P alcides im alcides segui. P lindsay welcome back. P alcides i had a day off. Pmy son turned 8 years old pyesterday. Phe was excited. P lindsay did he do something poutside . P alcides it was gorgeous. Pwe had a baseball game. Phe tied and it wasnt too bad. P lindsay we have another pbeautiful day today. Pstarting out cool this morning, pguys. Pjackets are something you want pto grab. Ptemperatures are rebounding pnicely into it where its 53 pdegrees in tampa, 48 in crystal priver, 52 in bartow, also 52 in psarasota this morning. Psome minor swings in the temps pif you were up at this time pyesterday, you may feel a slight pdifference. Pan extremely weak cold front pmoves through this morning. Pit scours out high clouds in lay yesterday, and we have a pdry and pleasant pattern. Pyesterday we had the high pclouds. Ptoday is a bright blue sky all pafternoon long. Pbut lunchtime were at 71 and pwe talk 80s, lots of them on the psevenday coming up. Pif p anjuli another set of rimary elections are in the pbooks this morning after prepublican and democrat tim pcandidates campaign. P alcides ted cruz and bernie psanders pulled off surprising pwins for superintendent saturday. Pit was a day that front runners pHillary Clinton and donald trump phope to use to solidify the pdelegate leads. Pfor the democrats the wins were pall around Hillary Clinton and pbernie sanders, both picked up pat least one victory. Psanders won kansas and nebraska pby a huge margin giving him pseven victories so far. Palthough clinton only one plouisiana, she still holds a pcompetitive lead on sanders poverall with 11 wins. P anjuli to be republican prace where it was not a good day pfor marco rubio. Pthe florida senator didnt come phigher than third in any of the pcompetitions. Phe even received less than 1500 pdonald trump, however, took the plead in louisiana and kentucky pwhile texas senator ted cruz pmanaged to win both maine as pwell as kansas. Pcruz is also considered this pmorning as the winner of the pcpac straw poll. Phe took how many 40 of the vote pand trumps decision to skip the pconference may have hurt him. Ptrump came out with just 15 of pthe vote. Residential candidate who pdidnt speak at the event pcanceling less than 24 hours pbefore he was supposed to speak. Pcpacs organizers say he backed pout because they refused to give pin to his demands, but trumps pcampaign said it was a strategic pdecision. P alcides the gop pfrontrunner is in west palm pbeach this morning. Pafter an unsuccessful showing pyesterday, trump is calling on pmarco rubio to drop out of the prace. Plisten in. P marco rubio had a very, very pbad night. Ersonally id call for him to pdrop out of the race. Pi think its time now that he pdropped out of the race. Pi want ted one on one, okay . P alcides senator rubio is peyeing up the home state of pflorida. Phes scheduled to hold a rally pat the Tampa Convention center pnext evening. Pthe rally is scheduled to go pfrom 5 00 to 5 45 and the doors popen at 4 00. P anjuli today rubio could padd in puerto rico. Pthe caucus tr will set the stage pfor the democratic debate ptonight in flint, michigan. Pthe wolverine state holing prepublican and democratic rimaries on tuesday. P alcides here at home ptheyre searching for a trio of parmed robbers this morning. Pdeputies say around 11 30 last pnight 33yearold scott pcarmichael was in his room at pthe knights inn on first street peast in bradenton. Pwoman asked if she could also phave one. Pas carmichael got in two men ran pin through the room door. Pone suspect hit him over the phead while others took his pthings. Pif you have information, contact pthe sheriffs office. P anjuli in Pinellas County pan 18yearold and his father pare recovering this morning at phis plane crash landed at the pst. Petersburg country club. Pamazingly everyone is okay p alcides they were headed to pManatee County and something phappened to the engine. Pevan lambert as the details. P we heard it, and then the pmotor stopped. Pi seen it blazing down. Pim like, whoa. Pkrp p p reporter carlos was home pwhen he looked up and saw a psmall, singleengine plane pstruggling in the sky above. P it was puttering and pcompletely stopped. Pit came down like that there. P reporter st. Pete police psay the 18yearold pilot and plakeland to Manatee County psaturday afternoon. Pnear st. Pete the plane suddenly pexperienced an engine problem. Pthe teen landed the plane safely pon the green at lakewood golf pcourse in south st. Pete. Pthe wing did clip a tree on the pway down, but the plane didnt pappear to be severely damaged. P i thought they said golf is a pdangerous sport. Pyou can get a ball on your head. Pnow look at this. P reporter golfers played paround the plane for several phours. Pthe pilot and dad inspected it pand took the wing off to get it pready for a tow. Pcarlos says its amazing the pteen pilot was able to avoid pharming himself, his dad, or panyone on the ground. P he did a good job landing pthat plane, man. Pi mean, wow. Pi seen it going down. Pim like, whoa pwe going to have a crash. Pmy homeboy came out of the papartment, and he seen the plane pright here. Phe showed me. Pim like whoa plambert. Pthe faa is sill investigating p anjuli more problems for pallegiant airlines. Pa flight had to abort takeoff pdue to mechanic issues. Pit was levering from fort wayne, pindiana when piloted reported psmoke in the cabin. Pthe plane safely returned to the pgate and all 159 on board are pokay. P alcides the plane has since pbeen taken out of service and pthe passengers put on a flight. Pvoucher. P sarasota detectives continue pthe search for a man after they pwomans skirt. Plook at the video at the bonbon pvin taken j, this is an antique pstore. Pa 46yearold woman noticed a psuspect following her around the pstore. Pshe saw him kroshdown behind pher taking pictures. Pwhen she confronted him, he took poff. Pif you recognize him, contact poft. P anjuli fire crews are ptrying to find out who set a psomeone powered an aksel ccelerant in pmultiple locations and set it on art of the building was filled pcrews arrived. Pthat damage is estimated at p 5,000. P alcides a woman is akuzed pof getting behind the wheel pdrunk at Daytona International pspeedway. Phit four people and crashed into pmorning. Pthat woman right there, abby pkinney, she was driving precklessly in the infield of the pracetrack. Pa supercross motorcycle race was pgoing at the time. Pwitnesses say she then barrelled pdown the street. Plisten in. P two our good friends ghoit, pmyself, i had to duck underneath pthis rv here. P were lucky to be alive. Pwe really are. Phopefully she realizes that. P luckily no one was seriously phurt. Pkinney admitted to having three pbeers. Pshes facing several charges pincluding dui. P still ahe had had, a lot of pthis morning after they saw the icture of who or what was pbehind the wheel of a semi truck pthat crashed. P anjuli definitely something pfooz. P how safe are driverless pcars . Pa recent crash raised big pconcerns. Pwhat the collision means for the pcuts Edge Technology off the pbreak. P whether you hop in the car to phead to the beach or the pstrawberry festival, the weather pis fantastic today, especially pfor the cool wlr lovers this pmorning as its 45 in pbrooksville, 53 in tampa. Pwe have 52 in sarasota, but ptoday were going to subtract pthe high clouds around. Pthat dry air moderates so nicely pand a little breeze introduced pto the forecast. Pif you like warmer temperatures, pyoure on spring break, you icked a great week to come pvisit. Pwe talk about a big warming. One of many pieces in my so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. 3 are you confident about p welcome back. Pare you confident about the psafety of your Drinking Water . P anjuli about half the pcountry says yes. Pa new poll found 47 of people pare extremely or very confident pabout the safety of their pabout 7 in 10 say they drink tap pwater but half run it through a pfilter of some kind. Pthe issue of Drinking Water has pgotten a lot more focussed in precent months after the water pcrisis in flint, michigan. P alcides the navy is giving panother chance to thousands of psailors who otherwise would be pkicked out for repeatedly pfailing physical fitness test. Pthey loosened the body fat prestrictions at the beginning of pthe year and allows those that pfailed exams three more times an popportunity to take the test ponce more. Pit will take place this spring. Pthe navy is not lowering pstandards, but rather askrusing pto the reality that people are plarger these days. P anjuli a marine corps pconfirmed a marine lost his life pat a boat capsized near a base pin hawaii. Pthe 17foot boat overturned with pthree men on board. Ptwo swam back to shore and pnotified authorities and the pother was later found dead in pthe body. Pthe marines wont identify the pman until the next of kin is p alcides members of the sons pof the confederate veterans say ptheir flag gathering was meant pto honor southern ancestors. Ptensions ran high as supporters pand opponents of the flag pclashed on saturday. Rotesters rotesters argued there are pother way to celebrate instead pof using the flag. Pinsults were thrown in both pdirections and police had to pseparate people. P anjuli a semi truck crashes pin the parking lot of a gas pstation, and cops cant charge pthe driver here. Ptheres actually a dog behind pthe wheel. Pthe driver of that truck went pinside the gas station and not plong after he heard a loud boom. Pthe big rig had smashed into a ptree and also hit a car. Psomeone took a picture right pafter that that show the dogs pbehind the wheel. P i said, how did that even phappen . Pshe said, a dog must have been pi thought she was kidding. P anjuli there was a pmalfunction that allowed the dog pto shift the truck in gear. Pthankfully no one is hurt. Olice say no one is getting in ptrouble for the poochs actions. Pim sorry. Pthat was adorable. Pim sure the person whose car pwas damaged doesnt think its pfunny at all. P alcides i love that picture pthere. Pwhat . Pi didnt do it. P lindsay how do you get mad pat that little face. Psorry. P alcides i wonder how he did pthat . P lindsay i dont know. Psmart dog. P anjuli malfunction of the pcar. P alcides its weird how he pgets it from park to drive. P anjuli crazy. P lindsay were driving with pthe windows down. Pdid you dethat yesterday . P alcides nice transition, plindsay. Pflawless. P lindsay thank you. Pthe weather is quiet, so we have pto do what we got to do. Pits been extremely quiet, but pthis is the best time of year pfor a lot of us. Pwe have the cool morning and pwarm afternoon and the low phumidity. Pwe have another front thats pswinging through this morning pnot notice other than the fact pim showing it to you on the pmap. Pits 53 degrees this morning, so pit is cool out there. Pyou know, that dry air feels pcooler pcooler, so plan accordingly if pyou have church plans. Pwinds are light out of the pnortheast but at times we get pnortherly surges today. Pso a little breezier by the bay pand to the beach as well. Pskies this morning are clear. Pwell hang onto a clear sky all pday today. Pthat is a change from our psaturday where we had high cloud pcover streaming in from the pwest. Pthis morning its 57 degrees in pst. Pete. Pwe have 51 in west chase, sun pcity center, plant city where we phave the strawberry festival, pyou need that warmer extra player. Pjeff sglif hills is 52 degrees pand 43 in brooksville and we pwarm about 10 degrees further psouth still requiring a light pjacket from venice to myakka pcity. Pextremely dry, so dew points are pdrier air nudging in today, pespecially aloft. Pthats why we go with the clear psky. Pwater vapor imagery shows that pred shade and the drier air and plimited clouds not to mention an pextremely weak front like a pboundary that will push through pthe next couple of hours. Pbehind it winds veer north. Pthats fantastic news if youre pheaded to the strawberry pfestival. Pthat dry air moderates good, so pat 10 00 were at 64 degrees pclimbing to 76, 77 in plant city pthis afternoon. Pbasically not a cloud in the psky. Pgreatlooking day. Pwarmest further south you live. Pif you were at the beach pyesterday, some people said it pfelt a little cool. Pmore of a northerly xoenl nent pto our winds. Pso all the way down to the area pbeaches, the further south you plive, you still are in the pmid70s, more like 72, 73 in pclearwater beach today. Pheres that northerly flow of pair. Pfuturecast is really quiet and pnot much to show you other than pout of the north. Povernight winds shift east and ptomorrow they veer peastsoutheast and that starts pthe warming trend. Pa couple of high clouds filter pin tomorrow. Paround the country temperatures pare achilly across the midwest pand northeast. Pthat mild air and ridge of high ressure is starting to build pand thats why this week for us pwe see big warming temps. P52 in houston and 49 in kansas pcity, 35 in chicago but watch pwhat happens and watch this mild pair shifting east. Pso by tuesday, chicago is 57 at. Pby wednesday temperaturing soar pinto the 80s in tampa bay. Plater in the week one or two pinland spots reaching 90 pdegrees. P75 for today and nice and mild pwith loads of sunshine. Pdegrees. PCool Temperatures through the povernight hours. Ptomorrow. Pwe climb to 77 degrees and on pthe water today winds are up so pmoderate chop if you have plans pand seas build to 5 feet poffshore. Pfor the next seven day look at pthe warm trend, 75 today and by pfriday at 83 and over the pweekend we have our next rain pchance. Pso six days dry and warming up. P alcides one of googles pdriverless cars crash into a bus pa few months ago. Pits the first time a google car pappears to be at fault. Pit comes at the same time as a pnew survey showing most drivers pdont feel safe in the phandsfree vehicle and believe pit or not its available at the parea. P anjuli its at the museum pof science and industry. Pits the only place in the pcountry where you can jump in a pdriverless car. Pthey hope that first ride we pwill change peoples perception. P ask your average drive in pthey trust letting go of the paaa found that 75 say they pwould not feel safe. P i think it might malfunction por crash. P i dont trust mechanics at pthis point. P i would never drive it. Pi think technology messes up all pthe time. P reporter the museum of pscience and industry in tampa is pworking to debunk the myths with pits driverless vehicles. P people are pleasantly punderwhelmed. Psar satisfy theyre satisfied its safe pand reassuring and not pdangerous. P reporter once you hop on pboard, the conductor presses a pstart button and the car does pall the work from there. P lasers shoot continuously pabout 300 lasers per second and pit recognizes, justifies and pvalidates what it needs to do. P reporter it can recognize pthe difference between a waving pflag and a child walking in its ath. Pit can stop within 3 millimeters pof an object. Pteenager may have want to take pit to the dmv. Pif you think automated moving pmachines are something new, pthink again. Pwhen driverless elevators pskepticism. Pa human operator was assigned to pcomfortable. Phe said the automated cars are pthe elevators of this era and eoples fear of driving them psmal pass. P whether theres four people por three people or a 2yearold por 90yearold, the technology pis there and perfectly safe. P anjuli florida is one of pthe few states that has already pagreed to make roads available pfor driverless car testing. Ptesla is already at that phase. P whether we come back the usf pwomens Basketball Team are one pgame away from reaching the pconference finals today. Pwe tell you who theyre playing. P alcides its a tough pmatchup by the way. Pthe rays get ready for a phistoric trip to cuba. Pwe show you whats being done at pin. P before we go to break having pa birthday today . Pyoure in good company . Pheres a look at some famous the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. hh put more fun in your day with icecreamflavored coffees at dunkin donuts. Go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. Enjoy one today. America runs on dunkin. 3 in sports. The p in sports this morning the pusf womens Basketball Team is pone step closer this morning to preaching the final of the pamerican athletic conference pchampionship. Pduring their game yesterday pagainst smu, senior guard pin scoring with 29 points as the pbulls went on to win it 7360. Pusf plays temple with a spot in pmondays final at stake. Pthe two teams split their pregular season meeting. Pboth tipoff tonight at 6 30. P alcides good news for plightning fans as well. Pstraight game. Pway. Pthey beat the hurricanes last pnight. Pkill pkillhorn got the game winning pgoel. Pthey travel to fill philadelphia to ptake on the flyers on monday pnight. P anjuli kyle busch dominated pthe day yesterday leading all pbut one of the 200 laps. Pbusch cruised to his secretaries pxfinity win in las vegas. Pbusch will also start on the ole this afternoon for the pcobalt 400 sprint cup race. Pfox 13 at 3 00 with the race pstarting shortly after. P alcides the rays are back pin Port Charlotte today as they pgear up to play the twins. Pyesterday they pulled off a 106 pvictory against the bolt mother rioles porioles. Pthey head to fort myers tomorrow pto play the red sox. P anjuli restoration has pbegun on havanas main stadium pahead of the big visit. Prepairs are made to the seats pand grounds as well as a fresh pcoat of paint. Pthe venue built in 1946 has been pdubbed the Yankee Stadium of pcuba. Pits playing host to the first pmeeting between cuba and a major pleague Baseball Team since pdiplomatic ties were restored plast year. Resident obama will attend the pgame later on this month. P