Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News 5 20160701 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News 5 20160701

warning out there until 5:45 this evening, includes portions of culpeper and spotsylvania counties in virginia. that is currently sitting over the city of culpeper. stevensberg, you're up next in about ten minutes, he will var hill, 27 minutes, about a half hour gold vein will be right in the path of this storm. just south of that particular cell is probably the second strongest storm on the radar at this hour, going right through orange virginia this hour, just south of locustdale. there's a close in on dc, coming through western portions of fairfax county, a little bit of shower activity, not seeing lightening in that yet, but we'll watch it here. then just now moving out of bethesda northwest of dc. some light shower activity. the key piece of energy is starting to swing into the washington region. so two-hour window here in the immediate i95 corridor where we have to watch for pop-up showers and storms. some severe. we're going to continue to minority. bulk of severe weather far off to the north but there's a tornado watch in effect off of portions of new york state. severe thunderstorm watch here in dc goes until 10:00 tonight. there's a look at your planner. things will wind down once we get towards sunset. that's a quick check of forecast. i will send it back upstairs to you, sarah. dc leaders came together to keep the public safe over the 4th of july weekend. police and fire departments are not the only ones who play an important role. you have to be responsible. alexandra limon is with live with what you can expect and what you need to do as well. hey, alex. >> reporter: guys, well, the dc fire chief said if it was up to him. every person would head here to the national mall, the professionals and watch the fireworks display. the d dot director said all people would rely on public transportation. they do have an all encompassing safety and security plan that will conclude a lot of extra visual law enforcement and security. >> heat exhaustion illegal firework and drunk drivers are some of the problems they will have to deal with. >> this is the one day of the year that we put a sparkler which goes to 1200 degrees in a small child's hand. why do we do that. >> reporter: as tourists flood the capitol. ruled events like the airport bombings in istanbul and the call from isis. are also things taken into can the. >> has it for security planning for the 4th of july? there has been small changes. we have a pretty tight security plan for the 4th of july with our partners. it's nothing significant or change the ability for people to come here and to feel safe and celebrate. >> reporter: the majority of put police force will be on the clock. she also says there are no known terrorists terroristic threats to the district of claim obey and the biggest risk factors other than one dealing with health and intense heat are the large crowds and potential for children to be separated from families. burns due to unsafe fireworks. people are asked to pitch in and help out those who will spend their time working to protect the public. >> we should pause to reflect on all the government workers but especially public safety officials. who are spending time away from their own families to keep our city safe. >> reporter: if you are relying on metro, here's what you need surge 2 of the safetrack program continues to sunday. keep can the closures in time. however, on monday, on the holiday, there is no scheduled track work, so back to normal service, and it's starting at 2:00 p.m. it will build up to rush hour service with the the height of service being before and after the fireworks display. there is one if. it's a big one, small possibility that this could happen but there is a chance that if the fireworks display is postponed due to severe weather and it's postponed till tuesday, metro tells me they're prepared to reply indicately indicate that on tuesday. reporting live, alexandra limon fox 5 local news. . if you plan on attending any activities, leave your drones at home. flying unmanned aircraft is illegal in national parks an anywhere within a 15 mile radius of reagan national airport. they'r zones. a dc man was fined forked second time in nine months. general manager paul weidefeld says workers have removed all troubling inlaters at the undergo is station. metro says they've been replaced with fiber glass. the insulators support the electrified third rail but in recent months some have caught fire. to metro says the new insulator should help stop that arc be problem. metro is showcasing photographs. you southerly land was killed on a train at that station last 4th of july. all who knew the american university graduate say he was a talented photographer who enjoyed taking pictures. he was traveling to the national mall to capture images of the fireworks when he was killed. some of the photographs feature include images union staon u.s. capitol. the display was made possible by metro's art in transit program. good news for metro riders, the transit agency has implemented a 15-minute grace period at all rail stations starting today. customers who enter through the fair gates can now change their mind within 15 minutes and exit the system at the same station without a penalty. prior to the change, customers entering and exiting the same station would be charged the base fare even if they didn't travel. get ready for big show, we're days away from the big 4th of july celebrations across the d m v. >> the biggest display will be in dc. the annual firework show will kick off at 9:09. they will launch the fireworks near the reflecting pool last 17 minutes. dc fireworks not the only game in town, fireworks to light the sky around fairfax high school at 9:30 p.m. gaithersburg is trying a starting at 9:25. and there are plenty more. we've got a complete list of the fireworks displays in our region if you go to fox 29 you will find the information there. let's check in with paul wagner who hats latest coming up on the river. >> reporter: the river is one of the filthiest in the nation. but a dc tunnelling project is looking to reverse that. i'll have the story straight ahead. the next time to fido, comes in. of you may wants to think twice. a woman almost died after a kiss from her pooch. forget those fertility aps. you shouldn't use them to plan or prevent pregnancy. >> call the ocean city, folks getting ready for the holiday weekend. looks like so much fun. >> makes me want funnel cake. and cotton candy and pizza. it's our 4th of july sale. where you can create the perfect home. from now until july 4th, you'll find huge savings on stylish pieces. plus, you'll get an extra ten-percent off accessories! and, we're offering thirty-six month, no-interest financing. come in today for savings in every room. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. the 4th of july sale! from classic to contemporary. havertys. . dc police need your help identifying two people in shooting in southeast. take a look at the surveillance video. you can see the gunman fired multiple shots at someone walking down the street. this happened on may 31st just before noon. in the 3,000 block of stanton road. the victim, again, shot several times and was rushed to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. if you recognize the suspect, please call police. louden county it's sentencing day with a man accuse of of having sex with a 14-year-old girl. he pleaded guilty in january to two felony charges of the carnal knowledge with a child. prosecutors say he traveled from maryland to virginia in 2013 to meet the victim in person and engaged in sexual contact with her. he was sentenced to six years and 11 months behind bars and ten years probation. he'll also have to register as a sex offender. to a story you saw first on fox 5. police in prince george's county are investigating an armed robbery at a patient care center. the whole thing camera and it happened around 3:30 this morning. you can see three masked men in the video stealing carts of prescription drugs. developing tonight be, the anacostia river is considered one of the most polluted rivers in the nation. it regularly fails all environmental studies. this week the anacostia society gave it an f in its report card on the river. all the news is not bad. in fact, river should be well on its way to being swimmable by the middle of next decade thanks to a huge tunnelling project going on throughout the city. paul wagner joins us live if northwest tonight. actually he's in studio but he has the latest. paul? >> reporter: you can blame the problems with the anacostia river on the engineers who designed the city sewer system back in the 1800s to put it simply when it rains hard, the sewers combined often and send raw sewage into the river which flows into the potomac. that's about a change. that will divert all of that nasty stuff away from the river and down to the waste water treatment plant where it belong belongs. this is one filthy river. one of the fill iiest in the nation. the anacostia water society gave it a series of f for toxics trash and storm water runoff volume. the dirty river has been a dumping ground decades. that's about to change in an big way. . dc water is vesting billions of dollars that will take the combined sewage and put it in its proper place. >> we have a requirement to tunnel system, this orange and blue line are tunnels under the anacostia river and all the way down to blue plains to get this completed by march 23rd, 2018. >> the tunnels are larger than a metro tunnel and 100 feet undergo under ground. at this site, a huge boring machine nick named nanny has made it to the 11th street bridge and on its way to another tunnel already completed. >> it's on the south side of anacostia on the other side of that stadium and we'll put nanny at this location. >> the clay she's digs is placed on a conveyor belt, which is then deposited at the bottom of a shaft where it's then picked up by a giant crane and eventually removed from the site. to the northwest of r fk stadium. northwest. >> we've installed a small pump station on the southern of this red line or the first street tunnel. it will be act like its large sister in under ground storage. when the storm cell passes, it will fill up that tunnel and pump into the existing -- into the existing system. . >> according to dc water, 2 billion gallons of combined or raw sewage flows into the river more than 80 times a year. by the time the project is completed, that should be reduced to two. all this work in this general area will capture sewage that's currently going to the anacostia. we still need to build the northwest boundary tunnel to get our 98% capture but we dramatically captured a lot of sewage. >> although the society gave the river an f, overall, it says, dc water says the first phase of the anacostia river project came in under budget and it should be completed by 2018. paul wagner fox 5 local news. in tonight's health watch, you may want to think twice before you let your dog lick your face. >> one woman was infected with blood poisoning after kissing her greyhound. >> doctors say the condition is rare but caused by a bacteria found in the mouths of dogs and cats. it typically causes infection after a dog bite but the woman says her dog only licked her face. doctors say the woman experienced headaches, fatigue and get this multiple organ failure. she recovered about two weeks of intensive care and antibiotics. . warning tonight for women who use the fertility aps. >> they lead to a higher risk researchers state thousands of women are being miss inform about what are they mostly to conceive. they found only 30 aps correctly predicted the days a woman is most fertile. only sick aps were able to identify the days when was infertile. success on using the aps depends on a woman's ability to accurately make observations about her body. two entrepreneurs are teaming up for lower income families in the district. >> they're doing it with a mobile ap. lauren biel is the founder of the dc greens and she's a computer scientists. they're collaborating on an how and where people grocery shop. they can tell farmers. if you're a parent you're pretty familiar with the american girl doll. on woman cry. she made this emotional facebook post thank the company after she spotted a doll without hair at her local american girls' store. touched her because her daughter was born with alopecia. it made a huge impact on her to see a doll. the group will have a say on whether to prosecutes clinton over her e-mail scandal. another shake-up for donald trump's campaign, while two more staffs are walking away. the most searched term on google has surpassed searches for the word horn online. can you guess what it is. >> no idea. live look at virginia beach. a rainy start to the holiday down there. we'll be right back. k. . will the feds file charges against her for using a private e-mail server. re. >> bill clinton can't attorney general loretta lynch had a chance be encounter at a phoenix airport. both sides say they did not discuss the investigation investigation. lynch said she'll accept whatever recommendations they make to bring. lynch could technically overrule the decision but indicated she will not do that. we're learning about another staff shake-up at donald trump's campaign. two staffs have quit. one of the aids joined just two weeks. he had an interesting experience and was proud of the contributions that he made. even though his time on the campaign was brief. the other staff, erica free man reportedly resigned after she he sent out a controversial e-mail after trump university. president obama is pushing congress to approve zika before the summer recess. recent negotiations on the issue have failed and senate recent blocked the gop funding bill tuesday due to various provisions to limit planned apparent hood funding. democrats have called on republican leader to negotiate a bipartisan bill but so far they have refused. a dubious dis stings for the temple brexit. it has now surpassed porn. there was a massive spike in google for brexit. search interest in the british pound reached its highest level since 2004 as a result of the referendum. >> that's big when you top porn. >> exactly unless so many weren't paying attention. what did brexit say? highlighting the real problem behind self driving cars. what's fueling the investigation straight ahead. >> the families of victims killed inside a south carolina search are suing the fbi. the roar they say was made and how it could have prevented the fatal shooting. ball player blinded. a prospect loses an eye in a frequent work-out accident. his amazing story of survival ahead. spreading the independence day spirit around montgomery county. we're going to tell you who was responsible for putting out thousands of american inflammation. we're going to take a live look at rehoboth beach not raining there. >> we'll be right back. . . new video out of fairfax county shows a pedestrian being hit and killed by a police cruiser. this happened back in april. this is the footage from the police cruiser's incar video camera. police say officer was driving in in kings street when he hit and killed. a man. we don't want show anything too graphic. light was green when he was hit. investigators later determined that since he did not have the right-of-way. there was no way for cruiser to avoid the collision. no charges were filed. we're learning details about it's man killed while traveling in a self driving car. the accident happened last mth the mole car crashed into a tractor-trailer. police are investigating right now. records obtained by the associated press show the driver had a history of speeding. he received eight speeding tickets over six years. one of those violations was in virginia. early reports indicate his cameras did not see a tractor-trailer coming into his path and did not brake. this is the first known traffic death involving a self driving car. the families of some of the charleston church shooting victims are suing the fbi. their lawsuit accuses the federal government of mistakes that animal re enabled dillon roof to buy the handgun to dill nine members of a church. lawmakers say if the agency had done its job. his prior drug arrest would have shown up and the bureau would have denied his purchase. a transition continued in montgomery county today to mark the july 4th holiday. each year a real estate firm sends workers out to place american flags in people's yards. a spokesperson with the jane fair weather group says its company has en three decades now. of this was scene earlier today in bethesda. workers were also expected to hit neighborhoods in chevy chase. they handed out thousands of flags and many residents appreciate the gesture and helps get them in the spirit for independent day. >> i used to live in that neighborhood. it is very cool to drive there was and you're like, wow, who does this? it's very visual. a vietnam veteran visiting dc for the 4th of july comes face-to-face with death after having a stroke. his family says if it wasn't for amazing doctor, the ems team and a complete stranger, may have never survived. george washington hospital in northwest with the story for us. >>reporter: well, the decorated vietnam vet is recovering in his hospital room and he's feeling pretty good and grateful, just one day after surviving a stroke. >> very fortunate. i'm a had >> reporter: with his family by his side, 70-year-old joe was feeling lucky the day after surviving a stroke. he tells me he's in town from cleveland visiting family for the 4th of july. he was working on his computer at his son's home when he started having trouble speaking yesterday. luckily,s his family jumped into action realized what was going on right away and called 911. his wife credits an amazing response by the arlington ems for getting to him quickly and rush, him off to george washington university hospital. there was also a stranger that joe's wife maureen says appeared at just the right time to help. >> we were in a congested area with traffic. a gentleman steps off the curb to get in the middle of the intersection to stop the traffic so the ambulance could get through. it was amazing. >> thanks to that mysterious man. of joe was able to make it to doctors removed a blotch from his neck and brain. he tells me this was the third time in his life he's come close to death. a few years ago, he survived cancer and then back in 1967, during the vietnam war, he was aboard the uss forestall part of the crew that put out a huge fire. his doctors here at george washington university hospital say it's an honor to have helped him spend another july 4th with his family. >> it's incredibly symbolic on this day, the day we're recognizing our vets and looking this country's independence to be able to have a great outcome for someone who's done so much for this country and his children who were involved in the armed forces to do so much for this country to actually do something for them in return is incredibly meaningful. >> last day, because it could be. that's what i want to do. >> something to always keep in mind. he's expected to be released from the hospital tomorrow. at georgia washington university hospital, fox 5 local news. a young picture in the philadelphia phillies is grateful to be alive. matt was training last week. something terrible happened. a piece of metal flung off the equipment that he was working with and hit him in the face. of he suffered a broken nose, two fractured orbital bones and loss of vision in his right eye. doctors say his eye was crushed like a grape. despite losing his vision, he says the injury could have been much worse, he could have suffered brain damage or been killed. this morning at midnight when the calendar turned to july 1st, nba teams could verbally agree to deals with >> the wizard have agreed to 128 million dollars. last season he earned a mere. the biggest concern is his injury history. tonight the nationals look to make its six straight win, game time is an hour earlier than normal. knives pitch at 6:05 due to the fireworks after the game today is pay day. he has not suited up since 2001, received a check every july 1st for the mets for $1.19 million. how does he get so lucky? in 2000, the mets owed him a salary of 5.9 million but decided they did not want him. they decided to pay him eight personable interest. payments will continue until 2035 which he's 72 years i think he's well-taken care of. today at wimbleton, 36-year-old venus williams has her second match point when the rain comes to delay her match. take a look at this. look a her reaction. it's just a little rain. just one point away from winning, she has to say leave the court. venous would return and win it 10-8 in the final set. coming up, you may see me fighting over the million seat on your next flight. what one airplane designers could make the middle seat the most coveted spot. >> i'm not sure i could ever could have vet that spot. wal-mart squares up with amazon. what they're offering to free to challenge their competitors. >> the coy is placing barrels of whiskey is more than 50 countries. you can get in on the game. how quickly things can change here within last half hour. a storm popped up over southern portions of dc. breaks news, delaying the start of the nats game not yet announced the time. we do have a hold weekend to worry about. what will 4th of july bring? i'll have that forecast coming up after the break. we'll be back.   with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. . did i in a minutic duo of comedy. to they've been doing stand-up more than 15 year this weekend. they stopped by our studio for a chat with kevin mccarthy. >> is there a difference delivering a joke on radio versus a comedy club. >> you got to be on stage you don't have to be squeaky clean, you can say forget it all you want and i'm going to say forget it all i want. >> do you find it different doing a joke on comedy? >> facial expressions, mannerisms, stage presence. >> universal symbol for mannerisms >> do i do that during a joke. >> you can do at the strip club. >> let me try a joke. what do you call a cow with no legs? ground beef. what do you call a cow with two legs? lean beef. there we go. >> get your tickets at ticket master. >> all right. sounds like a fun time. the people of west virginia slowly trying to bounce back from those devastating floods are getting helping hand tonight. a number of celebrities participates in a telethon. country singers billy ray cyrus and brad paisley will be among those. last week's storms and floods killed at least 26 people and damaged hundreds of homes, buildings and roads in addition to the telethon a number of gofundme pages have been set up to help those victims. lots of flooding out there. we've had some weather of our own as we take a live look outside. you can see the clouds there are really rolling in. we have storms moving in with it. hey handcuff mike. we're seeing storms starting to fire up and had been quiet at the top of the show, just over the last half hoar or so, things have gun to heat up. big weather system slide ongoing the the worst of the weather is off to the north across new england. severe thunderstorm watch in effect until 10:00 tonight and we're just now starting to see storms start to fire up here. kind of connect can the dots here. this is one line energy kind of sliding through the dc region. we just had a new severe thunderstorm region go into effect. here in dc, not severe, but enough of a thunder and lightening event they're delaying the start of the nats game down there for a time to be determined at this hour. looks like northern portions of prince george's county probably heading off towards the general direction of maryland. worst weather right now down to the south, let's start in dc here, again, just south of the city center, right around reagan national airport dealing with the heaviest of the storm activity here 395 in northern portions of virginia dealing with that thunderstorm at this hour. worst of it to the south. thunderstorms came tou culpeper earlier. it was warned. set to expire in another minute or two. we'll keep our eye on this cluster trying to develop a little bit of a line. continues to push off to the east. heartwood by 6:06 p.m. you could be in the path of this and we'll continue to watch it and see if it doesn't fly across the potomac and wreak south maryland. what's going on? we have a front draped across the region, as long as this guy hangs out, we'll have at least a chance to pop thunderstorms throughout the next several hours. we're going to head to futurecast in a minute. i do want to start with severe thunderstorm watch around the region. anywhere you see the yellow here, including dc and baltimore, severe thunderstorm watch in effect until 10:00 tonight. now let's get to futurecast. 7:00, southerly re southern maryland. bringing storms to your neck of the woods. once this first badge gets through t we work our way into 8:00, 9:00, maybe pop another storm. then we start heating. things quiet down. of we're starting with full sunshine for saturday. temperatures are warm, 86 here in washington. that's actually rain. we're up to 88, 89 just a few minutes ago. dulles 80. gaithersburg 81. upper 60's up there. lots of moisture for those thunderstorms to work with. we factor that in with the temperature, feels like 90 in washington. 93 for quantico. as well as manassas. feels like 84. that's rain cooled air there in gaithersburg as well. lows tonight into the lower 70's upper 60's for most locations. couple cool spots get cooler than that here there and. how about independence weekend forecast? let's take a look. i have bad news. that is that we now have storms likely monday. looks like models are coming into agreement. looks wet. not looking too great for the holiday. 82. better news saturday and sunday looks fantastic. lots of sun saturday. low humidity, temperatures getting into the low to mid 80's both of those days. tonight 68 degrees, scattered storms earlier. we'll start to clear out as we head into overnight for your day saturday. absolutely gorgeous. 83 breezy from time to time. but, it's not going to blow the beach umbrella away. fox 5 act weather seven-day forecast. again, we're relative cool for the weekend, 83 degrees. monday -- i won't call it a wash-out yet but it's getting close, we work our way into next week, we start to bring the heat back by next friday, 92 with lots of sunshine. lauren and sarah over to you. soara sarah. monday is going to be a movie day. lots coming up at 6:00. the incredible story of a young girl in minnesota. wait till you hear what he's doing to help those less fortunate. it's an annual transition for our area on the weekend. several hungry competitors gathered to see who can eat it most z bergers in 12 minutes. plus wait till you see the helpful contraption some health officials have come up with to help people in a particular time of need. those stories and more coming up at 6:00. . the biggest planet is expecting a visitor. as juniper late monday it will fire main rocket jen. it's designed to peak through the massive planet from the inside out. very cool. believe it or not you may soon you fighting over the middle seat on your next flight. an airline designer has revealed its design for side slip seats. they slide over each other to add more room in the aisle as passengers board and plane. best part is the width of the middle seat increases from 18 to 20 inches and it sits further back. all of that not enough to convince me. each seat will also have more elbow room. that's good. >> that's a little bit of good news for the million seat people. google being sued by two applicants for age description and their suit is get much larger if a motion is granted by a federal court in california. it can include anyone over 40 who interviewed for certain engineering jobs from august of 2010. the median age is 21. apple is in talks to acquire jz music title. it will give. title has secured the rights to several blulgs, including lemonade and apple and title are working as you are press to become the top streaming. they're offering 30 days of fast and free shipping and tons of deals. it comes days from amazon gears up for prime day on july 12th. >> wal-mart's shipping service is offering two-day service on most purchases. they can enjoy a 30-day trial t normally it will cost you $49 a year. existing customers will automatically get a free month, thanks to the new promotion. if you want in on a fun idea, get out your mask. jack daniels is sponsoring a contest to mark its 150th anniversary. it's placing. clues will be revealed on the jack daniel's facebook page to help guide fans. if you're lucky enough to find disappointed. it won't be any liquor inside. >> what? come on. >> laws prevent that. although i can see. instead, barrels will contain cool prizes. >> as long as it can top a barrel full of whisky. >> you might start the holiday weekend a whole lot richer. tonight is the mega millions drawing. it's worth $415 million. that's the 10th largest jack pop in u.s. history but the odds of picking the correct unmarks are one in 259 million. >> you know what that means? get an office pool going. >> that's usually what happens. >> we have to sign up that contract and draw it up. coming up, can you say wardrobe malfunction, we'll show you why one a dad's outfit choice has his baby daughter we'll be right backbe right back . today it is jesse r e v u s. jesse says to all of us here at fox 5. wardrobe misfunctions. baby olivia is a seven month old became an internet sensation. she showed up to day care imagine this tthanks to her dad, she got lots of attention and nothing else. dad says tent know that you were supposed to put a shirt underneath the overalls. how is dad supposed to know? very cute. good job, dad. thank you for joining us at 5:00. local news at 6:00 starts now. this is fox 5 local news at 6:00. . right now at 6:00, as america prepares to celebrate its 240th birthday, we'll hear from leaders in the district on their plans to keep everyone safe this 4th of july. will the fireworks and cook-outs go on as scheduled or will rain. mike will join us. hungry competitors gathered in the district to see how many hamburgers they could eat. we'll have all the highlights and more as fox 5 local news at we thank you for joining us. i'm tony perkins. >> i'm sarah simmon. we begin with early fireworks in the weather department as many of you prepare to head out. a severe thunderstorm watch remains in effect until 10:00 p.m. >> let's get the latest from mike thomas. >> we have a broken line of thunderstorms that just kind of fired up within last 45 minutes or so right up and down the i 495 corridor. we got a few severe thunderstorm warnings out there. for the most part. it's just a lot of clouds to ground lightening. enough to delay the start of the nats game to be determined. we'll, of course, bring this to you when we get the latest. let's head to storm tracker radar. there's your broken line. things are starting to fire up now. just to the west: i'm sorry the east of the potomac river. and portions of charles county, and southern portions of prince george's county. of, this severe thunderstorm warning remains in effect until 6:30, lots of lightening in this storm. little bit of hail possible as well. it is about to exit over the bay. that is good news. closer to home, eastern portions of the beltway, silver hill, central portions of prince george's county dealing with the heavier thunderstorm. then up towards queen anne also about to be dealing with the heavier thunderstorm at this hour, continue to progress south, look at what's happening there portions of charles county. you can see the storms starting to bubble up. i think we got a couple hours where we're going to have to watch the radar. they got a lot of energy to work with if they're able to tap into it. down to the south, heavier storms move through locustdale and across i95. we'll continue to watch the radar and continue to bring you warnings

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Vietnam , Republic Of , New York , United States , Georgia , Istanbul , Turkey , American University , District Of Columbia , Anacostia River , Washington , Quantico , Maryland , Minnesota , Spotsylvania , Virginia , Gaithersburg , California , Montgomery County , Anacostia , Charles County , United Kingdom , West Virginia , Virginia Beach , Ocean City , Prince George County , South Carolina , George Washington University Hospital , Fairfax County , Charleston Church , Greece , Baltimore , America , British , Greek , American , Venus Williams , Queen Anne , Jack Daniel Facebook , Lauren Biel , Mike Thomas , Loretta Lynch , Mike Thompson , Paul Wagner , Roger Zapata , Alexandra Limon , Alexandra Limon Fox , Kevin Mccarthy , Jack Daniels , Paul Wagner Fox , Brad Paisley , Sarah Simmon , Tony Perkins , Billy Ray Cyrus ,

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