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>> apparently this might be the timeo buy. and speaking of deals, wal- mart are offering deals now on coffins and urns. you can now order coffins and urns from wal-mart on their website. we have over a dozen different coffins for you to choose from. we're going to talk about this. it seems odd, but maybe -- >> one-stop shopping. diapers and coffins. >> from one end to the other. that's a good way to promote it. >> right. first thing we'll do is talk to tucker barnes and find out what our weather for today looks like. >> good morning. but can you get a deal on those, that's the question? >> i think you can. it's wal-mart. >> that's what i'm thinking. let's talk forecast. and clouds across the area. and it won't be -- remember yesterday when the sun came out during the middle of the day, that won't happen today. so our temperatures will be cooler than yesterday. 58 at reagan national. humidity is 78%. our winds have shifted. out of the north and east at 9 miles per hour. and that will lock in place the cloud cover that moved in overnight as we have this cool merity time. showing you the cloud cover and the moisture out of the north and northeast off of the ocean. so no rain associated with the clouds, maybe drizzle tonight, but mostly cloudy and a few peeks of sunshine and some relatively cool temperatures with highs only in the low 60s. so unlike yesterday, a little less sunshine today. here is your forecast. 62 here in washington, later this afternoon, 60 in annapolis and the hot spot, fredericksberg with a temperature of 64 degrees. i'll have more details on the forecast and we'll take another look at the halloween forecast coming newspaper a couple of minutes. let's get to tony and allison. our top story this thursday morning, a somber night for the president. he made a surprise trip to dover delaware to greet soldiers returning to the united states from afghanistan. >> what is called is the dignified transfer, doug luzader has more on the top story. >> reporter: overnight the president took marine one over to dover, delaware, air force base, where service members return home to remind us how important this is. the president returned before dawn from marine one with a solemn look. at dover air force base he had seen something that usually happens out of public view, a return of the fallen. he also met with grieving family members and gave an upclose look that brings home the weight of the war. >> the hardest task he has anoy given day is signing the condolence letter to a loved one. >> reporter: and october has been the deadliest month of the war for u.s. forces. just as the president considers his top general's request for more troops. there has been one meeting after another at the w house, as the president tries to make a decision. and there is a report from the washington post this morning that the request could be complicate, now that the president is asking for a report on each afghan province. >> it's time to make a decision now. >> reporter: the president is said to be leaning toward sending more troops. perhaps not the 40,000 number requested but even a small amount will create tension within his own party. >> the point is that we need to have a point when we're going to stop that. it's hurting us there and in other places. >> reporter: now in making this decision, the president will have to settle a dispute that has been playing out even with the white house with advisors deeply split on this question of adding more troops. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. among those americans whose remains were returned off, three local drug enforcement administration agents. forest lee man of dale michael, and michael weston were all from d.c. the violence intensify in afghanistan as the presidential runoff comes closer. some workers are on lockdown. some people jumped from windows and ran from roof to roof to escape gunfire. eight people were killed, including five u.n. workers. the taliban is threatening to continue attacks against afghans if they don't stay away from the polls for the november 7th runoff. >> the president signed a waste bill spent on instruments no longer used and to prevent war hate crimes. house democrats have reached an agreement on key elements of a health care reform bill that would alter america's medical landscape. it would extend health coverage to around 95% of americans. nancy pelosi will present the bill this morning in front of the capital. it could be up for a vote on the house floor next week. now to a developing story. we're learning more about the pedestrian hit by a car in potomac maryland. it happened earlier this morning near church hill high school. the victim was said to be a female student at the school. she is expected to be okay. the driver did remain on the scene. no word on whether charges will be filed. an end to a football team at crossland high school. the principal has canceled the rest of the season because f what he calls unsportsman like behavior. sarah simmons has the details on this one. >> reporter: the principal made the announcement yesterday, even sending home letters with football players detailing the changes he would be making, saying this was all in part due to usportsman like behavior, during and after the game, specifically from a game this past saturday against potomac high school. many of the students are still in shock after hearing about the plans to cancel the rest of the season here. a senior player on the defensive line tells me that things always get heated during the football games, that there was a bit of a scuffle but this is something he says happens all of the time. he believes the principals move is too drastic and will hurt his future plans for college. >> i think it was taken to the extreme with the whole -- the whole idea of canceling the season. there was only two more games left. and with those two more games, who knows if i can get a scholarship to go to any other college. and now that they took away those two other games, he don't know what to do. that was my plan of going to college, was to play football. >> and eric knight, the coach, has resigned and he will stay on as the athletic director. it details in that letter that the principal details rebuilding the program and preparing a important component, bringing in new coaches and hope to have a new team in time for fall 2010. allison, back to you. >> sarah simmons. thank you. and a focus on the eek wellization process in about an hour. the committee of the whole is hearing from the chief financial officer and public school chancellor michelle rhee after 400 school staff members, many of them teachers, were laid off this year. they align funding and resources with actual student enrollment. some council members this week have blastethe mayor over a controversial appointment and contracts. some of the contracts went to the mayor's friend and others he has ties to. and they did not go to the council for approval as required by law. we spoke with the mayor this morning and he said he's not working against the council. >> there could not be any better fire wall online right now. even if this had come under the council, and even if they had, there is a procurement process which is followed. so in this case not onlyas a procurement process followed, but it was followed by an agency i have no control over. >> kwame brown said the council could be forced to sue the fenty administration to block the contracts. >> the new intercounty connector isn't finished but 20 people showed upin beltways vehicle last night to propose the belt rates. one being consider the is up to $12 round trip. the icc will connect 270 from montgomery to prince grge's counties. a meeting is being held tonight at shady grove middle school in gaithersburg at 6:00 p.m. the delay in states receiving the swine flu vaccine may be close to over. federal health officials say most of the production problem have been fixed. more than 23 million dose have been shipped so far. about 9 million were sent out in the last week alone. the state has ordered more doses and health officials say it should be available to everyone last night. the total number of deaths in maryland has rosen to 12 now. you still have a chance to protect yourself against anyone. two vaccine are scheduled in the district today. one at hardy middle school and the orange at hardy school. children and pregnant women take priority. there are clinics in cheverly, but it's by appointment only. >> you should get there early or else you might get turn add way. the clinic at northwood high opened at 4:00 in the afternoon by 4:15 people got a dose of the reality. too much people and not enough vaccine. there are no more clinics scheduled for the remainder of the month. >> we're told it may take two weeks. >> health officials say the county is just about out of the injectable vaccine. and the reserve is available for pregnant women and is available next week by appointment only. for nor information go to to see where clinics are being heldin your area. a follow-up to us from the indian ocean. a fisherman claims somali pirates brought paul and rachel chandler to the land today. they have been missing since there was a distress call last friday. familyave been pleading for their release. you only have 55 shopping days left until friday. so when should you start that shopping? >> right now. >> right now? you think so? >> yes. >> and we'll talk to an expert. >> and the new stars from the new tuna goes to vegas are live in t studio later. you don't want to miss it. >> they are a lot of fun. and this is a live shot of the 14th street bridge. we don't know what is going on here, but it has been jam packed, a virtual parking lot and traffic is just now starting to move there. so if you're waiting for someone to show up at work or something like that, they may have a good excuse because things have been backed up on the 14th street bridge. we'll be back with more if just a moment. p tony told you about this before we took you to break. this is the 14th street bridge you're look at where traffic is now moving. we found out the problem was an accident, mid span right there on the bridge. it has now been cleared. at the height of this though, traffic was down to one lane, only the right lane was getting by. you see the construction that complicates matter. the traffic was backed up to duke street off of the 395 coming into town but now traffic is mong again on the 14th street bridge. tony, over to you. >> thank you very much. we aren't done halloween yet but its time to start the holiday shopping. have you started, allison? >> no. >> i have actually. the national retail federation says about 40%. >> goody too shoes. >> many shoppers plan to get started this weekend and that might not be a bad strategy if you're in the market for bargains. with more on that is ellen hall prin with aol. >> i just saw a few things and i said that would be good for so and so. and there is no strategy. and you say that now is the time to start. >> unlike the last couple of years where consumers got much better deals waiting until christmas, this year discounters are cutting back their inventories very sharply. so there will be a lot less product. so if there is something you're looking to get, you should get it now. the deals are now. >>hy are they doing that? are they doing that to prompt people to go out or just not producing as much? >> basically, the way the economy has been the last couple of years, the recession, they were stuck with inventory and they had to do deep discounts so the profits were lower, so this year, again it's up to about 30% less inventory for a lot of retailers,. >> so wow, that's significant. and so discounts are early. >> thaer using discounts to get you into the store and hoping you will buy other things as well. >> what can shoppers do to hel keep the costs down? not spend as much. >> these are easy things, but make a list and stick to it. retailers are very smart, once you get into the store, they have strategies to try to get you to buy more. stick with your lists. a lot of retailers are offering discounts, coupons, check your sunday circulars, check online, do a search for the store that you're going to, type macy's discounts for example. it will come up with a lot of the discounts you can get at the various stores. >> and sometimes people seem to think that if you're shopping online, you can't get a discount, but there are coupons for online purposes. >> there are dozens of websites that offer discount coupons for online. just do a search for the retailer y're looking for and they'll come up. >> you say that we should look for free shipping for online product purchases. is that something that you have to negotiate or is it something that is offered. >> early on, a lot of retailers are offering free shippers. more than in years past. they're trying to get more consumers to shop online. closer to the holidays, you'll see that less and less. so i do think you have a bargaining tool so you can work with online retailers to get free shipping. >> i buy stuff occasionally from and they offer this thing for $79.99 you get free shipping for a ye for all of the stuff you buy. it's not free, but you're paying. does that make sense? >> for most people i would say no. if you're a heavy shopper, it's something to consider. but for over 90% of consumers it doesn't make sense. >> bad note on my part to sign up for that. the hot toys, this is something that happens every year, you get hot toy and people are in a frenzy. what is the strategy? i assume buy them now. >> if they're still available, buy them now. some of the hot toys, you can't buy unless you're willing to pay a super premium. i mean the toy this year that everyone is talking about is something called the ju-ju pet. you go to the wal-mart, they're not there any more. they're completely out of stock. >> expectation that they'll come back? >> no. probably not. if you really want to get one, you can buy one, it's like an $8 product but it's $50 on amazon or ebay, you can still buy them but you'll pay a super premium. >> and based on this and that you all say 40% of shoppers are -- have started or are going to start this weekend. is that an indication that things are getting better as far as the recession goes? >> if you have a job and you feel comfortable, you're out there shopping. there are still people struggling. so i don't know that this is a sign that the recession is ending. i think people are being smarter on what they are buying. they are cutting back on the luxury purchases unless you have a job and feel comfortable. >> allen hallprin with wallet coming up, we do have a serious story. there is a gentleman accused of murder and he says he could not have done it because he says he's too fat. why one man says his size should set him free. plus holly is out looking for ghosts. i can't wait. >> reporter: i think i might see one. do you guys see it? >> holly? >> reporter: there is something in thamirror. i guess i'll have to ask adventure myths because they are real life ghost busters in our area and they have recently done a investigation at the dr. samuel mudd house where we are live. what they found a little later. something is looking at me in there, guys. it's really cold in here. and first here is a look at today's trivia question. what 1920s president suffered five nervous breakdowns before his was sworn in? is is before the internet, clearly. woodrow wilson, harding, coolidge or hoover? i have never heard this in my life. >> and is there any way possible that would happen today and anyone could survive that and be elected president? >> no. if you want to take a guess, you can do so on our facebook page. more ahead on the break. have pillsbury savorings at your next get together. so warm, flaky; it may be the last time chips and dip are invited back. savorings appetizers from pillsbury. how do you decide between crunchy and soft tacos? why don't we have both? old el paso. hard n soft tacos. true genius. mexican style. how is this for -- how is this for a defense against a murder charge. edward ates is accused of running up and down the stairs to kill his former sun and law but his lawyer says his client is too big to pull it off. he's 5'8" and 285 pounds, not that big, and at that time his lawyers said he was in such bad physical shape it would have been impossible to pull off the shooting and the fast getaway. officers went in with hopes of arresting a radicalize lambic leader on weapons charges but it ended with that leader killed as well as a police dog. it happened outside of a warehouse in detroit. he refused to surrender and fired on officer and they shot back, killing him. a little boy in china, a 7- year-old was trapped between the walls of the building he lives in and the one next to it. he reached out a window too far and he fell. crews had to drill into the walls, this took five hours to get the little boy out. he is expected to be okay. and his head is just down ther >> and even knowing that he will be okay, the picture is just -- >> right. trying, to get him out. tickets to the world series can be hard to come by and so one woman took a different approach to try to score her tickets. >> score? why you may see some protests on metro buses soon. go anywhere. much more ahead this morning. why spend $5 per person at the drive-through when you can serve your family a nutritious breakfast like this from walmart instead for about $2 a person? just one breakfast a week could save a family of four over $650 a year. save money. live better. walmart. time now for the talker of the day, as we see it here. wal-mart is known nor undercutting competitors, right now. now it's going 6 feet under. that's so clever. >> the world's largest retailer is selling caskets and urns on the website. there are 15 different casket designs and dozens of urns. prices for caskets start at $895. and urns are as low as $35. that's good. now you can't just send them to your house. you do have to ship them to a funeral home. you can see them for yourself under web links. because i thought you could order one and put it in your basement or something until -- >> because you can preorder caskets, right? don't they say, plan now. so you go and you pick it out -- >> but you can't keep a casket in your house apparently. there are some rules and regulations. you can't buy the casket from wal-mart until there's a death. >> is that a government regulation? >> there is government regulations about caskets in -- because if you get it in your home and then take it to the funeral home and say here is the casket and mable, they'll be like we don't know where that came from. >> do they offer two for one specials? >> yes, this is a whole thing. you plan for it. >> and if you ask for the two for one special, that may trigger some type of investigation. >> right. >> and some more on the urns. i didn't know this, but maybe this would be -- i think its every urn because you don't see a big urn. but typically urns hold about 3 pounds of your whole weight. >> if your ash. so if i'm only 100 and something pounds, i'm only 3 pounds in the urn. but these are regulation things. >> because urns are -- they're not -- >> glass? >> ceramic? >> no. never mind. >> sealed? >> no. not a souvenir, but it's a keep- sake. it's not meant to hold the entire arby compound. >> well wal-mart is selling them. >> that's good to know. apparently they can be expensive. >> of course. $2,900 for a casket, so that's good. >> hopefully we won't be needing one soon. >> i'm going to buy you one. just a little gift. >> happy halloween. all right, let's get right to weather. i'll look at our current cloud cover. our max hd radar, is transferring to a visible picture and you can see there is a lot of gray on the map and that is our low cloud cover. and it's find of funny here, the cloud cover is close to the surface and that's why we can pick it up better with this particular radar. but you can see the cloud cover is thick in spots and there are a few breaks out to the west, out towards charlottesberg. these clouds will hold tough as our flow is out of the east and northeast and off the ocean. so we call it a merrytime weather. 77 at reagan national. 55 in gaithersburg. winchester, 57. and cambridge is currently 55 degrees. it won't get a chance to warm up with the cloud cover as our high temperatures will top out in the low to mid-60s. so aout 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. here is another look and again the high pressure is going to deliver a dry day today, so we aren't worried about any rainfall but you can see the cloud cover working in off the ocean, that will stay locked here in place and for much of the friday as well. so this pattern doesn't break down until about saturday when we start to see temperatures really jump, just in time for halloween. lots of clouds, seasonal temperatures, about 62 out there. winds out of the east here later this afternoon at 5-10 miles per hour and there is your forecast. later tonight, you could do a little drizzle overnight. 53 for an overnight low and more sunshine tomorrow. saturday, halloween, let's talk halloween quickly. it looks like temperatures will be mild, in the mid-70s. we could see some showers late in the day or at night. we're going to fine tune that forecast and keep our fingers crossed we'll keep the rain out until sunday night. but highs sunday and monday in the low 60s. that's a look at your forecast. back to you. the philadelphia philly have taken the first game of the world series in new york. they beat the yankees last night 6-1. you can catch game two tonight here on fox 5. our coverage begins at 7:30. now you know tickets to the world series can be hard to get. now philadelphia police say a woman was offering sex for tickets. here is the ad she posted. it read, desperate blond needs world series tickets, die hard phillies fan, gorgeous, tall, blond in desperate need of tickets. i'm open. a officer responded. and now she is specking out saying it's a misunderstanding. >> jimmy rollins, ryan howard, chase utley. >> reporter: she can name the players but her favor is jamie moyer. she says she's the biggest fan around and would do almost anything for tickets to the world series, except offer sex in exchange for seats. the anger is really starting to also grow, along with a sense of -- the sense of absurdity of how wide spread this has become. >> she and her husband john had been married for 12 years and the phills have been a constant. >> i've seen or list aned to part or all of every game this season. so it's just -- it's a gret source of pleasure for me and my husband. >> reporter: what part they play is still up for investigation but her ad was posted under the for sale and wanted section of craigslist. >> not the casual encounter section, she made a posting inquiring about the tickets. if you read the posting, there is no smoking gun. >> reporter: her attorney is looking forward to -- she looking forward to putting this behind her. >> being at the world series and screaming at the still not being able to hear yourself and people loving each other and hugging each other, it's like a religious experience. >> kelly beret reporting. it turns out that she did not need the ad in the long run but the radio station is giving her two tickets to saturday's game and she did not have to become creative. >> i'm confused because -- >> why? >> because in the story, it didn't address -- the cops say they did talk about sexual favors. >> well, her word against his, perhaps, because the ad didn't say anything about -- >> right, i understand. frustrated fans blaming the redskins owner for the team's downfall and now taking their anger to streets. the message for dan snyder that could be mastered on metro buses coming up next. and you've seen them in tuna, texas, getting ready for christmas but now the whole town is heading to vegas. we are talking with the stars of tuna does vegas coming up. and first another look at today's trivia question. what night 1920s president suffered five nervous breakdowns before he was sworn in. was it woodrow wilson, harding, coolidge or hoover? >> i have a guess. >> i don't know. if you think you know th answer head to our facebook page. >> do you want me to tell you? i think it's b., harding. because we don't hear much about him. >> okay. >> okay. warm pillsbury cookies made with gooey hersheys mini-kisses. spontanious joy may occur. are on the table grands biscuits. would it really be breakfast without 'em? hoo-hoo! make breakfast grand. dan snyder, sell the redskins. that's the message behind this bus ad, fans know it won't happen, but they're hoping the power of the people will convince him to take a more hands-off approach. beth parker explains. >> reporter: you've heard of a masked man, well this is a masked fan. a redskins fan who made a few t- shirts that say snyder stinks. >> is it started off as a joke. >> reporter: a chat with friends led to requests from strangers. >> what do people say? >> i love the shirt, where can i get one. >> reporter: the shirts are $15. he wears the mark because he doesn't want to create problems at work for criticizing dan snyder. now redskins fans aren't just wearing their hearts on their sleeves, some are hoping express themselves in a much more public forum. >> i think people don't realize it's our team. >> reporter: charles and chris went to high school together in annandale. they've teamed up with friends to create sell our team, danny boy,.com. the guys are life long skins fans. chris painted his jetta burgundy and gold. they took to to games when the redskins sored. after this year from the charlotte game they towed it back with the flag upside down. the guys are trying to raise $8,000 to sell ads on metro buses. >> i'm not one to sit around and complain. i feel like if you're going to be a complainer, you have to do something. >> reporter: he has dropped his season tickets, chris still has his, but they are urging fans to skip games and if they go, buy nothing. >> if we don't show up, dan snyderityerally owns a bunch of concrete and copper in the middle of land over. >> reporter: it wasn't just the jetta. until a few months ago charles had a burgundy and gold van and he traded it in during cash for clunkers. >> both groups of fans are giving some of the money raised to charity. for more on the shirts and the metro bus campaign, visit our website at the entire population of the third smallest town in texas is heading to vegas. that's the premise of the third stage production of the tuna series. we have some of the biggest names in the town in the studio. we sit down with aunt vera coming up. and holly is ghost hunting this morning. what she has found coming up next. don't go anywhere. we'll be right back. my perdue® oven ready roaster is already seasoned in its own cooking bag. and it cooks in about half the time. my work here is done. (announcer) perdue® oven ready roaster. the cure for roasterphobia. i do 22 more inspections than t government requires. and my fresh, all-natural chickens are never given any hormones or steroids. and no candy, gladys. (announcer) perdue. extra inspections. extraordinary chicken. [ music ] do you believe in ghosts? that might be a question you ask yourself as we approach halloween coming up saturday. >> holly morris is spending the morning with ghost hunters to find out what they have found during their investigation and they're serious about this. holly. >> reporter: yeah, i ain't afraid of no guest. well maybe i am a little bit. but these guys and gal are not afraid of ghosts. in fact investigating the paranormal is their passion. and they live in a good area because there are a lot of historical sites here so it keeps them busy. so let me introduce mike, john tan, michelle and frank from adventure myths. you guy have to get a good theme song. >> we're working on it. >> we have one. >> reporter: what is it? >> i'm not going to hum it for you now. >> reporter: and then down on the end we have nancy and mary, and they are second cousins and they are great granddaughters of samuel mudd and this is where the adventure myths did an investigation. do you mainly do historical sites? because that's where the ghosts are, right? and before this they showed, explain to everybody what you were doing, mike? >> i was just trying to speak elicit a response. and i ask short questions because you're not going to get a lot of exposition and i try to get a response. >> reporter: and you ask the questions and you don't necessarily hear a response at that time. >> no. i have to go back and listen carefully to what we recorded and you will not hear anything. >> reporter: so that's what you did here, recently. it's become part of your documentary and let's listen to some of the things you found when you were here investigating the mudd house. >> i'm making contact with us tonight. give us a sign, any kind of a sign. >> there is movement upstairs. [ footsteps ] >> that's a mouse? >> that's a big mouse, dude. those are footsteps. is that you walking upstairs? >> reporter: so what did you find? what did we just hear there? >> that would be the -- what we thought was a baby coo. we didn't hear anything. later during editing, jonathan was listening to the sound, the audio clips and you could hear what we believe unded like a baby cooing and it goes back to the story that we were told, one of the legends here about a young toddler that died here on the grounds and the body was still buried here. >> reporter: do you ladies know anything about that? >> there was a child of dr. mu's that died at about 8 months. i can't recall his name. and i don't know the details. >> reporter: can we ask? >> i heard the same thing. >> reporter: and then you heard some footsteps? >> we had steps before that, but also there was a static cam running by itself. and we were outside talking about the investigation and we heard some type of unidentified sound later back during editing. of course nobody was in here. and we believe it may be someone sitting down on the bed but we're not quite certain. >> reporter: do you guys ever get scared? >> no. we're so surprised there is no time to get scared. >> reporter: and what do you say to people who don't believe in ghosts? >> we invite people to watch our videos and we don't try to persuade them. >> reporter: are most ghosts friendly? >> most. >> reporter: and i have to ask, since you are from the mudd family, there is a bit of controversy, dr. mudd was pardoned but some believe he knew john wilkes booth before, but what do you say? >> he did know john wilkes booth before he met him the year before in 1964 and invited him to come and see a one-eyed horse that his neighbor had, a gardner had for sale. and he probably stayed here at the house for a time. so he had been here and he had been in the house before. >> reporter: but you're okay with your name being mudd? >> i've lived with it a long time. >> it works. >> reporter: i think he's telling me he's proud of you guys root now. listen, real quickly, before i go, if you want to get the documentary that the adventure myths has put together, you can get it here at the dr. samuel mudd house in waldorf and get it online. we have links to their website. and if you're not all about ghost stories, they do have a victorian christmas here as well the first weekend of december. i might be coming back for that. >> a little happier occasion. >> thank you, holly. from the frightening to the fun, this morning, we are headed to vegas baby with our friends from tuna, texas. >> the tuna does vegas comedy theater kickeing we have the tw of the show to talk about the hilarious show, aunt pearl and vira carp has made the trip back here to be with us. >> good to see you. >> it's good to be back. and the trees are so pretty. we don't have trees in tuna. >> no trees whatsoever? >> the leaves don't fall, just the drunks. that's what we call fall. lost another one. >> tuna is a small town. third smallest. >> third smallest in texas. patsy klein never died. we didn't get any homeland defense money. it all went to wyoming. >> well what are we supposed to attack them with? hair curlers? >> i have to say it's a small town but you have a fair enoughp people there and to take the whole group to las vegas? >> well they do get there, yes. >> well i'm looking for smut, because i'm president of the smut smash of the new order and we have banned so many ords, we can't find anything. >> they've run out of porn. it's awful. i said we're going to have to get down on our knees and pray until something nasty comes up. >> but you're going for a good reason. to support your local personality? >> and i'm a little into gambling. there's gambling in the bible. there's a whole book called numbers. there's a coleslaw recipe in there if you know where to look for it. everything is in there. >> everything is in the bible. >> but i love vegas. they have so many things going on. >> what is your favorite thing? >> i like the door tossing from australia. that's a wonderful act. >> i thought they got rid of that. >> they drop pianos in swimming pools. and the liberay museum. >> the power ship sank and they hired me as a boat. and i could use the money. i love all of the buffets, i can eat all. shrimp scampi. i can woof tem down. >> that's one of the pluses. >> and no mean people in las vegas. as soon as you lose, they put you on a plane home. it's the only place you can have paris without the french and new york without the yankees. >> that's all they should advertise. have another snail and get over it. well years ago i met my first husband in vegas. well, we divorced -- i shot him. he was sleep walking. but he should have told me. >> that's a sad story. listen, for people who come to your shows, and they love you, and they're used to some of the other folks, but there are new people we get to meet. >> new characters. >> anaconda. she runs the hula chateau resort and spa. it used to be the big horse chalet. everybody wore lederhosen but it proofs to trendy. >> and there is a man called shot. he was shot in the butt by frank sinatra. i have his autograph. i'm going to show you where i got shot. he said i meant the hotel. and we have a chinese lady who is just as mean -- she's meaner than romania. >> she's got enough needles to take out nevada. i wouldn't mess with her. and nothing is going to call me funny than a chinese lady with a bunch of needles. >> the show sounds like it's great. a new production of tuna. do you knowa does vegas. and it's tonight through sunday at the warner theater. for ticket information call 877- 598-8696 and we hope you take the show to vegas. >> we do too. speaking of which, i just got back. do you got any change? >> vera carp and aunt pearl, thank you so much. >> thank you >> stay with us. we'll be back in a moment with the answer to today's trivia question. don't go anywhere. 

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New York , United States , Nevada , Australia , Texas , Afghanistan , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Delaware , China , Gaithersburg , Maryland , Washington , District Of Columbia , Annandale , Mexico , Wyoming , Dover , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United Kingdom , Somalia , France , Paris , Rhôalpes , Romania , Americans , America , Afghan , French , Chinese , Mexican , Somali , Afghans , Jamie Moyer , John Wilkes , Dan Snyder , Dale Michael , Rachel Chandler , Michael Weston , Michelle Rhee , Eric Knight , Jimmy Rollins , Nancy Pelosi , Frank Sinatra , Holly Morris , Woodrow Wilson , Kwame Brown , Ryan Howard , Beth Parker , Samuel Mudd , Ellen Hall , Las Vegas , Sarah Simmons , Indian Ocean , Patsy Klein , El Paso , Tucker Barnes ,

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