Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News At 6 20131030 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News At 6 20131030

health care plan but the problems of the launch of the affordable care act has congress looking for answers. >> and today they'll be looking to the health and human sfs secretary kathleen sebelius for answers. she's testifying about who knew there were issues with and when did they know it. ko im is live on capitol hill with more. good morning, ko. >> reporter: good morning, mike, andrea. this will be secretary sebelius' first congressional hearing. there is going to be a long list of questions and there's a long list of republicans now calling for her resignation. yesterday medicare chief maryland tagner was grilled by law makers. she essentially defended her agency's rocky rollout of but she also acknowledged the problems by apologizing. >> i want to apologize to you that the website has not worked as well as it should. >> reporter: it's growing increasingly there there was not enough testing. republicans are also calling the president a liar, some of them saying the president misled the public about individuals being able to keep their health care plans. now we're hearing that they might for the be able to because they don't meet the new requirements. but the administration saying that basically that people will get better coverage with these plans. we talked a little bit about this yesterday. this morning we found some sound of the president on the record saying otherwise. >> if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. >> reporter: more and more americans are getting some cancellation letters in the mail, people calling this a broken promise. we'll see if we get clarification on the hill today and if we'll hear an apology if secretary sebelius herself. we'll dig a little deeper into what the president is doing about the affordable care act later today in boston. live on capitol hill, ko im, wusa9. >> thank you, ko. jacqueline mars, the owner of the mars candy company is now facing a reckless driving charge after a deadly car crash in loudoun county. sheriff's officers say that mars was driving her porsche suv on route 50 near aldie on october 4 when she crossed the center line and hit a minivan. 86-year-old irene elliser, a passenger in that minivan died. mars is expected at a court hearing in december. jessica is back with news that could get taxpayers mad. yay, another reason. >> as if we need more, right, mike? good morning to both of you. this is a controversy affecting how the government is mishandling your money. the social security administration has been overpaying massive sums of money to disability beneficiaries and they have no one to blame but themselves. some disability recipients continue to get payments for months even years after notifying the agency they're working again and they earn too much money to qualify. the government accountability office oversees the social security administration. it says budget constraints and large backlogs of applications have delayed the reviews of income information that alert the agency to remove beneficiaries. as a result a recent g.a.o. audit found the administration made -- get this -- $1.3 billion in overpayments in just two years. here's some good news. chances are your home is worth more money. around the country home prices posted the largest annual gain for the month of august since the housing bubble burst. the s&p index surged 13%. the recovery in the housing market continues to be strong helped by a drop in foreclosures but overall prices still about 20% below their peak of 2006. the taxpayer bailout of g.m. financial crisis known as tarp has left the treasury with a loss of $9.7 billion. this comes after the sale of nearly all g.m. shares that the government received in exchange for a $49.5 billion life line. the government still owes the 7.3% -- owns a 7.3% stake in the company. if it was sold today we as taxpayers would only make about a quarter. taxpayers are still owed $53.4 billion. i'd like to get a loan. >> wow, no kidding, right? the government did make money on a couple of the investments like the aig one there was money made. >> aig had a massive handout where there was no indication they were going to get any money back from that one but there are a couple of dollars here and there being made gldz 53 billion is not shortchange. >> absolutely not. >> no chump change there. most if not all of us carved a pumpkin when we were kids. >> but one virginia man has turned this into an art form. it's beautiful. wait till you see this when ♪ oh, oh, oh, come on, people, now ♪ ♪ smile on your brother ♪ everybody get together ♪ try to love one another ♪ come on, people, now [ female announcer ] breyers. the taste you've loved for over 140 years. ♪ right now 10 after 6:00 on this wednesday morning. you may encounter some wet roads and some showers. it's not raining everywhere. that will be itself case for the next few -- the case for the next few hours. this afternoon sunny breaks working their way across the region. highs mid-60s, even potentially 70 depending how much sun we can eke out later on. we'll look at doppler 9000, the halloween forecast and the upcoming weekend outlook as well. monika is in with timesaver traffic. for the most part it's been okay. we have a lot of volume right now and a couple incidents as well. first of all on the beltway here in prince george's county, at kenilworth you're fine but there was a crash if you're planning to head northbound on 270 right at 370, a tractor- trailer in the right center lane. also a crash on middle brook road at route 355. watch out for both of those and tons of volume and some wet roads right now. this sunday is divali, the festival of lights celebrating india's new year. with me to talk about the holiday is dr. jay varma, my brother and owner of bombay tandoor restaurant in vienna, virginia. we also have kurt from the paradise winery in clifton, virginia. brother jay, divali is all about feasting, about family and parties and of course the great food that you brought for us from the restaurant. >> i brought our usual favorite, everyone's favorite buttered chicken. >> love it. >> right here on the right side which is chicken in a tomato based sauce. lots of butter and cream, perfect for the holidays. >> whatever. >> we have some salmon which is a fish dish cooked in our traditional clay oven, barbecue style, very healthy. and on my left here we have rice as well of course. >> what is chef making? >> he's making indian breakfast. these are crepes which are like indian pancakes if you will which are cooked on the griddle filled with the potatoes and served with a few connedments on the side, a little lentil soup and chutneys. >> a lot of people ask me all the time about the spices involved in indian cooking. i know there's always your garlic, your ginger but what are the other spices that are typically in indian food? >> besides those of course, we always use -- typically tumeric, coriander. without those, it's not indian food, doesn't have the fire and the light that really gives it that kick. >> speaking of fire, you always have the green chili. >> oh, yes. >> you can adjust that because everyone is always afraid it's really spicy but it doesn't have to be. >> it doesn't have to be too spicy. we try to moderate it for different clientele but in general you put a lot of chili powder. if you don't, we can remove that and keep it nice and basic. >> speaking of spices, we're going to move over to kirk. typically indians like their beer and scotch to drink but now the trend is toward wine. so tell us what wines you would pair with this kind of food. >> absolutely. starting with whites, you're going to want more of an acidic fruit flavored white, a touch of sweetness which cuts through the spiciness of indian food which will go very well. we brought more of a reisling style. red wines, we want a lighter style red wine. you don't want overly tannic, overly oaky to kind of combat the flavors that a lot of spices that are in the different indian foods. we brought a blend which is cabernet franc based in virginia. >> can we try? >> absolutely. >> which one? >> we have our white. >> it's got to be pretty light with pretty generally speaking heavy food. >> absolutely. and the touch of sweetness will cut through the spiciness very, very well. jay has our milange which is a moot cabernet franc red wine blend which will pair well with the chicken, cream sauce, tomato. >> october was virginia wine month. congratulations. we're right at the end. you're right at the entrance to virginia wine country. >> we're closest to d.c., 30 minutes out of town. we're open daily for tastings. we'd love to have people come out and try our wines. >> thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> jay varma, my brother from bombay tandoor restaurant. we'll celebrate again in half an hour with some dancers. stay tuned for that. howard, join us for the butter chicken. >> save me some. i love that stuff. it does smell great in here. we're looking outside on our michael & son weather camera. cloudy skies over d.c. we've had some rain push through. that's now moved east. more showers will be possible through the morning. then this afternoon a better chance for some breaks of sunshine. that will help boost temperatures well up mid if not upper 60s. potentially 70 even south and west of d.c. so a warm late october day. there's the rain coming from southern ohio down through southwestern virginia. the bulk of it looks like it's moving to our south. however, we have some showers around here. these showers that are south and west of culpeper moving more to just south of fredricksburg. not too much to our west at the moment. most of it is east and northeast of town. this line of showers now coming in toward prince frederick county out of charles at st. mary's so prince frederick, huntingtown, routes to route 4, you're going to get wet. dunkirk, check it out. as you get into upper marlboro and north on 301 to bowie back to where 50 and the beltway come together, still a little bit of rain there and a couple of other showers now from around northwest d.c. up in toward areas in bethesda. we'll take you up north. howard county seeing the showers and then the northern part of montgomery from germantown up 124 into damascus and laytonsville. this extends into -- laytonsville. this extends into the eastern secretaries -- eastern secretaries back to the catoctins. wet streets this morning. temperatures are comfortable, cool but you'll need a light jacket, not a heavy one, 40s and 50s. we don't have the 30s. they'll be returning late over the weekend with bel air this morning 46 to 52 at pax river naval air station and 46 also in winchester. no wind to speak of. dew point keeps creeping up as the moisture is building in advance of a storm system headed our way. currently a frontal boundary between the cold to the north and the warm t of the south. 60 in lexington right now. snow in parts of new york state and adirondacks. a little disturbance riding that front giving us the showers this morning. that will be scooting east of us by the afternoon. after the lunch hour, expect sunny breaks here. here we are at 3:00. tonight a slight chance of a passing shower and then this front with all this rain will be marching towards us but really not until tomorrow night and friday. so other than a stray shower or two, especially north and west of town, the best chance of rain will hold off till after the trick or treating into friday. a couple of showers this morning, 68. this afternoon sunny breaks. 55 tonight. mild. tomorrow warm, breezy, an isolated shower 74 but most of the time it's going to be dry. 72, though, on friday. yellow alert day, showers and storms. with some luck partial clearing late in the day. the weekend will start to cool off, especially by sunday so okay risk for the skins. don't forget to set the clocks back saturday night. monika samtani, you weren't sipping too much of that whining, were you? >> still stable. i'm -- of that wine, were you? >> still stable. still good. if you're planning to head around town, no big problems to report although the roads are becoming wet. you want to be aware of that. the dulles toll road, a tiny bit of yellow forming right out of sterling. once you're passed that into reston and tysons you're going to be okay. 66 very heavy. the long slow stretch out of gainesville into fairfax and then in vienna. right here it's okay and no issues to the roosevelt bridge. let's take a live look outside. here's what it looks like on the beltway the north side of town. that's the outer loop, the top side of your screen. all of your lanes are open right now in prince george's county as well on the beltway east side of town. we'll go back over to the maps quickly. route 50 no issues in from annapolis, the bw parkway, laurel to greenbelt and we'll end with another live look in spring field. andrea, mike? >> thanks, monika. 6:18. another look at the facebook question of the morning now. 77% of us admit to doing what at work? is it a snoop through a coworker's desk, b, get drunk at annual office party or c, steal supplies. >> facebook friend tony king wrote c, paper clips, pencils, staples, glue and anything else that's not nailed down. >> your responses and the correct answer in about 30 minutes. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] some things are simply better at home. like the enticing aroma and distinctive taste of nespresso. elegant capsules meet masterfully crafted machines, and one touch creates the perfect coffee, cappuccino, and latte. ♪ tempt all your senses with one extraordinary coffee. [ penélope cruz ] nespresso. what else? [ male announcer ] available at these fine retailers and before you reach for a butcher knife to carve a pumpkin this halloween, look at the work of a centreville, virginia dad. >> susan mcginnis introduces us to a dad who has taken this to an art form. >> reporter: in the hands of neil, the pumpkin is a blank canvas. a government contractor by day, each october he turns his kitchen into a workshop spending countless areas creating a fancy world one pumpkin at a time. >> if you mess up, you get superglue. >> reporter: hundreds will come to his virginia home to see them halloween night. >> i've become known as the pumpkin house. there's sort of a traffic jam outfront and people love it. >> reporter: he also shares his work online. the death star pumpkin went viral. what started ten year ago as one man's obsession now includes his friends and family. daughter sarah has been carving since she was five. >> our kids got into it which made my wife like it and it just got crazy. so it's gone a little bit more every year. >> reporter: last year they carved 50. he says having the right tools is the secret. >> once you really get into it and you can start modifying it in deciding what you want to do, it becomes more art. >> reporter: the cases stay in the frig -- the creations stay in the frig and under wraps till show time and then the work shines. art that's a treat for one night only till next halloween. susan mcginnis, cbs news, washington. >> would you like to give that a shot? guess what, you can do his creations. he has the patterns and tutorials on his website so you can give it a try. fantasy is where you can find it. on the outer loop of the beltway just past this camera shop at colesville road, there is a crash in the right lane on the beltway north side of town. it pretty much looks like this from the 95 interchange solid on the outer loop westbound 495 to the crash scene with wet road conditions as well. more on traffic coming up in about three minutes. you're watching wusa9. i'm mark herring, candidate for sponsored this ad.nd i vo: this is what mark obenshain called a "common sense proposal." obenshain voted to force women to have a transvaginal ultrasound in order to have an abortion. called "intrusive," "medically unnecessary," and "government rape." the virginian-pilot said obenshain used the power of government to do something grotesque. and now he wants to be attorney general? mark obenshain: a real threat to virginia women. right now, she's earning 4 times the hi!nors points... hi, buddy! ...just by smiling. enjoy free wi-fi and up to 4 times the hhonors points on your next stay. feel the hamptonality gun without a background check.. ithe dangerously mentally ill. criminals. endangering our families. ken cuccinelli opposed closing the gun show loophole - against comprehensive background checks at gun shows for criminals and the dangerously mentally ill. siding with the nra and undermining law enforcement. no wonder the washington post calls cuccinelli polarizing, provocative and partisan. cuccinelli. too extreme for virginia independence usa pac sponsored this ad. good morning. welcome back to wusa9 at 6:30. this is a live look at the capitol as mike said it's going to be a while before we see it like that. two years of renovations. it will be encased in scaffolding. but right now you get to see it. 54 degrees on this wednesday, october 30. i'm andrea roane. i'm mike hydeck. thank you for waking up with us. monika has timesaver traffic moment tairm. we start with bern -- momentarily. we start with howard bernstein on the weather terrace. >> i have at rain jacket on but the umbrella is closed for the moment. the showers we had earlier have moved east. here's a look at your day planner. we have the threat for a couple of showers still this morning but a better chance for sunny breaks this afternoon. by 4:00 up to 66. potentially 68 for the high today. still in the low 60s at 8:00 p.m. and milder air works its way toward us. it's just off to our south and west and on that front separating a real mild stuff from the cold stuff north, those are itself showers you see coming out of the ohio valley toward our neck of the woods. on doppler 9000, a lot more rain in southern virginia. we have the showers around now mainly east of town. the stuff south of culpeper will pass down to fredricksburg but in toward calvert county, you see the showers here and fairly quick moving so they'll be out of bat any another 20 minutes. prince frederick for huntingtown. then we've got areas in anne arundel county with the showers cleared most of prince george's except for the showers just up d.c. moving toward college park coming out of silver spring. so they're going to hit the beltway there, 295 there and in montgomery county, most of your shower activity is now into howard county and the frederick stuff is now moving cord carroll so things are quickly moving east. temps in the 40s and 50s. better chance of sun this afternoon, highs well up in the 60s. see you in a few minutes with the rest of the seven-day. right now monika with timesaver traffic. howard, we have quite a few incidents right now coming up and you want to know about it, especially on the beltway north side of town. it's the outer loop that's suffering right here at route 29 colesville road. look at the delay because of it. let's take a live look. just out of this camera shot, the two right lanes are blocked with a crash. that's the westbound side of 495 right here at colesville road. two right lanes and delays begin at least at the 95 interchange, if not in college park already on the north and west side of the beltway. let's go back to the maps and this time heading over to the northbound side of i-95. one long slow lineup. it really now begins down in dumfries, lorton, newing top, springfield. -- newington, springfield. once you're on 395 you're okay. the 14th street bridge is pretty light for this time of the morning. 14th and f, near new york avenue, police activity has the intersection blocked as well and that could do a number to traffic as well. all the potomac and anacostia river crossings, though, are fine. back to you, annual dray ya and mike -- andrea and mike. time to see what our part nears at cbs this morning are covering. >> who is standing by senate lovely gayle king,s that -- by? the lovely gayle king, that's who. >> good to see you. ahead cbs news has learned new information about when the obama administration was warned about potential problems with the health care website. nancy core advertise is on capitol hill with health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius will face congress in just a few hours. plus, last month, do you remember this story? we introduced you to the soldier who made it his mission to rescue the afghan translator to save his life. we were there last night when the interpreter arrived in the u.s. and the two were reunited. this is really good stuff. and trouble with the trendiest condiment on the table. cbs this morning takes you inside the new plant that has neighbors all fired up. the news is back in the morning. we'll see you at 7:00. i have to say i was in d.c. last week for this elc dinner. i was watching of course channel 9 and i saw you. i was screaming at you from my hotel room. it was good to see you on tv. >> well, we want to see you in person, gayle. when are you going to come and let us know? we can have dinner, coffee, juice in the morning? >> i would like that. i would like that. i'll give you a heads up next time but it was one of those in and out trips. you know how that goes. >> i i know. but give us a heads up next time so we can plan. have a good show. >> you too, mike. you can come too. >> by, gayle. next time i'll answer when you're screaming out to the tv. last night maintenance to the obamacare website prevented customers from submitting new insurance applications. federal officials asked verizon to.more storage. >> the website was expected to be brought back online when the maintenance was completed. since it was launched earlier this month, has had a number of setbacks. >> secretary kathleen sebelius is scheduled to testify before lawmakers about the problems. kimm cip joins us from capitol hill -- ko im joins us from capitol hill with a preview. some people are calling for her to step down. >> reporter: good morning. it has been a rocky road. questions are going to be who knew what and when and if there were problems, why did the roll jut still happen. -- roll outstill happen. she'll also probably be asked how the updates are going so far and where the. was in all this back on october 1. >> we got to 44 votes, 4 votes now of you trying -- 48 votes now of you trying to dismantle the legislation. you call that cooperation? i don't. >> the white house website says if you want to keep the health insurance you've got you can keep it and now they're being told they can't. that's a lie. >> reporter: the president now under fire for those comments years ago when he said that people could keep their individual health plans. now it appears people are getting cancellation letters. the president also in boston today talking about -- asking people to get some patience with the new affordable care act and its launch. that's because he's in massachusetts touting the 2006 health care law there when in the first month only about 123 people signed up. and when the penalties kicked in, tens of thousands picked up. the president asking for some patience as the rollout continues and he stands by secretary sebelius as she gets ready to get under some tough questioning in the hot seat today. mike, annual dray ya? -- >> mike, andrea? >> thanks, ko. spying on world leaders isn't an uncommon practice. that testimony came from national intelligence director james clap emp. during a -- clapper during a hearing yesterday on capitol hill. he says the u.s. tries to find  out what other world leaders are doing just as other nations try to spy on american officials. today congressional leaders will begin negotiations to try and find a compromise on a budget. house and senate negotiators will hold a first formal negotiations to find a deal before the temporary budget expires january 5 or we could experience another shutdown. today state maryland delegate john cardin plans to introduce a bill to outlaw the practice of revenge porn. that's when someone publishes intimate photos of an ex for no reason other than revenge. the web search turns up plenty of these sites with plenty of the pictures. maryland's general assembly is going to look at cardin's bill early next year. it is 6:35. time for the final your money segment ever the morning. >> did you know americans lose an estimated $50 billion a year to financial fraud schemes? >> jessica has more on ways to avoid becoming a victim of fraud. >> reporter: from pyramid to off shore scams, there's no shortage of fraud attempts out there. the national crime prevention council are trying to make sure consumers know what to look out for. joining me now are ann are a skins and jerry wall -- ann are a skins and jerry wall -- harkins and jerry walsh with some tips. what are some of the common tips and red flags for a fraud scheme? >> there are a number of schemes. ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, stock, pump and dump schemes, all of which sound very scary. the way to prevent them is to check and ask. get expert advice and make sure the people you're talking to are appropriately registered with their states and the sec. >> when it comes to the most common schemes out there, what are some of the approaches that consumers are most likely to see? >> they bombard their targets with influence techniques and it's really all designed to move you from thinking out of your logical brain into your emotional brain. so really the cons are trying to put you under the ether to encourage you to invest in these scams. >> when you look at profiles, abprofiler for us for a moment, who are the people who are most likely to become victims of possible financial fraud? >> this is eye popping, jessica. it's generally -- the most victimized people are males 55 and older who are well educated and financially savvy. >> that was jessica doyle reporting. closing arguments in the sean taylor murder trial are expected to get under way today. >> two days after his arrest, singer chris brown enters rehab. >> wusa9 and dc jobs trying to get you hired. project hope is looking for a development director of health affairs with one to two years experience. want to find out more about this job? go to >> don't forget we're always on at and the wusa9 app. stay with once wrote something on a sheet of paper ♪ the challenge always accepted. and the calling forever answered. ♪ introducing the all-new 2014 s-class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. 6:42 and it is 54 degrees. there's a little rain out there but you took your umbrella down so the showers have stopped here. >> most of the showers are now east of us. we may have a couple here and there between now and 9:00. but i think the bulk of the showers, we've seen them. now we just have to wait for potentially a little bit of sunshine for the afternoon. here is your day planner. we are looking at reagan national now. good visibility. the air is a little damp and we're feeling the scattered showers this morning with some sunshine this afternoon, 65 to 70. i'll give you the hour-by-hour here. 58 degrees at 11:00. still can't rule out a spotty shower again between now and 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 but i think most of what we've seen this morning is going to be the bulk of it. by 1:00 some sunny breaks here and there and also that will be the case for the afternoon. highs in the mid- to upper 60s. southwest of town we could make a run toward 70 degrees in places like culpeper, even fredricksburg not out of the question. moisture this morning in the form of rain showers coming from southern ohio, west virginia, kentucky moving toward the east, southeast. so the bulk of this stays south of us. however, we had showers form right over us. it started out in eastern west virginia and northern virginia here in frederick county. the bulk of it has moved into frederick, maryland, now carroll and ears's of d.c. watch -- areas east of d.c. in la plata a commof light showers there. that will come through eastern charles the next 20 minutes and across southern maryland, calvert county. more moderate showers now just north of where 50 and the beltway come together in prince george's county, back to college park. this is tracking up toward odenton and bowie and laurel. you have a few showers coming out of silver spring headed your way. montgomery county fairly quiet now as your activity has generally moved into howard county. the stuff in frederick has also moved into caroll county except the northern part of the county, thurmont. a couple showers left over there. temperatures are cool but it's the dampness. when you factor in the humidity, it just cuts through you. so 40s and 50s. i'm thinking a middle weight jacket this morning with 51 in eastton and 46 in winchester. 45 at cross junction from steve and jan in reedville 52. good visibility here at reagan national on our michael & son weather camera. cloudy sky. we have 54 degrees and a light south, southeasterly wind at 3 miles an hour. the disturbance bringing us the rain on the wider shot. there's a frontal boundary here. that's going to try to lift to the north the next couple of days. on it there go the showers. by afternoon we're going to see sunny breaks develop. tonight partly to mostly cloudy. not too cool. should be in the 50 to 55 range with a spotty shower. tomorrow morning there's that front lifting to the north with showers in pittsburgh to detroit. then we watch the cold front get closer to us. spotty showers, especially north and west tomorrow afternoon and evening but i think most of the trick or treating is going to be dry. the bulk of the heavier rains will be overnight thursday in toward friday morning. we could have showers and potentially some thunder with the front and then some clearing later on friday behind that front. here's the forecast. today a couple of showers this morning. some breaks this afternoon. tonight 58. a spotty shower mainly north and west tomorrow night into friday. by a yellow alert showers, 72. by saturday 67 degrees. turning chilly on sunday and sunday is when we say goodbye to daylight saving time and hello to standard time. fall back, set the clocks back. monika is excited about the extra hour of sleep. >> of course. hello standard time. we love that extra hour of sleep. you're not going to love what i have to say very much i'm sorry. but on the outer loop of the beltway it is solid from college park at route 1 all the way across into silver spring. the culprit is an accident at route 29 colesville road. it's along the ride side of the roadway and for some time was blocking the two right lanes. let's take a live look the at beltway at colesville road. this is what you should expect basically from route 1 in college park all the way around to silver spring. let's go back to the maps. and this time over to the northbound side of i-95. it's lorton, newington, springfield. the delay, it is incident free as you head northbound on i-95. if you're planning to head on to 395, you're going to be okay to the 14th street bridge. we're going to take a live look one more time outside. this is the beltway at kenilworth avenue. luckily the beltway east side of town in prince george's county is absolutely fine. hey, we're celebrating divali today on the morning show. it's india's new year and the most important holiday of the year. joining me with some divali entertainment is the dj from d.c. vibes. thank you so much for being with us today. we've also got dancers tricia, shr a ya -- dancers tricia and shraya. you are just in high school. talk about entrepreneurs. that's amazing. >> thank you. >> bollywood refers to the movie industry in india. what is bollywood dance? what kind of style is it? >> it derives from the bollywood movie industry but for us and the modern generation in india as well, it's just a fusion of so many different new styles. we incorporate hip hop, contemporary, latin, belly dancing, all these different styles we pull into our dancing as well as into our music. i'm sure you've heard a lot of bollywood music. >> you typically think of it as putting your hands up in the air. >> it's so much more than that. today we're going to be doing more of just a modern fun kind of bollywood mix but we do it with classical, hip cop, ton temporary, -- contemporary, some ballet. they're all just warts of polywood. you can fuse anything into it. >> where -- bollywood. you can fuse anything into it. >> where do you teach? >> we teach in north potomac in gaithersburg but we do private lessons for anyone and set up perform performances. we've been performing for the last two years as a group together and it's fantastic. >> you have a man so men can do it too. >> of course. anyone can from little babies to grandparents to guys, girls, anyone can do it. >> i can imagine it's good exercise. >> it's fantastic. we keep in shape. >> boll -- divali is all about celebration and performance which indians like to do. i can't wait to see your performance. thank you all for being with us. >> thank you for having us. >> take it away, guys. ♪ ♪ ♪ 6:53. we've had showers come through the region. most of that is east of us now. still an isolated shower possible this morning. some sunny breaks this afternoon. it will be mieldz after the morning chill. -- mild after the morning chill. highs between 65 and 70. itself man accused of killing washington redskins safety sean taylor says he never stepped foot in taylor's hope. eric rivera testified yesterday in miami and denies being the triggerman as well. prosecutors say it was rivera who fired the fatal shot in 2007 when he and four friends broke into taylor's florida home. closing arguments are expected to begin today. michael skakel's attorney has filed documents to have his client released on bail. the 53-year-old has spent more than a decade in prison accused of the 1975 murder of martha moxley. last week a judge ordered skakel's conviction to be set aside saying the defense in the trial was inadequate. troubled r&dd singer chris brown is heading to rehab to gain focus into his insight in his past and recent behavior. he was involved in a fight outside the w hotel in northwest sunday and was charged for that. time to answer the question of the morning. 77% of us admit to doing which one of these things at work? is it a, snoop through a coworker's desk, b get drunk at an office party, or c, steal office supplies? >> facebook friend jacqueline murray wrote all of the above but i think everyone was in agreement, the answer is c, stealing supplies. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] it is more than just a new car... more than a new interior lighting system. ♪ it is more than a hot stone massage. and more than your favorite scent infused into the cabin. it is a completely new era of innovation. and the highest expression of mercedes-benz. introducing the 2014 s-class. the best or nothing. you'd make it about speed and efficiency; giving people the freedom to spend their time how they choose. chances are, you'd make business travel a lot like us. acela. take off. 6:58. we've had a couple of showers. most of them are east now. we still could see a spotty one for a few hours and breaks this afternoon, 68. warm for halloween. isolated showers, 74. best chance of rain will be friday for the first half of the day. drier for the weekend. cool by sunday. monika? >> we are going to look at the beltway. look at that on the outer loop. it looks like this from route 1 in college park. westbound through silver spring. the accident at colesville road was moved to the right side of the road. hey, everyone. it's divali. it's india's new year. the festival of lights and we're having one big party here at channel 9. we had jay varma from bombay tandoor, paradise springs winely and all the kids from raaga dc. thank you. we are having so much fun. happy divali, everybody. >> once a year, you guys. ♪ good morning. it is wednesday, october 30th, 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." the woman in charge of rolling out the president's health care law faces an angry congress today. cbs news learns the white house had weeks of warnings. only on "cbs this morning," a u.s. soldier rescues an afghan translator who saved his life. we're there for an emotional reunion after years of battle. plus the land of no winter sun. mark phillips is in town using a bright idea to finally see the light. >> but we look at today's "eye opener," your world in 9 0 seconds. >> hers is an extraordinary level of income pence even by government standards. >> sebelius will be facing the

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Spring Field , Virginia , United States , Springfield , Maryland , Dumfries , Bern , Switzerland , Howard County , Prince George , Washington , District Of Columbia , Reunion , West Virginia , India , Centreville , Prince Frederick , Massachusetts , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Frederick County , Kenilworth , Ohio , Calvert County , Anne Arundel County , Miami , Florida , New York , Anacostia River , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Afghanistan , Kentucky , Loudoun County , Boston , Gaithersburg , Germantown , Bombay , Maharashtra , Clarksburg , Prince George County , Thurmont , College Park , Odenton , Capitol Hill , Montgomery County , Americans , Afghan , Virginian , American , Sean Taylor , Jacqueline Murray , Kathleen Sebelius , John Cardin , Martha Moxley , Ken Cuccinelli , Jerry Walsh , Gayle King , Andrea Roane , Michael Skakel , Susan Mcginnis , Tony King , Jessica Doyle , Cruz Nespresso , Howard Bernstein , Mike Andrea , Jacqueline Mars , Jay Varma , Jeric Rivera , Chris Brown ,

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health care plan but the problems of the launch of the affordable care act has congress looking for answers. >> and today they'll be looking to the health and human sfs secretary kathleen sebelius for answers. she's testifying about who knew there were issues with and when did they know it. ko im is live on capitol hill with more. good morning, ko. >> reporter: good morning, mike, andrea. this will be secretary sebelius' first congressional hearing. there is going to be a long list of questions and there's a long list of republicans now calling for her resignation. yesterday medicare chief maryland tagner was grilled by law makers. she essentially defended her agency's rocky rollout of but she also acknowledged the problems by apologizing. >> i want to apologize to you that the website has not worked as well as it should. >> reporter: it's growing increasingly there there was not enough testing. republicans are also calling the president a liar, some of them saying the president misled the public about individuals being able to keep their health care plans. now we're hearing that they might for the be able to because they don't meet the new requirements. but the administration saying that basically that people will get better coverage with these plans. we talked a little bit about this yesterday. this morning we found some sound of the president on the record saying otherwise. >> if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. >> reporter: more and more americans are getting some cancellation letters in the mail, people calling this a broken promise. we'll see if we get clarification on the hill today and if we'll hear an apology if secretary sebelius herself. we'll dig a little deeper into what the president is doing about the affordable care act later today in boston. live on capitol hill, ko im, wusa9. >> thank you, ko. jacqueline mars, the owner of the mars candy company is now facing a reckless driving charge after a deadly car crash in loudoun county. sheriff's officers say that mars was driving her porsche suv on route 50 near aldie on october 4 when she crossed the center line and hit a minivan. 86-year-old irene elliser, a passenger in that minivan died. mars is expected at a court hearing in december. jessica is back with news that could get taxpayers mad. yay, another reason. >> as if we need more, right, mike? good morning to both of you. this is a controversy affecting how the government is mishandling your money. the social security administration has been overpaying massive sums of money to disability beneficiaries and they have no one to blame but themselves. some disability recipients continue to get payments for months even years after notifying the agency they're working again and they earn too much money to qualify. the government accountability office oversees the social security administration. it says budget constraints and large backlogs of applications have delayed the reviews of income information that alert the agency to remove beneficiaries. as a result a recent g.a.o. audit found the administration made -- get this -- $1.3 billion in overpayments in just two years. here's some good news. chances are your home is worth more money. around the country home prices posted the largest annual gain for the month of august since the housing bubble burst. the s&p index surged 13%. the recovery in the housing market continues to be strong helped by a drop in foreclosures but overall prices still about 20% below their peak of 2006. the taxpayer bailout of g.m. financial crisis known as tarp has left the treasury with a loss of $9.7 billion. this comes after the sale of nearly all g.m. shares that the government received in exchange for a $49.5 billion life line. the government still owes the 7.3% -- owns a 7.3% stake in the company. if it was sold today we as taxpayers would only make about a quarter. taxpayers are still owed $53.4 billion. i'd like to get a loan. >> wow, no kidding, right? the government did make money on a couple of the investments like the aig one there was money made. >> aig had a massive handout where there was no indication they were going to get any money back from that one but there are a couple of dollars here and there being made gldz 53 billion is not shortchange. >> absolutely not. >> no chump change there. most if not all of us carved a pumpkin when we were kids. >> but one virginia man has turned this into an art form. it's beautiful. wait till you see this when ♪ oh, oh, oh, come on, people, now ♪ ♪ smile on your brother ♪ everybody get together ♪ try to love one another ♪ come on, people, now [ female announcer ] breyers. the taste you've loved for over 140 years. ♪ right now 10 after 6:00 on this wednesday morning. you may encounter some wet roads and some showers. it's not raining everywhere. that will be itself case for the next few -- the case for the next few hours. this afternoon sunny breaks working their way across the region. highs mid-60s, even potentially 70 depending how much sun we can eke out later on. we'll look at doppler 9000, the halloween forecast and the upcoming weekend outlook as well. monika is in with timesaver traffic. for the most part it's been okay. we have a lot of volume right now and a couple incidents as well. first of all on the beltway here in prince george's county, at kenilworth you're fine but there was a crash if you're planning to head northbound on 270 right at 370, a tractor- trailer in the right center lane. also a crash on middle brook road at route 355. watch out for both of those and tons of volume and some wet roads right now. this sunday is divali, the festival of lights celebrating india's new year. with me to talk about the holiday is dr. jay varma, my brother and owner of bombay tandoor restaurant in vienna, virginia. we also have kurt from the paradise winery in clifton, virginia. brother jay, divali is all about feasting, about family and parties and of course the great food that you brought for us from the restaurant. >> i brought our usual favorite, everyone's favorite buttered chicken. >> love it. >> right here on the right side which is chicken in a tomato based sauce. lots of butter and cream, perfect for the holidays. >> whatever. >> we have some salmon which is a fish dish cooked in our traditional clay oven, barbecue style, very healthy. and on my left here we have rice as well of course. >> what is chef making? >> he's making indian breakfast. these are crepes which are like indian pancakes if you will which are cooked on the griddle filled with the potatoes and served with a few connedments on the side, a little lentil soup and chutneys. >> a lot of people ask me all the time about the spices involved in indian cooking. i know there's always your garlic, your ginger but what are the other spices that are typically in indian food? >> besides those of course, we always use -- typically tumeric, coriander. without those, it's not indian food, doesn't have the fire and the light that really gives it that kick. >> speaking of fire, you always have the green chili. >> oh, yes. >> you can adjust that because everyone is always afraid it's really spicy but it doesn't have to be. >> it doesn't have to be too spicy. we try to moderate it for different clientele but in general you put a lot of chili powder. if you don't, we can remove that and keep it nice and basic. >> speaking of spices, we're going to move over to kirk. typically indians like their beer and scotch to drink but now the trend is toward wine. so tell us what wines you would pair with this kind of food. >> absolutely. starting with whites, you're going to want more of an acidic fruit flavored white, a touch of sweetness which cuts through the spiciness of indian food which will go very well. we brought more of a reisling style. red wines, we want a lighter style red wine. you don't want overly tannic, overly oaky to kind of combat the flavors that a lot of spices that are in the different indian foods. we brought a blend which is cabernet franc based in virginia. >> can we try? >> absolutely. >> which one? >> we have our white. >> it's got to be pretty light with pretty generally speaking heavy food. >> absolutely. and the touch of sweetness will cut through the spiciness very, very well. jay has our milange which is a moot cabernet franc red wine blend which will pair well with the chicken, cream sauce, tomato. >> october was virginia wine month. congratulations. we're right at the end. you're right at the entrance to virginia wine country. >> we're closest to d.c., 30 minutes out of town. we're open daily for tastings. we'd love to have people come out and try our wines. >> thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> jay varma, my brother from bombay tandoor restaurant. we'll celebrate again in half an hour with some dancers. stay tuned for that. howard, join us for the butter chicken. >> save me some. i love that stuff. it does smell great in here. we're looking outside on our michael & son weather camera. cloudy skies over d.c. we've had some rain push through. that's now moved east. more showers will be possible through the morning. then this afternoon a better chance for some breaks of sunshine. that will help boost temperatures well up mid if not upper 60s. potentially 70 even south and west of d.c. so a warm late october day. there's the rain coming from southern ohio down through southwestern virginia. the bulk of it looks like it's moving to our south. however, we have some showers around here. these showers that are south and west of culpeper moving more to just south of fredricksburg. not too much to our west at the moment. most of it is east and northeast of town. this line of showers now coming in toward prince frederick county out of charles at st. mary's so prince frederick, huntingtown, routes to route 4, you're going to get wet. dunkirk, check it out. as you get into upper marlboro and north on 301 to bowie back to where 50 and the beltway come together, still a little bit of rain there and a couple of other showers now from around northwest d.c. up in toward areas in bethesda. we'll take you up north. howard county seeing the showers and then the northern part of montgomery from germantown up 124 into damascus and laytonsville. this extends into -- laytonsville. this extends into the eastern secretaries -- eastern secretaries back to the catoctins. wet streets this morning. temperatures are comfortable, cool but you'll need a light jacket, not a heavy one, 40s and 50s. we don't have the 30s. they'll be returning late over the weekend with bel air this morning 46 to 52 at pax river naval air station and 46 also in winchester. no wind to speak of. dew point keeps creeping up as the moisture is building in advance of a storm system headed our way. currently a frontal boundary between the cold to the north and the warm t of the south. 60 in lexington right now. snow in parts of new york state and adirondacks. a little disturbance riding that front giving us the showers this morning. that will be scooting east of us by the afternoon. after the lunch hour, expect sunny breaks here. here we are at 3:00. tonight a slight chance of a passing shower and then this front with all this rain will be marching towards us but really not until tomorrow night and friday. so other than a stray shower or two, especially north and west of town, the best chance of rain will hold off till after the trick or treating into friday. a couple of showers this morning, 68. this afternoon sunny breaks. 55 tonight. mild. tomorrow warm, breezy, an isolated shower 74 but most of the time it's going to be dry. 72, though, on friday. yellow alert day, showers and storms. with some luck partial clearing late in the day. the weekend will start to cool off, especially by sunday so okay risk for the skins. don't forget to set the clocks back saturday night. monika samtani, you weren't sipping too much of that whining, were you? >> still stable. i'm -- of that wine, were you? >> still stable. still good. if you're planning to head around town, no big problems to report although the roads are becoming wet. you want to be aware of that. the dulles toll road, a tiny bit of yellow forming right out of sterling. once you're passed that into reston and tysons you're going to be okay. 66 very heavy. the long slow stretch out of gainesville into fairfax and then in vienna. right here it's okay and no issues to the roosevelt bridge. let's take a live look outside. here's what it looks like on the beltway the north side of town. that's the outer loop, the top side of your screen. all of your lanes are open right now in prince george's county as well on the beltway east side of town. we'll go back over to the maps quickly. route 50 no issues in from annapolis, the bw parkway, laurel to greenbelt and we'll end with another live look in spring field. andrea, mike? >> thanks, monika. 6:18. another look at the facebook question of the morning now. 77% of us admit to doing what at work? is it a snoop through a coworker's desk, b, get drunk at annual office party or c, steal supplies. >> facebook friend tony king wrote c, paper clips, pencils, staples, glue and anything else that's not nailed down. >> your responses and the correct answer in about 30 minutes. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] some things are simply better at home. like the enticing aroma and distinctive taste of nespresso. elegant capsules meet masterfully crafted machines, and one touch creates the perfect coffee, cappuccino, and latte. ♪ tempt all your senses with one extraordinary coffee. [ penélope cruz ] nespresso. what else? [ male announcer ] available at these fine retailers and before you reach for a butcher knife to carve a pumpkin this halloween, look at the work of a centreville, virginia dad. >> susan mcginnis introduces us to a dad who has taken this to an art form. >> reporter: in the hands of neil, the pumpkin is a blank canvas. a government contractor by day, each october he turns his kitchen into a workshop spending countless areas creating a fancy world one pumpkin at a time. >> if you mess up, you get superglue. >> reporter: hundreds will come to his virginia home to see them halloween night. >> i've become known as the pumpkin house. there's sort of a traffic jam outfront and people love it. >> reporter: he also shares his work online. the death star pumpkin went viral. what started ten year ago as one man's obsession now includes his friends and family. daughter sarah has been carving since she was five. >> our kids got into it which made my wife like it and it just got crazy. so it's gone a little bit more every year. >> reporter: last year they carved 50. he says having the right tools is the secret. >> once you really get into it and you can start modifying it in deciding what you want to do, it becomes more art. >> reporter: the cases stay in the frig -- the creations stay in the frig and under wraps till show time and then the work shines. art that's a treat for one night only till next halloween. susan mcginnis, cbs news, washington. >> would you like to give that a shot? guess what, you can do his creations. he has the patterns and tutorials on his website so you can give it a try. fantasy is where you can find it. on the outer loop of the beltway just past this camera shop at colesville road, there is a crash in the right lane on the beltway north side of town. it pretty much looks like this from the 95 interchange solid on the outer loop westbound 495 to the crash scene with wet road conditions as well. more on traffic coming up in about three minutes. you're watching wusa9. i'm mark herring, candidate for sponsored this ad.nd i vo: this is what mark obenshain called a "common sense proposal." obenshain voted to force women to have a transvaginal ultrasound in order to have an abortion. called "intrusive," "medically unnecessary," and "government rape." the virginian-pilot said obenshain used the power of government to do something grotesque. and now he wants to be attorney general? mark obenshain: a real threat to virginia women. right now, she's earning 4 times the hi!nors points... hi, buddy! ...just by smiling. enjoy free wi-fi and up to 4 times the hhonors points on your next stay. feel the hamptonality gun without a background check.. ithe dangerously mentally ill. criminals. endangering our families. ken cuccinelli opposed closing the gun show loophole - against comprehensive background checks at gun shows for criminals and the dangerously mentally ill. siding with the nra and undermining law enforcement. no wonder the washington post calls cuccinelli polarizing, provocative and partisan. cuccinelli. too extreme for virginia independence usa pac sponsored this ad. good morning. welcome back to wusa9 at 6:30. this is a live look at the capitol as mike said it's going to be a while before we see it like that. two years of renovations. it will be encased in scaffolding. but right now you get to see it. 54 degrees on this wednesday, october 30. i'm andrea roane. i'm mike hydeck. thank you for waking up with us. monika has timesaver traffic moment tairm. we start with bern -- momentarily. we start with howard bernstein on the weather terrace. >> i have at rain jacket on but the umbrella is closed for the moment. the showers we had earlier have moved east. here's a look at your day planner. we have the threat for a couple of showers still this morning but a better chance for sunny breaks this afternoon. by 4:00 up to 66. potentially 68 for the high today. still in the low 60s at 8:00 p.m. and milder air works its way toward us. it's just off to our south and west and on that front separating a real mild stuff from the cold stuff north, those are itself showers you see coming out of the ohio valley toward our neck of the woods. on doppler 9000, a lot more rain in southern virginia. we have the showers around now mainly east of town. the stuff south of culpeper will pass down to fredricksburg but in toward calvert county, you see the showers here and fairly quick moving so they'll be out of bat any another 20 minutes. prince frederick for huntingtown. then we've got areas in anne arundel county with the showers cleared most of prince george's except for the showers just up d.c. moving toward college park coming out of silver spring. so they're going to hit the beltway there, 295 there and in montgomery county, most of your shower activity is now into howard county and the frederick stuff is now moving cord carroll so things are quickly moving east. temps in the 40s and 50s. better chance of sun this afternoon, highs well up in the 60s. see you in a few minutes with the rest of the seven-day. right now monika with timesaver traffic. howard, we have quite a few incidents right now coming up and you want to know about it, especially on the beltway north side of town. it's the outer loop that's suffering right here at route 29 colesville road. look at the delay because of it. let's take a live look. just out of this camera shot, the two right lanes are blocked with a crash. that's the westbound side of 495 right here at colesville road. two right lanes and delays begin at least at the 95 interchange, if not in college park already on the north and west side of the beltway. let's go back to the maps and this time heading over to the northbound side of i-95. one long slow lineup. it really now begins down in dumfries, lorton, newing top, springfield. -- newington, springfield. once you're on 395 you're okay. the 14th street bridge is pretty light for this time of the morning. 14th and f, near new york avenue, police activity has the intersection blocked as well and that could do a number to traffic as well. all the potomac and anacostia river crossings, though, are fine. back to you, annual dray ya and mike -- andrea and mike. time to see what our part nears at cbs this morning are covering. >> who is standing by senate lovely gayle king,s that -- by? the lovely gayle king, that's who. >> good to see you. ahead cbs news has learned new information about when the obama administration was warned about potential problems with the health care website. nancy core advertise is on capitol hill with health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius will face congress in just a few hours. plus, last month, do you remember this story? we introduced you to the soldier who made it his mission to rescue the afghan translator to save his life. we were there last night when the interpreter arrived in the u.s. and the two were reunited. this is really good stuff. and trouble with the trendiest condiment on the table. cbs this morning takes you inside the new plant that has neighbors all fired up. the news is back in the morning. we'll see you at 7:00. i have to say i was in d.c. last week for this elc dinner. i was watching of course channel 9 and i saw you. i was screaming at you from my hotel room. it was good to see you on tv. >> well, we want to see you in person, gayle. when are you going to come and let us know? we can have dinner, coffee, juice in the morning? >> i would like that. i would like that. i'll give you a heads up next time but it was one of those in and out trips. you know how that goes. >> i i know. but give us a heads up next time so we can plan. have a good show. >> you too, mike. you can come too. >> by, gayle. next time i'll answer when you're screaming out to the tv. last night maintenance to the obamacare website prevented customers from submitting new insurance applications. federal officials asked verizon to.more storage. >> the website was expected to be brought back online when the maintenance was completed. since it was launched earlier this month, has had a number of setbacks. >> secretary kathleen sebelius is scheduled to testify before lawmakers about the problems. kimm cip joins us from capitol hill -- ko im joins us from capitol hill with a preview. some people are calling for her to step down. >> reporter: good morning. it has been a rocky road. questions are going to be who knew what and when and if there were problems, why did the roll jut still happen. -- roll outstill happen. she'll also probably be asked how the updates are going so far and where the. was in all this back on october 1. >> we got to 44 votes, 4 votes now of you trying -- 48 votes now of you trying to dismantle the legislation. you call that cooperation? i don't. >> the white house website says if you want to keep the health insurance you've got you can keep it and now they're being told they can't. that's a lie. >> reporter: the president now under fire for those comments years ago when he said that people could keep their individual health plans. now it appears people are getting cancellation letters. the president also in boston today talking about -- asking people to get some patience with the new affordable care act and its launch. that's because he's in massachusetts touting the 2006 health care law there when in the first month only about 123 people signed up. and when the penalties kicked in, tens of thousands picked up. the president asking for some patience as the rollout continues and he stands by secretary sebelius as she gets ready to get under some tough questioning in the hot seat today. mike, annual dray ya? -- >> mike, andrea? >> thanks, ko. spying on world leaders isn't an uncommon practice. that testimony came from national intelligence director james clap emp. during a -- clapper during a hearing yesterday on capitol hill. he says the u.s. tries to find  out what other world leaders are doing just as other nations try to spy on american officials. today congressional leaders will begin negotiations to try and find a compromise on a budget. house and senate negotiators will hold a first formal negotiations to find a deal before the temporary budget expires january 5 or we could experience another shutdown. today state maryland delegate john cardin plans to introduce a bill to outlaw the practice of revenge porn. that's when someone publishes intimate photos of an ex for no reason other than revenge. the web search turns up plenty of these sites with plenty of the pictures. maryland's general assembly is going to look at cardin's bill early next year. it is 6:35. time for the final your money segment ever the morning. >> did you know americans lose an estimated $50 billion a year to financial fraud schemes? >> jessica has more on ways to avoid becoming a victim of fraud. >> reporter: from pyramid to off shore scams, there's no shortage of fraud attempts out there. the national crime prevention council are trying to make sure consumers know what to look out for. joining me now are ann are a skins and jerry wall -- ann are a skins and jerry wall -- harkins and jerry walsh with some tips. what are some of the common tips and red flags for a fraud scheme? >> there are a number of schemes. ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, stock, pump and dump schemes, all of which sound very scary. the way to prevent them is to check and ask. get expert advice and make sure the people you're talking to are appropriately registered with their states and the sec. >> when it comes to the most common schemes out there, what are some of the approaches that consumers are most likely to see? >> they bombard their targets with influence techniques and it's really all designed to move you from thinking out of your logical brain into your emotional brain. so really the cons are trying to put you under the ether to encourage you to invest in these scams. >> when you look at profiles, abprofiler for us for a moment, who are the people who are most likely to become victims of possible financial fraud? >> this is eye popping, jessica. it's generally -- the most victimized people are males 55 and older who are well educated and financially savvy. >> that was jessica doyle reporting. closing arguments in the sean taylor murder trial are expected to get under way today. >> two days after his arrest, singer chris brown enters rehab. >> wusa9 and dc jobs trying to get you hired. project hope is looking for a development director of health affairs with one to two years experience. want to find out more about this job? go to >> don't forget we're always on at and the wusa9 app. stay with once wrote something on a sheet of paper ♪ the challenge always accepted. and the calling forever answered. ♪ introducing the all-new 2014 s-class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. 6:42 and it is 54 degrees. there's a little rain out there but you took your umbrella down so the showers have stopped here. >> most of the showers are now east of us. we may have a couple here and there between now and 9:00. but i think the bulk of the showers, we've seen them. now we just have to wait for potentially a little bit of sunshine for the afternoon. here is your day planner. we are looking at reagan national now. good visibility. the air is a little damp and we're feeling the scattered showers this morning with some sunshine this afternoon, 65 to 70. i'll give you the hour-by-hour here. 58 degrees at 11:00. still can't rule out a spotty shower again between now and 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 but i think most of what we've seen this morning is going to be the bulk of it. by 1:00 some sunny breaks here and there and also that will be the case for the afternoon. highs in the mid- to upper 60s. southwest of town we could make a run toward 70 degrees in places like culpeper, even fredricksburg not out of the question. moisture this morning in the form of rain showers coming from southern ohio, west virginia, kentucky moving toward the east, southeast. so the bulk of this stays south of us. however, we had showers form right over us. it started out in eastern west virginia and northern virginia here in frederick county. the bulk of it has moved into frederick, maryland, now carroll and ears's of d.c. watch -- areas east of d.c. in la plata a commof light showers there. that will come through eastern charles the next 20 minutes and across southern maryland, calvert county. more moderate showers now just north of where 50 and the beltway come together in prince george's county, back to college park. this is tracking up toward odenton and bowie and laurel. you have a few showers coming out of silver spring headed your way. montgomery county fairly quiet now as your activity has generally moved into howard county. the stuff in frederick has also moved into caroll county except the northern part of the county, thurmont. a couple showers left over there. temperatures are cool but it's the dampness. when you factor in the humidity, it just cuts through you. so 40s and 50s. i'm thinking a middle weight jacket this morning with 51 in eastton and 46 in winchester. 45 at cross junction from steve and jan in reedville 52. good visibility here at reagan national on our michael & son weather camera. cloudy sky. we have 54 degrees and a light south, southeasterly wind at 3 miles an hour. the disturbance bringing us the rain on the wider shot. there's a frontal boundary here. that's going to try to lift to the north the next couple of days. on it there go the showers. by afternoon we're going to see sunny breaks develop. tonight partly to mostly cloudy. not too cool. should be in the 50 to 55 range with a spotty shower. tomorrow morning there's that front lifting to the north with showers in pittsburgh to detroit. then we watch the cold front get closer to us. spotty showers, especially north and west tomorrow afternoon and evening but i think most of the trick or treating is going to be dry. the bulk of the heavier rains will be overnight thursday in toward friday morning. we could have showers and potentially some thunder with the front and then some clearing later on friday behind that front. here's the forecast. today a couple of showers this morning. some breaks this afternoon. tonight 58. a spotty shower mainly north and west tomorrow night into friday. by a yellow alert showers, 72. by saturday 67 degrees. turning chilly on sunday and sunday is when we say goodbye to daylight saving time and hello to standard time. fall back, set the clocks back. monika is excited about the extra hour of sleep. >> of course. hello standard time. we love that extra hour of sleep. you're not going to love what i have to say very much i'm sorry. but on the outer loop of the beltway it is solid from college park at route 1 all the way across into silver spring. the culprit is an accident at route 29 colesville road. it's along the ride side of the roadway and for some time was blocking the two right lanes. let's take a live look the at beltway at colesville road. this is what you should expect basically from route 1 in college park all the way around to silver spring. let's go back to the maps. and this time over to the northbound side of i-95. it's lorton, newington, springfield. the delay, it is incident free as you head northbound on i-95. if you're planning to head on to 395, you're going to be okay to the 14th street bridge. we're going to take a live look one more time outside. this is the beltway at kenilworth avenue. luckily the beltway east side of town in prince george's county is absolutely fine. hey, we're celebrating divali today on the morning show. it's india's new year and the most important holiday of the year. joining me with some divali entertainment is the dj from d.c. vibes. thank you so much for being with us today. we've also got dancers tricia, shr a ya -- dancers tricia and shraya. you are just in high school. talk about entrepreneurs. that's amazing. >> thank you. >> bollywood refers to the movie industry in india. what is bollywood dance? what kind of style is it? >> it derives from the bollywood movie industry but for us and the modern generation in india as well, it's just a fusion of so many different new styles. we incorporate hip hop, contemporary, latin, belly dancing, all these different styles we pull into our dancing as well as into our music. i'm sure you've heard a lot of bollywood music. >> you typically think of it as putting your hands up in the air. >> it's so much more than that. today we're going to be doing more of just a modern fun kind of bollywood mix but we do it with classical, hip cop, ton temporary, -- contemporary, some ballet. they're all just warts of polywood. you can fuse anything into it. >> where -- bollywood. you can fuse anything into it. >> where do you teach? >> we teach in north potomac in gaithersburg but we do private lessons for anyone and set up perform performances. we've been performing for the last two years as a group together and it's fantastic. >> you have a man so men can do it too. >> of course. anyone can from little babies to grandparents to guys, girls, anyone can do it. >> i can imagine it's good exercise. >> it's fantastic. we keep in shape. >> boll -- divali is all about celebration and performance which indians like to do. i can't wait to see your performance. thank you all for being with us. >> thank you for having us. >> take it away, guys. ♪ ♪ ♪ 6:53. we've had showers come through the region. most of that is east of us now. still an isolated shower possible this morning. some sunny breaks this afternoon. it will be mieldz after the morning chill. -- mild after the morning chill. highs between 65 and 70. itself man accused of killing washington redskins safety sean taylor says he never stepped foot in taylor's hope. eric rivera testified yesterday in miami and denies being the triggerman as well. prosecutors say it was rivera who fired the fatal shot in 2007 when he and four friends broke into taylor's florida home. closing arguments are expected to begin today. michael skakel's attorney has filed documents to have his client released on bail. the 53-year-old has spent more than a decade in prison accused of the 1975 murder of martha moxley. last week a judge ordered skakel's conviction to be set aside saying the defense in the trial was inadequate. troubled r&dd singer chris brown is heading to rehab to gain focus into his insight in his past and recent behavior. he was involved in a fight outside the w hotel in northwest sunday and was charged for that. time to answer the question of the morning. 77% of us admit to doing which one of these things at work? is it a, snoop through a coworker's desk, b get drunk at an office party, or c, steal office supplies? >> facebook friend jacqueline murray wrote all of the above but i think everyone was in agreement, the answer is c, stealing supplies. we'll be right back. 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