council rock high school south. three teens died over the weekend when their suv overturned and as fox 29's lauren johnson reports, the community is now coming together to help the families and friends through their unimagable loss. >> reporter: somber students -- >> she was devastated. non-stop crying. >> reporter: showing up at school. days early. >> we'll just make sure we wrap around our school community as best we can. >> reporter: to grieve. >> it's awesome they can do this for us. >> reporter: administrators at council rock high school south -- >> we just want to be here. we want to comfort and gather and start to unfold that grieving process today. >> reporter: are making changes. >> some of the festivities we would have for orientation we'll going to dial back. >> reporter: days before school is set to start. >> it's going to be awful. everybody will be really upset about what happened and everything. >> reporter: to help students cope with tragedy. >> everyone is crying, just very sad. tears of where. no one really wanted to talk about it. everyone was there. >> reporter: sadness surrounding the deaths of three sophomore students who died in an auto accident saturday. >> just three bright lights, three tremendous individuals who shared their gifts and talents with council rock high school south and those bright lights were extinguished way too soon. >> reporter: the students identified as cullen keffer, brian lesher and shamus digney. >> tuning athletes. am dem klee high achievers, great families, um, just tremendous loss. >> reporter: coping is never easy. >> today we're not going to tell kids it's going to be all right because it's not going to be all right. >> reporter: 15 year old olivia says it will get better thanks to counselors had care. >> just let everything out. don't hold it in because that will just make it worse. >> fox 29's lauren johnson tells us, grief counselors will be on hand at the school all week. freshmen orientation is tomorrow. upper classmen return on wednesday. in philadelphia, police are asking for your help to find a missing man. he suffers from schizophrenia and has not been taking his medication. 51 year old victor smith was last seen yesterday afternoon in the 2400 block of north 32nd street. so if you know anything that might help find him, give philadelphia police a call. >> nude pictures of actress jennifer lawrence and other celebrities are splashed all over the internet tonight. it looks like hackers stole the private photos but the question is, how did they get to them? fox's lisa evers looks at one of the theories. >> reporter: oscar winning actress jennifer lawrence leads a list of at least one had dread celebrities whose private nude photos were allegedly hacked. kate upton is also reportedly on the list along with singer arianna grande and actor keystone dunst. >> the rumor more mill suggested ab i cloud vol are in ability. >> there was no no way i cloud was breached. the security profession at apple would allow their service to be hacked. >> reporter: i cloud storage system is used by more than 320 million people worldwide to store photos and other personal data. tech blogs are blazing with rumors despite it's security shield there was an open back door through the find my iphone service for hacker getting celebrity passwords is not as difficult as it might seem. >> the celebrities have certain account that is more than like y were utilizing the same user name and password across multiple accounts and one of those accounts was hacked. >> reporter: some tech bloggers believe the picks were collected over time through i cloud ripping. for hackers it's about fame and fortune selling the photos on the black-market. >> there's a high dollar value to be able to have that nude photo and then to be the first one with it to market. there are others that will pay lot of money for that. to expos it publicly. >> and as always, security experts say the best way to protect yourself is to use a different password for every account and change them often. fire traps three children inside their home. firefighters are nowhere to be seen so a neighbor knew he had to act. >> got to get him out of there and i was the only one there. >> he busted right in and dragged the children to the window, but one couldn't climb out. how he kept that child safe until help arrived. and the race to get ready for school. parents and their children making a mad dash for supplies the night before classes start. what greeted the last minute shoppers just might surprise you. plus, not again. alec baldwin getting heated with a cop in the ham tons this time he doesn't end up in handcuffs. how a photographer actually kept ♪ >> first day of school for thousands of children in our area tomorrow and hopefully by now their clothes are laid out and they're already in bed. i know for fact mine is not quite there yet. fox 29's drew dickman shows us how some families in delaware county finished getting ready. >> there's green, there's yellow, there's red. >> reporter: tough decisions of being a kid. >> for charlie keal second grade starts tuesday. and he needs a folder without prongs. he and his older sister deanna could only find one in pink. >> i'm not going to be the kid with pink. >> there you go. >> reporter: he wasn't going to budge on that either. >> i'm not getting pink. >> deanna didn't need pennsylvania, pencils or paper. she's set for the start of eighth grade. >> i'm kind of nervous it will be easy as pie so i'm pretty much excited for it. more than nervous. >> reporter: upon nikau long looked up her seventh grade sons splice on her cell phone g they were facebook page. >> reporter: long and the other moms didn't seem stressed at all checking off their lists at the 11th hour. >> it's better than the last minute. >> reporter: seventh grader lexi peters couldn't careless about add agnew notebook to the cart. she's more concerned with adding to her wardrobe. >> i got lot already, but i what happened more. >> reporter: juggling busy summer schedules made this the best time for her mom diane in take her three children shoppi shopping. while she'll miss them at home she's happy to send them back to class. >> i do look forward it to. this way everybody gets back in routine an schedule. i know we're doing our school shopping we're getting back on schedule. >> reporter: these families are not alone. target employees say a large majority of back to school shopping happens the weekend before school starts. reporting in glenn mills, drew dickman fox 29 news. >> in camden an entire barbershop spent the day making sure hundreds of children will look their best when they head back to school in the morning. children lined up all day long for free haircuts at louville's six barbers worked non-stop to make sure everybody got just the right look. the co owner says this is about giving back to his community. >> some people can't really afford to pay $10 a haircut with a family four boys and also buy clothes, school supplies, you know, thing like that. >> it all adds up quickly. it plans to make this an annual event. britain's prime minister deals with isis. that as the american plan of action for fighting the terrorist group remains in question. today prime minister david cameron nouned new measures to combat the growing international threat posed by isis. among other things, they will give police power to seize terror suspects passports to keep radicalized british nationals in iraq and syria from returning to the uk. >> the idea that someone can go from this country, go to syria declare jihad, make all sorts of plans to doing us damage and contemplate returning to britain declared their allegiance with another state that is the problem we need to address. >> today the uk also raised its threat level to severe from substantial. and u.s. officials believe as many as one hadn't dread americans have joined the isis ranks. president obama is under heavy criticism for not yet having a concrete strategy for taking on the islamic state. meanwhile the crisis in ukraine continues, nato leade ls could this week decide to create a rapid response force. and start stockpiling military equipment in eastern europe. the goal is to protect its member nations from russia the proposed new force could comprise of several thousand troops contributed by the 28 nato countries on rotating bas basis. the unit would be backed by air and by sea. nato's chief says the organization could deploy the unit on very short notice to help nato members defend themselves against any threat and that includes from russia. >> summer travel season has now wound down and so is the number of people visiting our nation's most treasured landmarks. national parks of course receive a high level of protection and funding from the government. lawmakers became deadlocked last fall forcing the shut down, money to keep those treasures up and running ran out. the government estimates that translated to nearly 8 million fewer visitors to national parks and that costs the parks and surrounding communities an estimated 414 million lost tourism dollars. >> there's nothing sort of more patriotic or sort of symbolic of about what america stands for than their national parks. >> we have not received adequate appropriations in order to even keep even. >> the national park service is about to launch a centennial campaign promoting 100 years of its existence. the park service hoping visitors will whip outsmart phones to share their park stories on social media and that would generate a whole bunch of free advertising, of course. we've got great little weather app as well. you can follow all kinds of live doppler. whatever scott will eau william has his finger of the pulse on you do. too how goes it scott. >> you can follow this heat and humidity. extra hair spray today. extra hair spray tonight as well as tomorrow. look at the temperatures right now. 79 in wilmington. still 80 degrees current until dover. low 80s in wildwood. but you factor in the humidity it feels like mid 80s right now in philadelphia, feeling like 86 degrees at this late hour. so let's talk about that wake up weather for your tuesday morning. it's going to be a steamy and sunny start. upper 60s in the suburbs. low 70s in the city. so get ready to warm up rapidly during the day tomorrow. ultimate doppler right now fairly quiet. we were watching a pretty potent thunderstorm impacting northern sections of chester county you can see how that really fell apart with the loss of the daytime heating. coming up we'll talk about how hot it gets for the remainder of the week as well as more shower and thunderstorm chances in the offing later tomorrow with the timing of that and more coming up. >> oh, joy. thank you very much, scott. talk to you then. she made history swimming from cuba to florida without a shark cage a grueling journey that took five tries and 53 hours in the water not to mention countless jelly fish stings. would diana do it all over again. >> saying goodbye to one high school mascot. some called him offensive when they say -- woo they say simply retiring this uniform is not enough. plus he broke into a burning home to save three trapped children and their mom. this neighbor then drag them to the window but one of them couldn't get out. what he did to protect that couldn't get out. what he did to protect that childwhat's with the suit? oh, i had to go to the bank. if you look legit they give you special treatment. seriously? seriously, yeah. the banker dude set up my checking account so if i make one deposit a month, no monthly maintenance fee. special treatment! citizens bank, right? yep. you know they do that one deposit checking thing for everyone, right? got mustard on your suit. actually, it's your suit. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee. >> memorable holiday weekend for many for all the wrong reasons after some wild weather. it was a washout even dangerous in some parts of the country with torrential rain, thunder and a whole lot of lightning. in massachusetts, cleanup continues after strong winds knocked down trees and power lines near boston. residents say this storm was unlike any they had seen before and in new york lightning struck at least three people at the beach in the bronx. >> it looks like a controversial mascot at a california high school is now retired. the arab as he was called did not show up at the high school's football season opener on frid friday. the belly dancing jeannie usually with him was no show as well. school official say it's the first of many changes to come. the arab made headlines last year when activists called it offensive. >> in georgia a man springs to action after seeing his neighbors home on fire and what he did helped save the lives of four people. firefighters and neighbors are calling eddie hamilton hero. that fire had trapped three children. hamilton heard their screams and busted outwind. two children and their mom escaped but a teenager was still inside. so hamilton ran back in. he was able to drag that boy to the window, but couldn't lift him out. so he waited with the boy until firefighters arrived. >> somebody got to get him out of there and i was the only one there. bust the window out and went to work. got a few scratches and a little cut or two. but that ain't nothing compared to what them children was going through. >> thank goodness he was there. officials say the two younger children are recovering from minor injuries. the teenager remains in the hospital. a local community staple destroyed by flames along with a piece of history. the owner's connection to princess diana next. one driver' mistake that could have cost him his life. ♪ >> i remember hearing just a loud crack and going up in the air slow motion. i just heard a crack. >> but young woman nearby saved his life. next, we're there as they reunite for the first time. and food allergies can make trip to the store a big challenge but a new app can change that with a swipe of your finger. how it makes sure you don't buy anything that could be a danger to you or your family plus a newest celebrity joining the mommy ranks the american idol alum who just announced she's expecting. >> breaking news out of delaware county. emergency crews on the scene of a deadly accident on the 3300 block of folk road in bethel township. police say a car hit tree then overturn. one person did die at the scene. no word on what caused that accident. investigators are looking into what started the fire that destroyed a dry cleaners in roxborough it's not only a terrible loss for the business, but the impact on the community is much greater than you might imagine. fox 29's bruce gordon shows us why this particular business is so very key to the community. >> reporter: firefighters stayed on scene for most of the day pouring water on the charred remains of a neighborhood icon. among those who came to mourn, was kim sim mr. man a former employee. >> i lost my husband of 25 years in 2006 it wasn't for harvey i would have probably killed myself. >> reporter: he was a good boss, it sounds like a good businessman, a good community -- >> he was my friend. not just my boss. >> the fire was reported at 5:00 a.m. and burned out of control for nearly 90 minutes before firefighters got the upper hand. there were no injuries but the place was a total loss. >> i think it's the first major fire we've had here in roxborough if in a long time. i'll tell you that. i can't remember one this big. >> reporter: award cut p.m. dry cleaners has been at ridge avenue and walnut lane since 1968. own are in harvey includes the museum of art and the national constitution center among his clients. regular folks sing his praises the loudest. george hull mel brings his american flag here every year. >> i was going to have it fixed and pay for it. i pick it up and the guy says no charge. what do you mean no charge? american flags we don't charge to stitch them or clean them. >> reporter: award does its work on the premises. meaning there were lots of dry cleaning chemicals and lots of customer clothing to burn. more than a few folks told us they had outfits inside that smolders rec wreck of a building g my husband, all his work clothes are in there. all his work clothes? >> yes. >> reporter: all gone? >> yes. that's okay. as long as no one got hurt, and hopefully harvey can rebuild because he was really wonderful asset to our community. >> reporter: harvey is considered a master of his craft. he was chose zen to repair work on a gown worn by princess diane in. he was unavailable for a immediate comment on this fire because he's in the hospital right now for heart surgery. in fact it's not even clear he's aware of the fire. employees told us that family members are trying to keep the information from him for the time being. it's not the kind of stress he needs right now. in the newsroom, bruce gordon, fox 29 news. >> more problems in california not earthquakes this time but wildfires again. more than 2,000 firefighters from across the nation are right now fighting a swath of wildfires in northern californ california. they have been waging this battle for more than three weeks now. the flames have consumed more than 63,000 acres and firefighters have the fire only 15% contained. we've had crews from alaska, we have crews from the new england states, and everything in between. we've got folks from florida. and just about every state you can imagine. >> lightning originally started the wildfires across the national for ref. >> the search is on to tonight for the alligator that eight a family pet near an orlando lake. the man was walking his 10 month old pitbull this morning when gator came out of the lake and attack the dog and pulled it under the water. the dog own are in just could not save his puppy. neighbors actually people who live nearby say they have seen that gator and they're worried about the neighborhood children. >> kids go back and forth to scolia run here. they see something like they don't know what's going onley alligator. probably one of them could be eaten. >> in order fish and wildlife officers spent all day looking for that gator but no luck finding it as of yet. they'll resume their search in the morning. in texas emotional reunion as a mother meets the woman she calls her sons guardian angel. a horrific crash should have killed him but tonight all three meet again and foxes melissa cut there are was there. anna never met the union woman had saved her son's a year ago. last august carlos hernandez was driving home late at night southbound on i45 near palmer when he dozed off behind the wheel. a deep ditch on the side of the road turned into a launching ramp. >> when i went down all i remember is hearing allowed crack and just going up in the air slow motion it felt like. slow motion and i just heard a crack. report roar the car flipped, the 25 year old blacked out. >> jut gives me the chills thinking about it. >> reporter: he lost a ton of blood and gained a lot of scars. >> cut one of my arteries like an artery and had i not applied pressure to that as much as i did i would have bled out. >> reporter: a woman drove up saw the wreck and during him in the car. he doesn't remember it. >> she was taking care of me making sure i put up a fight. >> reporter: about the same time at home anna heard a knock at the door. it was the sheriff. >> the thing that ran through my head was like my son is dead. >> reporter: she rushed to the scene. >> on the driver's side it was all smashed in and it was sitting with tires up. if it wasn't because of her i wouldn't have my son here with me. i'm ready to meet her. >> reporter: monday, she did. >> thank you. my angel. >> the woman who saved carlos is 21 year old ashley pritchett. she came across car parts scattered across the service road. she got out and called out into the night. >> i was really afraid it was going to blow up or something. i just wanted to get hem out. i don't know how i pulled him out. >> she surprised even herself. >> the door was reall really jad and he didn't -- i think i pull him out of the window. the next morning i was actually sore. >> carlos is still recuperating with 31 staples in his head. 21 stitches in his arms and anna gave ash al necklace of an angel for watching over her son. >> you're precious. >> thank you for saving my son's life. >> finding hottest new gadget while giving people the chance to make their dreams come true next we'll explain quirky. >> after five tries and a 53 hour grueling swim in shark infested water will diana try to make history again. her answer ahead. plus alec baldwin in trouble again. mad about a photographer getting too close he ends up in a cop's face. how that same photographer kept face. how that same photographer kept the a huh, fifteen minutes could face. hosave you fifteen percent orpt the amore on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know the great wall of china wasn't always so great? hmmm...what should we do? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. >> actor alec baldwin in yet another confrontation with police. this time in the hamptons and tmz has the video. it shows baldwin yelling at the officer. tmz says police were about to arrest baldwin for not only pu pushing a photographer but putting him in a head lock. they did not arrest the actor because the photographer declined to press charges. >> in your money tonight, a change that could have you paying up more for a child to apply alone american airlines is about to raise the age limit on children flying without having unaccompanied minor status. right now children 12 and older can fly by themselves but as of wednesday, the airline is going to make parents buy it's unaccompanied minor service for children between the ages of five and 14. that will cost an additional $150 for one-way ticket. how often have you had an idea but had no way to get it off the ground? a new company is now helping make it all happen and it's called quirky. the new york city based business uses online community of nearly 1 million members to give feedback on pitched inventions. they then take a vote to see which products get launched. inventors garden lesley turned the company -- turned to the company for help. he is the man behind something called the smart window air-conditioner it can turn the unit on remotely with an app and quirky is helping lesley's dream become reality. >> feels great to see like people' ideas come to life have them be on row tail shelves and know that idea wouldn't be out in the world had not be for the infrastructure and the services that we provide as company. >> so quirky designed, patents, manufacturers and markets the invention taking ownership of the idea, however, the inventor receives perpetual royalties. you can already find some of the company's 100 products in big box retailers. next, winning the fight against food allergies with a simple tap on your touch screen. the app that promises to find any ingredient that might pose a danger to your family. hey, scott. >> hi there, lucy. a stem me labor day evening across our area. humidity at 77%. but how long will it las ♪ ♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. ♪ >> singer cary underwood is expecting her very first child. the 31 year old american idol winner is married to nhl player mike fisher. the couple posted the big news on the social media accounts this afternoon. they say their baby will arrive in the spring so a big congratulations to them. from food allergies to dieting knowing exactly what's in the food you buy can be challenge how do you keep track of what goes in your trouble. a couple of young entrepreneurs think they've hit upon an answer. lloyd gets a taste of food finding technology. ♪ >> reporter: when brian devito goes for groceries he takes his app. >> grab the bar code here. check out good for mow. >> reporter: the she'll means the item is safe for him. with the ingredients he wants. >> we're saying you decide what you do or don't want in your food and we'll help you get there. >> reporter: if there's an ingredient he doesn't want -- >> i have a problem it chips. >> reporter: a frown face because of sunflower oil in this case one of 30 ingredients he has to stay away from because of a digestive disorder. >> it's a bigger problem than lot of people think and the solutions and the tools that are out there are very limited. >> reporter: with more people becoming more concerned about what's in their food, brian and his partner zach are developing the app called waz in it. >> i'm asking what's waz in it. >> what's up! >> reporter: they think their app could be hit. both financially and the fact that it can really help people. that's right now filling their database with the ingredients of thousand of products. to use it, you download the app, tell it which ingredients you don't want. >> what do you want to drink. >> if you get frown you can cull call up the specific ingredient that set it off. >> we come up with an idea we melted together. >> reporter: work in progress. >> if you'd like to help test it and give us feedback on how to make the better and what you want it to be -- >> they've been so focused and bar codes their t-shirts can even be scanned. >> go ahead. troy to scan it. >> there it is. waz in >> mr. shoppers asking waz in it they hope their happen with its food frowns and smiles will pay off. lloyd sours, fox news. >> super cool idea. seems very complex. almost one year later and key west florida honoring endurance swimmer diane on her historic swim. the city honored her at a ceremony did were you a year ago she completed her 111-mile odyssey from havana, cuba to key west before last year' successful swim diana had tried it for times before. each time falling short. this time -- fifth time is the charm for diana. >> when someone says to me, are you going to do it again? i just shake my head and said are you insane? why would i do that again? there are other mountains to climb and this one was a 35 year dream and it's over. how could you have better story and a better ending? >> perfect ending along with the plaque a live size sculpture of n night idea is going up in key west. it's so hard to recognize when she's not all puff foe from the stings from the jelly fish and salt water. >> she looks like a different woman right now. >> exactly. >> the weather won't look any different tomorrow than it was today. in fact it's really going to be carbon copy. we're looking at 90-degree heat and humidity and more pop up showers and storms. ultimate doppler was pretty active especially in northern chester county about an hour and a half ago around honey brook, some very heavy torrential rains. thunderstorm activity with that but it really just fizzled as it approached the philadelphia area so most of us are dry but it's very humid when you're stepping outdoors. you can see for the overnight we're going to stay warm, very muggy right now. kind of sultry here in old city. you can see market street and by tomorrow, 90-degree heat back to work even back to school for some. so dress appropriately and stay hydrated drinking that water. evening scattered storms in the forecast by the middle of the week it stays hot. but it's not going to be as had you mid let's talk about the high temperature for today in philadelphia. 89 degrees. we were close to 90 degrees but still above the normal for this time of year which is 83 degre 83 degrees. the record high for today's date it was 97 degrees back in 1953. as we look at temperatures right now, still pretty warm upper 70s in trenton. low 80s philadelphia. 79 right now in wilmington. 80 degrees currently in dover. look at wildwood checking in at 79 degrees. but you factor in that humidity, and it still fels like 86 degrees right now in philly. it feels like mid 80s in dover and low 80s currently in wilmington. so we've been talking about that dew point. the measure of moisture in the atmosphere. any time it's above 60 it's going to feel uncomfortable but right now we have dew points in the 70s. so very oppressive when you step outdoors. satellite/radar and showing fairly quiet conditions right now. off to the west we're watching some showers and thunderstorms. some heavy rainfall in northern sections of oklahoma. for tomorrow, we'll watch a cold front approach the area tomorrow evening. so as we watch the timing, you can see a dry start to your tuesday. but watch the clock. as we move into the afternoon especially evening, we'll be watching out for some evening storms especially after, say, dinnertime tomorrow north and west but for tonight it stays pretty sultry. low 70s in the city. 91 degrees for the high temperature tomorrow with those evening pop up showers and storms beginning north and west after din are in. 91 degrees for the high temperature tomorrow. luce so, not as humid as we move into your wednesday. but it's still going to be hot. 89 degrees for the high. hazy sunshine on thursday. 89. 90 on friday. a warm and muggy start to the weekend a few scattered showers and storms. but if you don't like the heat, wait until sunday and monday of next week. temperatures drop into the low 80s. even 70s. that's it for high temperatures next monday. so something for everyone. >> i was going to say a little something something for everyone. love it. guess who is in the house? the one and only howard eskin. >> well, suppose somebody wants snow? there's not someone for everyone. >> that's true. we'll get that soon enough. >> come on howard play the game with us. >> i'm playing. sometimes i use my own rules. all right. the excitement should be on the field at a football game not what you'll see coming up. phillies did something that has not happened in the history of phillies baseball franchise. that goes back 131 years. and how did cole hamels feel being pulled out of that no hitt >> there have been many things good and bad in phil hess history. phillies pitchers combined to no hit the braves hasn't happened in 131 years for the phils. let's go to atlanta and cole hamels was the starter. he had a no hitter and this saved the no hitter. he had to leave. marlon byrd with the catch in the third inning. that was the toughest play. seventh innin inning cole ham hs comes out with no hitter. they score in the inning. the player that pinch hit for him did score. ben revere comes in the game with 15 rbi's in the season. outfielders are playing softball shallow here. hits a triple with bases loaded knocks in five today. in the seventh deek money no hits. all right in the eighth and giles, no hits. and then in the ninth papelbon the last out. no hitter combined over four pitchers for the phillies and they win it seven to nothing. cole hamels can be emotionally guy and complained at times this season when taken out of game. what did he think today he was pulled? i understand, um, i wasn't really necessarily so caught up in the no hits. just for the fact i understood my pitch count, you know, the walks, you know, struggling every inning to be able to try to maintain and get a head of hitters and i was able to do that. i was fighting the whole time and just not very comforting thing because we're trying to win and we didn't have the lead as much we would like during that time. >> he got through it. homerun derby tonight. washington and la to dodgers stadium. remember jayson werth? hit over .350 in august. tonight he hit as homerun. his 16th of the year. but the nationals didn't stop there. denard span had two homeruns tonight. they're leading four homeruns tonight leading the dodgers six to three. all right. when you're a football game -- by the way phillies brought up miguel franco from the minor leagues and he'll play in the next few days. >> you're at a football game. sometimes fans get carried away literally. let's go to buffalo. people kid about buffalo all the time. watch the guy on the railing to the right here. he slides down the railing. now nobody was hurt. but this dope slides down the railing, now i don't know what he had to drink but i can guarantee it wasn't coffee. all right. are you kidding me. >> he wasn't hurt no he wasn't hurt. >> my son tried to slide down these thing. he was stadium, what are you doing you're going to fall. he fell down and hurt himself. >> he didn't get hurt g luckily that's my son there. >> that's razz see. >> it is buffalo. >> all right. >> is that your excuse. >> thank you very much. howard and scott. >> thank you for spending your night with us. the fox 29 morning news begins at 4:00 o'clock. you know what's coming up next two hours of news a [captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz" -- >> okey doke. ppy labor day. [applause] today, we are going to have a pie-eating contest where you're eating your way to a celebrity. here's what we're going to do. we're going to put a pie on the table. we're going to call in somebody. you have to root through the pie with your face and then pull the clue out with your teeth and guess the celebrity. >> katie, go. all right, go. >> whoa. she is -- i get it. >> blonde, makes over $5,000 per hour. she's gorgeous. gisele. >> yay! >> she came to play. >> a n

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going to blow up or something. i just wanted to get him out. i don't know how i pulled him out. >> the emotional reunion between a good samaritan, the man she saved and his mom. >> and he thought he had hit the jackpot. his dream job at atlantic city's new hot spot. >> trying to figure out how you're going to pay your bills. it's hard. >> now he and thousands of others wonder how they'll see their families after revel goes bust. ♪ >> happening right now, the final hours before revel closes its doors for good. the hotel is already empty and now gamblers are getting in. their final bets in the failed casino. good evening i'm lucy nolan. iain page is off. fox 29's chris o'connell is live in atlantic city and, chris, a lot of people were betting on this very casino's success. >> reporter: they sure were, lucy. in about seven hours from now, at 5:00 a.m. sharp, revel casino will close its doors for good. i was actually here two years ago for the opening of revel under much fanfare, much celebration. well torque night it is a much different story as you look up at the $2 billion glitzy glass and steel resort. it is now dark tonight and has officially gone bust. in the final hours of gaming the floor at revel casino was more like a ghost town. dealers and gap gamblers saying their final goodbyes. the sign has been removed as operations begin to shut down on what was supposed to be atlantic city's crown jewel. >> see this big glistening building in the sky and you're, you know, it's gorgeous and then you're hoping that, you know, this is where your last stop is going to be. >> reporter: my farrell gamble his career on revel. >> it's very somber. a lot of people depressed, you know. everybody is in the same boat. >> reporter: shortly after opening two years ago, farrell scored his dream job, working as an executive chef at luke's kitchen and marketplace. one of revel's dozen eat reece. but monday farrell spent his final day at revel packing up and turning out the lights. and as of monday night, he's unemployed along with 3,000 other revel employees who have no idea when or where their paycheck will come from. >> there's lot of us that we're hungry. he were want to work and we want to make a living for our families. >> reporter: it's the second of three casinos to shut its doors in atlantic city within three weeks. casino gamblers were busy playing their last slot,ing out that are last chip. some just holding on to some souvenirs of atlantic city's biggest and cost lee yesterday failure ever. what is next for revel is anyone's guess. for farrell, he's now looking for another job, another way to support his wife and two children. >> you're trying to figure out where you're going to pay your bills and it's just -- it's hard, you know, i mean i got two kids. my wife, my daughters and it's just like where is the money going to come from? >> reporter: and earlier tomorrow morning officials with new jersey division of gaming enforcement will arrive on site as revel officials will officially hand over their casino gaming license then revel will be closed for good. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, chris. and guess who spent the night at the revel had to be out by 11:00 this morning. that is one when the hotel closed right after dozens of people lined up for revel's last pool party at hq beach club. despite the resort's trouble the pool has been hot spot all summer. >> we've been coming all summer for the pool party. i'm surprised because these dj's are such big names. you know, that's not staying open after all of this. >> the nightclub at revel has also drawn huge crowds and you might remember beyonce' performed three shows at revel's ovation hall to celebrate the resort's grand opening. in northeast philadelphia, neighborhood is just fed up with vandals. people got up this morning to find windshield of 10 cars smashed and they say it's not the first time someone has purposely damaged their property. fox 29's sabina cure rows life in the northeast and do police have any leads at all? >> reporter: right now, lucy, northeast detectives are investigating. victims say they believe this was just a random incident but that doesn't make the any less serious. when you take look at the damage on just this one car alone. that's a big crack, about the size of a baseball. same story for the other cars along this street. now neighbors say this isn't just expensive and inconvenient but it's down right disturbing. >> this is a brand new windshield. and just shocking somebody come by here and do this. >> reporter: windshield of darrell white's brand new sedan bashed in not once but twice. baseball sized cracks the calling card of a neighborhood vandal that struck overnight. >> iran outside to look at my car. >> reporter: his wife got the same rude awakening labor day morning. 10 cars parked along the 5200 block of f street in northeast philly were cracked and shattered glass this truck has gaping holes in its rear canvass. >> can't get it fix today because it's the holiday. >> we'll have to pay it out of pocket. you know, this damage. >> reporter: neighbors say the damage was done overnight around 2:30 in the morning. we found several surveillance cameras in the area but told they didn't capture the incident. >> some kind of labor day. >> what a labor day. >> reporter: fallout from the shattered glass is more than canceled plans or the two to 400 buck. the vandals shattered they're piece of mind and adds to a growing sense of unease in the neighborhood. >> not the first time that our cars have been vandalized on this block. for the past six years or seven years, our cars have been vandalized our side mirrors have been broken off, our windshields have been broken with stones and bricks. you know, we least expect it. we come out in the morning and our cars are, you know, destroyed or vandalized. i'm really frustrated because we work hard for what we have. >> reporter: and as you heard there because of the holiday a lot of these repair shops in the area are closed. so victims have to wait until tomorrow before they can get their cars fixed. again police are investigating. if you know anything about this, call northeast detectives. lucy? >> hopefully they get this person very soon. thatching sabina. any signs of made in america festival are gone tonight. the two-day concert rocked the ben franklin parkway with some of the hottest new si cal acts around. crews were on the streets as soon as the show ended breaking down the stage and cleaning up the surrounding streets. a hot and sticky end to the long holiday weekend. you know, they had to actually postpone the concert for little bit interrupted it remember they had evacuate then everybody came back in. so they had an hour break last night because of weather, scott. >> that's right. we saw showers and storms yesterday. temperatures yesterday were in the low 90s and the high today made it up to 89 degrees. it's still pretty warm and steamy stepping outdoors right now. 81 degrees. you can see market street we're looking at a humidity of 77%. 86 degrees is what it still feels like at this hour. earlier this evening, we were watching some showers and thunderstorms around the honey brook area wallace toward downingtown it really just fizzled over the last hour or so. so once again, most of us were just dry but we are still pretty muggy if you're stepping outdoors. in fact, take look at the current heat index what it actually feels like right now. it feels like 85 degrees currently in dover. it feels like 83 in wilmington. it feels like 80 right now in allentown. so over the next 12 hours, it's going to stay steamy for the overnight. we're looking at temperatures in the mid 70s by 4:00 a.m. what about 10:00 o'clock temperatures tomorrow morning it's already going to be 83 degrees. we'll talk about just how hot it gets lucy for tomorrow and also how long this heat is going to stick around. >> all right. talk then, scott. bucks county a very tough start to the school year for students at council rock high school south. three teens died over the weekend when their suv overturned and as fox 29's lauren johnson reports, the community is now coming together to help the families and friends through their unimagable loss. >> reporter: somber students -- >> she was devastated. non-stop crying. >> reporter: showing up at school. days early. >> we'll just make sure we wrap around our school community as best we can. >> reporter: to grieve. >> it's awesome they can do this for us. >> reporter: administrators at council rock high school south -- >> we just want to be here. we want to comfort and gather and start to unfold that grieving process today. >> reporter: are making changes. >> some of the festivities we would have for orientation we'll going to dial back. >> reporter: days before school is set to start. >> it's going to be awful. everybody will be really upset about what happened and everything. >> reporter: to help students cope with tragedy. >> everyone is crying, just very sad. tears of where. no one really wanted to talk about it. everyone was there. >> reporter: sadness surrounding the deaths of three sophomore students who died in an auto accident saturday. >> just three bright lights, three tremendous individuals who shared their gifts and talents with council rock high school south and those bright lights were extinguished way too soon. >> reporter: the students identified as cullen keffer, brian lesher and shamus digney. >> tuning athletes. am dem klee high achievers, great families, um, just tremendous loss. >> reporter: coping is never easy. >> today we're not going to tell kids it's going to be all right because it's not going to be all right. >> reporter: 15 year old olivia says it will get better thanks to counselors had care. >> just let everything out. don't hold it in because that will just make it worse. >> fox 29's lauren johnson tells us, grief counselors will be on hand at the school all week. freshmen orientation is tomorrow. upper classmen return on wednesday. in philadelphia, police are asking for your help to find a missing man. he suffers from schizophrenia and has not been taking his medication. 51 year old victor smith was last seen yesterday afternoon in the 2400 block of north 32nd street. so if you know anything that might help find him, give philadelphia police a call. >> nude pictures of actress jennifer lawrence and other celebrities are splashed all over the internet tonight. it looks like hackers stole the private photos but the question is, how did they get to them? fox's lisa evers looks at one of the theories. >> reporter: oscar winning actress jennifer lawrence leads a list of at least one had dread celebrities whose private nude photos were allegedly hacked. kate upton is also reportedly on the list along with singer arianna grande and actor keystone dunst. >> the rumor more mill suggested ab i cloud vol are in ability. >> there was no no way i cloud was breached. the security profession at apple would allow their service to be hacked. >> reporter: i cloud storage system is used by more than 320 million people worldwide to store photos and other personal data. tech blogs are blazing with rumors despite it's security shield there was an open back door through the find my iphone service for hacker getting celebrity passwords is not as difficult as it might seem. >> the celebrities have certain account that is more than like y were utilizing the same user name and password across multiple accounts and one of those accounts was hacked. >> reporter: some tech bloggers believe the picks were collected over time through i cloud ripping. for hackers it's about fame and fortune selling the photos on the black-market. >> there's a high dollar value to be able to have that nude photo and then to be the first one with it to market. there are others that will pay lot of money for that. to expos it publicly. >> and as always, security experts say the best way to protect yourself is to use a different password for every account and change them often. fire traps three children inside their home. firefighters are nowhere to be seen so a neighbor knew he had to act. >> got to get him out of there and i was the only one there. >> he busted right in and dragged the children to the window, but one couldn't climb out. how he kept that child safe until help arrived. and the race to get ready for school. parents and their children making a mad dash for supplies the night before classes start. what greeted the last minute shoppers just might surprise you. plus, not again. alec baldwin getting heated with a cop in the ham tons this time he doesn't end up in handcuffs. how a photographer actually kept ♪ >> first day of school for thousands of children in our area tomorrow and hopefully by now their clothes are laid out and they're already in bed. i know for fact mine is not quite there yet. fox 29's drew dickman shows us how some families in delaware county finished getting ready. >> there's green, there's yellow, there's red. >> reporter: tough decisions of being a kid. >> for charlie keal second grade starts tuesday. and he needs a folder without prongs. he and his older sister deanna could only find one in pink. >> i'm not going to be the kid with pink. >> there you go. >> reporter: he wasn't going to budge on that either. >> i'm not getting pink. >> deanna didn't need pennsylvania, pencils or paper. she's set for the start of eighth grade. >> i'm kind of nervous it will be easy as pie so i'm pretty much excited for it. more than nervous. >> reporter: upon nikau long looked up her seventh grade sons splice on her cell phone g they were facebook page. >> reporter: long and the other moms didn't seem stressed at all checking off their lists at the 11th hour. >> it's better than the last minute. >> reporter: seventh grader lexi peters couldn't careless about add agnew notebook to the cart. she's more concerned with adding to her wardrobe. >> i got lot already, but i what happened more. >> reporter: juggling busy summer schedules made this the best time for her mom diane in take her three children shoppi shopping. while she'll miss them at home she's happy to send them back to class. >> i do look forward it to. this way everybody gets back in routine an schedule. i know we're doing our school shopping we're getting back on schedule. >> reporter: these families are not alone. target employees say a large majority of back to school shopping happens the weekend before school starts. reporting in glenn mills, drew dickman fox 29 news. >> in camden an entire barbershop spent the day making sure hundreds of children will look their best when they head back to school in the morning. children lined up all day long for free haircuts at louville's six barbers worked non-stop to make sure everybody got just the right look. the co owner says this is about giving back to his community. >> some people can't really afford to pay $10 a haircut with a family four boys and also buy clothes, school supplies, you know, thing like that. >> it all adds up quickly. it plans to make this an annual event. britain's prime minister deals with isis. that as the american plan of action for fighting the terrorist group remains in question. today prime minister david cameron nouned new measures to combat the growing international threat posed by isis. among other things, they will give police power to seize terror suspects passports to keep radicalized british nationals in iraq and syria from returning to the uk. >> the idea that someone can go from this country, go to syria declare jihad, make all sorts of plans to doing us damage and contemplate returning to britain declared their allegiance with another state that is the problem we need to address. >> today the uk also raised its threat level to severe from substantial. and u.s. officials believe as many as one hadn't dread americans have joined the isis ranks. president obama is under heavy criticism for not yet having a concrete strategy for taking on the islamic state. meanwhile the crisis in ukraine continues, nato leade ls could this week decide to create a rapid response force. and start stockpiling military equipment in eastern europe. the goal is to protect its member nations from russia the proposed new force could comprise of several thousand troops contributed by the 28 nato countries on rotating bas basis. the unit would be backed by air and by sea. nato's chief says the organization could deploy the unit on very short notice to help nato members defend themselves against any threat and that includes from russia. >> summer travel season has now wound down and so is the number of people visiting our nation's most treasured landmarks. national parks of course receive a high level of protection and funding from the government. lawmakers became deadlocked last fall forcing the shut down, money to keep those treasures up and running ran out. the government estimates that translated to nearly 8 million fewer visitors to national parks and that costs the parks and surrounding communities an estimated 414 million lost tourism dollars. >> there's nothing sort of more patriotic or sort of symbolic of about what america stands for than their national parks. >> we have not received adequate appropriations in order to even keep even. >> the national park service is about to launch a centennial campaign promoting 100 years of its existence. the park service hoping visitors will whip outsmart phones to share their park stories on social media and that would generate a whole bunch of free advertising, of course. we've got great little weather app as well. you can follow all kinds of live doppler. whatever scott will eau william has his finger of the pulse on you do. too how goes it scott. >> you can follow this heat and humidity. extra hair spray today. extra hair spray tonight as well as tomorrow. look at the temperatures right now. 79 in wilmington. still 80 degrees current until dover. low 80s in wildwood. but you factor in the humidity it feels like mid 80s right now in philadelphia, feeling like 86 degrees at this late hour. so let's talk about that wake up weather for your tuesday morning. it's going to be a steamy and sunny start. upper 60s in the suburbs. low 70s in the city. so get ready to warm up rapidly during the day tomorrow. ultimate doppler right now fairly quiet. we were watching a pretty potent thunderstorm impacting northern sections of chester county you can see how that really fell apart with the loss of the daytime heating. coming up we'll talk about how hot it gets for the remainder of the week as well as more shower and thunderstorm chances in the offing later tomorrow with the timing of that and more coming up. >> oh, joy. thank you very much, scott. talk to you then. she made history swimming from cuba to florida without a shark cage a grueling journey that took five tries and 53 hours in the water not to mention countless jelly fish stings. would diana do it all over again. >> saying goodbye to one high school mascot. some called him offensive when they say -- woo they say simply retiring this uniform is not enough. plus he broke into a burning home to save three trapped children and their mom. this neighbor then drag them to the window but one of them couldn't get out. what he did to protect that couldn't get out. what he did to protect that childwhat's with the suit? oh, i had to go to the bank. if you look legit they give you special treatment. seriously? seriously, yeah. the banker dude set up my checking account so if i make one deposit a month, no monthly maintenance fee. special treatment! citizens bank, right? yep. you know they do that one deposit checking thing for everyone, right? got mustard on your suit. actually, it's your suit. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee. >> memorable holiday weekend for many for all the wrong reasons after some wild weather. it was a washout even dangerous in some parts of the country with torrential rain, thunder and a whole lot of lightning. in massachusetts, cleanup continues after strong winds knocked down trees and power lines near boston. residents say this storm was unlike any they had seen before and in new york lightning struck at least three people at the beach in the bronx. >> it looks like a controversial mascot at a california high school is now retired. the arab as he was called did not show up at the high school's football season opener on frid friday. the belly dancing jeannie usually with him was no show as well. school official say it's the first of many changes to come. the arab made headlines last year when activists called it offensive. >> in georgia a man springs to action after seeing his neighbors home on fire and what he did helped save the lives of four people. firefighters and neighbors are calling eddie hamilton hero. that fire had trapped three children. hamilton heard their screams and busted outwind. two children and their mom escaped but a teenager was still inside. so hamilton ran back in. he was able to drag that boy to the window, but couldn't lift him out. so he waited with the boy until firefighters arrived. >> somebody got to get him out of there and i was the only one there. bust the window out and went to work. got a few scratches and a little cut or two. but that ain't nothing compared to what them children was going through. >> thank goodness he was there. officials say the two younger children are recovering from minor injuries. the teenager remains in the hospital. a local community staple destroyed by flames along with a piece of history. the owner's connection to princess diana next. one driver' mistake that could have cost him his life. ♪ >> i remember hearing just a loud crack and going up in the air slow motion. i just heard a crack. >> but young woman nearby saved his life. next, we're there as they reunite for the first time. and food allergies can make trip to the store a big challenge but a new app can change that with a swipe of your finger. how it makes sure you don't buy anything that could be a danger to you or your family plus a newest celebrity joining the mommy ranks the american idol alum who just announced she's expecting. >> breaking news out of delaware county. emergency crews on the scene of a deadly accident on the 3300 block of folk road in bethel township. police say a car hit tree then overturn. one person did die at the scene. no word on what caused that accident. investigators are looking into what started the fire that destroyed a dry cleaners in roxborough it's not only a terrible loss for the business, but the impact on the community is much greater than you might imagine. fox 29's bruce gordon shows us why this particular business is so very key to the community. >> reporter: firefighters stayed on scene for most of the day pouring water on the charred remains of a neighborhood icon. among those who came to mourn, was kim sim mr. man a former employee. >> i lost my husband of 25 years in 2006 it wasn't for harvey i would have probably killed myself. >> reporter: he was a good boss, it sounds like a good businessman, a good community -- >> he was my friend. not just my boss. >> the fire was reported at 5:00 a.m. and burned out of control for nearly 90 minutes before firefighters got the upper hand. there were no injuries but the place was a total loss. >> i think it's the first major fire we've had here in roxborough if in a long time. i'll tell you that. i can't remember one this big. >> reporter: award cut p.m. dry cleaners has been at ridge avenue and walnut lane since 1968. own are in harvey includes the museum of art and the national constitution center among his clients. regular folks sing his praises the loudest. george hull mel brings his american flag here every year. >> i was going to have it fixed and pay for it. i pick it up and the guy says no charge. what do you mean no charge? american flags we don't charge to stitch them or clean them. >> reporter: award does its work on the premises. meaning there were lots of dry cleaning chemicals and lots of customer clothing to burn. more than a few folks told us they had outfits inside that smolders rec wreck of a building g my husband, all his work clothes are in there. all his work clothes? >> yes. >> reporter: all gone? >> yes. that's okay. as long as no one got hurt, and hopefully harvey can rebuild because he was really wonderful asset to our community. >> reporter: harvey is considered a master of his craft. he was chose zen to repair work on a gown worn by princess diane in. he was unavailable for a immediate comment on this fire because he's in the hospital right now for heart surgery. in fact it's not even clear he's aware of the fire. employees told us that family members are trying to keep the information from him for the time being. it's not the kind of stress he needs right now. in the newsroom, bruce gordon, fox 29 news. >> more problems in california not earthquakes this time but wildfires again. more than 2,000 firefighters from across the nation are right now fighting a swath of wildfires in northern californ california. they have been waging this battle for more than three weeks now. the flames have consumed more than 63,000 acres and firefighters have the fire only 15% contained. we've had crews from alaska, we have crews from the new england states, and everything in between. we've got folks from florida. and just about every state you can imagine. >> lightning originally started the wildfires across the national for ref. >> the search is on to tonight for the alligator that eight a family pet near an orlando lake. the man was walking his 10 month old pitbull this morning when gator came out of the lake and attack the dog and pulled it under the water. the dog own are in just could not save his puppy. neighbors actually people who live nearby say they have seen that gator and they're worried about the neighborhood children. >> kids go back and forth to scolia run here. they see something like they don't know what's going onley alligator. probably one of them could be eaten. >> in order fish and wildlife officers spent all day looking for that gator but no luck finding it as of yet. they'll resume their search in the morning. in texas emotional reunion as a mother meets the woman she calls her sons guardian angel. a horrific crash should have killed him but tonight all three meet again and foxes melissa cut there are was there. anna never met the union woman had saved her son's a year ago. last august carlos hernandez was driving home late at night southbound on i45 near palmer when he dozed off behind the wheel. a deep ditch on the side of the road turned into a launching ramp. >> when i went down all i remember is hearing allowed crack and just going up in the air slow motion it felt like. slow motion and i just heard a crack. report roar the car flipped, the 25 year old blacked out. >> jut gives me the chills thinking about it. >> reporter: he lost a ton of blood and gained a lot of scars. >> cut one of my arteries like an artery and had i not applied pressure to that as much as i did i would have bled out. >> reporter: a woman drove up saw the wreck and during him in the car. he doesn't remember it. >> she was taking care of me making sure i put up a fight. >> reporter: about the same time at home anna heard a knock at the door. it was the sheriff. >> the thing that ran through my head was like my son is dead. >> reporter: she rushed to the scene. >> on the driver's side it was all smashed in and it was sitting with tires up. if it wasn't because of her i wouldn't have my son here with me. i'm ready to meet her. >> reporter: monday, she did. >> thank you. my angel. >> the woman who saved carlos is 21 year old ashley pritchett. she came across car parts scattered across the service road. she got out and called out into the night. >> i was really afraid it was going to blow up or something. i just wanted to get hem out. i don't know how i pulled him out. >> she surprised even herself. >> the door was reall really jad and he didn't -- i think i pull him out of the window. the next morning i was actually sore. >> carlos is still recuperating with 31 staples in his head. 21 stitches in his arms and anna gave ash al necklace of an angel for watching over her son. >> you're precious. >> thank you for saving my son's life. >> finding hottest new gadget while giving people the chance to make their dreams come true next we'll explain quirky. >> after five tries and a 53 hour grueling swim in shark infested water will diana try to make history again. her answer ahead. plus alec baldwin in trouble again. mad about a photographer getting too close he ends up in a cop's face. how that same photographer kept face. how that same photographer kept the a huh, fifteen minutes could face. hosave you fifteen percent orpt the amore on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know the great wall of china wasn't always so great? hmmm...what should we do? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. >> actor alec baldwin in yet another confrontation with police. this time in the hamptons and tmz has the video. it shows baldwin yelling at the officer. tmz says police were about to arrest baldwin for not only pu pushing a photographer but putting him in a head lock. they did not arrest the actor because the photographer declined to press charges. >> in your money tonight, a change that could have you paying up more for a child to apply alone american airlines is about to raise the age limit on children flying without having unaccompanied minor status. right now children 12 and older can fly by themselves but as of wednesday, the airline is going to make parents buy it's unaccompanied minor service for children between the ages of five and 14. that will cost an additional $150 for one-way ticket. how often have you had an idea but had no way to get it off the ground? a new company is now helping make it all happen and it's called quirky. the new york city based business uses online community of nearly 1 million members to give feedback on pitched inventions. they then take a vote to see which products get launched. inventors garden lesley turned the company -- turned to the company for help. he is the man behind something called the smart window air-conditioner it can turn the unit on remotely with an app and quirky is helping lesley's dream become reality. >> feels great to see like people' ideas come to life have them be on row tail shelves and know that idea wouldn't be out in the world had not be for the infrastructure and the services that we provide as company. >> so quirky designed, patents, manufacturers and markets the invention taking ownership of the idea, however, the inventor receives perpetual royalties. you can already find some of the company's 100 products in big box retailers. next, winning the fight against food allergies with a simple tap on your touch screen. the app that promises to find any ingredient that might pose a danger to your family. hey, scott. >> hi there, lucy. a stem me labor day evening across our area. humidity at 77%. but how long will it las ♪ ♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. ♪ >> singer cary underwood is expecting her very first child. the 31 year old american idol winner is married to nhl player mike fisher. the couple posted the big news on the social media accounts this afternoon. they say their baby will arrive in the spring so a big congratulations to them. from food allergies to dieting knowing exactly what's in the food you buy can be challenge how do you keep track of what goes in your trouble. a couple of young entrepreneurs think they've hit upon an answer. lloyd gets a taste of food finding technology. ♪ >> reporter: when brian devito goes for groceries he takes his app. >> grab the bar code here. check out good for mow. >> reporter: the she'll means the item is safe for him. with the ingredients he wants. >> we're saying you decide what you do or don't want in your food and we'll help you get there. >> reporter: if there's an ingredient he doesn't want -- >> i have a problem it chips. >> reporter: a frown face because of sunflower oil in this case one of 30 ingredients he has to stay away from because of a digestive disorder. >> it's a bigger problem than lot of people think and the solutions and the tools that are out there are very limited. >> reporter: with more people becoming more concerned about what's in their food, brian and his partner zach are developing the app called waz in it. >> i'm asking what's waz in it. >> what's up! >> reporter: they think their app could be hit. both financially and the fact that it can really help people. that's right now filling their database with the ingredients of thousand of products. to use it, you download the app, tell it which ingredients you don't want. >> what do you want to drink. >> if you get frown you can cull call up the specific ingredient that set it off. >> we come up with an idea we melted together. >> reporter: work in progress. >> if you'd like to help test it and give us feedback on how to make the better and what you want it to be -- >> they've been so focused and bar codes their t-shirts can even be scanned. >> go ahead. troy to scan it. >> there it is. waz in >> mr. shoppers asking waz in it they hope their happen with its food frowns and smiles will pay off. lloyd sours, fox news. >> super cool idea. seems very complex. almost one year later and key west florida honoring endurance swimmer diane on her historic swim. the city honored her at a ceremony did were you a year ago she completed her 111-mile odyssey from havana, cuba to key west before last year' successful swim diana had tried it for times before. each time falling short. this time -- fifth time is the charm for diana. >> when someone says to me, are you going to do it again? i just shake my head and said are you insane? why would i do that again? there are other mountains to climb and this one was a 35 year dream and it's over. how could you have better story and a better ending? >> perfect ending along with the plaque a live size sculpture of n night idea is going up in key west. it's so hard to recognize when she's not all puff foe from the stings from the jelly fish and salt water. >> she looks like a different woman right now. >> exactly. >> the weather won't look any different tomorrow than it was today. in fact it's really going to be carbon copy. we're looking at 90-degree heat and humidity and more pop up showers and storms. ultimate doppler was pretty active especially in northern chester county about an hour and a half ago around honey brook, some very heavy torrential rains. thunderstorm activity with that but it really just fizzled as it approached the philadelphia area so most of us are dry but it's very humid when you're stepping outdoors. you can see for the overnight we're going to stay warm, very muggy right now. kind of sultry here in old city. you can see market street and by tomorrow, 90-degree heat back to work even back to school for some. so dress appropriately and stay hydrated drinking that water. evening scattered storms in the forecast by the middle of the week it stays hot. but it's not going to be as had you mid let's talk about the high temperature for today in philadelphia. 89 degrees. we were close to 90 degrees but still above the normal for this time of year which is 83 degre 83 degrees. the record high for today's date it was 97 degrees back in 1953. as we look at temperatures right now, still pretty warm upper 70s in trenton. low 80s philadelphia. 79 right now in wilmington. 80 degrees currently in dover. look at wildwood checking in at 79 degrees. but you factor in that humidity, and it still fels like 86 degrees right now in philly. it feels like mid 80s in dover and low 80s currently in wilmington. so we've been talking about that dew point. the measure of moisture in the atmosphere. any time it's above 60 it's going to feel uncomfortable but right now we have dew points in the 70s. so very oppressive when you step outdoors. satellite/radar and showing fairly quiet conditions right now. off to the west we're watching some showers and thunderstorms. some heavy rainfall in northern sections of oklahoma. for tomorrow, we'll watch a cold front approach the area tomorrow evening. so as we watch the timing, you can see a dry start to your tuesday. but watch the clock. as we move into the afternoon especially evening, we'll be watching out for some evening storms especially after, say, dinnertime tomorrow north and west but for tonight it stays pretty sultry. low 70s in the city. 91 degrees for the high temperature tomorrow with those evening pop up showers and storms beginning north and west after din are in. 91 degrees for the high temperature tomorrow. luce so, not as humid as we move into your wednesday. but it's still going to be hot. 89 degrees for the high. hazy sunshine on thursday. 89. 90 on friday. a warm and muggy start to the weekend a few scattered showers and storms. but if you don't like the heat, wait until sunday and monday of next week. temperatures drop into the low 80s. even 70s. that's it for high temperatures next monday. so something for everyone. >> i was going to say a little something something for everyone. love it. guess who is in the house? the one and only howard eskin. >> well, suppose somebody wants snow? there's not someone for everyone. >> that's true. we'll get that soon enough. >> come on howard play the game with us. >> i'm playing. sometimes i use my own rules. all right. the excitement should be on the field at a football game not what you'll see coming up. phillies did something that has not happened in the history of phillies baseball franchise. that goes back 131 years. and how did cole hamels feel being pulled out of that no hitt >> there have been many things good and bad in phil hess history. phillies pitchers combined to no hit the braves hasn't happened in 131 years for the phils. let's go to atlanta and cole hamels was the starter. he had a no hitter and this saved the no hitter. he had to leave. marlon byrd with the catch in the third inning. that was the toughest play. seventh innin inning cole ham hs comes out with no hitter. they score in the inning. the player that pinch hit for him did score. ben revere comes in the game with 15 rbi's in the season. outfielders are playing softball shallow here. hits a triple with bases loaded knocks in five today. in the seventh deek money no hits. all right in the eighth and giles, no hits. and then in the ninth papelbon the last out. no hitter combined over four pitchers for the phillies and they win it seven to nothing. cole hamels can be emotionally guy and complained at times this season when taken out of game. what did he think today he was pulled? i understand, um, i wasn't really necessarily so caught up in the no hits. just for the fact i understood my pitch count, you know, the walks, you know, struggling every inning to be able to try to maintain and get a head of hitters and i was able to do that. i was fighting the whole time and just not very comforting thing because we're trying to win and we didn't have the lead as much we would like during that time. >> he got through it. homerun derby tonight. washington and la to dodgers stadium. remember jayson werth? hit over .350 in august. tonight he hit as homerun. his 16th of the year. but the nationals didn't stop there. denard span had two homeruns tonight. they're leading four homeruns tonight leading the dodgers six to three. all right. when you're a football game -- by the way phillies brought up miguel franco from the minor leagues and he'll play in the next few days. >> you're at a football game. sometimes fans get carried away literally. let's go to buffalo. people kid about buffalo all the time. watch the guy on the railing to the right here. he slides down the railing. now nobody was hurt. but this dope slides down the railing, now i don't know what he had to drink but i can guarantee it wasn't coffee. all right. are you kidding me. >> he wasn't hurt no he wasn't hurt. >> my son tried to slide down these thing. he was stadium, what are you doing you're going to fall. he fell down and hurt himself. >> he didn't get hurt g luckily that's my son there. >> that's razz see. >> it is buffalo. >> all right. >> is that your excuse. >> thank you very much. howard and scott. >> thank you for spending your night with us. the fox 29 morning news begins at 4:00 o'clock. you know what's coming up next two hours of news a [captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz" -- >> okey doke. ppy labor day. [applause] today, we are going to have a pie-eating contest where you're eating your way to a celebrity. here's what we're going to do. we're going to put a pie on the table. we're going to call in somebody. you have to root through the pie with your face and then pull the clue out with your teeth and guess the celebrity. >> katie, go. all right, go. >> whoa. she is -- i get it. >> blonde, makes over $5,000 per hour. she's gorgeous. gisele. >> yay! >> she came to play. >> a n

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