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Or intentionally misled the u. S. Senate. E let me be clear. Lear. I never had meetings withwit russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the trumpup campaign. And the idea that i was part of a. M. Continuing exchangehang of information during theri campaign between trump is yourui gates and intermediaries foredir the russian government is totally false. Ta reporter well, thatllell, ta announcement came after a flurry of activity. Activity. Speaking in virginia todayda President Trump was asked if i he still has confidence in hisci attorney general and his his response was totally. Now, some republicans including the House Republican majority leader kevinin mccarthy and also theso t chairman of the House Oversight committee jasonttee js chaffetz both came out today toy saying that they th was good idea that theod idea attorney general recuseneral ree himself from thesefrom these investigations. In House Speaker paul ryanl ryan defended sessions and said atsat this point there has been noe ho evidence that any trumpy tru officials had any contact directly in regards to theto the controversy as we now know it. However, for democrats none of this has been enough today. Ody. Over at the Justice Department there was ade loud and an boisterous demonstration by the Left Wing Group move on. Org calling for the th attorney general to resign and meanwhile the Top Democrats in a both the senate and the thed the house of representatives,resente senator Chuck Schumer and leader nancy pelosi both nancy called for the attorneyed general to resig fnor his position. The fact that the attorney general, the top cop in our country lied under oath to the e American People is grounds forgu him to resign. Is grounds for him to resign. Es he has proved that he isis unqualified and unfit to serve in that o now, youll remember theyoul former national securityecurity adviser for the white house, michael flynn, did have to resign after 22 days in officef after admitting he had misledmi Vice President mike pencedent m about the fact that flynn hadn d spoken to the Russian Ambassador about obamaama administration russiansian sanctions. Sancti the white house, though,though, pushing back hard on all ofll of this today on the sessionsessios case saying that the senator ser was in his right as a uniteda ut states senator and a member ofof house armed excuse me, thee,e senate armed servicesser committee to be speaking withakg foreign ambassadors and they are distinctively making theng e difference here tonight thatnigt they say sessions did notdi discuss any political issuesisse with the Russian Ambassador. Ass. Were live tonight, tom Tom Fitzgerald fox5 news. Fox5 well send it back in to you. O fitz well be talking abouta this at 5 at 6 30 right aftert e the show. The question is do you thinkt Jeff Sessions did the rightsion thing. Do you think he shouldnt have done anything at all . S he twt us your thoughts a when we talk all thingsis politics coming up next at 6 30. 6 30 fox5 in prince georgesin prc county. A teenager is dead after a shooting in oxon hill. L. Anjali hemphill is live on thene scene with the very latest. Late. Anjali, what do we know. At do we reporter well, the crime scene here for the most part for has been cleared but i can tell you the shoo ctinleg happeh this afternoon right here ina theno onparking lot of south u excuse me in the playground of o south view apartment complexartm and it happened in then the afternoon right after school sch gets out, so obviously lots ofof people and children were we milling about this area at thee same time of the shooting. Now, not a lot of informationinm has been released at thisthi point but police say justay j before 3 00 they got a call cll that a teenager had been shotot here at these apartments off off iverson street and south viewutw drive. That teen was taken to ao a nearby hospital where theyospitr died. E now, we are close to potomacpot high school but police dontont know if any students aredents ae involved in this. In they dont know voilvf that schl is related at all and policeice also have no suspects or a motive at this time. Is ti that this point weret this i asking f information at all to pleaseleae come forward. Orward. Obviously its very scary. S we have children walkingen walkg through this apartmentugh this t complex, we have a schooll nearby. As soon as we can get thist this suspect off the street, thethe better. Reporter now, earlierearl our cameras did capture whatewha may have been friends oriends or family of the victim that had shown up to the scene. Sc you can see they are very emotional in that videoat v however police have not released any more informationf about that teen victim. Vi if you have any informationforma that could help police catchpole that suspect, you are urged toe contact them. Thats the latest here in oxona hillin, Anjali Hemphill fox5 local news. S. Anjali, thank you. You. In Fairfax County tonight toni Police Say Detectives havetectev that found evidence crime incrii holmes run park. Holm thats where they have beenve bn searching since tuesday night. N so far, though, no reports of rt any human remains. Officers checked the park c after gettinghe a tip there th might be bodies in the area. Investigators are back in the t woods today getting evidence ev and police say they the investigation may have some o kind of gang connection but as t for the initial tip about abt bodies police arent sayingng something that we canthing release right now and the detectives aree righ looking ini where this information isthis coming from and i the cent of in but we dont want to receiverece this information and do do nothing so we will make sure r were out here and were leaving no stone unturned in our search. R search. Back in may of 2014 police pe found two bodies in the same park. They were gang members who were murdered ande ga decapitatt seven men were tried anded and convicted in that case. Se. Seven Baltimore Policeen b officers are now accusedal of of major abuse of power. Poer theyre changed with stealingstn money from people while they p were on theeo pljob. Jb federal prosecutors called thede officers thieves in uniformu and 1930s style gangsters. Foxs doug mcelway has the latest. Re porter federalfe racketeering charges, thats what seven Police Officers inoln baltimore, maryland, are now facing. These officers, theyre 1930s style gangsters as far a as im concerned. N reporter theyre accusedr e ofyre robbing or extortingxtotg hundreds of thousands ofndsf dollars from victims as well w as stealing drugs, guns and a falsifying police reports. Ng pol several of the indi officers are pictured in thet city newsletter praising theirgt work as part of a gun task un force. The officers are accused of o taking thousands of dollarso from that people when pullingwhg victims over or searchinghing homes. Homes. People who are accused ofof betraying their badges. Th reporter theyre also accused oforte ripping off thert city to the tune of a halfne off Million Dollars in overtimeovete fraud. Prosecutors say one officery onf took a Beach Vacation whilewhe charging the city overtime. Vert. They say another charged ot ot while gambling at a casino. Casn. And what you see is a lacklak of respect for the system,stem particularly in thesecularly te discussions about overtime. T ove reporter prosecutors sayrcus some shakedowns took place took while the u. S. Department of. S. F justice was investigating Baltimore Police and found widespread corruption and civil rights abuses. Abues. Misdeeds and the criminalcril misconduct that theyretheyre engaged in shocks me as muchs mh as it does anyone in this in thi room. Reporter at least two of the officers will remain r i ann jail until their cases go to trial. Tria both pled not guilty to a listlt of federal charges but prosecutors say witnessesits are terrified of retribution by the officers or their t colleagues. Co Officials Say at least five federal gun cases have had toase be dropp hed because they were tainted by the accusedccu officers. Of in washington, doug mcelway,elwy fox news. X ne all right, its been a bigig debate when talking abouting abu legalizing marijuana. Ri on the way well tell you how aaa says the use of the drug dg will affect drivers on theon the road. And a battle over beerve brewing right now in maryland. Mr well have more on that. Hat. Hey, sue. I would like to value seate s on the sidelines of that sidel battle, shawn, how about you . . Hey, today weve beeneve been continuing to deal with veryith guy windnds. These are the peak wind gusts. Eu we got another gust today tstott 49 despite the fact that we w dont have storms, its colder d air thats trying to push into u the region and with the colder l air that were going to see gois moving in tonight and and tomorrow, we could have a few snow showers. So, were going to get youget ready for that and well talk wk about what you can expect thiseh weekend coming up in a few a few mines. S. Shawn. Thank you, sue. Ou, sue. If youre watching rightr now and you have a story ide ead you have a tip, we want to t hear from you. 2028953000. You can also email us at fox5tips wttg. Com. Well be right back. X5tips z29pgz z16fz y29pgy y16fy vo love. I got it. I gotcha baby. vo its being there when youre needed most. Ve is knowing. Hes the one. vo . It was meant to be. And love always keeps you safe. Were fine. vo love is why we built a car you can trust. Now and for a long time to come. The allnew Subaru Impreza sedan and fivedoor. A car you can love no matter what road youre on. The Subaru Impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot is Standing Firm on his numbaner d oneco is legisle priority combating tax fraud. F dap he announced hes suspending processing all electronic and paper taxd pr tax returns from 19 private taxte tx preparers across the state. Rosse now the move comes after theaft state received some questionable returns. Re franchot says there weres there several red flags. Flags. These are not returns thats a we normally think might be arithmetic errors or some kind d of calculation problem. Rolem. These are returns that are our software identifies as out and out fraud. Out business deductions where deducn theres no business s,ness, completely inflated refundsreuns from what the taxpayer got the previous year. Franchot shut down 98 taxx preparers in maryland withinwitn the last year and the Comptrollers Office has detected and blocked nearly n 76,000 fraudulent tax returns. Un a battle brewing inbrewing n maryland over beer. Beer. Small independent brewers indepw maryland are asking customersinu to sign a petition to supportupp a bill that would allow themlowt to serve more but at the sameu time theyre opposing twopoing w other bills that would allow guinness beer which plans to bee open a big brewery in brewery i Baltimore County to sell much su more and be opened for longer hours. Theres breweries that haves been around for years in the state that invbresteewund d, yo, job theyve created jobs, j theyve invested in thein te economy, theyve invested innve the local community and here h we have guinness which is thisw International Company comingng in and theyre all of a sudden getting a carveout a specialo ruleut created for them so thatt they can do what they want andwd it leaves everybody else outody and i just dont think thatthinh thats fair. All three bills will be ths talked about by stateate lawmakers later this week. Week as more and more statesre move to legalize marijuanama there are new concerns aboute cs how the Recreational Use ofeati the drug wi on the road. Aaas John Townsend testifiednse before the maryland senaten committeee th e today. Today. He urged lawmakers to consider the impact that legalizing potgl could have on traffic and safety. In the district of columbiama when pot was legalized we saw this explosion of synthetic marijuana on the marketplace and being sold on street on s corners and corner stores. So, there are unintendedtende consequences to legalizingeglizg marijuana. Everybody wants to do it butit t nobody wants to think abouthin the Traffic Safety impact. Im i dont think that its t been a theres been anb uptick in driving under thethe influence. Most of the people that are using cannabis are responsibleee people they just want to sit at home and smoke or eat aat gummy or however you want to yoo ingest it and relax. Ax. Nobody wants to go driving and hurt anybody. Ody. Aaa says the percentage ofrc drivers involved in fatal fat crashes who recently used marijuana more than doubleda mou between 2013 and 2014. 2 they are calling it ait literary milestone and if if youre a bookworm today is a toy special day for you. R you. And talk about dad of thed oh year . Were going to take a a closer look at the awesomewesme airplane rollercoaster that ath man built for his son. Check that out. Wow. Isnt honor of national hon a reading day first lady mel yanna trump visited the the pediatric unit. She red the dr. Seuss classicl oh the places youll go. Go. Foxs julie ban der race with rh more on how people across thecrs nation sat down and opened upend a good book today. Boo reporter march 2nd isnd i dr. Seuss birthday. Born as Theodore Zeus Geisel in 1904 dr. Seuss went on to. So become one of the most loved Childrens Book authors of all l time. His birthday is also celebrated throughout the u. S. As read across dr. Seuss birthday, how about t if we make that the day where we we ask every adult to readad with a child, to make thattht Incredible Connection thaton tht says this adult loves you soes o much. Reporter the nationsorter n largest reatading celebrationeei read across the america iserica also marking its 20th year. Year the event started by the the National Education association in 1997 encourages reading awareness initiatives across ac the country. The cou i know that being a readerder for life has makes a major difference in the life of a a human being. Reporter march is also read aloud month and cofounder of read aloud 15 loud minutes Jennifer Brian is working to raise awareness onre the importance of reading fromrm birth. Birth. Were encouraging peopleg pee that that is the moment toomentt start and to devote 15 minutes n a day because it will make amaka lifetime of differencismffercism Health Experts say each yearach as many as 3. 4 million babies bs miss out on a basic buildinguil block for early brain seen in low rates of Kindergarten Readiness and insufficient third gradefi literacy skills. That routine of rcieadingenls going to make difference long term. Reporter libraries will be participating. Er li neas suesville web site has aha complete list of activities toio participate in for march. Ma in new york, julie banderas,and, fox news. News. Ve all right, do you ha favorite dr. Seussh book. I think green eggs and ham. Ea how can you not . Thats a classic. That was my favorite. My child made green eggsde gs and ham for me. Me my dad did too at oneat one point. Good dadsds. I definitely remember my. Dad reading to meinitel a lot. My mother read and i readd an every night before i go too bed. Currently reading about about victoria, the queen of england e very cool, sue. Coo i wont tell you how it howit ends. She had nine children. E cn. Wow. We are all about i know,l we got a litabtleou off trackrak ere. E. Au if you want to know whatu waw else is on my night standght tweet me. M ill let you know. K i love that we can still seel se outside, right, guys . Auys . A little bit of daylight stilldayl hanging around, sun sets later r and later. L you know were only about o is it next weekend . I thinkhnk that the time change is march a 12th so we are almost therethere enjoy it and those days willhos be getting dalysonger. Nger. Today, though, all about thosets big breezes continuing andtinuid tissue wells sent me this sent s picture. Pictur shes worried about the cherry y blosms. S. She says theyre confusedre us shivering in the blustery breezes on capitol hill. H Cherry Blossoms dont like theth wind. Wind fortunately since theyre justu coming out at the tidal basin bi and in stage two theyll be the fine through these winds andds a here is where our gusts are guse now. We have a gust to 24 miles an 2 hour here in 4 the district. Str. Thats way better than the 49th we had earlier today. Today. Give it a couple more hours on n the breezes should be better sho but dont be surprised if its t a little bit blustery again agan tomorrow as our clipper isclipps moving on through. Ugh. And its getting chilly out intn ac 36 degrees. S 37 in winchester, 47nhest here in the district and we only topped out aboutpped out a 51 degrees today. 51 d so, were going to be seeingseeg those temperatures dropping. Ro still breezy at 7 oclock withch a temperature of 46. Of 46 by 9 oclock under clear skiesns getting chilly. Il by 11 oclock, 40. , 4. Cant rule out a couple ofoup flurries overnight as we see ase our temperatures heading intouro the 30s. 30 the range 30 to aboutout 36 degrees. One of our colder nights inr ni awhile. Youll hear that furnaceat furnace clicking on. Friday at the bus stop 31 to 31t 37 tomorrow morning and yes,d there could be a few flurriesews around. Not widespread but there could b be a few. Ut ew. After school ive even got agota few flurries in then, even even though temperatures may range from 43 to 48 and they should8 o not stick. No they may be around and briefly r cause a little bit of low and ld visibility if you get one but again, it will look a lot like i this. This is a clipper system that were tracking. Cking. Thats going to be heading ininn our direction later tonight t to it is going to result in ato rea much colder day tomorrow. Der as you ldaook at our futurecastt mostly we the mountains and you mightu mit get a you believe can inches n out of the tonight andnighd tomorrow. Tomorrow 4 00 in the morningor maybe one of those snowose showers passes by throughesth northern virginia. Rthern vir dont be shocked if you wakef yw up tomorrow morning androw mornn theres a small coating hereti and there on grass. On rass as we get to 7 00 in then he morning not much showing upch sg but as we go through the day da one or two more of these snow tw showers and again a lot ofn a lf that moisture coming off theof lakes may show up aboutut 4 oclock tomorrow we couldk tow also have it as we wll. S well going out tomorrow night,igh, bundle up. But i dont think youll bethin seeing much more in the way of snow showers once the sun goesn down tomorrow. Omor so, in terms of anyf y accumulation, it would mainlymay be in the mountains, a coating g to maybe 2inches. Inche the rest of us just see somee flurries and a little bit of a coating here and there which would be e sanpotty on grassyn surfaces. Heres a look the all righthe a planner via the day parts. Part. Tomorrow morning at 8 00, 36 degrees, maybe a flurryry around. Ou by noon, 42 and by 4 oclock,o, still windy and 45 and wouldnt even rule out at flurry at that hour. At hour. In terms of maybe topping out in the uppergu 30s north and west of d. C. To. O about 45 in the district andn again chilly and just breezy bre enough that youre reallyure going to notice the windhe chills tomorrow that willt will likely be in the low 30s. 30s its a fast moving clipperlip thats going to be bringing inin those flurries but mostly itly i bring in the cold air. Old ai tomorrow night we head for thete 20s. Saturday only near 40 a little l bit abe it. T. A chilly weekend ahead ahd although it looks like as weikee check out the weekend at least l sunday closer to normal with ara temperature of 50 so lots ofotsf sun through the weekend. E we maybe just a few clouds on sunday. And guess what . We actuallyacty see another warmup on the way,y, a sneak peek at next week asee s High Pressure gets off the off e coast. We should be able to seeuld be e temperatures heading rightures back into the mid h 60s and low 70s south of d. C. As thethe warmth returns by the time we e get into about monday and tuesday of next week. T wee. Heres your fox5 accuweather 7day forecast. Ecas mondays temperature, 62. Then we climb to 68 degrees ongn tuesday, a few showerswers possible. Lets hope so. Me say earlier ear its been terribly dry and the d lack of snow this winter is ant big player in that. Tha 63 degrees on wednesday, a a little chillier on thursday atit 55. Why does the rain always come on the warmeroe s dayths. Well, it usually has to do to with a warm front comingontoming through that creates thetes moisture, brings a little bitbr of moisture. Of all rht. Ings good observation, shawn. Ob yeah, pretty even thereserv t least. Yeah. Well be right back, everybody. And now, i help people find discounts, like paperless, multicar, and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance. Any questions . Yeah. How do you go to the bathroom . Great. Any insurancerelated questions . Mmhmm. Do you have a girlfriend . Uh, im actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly 600 when they switch, so. Wheres your belly button . [ sighs ] ive got to start booking better gigs. [ sighs ] z29pgz z16fz y29pgy y16fy finally tonight this isly t pretty cool. This grereat. Ultimate dad. At u dad in Seattle Washington gavehe his son a pretty awesome gift. Take a look. His dad built him this air plane themed rollercoaster. This is video of the toddlersod first ride in their backyard. Bac to build the rollercoasteroller after taking his son to disneyland. You can find out how to doo o literally anything online so ioi found a gentleman by the nametlb of paul who isy an aerospaceaer engineer who built a coupleole for his grand kids and i kindi d of studied under him butim b everything was from home depotht and local hardware stores. Wow. Isnt that cool . Cool . He says he originallyr thought about building his sonis a treehouse but it turns outs t building a rollercoaster was alw lot more fun and i think wyatttt is end . Egg that too. Gg i would agree. Th i dont know how long i thattt took but he could turn this he into a business. Coinus i would certainly put onerta of these in my backyard. C kid loves it. Loves every minute of it. How cool is that. W cool is t. I wish my kids were littleli to go back and do that kind ofif stuff. St id like to ride on it. T. Ride that thing in a second so cute. A lot of fun. All right, going to a be e still cool today. Speaking of squealing welle be squealing because its soauso were heading for the 20she which we havent done very d much in the last movement our or warmest february ever. Ry e march is starting out chilly chl but we warm up next week. Xt week all right. Thanks for joining us at 6 00. 5 at 6 30 coming up right after the break. New year, time to get rid of stuff. Simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. I raise turkeys without growthpromoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. If youre looking for little ways to simplify life, feeling good about what your family eats is a Pretty Simple place to start. My name is tammy plumlee, and i raise honest, simple turkey for shady brook farms. Its been a very busyy afternoon. Af really has been. In the world of rpoliticsc right here in washington. Ah attorney general Jeff Sessionss recused himself from any Trump Campaign investigations butesti hes still accused of lying ln under oath about his contactth n with the Russian Ambassadormb during the campaign. Aign. Tonight hes denying anyes dy wrongdoing. This is what were talkings what about. You can see i t on the rundowne ru side as much your screen. S hottest story at 6 30. 6 a lot of you have alreadyalady sounded off. Use the 5at630 but lets get right to it. I have recused myself in i the matters that deal with the Trump Campaign. Cam let me be clear. I never had meetings with wi russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the trump p campaign. And the idea that i was part of a continuing exchange

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