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a few school closings because of the weather. allegheny public mountain schools are closed in mountain ridge school district. garrett county schools are closed as well snow emergency plan in effect for garrett county they got snow out there by the >> i saw a trace myself yesterday. tony perkens good morning happy new year may i say i am freaking out because of the cold. >> don't -- >> i know i've got like seven layers on the kids today. >> because we are not used to it. going back to school and back to work you wake up here it is. it will be with us for a few days cold temperatures and maybe snow flurries as well this is a look at hd radar we are seeing a bit of snow up north near frederick maryland off to the west manassas, to the north and west, front royal they have snowfalling where you see this snow we are getting reports this is moderate snowfall it is a narrow band of snow and not -- most of you are not getting any snow but where you are getting it, it is a moderate snowfall hence problems we have had also in western maryland they have had snow over the course of the weekened, a lot of snow on the ground in some places why they have the school closings out there. let's look at temperatures around the region, cold start to the day, man, 29 degrees washington, 27 baltimore, winchester 27, ocean city, 28 winds are blowing this morning we have wind chill sustained winds blowing 10 miles per hour in the district, 16 dulles, 9 at baltimore, and they have been gusting up to over 20 miles an hour so that will be a problem today, our wind chill is around 20 degrees right now. forecast today, mix of clouds and sun, rather breezy, and cold, highs only in the low 30s, we are looking for a high of 32 washington, but it will feel like it is in the 20s for some of you perhaps in the teens with the windy conditions and winds gusting up to 35. more details on the forecast coming up in just a little bit right now to julie wright for an update on traffic. >> all right tony sky fox enroute to the accident we found it southbound 270 as you travel south at 28 headed out of rockville accident activity along the left side of the roadway you travel south to 370 you are in the thick of it, left side of the roadway tied up police on the scene southbound along 270, working your way out of rockville. no problems to report if you are continuing along northbound 395 leaving the pentagon, mainline flowing with ease however big delays headed out towards pentagon. northbound, inside the tunnel, v dot on the scene of an accident. that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. thanks julie. it is caucus day in iowa the outcome has almost guaranteed to weed out the field of republican presidential candidates. >> in the meantime white house hopefuls are trying to secure last minute support. >> reporter: recent polls place romney as the front runner while he is keeping an eye on gop rivals he is setting his sights on president obama. >> i watch our president today i don't think he gets it. >> reporter: ron paul is running right behind romney. >> ron paul's supporters are intensely motivated, absolutely certain that he is a political messiah that will solve all our problems. >> reporter: newt gingrich is hoping last minute support will give him a boost while rick forry is not giving up the fight. >> i will make you this one task you have my back tomorrow at the caucuses i will have your back next four years in washington dc. >> reporter: michelle bachmann is almost admitting she faces long odds. >> we are going to see a miracle. >> reporter: while rick santorum hopes to shake up the race. >> i know a lot of people make light of the iowa caucuses as you will see tomorrow night it will have a huge impact on this race. >> reporter: perhaps the biggest impact of all is that caucuses will ultimately weed out a crowded field. >> i think several of them after iowa will have exhausted themselves used up their resources not have done well here and will decide this is really not for me i don't have any other place to go. >> reporter: now live here in des moines, there is a lot of talk this is the most volatile caucus since the advent of polling in fact, 41% of registered republicans in iowa have still not decided who they are voting for with hours to go that leaves things very much still up in the air live in des moines, jennifer davis, fox news. you talk about weeding out potential candidates who stands to gain the most with a surprise showing in iowa? >> reporter: well, i think rick santorum is hoping to get a big enough boost he can go higher than third that would be a story tonight also newt gingrich you know he made news yesterday when he say i just don't think i am going to win in iowa he came out later and said he has certainly taken a beating he is one who would love to see some of those undecided go his way. >> jenny is in des moines, president obama has been in hawaii, headed back now his focus on iowa, first family due to touchdown at andrews airforce base any time now returning home from 10 days in hawaii. tonight he will host a live web chat with supporters in iowa, and then tomorrow he is off to cleveland to talk with voters about the economy. stacy cohen with more on this and his latest approval rating. >> reporter: well, good morning again steve. i can tell you the president did have a relatively low key family vacation in hawaii, president obama, first lady michelle and his two daughters did board the plane for an overnight flight to return home here to washington and top on the agenda is election year politics that have taken place he has taken a backseat to all the fighting going on in battles among republicans now the iowa caucuses are under way, the president does have a lot to say we do have a new poll out, a gallup poll reports 43% approval rating for president obama and 48% of those polled disprove of the job that he is doing he will host a live web chat with supporters in iowa this evening, heading off to cleveland tomorrow as he returns home, there is much business to tend to here the very same issue that went right up to the presidential holiday, the payroll tax cut will rear its head again as congress passed only a 2 month extension on that tax cut there is much for the president to discuss there. the upcoming state of the union address during his hawaiian vacation he was brainstorming about ideas for that address he will deliver that on january 24th. back to you. a scary afternoon comes to an end in montgomery county in a neighbourhood after a wild police chase stops outside neighbors homes this began yesterday when police tried to pull over a man for questioning about a domestic dispute he took off leading police through wheat on maryland into the aspen hill area, of silver spring the suspect crashed into a cruiser and utility poll in a neighbourhood with several kids playing outside. >> i heard a big crash and all these kids playing out front including my son ran into my house, all real scared. >> reporter: officers say they found drugs and guns in the suspect's car he is in custody but police are not releasing his name charges are still pending. wood bridge man behind bars after being charged with cutting the brake lines of his girlfriend's car the 23-year- old woman was driving with her 2-year-old son when she realized brakes were not working properly she took the car to a repair shop where they told her someone tampered with the lines. the culprit was her baby's father, this is part of an ongoing domestic issue between the couple. >> fairfax county police investigating the discovery of a man's body in alexandria, two boaters found the body monday morning floating. no ward on the man's identity norcause of death. still ahead, an update on the future of the auto industry >> chef costly logo change for the district fire department why some firefighters say it caused them to shell out hundreds of dollars. >> fight to legalize online gambling getting a major boost why it is about when and who not if. pgh >> as we take you to the break live lookout side, yep, folks are back to business steve. we will get the latest weather and traffic from tony and julie next 9 minutes after the hour now ♪ more and more folks are trying out snapshot from progressive. a totally different way to save on car insurance. the better you drive, the more you can save. no wonder snapshot's catching on. plug into the savings you deserve with snapshot from progressive. since time began. not anymore. fiber one is bringing brownies back. at 90 calories, the only thing between you and chocolaty brownies... ♪ a nicely designed package. ♪ you can have brownies again. fiber one 90 calorie brownies. in the granola bar aisle. caramel...pretzel 90 calorie bar. ♪ we check headlines we start on the west coast still don't know the official motive for 50 suspected arson attacks in los angeles, they arrested a german man, who resembles the picture seen on one video. authorities in washington state confirm a body found on the slopes of mount rainier, national park is the man suspected of gunning down and killing a park ranger, the body was partially submerged in an icy, snowy, mountain creek authorities say he was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and one tennis shoe he fled to the remote park to hide after a shooting that critically injured four people. speedy recovery for the auto industry after hitting a 30 year low in 2009, in a report due out tomorrow automakers are expected to experience growth the forecast this year looking better. experts say the result of easier credit, low interest rates and demand created by the recession. that is good news. right in the new year. >> yeah. >> people spending money. >> that's right. >> still holding on to my 1999 ride. >> you are too. >> but i will update myself. >> do you think this year? >> no. >> maybe next year. >> yeah, mine is not quite as old but i am holding on to mine. >> no sense to do it. >> if it is still running you are in good shape. >> get the buses cranked up as the kids return to school it is january 3rd, we've got your bus stop forecast, dress the kids warmly, yeah. look at your temperatures in the 20s. primarily, and it is breezy, down right windy in some locations cold start to the day kids need to be bundled up sunrise occurring in a little bit, 12 minutes, 7:27 a.m., temperatures across the region, 30 degrees here in washington, it is cold across the east look at cincinnati, 16 degrees, detroit 19, boston 28 degrees, rochester 13, definitely a cold start to the day, here it is though, wintertime after all, and check it out, out to the west, minneapolis, 11 but we are not alone omaha 20, wichita 28 degrees even miami at 54 degrees, some parts of florida, expecting temperatures in the 20s, in some northern portions of florida, overnight last night and tomorrow night or tonight i should say as well. very cold air, in place across most of the u.s., here is a look at satellite radar, pretty quiet conditions we do have some snow, off to the north and west, moderate snowfall, narrow bands, moderate snowfall most of the nation, quiet for today, your forecast next five days high today, 32 degrees breezy conditions, wind chills 20s during the daytime hours, we could see snow flurries this morning tomorrow 35 degrees, thursday 44 partial sunshine, friday upper 40s then on saturday, mid-50s at this point, saturday looks to be pretty decent. that is a look at what is happening with weather more coming up in a bit. >> see julie stick with that 5 day and keep it on riding. today is day 77 tomorrow day 76. mm-hmm. >> i am counting those down to summer. thanks for flying girl hitting me up on twitter literally sitting in bumper to bumper traffic, found the accident, 225, howard road. traffic is grid locked southeast as you travel northbound, malcolm x avenue to anacostia bridges, chopper brad trying to do his best to stay warm, southbound, 28, accident activity rockville moved over to the shoulder lanes are open as expected we've got delays stacking up in german town out of gaithersburg, 370 headed towards that lane divide accident activity, 28 moved to the shoulder wall to wall traffic coming along the mainline. northeast to northwest, as you continue in toward the 3rd street tunnel, you will find inbound route 50 on the brakes, leaving 410 out of river dale towards chevrolet. delays, i-95 improving here in newing on the still below speed as you head across the occoquan. baltimore native who donated millions to make a difference has died he founded a new york based investment management firm and donated ' million dollars to johns hop kins in 2006 to start the carrie school of business and another $30 million to the university of maryland's law school since renamed in his honor. william polk carrie was 81 years old. >> dc firefighters, upset over a mandatory change on rules on their work clothing they have to pay for new winter clothes themselves or could be in big trouble. rob slater is following this story. >> reporter: fresh new round of controversy over the dc fire department logo change among the rank and file. fox got a copy of an internal memo saying as of january 21st, 2012 wearing the old dc fd logo on outer wear will not be tolerated members who do not comply would face disciplinary action. this firefighter who spoke based on the condition we would not identify him said it is happening the worst possible time dead of winter. >> we had to purchase our sweat shirts, jackets, over coats, hats, everything and all that all said dc on the back now everything that we spent money on over the last many many years, is now null and void. >> he says members will be allowed to wear plain blue outer wear but still can't use this jacket with the plain black because it has an out dated logo on the front. but a spokesman said firefighters have known about the change since last june and the memo was a reminder. the city's new fire chief said he wanted the logo to include ems all the city's fire crews and ambulances will have the logo and they will pay for the change on fire fighting gear but other clothing is the responsibility of individual firefighters estimated cost, 3 to $400 each. what is not fair is they have to go spend more of their own money just to come to work. >> that was rose slater reporting the fire department spokesperson said they knew this was coming as for the disciplinary action it would be up to the discretion of the chief. virginians will be able to weigh in on governor mcdonald's proposed two year state budget. they are holding regional public hearings this week there will be one in big stone gap thursday and friday fairfax county new port news, lexington and richmond. >> looks like online gambling will become fully legal in the united states the main focus now is whether to have each state have its own system or make it a national law a recent u.s. justice department opinion opened the door for cash strapped states and lotteries to bring online gambling to residents as long as it does not involve sports betting. it is 7:21 a.m. on tuesday morning, check ups during pregnancy tend to focus around the mid-section a growing debate is questioning who should have a gland in their neck tested. also, new years resolution if it is to travel more or be a bit more adventurous, we have you covered annie is showing us there is plenty to experience in our backyard. she is live at terrapin adventures. we will check with her later on ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. ahh... so much better than last year. [ both screaming ] throw the food out the window! throw the food out the window! [ growling ] never again. everyone deserves a great vacation at a great price. get on board a carnival cruise 7:25 a.m. ups getting ready for a busy couple days, today expected to be the busiest day for returning gifts that you got over the holidays, the company expects to handle a record number of returns more than a half million. electronics and clothing are the most popular items sent back. >> pressure increasing for doctors to end the controversy over thyroid problems in pregnancy research goes an under active thyroid can raise a woman's risk for the baby serious cases are treated with a hormone pill the concern is over mild cases recent study found 15% of pregnant women had an under active thyroid mostly mild cases some doctors say they would treat all cases others say there is little evidence treating the mild cases makes a difference. does your child need a boost in the classroom the key could be exercise. a new study shows a lot of physical activity is not only good for their health it may improve their grade researchers say exercise increases blood and oxygen flow to the brain which may play a role in improving classroom performances. >> bring back gym. 7:26 a.m., 29 degrees outside on a tuesday morning, still ahead the latest from iowa. >> mitt romney says he h come out on top, ron paul not feeling so hot about his chances and rick santorum looking past iowa. we will get you caught up as the candidates make the final push pgh >> as we take you to break live lookout side the latest weather, from traffic and traffic from tony and julie coming up next.  thanks, mom. who are you calling "mom"? dunkin' sausage pancake bites, delicious like mom's, only easier to carry -- get three for $1.59. with flu complications. lysol disinfectant spray is approved to kill over 50 germs on surfaces. this includes cold and flu viruses. so we recommend using lysol every day. if you love feel good pet stories you will feel good about this one. that is boo the golden retriever got trapped in a frozen lake the good news he is alive and doing well this morning. he has a friend trying to help out as well this is what dogs do they don't leave their friends behind this is thank it is a good samaritan. he got out of the owners backyard and jumped into the partially frozen water but couldn't get out he got frozen in there the woman who saw it, called for help there you see boo and his friend doing just fine helping warm each other up. >> that is a great story i feel so good now. >> that is in colorado, no snow but temperatures are just about as cold. >> temps 20s, around 30 degrees for the most part in our area this morning, and that is going to be about it for today, our projected high for today is only 2 degrees warmer than where we are now. that is when you know it will be a cold day. let's jump in take a look at what is going on out there. temperatures across the region. we have made up to 30 degrees here in dc let's see quantico virginia 30, frederiksburg 30, much of the rest of the area is in the 20s, 28 degrees leonard town, gaithersburg 28 degrees factor in winds which are blowing around 10 miles an hour or so, here is what it feels like wind chill 21 here in dc, 23 quantico, 15 gaithersburg 18 baltimore feels like 12 degrees up in hagerstown where they have had some snow early this morning. here is a look at satellite radar composite for the region, plenty of clouds although off to the east, the skies aren't that cloudy, at least it does not appear that way on our satellite radar composite off to the west plenty of clouds these streamers coming off the great lakes, lake-effect snow has brought moderate snowfall to portions of western maryland and north and west of the general washington area, into the panhandle west virginia, across some portions of pennsylvania as well i i would not rule out snow flurries, popping up closer to dc, can't rule it out for the morning hours into the early afternoon today. forecast today looks like this mix of clouds and sun breezy, cold your high 32 degrees winds gusting up to 25 it will feel like 20s for much of the day, some of you may feel like you are in the teens then tonight, even colder, under partly cloudy skies, overnight low 20 degrees in town, so many of you will be in the teens outside of town. 5 day forecast tomorrow another cold day highs only in the 30s for thursday, 44 degrees, we warm up a little bit friday and saturday, saturday mid-50s but that is short lived sunday, i think we will be back into the mid-40s. enjoy saturday if we can keep that there in the mid-50s that is a look at weather now julie wright and get an update on traffic. >> all right tony we find the crew in sky fox mcclean virginia where we received a report of possibly a pedestrian struck this will be in mcclean, south of chain bridge road, symphony lane south of chain bridge road obviously an ambulance on the scene fire truck a couple vehicles appear to have been involved in the incident with police on the scene no word about injuries or what happened at this location it was reported this accident scene involved an accident that was struck we will bring you more information as it becomes available you need to know davidson road, symphony lane, remains shut down until further notice. >> as we get back inside we will update the ride, northbound i-95, volume delays, newington headed out toward it is capital belt way, seminary road you will find yourself on and off the brakes inner loop of the belt way headed up towards 66 inbound new york avenue no incidents to report. traffic flows as you work your way in, 14 out of river dale and then 295, before howard road for the accident scene. that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. all political eyes on the hawk eye state this morning as the iowa caucuses get under way joining us with a preview, paul singer good morning to you. so this is the day we've started early with the contests. >> here we are. what are we likely to see in your opinion. >> looks like we are coming down to the top tier, looks like romney is in the top tier possibly ron paul is in the top tier interesting to see who the third person is whether gingrich or santorum, if it is santorum, it is a big victory for santorum if gingrich is not on the top tier it is a real blow for him it will be one of these things where everyone now the interesting part will be not only the numbers but the spin that comes out. >> i find the newt gingrich story such a fascinating almost a microcosm of this whole thing. you are hot one day next day you are not doing well. what is happening. >> keep in mind no body has cast a vote yet, in the nine months we have been playing this game, what we've had is polls, and media stories and advertisements the advertisements against newt have been negative media stories not strong frankly he doesn't have a lot of support even in washington amongst the republican establishment they thing he is a flawed candidate he saw a bubble rise and then crest and said himself he doesn't expect to win iowa today. >> might that bubble start to ascend again >> i doubt it my suspicion is when you get out of iowa you have your primary candidates i expect romney he may only take 25% of the votes in iowa it may be enough to win this time around four years ago he got the same vote but lost to huckabee because all their conservatives got onboard with huckabee. this time around it is likely to be more unclear definition of who these anti romney candidates are. if gingrich is in the top tier that is good for him now we go to new hampshire where romney is a favorite and then south carolina, it is not clear who has the organization to win there then florida by the end of january we will have several major nominating contests and romney is the only one we know to be positioned well in each of those it is hard to see where anybody else really rises out of that bubble. >> when we talk about the candidates we pop up the heads of all of these candidates what happens, say february 1st, how many heads pop up when we talk about who is still in this race >> i don't know, the way the republicans have rejiggered their nominating process the theory was it might take longer to determine, it will take longer to add up all the delegates. >> there are the pop up heads. >> yeah. >> i think if romney does win iowa and wins new hampshire and if he wins in south carolina it is hard to imagine anybody else, and then florida by the end of the month it is entirely possible he has it wrapped up by the end of january, even if some of the other candidates, like ron paul will still go through the process of taking 10, 15% or 20% in each contested primary but i think a lot of candidates, will just drop off they don't have the money can't raise the money. >> this is an expensive venture. >> it is. >> people who aren't fairing so well now why do they stay in? is this the after life the book tour the speaking tour? >> well, once you have stood up and said i believe i am the most qualified to be president of the united states, at what point do you then turn around and look in the mirror and say okay well, maybe not me. that must be a very very hard thing to do particularly when writing checks and saying i believe in you you are the one go. it is tough you are making an argument very few people can make they could be the leader of the free world, it must be tough to decide suddenly maybe i am not. >> maybe not. let's talk about john hunts man how interesting is it that he is basically said i am moving on to new hampshire, i don't want to use the word negatively but ignoring iowa. >> you just started that sentence no one else has said in the past week and a half let's talk about john hunts man you play to your strengths in all political battles you play to your strengths knowing this was not his strength he chose to play to his strength, it is a calculated risk maybe he will pull off something dramatic in iowa, again, one big win can suddenly boost your media bubble, you can become the candidate due jour. if you are not going to win in iowa, maybe your best bet is not contest it, play something else. >> got him on saturday night live this weekend. >> there you go >> chef >> happy new year. >> you too. >> steve over to you. >> 7:38 a.m. on tuesday morning still ahead, five attacks in just two hours police in new york city step up efforts to find a man on a fire bomb rampage. >> wild day in college football we will recap some of the games all next ♪ i'm feelin', feelin' a sunny day ♪ ♪ sunny day ♪ i'm feelin', feelin' the taste i crave ♪ ♪ subway ♪ i'm makin' it, makin' it how i like ♪ ♪ it's meant to be ♪ i'm feelin' subway ♪ i'm feelin' subway today [ male announcer ] hey, capital area! are you feelin' subway®? then heat up your day with the big hot pastrami melt! it's fresh toasted and piled-high with pastrami, then topped with pickles, mustard, and cheese. head into a subway® restaurant today for this melty, mouthwatering sub! ♪ i'm feelin' subway ♪ let's go making headlines this tuesday we begin overseas where egyptians are voting in the third round of that country's first particle meantry election following the ousting of mubarak. liberal and secular groups that led the up rising that forced mubarak from power have performed poorly in the elections. closer to home in new york city several suspected arson fires being investigated as possible hate crimes, there you can see that was an attack sunday night someone threw a molotov cocktail as worshipers gathered for a dinner. no arrests have been made. aerosmith's front man, steven tyler is engaged congratulations. >> wow. the 63-year-old confirmed monday he is ready to walk down that aisle once again the rocker plans to marry his long time girlfriend they have been dating for five years, erin brady, tyler is also a judge of course on american idol, we hope he is back i don't know why i said that i haven't heard anything differently. >> the big question, we discussed how old she is. >> 38 years old. >> what is that difference? >> he is 63. >> wow. >> 25 years. >> we all thought she was much younger than that >> i hoped she was 58 me and karen here on the floor. >> keep dreaming. >> they have been together five years, good for them. >> it is his third marriage not bad for a rocker. >> for 63. >> yeah. >> okay >> all right. >> let's take a look. walk this way. >> i want to start with -- we are back together everybody. >> random out bursts of song. >> hd radar let me show you a couple little bands of snow here and there, near columbia maryland off to your west, and then off to our south and west, seeing some snow, also up north of towel son so you know these are just random bands of snow coming through we will continue to see this in some of these bands as narrow as these are, there is moderate snowfall it will look intense for a little while and pass through can't rule it out more of you may see snow flurries, future cast today, here is what we are looking at chance of snow coming through during the course of the morning hours, there you go just a little bit here and there off to your east out at sea that is cold air over the water there, that is not precipitation, right around the washington area, off to our west you saw brief snow flurry come through that is about it for today, five day forecast look for a high today, 32 degrees yeah, that is it and it will be rather breezy wind chills in the 20s, there is the rest of your five day forecast that is a look what is happening with weather more coming up in a bit. let's check with julie wright see if folks are back to work. >> yeah, and unfortunately backed up around the belt way word of a possible accident near 202. troubles headed into southeast washington accident activity occurred on the northbound side of 295 as you make your way up towards howard road the left side is able to get by that is keeping you on the brakes, average speed malcolm x avenue, 14 miles an hour as you head inbound towards the 11th street bridge. top side of the belt way, below speed, leaving 95, college park all lanes here are open you will find southbound along 270 accident activity cleared, expect a back up montgomery village avenue doesn't look too bad headed around the curve, towards seminary road. that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. >> time for a look at sports capitals host the calgary flames tonight. alex ovechkin named the nhls second star of the week for last week. in four games he scored five goals. basketball washington wizards looking for their first win they fell to the celtics last night, 100-92 to drop to 0 and 5, coach sanders was ejected less than two minutes into the game for arguing a noncall wizards are the only winless team in the nba. >> college football virginia tech taking on michigan wolverines tonight in bcs sugar bowl game time set for 8:30 p.m., a bunch of games yesterday here is a recap. third ranked oklahoma state won its first trip to a bcs bowl, beating standeford, fiesta bowl, stanford's luck played well, throwing for two touchdowns, cowboys kicked a 22- yard goal. grand daddy of them, wisconsin, oregon playing, soaring over the ducks defense, also a bit of a shoot out, oregon gos on to beat wisconsin, final score, 45-38 most points scored in a rose bowl game. >> michigan state, georgia down in tampa, state down 15-0 at the half spartans battle back with just 30 seconds left, bell runs it into the touchdown forces overtime back and forth until triple overtime georgia attempting a 47-yard field goal to stay in the game it is blocked spartans win, 43-30. >> another one al? >> yeah,. >> interim coach tom bradly facing houston. case set all kinds of records, 500-yards passing, 3 touchdowns no defense on that play 20th ranked cougars beat penn state 30-14, houston finished 13 and 1 and state ends 9 and 4. >> thanks steve. >> you are welcome. unique outdoor experience in maryland fun for the entire family and a little cold. >> just a bit. >> annie yu is live at terrapin adventures good morning. >> good morning alison and steve. cold are you kidding me? it is snowing, can you see the flurries, believe it or not people still come out during the winter. we will show you all the fun things they have out here adventure wise, a zip line, ropes course we will talk all about it coming up in just a bit pgh >> thanks annie. time to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day cheryl holden she is a red skins fan who is married to a cowboys fan so they are pretty bummed right now as a couple. could be awkward in that house some times but if you want to be tomorrow's fan of the day find us on facebook, searching fox 5 morning news. then post a comment under cheryl's photo have a good day thanks for watching we will be right back . guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury ham and cheese crescents. with just a few ingredients, you have an easy dinner. pillsbury ham and cheese crescents. school night ideas made easy. still holding your resolution for this year. >> have i made one. >> did you? >> not really. >> it is easy not to break it if you didn't make one. if you are determined to make 2012 more advera which you know rows we have you hooked -- adventurous we have you hooked up >> annie is discovering what terrapin adventures is this morning i see it is snowing. >> reporter: yeah, it is coming down quick right now i don't know, that is pretty adventurous being out here in the cold and snow people still come out here to this location joining me now is matt baker chief adventure officer here at terrapin adventures, it is clearly snowing people still come out here and enjoy all the zip lines. >> absolutely a couple years ago during a giant blizzard 150 came out for our romantic adventure weekened coming up this february. >> reporter: amazing what do you offer here. we are open for people 8 to 80 and we do -- we have our adventure course here we have jason going around on the high ropes challenge course. >> reporter: like spiderman hey, jason. >> hi. >> so we have the high ropes course, it has three levels up to 40 feet in the air, the giant swing hopefully you will try later. >> reporter: yes, maybe. >> maybe we also have our zip lines, 130 feet long, nice and then our climbing tower 12 ways up and down including head first down what we call during the rainbow serpent because you are going down, upside down. >> reporter: but you also offer a lot more. >> yes, we have other tours our philosophy is you want to spend your time doing the adventure not getting to it, we have kayak tours, mountain bike tours, geocashing you use hand held gps to find buried treasure, horseback riding, sailing wind surfing all kinds of things. >> reporter: like a vacation in your backyard. >> staircase. >> reporter: how long have you been out here? a little over 40,000 people, our third year we are growing nicely. >> reporter: what do you thing people get most out of coming out here? well, you know, they conquer their sense of some fear, overcoming their fears just enjoy being together enjoying the wonders of central maryland outdoors there is a lot to offer besides the recreation people that we have, leisure guests we do a lot of exper reason shall learning people come out as a corporate group, school groups, and we want want them to go to the low ropes course here. during the exper reason shall learning programs we get them outside their comfort zone and work on building trust improving communication, stimulating problem solving and collaborating together s when you are outside your normal cubicle office, school environment, it is amazing what happens in terms of the interactions and all of a sudden people get -- they may work with each other for a long time but don't know each other and this provides a stimulus to make that happen. >> well, it is clearly snowing and windy out here do you ever close. >> we close in lightning storms and winds over 40 miles an hour but we will go in the snow and rain and if you are adventure and we are too. >> got it. >> looks like an amazing course we will try et out next hour log on to there are some height and weight requirements to try out some of these activities back to you in studio. >> annie thank you so much. >> it is cold out there but that will warm you up the fear factor might -- >> they call it adrenaline. >> yes, the fear but could be adrenaline. 7:56 a.m., couple minutes before 8:00 a.m. ahead at 8 he has already helped many people get a grip on their finances dave ramsay will share effective tips for digging out of debt and sticking with that plan coming up 8:15 a.m. what in the world is this? >> just wait it gets better. >> also after 8 a fun and creative way to get in shape and stay in shape. tucker takes us on a karaoke ride ? not yet. i want to buy used but how do you know what you're really getting. check out carmax. all their used cars are guaranteed. that's where henderson found the one for him. way to go, henderson. finding the perfect car is easy at carmax because each car is carefully selected, inspected, thoroughly reconditioned and backed with a five-day money back guarantee so come find the one for you today, at carmax. way to go, neil. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. just 12 hours from now io with a voters will gatt -- iowa voters will gather. two thirds of caucus voters are undecided. i am steve chenevey. >> i am alison seymour here is tony with the latest on the chilly forecast. >> we have snow flurries out there as well. hd radar -- sorry regular radar you saw earlier the live shot with annie, you can see around savage maryland, snow showers coming through. we are seeing snow flurries, shower activity in some cases moderate coming down pretty good some of you getting it not everyone is. regan national airport reporting a temperature 30 degrees, relative humidity 46%, windy, winds out of the northwest, 12 miles per hour your forecast today, going to be a cold one mix of clouds and sun highs today only into the low 30s. breezy conditions, winds could gust up to 25 miles an hour which will make it feel like it is in the 20s. actual air temperature should be low 30s this afternoon. more details on the forecast coming up. thanks tony. hi julie. >> hey, you guys seriously this is what is happening downtown damascus right now or happened a few moments ago. tony and tucker have been talking about that weather, wet stuff on the road following tracks person in front of you at this point again, light covering, light dusting that is what tony was talking about downtown damascus, trying to head back into german town allow extra time on the roads. other side of town you will find trouble in southeast washington that is the accident activity, northbound as you approach your exit, howard road, traffic will get by, malcolm x avenue, now down to 14 miles an hour inner loop of the belt way, 66 that will cost you time with a 16 minute commute. finally tentie wants get to decide which gop candidate they would like to see run against president obama. for some it is a burst of momentum for others it could be the end of the road. >> reporter: good morning alison and steve this is a race that is so close it could end in a photo finish but who can decide at this point there have been so many ups and downs this is the day republican candidates have been waiting for voters of iowa will decide which one of the candidates will win tonight's iowa caucuses. after a year of intense retail politics, candidates meeting gop voters in iowa, face to face and series of debates it is now the people's turn to act. many voters will attend tonight's caucuses still unsure about who they will vote for. >> making it any candidates race to win, because of that, no candidate can be sure if their hard campaigning worked including front runners mitt romney and ron paul. >> get out there and vote tomorrow, i need every vote, get your friends to do the same. still undecideds out there we keep the phones going and keep activity going and crowds keep turning out, so i guess we will keep doing it until the last minute. >> recent polls show rick santorum is emerging as a favorite among evangelicals and conservatives he could prove to be an iowa surprise. >> we've raised a lot more money in the last three or four days than the last three or four months this has been a great surge for us and expect it to continue. >> while newt gingrich a few weeks ago was the front runner and is now trailing he says negative ads have hurt his chances in iowa. >> i don't think anybody else in this campaign could have take on the sheer volume of negative ads and still be in the race i am proud of the people of iowa for seeing through the attacks and negativity. >> reporter: still with half the voters in iowa saying they are undecided, it is anybody's guess who will win the big test of 2012. >> we saw newt gingrich wednesday night ron paul friday and mitt romney yesterday. i think i just decided. one of the few who has decided who she will vote for in tonight's caucuses tony and alison if you want to know -- sorry, steve and alison if you want to foe who might win tonight check with tony about tonight's weather in the hawk eye state the weather could prove to be the factor. now keep in mind, iowa is always cold this time of year but have had no snow, no inclement weather now a good turn out could go for mitt romney because of the weather that appears to be good. if the weather turns to be something bad, then you can expect voters who support ron paul to show up in drove, so let's keep an eye on what kind of weather factors in here, in terms of deciding it is still unpredictable, still anybody's race. >> interesting. keep an eye on the weather. >> we will check with tony then kelly. kelly wright on capital hill. >> as far as president obama and the first family back in washington arriving an hour ago after a 10 day holiday trip to hawaii. president will waste little time getting back in front of voters tonight, the president will host a live web chat with supporters in iowa as the caucuses are unfolding, stacy cohen is live outside the white house with more on that. stacy good morning. >> reporter: good porning alison. the president and his -- morning alison, the president and his family were in hawaii as part of their annual family vacation that has come to an end the 10 day vacation will now turn into president obama inserting himself into this political race republicans have been very busy with what is happening in iowa, president obama wants to make himself known there is a new poll out this morning gallup poll says 43% approve of the president's job that he is doing while 48% disprove and president obama wants to make sure that his presence is felt early in this race he is going to have a live web chat with supporters in iowa tonight, tomorrow he is off to cleveland where he will talk about the the economy and he has much work still to do here in washington that payroll tax cut that bumped into the presidential vacation last month will rear its head again soon congress passed only a two month extension that debate is certainly on his plate of things to do also he has to plan for the state of the union address we are told there was brainstorming about that and the content of that address on vacation in hawaii he must deliver that january 24th. i am stacy cohen back to you. >> scary afternoon comes to an end for montgomery county neighbors, police tried to pull over a man for questioning about a domestic dispute he took off leading police through wheaton into the aspen hill area of silver spring the chase ended when the suspect hit a police cruiser and utility pole. >> he crashed into the police car, and of course they all came out with their guns drawn, and he had his hands up and he was petary fied he fell on the ground and then they came and apprehended him. >> police officers say they found drugs and guns in the suspect's car he is in custody police are not releasing his name the charges in the case are still pending. >> virginia mother involved in a dangerous situation she was in her car with her toddler when she discovered her brakes were not working. someone had cut the brake lines police know who did it. wisdom martin has the details. >> reporter: 36-year-old kevin riley of wood bridge virginia in jail charged with cutting the brake line of his girlfriend's car. kevin's younger sister, brook says the situation looks worse than it is she says kevin has been the sole provider for my 2- year-old nephew and has testimony prayer custody the mother was allowed to -- temporary custody the mother was allowed to babysit at his home with the agreement she would not leave, december 30th, before 10:00 a.m., a 23-year- old woman and her 2-year-old son got into a car in this wood bridge neighbourhood. >> the victim reported she and her 2-year-old child got into a vehicle and were attempting to go -- leave and she noticed there was an issue with her brakes. >> reporter: she was having trouble stopping the car she took it to a repair shop they told her the brake line had been cut investigators later determined her boyfriend is the one who cut it. >> she had a previous domestic encounter with the accused over an ongoing issue and it was determined he was the one who cut the brake line. >> reporter: his sister brooke explains what happened saying he was afraid she was going to leave he didn't sever the brake line he pulled it loose his intention was to make sure she would not leave by disabling the car. riley was charged with two counts of malicious wounding. a court date for the suspect is not yet set. >> 9 minutes after 8:00 a.m. on tuesday morning while we are dealing with cold weather other parts of the country are dealing with snow. we are dealing with that now too. we will take a look at the mess the snow has left behind. >> dave ramsay money expert and author of a new book joins us live with financial tips for digging out of the holiday spending mess and saving money in the new year. we will talk with him next stay with us thanks, mom. who are you calling "mom"? dunkin' sausage pancake bites, delicious like mom's, only easier to carry -- get three for $1.59. with the lysol no-touch hand soap system healthy hands can be automatic. for healthy tips and more, visit >> outside it is chilly out there, down right cold in some places there is the hypothermia hotline at the bottom of your screen if you know someone who is in need. they got that up and running because of the cold temperatures overnight if you see someone who needs help call. we are not the only ones dealing with winter like weather. >> dry ridge kentucky, icy conditions lead to a 41 car pile up yesterday. check out that mess. 8 people were hurt in this, none of those injuries life threatening. >> similar scene, indianapolis, unexpected snowfall caused several pile ups on the road beginning of the afternoon rush hour, a lot of folks go home for the holiday at least 12 tractor trailers were involved in that mess. >> to florida it is not snow and ice causing dangerous conditions it is the cold. workers at butterfly world in coconut creek are trying to capture 9,000 butterflies to bring them indoors if it gets too cold outside, butterflies will not be able to themselves. >> so cold in florida that guy had to wear short sleeves. >> right he didn't have a tank top on. >> apparently not. temps in the 40s. big news in florida, temps in 20s here the same. >> i am just saying tony perkens joining us we need a warm up if you have one. >> not today, well, i do in the form of the my first 5 photo of the day. got it. let's take a look here is your my first 5 photo of the day. this is keshon you know what, as is often the case with the littlest kids looks like he had more fun with the wrapping paper than the gifts for christmas. >> kids love that wrapping paper. >> is it the noise. >> i think it is noise and typically so colorful. >> he is a cutie pie. >> hope you had a per merry christmas and happy new year. if you want to send us your child's picture go to click on mornings. let's take a look at the national map, 30 degrees here in washington parts of the area, 20s this morning cold start to the day, and you know it is cold pretty much everywhere, temps teens, 20s. much of the country, denver of all places at 42 degrees, 19 in st. louis, pardon me, chicago, 13 degrees salt lake city 28 degrees iowa by the way cold there, but they don't expect wintery weather in iowa. here is a look at satellite radar, as you can see might have clouds come through, that is about it where the caucuses are tonight, most of the nation, we are seeing snow showers here in the mid- atlantic region and some of that snow has accumulated in parts of western maryland. your forecast today and next five days today's high only 32 degrees, cold breezy day, wind chills 20s today, mix of sun and clouds tomorrow, not as breezy, not quite as cold, 35, but a mix of sun and clouds again, 44 thursday more seasonable, friday upper 40s. saturday, brief respite mid-50s and then drop down into the 40s sunday. that is a look at what is happening with weather, tucker barnes will be here with your next weather cast. >> julie. >> still surprised i am here. >> i knew you were obligated to come back. >> contracts are made to be broken. >> well, don't say that. >> just ask kim kardashian. we didn't get a chance to talk about it last time around this is a live shot, traffic coming out of downtown damascus. by contrast it is a lot different here than on the belt way, on the belt way it is nice and clear shoulder to shoulder don't see white stuff on the ground, a light dusting, that is what you will find allow extra time out the front door be careful watch your speed again, kind of slippery here and there, make sure you clean off your cars, some people have done that some have not. again proceed with caution. other side of town we are still cleaning up accident activity, 295, for those travelling northbound trying to get into southeast washington again northbound 295, howard road move to the left to get by, average speed for the delay leaving malcolm x avenue, down to 14 miles per hour inner loop of the belt way, between bradock road and 66 that is a 16 minute commute there, and van dooren and eisenhower avenue, you are down to 33 miles for hour. if you are bracing for the holiday bills to start coming in the mail you will want to pay attention to our next guest he says most people fail at their new years resolutions but you can go against the trend following a few simple steps joining us now from nashville, money expert, dave ramsay how are you? >> reporter: better than i deserve steve thanks for having me. >> before we talk about new years explain the title of the new book >> it is about how to run a business, entrepreneurism and leadership how we grew our business from a card table in my living room to 320 something team members. >> follow your lead we should be in good shape >> i hope so. >> it is time for me to get back to the gym, putting together a financial plan has to be at the top. >> i noticed at the gym, by valentines day, 45 days everybody is gone there is no problem getting on the machine you want to get on same thing can happen with your finances really you've got to create this internal turmoil, this healthy level of disgust, sounds like we make two freaking much money to be this broke and really get committed to changing the way you handle your money. >> what is the first step? how do we do it? some of these things you are talking about are drastic means. >> once you've got that level of disgust this level of internal passion to motivate you to really change then of course you need a plan you need a road map that is the dreaded b word the budget. yeah, we got to write it down if you don't tell your money what to do you will always wonder where it went you have to happen to your money or at least, people who do a written plan these are people with masters degrees, people who make a lot of money, people who haven't got a lot of education doesn't matter when you start writing it down, the money starts behaving, and you get a sense of power over it. >> seems just like dieting when you write down all the bad stuff you eat you see it on the paper you tend to change your ways a bit. >> exactly you are making a list down there and look down there is a student loan before around so long you thing it is a pet this thing needs to die. sally mae needs to move out of the spare bedroom we've got to get rid of this debt you start having discussions where is the money going it is like budget cuts in congress it can get violent at first the truth is it gets you to where you need to go you identify the problem areas. >> >> dave johnson: dave, dave, you had me until congress. we realize we have been going about this wrong we want to do this better, where do we make cuts once we see what we are spending on paper. >> what is weird, people ask me all the time when i am doing interviews dave what is the number one mistake people make with money they don't pay attention when you start paying attention most people have enough brain cell power to look down and go that's dumb we know what's dumb we just kind of avoid it we know what makes us fat but eat it any way. so you know when you make that list, for your food you make that list for your money the problem areas, weak spots will be glaring up at you and you will go, we really got to stop that. i had one guy i was sitting in class with teaching years ago when we added it up we spent $1,200 on restaurants per month, we didn't have a retirement plan because we have been eating it. >> are credit cards the problem. >> it is a form of denial you are acting like you have money you don't have, and you don't feel the pain when you use plastic, if you carry some benjamin franklins around your pocket uncle ben becomes part of the family you start to spend with cash you will feel the pain it activates the pain centers of the brain. credit cards are like woe i am spending money it didn't matter it is not real >> you are talking about with the kids too this is kind of drastic, i don't have kids but alison sitting next to me has three girls get rid of allowance and go a different route >> i still think you need to teach kids about money we use are different word, the word allowance sounds like welfare the ramsay kids were on commission you work you get paid you don't work you don't get paid. 4-year-olds we are not sending them to the salt mines it is a matter of picking up 4, 5 stuffed animals you are going to do some work emotion fallly age appropriately, tie money to work. >> that work gets tougher when you get older, dave a pleasure, the new book entreleadership happy new year. >> happy new year. >> al. >> commission, huh. >> see if that flies. >> right. >> kids will get paid on commission. we will see. 8:22 a.m. on tuesday morning while a lot of folks make new years resolutions to save money others are promising to be more adventurous in this new year. >> there is a place called terrapin adventures not far away you can try that out maybe a zip line maybe the ropes course maybe the climbing tower maybe the snow is gone and there is a little bit of sunshine there. we will check with annie in our next half hour.  never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ medical examiners trying to determine the cause of death for a man whose body was discovered at a marina in alexandria, two boaters found the body floating 9:00 a.m. yesterday morning. so far police have not released the man's identity. >> 7 eleven convenience stores are a hot target for criminals since october, robbers have held up clerks at 26 of them in the area. here is a look at the most recent case, these men entered forest heights one new years eve the mask is covering most of the man's face the very next morning new years day two masked men enters a 7 eleven branch avenue, temple hills, two robberies are so similar investigators thing they were carried out by the same guy. >> 26 minutes past the hour tuesday morning, we will take another look at today's top stories. >> plus the latest on two stories making headlines around the nation, arsons in l.a. and shooting at mount rainier, aiynsley. >> reporter: the search for the suspected gunman in the mount rainier shooting has come to an end. that story is coming up get america's favorite coffee for america's favorite single-cup brewer. try all five delicious varieties, only at dunkin' donuts restaurants. america runs on dunkin'. so get your fabulous, food-loving self ready. the chefs at lean cuisine are going culinary chic with fresh, exciting flavor. tempting lemon tarragon, peppery poblano, sweet butternut. we're tossing it, roasting it, and grilling it. and we want you to be the first to devour it. at lean cuisine, we're designing delicious must-have meals with no preservatives. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. nestle. good food. good life. ♪ sunny day ♪ i'm feelin', feelin' the taste i crave ♪ ♪ subway ♪ i'm makin' it, makin' it how i like ♪ ♪ it's meant to be ♪ i'm feelin' subway ♪ i'm feelin' subway today [ male announcer ] hey, capital area! are you feelin' subway®? then heat up your day with the big hot pastrami melt! it's fresh toasted and piled-high with pastrami, then topped with pickles, mustard, and cheese. head into a subway® restaurant today for this melty, mouthwatering sub! ♪ i'm feelin' subway ♪ let's go thanks, mom. who are you calling "mom"? dunkin' sausage pancake bites, delicious like mom's, only easier to carry -- get three for $1.59. 8:30 a.m. on a tuesday morning, iowa caucuses being held tonight latest des moines register poll has romney ahead of paul, santorum getting ahead last few weeks, supporters will make their pick for who they thing should be the republican nominee. fed rick butler is said to file paper work to recall vince grey and seeks a recall of brown and chay and grant. he wants harry thomas junior to resign says the administration is plagued by scandal after filing or a recall, with board of elections the signatures of 45,000 voters would be necessary. >> national pin ball museum found a new home it will open downtown baltimore, january 14th, in the old chocolate factory building on water street it opened in 2010 and shops at georgetown park but lost its lease less than a year later, the new digs will include a pin ball gallery. >> that is how you pay the rent. one quarter at a time >> a little tilting action. >> remember when pin ball machines were big. >> goes back aways. >> i would spend my day at the arcade. >> right now it is in the the palm of your hand. >> different world >> it is a did i have aren't world. that is call. >> you know what is in the palm of some people's hands, snow shovel. reports of a good dusting out to front royal, a viewer in hagerstown had a good coating. >> that's right. >> it is here. >> my kids had their shirt on inside out because that is supposed to make the snow come. >> oh, is that right >> they are at school now. >> temperature very cold one could be a few more flurries, snow shower in orecast, the real theme is cold and wind for the next couple days we will get a moderating trend to end of the week today coldst day of the season, 30 regan national, overnight low 29, check in later this afternoon high temperature will be freezing, 25 the actual air temperature gaithersburg, down in leonard town, annapolis, off to the north and west, i mentioned snow showers hagerstown 24 and 27 in win chester all right winds gusting 20 to 25 miles for hour right now and there we go. the -- per hour right now and there we go. the wind chill, 15 manassas. very very cold day, dangerously cold hagerstown feels like 11, winds with us throughout the day a little reinforcing shot of cooler, colder, arctic air during the overnight hours and that will continue to just pump in that very unseasonably cold air out of the north and west. all right snow showers we picked up early the morning have dissipated can't rule out a few more showers, snow showers popping up later today as the flow continues off the lake that will continue for another day or so. very cold tonight during the day tomorrow, highs mid-30s start to get a moderating trend towards the end of the weekend if you hang by saturday, our daytime highs will be back in the 50s. yeah, not bad. 32 this afternoon lots of cold bundle up, dangerously cold tonight lows in the teens, 20 here in the city, 35 tomorrow your warm up we stay dry most of the week highs by saturday, 54 degrees. so, that will actually be 10 degrees above normal by saturday. all right that is a look at the weather forecast, alison and steve back to you guys. tucker thanks we want to update a couple stories making headlines around the country in los angeles a 24-year-old german man held without bail in connection to dozens of arson fires he may have been upset about his mothers immigration problems, more than 50 fires were set since friday in hollywood and surrounding areas, police have not ruled out the possibility more suspects could be involved. the search over for the suspected gunman in the mount rainier shooting. an iraqi war vet is believed to be responsible for the shooting death of a washington state park ranger his body with weapons discovered in the wilderness. aiynsley ear hart with more. >> i am thankful that the suspect has been located, you know, it was a person at large. >> reporter: the man believed to have shot a rangers at mount rainier national park has been found dead. >> the man hunt has concluded the suspect, suspected in killing ranger margaret ander son has been located. >> reporter: the body of benjamin colten barnes was found submerged in a creek. >> our swift water rescue team recovered the body located in a river. >> reporter: a plane searching remote wilderness discovered hi body monday he appears to have died as a result of -- his body monday he appears to have died as a result of extreme cold conditions. very well trained my understanding how these things happened you know, stop before the ranger is able to exit the car, this person stepped out and opened fire they didn't have much chance frankly. >> officials are working to reassure the public the danger is over. >> national parks are safe places to go. national parks are safe places to take your families. >> barnes is believed to have fled to the park to hide after a shooting at a new years house party which wounded four, two critically, anderson is survived by a husband and two children. in new york aiynsley ear hart fox news. a little boy battling cancer had his dream come true thanks to tim tebow. >> more coming up this hour plus stay tuned we recently sent tucker out to check out a fun new way to get in shape this year and he accepted this asoonment. -- assignment. >> hey, if you spent most of the holidays kicking back on one of these, coming up we got to get in shape i have a great idea it involves cycling and singing, coming up fox 5 morning news. @ñ if you are one of millions of americans looking for work don't forget to check out the fox 5 job shop. they are looking for a rail repairman, pay $25.59 an hour very specific. for more on this job and many others go to click on the job shop tab on the top of our home page. well, pay up or face disciplinary action, some dc firefighters upset over a mandatory change in rules on their work clothing. fox 5 got a copy of an internal memo dated december 28th from the fire chief saying as of january 1st, 2012 the old dcfd logo will not be tolerated, the estimated cost for firefighters, 3 to $400 each. a firefighter who spoke on condition we would not identify him said it is happening at the worst possible time the dead of winter. >> we had purchased our sweat shirts, jackets, over coats, hats, everything, and all that, always said dcfd on the back now everything we've spent money on over the last many many years, is now null and void. >> a spokesperson for the fire department told fox 5 firefighters have known about this rule change since last june and the memo was just a reminder, as to what the disciplinary action would be, we are told that is up to the discretion of the fire chief. 8:41 a.m., probably safe to say most people don't find working out a whole lot of fun except tucker. ♪ [ music ] >> i mean he is having the most fun ever. >> notice how the guy next to him is loving that. >> where is my ear phones. >> tucker found a spinning class that combining cycling with karaoke it makes the time just fly on by a closer look at the work out and fun i put that in air quotes when we come back. >> reporter: here you can sore through the air and defie gravity like my friend jason he is showing you how the zip line works here. go jason. we are having a lot of fun out here coming up we will try some of the other adventures you can come out and enjoy. hey. back to you.  it's my coffee when i want it. you press a button, you have great dunkin' coffee. i got my coffee for the morning, i got my dunkin' k-cup packs for the rest of the day. only available at dunkin' donuts restaurants. america runs on dunkin' coffee. on your hands and knees. use new resolve easy clean to deep clean your carpets. just three easy steps for beautifully clean carpets. it removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. thanks, mom. who are you calling "mom"? dunkin' sausage pancake bites, delicious like mom's, only easier to carry -- get three for $1.59. go outside and do something fun, zip lines, swings, high ropes, all the stuff you have been talking about for so long. find these your entire family can enjoy terrapin adventures. >> annie yu is getting a first hand look at all the fun experiences she joins us from savage maryland with more. >> reporter: hey, alison and steve, we are going to do some adventurous stuff now, matt baker joins me the chief adventure officer here at terrapin adventures what are we going to do now. >> our giant swing. >> reporter: i am already harnessed in. >> climb on up. >> reporter: hi jason. jason is going up with me why? >> don't sit down yet. down a little bit this is to balance the weight. now you can sit down. >> reporter: gosh. why are you so far from me. >> hold on to those vertical bars. >> reporter: holy cow all right. >> we will take you through here. >> reporter: so what is the age and height requirement for this adventure. for this giant swing. >> it is 8 to 80 is the age range, and 70 pounds to 275. >> reporter: okay. i make that and do you find that people travel from around the area, and out of state for this establishment here? >> excuse me? >> reporter: do you have a lot of people from around the area and out of state coming here? >> most of our draw is from 75 miles away. >> reporter: mm-hmm. >> we get people from as far away as the philippines. >> reporter: wow. >> it is quite an attractive thing for people to want to do and have some fun with their friends and family. >> reporter: yeah. this course was created with just wood, rope and cable. >> no clement at all. >> reporter: it is safe. >> i promise it is safe, over 40,000 people without any major accidents. >> reporter: okay are we all set. >> you will be pulled up in the air. >> reporter: how high does this go? >> 40 feet in the air you need to hold on to those vertical bars. >> reporter: don't worry i am holding on real good. okay. >> it is a fun experience. >> reporter: my gosh. >> you will have 2 gs of force. >> reporter: i never tried this before it is really exciting i am definitely overcoming my resolution, right now. >> you helped overcome your fears. >> reporter: okay i would be good if we stopped right here. >> we are going to go a little farther. >> reporter: oh, my gosh. >> it's okay you can scream. >> reporter: don't worry i don't hold back. my gosh,. >> what was this. >> reporter: oh, my gosh >> i don't know what this was. >> what? >> reporter: this. what's that? >> i don't know [ screaming ] >> reporter: oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. was he trying to distract me with the cable comment? that is is fun you can come out and enjoy this, it is really cold up here my hands are frozen. back to you in studio. >> next time put a camera on her helmet. >> right. that looks kind of fun. >> it does look like fun. >> thanks annie. >> we will let annie enjoy the initial fear and just enjoy the adrenaline rush. >> how your ears feeling after that. >> i'm awake. >> want to keep it going. >> tucker. >> keep with the beautiful music for the ears we talk about new yeartalked with dave ramsay about the business side of things i think the i am going to the gym and work out, that has got to be number one. >> i heard this from so many of my friends too this is a work out for your vocal cords. >> i had an opportunity to work with a local musician who also teaches a class, that is fun called karaoke ride crunch fitness take a look ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> my name is chad raymond i am a personal trainer slash group fitness instructor it is called karaoke ride you ride while you sing. ♪ [ music ] >> my band is dc flow it was a natural transition to do karaoke ride i already do kind of do it now we just make other people do it. ♪ [ music ] >> takes a lot of energy. have to sit down. >> when people sing in class they are just spinning. no resistance. the person singing could either stand and sing or sit there and sing you will see it is almost impossible to -- you are not supposed to be able to talk when you are spinning hard. >> anyone going to make x factor. >> there is one guy in class he may be x factor ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: seems to burn a lot more when you are doing it but yeah, kicks your butt ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> reporter: do you feel you get a work out at the end of this >> i sweat a lot. >> reporter: how many calories am i going to burn? >> varies from person to person i burn about 10,000 i am a maniac about 400 to 600 in this class. >> tore peck burn of calorie and entertainment. >> do you ever sing? >> i haven't yet i am waiting for my big debut. ♪ [ music ] >> it was amazing every time now i am going to take the microphone. ♪ [ music ] >> people are starting to catch on to this now when we first started i think we started 3, 4 months ago no one was singing but me now people are stepping up. >> awesome, really fun. forget you are working out. >> everybody here at crunch is a very talented singer it is not at all painful to listen to people sing ♪ [ music ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ music ] >> i love how chad cracks himself up. >> i can't believe you sang that song without me that is our duet. >> they surprised me with it because of our duet. hey, karaoke ride is free for members of crunch fitness, classes available chevy chase and metro center. >> i know you have done this a couple times do you find it is more people into spinning that want to do this or people that like to sing >> people initially that were into spinning then they learned the class goes quickly it is a tougher work out than just riding the bike. >> yeah. >> it was a lot of fun. i am sure we have the information at >> good stuff. >> way to keep it fun and exercise longer. >> you got it. >> tucker you were just screaming the song. >> i didn't realize how bad i was. >> too bad you weren't there. >> you needed ki ki. >> duet next time. >> acue cysts are not that good -- acoustics are not that good either. >> it wasn't that bad was it and. >> he was screaming it. >> after 9:00 a.m., dr. oz joins us with five rules to help you lose weight. >> then introduce you to the maryland man who says his iphone helped save his life after he got lost in the woods. stay with us fox 5 morning news will be right back [ female announcer ] ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? 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[ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios. today's facebook fan of the day cheryl holden she is a red skins fan married to a cowboys fan after this season they are both pretty bummed neither team making the playoffs if you would like to be tomorrow's fan of the day join us on facebook and post a comment under cheryl's photo. doctors say he only has a few months to live but that is not stopping a florida boy he headed to denver went over the weekend to meet his hero who happens to be football star tim tebow. a look at this little boy's dream come true. >> reporter: tim tebow never dispoints, 8-year-old blake appleton is a believer he has been a tebow fan all his life. >> what do you thing about tebow. >> awesome. >> he heard about blake's battle with cancer doctors gave him just a few months to live. blake got the chance of a lifetime. >> blake hey buddy. good to see you. >> tim tebow has a way of making kids like blake feel better even on an anniversary no child should ever have to experience. >> tebow gave this day a new special meaning. >> that is pretty cool to be able to meet him in person. >> the sideline meeting left blake speechless. >> what do you think? >> reporter: but his smile says it all. >> in denver, debra takahara. >> 8:58 a.m., that will do it for this hour of fox 5 morning news. right now, at 9, thousands of caucus goers in iowa say they are undecided as voting is set to begin. >> mitt romney who told supporters he would come out on top is back peddling the latest from des moines. a local man said his cell phone helped save him and his dog how police were able to find the two when they went missing. >> another amazing story of survival a young boy fell two dozen feet into a well, he is recovering this morning, hear from his family. >> and the story of a mother and daughter they meet for the first time in 70 some years we will show you their first time together in just a little bit. >> coming up later the girl scouts, well, they are celebrating their 100th anniversary doing it with a new cookie everybody i will sit down with the ceo coming up. >> ceo of the girl scouts? that is a big deal it will be interesting if she comes in and tries to sell us cookies. >> and we will buy them. >> yes, we will. >> tucker barnes down stairs in

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