Or intentionally misled the u. S. Senate. E let me be clear. Lear. I never had meetings withwit russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the trumpup campaign. And the idea that i was part of a. M. Continuing exchangehang of information during theri campaign between trump is yourui gates and intermediaries foredir the russian government is totally false. Ta reporter well, thatllell, ta announcement came after a flurry of activity. Activity. Speaking in virginia todayda President Trump was asked if i he still has confidence in hisci attorney general and his his response was totally. Now, some republicans including the House Republican majority leader kevinin mccarthy and also theso t chairman of the House Oversight committee jasonttee js chaffetz both came out today toy saying that they th was good idea that theod idea attorney general recuseneral ree himself from thesefrom these investigations. In House Speaker paul ryanl ryan defended sessions and said atsat this point there