Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20171212 :

Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20171212

good day at 9a starts right now. ♪ good right now. going to be cold a whole lot later. get ready to snuggle in. we're glad you're with us on this tuesday, december 12th. >> all right. ahead this morning we're celebrating national gingerbread house day. with major sugar rush. we'll catch up with local chefs at national harbor to see how they brought this giant display honoring the district live and get this, the entire thing took 340 hours and 200 pounds of powdered sugar to build. >> wow. >> it looks spectacular. >> i wouldn't where it goes after it's done. >> somebody's belly. >> a lot of sugar. >> every attempt i've made at gingerbread house forget about it. >> you have to have double the candy. you eat the candy. put it on. eat the candy. >> expert on the way to get the answers to all of our questions. >> outside right now. you better get yourselves ready by this time tomorrow we'll be dealing with arctic blast. we've been talking about it all morning. expected to keep temperatures below the freezing mark. let's send things over to tucker barnes to get all the details. tuck? >> wisdom, not only this time tomorrow but really later this afternoon and tonight. i think by seven, 8:00 o'clock tonight, you're going to feel that bitter cold. the winds will be how long, and this arctic front will move on through and deliver some very cold air around here for the next couple of days. let's start with current numbers that's your 9:00 a.m. start. 43 at reagan national. dulles 38. 41bwi marshall. overnight our lows really not terribly low becaus we've had a bit of push out of the south here up ahead of our front. you can see with our satellite/radar the cloud cover that's out there. our concern is just off to our north and west. there's antic front right here you can see the snows flying in the mountains out to our west. i don't think a whole lot of that will get across the mountains. might get a couple flurries around here. what i can guarantee the winds which are p really going to pick can expect winds this afternoon out of the north and west gusting to about 30. that's going to deliver some very very cold wind chills around here later today. here's your wind chills the future cast what we're expecting. i just want to show was we can expect late this evening. 7:00 o'clock tonight. it's going to feel like teens for most of the area. and by tomorrow morning it's going feel like single digits ten, 11 degrees. unfortunately the winds are really going to be blowing here out of the north and we have later this afternoon and deliver our coldest air of the season. tomorrow daytime highs probably don't get above freezing for most of the area. 51 today that's in the next couple of hours see that temperature quickly jump ahead of the front. but then start falling this afternoon by seven, 8:00 o'clock tonight temperatures around freezing with wind chills in the teens. so bring the jacket, the puffy coat, wisdom. put your redskins hat on with the little, you know, cotton ball on top. you want to put all that on. back to you guys. >> sounds good, tuck. dress warm is what he's saying. >> layers, longjohns. whatever it takes. right now at 9:03 today's alabama voters will head to the polls there in one of the biggest senate races since the presidential election. roy moore and doug jones are battling it out for jeff sessions' vacated senate seat. our melanie alnwick is live on can toll hill hill this morning. breaking down this very highlily contested senate race. mel. >> reporter: good morning. polls opened an hour ago. capitol hill is going to be intensely focused their attention 800 miles south one of the things that they'll be looking for is voter turn out, analysts say a strong number there could indicate that democrat doug jones may be poised to take the victory. ♪ >> judge roy moore won say much about politics or sports or anything else last night outside a final election eve campaign rally. but inside, he did question the validity of recent polls and talked need to challenge the establishment. >> but the swamp when you're up to your neck in alligators. >> reporter: what moore has going for him deep red alabama a state that generally doesn't elect democrats but he faced one sex misconduct allegation another involving teenagers made awkward by an interview he did with a 12-year-old girl just posted by a pro trauma many super pack. moore's opponent democrat doug jones push fog big turn out from african-american voter today's bringing big names, too, to make it happen. >> we got to stop look like idiots to the nation. that's former nba star charles barclay in get out the vote effort for jones. >> they used to say the hay is in the barn. we got to get out our votes tomorrow. >> reporter: now the polls have been all over the place. everyone saying it is just re really too tough to some showing moore with nine-point lead others showing jones with ten-point lead and yet another saying it's a statistical dead heat. so they'll be watching this all day long. the polls in alabama close at 7:00 p.m. that's 8:00 p.m. eastern time. live on capitol hill, melanie alnwick, fox5 local news. ♪ 90:00 sick is the time. increased security on the streets of new york this morning after attempted terror tack near times square. 27-year-old ullah is in police custody after attempting to detonate a homemade pipe bomb in underground walkway near the port authority bus terminal. the bomb only partially exploded. five people were hurt including ullah. he's originally from bangladesh sparked more dee at any time about tightening us immigration policy. investigators say ullah was inspired to carry out the attack by watching isis videos online. but it's unlikely he had any direct contact witness terror group. >> we actually show that society of many faiths and many backgrounds can work and we showed democracy our enemies want to undermine that. >> ullah's family released a statement yesterday' as tempted bombing saying in part... >> the spotlight on sexual harassment is now on president trump. yesterday a group of women who say the president sexually harassed them held a news conference saying that the man in the oval office should be held accountable. the women are calling on congress to investigate and five senators are now asking the president to resign. president trump denies the allegations that range from unwanted kissing to groping. i want to believe that as americans we can put aside our political inclinations and admit that some things in fact do transcend politics n we will hold mr. trump to the same standard as harvey weinstein and the other men held accountable for their reprehensible behavior >> the group is calling on the house oversight committee to investigate the allegations against the president. president trump is that tweeting this morning about the sexual harassment allegations he said despite thousands of hours wasted and many millions of dollars spent the democrats have been unable to show nicole lucien with russia so now they are moving on to the false accusations and fabricated stories of women who i don't know and are have never met. fake news. light weight senator kirsten gillibrand a total flunky for chuck schumer and someone who would come to my office begging for campaign contributions not so long ago and would do anything for them is now in the ring fighting against trump. very diss loyal to bill and crooked used. 9:08. the pentagon will allow transgender people to enlist in the military starting jan january 1st. despite opposition from the trump administration. the new policy reflects gwi two federal courts already have ruled against the trump administration's ban on transgender individuals from entering the military. potential transgender recruits will have to overcome a lengthy and strict set of physical, medical and mental examinations to join the armed services. >> maryland lawmakers plan to update the legislature sexual harassment policy following a wave of allegations against politicians, journalists and entertainers. the proposal would track harass many complaints against lawmakers and staff annually. it's up for a vote today by committee that decides legislative policy. now under the proposal, the public will be able to see whether disciplinary action resulted from the complaints but the names of those accused will still be kept confidential. meanwhile, police in alexandria have identified the suspect in deadly stabbing this month. take look at your screen. this is endless taylor. he's accused of robbing and stacking louis bonea back on december 1st. officers discovered his body while on routine patrol near the meadow in alexandria. they recover the victim's phone which helped them identify the suspect. ♪ new details about the death of a montgomery county school student whose body was found sunday night. according to fox5 sources 17-year-old navid, had attend add party saturday night at a home in bethesda. the party was reportedly broken up by police because of underaged drinking. that's when he got separated from his friends. and disappeared. >> we were called to an address, um, for a disturbance call, part of that might have involved the party that also may have involved people leaving a party and therefore out on the street. >> police found his body sunday night in the woods near a neighborhood swim club. last night family and friends held emotional memorial in his memory. still ahead, gunfire on metro. this morning investigators need help tracking down suspects involved in a shooting at the minute money avenue metro station. a drug bust at a daycare. police seized thousands of dollars worth of pot and cocaine and lots of money, too. we got more details after the break. ♪ brea dogs can't see color like we do. but they see you like it's the first time, every time. they see a tough day a mile away. and things they can't unsee. they see life. and they see love. every time they see you. maybe dogs can't see color. but what they see is so much more. dogs are more. let's treat them that way. milk-bone. this year, start a new holiday tradition. delicious recipes made with nutella! the holidays never tasted this good. discover holiday recipes at ♪ 9:13 on this tuesday mor morning. gunfire on the search underway for suspects involved in shooting at the minnesota avenue metro station. bob barnard with the latest now on this investigation. >> reporter: the good news this morning is the orange line is running once again here through the minnesota avenue station. this station was closed for a time last night. we have new photos of the two suspects that metro transit police and d.c. police are looking for. here they are. in this case you can now see the man in the gray sweatshirt. his face clearly. the other one wearing all black. this was on a metro bus. we believe after the shooting. this happened just before 8:30 last night. metro transit police telling us that the two shooting suspects and the man who was shot in the arm up on the platform did not know each other. that the two suspects had evaded the fair gate, came into the station here. were up on the platform got into some kind of verbal altercation. two shots were fired. one hit the man in the arm. he was taken to the hospital. conscious and breathing and is set to the two suspects then fled the station. they did not get on a train and have not been seen since. so with the new photos police are hoping someone will be able to identify them and get these guys off the street. the minnesota avenue station was closed for a time last night. they had bus shuttle service bypassing the station but again the orange line is up and running through minnesota avenue the station here in northeast washington this morning. as the search for those two gunman continues. back in to you guys. >> bob, thanks very. the one person is dead, another critically injured after a crash on the beltway last night. it happened about 9:00 o'clock. it skip landing road in lan landover. it was a wrong way crash. victim who died was in the other vehicle. road closures from that crash investigation caused major backups last night. those lanes though were open for rush hour this morning. developing out of anne arundel county this morning a maryland man accused of selling drugs out of his home's daycare. police say they found marijuana, cocaine and cash inhe officers arrested 18-year-old cameron allot al wan. his sift says she and her mom didn't know about the drugs and neighbors are shocked. >> i see a lot of cars coming in when i come home picking up their kids, so it is shock to go see that that's right across from me, and how the amount of drugs that was found in the house is actually -- was actually there. >> investigators say the children at the daycare did not have access to the area of that home where police found the drugs. also in anne arundel county jury trial begins for one of two men accused of hanging a noose in crofton maryland at public middle school. 19-year-old john haberman was count on surveillance video after he and another man hung a noose from the school. >> virginia is dealing with a teacher shortage this morning solutions to fix the problem are in the works. governor terry mcauliffe signed an executive order that will let state colleges and universities in virginia the option to teaching and make it easier for teachers to obtain their licenses and to encourage students to go into the teaching profession. the battle tweens between metro and catholic archdiocese of washington. federal judge cytosided with the transit agency who refused to sell the church ad spice encouraging riders to discover the true meaning of christmas. it bands ad to promote or religious practice or belief. >> update on the trump's administration efforts to combat ms13. sessions will hold press conference along the homeland security secretary -- along with homeland security secretary at 10:30am in baltimore. turning now to a major milestone for the maryland native who was shot in the head during las vegas mass shooting. tina frost walk out of rehab on friday. at one time the 4828-year-old was in coma. she can enjoy her family, friends an little nor continue therapies on an outer loop basis as she works on getting stronger every day. >> all right. coming up, our week of wishes continues. one year ago a little boy named kaheem just stole our hearts here at fox5 when he became a super hero. he saved the day. then this morning we got a big update on how kaheem is doing. >> but first allison what are you work owing john. >> mo good morning. coming you one of those southern california wildfires could scorch its way into the record books. and he may be out of the white house but former president barack obama has an important reminder about health care. also, decking the halls. one couple's extreme decorations taking the internet by storm. ♪ ♪♪ every morning, i thought i had to make a choice. do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth or one... ...that's good for my teeth? now i don't have to choose! my dentist told me about new crest whitening therapy. so, i tried it! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. now i get a whiter smile and healthy teeth, all in one. the 3d white collection from crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. ♪ 921st time. right now allison seymour is in the newsroom with a check of the other stories making headlines this morning. allison. >> good morning wisdom. first up firefighters southern california are now battling what has become the fifth largest wildfire in state history. it's the thomas fire it started last week the blaze has burned more than 230,000 acres to put that in perspective that is lar jenn than new york city. thousands of residents have left the area including celebrities like oprah winfrey, actress drew barry more and jeff bridges. victory this morning for those challenges the president's poll seal banning transgender people from entering the military. the pentagon will allow transgender recruits to enlist in the military starting januar. after another federal judge ruled against the ban on yesterday. the justice department was quick to file an appeal. he may be out of the white house but he's still on twitter. former president barack obama tweeting reminder yesterday that the deadline to sign up for the affordable care act or obamacare in most states is on friday. the trump administration shortened the enrollment period to end on december 15th instead o the ad budget intended to n americans of this change was also cut. the jewish holiday of hanukkah starts at sundown. the 8-day holiday commemorates the rededication of the holy temple with the lighting of the menorah. the nation's capitol will celebrate today with the national hanukkah menorah ceremony at 4:00 p.m. gates open at 3:00 p.m. and finally, wisconsin couple taken christmas decorating to whole another level. they have not one, not two, but 28 trees inside of their home. 28! that's not all either. they also have about three thus san ornaments up on the trees. and around their home. the kristen says her christmas collection started 20 years ago when co-worker gave her an other than nam as gift. the couple says they take a week off from work each year just so they can set up all of their decorations. so can anybody beat that up there? >> anybody have 29 trees >> how big their house to com date 28 trees? that's what i want to know. >> it doesn't matter. the christmas spirit filling their home. >> they had to move furniture out. >> where do you keep all this stuff when you put it in boxes in the off season. >> they're proses, wis. >> they got a full storage facility. >> exactly. >> nothing but christmas decorations. >> on their compound they live on. >> leads me to another question about their financial situation if you got enough space for all that stuff. >> they're doing well. >> little tradition. they take week off from work and do it together. >> i like it. >> i do, too. >> speaking of -- >> they don't eat for 11 months. >> oodles of noodles allege months. speaking of decking the halls, here's perfect way to do so if you are short on space. how about putting up half a christmas tree. >> stop it. >> the fake half trees are being sold by several major retailers. they aren't cheap some are going for 150 bucks. other unique tree trends this year tree toppers which are simply the tops of the trees. to a stand and we talked about down tree. >> more like a lamp. >> i scoffed at the half tree on second thought, that's not bad idea. >> it's a good space safer actually. >> i've seen the corner trees. you stick in the corner. >> that's not a bad idea. like a corner cabinet. >> it fits in the corner. >> exactly. weird but works. >> i think it works. >> okay. really you only see the ornaments on one side any way. >> right. >> do you debate really decorating the back of the tree. >> i put a few on the back side of the tree i feel bad for the back side of the tree. >> put it right in the center of the room. >> exactly. >> all right. warning about the season's hottest toys. beware of fake fingerlings those puppets high demand this season an lot of people in desperation are going online. the bbb says it's tracked dozens of reports of fingerlings scams. has anyone seen this? >> i thought i was hip to these little kiddie games. >> that's how they get advertising some say they've gotten counterfeit fingerlings or i completely different. they're robotic monkeys only about 5-inches long they grab on to your fingers, pass gas and sing a tune. >> that is the ideal gift for kevin mccarthy right right th there. >> they can blink and snore. >> kevin would laugh non-stop. >> oh, my god. >> this whole time i thought fingerlings were potatoes. >> totally. >> who knew. >> how much is a finger link go for. >> i think they only go about for forty two 14.99. >> really. >> i actually just saw a story on this before i came up here. which is why i know. >> the real ones. but the problem is they also had bunch of those grinch bots buy up all the fingerlings and so now they're like on e-bay and things like that and they're selling them for like two, three, even four times as much. >> i've got another finger for those grinch bots. >> exactly. >> okay. still ahead phone batteries always die at the most inconvenient time one company come up with clever way to help you stay charged. >> it's national gingerbread house day. mike thomas joining us live with a local chefs at national harbor to see how they brought that giant display to life. >> february at 1 star-studded night in d.c. our erin como she caught up with bunch of the cleanse on the red carp at this year's jingle ball at capitol one arena. and kevin mccarthy sets down with actor zac efron and zendaya to dish about the upcoming movie musical the greatest showman. plus, he is best known for his roles as the daily show correspondent dee ranged minimill i don't know nair. john hodge man will join us live to talk about his new tell all book vacation land. ♪ ♪♪ hmm i can't believe how great this tastes! i can't believe it comes in... vegaaaan. and organiiiic. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! i'll take that. hey, l'eggo my eggo. i don't see your name on it. really? ba bam! know the rules. keep your eggo. l'eggo my eggo. okay. ♪ that's tucker. at a today is national gingerbread house day as part of the gaylord national resort celebrations including a massive ice display, all new musical productions the host tell's pastry team spent 340 hours building, shaping, baking assembling ajayi nor muss gingerbread version of the capital city. this is do not miss event. so we sent our own mike thomas to the gaylord national to check it out. mike, i know the pictures do not do it justice. >> oh, yes, they absolutely do not. it's an incredible display, guys. you'll see it in just second. set the scene first. hey, we're here down national down in national ha harbor. the city itself we just drove through it to get here it's all been transformed. the hotel itself has beautiful decorations in the lobby. dozen christmas trees in the lobby all lit up getting you ready for the holiday season. happy holidays everybody. and hope hanukkah to everybody which i know starts tonight. here we have the display, everybody. this is chef mohan and chef nate two of whom work. guys you have about gorgeous display behind us here. washington, d.c. gingerbread form. what was the inspiration? >> um, this is my third city that i have built. so i thought new york was one, baltimore now i said okay i'm in d.c., let me build d.c. >> perfect. it looks absolutely incredible. i think they said it on air, how long did it take to build? >> it took us probably about a good three weeks to get everything done start to finish. we use about 200 pounds of gingerbread, about 170 pounds of rice marshmallows, um about 90 pounds of candy. it's a lot of work but it was a lot of fun. >> every dentist's dream right now. [ laughter ] >> chef mohan. go through a couple of buil buildings. each one has unique features and specializations. >> exactly. let's take from you the white house. the whole white house is built with white chock las and i had to just do a nice color contrast i put gingerbread roof. washington monument, smithsonian the capitol, the lincoln and all the monuments and also the row houses and very own pastry shop, too. >> i got to say the detail is where everything is just absolutely incredible. you mentioned your own little gaylord pastry shop. get a shot this. they actually made their own little gingerbread house inside of a gingerbread house. how crazy is that? chef nate, what's your favorite? >> my favorite definitely is probably the capitol because so it. and i feel like, you know, they really did a good job at like capturing up a all the different columns. but everything but it's all candy it's all fun and exciting. it just looks great. >> it took about three weeks to build. how about just the capitol because i mean that is a massive gingerbread house. >> capital by itself took about three days. >> all right. chef mohan talk about the -- because the feature that stands out the most is the washington monument right there. three and a half feet tall. >> washington monument about 3.s completely edible. made with inside made with rice krispies and outside has a double walls of gingerbread. so we can run a lighting inside there. so we can see all the lightings are there and it weighs about 7. >> what about the trees because i see the trees detailed they each look christmas see. can we eat the trees. >> yes you can those are ice cream cones. >> they're ice cream. >> ice cream cones. did it upside down and made the trees. fascinating. >> everything on this table everything that you have is edible. >> are you telling me we're going to eat. >> you're going to eat on the second of january. >> second of january. okay. >> you can come back here and we can have fun and have all the goodies to eat. >> all right. >> all the candies too. >> chef, thank you so much. did you fantastic job. >> chef nate you as well. real quick i want to bring in rachel here whose in charge of public relations here at the gaylord. >> yes. >> tell us about what other -- this is absolutely an amazing display. can anybody come see it by the way, do you have have to be guest. >> everybody can come and see this this is right in our lobby and you can definitely walk n we have so much fun entertainment going on in our h room a free nightly light show that you can see with laser lights. found den, indoor snowfall. we have live entertainment in our atrium news think year joy show and christmas village you can actually decorate your own gingerbread house. >> so if you're feeling crazy. >> absolutely. >> you want to try and copy this you can actually make your own? >> absolutely. so we have that experience down in our christmas from this, you can try your luck and see how you do with your own gingerbread house. >> thank you so much rachel for having us. live from the gaylord i should say live from gingerbread d.c., mike thomas. send it back in to you guys. come on down and get some gingerbread. >> impressive. >> great tip, upside down ice cream cones to make the christmas trees. >> thank you very much. >> i just remember the icing on the roof and we put lifesavers on the roof. >> yeah. um-hmm. >> that's what i haven't had in while arc lifesaver. >> a lifesaver. >> oh, man i got butter rum lifesavers in my purse. i'll give you one. >> those things you remember. >> probably not as good. >> no. >> they're pretty good. >> pineapple ones are really good. >> i do like pine p.m. pell and coconut. >> butter rum. my go to lifesaver flavor. >> butter rum. >> never had that. >> no. >> i'll get you one. >> stimulating conversation. >> we're in avoidance of the arctic blast that's coming. >> structurally my gingerbread houses never would have passed any kind of basic inspection. >> no. probably not >> no permits, nothing, no. >> everything off. everything off with my gingerbread houses. glad i'm not responsible for. here your headlines. cold is on the way along with it some cloud cover that's our front that's coming through and once it gets clear of us we'll get a little sunshine but turning very windy this afternoon with a few flurries out there, and just plain old cold tonight and windy and cold tomorrow as well by cold i mean overnight lows in the teens and low 20s and wind chills which will be pushing single digits here later this afternoon and tonight. get ready for real cold. not there yet. 43 in washington. we may temporarily see these numbers get pushed newspaper the mid 40s maybe 50 in spot or two but the front right here on our doorstep now pushing into western maryland you can see the snow showers flying this will get east of us the. we might get a flurry with i. i'm going another minute and then the winds are going to pick up out of the north and west and we are going to be looking at very very extreme conditions around here later tonight. so windy conditions here's i don't know wind chills. again, will be in the digits i want to point out real quick we could have few snow showers around here early thursday morning. so just that in mind. a few showers. cold enough what falls will stick and we'll keep temperatures below normal through the end of the week were it there you go. passing flurry today. cold tonight. take a jacket. you'll want it for this evening with wind chills in the singer digits. now i'll done. bye guys. >> appreciate it. thanks tuck. 9:37 is our time. it was a twinkle in his eye an cute little laugh that made us fall in love with a little boy from maryland named kaheem. last year he was fighting leukemia and wanted nothing more than to be a super hero. fox5 d.c. cares partnered with make a wish mid atlantic to make that wish come true. and now a year later, we wanted to check in with this pint sized crime fighter as we continue our week of wishes. our shawn yancy has more. ♪ >> i want to be super hero. >> that was five-year-old kaheem last year talking about his wish to be a super hero time and wanted to use his super powers to save d.c. >> what's going on? how you jog come on. >> last year through fox5 d.c. cares and make a west mid land his wish was granted. he saved santa. >> can you see off in the distance there? somebody needs our help. he's stuck. >> santa! >> he rescued team mascots stuck on rooftop. and super kaheem eve stopped the grinch from stealing christmas. >> it was fun. bad guy, bad. then he said how am i bad? you bad. >> kaheem fought the bad guys and he wouldn't. but that wasn't the only victory he claimed this past year. >> things have been great. his health is excellent. he's, um. >> his mom says his wish day helped their family in so many ways and also created memories he will never forget. >> super kaheem. super kaheem. i went to fire truck an police car. >> kaheem even got the chance to shine as the commander in chief. >> me and my sister was sitting in the president's chair. kind of fun. >> these days his super kaheem doll helps him fight crime from his home in maryland. he's cancer free. he's happy and -- >> this is su super kaheem. >> awe. that little giggle is just too much. right? it just gets me every time. >> he's cancer free. >> oh, my goodness. >> amazing what a christmas blessing what a miracle. i tell you i'll never forget when we were watching when tucker was him he and spotted santa on the ferris wheel. >> santa! >> yeah. >> national harbor ran after him. >> and saved him. saved santa. you keep going super kaheem. >> god bless you we want to follow fox5 all day this friday because we are going to grant the wish of another local boy who wants to become a k9 police officer. >> very cool. that will be great. >> yeah. >> you know what i love about these wishes. all of these, arc lot of -- they want to help others. >> right. >> um-hmm. >> it's amazing much it's a mazing. i love this. >> all right. friday is the big day. looking forward to that. >> 9:40 is the time g day is heading to la to check in with kevin mccarthy who is feeling the force. >> fresh off the premier of the last jedi. >> he's being force to do not spill too much. >> to not say anything. >> or else. this morning eat sitting down with the one of the series newest cast members the fox beat that's coming up next and we will be right back. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ let the past die. >> i assume you'll become who you were meant to be >> darkness rises. >> friday is the big day. that is the trailer from the highly anticipated star wars the last jedi. now, kevin mccarthy joins us live from los angeles where he saw the movie but can't really talk about the movie yet which i know has to be one of the worst things for you, kevin, to be able to be like, i just want to say so much right now. >> writing my reviews since 3:45 this morning and i just finished it. so it's done. i put my last period at the end of it i'm getting ready to send it over to our web department which will post it at noon today. for people who aren't aware, how movie reviews work, with the movie like this, they have an embargo on the reviews you see the film they have an embargo date when every critic can release their rye view which is today at noon, 9:00 pacific time. my review is done and i'm going post it. i'll review it tomorrow morning yeah, i can't unfortunately say anything yet. if you go to my twitter you'll get some type of reaction from me. they have a social media embargo that lived up on saturday after the premier. but yeah it's interesting. it's kind of weird not to be able to talk about it. also, when i did the interviews for this film, the interviews you'll see this week on fox5, like the one we're about to show you i also john by yea today and the rest of the cast we'll air through friday we didn't see the movie i actually treated the junket i did for this movie like die for the force ache weakens. i asked questions based on the previous film but today the character you'll see next is a new character in the star wars franchise her name is kelly marie tran she's amazing act actress. i love her energy. i love just how exciting she is to be a part of this franchise and i spoke to her about her character she's going to tell you all about who she is in the film. what she can tell you and then the idea just being onset her first day onset thing about these movies these star wars films they're done packly as much as they can be. they build these creatures. they build these sets and these ships it's really kind of cool how they pull it off. so here's kelly marie tran brand new character in the star wars universe. character name is rose. check this out. >> i know you can't really say a lot but i'm curious what you can tell me about your character. i know it's kind of a cliche quotion ask. what can you tell me about your character so far. >> my character is' name is rose. part of the resistance she also has a sister named page part of the resistance. page is a gunner. so she trains with poe and fights with poe a lot and rosa maintenance worker she work behind pipes all day someone in the background and someone who isn't necessarily on in the forefront of the action. but in this film you'll see her get pulled into that. >> i'm geeking out. i do want to ask you, i don't know if you can go into specifics. what was the first day onset for you? good yeah -- >> can you give me an idea of >> i actually think i can tell you this because it was in the trailer. or not in the trailer one of those -- >> behind the scenes footage. >> yeah yeah yeah. so it was that scene -- there's seen with me and oscar and john, um, i remember walk owing ton that set. first of all, i remember being in my costume in my makeup and just being like this is so we weird. i was quite and i remember feeling like i was about to, um, play in the super bowl. do you know what i mean? >> yeah. >> your zens or so high ten. like you're an animal and suddenly you'll be chased by wolf and everything is so heightened you want to experience everything and you're just like looking around and i remember walking on to that set and seeing fin and seeing po and just being like, i -- i don't get what's happening. [ laughter ] >> one thing i love about star wars films, one that that shoot on film which is amazing. 35 and 65. >> yes. >> also the idea that ryan and jj use a lot of practical effects and things just curious was there something particularly that you nerded out about seeing practically was eight,, what were the things you remember seeing onset you were geeking out about. >> i love the porks. >> everyone loves the porks. >> i also love the crystal foxes. >> yes. that thing is so cool looking. >> it's beautiful. >> was it real onset? they -- >> was it practical. >> they had models of it which was incredible. the creatures department on this film is incredible. there are other creatures, too i don't know that we can discuss now you'll see in the movie. mo. had you're walking on to the sets and there are these creatures that are being controlled by people. so they're actually moving and you're actually interacting with them. i can tell you in particular that i had this moment with one of the creatures in the movie and i full on like cried when they weren't covering me. they were like covering me i was like oh my god i'm crying. because they're so real. >> all right. so the movie opens up i guess thursday night the full review for the in bow two and a half hours from now. i'll put it oh and moo twitter feed if you go to twitter feed you can actually kind of see some of my reaction for it. holly i think you just liked one of my tweets about it. you can probably see it there. >> i did because i wanted to see so our question is, we read tweets on the air all the time. can we read your tweet on the air? >> sure. i mean -- >> you can't but we can. >> how about we do this, kev. >> it's really strange thing how reviews work now a days but yeah, for example, when i got the e-mail with the screening information it said social media embargo, 12:30 saturday, december 9th. review broadcast written tuesday at 12 noon. so my reactions on my twitter but not my review. not my written review. not my rating. things like that. >> how about we do this kev. you're done your job. he's a stickler for this because he's professional about everything does he. you've done your job and we'll >> you go away. >> if we happen to find any tweets that seem interest to go us we may read them on the air. kevin, we thank you very much for joining us from los angeles. >> i'll see you guys soon. my full review will be posted at 12 noon and tomorrow morning i will actually give you guys my full rating. i'm going give the review obviously before the film opens. >> sure. >> audience will know what i think about it. it will happen tomorrow morning at 6:47am. but, yeah, do whatever you want. >> we're waiting with baited breath. cannot. >> good to see you. go away, kevin. >> bye-bye. >> he's gone. let's read what he said. a lot of people are saying they like it. different people are saying they like it on social media. >> i've seen positive reviews. >> kevin says that he -- there were scenes he loved. he found himself though just liking the film over all. he said the first act had pacing issues unnecessary immediate 86 moments that hurt the tone. gorgeous cinema trough. force awakens film. >> it was more like loved the last one, liked this one. >> i don't know why he couldn't say that. i mean honestly. >> he has to play by his rules. >> he's following his rules and we're following ours. >> our rules say we have to go to break. so we'll be right back. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ silent night ♪ ♪ holy night ♪ ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ cindy and frida appreciate the arts. frida is a work of art. when it's time to eat, frida enjoys the culinary-inspired made with real chicken, salmon or tuna. it's the only one cats ask for by name. if your skin had a wash tag what would it say? 80% glowing 50% freckles no matter your skin type, all skin deserves gentleness. that's why dove is sulfate free. the #1 body wash recommended by dermatologists. >> how many times have you seen this, right. >> no more dead phone batteries because florida man has a solution. it is called charge he will low changing and charging the tech world. fox's tom johnson shows us just how it works. >> this, this red battery of death is the worst, right? just about everyone experiences that moment at some point when you realize your phone battery is dying. >> not necessarily panic but it does stink. >> it can just ruin even the best of days. >> this is what i carry around now so it doesn't happen to me. seven day camping battery. >> ♪ >> beautiful day in hold my miami. but this little tech firm sin side working hard in its tiny office. >> about 3,000 square feet. >> in the wynnewood district you might never imagine this is the heart of a global company operating in 22 countries it's called charge elo. >> i have an idea i'm somewhat stubborn. >> founder freddie idea was born out of frustration with his smart phone battery. >> i think i have the charge it five times a day. it was bad. so the idea of charge everywhere was born. >> that idea making sure that your phone stays times. making sure that getting the juice to this is never a problem when you're out and about at places like here in downtown miami. that is charge elo right there a phone charger about the size of anism pad mini. it has a bunch of them free for customers to use. they offer a super fast charge while you eat. and give the restaurant something too. >> so having a phone charger raises the average bill for restaurant. >> restaurants pay to have a system or the systems are paid for by the ads on the batteries. they sell and creates the ads, prints them, laminates them and puts them on the battery. tens of thousands of them. >> currently we have 55,000 deployed. >> all over the world. >> we're in 22 countries. >> and in five including about 200 miami restaurants. >> and then all of a sudden beauty salons started asking and doctors offices, dentists offices, car dealerships, banks. >> next up, all those same kinds of places in central florida. >> because you can't survive without them today. >> a tiny florida company. >> with big dreams. >> changing how and where. >> you're there for few hours your phone is going to die. >> the world charges. >> you're solving a problem that everyone has. >> tom johnson. >> it's fun. >> fox news. >> all right. good day at 10a on the other side. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪♪ mother nature nothing smells greater than the great outdoors. especially when you're in accounts receivable. only one detergent can give you a sniff like this. the irresistable scent of new gain botanicals laundry detergent. bring the smell of nature wherever you are. this year, start a new holiday tradition. delicious recipes made with nutella! the holidays never tasted this good. discover holiday recipes at dude. your crunching's scaring the fish. dude. they're just jealous. kellogg's raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters and the taste of apples and strawberries. i got one! guess we're having cereal for dinner. kellogg's raisin bran crunch apple strawberry. ♪ the must see moments only on good day at 10a. >> we have the red hot topics. jimmy kimmel's emotional night. prince harry kicks one of his habits for meghan. plus, beyonce' says not so fast to one company. also at 10a, two of hollywood's hottest young stars don't miss kevin's interview with zac efron and zendaya. the song havana is burning up the charts. what does she think of all her success. erin has the answer. >> let's do this, d.c. in three, two, one. good day at 10a starts right now. ♪ >> it's catchy. >> this is one of those ones when it comes to the ready havana, blah, blah, blah. the only word i know is havana. >> that's >> if you know the words yell it out. >> that's how we do it. >> we're glad you're with us on this tuesday morning. it's just after 10:00 o'clock. before we go ahead and talk about all that's trending today, allison is back with what's making news headlines this morning. hey, al. >> good morning, hold. first up darks the big day in the state of alabama. the special election for the state's vacant senate seat. democrat doug jones going against republican roy moore. moore has been accused of sexual misconduct involving multiple teenagers. he is denied all of these allegations. fox news poll has jones with a slight edge over moore in the red state. three women who say that they were sexually harassed by president donald trump are once again speaking out. jessica leads, samantha hull veigh and rachel crooks are now demanding a congressional investigation. the women say that they were harassed and humiliated at the hands of the president. the white house is denying these accusations calling them quote total fiction. french president is tweaking president trump's campaign slogan for a climate change initiative. he's giving quote make our planet great again grants to us climate scientists so that they can conduct research in france for the remainder of president trump's current term. world leaders are preparing for the climb summit which begins today in paris. you'll remember president trump withdrew from the paris climate deal. he was not invited to the su summit. brown university is doing away with student loans. hallelujah. next year the ivy league school will eliminate all student loans in its under grad financial aid packages. instead they'll be replaced with scholarships. back in 2015, brown set a goal to raise $500 million for undergraduate financial aid. the university says the move will help attract the best students regardless of economic background. that's my favorite story and finally facebook is reinventing the poke. the social media giant wants to introduce fresh ways to greet your online friends. so you'll have the choice of five greetings a wing, high five, a wave, or a hug along with the poke. it's still there. users here in the us apparently are going to have to wait for the changes though sources say the new options are being testified in the uk australia thailand, canada, columbia and france. why not the us? hmm. back to you. >> high five on that. >> i can honestly say i've never done a facebook poke. >> no. >> when people did poke you, were you like why are you poking me? what is that about? >> i realized two years later people could do that and had a whole bunch of pokes. >> i felt like marriage proposals, everything. who knew? >> thank you al. 10:04. let's check what's trending now this morning. first up, remember the young boy named keaton his mom recorded him as tearfully told her about how he was bullied. here it is. >> just us of curiosity why do they bully of it? why do you find joy is taking innocent people and fi finding a way to be mean to them. >> your heart melts for the young boy because you feel how upset he is. now there's little bit of a cloud over this. appears to be little debate on mom's motives in making that& video. the video has gone viral viewed more than 20 million times. thousands have come to his keaton include a number of celebrities. story shift add little bit here. keaton's mother being labeled a racist online after questionable posts to social media surfaced including photos of the family standing next to an holding couldn't federal flags. also claim that is the family only did this for money. according to keaton's sister her familiar dull not start a gofundme page and is not looking for any money. the gofundme page that apparently was out there is no longer taking donations but nearly $60,000 was raised. the question i money. >> where did the money go. >> who starred that fund. what are they doing with it. >> i hate this story gotten murky with all of this stuff. you know, i don't know how you put a kid up to that type of tears. i think that part is deafly real. it addressed a real issue bullying and how it just cuts across so many -- cuts across all gender, racial whatever lines. i hate that this has gone this route that little boy, i felt started something. >> he asked good questions. >> he sure did. >> for it to turn this way. just makes you say good lord. what can you believe in? >> you don't want to do a total flip and now start, you know, pointing fingers and bullying. >> exactly. >> that was the whole pointer. >> the whole point. >> of where it came from. you're right it took a questionable turn. >> yeah. >> and outhit see that. but in this world, everybody is digging for something. >> oh yeah. >> i feel bad for the little b boy. >> you hope that the family had good intention. >> right. >> despite whatever their, you know, situation is. >> if the familiar dull that have in the back room maybe this is the catalyst that leads to change or they see good. >> right. >> people are good. >> we want to help your son. >> we love your son. we don't want him to feel this way hopefully there's of there's some good that comes out of this altogether. >> hope so. >> right. >> what about this one? online ad for plus size panty hose is being slammed on social media. take look. some are calling this the most offensive way possible to advertise the product. this is a picture from it shows a thin woman stretching out plus size hosiery as you can imagine it has really caused a fire storm online. here a couple reaction tweets. i love figuring out my size by conceptual liesing how many skinny people will fit in my clothes and this one, it would have been so much easier to hire plus size models for this it's an unrealistic advertisement as well there's no indicator how it looks on plus size body it's inefficient as well as distasteful. >> that it is. >> that sums it up. >> right? what were you th thinking? good, yeah. >> put that on there. >> a lot of times when people do they do it to get attention. the company is he that it in a room and say, okay, nobody is talking about us. let's do something crazy and controversial. >> i get it but man what a way -- >> get in the headlines. >> when you're dancing on the edge. it can really go bad or -- >> the fact if you saw that ad they're selling them for three dollars maybe they have no budget and they have one model for everything they sell. >> we are talking about it. >> there you go. getting publicity out of it. >> also talking about this. 2017 what many are calling the year of the woman. according to miriam webster dictionary searches for the world feminism spiked 70%. >> feminism is 2017 word of the year. the theory of political economic and social equality of the s sexes. all year long major women gripped our nation there was the woman's march in washington back in january. along with sister demonstrations all around the garnering massive critical claim and directed by a woman the first held major super hero f film. on the small careen popular slos like game of thrones featured strong female characters in lead role. me too movement that rose out of the harvey weinstein scandal. so 2017 word of the year feminism. >> all right. let's talk about netflix because netflix has a number on the year in binge watching and according to survey by the streaming service, the number one netflix show americans family watched was stranger things. followed by a series of unfortunate events. 13 reasons why, fuller house and gilmore girls a year in the life. netflix says subscribers watched 140 million hours of netflix a day worldwide over the last 12 months. and january 1st was the most popular day glo globally for watching. the holiday hangover lasted a little longer in the united states. january 2nd was the most >> am i the only one who doesn't have netflix. >> i don't have it wis. >> i do but i question why. >> i never binge watched any of those. >> me neither. >> never seen anything on that. >> keep increasing the price. it's 10.99 a month. but i never watch it. >> one day when i'm like maybe it's on netflix. >> it's not. >> it's not. >> i'm with you wis. i had it. i tried it. two different times i just didn't watch it. >> i may have had free trial as well. i don't remember what i watch but then it was like must have not been that great because i don't remember and i didn't sign up for it. >> do you know what i got hip to. red box. >> has anyone ever done that. >> seriously? just now. >> 2017. >> no, no, no. because i just -- i realize they actually have current movies like more current than i hadn't seen like wonder woman. and -- >> you've never seen big red boxes sitting outside 7eleven, walmart. >> i've seen them. i never thought to rent a movie from it. >> dust off the dvd player. >> i actually did. i did. oh, my gosh. okay. >> whatever. >> from three years ago. >> wow. >> my i-pod. have you heard of that? >> exactly. >> all right. we have a star-studded 10a for you. interviews with zac efron, zendaya, camilla cam yo still ahead. >> get out the kleenex for this was because we have jimmy kimmel's very emotional night. more fallout in the firing of matt lauer plus prince harry gives up a advice for meghan. we have our celebrity dish we're serving it next. >> first it's coffee time on good day d.c. if you want one much our mugs now is the time to get online and enter. we have the dunkin' donuts mug to give away for your perfect cup of coffee. head to f or facebook page and get that entry in by 11am. one lucky winner will be selected by random drawing. it is right now 10:11. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ welcome back. 10:14 is the time. that means it's time for the good day celebrity dish. and you know, someone is not coming out but they are coming in. who might that be? (doorbell). >> i anticipated the doorbell ringing. i knew it was going to sarah fraser. >> knock knock. >> you can stand wherever you want. where would you like to stand? >> right here. >> in the middle or on the side good i do like it when we go from fall tallest to shortest. i'm shorter than holly. >> we needing to this way. i can't see the prompter. >> there we go. >> slide to the left. >> slide to the left. >> here we go. hopefully that will work. >> we can read and talk. >> let's do it. here we go. >> you'll need to grab the tissue as we kick off the dish today last week jimmy kimmel's son bill hal a second heart surgery. last night, seven month odd bail billy made his second tv appearance on his father's late night show and the 50-year-old well he had the host had a hard time fighting back the tears. take look. [ applause ] >> thank you. i'm jimmy this is billy i was out last week because this guy had heart surgery but look he's fine, everybody. [ cheers and applause fine. [ laughter ] >> i want to thank chris pratt and tracy ellis ross and neal patrick harris and melissa mccarthy for filling us for us last week. [ laughter ] >> i love it. he went on to say daddy is crying on tv and bill system not. and he said he's going to be fine. he said i think they think he might even get a bronze medal in future olympic down the way. but any way, as you probably know at this point billy was born with heart defect that required open heart surgery immediately after his birth followed by this most recent surgery he'll have one more when he is a teen. but -- so scary. >> i love i love that jimmy kimmel wears his heart on his sleeve. maybe it's just from one crier to another because i'm a huge crier. >> right. >> i don't know. i have put jimmy kimmel up here now. >> in my late night hosts. >> it's great to see him so emotional. lots of different points. >> yeah. >> very cool. >> it's good to to hear his son is okay >> absolute. let's switch gears and talk about fired matt hour spotted with his daughter and his wife sunday christmas shopping and watching his daughter during her horse riding lessons. now, the picture is in sag harbor, new york that's where they took a picture of him. he had shopping bags and wrapping paper then he was -- they took pictures of him watching his daughter ride horses, his wife annette and their youngest son were also spotted at the stable. meanwhile vanity fair that nbc held around of -- around 60 hours -- 60hr meetings rather with in order to get ahead of any possible scandals heading their way. >> that's a lot of meetings. >> that's a lot of hr meeting. >> vile to look up those pictures we didn't clearly have the current pictures when he was spotted. >> i saw that. who knows? they always look unhappy but maybe that's just, you know -- >> who knows what's going on behind closed doors. >> exactly. >> i did see in the very end there they kind of showed montage with katie couric she posted a picture on instagram or something like that o what, you can't talk about matt lauer? and she -- she hasn't spoken yet about it and she simply said, i'll speak about it when i'm ready. >> which will be interesting. i know, right. hmm. okay. what does that mean? that could go either way. >> things still developing there. let's talk about this. i'm sure you'll have an opinion on this, wis. the things you do for your love. new report revealing that newly engage prince george's harry has quit smoking for fiance' meghan markle. although spoking is banned from royal residences including harry and meghan's future home of nottingham cottage the 33-year-old prince has been known to smoke cigarettes after a few drinks. he reportedly took up the habit while a student at eaton. but now for the lovely lady he is snuffing out what he even admitted was a once -- a pack a day habit. once a pack a day. a pack a day habit. >> who knew he smoked? i had no idea. >> i think there's been some pictures on the down low caught of him. >> wait a minute. back this thing up a so it's forbidden in the place where they're going to live, right. >> um-hmm. >> so technically he's not giving it up for her. he's giving it because he can't do it in the place where he lives. >> he's never been able. he's always lived in the royal palace. >> what's with the ban then? if it's banned how is he -- >> obviously he was still doing it even though it was forbidden. >> now he's saying i'm not going to do it. >> sorry prince not giving you credit for that one. move on. >> what? >> if it's banned and he was doing it. >> only in his house. >> only banned in his house. >> he isn't quitting cause of her. >> yes, he is. ?, he is wisdom. he's quitting because of her. >> stop breaking the rules because of her. >> yes. >> wis, he's a changed man. >> exactly. >> whatever. what did you change when you and your wife got married? >> we don't have enough time. [ laughter ] >> all for the better. >> i'm a nicer -- >> cleaned you up. >> you're absolutely right. you're absolutely right. women will clean you up. >> okay. >> you were going to say you're nicer now. >> i was going to say i am nicer sometimes. >> i was going to say lord, what were you before? >> i'm just k >> every day is a work in progress. >> aren't we all. >> dwayne the rock johnson and lauren hash january at a premier of jumanji two movie a few hours after they revealed that another baby is on the way. >> awe. >> second child for them. they're expecting that child in the spring. they've been dating for about a decade. they said it's a girl. baby rock. is that a pebble. >> that's pebble. that's a pebble that's coming. the rock has a 16-year-old daughter with his ex-wife danny garcia. they split in 2007. but she is still a producer in the jumanji two movie. >> good. >> his ex? >> yes ex-wife danny. >> that's pretty amicable. >> she's still active in his career. >> he's been dating this woman for ten years. >> they're not married? >> you don't think -- that's what people do now. >> that's what people -- >> giving the side eye. >> that's what people do in la. >> the rest of the country -- >> oh wis, come on. >> the rest of the country dating for ten y no-no. will exactly. >> i think it's fine. >> you get married ten times in two years. >> there you go. >> true. >> the rock you think it's okay to date for ten years. >> you're just out of fashion, wis. >> here we go. i think dating -- i've been going for five. >> day fox5. i don't feel any pressure -- >> we need to talk off line. >> we'll talk after this. [ laughter ] >> check this out. this is -- it was fun while it lasted we talked about the beer yesterday beyonce' beer. we have update for the beyonce' beer story from yesterday brooklyn brewery received aziz and desist letter over their brew called beer i don't know say. line up brewery owners katarina martinez was disappointed saying as hispanic female run business i'm very inspired by her so i thought i'd pay homage. >> oh please. >> i thought i'd steal her name. >> you know with better. >> trying to make money off of her. >> she's disappointed that she didn't take it a compliment but oh well it was fun while it lasted. you can still buy the beer while supplies last >> you know better. come on. >> yeah. >> exactly. >> take somebody's name. >> i don't think you start that project unless you know it will end that way. >> right. >> you try to get as much out as you can before you get caught. >> again this is all about marketing. let's try something because nobody knows who we are nobody is talking about us. even if we have to pull this -- >> we'll come out with something else. >> we'll come out with something else. >> thanks fraser. >> thanks guys. >> now let's talk. >> about this five-year dating. >> while they talk we'll do this. still ahead star-studded power in the district erin hitting the red carpet last night's -- i heart radio jingle ball. >> she'll join us in the studio all the big names that were will last night. erin will join us with those interview coming up. it's 10:22. ♪ >> if you think it's cold tomorrow, just wait a few hours. wait until tomorrow. the good stuff is about to get here. tucker barnes keeping an eye on it for us got our forecast right now. how cold are we talking, tuck. >> thanks for asking city. i'm getting the very latest right here. talking about wind chills in the single digits by seven, 8:00 o'clock tonight. and continue through the day tomorrow. tomorrow will be really gold d day. daytime highs probably don't get out of the upper 20s and low 30s waiting for the latest information to come up. i was programming into my super computer. 44 now in washington. notice the winds out of the south and so the front is not come through yet it will come through the next couple of hours and you're really going notice a few things. a the cloud cover but what i want to point out the winds which pick up in the wake of our system. you can see the snow showers right now out in the mountains just off to our south and west in southwestern pennsylvania. just off to our north and west, excuse me. i don't think the snow showers will make it across the mountains but that cloud cover will continue for a few more hours the winds pick up look at the lake effect snows east of chicago, and out towards cleveland. those very gusty winds will get in here later this afternoon and our temperatures are going to just fall off by late day and again we're talking about teens and single digits for whipped chills by seven, 8:00 o'clock tonight. i guess my advisory to you wear lots of layers and make sure you're ready for very cold night even though temperatures not too cold. much colder tonight. windy conditions setting up, and we're going to be in for very chilly conditions. wind chills by 9:00 p.m. in the teens. 19 just want to show you tomorrow morning. ng look at that. it will feel like 4 degrees by tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. in hagerstown. five in winchester. we're in for some he can treatment cold around here for about 48 hours starting later this afternoon. then it will warm up as we get into the weekend but by sunday for the redskins game looks good with temperatures near 50. cold won't last all weekend just 24 hours or so. okay, guys, that's the latest. wind chills in the teens and single digits later tonight. make sure you're ready for it. back to you. >> you of all of us probably love the cold the most. i don't think that's any kind of secret. is this going to be too cold for you or will you be out and about tonight? >> you know the wind gets to me a little bit. >> what? >> i'm going to be honest, i kind of enjoy it. so it won't be terrible. >> refreshing to you, right? take the dog out for a walk and enjoy time outside. >> yup. i don't have a dog but if i did i'd take him for walk. >> i believe you'll be walking a dog at some point today. >> borrow one. >> my neighbors is a have cat. maybe we'll go for a catwalk. >> i don't think the cats like the cold as much as dogs do. >> that won't work. >> thanks tuck. > still ahead our erin como hit the red carp at last night's i heart radio jingle ball and she'll join us with all the highlights coming up next. >> to two youngest hollywood young stars join hugh jackman in the musical the greatest showman kevin's interview with zac efron and zendaya. that's next. ♪ this holiday season... give the gift of effortlessly smooth feet... from amope. amope pedi perfect with diamond crystals. removes rough, hard skin... effortlessly... for touchably smooth feet. the perfect gift... for that special someone on your list. ♪ >> so tell me do you where runways... ♪ ♪ >> does it bother you that everything you're selling is fake? >> do she's smiles seem fake. >> we have more frosters every day. >> all right. you saw it. wolverine singing. that was a look at part of the trailer for the upcoming movie musical the greatest showman film stars hugh jackman, at pt barnum alongside a long list of talented stars including zac efron and zendaya. kevin mccarthy sat down with them and here it is. >> my favorite scene when he's with the family and doing that wish sequence. shot a beautiful sight with the light hitting the curtains on the rooftop. >> i'm curious sighting here in new york such a cool experience. you guys are amazing actors very successful careers. if vick one wish right now what would it be in your real lives? >> this is going corny. >> never does. >> say it. this is it. we wish jointly for world piece. >> world peace. >> that sounds crazy right now but with everything going on, we just need little more love. we need a little more piece a little more zest tans. >> that's one of the reasons i think that we're so excited about this film is it gets that message across. in so many ways. music the music and the songs really, they find a way inside your heart and soul to leave you with the message in mind but also just excited on life and happy to be part of this world, um, and that's christmas message that, you know, everyone needs. i hope everyone see. >> i'm curious how the sinking works movie like this. the sinking is inn kell. >> you talk but longer. >> do you go into -- when do you record the music? when do you record the actual songs and then when you're doing it onset in order to make it look like you're singing in the verse we're hearing how -- do you actually physically sink onset then work? >> yeah. >> it's kind of a combo. you lay down kind of a basic track so you know... like skeleton. >> skeleton track. you know what notes you have to hit and kind of the cadence you want to sing at, but and that gives you something to -- you have to really singling the day. >> unless you look -- fake. >> interesting. >> so but oftentimes you get better as you progress because then you're, um, as you're shooting, you find different things throughout the song different intentions and you find that your voice gets better and you can hit different notes. you can revisit the studio and then add in those little laughs or accent marks or, um, i don't know, just maybe take a way different stuff. >> nobody wants to hear our life version while we were swinging around. >> i want to hear the life version. >> it's a lot of... >> all right. just reminder the great showman hits theaters december 20th. >> all right. well, some of radio stars actually rock the nation's capital at theism heart radio jingle ball. >> erin como was there on the red carpet. how was it? >> it was really fun an exciting night. i liked staying up past my bedtime getting glammed up a little bit. >> who doesn't like that. >> i'll take it. >> wisdom does that like that. >> past your bedtime 4:00 p.m. call. >> my bedtime is normally 7:00 i push it to 10:00. i'll take it. >> it's for the cause. >> for the cause of interviewing hot young celebs i definitely got to chat with some of them on the red carpet inn clueing former fifth harmony singer camilla kabeo. i asked her about her journey going solo. take listen. >> so havana one of the biggest song in the country right now. whoop whoop. >> now as a sole he low artist how is the journey putting together this album opposed to with fifth harmony. >> it's been great. i mean i've been writing songs, you know, since i was like 1 different environment. i was lucky to actual actually be able to do it in studio and not my bathroom on, energy a laptop. >> red nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose. and if you ever saw him, you would even say it glows. >> she got a little bit into the christmas holiday spirit there on the red carpet. she was such a sweetheart we loved talking with her i got the cha and to talk with julie michaels written a song of songs.& hit songs for artist like gwen stefani, justin beiber, selena gomez, dem my lovato and fifth harmony. she came out with her own song issues much it's nominated for song of the year. i asked you how she decides whether or not to copy a song for herself. >> you know, it's kind of just a feeling that you get when the sound like unthe lyrics sound like you and there's a certain essence that just feels like you. you just know. >> like the song issues. i love that song. >> thank you so much. yeah, that was the first time that i had ever kept a song for myself. story that i felt kind of uncomfortable with the idea of someone else singing someone something that i'd written without knowing the back tower. >> right. >> so that was the turning point for me as and artist. >> she was great to speak with as well. such a talented singer and song writer. after the carpet, well, that came the concert. are a tests like kesha, fall out boy, charlie and liam pain of one direction wowed the crowd. take a listen. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> so that was halsey charlie puth liam pain. star-studded line up right there, guys. i enjoyed taking in the concert doing the red carpet. i did want to talk to is he kesha unfortunately they didn't make any time available for her to talk with us. i had a the love questions. i don't know about you guys. it was a great fans out there. >> wheat pete wentz from fall out yao i had a chance to talk to him when he was in d.c. he has familiar until chevy chase right up the road. >> nice. >> pete if you're sticking around this morning. good morning. >> out of all the people you interviewed was the most interesting thing you learned from any of the people you talk to. >> how humble and nice camilla was. she was really big sweetheart. made time for all the media outlets and seemed really pysched to be there. it was really a breath of fresh air to see her in person be so delightful. >> next to you how old was the next old definite person there? >> let's see. i did feel on the older end of the spectrum. i'm not going to lie to you especially when the fans were coming in i think like the average fan was probably around 15 to 17 years old. >> i think jingle balls were great. i wish they had them when we were growing up. off chance to so home people in one venue. >> i took the train up to new york in friday and we were arriving at maddon square garden. >> they were doing it up there. >> our train got in 7:30 had like ed sheeran and taylor swift and -- i was a lot older than a lot of people walking into the jingle ball as well. it was fun. i'm like you. how fun would that have been to go to? >> there was a band called why don't we, and they're new up and coming starting to hit it big. huge following, you know, in the teen universe. and one of them was from fai fairfax. he said his family watches. >> what do they sing. >> i'll play it for wisdom. see what you think. >> your daughter might know. >> wisdom is judge and hating before he hears the song. >> i'm just asking question. >> you're smiling. >> they might be in my place list one day. >> thanks, e err best known for his role as dee ranged millionaire on the daily show. he's dish all about his new tell all book. the hard pass on spin class. alarming new health dangers being linked to cycling studios. ♪ >> it turns out spin class that is are so good for your figure might actually be hazardous to your hearing. >> loud music? >> yup. what? steve noviello took our cameras for spin and measured noise levels so loud you'd be safer spending an hour listening to jet engine. ♪ >> it's the latest cardio craze taking the nation by storm. but just i don't know the dim lights and sweaty bikes of the town, we found potentially dangerous and unregulated detail that may have you reconsidering your ride. that music meant to move you as you battle the bulge, set so loud it can do real harm to your hearing. >> they're very concerning numbers. >> dr. colleen lapel is professor of hearing science the utd. >> above enough above 90 decibels getting into hazardous noise. >> we met with her team who armed us with the tools we would need to sample the sound at spin class. then we rode for months we took sound samples at fly wheel and soul cycle. to national chains with multiple locations in north texas. for each class we took, we used the free ear protection each studio offered. we couldn't help but notice most other riders didn't. and that says our expert is the real danger here. while countless cardio fans swear by spin class as a great work out for the mine, body and soul protecting the ears seems secondary both soul cycle and fly wheel provide free ear protect but signage to instruct or encourage use is not req required. because inside these spin studios there is no limit on how loud they can play the music. cardio class is considered recreational noise, and for that, there is no regulation. but maybe there should be. take a listen to what we found. >> the highest dose that you measured was 540 -- 547%. that's essentially an entire week's worth of noise in one session. >> every single one of the sessions that you attended resulted in more than >> to put that in perspective the sounds we measured were louder than a lawnmower, a bulldozer or a jet plane flying overhead. >> about the only thing that's quieter than if you were at a rock couldn't with the band performing in front of you. ♪ >> and if you think that puts you at risk, consider your instructor. for them, this is occupational noise which is regulated. but inspections from osha usually come down to complaints. la prell says the readings we found all exceed osha's permissible exposure limit especially after two classes. >> add in a third class and those instructors would be in a& position where they would be required to wear hearing protection. >> which bring us back to those free ear plugs. each pair provided when a high enough noise reduction rating to bring those sounds down to a safe level. but here's the spin. most folks, myself included -- and i tap the end. >> don't use them correctly. these are only halfway in. most don't roll them down small enough or insert them deep enough. only possible when you hold your ear. >> i'm going to actually pull my ear up and a little bit back. >> up and back to access the ear canal. ♪ >> the folks at fly wheel say the company is aware of its obligation to both its customers and its employees concerning appropriate sound levels in its studios and ensures appropriate protective hearing are made available. as for soul cycle our week of e-mails and phone calls went unanswered. the company finally saying, they weren't compelled to return contact since they have no comment. our expert says she cannot stress enough the importance of using that ear protection provided because unlike that bulge you're battling once you lose your hearing it's gone for good. cents, spent it wisely. >> i mean that's an excellent point about your hearing. now at the same time if you're not in the spin class, if you're at the rock concert you won't get jipped. moderation. >> i'm not going to to that exercise class. >> you know what you're getting yourself into. >> exactly. still ahead from the daily show to best selling author we'll talk live with funny guy john hodge man about his latest book much that's coming up next. nex. through his roles as daily show correspondent did he ranged millionaire and best selling books john hodgeman remain hidden a mystery wrapped he be in this his signature try absurd different witness. i and mustache or beard depending oh year. for the first time he turns to the truth exposing hill real life rolls as a father, a husband and hater of fudge. in his new book vacation land and john joins us live now from new york city this morning to chat do you his new book and unique path to success and john we have to say that this is sponsored by your if you lie sharpie begin random house. thank you so much for joining us this morning. really appreciate it. >> it's my pleasure as well. you know, my book vacation land is true stories from my life as husband, dad, middle-aged white male monster staying down the second half of my life it's inn zero. it's funny. but i'm beginning to realize that people really are responding to my message about how disgusting fudge is. [ laughter ] >> maybe i should retitle it. >> what is your deal with fudge? >> look, you know what it look& like, right? >> i mean here's the finger thing. >> john. >> i don't understand why it exists. i do not eat a lot of dessert. i've said before i'm on record i do not have sweet tooth. i have an alcohol molar. but i watch the same cupcake wars that you're watching, i know that pastry chefs can make beautiful march is a ban cities and candy floss heavenly clouds, you can make beautiful stuff out of sugar you don't h fudge, fudge -- it look like something a surgeon has to remove from you in order to live. >> it's not tasty fort eyes. i'll give that you point. point well taken. and while you are extremely funny and this is a collection of humorous essays there's a lot of topics that you touch on in this book that are pretty powerful. >> oh, well, you know, i made my career on the daily show as the resident expert dee ranged millionaire and writing books of absurd different humor fake facts like the nine u.s. presidents who had hooks for hands. when i reached my 40s i started feeling a tendency to become more sincere and the comedy i was doing on stage in my stan up act straight forward stories from my life, and ultimately i realized that everyone is doing fake facts now. i might as well focus on where my creative life is leading me, and so i wrote vacation land which is a memoir more or les of my awkward wanderings through three wilderness in which i acidified nerd do not belong the rural hills of west massachusetts where i spent a lot of my youth. the coastal painful coastal beaches of rural maine where my wife instructed i will accept my death in the haunted forest of the middle age that connects the two. once i started writing the material down, i realized that i could definitely a little bit deeper into what i think we all sort of feel when we realize that the first half of our lives our youth the time when we felt that we were immortal and becoming something tends to fade and we start to really come to grips with what we're going to do with the rest of our time here. vacation land is the nickname for the state of maine it's a cruel joke it's very physically painful place to be the ocean of maine is maced hate and wants to kill you and the beach are made of rocks and knives. it's not a vacation that rewards you with pleasure but rather kind of ex search test that gives you beautiful rugged name and dark into when you're trying to figure out what to do with the rest of your life. [ laughter ] >> wow! that sounds like easy reading. you know, one of things that -- >> let me tell you something. it's very readable. it's very short. it's very funny. and it's very good. i wrote that way on purpose. but i will be clear with us it is sincere. >> no. >> a lot of john hodgeman lot of heart went into this and maybe too much hodgeman for lot of people to handle. >> never too much hodgeman come on. >> i challenge to you test yourself. >> i do have question for you one of things that intrigued me about your book i know that you're an only child, right? so i obsess about the fact that i have an only child because even though my whole world is all about him, i try to teach him that the whole world is not about him. you know what i'm saying? so when i -- >> yes. >> when i read your book am i going to feel like my only child will grow up to be okay? >> only children have wonderful experiences especially if they have loving parents as i remember always being asked by people like it must be really sad to be an only child. are you insane? it's the greatest. i don't have ever -- i don't share room. my parents love is all devoted to me. i even have an extra room where i can have basically a living room with a type writer i can think all my deep thoughts and become a weird pretentious affected weirdo. the only problem is, you don't have anyone pushing back on you, and so for me, i became part of that super smart afraid of connick nars sift club that is only children with emphasis on afraid of conflict. i had no siblings to beat me up. i had no rehearsal of conflict through sports. i felt all high pitched emotional confrontation weather it was fighting or kissing felt fatal to me the only thing i would suggest that you guard against is that your son understands that it's okay to have disagreements with people left he end up a sex less 39-year-old gentleman bachelor as i did at the end age much 13. >> i think you made me feel better. i'm not quite sure. you know i hope he grows up to be the amazing word smith and wonderful writer and humorous that you are. john, thank you so much giving us more insight into your book vacation land. we look forward to reading it. >> it's my pleasure. thank you. >> all right. take care. >> wow! >> right. i think i need to maybe also read his book and have a thesaurus or dictionary g i was going to say. that was a little deeper than i was anticipating i'm not quite sure i follow it completely. >> you know someone who has a way -- >> i feel dumber all of a su sudden. >> someone has a way of words. right. oh, wait. >> exactly. >> i'm not really sure. >> but i think. >> okay. >> i can see why john stewart liked him, though. >> exactly. >> that's how he was discovered he went on an interview for john stewart to promote one of his books and john stewart you are genius. >> you're brilliant. >> thanks for sharing him with us. i had not heard of him until we want to tell you about this getting closer to christmas a loft us are so busy running around getting last minute items a lot of kids aren't as fortunate as others how would you like to help make child's christmas brighter. join fox5 d.c. area hyundai dealers to stuff a santa fe. just drop off unwrapped toy at any of the 19 hyundai dealerships in the region from now until december 20th those toys will be donated to children's hospitals throughout the area. help out. it's needed. >> easy way to way help out. you know everybody will be happy when they get that. you're contributing to their happiness. >> yes, siree. >> so are you. >> hi. okay. cold front coming through it's going to -- weather will change in big way around here in fact they will tumble and wind chills will be in the single digits and teens by seven, 8:00 o'clock tonight. so you know if you're going to the wisdom martin basketball camp tonight -- >> tomorrow night. >> is that tomorrow night? >> yeah. >> well -- you better not miss it. >> if you got basketball practice tonight or whatever you're doing tonight make sure you're dressed appropriately. >> very cold and very >> or walk your cat like tucker promised. >> don't run them outside. >> run them outside! >> run them outside. >> make them tough. >> see you tomorrow. >> announcer: happy holidays live from "the wendy williams show." now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪♪ >> wendy: thank you. thank you for watching the show. [ cheers and applause ] fabulous!

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