Transcripts For WTVJ NBC 6 South Florida News At 530pm 20160

Transcripts For WTVJ NBC 6 South Florida News At 530pm 20160229

day on her birthday, she ended up like this. attorneys were asking the judge for a hearing to get a bond set for mitchell. >> we're looking for him to be ld no bond until he goes to trial and he spends the rest of his life in prison where he belongs. >> reporter: mitchell will be arraigned on the new amended charges next monday. we're live at the metro justice building. nbc 6 news. police are upping the ante in their search for a killer. the reward has been raised to $4,000 for information that could lead to the arrest of precious dense jackson she was-- the killer of precious jackson. if you know anything about this crime, call miami-dade crime stoppers. remember you can remain anonymous. right now, police want you to keep an eye out for a missing south florida woman. 55-year-old you see here. she was last seen sunday morning at a winn dixie. she left it in a gold kia rio hatch back. no signs of fouou play here, but she suffers from memory loss and has early onset alzheimer's. if you can help, call the police department. happening right now, a former west palm beach city employee in custody after a bomb scare rocks a sewage plant this morning. douglas ellington drove onto the riviera beach property and set his car on fire. investigators determined the threat was just a hoax. officials sayhis isn't the rst time dealing with ellington ellington. all their previous encounters >> it wasn't the kind of thing that there was any indication there was anything involving the sewage plant. > he was terminated from the city of riviera beach severara weeks ago. the palm beach county sheriff's office said the 1-year-old boy died when the mother accidentally backed up over him with her uck. the toddler wandered away from his dad and was knocked down by the bumper and run over by the mom. no charges have been filed. the teacher sent one of the 12-year-olds to the incipal's office for suspicion of stealing a laptop. one of the girls dumped the red pepper flakes into t can while one of her classmates distract the teacher. she experienced shortness of breath and burning in her throat. they're taking appropriate disciplinary action. quote, we fully cooperatedd with law enforcement here as they conducted their investigation, end quote. the three students remain in custody at a juvenile detention center in daytona beach. now in tonight's decision debrief, alan grayson is feeling the burn. the democrat decided to get behind vermont senator bernie sanders after asking supporters who take part in an online poll in who he should pledge to. the congressman is under an ethihi investigation. two heavy hitters are joining team rubio. they announced they are endorsing the west miami-dade candidate for president. only rubio can continue the legacy of ronald reagan. a home builder has officially decided to enter the crowded republican field for he made the announcement this morning in miami. the gop millionaire joins four other candidates seeking to replace rubio. for more political headlines, click on the nbc 6 news and weather app. we'll have extensive write-ups on each of the candidates on the campaign trail. tune into tomorrow night to "nightly news." that's at 6:30. a bunker from the cold war era faces a bigger threat than soviet missiles. secret service agent would have whisked president kenneney there if world war iii broke out. the museum says commissioners ve blocked the attempts to make the attraction financially stable and want to tear the they plan to get another caretaker when the museum's lease expires next year. chief special warfare operator edward jr. became the first active duty man of the navy to get that honor. he risked his life to save an american hostage held by the taliban in afghanistan. the president called the ceremony a rare opportunity for americans to get a glimpse of a spspial breed o warrior who soo often serves in the shadows. >> we sleep more peacefully in our beds tonight because patriots like these stand ready to answer our nation's call and protect our way of life nowow and forever. deployed 11 times. t t case banned a a deral law of anyone with a misdemeanor conviction not allowed to purchase a firearm. still to come on nbc 6, a rookie cop dies on her first day on the job. an army sergeant accused of shooting and killing that officer. police chase at a grocery store. how a shopper's stealth move helped officers catch that crook. things are nice weatherwise here in south florida. find out how long this nice weather will stick around. a brew in your bath? a spa that offers a naturally "the voice" is ck. a preview of what kicks off with the blind auditions tnight. investigators are working for you. if you have a story you think e-mail or r u can call one o as concerns around the zika virus grow, most brazilians still oppose abortions. this is according to a survey which polled close to 2700 people across the country. 51% said they were against relax relaxing brazil's anti-abortion laws. 39% thought a change in the law would be appropriaa for these kind of circumstances. since the zika outbreak, several groups have pushed to make the infected with zika during their pregnncies. the communist pyongyang the 21-year-old said he was sorry for stealing a political banner in the hotel where he was staying. previoo foreign detainees have said the north koreans forced them to make public mea culpas. police say ronald hamilton killed his wife saturday during a domestic dispute at their house and then shot three officers who were responding to the scene. one of those officers 28-year-old ashley guindon died. it was her first day on patrol. prosecutors are expecting to seek the death penalty for that officer's murr. florida police nabbed a suspect they were chasing with the help of a shopper. a chase through the store. the shopper rolls a shopping cart into the path of the fleeing suspect causing him to crash onto the floor. that move helping police catchh the man and take him into custody. the shopperer picked up his groceries and continued shopping. the man faces a disorderly conduct charge. the nation's first beer spa is open i oregon. beer, spa. put the@ two together and you get -- >> you're going to soak in a blend of beer and barley. >> reporter: it's more than just soaking in beer. a bath and brew might just be good for you. >> cures for somnia, relaxation. >> reporter: headaches? hop in the spa. it all started after mike boyle got into a car accident. when he experienced a beer spa was hopping. >> we talked about this. let's hop in the spa business. >> reporter: boyle doesn't even like beer. >> i didn't even drink beer three months ago. >> reporter: after only a week in business, they're already expanding. >> hop in the beer garden. >> reporter: for those hoping to get tipsy in the tub, we have to be brutally honest. >> you will not get drunk soaking in beer. >> reporter: but the owners suggest it will make you optimistic. that way spa goers can always see the glass and the tub as half full. today nasa ananounced its plans to build what they call the future of commercial flight. ten-year plan to build x plpnes. it will increase fuel efficiency. nasa says it will design and build a variety of flight demonstration vehicles. the concepts will be lighter, faster, quieter, and greener than the planes in the air right now. >> we believe we will make flight a lot more enjoyable because we can provide that flexibility and versatility for fliers to free up their convtraints. i think we can provide a lot more benefits to the flying public. >> congress still would have to approve federal funding for the project. in south florida n n much to talk about and that's good news. we don't have any fronts headed our way. we're expecting seasonable temperatures for the next few days. only a couple of spotty showers in the gulf of mexico. this camera is looking at some of the cruise ships there on that basin they use on biscayne bay just near bayside, if you will. that basin issed to turn the ships aroundndnd then head out. in the background the venetian causeway, which is open once more. 74 degrees at this hour. quite pleasant. you know just how pleasant the weekend was. a little bit chilly at night urgs, but the daytime temperatures were quite comfortable. the nighttime lows are not all that cool. they're going to be in the 60s for the next few days. here's a look at your southeast temperatures to show you on this 29th day of february. it's feeling like spring way up into nashville, charlotte, and little rock at this hour. temperatures in the 60s and 70s all the way up there. and we've got breaking news. we're tossing back to trina and adam. we've got breaking news in oakland park where four guys have bailed out of a car. cops were pursuing them just a few minutes ago. >> it's a policee chase happening in oakland park. there's two believed suspects who are on the run from police going into some sort of building. what looks like an apartment building right there. this is in oakland park in broward county. after a police chase, the suspects have been bailed out of that vehicle. >> they were in a blue sedan earlier traveling at a high re of speed with cops on their tail. then they bailed out. we just saw two as you saw run in that building, but we're told there may be as many as four guys. there they are running rightht there. these are the guys that police are looking r. it looks like they're jumping in a car. it looks like a blue van. >> this is the 3800 block of 19th street just to give you a sense of where this is in oakland park. they have now taken ofright through a couple of cars that were nearly blocking the way. now they're back on the road. somebody else on the street. they passed by a stop sign, obviously not following the rules of the road at this point. they're back evading police. >> noo cops behind them right now, but i'm sure the cops are probably following them by chopper. we're seeing its flying there. >> right now, these suspects -- there's two people in that vehicle. we saw that here from this live view of chopper 6. we know two people are in this vehicle right now. we believe there were four people earlier who were being chased by police who bailed out of that car. >> they nearly swiped that car. now look. they're at a busy intersection. of course this is rush hour. veryazardous driving right there. they're not obeying any rules of the road. >> we're going to stay on this. very dangerous situation with the road here at least doesn't seem too busy, but you can see it weaving in and out of traffic. >> we're starting to see some of the police officers now in pupuuit behind this car. again, not sure exactly where he's going or even if he knows where he's going, but two of the guys who bailed out of a car earlier apparently jumped in another car. now whey're on the go right now speeding through oakland park. he nearly just took a curb. he's going on the grass and everything else. >> these are neighborhood streets too. now we're in a neighborhood residential area in oakland park. this is in broward county just north of ft. lauderdale, oakland park. that car taking the curves rerely fast. people out in the streets are trying to figure out what's going on. >> hopefully, we'll see politicianpolice in pursuit of this car pretty quickly. it looks like he is slowingown officers running after these guys. they run into a wooded area. they aren the move right there. cops right behind them. >> yeah, there's two people on foot. one officer that we can see not too far behind. they continue to run. as of knownow, , don't know that they're armed. we haven't seen any evidence at they are. they're jogging if front of the police officer right now splitting different directions. the officer chooses one to chase after and the other one goes the other direction. this one stillot being chased by the officer. there's another suspect who the officerad closed in on, but they're slowing down. >> looks like these guys are pretty good runners. you just saw the chchpper from the broward sheriff's department fly right over. he's jumped into somebody's lawn behind their house on the back of an alleyway.. scaling the fence right there. not sure if the police got this other guy. looks like a pool of some sort. now they're back there trying to sneak through the area. >> he thinks he's hiding. looks like he's going to throw throwingthrow something in a garbage can. chopper 6 over the scene. >> there's a family in the front entrance of that house. they're out on the street. they've got the whole family out there. now he's going back the other way once he realized he has been spotted. there's certainly no place to hide in this house right now. >> this is scary situation. if i were a family, i would be getting inside. youon't know what these guys have done or if they're carrying any kind ofweapons. people are coming out on the street seeing what's going on, hearing the police cars and seeing a chake. this is the time you might want to go indoors and lock the door. >> the suspect pulled out his phone as s leapt over the fence. now we're watching him try to there was another suspect who bailed out chased by a cop earlier, but this suspect is still able to evade officers at this point. the choppe right directly above. >> these guys obviously in pretty good shape because i would be out of breath right now. he's scaled a cupouple of fences. >> police have not said what they were being chased for, what they're suspected of doing, but they were originally chased in a sedan.. then got into an suv. now those t t suspects are still being chased by officers. >> it is likely somewhat serious if they would give hot pupuuit. he was driving erratically down the street with no regard for the rules of the road. we see a dog running right there. >> the dog knows he's there. there he is under that tree. you can see him in a hooded gray sweatshirt with some sort of cap behind the house in oakland park. >> okay, we're just being told that one of the suspects is in custody at 45 -- give me that number again. >> he has surrendered. >> second guy down on the ground now surrendering. the first guy is already caught. he's crawling across the ground now as if he is in some kind of combat zone. it's very interesting some of the tactics and movements he's made. >> he's been spotted. i think that's an officer right there in front. let's take another look here. chopper 6 is overhead. i believe it's a police canine. yeah, it is. and an officer have squared in on that suspect. he jumps over the fence. he is down on his chest. his hands in front of him now behind his hips. the ca >> another officer has come in. down in the vicinity of 4501 northwest 22nd street in oakland rk. both of these guys bailed out of a car that police were chasing for some reason just about ten minutes ago. >> the cop has to hold that canine back. that dog wants to go after the suspect. he's been holding the dog back, but the dog saw this suspect. now we have two suspects in custody after a police chase through broward county. >> it looks like they've got things under control now. earlier we thought there might be more suspects, but right now two in custody. police about to take them into the squad car. the dog ready for some actctn there. this was quite a chase because these guys led the high-speed chase for sometime weavi up and down and in out of streets with no regard for pedestrians or cars coming. then jumped out of that mini van, which we believe was vehicle number two, and then took off like nobody's business >> this was successful dprfm the police standpoint. nobody injured from the chase. two suspects in custody and no innocent bystanders injured during this hunt. >> they're leading the second young man that we watched making his woeful attempt to get away from cops to the back of aquad car there waiting for him. we'll find out later exactly what they didhat prompted this chase. >> they're going to put him into the cruiser. we saw them both take off in differentirections. >> exactly. >> there was only one officer chasing thetwo. the officer who went after the other suspect, he was taken into custody as well. >> what that second guy wasn't counting on was that a chopper was overhead of him watching his every move. he would duck and hide behind homes, but all the time the chopper was seeing exactly what it to cops on the ground. they moved in wwh the canine and got this guy off the street. >> he had no place to go. it was tense for a moment. there was a family outside one of these houses. he was trying t hide. maybe going in the backyard behind a fence. he sat down for a second. the family in their front yard looks over. then he runs the other direction. the police canine tracked that man down and the officers converged. now that suspect is in custody. >> a perimeter has been set up between 45th avenue and 46th avenue. two guys are in custody. not sure if they're looking for more people involved in this initial police chase and some kind of blue sedan that they jumped out of at an apartment building. then they jumped in a blue mini not sure if all the people they point. >> things were pretty tense a few moments ago. calm has been restored. people in that particular neighborhood can be a little bit more at ease after there were two suspects running ay from police through this residential area of oakland park. >> that's got to be scary. you walk out your door and see two guys running. we did see the young guyhat his pocket for something. i don't know if it was a cell phone or who knows. it was a little bit scary. he didn't appear to have anything in his hand that was harmful. the folks he came close to, he just dashed on by. another dog was in pursuit of him in adddion to the police canine that came on t t scene. >> this is believed to be thehe other suspect in custody. >> the first guy. >> the one we weren't watching live. >> it's been kind of a perilous couple of minutes here as they guys took off running. this a,l started in another area in oakland park. ese guys bailed out of that blue sedan, ran like nobody business down the road, then went into an apartment building. ran out of that apartment building and then jumped into a blue honda civic. took off again and police started chasing them. >> this is looking at the neighborhood. there were two scenes there. both of those suspects, those two, were taken into custody by police. all right. you see the one guy. we believe he's the first guy who was on the scene and police were able to get. they grabbed him. the other guy is in the police car. >> good to see that calm has been restored. we'll keep you updated. two suspects arrested by police after a pice chase through the streets of oakland park in broward county. bring you the latest at 6:00. tonight, the mother of a teen boy accused of accidentally shooting and killing his friend talks about the pain her son is experiencing. plus, a judge orders the woman accused of kidnapping an infant at gunpoint to remain behind bars. one of south florida's busiest roadways is back open. whoa. this guy is like aad scientist heree at the school. one of the reasons we're agging about this case. story is coming up. good evening. we're following breaking news here on nbc 6. i'm jackie nespral along with jawan strader. this is a police chase that started at lighthouse point at about 5:30 this afternoon. four suspects in a vehicle trying to elude police. it finally came to an end in oakland park before the suspects ran out of the car and made a run for it. two of those suspects have been two more on the loose. >> we were watching it live as trina and adam, they were covering it. pretty amazing here because it started like you said at lighthouse point. then after a police chase that was going on throughout the neighborhood or so. then we saw them bail out of one vehicle and two took off. they kind of split upp from the other two suspects. two jumped out of that vehicle. you saw them jump into another blue vehicle. this is a live look of chopper 6 over the scene. this is where the perimeter is set up. between 45th avenue and 46th avenue and northwest 22nd street. this is happening in oakland park where two guys have been taken into custody. adam kuperstein, he has been all over this. he was watching it unfold and covering it t r us. tell us a little bit more about what you saw. >> i want you to go back and look athat happened ten minutes ago.

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