Transcripts For WTVD ABC 11 Eyewitness News 9AM 20160221 :

Transcripts For WTVD ABC 11 Eyewitness News 9AM 20160221

a chance for a shower late this afternoon. and he is in the first alert steve. steve: thank you, guys. good morning, everyone. the visibility is improving out there. that's the good news. a dense fog advisory earlier that has been allowed to expire at 9:00 a.m. per hour. and r.d.u. is down there. and oxford is improving. a quarter mile or so. and improving. 51 in roxboro. 51 at r.d.u. and near 60 in fayetteville, you had plenty of clear skies this morning, now clouds coming in from a west and maybe a couple of sprinkles midday. but a better chance of a late day and evening shower from the north. a look at the temperatures climbing up to the upper 60's to near 70 today. we will be cooler tomorrow with some rain chances coming in, especially tomorrow night. more coming up. anthony: thank you, steve. new this morning one person killed in a wreck in orange county and another rushed to to the hospital. fire department on-the-scene. this happened on dogwood acres drive around 2:00 a.m. you can see the car pretty battered ended up along the tree line. we are working to get more information about the victims. caitlin:ler and another story new this morning a deadly shooting in cumberland county. shots were fired at a part near char main about 20:30 this morning. authorities with the sheriff's offices one person was hit and rushed to cape fear valley medical center, but did not survive. no word on the victim's name or arrests. anthony: to vote 2016 and a busy day in the race for the white house. voters gave hillary clinton a big win in nevada, she beat bernie sanders. caitlin: and calmsal trump won south carolina and jeb bush suspended his campaign. reporter: with two wins under their belt, hillary clinton and donald trump are looking ahead to the next contest with >> we are going to go right to nevada and do terrific there. the scc is going to be very, very excited. reporter: a nevada win reinvigorating hillary clinton's campaign. she fly to texas and held a big rally at texas southern university. >> is this a great night. reporter: long lines reflect a heavy turnout. ted cruz and marco rubio with strong performances. and jeb bush called it kites. >> -- quits. >> tonight i'm suspending my campaign. thank you. [ applause ] reporter: in nevada, sanders made it clear that he's not dropping out. but looking forward. >> i believe that when democrats july, add that convention. we are going to see the results of one of the great political upsets in the history of the united states. [ applause ] reporter: the two parties now essentially switch places. republicans face-off again in nevada on tuesday. democrats vote here in south carolina next saturday. megan hughes, abc news, south carolina. anthony: but began as a fistfight ended with shots fired at a mall in columbia, south carolina. it unfolded a dozen miles away from where several presidential campaigns partied. no one was hurt, but the suspects ran off. this happened around 7:00 last night in front of a jewelry partied. no one was hurt, but store. two hours after the shooting are pending for a driver accused of crashing into four bikers in johnston county. joe, linn, christopher, and mike all had to be taken to the hospital. the highway patrol is store. saying two of those victims are in critical condition. we found the driver, donny williams crying on the side of the road after that accident. [ crying ] caitlin: again charges are pending against that driver. authorities did say that alcohol and speed were not factors. anthony: supreme court justice scalia remembered as a man of faith, family and the law. the mass for scalia marked by church ritual and pageantry. he servedthen high court for three decades. this son, paul, a priest, led the mass. and who's who were among 3,000 mourners at the largest catholic he was buried later at a private ceremony at an undisclosed location. he died last week, just shy of this 80 birthday. caitlin: a movement born after the deaths of three students looks to be even bigger this year in the second year. an interfaith canned food drive took over the islamic center in raleigh yesterday. three permurdered last year at a chapel hill apartment complex. the final message on facebook showed him giving food to the homeless. so they did this in the student's honor. last year the drive provided 20,000 meals to people in need. and the turnout bigger this year. they expect to do even more. time right now is 9:06. cyclone winston claims its first eyewitness news -- selling mattresses the traditional way isn't the best way. most are made in a large factory, and shipped hundreds of miles to a retailers warehouse, where they're marked up and up before finally selling and delivering them at the original mattress factory we take a straightforward approach. we have eliminated the extra steps from our factory to you. steve: good morning, everyone. on this sunday. visibilities much better out there right now. there. it is just fine, earlier you could not see that. visibility is in proving. the dense fog advisory is no longer in effect. the temperatures in the 40's to 50's. in the northern counties, 54 in southern pines. clouds this morning and now clouds from the west. 60 already down there. you step out the door this morning still? fog in a new neighborhoods. temperatures warming up. we'll get up to near 70 by 2:00. plenty of clouds around, maybe a sprinkle, too, not a big deal. a band of showers to the north that will be sagging southed and gives us a chance of a shower. cooler tomorrow and cooler still midweek, and a little bit warmer on wednesday and then back to the upper 40's by friday. a good time in garner speaking to the second graders. look at the great kids. super questions for me. we talked about advance weather so a good morning to the kids. traveling looking good, all major hubs at this hour no delays. the abc 11 eyewitness news accuweather seven-day forecast. is coming up. caitlin: thank you, steve. new this morning hundreds of homes were destroyed and at least three people confirmed dead after a powerful cyclone tears through fee itgy. it hit the nation with wind speeds 177 miles per hour. officials are still trying to access the full extent of the damage. a curfews extended and police are empowered to make arrests without a warrant to keep order. anthony: a six hour long standoff ends with a mississippi narcot agent dead others hurt. this happened on friday night. officers found lambert, his wife and 10-year-old daughter inside of his home. lambert started shooting when s.w.a.t. teams started to go outside. officer james tart was killed a 20-year veteran. lambert's wife and daughter were rescued and doing ok. caitlin: new details on a story we brought to you yesterday morning. f.b.i. terrorism experts are now involved in the investigation of the shooting of two nypd officers. authorities are saying the officers were shot after 34-year-old fumes rammed his car into the police cruiser. f.b.i. terrorism agents got involved because they have reason to believe fumes might have extremist ties. officer andrew was hit in his bulletproof vest. and william was stuck in the hip, they are both expected to recover. the suspect was shot. he is listed in critical condition. anthony: 9:12. 51 degrees outside. captain of a sinking ship. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. anthony: breaking news. the deadly shooting spree in kalamazoo, michigan. six people are dead after a series of apparently random shootings. police are saying the suspect taken into custody is 45-year-old jason dalton with no known criminal history. they found weapons inside of his vehicles. the shootings happened a at three different locations. a woman and a 14-year-old girl are in the hospital. caitlin: nuse thimorning a u.s. air force drone comes crashing down at the base in afghanistan. no causalities. it is being renovated by u.s. nato mission for mixed use. >> the, the clock is ticking. >> haunting words there. boomed 48er el faro. that was his final call for help. the ship was taking off waters outside of the bahamas during hurricane joaquin. part of it was playing during a coastguard hearing. all 33 crew members died. it coastguard will decide if misconduct, negligence or law violations contributed to the accident. anthony: apple supporters are ready to lash out at the f.b.i. protests are planned outside of apple stores in more than 30 cities on tuesday. rights for the future is organizing the protesters. they are angry over a court order that requires apple to unlock the phone used by the san bernardino terrorist shooters. around raleigh, police will hold a tactical training exercise around western boulevard. so if you hear explosions and it does include rain closures. one in bound lane will be shutdown. and also -- south of western boulevard will be closed. that is expected to last until 10:30. caitlin: the snow jeopardy was in town this weekend looking for young contestants. anthony: 100 teens gathered at the scareten hotel downtown and trying to get a spot in teen show in april. they each it to pass an on-line test. and then they had to put their skills to the test and hoping to make it to the final round. >> i did the test. i was like, mom, refresh your e-mail like every day. and so, until we got the e-mail. i was pretty happy. >> it is really exciting. i was reading things on-line amount of people who get in there. the odds are less than harvard. >> raleigh is one of six cities that they are visiting. jimmy mcguire is on the tour and heather and joel. >> yes. they are both incredibly intelligence. i'm sure that they did good. i can't wait to talk to them. having the pressure on. and the kids there are very, very bright if they passed that on-line test to make it that far. >> and alex trebek asking questions, too. even eventually. >> that puts additional pressure. i would be sweating. >> my wife and her best friend they watch it all the time. >> my mother, two. >> they have 40 dvr'ed episodes. i'm like i'm going to outside. >> and you know the answers at home. in the studio. good luck. >> yes. steve: let's get right to. it today a mild day, a lot of clouds around. fog this morning, but the active days that we're watching are deep moisture coming our way with a pretty impressive upper level trough, too. this is the european model and that deep moisture is coming in here on monday night and early tuesday and then a little break and watch this upper low as it gets closer to us. this one is vigorous, the potential for heavy rain on wednesday as well. the snow line will be off to the north. so all, not a winter event for us, all liquid event. the models are coming in. note the numbers here on average an inch to an inch and a half of precipitation is possible next week. cannot rule out a spotty sure later on today, too. more in a second. still low clouds and fog in durham, visibility is improving. no longer a dense fog advisory. this could play havoc with the temperature forecast. visibility is improving, but in places patchy dense fog. coolerling north. warmer are you didn't have it fog. temperatures near 60's. still nice and sunny along the 95 corridor. what a nice morning there. again, we're seeing the clouds streaming enism more of that, a frontal boundary to the north this will be sagging southward increasing the rain chances. i can not rule out a sprinkle or as well. wouldn't be much. we're watching more of a band of showers from the north. the timing on this late afternoon into the evening hours. that sags southward. so keep that in mind if you have plans late today and this evening. meantime, the front makes it to the south tomorrow, kind of stalls here, we will see moisture overriding that for monday night. there is monday night's rain, the low shifts offshore, and a break and another system we're watching. this is more potent, this arrives on wednesday and the temperatures will warm on wednesday, we call this prefrontal warming, the system bar here as the jet stream buckles it will pass into warm schooler temperatures specifically friday with highs falling back to the 40's. no headaches down in florida for the daytona beach 500 today. 70's. the weather just fine for the race down there. all right. around here today, high temperatures pretty warm. might be a little -- optimistic of hitting 70 with this fog kind of lingering, it might mess that up. but a warm day today. tonight, 40's to 50's. cloudy, mild, a shower chance this early evening hours. and then tomorrow, mainly cloudy. i have a chance late in the day, but more likely tomorrow might into tuesday morning. we'll get rain. and then a break, and then that upper level low comes our way on wednesday and more rain around and milder, in the 60's. behind that front, the temperatures start to go back down. back to sunshine on friday, but cooler in the 40's. caitlin: ok, we have to get our running in. we're getting closer and closer. to the half marathon. me. caitlin: working double duty. steve: i will do mine tomorrow. old house, new address. anthony: the time in almost 100 year as historic home in raleigh has a few address. the crews completed the small task of moving the house this weekend. caitlin: the owner decided to move because the land around harrington is slated for redevelopment. so jeremy baker walks us through the incredible task of taking an entire house from point a to point b. >> it is just amazing to see something like this. >> something that probably comes along once in a lifetime. i have never seen anything like it. >> it is actually pretty awesome right now. i never seen anything like this before in my life. >> a moving van. >> i love this scene. this, this is so -- like -- it is real, but i know it is reality. like a little kid who used to run a toy, an electric car. he is doing now with the a real big house. >> just one guy, and one remote control. >> it looks like they are raising it, lowering it. >> but they are also really very carefully adjusting the level of it. you can see the hydraulics there. >> they are taking out all the street lights. >> a lot of work today. >> all of the sheetz are closed. >> he is usually a jokester. >> you didn't believer him. >> i had to come out. >> yes. i had to see it. >> it is cool that we try to preserve our historic homes in raleigh. anthony: thank you for the look. anthony: the man suspected of opening fire. at devry university's college of business, we're looking for what the companies you'd want to work for, are looking for: the go-getters. or the start up they haven't even started yet. at devry we teach, what's been business-world tested. so if you want to learn today, and make an impact tomorrow- you're our kind of student. our kind of different. devry university's college of business. caitlin: good morning. we are following breaking news this morning. people dead in cap mizzou, michigan, two others still in the hospital right now. that suspect is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow. anthony: and the big story around here. we are some dense fog in spots throughout the triangle. so be extra careful this morning especially getting behind the wheel. 9:30. 51 degrees outside, good morning. it is sunday february the 21st. william, i'm anthony wilson. caitlin: i'm caitlin knute. it is wonderful to have you with us. a lot of stories today. something everybody will notice outside, pretty darn nice. steve: it will be. temperature-wise, not the prettiest. visibilities have been improving rapidly in 30 minutes. the visibilities in most locations from the triangle northward, a quality mile and less. and low at r.d.u. and louisburg but improving. no more advisories from the fog. and the temperatures are slow to similar to these. but it is warming with you had sun this morning. fayetteville and clinton the temperatures 60. but clouds coming in from the west. a couple of sprinkle, too. notice the rain off around the kentucky area, that's coming southward and we could be deeing with showers by this evening. we will keep an eye on that. more coming. anthony: steve, thank you. the breaking news out of michigan, the suspect believed to be responsible for a series of random shootings will be arraigned tomorrow afternoon. six people were killed, two in fact still a live. but she is gravely injured. the shootings happens at three locations including a cracker two others died in a car dealership parking lot. and a woman was injured at an apartment complex. authorities don't believe there is a connection between the victims. caitlin: this morning two men were stabbed at victoria's cabry. our crew on the scene is saying four men were leaving the building and they started fighting and knives were pulled. two men were taken to cape fear valley medical center, they are not believed to be life-threatening. their identities not released. at this point no word on suspects or arrests. it is a second straight victory for billion air businessman, donald trump in the south carolina primary. complete, but unofficial rules are showing florida senator marco rubio edging out ted cruz. and donald trump thanked his supporters for delivering his first place finish. >> let's have a big win in >> and after a poor showing in the primary, jeb bush announced he was purp violently suspending his victim. >> and in nevada, hillary clinton pulled out a crucially victory overcoming a strong surge by bernie sanders. >> i am so -- so thrilled and so grateful to all of my supporters out there. some may have doubted us, but we never doubted each other. >> sanders congratulated hillary clinton on her victory. but said his campaign is focused on super tuesday. and a driver jumped out just in time as his truck plunges into a pond. the truck ran over the man's leg, but he is expected to recover from the temperature. behind the temple baptist church yesterday afternoon. shooting and violence in durham, the sheriff had enough. this open later on facebook and talked about two shootings, one injury ad77-year-old grandmother. and sheriff andrews wrote -- these senseless acts of violence must stop. and says, only a united front can make a difference. >> this morning we are hearing from the woman who helped to save a 29-year-old man's life after he fell down an icy staircase outside of his raleigh apartment in the middle of the night. this happened early tuesday morning on chamberlin street. that man still in critical condition this morning. >> i think he may have fallen. i'm not sure. you know, when i found him, he was on the ground already. >> stephanie williams heard her neighbor's dog whimpberring outside of her apartment building on tuesday morning and saw him. >> she was face down. he was unresponsive. >> with blood pouring from a gash in his head. >> i screamed his name. he debt say anything or move. so that's when i dialed 9-1-1. >> with help from a dispatcher used her cpr training to help him until ems crews arrived. raleigh police are saying there is a possibility it was weather-related. >> i was extremely calm. it was -- and so when i walked over and bent down to him, he was -- very damp. >> to get an idea of just how far he fell, she said he lived on the third floor here, when she saw him, he was down there on the pavement, motionless. now, that he is at the hospital -- she and his neighbors hope he will recover. >> we cannot see him, we're not family. >> so she hopes he gets the message. >> we love him, and we hope that he gets better. loyal to his master made sure that someone heard the noise and that's the reason why she responded. >> the wimpperring alerted her and she gave him cpr. we hope that he recovers. eyewitness news -- (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) lease a 2016 lincoln mkx for $399 a month steve: welcome back, everybody. good morning to you. on this sunday. a pretty shot down in fayetteville. a couple of high clouds coming in. you can see them moving in from the west. you don't have to deal with the fog. the temperature at 60 at that sensor. the breeze out of the west at 11 miles per hour. area wide we are cooler to the north where we had the fog. and warmer to the south. temperatures near 60 degrees. we should warm quite a bit. as you step out the door this morning a couple of areas might have a little bit of patches of fog. here we go, the upper 60's around 2:00 this afternoon. and clouds from the west. showers to the north could be drifting southward by the evening. tomorrow and more so on tuesday, and rebound a bit on wednesday and then cool by the end of the week. up-and-down temperatures over the coming days. had a chance to talk to great second graders at the elementary school in garner, a good bunch of kids. we talked about wert. a wonderful class. and asked good questions, too. and if you are traveling out of r.d.u. looking good. all major hubs showing no delays your abc 11 eyewitness news accuweather seven-day forecast. is minutes away. caitlin. [music plays] caitlin: you can see it, i wish i would have been at this concert. check this out, this is jason aldean taking out fayetteville last night. thousands of people kate out to watch him perform his greatest hits. this is part of the stars we were there tour. anthony: a lot of happy fans. now, these brave runners baring all for a special race in raleigh. brave souls stripped down and ran. it benefits the children's tumor foundation. they are lucky it was not cold. the same race in washington, d.c. a week ago had temperatures in the teens. caitlin: brrr. yes. i'm a runner, but i don't know if that's for me, but for a good cause. still to come. his morning after a ceasies of random shootings that left six people dead. a 14-year-old girl reported killed earlier, is now identified being alive. the suspect, jason dalton was arrested six hours after the first shots were fired. he is due in court tomorrow, likely facing multiple counts. anthony: funeral for the author of to kill a mockingbird, harper lee was as private as her life. a few dozen family members attended her service in alabama. her long time friend, also the eulogy. wayne flint read a spiff he won for racial yust us. kegsa made an appearance in court this weekend in an effort to be released with her contact for sony music. she has been in a legal battle with her former producer and unable to perform new music. she is claiming she was abused for a decade. and she is saying the singer is lying. kegsa's fans showed support for the kinger in new york yet. caitlin: new this morning a ski lift malfunctioned stranding 100 skiers. 25 people fell off the lift and suffered minor injuries. emergency crews responded. good news, if you're a coffee drinker like us, drinking coffee could cut your chance of developing one type of liver disease two cup as day could cut your chance to develop awl related cirrhosis. drinking excessive amounts. cirrhosis developing by blocking off blood flow to the liver. coffee will not balance out all negative aspects of alcohol. any time they are saying coffee is good for you, that's good news for me. anthony: if you like coffee like we do. pace yourself. too much is not good for you. caitlin: yes. steve, amazingly does not drink coffee. working the morning show and not a coffee drinking. i have tried to convert you over the years. steve: a lot of things people anthony: mountain dew for you for a while. healthy. my doctor is like -- caitlin: now, if i can get my husband to follow suit. he is a mountain dew drinker, too. steve: high is young -- he is young and in the. the active days are tuesday and wednesday we will see a pretty impressive trough coming our way it might be the timing could be a little bit off here, a monday night and tuesday event. this is the european model it is showing deep moisture coming into play on tuesday. and the snow line is to the north. i'm watching the other disturbance back here. this is more powerful, the meat of this trough will swing in on wednesday giving us yet more showers around the area, not non stop rain, but the amounts impressive. when of the models saying an inch to an inch and a half of rainfall. wait and see how that plays out. a live look in fayetteville, you didn't have fog this morning. start sag see high clouds from the west. you are warmer there and temperatures near 60's and cooler temperatures to the north where we have the dense fog this morning. visibilities improving significantly. 78 not an issue. and we will be warm with the southwest breeze today. and the frontal boundary up here, you can see the showers this is drifting southward. now, i can't rule out a sprinkle high resolution model is trying to denote that 1:30 this afternoon. this is a band of showers that come in at 3:30 this afternoon in the northern counties. so if you have late afternoon plans be aware this is a responsibility. not in the likely category yet. but 30 to 40% chance of this actually happening. so -- keep that in mind for later today. and then a break tomorrow. the front will be to our south tomorrow. i expect just a cloudy day tomorrow. cooler with the northeast breeze. and then the moisture is going to override that front, that means overnight on monday into tuesday we will get rain with that low. and then we're watching the more impressive one right here. this arrives on wednesday and bring rainfall. it will warm on wednesday. the lows back here ahead of it will tap into warmer air. the eastern zones will be significantly warmer than the western zones. going right back down behind the system. no weather headaches at all in daytona for the daytona 500 toward. the numbers in the 70's with sunshine in florida. all right. back to home, our highs today i'm being optimistic with the 70. the fog messed me up there this morning. regardless, warm, upper 60's to near 70. and for tonight, near 50 for a low. another mild night, should be in the mid-30's. so well beyond that. and then tomorrow, i think it is mainly a cloudy day. the chance of rain is late. probably in the evening to over night hours. wet on tuesday morning. and wednesday a better chance of rain and warmer. and then behind that, dry things out, cooldown, 40's on friday. caitlin: one of our viewers on facebook wanted to get golfing weather. with the rain he might have to dodge showers. steve: he will be fine now. golf umbrellas. mark: winning first place on the line, north carolina responded in a big kay. the tarheels gagged away a one-game lead in their stunning loss to duke just a few days ago. yesterday they took it right back. well determined the fact that shots down the stretch in the loss on wednesday. johnson picks ufwhere he left off, on the way to a double-double. 16 points and 15 rebounds. jackson puts north carolina up by 12. six u.n.c. players hit double figures. u.n.c. is up 42-33 at the a. they didn't give it up this time around. well, hurricanes were busy turning the ball over to start the second half, joel and company taking advantage. jackson three of his 15 points. threes, before the louisville game. allen on his game again. 29 points. a horse shot there. joan whose didn't play likes it. duke had a 13-point lead in the and then things kind of go bizarre. allen and johnson fighting for the loose ball. and johnson gets aggressive and clocking allen with the elbow to the chops. he get as technical foul for that. so duke seemingly having things go their way, but they run out of gas. and the offensive rebound. lee who was super clutch for the cardinals don't the stretch, hit three key threes and had 24 points. coach k got teed up as well. language. lewisville gets the win, 71-64. cat barber going bananas has not translated into wins for n.c. state. the wolfpack end up losing. well, yesterday barber didn't crack double-digits and it ends up being a good thing. clemson. martin really jump starts the the best office for state, though, was off of the offensive glass. and barber missing. back down by one at the half, but caleb with that offensive rebound. b.j. cleaning up the mess. with barber struggling there is abu again, the garbage man, barb hardware only eight today. but abu, 17 points, 16 rebounds. he was feasting off the rim. it looked like the packed with pull away down the stretch. maverick with the stroke working. jarred keep the tigers in it with 33. and a huge two down the stretch, the freshman had 20. and state holds on for the three-point win. elsewhere, n.c. central made half of their shot attempts yesterday in a clobbering of morgan state, they got 18 points from holmes and won three out of they take a week off before facing. big women's basketball game today, north carolina and n.c. state get together on the hardwood. have a great sunday, everybody. anthony: thank you, joe. caitlin: you have to wonder what john lennon would have said about this. >> a four inch lock of his hair sold on saturday for $35,000. a hair drescher clipped the beatles hair. -- hairdresser clipped the beatle hair. priceless. hours. >> we have multiple people dead in summary what it looks like, we have somebody just finding around, finding people and shooting them dead in their tracks. >> breaking news up first this morning. a deadly shooting spree in kalamazoo, michigan. good morning. north carolina, i'm caitlin knute. >> i'm anthony wilson. six people confirmed dead and others injured including a 14-year-old girl in serious condition. this is the mugshot of the suspect, 45-year-old jason

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New York , United States , Cumberland County , Kentucky , Alabama , Nevada , Islamic Center , Florida , Southern Pines , North Carolina , Texas , Afghanistan , Raleigh , Louisburg , Texas Southern University , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Bahamas , The , Mississippi , Temple Baptist Church , Fayetteville , Daytona Beach , Chapel Hill , South Carolina , Valley Medical Center , Lewisville , Americans , Harper Lee , Stephanie Williams , Marco Rubio , Jason Aldean , El Faro , John Lennon , Jeb Bush , Jason Dalton , Jeremy Baker , Donny Williams , Caitlin Knute , Anthony Wilson , Wayne Flint , Jimmy Mcguire , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Megan Hughes , Bernie Sanders ,

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