Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20170505 :

Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20170505

inappropriate contact with a young player. i'm melanie alnwick live in gaithersburg. later the wizards letting their frustration out on the court. now, they could be down a player when they take the court for game four. good day at 9:00 starts now. ♪ 9:00 o'clock on friday morning. let's not overstate the obvious much it's friday morning. [ laughter ] >> good news is, it's friday morning. we can get through this rain out there but boy it's a mess out there. we'll get right to tucker in a few minutes and try to get through this, because it is just sloppy we can hear it on the roof right now it's coming down it's pretty heavy. thanks for being with us on this may fifth. i'm steve, alongside holly, maureen and wisdom. >> equal play, equal pay. former member of the women's us soccer team will join us 35 talk about how she is trying to close the pay gap when it comes t women's sports and how you can help. >> that's awesome. they'll soccer game some place you would never dream of. they're taking it to new heights. there's your hint. >> first though we want to talk about this weather, because it is soaker out there. there's even some severe stuff moving through. these are live pictures from across the region including bethesda, oxon hill and the national mall. you can see how heavy the rain is. coming down in all of those areas. ? just really nasty day out today. meanwhile mother nature already being blamed for some damage around the dc region much this is video of some trees down along cringle road in northwest. also trees and wires down on randolph street in the same quadrant overnight. >> meanwhile the cleanup is underway across the midwest after the same storm system went through areas underwater. deadly flooding has been reported in arkansas and missouri this morning. missouri' governor has declared an emergency in the region and is asking for federal money to help rebill. that could take weeks or even months. let's find out what's happening here at home including that severe weather tuck is back >> yeah. we've seen a lot of severe thunderstorms steve work through the area along with very heavy rain and we're getting widespread reports of a lot of downed trees and power lines in la plata in particular seems to be having problems this morning. start with that severe thunderstorm warning and the good news is, severe thunderstorm warning that was in the immediate washington area right here in washington and prince george's county has been let go. but we still have severe thunderstorm warning for parts of calvert, charles, prince george's county, saint mary's county to our south and south and east for another half hour until 9:30. all right. little closer to home now, it is a flood warning, and this is just been extended here the last 15 minutes or so now includes false church, alexandria district of columbia, parts of montgomery county and the issue is basically ponding on the roadways and the potential for localized flooding as we've had extremely heavy downpours here in the past half hour, 45 minutes, and just keep in hyped if you're out the roads here the next few minutes you could encounter some of that ponding and suddenly you know you want to turn around don't drown here. rain moving through the city and just off to our north and east. so beltsville, working up knife towards laurel and columbia very heavy rain out towards annapolis, bowie, crofton thinking of you guys we're watching that line of showers and thunderstorms approaching the bay here. it will get east of us and north of us in the next i'd say 45 minutes to an hour and things will gradually improve around here this afternoon we talk a lot about sin company de washout the worst of it will be during the morning hours. by this afternoon, i don't want to promise a lot of sunshine but how about if we just have scattered showers and clouds around here and relatively humid afternoon temperatures will be in the low to mid 70s. here's your afternoon forecast and again going to warm it up into the 70s but we'll keep scattered showers maybe potential for another rumble of thunder this afternoon. weekend forecast, i've got the details. it look cloudy and cool tomorrow. maybe some rain showers as well. we'll look at that guys. maureen back to you. >> thank you tuck. 9:04. we're following breaking news out of what have have a that's where small cargo plain contracted by ups has crashed after it happened around 7:00 this morning at yeager airport in charleston. our local fox affiliate in west virginia says it has confirmed that two people on board that plane were killed. it is believed they were the pilot and co-pilot. officials say the plane was coming from kentucky and it was a item to go land 11 it went off the runway more details as we get them. 9:05. time for the morning briefing first up president trump spending another day in his home state of new york. he arrived yesterdy. was greeted by protesters his first trip back to the big apple since he was sworn in as chant in chief back in january. he spent his first day back in new york celebrating his first big alleges lidge victory the house voting to appeal and replace obama care. >> his first international trip will take place later this mo month. he'll fly to israel, saudi arabia and the vatican. the president says the trip will be a chance to forge new partnership with muslim allies. >> biggest story today is that health care reform fight. th savouring that victory but there's also a lot of worked to if republicans actually want to repeal and replace obama care. >> because even though the bill passed the house by a razor thin margin it still has to pass the senate and there may be long-term political consequences. allison seymour back with all the details. >> good morning, al. >> good morning to all of you. yup that's what we're talking about today his health care and getting this bill through the senate won't be easy and might take weeks getting this through the house yesterday no small task either, and it was reason for the president at the end of the day, though, to sell basement. >> congratulations on your -- >> thank you very much. >> on your vote today. >> thank you very much. that was great. >> big day. president as he was congr congratulated by australian prime minister malcolm turnbull in new york last night. >> the republicans came together all of a sudden two days ago it was like magic. >> the yeas 217, the nays 213. the bill is passed. >> the vote was close but the gop pre sailed passing a plan that would allow plates for flexibility to alter obama care insurance he requirements to help bring premiums down and offer tax credits to help purchase plans but critics say many would pay more and coverage could be worse. >> hey, hey, goodbye. >> house democrats sank hey, hey, goodbye after the bill passed suggesting republicans will suffer in next year's mid term lexes. >> you have every provision of this bill tattooed on your forehead. you will glow in the dark on this one. you will glow in the dark. [ applause ] >> so what's next? the senate which could spend several weeks preparing for a vote. but expect changes and scepticism from both democrats and republicans. >> i want to be supportive. i want to repeal obama care. but i don't want to have to vote for a federal program a new one that will be hundreds of billions of dollars paid i'm all for capitalism but i'm not a big fan of crone kneecap talism. >> and if the senate makes any changes it has to come back to the house for final approval. we have a long way to go. back to you guys. >> former president obama finding himself in the midst another political debate this time overseas in france. as that country is in the midst of its presidential election. mr. obama has officially end endorsed centrist candidate em may y mack krohn. he is expected to win against maureen lepen. run off vote on sunday. local soccer coach or sexual predator. police say he abu a september-year-old girl and they think there are more victims out there. how investigators say you can help coming up in very important life report. >> later, everyone loves an underdog and at this year's kentucky derby, his name is patch. we'll show was makes him so special still ahead. ♪ why not? your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. which is what we do. crowne plaza. we're all business, mostly. my sweetheart's gone sayonara. this scarf all that's left to rememb... what. she washed this like a month ago! the long lasting scent of gain. now available in matching scents across your entire laundry routine. ♪ 11 past the hour that's a look what's happening outside across the city. >> someone still wants to get a picture of the capital even in the rain. ♪ >> we haven't had lot of chances to get picture of the capitol in the rain. that. >> making up for it today. >> you got to get to work. get around. bob barnard joins us live in bethesda. how does it look up there, bob? >> reporter: really bad, guys. i'll tell you win the last half hour the rain was sideways receipt now it's still heavy rain and the ponding has subsided some but as you see these cars going through this intersection look at this truck. going through kicking up a lot of water. this is the intersection of bethesda avenue and arlington road here in bethesda. as you see the cars go through this intersection here there's a lot of standing water. i'll tell you we're hearing about a lot of accidents throughout the region really. trees down, blocking treats. i can show you if we have it some video from where we were earlier this morning. cringle road in northwest d.c. basically, blocking the westbound lane of the two lane road way divided going from adams morgan to cleveland park threw rock creek park, and the westbound lane was closed tow people even though there were flares and signs up were going one lane and having to stop and back up because the traffic would come right into their ace. so people have been ignoring some of the warning signs telling people not to take these flooded roads or streets blocked by trees and some people are not paying attention. so basically, it's that kind of morning. a steady heavy sometimes sideways rain leaving a lot of water on roads. knocking down trees. contributing to accidents, and from our vantage point here in bethesda, no end in sight, guys. >> bob, how much is on the roads in some places. >> reporter: oh yeah. oh yeah. it's because it let's up a little bit, so it leaves but these cars come at you i mean gist like a few minutes ago the water was splashing up over the railing there with those tree boxes. when it rains heavily it ponds and then as it, you know, subsides a little bit as it slows down bit but it's just non-stop, guys. the roads are dangerous. no doubt about it >> ya'll be safe out there too bob. thanks. 9:13. youth soccer coach in montgomery county is charged with sexually abusing one of his players. >> the little girl was just seven years old at the time and police believe there could be more victims out there. fox5's melanie alnwick live in gaithersburg with the details. mel? >> reporter: guys, we talked to some parents and some kids who have played for this soccer coach for many years and frankly they told us they're very surprised by this arrest. the coach was actually picked up in and cuffed yesterday on this very same practice field at center way park he's run practices and clinics for many, many years he is 47-year-old miguel flores. he's the head soccer coach for the caddy football salvadore. alleged sex offense track back to july of 2015. the victim seven years old then. told special victims unit investigators that everything happened during practices that summer. she said while the other kids ran lapse, coach miguel would hug her in the middle of the field then put her shirt and on her bare chest. flores according to charging documents allegedly told the girl to keep quite or something bad would happen. montgomery county police have this advice for parents. >> they can't talk enough and often enough it's not just a one-time speech, but it's a periodic conversation to have to let them know what's appro appropriate, what's inappropriate and keeping secrets from parents is never a good idea. come talk to mom or dad, don't be afraid, and tell them the truth if they feel like they were touched inappropriately. >> reporter: we do not know the circumstances leading up to why now, why this girl and her parents came forward and went to child protective services with these allegations. we can tell you that flores is facing one count of second offense and one count sex abuse of a minor. collectively, he could receive a penalty up to 35 years in prison if he's offenses and also because of the time that has passed, between when the alleged abuse occurred and now, montgomery county police say it is possible there could be other victims involved in this. so they're asking anyone who has concerns about this coach to please get in contact with montgomery county police. live in gaithersburg i'm melanie alnwick fox5 local news. >> mel, thank you for that. meanwhile, talking about another university members of congress historically black sorority are calling for civil rights investigation into a racist incident at american university in washington. where someone hunk bananas from nooses. they were found in five campus locations on monday. that same day a member of the sorority was elected to be president of the student government association. >> more on that story of course as it continues to develop. it's 9:15:16 right now. we have lot more coming up on good day today for sure including kevin overseas sitting down with guardians of the galaxy zoey sal don know to talk about why her green it hard off the set. erin, what are you work ong. >> new economic snapshot is out. we'll have the latest on unemployment numbers plus warning for all the gin and tonic out there. why one popular brand is recalling thousands of bottles. later alonso ball has his first signature shoe. social media so not fan. we'll show you why when we check what else is making headlines neck. there's nothing like trying something new. especially when it comes to snacking. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. all eyes are on olay ultimate eye cream. allure best of beauty and marie claire's most wanted. eyes show emotion, not your age. olay eyes. ageless. the in-laws have moved in with us. and, our adult children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. ♪ 20 minutes past the hour. let's check in with erin. she has a check of other stories making headlines this morning. erin, good morning. >> good morning. today a public viewing for the slain delaware state trooper killed in the line of duty. the public visitation started 8:30 this morning and lasts until 10am at the chase center in wilmington, delaware. immediately following the public viewing there will be a pass and review for the uniformed emergency services personnel. then memorial service honoring corporal stephen ballard will begin at 11am. delta airlines doing damage control after threatening a family with jail time if they didn't give up a seat. delta now apologizing and says the flight was not over booked. they are offering the family refunds and compensation. the family says they put one of their children in the seat they had bought for their 18-year-old son who instead of flown home on earlier flight. the family says delta's compensation, well, that's not enough. >>go economy. the april jobs sort released this morning shows more than 200,000 jobs were added last month. that drops the unemployment rate to a ten-year low of 4%. and surpass economists predictions by more than 20,000 jobs. all right. talk about overkill. canada has pulled bottles of bombay sapphire london dry gin from store shelves after its food inspection agency found the bottles had nearly double the alcohol than advertised. the bottles were only sold in canada. but had nearly 77% alcohol instead of the normal 40%. so quite a bit more there in those bottles. and finally, the internet is a buzz it's a pair of shoes getting a lot of attention this morning for their price tag. zo2 several styles were unveiled on lavar ball big baller web store he's promoting this pair an pair of his son alonso ball. the asking price and if you want them autographed it will cost you nearly $1,000. i look at them, the shoes are cute but i think the selling price more than willing i'd be willing to spend on paver sneakers. >> on pair of sneakers you have proven player in the nba. >> yes. >> nobody is buying them. >> maybe people think he's a big deal. >> the best player to every come out of college according to his college. >> until the other kids come out. >> my prediction a year or two from now maybe five years from now we'll be hearing that story so you didn't live up to expectations. how hard was it for you? >> but it's good to see his dad has high hopes for him, right. >> oh, yeah. >> he's got to have high hopes for their kids. >> i think that's definitely out there. >> he has high hopes and high dollars. >> all right. speaking of pay, equal pay coming up soccer player lori lindsay will join us live to talk about how she's raising the awareness of the pay back in pro sports. how you can help. >> when is this rain going to move out? that's the big question what to expect for the ref of the weekend. tuck b seven day forecast coming up next. ♪ . ♪♪ >> fresh at 10a little something for fans of singing and dancing. fame legend debbie allen dropping by the loft to talk about the special event she's throwing right here in the nation's capital this weekend. plus, american idol champion david cook. he's back to good day to talk about the race for hope. and later, erin going one-on-one with ricky martin. yup. he's in town for a couple of shows at the mgm national harbor and this morning he's giving fox5 a sneak peek. right now, it's 9:23. and we are will be right back. ♪ . ♪♪ at ikea, we believe that your dream bedroom, et, to a well-organized chest of drawers, to a cozy bed, can be yours for less. save up to 20% at the ikea bedroom event. to a cozy bed, can be yours for less. we invited a beauty blogger to test her favorite soap... against dove. so we are using this test paper... ...that represents skin. the paper is dissolving... and dove is not dissolving... at all! with to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. at ikea, we believe that your dream bedroom, from a personalized closet, to a well-organized chest of drawers, to a cozy bed, can be yours for less. save up to 20% at the ikea bedroom event. ♪ 9:26 is the time. statement win for the wizards. they were down zero-two in the series against boston. washington came back and dominated at the verizon center. there was some drama in fact eight technical fouls and three inn ooh corrections. how is that for drama. >> is that all. >> that's all. >> wizards win on a 22-sip run in the first that lead would put them ahead for good. that's the bottom line. a lot of talk about this play this morning. kelly you will nick for boston called for a foul. kelly a pushing and shoving. you don't like you. you don't like us. other players get in the miffled it. in the end kelly gets ejected. coming off 53-point gain wizards held isaia thomas to 13 points. final in this one and bottom line, 116-89 wizards win so it's two-one now. >> that's right. >> they got home court and whole new series. >> they'll tie it up. i believe. >> we're in business. tip off sunday 6:30. >> all right. caps will tip off saturday drop the puck at least. >> boo! >> a rough round two to say the least against the penguins. team pulled off a win in game three but then they let game four slip away. now, pittsburgh up three games to win. must win tomorrow night do or die at the at verizon center. puck drops at 7:15 tomorrow. so back to back games at verizon center caps saturday. wizards sunday. >> i think the caps are going win on saturday. i worry about game six in pittsburgh but they'll within this weekend. >> any word about sid the kid. >> is he still out. >> word is he's skated but no word if he'll play or not. >> okay. i say if they play -- >> back home he'll play. >> nats park it was not just a day game it was a weather day game as in fox5 weather day. as we've learned over the years, on weather day magical things happen at the ballpark. bryce harper hits three homeruns some weather days. max scherzer 11 strike out as season tie. the nats win four hiv two. today they'll be on the road taking on the phillies up in baltimore. >> who in the weather team is the good luck charm. >> the entire weather team. >> the entire time. bring the weather team out there. bring fox out to the ballpark. it happens. >> it's all magic. >> before we get to tucker we have to bring breaking weather news in to this because there is there's report of a swift water rescue right now. car stuck in flooded road weren't occupant trapped. bob barnard is on the way there right now. this is right around the area of lawyers road and whipper road. the crews have didn't dispatch. bob barnard will give us more info when he gets it. >> at lot of time ponding water don't drive into it. don't drive into it. turn around, don't drown always the saying they say, but it's best to avoid it if you can. as far as what's coming down right now tucker is that going to stop soon. >> yeah. things will improve here pretty quickly but the damage has been done. lots of downed power lines. tree limbs that kind of thing, and we just got this tweet in. check out this tweet here. this is pretty impressive stuff. this is out dog green in king georges county i don't know if you can see it or not that's a flipped over car. there's report he reported when he sent this into us there were cars flipped over and several damaged. so possible tornado in king georges county this morning. closer look for you and you can again see i mean it's possible straight line winds caused that but cars are generally pretty heavy it takes pretty gusty conditions to cause cars to flip over. no doubt about it. it's been pretty wild around here the last couple of hours. 66 in washington. rain showers couldn't the worse of the rain is pushing off to the north, and to the east. and we got severe thunderstorm warning which is now east of us. so out towards arundel county, baltimore, baltimore city. hartford county under that severe thunderstorm warning and closer to home here still under what we call an aerial flood warning that's basically the bottom line we're trying to give you heads up there could be ponding out which continues on the roadways and at least temporarily some dangerous conditions here. we just talked about the water rescue, and the reason why all the heavy rain. all right. great news the back edge of our heavy shield of precipitation is now just off to our south and west. i'm sorry. and i'm lift off to the north and east and again we'll be dealing with heavy rain here for just a few more minutes then we'll get a chance to quite things down a little bit later this afternoon and just scattered showers around here a little later. you can see we've got a few additional showers developing off to the south and to the south and west. we'll be dealing with scattered showers later today. all right. low pressure that's going to sit just to our north here as we get into tomorrow and we'll have some scattered showers around for your day tomorrow. not going to be great looking saturday. temperatures will remain cool in the 60s and winds will be out of the north and north and we have and we'll get a chance to dry things out little bit around here by sunday temperatures which are on the cool side. we should be in the low 70s. notice the cool weekend. 75 this afternoon scatter showers. little bit improvement for cinco de mayo celebrations. guys, back to you. >> sorry about that. i got reprimanded i was talk wig our next guest i was very excited to speak to retired professional women's soccer player on mission to bring awareness to the gender inequality that perm me yates sports worldwide her name is lori lindsay a former member of the women' us national team joining the fight against female athlete pay discrimination. last year several players on the us women's national team filed a wage diss discrimination against the us soccer federation. she's going sky high in an effort to bridge the pay gap. she's headed to tanzania africa to climb the continent tallest mountain to play a game of around the world. before she packs her bags she joins us live to talk all about her mission and why she needs your help. good morning and thanks so much for coming on this dreary friday. >> thank you. >> okay. how do you come up with an idea to, you know, play a soccer game on top of mountain. >> i didn't come um witness i idea. [ laughter ] >> i was just invited it's with through a movement called equal playing feel. >> um-hmm. >> and so there's going to be former and current international players from all over the world and i am joining in on the fun. >> we were talking about this in our meeting yesterday. we were like now okay how do you train for that because you're training for soccer but also training at altitude. >> yup. that's great question because i just learned about this trip three week ago. luckily i, you know, train every day. >> um-hmm. >> but we'll see. i think, um, i joke that i'm attempting to climb this mountain. so -- >> is there anything special you are doing? >> well, they did give us 12 week program that consists of strength training and conditioning it's basically what i already do. but, no, i mean it's just like we are trekking up that mountain slowly but surely, and hope to go at adjust to the altitude as we go. >> your nickname was lightning. you can train quickly for the slow climb we'll just say it will take lot of money and you need help with that. >> correct. how is that going. >> it's going pretty well since i started the gofundme page on sunday evening i think it was, and the cool thing i'm not just raising money for myself to get to the top of the mountain i'm also raising money for the women around the world that don't have the resources to start a gofundme page or, yeah, just the community to support them. >> i'll play devils advocate because i know there's people that are watching this right now they're like, okay, look, women athletes don't make as much. because their sport doesn't make as much money. you know it's -- it's about the revenue and so it's not that it's unfair that they're getting paid less it's just what the market will bare. what's your answer to that? >> my answer if you are looking at the women's national team that's n right. that's why we filed the equal play equal pay. >> that's here in the states. >> correct. if you're doing it worldwide when i looked up members for the world cup the sponsorship this is according to wall street journal the sponsor for the women's world cup was 17 million. the sponsorship for the men's was 529 million. i mean quite frankly it's not always about the money, right? it's about awareness. it's about being allowed to play. the support. and i think for me i've been very fortunate to have the players that came before thus fought for us the next step for us here in the us is to provide support for the other countries, because there's a huge discrimination and you saw that in our last world cup in 2015 in canada of some of the women's teams still wearing hand me downs from the men's national team, right? so it's not all just about financial, um, compensation it's about awareness and about the right to be able to play. >> i'm glad you brought that up it's not all about the money i was also reading when you were talking about fis f specifically, you know, seth bladder the president for 17 years wouldn't could argue he was he can treatmently sexist making this comment "let's get women to play in different more feminine gear than men". >> i think he wanted to us play in bathing suits if possible. >> how do we fight that that obviously is ridiculous. >> fortunately, seth bladder is out now. so i think this is what -- that's why i'm climbing the mountain to bring awareness we have two years before the next world cup and they'll be shooting a documentary during this that will air during the european championships so, um, just continuously creating awareness. having the discussion and -- >> what about the argument of if you're going to be out raped at something won't we be outraged at the lack of support for women's sports, right. >> yeah. >> if you're like women should be paid the same are you out there buying as many women's jerseys, buying as many tickets to go watch women's sports. >> absolutely. i tollly agree. we saw that with the women's hockey last month. us women's hockey it's not even just soccer it's all sp sports. >> it was interesting because i read a lot about this issue, and another thing that someone brought up was that it was back in 1973 when billy jean king finally got them to have equal reward pay for the us open. >> yes. >> you know what she, she said, you know what, if you don't pay us the same i'm not going play. >> um-hmm. >> then they backed down. do you think that that's something that women could do, they could say look we won't play any nor if you aren't going to support us isn't when he caulk about the julie, mia hamm, ba, in 2000 sand they actually did strike, and we made some headway with us soccer then when we were still wearing the hand me downs from the men. so i think it needs to be strategic the right timing and this wasn't the right time for us because we did get a deal done with us soccer in term of equal play equal pay. sometimes that's what it takes, right? you need to go to extreme measures to get he can treatment results. >> like climbing one of the tallest mountains in the world. >> exactly. >> next summer on top of it. thank you for we appreciate it. definitely you can support her on gofundme page. hey, zen us pictures. >> yes. >> right from top the mountain. >> yes. >> back so we can cheer you on. >> thank you. >> sea level. >> thank you. >> back on over to to you guys. >> hard enough to run on that sea level let alone that altitude. good luck. >> phenomenal. >> 9:37 is the time. bryce harper hitting homerun off the field at least when it comes to helping one teen land a date at the prom. >> awesome. harm per filmed video of promposal for the son of former major league star steve garvey. garvey's son tweeted out the video to his girlfriend saying he couldn't ask the words to ask her to prom he called in a little help from the nats star. >> shannon, this is bryce harper. sean is like a little brother to me. he would definitely go to the prom with him. i know it will be a lot of fun. he's great guy. you'll have a blast. definitely go. >> is it possible to say no to that. >> right. >> you can't. right? >> so there it is. of course, shannon yes, yes, yes. yes, yes, >> tweeted out the response in all caps actually the teen's father who recorded the video while he was at the nats game on wednesday. bryce, great job. i hope it's a fun prom. >> have good time. excellent. >> hard to say no to the star power. >> you can't do that. >> she's all in. they're both all in. >> you're all in i know when it comes to the super hero movies. >> absolutely. >> you're a huge fan. >> absolutely. >> you were a fan of guardians of the galaxy. i didn't know who they were until they came out with the movie. >> you like the movie. >> i did like the movie. i was surprised and it was good. >> i'll all in on number two. >> this time they are criss-crossing the universe and looking for quill's dad. kevin sits down with zoey saldano. how he compares it to the original and maybe we'll get wisdom's take as well. it's 9:38. 9:38. ♪ 9:41 now. we have update to that breaking news story we talk about at 9:30. swift water rescue happening in fairfax county. this was on lawyers road near whipper will road in vienna. whipper will road in vienna. we understand a woman in stalled vehicle was rescued safely but police are still cautioning people about this area telling fox5 many cars are still driving through the high water around the woman' cars. i believe her car is still stalled there but the woman inside rescued safely. please be careful if you see standing water don't try to cross it. play it safe out there this morning. >> bad enoug standing water and you still drive through. when you see a car that's actually stuck in the standing water and you're still trying to drive through it. find another way. >> all right. >> let's switch gears. talk about movies. ♪ you know why i did it star munch? hmm. >> i'm not going to answer star punch. >> i did it because i wanted to. what are even talking about this for. we just had little man safe us by flowing up 50 ships. >> how little? >> like this. >> a little 1 inch man saved us. >> well, if he got closer i'm sure he'd be much larger. >> it's how eyesight works you stupid raccoon. >> don't call me a rook coon. >> i'm sorry i took it too far. i meant trash panda. is that better? >> i don't know. >> it's worse. >> it's so much worse. >> there's clip from the new guardians of the galaxy the sequel volume two this time around the team sets out to find more about star lord's dad we russell. reunited the cass cast of original. chris pratt bradley cooper, zoey saldano. >> do you ever like get to wear the makeup home? do you always take the off when you leave? do you ever go home and surprise your kids with the makeup. >> no because it's not something i can just wash off in the shower. >> sure. >> we need special strong chemicals to like throw on my skin so that i can start melting away all of that paint and prosthetics i've glued on. >> wow. >> i wish i did. but it's not. but i would love to. i would love to be able to one day, i see that a lot of actors you know, from all these super hero movies get to dress up in their costumes gone visit hospitals and go visit and spend time with children. so i would love, would love to do that with my kids and me dressed. >> there's epic shot in the film you're r that monster down. that was so cool. i was watching the behind the seeps you actual wl leaping. >> yes. >> can you talk about shooting that and how you actually stay in character when you're going that high? how do you pull that off? >> there's a lot of things going on in my mine. [ laughter ] >> one is please don't fall, don't kill yourself. two is, um, leave a good impression with everybody that's around. i think that because also like i'm a female, i love seeing the expression on men's faces when i get to pull something off. >> yeah. >> especially like the stunt team they tend to be super rough and very tough, and you have to as an actor you have to prove it. so i -- it's a boost. it's really good boost for my confidence when i get to do stunts that i can get away with but i'm also happy sitting it out and allowing my stunt woman her name is leanne do just the bigger scarier more aestheticallily beautiful challenge. >> those are really c wasn't sure if it was you or your stunt person it look so good in the movie you're running and the red dirt is like being exploded behind you. >> that was me. >> that was sick. >> i wish leanne did that. i tried. can't leanne do that? they were like no the camera is in your face. but that dust and then i mean we did it more than a couple of times and there was one take where i guess the thing misfired so it was blowing up ahead of us as we're running. i mean that take was hysterical because we're like -- myself and the two camera guys are stuck in this storm of like red dust. i like where is everybody? it was crazy. >> that's awesome. >> little taste of the upcoming guardians of the galaxy volume two. you can go out soon it now playing as of today. so you can go check it out. and we'll talk to kevin, we'll get his official review. we talked to him earlier about it he like it. he like it a lot. >> as much as the first. >> not quite. >> not quite. just a little bit down from the first one but still like it. >> fans who have seen it say it's amazing. y i don't think you'll be disappoint. >> i didn't see the first one. >> it's in the same category as the fast and furious. >> all eight. >> gotcha. i got big planing to see it this weeknd. taking the whole basketball teaming to see it. >> it's definitely maddening. >> look at you nice coach. reward. >> first the suppose party. now the movie trip. >> i know. >> you'll be one of the cam -- winning championship soon. [ laughter ] >> is it reflecting on the play on the court? are they playing better? >> they're having more fun. >> there you go. >> but he is now up for coach of the year. [ laughter ] >> 9:00 frick is the time. coming up a cinco de mayo tradition at the dc wharf. we're talking about the annual running of the chihuahuas. and this morning we're getting a sneak peek at what to expect when these tiny four legged racers right here in the loft. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪♪ how do you become america's #1? start by taking care of families for 70 years. earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. be there for america's toughest and help, when help is needed america's #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. tide, america's #1 detergent make fit happen! fit me matte + poreless foundation from maybelline new york. beyond matching skin tone... fits skin's texture. blurs pores. controls shine. our most natural look... now, in more shades than ever! make it happen maybelline new york. ♪ i ain't lookin' to compete with you ♪ ♪ beat or cheat or mistreat you ♪ ♪ simplify you, classify you ♪ ♪ deny, defy or crucify you ♪ ♪ all i really wanna do ♪ ♪ is, baby, be friends with you ♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in customer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month online, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of their download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. and verizon wireless customers can stream tv on the fios mobile app, data-free. ♪ of course today is cinco de mayo this morning we're celebrating in the loft with in furry friends because the sunday the sixth -- moving it to may 20th it's annual run of the chihuahuas tataking place at the wharf bout of dc's best sick s cinco de mayo celebration. this year 96 chihuahuas will take to the race track for the grand prize of five hun doctor dollars in cash and prices. prizes before testify set their mark we're getting preview with of the dogs participating in the event on tap magazine events coordinator shannon. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> to make a correction because of all this crazy rain moving it this week toned may 20th. >> we're hoping for better weather that week. >> we can agree it's a good idea. better weather for that. if you haven't registered you haven't missed the deadline yet. >> we haven't missed the deadline if you want to register go to sin company there's still time to sign your dog you have we are nearing the end of the sign ups get on that today. >> i know it's very popular a lot of people looking to take part in this. what made this such a hit? i know like dogs are oval yously very very cute. look at this guy com shot. what has made this such a popular event? >> i think it's just the fun holiday cinco de mayo and chihuahuas running in race. we have food, music, it's a fun day. everyone wants to be there. >> i don't know just the fun it's for a good cause. >> yes. >> what happens because of this. >> eve contestant all the proceeds go to rural dog rescue we have a dog up for adoption here today as well. so basically rural dog rescue takes dogs from rural areas brings them to urban areas and find adoptable homes for them. >> that's great cause. >> it's really nice. we like to partner with them every year. it's a great way to raise money for a good cause. >> i know we're talking about chihuahuas all dogs are welcome. >> yes. absolutely. we're completely dog friendly. so anyone that has dog is more than welcome to come. additionally we do have a costume race -- costume contest for the dogs and you don't have to to be chihuahua to enter any dogs are welcome good run i'm curious. do we suit them up? just let them have at it? how does it work? >> they're actually 12 different heats of eight dogs come sign up early in the day you'll get race heat and then we'll call the heats one by one and each winner of their heat will go to the final championship rounds. and then that is who is the fastest chi what were in d.c. >> okay. of course the fastest think what were gets $500 purse, right. >> a bunch of awesome prizes. we have a lot of different sponsors that have actually donated great things for the first, second and third prize winners. we have prizes for the costume contest like we talk about as well as a put put challenge new this year. >> oh wow. >> so we're going to break up the race and there's going to be a bucket just like this. >> okay. >> each contestant will have five lyme's and you'll have to five tries to hit the lime into the bucket whoever gets the most is baking the winner if there's a tie we'll move the bucket further back. >> shannon i don't want to leave out anyone staning here h people. if you can intro did you say them i want to get back to the adoption aspect of this because that's really the important part here finding these guys a forever home. please let's go down the line and talk more about adoption aspect of the event coming up on may 20th. >> all right. >> this is leonardo. >> okay. >> this is five years old. >> this is pep pay. he's ten. >> and who are you holding not a chihuahua but so cute. >> this is carter and that is patrick and they're both from rural dog rescue, and patrick came in and he was severely under weight and carter is a tripod. so we take the underdogs the ones that would normally be euthanized it's really nice for us that we get an event that showcases our special and unique dogs. patrick and carter both adoptable, and you can go to rural dog to fill out applications. sixth annual running of the chihuahuas and other dogs mapping on may 2 20th not the sixth the rain has unfortunately push it back fortunately for us we get to pa and help a really good cause. thank you so much shannon. thank to you all of you have awesome cinco de mayo. >> hope to see through. >> back over to you guys. >> speaking of good stuff coming up man do we have a packed 10:0. >> that's right. my cousin ricky martin -- >> oh, my gosh. >> the singer, my cousin i called him up. >> wisdom and ricky get together it is a party. >> did you teach him all his dance moves or -- >> absolutely. you right. i taught him everything. >> you taught him how to get the abs. >> you said absolutely. >> there you go. >> yeah. >> in fact he stole that pose right there from me. >> did he still those underwear, too. >> no. i'll leave that a lone. >> we'll do an interview with ricky martin. err are inn talked to him he's in town for a special event. >> equally awesome fame. i'm going live forever. debbie allen will be in the loft with paul wharton she's in town for special event she's having this weekend. she's going to tuck to us all about it. >> speaking of in town david cook won american idol out there performing and doing good in the community as well we'll talk to him about all of that coming up in the 10:00 o'clock hour as well. he'll join us about 10:15. >> first though coffee time on good day dc if you've been eyeing our cool good day mugs listen up we have a new dunkin' donuts mug maybe not so new at this upon but we got one any way. great for that perfect dunkin' donuts coffee head to foxd or facebook page for your chance to enter our mug contest one lucky winner selected by random drawing. you got to hurry you only have until 11:00 o'clock to enter. right now it's 9:55. getting you to the 10a a little early this morning. we're back after this. ♪ ♪♪ for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, all giant produce is triple checked. you don't have to guess. my giant. there's nothing like trying something new. especially when it comes to snacking. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. ♪ ♪ ♪ at ikea, we believe that you should be able to afford your dream bedroom. that you can get it all for less. that you can find what you're looking for at a price you've been waiting for. and we believe the cost of a good night's sleep shouldn't keep you up at night. save up to 20% at the ikea bedroom event. when i feel my best, i am my best. that's why i'm taking the activia probiotic two week challenge billions of its exclusive probiotic to my healthy routine. take the activia probiotic two week challenge with me. it works or it's free. great price on this boneless chicken! yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] great everyday prices and thousands of bonus buy savings. my giant. ♪ >> we promised a may to remember and good day at 10a continues to deliver. one of the hottest i mean hottest singers around ricky martin. don't miss erin's interview with the heart throb before his two big shows at national harbor mgm theater. >> live in the loft one woman who knows about fame. dancer, actress, debbie allen is here to tell us all about her weekend gala. >> also live in the loft, american idol winner david cook the very special reason he's in dc this morning. okay. dmv, let's do it on friday. in three, two, one, good day at 10a starts now. ♪ that was the countdown to greatness. >> that's right. >> oleyl, ole, ole. >> especially on a friday in the loft. cinco de mayo. how great is this. >> this is one of my favorite ricky martin songs. >> what's it called. >> cup of life. >> this is soccer world cup. >> it really put him on the map performance of this it blue everyone away. >> yup. >> your cousin was off the chain. >> it runs in the family. [ laughter ] >> let's not get carried away. >> listen happy cinco de mayo to you. >> yes. >> a wet one of course but it doesn't mean we can't celebrate isn't we'll try to fill the kitchen up with beverages by the end of the show today. >> that was our hope at the top of the show. >> i wasn't going to say that part. >> someone pacing for us. >> exactly. >> they know us. >> get a chance to celebrate a little bit. on this fifth of may. thanks for staying with us for the 10a. i'm steve, alongside holly, maureen and wisdom. hope you enjoy your cinco de mayo. if you have any traditions feel free to tweet us. if you'd like to share something somebody can borrow from you. >> you want to send a plate of nachos over we'll take it. >> the weather is the huge story. before we get to tucker we have breaking news from the district you need to know about. a manhole explosion in the capitol hill neighborhood. dc fire and ems say this happened in the 1300 block of independence of a southeast the explosion made a lot of smoke on that street. crews evacuated one nearby home as aprication. they are checking basements and other nearby homes to make sure there is no damage as we get more details on this story we will bring it to you. >> all right. the other big news story this morning, a friday wash out heavy rain has been falling across the region and more could be on the way. tucker barnes back with the latest watches and warnings. good morning, tuck. >> hey, guys, yeah, the good news the heaviest of the rain winding down here the bad news it's done a lot of damage locally here including we've ponding on roadways. downed power lines and do you do trees. tree limbs as well. as we've had reports of winds at least when they crossed potomac up to 70 miles an hour and a possible tornado in virginia. heaviest rain it's really the axis pushed off to the north and east you can see it up towards baltimore. so the last of it towards annapolis and glenn birney and push up towards bell air locally we're not done with the threat of rain far as severe weather and the heaviest of the rain that's the thing of the past. i don't want to call it good news forecast but at leave conditions should em pref around here a little bit later this afternoon as we will remain mostly cloudy but most of the shower activity we should get should be rather light and scattered as we get into the afternoon and evening hours. here's a bigger look you can see the back edge of it even sunshine as you get back out into parts of southwest virginia and west virginia at this hour. there you go. see the heft yesterday rain off to the north and east. 67 degrees. cloudy out there. winds out of the south and eve at 9 miles per hour. here's your afternoon forecast for your cinco de mayo. hope you have to sin company de fun later today. 75 degrees with scattered showers a little later. all right. yes, i'll be back before the end of the show and we'll look at your all important weekend forecast because i know all of you have big plans this weekend. >> thank you, tucker. >> yeah. crickets on that one. let's check what's trending erin is back with a look this morning's headlines. over to you erin. >> thank you very much, maureen. capitol hill where the republican health care bill now lies in the hands of the senate. there it will likely face uphill battle. yesterday the bill passed in the house. marking a major victory for president trump. it was close, though, separated by just four votes. including 20 republicans who voted against it. a vote by the senate could take several weeks. youth soccer coach in montgomery county is charged with sexually abusing one of his players. the little girl was just seven years old at the time. the girl says miguel alfred dough flores would fondle her and touch her up appropriately under her clothing much he's facing one count of sexual abuse of minor and one count of third degree sex offense. police believe more victims may be out there. long time d.c. tv anchor jim advance has gone public with news that he's battling cancer. he didn't specify what kind of cancer he has, but he says he is under going treatment. vance is not leaving the a and core desk any time plans to join his long time colleague when he can during their 6:00 o'clock newscast. here at fox5 our thoughts and prayers are with you. scary moments at the padres game in san diego. in the bottom of the ninth hector sanchez swings at a pitch but his bat goes flying over the dug out. it actually hit woman in the head. now, luckily off duty emt was sitting rows hyped her and immediately rush to her aid. medical personnel arrived. she had to leave the field she was walking an alert but had a big bandage on her head. and finally, i love this story. it's proof that anything is possible. meet patch. he's gearing up to run this weekend kentucky derby but he will do so with get this one eye. the three-year-old thoroughbred developed an ulcer in his left eye eye that didn't respond to treatment so veterinarians were forced to remove it. the patch, well, not letting that stop him. even has a pretty good odds of winning going into the big race. so we wish patch great luck and he's a us this friday morning. back to you guys in the loft. all right. thank you erin. 7:04 -- zen toll zero four. time to trek what's trending. >> the world of dating can be a slippery slope especially when it comes to the dreaded question, what exactly are we? somewhere between hooking up and meeting the parents there's a new term couples can use called a situationship. oe dating expert says you put in the same effort as a committed relationship without the title of boyfriend, girlfriend. most situationships let each other date other people. all right. but viewed as more serious than a friends with benefits deal. are you tracking with this? experts say a situationship is lead to a host of issues especially the emotional aspect. if one partner has stronger feelings than the other. >> these labels are silly. >> oh, my gosh. >> they're so silly. >> hash tag ridiculous. >> w it work for you. if you're not happen with the situation you're in, talk with the one you're make it work or get out of it and find something that makes you happier. >> why do we have to label everything. >> catch phrases. catch words. >> there's only real two labels. you're married or not. >> right. >> a lot of people say that. >> that's the way it is. >> get on the pot or get off. right. >> that's right. >> no questioning this next couple's relationship status. morning joe co most joel joe scarborough and nicky engaged. rumors of their relationship last year. he pop the question during a recent vacation to celebrate her 50th birthday. it will be her second marriage his third despite last year's rumors long been speculation in the past on air chemistry and the flirting with one another. just so strong. >> um-hmm. >> wow. >> and now they have proved that that apparently chem tree was there. >> i had no idea. >> why keep eight secret. >> best kept secret. >> i guess. some circles sure. >> now they got to see each other after they get married they'll leave he they'll be there for eight hours however long they work. >> that's what they've been doing. >> holly you know when you say i do it's a game changer. >> what do you mean i know. i do know. >> you're married. >> it's one of those situations. >> it's a different situation. there you go. >> now it's your co-host -- right now it's co-host. once you say i do it's going to be your wife. >> your wife. >> yeah. >> and co-host. >> you can win. >> you can't win. >> we wish you nothing but marital bliss. >> that's right. >> best of luck. want to get married in the loft we've done it before. come on in. >> right. >> we host wonderful weddings. >> right. >> let's talk about miley cyrus because she's in a lot of situations. >> right. >> miley cyrus back in the spotlight the singer will release her new single malibu next week songs reportedly a love song. inside by her fiance' actor liam hemsworth. in interview with billboard the 24-year-old says, she's quit drinking and smoking marijuana because she wants to be clear and sharp. cyrus says she in three weeks. >> whoa! three whole weeks? >> three whole week. up a another week it will be month. which is the longest she's gone without it. >> okay. >> she also tells the magazine that her up coming album takes her back to her country music roots. >> okay. i didn't mean to laugh. three week for someone who clearly she has an issue, good for her. >> every day. >> every day matter. >> one day at a time. >> okay. >> i didn't know she had country music roots. >> her dad. >> i think of her dad country music but i think her roots as hannah montana. >> maybe she's thinking family. >> maybe just a job. true her was country. >> cyrus went back to just cy cyrus. >> billy ray. >> he filed the paper work. >> no more billy ray. >> always been known as cyrus. they made him add the billy ray when he first came up. >> really. >> he's judge cyrus. >> that's it. cyrus. >> no billy ray at all. >> like you're wisdom. >> martin. >> the wisdom martin. >> that's true. my bad. >> it takes three words for this great one. [ laughter ] continue. soccer player ronaldo has become the first sports star and man to reach 1,100,000,000 followers on instagram. you can see why. >> because his son. sure. >> or maybe -- >> the great -- wash my clothes on that washboard great news comes during the same week he scored a hat trick for championship win and credible soccer -- >> oh. >> likely the main reason he has so many followers. >> exactly. is it hot in the loft or is it me. >> if you broke down the percentage of his followers those who followed him for soccer and who followed him for not soccer what do you think the break down would be. >> probably 60% non soccer. >> i would have give -- gone 70-30. >> really. >> that high. >> i would have gone 80. >> worldwide soccer though he's huge. >> there's the thing people who like his looks and his abil abilities. >> we'll have to poll 100 million people to find out. >> do that in our spare time. i do. that's funny. when it comes to being a life long fan one virginia woman well let's just say she's hit a homerun. >> meet mary hughes. she is a hundred one years old a just how big a fan you ask? she chose her assisted living facility in part because they offer the channel that is air the nats games. she bryce harper's jersey hanging in her room and she writes all of the game dates on her calendar after each game she then writes the score on the cal length. the nationals heard about mary and zen her a gift package and also offered her tickets to a game. >> i love -- i hope she's able to do. >> i love everything about this story and i hope most of all she gets a chance to write down on her wall world series champions. >> yes, oh, my gosh. >> that's amazing go for her. >> i hope she gets to visit the dug outs. gets pictures with players. >> i bet they make that happen. >> bryce does a little video with her. >> yeah, right. i love that story. that's so fun. >> all right. rhyme not 10:10. still ahead i'm going to live four ever >> singing not so much. >> hater. >> maybe that's not going to be what gets you famous. >> break down wisdom' followers for his singing. >> zero to zero. >> the legendary debbie allen. she's going to join us live coming up. >> first, though, we get a chance to sit down with former idol. david cook joins us live. he's talking about the special reason he's in town this weekend. there he is. good to see you again, david. >> hey, what you looking at? >> we'll chat with him coming up. it's 10:11. ♪ ♪ art. it can be sculpted, bringing to life beautiful detail. or painted in luxurious strokes. and in rare cases... both. ♪ ♪ we just got the keys to our new house! we got the keys! ahhh! wooo! this is exciting we've got our own house! yeah! i'm sorry do you like it here maddie? i love you. i love you too. ♪ >> tepp 14:00 on this friday morning. what a great way to start the weekend. after winning american idol in season seven our next guest went to sell one and half million copies of his debut album. he set billboard records eventually tran zigged more of country thing he found mega success in nashville co writing kiss you tonight and this weekend he's using his star power to fight brain cancer because he's always done great things on the stage and off. cook and his fans collectively raised $1.3 million for brain tumor research and funding through the race for hope and this weekend you can run or walk with him and help fight brain tumors at the same time. rejoins us live live in the loft. good to see you david cook. >> good to see to you. >> welcome back. it's been a couple years since you've been by. you've been busy in the meantime. i love you're take your success and doing so muc >> thank you. this event it's their 20th year and this will be my ninth race and i continuously honored to be involved. what they're doing is amazing the fact i get to be some small part of that and try to honor my brother and his story as well as countless others going through the same thing. >> can you talk about that and why you got involved in the first place. >> my older brother adam was diagnose with a brain tumor when i was in high school. he went in remission once it came back really aggressive not long before idol run. and so i gotten on board with abc squared and national brain tumor society to be a part of race for hope. my first race was may third, 2009 and unfortunately my brother passed away the day before. so this event has become cathartic thing for me and my family but to be able to continue to come out, be part of it raise wearness and find a cure it's one of the thing i'm proudest of. >> it's a win/win it can help you but also it gives other people who are dealing with this whether in their family, their trends, their loved once, you've been there. you know it they can relate to that situation especially if you're dealing with this when you're on the idol stage knowing that you know you can battle these distractions you have going on in your own head, it's nice now to be able to talk about it haven't the platform this many years later especially, you know, on idol it was -- we tried to keep it quiet. my brother was really adamant i think he want immediate to succeed or fail based on my own merits didn't want to be part of the story. so, um, but once we got through the show and had this amazing platform that idol afforded me. it's been i was you some this last going on decade now. we'll say a minute ago. i like that better. yeah. but to be able to continue to use the platform thor this is awesome. >> it's funny how things in life whether it's something serious, upping, health wise or idol some things seem like decade. >> it does feel -- it feel like yesterday and a decade all at the same time. [ laughter ] >> how about you yours working on new music now. >> wove got a single we've been teasing called me give me heartbreak that's not out yet. we're putting the finishing touches on releasing that and an ep will follow. so tonight we're at jamming satisfy gentleman here in town we'll do fan event for the race, and i guess place as long as they'll let us. >> that's you some. it's got to be fun tore to you get a chance to get out there writing is one thing. roaring is another when you get a chance to hit the stage he is special physical you can get right up and close and intimate with the fans. >> it's immediate feedback. i love it. the one knock about idol. we would perform and you'd have to wait 24 hours to find out if you did well. i love the live setting i love being able to connect with people. >> was there everyone of those 24 hours periods that was better or worse than another. >> they were all terrible. our season i think it tuesday-wednesday. we would perform tuesday night everybody would have to go back to their rooms and pack if you went home wednesday grab your bags get out of here. every tuesday night was really rough because it was -- you're packing not knowing what's going on. >> you're preparing for the worst. >> yeah. >> pure preparing to leave and hoping that you get that call back. >> yeah. every wednesday night was nice, you know, if you got to stay because then you got to unpack for another week. >> speaking of staying you'll stick around town through this weeknd because the event is actually sunday. >> the event is sunday. start and finish line at freedom plaza fast k around the cap which is really nice i'm staying in town through monday stevie and vansant are really good friend of mine. he plays guitar tour bruce springsteen. he's performing at the kennedy center and maureen and i get to know with some fans who bid on the experience we'll go see the show and have dinner. >> that's awesome. i'm looking forward to that. >> enjoy d offer. >> absolutely. yeah. >> have fun while you're here. before we let you go i want to have little fun with you ooh i like how accurae is your wickipedia to see how accurate things are public perception versus reality. the reason i bring this up last tight you remember here the royals were in the world series and we were talking business ball because you're a midwest guy good i wore my jersey last time. i have baseball related question. did you or did you not give up a hometown albert pujols. >> yes, i did i through a knuckle curve i think that hung it didn't go anywhere and he deposited it far an it what over the left field fence. that's when -- that's when i knew he was really good. i don't know if he knew. he probably done that. (plenty of times before. >> as pitcher you never want to give up a homerun. badge of honor together he hit it. >> i went home i better practice guitar. [ laughter ] >> i better do something else. >> listen you're doing a ton on stage and off. we appreciate you joining us once again. >> >> best wishes with the event this weekend. if you get a chance to come down and do good just like david is, i'm sure they would welcome your support. >> employees come out. >> thank much david week. american idol winner. maureen back over to you. >> 10:20. coming up we're living la veto loco ricky martin is in d.c. erin will join us live with her one-on-one with the latin pop star before his big show at the mgm tonight. >> first how about a cinco de mayo washout. tucker will be back with a check on the seven day. that's coming up next. you're watching good day at 10a ♪ ♪♪ ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. ♪ on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. >> that's why you don't drive into high water. >> nope. >> car gets stuck. you have to get rescued. unfortunately the -- fortunately the driver is okay. car not doing so well. getting ready to tow it out of there. it's at lawyers road. whipper will road and unfortunately a few other people were driving around it open though it was stuck there thinking, hey, just because she got stuck doesn't mean i will. >> don't do it. >> you don't have to deal with getting a new car. guesting it fixed. getting yourself hurt. >> yup. >> water damage is so bad for car. >> it's unfortunate. can't do much about nature, though. >> when things like that. tucker has been giving us an update throughout the morning what we can expect. looks like the worst perhaps is passed at this point. tucker isn't i mean c far as the heaviest of the rain and the severe strong winds and gusty winds we had coming through the area even a possible tornado down near dog man virginia all of that activity well off to the north and east. i'll show you that to you momentarily. not a beautiful avenue the sin dough dde washout was the first half of the day. 66 now in washington. cloudy skies. feels humid out there. 61 in leonardtown. 64 up in frederick. all right. you can see the heavy rain now north and east of the baltimore. and across the bay. so that's good news here as we sweep the radar around you can see a few additional showers developing off to our west. and i think most of the afternoon will remain cloudy. there might be a little peek of sunshine here and there. we will see scattered showers redevelop later today. keep your umbrella handy as far as the heaviest rain and the rain that was causing the localized flooding and the downed tree limbs and power lines that kind of thing that is pushed off to the north and east gradual improvement expected around here later today. all right. low pressure off to our west and that will be slowly moving off to our north today. and just want to give sneak peek at tomorrow. as that area of low pressure just to our north, we are going to be remaining under its influence we'll have a lot of clouds around for our saturday. and some scattered showers in the forecast. and cool temperatures. we probably won't get out of the low to mid 60s for day heim highs tomorrow with that area of low pressure just to our north just kind of sitting there and spinning its way gradually to the northeast here over the next couple of days. so quick look at the forecast. as we get into the afternoon hours. and there's sunday i do want to mention sunday looks a little brighter with cool temperatures. all right. seven day. scattered showers this afternoon worse of it over. weekend looks unsettled again showers for saturday. mix of clouds and sun on sunday. but we'll get a chance to dry it out and keep it cool around here for the neck seven days. that's the latest weather. i'll toss it back to you. >> thanks tuck. >> 10:25 is the time. we got legend in the loft coming up next actor, dancer, choreography and director debbie allen joins us 35 talk about a special event showcasing some of th for good cause. back in a moment. . i love you so much, that's why i bought six of you for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever, that's why you'll stay in this drawer forever. i can't live without you, and that's why i'll never ever wash you. protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. it smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner. >> you may be hot stuff up in harlem or you may have the best tutu collection in the country doesn't matter. i don't have time for prim ma don nass. you want to become a dancer, you're going to have to work, work your little tights off. >> i wayne wearing no tights. >> you got big dreams. you well fame costs. and right here is where you start paying in sweat. i want to see sweat and the better you are, the more sweat i'm going to demand. >> all right. 10:29 is the time. that's a scene from the 1980s classic fame. tomorrow night some of the world's best and hottest dancers will be showcasing their moves right here in the dmv and it's all for a great cause. local non-profit cities dancers hosting gala performance at the historic lincoln theater. and it's going to be an event you don't want to miss. gala performance will feature vignette of different dance genres performed by world class artists and all the proceeds from dream scape, well, they go to the city dance dream program. >> yes. >> that's not the best part. besides performances from top ballroom, ballet and step dancers the event is hosted by emmy award winning dance icon and all around legend and beautiful lady, debbie allen! [ applause ] >> it gets even better, though. >> paul wharton is also a part of it. he's hosting the exclusive after party. there you go. >> this morning they're both joining us live with janay collins student dancer at city dance as well to talk about this great cause this morning. >> morning to everybody. >> good morning. >> first of all, i want to give that speech to my fourth grade basketball team. we're zero and seven right now. i'm struggling. >> let me them have it. >> let them have it if do i need to give you credit. >> yes. >> we were in the makeup room. come on you want, you want fame i can't sweat because my hair will retrack. >> oh, jeez. >> other than that -- paul you got to sweat if you want fame. didn't you hear the speech. >> i'm here. >> thank you all for coming in and speaking with us this morning. >> yes. >> he will to us about the ev event. >> well the event will be fantastic. all these incredible dancers, and this the icon of the moment. >> yes. >> this is what it's all about. we've got to get out here and get opportunity for young people. arts education is simultaneous to great education. it goes hand in hand with stem there needs to be stem a and we're -- we're under siege right now. for funding for these programs. city dance is doing something so breath takingly important, and this if anybody is listening, we're in washington, hello, we're talking about america, maitaining its number one position in the world in innovation and that does not happen without creativity. that's why we need the arts as part of everyone's education. >> the dream scape gala is the big party that raises a lot of money but it's really about the program, the dream program. janay you've been in the program. tell us about your experience in the program. >> i've been in the program since i was in third grade. eight years old. and i'm currently still in the program as a senior at mckinley tech, and it just really gave me a lot of opportunities. opened lot of doors for me and i really love it. >> that's awesome. so this saturday the big gala. are you in the program? >>es >> what are you doing going to be to be good i'm in the afro fusion piece. >> think about this program. it's offering hundreds and hundreds of young people after school programming in in the arts and dance. i mean this is -- steve jobs took a dance class, honey. >> yes. >> if he didn't take that dance class. >> okay. that's really how important this is. how important this is. i'm so thrilled to be here and to be with this beautiful young woman and all the kids that will be there and to support this effort and everybody should come out. it will be a great show. >> um-hmm. >> i'm excited to be here to help. >> now how do people get involved. if you want people to get involved financial or do something else, what do they needed to because this as you said this is extremely important? >> sure. >> well, besides coming to the gala,. >> right. in at the lincoln theater. >> sure. this is on-going program that goes on. it's fifth year since been here since '98 or six something like that. many years in the making. there are many programs here in ellington school of the arts and arthur mitchell you got to get involved. this is a time for us not to play kate and be running scared to speak up. this is the time for every ha hard-working tax paying citizens to speak up about the value of arts. >> i love the website city if you want to find out how to get your kids involved if you want to find out how you can help they have programs all year round. of course, saturday night is going to be the jam. >> the jam. >> with fame. i'm having a fame out moment. >> is that what's happening. >> fame out. we're going to have great time but there are programs all year round at city >> all right. so what's it like for you to be involved in this and then to see miss debbie allen here, i mean, life and in person being a part of your life and helping you move this forward in your world? >> well, honestly i really feel honored to be sitting next to her like i really do. >> we do, too. [ laughter ] >> who won, right? >> how is this, i mean again tell me how this is changing yo world. >> it changed my world because i feel it's opening up a lot of doors and opportunities for other students who like to dance even feel like they can easily find their passion and it's it's more than dance you learn a lot of things overcome a lot of challenges and learn about yourself. >> that is wonderful. >> yes. >> so you know this is the empire network. we know you've done some work on empire. have to talk about while i have it here. for a good time, not long time. i want to know. now you're you can't actually executive producing gray's anatomy. you're a part of the whole shandra lamb situation. >> roller coaster that's on f fire. >> it's on fire. tell us about that. >> well that's an extraordinary opportunity for me to do everything that i do. i hired the directors. i try to keep the actors happy. i try to manage what's going on on the floor all times dealing with the writers, the crew. it's full-time job. so i was directing every show and now i'm really right there and we're headed towards a huge finale that's really pretty hot. >> you got -- you're keeping everybody happy. >> yeah. >> you don't just walk in and say i'm debbie allen. know your role. >> no. >> get in your spot. >> no. >> i'm debbie allen. you don't do that. >> no, there's always situations people are navigating from their personal lives. >> sure. >> to what's happening in the story. if they feeling they don't understand why they're saying what they're saying. like, honey, your check is going to cash. >> okay. >> catherine heigl, right. >> there was a lesson in catherine heigl's situation. >> look at catherine heigl. every time she does something she's like gray's anatomy star still. all these many years later. >> sure. >> and we're happy that she's, you know, finally finding some success again. >> right. >> what she's doing, but, this is a wonderful family between ella pompeo whose so much fun onset. jim pickins, shandra wilson, my son, they're wonderful actors and next season is alrea promising to be so fruitful i'm excited to still play doctor, you know, catherine avery who is quite the b on the show. [ laughter ] >> i love it. >> okay, doctor. >> some tickets are still available. >> may sixth tomorrow night we'll be there 25 to 38 bucks. check out city for tickets. >> please come. support these young people. make it possible. this is keeping america great again. that's what we need is this. >> through dance. >> we love it. >> thank you. >> i'll dance out into the street. >> i'll practice my speech, miss allen. >> get that basketball team together, child. >> i'm struggling. i'm struggling right now. basketball practice is tonight. i'll say debbie allen said if you want to play in this game, right here where you start earning your playing time. >> exactly. >> sweat. >> sweat. >> ain't no breaks. you don't get water. >> tell your parents to get out of here. >> how is that? >> good. >> okay. all right. there you go. >> i like that. you did great. [ laughter ] >> i'm done. i'm out of here. i'll see ya'll later. maureen over to you. >> thank you. okay. it may be rainy and cold outside but it's about to get hot in here in the lot of that is. because this morning ricky martin is bringing some latin heat to the dc region. erin como got a chance to shit down with the she bank star during rehearsal yesterday. she'll join us next with her one-on-one with the latin heart throb. time is 10:37. we'll be right back after this. ♪ art. it can be sculpted, bringing to life beautiful detail. or painted in luxurious strokes. and in rare cases... both. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. ♪ i afraid what year that came o out. >> right. we were all so young. >> long time ago. >> don't say that holly. don't say that. >> it was just yesterday. >> wasn't it? >> i think it was the late '9 '90's. >> i didn't want to know. >> we are living la vita loca on this cinco de mayo tonight fresh off his recent vegas residency ricky martin is taking the stage at the mgm national harbor. we're giving you exclusive access right now erin had a chance to talk to him about the show want eels he's working on now. so what scoop did you find erin. >> i am all smiles. he was such a charming man to interview. and just so you know it's been 818 years since living lave to loca hit number one pave paving the way for other stars. ricky martin still living a ♪ >> 45-year-old pop star hasn't slowed down since his days with minute newt tow he join when he was just 12 years old. but he might be busier than ever right now. he just wrapped part one of his vegas rand soon due part for part two next month. he's bringing part of that epic show to d.c. at ngn national harbor. yesterday i talk to him about which fans can expect when he take the stage. which songs are his favorite what his family is up to in washington and some of the other very big projects he's got in the works. >> just be. be silly, dance, even if you can't. talking about great energy. i think most important thing is for people to feel comfortable about themselves. >> um-hmm. >> and like i always say i want to you come to my concert for an hour hasn't 45 minutes forget about all your issues in life. be silly dance even if you can't. >> have great time. >> have great time. and just come comfortable. jeans, pair of sneakers because you'll sweat a lot. >> so the ratio new music to live vin la vita loca. what kind of songs is can he expect f we'll go bank. she bank. shake your bon bon. all the songs that you turn into heads back then and obviously everything that has happened he have since in spanish, english a little bit of french but it's i always say it's very international show for very international crowd for people that are willing to take risks and not be ashamed of anything and that's what my show is ab about. it has always been like that. obviously working with great directors, great musicians, great dancers, great producers putting a very nice spec catell with class i would say. >> right. >> but always fun. that's what we're bringing here. from here we're going to europe and miami. it's a long -- >> you're on the road. >> y, obviously then we go back to vegas. >> give me a little insight into what it's like to perform in a more intimate theater here as opposed to the vegas show? >> it reminds so much of the theater in vegas. yes, this is smaller, but i love that. because you have like a direct contact. >> you get to connect witness audience. >> you get the eye contact to e is important. it dictates where i need to go in order for that specific person to get to the level of rush euphoria i want that person to get. >> you get that from performing. >> i get from performing. i get that from the music but i get that from the audience. for me the eye contact witness audience. >> to feed off that energy. >> extremely important. >> what is your favorite song to perform? >> that's not fair. >> i know. there's so many good ones. >> that's not fair. it's just that i go back into memories of when i was right its wrighting the song or when i performed it for the first time. or when i discover the song because someone else wrote it, and -- >> is there most special to your private emotion for some reason. and it's slow ballad very special song for me. >> ♪ >> then again, the latest single released it puts knee really good place. >> gets you in the zone. >> immedimmediately. according to the reaction of the audience them also. it's like i said it's an hour and 45 minutes people will sing a lot and people will dance a lot and -- >> i hear live vin la vita loca and she bank reminds me of pool parties and being outside and dancing. >> it's fun. it could be decadent. >> oh yeah. >> we love that. >> you have a fan out here that came from bolivia got on plane to come see your show this weekend. how does it feel to have that fan base. >> how awesome. the beautiful thing in my show there's always flags from everywhere. >> um-hmm. >> at the end of the show come onho are you from. everyone from argentina, spain, france, germany, japan. and i'm glad she's from bolivia and she's here. >> you get everyone from everywhere. >> we break boundaries and we get together unity. >> speaks to the heart. >> yes. >> i have to ask you ask this i saw on lip sync battle. against kate upton. do you want to talk about this? no. sorry i just needed to know because your dance moves are so good. >> i don't think i'm going to be wear my underwear. i will be wearing underwear. i will be wearing my pants. the lip sync battle is very special moment. [ laughter ] >> i just had to ask because it was so much fun. >> i'm in the an exhibitionist at the moment. >> i understand. i'm not necessarily what you would call a wonderful dancer. if i wanted to come to your show and really enjoy the music what's a good move we can do? >> no, forget about moves. just be yourself and don't feel judged. that's the most important thing. no one will judge you here. just be yourself. if you can't sing, >> sing along. >> if you can't dance, go with it. who cares? no one is judging. >> are you going to get to see anything while you're here in dc performing on your off time. >> my kids have an amazing schedule. they're doing all the museums and they're doing what it needs to be done when you come to d.c. but via lot of rehearsals and have interviews and then the shows it's going to be different. but i'm sure i'll be able to sneak out little bit. >> sneak out end enjoy the city a little bit. >> a little bit. >> thank you so much for chachatting with us. >> you're amazing. >> i'll take another hug from ricky martin any time. if the tour in vegas residency weren't enough martin is also in the middle of film agnew reality show for vh1. it's documenting his preparations for those vegas shows but it's also a behind the scenes glimpse into the personal life of the notoriously private star. he also just joined the cast of the next season of american crimes story which will focus on the death of fashion designer giovanni versaci he'll play his lover antonioam just to reminder, if you want to see ricky martin shake his bon bon in person, tickets to his m. good n show are still available. they start at 40 bucks. and are available through mgm's website. i say that show sounds like it's going to be insane. he was just so sweet and so warm, and just such wonderful person to interview. >> did you try the old i didn't get the end of that interview again. can we do that last question one more time 26. >> he said let's do a selfie. i cuddled into his arm. wisdom gets it. my cousin told mow all this was going to happen. >> those selfies they run in the martin family. >> so does the bon bon and all the other shaking. >> he got his dance moves from the wisdom martin. >> from somebody else in the family. >> got it. >> just to be clear. >> that's awesome. i love his advice. when you pay to go to concert, you have a good time. >> you can't dance, you can sing go have good time. >> he was oozing this confidence and just sex appeal and charm and hearing that from him makes you just kind of get out of yourself and just enjoy yourself if you're at a smile and spirit. he exudes that when he talks. meanwhile i would just like to go out to the museums and monuments and try to run into him and his sons. [ laughter ] >> it would be one of those things, man that guy looks like ricky martin. >> if it's going to happen it's going to happen this weekend. >> i know! >> darn it. thanks erin. super fun. 10:48. coming upper if he can way to end the work week. cinco de mayo falling on a friday this year and this morning you know we're celebrating. right here in the loft. the team from service bar is here to whip up some cocktails. we'll check in with them next. ♪ ♪♪ we just got the keys to our new house! we got the keys! ahhh! wooo! this is exciting we've got our own house! yeah! i'm sorry do you like it here maddie? i love you. i love you too. well it's a perfect nespresso morning here, george. hold on a second. mmm. ♪ ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? ♪ tequila. we wouldn't be good day dc if we didn't find any excuse to drink today we are drinking in celebration of everyone's favorite holiday it's not christmas. we're talking cinco de mayo and last hour of course we had the pups now it's time for the cocktails. for that we brought in the pros from d.c. hottest cocktail bar service bar d.c. they offer new menu of cinco de chad spangler and glendon hartley both mixing it up here in the loft. >> good to see you. >> thanks for having us. >> they were just telling me when it rains people flock to you. this could be cinco de mayo for the ages for you all. >> hopefully so. >> i can see your excitement. [ laughter ] >> let's let the fiesta begin so you guys do these regionally themed menus. >> yes. >> so obviously you're crafting one around cinco de mayo. >> we started thinking of different regions and themes and we knew that cinco de mayo was obviously in may. >> sure. we decided our mexican region should coincide with that particular holiday and then last a little bit longer than that about two months. >> i love it extended fee teas. let's go ahead. what are we pouring. >> first drink we're making is the coolata pineapple, lime, but instead of the traditional pina cole lad dough we have our is made from rice. >> mexican or chad dough made from rice. there's different ones depending where you are. >> depending on the region, yes. we're nice and rich has full agave flavor. making two of those. pouring in some here now. also in here we have already our lime and our orchada mix. concentrate ed down. no milk kind of a rice and spice mixture. >> it will give it some texture. >> exactly good make it thicker. speaking of texture, add little bit more rice here. >> extra rice. nice. give eight nice starchy froth an little richer. >> you guys come up with these drinks? >> how often? >> yeah regional menu lasts for two months we change them. change our menu all time. we're closed one day week our team can meet. we do lot of menu planning. accomplish oh lot of other things, too. a lot talking what's working well on our menu. what we need to work on what ideas we h whole team to contribute much it's not just glendon and i that pull out all the drinks. it's our whole team. we critique each other and work on it and improve it bit by bit. >> that's a staff meeting i could get on board one. >> come to one. >> that sounds like a good time. look at that. there it is. >> so we have the coolata here to sprung it up a little bit we'll add a little bit of a type of herb. we have mint powder here. >> this is fancy smancy. >> little touch of mint powder. how many people will you have making drinks today? we always have two main bar tents behind the bar. bar back and we have one apprentice who the apprentice just assists the main bartenders and helps expedite service they'll run credit cards they'll have to garnish the drinks. they'll help push the drippings through the service bar. >> right. >> very very big team effort. you're never by yourself two people mainly making drinks with two assistants as well. >> bring your patience because it might be a little busy today, right? it takes time >> it does. >> cheers! >> i think we make them expedited amount of time. so -- >> ooh, yummy. all right. what's next? >> the next cocktail that we have for you we call the al pastor marguerita. >> i've heard of taco he will pastor i haven't her the he will pastor marguerita. it's not really a thinkly now. tacos el pastors. >> this is exclusive look at the marguerita el pastor. >> tacos el pastor pork loin sliced and roasted on a vertical spit. it was served with roasted pineapple. we reversed it and we treat the pineapple like it's the pork. >> fun. >> we take pine al pep and dry rub it several different -- >> drink and talk at the same time. >> of course. our time is fleeting i want to make sure we get in it. >> several different types of dried chili as well pineapple is with more fresh pineapple juice it has white tequila and rice as well. >> i know people a lot of people i love the little clay pot cup by the way that is so fun. i know a lot of people obviously will be drinking tequila. what's your go to? >> ut-oh. >> ooh. >> give me your top three favorite. >> patrone definitely been one of my favorites for while. >> can't go wrong. >> we only have 45 seconds in our show. would you guys like to come over and join our little mexican fee teas over here. >> i mean -- >> did you think you had to ask. >> can you take this home and like plant a plower in it afterwards. >> i think you could. >> that is very cute. >> how do you make the mint powder. >> mint powder is dehydrated mism nt with sugar and i take it and grind it up in a powder. >> i love that. >> awesome. >> nice and light and minute t tee. >> it will speak spanish. >> si, senior. >> have a great cinco de mayo and a safe one as well. have fantastic weekend. >> happy weekend. >> happy cinco de mayo, everybody. see you next week. bye-bye. ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. ♪ ♪ ♪ at ikea, we believe that you should be able to afford your dream bedroom. that you can get it all for less. that you can find what you're looking for at a price you've been waiting for. and we believe the cost of a good night's sleep shouldn't keep you up at night. save up to 20% at the ikea bedroom event. >> live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin? we won't judge, but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. [ applause ] >> now here's wendy! [ applause ] >> wendy: say hello to my

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Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20170505 :

Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20170505

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inappropriate contact with a young player. i'm melanie alnwick live in gaithersburg. later the wizards letting their frustration out on the court. now, they could be down a player when they take the court for game four. good day at 9:00 starts now. ♪ 9:00 o'clock on friday morning. let's not overstate the obvious much it's friday morning. [ laughter ] >> good news is, it's friday morning. we can get through this rain out there but boy it's a mess out there. we'll get right to tucker in a few minutes and try to get through this, because it is just sloppy we can hear it on the roof right now it's coming down it's pretty heavy. thanks for being with us on this may fifth. i'm steve, alongside holly, maureen and wisdom. >> equal play, equal pay. former member of the women's us soccer team will join us 35 talk about how she is trying to close the pay gap when it comes t women's sports and how you can help. >> that's awesome. they'll soccer game some place you would never dream of. they're taking it to new heights. there's your hint. >> first though we want to talk about this weather, because it is soaker out there. there's even some severe stuff moving through. these are live pictures from across the region including bethesda, oxon hill and the national mall. you can see how heavy the rain is. coming down in all of those areas. ? just really nasty day out today. meanwhile mother nature already being blamed for some damage around the dc region much this is video of some trees down along cringle road in northwest. also trees and wires down on randolph street in the same quadrant overnight. >> meanwhile the cleanup is underway across the midwest after the same storm system went through areas underwater. deadly flooding has been reported in arkansas and missouri this morning. missouri' governor has declared an emergency in the region and is asking for federal money to help rebill. that could take weeks or even months. let's find out what's happening here at home including that severe weather tuck is back >> yeah. we've seen a lot of severe thunderstorms steve work through the area along with very heavy rain and we're getting widespread reports of a lot of downed trees and power lines in la plata in particular seems to be having problems this morning. start with that severe thunderstorm warning and the good news is, severe thunderstorm warning that was in the immediate washington area right here in washington and prince george's county has been let go. but we still have severe thunderstorm warning for parts of calvert, charles, prince george's county, saint mary's county to our south and south and east for another half hour until 9:30. all right. little closer to home now, it is a flood warning, and this is just been extended here the last 15 minutes or so now includes false church, alexandria district of columbia, parts of montgomery county and the issue is basically ponding on the roadways and the potential for localized flooding as we've had extremely heavy downpours here in the past half hour, 45 minutes, and just keep in hyped if you're out the roads here the next few minutes you could encounter some of that ponding and suddenly you know you want to turn around don't drown here. rain moving through the city and just off to our north and east. so beltsville, working up knife towards laurel and columbia very heavy rain out towards annapolis, bowie, crofton thinking of you guys we're watching that line of showers and thunderstorms approaching the bay here. it will get east of us and north of us in the next i'd say 45 minutes to an hour and things will gradually improve around here this afternoon we talk a lot about sin company de washout the worst of it will be during the morning hours. by this afternoon, i don't want to promise a lot of sunshine but how about if we just have scattered showers and clouds around here and relatively humid afternoon temperatures will be in the low to mid 70s. here's your afternoon forecast and again going to warm it up into the 70s but we'll keep scattered showers maybe potential for another rumble of thunder this afternoon. weekend forecast, i've got the details. it look cloudy and cool tomorrow. maybe some rain showers as well. we'll look at that guys. maureen back to you. >> thank you tuck. 9:04. we're following breaking news out of what have have a that's where small cargo plain contracted by ups has crashed after it happened around 7:00 this morning at yeager airport in charleston. our local fox affiliate in west virginia says it has confirmed that two people on board that plane were killed. it is believed they were the pilot and co-pilot. officials say the plane was coming from kentucky and it was a item to go land 11 it went off the runway more details as we get them. 9:05. time for the morning briefing first up president trump spending another day in his home state of new york. he arrived yesterdy. was greeted by protesters his first trip back to the big apple since he was sworn in as chant in chief back in january. he spent his first day back in new york celebrating his first big alleges lidge victory the house voting to appeal and replace obama care. >> his first international trip will take place later this mo month. he'll fly to israel, saudi arabia and the vatican. the president says the trip will be a chance to forge new partnership with muslim allies. >> biggest story today is that health care reform fight. th savouring that victory but there's also a lot of worked to if republicans actually want to repeal and replace obama care. >> because even though the bill passed the house by a razor thin margin it still has to pass the senate and there may be long-term political consequences. allison seymour back with all the details. >> good morning, al. >> good morning to all of you. yup that's what we're talking about today his health care and getting this bill through the senate won't be easy and might take weeks getting this through the house yesterday no small task either, and it was reason for the president at the end of the day, though, to sell basement. >> congratulations on your -- >> thank you very much. >> on your vote today. >> thank you very much. that was great. >> big day. president as he was congr congratulated by australian prime minister malcolm turnbull in new york last night. >> the republicans came together all of a sudden two days ago it was like magic. >> the yeas 217, the nays 213. the bill is passed. >> the vote was close but the gop pre sailed passing a plan that would allow plates for flexibility to alter obama care insurance he requirements to help bring premiums down and offer tax credits to help purchase plans but critics say many would pay more and coverage could be worse. >> hey, hey, goodbye. >> house democrats sank hey, hey, goodbye after the bill passed suggesting republicans will suffer in next year's mid term lexes. >> you have every provision of this bill tattooed on your forehead. you will glow in the dark on this one. you will glow in the dark. [ applause ] >> so what's next? the senate which could spend several weeks preparing for a vote. but expect changes and scepticism from both democrats and republicans. >> i want to be supportive. i want to repeal obama care. but i don't want to have to vote for a federal program a new one that will be hundreds of billions of dollars paid i'm all for capitalism but i'm not a big fan of crone kneecap talism. >> and if the senate makes any changes it has to come back to the house for final approval. we have a long way to go. back to you guys. >> former president obama finding himself in the midst another political debate this time overseas in france. as that country is in the midst of its presidential election. mr. obama has officially end endorsed centrist candidate em may y mack krohn. he is expected to win against maureen lepen. run off vote on sunday. local soccer coach or sexual predator. police say he abu a september-year-old girl and they think there are more victims out there. how investigators say you can help coming up in very important life report. >> later, everyone loves an underdog and at this year's kentucky derby, his name is patch. we'll show was makes him so special still ahead. ♪ why not? your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. which is what we do. crowne plaza. we're all business, mostly. my sweetheart's gone sayonara. this scarf all that's left to rememb... what. she washed this like a month ago! the long lasting scent of gain. now available in matching scents across your entire laundry routine. ♪ 11 past the hour that's a look what's happening outside across the city. >> someone still wants to get a picture of the capital even in the rain. ♪ >> we haven't had lot of chances to get picture of the capitol in the rain. that. >> making up for it today. >> you got to get to work. get around. bob barnard joins us live in bethesda. how does it look up there, bob? >> reporter: really bad, guys. i'll tell you win the last half hour the rain was sideways receipt now it's still heavy rain and the ponding has subsided some but as you see these cars going through this intersection look at this truck. going through kicking up a lot of water. this is the intersection of bethesda avenue and arlington road here in bethesda. as you see the cars go through this intersection here there's a lot of standing water. i'll tell you we're hearing about a lot of accidents throughout the region really. trees down, blocking treats. i can show you if we have it some video from where we were earlier this morning. cringle road in northwest d.c. basically, blocking the westbound lane of the two lane road way divided going from adams morgan to cleveland park threw rock creek park, and the westbound lane was closed tow people even though there were flares and signs up were going one lane and having to stop and back up because the traffic would come right into their ace. so people have been ignoring some of the warning signs telling people not to take these flooded roads or streets blocked by trees and some people are not paying attention. so basically, it's that kind of morning. a steady heavy sometimes sideways rain leaving a lot of water on roads. knocking down trees. contributing to accidents, and from our vantage point here in bethesda, no end in sight, guys. >> bob, how much is on the roads in some places. >> reporter: oh yeah. oh yeah. it's because it let's up a little bit, so it leaves but these cars come at you i mean gist like a few minutes ago the water was splashing up over the railing there with those tree boxes. when it rains heavily it ponds and then as it, you know, subsides a little bit as it slows down bit but it's just non-stop, guys. the roads are dangerous. no doubt about it >> ya'll be safe out there too bob. thanks. 9:13. youth soccer coach in montgomery county is charged with sexually abusing one of his players. >> the little girl was just seven years old at the time and police believe there could be more victims out there. fox5's melanie alnwick live in gaithersburg with the details. mel? >> reporter: guys, we talked to some parents and some kids who have played for this soccer coach for many years and frankly they told us they're very surprised by this arrest. the coach was actually picked up in and cuffed yesterday on this very same practice field at center way park he's run practices and clinics for many, many years he is 47-year-old miguel flores. he's the head soccer coach for the caddy football salvadore. alleged sex offense track back to july of 2015. the victim seven years old then. told special victims unit investigators that everything happened during practices that summer. she said while the other kids ran lapse, coach miguel would hug her in the middle of the field then put her shirt and on her bare chest. flores according to charging documents allegedly told the girl to keep quite or something bad would happen. montgomery county police have this advice for parents. >> they can't talk enough and often enough it's not just a one-time speech, but it's a periodic conversation to have to let them know what's appro appropriate, what's inappropriate and keeping secrets from parents is never a good idea. come talk to mom or dad, don't be afraid, and tell them the truth if they feel like they were touched inappropriately. >> reporter: we do not know the circumstances leading up to why now, why this girl and her parents came forward and went to child protective services with these allegations. we can tell you that flores is facing one count of second offense and one count sex abuse of a minor. collectively, he could receive a penalty up to 35 years in prison if he's offenses and also because of the time that has passed, between when the alleged abuse occurred and now, montgomery county police say it is possible there could be other victims involved in this. so they're asking anyone who has concerns about this coach to please get in contact with montgomery county police. live in gaithersburg i'm melanie alnwick fox5 local news. >> mel, thank you for that. meanwhile, talking about another university members of congress historically black sorority are calling for civil rights investigation into a racist incident at american university in washington. where someone hunk bananas from nooses. they were found in five campus locations on monday. that same day a member of the sorority was elected to be president of the student government association. >> more on that story of course as it continues to develop. it's 9:15:16 right now. we have lot more coming up on good day today for sure including kevin overseas sitting down with guardians of the galaxy zoey sal don know to talk about why her green it hard off the set. erin, what are you work ong. >> new economic snapshot is out. we'll have the latest on unemployment numbers plus warning for all the gin and tonic out there. why one popular brand is recalling thousands of bottles. later alonso ball has his first signature shoe. social media so not fan. we'll show you why when we check what else is making headlines neck. there's nothing like trying something new. especially when it comes to snacking. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. all eyes are on olay ultimate eye cream. allure best of beauty and marie claire's most wanted. eyes show emotion, not your age. olay eyes. ageless. the in-laws have moved in with us. and, our adult children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. ♪ 20 minutes past the hour. let's check in with erin. she has a check of other stories making headlines this morning. erin, good morning. >> good morning. today a public viewing for the slain delaware state trooper killed in the line of duty. the public visitation started 8:30 this morning and lasts until 10am at the chase center in wilmington, delaware. immediately following the public viewing there will be a pass and review for the uniformed emergency services personnel. then memorial service honoring corporal stephen ballard will begin at 11am. delta airlines doing damage control after threatening a family with jail time if they didn't give up a seat. delta now apologizing and says the flight was not over booked. they are offering the family refunds and compensation. the family says they put one of their children in the seat they had bought for their 18-year-old son who instead of flown home on earlier flight. the family says delta's compensation, well, that's not enough. >>go economy. the april jobs sort released this morning shows more than 200,000 jobs were added last month. that drops the unemployment rate to a ten-year low of 4%. and surpass economists predictions by more than 20,000 jobs. all right. talk about overkill. canada has pulled bottles of bombay sapphire london dry gin from store shelves after its food inspection agency found the bottles had nearly double the alcohol than advertised. the bottles were only sold in canada. but had nearly 77% alcohol instead of the normal 40%. so quite a bit more there in those bottles. and finally, the internet is a buzz it's a pair of shoes getting a lot of attention this morning for their price tag. zo2 several styles were unveiled on lavar ball big baller web store he's promoting this pair an pair of his son alonso ball. the asking price and if you want them autographed it will cost you nearly $1,000. i look at them, the shoes are cute but i think the selling price more than willing i'd be willing to spend on paver sneakers. >> on pair of sneakers you have proven player in the nba. >> yes. >> nobody is buying them. >> maybe people think he's a big deal. >> the best player to every come out of college according to his college. >> until the other kids come out. >> my prediction a year or two from now maybe five years from now we'll be hearing that story so you didn't live up to expectations. how hard was it for you? >> but it's good to see his dad has high hopes for him, right. >> oh, yeah. >> he's got to have high hopes for their kids. >> i think that's definitely out there. >> he has high hopes and high dollars. >> all right. speaking of pay, equal pay coming up soccer player lori lindsay will join us live to talk about how she's raising the awareness of the pay back in pro sports. how you can help. >> when is this rain going to move out? that's the big question what to expect for the ref of the weekend. tuck b seven day forecast coming up next. ♪ . ♪♪ >> fresh at 10a little something for fans of singing and dancing. fame legend debbie allen dropping by the loft to talk about the special event she's throwing right here in the nation's capital this weekend. plus, american idol champion david cook. he's back to good day to talk about the race for hope. and later, erin going one-on-one with ricky martin. yup. he's in town for a couple of shows at the mgm national harbor and this morning he's giving fox5 a sneak peek. right now, it's 9:23. and we are will be right back. ♪ . ♪♪ at ikea, we believe that your dream bedroom, et, to a well-organized chest of drawers, to a cozy bed, can be yours for less. save up to 20% at the ikea bedroom event. to a cozy bed, can be yours for less. we invited a beauty blogger to test her favorite soap... against dove. so we are using this test paper... ...that represents skin. the paper is dissolving... and dove is not dissolving... at all! with to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. at ikea, we believe that your dream bedroom, from a personalized closet, to a well-organized chest of drawers, to a cozy bed, can be yours for less. save up to 20% at the ikea bedroom event. ♪ 9:26 is the time. statement win for the wizards. they were down zero-two in the series against boston. washington came back and dominated at the verizon center. there was some drama in fact eight technical fouls and three inn ooh corrections. how is that for drama. >> is that all. >> that's all. >> wizards win on a 22-sip run in the first that lead would put them ahead for good. that's the bottom line. a lot of talk about this play this morning. kelly you will nick for boston called for a foul. kelly a pushing and shoving. you don't like you. you don't like us. other players get in the miffled it. in the end kelly gets ejected. coming off 53-point gain wizards held isaia thomas to 13 points. final in this one and bottom line, 116-89 wizards win so it's two-one now. >> that's right. >> they got home court and whole new series. >> they'll tie it up. i believe. >> we're in business. tip off sunday 6:30. >> all right. caps will tip off saturday drop the puck at least. >> boo! >> a rough round two to say the least against the penguins. team pulled off a win in game three but then they let game four slip away. now, pittsburgh up three games to win. must win tomorrow night do or die at the at verizon center. puck drops at 7:15 tomorrow. so back to back games at verizon center caps saturday. wizards sunday. >> i think the caps are going win on saturday. i worry about game six in pittsburgh but they'll within this weekend. >> any word about sid the kid. >> is he still out. >> word is he's skated but no word if he'll play or not. >> okay. i say if they play -- >> back home he'll play. >> nats park it was not just a day game it was a weather day game as in fox5 weather day. as we've learned over the years, on weather day magical things happen at the ballpark. bryce harper hits three homeruns some weather days. max scherzer 11 strike out as season tie. the nats win four hiv two. today they'll be on the road taking on the phillies up in baltimore. >> who in the weather team is the good luck charm. >> the entire weather team. >> the entire time. bring the weather team out there. bring fox out to the ballpark. it happens. >> it's all magic. >> before we get to tucker we have to bring breaking weather news in to this because there is there's report of a swift water rescue right now. car stuck in flooded road weren't occupant trapped. bob barnard is on the way there right now. this is right around the area of lawyers road and whipper road. the crews have didn't dispatch. bob barnard will give us more info when he gets it. >> at lot of time ponding water don't drive into it. don't drive into it. turn around, don't drown always the saying they say, but it's best to avoid it if you can. as far as what's coming down right now tucker is that going to stop soon. >> yeah. things will improve here pretty quickly but the damage has been done. lots of downed power lines. tree limbs that kind of thing, and we just got this tweet in. check out this tweet here. this is pretty impressive stuff. this is out dog green in king georges county i don't know if you can see it or not that's a flipped over car. there's report he reported when he sent this into us there were cars flipped over and several damaged. so possible tornado in king georges county this morning. closer look for you and you can again see i mean it's possible straight line winds caused that but cars are generally pretty heavy it takes pretty gusty conditions to cause cars to flip over. no doubt about it. it's been pretty wild around here the last couple of hours. 66 in washington. rain showers couldn't the worse of the rain is pushing off to the north, and to the east. and we got severe thunderstorm warning which is now east of us. so out towards arundel county, baltimore, baltimore city. hartford county under that severe thunderstorm warning and closer to home here still under what we call an aerial flood warning that's basically the bottom line we're trying to give you heads up there could be ponding out which continues on the roadways and at least temporarily some dangerous conditions here. we just talked about the water rescue, and the reason why all the heavy rain. all right. great news the back edge of our heavy shield of precipitation is now just off to our south and west. i'm sorry. and i'm lift off to the north and east and again we'll be dealing with heavy rain here for just a few more minutes then we'll get a chance to quite things down a little bit later this afternoon and just scattered showers around here a little later. you can see we've got a few additional showers developing off to the south and to the south and west. we'll be dealing with scattered showers later today. all right. low pressure that's going to sit just to our north here as we get into tomorrow and we'll have some scattered showers around for your day tomorrow. not going to be great looking saturday. temperatures will remain cool in the 60s and winds will be out of the north and north and we have and we'll get a chance to dry things out little bit around here by sunday temperatures which are on the cool side. we should be in the low 70s. notice the cool weekend. 75 this afternoon scatter showers. little bit improvement for cinco de mayo celebrations. guys, back to you. >> sorry about that. i got reprimanded i was talk wig our next guest i was very excited to speak to retired professional women's soccer player on mission to bring awareness to the gender inequality that perm me yates sports worldwide her name is lori lindsay a former member of the women' us national team joining the fight against female athlete pay discrimination. last year several players on the us women's national team filed a wage diss discrimination against the us soccer federation. she's going sky high in an effort to bridge the pay gap. she's headed to tanzania africa to climb the continent tallest mountain to play a game of around the world. before she packs her bags she joins us live to talk all about her mission and why she needs your help. good morning and thanks so much for coming on this dreary friday. >> thank you. >> okay. how do you come up with an idea to, you know, play a soccer game on top of mountain. >> i didn't come um witness i idea. [ laughter ] >> i was just invited it's with through a movement called equal playing feel. >> um-hmm. >> and so there's going to be former and current international players from all over the world and i am joining in on the fun. >> we were talking about this in our meeting yesterday. we were like now okay how do you train for that because you're training for soccer but also training at altitude. >> yup. that's great question because i just learned about this trip three week ago. luckily i, you know, train every day. >> um-hmm. >> but we'll see. i think, um, i joke that i'm attempting to climb this mountain. so -- >> is there anything special you are doing? >> well, they did give us 12 week program that consists of strength training and conditioning it's basically what i already do. but, no, i mean it's just like we are trekking up that mountain slowly but surely, and hope to go at adjust to the altitude as we go. >> your nickname was lightning. you can train quickly for the slow climb we'll just say it will take lot of money and you need help with that. >> correct. how is that going. >> it's going pretty well since i started the gofundme page on sunday evening i think it was, and the cool thing i'm not just raising money for myself to get to the top of the mountain i'm also raising money for the women around the world that don't have the resources to start a gofundme page or, yeah, just the community to support them. >> i'll play devils advocate because i know there's people that are watching this right now they're like, okay, look, women athletes don't make as much. because their sport doesn't make as much money. you know it's -- it's about the revenue and so it's not that it's unfair that they're getting paid less it's just what the market will bare. what's your answer to that? >> my answer if you are looking at the women's national team that's n right. that's why we filed the equal play equal pay. >> that's here in the states. >> correct. if you're doing it worldwide when i looked up members for the world cup the sponsorship this is according to wall street journal the sponsor for the women's world cup was 17 million. the sponsorship for the men's was 529 million. i mean quite frankly it's not always about the money, right? it's about awareness. it's about being allowed to play. the support. and i think for me i've been very fortunate to have the players that came before thus fought for us the next step for us here in the us is to provide support for the other countries, because there's a huge discrimination and you saw that in our last world cup in 2015 in canada of some of the women's teams still wearing hand me downs from the men's national team, right? so it's not all just about financial, um, compensation it's about awareness and about the right to be able to play. >> i'm glad you brought that up it's not all about the money i was also reading when you were talking about fis f specifically, you know, seth bladder the president for 17 years wouldn't could argue he was he can treatmently sexist making this comment "let's get women to play in different more feminine gear than men". >> i think he wanted to us play in bathing suits if possible. >> how do we fight that that obviously is ridiculous. >> fortunately, seth bladder is out now. so i think this is what -- that's why i'm climbing the mountain to bring awareness we have two years before the next world cup and they'll be shooting a documentary during this that will air during the european championships so, um, just continuously creating awareness. having the discussion and -- >> what about the argument of if you're going to be out raped at something won't we be outraged at the lack of support for women's sports, right. >> yeah. >> if you're like women should be paid the same are you out there buying as many women's jerseys, buying as many tickets to go watch women's sports. >> absolutely. i tollly agree. we saw that with the women's hockey last month. us women's hockey it's not even just soccer it's all sp sports. >> it was interesting because i read a lot about this issue, and another thing that someone brought up was that it was back in 1973 when billy jean king finally got them to have equal reward pay for the us open. >> yes. >> you know what she, she said, you know what, if you don't pay us the same i'm not going play. >> um-hmm. >> then they backed down. do you think that that's something that women could do, they could say look we won't play any nor if you aren't going to support us isn't when he caulk about the julie, mia hamm, ba, in 2000 sand they actually did strike, and we made some headway with us soccer then when we were still wearing the hand me downs from the men. so i think it needs to be strategic the right timing and this wasn't the right time for us because we did get a deal done with us soccer in term of equal play equal pay. sometimes that's what it takes, right? you need to go to extreme measures to get he can treatment results. >> like climbing one of the tallest mountains in the world. >> exactly. >> next summer on top of it. thank you for we appreciate it. definitely you can support her on gofundme page. hey, zen us pictures. >> yes. >> right from top the mountain. >> yes. >> back so we can cheer you on. >> thank you. >> sea level. >> thank you. >> back on over to to you guys. >> hard enough to run on that sea level let alone that altitude. good luck. >> phenomenal. >> 9:37 is the time. bryce harper hitting homerun off the field at least when it comes to helping one teen land a date at the prom. >> awesome. harm per filmed video of promposal for the son of former major league star steve garvey. garvey's son tweeted out the video to his girlfriend saying he couldn't ask the words to ask her to prom he called in a little help from the nats star. >> shannon, this is bryce harper. sean is like a little brother to me. he would definitely go to the prom with him. i know it will be a lot of fun. he's great guy. you'll have a blast. definitely go. >> is it possible to say no to that. >> right. >> you can't. right? >> so there it is. of course, shannon yes, yes, yes. yes, yes, >> tweeted out the response in all caps actually the teen's father who recorded the video while he was at the nats game on wednesday. bryce, great job. i hope it's a fun prom. >> have good time. excellent. >> hard to say no to the star power. >> you can't do that. >> she's all in. they're both all in. >> you're all in i know when it comes to the super hero movies. >> absolutely. >> you're a huge fan. >> absolutely. >> you were a fan of guardians of the galaxy. i didn't know who they were until they came out with the movie. >> you like the movie. >> i did like the movie. i was surprised and it was good. >> i'll all in on number two. >> this time they are criss-crossing the universe and looking for quill's dad. kevin sits down with zoey saldano. how he compares it to the original and maybe we'll get wisdom's take as well. it's 9:38. 9:38. ♪ 9:41 now. we have update to that breaking news story we talk about at 9:30. swift water rescue happening in fairfax county. this was on lawyers road near whipper will road in vienna. whipper will road in vienna. we understand a woman in stalled vehicle was rescued safely but police are still cautioning people about this area telling fox5 many cars are still driving through the high water around the woman' cars. i believe her car is still stalled there but the woman inside rescued safely. please be careful if you see standing water don't try to cross it. play it safe out there this morning. >> bad enoug standing water and you still drive through. when you see a car that's actually stuck in the standing water and you're still trying to drive through it. find another way. >> all right. >> let's switch gears. talk about movies. ♪ you know why i did it star munch? hmm. >> i'm not going to answer star punch. >> i did it because i wanted to. what are even talking about this for. we just had little man safe us by flowing up 50 ships. >> how little? >> like this. >> a little 1 inch man saved us. >> well, if he got closer i'm sure he'd be much larger. >> it's how eyesight works you stupid raccoon. >> don't call me a rook coon. >> i'm sorry i took it too far. i meant trash panda. is that better? >> i don't know. >> it's worse. >> it's so much worse. >> there's clip from the new guardians of the galaxy the sequel volume two this time around the team sets out to find more about star lord's dad we russell. reunited the cass cast of original. chris pratt bradley cooper, zoey saldano. >> do you ever like get to wear the makeup home? do you always take the off when you leave? do you ever go home and surprise your kids with the makeup. >> no because it's not something i can just wash off in the shower. >> sure. >> we need special strong chemicals to like throw on my skin so that i can start melting away all of that paint and prosthetics i've glued on. >> wow. >> i wish i did. but it's not. but i would love to. i would love to be able to one day, i see that a lot of actors you know, from all these super hero movies get to dress up in their costumes gone visit hospitals and go visit and spend time with children. so i would love, would love to do that with my kids and me dressed. >> there's epic shot in the film you're r that monster down. that was so cool. i was watching the behind the seeps you actual wl leaping. >> yes. >> can you talk about shooting that and how you actually stay in character when you're going that high? how do you pull that off? >> there's a lot of things going on in my mine. [ laughter ] >> one is please don't fall, don't kill yourself. two is, um, leave a good impression with everybody that's around. i think that because also like i'm a female, i love seeing the expression on men's faces when i get to pull something off. >> yeah. >> especially like the stunt team they tend to be super rough and very tough, and you have to as an actor you have to prove it. so i -- it's a boost. it's really good boost for my confidence when i get to do stunts that i can get away with but i'm also happy sitting it out and allowing my stunt woman her name is leanne do just the bigger scarier more aestheticallily beautiful challenge. >> those are really c wasn't sure if it was you or your stunt person it look so good in the movie you're running and the red dirt is like being exploded behind you. >> that was me. >> that was sick. >> i wish leanne did that. i tried. can't leanne do that? they were like no the camera is in your face. but that dust and then i mean we did it more than a couple of times and there was one take where i guess the thing misfired so it was blowing up ahead of us as we're running. i mean that take was hysterical because we're like -- myself and the two camera guys are stuck in this storm of like red dust. i like where is everybody? it was crazy. >> that's awesome. >> little taste of the upcoming guardians of the galaxy volume two. you can go out soon it now playing as of today. so you can go check it out. and we'll talk to kevin, we'll get his official review. we talked to him earlier about it he like it. he like it a lot. >> as much as the first. >> not quite. >> not quite. just a little bit down from the first one but still like it. >> fans who have seen it say it's amazing. y i don't think you'll be disappoint. >> i didn't see the first one. >> it's in the same category as the fast and furious. >> all eight. >> gotcha. i got big planing to see it this weeknd. taking the whole basketball teaming to see it. >> it's definitely maddening. >> look at you nice coach. reward. >> first the suppose party. now the movie trip. >> i know. >> you'll be one of the cam -- winning championship soon. [ laughter ] >> is it reflecting on the play on the court? are they playing better? >> they're having more fun. >> there you go. >> but he is now up for coach of the year. [ laughter ] >> 9:00 frick is the time. coming up a cinco de mayo tradition at the dc wharf. we're talking about the annual running of the chihuahuas. and this morning we're getting a sneak peek at what to expect when these tiny four legged racers right here in the loft. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪♪ how do you become america's #1? start by taking care of families for 70 years. earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. be there for america's toughest and help, when help is needed america's #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. tide, america's #1 detergent make fit happen! fit me matte + poreless foundation from maybelline new york. beyond matching skin tone... fits skin's texture. blurs pores. controls shine. our most natural look... now, in more shades than ever! make it happen maybelline new york. ♪ i ain't lookin' to compete with you ♪ ♪ beat or cheat or mistreat you ♪ ♪ simplify you, classify you ♪ ♪ deny, defy or crucify you ♪ ♪ all i really wanna do ♪ ♪ is, baby, be friends with you ♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in customer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month online, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of their download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. and verizon wireless customers can stream tv on the fios mobile app, data-free. ♪ of course today is cinco de mayo this morning we're celebrating in the loft with in furry friends because the sunday the sixth -- moving it to may 20th it's annual run of the chihuahuas tataking place at the wharf bout of dc's best sick s cinco de mayo celebration. this year 96 chihuahuas will take to the race track for the grand prize of five hun doctor dollars in cash and prices. prizes before testify set their mark we're getting preview with of the dogs participating in the event on tap magazine events coordinator shannon. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> to make a correction because of all this crazy rain moving it this week toned may 20th. >> we're hoping for better weather that week. >> we can agree it's a good idea. better weather for that. if you haven't registered you haven't missed the deadline yet. >> we haven't missed the deadline if you want to register go to sin company there's still time to sign your dog you have we are nearing the end of the sign ups get on that today. >> i know it's very popular a lot of people looking to take part in this. what made this such a hit? i know like dogs are oval yously very very cute. look at this guy com shot. what has made this such a popular event? >> i think it's just the fun holiday cinco de mayo and chihuahuas running in race. we have food, music, it's a fun day. everyone wants to be there. >> i don't know just the fun it's for a good cause. >> yes. >> what happens because of this. >> eve contestant all the proceeds go to rural dog rescue we have a dog up for adoption here today as well. so basically rural dog rescue takes dogs from rural areas brings them to urban areas and find adoptable homes for them. >> that's great cause. >> it's really nice. we like to partner with them every year. it's a great way to raise money for a good cause. >> i know we're talking about chihuahuas all dogs are welcome. >> yes. absolutely. we're completely dog friendly. so anyone that has dog is more than welcome to come. additionally we do have a costume race -- costume contest for the dogs and you don't have to to be chihuahua to enter any dogs are welcome good run i'm curious. do we suit them up? just let them have at it? how does it work? >> they're actually 12 different heats of eight dogs come sign up early in the day you'll get race heat and then we'll call the heats one by one and each winner of their heat will go to the final championship rounds. and then that is who is the fastest chi what were in d.c. >> okay. of course the fastest think what were gets $500 purse, right. >> a bunch of awesome prizes. we have a lot of different sponsors that have actually donated great things for the first, second and third prize winners. we have prizes for the costume contest like we talk about as well as a put put challenge new this year. >> oh wow. >> so we're going to break up the race and there's going to be a bucket just like this. >> okay. >> each contestant will have five lyme's and you'll have to five tries to hit the lime into the bucket whoever gets the most is baking the winner if there's a tie we'll move the bucket further back. >> shannon i don't want to leave out anyone staning here h people. if you can intro did you say them i want to get back to the adoption aspect of this because that's really the important part here finding these guys a forever home. please let's go down the line and talk more about adoption aspect of the event coming up on may 20th. >> all right. >> this is leonardo. >> okay. >> this is five years old. >> this is pep pay. he's ten. >> and who are you holding not a chihuahua but so cute. >> this is carter and that is patrick and they're both from rural dog rescue, and patrick came in and he was severely under weight and carter is a tripod. so we take the underdogs the ones that would normally be euthanized it's really nice for us that we get an event that showcases our special and unique dogs. patrick and carter both adoptable, and you can go to rural dog to fill out applications. sixth annual running of the chihuahuas and other dogs mapping on may 2 20th not the sixth the rain has unfortunately push it back fortunately for us we get to pa and help a really good cause. thank you so much shannon. thank to you all of you have awesome cinco de mayo. >> hope to see through. >> back over to you guys. >> speaking of good stuff coming up man do we have a packed 10:0. >> that's right. my cousin ricky martin -- >> oh, my gosh. >> the singer, my cousin i called him up. >> wisdom and ricky get together it is a party. >> did you teach him all his dance moves or -- >> absolutely. you right. i taught him everything. >> you taught him how to get the abs. >> you said absolutely. >> there you go. >> yeah. >> in fact he stole that pose right there from me. >> did he still those underwear, too. >> no. i'll leave that a lone. >> we'll do an interview with ricky martin. err are inn talked to him he's in town for a special event. >> equally awesome fame. i'm going live forever. debbie allen will be in the loft with paul wharton she's in town for special event she's having this weekend. she's going to tuck to us all about it. >> speaking of in town david cook won american idol out there performing and doing good in the community as well we'll talk to him about all of that coming up in the 10:00 o'clock hour as well. he'll join us about 10:15. >> first though coffee time on good day dc if you've been eyeing our cool good day mugs listen up we have a new dunkin' donuts mug maybe not so new at this upon but we got one any way. great for that perfect dunkin' donuts coffee head to foxd or facebook page for your chance to enter our mug contest one lucky winner selected by random drawing. you got to hurry you only have until 11:00 o'clock to enter. right now it's 9:55. getting you to the 10a a little early this morning. we're back after this. ♪ ♪♪ for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, all giant produce is triple checked. you don't have to guess. my giant. there's nothing like trying something new. especially when it comes to snacking. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. ♪ ♪ ♪ at ikea, we believe that you should be able to afford your dream bedroom. that you can get it all for less. that you can find what you're looking for at a price you've been waiting for. and we believe the cost of a good night's sleep shouldn't keep you up at night. save up to 20% at the ikea bedroom event. when i feel my best, i am my best. that's why i'm taking the activia probiotic two week challenge billions of its exclusive probiotic to my healthy routine. take the activia probiotic two week challenge with me. it works or it's free. great price on this boneless chicken! yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] great everyday prices and thousands of bonus buy savings. my giant. ♪ >> we promised a may to remember and good day at 10a continues to deliver. one of the hottest i mean hottest singers around ricky martin. don't miss erin's interview with the heart throb before his two big shows at national harbor mgm theater. >> live in the loft one woman who knows about fame. dancer, actress, debbie allen is here to tell us all about her weekend gala. >> also live in the loft, american idol winner david cook the very special reason he's in dc this morning. okay. dmv, let's do it on friday. in three, two, one, good day at 10a starts now. ♪ that was the countdown to greatness. >> that's right. >> oleyl, ole, ole. >> especially on a friday in the loft. cinco de mayo. how great is this. >> this is one of my favorite ricky martin songs. >> what's it called. >> cup of life. >> this is soccer world cup. >> it really put him on the map performance of this it blue everyone away. >> yup. >> your cousin was off the chain. >> it runs in the family. [ laughter ] >> let's not get carried away. >> listen happy cinco de mayo to you. >> yes. >> a wet one of course but it doesn't mean we can't celebrate isn't we'll try to fill the kitchen up with beverages by the end of the show today. >> that was our hope at the top of the show. >> i wasn't going to say that part. >> someone pacing for us. >> exactly. >> they know us. >> get a chance to celebrate a little bit. on this fifth of may. thanks for staying with us for the 10a. i'm steve, alongside holly, maureen and wisdom. hope you enjoy your cinco de mayo. if you have any traditions feel free to tweet us. if you'd like to share something somebody can borrow from you. >> you want to send a plate of nachos over we'll take it. >> the weather is the huge story. before we get to tucker we have breaking news from the district you need to know about. a manhole explosion in the capitol hill neighborhood. dc fire and ems say this happened in the 1300 block of independence of a southeast the explosion made a lot of smoke on that street. crews evacuated one nearby home as aprication. they are checking basements and other nearby homes to make sure there is no damage as we get more details on this story we will bring it to you. >> all right. the other big news story this morning, a friday wash out heavy rain has been falling across the region and more could be on the way. tucker barnes back with the latest watches and warnings. good morning, tuck. >> hey, guys, yeah, the good news the heaviest of the rain winding down here the bad news it's done a lot of damage locally here including we've ponding on roadways. downed power lines and do you do trees. tree limbs as well. as we've had reports of winds at least when they crossed potomac up to 70 miles an hour and a possible tornado in virginia. heaviest rain it's really the axis pushed off to the north and east you can see it up towards baltimore. so the last of it towards annapolis and glenn birney and push up towards bell air locally we're not done with the threat of rain far as severe weather and the heaviest of the rain that's the thing of the past. i don't want to call it good news forecast but at leave conditions should em pref around here a little bit later this afternoon as we will remain mostly cloudy but most of the shower activity we should get should be rather light and scattered as we get into the afternoon and evening hours. here's a bigger look you can see the back edge of it even sunshine as you get back out into parts of southwest virginia and west virginia at this hour. there you go. see the heft yesterday rain off to the north and east. 67 degrees. cloudy out there. winds out of the south and eve at 9 miles per hour. here's your afternoon forecast for your cinco de mayo. hope you have to sin company de fun later today. 75 degrees with scattered showers a little later. all right. yes, i'll be back before the end of the show and we'll look at your all important weekend forecast because i know all of you have big plans this weekend. >> thank you, tucker. >> yeah. crickets on that one. let's check what's trending erin is back with a look this morning's headlines. over to you erin. >> thank you very much, maureen. capitol hill where the republican health care bill now lies in the hands of the senate. there it will likely face uphill battle. yesterday the bill passed in the house. marking a major victory for president trump. it was close, though, separated by just four votes. including 20 republicans who voted against it. a vote by the senate could take several weeks. youth soccer coach in montgomery county is charged with sexually abusing one of his players. the little girl was just seven years old at the time. the girl says miguel alfred dough flores would fondle her and touch her up appropriately under her clothing much he's facing one count of sexual abuse of minor and one count of third degree sex offense. police believe more victims may be out there. long time d.c. tv anchor jim advance has gone public with news that he's battling cancer. he didn't specify what kind of cancer he has, but he says he is under going treatment. vance is not leaving the a and core desk any time plans to join his long time colleague when he can during their 6:00 o'clock newscast. here at fox5 our thoughts and prayers are with you. scary moments at the padres game in san diego. in the bottom of the ninth hector sanchez swings at a pitch but his bat goes flying over the dug out. it actually hit woman in the head. now, luckily off duty emt was sitting rows hyped her and immediately rush to her aid. medical personnel arrived. she had to leave the field she was walking an alert but had a big bandage on her head. and finally, i love this story. it's proof that anything is possible. meet patch. he's gearing up to run this weekend kentucky derby but he will do so with get this one eye. the three-year-old thoroughbred developed an ulcer in his left eye eye that didn't respond to treatment so veterinarians were forced to remove it. the patch, well, not letting that stop him. even has a pretty good odds of winning going into the big race. so we wish patch great luck and he's a us this friday morning. back to you guys in the loft. all right. thank you erin. 7:04 -- zen toll zero four. time to trek what's trending. >> the world of dating can be a slippery slope especially when it comes to the dreaded question, what exactly are we? somewhere between hooking up and meeting the parents there's a new term couples can use called a situationship. oe dating expert says you put in the same effort as a committed relationship without the title of boyfriend, girlfriend. most situationships let each other date other people. all right. but viewed as more serious than a friends with benefits deal. are you tracking with this? experts say a situationship is lead to a host of issues especially the emotional aspect. if one partner has stronger feelings than the other. >> these labels are silly. >> oh, my gosh. >> they're so silly. >> hash tag ridiculous. >> w it work for you. if you're not happen with the situation you're in, talk with the one you're make it work or get out of it and find something that makes you happier. >> why do we have to label everything. >> catch phrases. catch words. >> there's only real two labels. you're married or not. >> right. >> a lot of people say that. >> that's the way it is. >> get on the pot or get off. right. >> that's right. >> no questioning this next couple's relationship status. morning joe co most joel joe scarborough and nicky engaged. rumors of their relationship last year. he pop the question during a recent vacation to celebrate her 50th birthday. it will be her second marriage his third despite last year's rumors long been speculation in the past on air chemistry and the flirting with one another. just so strong. >> um-hmm. >> wow. >> and now they have proved that that apparently chem tree was there. >> i had no idea. >> why keep eight secret. >> best kept secret. >> i guess. some circles sure. >> now they got to see each other after they get married they'll leave he they'll be there for eight hours however long they work. >> that's what they've been doing. >> holly you know when you say i do it's a game changer. >> what do you mean i know. i do know. >> you're married. >> it's one of those situations. >> it's a different situation. there you go. >> now it's your co-host -- right now it's co-host. once you say i do it's going to be your wife. >> your wife. >> yeah. >> and co-host. >> you can win. >> you can't win. >> we wish you nothing but marital bliss. >> that's right. >> best of luck. want to get married in the loft we've done it before. come on in. >> right. >> we host wonderful weddings. >> right. >> let's talk about miley cyrus because she's in a lot of situations. >> right. >> miley cyrus back in the spotlight the singer will release her new single malibu next week songs reportedly a love song. inside by her fiance' actor liam hemsworth. in interview with billboard the 24-year-old says, she's quit drinking and smoking marijuana because she wants to be clear and sharp. cyrus says she in three weeks. >> whoa! three whole weeks? >> three whole week. up a another week it will be month. which is the longest she's gone without it. >> okay. >> she also tells the magazine that her up coming album takes her back to her country music roots. >> okay. i didn't mean to laugh. three week for someone who clearly she has an issue, good for her. >> every day. >> every day matter. >> one day at a time. >> okay. >> i didn't know she had country music roots. >> her dad. >> i think of her dad country music but i think her roots as hannah montana. >> maybe she's thinking family. >> maybe just a job. true her was country. >> cyrus went back to just cy cyrus. >> billy ray. >> he filed the paper work. >> no more billy ray. >> always been known as cyrus. they made him add the billy ray when he first came up. >> really. >> he's judge cyrus. >> that's it. cyrus. >> no billy ray at all. >> like you're wisdom. >> martin. >> the wisdom martin. >> that's true. my bad. >> it takes three words for this great one. [ laughter ] continue. soccer player ronaldo has become the first sports star and man to reach 1,100,000,000 followers on instagram. you can see why. >> because his son. sure. >> or maybe -- >> the great -- wash my clothes on that washboard great news comes during the same week he scored a hat trick for championship win and credible soccer -- >> oh. >> likely the main reason he has so many followers. >> exactly. is it hot in the loft or is it me. >> if you broke down the percentage of his followers those who followed him for soccer and who followed him for not soccer what do you think the break down would be. >> probably 60% non soccer. >> i would have give -- gone 70-30. >> really. >> that high. >> i would have gone 80. >> worldwide soccer though he's huge. >> there's the thing people who like his looks and his abil abilities. >> we'll have to poll 100 million people to find out. >> do that in our spare time. i do. that's funny. when it comes to being a life long fan one virginia woman well let's just say she's hit a homerun. >> meet mary hughes. she is a hundred one years old a just how big a fan you ask? she chose her assisted living facility in part because they offer the channel that is air the nats games. she bryce harper's jersey hanging in her room and she writes all of the game dates on her calendar after each game she then writes the score on the cal length. the nationals heard about mary and zen her a gift package and also offered her tickets to a game. >> i love -- i hope she's able to do. >> i love everything about this story and i hope most of all she gets a chance to write down on her wall world series champions. >> yes, oh, my gosh. >> that's amazing go for her. >> i hope she gets to visit the dug outs. gets pictures with players. >> i bet they make that happen. >> bryce does a little video with her. >> yeah, right. i love that story. that's so fun. >> all right. rhyme not 10:10. still ahead i'm going to live four ever >> singing not so much. >> hater. >> maybe that's not going to be what gets you famous. >> break down wisdom' followers for his singing. >> zero to zero. >> the legendary debbie allen. she's going to join us live coming up. >> first, though, we get a chance to sit down with former idol. david cook joins us live. he's talking about the special reason he's in town this weekend. there he is. good to see you again, david. >> hey, what you looking at? >> we'll chat with him coming up. it's 10:11. ♪ ♪ art. it can be sculpted, bringing to life beautiful detail. or painted in luxurious strokes. and in rare cases... both. ♪ ♪ we just got the keys to our new house! we got the keys! ahhh! wooo! this is exciting we've got our own house! yeah! i'm sorry do you like it here maddie? i love you. i love you too. ♪ >> tepp 14:00 on this friday morning. what a great way to start the weekend. after winning american idol in season seven our next guest went to sell one and half million copies of his debut album. he set billboard records eventually tran zigged more of country thing he found mega success in nashville co writing kiss you tonight and this weekend he's using his star power to fight brain cancer because he's always done great things on the stage and off. cook and his fans collectively raised $1.3 million for brain tumor research and funding through the race for hope and this weekend you can run or walk with him and help fight brain tumors at the same time. rejoins us live live in the loft. good to see you david cook. >> good to see to you. >> welcome back. it's been a couple years since you've been by. you've been busy in the meantime. i love you're take your success and doing so muc >> thank you. this event it's their 20th year and this will be my ninth race and i continuously honored to be involved. what they're doing is amazing the fact i get to be some small part of that and try to honor my brother and his story as well as countless others going through the same thing. >> can you talk about that and why you got involved in the first place. >> my older brother adam was diagnose with a brain tumor when i was in high school. he went in remission once it came back really aggressive not long before idol run. and so i gotten on board with abc squared and national brain tumor society to be a part of race for hope. my first race was may third, 2009 and unfortunately my brother passed away the day before. so this event has become cathartic thing for me and my family but to be able to continue to come out, be part of it raise wearness and find a cure it's one of the thing i'm proudest of. >> it's a win/win it can help you but also it gives other people who are dealing with this whether in their family, their trends, their loved once, you've been there. you know it they can relate to that situation especially if you're dealing with this when you're on the idol stage knowing that you know you can battle these distractions you have going on in your own head, it's nice now to be able to talk about it haven't the platform this many years later especially, you know, on idol it was -- we tried to keep it quiet. my brother was really adamant i think he want immediate to succeed or fail based on my own merits didn't want to be part of the story. so, um, but once we got through the show and had this amazing platform that idol afforded me. it's been i was you some this last going on decade now. we'll say a minute ago. i like that better. yeah. but to be able to continue to use the platform thor this is awesome. >> it's funny how things in life whether it's something serious, upping, health wise or idol some things seem like decade. >> it does feel -- it feel like yesterday and a decade all at the same time. [ laughter ] >> how about you yours working on new music now. >> wove got a single we've been teasing called me give me heartbreak that's not out yet. we're putting the finishing touches on releasing that and an ep will follow. so tonight we're at jamming satisfy gentleman here in town we'll do fan event for the race, and i guess place as long as they'll let us. >> that's you some. it's got to be fun tore to you get a chance to get out there writing is one thing. roaring is another when you get a chance to hit the stage he is special physical you can get right up and close and intimate with the fans. >> it's immediate feedback. i love it. the one knock about idol. we would perform and you'd have to wait 24 hours to find out if you did well. i love the live setting i love being able to connect with people. >> was there everyone of those 24 hours periods that was better or worse than another. >> they were all terrible. our season i think it tuesday-wednesday. we would perform tuesday night everybody would have to go back to their rooms and pack if you went home wednesday grab your bags get out of here. every tuesday night was really rough because it was -- you're packing not knowing what's going on. >> you're preparing for the worst. >> yeah. >> pure preparing to leave and hoping that you get that call back. >> yeah. every wednesday night was nice, you know, if you got to stay because then you got to unpack for another week. >> speaking of staying you'll stick around town through this weeknd because the event is actually sunday. >> the event is sunday. start and finish line at freedom plaza fast k around the cap which is really nice i'm staying in town through monday stevie and vansant are really good friend of mine. he plays guitar tour bruce springsteen. he's performing at the kennedy center and maureen and i get to know with some fans who bid on the experience we'll go see the show and have dinner. >> that's awesome. i'm looking forward to that. >> enjoy d offer. >> absolutely. yeah. >> have fun while you're here. before we let you go i want to have little fun with you ooh i like how accurae is your wickipedia to see how accurate things are public perception versus reality. the reason i bring this up last tight you remember here the royals were in the world series and we were talking business ball because you're a midwest guy good i wore my jersey last time. i have baseball related question. did you or did you not give up a hometown albert pujols. >> yes, i did i through a knuckle curve i think that hung it didn't go anywhere and he deposited it far an it what over the left field fence. that's when -- that's when i knew he was really good. i don't know if he knew. he probably done that. (plenty of times before. >> as pitcher you never want to give up a homerun. badge of honor together he hit it. >> i went home i better practice guitar. [ laughter ] >> i better do something else. >> listen you're doing a ton on stage and off. we appreciate you joining us once again. >> >> best wishes with the event this weekend. if you get a chance to come down and do good just like david is, i'm sure they would welcome your support. >> employees come out. >> thank much david week. american idol winner. maureen back over to you. >> 10:20. coming up we're living la veto loco ricky martin is in d.c. erin will join us live with her one-on-one with the latin pop star before his big show at the mgm tonight. >> first how about a cinco de mayo washout. tucker will be back with a check on the seven day. that's coming up next. you're watching good day at 10a ♪ ♪♪ ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. ♪ on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. >> that's why you don't drive into high water. >> nope. >> car gets stuck. you have to get rescued. unfortunately the -- fortunately the driver is okay. car not doing so well. getting ready to tow it out of there. it's at lawyers road. whipper will road and unfortunately a few other people were driving around it open though it was stuck there thinking, hey, just because she got stuck doesn't mean i will. >> don't do it. >> you don't have to deal with getting a new car. guesting it fixed. getting yourself hurt. >> yup. >> water damage is so bad for car. >> it's unfortunate. can't do much about nature, though. >> when things like that. tucker has been giving us an update throughout the morning what we can expect. looks like the worst perhaps is passed at this point. tucker isn't i mean c far as the heaviest of the rain and the severe strong winds and gusty winds we had coming through the area even a possible tornado down near dog man virginia all of that activity well off to the north and east. i'll show you that to you momentarily. not a beautiful avenue the sin dough dde washout was the first half of the day. 66 now in washington. cloudy skies. feels humid out there. 61 in leonardtown. 64 up in frederick. all right. you can see the heavy rain now north and east of the baltimore. and across the bay. so that's good news here as we sweep the radar around you can see a few additional showers developing off to our west. and i think most of the afternoon will remain cloudy. there might be a little peek of sunshine here and there. we will see scattered showers redevelop later today. keep your umbrella handy as far as the heaviest rain and the rain that was causing the localized flooding and the downed tree limbs and power lines that kind of thing that is pushed off to the north and east gradual improvement expected around here later today. all right. low pressure off to our west and that will be slowly moving off to our north today. and just want to give sneak peek at tomorrow. as that area of low pressure just to our north, we are going to be remaining under its influence we'll have a lot of clouds around for our saturday. and some scattered showers in the forecast. and cool temperatures. we probably won't get out of the low to mid 60s for day heim highs tomorrow with that area of low pressure just to our north just kind of sitting there and spinning its way gradually to the northeast here over the next couple of days. so quick look at the forecast. as we get into the afternoon hours. and there's sunday i do want to mention sunday looks a little brighter with cool temperatures. all right. seven day. scattered showers this afternoon worse of it over. weekend looks unsettled again showers for saturday. mix of clouds and sun on sunday. but we'll get a chance to dry it out and keep it cool around here for the neck seven days. that's the latest weather. i'll toss it back to you. >> thanks tuck. >> 10:25 is the time. we got legend in the loft coming up next actor, dancer, choreography and director debbie allen joins us 35 talk about a special event showcasing some of th for good cause. back in a moment. . i love you so much, that's why i bought six of you for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever, that's why you'll stay in this drawer forever. i can't live without you, and that's why i'll never ever wash you. protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. it smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner. >> you may be hot stuff up in harlem or you may have the best tutu collection in the country doesn't matter. i don't have time for prim ma don nass. you want to become a dancer, you're going to have to work, work your little tights off. >> i wayne wearing no tights. >> you got big dreams. you well fame costs. and right here is where you start paying in sweat. i want to see sweat and the better you are, the more sweat i'm going to demand. >> all right. 10:29 is the time. that's a scene from the 1980s classic fame. tomorrow night some of the world's best and hottest dancers will be showcasing their moves right here in the dmv and it's all for a great cause. local non-profit cities dancers hosting gala performance at the historic lincoln theater. and it's going to be an event you don't want to miss. gala performance will feature vignette of different dance genres performed by world class artists and all the proceeds from dream scape, well, they go to the city dance dream program. >> yes. >> that's not the best part. besides performances from top ballroom, ballet and step dancers the event is hosted by emmy award winning dance icon and all around legend and beautiful lady, debbie allen! [ applause ] >> it gets even better, though. >> paul wharton is also a part of it. he's hosting the exclusive after party. there you go. >> this morning they're both joining us live with janay collins student dancer at city dance as well to talk about this great cause this morning. >> morning to everybody. >> good morning. >> first of all, i want to give that speech to my fourth grade basketball team. we're zero and seven right now. i'm struggling. >> let me them have it. >> let them have it if do i need to give you credit. >> yes. >> we were in the makeup room. come on you want, you want fame i can't sweat because my hair will retrack. >> oh, jeez. >> other than that -- paul you got to sweat if you want fame. didn't you hear the speech. >> i'm here. >> thank you all for coming in and speaking with us this morning. >> yes. >> he will to us about the ev event. >> well the event will be fantastic. all these incredible dancers, and this the icon of the moment. >> yes. >> this is what it's all about. we've got to get out here and get opportunity for young people. arts education is simultaneous to great education. it goes hand in hand with stem there needs to be stem a and we're -- we're under siege right now. for funding for these programs. city dance is doing something so breath takingly important, and this if anybody is listening, we're in washington, hello, we're talking about america, maitaining its number one position in the world in innovation and that does not happen without creativity. that's why we need the arts as part of everyone's education. >> the dream scape gala is the big party that raises a lot of money but it's really about the program, the dream program. janay you've been in the program. tell us about your experience in the program. >> i've been in the program since i was in third grade. eight years old. and i'm currently still in the program as a senior at mckinley tech, and it just really gave me a lot of opportunities. opened lot of doors for me and i really love it. >> that's awesome. so this saturday the big gala. are you in the program? >>es >> what are you doing going to be to be good i'm in the afro fusion piece. >> think about this program. it's offering hundreds and hundreds of young people after school programming in in the arts and dance. i mean this is -- steve jobs took a dance class, honey. >> yes. >> if he didn't take that dance class. >> okay. that's really how important this is. how important this is. i'm so thrilled to be here and to be with this beautiful young woman and all the kids that will be there and to support this effort and everybody should come out. it will be a great show. >> um-hmm. >> i'm excited to be here to help. >> now how do people get involved. if you want people to get involved financial or do something else, what do they needed to because this as you said this is extremely important? >> sure. >> well, besides coming to the gala,. >> right. in at the lincoln theater. >> sure. this is on-going program that goes on. it's fifth year since been here since '98 or six something like that. many years in the making. there are many programs here in ellington school of the arts and arthur mitchell you got to get involved. this is a time for us not to play kate and be running scared to speak up. this is the time for every ha hard-working tax paying citizens to speak up about the value of arts. >> i love the website city if you want to find out how to get your kids involved if you want to find out how you can help they have programs all year round. of course, saturday night is going to be the jam. >> the jam. >> with fame. i'm having a fame out moment. >> is that what's happening. >> fame out. we're going to have great time but there are programs all year round at city >> all right. so what's it like for you to be involved in this and then to see miss debbie allen here, i mean, life and in person being a part of your life and helping you move this forward in your world? >> well, honestly i really feel honored to be sitting next to her like i really do. >> we do, too. [ laughter ] >> who won, right? >> how is this, i mean again tell me how this is changing yo world. >> it changed my world because i feel it's opening up a lot of doors and opportunities for other students who like to dance even feel like they can easily find their passion and it's it's more than dance you learn a lot of things overcome a lot of challenges and learn about yourself. >> that is wonderful. >> yes. >> so you know this is the empire network. we know you've done some work on empire. have to talk about while i have it here. for a good time, not long time. i want to know. now you're you can't actually executive producing gray's anatomy. you're a part of the whole shandra lamb situation. >> roller coaster that's on f fire. >> it's on fire. tell us about that. >> well that's an extraordinary opportunity for me to do everything that i do. i hired the directors. i try to keep the actors happy. i try to manage what's going on on the floor all times dealing with the writers, the crew. it's full-time job. so i was directing every show and now i'm really right there and we're headed towards a huge finale that's really pretty hot. >> you got -- you're keeping everybody happy. >> yeah. >> you don't just walk in and say i'm debbie allen. know your role. >> no. >> get in your spot. >> no. >> i'm debbie allen. you don't do that. >> no, there's always situations people are navigating from their personal lives. >> sure. >> to what's happening in the story. if they feeling they don't understand why they're saying what they're saying. like, honey, your check is going to cash. >> okay. >> catherine heigl, right. >> there was a lesson in catherine heigl's situation. >> look at catherine heigl. every time she does something she's like gray's anatomy star still. all these many years later. >> sure. >> and we're happy that she's, you know, finally finding some success again. >> right. >> what she's doing, but, this is a wonderful family between ella pompeo whose so much fun onset. jim pickins, shandra wilson, my son, they're wonderful actors and next season is alrea promising to be so fruitful i'm excited to still play doctor, you know, catherine avery who is quite the b on the show. [ laughter ] >> i love it. >> okay, doctor. >> some tickets are still available. >> may sixth tomorrow night we'll be there 25 to 38 bucks. check out city for tickets. >> please come. support these young people. make it possible. this is keeping america great again. that's what we need is this. >> through dance. >> we love it. >> thank you. >> i'll dance out into the street. >> i'll practice my speech, miss allen. >> get that basketball team together, child. >> i'm struggling. i'm struggling right now. basketball practice is tonight. i'll say debbie allen said if you want to play in this game, right here where you start earning your playing time. >> exactly. >> sweat. >> sweat. >> ain't no breaks. you don't get water. >> tell your parents to get out of here. >> how is that? >> good. >> okay. all right. there you go. >> i like that. you did great. [ laughter ] >> i'm done. i'm out of here. i'll see ya'll later. maureen over to you. >> thank you. okay. it may be rainy and cold outside but it's about to get hot in here in the lot of that is. because this morning ricky martin is bringing some latin heat to the dc region. erin como got a chance to shit down with the she bank star during rehearsal yesterday. she'll join us next with her one-on-one with the latin heart throb. time is 10:37. we'll be right back after this. ♪ art. it can be sculpted, bringing to life beautiful detail. or painted in luxurious strokes. and in rare cases... both. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. ♪ i afraid what year that came o out. >> right. we were all so young. >> long time ago. >> don't say that holly. don't say that. >> it was just yesterday. >> wasn't it? >> i think it was the late '9 '90's. >> i didn't want to know. >> we are living la vita loca on this cinco de mayo tonight fresh off his recent vegas residency ricky martin is taking the stage at the mgm national harbor. we're giving you exclusive access right now erin had a chance to talk to him about the show want eels he's working on now. so what scoop did you find erin. >> i am all smiles. he was such a charming man to interview. and just so you know it's been 818 years since living lave to loca hit number one pave paving the way for other stars. ricky martin still living a ♪ >> 45-year-old pop star hasn't slowed down since his days with minute newt tow he join when he was just 12 years old. but he might be busier than ever right now. he just wrapped part one of his vegas rand soon due part for part two next month. he's bringing part of that epic show to d.c. at ngn national harbor. yesterday i talk to him about which fans can expect when he take the stage. which songs are his favorite what his family is up to in washington and some of the other very big projects he's got in the works. >> just be. be silly, dance, even if you can't. talking about great energy. i think most important thing is for people to feel comfortable about themselves. >> um-hmm. >> and like i always say i want to you come to my concert for an hour hasn't 45 minutes forget about all your issues in life. be silly dance even if you can't. >> have great time. >> have great time. and just come comfortable. jeans, pair of sneakers because you'll sweat a lot. >> so the ratio new music to live vin la vita loca. what kind of songs is can he expect f we'll go bank. she bank. shake your bon bon. all the songs that you turn into heads back then and obviously everything that has happened he have since in spanish, english a little bit of french but it's i always say it's very international show for very international crowd for people that are willing to take risks and not be ashamed of anything and that's what my show is ab about. it has always been like that. obviously working with great directors, great musicians, great dancers, great producers putting a very nice spec catell with class i would say. >> right. >> but always fun. that's what we're bringing here. from here we're going to europe and miami. it's a long -- >> you're on the road. >> y, obviously then we go back to vegas. >> give me a little insight into what it's like to perform in a more intimate theater here as opposed to the vegas show? >> it reminds so much of the theater in vegas. yes, this is smaller, but i love that. because you have like a direct contact. >> you get to connect witness audience. >> you get the eye contact to e is important. it dictates where i need to go in order for that specific person to get to the level of rush euphoria i want that person to get. >> you get that from performing. >> i get from performing. i get that from the music but i get that from the audience. for me the eye contact witness audience. >> to feed off that energy. >> extremely important. >> what is your favorite song to perform? >> that's not fair. >> i know. there's so many good ones. >> that's not fair. it's just that i go back into memories of when i was right its wrighting the song or when i performed it for the first time. or when i discover the song because someone else wrote it, and -- >> is there most special to your private emotion for some reason. and it's slow ballad very special song for me. >> ♪ >> then again, the latest single released it puts knee really good place. >> gets you in the zone. >> immedimmediately. according to the reaction of the audience them also. it's like i said it's an hour and 45 minutes people will sing a lot and people will dance a lot and -- >> i hear live vin la vita loca and she bank reminds me of pool parties and being outside and dancing. >> it's fun. it could be decadent. >> oh yeah. >> we love that. >> you have a fan out here that came from bolivia got on plane to come see your show this weekend. how does it feel to have that fan base. >> how awesome. the beautiful thing in my show there's always flags from everywhere. >> um-hmm. >> at the end of the show come onho are you from. everyone from argentina, spain, france, germany, japan. and i'm glad she's from bolivia and she's here. >> you get everyone from everywhere. >> we break boundaries and we get together unity. >> speaks to the heart. >> yes. >> i have to ask you ask this i saw on lip sync battle. against kate upton. do you want to talk about this? no. sorry i just needed to know because your dance moves are so good. >> i don't think i'm going to be wear my underwear. i will be wearing underwear. i will be wearing my pants. the lip sync battle is very special moment. [ laughter ] >> i just had to ask because it was so much fun. >> i'm in the an exhibitionist at the moment. >> i understand. i'm not necessarily what you would call a wonderful dancer. if i wanted to come to your show and really enjoy the music what's a good move we can do? >> no, forget about moves. just be yourself and don't feel judged. that's the most important thing. no one will judge you here. just be yourself. if you can't sing, >> sing along. >> if you can't dance, go with it. who cares? no one is judging. >> are you going to get to see anything while you're here in dc performing on your off time. >> my kids have an amazing schedule. they're doing all the museums and they're doing what it needs to be done when you come to d.c. but via lot of rehearsals and have interviews and then the shows it's going to be different. but i'm sure i'll be able to sneak out little bit. >> sneak out end enjoy the city a little bit. >> a little bit. >> thank you so much for chachatting with us. >> you're amazing. >> i'll take another hug from ricky martin any time. if the tour in vegas residency weren't enough martin is also in the middle of film agnew reality show for vh1. it's documenting his preparations for those vegas shows but it's also a behind the scenes glimpse into the personal life of the notoriously private star. he also just joined the cast of the next season of american crimes story which will focus on the death of fashion designer giovanni versaci he'll play his lover antonioam just to reminder, if you want to see ricky martin shake his bon bon in person, tickets to his m. good n show are still available. they start at 40 bucks. and are available through mgm's website. i say that show sounds like it's going to be insane. he was just so sweet and so warm, and just such wonderful person to interview. >> did you try the old i didn't get the end of that interview again. can we do that last question one more time 26. >> he said let's do a selfie. i cuddled into his arm. wisdom gets it. my cousin told mow all this was going to happen. >> those selfies they run in the martin family. >> so does the bon bon and all the other shaking. >> he got his dance moves from the wisdom martin. >> from somebody else in the family. >> got it. >> just to be clear. >> that's awesome. i love his advice. when you pay to go to concert, you have a good time. >> you can't dance, you can sing go have good time. >> he was oozing this confidence and just sex appeal and charm and hearing that from him makes you just kind of get out of yourself and just enjoy yourself if you're at a smile and spirit. he exudes that when he talks. meanwhile i would just like to go out to the museums and monuments and try to run into him and his sons. [ laughter ] >> it would be one of those things, man that guy looks like ricky martin. >> if it's going to happen it's going to happen this weekend. >> i know! >> darn it. thanks erin. super fun. 10:48. coming upper if he can way to end the work week. cinco de mayo falling on a friday this year and this morning you know we're celebrating. right here in the loft. the team from service bar is here to whip up some cocktails. we'll check in with them next. ♪ ♪♪ we just got the keys to our new house! we got the keys! ahhh! wooo! this is exciting we've got our own house! yeah! i'm sorry do you like it here maddie? i love you. i love you too. well it's a perfect nespresso morning here, george. hold on a second. mmm. ♪ ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? ♪ tequila. we wouldn't be good day dc if we didn't find any excuse to drink today we are drinking in celebration of everyone's favorite holiday it's not christmas. we're talking cinco de mayo and last hour of course we had the pups now it's time for the cocktails. for that we brought in the pros from d.c. hottest cocktail bar service bar d.c. they offer new menu of cinco de chad spangler and glendon hartley both mixing it up here in the loft. >> good to see you. >> thanks for having us. >> they were just telling me when it rains people flock to you. this could be cinco de mayo for the ages for you all. >> hopefully so. >> i can see your excitement. [ laughter ] >> let's let the fiesta begin so you guys do these regionally themed menus. >> yes. >> so obviously you're crafting one around cinco de mayo. >> we started thinking of different regions and themes and we knew that cinco de mayo was obviously in may. >> sure. we decided our mexican region should coincide with that particular holiday and then last a little bit longer than that about two months. >> i love it extended fee teas. let's go ahead. what are we pouring. >> first drink we're making is the coolata pineapple, lime, but instead of the traditional pina cole lad dough we have our is made from rice. >> mexican or chad dough made from rice. there's different ones depending where you are. >> depending on the region, yes. we're nice and rich has full agave flavor. making two of those. pouring in some here now. also in here we have already our lime and our orchada mix. concentrate ed down. no milk kind of a rice and spice mixture. >> it will give it some texture. >> exactly good make it thicker. speaking of texture, add little bit more rice here. >> extra rice. nice. give eight nice starchy froth an little richer. >> you guys come up with these drinks? >> how often? >> yeah regional menu lasts for two months we change them. change our menu all time. we're closed one day week our team can meet. we do lot of menu planning. accomplish oh lot of other things, too. a lot talking what's working well on our menu. what we need to work on what ideas we h whole team to contribute much it's not just glendon and i that pull out all the drinks. it's our whole team. we critique each other and work on it and improve it bit by bit. >> that's a staff meeting i could get on board one. >> come to one. >> that sounds like a good time. look at that. there it is. >> so we have the coolata here to sprung it up a little bit we'll add a little bit of a type of herb. we have mint powder here. >> this is fancy smancy. >> little touch of mint powder. how many people will you have making drinks today? we always have two main bar tents behind the bar. bar back and we have one apprentice who the apprentice just assists the main bartenders and helps expedite service they'll run credit cards they'll have to garnish the drinks. they'll help push the drippings through the service bar. >> right. >> very very big team effort. you're never by yourself two people mainly making drinks with two assistants as well. >> bring your patience because it might be a little busy today, right? it takes time >> it does. >> cheers! >> i think we make them expedited amount of time. so -- >> ooh, yummy. all right. what's next? >> the next cocktail that we have for you we call the al pastor marguerita. >> i've heard of taco he will pastor i haven't her the he will pastor marguerita. it's not really a thinkly now. tacos el pastors. >> this is exclusive look at the marguerita el pastor. >> tacos el pastor pork loin sliced and roasted on a vertical spit. it was served with roasted pineapple. we reversed it and we treat the pineapple like it's the pork. >> fun. >> we take pine al pep and dry rub it several different -- >> drink and talk at the same time. >> of course. our time is fleeting i want to make sure we get in it. >> several different types of dried chili as well pineapple is with more fresh pineapple juice it has white tequila and rice as well. >> i know people a lot of people i love the little clay pot cup by the way that is so fun. i know a lot of people obviously will be drinking tequila. what's your go to? >> ut-oh. >> ooh. >> give me your top three favorite. >> patrone definitely been one of my favorites for while. >> can't go wrong. >> we only have 45 seconds in our show. would you guys like to come over and join our little mexican fee teas over here. >> i mean -- >> did you think you had to ask. >> can you take this home and like plant a plower in it afterwards. >> i think you could. >> that is very cute. >> how do you make the mint powder. >> mint powder is dehydrated mism nt with sugar and i take it and grind it up in a powder. >> i love that. >> awesome. >> nice and light and minute t tee. >> it will speak spanish. >> si, senior. >> have a great cinco de mayo and a safe one as well. have fantastic weekend. >> happy weekend. >> happy cinco de mayo, everybody. see you next week. bye-bye. ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. ♪ ♪ ♪ at ikea, we believe that you should be able to afford your dream bedroom. that you can get it all for less. that you can find what you're looking for at a price you've been waiting for. and we believe the cost of a good night's sleep shouldn't keep you up at night. save up to 20% at the ikea bedroom event. >> live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin? we won't judge, but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. [ applause ] >> now here's wendy! [ applause ] >> wendy: say hello to my

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