Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20170113 :

Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20170113

vice-president. there has not been a single moment since that time that i'vi doubted the wisdom of thatf decision.cisi >> and later, another chapter in a white house bromance. president obama surprising hisis vice-president with the higheste civilian honor.. joe biden overcome with emotion. plus, the touching letter from o two former first daughters torst sasha and malia. good day at 9a starts now. ♪♪ it is friday! yes.. friday the 13th nothinghing unlucky here though. we have nothing but good luckd l headed your way on this good day dc. i'm holly morris alongside off erin, maureen and wisdom. steve heading out little earlytr starting his weekend early this morning.rn that's right. >> all right. all rht >> good luck. i told you good luck to steve he got to leave early. lea ear >> also ahead this morning we're talking about the sup countdown it's officiallyfficia underway and this morningsorni already gettering look at one oo the first commercials to come c out starring a guy whose hopingg to play in the big game.y the we'll show you tom brady's ad little bit later. >> tom brady.. >> on pins and needles for thatt one. [ laughter ] >> can hardly w ait. >> i want to see -- the tom brady pajamas. >> the ones that help you sleepe >> i don't get the whole't get w releasing of the super bowlow commercials early. >> i don't either. >> i don't get the point of>>hef that. th way more fun when we had to waiw until game day. day >> those commercial are not aset popular many ad revenue wasue w significantly down so i thinknk maybe they're using it to drumod up more attention. who knows? k >> in years past recently iye think we've beearn a little disappointed with the soup bowlw commercials. >> very rarely do they -- yeah. >> i look forward torely d theme half time show that's my time ot favorite time of the game. g >> we'll have to wait and see.e. first at 9:00 let us talk abouto this glorious weather because bc you better enjoy it while you y can. winter is making a come back ou west especially warnings areng e already in ice and snow rai the southern planes forecasterse saying that the ice and rainha could cause some major power outages. ou >> not only that our area coulda also get a dose of winterf wr weather over the holiday weekend. big chance change from thee om e record highs we saw yesterday.ty for details mike thomas he's in for t conduct err and joiningni with first check of the forecast. i'm leaving for philly to nighty instead of tomorrow because thes dicey conditions. >> that's smart move. if you have to do any major>> td traveling i would do it tonightt i'm not saying that roads won't be passable i think your major arteries wili be. be. but we are concerned about slici spots on the side roads andds untreated roadways.ted roays. we'll go through all of that ata 9:30 here. here. i want to do today' forecastas first. first. mix of clouds and sun. a sun. maybe a shower or two towardso r the charlottesville area but arb that's about the only concern on for today. the big story today is droppingg temperatures. winds are gusting out of the t north at 15 to 20 miles an hourh and because of that, colder aire is coming in as well. temperatures 1am this mornings g we're still in the 60s. 64 degrees. that will register as daytimes high today at 1:00 a.m. now at a so we've dropped 12 degrees there since the morning high.ig 46 now at gaithersburg.erurg 45 at frederick.redeck 42 at hagerstown clearly can iac see that front leading edge ofn the cold air that's going to beg marching its way southward as ws head through the day today. t t. i do think we bubble brieflyriey back up into the mid 50s early e portion of your but then second half of the dayd today, temperatures really stars to tumble and we're in the 40s t and 30s as we get into the evening hours here.rser here's your weekend forecast.dor just for a preview here.ew saturday, yes, wintry mix, more, on that coming up in just a fewa tes.tes. sunday does look dry now. so good news there. the we can see a good amount of amon sunshine. 46 degrees for sunday afternoon and monday 43 with a few more fw clds around.d. all right, take you hour by hour with whatw 60 for your saturday coming up m little e bit. i'll send it back to you.d it bo >> thanks, mike.ik >> 9:04 is the time. the in the news this morning d.c. dc police need your help tracking p down a man who they say isy groping women in the district. >> assaults happened just oversa the past few days and all within 1 mile of each other. our melanie alnwick is live in i northwest with a snapshot of who so they actually have prettyavep good description of the guy, right, mel? they do.hey d the picture is not that good.hao we're talking about threebout t incidents in 24 hours.ours the first one happened rightappe here at the corner of 15th and t apparently 8:20 in the the morning.rn lots of people around at thatlea time. the suspect reached out andut ad grabbed a woman as she walkedke past. now this is actually witnessedtd by someone who posted about itdi on a neighborhood blog, and said the woman was so surprised sheed pull out her headphones andnend started screaming expletives at the man and he just casuallyasua walked down 15th but the witness was able to snas a quick picture of the man as hh walked away. also went back and checked onckd the she also posted on that neighborhood blog thanking the o man for checking on her and alsa saying that she was so freakedfe out and shaken up at the timeatm she really couldn't thinkldn't straight. but she did eventually go to tht police and file a report and that was just the first tir incident. let's take you to the video of h the other locations where this happened. happened wednesday night, that same happened.happened a woman was groped by this man m as she walked down the street it logan circle.ire. again, 5:00 o'clock in thehe evening. and then the veryen next mornini thursday morning, betweenetween 8:00 and 8:30a in n front of th residences at thomas circle.ire once again police say the suspect groped the victim. the i all of this has been over therhe clothing but as you can imagine, shocking and upsettingetti nos.theless. back to that photo that thehahe witness apparently took.y t police released it they say they believe this is the the victims told police he's a black male in his 30 toss 50s. 5-foot two to 5-foot if five. heavy build dark complexion anda full trimmed beard.eard. they say he was wearing a red flannel type shirt. we have there's incidents likess this, guys, we know based on ouo reporting in the past, that pas, there's always a concern thatcet these types of attacks canks c escalate.. d.c. police also think it'st' possible there could be otherth women out there who had ann encounter with this suspect butt perhaps didn't feel comfortable going and talking to they want to hear from everyonee who perhaps may have had any hay contact with this suspect andcta again they want to catch himatch before he strikes again. aga live in northwest i'm memo alnwick, fox5 local news. news. >> thanks for that update, mel.. >> 9:07 this morning we'rening w learning more about another dc pizza shop targeted over onlinee conspiracy theater just two dayd after the high profile arrest of gunman inside comet ping-pong io december. federal prosecutors sayay louisiana called best of pizzafz and threatened to quote finishun what the other guy didn' best of pizza just two toys doww from cometn. the man named jones toldesol officials that he believed theid pizza gate conspiracy theory. ty he appeared in a louisiana couru yesterday and plead guilty toad federal criminal charges for hir phone call.oneal jones will be sentenced in april. fbi director james comey isi the focus of a new justice department probe. take look the e-mail investigation of formertakeigatf presidential nominee hillaryry clinton.ton the doj inspector general wantsn to know if com me followedollo those two letters to lawmakers a about the matter in late octobet weeks before the presidentialsia election.el he will fully cooperate. coo he's also due on capitol hillitl today to brief lawmakers on theo latest from that russian hackinc investigation. president-elect donald truml responding to the doj's probe dp early this morning in series ofs tweets writing quote what are wa hillary clinton's people complaining about with respectgb to the fbi? based on the information they had, she shoule never have been allowed to run. guilty as hell. h they were very nice to her.e to. she lost because she campaignedg in the wrong states, no enthusiasm.usia action to repeal obama carec moves ahead today in congress. r the house is due to vote on thet measure. the senate passed yesterday.teay it strips the democrats abilityi to filibuster future debate onen the health care now several republicans arelinse still urging the party to take t more time to consider what ithat will replace obama care despite the president collect'se promise that the repeal willl wl come with a replacement almost 20 million people have gained ge coverage under obama car meanwhile it looks like somk candidates may be breaking fromm their potential fall p first f round of confirmation hearingea many of donald trump's cabinet picks contra dicked promises. james matos trump's nominee for defense secretary told theta toe senate that the us must honor the iranian nuclear dealeal something donald trump vowed tot diss man. he cited moscow as one of thehe nation's top threats. thrts today trump tweeted about theede confirmation hearings saying aly of my cabinet nominees areees a looking good and doing a greatat i want them to be themselves and express their own thoughts not mine. ne. we'll see how that shapesatp out. out. i know yesterday there was y escontentious moments with somee the nominees. let's see how it plays out. o it is interesting that in some o of this picks are going againsta him which may be smart on hisrtn pa.t. you pick someone who is not, you know, your echo chamber so to speak.spea we'll see. >> i was going to say. say smart for him to say, they neede to have their own thoughts.hougt >> if they don't agree with minm which is usually not what we wha hear from him.hear f my way or the highway kind ofd o thing. >> we talked about this in the 7: a00 o'clock hour about his rr with the media.ia. his relationship and him tweeting. so again finding out things viav his tweets and i guess going too continue how we digest it. how we n people based off hisffs tweets that's yet to be seen.n >> my guess if we continue toone report the tweets he's going toi continue to tweet. >> right?>> >> once he switches to thee he official presidential twitter handle i wonder if presi he'll e more control as he's supposedup torque right? s supposed to do lot of of things he said he's not going to do. do we'll see if it comes to fruition. >> one week from today. >> one week from today we'll sel what happens.pens >> it all begins.. >> in fact like we said it isea one week from today.on fro we're talking about theou inauguration of our newaugurati president. and as you can imagine there'sne still lot of work left to do.efd coming up next, annie yu is y i behind the scenes this mornings with the us air force for a look at the role they will play inlla the transfer of power. >> showing some spunk. snk sonny obama biting a family famy friend and she posted the t pictures on snap chat to provere .t. but there's some precedence whew it comes to white house attacktt dog. we'll have those dee days ase dd little later. ♪♪ z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy ♪♪ how will it all look in a week? we'll see.ll see. we are just a week out now fromm the presidential inaugurationurn and joint base andrews inndre maryland thousands of airmen ani women are preparing topreparto participate in the big day. >> fox5's annie yu is there livl this morning and joins with an t inauguration day preview. good morning, annieday pr. >> reporter: hey, good morningdm to you all of you. y it has been quite the morningeoi out here. we have really been spoiled anda had a good chance to look atook what the air force is doing to g prepare for the big day which is just days away, and i can reassure you are they are readye for any type of situation.on earlier we got to see a littletl glimpse of the honor guard as a well as air force band doing dng their thing and so this morningi i was able to snag colonel johne before he left for the day who'w the commander out basically, you have a pretty biy role coming up in just sevenn days. >> annie, absolutely. we have been preparing for a week from today for months and a >> yeah. >> as you got a sense of today,o we ht ava ese people involved in contingency response and safety, security, logistics, medical anl of course the highlight is the ceremonial piece you got a g little sample of this morning. i >> reporter: it was just sot neat. i can watch it all day. and what kind of -- give us aiva little sense of like what goes g into the practice and thee and discipline that it takes to beas part of such a prestigious group?grou >> so the pieces you saw today y are the air force band and airad force honor guard and they'rey' full-time job are the -- to be-b the air force experts for for ceremonial activities they do ii every day out at arlington thent do it for big ceremonies.emon the thing that encourages abouto me comes from the honor guard ga oath they say they'reoathsa performance will not be dictatec by the type ceremony or the severity of temperature or thep size of the crowd and so whatd n you will see on inauguration dan is just an example of what theye do every day honoring the fallel at arlington and elsewhere.lshe >> reporter: right.ig it's been honor to chat with wh you.yo thank you very we'll be looking at you onan the thanks a annie. aie report so of course the band and the honor guard are front andnt center and so we're familiarr with them but a lot of i feel f sometimes the working militaryay dogs don't get the love. i snag them up as well.l you never know who you will runw into. in back in 2011 otor 12 i came outo here for special assignmentignm where we got to do a featureea peace on the working militaryity it was such a unique experiencer and this is the man that led me all the way and you had me suiti up and everything.rying. it's nice to meet you again. aga >> you too. >> our girl lana she's close toe retirement you said.tireme you >> yes. >> hopefully retiring next three months or so. or >> okay. so let's get everybody up tow t dude and sort of what's going on here and what role everyone wilw be playing on the big day. >> this is staff sergeant dormao the handler of marco and we have staff sergeant wilson he's ourur decoy.deco here at andrews we are thehe largest operational.raon being said because of mission at andrews we supportpot the president, the the vice-president and all the the different people that fly in ana out of andrews much these dogs d are constantly busy plus personnel. you'll see a little bit, small,a part. he's going to do little bite here. he what the capabilities our dogs d can do here. h >> before we do this i want toat talk bout training because it'sb intense and you hecave to keepee training them to keep them asm sharp as they are.p as ty ar so can you talk a little bit tai about the training involved.. >> the training is basically dal to day basis. bis it's constant with these dogs.hd it's all about repetition.epetio always trying to advance the dod teams the dog itself and the a handler to the next level for them. em >> okay. so this is marco belgium. >> impeccable sense of smell. sl >> yeah.>>h >> yeah. report roar let's get startedler rere. >> walk us through the demoheem .ere. >> basically, we'll have him h come do an interview.nterview on a daily basis, have him come up to be interviewed. >> can you come over. >> our dogs a working on jba. you have to talk to people and a have interactions with them and talk to them.. make sure they're authorized to be on base or in our securedur r areas.area talk to them, dog is calm. person is calm. >> now we're our person our suspect become non complaint anl listen to the commands andmas handler and we'll use the dog to retain the suspect until we canw get custody of the suspect. sust >> reporter: okay. >> come back over here. i'm g come over here or you wilw get.bit. >> i'm sorry, i can't do it. >> reporter: oh.. >> got a little slip. sli >> you're out of the here.'re oe that dog is crazy. hthat d is >> you see the dog is biting. the dog going to bite and holdal on to that suspect in then handler can come up and controlc the suspect put him in handcufff and call the dog off of him. h >> reporter: so these dogs are not just detecting explosivessie but they're also helping toping apprehend suspects and in at lot of ways. >> yes.>> y >> reporter: very importantteert role. thank you so much. good to see you agan >> reporter: so guys, as yous mentioned off the top we have 1300 airmen providing support it all as specs.all as spe you have the ceremonial units the medical support, of course,u the working military dogs buts again they are ready and it's i' been a really unique and a fascinating experience out herer send it back in to you. y >> you've been giving us thee bn sights and sounds and thank you for that. it is very neat. n okay. annie, thank you.anni tha we'll talk about this.ut t if you're a member of congress,c do you have unnoble obligationbt to tend the presidentialsidentil inauguration even if you don'ton agree with the incoming eg president? handful of o democratic representatives dores plan to skip the swearing in one week from today. tay. earlier this morning we talked d with representative luis guiterrez of illinois who hasois been to the last fiveast five inaugurations but will not, wili not be attending this one.s one he says he just can't get passes some of the things that donaldst trump has said especially durinl the campaign. >> i have a clear history off working with george bush andus d working with republicans. this man is different, and until he demonstrates to me that he's going to respect women, that, at he's going to respect religious and religious tolerance in thiss country, i'll just skip. in the meantime, i'm goingki tog continue to work withworkh republicans in the house and ini the senate, and if the presideni says we need to come down andeon meet, i'll go down and meet with him. m. but i won't stand at the inauguration.augu i'm going to the women's march. >> that's luis guiterrez very v empassioned standing by his convictions and being fromngro illinois he has been -- this ist not something new. n he's very empassioned lawmaker. voted in probably two decades ago because of his championingig for the underdog. uer so hearing him talk it's not itt different from what i know ofkno him. and i think i've said thisaidhis before on the show it's aboutowu convict. if you truly believe inly bel something you should take theg k stand and work towardse makingn the change you believe in. my 2 cents. cen >> hopefully the stand he's taka asking at least start a dialoguu and bring everyone together.e >> we hope.>>hope >> good luck with witha >> i know. >>nowknow. [ laughter ] ] >> optimism for friday.r f >> i personal dollar take thesoa stance of giving our opinionsni and i know everyone won't agreet but i do take the stance that ie think that if you're a part of the process, um, that you need n to respect the process and ind i think as an elected official you need to be there. we've heard president obama talk about one of the great thingsreg about our country is the fact tc that we have this peaceful pcefu trapper of power, and i think it you have to look at the bigger e picture and respect that. tha that's just my 2 cents.en >> i wouldn't how many otherldn' people have not gone to ones ine the past just have not gone.ot . how many other elected officialc have not shown up i suppose sup there's no way we would know hoo many that did not show up. >> taking a stand, not just j missed it. i >> missed it for whatever reasoo or did for some reason didn't gt because they didn't like who waw getting elected.eld. i mean, i don't have a problemro with it, because i mean reallyea do we really notice these peoplp any way other than big namesr ts that we see up there? we're there to see the president get g sworn in and the people in hise immediate circle and the peoplep right there on the stage, ita don't know if i evenge would lil if he wasn't there -- >> i wouldn't even notice.ote i mean i know who he is and ie s know what he stands for.hat heso i got no problem with thath t either. >> given the bigger conversation i completely seeigge both sidess i hear what you're saying but i tell you i think because there't so many people who feel like personally insulted by some ofye the things that happened, i cani see someone saying i just can't in good conscience the way the w people voted i just can''t i see this being extension ofeno so there are two sides to everyy story. st i'm never saying one is wrong.rg one is right.e is. >> clearly he was offended bywad things that were said he wasaide very specific he pointed outut religion. >> right. >> one of the great things about this country you have the optiov to do things like this. t and you can agree or disagree.a. >> right. >> we can agree to disagree. >>hehere you go.n ag >>re exactly. >> let us know what you think.ka >> exactly. well all agree on that. >> okay. love to hear what our viewers think as t we. 9:22. coming up, it's a story of heroism from that baltimore house fire tragedy. and amazon looking for a few f good men and women, also, somee bad news for nutella lovers.ov i don't like the sound of thatf one weevil got a check of what f else is making headlines next. x >> later they're wedding storydi touch the hearts of thousands of people. now they want to share theirheir journey behind it.hi i forever duncans are back live i about. about. ♪♪ we're rapidly losing credibility as handymen. mom washed our clothes. one wash with tide pods and we're right back where we started. we look like catalogue models! who trusts a clean handyman anyway? we can't look this good! dinge is the dirt the bargain detergent can't get to. tide pods can. >> first up, we'll talk aboutstu that deadly house fire inp, ddl baltimy hoore.ltim thank you very much, holly. th me that's right. 9:25. devastating story.deatin investigators are still tryingal to pinpoint exactly what caused the fire that killed sixille children from one family early officials say one of the o children, eight-year-old girl,e was able to rescue her motherhe katie malone and two youngeroung brothers.other they're still in the hospitalila right now. the mother and the two boys arey in critical condition and the te eight-year-old girl isyear gir reportedly in good shape.hape malone worked for congressmanonm elijah cummings office ine indicate tonsville. a space heater may have been thv cause.. next up, a driver in arizoni is being credited with saving a trooper's live.trooper's man shot and wounded a trooper t on remote highway and then t started slamming the trooper'srr head into the pave many. man the driver saw what was happening and pulled over. o that's when he shot the personhp attacking the trooper to death.d now arizona's law allows alls person to protect a third party with residential force againstin another. another step to improverove relations with cuba. the white house announced ending a measure known as the wet footo dry foot policy. the practice allows cubans who b are arriving in the us without a visa to become permanent pne residents. under the new policy cubansy arriving in the u.s. illegally and accepted by the cuban the c government. how about this on friday? a job alert.ert. amazon says it will credit --- create more than 100,000 jobs in the us from software work toe wt working in the warehouse. weh the goal is to win over shopperp by investing in faster deliveryr the world's largest onlinee retailer will grow its full-timi u.s. work force by more than 50% in the next 18 months. well, this final headlineean just devastating for chocoholics so plug your ears if you love yl nutella. nu yes, everyone favorite spread td eat right out of the jar with at spoon, i done that before, haser actually reportedly been linked to cancer. to the del cicious chocolate treata contains palm oil which is carcinogenic oil and has alreadr been boycotted at a chain of italian groceries stores andtore really breaks our hearts to telu you this, br uthe ben and jerrys ice cream and cadbury chocolatee are also on the list oft containing that questionable e l oil.oi >> time out. palm oil, okay, who did thishi >> i take offensy?e.. palm oil is not that bad.hat b i know you're like why -- - >> number one petition is palmoi oil.oil >> there are -- there's a wholee group of people who eat palm oil in africa. >> right. >> they don't have these high -- these studies annoy me. annoy please put in it context. so, you know, the way you'reayou processing it, is that what youa said, chris? >> ah, okay.ka >> fill us in.>> [ laughter ] >> honk their processing it.g i don't say a whole, you know, k this oil is bad.. >> the process of the palm oilml included than the palm oil itself. >> everything will kill youvery eventually according to theseth studies. ugh. >> live large while you're here' >> i'm telling you. tel >> on friday.n fray. >> i'm on soap box over palm oio all of a sudden. >> so passionate about palm oil. >> palm oil people.leople. i'm sorry. i'm moving on.i'ving joe claire you know him.. he ditched work earl daal cominn after the break he's joi live in the loft to talk about t palm oil, just kidding.di about the special event he's head lining this weekend.nd you won't want to miss it.s >> all right. r first from record highs to agh chance for ice, mike thomas he'h going to come back and check onc the holiday weekend forecast ans what to expect if you're going g to be outside on inaugurationin day.y. >> fresh at 10a, the nanny starr fran dresher she joins us liveou inhe loft.t. she's in town for a specialpe salute to barbara streisand. first though she'll sit downit with us to talk about all the hollywood icon and what elsehate she's working on right now. n that's at 10:15.0: right now, though, 9:29. 9:2 >> look at her.ook at her >> we'll be right back. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ z27mkz z16fz y27mky y16fy ♪♪ we've been all over thell ot place, right. >> um-hmm. >> extremely nice.melye. >> right. >> we're talking about weather?? >> well, i wasn't talking about weather. now -- since you mentioned it wn can talk about abow i'll stop right there.ll stop r. [ laughter ] >> mike thomas a lot of peopleel interested in this weekended its >> yeah. >> it doesn't sound so great. >> definitely going to getes interesting on saturday aroundnr here. here wisdom is right we're in thewe'e roller coaster ride part of thee winter right now. temperatures yesterday more likl spring or early summer. 70 degrees at bull lows. 72 at reagan. bwi70. those were records at dulles and bwi. bwi record was set back in 1890. they tied i wind speeds right now, though, , out of the northth west 15 to to 20 miles an hour.n hou that's bringing in cooler airler the winds every change areng a blowing and you can see difference it's having ons havin temperatures we've been dropping all morning long. atal 52 degrees here in washington.ington. that's down from 64 at 1:00 int0 the morning.orni 46 now nor gaithersburg.ur. 45 at 42 in hagerstown.ow still kind of light jacket jac weather but with the wind t wind blowing you may need the wind t breaker this afternoon. satellite/radar we're kind ofrai calm and quite here in d.c. forf now. but you see this rainfall downal to the south. soth st. louis through kentucky andtu west virginia notice how the h t rain in west virginia almost aos singing south and the ones in oi st. louis kind of creeping nortg that's your stalled out frontalt boundary that little spin will be the kind of formation of ourf next storm system that comes our way tomorrow.rrw let's get straight it to. saturday, 7:00 in the morningori future cast paining an area ofa low snowfall across the dc region i do think it will take t little while to stick here wee were just 70 degrees yesterday.y ground temperatures up a bitp ab freezing rain along the i-95 -- i8081 corridor there. there we work into the afternoon it's' not a terribly well organizedrg system. so there will be breaks here and there look a getting a break at nonat according to this run of futuret cast here at d.c. we start too mix look at 3:00 o'clock.o' see how that rain/snow linen/sn starts to push back up to thepot north and that is what we'ret w' expecting as we head through thr course of the daytime hours hou tomorrow a lot of mixture whichi should result in not a lot of snowfall here's kind of what weo have. i'll give us a quick dusting re i in d.c. updated the map a little bit. bt quick dusting then sleet andleet freezing rain and if the latests run of that future cast is right all rain to end things offngff tomorrow late afternoon.. dusting to an inch locally an inch plus but i think that'snk generally what you can expectwht off to the north here early mixture of the rain southern sth maryland and points eastward.d as for advisories they're ty' waiting to see how afternoonften modeling does before they issues anything here out to the westes they've already issued freezingf rain advisories starting late le tonight and ending tomorrow kini of early evening hours hours 6:00 o'clock t winter weather advisories theree in the purple up towards the maryland panhandle.ha let's wrap it up with your fox5 accu seven day forecast.ect. 55 today an early aftno and then temperatures fall the l second half of the day watchingh tomorrow very closely with theie wintry mix in town.ow you can check us out on socialn media for updates there. sunday 46 a mix of your - mixture of clouds and sun. but actually looking pretty nice. monday more clouds return for martin lutorhee r kingcl day,, 43 degrees. d do you like the warm weather inn january? well you get it backwt next week. tuesday, 60 degrees.grees. wednesday wet but 63. and next thursday leading up to inauguration, 62 degrees with ah mix of clouds and sun. sun that's check of the forecast. fs i'll send it back over to you at the good day couch.ou thank you, mike. m my gosh, he is a familiar voicee of listeners of the joe claireoe morning show he's cracking me p up. wpgc radio joe claire comedian a as you well know head lining tomorrow night at the bethesda blues and jazz supper club heer joins us in the loft now with a preview. hometown native joe claire. cla. funny man extraordinary. welcome back. >> thank you. thanks for having me. i hthavanksen't seen ya'll in we >> i know. >> i make somebody mad management or >> you never he around here weah get the hook in heartbeat. >> mike pence put me out ornce o something. >> speaking of mike peps p inauguration week away.ek ay i would suss spec this wholess e political cycle has been greatee for material for you.or you. >> oh, man, this is the bestt thing donald trump is actually the president-elect?? >> yes.>>es >> all of the memes and stuffth actually came true but then thee fact that he doesn't know't k anything is the best.. because vladimir putin overvlad there playing games with himimth he's not sure.ote mike pence just waiting for himr to get impeached so he can be ce become the president. president. this is hilarious.this i >> here's the thing.ere's the t do you ever -- you everou eve concerned especially being in dd the jokes you might tell if they're political might offendid people and get you in hot water? >> jokes offend people any way.y >> they're supposed to.t >> what about all the jokes we had to live with forout all tht years been offensive to us? hmm? so, nah it's fair game. it's comedy. ced that's the rules of comedy. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> but you know people are coming out to laugh. they don't nec yessaouricolymi w be beaten over the head w >> i try my best not tom we'veom been there for two and a half years bethesda blues and supperp club tomorrow night get yourorro tickets. we've been there for 2.5 years s and strike a nice balance balan between the edgy stuff that youy come out to see and not going too far with reality. reality. some of the stuff i do is basedd on, you know, my wife and kidsek so it's going to hit home.ome. >> gotcha. like your wife don't like you iu you don't got no money that hits home.. >> look at wisdom.>> look at in wisdom is saying ame >> that's a message he wants tos get out in 2017 to the married fellas. can you talk about having moregr money. mone because we don't like it whent w you don't have no money. money >> that is true. >> that is true.. >> you're still doing radio shos which is very successful the morning show.morninshow >> yes. >> when do you find time? n do y strike the balance between theen daily show and you've got come c up with material to do youria comedy and make the alll week.. >> maureen i'm a black man fromm the dmv. dmv i have been tired since i was 12. you just keep going. k you keep going.u ke going. i'm always had two, three jobshe and you make the time. plus my wife does not, s notot playing. she's serious at my house. house she wants it all. she said the obama socialocia security moving to rama. can't we move to cal r >> what did you say.>> wha >> no we can't move.>> n we can go by there. >> i'll show you lore rama. because i'm a maybe.aybe >> we're not moving there. >> squirrels is leaving there it's so expensive. so ex [ laughter ] >> you never lie. l you never lie. l you know, i think the thing t about you that we love you are a hometown person.erso >> forever. >> you went away and came back.. >> um-hmm.m >> you inspire other people to do this. you're not one of those guys you got your niche and you're tryinn hoaoard it. you're a giver. >> i start the out in socialia services. i was a social worker fir st.r f that came out of my whole, you know, sort of path of aggressive nature i had to delve in as a black youth in washington, d.c., if you want to make it. you anand out of that i became a bec social worker.socialorker so when i came back, it was just like community i most for me always. alw family is first and for most. m community is first and for mosts tow he so it made sense to be ii such a great community.nity this is washington, d.c. one ofo the most powerful places on thee planet. >> center of the universe someof people say. >> pretty much of the center oft the universe i get t o be ach part oe a par of that and be in the discourser whatever. >> right. >> for whatever little bit. whae veshoot. i'm back home. h and loving we got go-go. crazy.cry. >> fire. fire.. let's list the slate for theor t show coming um on saturday.atda >> tell me while we put it before you do i know we'ree' expecting snow but not in the te evening people. that's in theveenin no excuse.xcuse. >> it's a wintry mix in theix i morning. it will be 75 degrees tomorrow o afternoon. come out and tomorrow night thaa the bethesda blues and supperesp club on wisconsin of a tickets are $25. the parking is free. free. the food is incredible and thedt comedy is through the roof. best date night in the dmv. d >> no excuses we need the laughu we need the fun times this weekend joe claire as alwaysas come back more often.acre o >> sure. this is the>> last he might not let us back inn bethesda. >> you skipped trauma and wentad pght to pence. did dough something to you.meg o >> i think trump will get push p outweigh and pence will come bee and the next candidate. >> oh.>>h. >> the prophecy from joe clairec >> thank you. >> thank you maureen. >> can you get a babysitter forf your show.ho >> we also babysitting servicesi some of them are from less than known areas but they take carehe of the kids.of t k [ laughter ] >> nonetheless.>> nonetheless. >> back to work program. worogra [ laughter ] >> back to you guys. gs. >> 9:40 right now coming up nexx kevin talks to denzel washingtoo all about his oscar winning role in training day and glory and gd some of his other award worthyoh performances it's 9:40. 9:4 good day at 9a is coming right back. ♪♪ all right. we're having heated movie discussion already andhaving 9:4 friday review day.. >> sit down in a seat here it's' like kevin arrival sucks, youksy don't know what you're talking g about.abou i'm like the movie is i love arrival.rrival >> who would ever say that tolde you,r kevin?in >> you. wisdom martin. martin >> i just taking unofficial poll i'm like to 11-one. 11-two.11-t >> erin loved it.>> erin >> you like it. >> chris loved it. loved >> that's three. i loved it. >> three, maureen did not likeok it, steve did not like it.e >> nobody in my house like >> holly, you will not like it.e >> i thought it was a philosophical love story set in sci-fi.sci- >> this weekend i'll talk abouto patriots day.. yesterday i had the amazin opportunity to get on the phoneo with denzel washington and i had spoken toim a month -- who iss that? >> i don't know. i spoken to him a month ago inhi los angeles. we were at the junket talkingt about the movie, and this timehm when i spoke to him we will six minutes i wanted to cover hiserh career. i wanted to talk about to talk t everything he's done fromhings malcoldom x to glory to man on o fire to training day. day. fences is really done original on stage august wilson broughtng and brought to the movies.heovie i spoke to denzel washingtonhi about that. but the first thing i wanted ton know was, you played so manyso m characters that have taken me on a emotional journeys and i'm anm wondering for you as a emotional person who takes in these rolesl how they affect you personally p when you leave at the end of thf day. >> great question.>> g >> he talks about his wife, um,u joking around about character or his that he couldn't let go andd the interview goes on fromoes o there. watch this. over the pho >> my wife said it took malcolmm x longer to leave the house thae the other characters.cter she said malcolm x is still --tl he's still here with us. u [ laughter ]laug >> i don't know if i was walking around doing speeches, but iut i just remember her saying that,it that was one that took me awhile to shake.. >> i mentioned glory because you think about the scene gets meetm every single time that's the t scene just the cry amazing emotional moment. m i'm wondering when you shot that scene, do you remember where yoy were like right after that scenc cut and what you were thinkingin and was it hard to go back downw to who you were? i mean how dod you adjust back to reality aftet a shot like that?e tha >> actually i remember before the scene, and what i remember was, i remember being in a quiei room somewhere wherever i wasrei and i thought aboutly spiritsts and all the men and women who had been whipped and had been hn hunk and who had been, you know, treated brutally and i actuallyl remember saying to myself, youfu know, just be with me today.. i didn't know what i was goingoi to do in the scene but i just thought about all of those kinds of people and what it must haveh been for them, and i just sort r of said a little prayer in hopes that they would be with me on that day or in that scene, andnn the result is what you saw. >> i think they were with me. m >> are there any characters aree yours you played in your careere that you would be interested too see on stage versus a film? iil know this one obviously --ioly - >> that would be interesting.tig maybe training day. d [ laughter ]lauger ] >> that would be interesting.eri i never thought of that. t that's a good question.. that's the first one that comesc to mind, and in a sense a part p of the movie philadelphia wasa w sort of like a play once they get to the, um, to the,, what do you call it? to the courtroom.m it becomes sort of a courtroomro drama. dram it becomes a big that would be -- w b >> i do want to say one t before i government mr. washington, i wish we hade d more time. >> get out.. that's -- i can't even tell youu e momovie. don't tell me. me >> man on fire! that's right. the guy says, something -- i wish -- he wants him -- he makes a wish or he wants to make ae a wish. i wish we had more time. t [ laughter ] >> that scene a s eyes mag.s mag best line in the movie --ovie - >> you and kobe bryant. ban kobe bryant said that to me.o m. that was his favorite line.e. i wish i had more time. tim >> i have one thing in commonn with kobe bryant. [ laughter ] >> best interview. >> incredible ball player. plar. >> something.>> s >> i actually -- denzelze washington said that you and kobe bryant. [ laughter ] >> that's awesome. that'awes >> kevin, you are the man. >> i will take that any day of the i love kobe bryant. ban the line we were quoting man ono fi.e. phenomenal movie if you haven'tv seen it. fences in theaters now but i'lli put the full interview on my o m facebook page.age kevin mccarthy fox.hy. that scene in glory he won thehe academy award supporting a >> kevin, thank you.kou >> thanks, kev.s, >> all right. right now 9:47.:47. a couple that defines hash tagh relationship goals a few monthsh after their wedding went viraltr the forever duncans are back they've written some books. >> yes. >> he's got a book much she'suc got book. got bo we'll sit down with them to fint out what else they're workingorg oncoming up next. >> ♪♪ z25enz z17vz y25eny y17vy ♪♪ all right. welcome back. our next guest became a viral internet sensation last year after they're relations hipxt g andueet sp surprise wedding redefined hashs tag relationship goals. goas. alfred and sherell duncan'sunca' wedding hash tag forever duncann instagram timelines and pulled p heart springs everywhere becausr the whole wedding was a total t surprise to sherell.. shortly their story went viralt we had them on good day rightd y here on good day d.c. for d.c f special wedding surprise and now they're're you see that video right there. they're back the couple writtene a set of books about their journey with the hope ofop inspiring other couples that art out there trying to find loved v and trying to deal with relationships. the books are called "god made me wait" and "man up lifting" lg the duncans join about their books and life ase a married couple.coup welcome back. continued success on what you'r doing. >> thank you.ou >> thank you. >> good to see you. >> it's good to be here>>. >> always a pleasure being herel >> it's a pleasure to be arounde you two because your spirit isis so positive and so powerful.erfu >> thank you. >> i can feel the relationship h when i walk into the room.e re i >> it's great. >> thank you. .ese boo talk about these books we'll let ladies go first. tell me about your book.yo you've writ den a book.t den bok >> i've written a book.k >> turn around so ya'll can seec it basically i've have startedet writing this when i was 18. 1 just journal link not knowing il was going to turn into a book.k. >> right. >> it's just been about my beeny relationship with god and tryino to stay close to him and being being turmoil with that badt bad relationship, clubbing, drugs,g, addiction, all of that type of e and so it just led me up to the day where i find a man thatan loves me for me, and my inside and just caring about me asabmea opposed to having to be so physically involved with a man and so it's inspiring book for o women just to give them courage to own their be true toe it and keep god first. >> i forgot to do rewind andewia give a background.. give the cliff notes why youotew were so famous in the first f place what got you on good dayoo and what made you viral.e you v >> what made us viral i proposed to my then girlfriend sherell at 12:00 o'clock and then ind tn surprised her with a wedding w full of all of our family and friends.friends it was over 200 people there.. >> over 300 >> 300 people there. 300 pple and, um, yeah. y the hash tag forever duncan went viral. vi >> it was amazing.ra it was amazingt wa.s it you were here on good day was.. >> yes. >> yes. we were here on good day ande ro good day surodprised us with thr own, um, reception.. >> reception.ti >> right, right, rye.>> r >> that was amazingight, . >> so let's talk about the bookb that you've written representine the fellows.the flows >> this is called "man up lifting". me and my best friend his namee is victorious hall he's anll h a educator we wrote this becauseau we kind of think a like. so men in general i think that we like media, through all of the popular culture and we don't't really have too many people thal telling us exactly what manhoodn is. i think that as an adult, when i became aware i had to relearnree certain things about manhoodut m that i was following and didn't' know that it was actually wrongg until i got older. so because of that, i wrote a ie book to try to, you know, help p people, um, help the youth more importantly to guide the towards what real manhood, andh, not what you see on tv. on not what you see on the radio. the music you hear, you know, just trying to be more of anf example of what a man should be or what a young man should look at to inspire to become. bec >> it has a very -- his book it has a very, um, great level of, um, comedy in it as well so itlo keeps you captivated. it's not just like self help like blah blah. bla it's like it keeps you in it. they're going back and forth >> both of these books not likee self hem written.tten it's written in story form.m. it's a real easy read.y rea like we didn't want to necessarily preach to people. tl >> it's not complicated.icat >> we want them to understand how we feel. how we feel. >> you're not alone. >> absolutely. >> and real quick before we go,, talk about what is it about your relationship -- you know,- u between you two what is it thatt makes you guys relationship sopo successful the two books, i mean, the whole fairy tail partt of it what makes it so special and makes it works. wor >> before forever duncan we were garnering a lot of attention with our relationship and one ie because a lot of transparency. this woman is very transparentns when i tell you my wife she owno her mess.s she says it all over social media, and people can look att her and see god in her. her. and see her improving, and whatt it does, it inspires me and it d inspires others. oths. so i'm more open to show peoplee my mes i'm just like you.ike y >> right, right.ig >> our relationship, you know,ok it's built off of that alone.. >> i play -- not play it so safa and just live. and just live.iv >> absolutely.>> look we all are a mess.ara m [ laughter ] ] >> that's the point. poi >> everybody got some mess ine m them. them >> continued success to you you both. put up there on the creen youcrn got a book signing coming up.omu thank you guys for coming in.n. and hanging out with us. >> ya'll can go to forever and also slas books in order to get the books and rsvp for the event tomorrowm >> there you go. continued success.coinued succe. >> thank you so much.>> >> thank you. ti many years of continued lovet anedd happiness.piness. >> thank you. >> thank you so much.nk youo >> we appreciate your time today. >> thanks for coming in.. >> i'll take your book and thoso shoes.s. >> coming up super fun hour onoo good day at 10a. fran dresher, oh, yeah, theh, nanny, she's going to join us live. specialypewn for very reason. >> did you see it joe biden getting quite theid s yurprisouf his boss.hi we'll show you that as well. l >> that is must see we have a wedding surprise thate you'll want to stick around for. >> sigh i do to that. first i do want to tell you about coffee time on good dayood c.c. if you've been eyeing our cool good day mugs we have a good day dc dunkin' donuts mug to givekin away perfect forut that greatha dunkin' donuts coffee.nuts go to or facebook page d.c. to enter the mug contest. e one lucky winner will beil selected by random drawing.m dra you need to hurry, though, you only have until 11:59 to enter. 9:57 right now.ow. an epp peck good day at 10a rolling your way next. >> friday the 13th, too. ♪♪ so if you have a flat tire, dead battery, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ the most memorable momentsob only on one station.tation one good day at 10a the. >> every popular fran dresher in d.c. and she's only on good dayy from the nanny to her activism s and the special reasons she's in town. wn. don't miss two epic segments snt with the world's most famousou nanny.nn plus, four local couples vying for wedding in a and wait for it, we have a major announcement at 10:40.0: this year there's a twist and ii may or may not involve us. what? >> don't blink. we're going to from warm to to winter in the blink of an eye. e mike thomas is monitoring wintrn weather heading our our w we'll have live updates ahead.. let's do this.hi the 10a starts now. ♪♪ >> welcome to good day.. that music in the background.kgd that's the real band.lan it's an earth, wind and fire tribute they're here live.eiv 45 years of earth, wind and fire. >> all right. ur upe also wrapping trips around the world. w travel and adventure show with t delectable >> where did the music go.reid t >> you can keep going.oing >> you could have kept going. >> actually now we'll start gooo day at 10a because i don't think anybody actually heard anythingh we were saying. >> let's start over.>>et's star. >> enjoying the beautiful earth, wind and fire tribute >> okay.kay. >> take two. two. that's earth, wind and fire f tribute band welcome to good day d.c. celebrating 45 years of5eas earth, wind and fire.and fir they're in the studio life andla they're going to play music forf us. >> they are amazing.>>hey >> you cannot standstill whenl w they're playing. >> no.. >> you're going to be cookinggoo with como today. tay >> we're taking a trip aroundron the world continues with the travel and adventure show. >> right now only everybody isry only watching wisdom walk overmr thehe couch. as the ladies continue to talk. >> it's okay wis. w way to leave us hanging in then kitchen.he >> following instructions.long i >> we were talking. having a good time>> w. >> remember were i said it wouli be lucky friday the 13th.he 1h maybe i spoke too soon. >> friday in full effect.fft all else goes. gs. good day d.c. maureen umeh u alongside erin, holly wisdom. we'll get it doing.weget doing it right now. >> i feel we've composed.. >> well, glad you feel that. >> all right. rht before we check what is trendinn though we do need to talk abouto the weather, because we are about to to go from very warm vr weather for this time of yearor back to winter and it's going dd happen in blink of an eye. mike thomas is tracking theg t changes ahead and a lot of lot people have a long weekend, e mike. they're interested in this forecast for sure. >> right. the front half of that longe ino weekend is the big concern. conn the second half, the ladder lde two-thirds of it should beit she pretty good. but it's saturday we're verye'ry concerned with. the winds of change are a change blowing. you saw the flag in the livebltg shot.ot winds are gusting out there anda they're bringing in some colderr air. air. 51 degrees your current numbere here in in wa we have have been falling allshl morning long. mornin again that'sg down from the 6lm where we started the day.ay 46 now at gaithersburg.g west minster fallen all the wayw to the 30s. 39 degrees 44 in martinsburg. 50s remain dc south and eve as a well. they too will see the cooling as we led through the saturday all eyes on saturday.y. snow, sleet freezing rain in thn forecast. snow accumulations we're notre n expecting a big deal.l some locations north and west at inch to little more than an inch possible. but that's about it.but the bigger concern is the slick spots with the freezing rain ann some icing out there. mostly on say the side roads tha back roads the untreatedntat roadways those will be your be travel trouble spots on your saturday. sidewalks as well.l. take it -- if you don't have ton be out tomorrow don't be outrowe tomorrow. if you are hitting the roads ins think major roadways are okay. o but the back roads is where youe have to, the neighborhoodeighbod streets, that's where you haveh to exercise caution.on 1am this morning, rather onn saturday morning. mni we're looking at some sleet andd freezing rain moving in from tho south by the time we get toet 5:00 o'clock in the morning mor there's snow closer to the d.c. region. reg it over takes the area duringdug the morning hours, 10:00 o'clocc that light snow falling here ata d.c. i do think it will take while tw stick because of the warm ground temperatures.mperures but we could get coating here or the grass before we make thatake transition over to sleet andto d eventually freezing rain andn according to this latest run off future potentially all rain bitt early evening hours. maybe a dusting sleet tong sle o freezing rain here inain n washington. early mix down across southernsn maryland that transitions to ala rain little snowfall accumulations dustingt to an inch farther off to thehe north and to the west. w as far as advisories go, nothini issued quite yet here in dc butc we do expect that to change to a later on this afternoon.. freezing rain advisories welldv off to the west and winter a weather advisories off to thes f west as well.wests wel quick look at that seven dayt sy forecast. because if you like the warmth,t yes, we have winter this weekend but the warmth comes back nextk week leading up to the days to inauguration. all right. that's a check of the forecast. i'll zen it back up to you a theck oto y a the good day couch. cch >> mike, t 10:05 is the time.he tim it's time to check what's 10ingg this morning and first up,p, president obama surprising hispr good friend vice-president joeet biden yesterday at the whitet house. the president honoring the vp vp with the very special award. he was not expecting.xpting the vice-president tearing up a the president made thee pres announcement president obamadena called the vice-president an extraordinary man with ann extraordinary career in public service.ic [ applause ] >> best possible choice not fort me but for the american people. >> mr. president, um, this honor is -- not only well beyond what i deserve but it's reflection oo the extent and generosity of your spirit. sri [ applause ] >> president obama also jokels that the tribute will give the about the bromance the two ofheo them share and of course the coe internet responded with this.hi best friends forever. i like it.t >> it was very very moving.. >> i definitely teared up when saw that. >> there was another sweetsaw ae moment involving theet obamas lt days with just a week left in l the white house, some words of advice for first daughter masss lea and sasha. former first daughters barbara bush and jenna bush hager busha writing a farewell letter to tht teenagers and they offed themhe some advice on post white houseu live. the bush twins saying in part, r now you are about to join another rarefied club one ofb f former first children. chiren. a position you didn't seek and one with no guidelines.dene but you have so much to lookoook forward to. fo they went on to add, enjoy college, spoil your passions,on learn who you are, make you are allowed to.u allowe continue to surround yourself with loyal friends who know youu adore you and will fiercelyrcel protect you. jenna and barbara alsols encouraged sasha a to forget the white househi workers they've come in contactt with over the years.with ove you can actually go online ar na you can see the girls reading the letter to them. it is absolutely wonderful. it is very genuine. genui you can really see -- i mean, m think about it. i two of the only people on the oe planet that can actually understand what it is that --ha >> they walk in their shoes.thes >> it was funny in the part ther where they said go ahead andad a enjoy college, you all know we did. >> they were in their dad was is the white house when they werehs in college. c >> the girls didn't choose ascha you get older and want to explore things still under thate >> yeah.>> yh >> well take a look at this.hi bad girl sunny.un the obama's dog may be in the doghouse from the white house.ou that's because she bit a whiteii house guest.hous it happened when a friend ofnedf malia obama's tried to kisss sonny on the cheek.ek that's when sonny apparently bit the guest on the face.. she even snap chatted this pickp of the cut on her face malia inn the background i bleepin she needed to get stitches fromm the white house physician. now sonny isn'tite ho the firste house dog to probably get sent s to the doghouse.ogho remember this. this george w. bush's dog barney bity a reporter's hand. the reporter said he just wanttw to do pet him. but we guess barney wasn't was having any it of that poor sonny you want to use caution aroundoo dogs. dogs you just never know. kno wouldn't suggest putting yourtny face to the dog's. dog >> here's the thing i grew upw around dogs. i don't have a do you go now.hae i had dogs my whole life. ay whi never put my face near a dog's you've had dogs. >> yesyo. y >> have you ever done that. >> no.ese yo .y okay >> i don't have dogs.e d i was bitten by 11 time which w why owe won't have a dog.og >> i a large coley dog growingg up. some playing ways they can do -d >> i don't like the snap chat.aa i don't like the i bleeping hatp sonny part.part >> the dog was just being dog. . >> here's the thing. >> 17, 18-year-olds this is -- i this is what they do.hey d >> they think because snap chatp disappears that it's just funnyn to you >> here we are on the news showing snap chat.snaphat. >> okay, sonny, be better. bte >> or don't stick your face ina the dog's face.the dos f how about that?abha >> i'm not blaming the dog. >> i'm not blaming him. you stick your face in my face i might bite you too.mi >> let me move overgh here.ere >> i was going to say. >> sonny is not the bad g they do have teeth for a reason. >> oh, lord.h, lord. >> with the big game less than a my away talking about the superr bowl this morning look at the t first super bowl commercial is being released it's from intel l and features tom brady the spoto showcases intel 360-degree technology.chno by watching the patriots quarterback make every dayry things do everything -- everyg day things like yawning,ni brushing his teeth, making pancakes, and all of thesef t things look so epic, don't theye >> i don't think that hashinkhas anything to do with that.hi i think it has everything to doh th tom bradydy.asth [ laughter ]. >> he's what make it look epic.i >> if they wanted in tow believe this they have to put likeut giselle there the two screamingg kids. come on. come on. this is not his real life g what do you mean it's not his real life.fe >> why not. >> he's married with kids. >> hold on.s ma >> it's not that peaceful.on.the >> don't act like he's a regulag guy. >> a regular guy to his family.m >> he's got $100 million.0 llio. she's got a one head millionmi dollars.llar >> someone personally wakes himr nd and dress him. bl probably so. >> they're a regular $200 million couple. >> there you go. one oll put on your pants leg at a time.ime. >> but you're not cooking your own food.'re >> how do you know? >> because i'm a $200 million0 o guy and i know what happens inas my house. >> we have a celebrity in theeli house. ho we'll ask her how do they do ito >> do i have to have the nanny n come over here and teach you two how to >> we have a major announcementm still ahead. it's called wedding in a weekink but this year there's a twists t and no, i'm not getting married yet. yet. >> you're young.>>'re >> yet?>> >> i said yet.. >> my mom and dad are likeik please lord someone take her.e h first we did mention already tha nanny fran dresher is live in the loft.the she is in town for a special spi tribute to one of hollywood'sods best r down with us for a sneak peek ae a look what else she's beenhe's working on.o she's one busy lady.she' l let me tell you. >> beautiful. ♪♪ z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we're offering incredibly fast 150 meg internet, hurry, freddy, you're gonna miss it! coming. i can't believe he is doing this. it's so fast that in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, held by gary watson... fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live ream it... ...while his mom downloads how to se a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time. gary. this is your last chance to get incredibly fast 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year, plus a 150 dollar visa prepaid card with a two-year agreement. hurry, this amazing offer ends january 21st visit or call 1-888-get-fios to learn more. that's 150 meg internet, tv and phone for 79.99 per month. >> i suppose i have to show my h face at this streisand thing. >> barbara jones streisand bornr april 24th, 1942t diana streisand of 45763 neck a the avenue, brooklyn?okn [ applause ] >> i take it you are a fan? >> oh, well, if you call turnini your bedroom into a shrineo a se seeing all of her movies 25 25 times, paying $200 for peace of chewing gum from the bottom of barbara's shoe -- >> that's what that strainingt t thing in your room is.g in >> that's a salad bowl that elliot gould spit out but he wat married to her at the time. >> i think you qualify as a fan. >> um-hmm. >> yes. you could say she is indeed a a fan and this weekend nanny stara fran dresher will get to celebrate her idol right here ii washington, d.c. >> ♪♪ >> believe it or not, this year barbara streisand t old. and to mark the occasion, the t american pop orchestra isstra saluting the icon and ooh got winner with a special musical event covering her diversese career. >> ♪♪ memories like the cornerse of my mind ♪♪mi ♪ >> from the way we were to fun know girl.irl. ♪♪ i may be all wrong for the guy ♪♪ are from her role as political activist.. >> ♪♪ i'm the luckiest people in the world ♪♪ >> to a pioneer for women. >> ♪♪ i don't want much i just j want more ♪♪ >> it's called don't rain on my parade 75 years of barbara streisand. and thisst morning, t barbara's number one fan -- ♪♪ ♪ the way we were ♪♪ [ laughter ] >> joins us live in the loft. lt >> so without further a do,o, please welcome fran dresher.resh thank you so much for coming in. >> oh, i'm delighted to be herer i love washington dc it's veryy exciting time to be so thank you for having me. >> well, you do -- you do so chch. but you are and you'll here fore 10 days. day >> yes. >> but one of the main reasonses you're here is tonight and babbb big birthday celebration tell uu all about it. i >> it's very i think it's going to be phenomenal it's at george washingtonn university, and the americann pops or kess tray is just they do american song book and tonight's tribute as you know iw to barbara streisand, and, you,u know, all those songs i thinkgsi are probably in tonight's show and we have amazing broadwayy stars that are singing it and i'll be hosting i coming in and out and talking tt the audience and schmoozing and cabitzing i know i think it wil be a phenomenal night i think it everybody comes out.. >> the maestro for the americani pops orchestra is she's such an extraordinary woman that has h done so many amazing songs in so many different styles, and whilw i know there's some great broadway stars performing toform night, when it comes to singingg and barbara streisand song, it'i always like, that's reallyeally great, but it's not barbara.ra >> that's why they've never really done funny girl again ono broadway but now they just did a production of it in london andnd everybody says it's very good.o. um, you know, the thing is, it'' a tribute to her, but the songsn are a mazing and these singers e are a mazing it's a win/ he'll sure the tickets are muchh cheaper than in it was actually barbra there. t. >> so true. so true.rue so listen obviously, you know, k you're here for this tonight ana you've done a lot rereer. a lot of different things.ngs. but a good majority of the people out there know i was asia fran fine. >> i'm very grateful for that.fa >> it seem like the nanny was yesterday? or does it seem like that was back in the day? >> no.>> it's very much alive. because it's still airing.iring >> um-hmm isn't around the world. and people are always coming upn to me and telling me how muchh they love the show on a daily basis, and it continues to help me to speak on the platformslaor that i'm passionate about. because, you know, it's sos s beloved. >> right. >> the character is so amazing.g >> you know, maybe not everyonee knows that you and your husbanda at the time created the show. s. >> yes.>>es >> and it became this instantnsa hit. that?hat?pect >> um, we knew when we shot the pilot we had kind of caughtt lightning a bottle. btl everybody really was so with us, and they never seen the storyhe before or the characters, but b right places and so we felt like maybe we have something here. >> was the -- i use this withit much affection.ffection. the annoying nasal voice and the laugh was that always a part off the character? something --eth- >> oh yeah. because, you know, k i can make this up. so, you know, it's better too what we say calling it in writing let the fran's world also, you know, be surprised by it. but -- i don't know if i wouldid call it app anything. anyin most people, you know, hear ther voice and start to >> oh, yeah, right. rht it does. doe a lot of funny women historically have had funny voices like, you know, gracie allen and judy holiday.ay. >> it's what makes themshe memorable don't you think.e doni >> i think so.nk together. goes luce seal ball also had wit the -- a funny voice, too, but t was pretty and also funny.. it's a nice combination if i you're going to be, you know ini a starring situation.. >> it's funny because and -- you're now ex-husband also did d happily divorced which was popular on tv >> yes that character was alsols named fran. >> fran. >> do you think to name yourour characters something other thant what you're really named.hiou >> not at this're re point. poin lucy was always lucy. tony danza was always tony.. and i'm always fran.sra >> do you have a favorite line that you remember from the nanny? >> oh, god. have hf course, it would to be, mr. sheffield! [ laughter ]hter ] >> you pull it off just like jte that. i love ith am smart enough tonog realize you just insulted me but sexy enough not to care. >> one of my personal --sona >> that's a good line.hat's a gd >> yes it is. the writers, you know, weno had phenomenal writers. >> well, you heard fran talk about the fact that she's she appreciative of the success because it allows her to continue doing amazing work onn platforms that she's veryer passionate about.ut and we're going to talk a lot l about that coming up.g u >> thank you. >> just after the break as frana dresher to spend a little time with use in the t lof >> i can't wait. >> don't go away. give me one last. [ laughter ] fios is not cable. we're wired differently. >> don't go away. give me one last. [ laughter ] that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year. hurry offer ends january 21st. only from fios. ♪♪ we are back now dresher who's been dishing about her life, her career and heree a love for the legendary barbara advice strand but fran is sot fn much more than an actress. she's an health advocate, awardd winning actress and uterinene cancer survivor who created the cancer spans sorry movement.ry m she joins us live back to talk about her non-profit why she s chose to rise against cancer ana 17 year survivor now. >> 16. >> 16. i'll be 17 this year. >> this january. >> let's talk about cancer scmancer this feels like it'st' your purpose. p. >> it totally s bad thingsd tng happen to good people but whatet we do with it how we go througho it what makes all thehe difference, and i decided that i was going to first write a bookb so what happened to me didn'te happen to possible people by ppy means of late stage -- not latel stage diagnosis.. for me i was really lucky i wasi still in st but misdiagnosis and mistreatment for too long.oo lon and so i wrote the book but then i realized that that happens tos lot of people. peopl i wasn't unique in that regard. so it seemed like the book was s just the beginning of what's non become a live mission.ission and we feel a very unique spaces in the health world because we're not promising a cure. we're much more causation based. >> don't get it in the first ite place. >> don't get it in the first place and let's figure out getfe what's causing it.t. eliminate it from our lives.. but there's so much money on the other end that, you know, k there's very little incentive to actually do away with what mighm be cutting into someone's profii masgins. so we have a very progressivesie program called detox your home.. i encourage everyone to go to cancer spans and leara how you can detox your home. it's the most place we spent the most time.ime. with 90% of cancer being environmentally stimulated there isn't a moment to lose to startt reading labels and eliminatinglg what is potential al very deadly cocktail of ingredients.ts this product, that product, yout must have yourself, what are yoe putting in your mouth on your ou skin all of your personal care items. cleaning and gardening with, ana that's i think the way you can c effectively reduce your risk of getting inflammation which isioh the beginning of cancer. >> right. >> and whole host of other of o diseases besides cancer that is currently affecting mosttingos american families.amie so we have to look at what we're doing and at the same time, iff we start buying things that area organic and eco friendly, notdl only will we be helping hel ourselves and our familiesam health and well-being, but we will be dictating manufacturingn trends towards healthier more responsible manufacturings because at the end of the day m manufacturers don't want to kill us they want to sell us but but they'll sell us anything we'ret' willing to buy which right now is anything. is anyth >> i told you shine was w passionate, right she knows lotl about it and has her platform she's using. not just here in the us. you're also looking atju ast u.. diplomat here appointed duringeg the bush administration but staunch democrat i know. k you are for public diplomacy envoy i should say for women'son health issues.heal iss and that's taking you around tht world as well.d >> oh, yes, absolutely.utely. i mean, what women don't knowno about their bodies is what is the problem and catch it on arrival 95% survival.. so, you know, that's reallyea important for us to realize. most women are the caregivers to the elders in almost every home. nationwide and worldwide.. so it's very important that they not get programmed intod thinking, i got to put my ownwn needs aside because i ha take care of my family. you are useless to your familyal if you're 6 feet under.eet und so when you feel something that is off, that is the whisperer it's very easy to deny at thattt point and put it away. a but what we have to reconditiont ourselves into saying, this maym be nothing but god for bid it'ss something i want to catch ito ch right at the onset when it's it' first most curable.ur >> i know you can considernow ya running for office at onen tim. still maybe in the future? >> yes. i think you know there's -- ires mean i think that i can do a lol of good, and i don't -- ooh it nom a staunch anything. anythin to just to be clear. but i'm for all of america and a think poor health is the greatre equalizer, and cancer knows -- is non partisan.artisan. we have to gather together and g hear the messaging, and becauseu women are biggest consumers have to make the right choices.o start doing it today and reduce your risk.isk. >> this message sponsored by senator dresher.. >> very good. g you will see also in the play ta bill there's a whole page about cancer spans sorry if you go to the concert tonightyo.t onight. don't rain on my parade. 75 years of barbara streisandsad that's happening at the lins t l sorry auditor put on by the american pops or did he say trat and hosted by fran dresher. thank you for your r yo >> thank you for inviting me.nv. >> back over to you all. you a >> it was pleasure.>> thank you so much. ith words are very inspirational.. one lucky couple about to win an free wedding but who will it beb that's up to you.. coming up next jack diamond is here to tell us about thebout special wedding a week event ana we have major announce manynce along with it. right now it's 10:30.s0:30 back after this.his. >> great announce many.nnouncny >> yes. z27mkz z16fz y27mky y16fy >> welcome back wedding planning can be stressful even when you have a year to plan it but howmedd aboo wedding in a week?? >> for dmv couples they enteredt a chance to win a wedding in ang week many courtesy of mix 107.37 and the wedding experience. bridal show making stops in ouro area this month these lucky in love couples will need a littlet bit of help. they need your helpp specifically.spec joining us this morning the jack morning show and executive producer of the washingtonngton wedding experience markienc macintosh.cint welcome to both of you. o y >> thank you.>> thank >> good to see you.>> g >> we started planning a weddind is a crazy if you have a yearea out. you're trying to do this in a week.rying we why? >> mark has a lot of experiencee in this. we have a lot of listeners who would like to get marriedlot haven't great experience and iee think part of the excitement isi i say to you, if i said i'd payi for your wedding, would you gett married? >> yes!es >> on the jack diamond morning g show. would you do it in one week and hundreds of couplesdo s iaidt . >> hundreds of people want to do this. >> and you know, zen in an application.applic legitimately have to be in thelh area. have to want to get married.geri we tell them this is not radio show stunt or promotion it's a t legally bonding union. uni and we're going to marry someone in two weeks. wks we'll pick the -- >> how did you pick the finalists people have compelling stories of being in love and ind wanting to do this.ohi >> absolutely. >> how do you pick. >> we don't. ur listeners anybody watching fox5 you'll see all four.3 finalistss read their stories and get to g know them. he we have video up undecide. uec >> you're going to give them tht experience?rice >> one week they'll find out who is going to get married and thet they will get married theri following week. it is they learn about it theyt invite everybody they make all m the plans pick the dress, pickr the tuxedo all in one week. wee >> we're looking at the couplesl now that have been selected andd it looks like -- just from theft pictures alone it looks like l this is a stiff cikompetitionpei here. >> it is. they're really nice peopl eopl you really want all of them to t win. they all have wonderful stories some of them are servicevi members, a couple of them are ta teachers. you know, it's difficult.ficult weddings, expensive i think thii $36,000 wedding we're putting n on. >> how much? $36,000. >> we're talking the full gamut. >> everything. >> you're doing flowers --'rdoin >> yes. >> flowers, cake, tuxedoes, rings --rings >> dress. the entire wedding package.ackae you pretty much sit back enjoy the ride and this whole weddi >> one as wedding experience that -- welll is a little bit of a twist this year involves fox5.5 >> right. >> we are so>> delighted this ya drum roll, please.le the wedding experience will be e happening in the lost! >> yay! >> i expected bells and whistle and all of that. >> where is the confetti. >> exactly. i we are going to be part of this experience. i got to tell when you we were y told that we were going to be wo part of this everyone was so genuinely excited to be part oft this. >> we had all -- three of the couples one couldn't make itldne they had presentation at work wk she works for the government.ovm had to take care of governmenten business. >> of course. >> the couples we met are lovely. he cou love them. we can't waiu'llt tovoe bring t fox5 and do this live on the aia in two weeks. >> my goodness much walk us through about two weeks ago. a what's the process now? n >> now if you go vote we'll havv the finalists next friday andria we'll actually pick that day. you'll pick that was your votesu online the winning couple. c then each day we'll pickllic something else i believe theve t cake, the theme of the wedding. >> we have a photographer. we have -- literally soup to nuts. nu everything that we have in a a lovely wedding that mark and hid wonderful partners and vendorsen put together.t together. >> mark, what is it about this that you're try to top yourself. putting together an amazing livg changing event for a couple. eoa >> it's great tie in to our to o event at the convention center e that is tomorrow. tomor happening tomorrow.tomorrow november no matter what.hat it is an opportunity to sort off give back something to and the t people that would like to getet married.rr >> absolutely. let's pick up that slate oneck t more time. slamore people are saying what, i couldc be part of this, too.oo. yes, you can. c call we hadding in week andhaddd we're asking to you listen tongi jack diamond morning show and td just get involved.nv vote for these couples.. help make their dreams come true. >> these two gentlemen are doing their par. we're hosting it here in the loft.en it will be amazing. stinhe amazi >> can't wait for it.>> c wonderful couples all fouran off them. th this is our seventh by the way. >> goodness.>>dn >> wonderful unions.>> w we've had babies.b very happy fami i can gladly tell you all couples all previous six couplec not only still together, stilltl listeners, phil still viewers or fox5. fo all is we would.we wld >> some people are looking tong next year. if you don't get in year alwaysy a chance next year this lookshi like something around to stay. man, how awesome is this. ihi love is in the air for real. >> gentlemen, thank you so muchc >> thanks for having us >> great to see you.e yo >> two week we're doing it.we'r high five, everybody.dy. >> okay.. >> erin, back over to you.ack o >> thank you maureen. mauen 10:38 right now. now d.c. travel and adventure showre takes over the convention centen this weend and all week we've been taking g out an trip around the world. one plate at a time.t aime. now this morning we're bringingn the back to where we started s with some help from travelm t expert.rt the travel channel samanthaamanh brown and chef matteo joins us u live next in the loft.of ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ all right. our trip around the worldld returns to our country of origii this morning.ning sponsored beside the 13th3th annual d.c. travel and adventure show.ow it's coming to town this weekene and all week, you know, we'vew,w been highlighting some of the best cuisine from some of thefhe places featured at the event. et erin como is in the kitchen witw all the details. >> ♪♪♪ that's right, holly. so far thiats wee'sk we have mad stops in mexico, italy, india and cuban now this morning rounu trick ticket taking us back tokt where we started italy joiningog me now life chef matteo from lupe verde the travel channel'ss samant i'm very excited right now to bw standing where i where i a we'll start with matteo. what are you preparing today,od, you're from lake como fitting fg name for the show. >> perfect so we're going to tortilla with fresh cured beef some carle cl mobilized onions brown butter be sauce and truffles.truffle >> you get started prepping thet food there.he >> sure. >> i'll talk with samanthaamth you'll be at the travel showl s this weekend.thiseeke getting asked a lot of questiono this week some of the hot travee spots for 2017? >> well, i like where chef matteo is from lake como.e c this is one of these solid locations northern italy, and a it's great you can fly into into milan.mi spend a few days in milan take k two hour drive went a car, goes to lake kokomo. spent three days there. tre go back to milan take five hour train to venice.n to v three of theen most beautifullyl spots in all of italy in onen on trip.ip. >> experience all the culture and taste.nce al >> absolutely. >> is that advice that you have for travelers maybe to not just head to one place in a coudvntiy but to try to spread it out anda can?ca >> i actually like to spend nopo less than three days in oneone destination, because it justt becomes too quick and one thingi when you are in ital especially, you want toyou wanto experience the sweetness ofce t doheing s nothing. (speaking italian). >> is that okay.that okay. >> real italian here it gets get nerve racking.acking >> i would butcher that in ain second. my question to you are there ane places you should avoid foroid o safety precautions this year?ea >> i always follow the stateta department. t juss where i get my news jus to see where maybe there is i tension but most of the places i have always been to the news reports one thing and you getan there it's a totally different experience.experience. >> locals are wonderful. >> just get on forum boards brd tweet people, facebook, how is s this area, what have you heard?d go there haven't a good time.dim >> that's really good advice. because you never know. you want to be safe butuse yosat obviously you don't want to miss out on travel opportunitiesortui either. >> exactly. go for it. >> you're going to be at thegoat travel and adventure show thishi weekend when can folks catch upt with you i know you have a lotua of >> saturday and sunday speakingk you can see me 12:00 o'clock onn saturday and then 1:00 p.m. on.o sunday. >> any travel tips? what are just basic advice piece that ist people might not think aboutbo when traveling abroad. abrd. >> one of my best tips is to t create a ritual when you travel. so we all think that we have to do things every differentlyiffey every single day.every single d he is special if you're in italy fine the cafe you'll begin youru espresso your morning everyvery single day go to the same cafe. or the same bar for a drink. don't dry different places haver your spot and justen enjoy watch every day live in another parter of the world.. >> relax and enjoy the vacationo aspect of it. >> this looks and sme amazing. >> almost ready the sauce is almost ready. , sage, onion,read sweet char and i add the truffle. >> truffle. >> smells lovely.mells vely >> yes. >> perfectly takes about three to four minutes.mi >> just three to four minutes fu for quick boil floats to thehe top. top. >> fresh pasta usually doesn'tsn >> you can beat it.ant it. what advice do you have fordo yv travelers in terms of culinaryy experience? >> say it >> when you're traveling whatha advice do you have for eatingu e the best meals? >> so lately i've been traveling to italy. >> it's a great place to be. >> and most of the time i have v lot of friends there. there we went to high school togethere they have their own restaurantsr i go there and eat their foodoo and then just differentnt situations.ations definitely different food thanoh here.he. >> right. >> i just learn different techniques and maybe spendpe couple of days work with them it the kitchen. exchange -- >> getly local experience. loc >> yes. >> definitely do and most of th time or just my mom cooking. >> nothing beats we're coming ba over to your momsts is that rigt >> she will love to.o. she used to cook for other fther people all the time. tim >> you can find a local familyal to host you and really eall experience that.rience t that is the way to go as well. l >> if you go in restaurant thatr doesn't have an english menu gog to those that don english menu.. just walk around the restaurantr and point you're like i like lie that and ask what is that?ha >> grab it.grab it. >> then the waiter will saythe that's this and order it andwa n you can have this amazing dish.. >> samantha i have to toss itto back to the couch.ou we'll experience matteo'satteo' cooking that pass too looks tooo good not for to us share. you can catch ma they yo and ma samantha at the travel andt thel adventure show this weekend mucc there's all the information on the screen for you. i can't promise i'll save athe e today. but i'll try. 10:46 is the time right noww coming up we're marking 45 yeara of earth, wind and fire. with a special performance ofero one of their biggest hits by onn of earl, wind and fire tributebu bands plus where you can see cae them live this weekend. ♪♪ z27mkz z16fz ♪♪ ♪♪ do you mind -- m >> i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i thought i was at home fi'orm m cond there.e. [ laughter ] >> okay.. >> we mine.>> we don't do it. >> hater.>>ater hater. >> all right. you have to be a certain age too recognize the time less songs of earth, wind and fire includingng after the love is gone. >> or how about you're a shining star. st >> no matter who you are.. >> and how about, do you >> see i like -- i got-- i background singers over here. >> september is what that songhn is called. group went group wen through a couple of shake upshau before hitting the perfectfe lineup in 1972 which means thist will be their 45th year yea together and this morning we'ree marking the milestone with wh earth, wind and fire tributee tu band performing this weekend in chesapeake beach but firstut fir they're joining us live in the t loft here to perform 197897 classic september please welcomo the earth, wind and fire tribute ♪♪ >> ♪♪ do you remember the 21stt night of september i was chasing september, chasing the clouds co away ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ [ applause ]apse >> bring it home.>> b good start with good morning to you.o >> good morning you. >> this is earth, wind and fire tribute man mr. larry adamsms you're the because you got the microphonech on. on. real quick, go through the bande real quick.uick. everybody's name. >> michael coleman tim jackson charles, marcus burke the real leader of the band mr. alvin. >> mr. alvin.. stephan sanders on drums.n dms. we got brandon. we got colin.. we got eugene and johnny.ohnny we got everybody got a shout aho out.ou tell me about the band. me abou you've been together for long ln ti.e. >> about six years now. y now >> six years. >> yes, sir. wo. b ts off by t i said four.i said how did you get together.ogher. >> did all ya'll get togetheroge and say we love earth, wind andd fire let's put together a band n or was there something elseomhig behind it. >> that's basically whatt's basl happened. alvin had the dream about really 20 years agodr,eam and he didnt work -- act on it then, but juss about six years ago, he decidedd to see if he could get someom brothers together. toget >> okay. >> brothers who definitely love this music.who de >> because we realize this musis is time less.less >> >> yes, that's exactly what exat happened. ed all these guys love earth, windt and fire talented group of musicians and singers. >> everybody from d.c. or in this area.dy f >> d.c. >> what's your favorite earth,ut wind and fire song was that we just heard. >> i like imagination.tion >> you like imagination.inatn >> everybody else -- everybody e got a different song.on so many to choose from.ose fm >> where can people see if youe they want to hear earth, wind wn fine. >> tomorrow evening performing at the chesapeake rod andev rear down in chesapeake beach, maryland.mary we do shows we've down howard theater.heat we've been in new york and manhattan at the bb king blues u and supper club.lub we've done numerous shows the different avenues of places --o we're everywhere.erre. everywhere.everhere >> everywhere.>> >> got website. a fan>> got page. pag look us up. >> you're like earth win andlika fire because you're every theree >> yes sir. >> you like how dye that.w dye . >> that was good. >> my cohorts didn't like it soe much. >> they like it.>> >> thank ya'll very much fora'll coming in and hanging with us.. why don't ya'll come over here.r i'm calling an audible.udible >> my goodness. mgoodne wisdom martin.n >> we can wrap up the show overe here.. >> we only got 30 seconds seconds. >> mike >> the man of the hour. >> quick note about the weatherh tomorrow if you have to travelol on the roads saturday afternoonr stick to the main roads.aioads if you can stay home, stay home. catch a movie. there's your seven day forecasts >> good >> only 30s for a high tomorrow. >> that's pretty good.t'pret can we do something in 10 i10 seconds. >> play us out >> so i can hear vocals. val >> here we go. >> ut-oh, here here we go. g we're out of time.e. no, we're not., we do it.t. ♪♪ have a great weekend. ♪♪ i checked, everything's there... wait a minute... hey... hold on, i can explain. you better have a good answer... switch to geico and you could save a ton of money on your car insurance. why didn't you say so in the first place? i thought you's was wearing a wire. haha, what? why would i wear a wire? geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance always a great answer. live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." [ cheers and applause ] now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪♪ >> wendy: fabulous. thank you. welcome.

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